THE OMAHA DAILY hiWt St'NDA-, I'VE! Ill A in 2, 10!I. No Argumtnt Nudtd Every HtifTorer from Catarrh Known thut Snlvcn, I.i.tlons, WhsIiuk, Sprays and Douches Dq Not Cure. Powders, lotions, salvos, sprays and In halers cannot roally cure Catarrh, tiecauso thla disease Is a-blood disease, and local applications, If they accomplish anything, at all, simply glvo transient relief. The catarrhal poison Is In the blood and the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and trachea tries to relieve the system hy secretins larpo quantities of mucous, the dlschargo sometimes closing up the nostrils, dropping Into the throat. causing dsafness by closing tho Eustachian tubes, nnd nfter a time causing catarrh of stomach or serl ,ous throat and lung troubles. A remedy to really cure catarrh must be an Internal remedy which will clrnnso tho blood from ciitarrhal poison nnd remove the fever and congestion from the mucous membrane. The best and most modern remedies for thlfl purpose nre antiseptics scientifically known as Rucalyptol, Qualacol, Sangulnarla, and Hydrastln, and while each nf these have been successfully used separately, yet St has been dtmcult to get Hi cm all com blncd It one pulatable, convenient anil .efficient form. The manufacturers of the new catarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, have suc ceeded admirably In accomplishing this re (sult. They are law, pleasant tnstlng lorenje. to bo dissolved. In the mouth, thus rcaohlng every part of tho mucous mom brano of the throat nnd finally tho stomach. Unlike many catarrh remedies, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain no cocaine, opiate or any injurious drug whatever nnd aro qually Denoflclal for little children and ndults. Mr. C( It. Itcmbrandt of Rochester. N. V., says: "I know cf few people who have suffered as much as. I from Cntarrh of the head, throat and stomach. I used sprays, Inhalers and powders for months at a time with only slight relief, and had no hepo of cure. I hail not tho means to make a change of climate, which seemed my only chance of cure, "Last spring I read an account of some remarkable cures made by dtuarl'a Catarrh Tablets and promptly bought a fifty cont box from my druggist and obtained such positive benefit from that one package that I continued to uao thorn dally until I now consider myself entirely free from tho disgusting annoyance of catarrh; my head Is clear, ray digestion all I could ask and iny hearing, which has begun to fail as n result of the catarrh, has greatly Improved untt 1 feel I can hear as well as ever. They are a household necessity In my family." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold by drug gists at 60 cents for completo treatment and for convenience, safety and prompt re suits they are undoubtedly the long looked for ?at,arrh cure. SICK MADE WELL WEAK' MADE STRONG. s Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered by Famous Doctor-Scientist That Cures Every Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Are Effected That Seem Like Miracles Performed . The Secret, of Long Life of Olden Times Revived, The Remedy is Free to All Who Send Name and Ad J res. After ears of patient study nnd delving nfp the ,iusty rceorilH of the past, ns we1,! as following modern experiments In the. realmH of medical science, Or. James W. Kldd, nntes hlocl;, Fort Wayne, ind., Wakes the startling nnnouncumcut that ho AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Librarj Aiitclatioa Itatil fro on the Enbjtot of font, OH. J,V.iFS U 11,1,1AM KIIll). has auraly discovered tha ullxlr of life, That ho la nbiq with 'M alii nf n mys terious compound, known only to himself, produced as n result of the year ho li.ia mayor and council control the fund Prrnrnt t,llinir Orcanlrnt Ion Will Continue Work. IJveii After .mv City llonril In Oruttnlml .Mimic Clt fionftlit. Members of tho South Omaha Library as sociation do not take kindly to the re marks In The Dee of a day or so ago re garding tho payment of rent for the space now occupied by the books of the associa tion at Mclteynold's store. Mrs. Talbot Called to say that as far as tho rent was concerned the association had no authority to draw upon tho 1571 now In the city library fund. "Thlj money," said Mrs. Talbot, "can only be Issued to tho association as the mayor and council may see fit." Continuing, Mrs. Talbot said that If Mr. Mcltoynolds wanted the books removed the matter would be conslderod at a meeting to be held some time this week, the date having not yet been agreed upon. The assertion was further madu at the tlmo of the original agreement Mclteynolds wag to mako a place for the books with the distinct understanding that there was to bo no charge for the space occupied. Tho appointment of a board under the new ordinance Is, so It was stated yester day, to be deferred for some little time. In any event, the present library asso ciation, which Is a private affair, ami Is not recognized ofllclally by the council, wilt tnrot as usual and continue to transact business. Thcso of tha association who have been Interested In this matter for a num tier of years aro anxious to secure some temporary aid from the city and n request may be made to tho council soon. Now books aro needed and it may be deemed advisable to retain the present quarters and pay rent. Cuuiulnint Atinut Slum. Officials of (ho electric light and telephone companies hall a conference yesterday with City Dili Poster Scott In relation to the tacking of elgjis on poles. There Is an ordinance which prohibits the placing of signs on any painted post within the city limits. This Is disregarded and tho result Is that every post and pole. In the city Is plastered with advertising matter. It. A. McLaughlin, superintendent of tho Thomson-Houston Electric Light company, nssured Mr. Scott that ho would hereafter prosecute- all violators of the ordinance. Tho same statement was made by the rep resentative of the Nebraska Tolephono com pany, Mr. McLaughlin wont further and said that In the spring the company he represents would paint nil of its poles, thus bringing them within tho limits of the ordinance. It is understood that Dill Poster Scott will soon comence the tearing down of tho advertising cards now posted on all painted poles In tho city. KrnnirelUilo Services. " Bvangollstlc services under tho auspices of the Protestant churches of South Omaha wll begin today. For Iho first week serv ices will be held at the Baptist church, Twenty-fifth and H streets, the second week at the Presbyterian church. Twenty-fifth and J streets, and tho third week at the Meth odist church, Twenty-third and N streets. Theso -services wl bo In charge of ev. Charles Cullen Smith of Chicago and U. S. Colburn will have supervision of the music. In order to organize a suitable choir all of tho singers from all nf the churches were requested to meet at the United Prcs bytorlan church last night and tho at tendance was good. A choir of about 100 voices will be organized to assist In these meetings. Christian linilrnvnr AmM r rar) . The twenty-Ural anplversary of tho Chris tlau Kndouvor society will bo duly observed at the First Christian church this evening at 6:30 o'clock. Following the song serv ice, which will open tho meeting, thero w(l bo tho usual scrlptifre lesson. This will lo followed by prayer. Hov. 8. S. McGlll, pastor of tho Christian church, will de liver an address on what the association has nccompllshcd. Nathan Graham w1l speak on "Bible, Birthdays." Tho muslo wjll be furnished hy Messrs. Slnbaugh and Dun canton and the Misses Hector and Hlngcr. No ClinuKV In Hlatemoiil, No change was shown in tho statement of tho city finances Issued hy Ibe cty eloyk yesterday from that sent put cn Janiatv 1. This Is accounted for by tho fact that n iico(lug on 'December ."0 tho 09un.cU cleaned up a largo portion of tho hlllH aid paid salaries. No warrants werp. ordered drawn during tho month of Januqrjf. At thu meeting to be held Monday night soma blls will he allowed nnd salaries wl bs paid as far as tho funds on hand wilt per mit. Want Improvement. Quite a number of residents in tha east ern part of tho ct(y, as well ob officer of the Pontoon Bridge company, aro Impor tuning cauncllmen to appropriate tiOO or J?po, for he Improvement of tho roa,d, to tho river. Last summer tho city appro priated ISO far this purpose, but thq build ing 01 a ormge used up pearly all of the money, so there was nothing left (or grad ing, miuw work wa dono by the street commissioner, but ts he was short of funds tho plans were not completed. It Is as sorted thit with about $200 a first-class road, con be constructed to tho ferry land ing. tlnllil HnturtMliinieiit. On Thursday night nf this week St, Cath erine's guld pf 8?. Martin's Kplscopnl church will give au encrtalumcn at Wool, man hall, Tho entertainment will consist principally pf n presentation tf tho "Docs (rick Skulc." A number of woil known people will tako part In tho affair and It Is expected that tho hall will bo crowdtd. I'rciinrliiK I'cIIiIihin, It was reported yesterday that petitions jlicm in nouiviuiiM v imp uyuiui, niu glvlng boon, to cure uny nnd uvery disease that is known to the human body. There Is no doubt i( the i.ikUh'h earnestness In making' hU claim, and the rtimtrkuhlo cures lu h dally off outing onio to. bear him 'out very strong. y ills theory which ho uuvunctti is tine pf reason nnd bated on sound oxp rieiue In n rnedl nl practice of many yiars. It costs tiothlu,, to try ps remarkable "KlUIr of Life," .t ha calls It, fur he nends It free to anyuno who la a alilTeror. In suflluieiit iiuantltLs to convluc" of Its ability t-j vitro, ho th io- ih ni9Piutuiy ui riK 10 run. aone 01 inn euros cited n-o very r-MlVM kiU'l-', anil but fur rellabln ullnesaiM woulil liardr no credited. The l.tine have thr yvn .iw,y crutches, opd 111 It.d utout ufio.- wo pr thru) trials uf Ihi' remedy Thi lok, given up by homo doctors, huw been to their families in perfect health, rhou mntlsm, nour.ilgla. stomuci, liourt, Hvcr. blood and skin diseases nnd bladder trou bles disappear u U' iiuikIc llemlaclus, backaches, uvrvuustit, fsydrti, vjs'"hi tlon. ' cougn. viu. ;ithina. c.u.irrh. bronchitis and all nffiet'ons of the throat, lungs or any organs aro easily over coma In n space o( tlpie that U simply marvelpus, ... . . , ' Partial iiaralv 8. locomotor nlnx III. trppsy. soul, tcmUiiu nml ulles are iiulpIy nil Pv'rmniiciitly rcmnvrd. It iuiiieii tha entire Hyatt tn, blood nml tinnier res'.dros nnrninl nervn liowor. ellUlllatlll lind a Hlule of perfect heulth is produced ut.once. To IhA ilnMnr nil hVllrmi lire 111 KO Rllll iiiunlly affcclyil fiy Hie 6rci,t "Ullxlr of i.lfo." Send for tho today. It I freo to every sufferer. . Hao what you want to bii lined of nml tlie miro rcmci y jar u will b nnt you free by rot urn mall , Cured of Piles, Savnd Ffim WnSfo. ' ...w.. Mill. U.I, .frt,, writes: 'Lver since the birth of my. first eiiini, rix jearn ngo, i nave surrereil greatly from piles l could not bring my elf to bear tlu thoughts of a uuru'lcal operation. Pyramid file cure entirely cured me." For sale by all druggists. Piles, Cuu'et. aral c.ire" mulled free. PjramU Drug t:o,, Marti" -nPh would he prenented to the city council s-.on. pcss.bly on Monday night, urging that some steps be tsktn at nnca to provide for the construction of a viaduct ncross tho tracks at either N or O streots. A viaduct Is cer tainly needed and tho people of South Omaha have for years past been trying to secure concessions from the railroad com panic) In this matter. The main trouble now seems to he tho location of the esstern terminus of the proposed bridge and the absence of any definite proposition from the railroad com-anles, Anuiint Charity Hull. The South Omaha Hospital association will hold Its annual charity ball at the Ex change building on tho evening of March 31. This announcement was made to the press yesterday by Mrs. Talbot, the prssl dent of tha association. Theso balls nre given every year for the purpose cf raising funds for the support cf the Institution. Thcso who are in charge expect that the usual support will be given this ball, the same as In the past. Announcement. As It Is now nearlng the time wh?n the republican primaries are to be held, and the Impression la given the public by thojc who expect, to derive political benefit thereby, that I am not a bona fldo candidate t r mayor and .that when the time came that I would be willing to again accept the nomi nation f6r city treasurer, I therefore, hereby announce myself as a candidate for mayor subject to the action of the republican city convention, I also wish to say to my friends, who aro so heartily supporting me for tho position, to which I aspire, that I will not, under any circumstances, allow my name to go before the republican con vention for any other office than that for maycr. Ilcapecltully, FRANK KOUTSKY. MiihIp City (JovmIii. Mrs. II. II. Fleharty Ih visiting relntlves ut Ogallula. , C. V. Smith nnd wife are both reported on uh! sick iiai, t J. II. Williams, 2210 M to move to sloux City Miss Mabel Thomas has gone to Lincoln to attend the State university. Miss Mabel C. Hlcli wiim confined to her homo by u severe cold last week. No evening service will bo held at the First Presbyterian church tonight. Dr Wheeler preaches this morning on "Tho Closed Door of Heathendom." W. A. McColllater linn gone to Missouri to attend the funeral uf a relative. Hov. C. C. Smith will occupy tho pulpit at tho First .Muthodlst church this morn lug. Htn Andrew llenwlck was called east Inst week on business of considerable Im portance. An offering for foreign missions will bo received At the First Presbyterian church this evening Members of the Stock Ynrds Itcllef asso ciation will glvo n bnll at the Exchange on the evening of February 7. t Thero will be a meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society on Wednesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. llanncr. The socialist party has called primaries for February 'it. Three delegates to the convention from each ward will be chosen, Tha funeral services held over the re mains of lid ward .Meadlmber at St. Agnes' church were largely attended yesterday morning. , Tho Ladles' Aid society of" the First Pros byteriaii chuich will meet with Mrs. Scott Dunn, Twenty-second and 1. streets, Wed nesday afternoon. A business and social meeting of tho Christian Kndeavor society of the FlrM Christian church will bo held with Miss Jeap Ulngcr at the homo of Mm. Harry Dennis, 120H North Twenty-third street, Tuesday evening. street, Is preparing Children Poisoned, Many children arc poisoned and ma do nervous and weak, It not killed outright, by mothers giving them cough syrups contain ing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar Is tx safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung troubles and is the only prominent cough medicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Colli MkI1 for Polnr Kxpeilltluu. The Dqnlsh association made tta thirtieth annual ntlgrltnagc to the north pole last night. Kvery one wont nitsked and all had a Jolly time going and coming. Washing ton 1ik wiik decorated In hor.or of tho trip, the stage rcprcmmtlnt; a polar scene, Including Andro ami his balloon. John Kyle was master of ceremonies. 8. Schon boe. l. Nlble, John Petursen. Charles Sorcuson, H. F. Frederlkun, N. P. Madsen nnd Jncob Jensen were the commit tee on arrangements. OMAHA SUBURBS. Dundee. Miss Coroy Is guest of Mrs. D. L. John nou. Ward Palmer has been 111 for over a week. Tho Hound Dozen Social club met With Mrs. James H. McUulloch Wednesday. Mrs. Uurolshetmer mid her daughters ore occupying (he. house of Dr. II. O. Van C.leson. Miss Valker of Chicago has been guest for several weeks of Mrs. Kva Parnate Sweeney. The uoxt meeting of the Dundee Woman's clu,b will bo Wednesday, at the home of MM. P. JU Harr. Prof. Llghton. 'whi wiife III fpr a few days, is recovering, but the Harmonic society, of wnc'ii ne i oirouior, nun posipoueu Its next meeting Indefinitely. Thero will tie n phonographic, entertain ment for tho benellt of tha new ntm,l. church at the Preabytorlan clirch build ing, Fiftieth street and Underwood avenue. Friday evening. " nnnaon, William nastlns and bride of Blooming ton, Hi., are visiting relatives In Benson. Frederick A. llallov Is audio able to not around, after his attack of Inflammatory rouunuiuBiii, A sacred song service and young people's meeting will be "In tho' Method 1st church lit evening ut t. ..a0.r Vwlses In memory of William McM.nlcy wero In nil the roomu of tho pub lic schools Thursday. Sorvlci will be hold In the Methodist Episcopal church today ni the usual hour by tho pnijtor, Hey. Mr. Luce. The nuvf furnnco boating apparatus at the Methodist i:pscopo church vylM be In working order for Sunday's horvice.' At the weekly Literary socluty meeting Friday night a, short musical program was given, Interspersed wjth recitations. The public schools of Hanson opened Monday morning, nftor n week's vacation, with a largo lifcronsQ In attendance. Mrs. Kdwnrd O'Connor returned to liar homo Inst week from tle St. Joseph bos pltal, where she had been for treatment. Florence. Miss, Harriet Hunt visited tti Omaha Thursday and Friday. 1 - Captain Frank .Heynolds was a business ylslt.or In Omaha Saturday. Mrs. Wilson and daughter visited rela tives In Omiihn Saturday am Sunday. 1 M. II. Davenport of Omaha was n busi ncss visitor In Florence Friday oyenlng. Miss Mnltle nnd Hlancho Tucker were guests of Miss Teblns of pmnia Sunday. Mrs, D. L. Harrison left Saturday for a month's visit wlth.hcr father ut Loup City, Frod Klllnghusen went to Kennard, Neb,, Wednesday on a buMliit"a trip, und re turned Thursday. Mrs. M. U. Potter and Mrs. W. H. Wall attended special services at St, John's Episcopal church In Omaha Saturday. ,.M.r,',Hn.co1' Weber, Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Lmll Weber, were guests of .Mr. nnd Mrs, night" Omaha Saturday During the week the Ice men huve made a ctittlnr; from tho reservoirs, nnd thero havo been severql cuttings from tho river, nearly lining tho Icehouses, Captain nnd Mrs. Heynolds entertained a number' of friends Saturday night nt the pumping statlnn In honor of this captain's birthday, Hefreshments were served. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Senator Martin of Falls my, who Is a patient ut St. .losenh'H lininllnl tt'na not well ut nlsht. and his re.cove Is F. 13, Frederick of the Prudential Insur comnanv will return tnmnrrmv nii-it from New York, nhero he lm. iiu,. m attend the annual nauiuei glvvu by the mmnflnv In Ita nnl. Digests what you Eat Dyspepsia Cure Wc havo heard a great deal about, "heart to heart talks." Tho little, talk's where people Ketrltfht down to honest reason, to common sense. You havo no doubt at Home tlmo or other experienced tho annoying- and pajiiful symp tom of Indigestion. Digestion Is the pro cent by which nature Iruimforras our food, by means of various Juices cMled dlgestnnta, Into blood which Is then carried throughout the body und used to mako flesh, muscle, bone, nerve, brain and material of efory kind of which thu body is composed. Indigestion nny arise from a variety of causes, but L'pneraly because- some of the elements which make up the digestive juices are lucking. Undigested fond gives you all kinds of trouble. In the first place you have a most distress ing feeling in your stomach, especially after eating. Soon this undigested food fcrmonts, the gua distend;, tho Htomaeli, and in its ef forts to escape, It causes belching. It also causes a pressuro against tho nerves and arteries leading to the heart, giving rlso In the mind of the sulTercr Io thu Idea that ho hushearttrouble. Nothing could be further from corroct. Most, supposed heart trotiblo M nothing moro nor less than Indigestion. Of course that is serious enough but you want to know where tho seat of the trouble Is, so you can treat It properly. Again, such food as should be digested In tho stomach btlt Is not digested there, passes Into the Intestines and bowels where It cause. more trouble. The bowels become constipated or "clogged up", the waste mat ter Is not passed off but Is to some extent absorbed bank in the system. This poisons tho blood. Then what can you expect? Can any person think thnt this poisoned blood can make heal t hy llesh, healthy bone, healthy kidneys, healthy liver, healthy heart, or a clear, healthy, active brain? Is it any wonder that ninety five per cent of the American people have bodily afflictions? The wholo point is this. If people would digest their food properly most human Ills would disappear. You no doubt wolild cure your Indigestion If you knew how, wouldn't you? Certainly. Now If the dlgcstlvo Juices or fluids nro lacking but wo substitute something com posed of exactly the same elements or In gredient', isn't It common sense that the result will be the same? If a certain combination of elements will complete ly digest food In a glass tube or In a bottle, tinder proper conditions, lin't It common sense that tbe Mine elements will digest the food in the stomach? Of course It li; it can't help It. Several year were expended in. perfecting a preparation that would do title very thief. The result wm Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. U ovnUlae every element neoenarj to the eonalete aad per fect dlffestloa of all elaaeee f food. It per in lie you to eat all the nood food you want and d every particle of It without any aid whatever from the stomach, allow ing the. digestive organs to rest and regain their normal healthy condition and strength. Hv digesting all you eat, Kodpl Dyspepsia Cure tunes up the entire system. It will give yuu llfo, health, strength, ambition, a good appetite, sound, healthful eleep and pure, rich blood that will enable nature to correct many Ills to which the other organ of your body may be subject. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure never falls to cure dyspepsia, Indigestion and stomach troubles, even after all other medicines have, failed. Can thero be any possible, reason why it wljl not cure you? Candid Heart to Heart Talks. Dear Sim: I had sullorcd for years with Rtomach trouble and after doctoring with several doctors who did too no good and af ter being in bed three weeks at hue time when 1 could eat nothing, and my heait troubled me and ached so ut limes that I thought I was going to die, a friend recom mended your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. After I began taking tho Urst bottle, I commenced to improve ut once and my appetite began to Improve, Now after taking two bottles, I am so that I can eat anything and every thing.' I cannot recommend too highly tho Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to all sufferers with stiimacli trouble and indigestion, and would say to all that If you will only try it, you will be cured as 1 am now, after having spent hundreds of dollars with doctors and getting no better, while a few bottles of Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure made me well. Yours most respectfully, Mrs. Julia Hursh, Kutte des Morts, Wis. Dear Sirs. It gives nit) great pictisitre to write you concerning the good qualities of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I had a Btomach trouble of four years standing, which was so had nt times I was forced to abandon business and remain In bed. I had tried physicians and all kinds of dyspepsia tablets in vain, At last through" the recommendation of my druggist I tried a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, The ef fect was highly gratifying, ;it I received Im mediate relief and less than two bottles ef fected a complete cure. I never travel without a bottle f Kodol Dyspepsia Curo In my valise, 'It does the work quickly and thoroughly and I cannot say too much In Its praise. Yours truly Geo. It. Colbath, Alpena, Mich. Luke J. Colllnsof East Windsor, New York deposes and says that, he has been troubled with dyspepsia for tjvo years, having acidity of the stomach (heartburn) and Indigestion so that ho took no comfort from eatlntr any kind of food, but after having tiled prescriptions from several physician l li mit any permanent rellof, by taking two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ho appear to bo cured 'Luke J. Collins. Sworn and subscribed to, before moon Ihe 13th day of June, lOOl.-Gcb. E. Collins, Notary Public. Gentlomen: I have sold all the Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I bought. of you and nrdetcd twice from the Jobber. I recommend on my own accord every bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Curo 1 sell and haven't beard of as'inglu .complaint. Yours, Jno. P. Isterllng, Corydon Junction, Ind. Dear tf.lrs'. After seven year of uffering from chronic Indigestion, I was finally mired hv uslnc? thrna bottles of Kodnl Dvs- riopsia (Jure Mrs. Annie Atcoin,, mereauu, 52? Prepirsdby C.C. DeWlttACo..CklcBO. Th $1.00 bottU contain 2j tlmea as much (by actual measurement,) satl ti 1st all Wklkl lor 58ct. Cures all stomach troubles The Best Treatment BUckkurn. U., Aujuit ?, (900. May 7th, last, I miscarried and was confined to my btd twq months with smrc pains In my hud, shoulders, back, hips and lower bowels ind spells of violent flooding eyery lew days. My husband hd a Jood physician attending me all the time, but he could do me no good, I trtdually grew worse, My womb became so for and was swollen so badly that life was a torture to me. At lest the docfof said he must perform an operation. The flooding and pains continued for five days so bid I could hardly turn myself In, bed; I w growing weaker all (he time ind hid given up ill hopes of ever vetting well. One dty my fither brought me bottle of Win of (lirdl and my physiciin told me to tike It ind Keep Uklpg It three times a day, It wis the very thing far me lust what I needed. I am now able to do housework. ' Mrs. M. BONNEttC Doctors in treating female diseases too frequently advise surgical operations. Ar4 wivej, mothers and daughters have gone to their death because they ntedleisly submitted to surgical operations. To-day over 1,000,000 cured women know WINEofCARDUI as the unerring specialist which, has relieved Ihem of disordered menses, falling of the Vfomfy, miscar riage, leucofrhcea and other female ailments, without private examination, without t surgeon's knife and without any embarrassing publicity whatever. Wine of Cardui makes if unnecessary for thousands' of women to suffer any longer, A dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui can be secured from your druggist, By taking this pure Wine in your home the disordered mtnsei are made regular. All the other troubles ot women disappear with the regular return of the rrienstnud flow, Taking this, remedy syts hundreds of dollars in doctors' fees and brings a cure in the privacy of home. For advics and literature addrrm, giving tyt ptoms, "Th Ladles' Adlorj Department," Tho Chattanooga iledlciuo Cqmpa,py. Cjhattaqaega, Tenn. COASTING CARNIVAL IS ON Kerry Tintinaalialation on Baow-Oovertd lfilliidei f Omaha. RECALLS THE. SLEDDING DAYS OF OLD Memory Horn llnek in die Time AVhi-n Huillte Mrert Wan fit cm- of Nightly festival of old Wentlirr Spnrl. Tho last wcolc of January, 1992, has lioon a woeK of carnival to youthful Omaha, Tho frosty air has heen vecal with the shouts of "track! track!" as tlu coaster shot hv with tho tintinnabulation of hIcIku bells and with the merry ring of skates upon thq frozen ponils, Tho week was unshe-rod tn with a bountiful fall nt snow, which was augmented from day to day by light falls, Just enoiiKh to keep tho surface pure and white. It has been a lonk time since the Jealous merpury permitted n mantel of "tho beautiful" to lie so Ioiik unsullied by a thaw. Omaha Is particularly rich In natural toboggan alldrs. Kansas (;lty has Us hills and St. 1'nul Its bluffs, but nulthri' c.'in pomparo with Omaha In tho matter of loss, rnsy slopes, with Just enough pitch to thorn to glye Impetus to the, sled. YVUli ilusi advantages ns n basis all th' roaster needs Is a fall of snow and then presto! On n thousand gentlo acclivities ut tlio sirreta ho springs (nto existence;. Thero Is In evl- donco every kind of a yclilnlc. from (lis steel-shod "bobs," gravitation's r.ntomo- hUo. to tbs dlshpan surrcptltlourlv bor rowed from the kltchep hy tlu- you h Santa Claus had overlooked CnlllK' HlH'k Twcnl.i Yrili.. But roasting. 8 V'vll as almos pur other Institution of Oinalin has uiulergono a proccis of evolution wuhln the lat the result that roasters had to seek le;s central theaters for their sport. Some went to St. Mary's n'enuo and othera to Dodgo st'cot, but hero tigaln wero they I dispossessed, this time by tho building of strt-ct car tracks, and so had to look still ' farther for bultnblo hills. Park Wild nvo-1 tine nnd Seventh street, l'opplctou avenue,' Woolworth avenuo and Center strcot then ' became popular trystlng places far the rosy cheekpd urchins With their "nine Hncers," tholr "lied Arrows" and tholr ' "Frost Kings." These thoroughfares still enjoy favor, but as the city grow their monopoly waned In on lner ratio. Winter Carnival Yvara A mo. Speaking oi coasting, many will remem ber lho fnmoiiR coasting carnival enjoyed by Omaha's smart set In thp. early SO's. It was patterned somewhat after St.- l'aul's Ice carnival, and. while shorter lived, had an even hotter excuse for existence while It lasted, ns to coast down Dodgi? tit root from Twentieth to Fourteenth with a speed that took the breath was "sport as was sport' The Btreat had been rolled, flooded ami roped In for tho purposo. Thero wre no clrctrlc lights In Oinnlin In thosi) (!a, but tho proJectoM were not embarrassed for Illumination. They negotiated with ' tho odlclals of the various railroads, nnd so cured" the loan of locomoilvo headllshtH for tho purpose and thf sc. with thcu- powiir tu reflectors, transformed n'glit ,uto day. Oliver II. Gordon of the firm of Collins, Cardun & Kay was master if ceronioules. It will Le remnmberod. Tho society people of tho city organized themselves Into rival clubs and these uped to rnco with each other down Hie oii hill. Nearly everybody madp concession to the cnrnlval spirit that was abroad hv wearlug toboggan suits and cap's of knit stuff. Some of the society women who wanted the span, hut d'sllked Ihe labor of climbing back up the hill after iie sled had carried Ihem down, hod coachmen nt the foot of tho Inrllno to hi ch n team to th? cutter and drag them back to the starting point. This was designated In Iho socletv uever teen known to datnpoq tho. ardor of coasters, uor have uewfaum amuse mcnts detracted from their love fqr tb,o old-fnshjoncd Aport of "slldlug down ul." PEEPER CUT IN fTx LEVY (!oiiiit-ll .! it ' Fix Flnnl ImiHirt t Tlilrtv-fiue Inalertil, if TlilrtJ-Tlirer Mills. A tax levy of only thlrty-onp mills Is now being discussed hy tho members of thq city council. Thirty-three mills was supposed originally to be the lowest figure at which the levy could bo placed without Interfer ing with tho efficiency of the city jevern ment, but It Is now rumored that the levy will bo fixed at thirty-one mills. A mem ber of the fliuncn committee Is authority fof tho statement that tho city can bo maintained creditably with the following lev Fund. ' .Mills. School (i.OO Oenonil i,Si Slnklni; 5.f$ Water .' Judgment 0.30 Mbrury ' 0 61 Fire 3,8 Polleu ; 2.72 Sewer iiiiiluti'iianuc 0.27 Park 0.70 I.lghtlnu - , t.fU Health o,i5 Street eleiiulng 0.S1) Curbing, glittering find paving 0,80 Totnl 37.00 In this cstlmato (30,000 I if Included In thu general fund for a new tiro lipuuo and ?15.000 for the prpctlon anil malntenancp of an emergency hospital, Tha' chief cut in this estimate Is In (ho general fund levy, which was seven mills last year. I'lifiiinniilii nnd l,n fii-iui'. Cpuglis iiulckly cured iy I'qley'o Ilpnoy and Tar. Itefuse substitutes what s.ljQilh t) Oj? eouqtiiuiq fpr prddua tlon. 0 two occasions, t'o this lutgrcsted Individual wud haye It, long and luntcd e9ba(e. "nn qu,cs(!pn (tvCurr'oi and no agrcomont " could ' bo reached tinll spmu bright ntonber spgEoeted that csips, and gewnu wero the cheapest' coustunif , whpre- upflti th.y wr at once t)dpp,ied. ciiBa in uuvumn uut(r ii me public Is to be Informed pf Its actions (he Information sbal tit loast approximate thr truth'. No class turmoil whatever has been created by the question pf a graduation Strb. It Is true that Just hefcro the ad journment of a meeting held January 18 a flve-mlnilto discussion of the question was Indtilgol tn, though no particular loes oC self-control was noticeable; nnd at a muct- lug hejld January 24 caps and gowns wem uiunlmoualy adopted without k word ot argumont pro or cor not eveu a sugges tion as to tho pecuniary advantages ot any costume. Tho fiery speeches, disorderly conduct am! general (j.'jhibltlon of lack o grey matter so vividly pictured by the en thusiastic correspondent existed only In bh own disordered Imagination, The pljiss ramtt' tuat f any turther ac counts of Its proceodlngs urc desired (hey be obtained front rullablo sources. ' I KOVTS, VrcJldpnt, SAIHB I). ADAin, Secretary. twenty years. This noble sport whih. Ilko tho old RugllBh stag hunt, la spired with a dash of danger to glvo It piquancy, ' columns of the Omaha newspapers as a onco usurped tho principal thoroughfares of "brilliant event." as Indeed It was, hut It the city and mndo tralllc take to the curb- . was not without Its dark and melancholy stones to glvo a rlshj of way. ()ne need phase. With so many sleds cf every con not bo a pioneer to reincpiber "when the celvable kind on the chute, and, consldor Intrepid riders of the "transverse" used Ing the terrible momentum they acquired to flash down Farnam strre.. It was tho In their descent. It would havo been re custom thcso days lo start at Eighteenth ! roarkublc If ho carnival had passed with street, at which point the gradu was thirty ' out an ace'dpnt. As u matter of fact thero feet higher than It Is now, ,ind the Imne- ! weru several nccldenie, tho most sorimiB tus gained would bo so great as to carry I of which resulted In an Ipjury to ijowaid me coasier ta ,1'Uieenin ana even to Four- Tdcn, son of Ur- Tllden, from which h,o tcenth street, novor fully recoveied, Then graders cut iTown the hill, with , Accidents of this kind, however, have 77 CREIGHT0N MEDC COSTUME Cln' OltliM-ra liKilat II Wuh Sepcid Wltliiiut I'rli llon or i: enilci( lfltiin, OMAHA, Feb. ! -To hu frMltor of The Dee: It seems that somu lnd frletnj Is very desirous that the' public shall ho an quainted with the iirorccdlnn of the senior class of Crelghton Medical college 'and has hurdonpd himself wlti tho task of report ing them to the dally iirere. ti Tho Dally Bco of January 20, and ogaln Jantiary SO, apppared accounts of m?ctlns of tho senior plats, reporting that the members became very excited and disorderly, almost pugil istic, In discussions over tbe question of A OAlUiLF. of salt aud water slreufithein the threat, takes away thp scrappy fee.lln nt (ha beginning of a Cold "77" does (l:i rest. WOOI.KN worn next tho skin ' keeps In tho heat; "7"" strpngthens nml rcvlvcij luv vitality und prevents Poldi. DflV FppT aro essential to good hoaim Keep the, fcot warm and dry, and "77" wll kevp yo vcl, II ATM K frequently; bo sure lo rub dry and got up thu circulation (or tho bath, a dofo ol "77" will assist nature. KKUI' tho mouth elcoed, breathe through the nose. If this l? djlncuht '0 bas Catarrh and, pefjd "77." M5T th,e beard grpw If your throat sensitive, and take "7"" It cures hoarse ness and restores (lie voice. "8EVBNTY-SEVKN" ("77"J, Ur- Hum phroys' Famous Specific, stops a Cold al tl.o btart and "breaks up" Colds hat lung on, At all DrugglsU.