) ITIE OMAITA DAILY IT EE: TVTEDN OCTOIl.Eir 8, 1P02. lo RECEIVER FOR PAXTOX HOTEL B.oais Miller Allege, that Propartj i Not Being Pupirly Haidlei. WANTS COURT TO ORDER AN ACCOUNTING rrlnrlpat nr Is H KHrbes, Majority Stockholder, Paid Illm'aelf EteMilf Pries for Strip of Land. At the result of the real eiitate transac tion between J. B. Kitchen and the Kitchen Bros. Hotel company, Rome Miller, a stock bolder in the company, has brought ault In the district court to have a receiver ap pointed for the company and Ita affairs In vestigated. The application for a receiver vat eet for hearing by Judge Estelle for Baturday, October 11. SOLDIER HELD FOR MURDER i Edward Morrla Met Answer for a Kllllnar of Hearr MrKee. In accordance with recommandatlrno road by a military board of Investigation at Fort Niobrara, Vnited States District Attorney Rummers has filed with Vnited States Com missioner Gustav Anderson a complaint against Edward Morrla. a private In D com pany or the Twenty-fifth Infantry, charging him with the murder of Henry McKea, a private In the same company. McKee was shot and killed by Morris on September 17 last at Fort Niobrara, where the Twanty-flfth la atatloned. The affair occurred about an hour after retreat, near 8 o'clock. In the rear of D company' quar ters. Morrla and McKee, with other sol diers, were assembled around a crap .game In progress on a table. Walter Johnson, another D company private, was running the game. Neither Morris nor McKee had any money with which to play and In some Aeeordlnr to the application filed by the i . .... .i . ... ...wi.. attorneys for the complainant, the Kitchen m wm Bros. Hotel company Is a corporation j ... . , .. with capital stock of $500,000 the shares , v., l.ij v I .tAa ttit tnfl con- ... tKium nmu u7 " . ... commander appointed a board of three offl- trolllng Interest, 293 shares of 11.000 '., to investigate the case. This board. is held ny J. u. M.cn. , .n L"" "' iftr a aurvey of the matter, recommended noma Miner, me compiiuu-uv. --- that Morris be tried f murder. He will plaint recitea that the holder of the m-,b( faJ(in befoM fc Un,te(. gutM commit. jorlty or the stock is not oner at valentine. Nb.. Wednesday, Dullness or ine company ior iuo vc. ... tha stockholders, but for his personal ad vantage. It then takea up the sale of the twenty-two feet of land on Farnam atreet Immi.dlatily adjoining the Paxton hotel on the west, which was sold by J. B. Kitchen to the hotel company, and allege that the price. $76,000, waa excessive; that In taking a mortgage for the balance due on the sale Mr. Kitchen has placed a lien upon the entire property of the hotel company, In- . . . . i . . V ciuaing tne raxton notei a ; revolver from hi' shirt and shot McKee. fnpnllitM anA Avturoa thnrnnf. The com- . ... ........ ? plalnant aays that the title to the twenty two feet was In J. B. Kitchen, but asks the Johnson, who waa running the game, said to the board that ae the dice Midi around I to where McKee was standing asked for a stake. It waa forthcoming aid he lost. Then It came to Morris turn, and ha asked for a stake. No on offered It, so ha could not play. When the dice earn to McKee again he aaked for a teoond stake. and at that Morris cursed him for a beggar ' and McKee replied that h had not aaked : Morris ror anything. Tha latter drew a court to determine whether It belonged to him or the hotel company prevloua to the sale. The complaint aays that Mr. Kitchen owes the company large aums of money and that the stockholders are at the mercy of the holder of the majority of the shares unless the court will Intervene to protect their rights. -It therefore asks for a receiver and to have an accounting to ascertain ths exact condition of the accounts between the hotel company and the holder of tha ma jority of the stock. A Thooahtfol Hnaband Cared his wife of fainting and dlszy apella, weakness, headache and backache with Electric Bitters. Try tbem. 50c. For ale by Kuhn ft Co. VISITS HIS BOYHOOD HOME Sheriff John Power Returns from a Pleasant Vacation Experience In the Euat. Sheriff John Power returned home yea terday after an absence of about four weeka In the east. The primary object of hla trip waa to attend the National Prison congress, which met at Philadelphia, but while In the east he took advantage of the opportunity to visit New York, Boston, Washington, Brooklyn, Niagara Falls and other places of Interest. Sheriff Power lived In Philadelphia when a boy and there fore his visit to that city waa of particular Interest to him. A portion of the time he waa there he was' the guest of tha family with whom be lived when a boy and who are still living In the same bouse they oc cupied at that time. who fell on hla face and died In the hospital shortly afterward. Morrla aaya that the gun waa discharged accidentally, that he waa In fun and merely pulled It to make a couple of Jabs at McKee, hut that as he atepped back and the gun went off. Announcements of the Theaters. The bill this week at ths Orphenm drawing and pleasing full houses and the women and children who attend the mati nee this afternoon will And In It a varied assortment of entertainment of tha kind they will like. Carroll Johnson la scoring big. Among the songs he sings 1 the "Rose of KUlarney," which Is quits the rage In the east. He dances aa lightly and graceful aa ever and la repeating with much success his recitation on a prlas fight. An other strong card Is Rapoll, the famoua German Juggler, who certainly la a leader of his guild. The feats he performs are astounding, many of which are different from any seen here. "The Wizard of Os, the new extrav ganza which will be seen here at Boyd'a, opening Thursday night for the balance of the week, Is said to be a magnlfloent pageant of pictorial art, feminine beanty and novel spectacular surprises, but It haa the further merit of a cleverly conceived atory, with two very original charactera, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, ab solutely without prototypes In the field of extravaganza. Fred Stone's Scarecrow la described ty one Chicago critic as a great work of art. Mr. Stone is an eccentrlo comedian who has recently risen to fame In the profession through his extraordinary talents aa a pantomlmlst, dancer, contor tionist and acrobat, but unlike most of the clever knockabout comedians who have graduated from the vaudeville stage. Unique souvenir spoons, Edholm, Jeweler. ttlOO P. M. ELECTRIC LIGHTED STEAM HEATED v SOLID VESTIBULED Limited train via MILWAUKEE Ry. Leaves Omaha Union depot daily. Magnlfl. cent equipment, latest palace sleepers, llbrary-bulT.it car, dining car, new coaches. City Offlcs 1501 Farnam St. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. Bargain matinee at Boyd'a today Mr. Walker Whiteside in "The Merchant of Venice," 15 and 60 centa. Finest blue white cut glass, Edholm. WOMEN AROUSH NEIGHBORHOOD ' Tiro on Somth Thirty-Third Street Use Voice and Revolver at Sound of Burglar. Mrs. T. J. Haaa and her sister were alone In the Haaa home at 1141 South Thirty-third atreet yesterday morning at 1:4 when they heard, or at least thought they heard, the atepa of a night prowler on the porch. One woman opened a window and began ac re am log aimlessly but vigorously. Tha other seised a revolver and began firing on the aame principle. John Latenser, living at 3217 Poppleton avenue waa awakened b the ahouta and the soots, and hurriedly telephoned the police. Two officers were sent out In an emergency rig but found no trace of any would-be marauder. Don't Aeeent ounnterreita. For piles, skin diseases, sorss, cuts, bruises, burns and other wounda nothing equals DeWltt'a Witch Hacel Salva. Don't accept counterfeits. None genuine except DeWKt'a. "I have suffered alnce 1886 with protruding, bleeding pllea and until re cently could find no permanent relief," says J. F. Oerall of St. Paul. Ark. "Finally I tried DeWltt'a Witch Haael Salve, which sooa completely cured me." Mortality Btatlatlea. rig births were reported at the office of the Board of Health durin The followlni twanty-four hours ending at noon Tues- th day: Illrths Robert W, Thirtieth atreet. bo McHale, 210 South et. boy: William Kruger. 1135 Bouth Twenty-eight n atreet, uoy, Leave Chtoasjo 12 Noon, Arrive Hew York 8 a. m. Chicago time, going through in twenty hours on Tha Pennsylvania Special made up of club cars with bath and barber shop, din ing ear, drawing room and comptrtment Bleeping car, and entirely new Observation Compartment cars. H. R. Derlng, A. G. P. Agt., 248 South Clark Street, Chicago, will answer inquiries on the subject. NEW LIFE FOR AUDITORIUM Aiiaal Election Put loin Big Me oa loard f Dirsctsrs. GUY C. BARTON CAN HAVE PRESIDENCY Effort Being- Made to Offer Kiecmtlve Ofllee to Smelter Man by I'nanl. Vote New Board Meets Thnrsday. The election of directors for the Audito rium company did not bring out the heavy vote that was expected, the highest num ber of votes caet for one person being 26,002, which was received by E. A. Cudahy. The lowest number which elected a director was 11,874. The directors elected are: Arthur Brandela, Guy C. Barton, Ward Burgees, E. A. Cudahy. J. Frank Carpen ter, F. H. Davis. Joseph Hayden, Frank T. Hamilton, G. W. Hoobler, George A. Jos lyn, John L. Kennedy, Joseph R. Lehmer, Alfred Millard, T. J. Maboney, F. A. Nash, Fred Paffenrath, E. P. Peck, Charlea H. Pickens. C. O. Pearae. James L. Paxton. F. E. Sanborn, J. A. Sunderland, G. W. Wat tles, H. S. Weller and W. S. Wright. Of these directors fourteen are at present on the board, while five have served continu ously on both boards which have been In exlatence alnce the company was formed. Fred Paffenrath haa been elected to both boards, but resigned on account of ill health early laat year. With the election of the board there la a rsvlval of Intereat In the election of offi cers, which will take place Thursday. President Sanborn, who has served two years, and baa devoted more time to the work than any other member of the board, positively refuses to let hla name go be fore the directors for re-election. Yesterday morning he said that he had aerved the board to the best of his ability and had negleoted hla private business for two years In the Interests of the company; that ha hoped In Justice to himself the members of tbs board would not mention bis name In connection with the office, as he has had enough and must devote the larger part of hla time to hla businesa thla year. He aaya that he will willingly continue on the board. Barton for the Presides err. There Is a strong sentiment on the new bosrd In favor of tha election of Guy O. Barton to the presidency. One member of the old board who haa been re-elected, said: "There are about forty subscrip tions on the part of Omaha concerns which should be closed immediately. Theae forty aubscrtptlons should bring Into the fund at least $50,000, and If handled by the right man they will do aa Mr. Barton la the beat man who can be select 9d If he will consent to serve, and we are going to give him a unanimous election it possible." There Is no talk of change In ths other officers, although the retirement of Mr. De Bord from the directorate leavea a vacancy In the office of counsel. There are two lawyers on ths new board, however, from whloh to aelect that officer. In the election of E. P. Peck to the di rectorate there la seen by some of the di rectors a desire on ths part of the stock holders for a changs In the plans of the building which will make it more con venient for horse and other stock ahowa. The first meeting of the new board will be held at tha Millard hotel Thursday at noon, followed by a .banquet Thursday evening, at which the annual reports of the officers will be made. Gained Forty Ponnda In Thirty Days. For several montha our younger brother had been troubled with Indigestion. He tried several remedies, but got no benefit from them. We purchased some of Cham- berlaln'a Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inside of thirty daya he had gained forty pounda In flesh. He la now fully recovered. We nave a good trade on the tablets. Holley Bros., Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. McKlrley club tonight. Silver Chocolate sets, Edholm. Jeweler. MANAGEMENT MAY NOT CHANGE If Street Railway Is oM Present Offi cers Likely to Remain tm Charge. Frank Murphy will rsturn from the east thlB morning, according to word re ceived today, and when he comes the re sult of the negotlationa for the sale of the Omaha Street Railway company will be known. A atockholder of the company la authority for the atatement that the deal wll! go through, at least in part, but that some of the holdings of Omaha parties will not change hands and that the active man agement of the concern will remain In the handa of the present officers, with one or two possible exceptions. The change will have no effect. It la said, upon the better ments and extensions planned for next year. Including the line to Florenoe. SUES STREET CAR COMPANY Emna Boseoveo Wants Tern Thousand Dollan to Pay for lajarlea. Emma Hosooveo Is the plaintiff In a per sonal Injury ault against the Omaha Street Railway company, in which ahe rveks to recover damages In the sum of f 10.000. On behalf of the plaintiff It at alleged In the petition that on tha evening of September 22. aa aha waa alighting from a car at ths corner of Thirteenth and Dodge atreeta, the car started suddenly before she had safely atepped to the ground, and ahe waa violently thrown to the pavement. Among the al leged results of ths accident are enumerated ooQcussion of the brain, dislocation of the lower Jaw bone and bruises on tha head, arms, back, shoulders, sides and limbs, be side a severs nervous shock. i. LOW KATES TO ST. LOT19 Via the Missouri Pacific Railway, Ac eonnt Fall Festivities, Which Include the Great St. Louis fair. which glvea $30,000 in premiums; the gor geous Veiled Prophet pageant; street falf and carnival; horse show in the coliseum running horse racea dally by the best thor oughbreds in the country, and base ball games between the teama of tha American and National leagues. All events during October and tha first week in November. Ask your local agent for detailed Infor mation and visit the World's Fair city. , H. C. TOWNSEND. Gen'l Fass'r and Ticket Agent, St. Louis. Mo. Ooaa position Open. Good opening for a newapaper or magasina aolicitor. Permanent position for a com petent man Address Twentieth Century Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha. Notice to Depositors. Money depoaited on or before Friday, October 10th, will draw Intereat for the en tire month of October. J. L. BRANDEIS SONS, BANKERS. Homeseeltera' Excursions. The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets at one fare plus $2 to certain parts in Southweat Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texaa, etc., on Tueaday, October 7th, stop overs allowed on going Journey, limit for return 21 daya. For maps and timetables, notes, etc. Call or address any agent of the company, or Thomas F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agent, 3- W. Corner 14th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. Hotlce! There will be an Important meeting of the McKinley club tonight at the Millard hotel to discuss plana for organization. The meeting , la for members exclusively. FRANK CRAWFORD. President. Figprune Cereal A delicious Cereal ofTee made of choice California figs an4 prunes and grain absolutely free from artificial matter. SOLD BY A IX GROCERS. 0 ICi?i; ft MRS. J. BENSON. FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR We can gire you the best goods for the money that Is made for ladies and children. Light or heary weight, In cotton, fleece lined, part wool or all wool, silk and wool, or all silk. Lowest price guaranteed. Remember we are sole agents for Dr. Jaeger's celebrated sanitary underwear. Black tights for ladies or children. Bend for, catalogue. The Ninth Ward Republican club will meet thla (Wednesday) evening, October 8, at I o'clock at the club rooms, 2818 Far nam atreet. All candldatea are cordially invited. CHARLES 8. HUNTINGTON. Prea. JOHNATHAN EDWARDS, Sec'y. Wedding ring headquarters, Edholm. Jeweler. Publish your legal notices In Ths Weekly Be. Telephone 238. King Cols Whole-Wheat Pancake Flour. CONVENTION WORK PROCEEDS All Amagtntsti (or C'hrlatlasi Chares, Gathering- Are Well later Way. The plans for ths alteration of ths Coli seum for the ase of the -Christian church convention will not be fully decided upon until Wednesday, as ssveral changea will have to be made which were not contem plated at first. Ths work of preparing for ths changes Is being rapidly puabed under the direction of Qua Rense, who haa been employed aa designer and superintendent of the building. Tha floral embellishments which were used during the court ball of King All-Bar-Ben VIII will be retained dur lag the convention. The banners for ths convention and the official badges of ths executive committee Sale Bselns Today MEN'S S;:0ES 5Sc Third and Last Notice. niiRBpns ill LJjlU IIWVHkllsJ 20c i Today, Wednesday, at 8 O'clock sharp, we begin the SALE OF SHOES AND RUBBERS Tliis being as advertised, the clioioe of STEWART BROS. & CO., PITTSBURG, PA., WHOLESALE STOCK on account of the immense quantities we divide the stock and place it on sale In Pascn.cn. and on Second Floor PleaBe read this notice carefully bo ns to see where each special item is placed on. sale. All the fine custom and special high grade shoes are on second lloor. All the working shoes and medium grade goods are in the base ment. The rubbers are both on second floor and in base ment. These few items will gire you an idea of what the rest are: on OABSaA On Second Floor .Ladlea' Shoes welts and turns worth up to $55.00f go at $1.60, 81.90, $2.50 and $3 V2 Women's Storm Rubbers 5,000 pairs J Men's I Shoes tl In Basement-s.ooo pairs Men's Working Shoes 3,000 pairs J Hon' CO Cl men d vu, $2.50, S3 Shoes Women's Kid Shoes Boys' and Girl's Shoes 69c, 79c, 89c Women's Slippers 29c, 49c, 59c 2T Aa this sale progresses new bargains will be laid out la each. Bo prepared for big bar gains and good values. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Boston Store. it HELLO! Have you seen Hat at $1.50? They come in stiff and soft. They are fully guaranteed. . . T II a . a . Vt-'KAi i Tuev contain more mem 51 tnoro Rtrlo mid more nualitv fr ., v than any hat shown in this entire country for the price. They will wear as well and look as well as hats sold by regular stores for $3.00. Every correct shape and block. Every new shade and color. Our showing of novelties for boys and children is un usually large. Bring the boys in and let us show you how attractive they look with Nebraska hats and caps. Sfbllsin PAINLESS EXTRACTING (J 6 Registered. A. ."MAYER, 51 8 Bee Building Omaha, Neb. Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of the feet, stops odorous perspi ration, cures tender, swollen and paiiuul feet. Price 50 Cents. When ordering by mall add 60 for post- he-No-May Powder Is endorsed and pre scribed by leading physicians. For more ample information consult Mies - Mayer, Surgoon-Chtropodlst. Consultation free. CRYSTALIZED (Sorohound Candy and Rye Whiskey For Coughs and Colds. Here Is an unsolicited testimonial from a member of the traveling fraternity: Messrs. Cackley Bros., Omaha., Gentlemen: While In Omaha I cured a bad cold with your rrystallzed Horehound Candy and Rye Whisky and have not had a cold since. I sincerely recommend it to the traveling fraternity. Yours truly, A. C. OHLENDORF, 133 Lake St., Chicago. For sale at aJl sample rooms. Cackley Bros., Distributers of Hunter's and Wilson's Rye Whiskies. Opposite Postoffloe. Phone 1148. By one of the most careful and expert painless extractors la the United States Special Free Clinic Prices Until October 15. Call early and .void the rush-The only college of Its kind In tue tlsis come here to learn nur patent painless methods-Post grwxxM .f only for old experienced deutists -No students-Beware oMealou. Wo Invite all such tocome and take a course-thon all Our methods ara palnles-Why take chances with othera-We are h.re to .tay incorporated under atte laws. WORK DONE FREE Small charges tor material Ourauccess U due to the high srrada w,i.-k done by the Professors of the ooIle-Ke-Work guaranteed ten years Save pain and money . Filllnjc from 26c; Set of teeth 13; Teeth extracted FREE; Gold orown from 12.85 Cousult the Professors free Be aure you are on the right floor. UNION DENTAL CO., Room 4. 1522 Douglas. gKSOTw' THE IIAIIDSOLIEST OFFICE IN 0HAI1A . The handsomest offices In Omaha are located In tha Bes Building, and the handsomest office In the Bee building happens to be vacant al though there are only aeven vacant rooms In the whole building from which to choose. ThiB offico sulto la located at the r'M n1 f h" entrance on tha first floor, so that the large wlndowa overlooking the atalrway are seen by all- who enter THE BEE BUILDING The ceilings are high and the room Is finished In quarter aawed oak. with oak and walnut floor. It haa a good sized vault, mantel piece and la divided Into a large office of twenty feet and a amall private offlcs, separated by a solid tile partition. The room wH be frescoed elaborately to ault the tasts of the tenant. No one on Inspection will question Its being the handsomest office in Omaha. Make application at once to ' K. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, Rental Agenli. Building. Aulabaughs' Fine Furs sealskins, etc., are just what they are represented to be. 506 Karbach Block. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works CATARRH REM" Is the name of an Increasing popular rem edy for catarrh; It is put up in powder form nhd Is not full of Injurious doie, as are some of the catarrh powders which are being sold. The remedy is guaranteea to give immediate relief to all sufferers from cold In the head, catarrh, asthma, hay fever and bronehltla. Any purchaser who Is dlssatlBned with results received iroro us use is requested to come back, bringing empty package and get your money. THE KWl UK rmuia Uf KP.M EDY IS 50C PER BOX. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY we will sell it at 30c per box, druggists NOT SUPPLIED; if by mall add Ic postage. GUARANTEED BY U8, MIND YOU I 3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe... J2. 50 11.00 Iler's Malt Whisky if you want it .60 il.00 Canadian Malt Whisky, guaran- i teed 75 60o Murine for eyes 40 BOo ounce Colgate's Perfumes 25 1-lb. Johnson & Johnson's Red Cross Cotton M 12.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills l.oo il.00 Mod ine, takes hair off face, etc 75 OPEN ALL NIGHT. , CUT PRICE DRUGSTORE W. Cor. 16th and ChlcasTO. The Bee for All News MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBER8 OF MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Agency of Dodge Manufacturing Company of Mlahawaka, lnd. Full supply of their goods always In .nock. ikni-a-6 jRi-kaon St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. 538. ! w -ZARTilSKIE. J. B. COWGILL, 1 Agent. Manager. J WILLIAMS fine Photographic Work $3.00 UP We are open Sunday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m, 106 Farnam Street. SCIIAEFER'S Tel. TAT. have been received and tha former ara bow on aala. Ths design of ths badge to bs , worn by ths Ohio delegations haa been re- i oeived. It consists of a ribbon attached to a buckeye, and the alts of the delegation expected from Ohio can be aeen when It la known that a bushel of buskeyea will be ! used for the- badges. I . The organization of the reception com- j mlttee Is causing the executive committee and the chairman of ths reception commit tee ths greatest work at this time. The j plans contemplate at least 100 members of I the reception committee and it sppeara ' aomewhat difficult to secure thla number, j Volunteers are asked to aend their names ; to the chairman of tha executive committee I and to meet with the chairman of the re- j ceptlon committee upon his cull for ths purpose of receiving Instructions as to their j duties. Champagne Great, Is lb. king of all ina. la all Uada and ifflooi all piila. Western Champagne mt to avrr Uat known to eon aoliaewra b.s uph.ld Ita reputa tion aa th (w IB bouiut. Savor ana. .very otb.r rMptct of tea foreign araa. eoatins twlc aa awca. IT U Km, ana van gtvaa Iba Higbeat AaarS (A GOLD MEDAL) at th. Farm Eipotltlon la 1MO L " Zrd tr Ida bib.t moiulut au- i n" luorltr In France. PLEASANT VALLEY WIHE CO., ftol hf all' iiiitt-tiH Vlu delrj rail Mm, $31.75 to Boston and back, Oct. 6 to 10.. SII.50 to St- Louis and back, Oct. 5 to 10. Only $25.00 to the Pacific Coast. Thio' standard and tourist sleepers every day, past the grand panorama of the Rockies by daylight Only $20.00 to Butte, Helena. Salt Lake City. Only $16.75 to points in Big Horn Basin, Wyo., Farnam Si.Goi 4