Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Mellow nd Medicinal
4 TVll QUARTS $3.50
This prime old whi.kry, mellowed by
age, possessing fragrant bouquet,
never falls to please lb fatidical
drinker. We (ell direct, eliminating
middlemen ' profits and offer ye. a
whiskey for U.M whtrh woald coot
yon fh oo at retail. fUlm ec
mg. Ezprtis pmld. Remit by
Postal or F-preae order, or Refit
tered letter.
Reference : Dun's or Bradst reel's.
Western 0 files and Warek.esei
304 W. 3th St., KANSAS CITY. MO.
A niirtiTerr of a Rrmraf Ha Dera
Made Thai Krutorra l.nat Man
hood and filves Man the
Vitality of a Lion.
Keareneratlve Tablets In the nnlv
nlied positive and permanent cure for Lost
Manhood In all It forms nnd stage.
it Is scientifically prepared by the be tit
chemists In the world. The reputation of
the Institution la such, that all physician
know when they stand sponsor for a
remedy, that remedy must be exactly as
represented. And when upon their reputa
tion they make the staternr'nt tht Regen
erative Tablets will curs all cases of Lost
Frank Fitls Btyi KonUkj Will Bs the
Next Mayor,
Adklas and Vaneaal Hirr Records
that Are Creditable, While the
Other Republican nominees
Are Fnvomaly Known.
a ..V, ( SH-V1 . V, Jf a t it.-"
Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, Varlcocols or
weakness of any nature of the nerve or
sexual organs, a cure must be positive and
permanent. This Company will send every
person who Is suffering from nervous dis
ease a week's treatment absolutely free.
There is hut one test of a genuine medi
cine and that Is the results which are ob
tained by Its use; If It cures the digpoe
for which It Is prepared It Is a true remedy.
This Is the test by which the Fallopla
l.ynn t'o. wish their one week free treat
ment to be tried. After using Regenera
tive Tablets one week, the sufferer will
And new vigor In his organs: new force In
its muscles: new blood In his veins; new
xmhttion; a new man In vitality, health
and appearance. Regenerative Tablets has
a peculiarly grateful effect and the patient
term um iieiiem. mier no iirsi uuy n unc.
It goes direct to the seat of the trouble,
no matter of how long standing, giving
strength and development where It is
needed. This marvelous remedy banishes
nil feelings of bashfulness toward the op.
oslte sex; cures all the Ills and troubles
thit come from early abuse, excess or
overwork and business cares, all of which
result In premature loss of strength and
memory: emissions, Impotency and vari
cocele. Regenerative Tablets will effect a
cure at any age, there is no case It will
not cure permanently except wnere eni
lepsy . or Insanity has already been res5Tied
Fallopla l.ynn Co. makes no restrictions:
every person who writes will be sent a
week's treatment absolutely free and post
paid, carefully wrapped In a plain,, pack
age with no advertising on It to Indicate
what -it contains. They have received
'thousands of letters from people all over
tne country telling or ine most astonisning
eures made by Regenerative Tablets. Their
one week tree orrer is genuine, and no em
liarrflxalng questions asked. Write today
to the Fallopla l.ynn Co., 746 Pczxonl
HuiMlng. St. Louis. Mo., and receive the
week's treatment free: their book which is
also free and sent with, the free treatment
will explain how to take the treatment In
private ana cure yourseit at nome.
-To make the HOME ATTRAC
TIVE nothing goes so far with so
little expense iu dainty Wall
And, more than that, handsome
and richly dot-orated designs are so
low lu price now that any home
can be made attractive at little
We use the drop-cloth and save
dust and clippings; so will not
tpoll your carpets.
Paint Paint
Now is the time to PAINT your
bouse before the spring rains. If you
put off painting till later In the spring
then there Is danger of the paint's
being burned and blistered.
A good job can be done If you order
now. Call at my store for prices.
I7th and Douglas Sis.
Phone 1608.
iVT","T',i mm i miiai--TTTT--T"tmsTa
"The tide bas certainly turned for
Koutsky." said Frank Fltle last evening.
"He Is a sure winner now. I have looked
over the situation thoroughly sod I find
that there Is little opposition to bim in
any ward la tbe city. The people seem to
have tired of officeholders who are being
dragged Into court to make explanations of
alleged misdeeds and as Koutsky has a
clean record, bas never been Indicted
any offense, It Is a cinch that he will be tbe
next mayor of South Omaha."
Continuing. Mr. Fltle said that It looked
to him ai If the entire republican ticket
would be elected.
Wesley P. Adklns, candidate for the coun
cil from the First ward, bas made s splen
did record for himself. He served for a
year as president of tbe council and dur
ing the absence of Mayor Kelly from the
city as acting mayor. Mr. Adklns' friends
are confident that be will be re-elected.
W. B. Vansant is the only other member
of tbe present council who Is a candidate
for re-election. At the present time Van
sant Is undergoing a bunch of hard luck.
as he Is confined to his home with a severe
cold and a slight fever. He expects to be
out by Monday and will then be able to
irculate among his constituents. Mr. Van
sant served one full term in the city coun
cil as a representative of the old First
ward and his record Is beyond reproach.
When the city was divided into six wards
Mr. Vansant was urged by the people he
had formerly represented to become an
applicant for the vacancy and he was ap
pointed by the mayor and confirmed by tbe
council without any opposition. He bas a
clean record and Is a Arm believer In an
economical city government.
While Larson of the Second, Smith of the
Third, Mclntlre of the Fourth and Copeo-
harve of the Fifth hare all been more or
lees Identified In local politics for a num
ber of years they have never before been
candidates. With a council made up of
these men It Is safe to say that the affairs
of tbe city will be carefully looked after.
As a candidate for city attorney Arthur
H. Murdock Is, so It Is stated, probably tbe
best selection the republican convention
could have made. He Is considered an at
torney of ability and is thoroughly con
versant with munlcpal affairs.
The republican meetings last night were
well attended, and a great deal of en
thusiasm was displayed. One or two small
meetings will be beld today, but tbe big
rally of the campaign will be held at the
troop armory on Monday night. It Is ex
pected that Governor Savage will attend
this rally and deliver an address.
oath Omaha Registration.
Yesterday was the" day set tor the re
vision of registration and 1.754 voters took
occasion to place their names upon the
official registration books of tbe city. Ot
this number not less than 200 were trans
fers, occasioned by a change of residence
since last fall.
Of those registered yesterday 724 gave
their party affiliation as republicans, 79S
aald they were democrats, while tbe bal
ance of 232 were placed In tbe acatterlng
The total party registration now, ac
cording to the books la: Republicans,
2.201: democrats, 2,627; scattering, 443.
At the registration last fall when three
days were occupied In the taking ot the
names of those who desired to vote, i,ti
republicans registered snd 1,829 democrats
The scattering vote amounted to 211.
Adding the revision of registration Sat
urday, to that of last fall makes the total
registration at thta time 6,271. From this
total there should be deducted not less
than 200 transfers, which will place the
vote of the city at not far from 6,000.
Last fall the total vote was 8.129. The
highest registration was in 1900, when 4,972
voters placed their names on tne regieira
tlon books.
Taxpayers Protest.
The Taxpayers' league called a special
meeting last night to take action on
circular which bad been issued to tbe
voters ot Bouth Omaha and purporting to
come from a committee from the league
The following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas. Borne circulars purporting to
-,.. thj, Tunsrert' league and in
the Interest of one of the Independent can
didates for mayor (Sloane) has recently
been mailed to the votera of South Omaha
In order to deceive mem. arm
Whereas, One of the said circulars which
..I a h. rennrt nf the Taxpayers
league relative to the extravagance of the
school board la a verbatim report of the
findings or out committee, wno mui
oughly Investigated the matter, and as to
this circular the league enters no denial,
k... i he one which Is entitled "Who
shall be elected mayor" this league does
nn.t .mnhatlcaJlv der y It authorship, it
having in no manner authorised the same,
Resolved, That Inasmuch as the Tax
payers' league Is not a political organisa
tion, but Is bonded together solidly for the
betterment of our city administrative af ih.i wo itenlore such unfair and dis
honorable tactics In seeking to drag this
league Into a political mire enu wji.i
all taxpayers and others to govern them-
selve. accordingly MERRIIU
Maale at the Chnrehes.
At the Presbyterian church this morning
tbe following service will be rendered:
Hymn 306 Martyn
.,iirio vatH" and Anostles Creed
Iv. Reudlna John, chapter XX..
'Kaater Prayer'' Lorens
Easter Offering "V".
hautlsm of Children The Session
- - , . n 4 I u A I ( .
He port Ot cier anu jveucynuii vi wtm
I ..- - - - -
,r.. la. jtnnioru
, Pastor
present time the sdjutant general Is busily
eogsged In equlplDg the Third regiment of
Infantry and the troop will have to wslt
a abort time until arms and ammunition
ran be secured.
Hospital Charity Ball.
On Monday night at the Exrhange the
women of the South Omaha Hospital asso
ciation will give a hall for the benefit of
tbe Institution. Tickets are selling rapidly
and the managers of the bospltsl hope
to secure quite a sum of money. For sev
eral years past these charity balls have
proven a success financially, and though
the date Is a little later tbls season tbsn
usual there seems to be considerable In
terest tsken In the affair.
David Anderson Home.
Hon. David Anderson and wife returned
yesterday from a three months' tour ot the
south. They are both greatly Improved in
health. While away Mr. and Mrs. Ander
son visited Old Mexico, Cuba and a number
of the southern states. While rather tired
from their long Journey from Jacksonville,
Fla., here, Mr. snd Mrs. Anderson spent a
greater portion of the day showing a large
collection of curios to friends. "I'ncle"
Dave said that while be visited a great
many interesting places, he was glad to
get back to South Omaha and in this stste
ment be was heartily seconded by Mrs.
Special Raster Services.
As is customary, apeclal services will be
held la the churches today. Elaborate
musical programs have been arranged and
In some instances the choirs hsve been
drilling for weeks. The floral decoratlona
will be elaborate and the sermons and re
sponsive readings fitting tbe occasion.
Park Board Organises.
The South Omaha Board of Park Com
missioners met one evening last week and
organized. James H. Van Dusen was
hosen chairman and M. Mabery secre
tary. The attendant who has so long been
In charge of the landscape) work at High
land park was re-employed. Owing to the
lack of funds the board ran do little toward
making Improvements until another levy
for park purposes is made.
Magic City Ooaslp.
I.lst your property with H. M. Christie.
Orin Merrill Is back from a trin to Colo.
Frank J. Fltle Is home from Lincoln for
tew days.
M. Carl Smith Is slowly recovering from
ioiim; iiiness.
Ralph Sage is renorted (o ha much 1m.
proved In health.
Permanent sidewalks are belna- laid shout
me xiign scnooi DUUding.
we do fine repairing. Melcher & ITdall,
;rwrioiB, j wem y-iuunn ann in streets.
The social at the Young Men's Christian
association last evening was well attended
Sunrise nraver meetlna- will he helri ot
the Christian church at 7:30 o'clock this
Mrs. William Barclay. 1819 Missouri ave
nue, entertained the King a Daughters Frl
day afternoon.
A preliminary contest in Indoor athletics
took place at the Young Men's Christian
association last nignt.
Vnt. for Warmunn Cnmm ttt4nAn.iAne
for councilman at large from the Third1
wera. election April I.
The German-American club of South
Omaha will give an entertainment at
tranera nan mis evening
Captain Talbot of the steamer Cat11
has purchased the steamer Henrietta and
tne barge luella from Dick Berlin.
Nebraska lodge No. 227. Ancient Order of
United Workmen, will give a bail on the
evening or April 3 at Odd Fellows' hall
A. 11. Merrill has been chosen president
of the Anti-Saloon league. James Whlttaker
is secretary and J. M. westertleld treasurer,
Rev. M. A. Head will preach at the Meth
odist church this forenoon. In the evening
in; master services will De in cnarae or
tne cjunaay scnooi.
ine w omen a Foreign M m nnarv aocletv
of the Methodist church will meet with
Mrs. Manner, Twenty-fourth and G streets,
on weanesuay atternoon.
It was announced yesterdav that nov
ernor Savage would be one of the speakers
at tne repuDiican rauy to be held on Mon
aay nignt at tne troop armory.
The price of South Omaha Land comnanv
lots located west or tne uuriington Mis
souri railroad tracks reduced IlOU per lot.
, . i r , i . . i A
iiurreoi. n. ai. -cnrisue agent.
Success lodge No. 33. Royal Achates, has
taken quarters at Workman hall. Twenty-
sixth and N streets. Meetings are held the
nrst and tnird Wednesdays ot each month.
Ed Johnston's office. 2412 N street. Is onen
evenings from 7 until 9 o'clock to accom
modate customers for the "Spring Lake
Park addition" and the South Omaha Land
company s lots
Rev. C. C. Clssell of Omaha will deliver
an address at tne Young Men s Christian
association this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Special music will be provided by the choir
of the Baptist church and Mrs. Blvins will
sing I Know That My Redeemer Llveth.
PETERSBURG. Neb.. March 2fi.-To the
Editor of The Bee: I desire Information
in regard to the condition of the people of
the Philippine Islands aa regards self-gov
S5.00 A L10NTI1
of MEN.
19 years la Omaha.
cured by the QUICK
E3T. safest and most
natural method that
baa yet boon discovered.
eoon every sign and symptom disappears
completely and forever. Na "BREAK 1 NO
OUT" of the dlsoeee on the skin or faco,
A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent
for life.
Ul Plf-inOCI C eui-ed. Method now,
lAnluUuCLI. without cutting, pain:
no detention from work; permanent ours
WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims
to Nervous Doblltty or Exhaustion. Wast
ing Weakness with Early Decay in Young
and Middle Aged, lack nf vim. vigor and
strength, with organs impaired and weak.
ITalCTlRB cured with a new Home
Treatment. Ks pain, no dstentlon from
buslneaa. Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
Cenaaliat!ea 'ree. Treatment hr saalU
CHARGBg LOW. lie B. 14th it.
Dr. Seartes & SesrUs, Omaha, !....
Anthem The Strife Is O'er.
Prayer of consecration
Anthem Christ Arose
lilstrlbution of the Bread
Solo Easter Bong
Mine Jeaale A. Carpenter.
ni.ti-ihutlun of the Wine Session
ii,t Anthem Billing
I. VI TinxoloKV Congregation
ltene1l-tiun PaStOT
Recessional urga
The choir: Sopranos. Miss Edith Dennis,
uu tliiH. Cnmlron: altos. Miss M&ble C.
ki.h. Miss Nora Smith. Miss Florence
c.inheii' haa.ia. J. A. Smith. Prof. Baker R E Reed. J. C. Carley. J. 1,
Neihery; soloist. Mlos Jessie A. Carpenter
nroanlvt and director. Mrs. Lucy S. Eads
c li m.-h rhtlrmin of music commttt
Easter Sunday musical program St. Mar
tin s Eplscopsl cnurcn: I .ora-hetto from "The
Messiah" Handel
Processional Jesus Christ Is Risen
rhri.i n,ie PiiiAver
Te De'um Laudamua in F" Tours
"Jubilate Deo '
umr,-tnfli Roll the Rock Away
Orlertory Risen. Indeed Marso
Mr. It " Richmond
Communion Servk-ln K flat Dorey
c......l.,iUTh Strife la O'er
Organ Postludo Valentl
Cavalry Troop Eenlpment.
Captain W. L. Holland and Lieutenant
Bruce MeCulloch returned from Lincoln
yesterday. Tbey reported that the balance
of tbe aa I forms due tbe Bouth Omaha cav
alry troop had been shipped and would
be ready to issue the neit drill night. So
far sixty-two men sod ths commissioned
officers have beea equipped with uniforms.
As for rsrbloes. General Colby gave the
officers assurance that the arms would be
forthcoming aa aooa as poaalbls. At the
the Filipinos fought many times In a aaked
condition. Am 1 correct f Again, what are
I have made the statement that
the Filipinos? Are thev cltlsena of tha
United States or are they subjects, or what
are they? Please Inform me where I can
get information on these pointer
K. 11. LEHMAN.
A. Address the secretary of war at Wash
lngton. No answers by mall. "
CARTHAGE. Mo., March 28-To the
Editor of The Bee: Will you kindly advise
me of the date of the commencement and
ending of the street fair In South Omaha
A July 2 to 13. Inclusive. 1901. No answers
bv mall.
BiD.-fc,Y. issd.. siarcn n. io tne Editor
of The Bee: Kindly answer In Sunday's
Bee. can a storage battery be charged bv
or from e cell battery? This Is to settle e
waver. H. L. H
A. res: or oy any means tnst win excite
a current,
Jaeksonlnn t lab Meets.
The Jacksonian club neld ita regulai
weekly meeting last night, with PresTden
Cosgrove In the chair. The regular order
of business included the admission of sev
eral new members. A resolution offered
bv Robert J. Aitchlson and declaring tha
the club believes In settling preferences
for candidates at tne primaries or ronven
tlons held for tnat purpose, was adopted,
C. E. Nicholas of Rock Island Is at the
R. E. Marks and wife of Dennlson, Tex
are at the Millard.
William C. Wilson of Washington. D. C.
is a guest at the tier urand.
Fred Whlttemore and wife and Theodore
Funk of Lincoln are guests at the Millard
B. E. Fields of Fremont was an Oman
visitor yesterdsy and registered at the
E. O. C. Ord of Fort Crook and F. H
Nenell of Hastings are Nebraska ne a
the Millard.
William Berghahn. well known In thl
city, has gone to Brookings, S. D.. to n
gage in business,
Hon. Joseph Oberfelder of Sidney Is In
the city, returning from a fortnight a bust
nesa visit in New York.
D. A. Searla. who haa been dangerotial
ill, was at his office yesterday for the firs
time in over two montns.
Louis Lesleuer of Pspllllon, C. D. Jenae
or Hloomneld, James r. Smith of Bt. Ed
ward and E. A. Bundy of Grand Islan
are Nebraskans registered at the Mer
Thomas Flynn, county ;all custodian
went to eston. la , yeaterday, accom
panled by Mrs. Flynn and John Flvnn
the Infant member of the household, to
visit sire, riynns parents.
Oscar Williams, colored, waa arrested
yesterday afternoon, charged with passln
a cneca tor w to wnirn tne name ot n
brother. Rev. J. A. Williams, bad been
Farmer W. J. Bryan of Lancaster county,
raving exhausted his wind poner on th
first and second battles, will 'use gasolln
bower to run tne works on his farm H
sent to Omsha for a gasoline engine to
pump the water through the pipes that
have been laid to irrigate nis pumpkin an
corn fields, purchasing a flve-horsc-powe
apparatus irom a. r. e.iy ez o
ROBINSON William Sanford. aged 7
years, at It) o clock sUturdsy night, of
They Ask to Be Allowed to Take School
Cenui This Tear. f
Heretofore Ceasas Work Has Been
Let to Sperlnl Employes and
Trnrhera Assert They Can
Do It Better.
The majority ot the principals cf the
Omaha public schools are seeking extra
ordinary employment at the hands ot ths
rhool board during the summer vacation.
Tbey desire to be employed aa enumerators
to take tbe school census of tbe city, under
tbe regulations which require the census
to be taken each year.
The teachers making this request do so
In the interest of the Teachers' Annul y
nd Aid association, organized for the pur
pose of pensioning teachers after a certain
nerlod of service. The financial condition
of the society is not strong, snd to swell
the funds the principals offer to turn over
to tbe treasurer of tbe association all money
received for taking tbe census. In previ
ous years persona have been employed espe-
tally for tbls work, tbe cost varying from
SS00 to $950.
On behalf of the plan the teachers aay
that they, being acquainted with the condi
tions in each school ward or sub-dlstrltt,
will have a much easier time in taking the
census than a person appointed for the
purpose who may know nothing ot tha
conditions, and that tbe city can assist
the association, while paying out no mora
money '.ban usual tor the work.
Standing of Association.
The Teachers' Annuity snd Aid sssocia-
tion has for Its officers some of the best
known teachers of the city. Miss Anna
Foos is the president, Mrs. Nora H. Lemon
first vies president, Miss Sarah Mc-
Cheane is second vice president. Miss
Emma Wheatley is treasurer. Miss Eolla
W. Nichols is financial secretary and Miss
Hulda F. Isaacson Is recording secretary.
It bas 104 active members at this time snd
n honorary membership consisting of a
number of persons snd Arms who have
contributed to the funds.
The society was organized about March
20, 1897, with sixteen charter members. The
last statement ot the condition ot the treas
ury showed total assets ot 28.020.33 13,400
of which Is Invested in government bonds
snd $1,129.75 in city warrants. Tbe total
receipts since tbe organization of tbe so-
lety have been 18,883.97, showing expenses
ot only $363.64 for the five years of Its
existence, much of which Is accounted for
by the premiums on United States bonds.
Tbe principals who have beea interview
ing the members of the board claim that
tbey have met with no objection from those
they have seen.
Heretofore it haa been the custom to di
vide each ward Into two districts and ap
point an enumerator for each district, mak
ing eighteen enumerators for tbe city. Last
year four of these were women. The law
requlree that the reports shall be in the
bands of the county superintendent by June
which necessitates that the censua be
taken during June. Tbe enumerators are
paid S cents a name; there are about 80,000
children of school age in the city, ao the
amount paid for the service Is in the neigh
borhood of $900. Last year the coat of tak
ing tbe school census wss $927.89. The sta
tionery cost something over $27. From this
computation the teachers could expect to
add something like $900 to the treasury of
tbelr association.
This Time He Is Charged with Havlnat
Passed Forgred Check on
H. C. Jacobson, who some time ago shot
himself with suicidal intent while a pris
oner at the city jail, passed a forged draft
for $50 on the Dellone hotel last Monday.
Jacobson. who was in jail at tbe time he
attempted to kill himself on a charge of
embezzlement made by the Nebraska Cloth
ing company, strslghtened up thst account
and escsped prosecution. After shooting
himself be wss confined st Clarkson hospl
tal until Saturday, March 22, and on the
following day, Monday, he, went to tho
ueiione and after engaging a room pre
sented a draft for $50 on the Stlmpson
Computing Scales company of Elkhart. Ind..
for payment, at the same time producing
a letter supposed to have been written bv
the Arm, atatlng that his drafts would be
honored. Saturday the draft came back
protested and the police were Informed.
La grippe coughs yield quickly to tbe
wonderful curative qualities of Foley's
Honey and Tar. There ia nothing else
"Just aa good."
Chlcaeo Artlat Dellarhta Her Omaha
Admirers with Her Charm,
lag; Ability.
Mrs. Fannie Bloomfleld-Zeisler, the well
known Chicago planlste, delighted a large
assemblage of Omaba people at a recital
last night at Boyd'a theater. Omaha people
have bad an opportunity to watch tbe
growth of Mme. Bloomfleld-ZelBler in her
art, owing to her previous visits during
the years since she first appeared In con
ert. They know her charm of expression.
fcer admirable technique and exquisite ex
ecutlon. Last night they were delighted
with e program ot unusual acope, covering
some of the most difficult as well as the
most musical of compositions for ths piano.
MmS. Bloomfleld-Zeisler waa warmly re
ceived and generously responded to tbe
hearty encorea which rewarded her efforts
For those who desire v se the Santa
Fe California Limited trr.tns for the trip
to Los Angeles sccount Woman's Federa
ted clubs convention May 1 to I Inclusive
the mansgement has arranged to accept
on these traina the special rate round
trip tlcketa on aale for this occasion April
21 to 27 inclusive. $15.00 Is the rate from
principal points in Nebraska. This Is ao ex
ceptional opportunity to travel on thia cele
brated train, aa ordinarily only full fare
first class tickets are accepted. Applies
tlons for sccommodatlons should bo mads
as far In advance as posible. E. L. Palmer
of Des Moines Is tbe district passenger
Mortality Statistics.
Births William Falconer, 3C4. Lindsay
avenue, girl; Charlea H. Bayden, H12
North Twentv-eighth avenue, boy; Jacob
Wlngender, 30U liurt street, girl; Homer
Christensen, U19 Hurdette street, girl
irvlng Sulllvsn, S317 Myrtle avenue, girl
Deaths Carrie Carmlchel. aged & years,
23ii Grant street; J. F. Hertxmann, aged
is years. 614 North Sixteenth street: Jo
seph Hasbln. aged 11 months, t&n North
Fifteenth street.
Homeopathic Hospital Directors.
The following have been elected directors
in 111
the establishment of a homeopathic ho
rilml in Omaha: G. C. Burton. John S
Knox. B. A. MacallUter. E. F. Trefs, M. C
Peters. M. D. Ralsden. John Hart, S. A
Mew horten and J. w. urimtn.
C'n Trial lor Old (Saris.
AVA. Mo., March S The trial of Jamea
Wilson for the murder of Ovlle Williams
In IvB has begun here. The Jury ia being
drawn and the introduction or testimony
will begin Monday. Wliaou Is 64 yesrs old.
He was arrested In Oklahoma last Lxcera
I. j
Consisting of Bed Room Sets, Iron Beds, Odd Dressers
and Wash Stands, Chiffoniers, Folding Beds, Dining Room and
Parlor Furniture, also a big sale on Carpets, Draperies, etc., en
abling you to save from 33J to 50 per cent. Sale opens Monday
morning at 8 o'clock and prospective buyers will do well to in
vestigate. , CASH or CREDIT.
A dining noon
with brsce srm, finished In
golden, made ot selected oak
full size sest and back
regular value $1.25 sale
05 Gents
Gobbler Rocker
High polish finish, new and
stylish pattern, strong and
durable, regular value $4.00,
aale price,
In this sea
eon's beet
pat terns
bound to
please-- new
est colorings,
regular price
EOc. pale price
35c 1
Very newest
and prettiest
patterns, best
wearing qual
ities regu
lar value 75c,
sale price,
Velour Couch
Deep tufttngs, new ssnitary
construction, frame finished
in golden oak, regular value
$13.60, sale price.
Bed Room Set
of S pieces, solid oak,
French bevel plate mirror,
highly polished, regular
value $30.00, sale price,
Center Table
Solid oak or mahogany finish, 24x24
inch top, lower shelf, regular value
$5.00 sals price.
Iron Bed
White enameled, heavy posts, brass
top rod and brass spindles on head
and foot, regular value $8.50 special
Reclining Go-cart
Heyward make, moat approved adjust
ment for regulating back and foot ot
Oo-Cart, rubber tires, enameled gear,
with parasol, regular value $12.00
special price,
Velvets end Mopttes
Bright, cheerful, floral and aet effects,
sll popular colorings, regular value
$1.25 and $1.50, apeclal price.
Japanese Mattings
Cotton warp, soft,
durable, regular value
special price,
pliable and
up to 35c,
Lace Curtains
SM yards long, 54-lnches wide, Scotch
weaves, choice of beautiful patterns,
regular value $3.00, special price,
Brussels Curtains
of the most exquisite patterns In the
daintiest designs ever shown, regular
value $8.50, special price,
Odd Dresser
in solid oak, golden finish, beveled
French plate mirror, stylish pattern,
regular value $15.00, special price,
Parlor Suit
5-pieces, mahogany finish only, up
holstered In damask ot newest col
oring, regular value $50.00, special
Extension Tabic
as tsble),
finished in golden, highly
(leaves as well finished
guaranteed construction, hardwood
slides, regular value $12.00, apeclal
Dangler Gasoline Stoves on
sale at
Star Estate Steel Ranges-
sale at.
If You
Wish Credit
Ws Will
Adjust tha
Terms to
Suit Your
lrjIU & FA
re suit
We offer for Monday's selling 175 ladies' man-tailored suits, in black, blue, caster
and red all wool broadcloth material, either In blouse or eton Jacket with peplura
backs, lined and trimmed with taffeta skirts trimmed to match
Jackets, silk lined and percaline drop lined skirts. These suits
retail the world over for $22.50 People's Store price, Monday
125 ladles' suits in blouse or Gibson effect, all the leading colors, handsomely trim
med Jackets, skirts trimmed to match Jacket, with drop lining
suits thst retail elsewhere for $27.60 Peoples Store price,
lsomely trim-
Walking Skirts
The most complete snd best selected
stock of walking skirts some our own de
signs snd make In all tbe new spring
shades, aa well aa black in melton,
Cheviot, homespun, etc. People'e Store
price, Monday,
$2.90, $3.90, $4.90 up to $10.00
Silk and Vash Waists
An exceptional value in silk waists for Monday's sell
ing is a handsome silk taaefft, tucked and hem
stitched waists either button front or back, in black
or colors regular prle of thla
waist is $6.00 People's Store prlci
At $4.49 ws place on sals 250 wslsts in black and col
ors, In either Gibson, corded and hemstitched,
Mexlcsn drawn work, slther pesu de sols or Giver-
naud taffeta waists regular price la
$7.50 People'e 8tore price
Our line of WASH WAISTS In SILK or COTTON Is unexcelled ss to styls. fit. TCft QQft CI OR Hfl tfl Iklfl flfl
.workmanship snd unparalleled as to popularity , U- 30lj OlitJ UJ IU OIU.UU
We are showing tbe moat magnificent line of ladles' TRIMMED HATS shown in this city Beautifully trimmed
in Comers and chiffon bats tbat are worth 16 00, go on sals Monday for
- 3.49
line of ladies' Ready-to-Wear Hats cannot be excelled both aa to style and price QPf frt 9 7R
ea range from OUW IU aVi I J