8 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, FEBltUATlY 1, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COW OIL MlftOtl MH.NTIOS. Davis sells drugs, t Stockcrt sells enacts and rugs. Metz beer at1, NfUinnyer's hotel. Wollrnan, sclcntlH6 uptfdan, 409 B'wny. Dr. Stephenson, llnldwjtf block. Elovatpr.. Twenty tier rojit. discount sale, Alexander & Co., art dealers, 333 IV way. Mltsourl ouk body wood. $3.G0 cord. , Wil liam Welch, 23 N. Main, street. .Tel. 123. Colonel Charles It. Hunnan has gone to Chicago on business. 8. I'nrns worth has gono to. Hot Springs, S. D., for treatment for rheumatism. Mrs. W. H. CrowtlHon. wife of the pastor of tho Klrst Chrlstlunsohurch, Is III with grip. Ihul Cox, colored, -was arrested last night, charged with uesuultlrig his wife, a white woman. , Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Hhlignrt returned yes terday from n visit tit Colfax Springs and Dos Moines. Miss Htraub of Chlcngd, a former resident of Council Muffs, Is guest of her cousin, Miss II. Bprlnk. D. Drlscoll. an employe of the gas com pany, reported the loss of a gold watch to tho polite last night. Dr. Charles Haumelster of Panama, la., !s visiting his purents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Uaumclster of l'ark uvetiuc. Dr. Chnrles I'felffer of, Chicago Is visit ng his mother, Mrs. Minnie I'felffer, who teccntly returned from Denver. Ocorgo W. Tyncr and Lydla 8. Shebcl, both of Lincoln, Neb., were married. In this city yesterday by Justice Fcrrler. Mrs. K. I. Hoghcbone. 130C West Hroad way, was found to be suffering from small pox yesterday und was quarantined. K. A. Wlckham has gono to Chicago, having found a purchaser In that metrop olis for $WW worth of paving certlllcutcs. Tho members of Council camp, Woodmen of the World, will meet this afternoon at 2 in their hall to attend tho funeral of Thomas Johnson, Centrally located two-story brick build ing, deslrablo renting property, to be sold quick; owner leaving city. D. J. Hutchin son & Co., :iS Main street. Tho clerks In the local postofflco will meat Monday night In this federal building to form a branch of the United National Association of 1'ostolllce Clerks. D. D, Jones has brought suit In the dis trict court against V). 1). Hlrd and Harry Lewis to enforce tho performance of n con tract for the sale of real estate. Elder l' M. Cooper lectured last night In the hall at Twenty-fourth street and Avenue H on "Tho Evils of Utah Mormnn lsm In Contrast with Our I.atter-Day Bnlntlsm." Hew James Thompson of New York will occupy the pulpit at both' services In the First Congregational church Sunday. This wilt close his engagement with the church for the. present. Frank Adams, stockman of Moorchead, la., who was severely Injured a few weeks ngo In n wreck on tho Northwestern at Missouri Valley. Is In a critical condition at St. liernard's hospltnl. ( rvu - i t . . , ... , ) l UU . .(til l... in , iiwuiun uijiiiifuil ..111 1..J this afternoon at 3 from tho family resi dence, lu.)i lsnst wasiungton avenue, itev. Simms will conduct tho services und burial will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery. Republic, and Women's' Hellef corps will . havo u Joint social session In Grand Army J hall ton gilt. Hie memoers or mo post Will III. Ul ,1k , OV b MuniMvno cefiiuil UU" foro tho social. Erwln II. Fogg, aged 09 years, died yes terday afternoon tn Kt. Hornurd'M hospital of general debility. Three, brothers, A. P. Fogg of Hunue, la.; C. M. Fogg of Peorln, 111., and F. S. Fogg of Tama, la., and one sister, Mrs. C. H. Wnrrcn of this city, sur vlvo him. Albert Thayer, aged 15 .years, n patient for tho Inst three years In the Insane ward of St. Hernard'M hospital, " died Thursday night. Thayer was committed from Jeffer son. Ia., wpere his relatives reside. The body Is at l.unkley's undertaking rooms awaiting word fiom tho rclntlves. The llllngs for January Indicate that the year 1902 will prove a record-breaker In tho matter of real estate transfers. At the close of business yesterday in tho ofllce of tho county recorder 267 transfers hud been filed for Jnnunry. tho considerations In volved In which aggregated J.152,r18.0Ti. Tho funeral of Mrs. Theodore N. Peterson will be at 1:30 Sundny afternoon, Instead of at ll:3t) a. m. us previously nnnounced. It will bo from the family residence, 822 Fourth street, and burial will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery Hev. William Freso or tho German Lutheran church will conduct the services. Mayor Jennings has signified his Intention to sign the contract awarded to K. A. "Wlckhnm for the construction of tho brldgo over Indian creek nt Mynster and North Main streets. While not being in favor of tho expenditure of such a largo sum of money ho sees no use In opposing It when tho contract was awarded by tho unani mous vote of tho city council. A pastoral, natural drum a, flavored with the breezy local color of Tenncssco life and permeated with the soft southern atmo sphere of Its valleys, describes "A P.C mancn of Coon Hollow," which has been one of the substantial triumphs of the last seven seasons. This success Is in part duo to tho magnlllcent scenic- effectr, among which nro a realistic steamboat race be tween tho It. E. Leo and tho Natchez,' also a cotton compress In actual operation. A "red hot" troupo of malo nml femalo plan tation darky dancers and an excellent vocal nuartct add volume to the entertainment. Tho piny will bo nt tho Dohnny theator to morrow nigi night. u. n, K. P. dance tonight. Hughes' hall. Lincoln Unities Kntertnlned. Twenty-four members of tho Lincoln, Neb., nerlo of Eaglos1 woro 'guests of. honor Inst night nt tho meeting of the Council Bluffs acrlo, and work in the initiation of candidates was put on for tholr special benefit. Those present from Lincoln wore: C. M. Benson, J.'D. Mooro, M. C. McOoogan, It. E. Flnley, C. I). Ponrod, J. D. Weeks. O. A. nielnrfoldt. J. H. Hcrrick. n. J. Floyd, William Lnwlor, F. A. Young, Mart Moran, F. W. Krone, A. II. Koop, Emll Dahl, E. L. nicbenson, H. W. Charters, R. H. Swltzer, Nicholas Helsor, Herman Holdwtck, J. W Palm, Fritz Watermnn, S. T. Weeks and O. D. Cullnn. Following tho Initiation a social session was held and refreshments irero served. HRE TIIOSI3 I.ENSf will, that is where the superiority in ,unr eyegmsHes nnu spectacles lies. When wn test votir nvealirht and grind our lino French crystalor Brazilian ponbles to lit It, adjust your glasses and put on tha proper clip, you have a pair of spectacles ofjcycgliusses that cannot bo ex celled by anyone. ' WATCH IlKI'AIKIXO. . FINK F.NC.IIAVINO. , Merman m. leffert WJ n ROADWAY, Council Bluffs. Optician, Jeweler, Engraveur. Work is Guaranteed. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director lUnrplUU tn W. li iilatsoi XS I'BAKI. STMJCHT. 'Ikn T, FARM LOANS 6d BLUFFS. CRECHE OUTGROWS ITS HOME AuttiaU Obarititi Will Kit Iito ftek Iiautud. ' SUPERINTENDENT GETS AN ASSISTANT Cold Weather Increases .neiiinnds for Provision nml. Clot hlntc, and Uii iintlniiH Are I'rKcntly Neolnl. ' The Associated Charities ,wlll remove Ita Crccho from the corner . of Avenuo; D nml Tenth street to tho Peck t homestead on Olcn avenue. Tho present location lacks tho needed playground for the children, of whom there are twenty-two In the Crccho. The chango will bo made as soon as altera tions In tho Glen avenuo houso can he ef fected. Tho' work has Increased to such an extent that 'tho association has been forced to give the superintendent, Mrs. Caroline Johnson, an assistant, and MIsfttKato Montgomery, a graduate child nurso of Omaha, has been secured. Tho cold weather has increased the de mands upon the association for provisions and clothing, and donations In this Una arc urgently needed. Tho association will hereafter havo Its meetings In tho club rooms of the Council muffs Woman's club. Miss Caroline Dodge, president, has an nounced theso committees: Relief Mrs. J. P. Hess, chairman; Mrs. W. D. Tarklngton, Mrs. Georgo Koollno, Mrs. A. B. Moore, Miss Dcsslo Ileno, Miss Marlon Denton. Commissary Mrs. E. 0. Smith, chairman; Mrs. Caroline Johnson. Collections Mrs. Itay Hlxby, chairman, with power to select her associates. General Committee Mrs. J. N. Miller, chairman; Mrs. Carollno Johnson, Mrs: Phelps. The next meeting of tho association will he Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock In tho club rooms, when the general reports will bo read. U. R. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. POWERS OF HEALTH BOARDS u . . .,,.. , ,, .. ,, Supervisor Protest AsxnlnM tlie Inir- ilen lnt Upon County for KpMomlo.l "Tllc Powers of local hoards of health In tho matter of Incurring oxpenso should bo materially curtailed by leglslativo act, was tho opinion expressed yesterday by Colonel W. F. Baker, member of tho Board of County Supervisors. Colonel Baker Is a member of tho spe cial commlttco appointed by the county board to Investigate and pass on all claims and bills Incurred In connection with the core of smallpox pa'tlcnts. The bills so far presented to tho board lndlcato that tho expense of caring for smallpox cases throughout tho county, especially In Coutii ell Bluffs, will bo largo this winter. In the opinion of the commlttco of which Colonel Baker is a mqmber. provisions and other supplies aro furnished to families who ought to bo ablo to pay for tholr own keep whllo quarantined. Investigation by tho committee develops tho fact that tho moment members of n family aro placed under quarantlno for smallpox they becomo practically charges on tho county and thoy mako demands for nil kinds of supplies, claiming that they have absolutely nothing In tho houso. In vlow of tho fact that In the city there aro at present nearly 100 cases of small pox, providing for them nil will provo a heavy burden on tho county. Not onty do persons quarantined for smallpox demand that thoy be furnished with all living necessaries, but they also Insist that tho authorities provide feed for whatever stock ,they may own. Ono note worthy caso In this latter respect waa called to tho attention of tho committee yesterday. It was that of a man who with his family was quarantined a 'few day3 ago. Ho owns flvo horses and yesterday morning ho called up Deputy City Marshal White, who has charge of such mattors, and urged that hay nnd corn for tho ani mals bo furnished at onco, othorwlso thoy would starve to death. He claimed to be unable to provide feed for tho borsos him self while shut up in his hourc under quar antine It was estimated that It would cost $100 to feed the animals during tho period of quarantine. City Marshal Albro declined to order food for tho horses and so notified tho owner, who answered that If tho animals died from starvation ho would surely sue tho county for damages, Colonel Baker was unable to decide whether the county waa liable In such a matter, nnd will bring tho question boforo thn county board at Its meeting In April. The committee is Investigating tho finan cial standing of evory family undor small pox quarantlno with n vlow to refusing . all bills for supplies furnished those which are found to be able to support thomselven. Regarding his statement that tho powers of local boards of health as to Incurring expense should be. curtnlled, Cnlonol Bakor said he was of the opinion that the law should bo so amended as to placo this power In the county board. Under the law local boards of health havo unlimited authority to in:ur whatever oxpenso thoy deem nec essary ln the protection and safeguarding of tha public health. Whllo casting no re flection on tho Board of Health of Council Bluffs fn tho matter of expenditure. Colonel Baker cited a number of Instances In which he believed township boards, of health might havo exercised more discretion and economy In such matters. Ono glaring lnstanco In which It Is claimed that' tho township board of health showed a lack of business acumen is that of th olalin of Dr. Tobey against tho county for $1,200 tor caring for small pox, suit for which Is now pending' In tho superior court. In view or tho fact that the cost to tho county for caring for smallpox cases this winter will run up into the thousands of dollars, Colonel Baker Is of tho opinion that too much caution and discretion cannot bo exercised by tho boards of health In In curring expenses. , Several of tho county officials were froo In their criticism yosterday of tho action of the city Board of Health In permitting twenty boarders at the RevereJ houso to leave that place beforo it was placed under quarantine Thursday. The tact that the dlseaso is prevalent in evory section of tho city, they contend,' Is duo to tho lax meth ods adopted by the local authorities this QUKJK RELIEF, SWE RELIEF BROWN'S BronchlalTrochss FopOi nil . winter. Last winter, when tho disease mado its appearance, no regulations wero too strict to be enforced by tho health au thorities, but this winter, the critics say, tho local authorities despite the fact that tho disease Is spreading dally, appear to bo Indifferent as to tho enforcement of the rules laid down by tho State Board of Health. Tho local Board of Health Is also se verely criticised for not quarantining tho Revere houso when a smallpox patient was removed from there at the beginning of January. U. R. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. Davis sells glass. tinil Sues far Wnnrs. Judgo B. E. Aylesworth of the superior court occupied the bench of tho district court yesterday afternoon. This, extension of his Jurisdiction was not through a leg islative act, but by reason of tho sudden Ill ness of Judgo Thornell. Tho suit of Eugene Mclntyre to recover j $100 wages alleged to bo duo him by Oeorgo S. Ward ''was being tried before Judgo Thornell and a Jury when the Judgo was taken 111 shortly beforo the noon re cess, and ho announced that ho would bo unable to presldo during tho afternoon. Ho suggested that Judgo Aylesworth of tho su perior court bo permitted to tako his placo on tho bench and this, was agreed upon by both Bides. ' Tho plaintiff, a young lad, worked for Ward, a farmer of this county, nnd claims that tho ' latter owes him $100 In wages. Ward, on the other hnnd, denies his lia bility and claims that when young Mo Intyro's parents died ho took him Into his household as a member of' his family and that whatever work ho did has boon fully compensated by tho board, lodging nnd clothing ho received whllo under his roof. Many witnesses, including many of the neighboring farmers to Ward, have been subpoenaed In Uio suit. Gravel roofing. A. B. Read, CH Broadway. Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son. Uenl Kstnti- Trniisfern. Theso transfers wero filed yesterday In tho abstract, tltlo and loan ofilco of J. Wi Squire, 101 Pcnrl street: Jennie Watson to C. W. Foster, lot 10, block 15, Mill add, w. (I $ 325 W. Dyo and wlfo to Dye Bros, & Co., lots 10 und 11, block 5, Macedonia, w. d 7,000 Marietta E. Cross to William S. Tip ton, n!4 neU 34-75-.", w. d 4,050 I. W. Russell and wlfo to E. M. Smart, lots 0 nnd 7, block 3, Big Grove, Oakland, w. d 523 Morris Colin and wlfo to A. H. AN pirn, mull v' i of lots 2 nnd 3, block 9, Williams' 1st add, w. d 630 L. P. Madseu and wlfo to Amanda G. Lohan, lots 4 nnd 5, McGee's sub dlv of block 20. Hughes & Doni phan's add, w. d ROO Christian Nlcholul nnd wlfo to Chris tian Puttmnnn, nw'J 14-70-40. w. d... 10,100 K. D. and Charles M. Burko nnd wives to Fritz Scheef, nwi 11-76-38, w. d.. 8,100 'Frank Kinney nnd wlfo to Wllllnm J. McDonald et nl, lots 13 and 14, block G, Meredith's udd to town of Avoca, w. d 600 W. S. Cooper nnd wife to Theodore Hnsch, lots 3 nnd 4, block 2, Park dale add to Council Bluffs, w. d G00 W. 11. Thonuis nnd F. S. Puscy und wives to N. V. Dodge, trustee, 714 acres In 19-75-43, w. d 1 R. V. Innes to same, part swji 19-73-43, w. d 125 N. Y. Tlumblng Co., telephone 250. Davis sells glass. Jlnrrlncc License. Licenses to wed wero issued yesterday to tho following: Name nnd Residence. Age. George W. Tyncr, Lincoln, Neb 42 Lydla S. Shcbol, Lincoln. Neb 37 J. P. Hnnke, Council Bluffs ,v.22 Bessie Y. It. Ilolton, Council Bluffs 21 QUARANTINE IN PES MOINES loirn Htntr Ilonril May'Act, nml Chl oiiKO llrnltli Commissioner Threat en to Stop Trill n . CHICAGO, Jan. 31. (Special Telegram.) Clara Morris, tho onco famous actress. Is alarmed by tho smallpox epidemic In Des Moines and is considering tho advisa bility of cancelling a dato she has to lec ture In Iowa's capital next Monday. Sho hcurd today there woro 500 cases of tho disease In .that city and at once sought Health Commissioner Reynolds and told blm of her fears. The' prevalence of the dlscaso In other places also caused hgr to becomo vaccinated by Dr. Roynolds. Ho told her ho had heard alarming reports from Des Momcs nnd in order to ascertain 1 ,tholr .truth had sent a trusted agent to Iowa. Should It develop, ho said, that there aro 500 cases in that city, ho will at onco institute a rigorous quarantlno , against Dos Moines and stop every train coming irom tnat city, preparatory i , luia mm, hu null t uuiliurcuuu wilu iiiu officials of interested railroad lines late this afternoon. His agont will report to- morrow nnd if current reports nro proved to bo anywhere near true Clara Morris will at onco canc.el her lecturing date. DES MOINES. Jan. 31. (Special Tole gram.) Thero' are, according to City Phy Btclan Schllts, 500 or moro cases of small pox In Do Moines at present. Tho dls caso la In a mild form and some difficulty has been found In onforclng quarantine. Secretary Kennedy of the Stato Board of Health told Dr. Roynolds of the Chicago board, tn reply to his Inquiry, that tho Des Moines regulations wero loosely on- forced. Secretary Kennedy said" that tho sltuatton would bo discussed at tho meet ing of tho stato board next Wednesday, and that tho board might tako control in Den Mnlnrw and nomnol a cenoral vaccina tion and rigid quarantine. Under tho law the stato beard has .the power totake such action, when It believes ,tho local authori ties aro not acting with sufficient vigor. Wllllnmn Gets Dcnth Sentence. OSKALOOSA, Ia Jan. 31. (Special Tel egram.! Richard Williams, colored, was sentenced to be hanged this nftornoon by Judgo A. R. Dewey In tho Mahaska' county district court. Tho dato for tho execution of tho sentenco Is March 13, 1902. Tho crlmo for which Williams was convicted waa tho shooting of William Sharper, a whlto man, at Buxton, a mining, camp, tho afternoon of December 8, 1601, In a drinking resort. Williams was looking 'for trouble and provoked an argument by making threats. Ho then drew n- forty-one caliber rovolver and attempted to get nt ono man and killed another, William Sharper. Sharper wac shot In tho head and died in stantly. JVllllams made a temporary es cape, but was caught at Ottumwa and tried In Mahaska county, The Jury brought In a verdict of guilty of murder In the first degree and. Judgo Dewoy overruled tho mo tion for'a now trial. This Is tho first tlmo in tho history of this Judicial district that death sentence has been Imposed.- Tho prisoner was transferred to Fort Madison, whero tho execution Is to take placo. W. C. Deluahmutt Recover. GLENWOOD. Ia.. Jan. 31. (Special.) W. C. Dclashmutt. tha Pacific City capital- 1st. whoso home burned January 28 during his convalescence from a severo Illness, ia much improved and will recover. The ox- posuro from being compelled to removo hurriedly In tbo freezing morning air made him worso for a time, but he la now im proving toadU.. iu.vu.jui.Xu LEGISLATIVE SESSION SHORT Small Nimbsr f Bills Prtmttd to Iswa Lawatkiri. .PARDON IS AIKED FCR AGED CONVICT Petition for Commutation of Mrn teller of Mnn Who Nnrrowly K enpeil HniiKliiK for Murder Thirty Years Ako. (From n Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 31. (Special.) The legislative sessions wero wry short today. Tho members had not fully recovered from their trip to Cedar Falls yesterday and, as the train was delayed, mnny of them got but little sleep. The number of bills read for Introduction wds smaller than usual. Senator Crossley of Madison Introduced a ..solution to direct that tho senators from Iowa vote for tho Hoar bill to prevent the use of Injunctions In strikes to restrain (he men. Tho resolution has been prepared by mem bers of tho -Railway Trainmen's union nnd a commltteo has been hero some time work ing ln Us Interest. The railroad men do mnnd tho passage of tho measure to pre vent tho "government by Injunction" Idea. Thero was opposition to tho Immediate consideration of tho hill and after brief dis cussion It was reforrcd to tho commlttco on federal relations by a vote of 23 to 7. Aulliorlxr I'ulillcntlon of Maps. Tho first bill passed In tho scnato was ono to nuthorlze the publication of 25,000 of tho ' railroad maps of the stnto of Iowa. Sen ator Harrlman called this up nnd under sus pension of the rules It was passed. The mnna havo becomo popular and many are in placo In tho schools of tho state. There was no opposition to tho measure. Senator Harper Introduced a resolution to provido for biennial elections. It Is ln alt respects 3lmllar tb tho constitutional amendment which was adopted two year ago and declared Irregular by tho supreme court. It Is designed to omit tho election In 1903 nnd every other year thereafter. Senator Allyn Introduced a bill to provido sovoro penalties for kidnaping In Iowa. It makes kidnaping for tho purposo of ex torting money or securing a ransom pun lshablo by n penitentiary sentenco up to twenty years. Hill for Another Normal Scbool. Tho most Important bill Introduced In tho houso was ono for a second stato normal school, introduced by Mr. Plphcr of Cass county. This provides for a new stato nor mal school, but docs not fix tho location. In fact, It leaves that to bo determined by tho leglslnturo after tho bill has been passed. It makes an appropriation of $100, 000 for tho same. Mr. Sccor introduced a bill emanating from tho Iowa Mothers' congress providing for recognition of societies organized to plnco children ln homes nnd authorizing magistrates to take children from parents under certain circumstances. Mr. Secor also introduced n puro food bill. Both houses adjourned until Monday. Seek Pardon for Afreil Convict. Senator Tailman of Olarko county today presented n petition to' tho upper body of tho legislature. Signed by tho Women's Christian Temperance union of Clarko county and fnvoring. the pardon of George Stanley, a life convict at Fort Madison penitentiary. Stanley Is tho section fore man who was convicted of tho crlmo of killing a fellow workman, William Patter son, Juno 16, 1870., Stanley lay ln wait for hts victim in a deep cut about eighty rods east of tho depot at Ames, la., and shot him with nn old, rusty revolver. Tho causo of tho crlmo was originally trouble over Patterson's wife, which led to Patterson's discharge. Tho latter at tributed his bad luck to Stanley and tho two men got Into nn altercation which renultcd In Patterson stabbing Stanley. Tho latter doclared then that ho would kill Patterson, which ho did on Juno 15, 1870. Ho was sentenced to hang and this sen tenco was affirmed by Chief Justice Beck of tho supremo court. Tho time for his execution was fixed for nn early day ln April, 1872. Timbers woro on tho ground, and workmen had been engaged to erect tho gallows, when in tho meantime tho legislature convened and abolished capital punishment. t On tho day previous to tho one fixed for ,h ,.. i nr.nnvrnnr Carnenter sent . , meeaonKer wlth tno information thRt ho hQ(, comraute(1 tno 8cntonco to life impnment. stanloy Is 74 years old and has alway8 bccn n raodoi prisoner. Tho ml(m ln hls favor. t0(Jay cltes his old QR0 ftna partial blindness, together with tho plea that hlB crime was committed In sclf-dofenoe, ln his behalf. Tho citizen of story county in which tho crlmo .was com mlttod, aro opposed to tho pardon ana their vlows will be represented by tho voles of Senator Fltzpatrlck and Repre sentative Barclay $f that county. Two nontlm nt Soldiers' Home. Two deaths occurred yesterday at tho Iowa Soldiers' homo at, Marshalltown, both of aged veterans of tho war. Henry Q. Nelson came to tho homo hospital for treat- mont less than a week ago, from New- market, Taylor county. He was sunering with gangrenous affection of the rcet, irom which ho died. Hp was a nauvo 01 umo, 78 years old. a" member of Company a, Fortieth Iowa, having enlisted at Newton. Ho has a son llvlrig1 In Taylor county. Thomas C. Moore was of Company 1, First Iowa cavalry, was a native of the ,,Islo of Man, but enlisted at Martlnsburg and wbb discharged at Davenport. Ho was 80 years' old nnd has a son living In Bur lington. New Inns Incorporation. Tho Midland Nursery company of Des Moines has filed articles of Incorporation with the socrctary of stato. Tho capital stock Is $25,000; O, II. Robinson and others, incorporators. Tho Seymour Tolophono company has In creased its capital stock from $10,000 to $25,000. To llulld Collariim nt Fnlr Oronnd.. Tho stato agricultural board today de cided upon asking' tho legislature for an ap nroDrlatlon of $38,000 with which to build I on the statu fair grounds a coliseum to bo used for cattle exhibitions and cattle sales. The building Is to bo 160 feet long by 250 feot wjde, with provision for abundance of light. Tho board believes that the coliseum will bo a valuable addition to the state fair1 grounds. Hull Discusses Prospect. Congressman J. A. T. Hull arrived home today for a few days to consult with his political friends as to the tlrao for holding the primary election In Polk county to de cldo whether ho shall return to congress for another term. Tha fight has been pre cipitated hero at this tlmo by tho calling i of primaries In two other counties oi me district that would naturally be against Hull. He sneaks hopefully of the nnai fuc cess of tho Des Moines army post and says . that nothing further can bo done at Wash- Inirton now. Ho Is also confident no can secure nn appropriation for a $1,000,000 nostofflco ln Doa Moines. He says that CoasreasmAa Jtoroor, wUo la ohalroaa otJ tho committee, is favorablo to it, and thnt ' tho greatest obstacle now Is nn attitude of hostility of Congressman Conner of the Torith Iowa district, who Is opposing Hull. 1 Hull will return to Washington In a few days and thou return to make a canvass of tho "ounty. Tho Iowa Mothers' congress closed to-1 day, ftftcr passing resolutions strongly cou- 1 dcmnlng tho government's policy In tho 1 army In tho matter of regulating vice. Theso i officers were elected;, President, Mrs. I. L. i Illllls, Des Moines; vlco president, Mrs. J. 1 A. Schmidt, Muscatine: rccordiug sccretnry, ' Mrs. J. W. Cory, Spencer: corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. S. Burgln, Des Molucs: i treasurer, Mrs. J. Rlggs, Audubon. Requisition was Issued by Governor Cum mins this evening for "Kid" Noble, w)io Is wanted In Muscatine on tho charge of murdering n saloon keeper nAincd Thomas I Morgan. Noble has been arrested at Enid, ! Okl. , Theso decisions of tho supremo court wero rendered today: I0 .Estate of John Nicholson ngnlnst I'.ltznbcth Nicholson, nppellant; Allamakee county, Judgo Fellows; reversed. nlnmnmt .In T.lt.r. at.... ......... ..1 n. ....I- ; " -' ....... uit-iiiiivin -i ill, ii.(.i.-i- . lant, against Davenport. Hock Inland .I1 Northwestern rnllwny; Scott county, Judgo i Bollinger: alllrmcil. Simon Thome ll 12:1 Inst Cltv nf Ttititinnr. appellant: Dubuque county, Judge Mat thews; afllrmcd. K. K. Corson against lowu Mutual Flro Insurance company, appellant; Shelby county. Judge Green: nfllrmed, James A. Cond, nppellant, against 1', C. Rogers; Cherokee county, Judgo Oliver; affirmed. Tolorton & Stetson company, appellant, ngnlnst M. J. Roberts et nl; Pocahontas county, Judge Quorton; reversed. Itelitillil llrnililyvlllc Store. HRADDYVILLE. In., Jan. 31. (Special.) Since this town suffered from flro tho morning of Oclobor 1, when two blocks of business houses wero destroyed, thero havo been built tho snmo number of new modern brick business buildings. Tho new build ings are enclosed and in thirty days will be occupied by new stocks of goods. One hnrdwaro firm Is erecting tho finest nr.d largest Indlvldunl block in Pago county", 66x100 feet, ono story nnd full basement, which Is heated by furnace and lighted by gas. Fifteen other business buildings nnd dwelling are assured for early In tho spring. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. 10S10. Dunn against Hilshnell. Error from Lancaster. Reversed. Oldham, C, division No. 2. Reported. 1. It Is not error for tho trial court to refuse Instructions requested when every prlnclplo involved In tho requested Instruc tions is fairly nnd fully given by tho court on Its own motion. i2,.w.'ler ,ocd 18 Purchased on a warranty that it Is of a certuln kind and quality and such seed proves to bo of an Inferior kind nnd quality, and Is planted without tho knowledge of Its Inferior quality, tho value of a crop such nH should have been produced by the seed If It had conformed to tho wnrranty, deducting tho expense of raising tho crop nnd the value of tho one In fact raised, Is 11 proper measure of damage for tho breach of such warranty. 3. Where seed Is purchased on a warrnnty as to Its kind and quality and the pur chaser of such seed discovers that It Is of an Inferior quality to thnt warranted, ho may retain tho seed and rctovcr as dam ages tho difference between tho purchase price of tho seed ns warranted and tho mnrket price of the seed which ho actually received. 4. Oliver & Co. against Hawloy, 5 Neb.. 439. distinguished. No. 10S44. Wilson ngnlnst Lewis. Error from Boone. Affirmed. Albert, C. Division No. 3. Reported. 1. Evidence examined nnd held sufficient to support nn allegation of general owner ship. 2. Whero a contract, In writing, whereby tho transfer of tltlo or ownership of per sonal property Is made to depend on a con dition Is not filed, such omission Is avail able only to such creditors ns havo per fected a Hen on the property by tho levy of on attachment or execution, whllo tho vendee was In possession, unless It nppenr. that they extended credit to tho vendee on tho faith of his apparent ownership. 3. Where a conditional contract of snlo provides that tho title shall remain In tho vendor until tho purchase price Is paid, and that In case of default ho may retnko tho property and sell, nnd from the pro ceeds deduct tho unpaid balance of the pur chase price and pay tho surplus to Ihu vendee: nnd further provides that whllo tho vendco Is In possession he mny sell tha goods In the usual course of trade, and re plenish tho stock from time to time. Held, thnt whero tho latter nrovlslon hns been fully executed, by tho voluntnrv surrender of the stock, ns thus renlcnlshed. to tho vendor, neither tho vendee nor creditors ue whoso executions wero levied subsequent to tho surrender nf the stock to the vendor will bo henrd to aasall tho validity of such provision. No. 10SG2. Kas against Stnto ex rel School JMstrlct No. 1, Sarpy County. Krror from Sarpy. Affirmed. Pound, C. Division No. rny, Re tenorted. 1. Issuance of n now alternative writ hv mandnmus proceedings for tlm purposo of amendment, under section C33, Code of. Civil Procedure, docs not amount to tho commencement of a new nctlon. 2. Where tho duty sought to bo enforced iy mandamus proceedings Is Imposed upon tho respondent himself and does not de volve upon his successor ln ofllce, so that the expiration of his term of office docs not rellovo him of tho duty, the writ may Issuo after such term hns expired. 3. It la tho plnln meaning of section 28, chapter lxxx, Compiled ."itntutes of 1901, that where portions of moro than ono school district nro Included In the corpor ate limits of a municipality, license moneys accruing therein nro to be distributed nmong said districts In proportion to tho number of persons of school ngo ln tho whole of each district, not merely In thoso portions of each district which aro within the cor porate limits. 4. Such construction is not repugnant to section 5. urtlclo vllt of tho state constitu tion. C. A village trensurcr who distributes license moneys nmong school districts In wholo or In part within tho corporate limits In a different manner from thnt fixed by law docs so at his peril. No. 10871. Burton ngalnst Williams. Error from Washington. Afllrmcd. Sulli van, J, 1. A Rrnnt of administration hns. ns mat ter of rleht. no extra territorial force or operation, nnd tho nfllclal character of an administrator does not. bv virtlin of tho authority creating It, follow him beyond tlm limits or tno state in wmcn no was com missioned. When nn administrator Is sued only ln his ofllcinl character a Judgment cannot bo rendered against him personally. . 3. A Judgment ngnlnst an administrator Is In legal effect an adjudication subjecting thn assets within the iurlsdlctlon nf tho court to tho satisfaction of the claim In suit. 4. Such n judsment cannot, except per haps under speclnl circumstances, bo en forced by action beyond thei territorial limits of tho stato or sovereignty In which It was rendered. , G. Section 3.17. cnaptcr xxiu, compiien Statutes of 1901, which authorlzts foreign executors and administrators tn suo In tho courts of tills stnto. does, not ny implica tion make them subject to suit hare. ' 6. A Judgment ngnlnst a defendant as ad ministrator win not supporr. an ucnon niralnst him In his personal capacity, oven though It award execution against his In dividual property in case tno nssois ot ino estate cannot bo reached, No. 10955. South Omaha Loon nnd Build ing Association ngalnst WIrrlck. Appeal from uougias. Aiurmeo. jjuiuc, u. wivision No. 3. Reported. 1. A tiuumng nnci loan nsBociaiiou mny Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Just so euro us water dissolves sugar, Just bo sure will Kodol Dyspep sia Gur digest your food; it's on tho Bama general principles. It con tains the same elements a9 Nature's dlgestivo llulds, bo why wont it actlnexactlythesamenianner? It will. It can't help it. That'swhy It never falls to cure the worst cases of Indigestion ana dyspepsia where other remedies havo failed. A little Kodol Dyspepsia Curb after uieals wlllprevent that terrlblo distress and belching so often experienced. "For years I sought a remedy in vain until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has no equal as a stomach and dyspepsia remedy and I havo tried all I could find. M. C. Edwards, 1422-lOth Ave., Altoona, Pa.' It can't help but do you good Prepared by E. O. Do Witt & Co., Chicago. Tbo tl. bottle contains 24 times tho SOc aura. When you suffer from biliousness or constipation, uso the famous little liver pllla known at DaWltt'a Uttto EARLY RISERS. Taw never gripe. BOSTON STORE SPECIAL PRICE SALE FOR TODAY, SATURDAY 50c Lined Leather Gloves and Mit tens, special Ap A sale hP prlco .UU 75c and $1.00 Leather Lined Glovca nr.d Mittens, p a special salo ' hi IP prlco UUU 10c Cotton Flannel Mittens, p special salo price, hP 3ei 2 for UU Boys' and 'Misses' Wool Capes and Tarn O'Shanters, 50c OC and 73c grade, sale TP prlco 4.VU Men's 50c and 7oc, Caps, ftp. special salo KhP prico UJU SoC'Value children's shaped Vests and Pants, all sizes, IOa special salo II IP prlco IUU 'C0e grade In ladles' heavy An fleece lined Vests, HP special prlco afaUlf Ladles' angora fleece lined Vostfl nnd Pants, always sold for 50c, special salo KMP prlco UUU Men's Underwear COc men's Underwear, A A speclnl lUP price UUU $1.00 men's Underweai1, f ft speclnl KMP prlco U UU $1.50 men's Underwear, f special- I UN prlco llUU $1.25 mens Union Suits, Ap special KhP price UUU $3.00. men's Union Suite, A A X"!. :.2.UU Children's Outing Flannol Night Gowns, f0o grade, all 1 C sizes, special salo KhP prlco UUU 69c black ntid whlto washable Skirts, and ,75c black mercerized Underskirt, special I A. prlco Tub Tho Now Ideal Houso Skirt, In black nnd whlto figure, Ofl special sale KMP price UUU Whitelaw BOSTON COUNCIL BLUFFS. deduct from n loan mode to ono of its members tho premium bid for ho right of precedence in taking such loan. Loans by ii,.l niKiiixiiiilnii mint, however, be onen to competitive bidding, nnd by-blddlng by the otllcers or agents of tho association for tho purpose of increasing, tho premium to bo paid for loans will not be tolernted. J. In nn nctlon to foreclose a mortgage given to a building and loan association or ganized under tho laws of this state, tho fact that the association changed Its method of making lonns und conducting lis business after the making of the mort gago Is 110 defense to tho nctlon, especially In tlm nhsence of a showing that tha mortgagor objected thereto. No. 12371. uroen ugainsi rnncr, .vimuvi I from Douglas, ilovorscd. Writ allowed. Wlli J. 1. Tho purpose of tho constitutional pro vision1 that "no bill shall contain more than 01111 subject, and tho same shall bo clcnrly expressed In the title, ' was In tended to prevent surreptitious legislation and not to prohibit ctimprehenslyo titles. Tho test Ik not whether the title chosen by the leglslnturo Is tho most appropriate, but whether It fairly Indicates tho scope and purpose of the act. Stato v. Uemls, 43 2. 'a ' legislative enactment, the title of which Is, "An net to provido for the hotter protection ot tho earnings of laborers, ser vants ,ind other employes of corimratlons, firms or Individuals engnged In Interstate business," comprehends legislation prov d Ing mp the punishment of thoso who vlo Into the provisions of the act by doing tho things therein declared unlawful. 10S18. Davis against Greenwood. Appeal from Dixon. Alllrmed. Duffle, C. Division No. 3. t'nrenorted. O held a first mortgngo and D nnd F a second mortgage on certain town lots. O foreclosed his mortgage, but failed to make D and F parties to tho action. Prior to anv salo under tho decree of foreclosure D und F procured a convovanco of tho lots from tho owner In full satisfaction of their mortgnge'und wont Into possession. They also entered Into a verbal agreement with by the terms of which they were to pay him on a certain spcclllcd dato In tho fu ture, tho full amount of his decree, to cether with costs of the nctlon nnd tho at torney's fee therein Incurred, nnd to mako a deed to O conveying to him the lots as security for tho performance of tho agree ment on their part, G to roconvey to them when' pnyment was made. Held, that D and F, not being made parties to tho ac tion of foreclosure instituted by O had a legal right to redeem from his mortgage by paying tho amount of his decree, and that the agreement nbove set out was simply nn agreement to glvo D nnd F tho right to redeem on the terms therein men tioned without nn action brought for that purpose and that It could bo enforced, al though not In writing. The defendant In hts answer having admitted tho agree ment a claimed by tho plnlntlff, has waived the statute, even If tho contract was obnoxious thereto. Connor v. Hlngt gen. 19 Nelly 472. 10819. Mcl.no ngalnst McKeo, Appeal from Johnson. Judgment. Pound, C. Division No. 2. Unreported. 1, Evldenco examined and held sufficient to sustain a decree of dlvorco on tho ground of extreme cruelty. 2. While thero Is no flxod rulo for dotcr .nintTu? the nmount -of alimony to bo nwanUMl under section 22, chapter xxv,' Complied statutes, sucn awaru snouni near a reasonable relation to' the husband's ability to pay, as disclosed by the evi dence. 3, In awarding alimony tho court should consider the condition, situation nnd stand ing of the parties, financially nnd other wise, tho duration of their marriage, tho amount nnd valuo of the husband's rstnto, tho Hburco from which It enmo and how far, If at all, the wife contributed thereto. Zimmerman v. Zimmerman- 63 Neb., 80. Digests what you Eat Hosiery 10c valuo boys' Fleeced Hose, sizes 6 to SV4 special sale I 0 prico 1... I U Children's 25c wool Hose, special salo price 17c p f it". 5uC Extra weight, dotiblo knee, ribbed Hose, sizes 6?4 to IA1 I2C Boys' 2."c ribbed Hoso, sizes 7, 76, 0, MA nnd 10, , p special salo I hP price lUII' Gloves Misses' and boys' 23c double yarn Mittens, leather lined Mittens, mult) skin lined Mittens, and all wool Golf Gloves, 4 p special sale I hP prlco IUU $1.00 ladles' fleeced Wrappers, all good dark colors, "TC 4 special salo I hP price I Ull $1.25 and $1.50 Indies' fleeced Wrap pers, well mado and fancy All trimmed, special salo MXP price UUU Ladles' beaver and fine nil wool ShaSvls, assorted sizes, J special salo . I prlco 4 (J I Whlto and gray all wool Blankets, $1.00 and $5.00 values, f HO special salo Ull price ttlUU Men's 75c and $1.00 Silk I A Mufflers, special LllP silo prlco TUU "Our ontlro lino of sateen nnd coutll 50c Corsets, Oft special salo KMP prico UUU All wool Flannel Shirt Waists, tucked and trimmed, . A $2..0 valuo, npcclal I LX salo price 1 1 TU Ladles' 2."c Bolt Supporters, full lino, of colors, speclnl IE A prlco IUU & Gardiner STORE, IOWA. D0HINY THEATER Sunday, February 2. THE HIG SCENIC PDAY, "A Romance of Goon Hollow" A 'Romantic Comedy With All the Original Effects. S B E Tho Steamboat Race . .Tho Farm Scene at Night Tho Hurglary AIiL SPECIAL SCENHIX. . Price IIBi" nml SWc. . ; . - r Nectar of the God ! The tongue has a . (jeod memory and ' taste clings to it,' MKINMU The pure, ,old, mellow flavor of LW Hunter A Whiskey once tasted, is not lost, The tongue likes Hit. UMI MUU dO m It'ln Hunter. Bold nt oil Hitt-claii raft) and bf Jebbara. VM. I.ANA1UN A ION, Baltlmora.Md. IF YOUR HAIR U Oray. Streaked or niMuihM.u can be restored to any baautlful color by The Imperial Hair Regenerator Colon are dnreblai easily innUM, Its uaa cannot be detected. Hamplenf hair colored free. OorreeDondenrft cnnfldantiaJ. Imperial Chemical Co",; 133 W, 23d Ht., N. Y. WOMEN FKMALE beans icrcat fnonlhlv rriru. lalor atrungeinbest, afi't;conuln Ergot. Tai.iV. I'l'iinyruyalt nuiailngln fnliurot Inline", mute eliminate ratea relieved 111 a few dayai 'IXO at Kherman & McCouncll. druggtiti, ICtti and Dojgo'it- The , y. ' " a. 0 proof I of the I Puddingy is in the Have you tried, a Bee Want AJ?li They bring results a I Ui) 4i2 (D$) (t) Jsatmg;