Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1903, Page 8, Image 10

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Opening of Hew Edifice of Bt. Mary Magda
lena Parish oa Docile S.raeU
rather UliDbrr ITeaches the Sermon,
Tdklnic tor Ills Theme the Office
of the Ihorrh In the
The first service In the new church of Bt
Mary Magdalene was heid Sunday morn
Inn with high mass, at which Kuthtr
George J. Olaubcr was celebrant. Preced
ing the mass the building was blessed, the
most simple service of the ritual being
Used to prepare the house for the celebra
tion of mass and Its use as a church.
The sermon of Father Glauber, which
was delivered In Germr.n and in English,
bad for Its theme the oiTlee of the church
la the world. He said the church Is on
earth to bring sinners to repentance and
to make saints of the most vile; that this
service was begun by Jesus Christ, who
brought upon himself the scorn of the
Fhariseea because he associated with sin
ners, and the church today, far from
barring sinners from Its sldo, welcomes
them with pleasure and strives to recall
them to virtue and obedience to the law
of God. It Is the office of the church to
aeek out and strive with evildoers for
their salvation and the glory of God, not
to cut them off from the fellowship of the
He said that after Friday the new church
would be open every day from 6:30 or 7
o'clock In the morning until 6 o'clock for
all worshipers who desire to make use
of the building, and all are welcome to
the house of God. He spoke of the coming
retreat of the rlergy of the diocese and
asked for the prayws of the faithful for
the clergy, who are to withdraw for a
time from the public and their ordinary
work for the purpose of prayer and med
itation for the benefit of themselves.
Impressive Services by Fathers Jen
nette, Noonan and Judge.
A very beautiful and Impressive service
was observed yestcrdny at the Church of
the Sacred Heart, North Twenty-second
street. It was In the nature of a triple
feast. That of the p:tronal or titular feast.
the annual feast of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus and the anniversary feast of the
church. Those participating In the impres
sive services were: Rev. John Jennette,
deacon; Rev. H. C. Noonan, 8. J., sub
deacon, and Rev. P. J. Judge, celebrant.
The services began with an early morn
ing service of the annual first communion
class, confirmation of a class of fifteen
boys and girls.
The tripartite celebration of the feast
of the Sacred Heart began at 10:30 a. m.,
before a large congregation. The musical
services were especially beautiful and the
celebrants, attired in the magnificent silken
robes of their sacred offices, added mate
rially to the dignity and beauty of the
The sermon was preached by Father 8.
A. Blackburn, S. J., of Crelghton univer
sity. His text was taken from Isaiah,
sil:l-8. He said In part: "We are assemblod
on this solemn occasion to celebrate the
festival of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The
lore of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Instills
Within us a feeling of grand and sublime
motion. Of all favors we have received
from the grace of God the Heart of Jesus
Is the subUmest In all things. We find in
It the true Trinity, the Father, Son and
Holy Ghost. God comes into all the fes
tivals of the year and In none Is His di
vine mercy and love mors than in this.
Tba human body Is deified by the perfect
soul and the body and soul must be human.
Christ In Hi" human nature Is King of
the Angels and he Is the personification of
the human form deified."
A feature of the music program was the
baritone solo, "The Great White Throne,"
by Mr. Emll von Gillen of Nebraska City,
whose voice Is of rare beauty and great
Theme of Rev. II. O. Hill nt Koantse
Memorial Church.
Rev. Harry G. Hill of the First Christian
church spoke from the pulpit of the
Kountxe Memorial church Sunday morning
to the members of his cwn congregation
and of Kountze Memorial. Taking for his
subject "Power," he traced out the course
of modern civilization and declared that
man had become pre-eminent of all crea
tlon because of his utilization of outside
"Look back." he said, "along the path
way that mankind lias followed down to
his present state and we pass by the mile
stones In long array, over bloody battle
fields, mst ruined cities of an ancient civ
ilization, through a wild and roaming life
to the caves, where he dwelt within the
range of all animals and was little above
them In mental vigor and ability.
"He wielded a power over the animals,
In that he chose weapons outside of him
self physically and they feared him for
this. And so It has always been. There
has been a continual reaching out after
power and with the accession of these
powers has come newer and better under
standing of a modern civilization, until to
day we stand pre-eminently at the head
of all living creatures.
"Steam, wster and electricity were
brought under the fenlty of man, through
chemistry, the microscope, the telescope
Not the Wrappers
3 If you have a care for ES
your clothes and want
them whole and sweet
and clean. Swift's Pride
Soap will do. It answers
every laundry require
ment. Buy it today for
Monday's wash.
Swift CSk Company, Chicago
Kansas City Omaha St. Louis
tl.Jopo Si.Faul KuWonh
rj VLAcn of Swiff Wiihinj Tovict
and the spectroscope, our knowledge of
things that we cannot me has grown and
e see better through these things than
the wllil animal whose real sight sur
passes ours.
"All of these powers and things are un
seen our own eyes, and yet through
them we have come to what we are. There
Is that power, unseen and Intangible, but
which Is everywhere, of God all powerful,
and we have but to reach out and possess
It for our own. With It man will become
far greater than he Is now. Whnt should
be aimed at to secure this power1 of God
Is sincerity. We are none of us perfect,
but we can be sincere, and the man who
Is sincere is certain of gaining all power
from God."
Von Cannot Cnre Handrail Without
Destroying; the Cause of It.
Many pepple wash their scalps Saturday
night or Sunday to try to keep the dan
druff down for the week, but on Monday
night the scalp has begun to itch, and
Tuesday morning will find a good supply
of dandruff when the hair, is brushed.
There is but one real scientific way of
curing dandruff, and that is to kill the
germ that causes It, and falling hair, and
finally baldness. There Is only one prep
aration that will destroy the germ, and
that Is Newbro's Herplclde. It is an en
tirely new discovery and the only hair
preparation that is based on the new scien
tific principle. In addition Herpiclde Is a
very refreshing hair dressing for regular
toilet use. Sold by leading druggists. Send
10c in stamps for sample to The Herpiclde
Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co., special agents.
Sandwiches and Tie nlth Dm-a Con
cealed in Them Are
While the police and others are getting
busy to break up the dope habit and to
prevent the sale of various drugs, friends
of the fiends are also getting busy, espe
cially frltrnds of those who are In Jail and
do not get sufficient of the drugs to satisfy
their cravings.
Several attempts were made Sunday to
smuggle dope t the prisoners In food Bint
them by friends on the outside. The po
lice, however, were on the lookout for Just
such an attempt and as a consequenco the
police surgeon's stock of cocaine, morphine
and opium lias been greatly increased.
Someone who had sent In a paper sack full
of sandwiches by a messenger boy, used
a olever scheme to get morphine to one
of his friends. He had taken a thin slice
of dried beef and spread the druj over tint
and then placed another thin slice on the
first one. By pressing the two slices to
gether closely and putting them between
the pieces of bread they had the appear
ance of being one slice. Jailer Kirk dis
covered the trick, and the prisoner ate Jail
Another man attempted to get a Die In
which he had placed a small envelope of
morphine past the Jailer, but he, too, was
unsuccessful. The party hod carefullv
lifted the top crust of the pie, raised the
apple filling, and had then placed the en
velope underneath the filling. This scheme
was also frustrated and the Die rnnfl..
cated. Until recently Emergency OUcer
uan uaiawin has acted as chief pie tester,
but since he ate a pie loaded with nni
the tests have been made by examinations
wun mt eye.
The police are gratified that the riw
council Is taking up the matter of the dope
fiends. For years some drug stores have
managca to exist on the nroflts m,i.
the sale of drugs to those addicted to such
habits. The police believe that very few
physicians will give a prescription for
drugs to men who desire to satisfy their
cravings, and if the prescription ordinance
Wlll 8ee to u tnat no Arag
" v.. urug witnout the prescrlp-
A Hurt Never Hurts
After Pnrf a r i, .
plied. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at
" Aaii.vcfiiu iimurir n i m
.....,. r man or beast. Price, 25c.
Dr. F. 8. Owen Deliver. Lecture Before
Members of Philosophical
"Scratch your ear with your ihn.
the homely advice of Dr. P. 8. Owen at the
Philosophical society Sunday afternoon
The doctor delivered a lecture on the "Care
of the Ear" to the members of the society
" ay giving a Drier description of
the parts of the ear. Illustrated by sections
from the bony pa-ts of that organ. After
his explanation he spoke of the care of
the organ, saying that nothing should be
pui in ine ear or harder substance than
water and that the water in that
should be of the temperature of the body.
... ulu oi.u water tended to Irri
tate the ear; that laudanum, olive oil and
similar things are of no use except when
warm and are more likely to produce In
Jury than to relieve It.
"Ninety per cent of the diseased er.
said Dr. Owen, "are the result of Injuries
to ine nasai passages, and the care of the
ear should begin with the nose, as when
that organ la cartd for the ear will In
great measure take care of itself, there-
rore it is wen to guard against colds In
preserving the functions of the ear
"A large percentage of the Inmates of
ine near ana aurnn Institutes can hear
but the voice must be raised to a higher
pitch than usual, and such an effort well
ritrecteft with lnirfptintuH. .
am io tne use
or words, win reduce the number of those
called deaf and dumb."
The rain which fell at the hour of mat
ing reduced the attendance below the
""' hut shout fifty were present at the
meeting. The next meeting, which will be
me insi or me season, wlll he sddressed
uy rrann nciier, ine suujeei neing "The
nam or men.
Finds Some Dlfllcalty In Allowing
Himself to Omnhans Before
Old Sol had more than the usual dlffl
culty yesterday, June H, In standing still
for amhlle and then starting on his annual
southern trip. Whether this was due to the
weather even this far north being un
usually warm, or to the fact that not
withstanding the "rainy season" last month
Omaha is still short on moisture, Is not
positively known. I'p to yesterday the ex
cess of heat since March 1. as measured
by the weather bureau, amounted to ex
actly 100 degrees, while the deficiency In
precipitation was 1.15 Inches. The deficiency
In precipitation for the same period last
year was S.56 Inches, and for 1SKJ1 2.78
Measuring rainfall kept the weather
man busy yesterday, as there was
seven distinct showers and a couple of
fair and somewhat fierce rains. The predic
tion is for more rain today and while the
government will not officially make pre
dictions any further In advance the un
official indications are for continued wet
For Sale Due bill on one of the best New
York city hotels at a good discount. Ad
tlrem S U, car Omaha. B.
Knighti nf Columbus Accept Large Glass
of New Brothers,
Old Members and Candidates Attend
Mass at St. Phllomena's Cathedral
in the Morning and Inltla
tlon Exercises Follow.
With elaborate and solemn ceremonies
occupying the entire afternoon and even
ing sixty candidates were yesterday ini
tiated Into Omaha council, Knights of
As required by the rules of the order, the
candidates, together with a large number
of old members, began tn day by attend
ing mass. They assembled at the Millard
hotel at 9:30 o'clock and proceeded to St.
1'hllomt-na's cathedral, wnere Rev. Mc-
UKvern, a member of the order, welcomed
them. Father McGovern congratulated the
order In general and Omaha council in
particular on the phenomenal growth they
have been enjoying and the good they have
accomplished, not only for Catholoclsm,
but on American and patriotic lines.
The Initiation ceremonies took place at
Ancient Order of United YCorkmen hall.
Fourteenth and Dodge streets, beginning
at 1 o'clock, and continued, with a short
Intermission at 6 for lunch, until 10 p. m.
The three degrees were conferred, these
officers taking part: Grand Knight C. J.
Smythe, Deputy Grand Knight T. J. Nolan,
Chancellor F. J. Morlarty, Treasurer J. H.
8. hmldt. Financial Secretary C. B. Dug-
dale, Recording Secretary J. S. Monaghan,
Chaplain D. YV. Morlarty, Warden P. H.
Johnson, Deputy Warden R. J. Bourke,
lecturer K. W. Simeral, Advocate J. P.
Kngllsh, and T. J. Mahoney, territorial
district supreme knight. The trustees of
the council are John A. Crelghtoni Edward
Hayden, T. J. FItzmorris. In the Evening;.
After the Imitation ceremonies at the
hall, and as a continuation of them, was
a banquet at the Millard. E. C. Ryan was
toastmaster and these responses were
made: "Our Order and the Young Me.n,"
J. A. C. Kennedy; "The Representative
Catholic," John W. Carey, Sioux City;
"Leo XIII and the People," Rev. Michael
Daly. The banquet was attended exclu
sively by members of the order, no others
being admitted.
During the past two years the Knights
of Columbus have Increased from about
25,000to over 100,000 and the order Is still
growing very rapidly, especially In the
west. While it has an insurance feature,
and also a charitable bureau attached to
every lodge, the principal feature of the
order is educational. It Is purely Amer
ican In Its origin and alms; the study of
American history Is obligatory and patriot
ism Is inculcated In all Its ceremonies.
Recently the order succeeded in having
withdrawn from sale an edition of a stand
ard encyclopedia containing articles on
Catholic faith and doctrine which were
objectionable, and In having substituted
for them correct and official articles on
the same subjects. It has also endowed
a chair of secular history at the Catholic
university In Washington and Is constantly
at work, wherever opportunity offers. In
advancing the Interests of the church and
wiping out prejudice against It.
List of the New Members.
. These candidates were Initiated:
D. J. O'Donahoe, S. F. Coad, Jr., John J.
Murphy, Charles W. Hamilton, John
Hughes, Patrick T. Naughton, 11. V. Burk
Jey, Kev. J. W. Ktenson, P. H. Philbln,
Dan J. Farrell, F. E. Fitzgerald, E. J.
Murphy, James J. Parks, T. J. ShanHhnn,
Richard M. Doody, John C. Gilllet. Daniel
J. Stafford. Henry C. Riewe, M. J. Scott,
E. D. Geoghegan, Thomas T. Metcher, R.
D. O'Neill, Jr.. F. P. Rooney, J. A. Bchall.
I'. G. N. Boland, J. F. Murphy, P. N. Gil
lespie, W. H. Mulcahy, D. T. Costello, A.
B. McConnell, M. P. Hlnchey, Rev. Joseph
Chundalek, John J. Donahoe, Michael Cul
kln, M. J. Kane, Frank Gaertner, P. J.
Hart, J. C. Byrnes, James A. Taggart, N.
B. Bennewltz, B. F. Farrell, Rev. John
Jennette, P. H. McMahon, W. C. Ryan,
I). J. Dorsey, W. L. Buckley, Rev. John
Fitzpatrick, Rev. P. J. Judge, John A.
Templeton, M. N. Greeley, Phil F. Mo-
Envoy, it. f. wnaien, jonn u unen, w.
R. Moran, J. B. Rush. Thomas Welch, T.
F. La Veen, J. A. Donahoe, J. B. Keefe,
Rev. W. G. Curly, W. J. Conboy.
Travelers Tell of Their Observations
In Different P-ts nf the
J. S. Krebbs of McCook, Neb., Is an
Omaha visitor, and Is not averse to express
ing himself regarding the . general crop
conditions In the Republican valley, espe
cially In the western part of the state. He
said: "In my experience of twenty years
In western Nebraska I do not know that I
have ever seen the outlook for wheat and
rye surp jn the present prospoct. In the
vicinity of McCook, and I understand the
rule prevails throughout all of Hitchcock
county, the wheat prospect Is unprece
dented. The rye fields are over stirrup high
all through the valley and along the high
lands adjacent. Wheat has headed out
splendidly and It looks to me as If the
famous wheat year of 1S96 Is to be beaten.
Corn and oats do not look quite so prosper
ous from the results of the heavy .-nine.
However, the valley has not been damaged
much by the floods that prevailed farther
east. Corn has been somewhat handicapped
by the cool nights and the necessary late
planting, and even the oats look somewhat
yellow, but withal the conditions are the
best ever known In the valley."
J, L. Clews stopped In Omaha enrouts to
his home in southeast Nebraska from Al
berta, N. W. T. He went up there last
fall full of enthusiasm over the allurements
offered as to cheap lands and agricultural
prospects. He returns to Nebraska with
these observations: 'Alberta Is all right, If
the weather happens to continue all right.
But you cannot always depend on that. Tt
Is a grea wheat country and Is all right
for cattle 'if.' That 'IT Is the trouble we
have to contend with. You cannot rely on
anything. From the first of Novi-mber
until the first of March you are practically
Isolated from the rest of the world because
of the winter storms. Maybe the winter
wlll pan out all right, but the probabilities
are that it will t. Heuce there are four
months that you have to feed, as the snow
precludes the possibility of any grazing In
these months. Nor can you depend upon
harvesting your corn, which at the best
makes a stinted growth. Fross are likely
to occur as late as July 1 and then you
have to replant, with the prospect of get
ting only a stunted growth at the best,
with all conditions the most favorable. I
have come to the conclusion that Nebraska
Is good enough for me, and I propose to
stay here for the future. No more Alberta
for me, I thank you."
Manama Wlll Attend to Johnny.
John L. Dorsev. a 12-vear-old lad whr
Imagined Omaha whs too slow for one of
ins uiHposiiion, was released from the city
Jail yesterday upon request of his mnilinr.
who asmired the officers that she had a
good remedy for Johnny's weakness. I.aat
Saturday John concluded be would let to
a town where small boys receive more at
tention, so without asking his mother's
consent, nlea himself to I'lattsnmuth. Sun
day, however, he concluded 1'laltsmouth
WHsn't the town, so he came back to
Omaha, lie was arrested as he stepped
from 'he freight car and landed In Jail.
charged with incorrigibility. The mother
later decided that site oouU atttnd to
Pnplls ol St. Catherine's Academy
Give an Kntertalnment of
laasnal Merit.
St. Catherine's school yenr rinsed yes
terday Afternoon In an entertainment, the
principal part of which was an operetta,
"Florinda, or the Rose and the Pearl,"
The parts were all taken by members of
the three classes of the school, ranging In
age from 6 years up, and the most notice
able thing about the performance was the
surprising assurance of those on the stage
and the quiet, matter-of-fact way In which
they sang and gave their lines; voices did
r.ot stick In throats with stage fright, but
came out round and strong as evAi they
could at rehearsals.
The little fairy play was a patch work
of operatic music with words changed to
suit the story and several difficult bits of
action. The youthful chorus gave the
Moon song from "San Toy," with lan
terns, and little Rose Gentleman sang San
Toy's solo. "The Tale of the Sea Shell"
was also well, given. All the principals
sang well and acted almost on the same
plane of excellence. Marie Foley danced
well as one of the gypsies. Miss Llla Mc
Garvock was the accompanist and had
charge of the music. Those In the cast
Florinda. a little shepl -rdess
Oeraldlne O Malley
Tula, sister of Florinda Helen O'Neill
Fortuna, fairy queen Ruth Gentleman
Vola, gypsy queen Jessie Tucker
Fairy Queen's Attendants
, .'.Vivian 'Foley and AdaFogg
Fairies Misses Sadie Noonan, Catherine
Carrlck, Marie Benewltz, Bessie Burke,
Frances Rvan, Katie Donahoe, Mary Cul
ler). Helen Salmon, Mary Msher. Annie
Maher, Helen Crow. Rose Gentleman,
Martha Goodall. Catharine O'Neill, Alice
Marie O'Neill. Marv Swift. Alice McShane,
Frances Elv. Margaret Carrlck. lona Fog.
OvpslesMisses Marie Foley, Florence
Martin, Nellie Callahan, Lucy Millar. Mary
O'Neill. Katie Gondall, Margaret Weber,
Clare Coadv. Katie Hardy. Clara Healy.
Tvroleans Misses Eileen O'Rmirke, Agnes
Whalen, Mettle Kdney. Beatrice Hoffman,
Sadie Kellar, Nellie Callahan, Mary Doran,
May Lovely.
To begin the program an orchestra of
six violins and piano, played by young
women of the academy, gave a selection.
A chorus of younger scholars sang "Bells
of Welcome," "Merry June" and "Where
the Rippling Waters Play." A violin quin
tet, composed of Philomena Gentleman,
Nellie Dahaney, Ess(e Aarons, Lucy Mil
lar and E. Weldensoll, played Papill's
"Scene Champetre" and "Hope March,"
being accompanied by Edith Millar. Agnes
Whelan played "Italian Melody," by Bohm,
on the violin and was accompanied by May
Whelan. Sister Gertrude, the directress of
the academy, and her assistants have been
preparing for this performance for some
time. The school will reopen on the first
Monday of September.
Omaha, Aerie Expects to Do Some
Lofty Flying; at Ak-Sar-Ben's
Members of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles, Omaha aerie. No. 38, declare they
wlll Act some flying In the Immediate fu
ture which will astonish the natives of
this part of the world and especially Buch
of them as belong: to other orders. Loyaly
to city as well as to the nation, they say
In explanation,' Is one of the principles of
the order, and to show the former In the
best and most practical way they have de
cided to devote a large amount of energy
to boosting Ak-Sar-Ben.
Every one of the 1,000 Eagles in Omaha
has been sent, under the great seal and
spreading; wings of the order, an urgent
appeal to Immediately forward to Secre
tary C. E. Allen: the required check and
a fllled-ln application for membership In
the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. Already over
150 haVe responded and the committee
hopes to double that number before next
Monday evening when the Eagles are to
be given the freedom of the Den. From
plans being made by both the Ak-Sar-Bens
and the Eagles, It Is certain that it will
be one of the very warmest of all the warm
nights the Den has seen. There will be
several surprise parties, and It Is stated
that they will not all be on the Eagles.
A special team from the latter will go, pre
pared to scale the loftiest heights and fly
over both high and low places, and the
Ak-Sar-Ben committee In order to be
obliging has announced that there will be
plenty of both kinds, end also other things
along the road.
Yonnsr Woman, Deserted br Her
Lover, Coines Among- Stranger
to Suffer.
Attended by the visiting nurses and the
police surgeon, Florence w nite. i years
of age. a stranger tn tne cuy, is sic ai
the Farnam Street lodging house, a victim
of her own Innocence. He who should be
with her In her trouble, the man whose
wife she was to be, the girl refuses to name
even though he deserted her. Her Baby
was burled yesterday by Coroner Bralley.
The woman came to Omaha Friday from
her home In Joplln, Mo., which place she
left some time ago. She arrived here
with little money and without a friend.
She secured a room at the Farnam Street
lodging house and during the night her
child was born. Police Surgeon MacDiar
mtd was called and he notified the Visit
ing Nurses' association of the girl's con
dition. The nurses at once sent one of
their number to attend her and she Is now
getting along as well as the doctor could
The sick woman refused to give the name
of her betrayer and would tell nothing
of him except that he was a traveling
man who frequently yislted Joplin and to
whom she was engaged to be married.
When he learned of her condition, she said,
he quit coming to the town and she has
not seen him since. 'She Is above the
average In education and unusually pretty.
Low Bote to Boston,
One fare for the round trip via Chi
cago Great Western railway. Tickets on
sale June 24-26. Good to return July 2 (or
August 1 by payment of 50 cents extra).
Stopovers allowed. For further Informa
tion apply to any Great Western agent or
J. P. Elmer. O. P. A.. Chicago, 111.
A. J. McLaughlin and A. G. Gordon of
Lincoln are registered at the Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kester of Seward.
B. N. DeFord and George Li. Roberts of
Hastings are at the Murray.
Robert A. Morton of Cheyenne. F. W.
Kanlter, K. I. Murphy of Norfolk and C.
A. Dann of Kearney are registered tit the
William Maher of San Francisco. E. H.
Pollcvs of Missoula. Mont.. W. C. Karr and
Hon. F. M. Currle nf Sargent are at the
Her Grand.
K. PHrnaus of Sundance, Meyer Frank
of Ne wcastle. Wvo., Mrs. A. J. McAllister,
Alex Rosa of Denver and L. 8. Wolle of
Cambria. Wyo.. are at the Puxton.
Hon. F. ' J. Wescott of Salt Iake City,
private secretary to Benatnr Krurns of state. Is an Omaha visitor on 1'nlted
States court business. He Is quartered at
the Millard.
Fulton Jack of Beatrice of the firm of
Ha licit A Jack, attorneys of that city.
Is un Omaha visitor on Tinted States court
business, connected with Beatrice munici
pal bond matters.
U. I). Harris, A. M. Flllinan of Hooper.
H. V. Wallace of Tekamiih. E. I. Mlllr
of Pender. Dr. E. E. Duly of CamhrldKe
.ml r' I.: UitlmM tf llitstlnu ua rsula-
tared s4 Ua sisrebaata.
Several Milk Dealers Are Asked to Appear
in Folios Court
Health Department and Inspector
Hntton Show Determination to En
force I,nw Against Selling;
Adnlternted Lacteal Flnld.
Dealers In adulterated milk are going to
have hard sailing In Omaha. Yesterday
Court Officer Whalen notified these men
to be In court this morning and show
cause why they should not be fined. Carl
Jensen, 2119 South Forty-third street; C.
Winters, Forty-third and Valley; Lars
Jensen, K08 South Forty-second street;
Jacob Petersen, Fifth and Locust. He has
yet to locate John Gunderson and H. Hen
Ingson. .
Warrants were Issued for the arrest of
these men, and In the complaint they are
chnrged witn selling adulterated milk by
adding preservatives or other foreign sub
stances. For some time Milk Inspector
Hutton has been contemplating a ratd on
the adulterated milk dealers and he has
gone to considerable trouble to secure evi
dence upon which to base his complaints.
It Is likely, however, that these small
dealers will not be the only ones who will
come In for a share of the investigation.
One of the men 'arrested yesterday said the
authorities would better get after some of
the large creamery concerns, as they too
were selling adulterated milk and had al
ways done so.
An amusing Incident not down on the
program was pulled off while Sergeant
Whalen was serving his warrants. He had
stopped at the house of one of the men
wanted on South Forty-third street and
was sitting In his buggy when a neighbor
of the man saw him. The neighbor at
once rushed to the sergeant's buggy and
began to tell him. that It was not his
fault that he had not paid his taxes. "I
was nt your office Saturday," he . said,
"and you were not there, so I could hot
pay you. If you won't taks my goods I
will pay you now." And before the ser
geant could explain the matter the man
handed out 122. The sergeant didn't take It.
Indiana Man to Head Western Rnral
Fiee DellTery Division at
j Omaha.
It is now ascertained from authoritative
sources at Washington that S. B. Rath
bone, at present In charge of the middle
division of the rural free delivery, service
at Indianapolis has been transferred to the
western division, with headquarters at
The middle division has been transferred
from Indianapolis to Chicago, with J. P.
Walker In charge. Mr. Walker had beea
previously designated to take charge of
the western division, with headquarters In
this city, which Involved the transfer of
the headquarters to this city from Denver
The preparations for Installing the' new
division here have been In progress for
some tlmo and will occur In a few days.
The establishment of the western divi
sion headquarters of the rural free delivery
service here will bring to Omaha a consid
erable number of people connected with
the department who wlll necessarily make
their homes In this city.
Mr.' Rathbone has been connected with
the rural free delivery service since Its
Inception several years ago. He was first
employed In the line of duty In West Vir
ginia, and was subsequently assigned to
duty at Indianapolis. Prior to his entry
Into the public service he was engaged In
the steamboat service along the Ohio river
and other Intercontinental steamboat lines.
He wlll take charge here July 1,
Washing-ton anil Niagara Falls on
Excursion Tickets to Boston.
Tickets to Boston for Christian Scien
tist meeting to be sold via Pennsylvania
Short Lines, June 28, 26 and 27 wtll be gocd
via Washington, with stopover at the na
tional capital, returning via Buffalo and
Niagara Falls. Excursion tickets to Boston
obtainable July 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 via Penn
sylvania Short Lines for National Educa
tional association meeting will also be good
via Washington, returning via Niagara
Falls, and vice versa, with stopovers at
Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and
New York. For particulars apply to H. R.
Derlng. A. O. P. Agt, No. 2 Sherman
street, Chicago.
Very Low Special Excursion Rates
To Boston, Mass., Saratoga, N. Y., and
Chautauqua Lake In June and July. Lib
eral terms and stop-over privileges.
On and after June 14 the new fast train
from Chicago to Buffalo and Intermediate
points, 6:15 p. m. dally.
For lime cards, regular and special rates,
etc., send postal card to H. L. Purdy,
Trav. Pass. Agent, Erie Railroad, Chicago,
111., or D. M. Bowman, General Western
passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
The executors of the estate of Fred
Parker will sell a large number of Florence
lots, small farms suitable for gardening.
and larger farms, In Douglas county, at the
east front door of the county courthouse.
beginning at 10 a. m. Tuesday, June 23d.
The property is described in the legal ad
vertisements In The Examiner.
The. Wabash Railroad
"In the Good Old Summer TJme" offer
many special rates to Boston, Indianapolis,
Baltimore, St. Louis, Saratoga. Detroit,
Atlanta and other points.
Call at city office. 1U01 Farnam, or address
Omaha, Neh.
14.T3! H.7St H. 78 1
Chicago and return June 14-16-30, July 1.
Good till September 15, via "The Northwest
ern Line," the only double track road. 1401,
1403 Farnam St.
Tho Soda Event
of the season wlll be our opening; next
SATl KLiAV. JUNE X7T1I. when we wlll
be pleased to have all our friends pass
judgment upon the delicacies served at
KCHAEKKK'S SPA," the prettiest foun
tain In the city. Sweet strains of muvlc
wlll add to the beauty of the occasion; the
most haiL'ome store In the city awaits
your inspev on; myrius oi piscine iituu
of our own .manufacture will brilliantly
Illuminate the modern up-to-datentss of
our new store. Lowest prices, fresh goods,
firompl and courteous treatment and ex
lautttive variety to select from are some
of the secrets of the success we have at
tained In building up one of the largest
retail drug businesses In this part of the
country. Don't forget the date of our
DAltniAl) tikti.
I'Tra 'I' aad TUT.
16t . aad rhicaa-o Streets, Omaha.
i M iMTS.t .nnMAL R a N ft-
t -KM ttowr fmm aW ISlX Hit
rnmk M.rj. fwnttml. S W,4 ,1a- f .U ml
lMr Into nWM r T H.iii.m. m .mtur
I'lWtt HKI.IAULE S 10111-;.
Selling Out Prices on Men's Suits.
850 Men's Suits lo Be Sold at $7.50.
rUrtScruffntrl S I
( Mrx 7& iH
v. Hand Tailored y'w'VSw
l J ; : ijp'l !
1 'Vn-.
Boys washable sailor suits st half their
regular prices; on salo at $1.25, 85c, 'Ec.
60c and 36c.
14.75 Chicago and Return
13.50 St. Louis and Return
Tickets on sale June 30 and
July 1; return limit, September
( Flyers for Chicago leave Bur
lington station at 7 a. m., 4 p. m.
and 8.05 p. m.;for Sr. Louis
5.10 p. m.
- 'fcnrrrrririiwiiii. sijsaitr ji'ma
It Is a pure OKANOE syrup ond Is excellent to use as a punch
for social entertainments, etc. .
' i Try It as a PHOSPHATK at the soda fountain, ns a WATER ICE
OR SHERBET, as a sweet Jelly, pudding, sauce, etc. NA VELADE Is
the only PURE ORANGE drink on the market. TRY IT.
Bold through the grocery and drug trade.
., Msnulsctured by
, " ' Prult Jules Co..
W. H CLEHENTS, Distributer, 3
The Bee
is no older as far
1 1
han th day it was built.
The little things are lept con
mtly in repair.
Wouldn't you prefer an office in
uilding that never grows shabby
vhtre a broken window cord is
'tplaced the day it breaks"
At $1000 per month you can rent a
splendid little office light and well ven
tilated Including heat, light, water ajid
janitor service.
The , Bee Building:
R. C. Peter & Co.. Rental Ajrcnts.
Ground Floor. . Co'- l7th 'n1 Frn
These Pulls corns In cheviots, rasslmerral
worsteds. Unfinished worsteds and fancy
cheviots. In black blue, gray, brown anJ
fancy mixtures, in plain checks, stripes
and pin checks; not a suit worth less
than Jli'.fio; closing out
price, only
(2.1 Very Fine Men's Suits nt 10.M.
These suits are all made bv such well
known houses ns Hart, Schoffner Mnrx,
the best wholesale biiinl tailors In
America. In tlila line we have all the
latest styles and fabrics, all hand tailored
throughout, hand p.uMod shoulders and
hand felled collars, haircloth fronts; none
of there stilts were made to sell for less
wian sis.mi; llaytlen s sale
price, only
On Men's Summer Coat and Pants
An excellent, styllah, nobby and comfort
able Hue, a great variety to choose from;
every garment perfectly fitted. These
huIib come In homespuns, flannels, chev
H.s and worsted.i. In stripes, plaids, fancy
m xlures. ovcrplaids and Scotch mixtures,
the ere.itt-st variety of mens summer coat
aim pants stills ever shown In Omaha;
saic nt J5.IXI, fi.50,
JT 50 and
None of these suits orth less than $6.60
aad up t.. $
outing pants. In nil the latest shades and
fabrics. In Mrliics. nluln and mixtures.
w-trth up to JS.oo; on sale at
J1.75, U.ib, iZbii ond ,
'.!. $2.60, $.'.!. Sl!.6t
A GREAT BABGAIN In boys' and lill
drcn's spring and summer suits, made In
all the now and popular styles Special
Sale-Only 1150, $1.7." g
... ,,,., ., .
h?"h?',,e k,neo pan'8 " aIe at 10c
I 25c, 16c and
CI!) Passenger Agent,
the Las Angeles
Los Angcle, Cat.
19 South Eleventh Street, Omaha.
as wear and tear goes
it m m