13 THE OMAJTA P-A1LT JUSEt SATUIUXA Y, EEimUATlY 1, 1002. COUNT! BOARD BACKS DOWN Amalti l.tr.ioiaiit IthiJiU Iifta EatlUr Thai EipuUi. RESOLUTIONS INCREASING PAYROLL SOB UP OK Hcheme of l'ndltie On Kxtra Clerks "Tp mpnrnrllr" l Hrtiorted To O'Keeire I'nrtlnlly Chrcks Until on the Treasury. With the retrenchment schedule scarcely dry on tun hooka, some of the member of tho Hoard of County Commissioners have engaged themselves In an effort to buck up. At. Friday morning's meeting of the board they offered resolutions that certain offices bo allowed additional help "temporarily." O'Kceffe showed an Inclination to balk nnd tho resolutions were hastily referred to committee of tho whole, so ,that the war which raged In tho committee room Thurs day afternoon might not bo rc-openod In public ecsolon whero the public could hoar It It was not expected that tho Thursday proceedings would bo exactly a chorus of harmony, but It was u worse discord than any had anticipated. In the language of ono' of the members, the board "Just split It to pieces," and when It left the room was farther from an agreement than when It entered, each member Insisting on his particular selection for the places to fill. When tho board convened yesterday Its component parts smiled amiably, each at tho others, nnd stuck to the weather ns a topic. Wbon called to order and tho routlno business, of which there was an abundance, had been disposed of, tho sher iff's list of appointed deputies, Including William Weber, A. J. Sloup, Joseph 0. Sherry, Jaraw Roach, William Novo and W. O. Cunningham, went through for approval unhindered, but when Commissioner Con nolly sought to tack on n $90 bookkeeper for tho county clerk's staff ho struck tho broakers. Ho favored permitting the clerk to employ this bookkeeper In addition to the combined bookkeeper and doputy clork. nd moved tho reconsideration of thnt clause of the report of tho committee of tho wholo which had knifed Clerk Miller's re tainers so generally. O'Kecffo objected. O'Keeffe Una nn 14 ye Open. "I havo talked with tho county attorney." Bald tho member from South Omaha, "and ho doesn't think wo can do business that way. It seems to mo It will nullify all wo have already dono If any motions prevail to take up that report of tho committee of tho wholo to reconsider any of Ha clauses. If Mr. Connolly wants to try to get another man on Mr. Miller's forco why doesn't he Imply bring It up as a resolution to put on additional holp? I move that this pres ent resolution bo referred to tho committee of tho whole." Oatrom filled In the awkward pause that followed by moving that when tho board adjourn It adjourn until 10 o'clock Saturday, which motion carried. Presently Harto pre sented fi resolution naming A.' Stock as Janitor at tho court house at a salary of 50 per month. It went to the commlttco of the wholo. Then ho tried another, nam ing Halfdan Jacobsen as assistant auditor ot a salary of $75 por month. It went llho Its predecessor, for Connolly had nrlscn and asked that nil resolutions share tho fato of the ono ho had prcsontcd. O'Kceffo did not tako tho floor again except to protest pub licly against allowing tho nppolntraent of J. Hauck as draughtsman in tho county sur veyor's office, explaining that ho couldn't understand what need thero was at this Reason for moro than tho surveyor and a deputy who understands draughting. 'The Hauck resolution was another of tho "tem porary" brand. Some "Kxtra" (Jo Tlirnaiclt. An exception was made of the resolution appointing Miss Jennie Hughes as Bucces or to Mrs. Alice D. Lee as old ladles' at tendant at tho county hospital, tho salary of $20 por month to begin January 29. Harry P. Douol, reglstor of deods, and County Judge Vlnsonhaler, also landed with their requests to bo allowed to retain tho oxtra man that each Is now employing, tho re tention to bo "through tho busy season," according to Commissioner Ostrom. Tho salaries will bo paid from the fees of tho offlco. Minor matters occupied only a llltlo of the board's tlmo yostorday. Ed Halpln was given bis poaltlon of assessor of tho Sixth ward of South Omaha, to which he was elected, but for which ho had failed to qualify. Tho board acceptod tho invitation of Secretary J. F. Burgess to attend tho dedicatory ceremonies nt tho High school Saturday. Darttno Hlles, who sorved with Company I, Seventh Iowa Infantry, was granted admission to tho Nebraska Sol dlera and Sailors' home. The claim filed by O. O. Sharp for damagea alleged to have been sustained when his horse was killed, his buggy demolished and his companion's leg broken in a'nlght accldont at a washout In the county road near Bennington was referred to tho rood committee. Adjourn ment was taken until the hour named In Ostrom's resolution. County Clerk Miller has taken a new tack and extended to tho members of the board an Invitation moro pressing than cordial, to call at tho county clerk's office and bo shown through, It carefully, to And out, If they can, whero and how tho pro posed cut In tho list of employes can be made. Tho members, particularly O'Kecffo and Ostrom. smiled a sweet, Interested mile and assured Mr. Miller that nothing on earth could possibly afford them greater pleasure. f PARTING TRIBUTE TO WIFE Chsurlaa B. Flick Indites P.thetto Kotd Before Taking- Ills I1 Own Life. The funeral ot Charles R. Flick, tho car- entor who committed suicide In an unfln i.hed cottage at Thirty-fourth street and Meredith avenue Wednesday, will be from the home, 722 South Thlrty-flfth avonuo, Saturday afternoon. Interment will be In Prospect Hill cemetery. When tho body was oxamlnod In the un Qertaklng rooms ot the coroner Thursday a letter addressed "to tho public" was found In an account book. In his pocket. It read aa follows: I want to state before committing the raSZI deed Which I nm nnW flfftfltnlnm. that I am In my right mind, so far as a man can be who, surfers from nervous pros tration: that I have nn Aiiftmliit n Hum inu. Ing- wlfo of sweet. Christian character: dear uruuiers una sisters ana muny menus. I win lurgiveiirBa ui uiu Homeaeeuera' Excursions. Tickets to naarly nil points In the Unite States on sale at all tlckot offices of the Chicago ureat Western railway on tho first aad third Tuesdays of January and tfhm. ry at the low rate ot ono fare plus $2.00 lor tne round trip, uood to return In 2 lay from date of salo. For detailed In formation address any Chicago Great West era agent, or J. P. Elmer, 0. P. A., Chi eago, 111. for Hall m Omj' WarK. If jrou ,llv; in the country or la a email tewa and have a good acquaintance among tae farmers ao stpekralserc In the ntliU borhood. you can make $5 easily by four f tve hour' work. Write ue and we will Ml you eur proposition. The Bee Publish lac ceapaai Bolloltora' Dept., Omaha, Nek. RELICS OF MOUND BUILDERS Vnltintilr Collr-Hlon of Cnrln 1. untied tn Mtisrnm nf Omittin I'ltlilln Llhrnry. B. P. Servlss, commercial agent of the 'Frisco line, has loaned to tho city library museum n valuable collection of mound builders' relics, collected by him through Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana nnd Arkansas. Tho collection comprises U7 different otone pieces and has been placed In n cabinet for exhibition pur poses. Every article 1b labeled. Mr. Servlss has been a collector ot mound builders' relics for twonty-flve years. Ho has opened many mounds himself and Is well known In geologlcnl and scientific cir cles In this country becnuso of this pen chant. In 1803 ho was with the party from tho Kansas City Academy of Science that opened up twenty-tour mounds on n high bluff Jimt north ot Kansas City. Tho railroad man has built up many col 'lections of theso relics tn his time. He has sold two lnrgqoncs and has given ono of 200 pieces to tho Smithsonian Institute. Tho one loaned to tho local museum con tains arcs, both grooved and ungrooved, skin dressers, drills and various flint Im plements. WHEN WAR TAX DISAPPEARS .Vnlirnnkn. Itevcmie Office Will Lose Over n Hundred Thousand In Hecrlptn. The proposed change In tho Internal reve nue laws announced from Washington, whereby tho war revenuo tax Is to bo no longer collected after July 1 will havo tho effect of reducing the annual receipts of the office ot the collector of Internal revenuo for tho district of Nebraska about $103,000. Tho chief item In this reduction probably will bo tho tax upon banks and brokers, while thero will bo a consldcrabto reduction In tho Income from tho brewers. There la one tax passed as a war mcasuro which will probably remain, and that Is the tax upon mixed flour. Tho Income from this source at the Omaha office Is about $6 per year. As to changes In tho forco of employes made necessary by the repeal of tho war tax the officials cannot say at this time, but they believe It can result In tho discbarge ot not moro than one clerk, as tbo business of the offlco, the bookkeeping and records, will bo but llttlo less after tho law Is re pealed than It Is at this time. Aching In tho small of the back Is an Indication ot Brlght's Disease. The' proper course In such coses Is to tako a few doses ot Prickly Ash Blttors. It Is an effective kidney remedy and bowel regulator. Sam'l Burns commences annual February rcduotlou Bale this mqrnlng. PLAIN TALK TO PRINCIPALS School llonrd Metnltcr Bur" They Have Ilrcu Treated Fnr Too Welt In rant. ' The principals of several of tho ward schools arc holding meetings to ascertain If some steps cannot bo taken which will result In having tho Board ot Education chango Its order regarding tbolr salaries. Ono of the members of the board said: "Tho ttroublo about tho wholo thing Is 'that tho principals havo been too well treated; they have bct.n permitted to Bay what furniture should or should not be uncd, and because they objected to tho use of certain material It Is now all stored away ns Junk. In Bplto ot tho generous treatment they havo heretofore received they -show no Interest In tho welfare of tho community, as Instead of gracefully bearing some part ot tho burdens ot tho taxpayers they appear as chtef fault-finders. The fact that somo of tho principals need to learn a bit about economy, and possibly It will be no mistake for them to begin at homo or In somo other occupation." Mr. Wheeler Got Itld of Ilia llheumatlsiu. During tho winter of 189S I was so lame In my Joints, In fact all over my body, that could hardly hobblo around, when I bought a bottle ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From the first application I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all tho year." R. Wheeler, North wood, N. Y. For sale by all druggists. Announcements of the Theaters, With matinee and evening performances today, the bill at the Orpheum for this wcok, which has scored big to good attend ance, will be brought to a close! For next week the biggest bill thus far this season Is announced. It will include nine acts, embracing an unusual amount of novelty. Plcolo's Lilliputians, said to be tho four smallest men doing stunts on the stage, will be an unusual feature. Hubert H. El liott, the Omaha mandolin virtuoso, will make his debut Into vaudeville. Tonight's performance of "The Burgo master" at tho Boyd concludes that com pany's engagement. Starting Sunday aft ernoon, the merry French farce, "The Girl Prom Maxims," opens for an engagement that Includes Sunday night and Monday night. On Its visit here last season this farce created no end ot talk, making qulto a bit. Shampooing and hair dressing, 23c, at Tho Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1718. Notice to, Carpenters. All members of the Carpenters' union 427 are hereby notified to attend tho funeral ot our deceased brother, Charles E. Fllok, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock sharp. Funeral from residence, 85th and Leaven worth. By order executive committee Car penters' union, 17th and Douglas, Send -articles of Incorporation, notices et stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. Wo will give them propor legal insertion. Bee. Telephone 238. ShamDOolna and hair dreislnr. 2Be. at Th Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 171ft. What's In a Sale? It Is merely the cutting off part of the profit that goes to make a high priced shoo. At $3.50 Always Are a continuous special sale. The profit is nover more, so we can never divide It with you and make tho net price, $3.98, or anything like that. Quality the best nnd fit like custom work, THE PniCE-$3,50 ALWAYS. SOROSIS SHOE STORE Frank Wilcox, Mgr., 203 S. ISth St. fiend for Catalogue, j nnAunns Rare Millinery Event The Greatest offering df Mid-Winter Patte rn Hats Omaha has ever known. $25.00 Lichtenstein Hats, at $2.50 Our purchase of 364 of these famous pattern hats permits of this unusual barguin offer ing for Saturday. Saturday we will place on sale our pur chase of 364 Lichtenstein pattern hats, the latest Paris, London and New York productions. The wholesale price of these hats until Janu ary 1st was from $20 to $40. We offer these and the choice of any pattern hat we have in the house for This is less than 10 cents on the dollar for the choicest millinery the world produces. Lichtenstein, of Fifth Ave., New York City, Is the rec ognized millinery authority and the leading high class dress hat importer and designer in America. His signature on a hat label implies absolute correctness of fashion as adapted by good dressers of Paris, London and New York. Too Busy with Early Spring Arrivals To wrltn cnrefully worded ads so wo'll Just tell you what mnkos us so busy, it's those stunning pretty things coming In so thick and fast (gtir-'jRs our buyer thinks wo want to outfit every boy and girl In the Btute). Thtfn thero Is that 20 Per Gent Off Sale which seems uncalled for with a new store, with n' now stock, nnd no old plundor to dispose of but wo must have room. A FEW ClinLS' COATS. thfrn worn thutu odd last tlmo wo counted 'era), at Just half Tftlkar AMU A Strong Pull Has not been necessary to increase tho use nf Mnt, rtn.tt. ftu DutlDftintn.i. r.l.r.11,1. n.wl pleasing flavor have dono this and If you ro a critical Deer tucr you 11 appreci ate them. Cases of twenty-four pints und quarja delivered. Metz Bros., Brewing Co. Tel, 110, Omaha. Or Jacob Neumavrr. Act., euro Nmimnvir Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa, Ml iiiHaMnisaiiiH iiiiiHaaMauuiMiiiiHr.i TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS. 1517 Douglus Street Don't follow tho old custom of "YANK ING OUT" a tooth at the first suspicion of an ache. Perhaps we can save It. FILLINGS, 7Bo UP, Saputy Qtata Vsttrtnarlaa. Food Inspector. H. L. IUMAC0I0TTI, D. V. S, CTTT VETERINARIAN. Jiwnimafljj on All Winter Goods price THE BOYS' AND aiHLS' STORE. azaar Opp. Orchard TTUhali UlVnCII' IS lift I ULU Even tho most doubting Thomases wero more than pleased with tho bargains In this P. B. Halght & Co. salo. Tho entiro stock of WOMEN'S READY-MADE GARMENTS that wo got from Halght & Co. Is now in placo and you can securo better bargains than over Saturday. Customers not prepared to tako advantage of tho sale now can solect any garments they deslro and wo will hold them until called for. auu aozen women's underskirts with deep All the H. & Co. wrappers In Dercalcs and fleece lined, wholesulo price up to $2.98, for 25c, 60c and 98c. All the Halght & Co. women's ready-made suits, a great many ot them silk lined throughout, wholesale price $25, at $5.00, $6.98, $3.93, and $10.00. All the H. & Co. automobiles in two lots, wholcsalo price to $20, at -$3.90 and $7.60. All II. & Co. 27-ln. coats, wholesale prlco up to $25, at $2.60, $7.50 and $10.00. All the II. & Co. underskirts, wholcsalo price ns high as $2.50, at 25c, 75c and 08c. All tho H, & Co'u women's capes In-bolides and plushes, wholesale prlco $8, at $1.25, $2.00 and $3.98. H. & Co's women's dressing sacques, nicely nppllqued, wholesale price $2.50, for C9c. The Sensatlonnl Shoe Snle Still draws the crowds to tho shoe depart ment, where thero la a regular feast for those who are quick to soo the values of fered. Tho entire wholcsalo shoe stock ot P. B.' Halght Sr. Co. on sale nothing re served. This stock was bought for about 25 cents on the dollar, and our many custo mers are taking advantago of this sale. Such values havo never beon offered be fore in Omaha. ShoeN In the llnrunln Iloom. Women's flno vlcl kid laco, patent Up, fancy top, worth $3.00; sale prlco, $1.79. Women's Dongola lace, stock tip, full top, worth $2.00; sale price, $1.19. Women's fine vici and Dongola tan and black, worth $3.60 and $2.50; sale price, 95c. Women's One vicl common sense button, 2Vi and 4, worth up to $4.00; sale price, 39e. Women's warm lined laco shoes, worth 11.25; salo price, 69c. Misses' loco or button vlcl or box calf, worth 11.76; sale prico, $1.19. Boys' satin calf laco shoes, worth 11.50; salo price, 98c. Youth's satin calf lace shoca, worth $1.60; sale price, 8c. Boys' grain qulltod laco shoes, worth $1.50; sale price, 98c. SATURDAY IN THE BARGAIN ROOM. Saturday will be still a greator bargain day than Friday. Thousands of yards of dimities, dress goods, wash goods, silks, velvets, furnishing goods, boys' cloth- ,1 .' CT' ' i?fsl(,es tneso wo Wll Klve a series of special 30-roInuto sales Mental .P,Dyt lnS BCn b0fore ln 0maha' N0 PBDDMSRS. DEALERS OR MANUFACTURERS. pitESS GOODS. 64-Inch strictly all wool cheviots, worth $1.25 yard; 68-Inch strictly all wool tailor suiting, extra heavy, nice dark colors, regu lar $1.60 gooda; 50-inch strictly all wool Scotch mixtures; 58-Inch heavy homespuns, worth $1.25; all on aala at 49' f Women's Walking Skirts A Wonderful Hought up by, our cloak and suit buyer while In the eastern to offer the greatest values, you have met with this season in Women's Walking The exact count of them show ten hundred a terials, cheviots and meltons in stripes, fanci etyles. Wo skirts Into four lots 'nnd guaran tco that never before havo you witnessed such values In sklrto. No woman who Is economically Inclined should neglect to visit this department bright and early SATURDAY MORNINO. WIT 1 Women's Walking Skirts Consists of 275 skirtB not ono of them cost less than 4 to manufacture during this sale, Saturday, V $1, Women's Walking Skirts Consists of 200 skirts, made of golfing material cheviots a hand some lot to select from, not one of them worth less than A C( $8. 00 during this sale Saturday x.V Special for Women CLEARING-OUT SALE All our fine automobiles and box coats that sold for $22, $27.60, $35.00 and $40.00 will be on sale Saturday in our 1 r ff cloak department choice - J KJKJ Our Scheme of having a useful article sp'eclal every Hnturdiiy seems to suit the people and what nuit3 them suits its. This Saturday you enn get a $3.00 Frost King or Queen Chest Protector for n two-dollar bill. This Is Just 33V4 per cent off and that reduction will prevail on all other chest protectors. Hemember. Saturday. $1.00 TEMPTATION TONIC 27o $1.00 PUIUJNA 1 to n customer 67c $1.00 WINI3 OF CAHDUI 49o 2fie Laxative Dromo Quinine 12c 23c Qulnacctol, best for colds 20o $1.00 Wurner'B Safe Cure 6Do $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure, genuine.,.. 75o 60o Cramer's Kidney Cure, genuine .... iOa $2.00 Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills $t,oo $2.00 Succuh Altcrnns ii 45 $1.00 Uncle Sam's Tobacco Curo 50q $1.00 West Brain nnd Ncrvo Treatment. 17c 25c Schlitz Malt Kxtrnct, 2 for .......... 25o 55c Pabst nest Tonic iiQ 25o Mfllt Nutrlno . 190 OPEN AL.li NIGHT. SOHAEFEIt'S ' Drusr Store. Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. lUib and Chicago. Goods delivered FREE to any part at city. Patronized by Everybody and Appreciated by All flounce, wholesale price, $1.00, at 25c. Collarettes from II. & Co. stock, whole sale prico $3.00, now $1.25. All tho H. & Co. rainy-day and walking skirts, wholcsalo prlco to $8, nt $1.50, $2, $3, and $5.00. All tho H. & Co. silk dress skirtB, and they had tho Dncst stock wo ever saw, wholosalu prlco $25, at $3.90, $5.00, $7.50. and $10.00. H. & Co. Infant's cloaks, wholesale prlco $1.00 to $2.00, at 50c. H, & Co. children's Jackets, wholesale price to $5.00, for 60c, $1 and $2. Ail II. & Co. silk wntstB, wholcsalo price high as $10, for $2.98 and $3.98. 40 flno suits that sold up to $40, at $16.00. 100 medium weight jackets, wholcsalo prlco $12, for early spring wear, at $3.50. Little Cent's satin calf quilted shoos, worth $1.65; salo prlco, 98c. Don't forgot the llttlo ones a good shoe for 17 cents sizes 3 to 6. 1IAYD12N DUOS, The P. n. Ilnlxht & Co. 18,000 Whole ante Clothing Stock. NOW ON SALE AT 250 ON THE DOLLAR. Wo also offer you your unrestricted choice of all our Steiu-Bloch Co., Hart, Schaffnor & Marx and Hacket, Carbart & Co.'s finest $22.50 to $35.00 tailor-made suits and over coats nt $15.00; men's $16.50 to $20.00 suits nnd overcoats nt $10.00; mon's $10.00 to $15,00 suits and overcoats at $7.50; 12.50 flno black clay worsted suits from tho Halght stock on sale for $4.85; $10.00 men's suits and overcoats at $3.75; $15.00 men's black and bluo, find patent beaVer over coats nt JC.S5; $6.50 men's sample coats and vosts for $1.95; 7.50 to $12.60 men's very flno sample coats and vests at $2.95 and $3.75; boys' long pants suits that sold for and aro worth from $5.00 to $15.00, now on sale at $1.95, $2.95 and $5.00; $1.50 to $6.50 boys' vestee suits, sailor and Russian blouso suits, also doublo-breastod knee pants suits, now on sale at 60c, 95c and $1.95; $5.50 to $5.00 men's pants at 95c, $1.60 and $2.50. HAYDEN DUOS. 40-inch strictly all wool German Henri ettas, 48'lnoh gray brllllantlno and 50. Inch all storm serges, worth $1.00 yard, at 49c. 60-Inch black brllllantlues, tbo finest fabric ever put on tbo markot, regular $1.00 goods; will go on tbla sale at 39c. The heaviest skirting ever put on tba nd twenty-live skirts, made of fine golfing nin es and plain colors, modeled into tho newest havo divided theso lot a Women's Walking Skirts Consists of HU5 skirts in stripes, fancies and plain colors, not a skirt, in this lot worth less than $5.00 during this sale " CC Saturdav .-W.VvJ Women's Walking Skirts Consists of 225 skirts the style and work manship of. this lot is of tho highest order, not one of thorn worth less than $0.50 during this salo Saturday, 90 .90 LOT 4 S3.00 WHISKY We have a flue, old, well matured ryo whisky which wn can sell In hulk gallon lots for $3 per gallon. It. Is not a $5 whisky sold for $3 don't bo deceived by any hot air talk like that. It Is a $3 ryo whlBky worth every cent we ask If you don't agrco with us. bring It bnck. Vou can't buy such whisky else where for this price. Pure California Wines, (bottle ripe), 35c, COo nnd 75c (mart. Fine Mall T7m,,.uIpm. ?5c. $1.00. $1.25. $1.50 nts. orders promptly tilled. City orrtCrS cieiiveiru. CACKLEY BROS. Fine Wlnra nnd Tnlile Liquors, Opposite l'oslofllce. Telephone 1148. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IIUNTEK ItVE. markot for this price; can bo mado up without lining; In gray and chalk lines, worth 75c yard, at 39c' Sco our 32-Inch extra heavy Scotch tweeds, In all the leading spring shades, worth 50o yard, at 25c. Dress patterns, worth $7.50 and $10.00 each, will go at $2.98 and $3.98. Silks worth $1.00 and $1.26 will go at 49c. Silks worth 76c will go at 39c. Silks worth 6O0 will go at 25c. 42-Inch black silk skirting, worth 75c, will go at 29c. 42-Inch black lining silk, worth 60c, will go at 19c. Silk volvctfl, worth 60c, will go nt 19c. Strictly all wool challls, worth 60c, will go at 25c. Strictly all wool challls, silk stripe, will go at 49c. Satin stripe union challls, worth EOo, will go at 29c. 10c Shaker flannel, 6c. 15c Shaker flannel, 7'c. 5c dress prints, 2c. 15c pcrcnleB, good width, 5c. 15c lleeco lined flannelettes, heavy, syte. Shirting prints, 3c. 10c dimity, 3?ic IKo dimity, 5c. 19a draperies, 10c. 25c nrt denim, 10c. Cc dress linings, 3c. 19c drcsa linings, 5c. OUtl FAMOUS no-MINUTB 8 ALBS, From 8 to 81SO A. M. Wo will sell 60 dozen towels, worth lOo each, for only 2c. Two pair to customer. From 10 to lOi.K) A. M. Wo will sell Liberty satin, printed foulards, twilled foulards and other silks, worth up to 75c, for 16c. Only 10 yards to customor. From lliilO 1o l'i Noon. Wo will sel apron checks, ginghams, all blues, at 2V4c Only 6 yards to customer. From U to SCtO V. M. Wo will sell 10,000 yards of dress goods ln Thi Mut Combination Brokon Cudaby's Rex California Hams 6Hc No. 1 Rex sugar-cured hams ..HV&c No. 1 bonelcsB hams ...10'c Freeh dressed poultry Saturday, Fancy Fruits. Fancy red apples, per doz 20c Largo navel oranges, per dos 20c Largo Juicy lemons, each lo 3 lbs. Turkish dates 10c Fish Specials. 3 lbs. :?orway anchovies 2oo K. K. IC. Norway Herring lOo Fat Holland mackerel 120 Codfish, per lb, 6H0 Cheat Pricai. Wisconsin Llmbergcr 13H New York cream 121,40 Hand chvuso, each..., 2c HAYDEN Pvirchase market places us In a position Skirts LOT a "A FOOL and his money soon parted,' Was tho comment of an outsldor a few days ago, whon buying somo patents. "Most peoplo uso a llttlo senBo In selling their goods," he said, "but tho Omaha druggists havo less sonso than tho fellow who tnkos a nap, botwocn tho rails on tho car track." Llstcrlno eoc Huuyadl Janns gjQ Lolblg's Extract 4f,0 Dry llorchound and Tar 250 Fino Hock Candy for syrup 2fio Ilohlcr's Head Powdors joe RED ALBUMEN nono Carter's Liver Villa, gonuino ic0 Echlltz Malt, dozen i,bo Rcchter's Pane Expcller 400 Castorla 25n Miles' Nervlno 6j0 FULLER GO. P. S.Wo sot WINDOW GLAKS. plain black, figured black, all colors, worth from 25c to 75c yd., all will go at 10c. From 4 to 4i!I0 1. SI. Wo will sell full standard prints at lo yd. uniy iu yaras to customer. From l to IliltO P. M. We will sell remnants ln long length ot 6a skirt lining at lc yd. Only 10 yards to customer. From H to HulO I. M. We will sell all our dress patterns nnd skirt patterns, 4 yards nnd 6 yards lengths, some 54 Inches wldo and nono worth loss than 75c yard and up to ,$1.98 .yard, all will go at 25 Ono pattern to customer. From to l i:iO I. M. We will sell 6c bleached muslin, yard wlfla, fine heavy cloth, at 2o yd., Only 10 yds. to customer. ano nosimtv at joc. Z00 dozen ladles', men's and children's stockings, In wool and lloeco lined, from tho Halght stock, that sold far 26c, at lOu. 150 wool shawls, 25c. All tho ladles' wool shawls from tho HiUght stock that sold up to $1.50 on sale at 25o. All the mon's, ladles and children's wool and flecco lined underwear that sold up to $1.00, from the Halght stock, at 25c. All tho men's and boys' colored laun dered shirts from tho latent stock that sold up to $1.00, on sale 'at JOc. Monarch colored laundered shirts at 89o. All tho men's working gloves and mlttons from the Halght stock that sold up to 75c, on salo at 25c. All tho mon's and boys' whlto unlaun dered sbltU that sold up to 50c, from tho Halght stock, nt 26c, Mon's heavy Jersey ovcrshlrts, worth up to $1.00, at 25c. Men's 50c neckwear at 10c. All tbo men's 50c neckwear, from tho Halght stock, at 10c. Men's 10c sockn at 4c. Ono lot of children's underwear, ln small sizes, nt 10c. Wisconsin block HwIbs I80 Norton's pineapple, each 65o Grocery Prices. 11 lbs. granulated sugar for..., 49a 24-lb sacks rye or ryo graham ' 480 9 lbs. breakfast rollod oats for...,,,,. J5o Hand-nicked navy beans, por lb So 2-lb. cans sweet Hugar corn go 2- lb. can. Early Juno peas siq 3- lb. cans grated pineapple 8V4o 1-gal. cans golden drip table syrup,.,, 35o, 1-lb. cans covo oysters..', gi 3-lb, cans garden boots gi0 Large California prunos, per lb 4j0 Vlrgnia raspberries, evaporated, lb,.,, 260 Largo California Poaches, per lb . 90 Oil sardines, per can 40 Fancy Santoa coffoo (a good drink), N per lb j50 Choice Oolden Santos coffeo, por ....la'io Cholco tea sittings, from finest toaa,. 20o I Choice creamery butter, por lb.,,,,,,, aoq BROS.