TIIEN OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ?roitsii.il Wtett BpsonUteri Ttiri Itir iih aid Frieti BuU L.w.r. LEAOING CEREAl HAS SLUGGISH TRADE Nevra la of nn Indifferent Sort, Cable Slightly Depreaacd, Argentine .hlpmenta Smaller anil Xorth ntitprn neeelpta Light. CHICAGO, Jnn. 81. Professional wheat peculators turned bearish III sentiment to day and though corn worked stubbornly against tho Iniluchces, prices, ruled lower all around. May wheat closed with a loss of HSttc. May corn fic lower and May oats Ho depressed. ' Provisions closed a shado to 60 lower. Wheat had a. heavy feeling nil through the session, lloutlno news, whllo favor ing; buyers to some extent, was of nn In different sort. Cables wero slightly lower, Argentine shipments wcro Mill much smaller than a year ago, and the receipts In the northwest wero light. Tho south western markets wero bullish and on tho breaks scalpers bought and shorts covcrpd. Trado was light In volume. Tills led speculators to tho argument that business was too small to hold the advance In th markot when tho pit turned bearish. Pro fessionals turned sellcss, tho seaboard re ported a slack export demand and per sistent selling caused declines. The ftuctu atlons were small, with, a tn.,dy jowcf trond. May opened a Hhado to WilW lower at 78i4$78Hc, sold down to 77ic and, after small reactions closed weak, lowor, at 77i77T4c I.ocal receipts were only eleven cars, and Minneapolis and Duluth reported 249 cars, making a total for tho three points of 260 cars, against 327 Wst 1 week and 379 r yenr ago. Argentine ship ments wero 320.000 bu., compared to 720,000 last year. Primary receipts wero 337,000 bu., against 402,000 last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat und flour equaled 383,000 bu. Bureau statistics at Washing ton reported three-fifths of the wheat ex ported from this country In December was from tho Pacific coast, 6,9SO,000 bu. Corn struggled hard to maintain Its strength, but gradually slipped down In company with wheat. At the opening slightly higher cables nnd the firmness of tho Kansas City market exertod qonslder nblo Influence. Receipts at tho western markets nro falling off materially and re ports state an Indisposition on the part of holders to sell. Dry weather In Argentine threatens tho crop. All told, tho markot hero showed a firm undertone, nut trado was light and tho wheat woakness made Itself folt. May corn, whichsold early at 63HtJ63$ic, and fluctuated narrowly, and ended in a net loss of H0?6c at the close was weak at 62'4c. Receipts wero 52 cars. Trado In oats was light, with no con spicuous action one way or tho other. The opening was unchanged and for a time the tone was Arm. Brokers say that the public and local traders havo been fright ened out of tho market by reason of Its recent nntlcs. At ono tlmo early there was a dip, but thcro was a quick recovery until com began sliding down. May closed weak. Uo down, at 44Mc. Rocelpts wcro 61 cars. Provisions wero qulto, with very narrow fluctuations. Speculation was of a common place nature, slightly higher after tho opening with tho giralns, but sagging loter. May pork closed 6c off at $16.85, May lard 6c lower at J9.37U and Mny ribs a shado down at $8.408.42V4. , Estimated receipts for tomorrow: 'wheat, 15 cars; corn, 70 cars; oats, 60 cars; hogs, 24.000 head. Tho Hading futures ranged as follows: springers, lOHtniltc; fowls, lOflllHc; tur kys, MMWtWc. METALS Thcro was an excited copper markot today. At the Metal exchange lots of from 100,000 to 2,000,000 lbs, were bid for and offered, but no laics were ofllclnlly reported, though a considerable business was done by urlvnto dealers, Ono seller ffercd 2.000.000 lbs. of electro Vtlc at $13. but the host hlil wits I12.TS. lvikp closed with spot quoted at JI2.7tflS.I3. and elec trolytic at il2.7Ggi3.00 mid casting at $12.75 012.87W. Lnko for spot to July delivery was offered nt $13.25, with $12.7o bid, and electrolytic, spot to July, wits offered nt $13, with 112.(5 bid, and for casting for February delivery J12. J2Vi was bid, with J12.S7W asked. The lxwdon market for copper was iss mgner, closing wnn spot n rutures at xou. tin nt tw lorn was teurtv. Hnnl rinsed nt 123 .nnfiZI.M. At J X) ikUi 11 prices wcro 2 6s higher, closing with spot nt 109 and futures nt 105 10s. Lead wns unchanged hero "at $1.10; London was 10s higher. Spelter wns easy, but un changed hero nt $4.25. London was 5s higher at 17 7s 6d. Iron was quiet, but steady nnd unchanged, at New York. Eu ropean markets were a shade higher. Glas gow closed at 49s mid, Mlddlesborough nt 4s 3d. Pig Iron warrants hero were quoted at $n.oo?i2.no; No. 1 rounury, northern, Jlfl.&oflK.W; No. 2 foundry, northern, $16.00 JM6.75; No. 1 foundry, southern. J16.00fll6.50; wo. 1 lounury, soutnern son, io.wui.tpu. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotations nn Staple and Fancy Prndnce. KGGS ItecclDts moro liberal: market un settled; fresh stock, 21l23c. LIVE POULTRY-Hcns. 7W08c: old roosters, 3Q4c: turkeys, 7(B9c; ducks nnd geese. 7fi8c: spring chickens, per lb., 7V4W 8c. . . DRESSED POULTRY-Turkeys, losnzc: ducks, 9tfi0c; geesa, Ofliocj spring chickens. Articles. I Open. Illgh.j Low. Close.Ycs'y, Wheat Jan. May July ,May July July Sept. 1 Pork , May , ' July I Lard May July July 75ft 76'i 741 74H 75V1 78UW 7S 77fl77l 78a 784 78H(5 774 TVXiSfK 78$ 60 COUff'U MH 69U GO 62T463H 63',iS 62it 624 63U 62HQC3 63tf 63H 44H0-H44HW 44K 44i,l 44; 38W 3SJ 3SH 3S4 384 32 33 32 32i 32?I 15 85 15 90 15 80 15 S5 15 90 15 97V4 15 P7M, 15 S7J4 35 9214 15 97V4 9 37V4 9 40 9 37 9 37U 9 42J4 9 45 9 47M 9 45 9 47 9 50 8 S7H 8 424 8 37U 8 42V4 8 42ft 8 47?4 8 50 8 47V4 8 50 8 62$ No. 2. Cash Quotations wera ss follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 13.80 .w; straignts, j.-h)jm.w; clears, ij.juiw.iio; spring speclnts. J4.30: patents, J3.00jf3.80; straights. $3.10(33.40 v WHEAT No. 3, 7175c; No. 2 red, 83 844e. ' OAT8-N0. 2. 4445Hc; No. 2 white, 46ft Uliic; 10. o wnitc, laKruKuc RYE No. 2. Glc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 61R67c. sKKUo-no. 1 nax, i.iu; ino. 1 nortnwest ern, $1.73; prime timothy, J6.55; clover, con tract erado. 19.70. ' PROVISIONS Moss pork, per bbl., $15.60 fl5.65. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.2o3t.27,4. Short ribs sides (loose), ih.ib'nx.w. jjry ealted shoulders (boxed). 7.12V47.25. Short clear sides (boxed). 8.60f8.,o. WHISKY-BaBls of high wines, $1.31. The following were the receipts and ship ments of cratns yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 24.000 25,000 Wheat, bu 83,000 19,000 Corn, bu , 49,000 92,000 Oats, bu 79,000 133,000 live, DU 7,UM Barley, bu 30,000 4,0o0 On tho Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 15W25c dairies, 1421c. Cheese, Arm, 10J4(glO4c, iKK", irtnn, io-'ic. V4fa9c: hens, 8Q9c. NEW VOIIK GENERAL BIARKET. Qnotatlona of the Dar on Varlons Conirnodltlca. NEW YORK. Jan. 3t.-FLOUR-Recelnts 16.559 bbls.: exnorts. 16.165 bbls.: continued dull, a shade lower; winter patents, $3.75 4.10; winter straights, J3.853H.15; Minnesota pntents, J3.S0ft4.10; winter extras, J2.90Q3.20; Jllnnesota 'linkers, $2.9503.30; winter low grades, $2.75f(2.80. Rye flour, dull; fair to gooa, jj.iWU.iu; cnoice to iancy, $3.503.75, CORNMEAL Quiet! yellow western $1.27; city, $1.28; Hrandywlnc, $3.6Oig.70. RYE Easy; No. 2 western, 68c, f. o. b. afloat; state, &W65c, c. I, f., New York, oariots. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 63865c; mnlt ing, towi.'c, c. 1. r., uurraio. WHEAT RecelptB. 80,750 bu.; exports 16,327 bu. Bpot, easier; No. 2 red. SSttc, 1. o. o., nnoai; rno. . reu, kkc, elevator afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba. MAc. f. o. b. afloat. It was another very dull day In wnrai, wun a steany opening and subse quent depression, duo to small export trades, easier cables, foreign selling, local liquidation und lack of support. Tho close was easy at HG'fto net loss. March closed at mvsc; May, ftOfti'M ftc. closed ut S3C July, awS3c, closed at S3Hc. CORN Receipts, 3.000 bu.; expqrts. 5.226 nu. Bpot. easy; wo. s. BlTic, elector, and WHVt . wuuui, AttiiuuHII 11 irino steady at first with wheat, the corn market eased oft through liquidation and bear pressura west, closing weak and He net lower, mujt, ui7c. ciiisca ai o "ic JUiy, 67WW6714C. closed at 67Uc. ' r' OATS Receipts, 9,000 bu.: exnorts. 22.829 bu, Spot. Arm; No. 2, 49c: No. 3. 48c; No. 3 white, 50H61c; No. 3 white, 60Wc; track I mixed western, 45MT47c; track white. KfJ E5n. Tho option market, like others, wns till and easier, owing to moderate llquldn t, on. HAY Steady; shipping, 60065c; good to VTlolco. S7W09OC. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1901 crop. U',4tfl6c: 1900 crop SifTlSc; 189 crop, 6ii8c; Pnclflc const. 1901 crop, 1114U 15Uo: 19M crop. Sl2c; 1S93 crop, Sc. HIDEH-DulI; Onlvcston. 20 to 25 lbs.. 18c; California, 12 to 25 lbs., 19He; Texas dry. 29 to 30 lbs., HHc. LEATHER Quiet: hemlock role, Buenos Ayres, light to heavyweights. 2426',4b. WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, 26H4J27o; Texas. 16Wi7c. PROVISIONS Bocf. quiet: family, $11.6013.00; me, J9 50CT10.00: beef hamn, J20.00fi21.00; packet. $10.5011.50; city, oxtra India mess. J17.50iT19.50. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies. $S.7510.00; pickled shoulders, $7; pickled hams, W.'Biglo.oo. Lard, ensy; western steamed, $9.65; retlned, easy; con tinent, J9.S5: South America, $18.50; com pound. IS.00OS.23. Pork, easier; family, $17.001717.25; short cleur. $17.60(820,00; mess, $16.W17.00. BUTTER Receipts. 3,960 nkgs.: llrm: stnto dairy. 14fl23o; creamery, I7f26c; Juno creamery, lourjia; lacinry, unruc. CHEESE-Recolpts, 966 pkgs.; firm; fancy Inrcrn- pnrlv mnde. colored, lolnt Innrv small, stnto full cream, early made, colored, lmflllUc: fancy large, early made, white. lO-'Vlc; fancy small, state, full cream, early mnde. whlto, lHilJllUc. EGGS RecoliitM, 4,017 pkgs.; firm: stale and Pennsylvania, 29Q30c; western, n innrx. ivc, SUGAR Raw, steady; folr refining, SJ.I60: centrifugal. 96 test. 3 11-1 So: mo lasses sugar, 2 15-16c; refined, steady; crushed, 6.25c; powdered, 4. Sic; granulated, 4.75c. COFFEE Quiet, steady; No. 7 Rio, 6Uc. MOLASSES Steady: New Orleans. 354T41c. POULTRY Alive,. quiet: springers, lOfte; turkeys, iogiqhc rowis, tic. uressea 8 llUTTER-Common to fair, 14V4c; choice dairy. In tubs, 15017c: separator, 23fl2tc. f ituziSN l'isil mncK nass, isc: wnno bass, 10c; blucflsli, 12c; bullheads, 10c; buf faloes, 7c; cattish. 12c; cod, 10c; crapples, lie; halibut. He; herring, 4c: hnddock, 9c; pike, 8c: red snnppcr, 10c; salmon, 120: sun- 6c: fresh mackerel, each, 2035c; smelts, 10c OYSTERS Mediums, per can, x:c; mana nrf! nitr run. nvtra. selects, ner can 33c; New York Counts, per can. 40c; bulk stanunras, per gai., ji.ziroi.io; duik oxira selects. $i.oojfLCO: bulk New xorK counts, per gni., ii.itx PIGEONS Live, per doi., 60c, ViAi unoice, waoc. CORN Now, 64c; old, 64c. flATfl T.5 HAY Prices nun ted by Omnhn Whole Bain llnv DealerH' association: Cholco UP Innd. tX.lO: No. 2 tlnlnnd. $7.50: medium. $7: coarso. $6.60. Ryo straw, $5. These prices are for hay or good color ana quauiy. uo munq rair. Receipts, n cars. POT ATOEH Home-crown. $1: northern. $1: Salt Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. uaukutb t'er uu., IOC. IIHKTR Per bu. basket. 60c. TURNIPS Per bu., COc: nutabagas, per 1UO IDS., J1.20. I'AIIHNII'H I'Cr UU.. bUC. CUCUMRERS Hothouse, per doz., $2.40. LETTUCE Head, per uui., u.w; noi house lettuce, pur uoz., 3oc. PARHLKY-l'Cr UOZ,. Z5C. RADISHES Per doz.. 25c. SWEET POTATOES Homo grown, per lb., 2V4c; Kansas, per bbi J3.2S. CAHHAUJ'J iiouann Becu, craioa, i?4c. rATll.18tX)WER Per crnte. $2.7o. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $2.25; Michi gan, red or ycnow, .ic per iu. i th I y i-jiumrmii. xiitiaiz. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, y-- a APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $4.p0ffll.5O; Wlnesaps, $; jonatnuns, d.w; ueucnow orn. ntr hnx. 11.75. PEARS viKers, $2.u: Jjawrence, .ioiu 50. ORAPES Malagas, ner keg. $8. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $7; per crate, J 2. DO. HAVI Uifi AIM B rcr uu., tt.io. TIlOPIflAL FRUITS ORANGES-Callfornla navels, $2.7503.00: budded, $2.60. . . i.RMnNK-h'iincv. cnoice. so. BANANAS Per bunch, according to slz, vmwK nortcd. per lb., lziwnc, M IBCELiUAIM X) U a. NUTS New crop walnuts, No. 1 soft Bhell, per lb., 12o; hard sholl, per lb., UWc; No. 2 soft shell, lOo; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; nrniiln ner lb.. 14c: Alberts, per ib.. 13c: i BAf, aV. a! 1 1 7r Vi ti rrf nhpll. ln' pecans, largo, per lb., 12c; small, iuc; cocoa nuts, per buck, .uw. iifiNmvJr -RPCiinTi cane, aj.j. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New York, $3.60. . .. . pnHLUHN-rer id., do, HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 5c Nn 1 salted. 7c: Tio. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 ven calf. 8 to 12V4 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8Q13c; sheep pelts, 75c; horse times, St. Louis Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 31. WHEAT "Weak; No red. cash, elevator. S6M.c: track. 87SW8c May. 85V4066HC! July, 774077940; No. 2 hard 78S79C . .... CORN Lower; jno. s casn, bic; iracK 63c; May, 64tte; JU'y, ?ic OATS Hlcher: No. I caBh. 46c: track. 48c May, 46c; July. 38Wc; No. 2 whlto, 4714048c, nxw yuiiic at mvi'ttwe. Fl-OIin Unehnnced: red 'winter patents. $3.9G4.20; extra fancy nnd straight, $3.55$ 3.70; clear, .oiwj.w. HEI5LJ 'I'imoiny, sienay, o.io(in.w. CORNMEAl Steady, $3.10. BRAN Dull, unsettled; sacked, 9597c. HAY Timothy, steady. 11.60014.00; prat- rln Hull. wpnk. S8.O0(fn2.5O. PROVISIONS Pork, nulot; Jobbing, old. $15.25; now, $16. Lard, lower, $3.12. Dry salt meats (boxed), quiet; extra shorts and clear ribs, $8.624; clear sides, $8.874. Bacon (boxed), quiet; exirn snorts- ana clenr ribs. $9.37V4: clear sides, $9.62',4 WHISKY Bieaay. i.ai. IRON COTTON T1ES-$1. BAGGING-5V4&Hc , METALS Lead, llrm at $3.97H'3-i00. Spel ter, better at $4.10. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 80SJ4c; tur- kn-R. lie: ducks. 10a: geese. 56c. IILHTKK nieauy; creamery, jbioc; BUSINESS REMAINS BRISK balance. $1,716,316; posted exchange, JI.S5 for sixty days nnd J4.SS on demand; New York exchnnge, I0opremlum. l'lIII.AUEl.I'IllA, Jan. 3t.-ClenrlnKS, $16,713,615; balances, $2,2W.I(6. For the month! nlrnrlno-M. i.VnRtl.hnn' ti.ilnnrns. lig Dmnd at tk Mn.rtotariB Cnteri Ji2.231.470. it Eneoirajinf. STEEL FACTORIES FLOtDED WITH iRDERS Mnmentlu Milkers linnlile to Prevent KorelKii Firms from ScctirliiK Trnile VliercImnicdlnte Ship ment Is Required. WEEKLY CLEARING HOUSE TAR I.E. Aggregate of Business Transacted by the , Associated Ranks, NEW YORK. Jnn. 31.-The followlnir table, comnlled hv llrndslrent. shows the bank clearings at tho prlnclpnl cities for tho week enoeu January 30, with tho per centage of Incrcaso and decrease as com pared wun tho corresponding week last year: 3U3Vl0: seconds, 1 l-16lf J jc. yellow. Mnlnsses. kettle, 16U12C l.i ted, 4U!31-16e, white. 3U1f3 13-16o: seconi open kottle, 15020c; open tiyrup. steany, unciiangcti. NPAV Ynlltf. Jan. 31. SUGAR Raw. steady; fair rellnlng, 33-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 ll-lRC. .-Molasses sugar, zd-ioc. m lined, steady. Molasses, steady; New Or leans open kettle, good to choice, 3ya-41c. LONDON, Jnn. 3l.-SUOAR-Raw, cen trifugal, Ss 3Vd. Beet sugar, January, Ss 4Vid. MOVEMENTS OF STOOKS AND BONUS. OMAHA LITE STOCK. MARKET Ztth Stitri aid Oowi Att IUw lalliif wltk Tsidticj Downward. H9G MARKET TAKES ANOTHER DROP linckavranna Consplction New High Record. for Its NEW YORK. Jnn. 31. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Despite tamo drawbacks, tho business situation continues satisfactory, with es pecially good news from manufacturing centers, lxtbor disputes nro somewhat moro numerous and low wuter stopped mills In parts of the uorthwast. Special lines wero stimulated by seasonable weather, but tho same Influences nlfectcd others adversely. Although manufacturers of steel havo stubbornly resisted inflation of prices, tho urgency or consumers nas aiirucieu more Importations. Distant deliveries are under taken by domestic producers, but where Immediate shlnment Is renulred It Is often Impossible to prevent foreign mnkers secur ing me Dusincss. jjibi years umciai iram ment showed a considerable loss In exports of some finished products of Iron and steel, nnu inis was uouuiiess quo io mo buiiio Cressuro by homo consumers that Is now ringing a movement Into the country, not In competition with producers here, but becuuso early deliveries cannot be made. As anticipated, tho oro companies llxed Bessemer nt the old rato of J4.20. Tho re mnrknbln rpnort of the steel corDOratlon gives somo Idea of tho volume of business transacted last year, while contracts ni CITIES. Clearings, Inc. Dec. New York Chicago .., Boston Philadelphia .. St. Lollis Pittsburg San Frnnclsco Baltimore ..... "Kansas City .. tiiioiun.ui ..... Detroit New Orleans . Cleveland Minneapolis ,,. imuananoiis ,, Louisville Providence .... OMAHA Milwaukee .... Buffalo Denver . St. Paul Richmond ... St. Joseph ... Savannah ... Memphis .... Seattle Washington Me. ready placed practically assuro still greater tlnJl,.T" activity for 1902. . All lines have a share I-0" "P in tno vigorous demand nnn nrcnaranon fnr (mrlncr tvnrlr tin ff-Amnvpil Ihn flullnens I 1 OieUO from plpo nnd tube departments. Minor metals Anally reached a point whoro con sumers were attracted and recovery was general. Footwear shops In New England have largo orders for spring goods nnd arc still busy on scasonnblo lines, while weekly shlpmontR continue to exceed thosa of Inst year. Wholesalo buyers are In tho trust on market, but show nn Inclination to delay placing contracts at tho present nd- vnncou prices. Hides navo uccuneu sun further. Textile mlllM nrn well nccunled and tho lack of accumulations In flrst hands gives a strong tone to the market, though thcro is mucn eviuenco or conservatism araaiiK buyers. While the nlzn of the cotton cron remains uncertain. It must exert a quieting innuenco on goods. Fewer lines of new woolens have been onened than wero ex riected. The rnw material hi sustained by irlsk competition and tlrm prices nt tho London wool sale. After carrylnir tho de cllno to' an extreme point, especially for coarso grades, mere was snarp recovery. As usunt durlnc a ncrlod of gradually fall ing quotations, tho markot became heavily oversold, so tnat onco tne turning appeared thcro wns tho added lmnctus of nnxlOUs eoverlnir hv the short contlncent. Even nt thn lowest nnlnt of the week wheat was 5 cents nnd corn 18 cents higher thnn nt tho corresponding unto last year. Foreign buying of wheat wns not percepti bly stlmuluted by the lowor prices, but there continued a Btcndy outgo, aggregat ing 3,764,873 bushels for tho week, flour In cluded, compared with 3,324,758 a year ago. Consumntlon of wheat ns fodder or holding back for higher prices prevents the big vleld from swelllnir rccclnts. which for the week wcro 2,840,081 bushels, ngalnst 2,775,975 last yenr. Tne reduced yield or corn is PertlAiid, Ore Rochester Albany Peoria Fort Worth Atlanta Norfolk Moines rNcw Haven Sprlngfleld, Mass..,. Augusia Nashvlllo Worcester Grand Rapids Stoux City Dayton, O Syracuse Hcrnntnn Portlnnd. snokune .... Tucoma Birmingham Topckn isvansviuo . Wilmington. Davenport Fall River iMucon , Llttlo ROCK .... Helena Knoxvlllo Irfiwell Wichita Akron New Bedford . Lexington Sprlngfleld, 111 Blnghnmton .. Chattanooga ., Kalamazoo .... Fargo Younestown .. Sprlngfleld, O.. itocKtoru Del.. reflected In Interior arrivals of only 2,379,365 Canton bushels, compared with 4,908,962 a yenr ago, Jacksonville while the hlch nrlce Is rcsnonslblo for Atlantic exports of 331.SS0 bushels, against 2,418.013 last year. Conflicting statements hold tho cotton market In suspense, but there Is no uncertainty as to the unparal leled yield of coffee, which put tho price within a fraction of tho lowest point on record. Liabilities of commercial failures during four weeks of January aggregated J12.902, 007. of which -J5.6S3.392 were In manufactur ing, $6,635,984 In trading and $782,631 In other strictly commercini lines, arkio rrom a few exceptionally henvy defaults, the show ing Is good as to manufacturing. Large decreases appear In liabilities as compared with last year's failures In Iron, machinery, cotton, lumber ana cncmicais. RRADSTREET'S REVIEW OF TRADE. 'Sioux Falls Fremont ... Rloomlneton. Ill Jacksonville, III Houston Columbus. O Galveston Colorado Springs.. Wheeling. W. Va.. Chester Wllkesbarre Beaumont .. Qulncy Totnls. U. S. utsldo New Yorkr.. $1,413,166,353 2.3 . 149,365,614 16.8 . 133,9(2.435 9.1 . 101,139,174 16.7 . 45,961,004 19.3 . 42,419,500 12.1 . 23,172.767 12.7 , 19,433,746 19,438,170 19.0 . 18,022,350 14,829,9$$ 66.8 . 13,649,019 9.7 . 12,239.628 14.5 , 11,869.935 14.3 . 9,991,141 29.6 , 8,155,533 7.973.000 23.7 , 6,211,42s 3.5 , 6,670.351 6.7 , 6,039,79s 4.5 , 4,515,560 . 4.4 , 4,418.487 4.0 , 4,370,461 18.4 , 4,286,189 10.2 . 3,308.846 23.6 , 3,448,559 13.6 , 2,527,772 6.9 , 2.978,894 28.4 , 2,327,910 14.4 , 3,984,949 62.2 , 2.968.669 31.6 , 2,492,238 9.6 , 1,841,830 16.8 2.010,806 16.1 , 2.768.S94 9.5 2,895,105 46.6 3,163.926 2,613,623 13.6 1,340,278 1,485,340 22.9 1,410,935 9.5 1,240,610 2.9 1.701.670 80.6 1,743,426 17.7 1,378,134 35.3 1,624,391 19.3 1,301,789 22.6 1,304,418 26.9 1,056,066 1,326,514 1,410,600 49.3 1,288.406 63.6 1,213,764 1,040.809 2.4 I, 337,463 25.0 S05.276 2.1 862,833 7.2 910.052 3S.9 $41,825 6.2 711.000 . 876,782 63.1 651,433 673.289 21.6 415,516 759,813 61.8 610,100 37.0 407.CR8 4.3 436,142 6.8 4S8.936 12.7 367,000 439.988 10.5 422.6S8 12.5 402,086 62.0 688,668 94.7 300,736 23.9 320.766 25.0 297,010 330.180 41.0 284,628 27.9 131,83$ 312,772 66.0 102,110 II, 896,793 7,168,500 27.3 8.506.3O0 12.2 910,550 555,656 250.4S6 842,870 419,449 250,251 $2,157,122,942 60 , 748,956,589 13.6 .8 'i',3 3.4 NEW YORK. Jnn. 31. Thcro wcro somo notable Individual movements today, but tho market as a whole was trivial und In consequential. The most consplcuouRlmove ment was In Delaware, Lackawanna Western, which rose by rapid stnges, mak ing (i new high record at each stage, to 2SIH. It was expected thnt tho annual re port win tie issued louay nna wiu sucm forecast of earnings Is nt a rale of 16 to 20 per cent. The- report wns withheld from publication, but tho directors were In ses sion. Hoc it Tnlii ml mnrin n notable advance of 5U points on light dealings, the murkot supply oi mis hiock urwiK ruin uu. duuui- em Pnclflc led the market In point of nc- llvllv. hut Us nnrrnw tiriee movement Indi cated actlvo proilt-taklng, which carried It Moderate Rcrrlpta of Sheep a lid Lambs nnd Under the Influence of a Good Ileninnd Prices Hold Fnlly Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Jnn. 31, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olllcial Monday 1,454 Olllclal Tuesday 3.S02 Ulllclnl Wednesday 3,118 Olllclal Thursday 3.80$ Olllclul Friday 2,599 Five dnvs this week. .14.781 Hamo days lust week. ...16,216 Sumo week before 17,770 Same thrco weeks ago.. .17,355 on mo tour weeks ngo,...l3,uil cated actlvo proilt-taklng, which carried it H,lme days last veur. 10681 35.101 below InM night's level. The spec., ntlon tXI tW month' " $139 s5w continued active In Amalgamated topper. ToH, Junuury jW1 w 4i6 mXl which rose IS. lost It all and then rose 2U Totnl jiu,uury 1M0 57(1i7 iso.37i attain at the close. Tho arrival In thlB rnunlrv nf n illrortnr nf tho Rio tlntOH com pany, supposen io do iorming h, wuikuik agreement with tho Amalgamated Copper company, and tho continued rlso In the price of copper wero ino motives oi hid speculation. Colorado and Southorn wero bought on talk of nn Increase In dividend .m, "ln., on the flrst preferred. Mexican National P""ons. Total January. 1S99 41.74S Total Junuury, IMS 43,4(K Totul January, 1S97 48,961 Total January, 1896 40,193 Total January, 1S95 60,718 Avericn ntlpn mil1 fnr hoits ut Omaha tho past several days with 4.468 6.U76 9.815 7.706 6.SSS 35!s53 63,439 41,395 47,311 13.821 ,10$ 1,369 Ii7 6 194,993 159,55! II 3,606 97,367 155,649 2,722 1.3t7 3,017 S82 3,32$ 11,316 14.41$ 12.83$ 8,866 10,619 15,132 66,876 46,282 70,927 81,974 87,345 35,869 12,81$ 12,741 South com- 1,, .,,,,,.... 6 75 9 76 7 00 190 0 00 1 120 170 6 00 1 200 210 6 23 1 150 STOCK CALVES. 1 360 2 60 1 410 2 310 3 U0 1 100 STAGS. 1 liKIl 3 40 1 12.V1 HTUUIV lUlVD AND HlWlJ-HD. 4 1470 3 00 1.. 6W 3 (0 1 580 3 00 1 670 3 10 1 630 3 00 24 1025 4 30 BTUUKKHM AND I'TJklJIillB. 3 80 5 60 4 60 3.. 2.. 4.. 2..1. 1 1 ....... i-OO .1 ,0.,...,..,. VH, rv , 1560 3 30 20 611 3 95 1015 3 60 2 6S5 4 00 555 3 60 0 KtO W t0 3 60 $ 616 4 15 320 3 60 18 965 4 60 620 3 60 M TJ Rnnth Ulnh. 17 bulls 120i) 2 90 18 bulls 1281 2 60 31 bulls 1235 3 00 15 bulls 12S0 3 00 HOGS Thcro was not n heavy supply of hogs hero today for a Friday, but reports from other points were unfavorable to tho selling Interests, and as a result tho ten dency of prices wns downward here. TMj market opened slow and 6tfloc lower than yesterday. Trading was, not active at uny time, nnd It was rather late before a clear ance was made. The bulk of tho good weight hogs sold irom u.io io ..v. nnu a few loads went above that figure. The medium weights brought In most ensca from $5.90 to J6.05, and tho lighter loads Itrprcsciuaiivw Jau-n; No. AV. Sh T. sold from $5,90 down. No. Av. 8h. Vr.s 1.3 '6!6 46.2 6.3 wns strnnir hv reason of reports of absorp- ktlon by Southern Paclllc. Tho Iowa .Cen tral siocks and mo Minneapolis oi. uuub stocks wero strong. Bonds wero less acuvo ami were irn-K-nlnr Tntnl miles, our value. $1,050,(100. United States refunding 2s declined H Rml tho .'U rmmnn. .1 ner cent on the last call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cnblcgram says: American shares were nrmer man oi iaie, uui ihbii-vu-u, save Southern Paclllc,. wnicn wns very strong. Rio tlntos closed at 45T4 nfter touching 46i. Annconda closed 3-16 up at 7 3-16. Copper sold at 65Vi per ton. Tho L.OIldOn county council man whb niiunciiiiuu nine times over. The Chartered Trust and Agency company, formed under the nus- niors of the Chartered comuuny with a capital of 1:2,500,000, offered 1,250,000 at par, tno vnariert-u initii.-iiuiui;in 111 hi. 11 preferential allotment of one-half this amount. The English Sewing cotton com pany hRS passed Its Interim dividend mid tho chairman has resigned. Paris exchange Is 25.12. ... Tho following are me closing prices on the New YorK hiock exenange: Date. I 1902. 1S01.1900.1S99.1898.1S97.1S96.- Jan. 13... 6U0U I 4 63 3 55 3 49 3 091 3 47 Jail. 14... 6 12U 6 16 3 60 3 4l 3 1 3 43 Jan. 16... 6 20H 6 2 4 5S 3 47 3 26 3 69 Jun. 16... 6 16U 5 27 4 62 3 52 3 231 3 66 Jan. 17... 6 17$, 5 20 4 48 3 49 3 47 1 3 72 Jan. 18... 6 2?U 5 29 4 65 3 61 3 51 2 23 3 S2 Jan. 19... 6 27 4 64 3 54 3 64 3 26 Jan. 20... 6 27W 4 54 3 66 3 W 3 26 3 90 Jan. 21... 6 UU 5 26 3 69 3 54 3 26 3 96 Jan. 22... GO.'), 5 13 4 63 3 67 3 23 3 91 Jan. S3... 6 03 5 14 4 59 3 66 3 25 3 86 Jan. 24... 6 08 5 22 4 55 3 61 3 62 3 92 Jan. 25... 6 14H 5 13 4 4S 3 60 3 to 3 35 4 00 Jan. 26... 5 18 4 55 3 67 3 72 3 35 Jan. 27... 6 12Vi 4 62 3 63 3 67 3 30 4 11 Juil. 28... 5 96 6 22 3 68 3 62 3 27 I 10 Jan. 29... 5 3114 5 21 4 62 3 61 3 27 3 93 Jun. 30... b 06l 6 25 4 54 3 70 3 29 3 91 Jan. 31... b MX 6 17 4 55 3 61 3 66 3 98 3.9 3.3 39.7 "i'.s 13.4 Atchison rln nfd Baltimore & O...103 do ptu Can. Paclllc .. Can. Southern Ches. & Ohio. 76V4So. Paclllc . 97(8o. Railway ('hlcaeo & Alton. 34 do pfd 76 Chicago, I. & L.. 62 rln nld 10 Chicago & E. I. .142ft Chicago Gt. W... 23 do 1st pin ot; do 2d nfd 44U C. & N. W 214 rr n. I. A P. ...163 Chicago T. & T.. 17U do prd C. C. C. & 8. L Colo. Southern no 1st pta.... do 2d prd... ..1031.41 do nfd .. 96U Texas & P... ..U3UT., St. L. & .. xf I do nfd .... 45?i 'Union Paclllc W. do nfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E.... do 2d pfd.. Wis. Central . do pfd 33U 9) m ..lUl's .. 89 .. 22U .. 17 .. 28 .. 19'i 40U InHlnllnM 4nnHnv The cillli-lnl mimhor nf rura of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hoits.Sh'n.H ses. u., ai. si. si. i'. ity 3 9 Wabash ... 4 1 Missouri Puclilc Ry 2 1 union rr.cinc system.... .1 n C. At N. W. Ry 5 8 F.. E. & M. V. It. R 17 19 1 17 Or, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 19 11 B. & M. R. Ry 19 11 C, 11. & Q. Ry 8 4 K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. 1. & P.. cast 7 8 C, It. I. & P., west 1 37 63 20 110 111 16 no 20..... .110 31 70 6I......1S4 64 161 100 156 113 151 33 161 Ml 17o SI 112 101 167 101 175 107 16S 179 n mi 96 169 I... 70 1S5 40 91 175 ... 72 177 S3 1S7 6 169 82 ISO 84 U9 ro iss iss 173 203 200 77 191 77 190 ...,1!J 73 200 SO 193 .178 .181 .19$ .174 .182 .199 .193 8 201 S 213 71 18,1 S3 1SI 63 202 4 I'M 82 193 SUEEP 65... 43... 74... SI 96 sn !W 93 4 To 5 00 6 13 6 15 5 15 6 25 6 60 5 65 6 65 5 70 6 70 5 70 6 75 6 75 6 SO 5 SO 5 SO 6 SO 6 80 5 SO 5 S5 5 S5 6 85 6 S5 6 85 5 85 5 85 6 SJ 5 S5 5 S3 5 85 6 $5 5 90 5 93 6 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 95 5 93 ... 5 9i ... 5 95 There SO 160 110 SO 126 '40 so 40 "0 120 40 10 'so SO 40 120 SO 'so 109...,. 213 77 209 77 ICS 77 202 73 212 St 209 73 213 73s....206 70 212 83 207 70 223 69 219 95 200 71 221 66 237 70 213 68 200 S3 242 71 21S 79 213 68 229 85 213 61 27$ 6$ 200 SI 217 70 210 211 .230 SI. 64... OH... 61... 66... 51... 71... 74..., 75... 62... 68... 70... 34... 67... 67... 0... '.'5... 42 252 63 263 5S 277 61 204 62 274 41 419 ..228 ,..236 ,..227 ..220 ,..215 ..20$ ,..221 ,..213 ,..236 ,..2S ...270 ,..253 ..24S ,..272 .216 40 SO 120 40 40 40 210 160 200 120 160 so 40 40 SO 160 40 40 100 80 400 120 6 93 5 93 5 97U 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 600 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 CO 6 00 6 00 600 6 05 6 Oil 6 05 6 05 6 05 0 05 6 03 6 05 6 a-, 6 07ii 6 HI 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 121.4 6 12i 6 IS 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 17U 6 17ii 6 25 6 SO 6 32V4 Adams Express,, 19.) Del. & Hudson... 172'Amcr. 8. & R Am. Exnrcss IT. 8. Express., Wells-Fnrco ... 32! Atrial. Copper , 99(,i Amer. C. tb F., 15k do pfd 62WAmcr. Lin. Oil, 29?i do pfd ll.S Del., L. & W....273 6.0 'ih'.b 9.3 7.0 CANADA. rtnlrv. 15(f720e. EQtio Lower at c. RECEIPTS Flour. C.000 bbls.; wheat, 11,000 bu.; corn. 41,000 bu.: oats, 34,000 bu. 8HIPMENT8 Flour, 4,000 bbls.; wheat, 35,000 bu. ; corn, 63,000 bu. ; oats, 25,000 bu. Kansas City Grain and Provision KANSAS CITY, Jan. 31. WHEAT May, 75V4c; July, 74V4c; cash. No. 2 hard. "6c; No. 3, 75c: No. 2 red. 8738o; No. 3, 85386c; No. 2 spring, 75S76Hc. CORN May, 63H6lc; September, 62T4c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 63V4064c; No. 2 whlto, 66Hc; No. 3, 66c. OATB-No. 2 white. 46HQH7C RYE No. 2, 61S62C. HAY-.Cholco timothy, $13.50; choice prairie. $13.00(513.60. BUTTER Creamery, 18022c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EGGS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas B1UCK I1UUII.-U wl viiniiBU fti a. loss off, cases roturncd; new whltcwood cases Included, lie more. RECEIPT8-Wh bu. 'lent, 12,000 bu.; oats, 20,000 SHIPMENTS Wheat, 12.000 69,400 bu.; oats, 24,000 bu. bu. J. corn, Liverpool Grain and Provisions, LIVERPOOL. Jnn. 31. WHEAT Spot, Arm: No. 2 red western winter, 6s 2d; No. 1 northern spring, 6s 2d; No. 1 California, 6s 6d; futures, quiet; March, 6s lHd; May, I'M- .... . CORN Spot, quiet; Amerlcnn mixed, new, 6s 6d; old, ss wi: lutures. quiot; rcn marl Fin :'.n ! ftlRrcn. on --,(! ; A1UY. OS I'lAJUU Dl, l.ouis luncy winmr, uieuuy n, fia PROVISIONS Bacon, clear bellies, mar ket steady, 48s 6d. t. , 4 JU Receipts of wheat during tho last three ritivi. 461.000 rentals. Including 274.000 Amer ican, ItcceipiB 01 ixinuriiiu vurii uuruiK tho last three unys, h.iw centals. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jnir. 31. BUTTER Inn, fulr demand; extra western cream ...... nc... A.r.n n.nrnv nr mm EtltiB r irni. gpou ueinuiiu; iresn nruroy, 29'o294c: fresn western ana soutnwestern, rrpsn Hnuintirn. au. CHKKHiv r irm, inir tienmiiu; qw rorK full crenms. fancy small, HVlo: New York full crenma. fair to choice, uojuc. MlnnnpnlU Whent, Flour nnd Hran itTv,r,.inni.ia T,, f!1 Wlir?AT raai. 73tc; Mny, 74ic; July, 75Uc; on track. No. 1 hard. 75T4o: No 1 northern, 73ic; .No, 2 . , 11(11 llici II. I " t - FIX)UR First patents, J3.STitJ3.95;. serond pntents, J3.7t,'i;.i.w. urst cfears, .mtJ.so second clears, $2.45, , BRAN Lower; In bulk, $15.00fl5.60. Toledo O rill 11 nnd Seed. TOLEDO. Jun. 31. WHEAT Dull and lower: January, Sic; May, S6Vio; July, sno uuur uuii nnu lower; junuury, one Mny, 63fto; July. 63ic oats Dull: May. 45c: July. SUKc CLOVER8EED January. $5.S2W; Feb ruary, J5.S2V4; March, $5,S7H; No. 2, $7.85. Milwaukee Grain Markat. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 3l.v-WHEAT-Mnr-ket lower; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 north ern. itc; May, nc. TIVW T . XT ECf I I IV I.l W CI , ,1U, A, BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 63Kc; sample, 55 CORN May, 62J4o- Heavy Tall of Snow Greatly Im proves Spring; Oatlook. NEW YORK. Jan. 31. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Tho future may bo said this week to have nrofltcd at tho cxnenso of the present In other words, or recent weather condi tions, such as heavy snowfalls, east, west and north, tend to check buying except of purely seasonable goods and to limit nllehtlv the volume of demand In wholesalo lines. On tho other hnnd, the covering of tho cntlro northern half of tho country with a blanket of snow has bettered the situation of tho winter sown crops, and the outlook for spring trado as n whole has, therofore. been greatly Improved. No diminution In confidence In a large spring hUHlnesB is reported, tnougn soutnern traue miviron rnntinue unsaiisiuctorv. Northern nnu western ouyers are caning fnr deliveries on spring account much mrller thnn usual, an encouraging feature. as indicating that unsold mocks or winter goods are not excessive, umer oevoiop mrnts nf the week nro In the main favor able. Although tho car situation has mniBiirublv Improved and tho Iron furnaces In tho Chicago uistrict nave generally re sumed tho .ncuto conditions as to actual Biipplles of pig rlron have been little changed. The product Vi In demand at all markets, with premiums paid for quick de livery. Imported steel billets aro selling at Philadelphia for $28.60. tho same prices that domestic billets are bringing at Plttsbursr. No formal agreement nas oeen renenca on Iron oro prices. Old range Bessemer will Tmnln nt J4.25. Inst' year 8 nrlce. but out side producers are getting &icents per ton moro man in mm, uui iruu 10 hibihi, although tho pool has not formally raised Itn nrlre. 1 no rail mills Ul lliw tuuiiuy mu iiiil-u ritv nnirrs nnd arsj not seeking outsldo contracts. Among the other metals tho feature has been the marked change, In tho copper situation, several sharp upward mAvrmnnts of price- occurring, with tho clos 1H cents higher ti.an the lowest pub lished HI ICO ana . cenm nigiier iiiuii mu inunat rnmnred sales. Considerable lrreg ularlty Is noted In prices of cereals, hog products nnu cotton. Jiier me mm iieuvy !tniinn in nrlces has come several reac tionary movements In wheat, which tends to discourage export demand. Wheat troni.ttipncri early In the week on Brad street's report of a heavy decrease In tho visible supply, but weakened later on with Improved, winter wncui ctujj j)ruyc;iij. Corn has dlsplayPd rather more strength nhnnt. 11 number of diverse Influences operating, while In oats the feature was a SnPClHClllUr IJI U(V Uk u bKiiin (v uuDUt, ut. iinv mmt of which was later regnlned ' ' J . i n , f V. . ) . . Hog products nave wcuniiiivu miKniiy. m . i,,,o,Vi rr!ntn huve been modorate. whllo butter nnd country products generally have strengthened on corner weuinur, ouKiir m SUj cents higher on light receipts and re finers' buying. Coftco Is weak nnd lower on continued heavy receipts nnd poor con sumption. Wheat. Including flour, exports for the week aggregato 3,702,368 bUBhels, a against 3,369,679 bushels last week and 3,770, 000 In this week last year. Wheat exports July 1. 1901, to uato tmiriy-one wceitat, kk Montreal ., Toronto ... Winnipeg , Halifax ... Vancouver, Hamilton St. Jonn, n. u.. Victoria. B. C... Quebec Ottawa .,. B. Ca..i f" Totals $ 15.236,442 18.7 12.134.168 39.9 2,384,312 40.0 1,586,663 12.8 714,372 2.1 721,273 6.3 660,690 6.9 465,320 997.119 1,251.117 12.7 Denver & R. G. do nfd , Erie do 1st prd.,.. do 2d pfd.... Gt. Nor. Pfd... Hock, valley .. do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd Li. E. & W do prd Louis. & Nash Manhattan u Met. Ht. uy... Mnr. Central Mcx. Nntlonal . Minn, it til. l,. Mo. Paclllc .... M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central.. Nor. & West... do pfd Ontario & W... Pennsylvania Reading 42 91 33'i 216 ..107S5 .. 7$ - .. SO .. 2IH .. 53 .. 47?i do nfd Aa. Mln. Co. Brk. Rap. Tr rViln v x. I 55fCon. Tob. pfd... .117U S6'i ...17l(l leading 66'i do 1st pfd 81 rtn. -rt 11M KS'i 1S7 Gen. Electric . 681,4 Glucose Sugar . 82 iHocklnir Coa . .137i,i4nfn'l Paper . . 40'aI do pfd . '74(4 Infn'l Power . . 67iA Laclede Gas .. 130 !Nat. Biscuit .. 103'i' National Lead National salt . 1 do nfd 2SJi No. American . lwft i'aciuc uonst . .107 Pacillc Mall .v. .102H I'eople's Gun . . 24i Pressed 8. C. . 52 do pfd .193 .161 . 66 . 91 . 331 14?i $ 36,186, 4C6 22. 6. vn, in-liirfi.d In totals because containing other Items thnn clearings. Not Included in tomis uci-uuia 01 no comparison for last year. jNew York Money Market NEW YORK. Jan. 81. money on can steady asked, do 2d pfd.. St. L. & S. F.. do 1st prd.... do 2d pfd.... St. L. 8. W do nfd St. Paul do pfd 8 mi 13Vs ij 75 87 90 4I4 19 30 64 91 73 46 99Ti 40H 8411 f unman 1-. u...i7 Republic Steel .-. 16H do nfd hd Sugar i. 124H Tenn. u. & I at u. n. e 1-. jo... 1.1 do nfd 73 U. 8. leather.... 11H do pfd 801. U. S. Rubber 14'a uo pin ..1 di 1, a at 1 in.. u. a. nicci i!k . .1 nn 1 uu mu ......... :i.i ECUlWnalAm TTnlnn AltZ ...ibiwa. locomotive.... mi ...187 - do pfd 92H 62V 6214 83 W 2oi Ex-dividend. nt !li3 per cent; ciobb. uid nnu 3V4w3 per cent; pnmo mercanii)e -fn no a w in nriiiiii DiiBiiit-Ttn in uauncio bills at $4.8714 for demand and at J4.84H for sixty days; posteu raw, i.oo-u-i.tKj, ivu, 215iiiT .ill. 1 11 S3Uf,M.Sli4. 'S,."".,S"S """JHK.. Ti.l. ntl... HlLV tilt our, oa-c, ""uu,-, BONDS Government, weak; state, ,.knA... mrMA. Irrpirular. dim"" An ThO ClOSinB qUUWIIUiio v.. n.u follows: New York Mlnlnir Stocks. mew vnitK. Jan. 31. The following aro the closing prices on mining stocks: Con. Adams Alice Breece Brunswick Con . Comstock Tun.. Con. Cn. & Va.. Deadwooa ierrn Horn Silver Iron Hiiver- Leadvllle Con... 20 45 6J , 6 , 6V4' ,105 , 50 ,160 . 61 . I Little Chief 11 Ontario Ophlr .Ti I'nocnix Potosi Savngo Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .., Standard 750 ,. 78 ,. 6 ,. 8 2 ,. 12 .. 3S ,.343 U. 8. r. 2s. reg...iuvi do coupon -"27? do 3s, reg JOS'i do coupon J09 do new 4s, reg.. 139 .1 iitnnn HI) do old 4s. reg...lll'i do coupon .... do 6s, reg do coupon .... Atch. gen. 4s... do naj. Bal. & O. 4s.,.., (10 3V4S ........ .In r-nnv. 4s.., fnmiria So. 2s., Cent, of Ga. 5s., do 1st inc , C. & O. 4V4S C. & A. 3148..... c tt Xr a n. 4s. r M A R P k. 43.11IK C & N W C.- 78...140UI c. it. I. & r. 4s..no'4 CCC & 8 L g. 4s,103i Ph Inn an T. 4S.. 'J Colorndo 80. 4s.. 93$ D. & R. O. 4s 102li Erie prior 1. ... , ao gen. ..09 v W" A D. C. Is. 107 Hock. vai. 4Vis...iun ..106 ..10714 ..103 .. 9I, ..104 .. 957il ..105i ..1094 ..mu .. 79H ..107H 84 L,. & N. unl. 4s... 101 Mex. Central 4s.. S2T4 do 1st inc 32H At. Ac Dl. I J. 4S...KH M.. K. & T. 4s... 98 do 2S 84 in. 1. (. in IIM ao Ken. lus N. J. C. cen. 5a.. 137 NO, J'ftClllC 4B 103 do 38 7o,: N. & W. con. 4a. 102 Total receipts 109 87 11 3 Thn illannulllAti nf thn dnv'M rnrelnts WQR as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num. ocr or ncuu indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 209 1,032 750 fj. II. Itnmnimiil I'n :OTO Swift and Company 4oo i.sib i,i2 Cudnhy Packing Co 693 1,452 8 Armour & Co 698 2,376 170 Swift and Co., country... 74 R. Becker & Dcgun 103 Vunsant & Co 29 W. 1. Stephen 8 Benton & Corry 4 Livingstone & Schnller... 23 Hamilton & Rothschild..., 46 L. F. IIubz 6 H. L. Dennis & Co 25 Hobblck 13 S. & S 668 Other buyers 94 .... :a Totals 2.579 7,374 2,325 CATTLE Them whb nnlv n. fair run of cattle here today, but the fact that other murKets were an quoted tower maue uuy ers nt this point bearish In their views, They started In from tho first to pound tho market, and as a result trading was siow nnd It was Into before anything like a clearance was made. There wnrn dint on rew neer steers in eluded in the receipts this morning, and buyers did not appear particularly anxious ror yuppues. xney did not sinrt 111 very early, and when they did their bids were lower. A slow and weak markot resulted, and It was late before the bulk of the nnVrlnes was disposed of. The fact that Chicago was dull and lower gave buyers a big advantage and sellers at this. point could not prevent values from going a Hhiitto 1n,ver thnn vestcrdav. The cow market was a little moro active than tho steer trade, but still buyers did not take hold with as much lire as tnoy did yesterduy. As a general thing they tried to buy tnoir supplies a 111110 lower. in snmn rnflen thev succeeded, nnd In oth era sellers received just auout steauy prices as compared wun yesterday, par-tlr-nlnrlv nn thn hetter erndes. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold nt rieht close to steady prices, whoro tho quality wnn ntlgfnctarv. but anything not strictly cholco was neglected nnd sold a little lower than yesterday. There were oniv a lew lecacrs 01 ac slrnble quality In tho yards, and about steady prices were paid. There has been n fi.lr trnrin from the country this week. nnd sellers havo succeeded In cleaning up In good sniipc wnut incy oougni earner In the week. The common grades wero neglected In flrst hands this morning, tho same as usual, and sellers found It difficult to dUposo of those kinds at satisfactory prices. iieiireHcuwui u pairo, Ubbl' OlClilW. were nnne tnn munv sheep and lambs on tho market today to meet ino demand and as a result tno mar ket was actlvo und steady to strong', every thing being sold In good season. A bunch of prima yearlings sold at J5.15, hut they were or extra line quality. Lnnihs met with ready sille for fully as much nn was paid yesterday for the same kinds. mere wcro practically no feeders on sain today to make n text, nf thn market, hut It was evident that anything desirable would have brougnt good strong prices. Quotations! Cllnlm llslitwnlirht venrllntrs. $4.75 5.00; good to choice yearlings, $4,503? 4.75; choice wethers, Jt.40Q4.65; fair to good wethers, $1.25(24.40: choice ewes. J3.76IM.00: fair to good ewes, $3.50(33.75; common ewes, $2.,593.50; choice lambs, $5.6506.00; fair to good lambs, $5.60a6.65: feeder wethers, $3.69 B4.00; feeder lambs, $4.0oC4.60; cull lambs, $3.00Hi3.75. Representative wiles: No. 198 western ewes m western ewes 1 buck 170 Wyoming ewes .... 1 uoiorndo ewes 18 Colorado wethers .. 419 Colorado ewes 312 yearling wethers .., 209 western lambs 239 Colorado lambs .... 4 cull cwesi 61 western ewes 6 western wethers !I8 western wethers.... 1 western Iamb 113 western lambs Av. . 98 . 126 . 100 . 140 . 1&5 . 91 . S2 . S6 . 70 . 76 . 95 . 110 . 93 . 110 . 90 . 62 Pr. 3 SO 4 00 4 CO 4 60 4 75 4 75 4 75 G 15 5 60 5 6.3 2 00 4 00 4 60 4 60 5 60 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Steady and ling Lower. CHICAGO. Jan. 31.-CATTLE-Rccclnts, 2.000 head: steady: good to prime steers. $6.50Si7.25; poor to medium. $1,0046.00: Blockers and feeders. $2. 254J4. 50; cows, $1.25 (rri.-a; ncitcrs, K.wno.K); dinners, ti.p 2.30: bulls. $2.254"f4.63: calves. $2.60in.2o: Texas fed steers. $l.00ifT5.40. HOGS-Rocelpts. 21.000 head: left over. 6,tl00; market 6010c lower; steady; mixed and uutcners, jo.Ki'ue.so; goon to heavy. S6.15i6.37Vi: rough heavy. 6.10: light. J5.50fi6.u0: bulk of sales. 6.20. SHEEP Receipts. 7.000 head: sheen and lnmbs steady; good to choice wethers, $1.30 4jC. 20; fair to choice mixed, $3.70(34.70: western fed, $4.00ft5.45; native lambs, $3.00 &6.00; western lambs. J5.O0iRS.S5. Otuciai yesterday: ueceipts uaitie, 11,- 261: hogs. 22.960: sheen. 17.345 Shipments Cattle, 5,617; hogs, 6,340; sheep, 3,339. cholco JS.Ko'rf) $5.90(ft Reading gen. S L & I M c 4a. 6s, 8. F. 4s, W. Is.., 118 9614 79 S9U 91? 1.11 121 St. I,. & st. ii. a, do zs S A & A P 4a., 80. Pacific 4s.. 80. Ralwny 5s. T. & P. Is T., S, L. & W. 4s 83T4 union i uciuc s.,iuo do conv. 4s 106i Wabash la lists (iu in jii do deb. B 6Sb West Shore '4s.. ..112ft W. & L. E. 4s.... 93H Wis. Central 4s.. 88V4 (U!1. IUU, 10 ...... DJ Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 31. WOOL Firm: me- At.,, rrroHpt, lilKIACt IllTIlt I111C. I.IIHC. heavy fine, lOS12o: nib washed. 14f21!4c. BOSTON. Jan. 31. The Commercial Bill- . .. ...... . 1 ,.n.n..nn,'D pnnnrl nn the letin win Buy in arH. ,w. , r wool trade or tne united oiaun. has not been much business locally. In terest centers chiefly In Australian. One Boston houso mndo a single purchase of 500 bales of cross-nreos in i.omion mis mnnlr 'I'MA 1 nrrPIl HI II Ic llll II I IK'U llll'IVJ 1 1 II CI etiemirnired business hero. The Atlantic mills bought In Boston 5.000 bales of now 64s quality Australian to arrive at full rates, somo 01 tno iiuiu iiuitii A...niia nm enmnnred with the Iondon shows a 'profit of 6c a pound. Territorial wools have advanced In Boston. Choicest tine ntnple now costs 65c clean, fine me dium staple costs 60c clean and only short off grades from Utah aro to bo had at 60c. T!.in. nf vnnl in Rnston since January ( have beep 19.423,778 lbs ngalnst 9.567.600 lbs for tno same ui'iiuu in niu uua- ton shipments today, are 2S.52o.202 lbs. airalnst 25.101.140 lbs. for the same period in 1901. The stock on hand In Boston Jan- No. Av. IT, iNO. av. 1 . - uv' t,HJ 1 510 3 W 4U 11? lliSO 2 50 1 1080 1 Win 3 ihj iu issj 1 Kill J OU H 1U.1U 1 1010 3 60 1..T 1020 2 6S5 3 90 15 996 ...tlUlaJ 1 "J ''! UUI 850 4 00 5 1178 S93 03 17 1101 1085 4 13 18 ...1202 23 S91 4 45 -n V..1171 3 P0 1 ( lOM) ...... wi 1 wi x ami ........1100 4 B0 2 1160 fi 930 4 50 11M Ifi 971 A GO U 10SO is ."i" ,i 20 12S9 4 BTi 2 1161 ISMI 1 to w ,,1J1 ttil 1 oil 1 1U 4 915 ti 3d 41 1337 10 1410 6 40 8TEEUH Also HUll-'EHS. narv 1. 1WJ2. WUH ll,dl(r.v,hi lua,. stock today la 68,239,039 lbs. the total Boston Stack notations. BOSTON, Jan. 31.-Call loans, 3H4 rnnt; time loans. iu per cent, uu closlnc per mciai $l,15;'certlllcatcs.' no bids; shipments, 76,434 bbls.; average, 91,334 bbls.; runs, S9.157 bbls.; ., xtm.i na 7n K "1 nil H. Toledo! Jnn 31.-OIL North Limn, 85c: South Lima and Indiana, soc. NEW YORK. Jan 31. OII-Cottonsccd, u netrnlnum. aulct. Rosin, steady. SAVANNAH. Jan.- .U-OIL-Turpcntlno, i'f Ttnsln. firm. ' I jiniiii in. .lull, ai.-u,,, ..it.m. spot, 56s 6d. Linseed, 28s 7ftd. Turpcntlno PPL1v'eRPOOL. Jan. 31. OIL Cottonseed, Hull rennea, spot, Bteuuy, Dry Goods Market. Oil and Rosin. Jan. 31. OIL Credit balances. Atchison 4s.... Gas Is Mex. Centra 4s N. E. U. v.. Atchison do piq ...... Boston & A.. Boston t me Boston Elc. legato 16,346.620 bushels: as against llX- VT I ' fnfn tnat noimnn. Corn exnorts necre- 0,.rii....X. "J!u,-.i".i norm ., l-.iwuuu .V'1 irate n-ltUiei iiuoncin, nn HBuiiin, ,,v,,v- inn, iiTiiInn I'aciuc week and 687,707 last year. July 1,1901, to Sao Central (latO Com exjiurio IU .l,ou.,w. vunuuin, against llt.lW.UIi) inni Bt-umiu. i n juiiuuik trndo In boots and shoes Is still of small dimensions nt tho east, hut buyers aro tinvini? increased iniiiiuutciuicra iiriuca. Eastern shoe shipments for January are 10 per cent aucuu ui u yem uku, iiun-n rather weakor. Uncertainty still rules In tho cotton mnrKei. loiiuuuiicb ,n u diuuu yield Is still undiminished, though current receipts throw discredit on minimum estl Trndn ndvlcen at homo and abroad contlnuo good and tho foreigners are cer tainly -buying tno sinpie tree y. ninpio cotton goods are still rainer quiet, nut re 102 S3 84 55 ... 76-n ... VI ...263 '.PAW 1K1 Aiiouez J4 Amalgamated ... 11 l3a...c 40 uingnam it ft cai. c necia tao & H..210 nfd ...HI .1U1 . 28'V Amer. Sugar ....uti do ptd i i Amor. T. & T....15S Dom. i. & o Gen. Electric ... Moss. Electric... do prd N. E. G. & C... United Fruit ... U. 8. Steel do Pfd Adventuro r 2S?i' ZiS 33 4 89 93'k , 23V4 Centennial Copper Range Dom. Coal .... Franklin Is:o Hovale .. Mohawk Old Dominion Osceola Parrot Qulncy 14Vi 62 63y4 II 24 3714 244 ,14U trado east nnd west ns regards London Stock Qnotntlona. LONDON, Jan. 31.-4 p.' m.-Closlng: ports from tho Jobbing trade nrn favnrnble. particularly printed fabrics and gingham i on "PrinB ac- money.. .94 7-161N. Y...Ccntral....l55 count. i iicniiiijr "" """I"" fi0 'account. ..94 7-16 NortoiK a; west, as Santa Fe Copper. 3H NEW YORK. Jan. 31. DRY GOODS Staple cottons oi an Hinua mo uKttin iimoi todny In ' thn market and aro without rhnme In prices. Prints nre firm, with a f.if rinmnnri. Glnehnms are still scarce. Print clotns nave soia at an imvunge oi l-16c In both regular nnn narrow onus. r. nam nrn in lmnnivru iipiiiidiii linn very firm. Foreign markets aro higher. Burlaps aro dull, so far as demand goes, but stronger In tone. MAnUIICiBiXini JUll. dl. v.ivw i no .mil - ket nulct. with a fair Inquiry. ."Yarns are steady, with a moderate demand. Tamarack Trlmountaln Trinity united mates Utah Victoria , Winona Wolverine ... .270 ...'59 ... UU ... m ... 26U ... H ... 03 goods, plnln dress fabrics doing relatively best, while tho mills nre still busy on men's wear coons, woo is in steany (ie mand and firm, with Btocks of desfrnblo irnnita well reduced. Business failures In tho United States number 302, against 209 Inst weeK. i- last yenr. in in i-u, .i in 1MW nnd 295 In 1S9S. Fnllures In Canada number 46, ns agnlnst 54 last week, 27 In this week a yenr ago and 31 in looo. Hank Clrnrlnica, OMAHA, Jnn. 31. Bank clearings today, $1,091,037.08; corresponding day lust year, I&V7.7S3 49: Ircrense, $136,243.69. ST. IXHMB. Jan. 31.-ClearlnK8. $7.95S.005; balnnres. $1,226,257; money, 4V4fi5'.4 per cent; New vorK excnuiigo, premium, PIMflNMATI. Jnn. 31. ClenrlnirK. M 7M. 900; money, 6 per contf Now York exchange, 2uc inn. NEW YORK. Jan. 31,-Cloarings, J231, 714.457: balances. J9.231.9S6. BOSTON. Jan. 31,-Clearlngs, $23,131,644; paiances. i..iii.iid. BALTIMORE. jHn. 31,-Clearlngs. J2.9U. 417; balances. J399.99S: money. 4H ner rent. CHICAGO, Jan. 31,-Clearlngs, $,272.37; 9ol? nfd Ontario & SV.. do Anaconda (10 PIO irjwi-eillipyivmim ... 1074 Batlmore & O....106iiReadlng Canadian Pac.,.116 do 151 pro Ohean X, Dhln . 471V llO 2d Pfd.. 32 Chicago G. W.... 23Vi!Southern Ry 34U C, M. & St. P.. .169',4 Denver fe it. u... i do pfd..., 937 Erie. 40',i do 1st prd iiy do 2d pfd bV Illinois Central... 140 Louis. & Nash... 106 M.. K. & T 25VS do ptd.,., M Evaporated Apples and Dried Fml(. n. I .-", vrttltr Tnn 51 Klr A TflT? ATrTl . 34H APPLES Contlnuo In very moderate de- "Oji mand and wnne mere nre uu iiuuwium Changes today, an easy leeunK prevail ill the lower grades. State, common to good, 7i8ie: prime, 9CJ9V4c; choice, 9V4l0c; fancy, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Marltot rnr tne mnniuni. iiul liieuiiiiv num. Unloni Paclflo 104H fairly good Inquiry Is reported for prunes do nfd., noutnern 97V, Pac... 63t4 do nfd. U. S. Steel do pfd Wabash do nfd Spanish 4s 2.i prunes. 37i6sc. Aprlon . LMoor Irk. J0ftWo. p, , SJiMWo; unpeeled, 7iU9V4c 4ol 43H 774$ Anrlrnts. Royal. KKSllc: encnes, pecica, ivip Coffee Market. rati HiT.VKn steady: SS 7-16d ner ounce. Miiwvv -ihn; ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills ... t. 1 nt.A fnr three mnntha' is iid i,t-r ceni. nn. - ....w a..w.,.. bills Is 3 per cent. Snsar Market. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 31. SUGAR t,i., i.,,i. t'(! onen kettle r ii in. uut;ii nrtiiv, a . " centrifugal. 2'4fi374c; centrifugal ranu mew VflTlIf. Jan. 31 COFFEE Snot Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice. Win. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 8i?12c. Tho market opened steady in tone, Willi liriwco Wliunuilnc" ' I'uinin higher. At tho close the markot was nnrelv steady, with prices net 6U15 points lower. Tot.tl saleB of futures wera 39,600 baps. Including March at 6.60fl5.55c; May, 5.B69I6.BUC; June, o.iac; JUiy, o.ouino.juc; neii- tnmner. Q.iio.iDc: uectrmijcr. n.vjio.iu. Spot coffee was dull on the basis of Sc for Invoice lota ot no. 7 Rio. 10 47 9 6 11 is..;., 15 43 2$ 1 4 4 6...., 1...., 1.,.., 4...., i'.'.!. 9.... 5.... 27.... io! 34.... 10.... 4.... 9.... 9,.., 3,.., I.... o 11.... ::.: 16..., 1.... 15.... 16..., 11.... 1..., 5..., 11..., 5..., 21..., 2..., 4... 2,.., 1... 1... 741 1118 1111 691 677 1200 948 S69 1129 7S0 925 810 840 870 870 930 775 10SO 909 1006 965 950 1010 1020 930 , 1057 , 896 900 , 930 , 875 745 840 925 ,..!.. 764 936 1030 , 750 860 1000 1056 860 1010 849 1160 1133 1060 S9S 966 .... 954 ..r... 9so S12 1050 93 4 00 4 15 4 15 ,4 20 4 20 4 40 4 65 4 70 4 85 19., 20 13 17 S6 , 33 , 16 , 15 , 910 ....1029 ....1058 ....1074 .... 983 ....1121 ....1089 ....1083 Pr. 5 50 5 50 5 00 6 03 5 05 5 00 5 20 5 20 5 35 5 40 5 40 6 50 5 60 6 55 6 55 6 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 65 6 70 5 70 6 70 6 95 4 SO 4 90 6 20 G 25 6 30 6 30 635 6 60 1 75 2 40 2 40 2 65 2 65 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 73 2 75 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 75 .2 75 2 SO 2 83 2 85 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 0) 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 OS 3 10 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 35 3 3) COWS. !"... 28.... 8 1 7 9 1 1 11 19 18 3 1 11.. 7.. 2.. 18.. 1.. 9.. 25.. 1.. 16.. o 4." 6.. 3.. 10, .... 947 sir, .... 875 ....1160 .... 865 ....1030 ....1190 .... 960 .... 952 ....1010 ....1310 .... 918 1036 1153 1050 1080 1097 1180 915 1270 053 S58 1050 1031 1435 1125 10S1 1140 fetf 1 1400 6 952 1....1, losn 27 S97 1 1170 3 94.1 17 986 1 1220 5 1192 1... V.'.Y. 6,... 1...'. ,12S0 1345 , 1280 1156 , 1020 COWS AND HEIFERS. . 1098 4 SO HEIFERS. : 1)0 4 905 5,i5 390 630 580 , 650 4.. 1. 18. 1 , 600 1 10W 1 1670 2 1020 1 720 1 760 1 1640 2 920 1 250 3 no 3 00 3 25 3 75 2... BULLS, 3 rm 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 35 CALVES, 4 60 2,.., 910 950 873 , 1210 1 1080 1 1370 1 1470 1 1020 1 1560 1... 1. ..1770 ..1650 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 on 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 70 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 SO 3 SO 3 90 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 23 I 25 i 25 4 30 4 35 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 75 4 85 C 60 4 06 4 10 4 25 4 70 5 00 3 35 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 75 4 00 4 30 Knnans City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 31. CATTLE Re- eclpts, 2,000 nntlves, ,100 Texahs, 50 calves! market stcadv; choice export and dressed beef steers. Jj.S5A6.60: fair to good. H.805 6.75; stockers and feeders, $3. 254. 85; west ern fed steers, $4,005(6.00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.235.35; Texas cows, J2.76va4.23; natlvo cows. $3.00(84.75: heifers. $3.60U5.60; ennners, J2.00ft2.S5; bulls, $2.804.50; calves, $1.5036.60. nous Receipts, k.ow neau; market 6o lower: ton. $6.40: bulk of sales., S5.60ii 6.37V4; heavy. J6.30fyC.40: mixed packers, J6.l5tfi6.40; light. $5.306,10; pigs, $4.S0fQ6.S0. Bliir.1' ueceipts, i.ouu ncuu; lamns, luut 15c higher; sheep steady: 'western lambs, $5.KWrtl.0O; western wethers, $4.25Jf4.70; ycnrlings, $5.004f6,50; ewes, $3.76W.50; culls, $2.0063.75; feeder lambs, $4.CO5.0O. New York, Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 31.-BEEVE8-RC celpts, 4,108 head; good to choice steer strong, medium and common steudy, bulla nnd cows a shade higher: steers. $4.W3 6.25; bulls, $3.0004.00; cows, $1.8084.26. Cables were uncnanged. Bnipmentu tomorrow, 1,125 cattle, 1.007 sheep and 7,800 quarters of Keef ' CALVES Receipts, 201 Lend; steady; veals. $5.0089.00: barn yard calves, nominal. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,015 head; sheep Btrong, lambs uneven; somo snlcs lower, others firm; 3W cars held over; sheep, $3.00tfi4.50: lambs, $S.40iy6.40, one car at $6.50j culls, $3.50514.60. HOGS Receipts, 1,150 head; firm; good state hogs, $6.50. . i St. Louis Live Slock MnrKet, ST. LOUIS. Jan. 31. CATTLE Recelnts. 1,700, Irrludlng 1,100 TexanB; market steady to strong; native shipping and export steers, $l.50fflti.30; dressed beef and butcher steers, J4,OWju,C0; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.O5ia,5.00; Blockers and feeders. $2.754.40: cowh and heifers, $2.25(5.00; ennners. $2.8S fi2.90; bulls, $2.60OI.OO; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.300,45; cows and heifers, J 1.755 J 4.00. HOQS Receipts. 4,w neiid: market; stendy,' pigs and lights, $5.SVT(6.00: packers. $6.00ft6.25; butchers, J6.10g.45. MllKisi' iteceipis. i.ww ncau; niarKci steady; native muttons, J4.40ftt.75; lnmbs, $1.50936.00; culls and bucks, $3.60(4.20. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 hend: steady: natives, J3.76f7.00; cows nnd heifers, $1.70flj6. 35: veals, $3.50(ft 6.25; stockers and feeders. $3.25.70. IIOUH Receipts, b.wai neudj d'iivc lower; Ight nnd light mixed, $3.70ft6.20: medium and heavy, $6.10fi6.40J plgB. $3.75J6.10. SHEEP Receipts, sw ncun; steady. Stock In HlR-lit. The followlnir Inblo shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the live principal markets for January 31: uattlA. ilOg. Sheen. South Omaha Chicago Kansus uny ,, St Louis St. Joseph .... Totula 2,699 2,000 2,100 1,700 800 21,000 8,000 4,200 6,600 3,328 7,000 1,500 1,000 200 9,199 45,688 13,028 205 6 25 Tetepkaaa lOiia, Boyd Commission Go. Buccesaon to James E. Boyd Co., OMAHA, NIB. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVUIONS AND STOCKS. Baard of Trada Baildlaaj. Dlract wires to Chlcaao and N.w Yark. Corrpendenc, John A. Warr.a Ca.