Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1902, Page 12, Image 20

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scm.vTirio i,i.(ii:hi
Stnrtc irltU CoiinuiiiiiintP Art tit Aeccn
trntf Orncefiil Outline.
NEW YORK, Jan, 31. Tho whlto goods
Bales arc still en and the bargain hunters
aro happily ami advantageously rclnforclni;
their BUpplleg nf lingerie. Tho daintiest
nnd most tempting laco fretted nnd ribbon
RtrunK corfict covers, pantaloons nnd nlfiht
dresses nre Btlll bclnR sold far below cost,
nnd all In purest white. Tho only touch of
color to be found In tho piles of reduced or
brand new underwear Is lent by the Inter
lacing ribbons. Colored llngcrlo Is appar
ently rlmply out of tho running, but tho
ribbon decoration certainly does supply n
tioto of pleasing variety In tho heaps of
anowy goods.
For, rxamplo, tho up-to-dnto corset cover
Is larKcly constructed of ribbon, whether
It Is n bolero In shape or n combination pet
ticoat nnd cache corset In one. The bolero
Bhapcd under bodies, thnt mnko nny pre
tention to dalntlncfH, aro constructed ns a
rulo on the pattern of tho pretty trlflo dis
played In tho slnRlo figure, of n damolsello
dressed to tho point where her lino after
noon gown Is to bo nssumcd. This Is not
at nil nn expensive bit of underwear. A
nlco domestic cnmbrlc Is used In Its con
struction nnd threo rows of broad Imitation
beaded torchon InKortlon run round tho
body to admit nn Interviewing of light blue
wash ribbon. Torchon edging finishes tho
nock, nrm holes and bottom of tho snug
little garment. With this one of tho very
newest of tho now whlto skirts Is worn.
Its cut nnd decoration nro quite like that of
tho onco proudly predominant silk petti
coat. This Is, however, n study In whlto
cotton, whlto embroidery and blue ribbon.
Tho udvnntago of such n skirt Is. of course,
that It Inuuders, outwears two silk gar
ments, nnd. when properly "gotten up,"
holds tho Cress skirt out far moro stanchly
than silk over will.
nmliroldrry Win the tiny.
In theso dnys of scientific shopkccplng a
woman can buy such n skirt nlrendy mado
nnd exquisitely laundered, or sho can easily
construct the whole thing herself by buying
tho dcop, heavily ncedlo worked flounce,
nlrendy cut out and gathered for swift
Al this stngo In tho affaire of underwear
thcro seems to bo n preference expressed
for embroidery over laco nnd women pass
nffectedly hugo plica of knitted silk nnd
llslo undcrvests nnd combinations marked
down to n sacrificial figure to gladly pur
chaBo nlmost nnythlng nice In tho form of
linen nnd cotton goods underwear. Knitted
things had their dny, nnd It wns tho day of
tho excessive tailor mndo that has now
given wny to coquettish frou-frouness. Let
ny woman who doubts this cnBt her eye on
tho group sketched In pretty dishabille.
Hero Is showed tho latest conception In
combination chemlso and short petticoat,
sight dress nnd n corset cover nnd long
petticoat In ono. All theso sweet garments
aro ndnrncd with pretty whlto batlsto
beaded embroidery, with flno tucks nnd
with nn nbundnnco of ribbon. For tho
adornment of the nawest llngerlo tho bead
ing Is finished on either edge with a broad
nnd pretty bonier, nnd tho ribbon lnced
through this produced tho most offoctlvo
trimming possible.
llrttoriitlini of the Cliemlne.
Undeniably In tho restoration of tho che
mist) a vnst deal of Improvement In Its cut
nnd decoration has been achieved. Super
fluous fullness at tho shoulder nnd tu the
aklrt has been offoctlvoly pared down,
straps of ribbon hnvo lu many cases taken
tho place of arm holo sleeves, and In somo
examples finely graduated tucltts tuku up all
tho waist lino fullncbs and fit tho garment
smoothly lu to tho figure. At tho lingerie
counters chemlsu for stout and thin women
aro sold, nnd in nine cases out of (en tho
purchaser expresses a preference for gar
incuts mndo of tho finest American cotton,
Linen is nlco, of course, but even a mil
lionairess wants her uudergnrmcnts to
wear, whlrh is more than enn b expected
of flno linen under tho ruthless touch of
tho modern laundress, Silk for the snmo
ronton, porhaps, has lost all tho ground
it gained u few years ago, and domestlo
mnchlno mado undsrwear Is, ovon by many
very wealthy women, preferred to the hand
sowed French article.
Kur W ii mi Wt'nthrr.
Already efforts 'nrO being made by tho
far-sighted shopkeepers to offer to feminine
consideration dainty devices for hot weather
amelioration. For example, nenrly every
now nightdress Is cut with nu open neck
and elbow sleeves. An open-throated night
dress Is very becoming, and In Juno Its easy
fhapo will bo found distinctly comfortable
Bomo of there pretty garments follow tho
n. i
mother should be n source of Joy to all, but the suffering and
iwor incident to the ordeal, mnkts its anticipation one of misery
Mother's Friend is tho only remedy
pain and (lunger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman i
severest trial is not only mnd'e painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use this remedy aro no longer despondent or
ninnmv! nervousness, nausea and othtr distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made
6crious accidents so common to
hour are obviated by the use of mother s
Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold,"
says many who have used it. $i.oo per
hottli. nt drurr stores. Hook contuinmg
valuable information of interest to
be sent to any address free upon
prevailing fashion In blouses nnd aro fas
tened In the back, lluttons are too hard
to Ho upon, so nt three places along tho
opening In the rear tags of baby ribbons
tlo tho occupant safely and comfortably In.
This Is called n (Ircenawny night dress:
ninny of thrjj babyish pattern are cut very
straight und narrow In the skirt nnd
adorned with n most coquettish lace nnd
muslin ucckchlct that Is fastened to
cither side on the front of tho shoulder to
let a dellcnto shell drapery fall upon tho
One of tho truly commendable novelties
now on sala In most llngcrlo departments
Is tho sleeper's reticule. 'TIs a generous
old-stylo draw string lop bag made of gaily
flowered muslin, trimmed with laco nnd
gathered up with ribbons. This Is to hang
by the bed nnd hold n handkerchief, n salts
bottle nnd n snchct covered with white
uapcry damask and filled with fragrant
dried leaven from nn oriental shrub, the
effect of which Is to produco a delicious and
healthful drowsiness when weariness,
or 1
nervousness, or excitement, offer to tamper
with one's natural rest.
Not n bit less commendablo ore the sets
of travelers' underwear that ono dry goods
houco Is offering. Tho complete outfit Is
mado of excoedlngly smooth surfaced pale
yellow pongeo silk, trimmed only with a
Judicious amount of needlework In tho
snmo color. Tongco Is tho ono good that
on experiment has been weighed in the bal
nnco against the onslaughts of tho hotel
laundress nnd has not been found wanting
even In n thread, netter still, it Is a goods
that refuses to accept dust and Improves
with washing nnd folds Into llttlo or no
spaco In n steamer trunk. MAHY DEAN.
Vnrled Diverntunit mill neciiratlonn of
the Debutante. ,
NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Tho gcntlo debu
tanto has not only accepted the poet's
warning to gather the rosebuds while sho
may, but she has called liberally also of
nil tho other cloth, Bilk, gauzo nnd velvet
flowers that grow In glass show cases, and
sho Is wenrlng them In charming lavlsh
ncss with all her evening gowns. So
wholly aro floral garnitures deemed "the
thing" this winter nnd so exquisitely
pretty are nil tho corsage wreaths, crowns,
coronets nnd chaplots of artificial bloom
that numbers of matrons, privileged to
bind their hair with pearls nnd crystnlllzo
their bodices with diamonds, havo put asldo
tho gems for tho buds and blossoms.
When it is n question of rosobuds, the
smart Idea Is a combination of Dankstn
roses with sweet briar foliage, and what
allure nil womankind are the Irresistible
designs In which tho garulturco can bo
purchased. Just nt this Juncturo In so
clol affairs many nn evening gown requires
u restorntlvo touch, and horo tho corsngo
arrangements fit nobly Into the breach.
There Is no troublesome, question of de
ciding how to put tho trails or gnrlands
in place, becnuso. If you know beforehand
what you want, tho wreath can bo bought
nlroady shaped to lit over tho bleak or
shnhby spot.
Very fresh nnd ellm debutantes, who
know a good Idea when thoy soo It, havo
n marked weakness for shaded convolvulus
gnrlands so worked up with light green
velvet box follngo that tho flowers nnd
leaves nlono .form tho complete and most
elaborate trimming for n decolloto nut or
chiffon waist, nnd nmong tho young girls
tho rulo la to wear In the ha'.r n ohnplct
or spray of tho snmo flower that decorates
tho bodice. Ono of tho most lovely and
popular of this winter's garnlturis Is mad-j
of black nnd whlto volvot Marguerites,
This completely circles tho top of tho low
cut bodlco and from tho loft side falls a
shower of green nnd whlto panne rlbbm
ends. A coronet of Marguerites Is nr-
rnngod in tho hair, and, ns n rulo, tho
coqucttlBh flornl crowns nre tied lu tho
ronr with black baby volvot ribbons.
When n matron a3umcs tho simplicity of
flowers her tendency wlcly Irnns toward
splendid shaded velvet cumollns worked up
with shining sill; silver mnplo leaves, or
sho ndoptti big whlto silk roses nnd foliage
of shaded panne. Tho older womnu's
rnrsago Ilowors nro probably treated with
tho sparkling powder called diamante, or
she takes kindly to tho hugo transparent
goura ilowors, every petal of which Is out
lined with minute paste stones, while tho
head pleco Is topped 'off with nn osproy.
Such obvious artificiality tho newly In
troduced bud tries to avoid, und when her
llttlo net or chiffon gown Is very plain and
Every mother feels ft
grout elrcad of I he jnm
tind danger attetulnnt upon
the most critical period
of her life. necomina
which relieves women of tho grea'
ready fm the coming event, and tho
tho critica
all women, w tl ICluSflfl
application t H I EStIIIR
Atlanta, Om. U Si'VMUl
not very fresh she lets fall, from ono side
or other of her corsnge garniture, n series
of panno ribbons that nro caught in nt tho
waist line to fall again to uneven lengths ,
upon the skirt, hvory ribbon end Is gath-
cred Into n looped bow which In Its tu ril
catches a tiny cluster of the blossoms that
appear on the bodlco.
(Icoitrntitilcnl AnkpiiiIiIIi-n Ilnvc 31 n lie
Tlit-lr Debut In (lie Hunt.
The Intcst novelty in tho wny of cntcr
tnlnmcnts In tho east Is the geogrnphlcnl
party. At n recent function of this de
scription all tho guests were nsked to como
representing by costume, or decnrntlon
"somo place on tho map." WhOn nil
were assembled, time wns called and every
member of tho company provided with a
pleco of paper bearing numbers 1 to IS,
tho number assembled, each popcr In nd-
dltlon being deslguntcd by ono of tho num.-
hers ns tho Identity of Its owner. Ono
hour wns allowed for guessui, each guess
to bo set against the HsJ number corre
sponding to tho number of tho person
whoso Insignia was thought to bo deciph
ered. A strict enforcement of tho rule of "no
assistance" wns made, that tho contest
might bo perfectly fair. At tho end of
tho hour papers wcro signed and nil were
collected, n commlttco of two tnklng tho
count. Prizes were nwnrded to tho man
nnd woman making tho greatest number of
correct guesses nnd consolation prizes for
tho least number. A part of tho fun wns
to select emblems that wero misleading.
One young man carried around a box of
soil with n largo capital F partly imbedded
in It. "F-in-lnnd," Finland, was what ho
Intended to represent, but n number of
Etiesscs renu it v eartn, l'lrtn. a
slender glass bottlo half full of water In
which floated a holly berry was correctly
guessed Watcrbury by somo, but by others
was read Clearwater nnd Sprlngwnter.
A largo cnpltnl C cut out of whlto paper
was Instantly guessed at n first glance, nnd
wns down on every pnper ns Whlto sen; Its
correct rending wns, however, "Hearing C,"
Retiring sea. A enrd on which was printed
twenty-four letters of tho alphabet meant
R E gone," Oregon. A yellowish A cut
from cardbcard and pinned half way down
n lady's skirt was "Huff A low," Buffalo.
Another young woman confused tho guess
ers with threo skeleton letters, D E U,
worn as a tiara nround her hnlr. Every
body promptly put It down as Indicating
Del I Wear," Delaware Instead, It read
Delhi. Tho contest mndo much merriment,
nnd Is particularly suited to a company of
young nnd old, ns children fresh from
geography lessons aro quite as apt as tho
ciders, If not more so, at correct guessing.
(jiiiiiAiu.i: (ii:n.MA. 1'itA,
Very Ail vaiiecil in llor A'lcivs of
'I sometimes wondered when German
women over did anything at homo. From
11 to 12 In tho morr'ng tho enfes aro packol
with German women, who go out to tnko
their second breakfast In tho publlo res-
tnurants a thing which does not obtain In
this country. They will tako tholr sewing
or embroidery nlong and Bit nn hour or two
over a cup of coffee or a glass of boer. At
tho concerts, too, thoy tako their wcrk nnd
spend hours, day after dny, listening to tho
music. You can spend nn afternoon lis oil
ing to tho most beautiful music, n mngnltl
cont orchestra with flno vocal nrtlsts, for
10 conts, It Is tho paradlro of music lovers.
At 3 In the nftornoon again you will see
tho enfes packed with Gorman womon tnk
lng their afternoon tea. So that, alto
gether. I did not boo whers tha typical
hausfrnu canio In. Yes, I bollevo the typi
cal Gorman haujfrnu Is n myth," said n
New York woman tho other dny.
"I spent eight months In Berlin with my
dnughtcr. who wnB studying music," sho
continued. "Wo woro nt u German pen
sion nnd 1 met n great many German
women. Ono of them took mo one even
ing to the German Woman's club. Tho
club has o magnificent suite of apartments.
Including auditorium, reading room, par
lors, rufo nnd Btnoklng room. Whon sho
took me Into tho latter I adiuit it almost
phased me. I am used to women's clubs In
this ccuutry, and have been to a
many uf them In many different cltlcn. Hut
1 never beforo Jaw n room filled with ele
gantly gowned women, nil smoking. Tho
nlr wns blue with smoke. These woro the
wealthy, society women of llcrlln, titled,
some of them. They arc cosmopolitan In
their dress nnd tunnncrs nnd did not pre
sent nny striking points of difference from
well bred women In America, except In the
way of smoking,
"I think American women are moro do
mestic than the German women, for I never
iic.nnj o n American elub in tho which tho
women icft their homes to spend their
evenings at tho club. American women
linvn rlnliQ felt Ihrt nnpnrNn nf llfnrnpv
study nnd practical work In philanthropy
nnd reform. Hut tho Ocrman women's
clubs like most of those of tho English
women nro based on tho snmo principle ns
men's clubs; they nre for social enjoyment
nnd for tho convenience of members taking
their meals, entertaining friends, nnd so
on. Tho club thnt I visited has literary
nnd luuslcnl programs, but tho members
never participate In them. Tho progrnms
nro always given by professionals.
"Hut along somo lines the Ocrman women
have done moro than American women.
For Instance, there Is In Hcrllu n working
girls' club which numbers 13,000 working
girls In lu membership. It-Includes nil
tho women clerks In tho city, nnd nlmost
nil clerks In llcrlln arc women. Tho object
is to better tho condition oj tho members,
to secure shorter hours, better pay and
maintain nn employment bureau and n sick
benefit fund. It Is, lu fact, nothing less
than a ttudes union, but tho curious thing
about It Is that It was organized and be
friended by women of tho highest social
standing, some of them women of the no
bility. Tho leading spirit Is Frau Cower,
formerly a teacher, and now editor of a
woman's paper. Sho Is tho moving spirit
in the 'woman's rights' movement In flor
mauy. All such work, ns tho organization
of tho working girls' club, they cnll
'woman's rights' over there. Lunch clubs
for working girls, mothers' meetings for
women of the poorer classes, and all such
semi-philanthropic work, they nlso call
'women's rights.' Two or three years ngo
they secured a law empowering tho uppolnt
mont of women ns poor guardians. Hut In
llcrlln tho men nbsolutely refused to recog
nize tho women by auy appointments. Frau
Cowor told mo that they had women in
training for those positions, nnd that when
they vero convinced that they wero per
fectly fitted to fill tho olllces In a way that
would disarm all criticism, thnt they wcro
going to demand their appointment. In
Hamburg tho women wero recognized Im
mediately by appointments. They havo se
cured .ho appointment of matrons in pris
ons, nnd in fact nro vigorously pushing
msasurcs which wero taken up by American
women twenty-five years ngo.
a vai.kntim: auction.
I'rlr for the Ilruvr IIIiIiIIiik "SlKht
There could bo no gayer plan for colo
bratlng tho feast of good Saint Vnlcnttne
than nn auction snlo of hearts. Beyond
suspending a slu-cp in tho center of tho
drawing room, In caso it Is not convenient
to devote two rooms to your guests, no
arranging is necessary.
If thcro nro two rooms employed lot tho
girls of tho party nil withdraw Into ono
of these, tho men remaining In the other.
Tho folding doors uro closed or partially
drawn nnd tho girl whoso henrt Is first to
ho auctioned Is decided upon nmong tho
Indies. The men nro kept In total Igno
rnnco of tho results of this decision.
Knmcono. who Is n clover talker, then
mounts ti chnlr and, nrmcd with a hammer
wins to auction off tho heart of tho glii
Ho docs not describe her In such n wny
thnt she can bo recognized, but dwolli
nnon her nnrtlculur charms. Her wit, If
sho Is witty, her beauty If sho Is bonutlful
her vlvnclty if bIio Is vivacious nnd no on
tho lu..
for it.
his wares have been BUfllclentlv
o asks for bids. Bids can only
pounds or ounces lot c?tora) of
an who would llko to capture
orlng so many pounds or nuncen
This bidder continues for nbout a
tho honrt going to the highest
As neon ns tho purchaser has been de
elded upon tho man who wins Is led Into
the adjoining roam nnd presented to tho
ludy whoso heart ho has won. Tho men
who were not purchasers rcmnln In tho
outer room and do not learn tho Identity of
tho lady whoso heart thoy hayo failed to
carry off.
Another heart Is now proposed by tin
auctioneer, and her charms described
This nlso gois to tho man who bids highest,
who Is promptly admitted to her society.
Tho gatno continues until nil the hearts
hnvo been disposed of, when, of course,
all tho young people will be together.
Tho man who purchased nnd the girl
whoso heart has been won become part
ners for tho games of tho evening.
Kin- mid A limit Women.
Mrs. Sarnh St. Justin Henle, tt New York
author, through n series of tinfortumito
Unauchil misfortunes, has had to enter u
churltnblo Institution for women In Denver.
Mrs, General Miles hns hud named In her
honor n woman's nuxlllary nrtny post In
Washington, tho name given the organiza
tion being Alary Sherman Miles auxiliary.
Miss Abide Chopin, nn American mission
nry In China, hns had conferred upon her
the royal red cross, bestowed by the king
of England through the British minister.
It wns given her for services rendered dur
ing tho selge of Pckln.
MIsh Annie BInlork of Ocorgln Is en
gnged lu founding nn Industrial school for
tho negroes or her native state, modeled
after tho Tuskegeo Instltutu of Booker
Washington. Her father has given her a
plnntiitloii of 2iW ueres, with tho buildings,
lor that purpose;.
It Is said that tho Empress Eugenie Is
writing her memoirs, which, after her
death, are to be placed In a public build
ing, whero every one will be ublo to read
them. Her private correspondence will bo
ndded to tho memoirs, Including tho letters
addressed to Napoleon III before and after
her betrothal.
Animated by the example of Carrie Na
tion a young woman of Bliighamton, N. Y.,
Miss Alice Weaver, lius begun a crusade
ngulnst cundy stores, which she regards as
moro harmful than suloons. She entered
one of these stores und proceeded to de
molish tho candy Jars, but her crusade was
brought to a sudden end by an unsympa
thetic policeman. Miss Weaver paid a lino
of such proportions that her Ideas of re
forming tho world by blotting out the
candy storti Inlamy huvo been greatly
Mrs. Benjamin Hnrrlsnn hns taken her
placo ns the unquestioned lender of society
In Indiana. Her home In lndlunupolls is
the gathering place of the wits, thu bruins
nnd the Influcncu of thu 1 lousier stnte. Her
llbrnry, collected by General Hnrrison (hir
ing his Illustrious career of more than forty
years In public life, Is tho most complete
nnd vnlunble private collection west of tho
Hudson river. At her death It Is to bo
divided among General Harrison's chil
dren. Mrs. Harrison Is u patron of music
and literature.
A sednto llttlo tot of n girl furnished
considerable amusement for a number of
street car pnssengers In New York tho
other afternoon, nt tho snmo tlmo demon
strating that imitative motherly qualities
begin to show themselves very early In life.
In relating the llttlo comedy a writer for
the New York Times snys that tho child,
who vyub with her mother, carried In her
arms a doll hair ns big ns herself. In tho
course of the rldo tho little one's mother
found It necessary to give her maternal at
tention to tho small girl's nose, and this
being duly attended to she slipped tho
pretty lace-trlmmed handkerchief shu had
used Into tho bug sho was carrying and
wns about to close It, when tho baby held
out her small hand for It. It seemed sho
wished to finish tho duty her mamma hud
begun, as such small children frequently
do, but thnt was not true In this Instance.
Baby wns a mother herself and. taking tho
handkerchief solemnly, she applied It to
dollv's noso nnd handed It back to her
mamma without a ghost of a smile. It was
the mother and the other passengers In tho
cur who exchanged smiles nt tho serious
wny In which the llttlo ono Imitated serv
ice done for herself.
Frills of FiinIiIoii.
Glnts nnd silver enameled lu colors Is
now Included In modish tableware.
Some of the newest lamp shades are fin
ished with a f rlngo of glass beads either In
natural colors or tinted to match tho
Mohnlr grenndlncs, very sheer, with
whlto grounds patterned with different del
lciite colors In n silky design, ure consplc
uoui nmong the now materials.
Whlto cnmellus nro a very popular llower
In mllllnerv. nnd cardeiibis rank next In
order, ns they resemme ino lormcr in mcir
pecullar whiteness una general siyie.
A churmlng evening gown for a young
girl Is of rich mlrolr satin, veiled with
..lilinr white, cold or colored net. showing
a dcllcato design of laco or ribbon applique
in a norm design, nuernaung wuu roses or
cumelias sown on In a studied carelessness
Old-fiiBhloned Spanish Inco scarfs nro
used for muffs, mado up with chiffon
Tuhlnl,. wnriileil. nf rnursn. forms the foun.
ilntlrm nnd the frills ns Well. Tho scarf
twists around tho center unit ties lu a knot
nnd ends, fastened with a bunch of Ilowors
or n hnnusomo uucKic.
Somo Ingenious mortal hns introduced an
effnetlvn nnveltv this season, nnnielv. blaok
velvet roses, about tho slzo of tho pnlm of
one's hand, ready to iippllquo onto silk, Inco
or chiffon. There Is nn open clrcln In tho
middle, through which tho materlnl can bo
drawn, llieso roses miiao ino nmsi eueu'
tlvo sort of decnrntlon.
T'n-to.dnte cnrrlauo bans hnvo enouch
mnterlals to supply a Robinson Cruoe
with it library. There Is a big address
book, nn engagement book, a pair of scis
sors, a paper ciiuer nun u ciuuk. imviif B,
Tim hnca nro usually mounted in sliver.
they cost a great ileal of money, thcro Is
always n chaneo of their being stolen, no
ono was ever known to use one, nnd tho
rlnck Is never wound. Notwithstanding all
theso weaknesses they urn most attractive)
pieces of rarrmgo furniture, aim women
cannot help taking a certain pleasure in
She "Whs
Baltimore American:
Now, tho lndy who
had addressed tho club on- tho preceding
day camo Into tho oillce of tho newspaper
nnd demanded an apology.
"I know," she declared, "that I talked n
grent deal, but that was no nxcuso for your
printing such an Impolite statement ns that
I iiavo a flno opon countenance,' "
Penitent, tho editor promised to publish
nn nrtlcle announcing that her countenance
was Just ns fine when It wns closed.
Worn Out?
World Famous Marian.
A Restorer of tho
Vital Forces
Vin Mariani is a perfectly
safe and reliable diffusible tonic
and stimulant; it gives strength
and vigor to body, brain and
AU Druggists. RofuM Substitute.
The Kind That Men Admire.
Men ndtnlre a pretty face and n kooiI figure, tutt sooner or later lcum tha
the happy woman, that contented onu la most of all to bo ndmlred.
Those troubled with fainting spells, Irregularity, nervous irritability,
backache, the blues nnd that dreadful beurlng down feeling ennnot hope to b
happy, nnd advancement in either homo or social life is impossible.
It Is olenrlv shown in the young lady's letter which follow thnt Lyrtin E.
1 Inklmtn's Vegetable Compound will certainly cure tho MifTrrlng of wo
men i nni when one considers that .Miss Murphy's tetter is only ono of tho count
less hundreds which wc aro continually publishing in the newspapers of fils
country, the great virtue of Mrs. Plnkham's medicine inuft be ndmltted by all ;
and for tho absolute cure of nil kinds of female ills no btibstltute can possibly
take its place. Women should bear this important fnct in mind when they go
iut,o n drug store, and be r.ure not to nccept anything thnt is claimed to bo
" hist ns good " as Lydiit 13. I'lnkhnm's vegetable Compound, for no
Other medicine for femaio ills has made so many uctuul cures.
President "Lcnd-u-IIund Club," Seattle, Wnsh.
"Dkak Miis. Pinkham - For three years 1 suffered with bearing
down pains, backache, bucamo nervous and hysterical and could not
enjoy life as other young women did. A lady friend who had suffered
Binularly and been cured, suggested tbat I try Lydia 13. lMiikluun's Voff
ctablu Compound. I had little faith in it, but nevertheless I guvo it a
trial, and I am glad that I did. I kept getting better gradually and my
pains left me and within four months I was a well woman. This is a
year ago and I have never had any trouble since. I wish all suffering
women knew of your valuable medicine. Yours very truly, Mauoaii
etta Munriiv, 2703 Sec. Ave., Seattle, Wash."
Two Hore Grateful Letters.
" Drab Mas. Pixkham : I feel it
my duty to writo you in regard to
your valuable medicine. I haro boon
troubled with falling of tho womb
and inilammatiou of the ovaries, and
was so bad I could hardly walk across
thu floor. The doctors said it was
impossible for me to get well unless I
had an operation, but this I would
not listen to. lluving rend so much
nbout Lydla 13. Pinkham'H Veg
etable Compound 1 made up my
mind to give it a trial, und it hns
done wonders for me. I commenced
to feel better from tho first dose, und
today I nm n well, healthy girl.
" Hoping that your Vegctublo
Compound will relieve other sufferers
tia it did me, nnd thanking' you for re
storing my health, I remn'ln, Miss
AI.VI.V liAllSON, uox JOB, ltUUbon.WlS."
Don't hesitate to writo to Mrs. Plnkbnm If thcro is anything
nbout your sickness you do not understand. She will treat you
with kindness and her advico is free. No woman over regretted
writing her and slio lias helped thousands. Address Lynn, MasSi
ItEWAUII. Wo havodcposltedwith thoKatlonaJ City Bank of I,ynn. $5000,
wlilcMflll bo paid to nny person who can find that the above testimonial lettor
la nnt rrr lining nm . .. d ... 1 .1 1 .1. . I i..f- n I ..I U - I 1-1
mbilnii r
It'moves Tnn, I'lmplea,
KrecklM, Moth I'alclifti.
nanh mid Hl:ln
raBp, and every
blemish on tmauly,
anil den rtelrc
lion, It hus (toot
the test of 31
yrars, urn) Is so
harmless w taalv i
It to ho sura It
Is iroprly made.
Accept no counter- .
fit or uiimiar
mini I)r I.. .
Sayre said to a la-
dy of the haut-tun i
u tiHtleiit):
"As you ladles will ubo thorn, t rceuin
mend '(TOmtAUirS CUEAM' u the U'aHt
harmful of nil the Bltln preparations " Kor
Hale by ull DrugKlatH and Kulicy Goods
Dealers lu thu U. S. und Europe.
ruitl). T. IIOI'JCI.YS, I'roii'r,
37 a rent Joneu tit.. N. Y.
mm mum out.
Dnuilruiriincl All hi'iilp AnVi'tlnns Cured nt
Vuu r lliimn liT WiiiHllHiry'ii
Npui'lul 'Irvaliueiils.
When yoursc'iilo In dry. full of
1 Dutidrufl or irritated: when tho
' lialr fnlla out, splits, laden, loses
its lustre or shows oilier evidences
of deniy or disease. Dcnnutolou'ist,
AVoodbury ran positively erudlcnto nil nli
noniml conditions and promotu u new mill
healthy urowth. Thousands owe their
beautiful hair to n timely cull on liitn. Con.
sultatlon is free, and SO years practical ex
pcrlenro is n (jtmranteu of lh" hebt possiblo
results In all Thosu unable, to cull
nt tho olllco may writo for book and full
information. Address JOHN II WOOJJ
JIUKY 1),I lG3Stnto Street, Chicago.
very Woman
is lnlrwt J wt tlcald lw
asoui ibj wmaiuai
MARVfL Wlilrlltia Sprov'THiljHM.
Hun (ii.J Sutluin. rtcst lit.
v tJt .Jct C'jnvnfinL
tf"'t)X lll.iulwll;.
r t t - '
l.W .... i,.,t.t r.rii
if n runiiot kuni'l) mo ',X
pltiir, Imt .end Hum p (ot I
lu.trM.tei1 ItctiV tri.d.Hlvtl
full pattli ul,il ninl ilirertlrMln.
v.lii.1,1.. In .!14PVt'.r ''ft.
Ilonrn 2J6 Time. Wdg , H V,
I Prickly Asfi Bitters Jl
Him cures lazlneis by cleansing the liver, strengthening the JH
BWt digestion and reflating the bowels. It raalcea good blood, jfiH
creates appetite, energy end cheerfulness. wMM
at onua yKm m
to. V
" Dkaii Mm, Pinkiiam: I hav
been grcntly benefited by the use of
your medicine. 1 was troubled with
a pain in my side and nny little un
usual thing would almost prostrata
mo I was so nervous ; I wns so weak
I could not do my work J menstrua
tion wns very beauty. 1 tried med
icines for mv nerves, aUo kidney nnd
liver medicine, but nothing did mo
nny good. 1 then concluded to try
Iiydiu 13. Pliikhain'.s Vegetable
Compound. 1 took three bottlca
of St, and one box "of your Liver Pills,
nnd I havo not been sick since. That
wns three years ngo, and 1 have given
birth to two children blncc then, und
tlo nil my housework for a family of
six." Mas. John Molkr, Ilillsboro,
Ohio. (Nov. 19. 1000.)
t ' an ..i.i. ... "
(burned in the enamel) arc Safe
We claim purity and Safety,and
Substantiate this claim with
Chemists' Certificate.
Note the blue label used by us
(nni (ally sustained by recent U.S.
Circuit Court decision) to dittln
culsh our absolutely pure Airate
Fllckel-Stecl Ware. Thin label la
pasted on every piece of genuine
Agate Wre.
ifftnitt limine ac-limili cf cur UUt, tic,
Jrn It an aJJrtit,
j&ras SAFE,
lurWyearsthnoiilr safe nnd rcllahls
l'mrmlo Itouuiu.orlor all tn.uLln.
KelleYMWi thlii 3 da;. Aldrurslsui,
or hy mall. Prim, Ua. (fnd 4c for
' Vomrn,Safi'riinrl."VllnoxMcl.
Irul (,'o.,3j.N, i.mi, HI., Phlla., p.
Fnld liv Fhrrmnn f- MrCnnnrll Driit Co,.
&, W, Cor, ICth und Dodgo Sts Omaha.