Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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kidney, wvijii, m.aiidkh on m.oo i) msHA.m?, on what i commoxi.y
1 Any of Your Family in This or Past. Generations Have Been
Troubled with Kidney Disease, Make a Test ot
Your Urine and Satisfy Yourself;
you should
mu cchmii mctuTO or urretpi tritium otJTtnoU
DCHtlTY.HllAI'A H(t 01C00 3HI" MDOIHla BitCMCl I
IKMpm a utfputt. cprX? Ij.yk baUle lHWbr ounf I
I DOST. FOIl AnfJI.TS.-0n..' tahlnnnonfnl.
I tlx or right times a day, taki-n cl r or la an
rqnal nmijunt of water, or In warm or cold
milk lfnr or after raoala to aiilt time ot
taatc. If It nauseates, aa It mar In xtrra
raaes. reduc tli dote or hat It rooftVrately
and take after meal In warm or cold ralllf
uotll tbe tone of the atnm&cb la Iniprorcd.
FOIt CHl'.muCV.-Uadcr 3 rrara ona ta.
Iapoonful: tinder 10, two tcanpoonfula warmed
anil taken In milk,. Keep bowrlaopranf tube
Dj injrcunna, 01 nuurcn ana Aunua 07 war
ntr'a HAl'K l'llla nolr. niararit all !rvr. and
m inr'i swk run toix. Placard oil vrat audit: ," 7 : ... ; ... r Z..,ia
II Bothrr miMlclna during treotm-nt. Warnan.i llCnls t the same time. It builds Up
II p.i or warm IK tho body, gives strength, and restores
oue 11 ml 71.00 a bottle
EOc and $i.OO a Bottle, less than one cent a dose.
Itefuso substitutes. There Is nono "Just as good aa" Warner's .Safo Cure. It
has cUrcd nil forms of kidney disease during tho last thirty years. It Is prescribed
by all doctors arid Used In tho leading hospitals ns tho only adsolute cure for nil
forms of dlsenstf of tho kidney, liver nnd bladder.
To" convince every Biifforcr from diseases of. tho kidney, .liver, bladder and blood
that Warner's Safe Cure will curo them atrial bottlo will he. seni absolutely free' to
hnyu.noj who will." write Warner Safo Cure .Co., Hoc.hcster, N. Y., nnd mention having
"con this Uhc'rnl offer in Tho Doe. Tho .genuineness of this offer Is fully guaranteed
by 'tho publisher. Our doctor Will send nicdlcnl booklet, containing symptoms nnd
treatment r,ot emh disease, and' many convincing testimonials, froe,' -to any' one who
.will write.' ' 1
Object!, t," frps'd Eeilutiojt .Duty
Vnyit nml Alcnim CnnttnltCcc Ileum
Colornclo Ilect 'suenr Men In Op-
Iionltlnri to Trfrlrl ,Crinc
. . .sliii1 to C11I111.
WASHINPTQN, . an. 28. Tho Cuban
reciprocity hearings were resumed today
before tho 'ways and means comnUttoc, with
delegations representing tho boet sugar
Industry of " Colorado and a number of
Cubans, representing tho planters of tho
Inland, In attendance.
P. E. Caryy iof Colorado iipoke of tho do
yolppracnt ot tfie beet sugar Industry of
Colorado and Its. bright prospects, If not
endangered by Cuban concessions,, which
wo'yld redound to, (he great advantage of the
Atneflbnn $Ugnr ,Rtmilng cdmpnny. Tho
great movement, h'sald, was only' another
chiptor In. tho 'IJjovltable 'conlflct between
.dornestlq sugarnPr,pducers of this country
and. pie rcflnlng'compiiny, tho. latter soek
(ng. to crush $bo former,
A bubble wiilch had been pricked, ho said,
.'was thatlCUba wns suffering from starva
tion, This Idea, bad been Industriously en
couraged by the .pamphleteering ot tho
sugar company, and.-yot tho'.clalnv had tecn
torn to pieces during tho hearings.
Representative. Hopkins 'of , Illinois 'ques
tioned tho witness os to whether any con
cessions 4o Cuba. 'would, 'Injure , the .boot
sugar'thdustry1. ( '
Mr. C.ajoy Jdeelared ihat Injury In such
" case ns (novl'tablo'.''
Hepresentaflvo Hopkins said Mr. Carey's
assertion pt (njury to the boot av?ar Indus
try was only an assumption, and ho ex
pressed tho belief that a. reduction could
be niado after a certain percentage without
Jostroylng the beet sugar lnd"try.
Itopresontaltves Dulioll and Orosvenor
took part' In tho dUcusalou, '.tatlng that the
injury 'to the 'domestic' producers had been
,fhjwD by thL3 and other witnesses, Mr.
f4arojxsnor. remarjtqd. that anyone could sec
, .this, result who could put two' and two to
gether. Spcmlca 'for Cuban Planters. '
P. D. Machado, head ot tho delegation ot
Cuban planters, said In part:
The Piatt nmenUment, attachod ns an
apixmduco to our constitution, chained tho
Cubans to tills country to such an extent
uiat we nro powerless to help ourselves or
to develop our Internal lite, becauso the
putUci'ftys for dealing with outsiders are
closed to us. Therefore, Cuba must starvo,
It neoassory. without even tho right to. ask
lor. relief. . ,
It has been said hero that tho Cubans
have the cheok to knock ut your door far'
Alma, like beggars, The Cubans will bo
iternally gratoful to you for giving us our
ibcrty, oven with the. I'latt amendment,
tut that does not mean we are eternally
orbldden to come to you and that your
inal word has been said In Cuba. As wo
have nq personality, ut whoso doors shall
we knbckf
Mr. Machado spoke ot Cuba as a military
iofenso ot the gulf; guns on Morro costlp
were more effectlVo than nt the1 mouth of
lit Mississippi river. ho mat 11 ino in
'Urnattonul Interests .of the Unltod States
tr' required 'tho American eaglo to keep
tta claws there, Mr. Macbado asked If It
was not a natural duty to look to Cuba's
welfare and not. Its ruin.
Commissioner, Dogotau, tho representative
Your Liver
Will be roused to Its natural dntlea
nod your biliousness, tieadacna ana
constipation be cured if yoa tain
MpbraUO-uwitt ftotota,
Tut somo morning urine In a glass, or bottle, lot
It stand for twenty-four hours; If Uhcro is a .reddish
sediment In the bottom of the glass, or jt'the urlno
Is cloudy or milky, or If you see particle's or germs
about In It, your kldnoya are diseased and,
loso no time, hut get a" bottle of Warner's
Cure, ns lt'ls dangerous to neglect your kidneys
for oven one day. Brlght's disease, gravel, Uvcr
complaint, pains In the back', rboumatlsm,
rheumatic gout, Inflammation of bladder, stono
In the bladder, uric acid poison,
dropsy, eczema, scrofula, blood dis
ease, offensive odor from sweating,
so-called "Female Weakness," pain
ful periods, too frequent dcetre to
urlnato and' painful passing ot Urine
nro all caused by diseased kidneys
and can be speedjly cured by War
ner's Safe Cure, which has been pro-'
scribed by leading doctors for 25
years, and used In all prominent hos
pitals exclusively.
Mr. J. L.. Darker, Assistant Post
master, Sevens Point, Wis., writes:
"Warner's Safe Curo has cured mo ot
kidney troublo and. Indigestion. It la
the best tonic I ever took and it has
permanently cured mo Of what my
doctor called, ono .of the worst cases
ot kidney disease, ho ever camo across
In his experience-. H la tho family
mcdlclno In this part ol tlio country."
, Warner's Safe Cure Is purely veg
etable and contains no harmful
drugsj It docs not .constipate; It Is n
most valuable nnd effective tonic; It
is a stimulant to digestion and awak
ens the torpid liver, putting tho pa
tient into tho very best 1 receptive
stato for tho work of the restorer ot
tho kidneys. It proparca the tissues,
soothes Inflammation nnd Irritation,
mlmnlatnn thn enfeehlpd nrennn nml
energy that is or lias bcon wasting
under tho baneful suffering of kidney
put up In two regular sizes and sold
by all druggists, or directi At
of Porto Rico In 'Washington, made a brief
statement to the cftfct that Porto Itlco op-)
poscu tno reaucuon ot quiy iv 'cuna, as
likely to be a roenaco to Porto Rico sugar
exports. Already Cuba had placed a $12'
duty ,on Porto. Rico, coffee,, thus injuring
tha trade, do Vellance was now placed In a
continuance of the sugar trade.
Mr. Mehdo'a "of tho Cuban delegation
made a rejoinder to Mr. Degctau, expressing
surprlso that Porto Rico should cast her
Influence against Cuba nfter Porto Rico had
reaped all benefits pt tho war, which Cuba
conducted. "Wo had tho fighting," sold
Senor Mendoza, "and now they get free
sugar to, tho United States on account ot
our war."
"Wo had no fighting to do," responded
Mr. Dcgotau, "becauso wo received tho
Americans with open arms."
W. L. Churchill of Day City, Mich., chair
man of the bcot sugar delegation from that
state declared that tho real issuo was be
tween the sugar trust and tho domestic
producers and oxpresscd confidence that con-
grcsB would not cast Its influence on tho
side of tho trust.
Tomorrow officials of tho Agricultural de
partment will be heard.
Iilncnln Groom nnd Omaha Drlde
Stent a March on Planner
of June Wedding.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) R. It Chapman of. Lincoln, Neb.,
and Miss May Doyer of Omaha were mar
ried last night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Dradenburg, 434 CypreBS street,
by Archdeacon D. O. McKtnnen ot Inde
pendence. Aftor the ceremony a wedding
spread was served at the Baltlmoro to the
party of six.
Mr. Chapman enme. hero from Omaha ten
days-ago to establish business here. This
Is to be his headquarters as special lnuur
nnco agent. He was engaged to wed Miss
Doyer, who came, hero to visit tho Draden
burge Friday. Mr. Chapman had decided
that ho was lencsomo in KnneaB City bo
fore he urged Miss Doyor. to come on her
visit. He concluded ho would bo moro
lonesomo it she went away again, besides
thinking of tho good Joko on their friends
in Omaha who are proparlng for tho wed
ding next Juno. Onco It was suggested that
tho wedding be celebrated here, the. frlonds
of the young couple fell Into, tho plan and
tho marriage was tho sequel.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Jan. 28. (Speolal.)
J. F,. Weber, the teacher In district, No. 60,
near Platto Center, was married to Miss
Martha Senska today at the homo of the
bride's parents In Burrows township.
I HoMnson-Vlrtne,
HILL CITY, S. D., Jan. 28. (Special.)
Samuel Robinson and Miss Delia Virtue
wcro married he;6 at tho home of Stephen
Virtue, father ot the bride. Mr. Robinson
la employed at tho Blue Lead mine.
To Cine void ka uao Omy,
take Laxatlvo Brumo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each
box. 25c.
No Verification of Woodward Capture,
SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Jan. 28. (Special.)
It Is believed bore there 'la no truth In tho
report sent out from Holena, Mont., to the
effect thai Charles Woodward, the alleged
murderor ot Sheriff Rlcker of Natrono
county, wan captured. No -news of the
enpturo was received here. Tho capture
may havo been made, however, and the
officers keeping tho matter qulot to enable
them to get their prisoner to tho Natrona
county Jail.
Sentenced to be Hanged.
CHEROKEE, la., Jan. ' 28. Harry Hort
man, slayer ot Miss Florence Porter, was
today sentenced to hang on March 13, 1903.
The prisoner ebowed no omotlon.
Ortr Two Iiadnd Popls Drlti frim
HU1 bj Fire.
Flamei IJeslroy AdJolnlnn Sfrnclnro
nnd Seriously Threaten the I.nrsn
I.lndell lintel-Lous Is
,.11 envy.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 28. Two hundred and
thirty guests of tho Llndell hotel Verc
driven from their apartmcntB into tho
Sleety Mroots at, 10,k'clock tonight by rag
ing 'flames, which wrecked the adjoining
building at the corner of Seventh street and.
Washington avenue, and for thirty thrilling
minutes threatened to sweep away tho hos
telry. Womon wpre carried from tho upper
floors by olovatbrs and down the stairways
in fainting conditions. Mothers with In
fants In their arms groped their way
through suffocating smoke.
Men dragged their trunks nfter them down
tho broad stairway, of the hotel and clerks
in tho offlco hastily procured tho valuables
of tho guests from safes arid vaults and
carried them to places of greater safety.
Tho structure In which tho fire originated
was a flve-story brlek, affair known as the
O'Neill building. It was an ancient and In
flammable structure There were a dozen
or moro firms odcupylng t, ot which the
largest concern was tne Lt iiaumnni jew
elry company.
The losses suffered by these concerns
will approximate $300,00Q. The Llndell ho
tel was damaged try emoko and water to
tho extent of $25,000.
nnllilliiR a Secthlnft Fnrnnee.
Thn hlaTA mii tlin mnat. nrjectncular thing
of tho sort ever witnessed in this city nnd
it drew an Immenso throng of spectators.
Tho Inflammability of the O'Neill bulldlrig
nml iia nmiifntu vn of such naturo that
tho structure was within fifteen minutes
nfter tho lire originated a seething furnace
from cellar t roof,
Tim nit-lit vrna trmclv cold and quite
a high wind provnlled, which carried tho
flames 100, reet into tno nir ana acron mc
tronta in thn onnth and west. Several
buildings opposlto the burning structure
wcro Ignited, but prompt action on mo
nnrt of thoflrctnon Baved any considerable
dainngo In that direction.
About half an hour after tne alarm wbb
-1 ... A..ii.n4iil tn thn rnnf find
toV story of the Llndell hotel, and tho most
lmperturablo of tho guests, a numucr 01
traveling men, began their exit.
netl noya on Service.
u,u-"ihn riirmtlnn of Proprietor Shaugh-
vm Anttrn force ofporters nnd boll
boys wcro ordered to nil tho floors nbovo
the olllco to assist In carrying1 out the heavy
samplo trunks and a large quantity 01 per
Bonal effects remaining In tho rooms.
n..nvllnir .-mmnentfl which ignited ItlO
mentnrlly from the great wavos ot flro
driven by tho high wind against tho hotel
were extinguished as fast as tho flamca
communicated themselves, uhbioicu
Intense heat nnd driven at last from their
positions, Mr. Shaughncssoy and his flro
fighters returned again and again to baltlu
with tho blaze. Finally the fire dopartmont
succeeded in getting" half a dozon lines of
hose to tho upper floors ana root 01 um
hotel, whero play was made on tho flames
n. svmaIii tmlMlnr. nnd Marshal Swing-
ley sent a dozen men with fire extinguishers
to reinforce the Hotel corns, rineso rmn
fnrrnmnntn mndo themselves felt at onco
and tho hotel was soon out ot aanger.
I.oajaeN an.'d Inpirirance.
Following is a list of tho principal losers,
w.lth Insurance carried:
L. Bauman Jewolry Company Ixjss, 100,
000: Insurance, $100,000.
Llndell Hotel Loss, $25,000; insurance.
$2G,O0Q. .
H. A. HInman, Shoe Fixtures Loss, 30,-
000; insurnnco, $25,000.
Max Llpschltz, Clothing Loss, $25,000;
Insurance, $25,000.
Morris Wolf & Co., Clothing Loss, $10,-
000; Insuranco, $10,000.
Poter O'Neil Estate Loss on nuimtng,
$65,000; Insuranco unknown.
Four 11 rick IlnllillilKfl Dentroyed nnd
Severnl Otherai Damanril
at nippcy.
RIPPEY, In.. Jan. 28. (Special.) Fire
originating In tho basement of tho Rlppey
Mercantile company at 1 o'clock this morn
ing destroyed noarljr $40,000 worth of prop
erty. Four brick buildings were burned to
the ground and several others were more
or leas damaged.
Tho Are Is supposed to havo originated
from the explosion ot a lamp or an oil
stove' In the basement of tho Rlppey storo,
whore It Is known thoy kept them burning
to protect some vegetables from the cold.
Mrs. Lovojoy, who, with her husband .and
children, occupy rooming quarters over
Bullock & Cramer's storo, waa tho first to
discover the flames, which were then burst
ing from tho basomont. Dr. Lovojoy lmmo
dlatey summoned the Are department, but
bofore assistance coud bo rendered the
Rlppey block, tho Commercial bank build
ing and Bullock & Cramer's -general mer
chandise Htoro wero enveloped in flames,
Which threatened to spread to surrounding
buildings. The flro department concen
trated Its efforts to theso buildings' tn dan
ger, keeping the flro confined to tho four
brick structures which It was known could
not bo saved. 1
P. M. Osborne's drug store, across tlio
street from the Rlppey block, was fn Immi
nent dangor at ono time. The entire plate
glass front was mashed In and the weather
boarding burned from tho framework on
ono side. Tho Rlppey hotel, farther down
tho Btrcet from tho Osborno drug store,
caught flrp at an early hour, but- quick,
snappy work on tho part of tho Are dopart
mont saved this building. It Is owned by
tho Charles Kahlcr cstato of Dea Moines
and Is fully covered by Insurance. A barber
shop, also belonging to P. M. Osborne; was
slightly damaged. It was on Are several
timesbut tho department was able to save
It from destruction.
Tho following losses, or estimated losses,
nnd Insuranco are roportcd:
Dr. Lovejoy, ofllce and household Axturcs,
'$1,000, No Insurnnco.
Bullock & Cramer, contents, $3,000. Par
tially covered by Insurance.
Bullock & Cramer block, 'owned by Dr.
Lovejoy, $3,000. Insuranco, $800.
Rlppoy Mercantile company, contents,
$12,000. Partially covered by Insurance.
Rlppoy block, owned by A. P. Ollllland,
$5,000. Partially covered by Insurance.
Commercial bank, contents nnd building,
ownod by F. Westloy, $3,000. Partially cov
ered. For some tlmo after tho flro department
arrived frequent explosions In tho basement
of tho Rlppey block prevented effective
work. The management had stored there
largo quantities ot gunpowder nnd flour and
almost every time tho Aremen attempted to
forco their way tn they were driven back by
the torrlflo smoko and flames blown out
through the doors and windows by the forco
ot tho powder. It was not until after this
bad entirely spent Itself that they were
enablod to get at tho source of tho trouble
and stlflo It.
No accidents are reported, though tho men
went unhesitatingly Into tho moat danger
ous places. At the Rlppey storo they wero
forced out a half dozen times by the ex
plosives, bu after Hi" effects of each re
port had died away they again ventured In
with Btrlngs of hose, playing them with
force and effect on the fiercely burnlug flro.
llnnk, PoMnfTIee find Other Iluslneam
Itntiirn Destroyed with Their
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special Tel
egram,) A destructive Are visited the town
of Crab Orchard, Afteen miles southwest of
here, about 12 o'clock Wet night. Three of
tho best building blocks, all two-story,
brick structures, were ruined, with prac
tically all tho contents. Tlio Crab Orchard
bank building, at' tho chief corner of the
main streot, waa the Arst to fall. The Are
evidently originated In the furnace room of
this building. The town Is poorly equipped
for lighting Are, the night was a bad one
and the Aamea rapidly spread to the ad-
Joining two buildings, By tho greatest ef
fort tho flames w?re checked beforo the
fourth structure,, a now brick, became fairly
The bank building was owned Jointly by
nothell Bros., who operated tho bank, and
the local branch, of the Ancient Order of
United Workthenj the lodge occupying the
second story of the building. Tho second
building was owned by Rothelt, Bros, nnd
was occupied by Richardson & Co., the
Rothell constituting the company, with a
steck of general merchandise. The third
building was the property of Postmaster
F. M, Sherrelt and waa occupied by hlra
ns postofllce nnd hardware store.
The only property saved from the three
buildings was the equipment and records of
the pestomce, These Mr. Sherrelt rescued
and placed in another building, where he
will operate tho office for the present. It
is noiievcd the contents of the bank vault
are all right, hut, that has not been opened.
Rothelt Bros, place their loss on the two
buildings, gtock of goods dnd bank furni
ture at $30,000, with $23,000 Insurance.. The
Ancient Order of. United Workmen lodge
loai us equity in tho bank building and
lodgo paraphernalia. The insurance IS not
known. Postmaster4 Sherrott valued his
building nnd hnrdwnre stoek nt IK.Rftn in.
sured for $4,000. Mr. Sherrett will probably
leuuim, out tne Rothell Bros, are unde
cided whether thoy will ro-engngo fn busi
ness in Crab Orchard. The buildings were
a total loss, the walls falling to the cellars.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Jan. 28.-(Speclal To!
cgram.) Rothell Bros., bankers at Crab
Orchard, whose bank was consumed by Are
last night, today wlrod tho Beatrice No-
.,, ... l0T laMe 10 cnrrr on business
with until their safe can bo opened. It is
thought the Areproof eafe of the burned
bank amply protected the valuables It con
tained, but It cannot bo opened for a few
nintrlet Attorney Jerome Arrive, at
Conclusion In pynnmlte
, j, Dlanater.
NEW YORK Jan. :fi, .t,.in.
are energetically nt wrtrW trvieir tn
the mystery of'the terrlflo ' oxplealon ot
aynamito, wnicn 'killed nix people and did
so much damage n the vicinity of! the
Grand Contral station. District Attorney
Jerome eald tonight that he had cora to
me conclusion that Are undoubtedly
caused 'the explosion. Ho had aaeftrtklnnl
that Epps, Mjft;puwrfr man, had a candle
In thb irat.) house ratjd with it bad;
Behind nnnli.V mnA Iahm. ..nil. T jt.i-;.
this, according tq.the dlstrlot attorney's
opinion, a Are may have been started
which Ignited the parafflned papor In which
tho cartridges were wrapped. ' '
Mr.- Jerome has concluded from Informa
tion rrom various sources that at the time
of tho exnloslon there wan between ir.n anrt
200 Pounds of thn nxnlntdvn In (h ttnna
ana mat in tne morning there had probably
neon too pounds.
An estimate of tho mnner that mint ha
expended to repair the damage waa given
out today, with the statemont that it waa
necessarily annroxlmate. Th MtUmatA
read: Murray Hill hotel, $75,000; Grand
union notei,; Manhattan Eye and
Ear hoSDltal. 12.000: flrand rntral at.
tlon. $10,000: a restaurant and rrivat real.
dencear (of the latter there were twenty-
tnrco), $18,800. Tho heaviest loser among
the citizens was W. H. Payno. with a loss
ot $2,400.
Meat Market at David City.
DAVID CITY, Nob., Jan. 28. (Special.)
Tho meat jnarkot of William Needham on
tho south sldo 'won discovered to b on fire
at an early hour this morning bj; Night
Policeman Tnddlkcn. The fire department
responded promptly and soon had the Are
under control. Tho blaze waa confined to
tho ono building. The loss of Mr. Needham
Is fully covered by Insurance. The build
ing was slightly damaged, the Insurance on
which Is sufficient to cover the damage.
nvrelllns; at Wymote,
WYMORE,. Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special.) The
homo ot B. V. Johnnpn was destroyed by
Are this morning. The loss Is $2,500 and
Insuranco $l,20p on tho house and furni
ture. At 0 o'clock last' night a lamp exploded
and started a blaze that did serious dam
age beforo being extinguished. Much ot
tho furniture in tho lower part ot. the
Mother nattier (lot the Start of Them.
Sometimes tho mother plays a. turn on
the young people and greatly to their bon
eflt. A young lady in Memphis, Tenn., Miss
B. Dye ot 22a Carroll Ave., comments In
an Interesting way about the harmloss little
deception her mother played upon one ot
the 'family during the summer.
She says: "Every member of our family
could write a testimonial about Postum
Food Coffee and what It nas done lor us.
Father has really been made over since
quitting coffee and using Postum, but I
must toll you about Brother.
"When he camo home from college last
summer ho waa thin and looked, dread
fully. We questioned him about his food
add, drink. Ho said he drank coffee, 'Of
course I can't get along without a good
cup of coffeo three times a day." Mother
did not Bay anything to him, but' mado
Postum for him Just the came, and at the
next meal he compllmentod .her on the
coffee. Several times he said, 'Now If I
Just had such coffeo as this at school I
could make better averages In ray studies.'
"So during the whole summer bo drank
Postum, thinking It was strong coffee, and
we could all sco, from day to day, how
much he was improving in health. His
complexion gradually cleared up, and he
gilned In every way. When' ho went back
In tho fall Mother told him the Secret she
had kept for over" three months, and put
several packages of Postum tn his trunK.
"Yon may depend upon It, the lesson waa
one ho will nevor forget. My younger
brother quit coffee about a year ago and has
boen using Postum Food Coffee, and he has
been built un from a regular Invalid uutll
ho Is now a fat, rosy-cheeked boy, full of
life and fun. Just tho other day ho re
marked he was getting along so' much bet
ter in his studies than ever before and he
wondered what caused the change. Mother
remarked, 'It Is Postum.' "
houso was moved out at this time. Tho
family spent tho rcnmlndei- of tho night at
tho homo of a neighbor near by. About
o'clock this morning someone looked out
and discovered that tho houso wns a mass
of flames.
Tho building was located outside tho
w'ntcr workB system nnj tho flro depart
ment was unnblo to render any assistance.
rindlcs Ponnd In IlnrnlnR HiiIIiIIiik
Where Oilier Are Serlontily
BOSTON. Jan. 29. Eight persons dead,
throo probably fatally burned nnd three
seriously hurt In Jumping from windows,
and others more or less Injured was the
result of. a flro Jus beforo i o'clock this
morning In nn Italian tenement house" on
Fleet atrcet, north end. Several of tho
dead are,, adults, two of them women" nnd
ono a child. Tho building was four fitorlca
ln,hoight at 6 to 10 Ffect street.
Before tho firemen got to thi scene two
women and one man -wero seen to thtoft
themselves from windows 6f the third
floor to tho street below. After the flro,
men had succeeded in checking tho fla'tncsT
thoy began a search of tho rooms and
found olght bodies. ,
Mnnltarlnm tt AnnmoNa.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la., Jan. 28. (Special.)
Thn sanitarium at Annmosa, conducted
by Sisters of Charity, n thrno-stery and,
uasornent stono building, waa burned this
forenoon. All patients were saved. Tho
loss is almost complete, Insurance Is $0,000.
One flreman wns painfully Injured. The
Are was of unknown origin. It burned from
8:10 to noon.
lintel nt Wcxlern.
WESTERN, Neb.. Jan. 2S. (Special.)
The Commercial hotel, the only one In, the
town, was burned yesterday nftornoon. The
building Is a total Iobs, with no Insurance..
The furniture was partially Insured, but
little of It was saved. The Insurnnco on the
building ran out on the 21st of this month.
OrlKlniil Ilnth limine.
MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich., Jan. 23. Flro
today destroyed tho Orlglnat bath houso.
connected with the Avery hotel hero, and
tho loss Is estimated to be about $30,000,
with $9,000 tnsuranco. For a time It seomcd
as if the Avery nnd Agnow holclB, which
adjoined tho bath houso, were doomed.
Another Innn. Mine Kxpl'ndrn. (
ALBfA, In., Jan. 28. The mine of tho
Mlno Star Coal company, a mile from the
Lost Creek, caught Are last night from nn
explosion following shots" not by miners.,
Forty men had Just left "the works. The
Aro Is still burning.
Mnnnfncturlnar I'lnnt.
DAVENPORT, la., Jan, 28. Tho Bettcn-,
dorf .Steel Axle and Car Bolster company's
plant was partly destroyed by flro today.,
The loss Is $76,000, fully covered by Insnr-i
is, Guarded hy
Removal from
TOPBICA,' Kan., Jan. 28. Two. 'days of
very com weatner in Kansas wero fol
lowed" this afternoon by nnotherv sovore
snow etorm. The snow commenced In
Western Kansas early this afternoon and
traveled, westward. In. some plopes, the
storm' Is approaoblng'the proportions of a
Lamed and other places further westv
report a heavy falrof snow. In Lamed
.it is sir inches deep. In parts- of Oreon
wood, Lyon, Osage and Franklin cbuntlea
wind accompanies tho snow and makes It
drift quite badly. Dispatches from Lincoln
Centre and from Apola say that tho wind
Is blowng a galo from the northeast.
Two farmers today found tho body of a
12-year-old boy on the banks of a small
creek within seven miles of Wlnfleld. Kan
He had evidently wandered off, lost his way
ana tnon been frozen to death In tho enow.
His body was being 'guarded by two dogs.
No clue to the boy's Idontlty can bo found.
Sleet In Indian Territory.
ARDMORB. I. T.. Jan. 28. Sleet, rain
and snow fell today in many portions of
Indian Territory. Range cattle aro suffer
ing, but wheat has been benefited.
Heavy Snow In Iovra.
BURLINOTON, la., Jan. 28. A heavy
storm ot snow began hero this evening, ex
tending generally over Iowa.
Former Secretary Foster Prononnce
Chinese Exclusion Plan Un
constitutional, WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The Question of
Chinese Immigration was again under con
sideration by the houso foreign affairs com
mittee today. Ex-Secretary Foster, revert
ing to some action of the stato department
when he was secretary of state, said that
it was distinctly understood by the presi
dent at that time that he (Foster) had'
been counsel for China nrid that all ques
tions concerning that nation should be re
ferred to eome other official. Tho PaclAo
coast bill, he said, contained twenty viola
tions of our treaty with China. '
waxweii Kvarts, or tne PaclAo Ma II
steamship company, criticised the state
ments of Mr. Llvcrnaeh before tho senato.
Mr. Evarts took up the PaclAo coast bllf
and dlsoussed it In detail, pointing out the
sections which he declared unconstitutional
and to be In violation of tho existing'
treaty, '
Tho commlttoe adjourned to meet Thurs
day morning.
Census Ilnreaiu Mailer's Comparisons"
Between 1800 and lOOO
Ileports. t
WASHINGTON, Jan.. 28. Tho Census
buroau has Issued a preliminary report re
garding flouring and grist mill products.
It makes the. following showing for 1900,
with increases and decreases since 169Q:,
The number ot establishments, 2S,2S8; In
creato, 37 per cont; capital, $218,714,104; In
crease, 5 per cent; wage earners, average.
numbor 37,073; decrease, 22 per cent; wages,
iY,iu.Mis; uecrease, 2 per cent; raiscni.
laneouB expenses, $10,325, 688; decrease, 22
per cent; cost of materials, $475,826,345;
Increase. 10 per cent: value ot products.
$560,719,063; Increase, U per cent.
Senate Committee on Public I.nnus
Favors Mensare Prepared liy
Western Mcmliora,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The senate
commltteo on public lands today made a
favorable report on the Irrigation hill r
cently agreed upon by tho senators and
members of the houso ot representatives
from the semKarld states. There wus no
objection In tho commltteo nnd the motion
to report the bill was carried unanimously,
but Senator Dorry reserved tho right to
offer amendments when tho bill is taken
up In the senato for consideration, No
amendment was mado' In committee, Ivater
In the day the bill was reported by Sonator
Hansbrougb, chairman of tho commlttco.
Nirr fcl if Adapted bj Uiittd Uiue
, . Workiri.
Cinit rntliiii Alxo Adopt. Itrniiliitliiii
liii'rciiHliiK.t he Snlnrlrn of Jlnal
of the AaanclntloH'n
INDIANA MLlS, Jan, 28. The mini)
workers,. In .executive session, after two
hours debate', adopted the scale ns reported
uptin by,tuetfatd .'committee, This.' provides
ior a general jjiva nee for bituminous mining
of 10 per cent on a tun of mine bosls, with
a' differential' of 7 cents the old figure
between,- jdck-qtid machine mining, nnd 1.1
cents a llay' increase for Inside drivers and
a,unifo.rni at-Jtle for a outside labor.
Much of the discussion upon tho woule
report rjwns centered on tho matter of leav
ing trfe YllrferenirRT'betwcTii'pIck end ins.
chine, nlnlng.iwhcrf it .iias'hjllierto cxlstedJ
ritr. a year.,. Jyot n few of the delegates,
Including representatives from -the Illinois.
Indiana tuuh Ohio districts, urged that tho
differential should be.. made 10 cents.
Tho niUhnifllto miners presented their de
mands totthfl yymvantion lit the- form' of a
resolution vhlch reviewed tho previous
failure of tho minors. and operators to agree
Upon terms of labor nrid stated that It wis
within the rango of possibility that tho
nnthrftclte mine worker's might be compolled
to suspend work should tho anthracite mlno
owners perslst.ln tholr present policy.
Want it Joint t.'nrtferent'e.
The resolutions naked the national nresl-
derit nnd tho 'national executive board to
co-bpefnfo With tho olllcers and momberti
of 'thd'niitufacfto districts In bringing about
a Joint confe'renci' of tho operators and
miners prior to April 1 and urged that,
should their efforts fall ,nnd a strike bo
f dreed on tlfein, 'workers of tho entire conn
try ehtfuld'pled'ge all poss'lblo assistance.
mbrnl ftriti 'financial, to bring tho contrm to
a'epcedy and succcssftll termination.
Tho resolutions wero passed by a rlslnir
Vote, that was unnnlmous. The anthracite
miners, It is understood, will not ask for
nny further Indorsement than Is contained
in this resolution.
Tho national cxccutlvo board announced
Its doclalon"'to' low nn nHaraament. nt in
cents n month on every member in good
standing for Ihe purpose ot bringing to a
successful nnd( speedy termination the
Htrfkea now'ln 'progress. Where district or
local organlratlons refuso to remit within
slx'ly dnya neither shall bo entitled to repre
sentation' In tho nntlonal convention.
, plectlnn n't DcteffiiteN.
The commlttco of tellers, which haa had
.in' chargo. the. counting of tho ballots on
the'-cloctlon of-ofllccrs, reported tho dole-
gatcB to tho next nnnual cpnvcntlon of the-
Atnorican Federation of Labor elected ns
i Jnh,n Mitchell; W.'.B, Wilson; T. L. Lewis
J4Pc'-ReesvW. D.vltyan, T. D.v Nichols
Oohn Fuheynalternatea, .Patrick Domn, V.
K Hosklns, Edward. M cKnyAW. D. , Falrlcy,
4ohniDj Demnacy,! D; H. (Suljlvan; iThomns
v Bnftyv tf, t . v
The now auditing commlttoo' consists of
M.' iloTnggqrt, ,John Jlosaopp and Patrick
. The oommltte on .redisricting, tho mining
states reported the Lowls resolution, which
wan adopted. .The purposo of rodlstrictlng
thexnlnlng.statos Is that. Joint, conferences
nAayjljondin thojfarloua noiv.dlstrlcts.a'nd'
ninerenccfl settle?, u.npccBsary, tton.o and
the same time. Tho. .nntl'pnal '.offlcors will
bring about tho new division and arrnrtgo
for; conferences. K ( . '
General Increase In Snlnrtrn,
The report of tho commltteo on constitu
tion mas7 taken tip late In tho nftornoon.
Tho mqst Important change reconi tided
and agreed to by tho convention provides
for a general Increaso In the salaries of na
tatorial ofllclais. Tho president's Salary Is
Increased' from 11,600 to $1,800, the vice
president's from $1,200 to $1,400 and the
socrctary-'troasurcr's from $1,200 to $1,500.
Tho salary of tho editor of tho Journal re
mains Hit $1,200. Mombors of tho national
executive 'board, when employed by tho
'prtslden't'ln'oxecn'tlvo' work, will rccolvo
$3.50 per dlerrr, nn Increase from $2.
Another constitutional change that was
adopted gives" tho national cxccutlvo board
full .power to .direct tho workings ot tho
organization,, also to lovy and collect as
sessments. when nocossnry and to draw upon
tho-money in tho treasury,- with a stipula
tion, Jiowovor, that orders upon tho treas
ury 'must bear tho signatures of two-thirds
ot -the members of tho national executive
St. I.onla; .Chief of Detective IlrllnvcV
rMan Assisted tn-Rnst .St.
' llolihery. " ,
its' '
ST. LOUIS,. Jan. 28. In John Lawrenco
Masont -arrested early today. Jn company
with two other mon, C.hef of .Detectives
Desmond thinks be has one of the mori
who rdhh'ed the National s(qck Yards bank
nt East St. .Louis'.
.Manon 'bas. confessed to tho chief that
So.,tnii1y a.11 tifo safe-blowing .(ind burglars'
apl,fl,,lpl.poVsessln of .the three, men vhon
Larxestod.. lie" tpljl tho ,chlef qdntriidjctory
riOIial.,?toc)t yards'. l:'-'A
wuta.ui,, uiM uuiei mm. at rvi)ini m
Mason admitted that bis real name Is Sam
Ctillen nrid that Ho Ilvos, in Hrldgepdrt.
Conn, To'm Lane, tho third member of tho
party arrested, said ho was born in Wales,
,lleittli of niiKC'iic Iliipnnt.
WILMINGTON! Del., Jan. 28. Eugene Du
pont of tho 'groat powder firm died at his
TiomV at"Ch'ristlnna-Hundre'd tonight from
pncunvmia. air,' uuponi was 01 years 01
'ago. llo Was it eon of tho. 'late Alexis U
DUpoi'H. llo leaves a widow, throo sons
and . .wo Mailfelitors. Ho succeeded General
Henry Dupnrit as the president1 of tho flrui
after tho dea'th''df'lhe latter In 1889.
r ' l .
" V t
You Can Depend Upon the Word o
ri This Omaha Citizen.
He-lflrthad'tho experience.
lie lias 'thoroughly tested tho article.
Ho has found It ns represented.
lie has absolute 'faith tn Itn merit.
Mr. W. It. Taylor of 1513 Wobster street
employed at thb OmahnVIlard Wood Lum-i
her company, says;' "for .a' couple pf
years m,y "back nehed, tho secretions bo
came highly colore'd and sharp twinges
cifughi 'mo in tho kidneys when stooping.
Procuring .Dnan's, .Kidney nils from Kuhn
& Co:'s drug storo,' corner 15th nnd Douglas
Btreots,'"I took thorn arid they cured me. I
do not hosltato to say that Dean's Kidney
IMlls aro a reliable remedy and I havo
spoken (0 'several of my friends about
For sale' by all dealers. Price, f.0 cents.
f toitftfr'AIIlbtirn Co ' flfaff alp; -N. " Y., sole
agents for tlio United Statue. ,
Itemembor tho name, Doan's, and take no
Eczema is cau.icd by nti nciil humor it)
the blood coming In contact with the
skin null producing (peat redness ami in
flatnmation ; little pustular eruptions form
and discharge n thin, Kt'cky llitid, which
dries and scaler, of! ; Fotnctluidi tho skin is
hard, dry nnd fissured. IJczema in nny
form is n tonneiititij', stubborn disease,
nnd tho itching nnd burnlug nt times nru
almost unbearable ; tho acid burning
humor seems (o ooze out nnd ret the sklu
oh fire. Salvd.x, washes nor other exter
nal applications do nny real good, for at
long ns the poison remains in the blood
it will keep the skill irritated.
"Par three years I
nnd Tetter on ttiv
hands, which catif.eil
them to'swcll to twice
their natural site, r.-ut
of the time the illscast
rraslntlic fotm of run
ning sores, very pain
ful, and causing me
much dlKVittforU Four
doctors said the Tetter
had progressed too fnr
to l)j cured, dud' they
could d3 notMnjf for
me. I tiokonly iluce
bottles of 3. B. 8. and
wni completely cured.
Thliwua fifteen yeats
next. Dlld 1 ll3ve tipvpr
jlnceBcen any alqu of my old trouble." Mas.
L. II. Jackson, 1414 McOce St., KatiaaaClty, Mo.
S. S. neutralizes Ihis acid poison, .
cool.1 the blood dnd restores it to ti hcalthv,
natural state, nnd the rough, unhealthy
skin becomes soft, smooth nnd clear.
S0t ikf Vlrc3 Tetter, Cry
sipclas, Psoriasis, Salt
ft luicuni and all skin
Imsv bkJI diseases due to a pok
igg oncd condition of the
blood. Send for our book nnd write uj
about your cast:. Our physiciaus have
made these discasss n life- study, and can
help yon by thcir advice ; we make no
chargo for this service. All correspondence
is conducted in strictest confidence.
Ail Diseases anJ
Disorders of Men
10 years in Omaha
Method new; without
1 'biittiut:r.tJi jc iocs
of time.
CV DUII I K cured for lite anatnepo!so
p rTl I UIT) thoroughly cleansed from
the system. Soon every aign and symptom
disappears, completely and forever. Mo
"BKIIAKINQ OUT" ol the disease on the sklo
Dr face. Trratment contains no'.dangtrcui
urua ur lujuriuus cueaicm.
WEAK MEN front Excesses or Victims
to Nkkvouh Debility or KxmugTiun,
YorNO and Minnt.r Aor.u, lack of vim, vigor
and strength, with organs Impaired MU weak.
. 8TRICTURE cui-ed with a new Homa
Treatment. No pain, no detention from Vusl
ncis. Kidney nnd Mailrtex Troubles,
Consultation i rtt. freatmrnt by Mall.
.Call on on or address j9 So. 14th 3ti
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. M.
Ofllce. Honrs. S n. tn. tn ti p.
ftnailnrs. from S n. in. to r p. m.
DIncukcs nuil lllMiirucm of Mnu Unly.
O Vi'iir.' KxporlL-iicv. !5 Years Id
QYPiilllQ d all lilood Dlseuaea cJied
I rnlLIO for life. All breaking out and
hiups oj ,tho dlscns9 dlnappcar at pnee,
fkU r-M-7ll flllll CUB('a cured of nervous
Uftn 4UUUUdehility, losa of vitality
uiiu uli (.niuaurul wcakncsncs of men.
Structure, Glcut. Kidney una Hluddor "DU
ences, HVdrueclu, cured permanently.
Cui-va (liuiriinttTil, CiiiiaiiltutliinVrrt'.
Treatment by .mill. 1'. O', Uox IM.
Olllqo over 2l5.S. lith, street, betwotn Far
ram nnd Douglai 3ls OMAUA, NKD.
Prlceh-.Mut. and' Night, 50c, 76c, $1, J1.5t,
'TIIl'3 lllIll(10.M.STKH.,t
I'rireB-Mnt., 23o, DOc, 73c, $1. .Night, Kc,
60c, i5c, jfl, IM. Hunts on sale.
TeleplxxX' l'titt.
'Matinees Wednesday,. Saturday and Bun
day, 2;15. Kvtry liveiiliiff, .8;15.
IIKJII CLASS Al lMjyll.1,1;.
Tho Four Otis, Hnwnllan aleo Club,
Vermette and Olonno', Stymoro nnd Dupreo,
Fognrlty mid llrown, Duvuiiay und Allon,
Tho Ktiiodromt'v
MMU'lAI, rrfNluinl iluhut uf
Oniiiliii.N jimiiiu lllcjcle ISzperl,
Pikes, 10c, 25c u'nd 60c. .
Mlaeo'tfrociidiro 0N"
..All'Mii: nlllll-lflu, Sda;
Bverv Kvenlnn oxceptlnir Snturday Night
'TIII3 TWIl.Vl'IIC'ril ClU.Vl'UHV riini.N.'i
Tho kind of show to 'drive nwny the blues.
r.vitjiuii ,111 H.N51 1,'jjtui o.nnoi,i
. 1 Wrestling contostt
Hunduy iiiiitlneo, l.lttlo Mngne't IlUrlea
quorH, Anuiteur night In the near future,
Amtitours, call on your friend llosenthal,