TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1003. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Marin t it Nerron, Though Fricei OIom About Steady. PROVISIONS DROP A DIME OR MORE Cera la t'nchinifd and Oats Are On. EJgltlh Lower When Board of Trad Eada Baalacaa I'll tor Day. CHICAGO, June 23. The wheat market was rather nervous today, but the close about steady, with September ,c lower. September corn was unchanged and oata V" lower, while provlalona were from 10e to nyfr. lower. Trading In wneat waa of rather small vol ume and price were somewhat Inenular. The opening wok easier on Indifferent ca ble, gwd harvesting weather In the south west and of predictions of rains. July was H-Vtc lower at Wk,ti and Brptember oft WaWo at 7b4)'76o. The feeling In the pit w.i rather bullish, however, but the south wettt continued to Bend In bad reports from the threshers, together with fair buying orders the market anon rallied. Shorts were good buyers of July and that month ad vanced to iSVfce, while September sold up to 76Va;Hc. Commission bounes were active sellers at the advance and a reaction fol lowed, which was helped some by realis ing sales. The Illinois weekly crop report was quite bullish and started locals buying which resulted In considerable firmness late In the day. After selling oft to 7iHo, July rallied and closed Vdc higher at 784c Sep tember was Sic lower at 754e, after selling down to 7ic. Clearances of wheat and flour were euual to 32.0i bushols. Primary receipts were bushels, against 421.7-10 butihcls a yeir ago. Rradstreet'e world's visible showed an Increase tor the week of l.fMK.000 bushels. Minneapolis and Duluth reported recelDts of 321 cars, which, with local receipts of 48 cars (1 of contract grade), made total receipts for the three points of 3i8 cars, against 232 cars last weeK and ZX4 oars a year ago. Corn was under considerable selling pres sure at the outset, due to better weather. big receipts together with an Improvement in the grading and Indifferent cables. The market, however, was steady and prices rained with sellers on tne buying side, or ferlngs were rather light throughout the day, whl"h helped In the bullish undertone later in the session. After ranging be tween 4Wic and &0Q'iOH September closed Unchanged at bO'nC. July was Vic lower at 60Me. Local receipts were 9,(7 cars, with 137 of contract grade. Oats were aulet nrid no feature from active demand for July from shorts. Trad ing was mostly local and an easier tone was apparent in the more distant futures The weather was considered favorable for the crop and there was scattered Felling by local holders. The market sympathized more or leas with wheat and corn. After ranging between 33Hc and 33c, September ciosod c lower at wjiC. iocai receipts were 423 cars. Trading in provisions was moderately ac tive, but the market developed a weak undertone due to selling by outsiders. Local shorts were the best buyers. The close was weak with September pork 17V4c lower, at 1170; September lard down lfc, at J 8. 70, and ribs off lCc at 19.16. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 15 cars; corn, 38o cars; oats, 136 cars; hogs. o.tmu neaa. ' The leading future ranged as follows: 45282S. There was a decline of Ss In Lon don copper market, spot closing at W 7s SJ and futures at 56, 2s d. In N'ew Vork conper remains dull and nominal. Lake and lei trolytlc are quoted at I14.&0 and casting t (14. Iiead was uncnangen potn nere ana broad, closing In New yorg st M.ut ana 11 2s Sd In London. Spelter, remaining rmlnal and unchsnsred here at IH. was bs lower In London, whre It closed at 19 lis. Iron closed at S7s d In Olasgnw and ma lOyl In Mlddleaboro. Locally Iron Is ntrnil nally unchanged. No. t northern foundry was quoted at 119.6030.00; No. 2 northern foundry at $l.&0ra 19.0U; No. 1 southern foun- ry and No. 1 soft soutnern lounury ai Jl.0Ojl9.W. Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yee'dy Wheat a July b July; a Sept. b Sept. Corn June Julv Sept. Dec. Oats July 8ept. Dec. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. .1 777!rf7K 7&VQP.6' 5 (8 4'4fft0 4OT4'flSO 4S4J 40 33 T9V T8H 76 60S, G0Ho H 4814 ...A 40T 83 34 I V 75' Mtj l74i 484 40U 8.1V, 16 80 I 16 80 16 87H 16 87H 8 70 8 85 79 784 767fiVi 76 60 V! 604 48Hi& I. 7M4 7'i 78 i 764 60V4 50 '4 48 604 9 20 26 16 60 ' 16 60 16 70 16 70 72HI 8 65 8 6TVi 86 1 8 70 I 8 70 J tos,; 33N, S3i&7A33T!84 16 82H 1 sift 224 06 I t 10 12Vi 15 8 72H S 86 22V4 a Old. b New. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Quiet but firm: winter pat ents. t3.ftKifi3.70: winter straights. $3.2045.3.50 spring patents, 13. 604 10; spring straights, eJ.45-aJ.S6: bakers. 2. 4(fi 3.00. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7b78c; No. 2 red, 78A7V4c. CORN-No. 2, N,&50e; yellow. 60H tOtAc. OATS-No. 2. 41?tl.c: No. 8 white, 40 BARLEY-lfalr to choice malting, v 60 8EED No. 1 flax, 9SiS99e: No. 1 north Western, 81.01H; prime timothy, 14.00; clover, contract grade, PROVISIONS Mess pork. per bbl $16.60yi6,tUH. I.ard, per oo lbs.. 38.60(38.60. Short ribs, sides tloose). f9.0"fi9.16: dry salted shoulders (boxed). $S.12H4j8'.25. Short clear sides boxed), ta.oZWtOS.iu. Following are the receipts and shipment of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Knipmenta. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu... li.OuO . S1.8O0 .041,81 iu .407.600 . 9.00 . 88.800 22.200 126,400 6iv,700 487,100 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was steady; creameries. 16&21 dairies, lVfcal8c. ggs, easy, at mark, cases Included, 12 Vi'a lOttOllftc. Cheese, steady NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. quotations of tbd Day oa Varloa CoBsmodltlea. NEW YORK, June 23.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 29,173 bbls.; exports, 17.988 bbls.; sales, ll.floO bbls.; market Arm but less active; winter r stents, S3.8MH.20; winter straights, 83. 7o .80; Minnesota patents, S4.3Mi4.60; winter extras, 83.9oti3.lo; Minnesota bakers, 63.60 l ift; winter low grades, i.Aa.o. Kye flour, steady; fair to good, 2.86(UJ.20; choice 10 rnncy, m ixijj.w. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, 11.13: city. 11.11: Ilrandvwlne. nominal. RYE Steady; No. 2 weatern, 6VkC t. o. b. anoat: state, uftmoiK-. c. I. r, XNew York, II k I T Xiv ,..-. . fu4ln. , C .. , Kuffalo; malting. 51H?5c, o. I. t., Buffalo. w i k;a i tteceipis, iv.tizo du.; exports, 2.900 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. 84c ele vator; No. 2 red, 8rc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. Vrc t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, flSc f. o. b. afloat. Under considerable profit-taking today and 1m- Jiroved weather conditions, together with llsappolntlng foreign markets, wheat eased off a little. Occasional rallies occurred, notably on the bullish Illinois state report! but they served to bring out more long wheat and the close was easy at a partial c net loss. Sales Included No. 2 red, July, 84 l-lrV(iMN-: closed at 84c; September, so 6-lHaSl l-16c; closed at jc; December, iStiM 5-16c; closed at 0c. CORN Receipts, 2"9, 450 bu. J exports, S80. 641 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, 68ic elevator and 6V f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 69c; No. 2 white, 68c. The option market had an easier, opening on poor cables and the weather, but recovered on talk of more showers tomorrow and, good commission house demand, closing VmuV-c net higher; July, ST'u-oftSc; closed at 68c; September, 6tS'u6c; closed at 6(c; December, tffe 6oc; closed at &5e. OATS Receipts, 114,800 bu.; exports, 84,620 tin Rnnl Srm Nn UUx ilanrUpH wkli 4tHc; No. 8, ic; No: i white, 46c; No. i white, 4c; track, white western, 42i48c; track, white state, 4i-48c. Options quiet and fairly steady. HAV Firm; shipping, 80c; good to Choice. I12.xwl.35. HOI'S Steady; state common to choice, 33-crop, 17':3Sc; 11 crop, lt'olic; olds, L'u5,c; 1'aclnc coast, 19n2 crop, lVtj .'J-i ; rrori. 1417e: olils. hiiVo. HIDKf Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 Iba., isc; caiiroiina, 21 to I us., yjc; Texas dry, 24 to 40 lbs., 24c. LKATH KR uulet; acid. 244i2S4c. HR'K Urin; domestic, fair to extra, 4 Tc: Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS-Heef. quietr family, tlO.SOff 1160; mess. t fiOSiH 60; beef hams, $19 d u jo.uu; packet, dcv lo.uu; ciij extra India mesa. lti.mm8 no. Cut meats. Irregular pickled bellies. $9 2&Ki 10.76; pickled shoulders, t;7f.',iuo: tackled hsms. Ill .76dl2.0. Ijird easier; western steamed, t8.9o; July closed st 88 90, nominal; rellned, weaker; continent, 89; South America, tit 75; compound, 87.60 irt . Pork, quiet; family. 119; short clear, tl7.5419.26; mm, 8l8.2:tjl8 76, TALLOW-hteady; city ill per pkg ), 4c; country (pkgs. free), IH6V4C. ' HI TtKR Receipts, 19 . pkgs ; steady; tut dairy, I7i21r; creamery. 18uj21c. CUK.KSE-Recelpts, 13.89J pkgs. ; steady; full cream, fancy small, white and colored. 10",c: iirtte white and colored. loc western extras. 18'4c; seconds to Arsis, lij 17c POULTRY Alive: Weak: western spring chickens, le; fowls. 13c; turkeys. lln'Sc. Dressed: Weak; western broilers, 2tO-K-; fowl- VU-- twrkeys. isuihe. MRTAIJs fiHit tin declined 10s In London closing at fli 6s, whi'e futurv loat 6s and closed at Ls4 16s. Locally tin wss a shade i kiwsr and quiet, with spot quoted at M.0A OMAHA WHOLES At. bl MARKET. Coadltlon of Tred and Qootatlons oa Staple aad Fancy Prodae. EGGS Fresh stock, loss off, 13(313'o. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7WftS'4c: spring chickens, per lb.. 17c; roosters, according to ge, 4Wc; turkeys. 3tflc; aucxs, iyo; g-ese. vale. wl itkk Packing stock, iH4aitc; cnoice dairy. In tubs. 16Cfil7c; separator, 2122c. FRESH FISH Fresh caught trout, 9e; Pickerel. 8c: pike. 9c: perch. 6c; buffalo, 7e; blueflsh, 11c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 15c; haddock, 10c; codfish 12c; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 26c: lobsters, green, per lb., 23c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bus. 17i20c- halibut. 10c: shad me. 40c per pniT; roe shad, 21 each; crapple.Wc; herring, 6c; perch. 6c; white bass, 10c; blue tt s, sc. H KAN Per ton. 815. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1, pland. 810: No. 2. 19.60: medium. 89; coarse, $8.50. Rye straw, 87. Tneae prlcoa are for hay of good cclor and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. l. OK IN 4,)C. OAT8 4(lc. RYE No. 2. B0e. VEGETABLES. OLD POTATOES Northern stock, per bu.. 80J6c- natives, 3640o. PARSLEY Per dozen bunches, 80c PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. Cl'CCMBERS-Per dos., 60c. -BEANS Wax. per bu. box. 82.60; string, per bu. box, $2.60. tAtutUJVVtin-tioim grown, per uu., 76c. C ARn AGE New California, per It).. c. TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket crate, 83.26; Mississippi, per 4-basket crate, 21.75. RHUBARH Per lb., le. NAVV HKANSPer hll.. 2J.E0. ONIONS New California dry, per lb., 2c; Texas, per lb., Zc. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Hood rivers, 83.00. BLACK RASPBERRIES Per 24-Pint case, 81.60: per 24-quart cose, M.oo. RED RASPBERRIES per 24-plnt case, Lt no. BLACKHKKKlKH per Z4-auan case, SJ.OU. APRICOTS California, per box. 81.50. PEACHES California, per dox, n.zo. CHERRIES California, white and black. per 10-1 b. box. $2. CAN TALOUPHi Florida, per crate. j.ooj 4.00. APPLE3 Ben Davis, per bbl.. 84.60; new stuck, V bu., 76c. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 76c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sizes, 24.00; for 160 and larger sizes, 83-25; Mediterranean, all sizes, 83.IXKg3.26; Jaffa, 83.263.50; fancy blood, per half box, 82.00. LEMONS California fancy, an sizes, 24.60; Messlnas, 84.00. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-1 b. pkgs., 83.25. plNHiAt'Pltitj t loriaa, 4.w; vuran. 82.76. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., loo. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6Vo; No. 2 green. 6V4c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 13 lbs.. DM; no. 2, veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6ftc; dry salted hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 2676c; horse- hides, xi.&oraXM. NUTS Walnats. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft Shell, per lb., 13c; No. z hard sneu, per id., izo; Brazils, per lb., 12c. Filberts, per lb., 12c. Almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c, Pecans, large, per lb., 124c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dos.. 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black wulnuta, per PU., si; nicxory nuts, per du., 11.60. St. I.ovls Grata and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, June 23. WHEAT Higher; V :.A Ansnk alatiatAr nnmlnol VCn rlr J. St I V7U t,Olli VltlUIVI t K'1UIIII . 80H82c; July, 8IV4C; September,. .7dH7614o; No. 2 hard, (KM&81C. CORN Higher: No. 1 cash, nominal; track, 64(fo41ic; July, 6flc; September, 4sVie. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, S9cu-I2c: July, 29c; September, 33-ic; No. 2 white, 45c. RYE Firm ' at 63e. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 83.75 3.90; extra fancy and straight, 83. 463.70. SEED Timothy, steady at 82.002.60. CORNMEAL Steady at 12.70. BRAN Quiet; sacked lots, on east track. 804i 82c. HAY Quiet; timothy.; prairie, $6.00(911.00. IRON COTTON TIES-Qutet at 81.08. BAGGING Quiet, b(S6o. HIT MP TWINE Stead v. 5c. PROVISIONS-Pork, lower; jobbing standard mess, 216.90. Lard, 88.20. Bacon, quiet; boxed extra shorts, 210.00; clear ribs, 110.25: short clear. 810.57. METALS Lead: Steady at 84.02. Spel ter: Quiet at 86.50. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs, 13c: tin ke vs. 9o: ducks. 7o: geese. 24c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, VQWio; dairy, ltKB'lsc. EGGS Higher, 13 c, loss oft. Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 2.&00 6,600 Wheat, bu 24,000 7,600 Corn, bu 60.000 15,000 Oats, bu...i 64.000 11,000 Visible Supply of Grain. XTtTTir VnDtr Tun, 99 flnAclal 1aota nbln and cable advices to Bradstreet's this week show the following changes in tne available supply, as compared with last accounts: Wheat, In the United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 2,368,000 bu., afloat for and in Europe decreased 1,800,000 bu. and the total supply decreased 3,668,000 bu. Corn, In the United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, increased 1,620,000 bu. Oats, In the United Statea and Canada, east of the Rockies decreased 86,000 bu. Among the more Important decreaaes re ported are those of 40,000 bu. in Manitoba, 200,000 bu. at Depot Harbor and 75,000 bu. at Chicago private elevators. The leading Increaae was that of 60,000 bu. at Port Huron. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSA8 CITY, June 22. WHEAT July, September. 6B4c; cash, No. 2 hard. TMi73c; No. 2. 69(fi71c; No. 2 red, 73c; No. 3, 704j72c: receipts, 8 cars. COKN July. fic; eepiemDer, mic; casn. No. 2 mixed, 63c; No. 2 white, 63Vc; No. 8, 5Mi53e. OATS No. I wnue, uc. RYE No. 2. 47C HAY Choice timothy, 213.00(13.60; choice prairie, 812.00ft 13.60. BUTTER Creamery, 1719c; fancy dairy, 17c. EGGS Fresh, uc. Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, June 28. WHEAT Cash, K4Sc; July, 83M,c; September, 74H9 74Wc; No. 1 hard. B&e; no. I nortnern. 84V-: No. 2 northern, sac; No. 8 northern, 81M.raVic. f jjuv. jv-r uni .no, f,.i,w, . patents, 8410ir4 20: first clears, 83.10(ii4.20; second clears,. 82.40. BRAN la bulk, less demand for gold for-Oerman account. On the Stock exchange bulness was quiet. operators being occupied witn tne m.ning carry-over. Consols were quietly stoaay. Americans opened weak, and neiow parny. Improved sllgntly on supporting orders from New York and ciosod steady. Kaffirs snd Rio tlntos were flat. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of Enuiand on balance today waa fo.wo. The sum of 10.0oo waa withdrawn for shipment to South America. PARIS, June 23. Stocks were heavy at the opening of the bourse today, bee . use a weaker later and trading was Inactive. Rio tlntos alone recovered. Three per cent rentes, 97f 20o for the account. Ex change on London, 2of 15c for checks. DbKLlN, June 23. Prices on tne oourse today were weak, owing to New York and Vienna advices. Canadians were lower. Exchange on Ixndon, 1 marks 4 pfgs f r checks. Discount rates, short bills, 2Mi p?r cent; three months, S'-i per cent. JEW YORK STOCKS A XI) BOKDS. Early Advance Wiped Ont, bat Later Confidence la Restored. NEW YORK. June 23 The only price movement of any consequence In today's stock market occurred In the final hour, after an earlier advance had been pretty well wiped out. Around 2 o'clock Pennsyl vania sold at 123. which brought It within a fraction of the low record on the move ment. The violent rebound In Colorado Fuel followed and seemed to Inspire more than confidence In the effort to put up prices. The Pacifies, Wabashea, 81. Paul, Atchison and Reading were lifted a point or more over last night's level In this late movement. The extreme rise In Colorado Fuel reached 7V snd Tennessee Coal, which showed the closest sympathy, advanced more than 2. Obviously there was distress on the part of shorts In Colorado Fuel and rather vague rumors circulated of con sultations among Iron and steel companies' officials, with what purpose was not clearly disclosed. The gains were not well main tained and the closing was rather heavy and very dull again. Had the earlier rate of activity been unrelieved during the flnal hour, the transactions for the day would not have exceeded 200.000 shares and only a handful of prominent stocks up to that time had fluctuated as much as a point, part of the time above and part of the time for some stocks, slightly below Inst night. The market has not been so apathetic since the summer preceding the last presidential election. The early slug gishness of prices was as a rule slightly above last night. The reason assigned for the buying by professional traders, who did practically all of It, was that yes terday's rather unfavorable developments had caused such slight declines as to Indicate that no more liquidation wss hanging over the market. The flve-polnt rebound in Metropolitan securities on ac count of the failure of the suit against the street railway lease, relieved tne mar ket of a depressing factor. Some early re action In the cotton and cereal markets due to the more favorable weather map for the day. was an encouraging factor The publication of the weekly crop report was roilowed. by a loss in some stocks. The Illinois state report was also un satisfactory. The firmness of the exchange market Indicated a probability of some further outgo of gold on Thursday, al though no actual engagements were an nounced. There was little demsnd for money and loans on call were easy to se cure, hut this has come to be commonly attributed to the desire of holders to keep their funds in easily accessible form. There Is little present demand for time lonns but rates are quite firmly held. The bond market was very dull and Ir regular. Total sales par value, 21.740,000. United States new 4s. registered, advanced per cent on the last call. Following art the quotations on the New York Stock exchange Rio, quiet: No. T Invoice, 6Hs. Mild, quiet; Cordova, TH'&llCc. Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points following further full receipts and good clearances, but turned steady snd firmer later on covering, but was finally firm at net unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points. There was a sale or 6,t bags ror delivery during Julv. 1!4, at 4.70c. Total al. fnnlA ,n li 9?Jl rrm 1n.liiritn T It 1 V st S ftSWl SOc; August, 8.70c; September, 8.R0 8.85c; October. 3 !5c; November, 4 3-4 05c; December, 4.Z5c; January, 4.30c; May, 4.aoc Consols, money. qo ftrcount... Anarnnrta Atrblftftn do pffl . Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian PaHAr. . .. rhenapeakc A Ohio... II Ctlliato O. W ) M. a St. p.. IUeni Denver A R. O.. do pfd t Erie do 1.1 do Id pfd Illlnnla Central.. I.ouli"rllle Nana lit M., K. A T JOTi BAR SILVER-Steady at 24 5-16d per ounce. MONEY-2S2ti per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is Wuz 13-18 per cent and for three-months' bills is 2(&2Ti per cent. Ati-haon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. do pfd Canadian Pacific .. Canada Southern .. Ches. A Ohio Chlrafo tc Alton... do pfd Chicago A Ot. W.. do let ptd do id ptd Chlcaco A N. W... Chicago T. A T.... do pfd r. c. c. a st. l... Colo. Southern .... do let pfd do Id pfd Pela. A Hudaon. Dels., L. A W.. tH So. Railway pfd 17 . Vi Texaa A Pacific I . U iT.. St. U A W U . 83 I do pfd 44 .129 Union Paclllo 80 . M do pfd 74 . 87to Wabaah 14 . 14 do pfd 434 ,. T 1W. A U E II ,. 18S do 2d Pfd U ,. KVijWla. Central 1'4 ,. K do pid 40M ..170Adama hzpreaa ZZI 14 Amer. Eipreaa 1M .. 13 'I'. 8. Expresa lot .. MVtiWelli-Fergo Ex IN .. IT Amal. Copper 6.1 '4 ,. (s iAmer. C. A F 14 ,. ao pia 74 ..17 J Amer. Lin. oil 10 i6Mi do pfd 83 Denver A Rio O HyAmer. 8. A R. do pfd Erie do let pfd.... do Id ptd.... Ot. Nor. ptd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do ptd L B. A W do pfd Louie. A Nash., Manhattan L ... Met. St. Rr Met. Central .., Mex. National ., Minn. A St. L. 84 do pfd ... S3t Ana. Mln. Co.. ... t Rrk. Rap. Tr... ... U I Colo. F. A I... ..179 Con. Gee .. M Con. Tob. pfd.. Vz General Electrlo ..18244 Hocking Coal .. 17 llnt'n'l Paper .. 44 I do pfd .. ill National Blecult ... ..106 National Lead ..110 iNo. American . .1.U Paclllo Coast ..124 :Paclflc Mall . . 11 H People's Gaa .. iOH4 Proaaed Steel Car.. ..78 I do pfd Missouri Paclllo losfc Pullman Pal. Car.. M., K. AT.. do pfd N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central.. Nor. A West... do etd Ontario A W... Pennsylvania ... Reading do let pfd... do 2d ptd... St. 1 A 8. F.. do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... 8t. L. 8. W.... do pfd 81. Paul do pfd 8o. Parlf!o 8o. Railway ... 21 Republic Steel 4SV do pfd 148 iSugar 12iVT"nn- C A I. ., tSiV. B. A P. Co ... 88 do pfd ...25 V. 8. Leather ...124H do pfd ... 40 C. 8. Rubber ... 81 '4 do pfd ... (i U. 8. Steel ... 70H do pfd ... 78 Western I'nlon .... ...81 Am. Locomotive ... i do prd ... 87 K. C. Southern.... ...151 I do ptd ...178 Rock Island ... 4K4j do pfd ... 234.1 .. 44 .. 88 .. 85H .. 8H4 .. 48 ..182 ..107Uj ..ITU, .. 1'4 .. 14 .. 4V .. Bo .. 81 .. 28 . 17(4 . 614. . 88 .If 4 Hit . 70 .11 . 40 . 88 . 8U, . 84 . li . bu . SO . 83 . 11 ,. 19 . 28 . 43 . 334, . 7U Lendnrt Steele Market. IXINDON, June 23. Closing quotations: ... 1 N T. Central .81 1 Norfolk A Westers.. ... 4 do ptd ... 874 Ontario A Western. V1 Pennsylvania .1M 20 174, 35 47 83 .134 130 84 81 H Id l4t 41 88 . 8Rand Mines .124Reedlng .... do let prd do Id ptd Southern Railway.... 18 do pfd Southern Pectflc... Union PaclBc do ptd t'nlted States Steel do pfd We bash do ptd 4 81 " 81 14 44 ICew York Money Market. NEW YORK, June 23.-MONEY-On call, steady at 2ji24 per cent; closing. 2(g'2l4 per rent; time money nominal; sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 5 per cent; prime mercantile pa per, Mixi'A per 'cent. -,1-Nli STERLI EXCHANGE Strong, at 84.8740 for demand and 84. 8320 for sixty days; posted rates, 4.-."-!a4.iM ana 4.c'; com mercial bills. 84.84. BILVEK Bar, 6270; Mexican dollars. 41c. BONDS Government steady: railroad Arm. The closing- quotations on bonds are as follows: 106 L. A N. unl. 4s 101 .104 Mex. Central 4e 74 .10-.-4.I do 1st Inc JJ .108 Minn. A St. L. 4s.... .Ut M.. K. A T. 4a 87 1361 do 2s 80 .118 tN. V. C. g. 8s 101 .111 N. J. C. g. (a 131 10' iNo. Paclflo 4a 101 .1021 do ta 71 .100 N. A W. e. 4s 88 , . 84 Reading gen. 4e 81 .101 St. L. A 1. M. e. 5s.. Ill ..104 iHt. L. A 8. F. 4a... 84 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. June 23. WHEAT No, t red, western, winter, quiet, 6s 3d; No. 1 northern, spring-, dull, 6s Hl; No. 1 Cali fornia, aulet. 6s 8d: futures, quiet; July, 6s 4 VI: September, 6s 3d. CORN Bpot. steady; American mixed. new, 6s 2d; old, 6s 3d; futures, quiet; June, nominal; July, 4s a; September, 4s ea. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAVKEE. June JS. WHEAT Easy : No. 1 northern, hwiitio; no. J northern R5'tift6c; July, old, 73'Jj79'o, July, new. 794C H YE Firm: No. 2. 63A&o34e. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 67c; sample, 4; J DOC. CORN-July, 6014c. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. June S3 BT'TTER Firm; extra western creamery, Z2c; extra nerbv mints. 23c. KOttS Sc lower; freh nearby, ITHc. loss off- fresh western, llHc; rresn soutnern, lfcfflfiHc. CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New York full creams, choice new, He; fair to good new, 104 io o. Peoria Market. PEORIA, June a.-CORN-Hlf her; No. 8, 47Sc; No. 4. 4A.e. OATS Firm; No. I white, 8SA,e; No. i white. c 8orwlsTa PlnanelaL IjOKDOM. June 23 Money was In better demand tn the market today for the Stock exchitttiTe settlement, tne approach of quar ter day and the half ysar. IMscotints were rainy nrin. foreign exenanse reactea slightly la favor ot Loodon aai Uiere wee I). 8. ret. la, reg. , do coupon do le, reg do ooupon So new 4e, (..., do ooupon do old 4s, reg.... do coupon do ta, reg do coupon Atchleon gen. 4e... ado adl 4s B. A O. 4s sdo 8s do conv. 4e (Canada So. Is.... Central of Oa. Is. do let ino xC. A O. 4s C. A A. Ie. ..100 xSt. L. S. W. Is ,.lti4 ido is ..KM is. A. A A. P. 4s.. .. 81 So. Paclflo 4 , ..104 iHo. Railway 5s.... .. 71 !sTexas A P. Is C, B. A Q. a. 4s.... 81 T., St. L. A W. 4s C. U. A 8. P. g. 4a.. 108 iiVnlon Paclllo 4s... sC. A N. W. c. 7s.... 1301 do conv. 4a C, R. L A P. 4s... 105 Wabash Is SCCC. A St. L. g. 4a 87, do la Chicago Terminal 4s. 84 do deb. B sColo. A Bo. 4a 84 s West Shore 4s.. SO. A R. O. 4s W W A L. B. 4s. Erie prior Hen 4a.... k4 Wis. Central 4a.. do general 4s 84 icon. lob. 4s sF. W. A I). C. la... 104 IColo. Fuel c. Is. aHocklng Val. a...lo8 x Offered, a Bid. 81 . 78 . 78 . 87 .118 .118 . 77 .102 ... 85 ...115 ...lo ... 73 ...108 ... 81 ... II ... 79 ... 85 Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, June 23 Call loans. 8Hff4ti per n- time loans, iwuitt per cent, umciaj closing prices on stocks ana bonds: 88 Amalgamated ,.. 74 Bingham ... 44 al. A Hecea ... 13 Ceotennlal ...145 Copper Range .... ...140 Dominion Coal ... ...185 iFranklln ... 88 Isle Royals ... 21 Mohawk ...lltoid Dominion .... ...118 Osceola ...141 Parrot ... )Uulncy ...174 'Santa Fe Copper. ...18 Trlmountaln , ... 81 ITrlnlty ...1034k t'nlted States .... ... 80 I'tah ... 7 Winona ...II Wolverine ... 6 Lolled Copper ... ... I I Atchison 4e Mri Central a... Atchison do ptd Boston A Maine.. Boston Elevated N. Y.. N. H. A H. I'nlon PaclBc Mex. Central Amer. Sugar do ptd Amer. T. A T Don. I. m S General Electric .. Maes. Electrlo .... do pfd foiled Fruit V. 8. Sleel do Bid -Weetlog Common Adventure , Allouei Wriv York Mlninsr (Viotstlons NEW YORK, June 23. The following are the quotations on tt.e New lorn Block ex change: . II ILIttle Chief , . 10 xOntarlo . le Opblr , I Itt'noealx .... . 7 Potoel .158 .Sevage .100 i Sierra Nevada .1W .Small Hopes . . 88 iglandard .. i .. 17 . 450 .. 18 .. 43 .. 83 .. 8 .. t .. 44 .. 13 .. 64 ... 11 ,..100 ... 1 ,.. 17 ... I ... SI ... 28 ... 3 ..4 45 ... 15 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June M Rank rlenrlnara foe tn. day w re 11,240,211.01; Increaae over corre sponding day of previous year, 8233,681.42. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. June 23 TOTTOV Market strong; sales, 1.210 bales; ordinary, l'll-ltic; good ordinary, 11 9-16e; low mid dling, 12 7-16c; middling, 13 6-16c; good mid dling, 13 13-lttc; middling fair, Uhic; receipts, 7,960 bales; stock. 69.156 bales. Futures. steady; June, 13c bid; July, 13.87iS13.DOc; 1 August, 13.80fil3.82c; September, 11.90c; Oc- . tober, 10.93c; November, 9. K'tr9. 84c; Decern-' ber. 9 &Wg9.81c- January, 9. 81 'a 9 83c. NEW YORK. June 23 COTTON-Market opened easy at a decline of 4 points to sn advance of 6 points, with the new crop niontns snowing easiness on the better weather news an-4 lower cables, while the old crop was still supported by more purely speculative considerations. During the fore noon the market for the new crop worked generally lower under expectations that the weekly government report would show an Improvement in conditions, while the old crop months were Irregular, but generally Arm. When the weekly report was rend It was adjudged bearish anil prices almost Immediately weakened. Then, however, came a big rush of buying orders from isew Orleans and one or the most spec tacular and exciting; upturns 6f a season which has been full of sensational develop ments ensued. Wild as the excitement here, It was even surpassed In New Or leans, where shorts were reported wildly clamoring for July cotton around 14c and for August around 13c. In connection with this it took a very small show of strength on the part of the big bull leadsr locally, once the upward movement was started, to utterly demoralize the shorts, nnd In less time than It takes to tell the whole tendency of the market was altered and prices were soaring skyward. July reached 12.90c, August 12.66c and Septem ber 11.43c, the latter month Indicating plainly that the bulls are carrying their operations over into the early autumn po sitions. Just before the close, room longs sold for profits, and their offerings eased the situation slightly, but sentiment wss still nervous and unsettled. The market was finally firm, with July at 12.84c, Au gust at 12.49c and September at ll.SSc, while the general Hat was net 8 to 69 points higher,- the latter crop months having re sponded" only (jurtlally to the advances of the bear positions. Total sales of futures estimated at 6.000 bales. Futures opened very quiet at about last evening's closing figures, except Septem ber, which was 4 points up. The market remained fairly steady until the govern ment bureau report was read at 11 o'clock. The report was generally considered bear ish, but the advance In the Liverpool mar ket and the assurance that on Friday next, which will be notice day for July con tracts, every notice would be stopped by the lonsr side, prevented a decline. Soon after the noon hour the longs came to the support of the market and sent prices skyward. July advanced 49 points above Monday s closing, to 14c: August ss points, to 13.S0c; September 26, to 12e; October IS, to 10.25c; December. 14, to 9.86c; January IS, to 9.86c. The board at the close showed net Kalns for the day of 3 points on July, 44 on August, 1 on September. 16 on Oc tober snd the othet- months fl each. ST. LOUIS. June 23. COTTON Market steady; middling. 12c; sales, none: re- celnts. K2 bales; shipments, 62 bales; stock, 6,583 hales. LIVERPOOL. June 23. COTTON Spot, quiet: prices 12 points higher: American middling, fnlr. T'2d: Brood middling-. 7.06d: mlldllng, 6.90d; low middling;. 64d; good ordinary. .38d: ordinary. 6.18d. The sales of the day were 4.009 bales, of which 400 were ror speculation ana export ana in cluded 3.800 American: receipts, 1.000 bal American. Futures opened steady and closed oiilet: American middling:, tr. o. c June, G.6rf76.6"d: June and July, .2d: July and August. .59d; Ausrust ana September, fi.47d: Sentember and October. 6.87d: Octo ber and November. 6.48-1: November and December, 5.S3d; Dec'eher and Jinuary, R.30d; January and February, 5.28g6.29d; February and March. 6.Z8d. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 23. WOOL The demand for wool has been quiet this week, although a better feelln prevails. Territory wools are quoted firmer, while some new wools have been sold. New territory wools quotable here at 51if762c for fine; 48fi50c for fine medium, and 4.vfi4 for medium. Old territory wool is quoted steady. Fine staple wool firm at 62 63c, scoured basis, with fine at 60fi6JV: fine medium. 47fi4Sc, witn meaium at to8oc. Territory. Idaho fine. MWH'Ac: fine medium, lKVi,r&lfic: medium. lMil7c: Wyoming fine, 14il5c; fine medium. 15MRKe: medium, 17Vrt 18V4c; Dakota nne, Migiac; nne mramm, 104 17c; medium, 17&18e; Montana fine choice, 18ffl8Hc; fine medium choice, WirTlSMjc; stnple, 18&18He; medium choice, 1SW18H;, Th.r. In r nulet demand for fleece wools, Prices are steaay. tjnoice r-ennsyivania XX and above, 31532c; X. ZS-itZDc: NO. 1,! No. 2. 30ifi31c. Fine waahed ae lalnes. 84S35c. Michigan, X and above, 255J 26c; Nos. 1 and 2. anfalfic. Australian woois are rather quiet, though there is a' fair demand for crosshreds. Fine wools are s'.ow. Prices are nrm ana uncnanarea fomhlnn-. choice, scoured basis, 83fl'85c DnnH 7i?Rnc? Averse. TMTTRo. B ' - ....... Tin iirAnt V-HkHM Ml' I I 1 1 I Jill,. . VY I IV . 1 1 II''.. )i.Hl'i,m rriiia anrl combiner. 17f&21c: light fine, l&ruisc; neavy nne, iioc; iuo wsbiiou, m - ,.v NEW IUKK, June u.-mwu-r inn. Oil and Rosin. 1171. CITY. June 23. OIL Credit balances, 8150; certificates, no bid; shipments, pa.wi v,m. nverusre. 7K.S23 bbls.: runs. 10.341 bbls.; average, 7.673 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 65,313 bbls.; average, 69,587 bbls.; runs, Lima, 44.143 bbls.; average, 53,Rt4 nnis. SAVANNAH, oeu, June m. uiir-i urpen tlne. firm. Rosin, firm: A. B and c, (l. tY ei en- v. 11 RH- V 11 70: O. 11.75: H. 82.25 I. 12.70; K. 12.85; M, 82 96; N. 83; W. W.. 83.10 W. It , 8A'-. . NEW lOKK, June B.Ulu-i-nimnm firm: petroleum, rosin ana turpentine steady. Isgtr nasi Molasses. lwirw ORLEANS. June 23 SCOAR Dull, nr.n kottle. 2N.a3 7-lc: open kettle cen trlfiisral. Sfl7-a-r?c: ccniriliiKO.1 WIU-.--W. e i-j-n; MOLASBKS Open kettle, nominal, 13f- 26c; centrifugal, 6(gl8c. Syrup, nominal, ID 24c. KF.W YORK. June 23. Sl'OAR Raw steady: fnir refining. 3Hc; centrifugal, 86 test, S19-32C; molasses sugar, -o-c; re- find steady. MOLAabc.a (juiet. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattle EoceipU Libertl and Price Tire to Ten Cents Lower-. OVER THREE HUNDRED CARS OF HOGS Native Sheep and Intake ol Good daallty Sold Readily at Steady Prices, bat Western Ormssers eld m Little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. June 23. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.8"6 7,uiu 6.447 Otnlal Tuesday 6,uw) 20,00u I. WW Two days this week.... 7.86 27.010 Same days last week... 18.063 22.288 Same week before 6,tr-.' 16,717 Same throe weeks ago. 9.418 16,930 Same four weeks ago.. 38 36,034 Same days last year.... 3,606 18,610 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1901 1903. Inc. Deo. Cattle 41, M 866.380 124,684 ..... Hogs l,2U.5ti5 1,275.272 62,707 Sheep 646,483 402,916 143,667 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: .11? , . 1 4.M) .1018 .11M .IS") .!. I M I 80 I 10 I II I II I n l ,.ltM ..10M ..1.W0 ..1 ..1M ..1780 I 84 I a I 88 I K I XI I 80 Date. 1908. 1902.1J1.1900.1S9S. 11898. 197. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. M. A. St. P 7 Wabash 1 Missouri Paclflo 11 Union Pacific system.... 61 C. A N. W 6 E. A M. V 64 C. St. P., M. A 0 17 B. & M 79 C. B., & Q 6 K. & St. J 7 C, R. I. & P., east 10 tj., K. I. ot west s Illinois Central S ,. I ..KM ..140 .. 8 . 10 ,. tl ,. 88 HQ A ile ma Con. Alice Breeee iBninewick Cos Comet oca Tunnel Cos. Tel. A Vs. Hor Silver Iroa Silver Leadvllle Cos ... z Offered. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frail. NEW YORK. June Z3 EVAPORATED APPUES Market quiet and firm, desirable grades being steadily held, with common quoted at 4'6Vc, prime at 64c, choice at CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'IT Peaches remain quiet ana unonangea at 7U)C for choice ana iuteuec ior miicy. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June ler-COrf EE-pot Dry Goods Market. NF.W TORK. June 23 DRY GOODS The market is still advancing; and prices are being made with the idea or stopping irnae on llnce which are so lar soin aneaa inn mnufacurers are unable to take further orders. The necessity or material curtail. ment la ernwlns more a-enerai ana it is e lleved that when buyers come Into the market generally next month they will find a stronger market even than that of today and will bid prices up against memseives. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT JOSEPH. June 23 CATTLE Re celpts. 6 0110 head: steady; natives. 84 SM 5 40; Texas and westerns. 83 75&5 10: cows snd heifers. 82.25fi4.7S: veals. I3.0vg5.75: v,iia nH atHsrs. 83.6Wit.40: vesrllngs snd nh ci, 83 00x4.65; Blockers and feeders, 83.50 ww-.n'ncelnta. 14 900 hesd: 6fl0e lower light and light mixed. 85. 70475.7714: medium snd neavv. uuia, eo.iTra. 'SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelnta. 8 966 bead; steady; top native ewes, 14.60; lambs, weak to 150 lowers Stork la Slakl. Following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yesier rlnv; Cattle. Hoars. Sheep. Omaha 6.0"0 B. Chlcao 14" IS.OfiO lO.fssl Ktnni City .' If."1 2.CO Kt. Iuls 7f0 11. OHO 4 .VO St. Josci.h 14.800 J4 kiloux City 6-0 4.0U0 ToUla S.800 83,800 C.464 June 1.... 6 93H I 70 4 88 June 1.... 07 7 07 4 83 June 8.... 6 94 13 I 70 June 4.... 6 85 7 16 I 71 4 83 June I.... 176V 7 21 6 70 4 91 June 6.... 6 77 V 7 15i 6 71 III June 7.... 7 1S I 75 4 96 June 8.... I 804 t 78 t 02 June .... 6 86 1 7 21) R 10 June 10..., OOHI 7 17 6 831 I June 11... 6 03 I 86 6 91 I 00 June it:.. 6 n 7 Xt 6 4 92 June 13... 6 07 7 36 6 86 4 86 June 14... 7 31 6 81 4 86 June 15... 5 98H 6 86 4 June 16... 6 01 7 25 4 95 June 17... 6 9tVi 7 24 6 88 June 18... 6 97 726689603 June 19... 6 94 7 84 5 92 6 0t June 20... 5 88H 7 41 6 89 4 94 June 21... 7 44 6 91 4 93 June 22... 8 834 6 89 6 00 June 23... I 11 7 60 5 13 8 60! 8 68 I 68 8 01 8 67 3 XM 4 21 4 12 4 03 4 10 e 4 01 8 88 8 81 8 40 8 33 3 34 3 32 81 e I 80 a 3i 3 l 3 9J 3 29 3 691 2 671 3 64 8 66 3 64 3 62 8 63 e 3 64 3 98 3 37 I 85! e 3 71 8 79 3 77 90 2 84 8 801 8 U 3 31 e 8 29 3 32 3 23 8 18 8 21 3 16 I 711 2 801 I Hi I 10 8 72 8 21 8 72 3 21 3 t4 8 66 3 63 82 7 11 45 14 72 19 60 14 18 10 7 t 291 13 Total receipts 257 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packlnar Co 956 2.187 Swift and Company.... L017 4,1,9 isu Armour & Co 936 4.62 720 Cudahy Packing Co 1.663 8,334 1,662 omana co. bu joe Bit Cudahy from St. Joe. 86 .... swirt rrom st. joe.... st .... Armour. Sioux City... 1.&9 Lobman & Co 23 .... Huston & Co.... L. F. Huss Lee Rothschild. Wertheimer.. .. Other buyers 182 .... 239 Total 6,001 16,865 2.821 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tle here this morning, more In fact than was generally anticipated. The demand was quite liberal, but still packers thought tney ougnt to get their supplies tor a mtie less money ana as salesmen were holding for yesterday's prices the market was ratner slow. Reef steers could best be described b auotlns- them weak to a dime lower am the market was slow. The greatest de cline was on the heavy weights and the lesst on the handy weight cattle of good quality. It took some time for buyers and sellers to get together and as a result the day was well advanced before the bulk of the arrivals was disposed oi. i ne Dig ena of the receipts consisted of steers so there were a good many on sale. The bulk of the fair to good cattle sold from 34.46 to 34.76 with the choicer grades from 34.80 up. The cow market felt to some extent the decline on steers, but as the supply of she stuff was not !arge prices did not suffer as badly. The more desirable grades of corn- feds sold at rignt arouna sieaay jiru., while the medium to common kinds of corn-feds and also grassers were slow to a dime lower. Canners are very hard to dis pose of at any price. Very few are coming in. and in taci mere arc Bwitrij ciiuubh rn make a kllllnar for any one packer. which explains why they are hard to sell. The best grades or nuns neia anoui sieauy today, but aside from those the general market was a little lower. Veal calves did not show much change. Tk.r. le nnthlne new to be Said of stock- ers and feeders. Very few are arriving and the demand Is still limited, as compared with vesterdav there was no particular change in the prices paid. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. CALVES, 4 18 3 00 1 187 I Tl Ill I no 4 lt I 28 1 180 I 10 18 18 I M STAOS. ISO I US 1 H"0 4 IS STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 4 418 I 00 1 4J0 4 11 876 I 80 7M 4 !5 1 ISO 4 00 1 1(0 4 IS HOOS Receipts of hogs were extremely heavy today and In fact the run came near breaking all previous records. The record was established on July 31, 1894, when 30.6S4 head arrived, and as will be seen from the table above today's run fell only a little short of that figure. - In view of this enor mous run the market waa In very satis factory condition. The market opened fully a nickel lower, with trading quite active. The bulk of the hogs sold at that time from 85.77V to 85.80. As the day advanced, though, the market weakened and the close waa fully fctflOo lower. Packers wsnted to buy the bulk of the last hogs at 85.75, with an occasional 85.77H- Ths bulk of all the sa'es went from 85.76 to 86.80, with the fancy loads selling as high as 85.85. The bulk of the hogs was disposed of In good season, but as a good many trains were late In arriving the day was well advanced before a clearance was made. The extreme close of the market was very dull and at 2 o'clock there were still fully oi loads in first bands, mostly late arrivals. The few bids that were offered were right around 85.70. or lOffllSc lower than yester day. Representative sales; No. Av, 13 ll 6....'..261 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 IK IN 14 11M 4 80 1 8(0 4 00 40 1124 4 80 ( 878 4 00 18 1327 4 80 1 180 4 II II H8I 4 80 1 840 4 11 I ll 4 M S 810 4 18 46 1271 4 85 t 1010 4 II 10 1117 4 86 I 886 4 16 18 1327 4 86 I 830 4 86 18 1188 4 86 4 810 4 II 40 1138 4 88 T 1041 4 40 II UW 4 8S tl 821 4 44 14 14O0 4 86 1 116 4 46 1 1IU 4 86 1 426 4 46 1 1180 4 86 1 100 4 60 11 111 4 86 1 846 4 60 10 114 4 86 10 1046 4 10 16 11114 4 16 14 1014 4 60 10 1117 4 86 IS 108 4 66" 1 1268 4 88 1 1100 4 66 10 1161 4 86 II 1101 4 II K llol 4 86 17 106 4 40 1 1240 4 86 13 111 4 40 18 1414 4 86 7 1141 4 80 18 1871 4 80 II 1104 4 40 II Kl 4 80 10 1086 4 40 18 1882 4 10 I 1221 4 41 1 i:0 4 80 16 1171 4 46 M 1171 4 80 II 1148 4 48 1808 4 80 7 1171 4 86 14 1181 4 80 10 1007 4 46 1 1284 4 80 I ...1060 4 46 18 ISfil 4 80 14 1121 4 11 8 122 4 to 14 1171 4 70 1 1621 4 80 II 1144 4 70 II 1327 4 84 18 1060 4 70 1 1220 4 80 46 101 4 70 17 1311 4 80 46 1131 4 76 U U6 4 38 II 1184 4 76 14 18n4 4 86 84 1183 4 71 18 1371 4 86 II 1234 4 76 18 1831 IS II 10 8 4 78 40 lii7 4 eg 17 1087 4 Tl 10 1323 I 00 17 1186 4 76 84 J. 00 IT 1868 4 71 II 1160 i 00 18 41 4 76 1 1486 I 00 18 lOOl 4 76 3 1664 I 00 1 1274 4 71 18 m 00 IT 108 4 71 40 Ill i oo 14 1144 4 71 II 1471 06 14 1211 4 "5 4T 1211 00 18 1073 4 76 IS 1341 i 01 II 173 4 76 1 1480 10 47 1MT 4 T6 44 1460 1 114 tl II 16 10 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I T I 1 II I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 4 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I II I I I STEERS TEXAS. 10 4 00 STEERS AND COWS. ....1084 4 8 17 110 4 M STEERS AND HEIFERS. 8.H6 4 W II 1117 4 SI .... Kit 4 16 40 1114 4 80 ....103 4 TO II 1038 4 46 ,....1111 4 Tl 16 1440 i 1 COWS. 10 1 10 1 ... T0 I 08 17.... 810 I 00 1 887 I 10 II 80 I It II 141 I 40 4 SO0 I 10 ti ... 10) I 80 t-... 860 I 40 I 0 I 40 1 T27 I 40 1 1086 I 76 1... 388 I 80 10...., 824 I 80 4 ... 836 I 00 18.... 1UMI I 00 1 1014 180 1 320 I 0 1.... 880 I 10 10 .... 1040 I 10 I ... 1078 I 16 8 ... 874 I 16 I.... 80 I 16 11... 840 8 16 - 3 ... 70 I 40 I ... TI6 I 40 10 ... , 1000 I 6 4 ... luel t 60 - 8.... 720 I 84 I ... m IH II... 1060 I 40 4 ... 680 I 16 IS.... 1320 I 88 I-... 1030 I 44 1.... 840 I Tl 10U t T6 10K0 I T6 811 71 161 I 10 Kiel I 80 84T 8 86 734 I 86 1120 I 80 M I 30 1170 I 80 840 I 80 1136 I 80 8t I 0 103 I 84 880 4 04 1160 4 10 840 4 10 847 4 10 1014 4 10 1111 4 16 420 4 II 1084 4 20 1018 4 10 1280 4 16 lVM 4 IS 14 4 It lul 4 II 120 4 21 net 4 to 1183 4 80 1148 4 SO 1171 4 40 1840 4 44 COWS AND HEIFERS ... 141 I II I Ml 4 Of HEIFERS. ... 14 I 78 1 HI 4 M ... 681 I X I tlO 4 60 ... 44 8 1 T 4 t ...10 I 10 1 1180 I It BULL8. ...lito t to 1 lm I 40 ...114 I It 1 140 I M Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh, Pr. .. 6 00 66 140 40 6 77Vi ... 6 72 H 67 234 ... 6 77H 25 245 ... 5 724 68 249 ZOO 6 77 63 279 820 6 76 67 226 40 6 77 87 238 ... 6 76 67 223 ... 6 77 63 249 120 6 75 17 28 40 6 77 140 217 820 6 75 47 251 ... 6 77 76 228 80 6 75 80 242 80 6 77 61 256 40 6 76 81 2n6 120 6 77 64 238 120 6 75 72 239 80 6 77 23 202 40 5 75 65 PI 80 6 77 65 243 160 6 75 67 272 160 6 77 60 282 80 6 75 61 142 40 6 77 47 215 ... 6 75 66 242 80 6 77 64 802 ... 6 75 87 2o4 ... 6 77 63 27 160 6 75 61 2K8 ... 6 77 60 828 ... 6 76 62 811 ... 6 77 66 293 120 6 75 69 258 120 6 77 62 290 40 6 75 65 26 ... 6 77 33 209 ... 6 75 67 28 160 6 77 66 216 ... 6 75 46 260 120 6 77 60 178 80 6 75 64 298 80 6 77 27 234 40 6 75 60 248 200 6 77 72 200 80 6 75 66 247 100 6 77 75 214 40 6 76 17 231 80 6 77 27 228 80 5 75 71 231 ... 6 77 83 26 ... 5 75 79 2S2 80 6 77 62 276 ... 6 75 60 206 ... 6 77 61 256 ... 6 75 41 211 ... 6 77 64 242 ... 6 75 62 280... 6 77 20 242 ... 5 75 67 248 80 6 77 68 264 ... 6 75 75 228 80 6 77 23 208 ... 6 75 62 277 160 6 77 24 259 ... 6 75 60 25 ... 6 77 61 2!2 80 5 75 60 251 80 5 77 72 223 120 6 75 62 335 160 6 77 81 241 40 6 (5 87 2.13 120 5 77 78 224 200 75 65 J61 ... 6 77 25 230 80 6 75 65 261 ... 6 77 62 m 80 6 75 62 228 80 6 77 46 278 80 6 75 . 81 215 40 6 80 66 260 ... 5 75 34 266 40 6 80 91 -.2H6 ... 6 75 82 2-i0 80 6 80 80 230 ... 6 75 64 247 80 6 80 76 337 80 5 77 62 ) 40 5 80 ' 25 254 ... 6 77 63 241 120 6 80 27 2ft4 ... 6 77 65 271 80 8 80 65 269 80 6 77 70 245 80 6 80 70 244 80 6 77 69 284 ... 6 80 69 288 ... 6 77 63 808 80 6 80 64 818 80 6 77 61 249 40 6 80 73 250 240 6 77 88 2?3 160 5 80 6(1 272 80 6 77 74 225 ... $80 66 261 ... 6 77 63 235 160 6 80 61 258 80 6 77 26 269 ... 6 80 65 216 ... 6 77 66 249 80 6 80 66 2fil 160 6 77 65 204 40 6 80 60 245 200 6 77 63 27 80 6 80 60 228 80 5 77 66 273 160 6 80 61 254 80 5 77 70 148 120 6 80 117 266 160 6 77 80 212 160 6 80 68 271 ... E 77 85 243 ... 6 80 64 274 80 6 77 80 266 40 ftO 67 236 80 6 77 70 237 1 60 6 80 84 218 40 t 77 71 245 160 6 80 69 238 ... 6 77 68 250 ... 6 80 69 2fi2 120 6 77 63 298 ... 6 80 69 223 ... 6 77 63 315 ... 8 80 72 238 160 6 77 62 267 80 6 80 64 288 ... 6 77 69 282 ... 6 80 67 220 160 6 77 48 845 ... 6 80 73 232 120 6 77 74 234 120 6 80 80 291 ... 6 77 76 233 240 6 80 69 259 ... 6 77 64 277 IO0 6 80 43 225 ... 6 77 70 256 40 6 80 64 266 120 6 77 72 249 160 6 80 TO 256 ISO 6 77 64 252 120 6 80 64 185 40 6 77 61 306 120 6 80 61 267 120 6 77 68 800 80 6 80 64 02 160 6 77 69 261 40 6 80 61 2S9 80 8 TVl 67 28 160 6 80 62 276 120 6 77 66 222 ... 6 80 67 80S 240 $77 66... ...258 80 6 82 68 2fiJ 90 $ 77 66 28 80 6 82 74 236 120 5 77 64 tit 40 6 82 68 2S0 1(50 6 77 63 316 ... 6 85 68 S0 G0 5 77U Of and feeders, steady; choice export nnd dressed beef steers. 24.6036.10: fair to met. 83 754(4.60: stockers and feeders. 12 6i I :5; western fed steers 83 2.Vii4 SO: Texas nnd In- . dlnn steers. 83.0m.j4.86: Texas cows, fJ 1ii 8 50; native cow. fifj74!fi; native lieirei-n, 3-'.4fH.60; canners. lli.&O; bulls. U.iVif 4.25: calves, 75'iffi 50. HOOS Receipt. 19.000 head. Market opened tVlOc lower snd closed 10 ow,-r, Ion, $T 8V; bulk of sales. 8o.7lKil6 80; be vv, 86., 5-36.82; mixed packers. 85 ftOtjS X- V. light. 85 iti6.77; Yorkers, 86.75S6.77. pigs. 86.V.'(6 60. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, I.neo head. Market strong; native lambs, 34 iH 6.75; western lamb, 83 60116.66; fed ewes. 8.1 2Wf5 16; Texas clipped vesrllngs, 13 .50', 6.15; Texas clipped sheep, 3.3tKli6.10; Block ers and feeders. 33.2O(H'4.00. Slenx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. la., June 23 -(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts 500 head, stock ers slow- killers strong; beeves, f4 flO'uNi.OH; cows, bulls and ml-ved. $2.604.00; stockers snd feeders, 83.264j4.26; calves and yearlings, 83.0O-S4.0O. HOG. 8 Receipts, 4 ono- market steadv to lower, selling at 86.70JJ6.90; bulk, 15 75(6.85. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., June 23 SEEPS-Clover, dull, lower; October, 35.70; prime timothy, $1.80. THB REALTY MARKJET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday, June 23; Warranty Deeds. Mary J. C.Ryan and husband to Mary I. Hyatt, lot 21, block 7, Corrlgan Place 11.600 Anna Keyes and husband to Omaha Ixian and Trust Co., lota 2 and 3, block Q, Lowe s add 1,600 Sophia Hunt snd husband to F. E. Oarratt. lots 15 and 16, block 1. Thir teenth Street add 60!) H. 8. Thomns to A. F. Close, lot 1, block 137, Florence 40 Frank Koutsky and wife to to Jo seph Koutsky, lot 1, block 19, South Omaha 100 Henrietta I. Rllss and husband to Martha A. Redman, part sublot 4 of taxlot 66, 10-15-13 1,500 United Real Estate and Trust Co. to R. C. Henlng, lot 10, block 5, Mux well's 2d add 25J E. 8. Flor to Oeorge Todd, a tract on Second street In Valley, at In tersection with center line 31-16-10.. 1,300 Quit rialrn Deeds. J. M. Tyner and wife to Almns Adams, lots 19 and 20, block 4, Omaha Heights 260 J. F. Kelly to Omaha Loan and Trust Co., lot 1, block R, Horbnchs sub.. 1 Herman Kountze and wife to Eliza E. Barker, a 30 foot strip ing at at ne cor lot 6, block 6, For est Hill add 1 Cady Land Co. to Dellone Hotel Co., lot 1, block 83, Omaha 1 Deeds. United States to Jane A. North, w nw 28-15-13 Herman Kountze et al. to Eliza E. Barker, a 30-foot strip commencing at ne cor. lot 6, block 6, Forest Hill add 1 Total amount of transfer 37.041 SHEEP There were nulta a number sheep this morning, but the trains were late in arriving, so the supply was rather small at the opening of the market. The natives that were offered were of better quality than the majority of those that have been coming of late and they met with ready sale at good steady prices. Lambs brought 85, yearlings 85-50 and ewes 84.25. There were some more of the Idaho wethers on sale that brought 84.40 yester day and today they had to go at 84.30, or a dime lower. The feeder situation Is unchanged, both supply and demand being very moderate. Quotations: Good to choice lambs, $5.75f 6.25; fair to good lambs, 35.26Jr6.75; good to choice yearlings, 34.76-fji6.00; fair to good yearlings. 34.504i4.76; good to choice 'weth ers. $4.25(54. 60; fair to good wethers, 13.75 4.26; good to choice ewes, 33.76-Bi4.60; f to rood ewes, $3.5033.75; feeder lambs, 82.60ff 8.50; feeder yearlings. $2.50-53.60; feeder wethers. $2.603.50; feeder ewes, $2.0082.76. Representative sales: - 1 cull ewe 1 buck 24 western ewes 11 western ewes 720 Idaho western wethers .. 21 spring lambs 8 native wethers 24 native yearlings 6 spring lambs 86 Oregon cull ewes 1 Oregon cull ewe 60 Oregon ewes and wethers.. 583 Oregon ewes and wethers.. 226 Oregon ewes and wethers.. 10 cull ewes 34 ewes , 84 cull yearlings 7 wethers 36 spring lambs 80 210 119 126 109 49 130 94 88 81 70 90 90 91 123 139 67 108 2 00 8 00 4 25 4 25 4 30 6 1-0 6 26 6 60 6 20 2 50 8 95 8 3 95 8 00 4 25 4 50 5 26 6 26 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Hogs Lose Dime or More, Wbtle Sbeep Drop Flfteea Cents. CHICAOO. June 28 CA TTLE Recelots. 1.401 head, Includes 600 Texans; good to rime steers. 85.10jf6.36; poor to medium, 4.?6?H90; stockers and feeders. 83.O0trj4.8O; cow. I1.COJI4 40; canners. S1.60p2.9O; .bulls. 32.15fl4.2R: calves, $2. 26 6.00; Texas fed Steers. $3.SO?4 75. HOOS-Reeelpts todav, 15.000 head; to morrow, 86.000 head; left over. 6.000 head: opened steady to strong: close. 10c to 16c lower; mixed and butchers. $5.90(841.1$; good to choice hesvy, Iflorwfrfi.ZO; rough heavy. S5.8irr-l.05: light, $5.9Ofi.'0; bulk of sales, 86.noffi6.10. BHEKr A IN 1 I.AM BB- HecetntS. ln.OnO head: sheep stesdy to 15c lower; lambs, stead-' to 10c higher: good to choice weth ers. $4,609' 00; fair to choice mixed. 83 .25 4.26: wek.ern sheep,' 34.ftXJ6.00; native lambs, l4.0OfY7.00; western lsmbs, 34.00-7.00. The following are the official receipts and shipments for yesterdav: iteeeipts. onipments Cattle 22.686 5.013 Hogs 49.788 7,044 Sheep 17.137 j0 St. Loals Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. June 23 CATTLE Receipts. 7.000 hesd. Including 5.000 Texsns; market stesdy for natives, but essy for Texans. Native sninpins; sno export steers, w.wt 6 50; dressed beef and butcher steers. 14 (t 6.25: steers, under pounds. a3.TMti4.7B: stockers and feeders. $3604.50: cows snd be'fers. $2.2004.75; csnners, $2.0'"ff2.75; bulls. 83 fWi4.25: Texas and Indian steers. 33 00? 4 75: cows snd heifers. 82.8001.20. HOOS Receipts. 11.000 head: msrket opened higher, but eased off: pigs and lights 11 (Vwf!.l0; packers, $6.Sog10; butrh- e- norm 6. is. 8MEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. ,45nn he: msrlret sdv: native muttons. $4 00 4 50- lmbs. $4 50640: culls and bucks. ?50a3.60; stockers, $2.252.75; Texans, $3.40 425. Uhe Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago 7" "LT SI4.75 6kly To Chicago and Return June 80. July L Oood till September 15. Extraordinary rates. Extraordinary fishing. Minnesota and Wisconsin NOW. Clty Offices; 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA " TCU 624-661 it in H ft esf ffl f etP Kill A Oil Alii ITS THE HYGIENI LOTION Per CseerrfceM, ftltet Uueenatte. IptraMtorrncti. riltt, ast All unit Hh) tsitial Discharge. - NO PAIN. NO. STAIN. NO 8TRICTURE. FREE 8YRINCE. tr A stsii rreveestlve el lloue. Bent to any address for 8100. HEHMAX MrfOSKKLL, Oisaha. aulrder Mfg. Cs.. Lanesster. O. ge tr York Live Steele Market. NEW TORK. June !S REEVES No re ceipts; no sales reported; dressed beef, steady, 7-frSHc per In. Cablet quoted Amer ican steers, general sales, st lOiyallc. dressed welsjht; refrigerator beef, at tc. per lb. Reported exports for beef esti mated at 1.0S0 beevea, 1,018 sheep, 4.500 qusrters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 14 hesd; stesdy; veals sold at $7 0067.60; city dressed veals, I'ytf ll'V per lb. HOGS Receipts, 1.696 head, all consigned d,rot- HUEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11.371 head; sheep about steady: prime lambs, 10c lower; under grsdes. Ue lower; sheep sold st $3 0O-li6.OO; lambs, $6 56-86.05; nne car at $ 80; dressed mutton. 74110c per lb. K8Biu City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. June 28. CATTLE Re oelpts, 4.0u0 natives; calves, 10 pstlves; best iora steadv to stronsr: medium, weak; best cows, steady; others lower; stockers Dr.Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS Cure All Special DISEASES OF MEN BLOOD POISON WEAK, NERVOUS MEN KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Treatment and Medicine S5.00 PER MOUTH Examinations and advice free at office or by mall. Written contracts given in all curable diseases .ir refund money paid for treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 years In Omaha. Cor. 14th and Douglas, OMAHA, HEB, DR. McGREW Bl'KCIALlST. Treuts all forms -! DISEASES OF ME.. I reere etperiesee, 17 eere In Omen. 80, (Ml ceses cure. Helleble, sue eeetul. Cures guersnleeii. rbrrs low Tres'.iiii lit tr mall- (all er wr.iu. b. 1C4. OOi.i over 111 t 14th It., OMAHt, K'EU. re-MALI BIANtJ meet rnifudiiy -"xu-lelcr; elntlis-(.st, Ih-ii. sfrM ;tioiu"i eruoi. Tsu-r. feuurrureK uui e slmlr tenure -. lungret. muet aueuiuie mc ielleeil lu t tew U), tilAl si barman 4k McCoiuieU Drim Co.. Oniita, WOMEN! PRIVATE WIRES GEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO. GRAIN, PROVISlOPirS AND STOCKS SI Board of Trade Rldg.. Omaha 'Rhone lotsi aud lull. AUmbeis all prin cipal sKciiaugoa, Write tut our tUlly mar ket letter. . . .. , )