10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt THURSDAY. JAKUAHY !)0, 1002. CUTTING DOWN ESTIMATES Bidactlui Unit it AIUwmcii li Nitrlj All Oity DtptrtmtaU. COUNCILMEN USE THE TUNING KNIFt Street ClrnnlriK I'll ml In lie Allowed .More Tlmn 11 vi TJioiiHitml Dttllnm tCHH TIiiiii It llntl Iiimt Ycnr. Kor three hours yesterday afternoon the city council discussed tho tnx levy for 1902 nnd the estimates ot expenses submitted by tho vatIouh departments of tho city Kovornmcnt. Moat of tho city ofllclals wern called boforo tho council nnd asked to ex. plain their estimates. Cuts wero made In tho amounts granted nearly all depart ments last year, nnd still further reduc tion may bo rando at a meeting of the city council called for Friday afternoon, when It Is likely that the levy for tho year will bo determined. T'la following tablo shows the amounts which departments supported from tho gen eral fund wero allowed last year and tho amounts which tho council has ngrecd to allow them for tho present year: 1901. Wl. Mayor i I.JM $ l,r0 City clerk.. 9,2io s.ais Comptroller , 10.240 lO.OfO Tnx commissioner ., 10,(jii 9W Treasurer 23,0m 21,() City onglneer 18,080 17..W Hoard nf l'ubllc Works...,.!.. fJ) 6.E00 Legal department 11,337 11,337 Klcctrlclun 3.3SU 2,993 Jiulldlng Inspector H.M0 3,( Holler Inspector 1,612 1.4R2 Plumbing Inspector i,?m i,iU) Oiui Inspector l.Wfl 1.5V) Llcenso Inspector 2,600 2,550 Inspector of weights and menm-rcs 1,200 1,150 Advisory bonrd 1,500 1,40) Police court 2,5( 2,C0 Maintaining city hull 14,100 14,10 An cstlmato submitted by Police Judge llorka fixed tho probablo expenses of his omen at $3,850. This cstlmato contained an Item of $2,500 for tho pollco Judge's salary. Tho councllmcn objected to this and reduced tho cstlmato by $1,300 on the ground that $1,200 Is all tho salary tho pollco Judge should receive. Tho street cleaning fund was discussed nnd It wan ngrecd that It shall havo $28, 000 this year, no against $33,321.27 lust year. It was also ngrecd that $30,000 shall bo placed In tho curbing, guttering and paving fund. Tho amount placed In this fund Inst ycnr waB. $27,373.79. Southern Cnllfnrtiln. Thero Is no need to go via Kansas City, and cbango cars enroute, In order to reach Los Angeles and other southern California points. Tho Union Pacific and tho Union Pacific only runs threo through fnst trains dally to California. No Change of Care Across tho Continent "Tho Overland Ilouto" all tho way If you elect to go In a tourist car, ns many do, you neiil not wait for certain days, but can go nny day In tho week on tho Union Pacific, as this line nnd this lino only runs dally Tourist Cars to tho Pacific Coast. The Union Pacific Topular Personally Conducted Excursions nlBo run twice a week, Tuesdays nnd Fridays from Missouri Itlvcr. Full Information cheerfully furnished on application. City Ticket Office, 1324 Fnrnam. 'Phono 318. 96.00 for m. llali a xnjr Work. If you live In tho country or In small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stnckralsert In the neigh borhood, you cat males $5 easily by four or five hours' work. Write u and we will end you our proposition. The Bre Publish ing company. Solicitors' Dent.. Omaha, Nub. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Deo. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Dee. Telephone 238. Publish your legal notices In tho Weekly Telcohono 23S. Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 25c, at Thit Bathery, 216-220 Deo building. Tel. 1710. CARDEN LECTURES TONIGHT Wavy Ofllccr "Will Talk About and Illustrate "The Sinn llelilnd , the Gnu." Lieutenant Godfrey L. Cardcn. who Is to lecture at Boyd's tonight, camo In tho morn ing from St. Louis. Tho lieutenant had chargo of tho ordnanco department at the Pan-American exposition and is now con nected with tho world's fair nt St. Louis. Ho in rather an exception among naval officers, Inasmuch ns ho le a good platform speaker. Not only this, but he Is a thor ough master of his subject and knows all about tho "Man Behind tho Qun." Tho ster coptlcon Illustrations aro fine and make tho description graphic Indeed. Thero are a fow good seats still avallablo at the Young Men's Christian association. Constipation leads to liver trouble and torpid liver to Brlght's disease. Prickly Ash Bitters Is a certain euro at any stags of tho disorder. A Card of Thanks Wo wish to express to tho public of Omaha our slncero thanks for tholr accept ance (nt tho beginning)) ot our word as to tho great valuo ot Smith's Green Mountain Renovator aa tho greatest cleanser of tho blood, nerve tonlo nnd body builder which has over been offered to tho public ot this city. Although wo havo sold tho Ilonovntor but a short time it Is no longor necessary for us to speak for It. SMITH'S QUEEN MOUNTAIN RENO VATOIt'S cures do that for us. Weak people old and ailing. Men of business crowded with cares and responsibilities. Women with thin bad blood, shattered nerves, a stomach that does not digest its food, a liver and bowels clogged aud stag nnnt. Such pooplo need our SMITH'S GREEN MOUNTAIN RENOVATOR nnd nothing else. This excellent tonic and nerve strength- cner, being' made from the purest of roots nnd herbs comes fresh from Vermont's Mountains, contains no poisons and does Its work In natures way with natures means. We always sell our Renovator on the tuaranteo to benefit or money refunded. BOSTON STORE DRUB DEPARTMENT SOLE UENTS Big Ribbon Sale From a well known Patterson Ribbon Mill we bought tho cntlro ecason'n accumulation of rlbuvi remnants. Thcso nro remnnnts running from 2 to 9 yards. When n loom weaves a pleco loss than 10 yards It Is put Into tho remnant lot, no matter what kind or what grade It Is. Wo havo contracted to take all the accumulated remnants from this mill at about U their regular value. And tomorrow we offer tho biggest ribbon values Omaha has over known. Thero aro ribbons In ovory grado and description. $1 Ribbons, 25c yard This factory makes a specialty of high class wide ribbons worth up to $12 a bolt, nnd tomorrow wo will sell nil the ribbons that generally sell ns high ns $1.50 ynrd mostly In fancy satin taffetas and liberty 25c satin ribbons, up to 12 Inches wide, at, yard 75c Ribbons, 15c yard All the ribbons thnt sell tor 50c to $1 yard, plain and fancy, strictly all silk; many heavy doublo faced nnd many light satin taffeta ribbons, all new and ibis season's M production they go at, I jC yard Theso ribbons aro strictly all silk window tho past threo or four days nnd suggest an early call, as It Is bound to SALE OF COMBS Manufacturer's Entire Sample Line on Sale Today at 5c, 10c and 15c each A manufacturer's entire sample line of shell side combs, pompadour, Vnssar combs, back combs nnd retainers studded opals, in all the now styles for spring worth 25e, 50c and 76c, nt llubermann's Furs Kvery garment from this stock will bo sold nt a great sacrifice. Here are Instances: Persian lamb Jacket, chinchilla col lar nnd rovers, reduced from $139.00 to $03.00. $15.00 electric seal Jacket, $22.50. $25.00 astrakhan cape, $12.50. $15.00 genuine marten scarfs $5 with eight streamer tails, for $1.00 muffs, 49c. Women's Coats, $5.98 Grand sale of raglans, automobiles, short Jackets nnd coats, tho greatest offering ot htgh grado nnd Ftyllsh garments over known, theso garments iinsv to1- llivutg 5.98 range In vnluo from $19 to $25.00, nit on snlo at KUBELIK MAY PLAY IN OMAHA nohemlnnn of City Maklnsr Arranice meiits (or Appearance of Violinist. Tho Bohemians of Omaha nro endeavor ing to bring Jan Kubellk, the famous violinist, to this city for a recital about tho middle of March. Kubellk is the man who Is touring the cast under tho management of Charles Frohman, who Is said to pay Ulm $100,000 and all expenses for a series ot sixty con certs. This tour Is ncarlng'completlonand a second ot twenty moro performances In tho middle west Is being arranged: Omaha will bo Included on the circuit It a guaranty of $2,000 can be secured. Tho commltteo In charge of tho matter Is composed ot John Rolcky, chairman; S. t. Kostory, secretary; Vaclav Buresh, treas urer; Mrs, K. uandnaucr. Mrs. .Mil Buresh, Mrs. C. F. Hormanek, Mrs. Mario Mlchal, Mrs. Phil Swoboda, M. Nellie Swoboda, Mrs. Anton Kment, Mrs. Anna Dworak, Mrs. Mario Kaufman, John VadUka, Emll Cermak, Vaclav Buresh! Rov. Vranek, S. l. Kosloryz, S. B. Letovsky, Bohdan Peel, E. Rosowater, Rov. Anton Bcdnar, Rev. J. Doblas, S. A. Beranek, James Swlck, C. J. Hcrmanek, Prokop Koumel. It has been decided to Invito the Audi torium company to co-operate In the project, the Bohemians offering to raUe $1,000 ot tho necessary guaranty. Announcements of the Theaters. "Tho Burgomaster," the musical comedy that scored ono ot tho most emphatically popular triumphs of the season, will re turn to tho Boyd Friday, Saturday matinee nnd night. "The Burgomaster" has snap and fire, and Its musical effort Is far abovo the ordinary and Its humor never desconds to mediocrity In other words, it Is a most unusual feast ot wit, beauty and song that will tlcklo tho palates ot tho, most fastid ious. Tho great craving of the American public for "something new" has found ara plo satisfaction In "Tho Burgomaster." ( Tho bill on view at the Orphcum this wook is ot nivorstrying variety, well calcu lated to keep up tho standard of popularity bf up-to-dato vaudeville. The four Otts nro scoring big In "Tho Smart Set." It Is n bright little farco overflowing with irre slstnbly funny situations arising from a family mlxup. It savors ot the quick mov ing and up-to-dato stylo that distinguished Charles Hoyt's plays. Phil Ott and Mat Ott aro clever comedians and are well sup ported by Suaane and Gladys Ott, who are as protty as they aro eleven Plcolo's Lil liputians, who wero recently brought from Europe by tho Orpheum Circuit company, will be on the hill next week. There are tour of them, all possessing lino mental faculties and a versatility of talent' In com edy and acrobatics. They are said to be tho smallest performers, In the world. Tho balance of tho week at the'Trocadcro will bo filled by the Twentieth Century Girls, closing their engagement Saturday matinee. Saturday evening Farmer Burns and Joe Carroll are matched for a match, threo put of five falls, for a puree of $500. In conjunction with the Little Magnet Bur ICBqucrs tho management has socured Mou radoulah, Tho Terrible Turk, who will meet all local wrestlers. Manager Rosenthal has agreed to pay any wrettler $25 to stay the limit with the Turk, which Is fifteen minutes. died. DUNIjEVY Albert A.. January 2$, 1902, aged 5 .years 8 months 19 days. Deceased wan a member. of lodge No, 17, AncIent,Order 'if United Workmen, nnd No. 1833. Modern 'Woodmen of ' America. The rmimtna will bo shipped from H. K. Bur kett's rooms to Peoria, 111., Thursday nt 2 p. m. RASMUBHRK-John. aged 42 years 1 month 17 days, January 29, 1902. Funeral Sunday afternoo' at 2 o'clock from residence, 2761 South Wlnth street. 25c and 50c Ribbons, 10c yard All tho ribbons that generally sell from 25c to 60c, mostly In fancy cord ed effects, but many plain moire and satin taffeta ribbons, m all go at, II Id yard I5c and 25c Ribbons, 5c yard All tho rlbbonB that generally sell from 15c to 25c In ovory kind and description, go nt, yard 5c and 15c Ritibons, 24c yard All the ribbons that generally sell at 5c to ICo yard In wtdo and narrow, ti ii u. uiiiiun, ,2c ovory ons strictly nil silk, every color ot the rnlnbow, go at, yard ... they havo been displayed In our show havo been greatly admired. Wo would bo an exceptionally enthusiastic sale. with rhlncstoncs, turquolso and WliU I IIIUI'BIUUI'H, vuiijuuiau UUM 5c, 10c, 15c We ore snorlllclnur nil the IiIrIi Krmlc lre fnltrlcn from our ilreMnmnkliiK ilcimrt inent. Thcne were Imported lonn Ihuu IH ln nito. 17.50, $15 & $12.50 Patterns of silk malango, silk novelties, tailor ing cloths, Venetians, panne cloths and French broadcloths' C to 7 yds. In each pat- - " J 4 tern, on sale at - Silks from Dressmaking Dept., 69c, 98c and $1.50 Imported grenadlnus, gown patterns, waist patterns In fancy nets, crepo novelties, black and colored nets, sheer ctnmlnca, silk striped ctamlnes, black and colored embroidered mous eellno de sole, satin peluche, foulards, novelty silks, etc., a ' worth $5, go nt, ynrd, I I 69c, 98c nnd BETTER PAT FOR TRAINMEN Emplojei OWn Many Butfitt Unitr Nw Unin Pio'fio oali. COMPANY MAKES SEVERAL CONCESSIONS Ileiult of I,onir Conference Ilctvccn (enernl Milliliter "Dickinson- nnd the Commit tees of the I'nii iluetorn nnul Trnlumrn; After a conference of sixteen days with General Manager Dickinson ot tho Union Pacific railroad tho adjustment committee of tho Order of Railway Conductors and the Brothorhood of Railroad Trainmen com pleted Its work with that official yesterday afternoon and tho members aro now con gratulating thomselvcs that they havo fin ished their work beforo many of the 'di visions on other railroads havo even beguu. Several changes havo been mndo In tho wago schedule, the most Important being that which gives the men terminal over time at tho regular salary rate, a perquisite not before enjoyed. If trainmen aro called to work and their train la delayed at tho station more than an hour boforo leaving they aro paid for that hour and nil addi tional overtime Another Important alteration deals with the salaries ot conductors on the different runs, which aro raised In different de grees. On the Dcnver-Choyonne run tho scale is raised from $110 a month to $120. On the stub run from Kansas City to Sa Una, Kan., It is raised from $115 to $120. Tho Denver-Julesburg, Council Bluffs-Bo-atrlco and Lincoln-Manhattan runs are boosted from $120 to $125. Pilots on snowplows will horcafter work to bolter advantage, They have been working for $4 a day, regardless of distance. The chango given them 4 cents a mile In excess of 100 miles, and $4 a day any way. Another chango gives men who are dead heading full pay for tho time, Instead of halt, as has been tho rule So now men who aro traveling out to Jobs, or returning from them, although not In chargo of a train, will get full pay during their jour ney. Besides this there Is a chango in the system of paying men on work trains. This alteration, however, will not Increase' the remuneration for tho work. Asldo from tho wago schedule two other Important concessions wero secured from tho railroad. One was tho reinstatement of ten men who bad been discharged dur ing the last year i for different reasons. Thero wero tour conductors, flvo brakemon and one switchman. Tho final move was the altering ot the rulo for tho promotion ot freight conduc tors to positions as passenger conductors. Heretofore each freight district was given its promotion in turn, but now the oldest men in any district covered by the run will bo advanced when a vacancy appears. These changes go Into effect on February 1 nnd hold for two years. Mr. Wheeler Got Hid of Ills Ilhenmntlsni. "During tho winter ot 189S I was so lame in my Joints, In fact all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when I bought a battle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. From the first application I began to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year." R. Wheeler, North wood, N, Y. For sale by all druggists. Don't Forget to Attend The first annua soiree given at Schlltz Roof Oardon Thursday evening, January 30, by tho members ot the Amaranth club. Admittance, $1 per couple. Full dress. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 171. HAYDEH S Th P. B. Haight & Co., Omaha, Wholtsalt Stock on Salt at 25c on the Dollar. P. B. Haight & Co. had already established n reputation for highest qunlltlcs, but having their cntlro capital tied up through overstocking and tho demand bolng for cheaper lines than they carried, they decided to sell. Tht Bit Start's Spot Cash Offer Was Icctptid and ths Salt of Ovsr $175,000 Worth of Choictst and Bist St Itcttd Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Cloaks nnd Suits, Shoes, Trunks and Va lises, Furniture, etc., etc., will be thrown on sale nt about 25c on tho dollar. Yesterday's tremendous shopping desplto tho weather gave proof of the marvelous bargain giving. THE QUANTITIES ARE SO VAST, THE ASSORTMENTS SO COMPLETE that ono day's selling scarcely mndo nn Impression nnd THURSDAY ALL WEDNESDAY'S SALES WILL BE REPEATED AND HUNDREDS OF DIGGER BARGAINS OFFERED. As fast as the different lines are checked nnd marked they nro thrown on tho counters and put on sale at ABSOLUTELY THE MOST SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES EVER MADE BY ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA. Tht P. B. Haight t Co.' Wholtsalt Silk Stock Afford tha ernntnnt nllk barcnlllS of ttlO 11 ultra Lot 1 Silks ot all kinds for waist trim mings, worth $1.50, on sate, 19c. Lot 2 High grade silks In uvcry color and make worth $2.00 nnd $2.50, on Bale, 6!)c. Black taffeta, 2? Inches' wide, nt 69c. Black taffeta, 30 Inches wide, nt 9Sc. Peau do solo worth $1.50, at 83c. Pcau de solo worth $2.50, at $1.23. Ponu do solo worth $3.50,' nt $1.50. Silk black vclvot worth $1.00, for 60c. Silk black velvet worth $1.50, for 75c. THE P. II. HAIGHT WONDERFUL SILK SALES. o want you to trndo early and nvold i tho confusion nnd crowding later on In tho day. so wo will offer for ONE HOUR THURSDAY MORNING, FROM 9 until 10 o'clock, tho biggest of silk bargains; for this ono hour only black and colored silks of every kind, plain nnd figured silk, satins, brocades, taffetas, surahs, somo real heavy and wide, worth 73c, $1.00 and $1.50, all go for this ono hour nt only 39c. You can buy all you may want and plenty of help to wait upon you, but to get best bargains you must como early. Notions from Tht Haight Stock 25C ON THE DOLLAR. 200 yards best machine thrcud, only per spool , lc 100 yards Beldlng Bros.' best sowing silk, only ....! 2io 15c corset steels, per pair 4 He 15c motal back combs 4Hc 15c pockctbeoks' 4 lie 25c mirrors 4c 100 10c to 25c articles, only, each 4V&o Embroiderits from Haight Stock 6c embroideries .- lc 7c embroideries 2ic 10c embroideries 5c 18c embroideries 10c 25c embroideries fy 15c 50c embroideries.. 25c -rj Clothing The entire . $48,000 wholcsalo clothing stock. of P. B. Haight & Co. now on sale at 25 cents on tho dollar. Men's $18.00 flno suits for $6.S5 Boys' '$0.50 Stopra Ulsters for 1.9" Boys' $1.50 Kne'o Pant Suits at 60e Boys' $5.00 anil $0.50 Russian Blouse Suits at 1.95 Men's $12.50 Storm Ulsters for 3.85 Men's, $16.60 double-breasted extra flno quality Bluo Sergo Suits at 0.85 Men's $6.00 samplo Coats and Vests for. 1.95 Men's $2.50 sample Pants at 95c Men's $10.00 to $15.00 extra lino snmplo odd Coats and Vests for $2.95 and 3.75 Boys' $5.00 Long Pant Sulto at 1.95 Mon's $15.00 black Clay Worsted Suits for s- 4.85 Men's $6.50 all wool Cheviots Suits at.. 2.75 Mon's $18.00 black patent Beaver Over coats at C.85 Men's $13.00 fine Kersey Overcoats for 4.85 Boys' $7.50. to $15.00 flno Overcoats, at $3.85 and COO Men's $4.00 very flnc Pants at 1.50 Boys' $2.00 to $3.75 long Pants, 95c and 1.60 HAYDEH TRADE I Tho Qoncafinnftl R III W0II0UIIVIIHI Sale Is On. THM IIIGGIilNT IIA1U;.I.S I'HU.M Till! HAHillT ,fc CO. STOCK AHI! IX Till! IIAIHJAIN ItOO.M. , Drtss Goods H. & Co.'s 12c to 15c Dress Goods at... 5c H. & Co.'s 16o half wool Dress Goods , nt oc H, & Co.'s 25u Dress Goods at. 10c H. &. Co.'s 39c Dress Goods at 15c H. & Co.'s 49c Dress Goods nt'. 19c H. & Co.' 64-Inch, strictly nil wool Cheviot, Rt 49c H. & Co.'s 54-luch, strictly nil wool Serges, at 49c H. & Co.'s 58-Inch spring Suitings 9u Strictly nil wool figured Chnllls 25c Half wool satin strlpo Challls." 25c 76o French Flannels 5c 75c Wnlstltigs 25c Extra heavy 39c Skirtings, all colors.... 23c Spacials in Haight ft Co's Silks 39c lining Silks 19c 75c plain and figured Silks 25c $1.00 nnd $1.50 Silks for 49c Silk Velvet ut 19c Silk finished Velveteen 19c Sptcials in tht Bargain Room Full standard Prints, worth 7c, at. 2V4o 3Kc 7ttc 3Tic 5c 39ic 5c 7y3c 8H0 7V4c 6c 7V4c 10c 7c 6V4c 28 and 36-Inch Imitation French Flan nels 10c und 15c Haight Towels at Ou unbleached Musllu at 121&C and 15c Percales at 10c Shaker Flannels at 15c Shaker Flannels nt 19c Dress Duck 15c fine Ginghams, fast colors, new spring styles Klondlko Drnpcry, worth 15c, at 15a DlmlttcB nt 19c Dimities ut 25c Dimities (ft 15c cotton Coverts 1214c Sateens nt 25c Hositry at 10c 300 dozen ladies', men's and children's stockings, In wool and flceco lined, from tho Haight stock, that sold for 25c, at 10c. 150 wool shawls, 25c. All the ladles' wool shawls from tho Haight stock, that sold up to $1.50, on salo at 25c. All tho men's, ladles' and children's wool nnd fleece lined underwear that sold up to $1.00, from tho Haight stock, (at 25c. All tho men's and boys' colored laundrlcd shirts from tho Haight stock that sold up to $1.00, on salo at 29c. Monarch colored laundrlcd shirts, at 39c. All tho men's working gloves and mittens from tho Haight stock that sold up to 75c, on salo at 25c. All tho men's nnd boys' whlto unlaun dried shirts that sold up to 60c, from tho Haight stock, at 25c. Men's heavy Jersey ovcrsblrts, worth up to J1.00, at 25c. Men's 50c neckwear at 10c. All tho men's 6O0 neckwear from tho Haight stock, at 10c. Men's 10c socks nt 4c. 1 lot ot children's underwear, in small sizes, nt 10c. Drtss Trimmings from Haight Stock "00 bolts dress braids, worth 6c to 25c yard, all go at ono price yard lc Sensational Grocery Prices Dates, Dates, 3 lbs. for lOo 22 pounds Granulated Sugar for 98c 5 pounds Breakfast Oatmeal for 13c 1 gallon can fancy Tablo Syrup at 35o 3-lb. cans Fancy Apples Rt , 5c '2 pkgs. On-Time Yeast for 5c 1-lb. can Cove Oysters nt ....8V&c 3 pkgs. Smoking Tobacco for 10c Qt. bottle pure Tomato Catsup at 80 Special Lard Sale 10 pounds puro lent lard $1.13 6 pounds pure leaf lard 57c 3 pounds pure leaf lard 34c 50 pounds pure leaf lard $5.34 BROS MARK About Shoes Its n positive fact that in our shoo depart nient we sell more shoes for men, women aud children than half u dozen shoe stores do. Do you know the reasons for it? Wo are selling the best shoes that can be had for the money and v CiUAKANTEE HVUUY I'AHI our guarantee means A XtfW J'Alli KKF.H FOR ANY THAT AKI3 XOT SATISFAC-TOHY. Today we place on salo in our men's shoe department two hundred pairs or the celebrated Tl 11(12 13 STAR ARMY SHOE made of soft waterproof kangaroo calf, selected ouk soles, counters and heels. A shoe made for comfort and weiir. None but the best; skilled shoemakers are employed in the manufacturing of this shoo for today OO and as long as they last 'VJVJ For motormen we have an excel lent grain leather shoo, lined with sheepskin best shoe for winter, 3 jiL i They Need To Be Water-Proof At $3.50 Always. Como ns nenr being so ns leather enn mnko "'fllo Sorosls "Rough Rider" or "Tramp ing Boot." In both button und luce, U un doubtedly tho heist mndo for nil kinds of weather without rubbers. Mndo of calfskin ns they nro. with u heavy cork solo. Tho same thing, thnt costs you $5.00 In other makes of similar quality. . ,. t.ikn nil Rnrnsls for women folk, they nro mwnyt). SOROSIS SHOE STORE Frank Wilcox, Mgr., 203 S. 15th St. Send for Catalogue. OUR SATURDAY Wo don't own thnt great shopping day, but we're aftfr our sharo of tho npolls. Lout Saturday It was soap next Saturday It will bo Chest Protectors on special salo ut nrlcoH thnt will movo them ur wo will llro them In tho furnace. Think of it, Frost iviiikh auu wucens, uio .s.uu kiiiu you mm about In tliu magazines, will o nt $2.U0 Hatiirduv. Jl.tO T 10 MI 'TAT I O N TONIC 27o $1.00 1'KIUJNA 1 to a customer 67o $1.00 WIN13 OF CAltDUI 4Uc 2ou I.axiUlvo llromo Qultilnu 12c 2!o Qulnacutol, best for colds 20c $1.00 Warner's Safo Cure G'Jc $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure, genuine... 76c W)c Cramer's Kidney Cure, gunulno .... 40c $2.00 Cramer's Pennyroyal Tills $1.00 $2.00 Succus Alturuns $1.-15 $1.00 Undo Sum's Tobacco Cure Mo $1.00 west Drain nnd servo Treatment. 17o 25c Schlltz Malt Kxtruct, 2 for 25o 23o I'abst Best Toulu lc 23c Mult Nutrino yjo SCHAtFErtS Out l'rluo Driii; Store, Tel. 7-47. S. V, Cor. lllih nuil ClilcnK". Goods delivered FKKE to any part nf city. "A FOOL and his money soon parted," Was tho comment ot nn outBlder n fow days ago, whon buying Romo patents. "Most -pooplo uso a llttlo senso lu selling tholr goods," ho said, "but tho Omaha druggists havo less sonso thnn tho fellow who takos a nap, botwocn the rulls on tho enr track." l.islerlno , C0o Huuyadl Janos 33 o I.olblg'ri Kxtract 45c ,I)ry Horohound and Tar 25o Kino Hock Candy for syrup 25c Jiohlcr's Hoad Powders I0n HED ALBUMEN nono Carter Liver Pills, gcnulno 15c Schlltz Malt, dozen $1.50 Kcchtcr's Pano Expeller -10c Castorla 25c Miles' Nervlno C5c fuller :m GO. P. S. Wo set WINDOW GLASS. TAFT'S i PHILADELPHIA DEN I AL PARLORS. 517 DougliiH Street Our mothodn are as painless as thoy can possibly bo made, and our charges aro reasonable. Crowns (22k), $5.00. MENi NEflVE BEANS (illicitly euro Nrrrouincia.allreiultiof Rliuti', i.uiiin inaniiuun. urmni, iiiticn. Married turn anil men Intending lu marry atiould luku a buxi mtunltlilni; reiullai . ....it uA.lr nurt. nnd loit nnwer re.tnri'd. al.uuat Bnerman & McConnell, drugiilita, ltttiam! Dodue U iP YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE Try one, then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havani Tobacco and compare it with high priced Imported Cigars. F. It. Rice Mercantile Clear Co., Manufacturer!. Rt. IkjuIs. Union Mad. J niiinii iiinM The Truth OF THE Camera. The immense strides made in the art of photography has at last made it possible to publish a complete Natural History, illustrated exclu sively with half-tones taken from photographs. No other illustrations represent the exact truth. The Living Animals of the World Ten Cents Each Section Issued weekly, 24 sections. Price, by mail, 15 cents. 1,000 illustra tions. 850 pages. Colored frontis piece to each section. Every Animal Photographed Every Pa.ge Illustrated These half-tone illustrations were taken direct from the original photographs and every photograph from life. BRIGHT AND ANECDOTAL EXACT AND SNSTRUCTIVE Section i is ready and selling quickly at the office of THE BEE Just Ask for Beer and your dealer will glvo you what ho chooses, Ho may think moro of his profit than of your henlth. AbIc fur' Mclz beer and you got tho best boor that lc' inado. It Is browed, u(;ed and bottled to muko n koiiuIiio lager beor. In cases of dozen quart or pint bottlo.1 delivered. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., 'Cel. 1 ll, Oninliu, Or Jacob Keumavcr. Ant., caro Neumavnr Hotol, Council Bluffs, Iowa, L OMAHA. NEO. "i Hi j 1