Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Kelley.Stiger & Co.
Only one dny more of our grent January Discount Snle. Sat
urday Is the Inst day. BO per cent off all long coats, r'nglans and
jackets. 20 per cent off black and colored dress goods, winter un
derwear, flannels, etc. 50 per cent off all remnants of black and
colored dress goods. SATURDAY THE LAST DAY.
Linotla Ikhpiiut Admit Iti Party
PiiTid Iioatst.
Maaei e Arraigned and Hie rello
State OAelaJa Aecaaed of Taklns
Internet on State Knnda (or
Their O n.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 31. (Bpoctal.) The Ne
braska Independent for thla week contains
a vigorous arraignment ot the former state
administration and accuses not only J. B.
Meserve, but other members of tbo fusion
Board ot Educational Lands and Funds, ot
appropriating state Interest money for
their own private use. The Independent Is
the recognized organ of the fusion forces
and heretoforo has strenuously defended
former Treasurer Mcscrvo, as well as othor
fusion officials who served with him, against
all attacks coming from partisan or other
sources. It now' says:
Ex-8tato Treasurer Meserve has been In
dicted for putting into his pocket J10,(M) or
ItS.UuO of interest on school money that
camo Into the stato treasury, We arc Bind
r muss has been kicked up on that ones
tlon. Tho state treasurer's ofilco haa been
a perpotual home for thieves for thirty
years. All the state officers have always
stood up and dofended everything done by
nil tho other state officers. We did have
one honest deputy for a while, but us soon
os lie began to criticise the dishonesty ot
the stato houie he was kicked out. It has
always looked as though the treasurer did
not want to Invest tho school money ac
cording to law, but loaned It out and nut
tho Interest money In his pocket. We hope
and expect Mr. Meserve will clear his
pocket. Tho balance of tho state board
teemed tn sanction tho course and undoubt
edly received a part of the Interest money.
Before- tho law was made requiring the
treasurer to put tho state money Into banks
with bonded security the treasurer never
had any money in tho fund on which any
warrant was presented. There was always
somoono there to cash the warrant at a
discount then after dark tho money would
come out of the treasury. The fuslonlsts
had an opportunity to correct those
wrongs, but they did not do It. They run
things too much the same old way. nail
road passes were Just as flush as ever.
They would ride on a pass and then charge
tho state 3 cents per mile for doing It,
under tho head of expenses. Men were In
stalled In office who gambled and drank
so much that they were disqualified for
tending a sawmill. There were many black
pots In tho fusion administration.
Looklnaj Up Staefer'a Iteoord.
Deputy County Attorney I. J. Dunn of
Douglas county was at the state bouse this
afternoon examining the records of the pur
chase, of the Burt county bonds by Treas
urer Stueter. Incidentally he looked over
the books in tho treasurer's office with a
view to obtaining some light regarding
tho charges contained In tho Indictment ot
former' Treasurer J. B. Meserve.
"I cannot say whether or .not Mr. Shields
will Institute proceedings against Mr.
Ehitfer for alleged wrong-doing In the Burt
c'pubty deal," said Mr. Dunn. "About all
he! knows ot the case Is what he haa seen
In the newspapers, Tbero has been some
talk ot beginning proceedings, but Mr.
Shields has made no Investigation, and has
no official knowledge) of anything wrong
In the Burt county purchase. I examined
the registration of tho bonds In the auditor's
offlco this morning, and what Information
I obtained will bo reforred to him. I came
tovLtncoln partly on that matter and partly
on others."
"Will Mr. Shields prosecute former
Treasurer Meserve under tho Indictment?"
was asked.
"I canot say anything definite as to that,"
replied Mr. Dunn. "I presume, however,
that If any evidence can be found to sup
port the charges tho case will be prose
cuted. Our attention1 now Js directed to
other matters and wo havo not yet taken
up the Mcscrvo Indictment."
New Tarn on I'ollce Itaard.
In connection with Uio Omaha Fire and
rollco' board controversy the point haa been
jralsofj'that It the law authorizing the gov
ernor,' toi make the appointment Is upheld
by the supremo court Governor Savage will
not, oven then, havo a legal fight to name
an entirely now board. It Is contended that
the board named by former Govornor Poyn
tor early In the year 1900 would he revived
if t,hq appointing power Is again placed In
tho governor's hands, Tho, board named
by Oovernor Poynter consisted of H.
O. Miller, for a term ofv one
year; Dr. J. H. Peabody. for a term of
The Book and the Plan.
. I have a new plan a safe plan, too. Something unique, something
uncommon. Something no ono else ever ventured to do. Something I
bellevo no one clso over will venture to do. Here It Is.
i. You can get for yourself, or tor some friend that may need It, the
book shown below. No money Is wanted. Simply write me a postal for
tha-book you desire. That Is not all. With the book I will send you
an order, either for yoursolf or some sick friend, on your nearest drug
gist for six bottles of Dr. 8hoop's Restorative. I will Instruct the drug
gist to let you take It for a month; and If It aucceods It will cost you
5.60. If It falls, the dealer will send tho bill to me. There Is no catch,
no deceit. My Restorative must stand this teat of merit.
Is not this a remarkable offerT Bomo have asked mo If I actually
allqw the 20 day 'test entirely at my own risk. It doea, seem Incredible,
but that Is Just exactly what I do. The book tells how I am
, able to maWeuch an offer. It tells how I reach with my Restorative
'deeply seated and chronic disease that have baffled the treatment and
skill of other physicians. (
"My records show that 39 out of 40 who take this treatment arr cured.
'The record Is one I am proud of. I will toll you how I am able to make
such a record.
I have learned how to strengthen the Inside nerves. The nerves
that bring strength or weakness to the vital organs. My ability to do this
explains the secret ot my succees. This Is why I am able to assume
tho entire risk; to offer a plan that absolutely protects the patient
against lots unless I succeed. This offer Is too fair to need argument,
v Will you not make this known to some sick person? Your reward will
coma In knowing you have made It possible for this sufferer to regain
hU health. Do not let prejudice prevent your learning about my way
of curing. Thousands upon thousands need tho help I offer. I cannot
personally reach them all. Every person knows of somo sick 'one. You
can' help roe to placo this opportunity In the bande of some such person.
Will rou do sol Will you do It now, today?
Btmply state which book, you
want, and cddiss Dr. Slioop, Box
m, Itadae. Wis.
Mild .cases, not chronic, are often
all druggists.
two years; W. J. Broatch, for a term ot
throo yean, and J. J. O'Connor, for a term
of four years. Mr. Miller's' torm would have
expired In February or March laat year,
while all other members would still be In
Men Kngaaed Day and Nlajht on Ad
ditional Supports for Platta
month Structure.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 31. (Spe
cial.) The work of removing the sand and
other substances from the bottom ot tho
Missouri river through the caisson and the
building of tho foundation for a pier under
the Burlington railroad brldgo hero twas
begun today. Fifteen men are employed In
the caisson ,at' one time and work eight
hours. Three shifts are bolng worked day
and ntght. An electric plant furnishes
lights for the caisson while the men aro at
work, and If no large atones or timbers
obstruct, It Is expocted they will reach
solid stono In ono month.
Tho large Iron plpo through which the
men enter tho calsscn Is four feet In diame
ter on tho Inside. There are four four-Inch
pipes through which the sand Is blown by
the two air compressors. Another tube
eight Inches In diameter la used for lower
ing tools and supplies.
The work of building tho foundation for
tho pier of concrete on tlio caisson as It Is
being ruink In the water Is being pushed at
tho samo time. George Adgate ot Chicago
and Chnrloy Olson, general superintendent
of bridges tor tho Burlington road west' of
tho Missouri river, aro kept busy superin
tending the work ot the sovcnty-flve men
Ulelc flnnld Alao Taken Into Custody
and Dell ood Crowd Threatens
BELLWOOD, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special
Telegram.) Dick Oould, assistant cashier
ot tho Platte Valley State bank, was placed
under arrest this afternoon. He iwas taken
to David City on the afternoon freight
train. On his way to the station he was
followed by a large crowd of the duped de
positors of tho bonk. Dick bore up bravely
until he reached the station platform, when
someone called for a rope. Then ho Jumped
on the train with all possible speed. The
crowd pushed Its way onto the train and
was with difficulty persuaded to disperse
by the state bank .examiner. The streets
of Bellwood are crowded dally with those
engaged In angry discussion ot the bank
Ob Trail of the Robbers.
FBEMONT, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.)
Deputy Sheriff Bauman was notified yester
day ot the robbery ot the saloon at Valley
and that the man had probably taken a
Union Pacific train, westbound. It was
learned later that wounded man left tho
train at Riverside, a siding about four
mllee east of North Bend, and officers were
at once dlspatchod for that point from Fre
roont and North Bend. A barn belonging
to Jack Duggleby near the railroad was
burned this morning and two horses belong
leg to Duggleby were found outsldo, ono ot
them with a saddle on. Duggleby believes
the robbers had something to do with the
fire. At 6 o'clock tonight the man had not
been caught, but some traces of , the
wounded man had been obtained and his ar
rest Is expected.
York Bank Opena at nellwnod.
YORK, Neb., Jan. 31; (Special.) O. W.
Post of the First National bank ot this city
and others are oponlng a bank at Bellwood
and already have W. W. Wyckoff. city at
torney of this city, n( Bellwood arranging
for room, and expect to begin banking busi
ness at once. There Is a report that a
third bank will be started In York by prom-
In Ant Vil lalnnta man
uvut uuoiuvn wvu
Good Slelarhlna; at Pawnee.
PAWNEE. Neb., '.Ian. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) This section Is enjoying moro
sleighing than In eevoral years. The good
snows of tho lost week make the sport Ideal
and more snow Is falling tonight. The
farmers who sowed wheat aro congratu
lating themselves.
Tiller la Ordered to Pay.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Jan. 31. (Spe
clal.) In Justice Archer's court W. W.
Coats received Judgment against J. E. Rlloy
of omaha for board amounting to $84.30,
nook No. 1 on Dyspepsia,
Book No. 1 on the Heart.
Hook No. 3 on tho Kidneys.
Hook No. 4 for Women,
nook No. 6 for Men (sealed.)
Hook No. on Rheumatism.
cured by- ona or two bottles,
faiksr kti Willi krg tha Caw af Htji
Osiitj Oitimi.
Their Hlajhfa Are In Conflict with the
Clulraa of the Stnte, hnt Nebraska
Alma to Yield In Their
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 31. (Special.) Sanford
Parker of Spencer, Neb., and W. T. Wills
of Butte, Neb., appeared before tho Board
ot Educational Lands and Funds yes
terday and today in behalf of settlers In
Boyd county, whoso rights to certain lands
under the homestead laws of tho United
States for lands lying within tho boundary
ot the abandoned Fort Randall military
reservation are In conflict with tho rights
of tho stato under an act of congress al
lowing tho state to direct Indemnity se
lection of lands In the odd-numbered sec
tions of tho reservation In futl satisfac
tion ot all lands lost In places throughout
tbo state.
Whon questioned, Mr. Parker said: "I
know of no answer more applicable to
these vexed questions than that stated In
my argument to the board to thb effect
that It Involved tho question of homes or
no homes to nineteen se'ttlers on that
As to tho statements of facts, he said
that in the year 1895, tho reservation being
no longer needed for military purposes, an
order ot abandonment was made and the
reservation turned over to tho secretary
of the Interior.
"These abandonments occurred several
years after Hoyd county was .organized.
Congress, In disposing of tho lands within
tho reservation provided that tho odd
numbered sections thoreln would bo dis
posed of to actual settlers only, and that
the state of Nebraska would bo allowed
to make Indemnity selection, for the pur
pose of purchasing lands to cover the
losses sustained by tho state from tho
odd-numbered sections.
Claim Prior Settlement.
"Prior to tho passage of the act of con
gress restoring tho landa In the reserva
tion to the public domain and prior to tho
extension of the public survey to Include
said lands these settlors settled upon and
.have Improved and occupied the land In
volved up to tho present time.
Owing to the lands being unsurveyed
at tho date of their rcspectlvo settlements
thereon, these settlers had" no way of
knowing whether they were upon surveyed
or unsurveyed lands. Following tho proc
lamation ot the president, opening said
lands to entry, In due time applications
were received at tho United States land
offlco at O'Neill, Neb., at which time theso
settlers upon the land now Involved mado
application, alleging the date ot their ac
tual settlement, which applications were
refused by the United States land offlco,
owing to the conflict with the rights of
the state of Nebraska, from which ruling
tho settlers appealed and carried their
case through the various departments, but
received adverse decision, owing to tne
preferred rights accorded the state within
which to make the Indemnity selection.
The "matter was brought before the last
legislature of the state, resulting In tho
passago ot a bill for tho relief of these
settlers, directing the governor to exe
cute a deed to relinquish said lands to en
able the sottlers to perfect thqlr entries
under tho homestead Jaw. The bill en
countered no objections, but the reason
for the delay In carrying out the pro
visions thereof Is due to a certain legal
proposition, which has been met, and mat
ters now Indicate an early adjustment, In
the Interest of the settlers."
Peralatent EJort to Adjnat.
8pcaklng further ot the matter. Mr.
Parker asserted that this much vexed ques
tion had been persistently followed for the
last six years through the various branches
of tho land service and the courts ot the
state, wherein certain ot the land claims
were tied up by Injunction proceedings.
AIbo the administrative officers of the stato
have been appealod to from time to time.
Continuing, ho said: "The principal ob
jection to an Immediate relinquishment of
tho lands by the state was due to tha stato
being restricted to the matter ot selection
of Indemnity to Fort Randall reservation.
Through the endeavor encountered by
Sonator Millard this obstacle has been over
come and the state Is now at liberty to
make Indemnity selection anywhere In the
state in llou of the lands sought to ba re
linquished to these settlers.
'There la also a prior statute ot this stato
authorizing a deed of relinquishment to
lands selected wherein there Is a priority
of right established by a homesteader.
"Tho government Is willing to do what
It can for tho relief ot these settlers. Tho
people of the state, through Its representa
tives In our last legislature, have expressed
their willingness. The present officers ot
tho state aro ready and willing to do their
utmost In the premises, knowing, as they'
do. tho trials and hardships that Jhese set
tlers endured In seeking homes where the
land lay. more especially to settlers In
volved who havo settled upon these land
In the utmost good faith, and now to be de
prlved of their homes and fruits of their
labors would be unjust. I might say In ad
dition, an Invitation was extended to the
board to visit these settlers with the view
of fully satisfying themselves as to the
bona fide of their respective cases."
Commissioner Follmer has signified his
willingness to do so and within a few days
will visit Boyd county.
North Platte Land Office,
Chatrman H. C. Lindsay of the republican
state central committee was In Lincoln this
morning conferring with several republicans
from North Platte regarding the land office
appointments in that city. The terms ot
Receiver Frank Bacon and Register George
French of the North Platte office will expire
August 8 and already there Is a spirited
contest for the appointment to fill their
places. The men who talked with Mr,
Lindsay today aro Representative J. E.
Evans, W. H. C. Woodward and George L.
Carter. Mr. Lindsay said that no agreement
or decision resulted from the conference.
While here Mr. Lindsay talked with sev
eral prominent republicans regarding the
advisability of holding an early convention
So far very tew persons havo expressed
any preference between an early or late
'jWe want to got at tho wishes ot the re
publicans as to the time for the conven
tion," said Mr. Lindsay. "Some persons I
bave talked with favor holding it at an
early date. These same persons aro favor
Ing early congressional conventions, for
they insist that the candidates In the va
rtous districts should bo given amplo time
for their campaigns."
Ilentrtce Creamery Knlarssea,
The Beatrice Creamery company of this
elty has enlarged Its facilities by purcbas
lng the plant ot tho Hastings Produce com
pany. This and other recent additions
caused tho Beatrice company to increase Its
capital stock from 1150,000 to $500,000. The
Hastings Produce company dealt In butter
and eggs and Its property Included two
storago houses. The system of the Beatrice
Creamery company now Includes upward ot
200 skimming stations. Its output ot butter
lt yar was awrpxinuuir 1,000,000
pounds. Of the 1500,000 ot capital stock
authorized only 1360,000 haa boen Issued,
Xew IncorpnrntlmiN, (
Articles of Incorporation were recorded
In the secretary of state's ofilco. .today as
Tho Empire Alfalfa. Ranch ahd Cattle
company of Kearney; capital stock, .$30,000)
Incorporators, Charles B. Finch, Edwin B.
Finch, Edwin E. Squires, James W. Cranoy
and Alfred C. Crancy.
.Tbo El Paso Cattle company of South
Omaha; capital stock,' $15,000; Incorpor
ators, J. D. Ryan, E. J. Carter, T. B. Mc
pherson, Charles J. Hcysham and John M.
Tho Dawson-Nemaha Telephone company
of Dawson; capital stock, $2,500; directors,
O. C. Ayres, F. L. Blakony, Rice Page, R.
E. Fenton and J. O. McOlnnls.
Tho Donald-Porter company, wholesale
merchandise, of Grand Island, reorganized,
with Increase ot capital stock from $50,000
to $250,000.
Nebraakan Dlacarda Old Theories and
Gives Results of Ilia Prac
tical experience.
KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 81. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho second day's session ot the
Farmers' Institute began this morning. The
representatives ot the various cream sepa
rators, six In number, bad their Innings
right at tho start and gave demonstrations
of the points ot superiority ot their ma
chines. Among the Interesting exhibits
this morning was a collection ot over forty
varieties of farm and garden seeds grown
In Buffalo county last year by H. C. Green
of Kearney. S. A. D. Henlln also made an
exhibit of seeds and samples ot flavoring
extracts. The subject ot "Orcharding," by
J. L. Brown, was particularly Interesting,
principally for tho reason that he discarded
tho accepted theories and gavo his own
practical Ideas regarding tree planting and
fruit growing In central Nebraska, and par
ticularly In Buffnlo county. II. D. Watson
entertained tho large audlenco with a talk
on "Alfalfa and Forago Crops," and his
thirteen years of investigation, experiment
ing and practical experience have made
htm a standard on this subject.
Tho afternoon session was especially In
teresting to stock growers because of the
lecture of Dr." Peters of the university ex
periment station on "Tbo Prevention ot
Animal Diseases." The lecture was con
fined to four heads of the subject, suggested
by tho audience as follows: Cornstalk
diseases In horses and cattle; blackleg In
cattle; turberculosls or consumption, and
cholera, or swlno plague. Dr. Peters does
not advance any theories, but gives the facts
regarding these diseases as ho has found
them In his regular practice. "Tho Grow
ing of Pork for Market" was handled by O.
Hull of Alma, aud this was tho closo ot tho
afternoon program. The Kearney lnstltuto
s said by those who havo attended theso
meetings throughout tho stato to have been
ono ot the most successful and Interesting
of any held.
Tecaniach Farmers Institute.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special Tel
egram.) This town has been packed with
farmers today, the occasion bolng the sec
ond day of the Johnson County Farmers'
Institute. The principal speakers, with top
ics, today wero: President Holden ot Illi
nois Stato Seed Corn Growers' association,
on "Growing Corn for Seed;" Prof, Burnett
ot the Nebraska experimental farm with
two ecturcs; Mrs. MacMurphy of Omaha
and Mrs. Jessie Pollock of Tecumseb, on
'Evolution of Women." Mies Graco Mak-
inson of Tecumseh, on "Education for a
purpose;" Mrs. Zetta Zook of this county,
on "My Experience with Poultry;" 'O. A.
Corbln and Purdy Piatt,, local farmers,, on
a discussion ot "Sheep Feeding." The ses
sion will continue tomorrow.
Wy more Institute.
WYMORE, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.)
The farmers' lnstltuto which has been In
session tho last two days closed last night.
Yesterday the attendance was much larger
than tho first day, the weather having mod-
crated. The program Included: "Growing
and Selecting Seed Corn," by S. A. Kin
ney, discussion by C. DeLand; "Care and
Management of the Orchard," by G. A.
Marshall, "Feeding and Care ot tho Dairy
Cow," L. D. Stilleon; "Soil Culture," by H.
W. Campbell, discussion; "Care and Man
agement of Poultry," Rev. L. P. Ludden;
'Domestic Economy," Mrs. H. S. MacMur
phy. Music was by a mala quartet.
Cold Snnp DeHea Gnme Laws.
SUPERIOR, Neb.. Jan. 31. (Special.) A
man who keeps tab on such things says that
fully 75 per cent of the quail were killed
In the sudden storm of Saturday ovenlng.
The storm came so quickly that they could
not get to shelter. A farmer south of town
had his pockets full of quail which he had
found frozen to death. Another curious
Incident ot the storm Is reported from
Webber. A farmer near that place Sunday
morning caught a, Jack rabbit with his
hands. Examination showed that tho anl
mat's eyelids wero frozen together.
Humboldt slnslncaa Men Organise.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.)
Thirty representative business men gath
ered In Masonic hall last night and- organ
ized the Humboldt Business Men's club
the object of which Is mutual protection
These officers were elected: J. F. Wozab,
president; E. A. Tucker, vlco president;
Charles G. Carter, secretary; Irvln Shirley,
treasurer. A committee ot five was ap
pointed to draft a constitution and bylaws
and meetings wore arranged tor onco each
Itnral Telephone Compnny.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.)
A now stock company has been organized
with n capital ot 32,600 to build a rural tel
epbone lino from Dawson to Mlddleburg,
These directors were elected: J, G, Mc-
Glnnts, Ollvor Ayers, Rice Page,' Frank
Dlakency and. R. E. Fenton. Work on tho
lino will be begun ot an early date. Many
farmers along the line havo taken stock.
Ice One Foot Thick at Wymore.
WYMORE, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) M.
L. Rawllngs has a large force ot men at
work putting up tho second crop ot Ice,
which Is more than a foot thick and ot ex
cellent quality. This crop will be ample to
supply tho local demand and to All all ship
ping contracts that have been booked. More
than 10,000 tons have been put up here so
far thla season.
Section Men Ilnve Narrow Rscnpe.
PORTAL, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) The
section foreman for tho B. & M. at Chalco
and an assistant bad a narrow escape near
here. They were returning from work on
their handcar at a high rate ot speed,
when they noticed a train coming. Both
men Jumped and saved their lives, just as
the handcar was smashed.
(retnn loctor Una Nruallpos,
PAP1LLION. Neb.. Jan. 31. fSneclaM
Smallpox Is plentiful. In Sarpy county. The
Gretna village board has appointed a
Board of Health and, an contagious dls
parH will he Quarantined. Dr. J. I.. Mi-.
Carthy of Gretna has smallpox In a mild
Harvest Ice at
YORK, Neb., Jan. 31. (Special.) Ice
dealers are worklrfg large forces of men on
the ponds and will be able to fill their
Icehouses full of the best quality ot Ice
from twslTt to lUtoea laches tblck.
Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Win
ters By Using Pe-ru-na,
His age is 1 14 years, vouched for by authentic record. He says: "I at
tribute my extreme old age to the use of Pe-ru-nu."
Bprn before United States "
was lormcil.
Haw 22 Presidents elected.
Peru. na has protected him
from all sudden changes.
Veteran of four wars.
Shod a horse when UO years
Always conquered the grip
with Pe-ru-na.
Witness iln a land suit at ago
of 110 years. C
Believes the greatest
remedy of the age for catarrhal
ISAAC BROCK, a citizen ot McLennan
county, TexAR, has lived tor 114 years.
For many years he resided at Rosquo
Falls, eighteen miles west of Waco, but
now lives with his son-in-law at Valley
Mills, Texas.
A short time ago, by request, Uncle Isaac
camo to Waco and sat for his picture. In
his hand ho held a stick cut from tha gravo
of Gonoral Andrew Jackson, which has been
This Is tho name and trade mark which will hereafter be stamped
on all genuine Regent Shoo Co. shoes.
The many Imitations of tho Regent shoes have forced us to adopt
this trade mark.
Wo are the only Regent Shoo Co. In Omaha, and our shoes will
hereafter be known as tho
Regent Shoe Co.
Wo will continue to handle men's shoes exclusively, and cordially
Invite tho skeptic who has always worn $5 and $6 shoes to take a
look at our $3.60 and '$2.60 shoes. They aro In our show window. If
you look at our show window you will como In, and If you come In
you will buy. Wo wont try to sell you a T or $6 shoe, because we
only bavo two grades the 3.60 and $2.50.
Remember wo sell shoes, for men only. Our neighbor next door sup
plies tbo ladleo.
REGENT SHOE TO., 205 South l5th st
carried by him over since. Mr. Brock Is
a dignified old gentleman, showing few signs
of decrcptttudc. Ills family Bible Is still
preserved, nnd It shows that tho date of
bis birth was written 114 years ago.
Surely a few words from this remark
able old gentleman, who has had 114 years
ot experience to draw from, would bo In
teresting as woll as profitable. A lengthy
biographical sketch is given of this ro
markablo old man In tho Waco Times
Herald, December 4, 1898. A still more pre
tentious biography ot this, the oldest living
man, illustrated with a double column por
trait, was given the readers ot tho Dallas
Morning News, dated December 11, 1898,
nnd also the Chicago-Times Herald ot same
date. This centenarian Is an ardent friend
ot Peruna, having used It many years.
In speaking of his good health and ex
tremo old ago, Mr. Brock says:
"After a man has lived In the world as
long as I have, he ought to have found out
a great many things by experience. I
think I havo done so.
"One ot the things I havo found
out to my entire satisfaction is the
The Health of a Manly Man
Why will not all men insist upon having it, when it is so easy to get and to
keep. Some men are eaten alive by tape-worms, others wander hopelessly for
'After Uklnr two Ciiemti, thr cam on tha
ini Terr unp)cted TUltor in tb hp f ft
eene a very uneipected TUltor in tha ahape ef a
tape-worm eighteen )eet lent at least, which I am
aura cauaed my bad health for three leara."
Ono. W. Bowles. Balrd. Mill.
"After taalos OaaearaU 1 have bad a natural
relief without taklnc medicine i of any aort during
tha put two weeka. Thla had not ocourred for
U Michel. I, Penny. Ml Yatei'Ave., Brooklyn.
'Tor three yean 1 bare been afflicted with
diabetes. 81nee using dascareta I hare found
great relief and feel that I mutt send you my
personal recommendation."
. . II t wman Sit Will A.. ItllffaJA. S. T.
Business as well as social life of todny is one of strain nnd effort, and the
. . . . ( .1.1 1 .tra.r tn riflunilf In U'hlPM
atruKKlo tor existence in compcuuuu iumkc hid "H"1
care of body, nerves, blood is more, or less neglected. Men wonder what's
wrong with them. No man can stand such unnatural conditions unless
i k K,. a,elnrr PnnrK- Cnthartic. CaUSlnE
regularity of body in spite of irregularity of habits. A roan who
"feels bad" should take Cascarets, find out what's wrong and
be cured.
proper romody for ailment that
re duo directly to effects of tho
cllmnte. For 1 14 ycurs I have with
stood the changeable climate of tho
United States.
"I havo always been a very healthy man,
but of coursn subject to tho llttlo affections
which aro duo to sudden changes In tho
cllmnto and temperature. During my long
llfo I havo known n grent many rcmodloa
for coughs, colds and diarrhoea.
"I hod always supposed theso nffcctloas
to ho different diseases. For tho last ten
or fifteen years I havo been reading Dr.
Hartmnn's writings. I havo learned much
from his books, ono thing In particular:
that these affections nro tho samo and that
thoy aro properly called catnrrh.
"As for Dr. Hnrtmun'H remedy, na, I have found It to bo tha
best, if not the only, reliable remedy'
for these affections. It has been my
standby for many years, and I at
tribute my good health and extreme
old age to this remedy.
"It exactly mcota all my requirements.
It protects me from tho ovll effects of sud
den changes; It keeps mo tn good appetite;
It gives mo strength; It kcops my blood In
good circulation. I hnvo come to rely upon
It almost entirely for tho many llttlo things
for which I need medicine.
"I bollovo It to ho valtmblo to old peo
ple, although I hnvo no doubt It Is Just as
good for tho young. I should bo glad If
my slnccro testimony should become tho
means ot others using this remedy, becaueo
I bellevo It -to bo tho greatest remedy of
this nge for catarrhal diseases.
"When epidemics of ,1a grlppo first begnn
to make tholr appcoranco In this country
I wns a sufferer from this disease.
"I hud several long sieges with
the grip. At first I did not know
that I'crti-iia was a remedy for this
disease. When I heard that la
grippe was epidemic catarrh, I tried
Pc-ru-na for la grippe and found it
to be just the thing.
"It has saved mo sovcral times from a
siege of tho grip. I foci perfectly snfo from
this tcrrlblo malady bo long as I have Pc
rutia at hand. I hope that Dr. Hartmaa
may live to bo as old as I nm, to continue
tho good work ot teaching people tho value
of IiIb great remedy, Pcruna.
Very truly yours,
For a free book on catarrh, address Tho
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
It you do not dorlve prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Peruna,
wrlto at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full
statement of your case, and1, ho will be
pleased to glvo you his valuable ndvlco
Address Dr. Hartman, President of the
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. '
& "I
. Uv uov.. us.a.K ' ' '
troubl ot tli jen lUndlng.
. . . .
0carM (or itnraach
lroUDl or ! yean lauuinv. i ... J
l Riii curm una
Bv. E. M. ChtndUr, Mill 1'. O.. Mo.
"Cirreti curort me of tho pilci, with which 1
bd lont iuffered."
-J. I,. Wolleton, Terry. Oklahoma.
'I ud Caearti for Intomnla, with which J
haro bean amietcd for twenty yaara. They Sayo
me Immediate rellef."-Thoi. Olllard, Elgin, 111.
"Caicareti are he only remedy 1 have ever
tiled that canae a fine, eaiy movement of the
bowela without Impalrluc the functions of the
atomach. ....... .
uhai. H. t,ampeu( ounoury, rennsjiTui.
Bait for tha Bowels. Alt drugglete, toe, 9fe, we. Never
told In bulk. The genuine tablet stamped COC. Guar
anteed ta cure or your money back. Sample and booklet
fraa. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y. W
O ea noara. a. m. to 6 it,
aadaya, from H a, in. to ft p. aa.
DR. McGREW(Age53)
Ulattuaca uud lilnurut.-1-a ol (July.
2(JYcnm' Experience. IS Yiura la
VARIPflPEI E cured In less than 10 days
YAnluUbCLC without cutting.
SYPUII iQ 11 nd u" Uloud Disuses cured
JlrnlLIO tor life. All breaking out and
i.lBuu ui tne disease disappear at onco,
fiVt-H 90 flilfl enses cured of nervous
Ultn AUiUUU debility, loss of vitality
uud ull unnatural weaknesses of men.
Stricture, aieot. Kldnoy and Bladder Dis
eases, Hydrocele, cured permanently.
Cures Quuruutecd, Couaultntlon Free.
Treatment by mail. V. O. Box 766,
Office over 215 S. 14th street, between Far
ram and DouglM Sts., O MAI LA. NEB.
Ioas) of Power,
Urgunlo Weak
neas, vaiicoeelu,
Dlaoaaea of tbo
Iiroatnte gland1,
(lUuoy and
madder Trou
bles, Ituptaro,
Htricturo and
Uafltneaa for Marriage, Established 1868.
Chartered br tbo State. Call or state osao by
mall, far rilKi: HOME THE ATM ENT.
Addre.: Dr. D CROIX,
818 Iron lilock, MILWAUKEE, WIN.
Uae Hit for unnatural
4 mm. irnteiiucs vr kivsibiiuui
taie. of mucous rn.mbraDea
uea. ' I'alnles.. and not Mlrta
(urcuCe at or poisonous.
0.WKM SM b ""
or eeni 11 plain wrapaa.
tilul esrs. I
KJ o.i u iul
rrt'eie 0i