THE OMAHA PAITV TW.Va WEDNESDAY. OCTOHETl 8, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MISOR MKSTIOS. Davis sella drug. Stockrrt sell carp. Is in 1 rugs. Mautht. fine watch repairing. 22 B'way. Expert wstrh repa.rlng. Irffert 4o B'wsy. Th Christy pictures f r sale. C. E. Alex ander at Co . isM Broadway. Do you play ping pong? Morgan a Dickey can furnleh you a nlra set for II. A l.Vrent Hunter flour sieve. S rnts. Sat urday only. Howe . aio Hroodwar. Olrl. have vou seen thut swell line of fall styles of papetilos at Morgan Ac Dickey's? I Visit our art department and se tha : beautiful new design in franus now In. C. B. Paint, Oil A 0;oa Co. , Horn, to Mr. and Mr. Herman Bosch of ' Mill street, a daughter. The University club will meet this after-1 noon with Mra. J. M. Matthews. i Dr. J. C. Deetken haa removed hi dental Office to No. 2ol and fl, 8app bloc. Mr. and Mra. K. B. Oiddonn left yesterday on a viait to tr lends In South Dukoia. : Mr. and Mra. Alliert Alexander h ive pone to L.08 Angflea, Cal.. to iend the winter. Mlia Grace Steffen of Tenth afreet left taut evening lor a vlalt with lrlrnua In Uienwood. Mra. Mary Casev of 412 Main afreet hia gone to Geneva, Vli., on an extended vlalt to relative. Mra. A. W. Cowlea and daughter Helen of Dea Molnea are guest of Mra. J. II. ' Kelih and Mra. J. P. Beach. ' Member of Council bluff Rebekah lodge Will meet at the tempi thl evening at i:si o clock to vlalt the Omaha lodge. Mra. Lyman Beach of Kxeter, Neb., and Mm, Darua Oould of Stoning, ill., ait- itie guests of Mra. A. P. Ho a... vt Avenue B. Mlaa Iona Brownrigg or Guernsey, W'yo., la the guest of Mrs. Krank W. Heed. Mlaa Brownrigg formerly rtslued In thin city. James H. Iarkln and Mlaa Margaret Ryan, both of thia clly, Wrie niamru ye teruay morning at HI. Francla Xavler a . church. ' Oeorge W. Culllnon of Harlan, democratic nominee for congressman from the Ninth district, was in the city yesterday In the Intereata of his candidacy. F, L. Reed, clerk of the district court, Is In Avoca looking after the business of the office there, while Deputy llatu-y la at tending the Pythian grand lodge In Dea Molnea. ! City 8ollcltor 8. B. Snyder left yesterday on a vlalt to relatives In Pittsburg, Pa. He firomlsed to bring back a grip lull of un hraclte coal to ulatrlbute among the city officials aa souvenirs. t Harry Smith and Mlaa Eva Panders will b married thla morning at St. Paul's Epis copal church and immediately alter the ceremony will leave for Minneapolis, where, they will make their home. Lewis Cutler and family have removed their residence from Oakland avenue to U6 Fourth street and the residence on Oak-, 'land avenue ha been taken by presiding Kider urimtn of tne Aietnooiat cnurcn. The annual meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Kir Insurance company of Potta wattamie county will be held thla arter noon in the Parmera' hall at tne county, court house. Oftleera for the ensuing year ! win De elected at mis meeting. The Dodge Light Guard foot ball team haa made arrangements with the motor company to play Ita tiome gamea on the base ball grounds at Lake Manawa. The motor company haa promised a 16-cent far for the round trip from thla city. Prank Fransen. the bell boy at the Kiel hotel who stole 85 from a guest, waa fined 8M) and coat In police court yesterday morning. Justice Carson, who waa noldlng court for Judge Bcott, later auspended the fine during good behavior, and the ony w released. One thousand pounds candy at 10 cents per pound. Next Saturday, October 11, the biggest candy sale of the aeaaon. Butter acotch, horehound, cocosnut taffy, peanut taffy, Yankee peanut, angel food taffy, all go at 10 cents per pound. Purity Candy Kitchen, to Broadway. Fred Umb, one of the pioneer resident of thla city and for many year caretaker at' Falrmount park, who recently under went an operation for the removal of a cancer from hla cheek, will be anie to leave the Woman' Christian Association hospital today. He will go to hla daughter, Mra. Klssell, who Uvea near Avoca. Colonel F. C. need haa transferred back to Mr. Sarah J. Morgan, wife of John 8. Morgan, former aheriff of Pottawattamie county, the Omaha at Council Bluffs Trans fer company. Deed covering the retrana fer of the real estate were tiled in the re corder office yesterday, as well a a bill of aal for the chattel property. There will' b a discussion of the read justment plan at the meeting of Hasel camp. Modern Woodmen of America, Thursday evening, In which Neighbor J. J. Stewart and other prominent member of the order will participate. An invitation has been extended to the members of Coun cil Bluff camps and a large attendance Is expected. The receipt at th Christian Home con tinue, to be below the needs of the Institu tion. Last week in the general fund the receipt were $124. 66, being 176.34 below the need of the week and Increasing the de ficiency to 721.t7. In th manager s fund the receipt were 112, being :!3 below the need of the week. The deficiency In thl fund la Increased to 816.21. v Quarterly Water Bill Bow due. S per cent discount it paid be fore Friday, Oct. 10. Office open until I'clock Friday night. Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld, S41 Broadway. Davla tell paints. Marriage License. Licenses to wed wer Issued yesterday to th following: Name and Address. Age. Mathew A. Tlnley, Council Bluff. 27 Lucy 8. Williams. Omaha 27 C 11. Bauerkemper, Council Bluff. 29 Alvena Kohrberg, Council Bluffs 36 Harry L. Smith, Council Bluff 26 Eva A. Sander, Council Blurts X Medal At Pan-American Exposition. Unlike Any Othsr t Tb (all flavor, tha deliolou qual ity, the absolute, Pyrltj, of Low. ftev'a Break fast Coo . distinguish It from ill other . N "treatment" with alkallea; no adulteration with flour, starch or grot-nd cocoa halls; nothing but th autrtttv and dlgeatlbl product of tha choicest Cocoa Been. Ask Your Dealer for It. LEWIS CUTLER alORTlCIAN. tt Fwarl St., Council Bluffs. 'Phon 7. God 1 BLUFFS. PUIS A CURB ON ATHLETES Cannot Play Foot Ball Without Oonieit f Paranta or Guardian. RULE MADE TO PROTECT SCHOOL OFFICERS Great t liana la Last Few Tear la High rhool Athletics Family ( Sow Exercises Complete Sapervlalea. A new rule has gone Into effect at th Council Bluffs High school and It affects the pupils who are desirous of playing foot ball this season In th first and second school elevens. Before any pupil will be permitted to become a member of either teajn he will be required to secure from hi parent or guardian a signed statement releasing the school district from all liability for dam ages In case of Injury to th pupil while playing and to the effect that the pupil la sufficiently strong and healthy to play. This rule haa been put In effect for th reason that last year the parent of several of the pupils who played foot ball blamed the school authorities for permitting their sons to play on team without first obtain ing their consent. It wa therefore de cided this year that In view of these com plaint and to prevent further criticism from parents that the statements from "par ent and guardians be required before the student would bo periuttU-d to play. Athletics at the high school have In the course of the last two years been placed on a very different footing from the past. The school authorities now exercise almost complete supervision over all forma of ath- letlcs. Including foot ball and base ball. In 1 fact they have come to be considered aa practically a part of the high school work and are ao recognized by the Board of Kdu- I cation, which last year added to the high school faculty a teacher who act also aa athletic Instructor and coach. Since hi. ap pointment athletics at the high school have been under the direct personal supervision . of Prof. Millar. The new rule ha. not met with any op position and tha atudenta who expect to play fcot ball thla aeason hav readily com piled with Ita requlrementa. quarterly Water BUI now due. 5 per cent discount If paid be fore Friday, Oct. 10. Office open until 9 o'clock Friday night. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 258. Matter la District Conrt. In the district court after the evidence for the plaintiff In the personal Injury damage suit of George P. Flesher against the Wabash Railroad company bad been Intro duced, the case waa dismissed by the plain tiff prejudice This action waa taken after tha dofense had moved to hav the caae taken from the Jury. Fresher sued for $1,999 for Injuries alleged to have been received while employed at th defendant company's coal chute In this city. William Ryan, Indicted on a chsrgs of stealing $90 from Thomas K. Madden, a fellow laborer In on of the Great West ern grading camps near Underwocd. entered a plea of guilty and waa gentenced by Judge Macy to two year In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. He was taken there last evening by Deputy Sheriff Canning. In the ault of Dell M. Weaver against Fred Ingersoll and J. M. Barto, Judge Macy yes terday handed down hla decision, giving the plaintiff Judgment for $40 against Ingersoll and continuing the case against Barto for personal service. Lillian Felix, a colored woman charged with shooting at Jesse Felix, her hueband, was permitted to plead guilty In district court yesterday to pointing a gun unlaw fully and waa aentenced to ten day In the county jail. Portland Company Goes Free. County Treasurer Arnd has decided to take no further steps for the present In the matter of placing the assessment cf the Portland Gold Mining company of Colorado on the tax books. After consulting County Attorney Klllpack yesterday, Mr. Arnd de-elded- that the proper course to tax th company bad not been adopted. Acting on the advice of the county attorney, Mr. Arnd will have served through Ross & Ross, th company', local agents and attorney, de mands for statements from the Individual stockholders, thla being the course adopted In th assessing of th local banka. While Mr. Arnd la now of the opinion that th Individual stockholder should be assessed the company will be called upon to pay the tax provided an attempt to collect ia mad. Treasurer Arnd said tha whole ques tion waa a most complicated one and' one that the courts would la all probability have to Anally determine. Quarterly Water BUI now due. S per oent discount If paid be fore Friday, Oct. 10. Office open until o'clock Friday night. Plumbing and heating. Btxby Son. Abandon Isolation Hospital. The city authorities have practically I abandoned the Idea of enlarging the laola It Ion hospital near Mynster spring owing to I th refusal of th trustee of Garner town I ship to permit the city to erect an add tlon Ifor a female ward. Tha proposal to erect a city hoapltal for contagious dler such aa smallpox within the corporate limits has not met with much favor, tha objections being on the grounds of tb expense of maintaining such an institution. Th al dermen. who with the mayor and city phy- lctan. constitute the local Board of Health hav finally decided to e what arrange menta can be made with th Slater of Mercy In charge of St Bernard' hospital to ear for smallpox ease. Real Katat Transfer. The transfers wer Iliad yUrday In the abstract, tit! and loan office of J. W. Squlra, 101 Ptsrl strset: John O'Keefe to Edward O'Keefe, lot S, block 15. Howard add, q, e. d t i 1 F. C. Reed, guardian, to Earah J. Morgan, lot 1. block . Williams' lat add, g. d F. C. Reed to same, lot I, block . William' lat add, w. d V. 1. 111. Ia Li lurla VC lf(,lunk.Alr 1.800 1.000 undlvS lot 1, block .Wllllama' lat add, w. d Horace J. Evan to same, lot 11, block I. Caaady add, w. d Robert Bleakly to W. F. Heath, lot II, block , Ferry add. . w. d E. C. Claui) and Arthur I'rvor to 175 160 50 Adam Young, sk, sV. neli 4-74-iO. w 4. 1,440 Sheriff to William Wray, aeti ae4 U. Il-M, . O I Total eight transfers Davis sella glss. Bluffs Day at Apple Carnival. Today will be Council Bluffs day at th I Olenwocd ppl carnival and street fair i and a number ot council mull Elks ara planning t apnd th day thar. Th dele gation will leav aver the Burlington thl morning at 10:45 and mora ar expected ta go on th afternoon train at 4.i& o'clock. The return trip ran be made at S p. m. or 10 p. m. Exalted Ruler Emmet Tlnley la anxloua that the ledge be well represented as the Glenwood people were liberal patrons of the street fair and carnival In thla city. Few Attend Missionary Meeting. The attendance at the quarterly meeting cf the Federation of the Missionary Socie ties of the Christian churrhei of Council Bluffs, Omaha and South Omaha, held In this elty yesterday, was not what had been anticipated. This waa especial! true of the morning aesslon. The program at arranged was, however, carried out. Dinner waa served at noon to th Tlaltora by the women of the church. STICKNEY MAKES INSPECTION Satiated with Progress oa Omaha Line, hat Doe Kot Bar When It Will Be Completed. FORT DODGE, la., Oct 7. (Special tele gram.) President A. B. Stlckney and Gen eral Manager S. C. Stlckney of the Chicago Great Western railroad, were In the city this morning enroute to St Paul, after a X'nZ't Z'J?rltCX'A 8l0UX CUT ,,ne 0f!b.nd9omo.trUctur,wlth nploT.r.ndaa. to PrXnt Stlckney .fated that they had ! ZLZ' rT r-' T.t been over the ground thoroughly, but de- b Tm' ,n fe?ar ! cllned to make any .t.tement a. to when ' "0Jn"' cf.on"n,",on bM ;.... . . the contract for working plana. The com TlZuS0 eLcted F, R. Conaway of a "h'm.elf a. .....Hed ,h. rer"'" V!.' progrcs. made on the new Omaha lln. In ' M0fmfmltt02, " " iplte of the bad weather which ha. hindered 'u'e; 'l' ,. , ,Th' e Tk Kn7' the grader., but declined to commit himself : ? i",nT , J B P , , l" a to when the line will be completed. j "5,r. hf, ''T "d contract before spring. The commission FIND MRS. BURNS' STRAW HAT Only Cine Yet Discovered to Where abonta of MUalnar glonx City Woman. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 7. (Special Tele- gram.) A straw hat found by the river bank 1 the only clue to the mysterious dlsap- pearance of Mrs. T. F. Burns, the Sioux City society woman. The police have been dynamiting the river, but without results, j Chief of Police Davenport has called for cf an -alleged ring or clique In tha grand volunteers and tomorrow morning a posse lodge. The lodge of Rstbbone Slstera also of several hundred men will scour the sur- ; meets tomorrow. It Is understood the fol rounding wood, and corn field j to see If by lowing will bo elected to office In this lodge: any possibility the body can be found. W. , I f I Tl 1 1 hnp hpntha1.ln.Uw -Mil ttallavAa ... " , . w. wLu. .w .. , - " v . . " r, . ... ... u . . - ... ... . u . j i . i ii i , v rvini she wa. murdered by tramps for her jew- Rapids; grand Junior, Mrs. Skinner, Winter dry. Mrs. Burn, wore about $1,000 worth set; grand manager, Mra. Mattla Johnson; of Jewelry at the time of her disappear ance. BIG RED APPLE IN EVIDENCE Large Crowd In Attendance at the App'e Carnival and Fall Featlvltle. GLENWOOD, la., Oct 7. (Special.) The third apple carnival opened In Glen wood today.' The weather Is perfect and largo crowds are attending. The apple ex hibit la the finest ever made here, the fruit being of a better quality this year than aaual. After a parade this morning the fair opened In earnest. Large numbers of ex cursionists are In attendance. For three daya the festivities will continue, closing Thursday night - Omaha and. Council Bluffs people especially are taking great Interest In the novel exhibition- The fantastic dec oration, cause much comment ,. . THROWS BOILER HALF BLOCK . regard to presumption of guilt on ac- Terriao K.alo.lo. Oee-r. I. Cre.toa ( count o( of .J. pr?p Laandry, hat Fortanately Occa- j Brady lived east of De. Molnea and atolen pants Kseape Injury. harness were found in hi woodshed a 1 few days after the burglary and he la al- CRESTON, la., Oct. 7. (Special Tele- ,eged t0 have ,old ome of tno tol P'OP gram.)-The boiler In Join'a laundry ertjr to otner bo ,nI discovery. He exploded thla morning. All the oc- Paented an alibi, but the case waa over cupanta escaped Injury, but the boiler Tule ion the that In giving In- waa thrown several hundred feet in the Auctions to the Jury the court made It air and lodged In the office of Justice Oould fPPear that possession of stolen property half a block away. The causa of the ex- " Prlma facla evidence of guilt. The new nloslon la not known. Poor Crop Situation. CRESTON, la., Oct. 7. (Special.) The crop situation In Union county la very gloomy and It looks now as If there would be but little over 25 per cent of the crop saved. Much of the oats has not yet been threshed on account of the ground being too wet to allow the thresher to move. Some of the early corn that was all right has been cut and shocked, but much of that waa ruined by th rain of Saturday. The oat and wheat, while a heavy yield, are all damaged to a great extent and the corn Is nearly all unmarketable on account of being caught by the fro.t early last month. The apple crop and late potatoes are all that will be up to the average and these are very fine. Tha yield of corn and oata will be heavier than usual, but nearly all of It will hav to ba fed at bom. f ht'dien Leave with Farmhand. GARNER, la., Oct 7. (Special.) Miss Maml Klrkwood, aged 18, her two broth er, William and Samuel, aged 18 and 14. reapeotlvely, and two young men named Corning and Coney departed early Monday morning for parta unknown. The Klrk wood farm la ten mile aoutheast of thla place. Corning and Coney were In Mr. Klrkwood'a employ aa , farm handa. Miss Mamie is a beautiful brunette, who haa alwaya had bar own way and ia Inclined to be wild. Her brother wer steady young fellows. The five drove to Garner and flv ticket were purchased tor th arly morning train for Parker, 8. D., but nothing can be learned of tbem at that point. Tha children had alwaya been well treated. Take I'p Mtsalonarr Work. WATERLOO, la.. Oct. 7. (Special.) D. J. Lickjty of Orang township left today fo' Cugarat province. Wett India, where ha ! will enter th mission field under th aus pices or tne uunnara cnurcn. ho i strong and healthy and will face the dreaded dis eases of that country with tb Intention of spending th best years of hla life there, teaching the natives. It will take several months Of al first year to master the language to a working degree. He Is th aeoond realdent of the townahlp to go to that country for mlslson work. Play Joke aa 111 Flock. INDEPENDENCE. Ia., Oct. 7. (Special.) Partly to test th generosity of his peo ple and partly for amusement Rev. E. W. Macum on hi return from hi vacation aa- sumed th role of a tramp, having concealed hla Identity by a full beard he had grown, assisted by old clothea. He asked about half of hla congregation for bread and wa turned down In mora than halt th placea. When ba made hla Identity known those who refused to even offer tb stone of acrlptuwl proverb aeemed to wish for th mountain to hid them. Private Bank Cleae Doers. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Oct 7. (Special Tel gram ) Tha Bank of Oto, a private bank, owned by F. H. Cutting, mayor ot Oto, and J. T. Wlllett representative from Wood bury county, closed Its doors today, be cause of the stringency la th money market, note being called In faster than It was able to matt thesa. Liabilities, (30,000; assets, 16,0oo. PLANS FOR IOWA BUILDING Call far Itractor at BU Lon.ii Expoiitiat t lort Fifty Thousand Dollar. PYTHIANS ARE HAVING A LIVELY TIME Hapreme Court Convene and Ansil Other Thing Hand Dow Sew Rale oa Preaamptloa f OnUt (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Oct 7. (Special.) Th Iowa commission to the St. Louis exposi tion held a meeting today and prepared to commence business. The commissioner present were: Chairman Larrabeo and Messra. Trewlo, Harrlman, Whiting, Leach, Wltmer, Prentla, 8hepherd and Curtis. The principal work waa consideration of the plans for the Iowa building at St Louie. Preliminary plana were submitted from two architectural firms for a proposed Iowa V., IMIn. TK..n ...... I.. - 1 will hav headquarters In Dea Molnea and maintain an office here. Pythian. oa Hand. The grand lodge Knight, of Pythla wilt meet tomorrow morning. It la certain that there will be some Interesting develop ments because of tho fight over the official positions. The candidate, have been In discreet in their announcement, and tha grand chancellor. It 1. understood, haa de- termlned upon making recommendations In regard to the attacks made upon him and other officials. There to a fight on because Grand chief, Mra. Carrie Hunter, Newton; mnil MAnlnr fia Vf n n, f Tt7ln- . . grand protector, Mrs. Emma Kelpp, Colfax; grand guard, Mr.. Valeria Hammond, Eagle Grove. Supreme Conrt la Seaslon. The October term of th Iowa auprama court opened thl. morning with all the Judaea on the bench. The docket waa called and case, from the First district immediately called. John C. Crockett, clerk-elect, waa In the city, and on tha In vitation of Chria T. Jonea, prcacnt clerk, at with the latter at the opening of court. Judge Charles A. Bishop .at on the bench for the first time. Hla first opinion was filed. In It he reversed the ruling, of Judge Church of Jefferson In a elvlj mijt. This is the case of Iobn Maloney agatnst T. C. Phillips, appellant, from Greene county. In which -tb plaintiff had secured judgment against the. defendant for aliena tion of the affections of the former'a wife. New Rale el Law. In the case of thci State agatnst Brady, from Polk county,' in) which fhe rulings of the late Judge Conrad are reversed, the court laya down an entirely new rule in i U,D " '"'u uuwn lUBl lnl" " on'y an m dicatlon and not proof and that there must be other evidence to connect the defendant with the crime. In tho case against A. S. Terry of Sioux City there was affirmation on technical grounds. Ho was tried for one crime and they failed of conviction, but he waa con- vlcted of having perjured himself In hla testimony. In the case against Irwin, who is a doctor at Earlham, the case waa re versed because he waa convicted under a statute intenat-a to reacn cases where a house Is resorted to for Immoral purposes, when In this case his immorality waa In nts own residence and In only one ln.tance. Goes Hack to Prison. WATERLOO. Ia.,' Oct. 7. (Special.) MERIT MAKES IT FAMOUS. Tho Only Remedy la tha World Exiept ti Surgical Op rat ion, that Will Certainly Curd Any Form of Piles. The atudy of physicians, tha expertmenta of chemists, the loudly advertised preten sions of quacka, 'hare been for years ex pended in one direction to find a pll cure that would cur. . The results have been a number of harm less and In most cases useless ointments, suppositories and even Internal remedies, . which the publlo have weighed In tha bal anc of experience and found wanting; ' nnarlv all nf thm .an anm v-aIIa? hut nothing approaching a radical cur resulted. from these preparatlona. The remedy required Is one which will immediately stop the pain ao severe In many case of plies, and then by contract Ing tha small blood vessela (capillaries) ta their normal slxe, produces a radical cur by reducing and finally absorbing the tu mors and healing the inflamed, raw mu cous surfaces. Until a few years ago no auch remedy hd been produced, but at that time a sup poaitory wa placed upon th market which baa sine proven itself to be the long sought permanent cure for this common and dl treislng trouble; It haa rapidly becom fa mous throughout tba United 8tatea and Canada, and I now sold by all druggists under th nam of Pyramid Pile Cur. It 1 now the beat known, because It merit and safety hav advertised It when ever used. It ha been advertised by word of mouth, from one sufferer to another peopl who hav triad everything else, even submitting to painful and dangerous surgl I eal operation without avail, have finally j found that pile ran be cured without pain and without expense practically, aa th Pyramid Pll Cure is sold for the nomins price of aO cent., and 11 per package. Tho Pyramid Instantly stops all pain and at the same tlm contain no cocaine, mor phln or narcotic; th acids and healing properties contained In th remedy speedily remove, cause a healthful, natural eontrae tlon and absorption f the tumors; It will cur any form of rectal trouble except can cer and advanced fistula, which by tb way nearly always reault from neglecting proper and timely treatment for pile. A book on cause and cur of pile free by addreislpg Pyramid Drug Co., Mar shall. Mich. The H-0 ?J Company . t Emll Dlmlar, who waa arrested here for robbing a meat market and served three month In the penitentiary, haa been re turned to Anamosa for three year for rob bing a ator where he waa working at Blalrstown. He aold the good, at Cedar Raplda. Give Hospital to Charch. WEBSTER CITT. Ia.. Oct 7. (Special Telegram.) Jacob M. Funk, who 1. build ing a 120,000 hospital for th use of the public in thia city, haa given the building complete and furnished to tha Northwest Iowa Methodist conference. The conference will maintain it and accept patlenta with out regard to color, aex or creed. There ara 200 churchea In the conference. Trains Collide at Crossing;. biuCA CITK. la,, Oct. 7. A Chicago & Northwestern switch engine today struck a Milwaukee passenger train broadside where the two roada cross. Four car were de railed and th expresa car rolled fifteen feet down an embankment. The expresa messenger, Harry M. Wdaiagar, waa badly bruised. No one elaa waa hurt Iowa State New Note. The dairyman at Ottumwa who doctored hi. milk with formaldehyde has been fined U& and cost. A four-Inch table leg waa hurled with auch violence by a circular aaw at Fort Dodge a. to pierce the ntomach of John Steinbeck, with fatal result. A Waukon man lust anrlng got drunk and aet fir to the building, perishing in the flames. HI widow ha. juat got Judg ment for II, SM against the saloon man who sold him th boose. A farmer near Marshalltown prepared hla seed In a novel way last spring, tie soaked a barrel of corn In water anil then turned a powerful current of electricity Into it. It yields seventy bushel per acre. The chairman of the school board at Sioux City announce that the moat of the schools will have to be closed as soon aa th cold weather atarts in on account of the Impossibility of heating them. Since the middle of July a forty-eight buffalo lien, weighing from five to forty Minima eacn, nave Dten seinea irom center ak In Dickinson county, and aold in local marketa. It la lawful to aeln for buffalo. The First National bank at Sioux City haa got at loggerhead with other local banka and with live stock commission men. with the reault that the latter are paying In silver drafts through the First National. Amount aa high a $2.Su and 13,uU0 have thus been forced on It collectors. Th Onawa man who Impersonated an officer and threatened to arrest a young fellow unless he coughed up So cents, which tne latter aia, is now in tne nanos oi a real officer, under charge of obtaining money under falae pretenses and In a fair way to serve out a long Jail sentence. NORMALS SCORE ONCE ON IOWA Varsity Bey W ta the Game by a Total a listy-Tkree to Five. IOWA CITT. Ia.. Oct 7. (Special Tele gram.) Iowa opened Its foot ball season by defeating tbe Slat Normal school 63 to 6 on Iowa field thl afternoon. Iowa opened th game by scoring within two minute on end playa and continued the same fast work throughout the game. The Interfer ence wa good, (specially the helping work by Ochiltree, Jones, omens, tiouenbeck and White. The playa were worked smoothly for the moat part The end clays wer used most frequently, though the line buck, when tried, gained ground consist ently. Howell wa th only Iowa plaver unable to advance tne Dan ateamiy. tne Normal! touchdown wa gained by a forty-five-yard fluke run to Iowa' elght vard Una and two aucceseful leap over tackle mad In alx down. Tha lineup wa: JOWA. I NORMAL. tbarU ,...U B R. K. Btmwa Coullhar4 ....I T. ... U O. C. ....R. O. H. T H O c , u o I T U. B. Q. L. H. B..J. . R. B ... r. b Burkhaltar Mrra .. Jo Wrifht . .. LhinkenoQ Kit Lowmaa Colloa C Jonas (cpt.) 8tnff ....Tom Jonoa Donovaa Hrlft. Atkinson Fr4 Buekwy .n. t. Hallnkack (oast.).... K JnM 1. U Wait k H. u. Holl R. M. b OchlltrM F. B Mubatltutea: Bernr for Coulthard. John son tor Donovan, Cheatey for Atkinson. Ross for Hollenbeck. Griffith for Jones, Roy Bucklev for Howell, Coulthard and Hollenbeck for Ochiltree, Willis for Low man, Wendl for Kibe, Reese for Punkerton, Willis for Tom Jones. Umpire: Clyde Wil liam. Referee; Gas Graham. Length of halves: 25:00. With th Bowler. in hnwllnr contest last evenlncr at the Gate City alley th Krug Turks defeated the Westerns by the following scores: KRUQ'S PARK. 1st. 3d 3d. Tot. Francisco ... Horwtch .... Frush Mathal Bengel .... Total ... lM 163 Ut la6 ...1K9 11 4 43 ...IS! 159 147 ...1M 17s 15T ..163 166 ia Kit 808 845 2.4S8 ! WESTERNS. I 1st. Id. !M. Tot Reed Bianton Selei k Ay era Reynold ... Total ... ITS 11 Via 1K5 142 143 liS 111 m ; 8S1 3M 449 ; I 127 1 7 ISA 185 lil lot ,70 704 792 SXM Hastiest Win Ball Game. HASTINGS. Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special Tele- fram.) A moat Interesting gam of line .11 waa nlaved her today between the Hasting and th Bladen nine. Th home . tMig won out by a cor of 8 to t. but It I had to plav ball to do It. Jaka Oettman, th star Buffalo fielder. slated Hasting , and made a home run at an opportune time, with two men on baaea. Brown and Schaufelberger also distinguished them- ' aalve during th gam. 1 Light Biscuits; Light Cakes; Light Pastry; and, Light Hearts, QuicfcasaWink! WINS KENTUCKY FUTURITY Nallle Jtj First Among tha Thraa-Year-Olds in LaxiugtaD. Trot GAIL HAMILTON TAKES TWO HEATS Haa The Rajah for a Leader Early la the Game, bat McKay Drtves for . f 10,000 and Make Good. LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct 7. The Ken tucky Breeders' association's thirteenth meeting began today, the feature being tha Kentucky futurity tor 8-year-old trottera, which again resulted In a surprise. The Rajah, the heavily backed favorite, broke three times In the first heat finished la.t and waa distanced. After five bard-fought heats Nellie Jay, tha Jay Hawkea Alley owned by George R. Wooden of Boston, captured the rich stake. For driving her to victory F.. McKay ..recnlved $10,000 and half the winnings in the betting ring. When The Rajah ceaaed to ba a possi bility Gall Hamilton, which won the first heat, became favorite and encouraged her backer by taking the second heat She then retired to the ruck, Nellie Jay fight ing it out with John Mo and Anak tha entire route in the last three heata. When Driver McKay had saluted the Judges' stand after the deciding heat ha waa taken from tbe aulky and carried on the shoul ders of friend, to tbe grandstand while 8,000 people cheered. The weather waa ideal; track fast Summary: First race, the Tennessee stakes, purse w.uuu, z:us cihsh, pacing, inree in nve; Twinkle, hr. m.. bv Mercurv (Hudson) 15 8 11 Daphne Dallas, br. m. (Ken- ney) 8 114 4 Carl Wilkes, ch. g. (McDonald).. 4 4 2 3 2 Dan R. ch. g. ((Vers) 2 2 7 10 Prince Direct, blk. h. (McHenry) 8 8 8 5 6 Nervola. b. h. (Dean) 10 10 9 8 8 l'tnchem Wilkes, b. g. (Elites)... 9 S 4 6 New Richmond, a. h. (Benedict) 6 8 5 9 7 Bir Albert, b. g. (Saunders) 7 7 8 8 9 Terrace Queen, b. m. (Schaffer) 6 9 10 7 10 Cambria Maid and Cotillion were scratched. Time: 2:06U, 2:06. 2:074, 2:0594. 1:08. Second race, Kentucky Futurity, purse IH.ouO. I2,xpu to second. Sl.ono to third. . to fourth; for foals of 18S9, trotting, three in five heats: Nellie " Jay. ch. f.. by Jay Hawkes (McKay) 8 8 111 Gall Hamilton, blk. f. (Hudson). 118 8 4 John Mc, b. g. (Milan) 2 2 4 8 2 Anak. b. g. (Mubrey) 8 8 3 4 8 Pat Henry, b. g. (Beachy) 6 7 2 8 REMICK'S ECZEMA CURE. The firai application gives relief t on bos will our any ordinary eas of Tnssns, Ptasp!) Barber's ith and a.l itching or scaly eruption. Prio, Fifty Cent per bos. PURIFY TKE BLCCD. Pll r?Q quickly cured lbla Cure, Th first FREE BOnOZOHE OFFER. 0000 F0R A 600 B0TTLL Cut out and sign this eoonon.tak It to any of a fifty-cent box of iUinluk's Kczama Cure and nriy oente regu ar pnoe, si.w. poroson, ine reuaoie autiiaptio, germicide and aialnieotant I new uaed aad endorsed by thousand ef Bronloaat paopl lor Cut, burus, Old 8ortt, fior Musoles, Rheumatism, Ivy I'oiiou, I.:sct Bit, Catarrh aad ara Threat. XEMICK MEDICINE CO.. SIS N. 3d St, ST. LOUIS, MO. COUPON. Name Adirea . Kuhn Co., 15th and Douglas St, Oma Omaha; Schaefer'a. 16th and Chicago Sis., 14th and Dodge Hts . Omaha; C. A. Melch Davis, roo V Broadway, Council Bluffs. At Ji BLOOD POISON OR ' to consult us at ofBe and If you take treatment charge will be entlraly aatUfae- W, A. COOK, tory .lo Iou EVERYTHING STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Jftatt Cook Medical Company of Men. 112 South 14th St. Over Dally New. Omaha. AnS the SetnenS U $uch that M Souhi if yea can buy it Hive, br. f, (Chandler) t I f Roma, b. i. (Sparks) 4 4 7 1 1 Margaret Bathgate, b. t. (Oat- comb and Titer) T I It I The Rajah, The Kyiilllo and Slater Col lege were distanced In first Time: 2:1H, 8:14ft. J:14S4, S:14V4. 1:11 Third race. 3:17 class, trotting, pur 11.000, two In three: Doctor Strong, g. g., by Strong Bor (Gahagan) 1 J Lady Katherln. b. m. (Johnoon) 3 I Millard Sanders, b. tr. (Merrlfteld) 2 4 Lady Constantlna. ch. m. (Loomls) liaron Ben, d. n. muasonj Norris, b. g. (Keyee) Karl Wilton, b. h. (Nuckols) Hall Fry, b. g. (Goofs) The Astronomer, b. h. (Chandler).. .ifm VAntnn b m. (Pattaraonl .... 6 10 ....12 t .... 7 .... i ....10 7 .... 8 11 Yorkshire Chimes, br. h. (BarngTOve)..ll t Maud Marc. ch. m. (McLaughlin) . 8 18 Frugality, Texas. Earllne and King Clere were distanced In first. Time: 3:14. iXtX,. ... Fourth race, 2:11 class, pacing, two In three, purse 81,000; . . Kavellf b. h.. bv Koemlln (McDonald). 1 1 Byrl Wilkes, b. g. (Stockton) 1 I Donna McGregor, br. m. (Klrby) 4 8 Miss Wlllamont. b. m. (Millar) 8 7 Ollvewood, br. g- (Hayden) f 4 Home Circle, b. g. (Nuckots).... i I Willie Osborn, b. h. (Pennock) 7 Savannah Maid. b. m. (Bush) Ids Carllngton Girl wa scratched. Time; 2:07. 2:0W- PITTSBURG WINS FIRST GAME National Leasroe Chaaaploaa" Bla well la Series with Star ef Anserleaa Organisation. PITTSBURG. Oct 7.-Th champion Pittsburg, and the All-American atar played the first of their series here today. Rain fell freely during the first five Inning. The visitor could do little with Leaver up to the ninth Inning, when an error, two hits and a fly to the outfield netted them three runs. Young also pitched a fine game. The feature of the game wa the sensa tional work of leach at third for Pittsburg. Attendance, 2.2O0. Score: R H H Pittsburg 20200000 4 8 1 All-Amer 00000000 8-8 8 1 Batteries: Pittsburg, Leever and Smith; All-Americana, Young and Sullivan. Um pires: O'Day and O'Laughlln. Llptoa thallena Signed. LOND6N. Oct. 7. Sir Thomas Upton' third challenge for a series of races for th America's cup was signed this after noon at Belfaat. Ireland, by the officials of the Royal Ulster Yacht club. Hon. Charles Russell represented Sir Thorns Lip ton. The challenge wa posted, and goea to New York on th steamer Oceanic, which sails from Liverpool tomorrow and from Queenstown on Thursday. The Associated Preas understands that the terms of the challenge do not ma terially differ from those of 1900. The ft rat race are expected to take place In August Sir Thomas Upton said: "I cannot dlacuss the term until th offi cial of the New York Yacht riub hav had an opportunity to deal with them and have signified their opinion In regard to them." rl Quickly & Pcnrtgnerrtr) MCVRED BY USING (JULi b.y nstn Bemtch Era a application give inataat reuaC. th following druggist and they will give y a larg flty-oent boUi of Boiusoua both , OROZONt. ha; J. H. Merchant, 16th and Howard St., Omaha; Bheman Ac MrConnall Drug Co, cr, 8401 N. St, South Omaha; Oto. B. -" mm Private Diseases of Men In th treatment of Privet DISEASES OP MEN, to which our practice I limited and to which our aacluslv thought and experience ha bean devoted for mor than 21 year, WE GIVE A LEOAL WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CURB PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund vary eent rM 1 1 Inmhlul with VlHIPnTICIJ! IUVnTKMPT KEFLEX DISORDERS It will pay yeu or by Utter. CONSULTATION PRE 8, J 1 1, (V 'XL