-THE OMAHA DAILY ' JJJUE; WJ&DX J5SDAYJANIJARY 20, 1002. 11" SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvertiaetnonta for (lion coltinini rrlll be taken until X't in. for tho tvenliicc edition and nntll fl:U0 p. m. (or morning and Sunday edition, Itntea, 1 l-2o n word first Insertion, la a word thereafter. Nothing tnken for IfM than JCBo for the Onl Ihacr tlnn. Theae nilTertlaementa tnnat Ha run ciinaecntlvclr, AtlTertlaera, by requesting nam fcered cheek, i;an have nnanera ml. irraaed to numbered letter In rr f The Rce, Atiairera ao addrcaaed will he delivered om preaeatatloa at akeak !. SITUATIONS WA.NTUD. YOUNO man wants plnco to worK for board whllo attending school. Doylcs' College, Now York Life Bldg. Tel. Ml. A-.M9i Y.'antisi-si.il jiE.m1. UOOD messengers wanted. Iliorcused pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. BTEADY 'woTk. proll table work, for neat enorgcllo hustlere. C4 F. Adams Co., lbl Howard. . -iy. u 15 FOR X HALF DAY'S WOKK. If you llvo In the country or In u small town and havo a good actiuulntuneo among tho farmers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can maKe live dol lars easily by four or tlvo hoars work. Write us knd we will send you our propo sition. The Dfco Publishing Co., Solicitors Dept., Uaiaha, Neb. U-MM WANTED, a good man In cVery county tp tako subscriptions f6r The Twentloth Centurj Farmer. Our agents make good wages cvetywtiere. Holeiences required. Address, , Twentieth Century l-armer, Omaha; Neb. 11-t.W FREEl FREE! FREE! Shave and lialt cut. Molcr Barber College, 1623 Flrnam Bt, Jd lloor. Hours, 9 to 4, B-J127I F4 WANTED, nrst-class practical nwnlng man. undcistunds putting up all kinds of awnings; good saiary and permanent position to llrst-clusa man. Address Colo rndo Tent mtd Awning Co., 1721 L-iwreticu at.( Denver, Colo., U-M993 SJ BLACKSMITH waiiTed,onc tliat can do horseshoeing and wagon icpulrlng; must bo Industrious and sober; u good Job for the right nurty, Address C. W. Morgan, Rawlins, Wyo. B--M120 ill A SPLENDID opportunity Is offered young men to learn tim barber trlido with us now, and top wages guaranteed gradu ates. On account of the great demand for our barbers during tho spring rusn we are making n opecml offer for thirty lays whereby uny one can earn scolar Hhln, board, tools nnd transportation. If desired. Our. system of colleges embraces the sovnn leading, cities of the country, with hundreds of graduates to recom mend us, and our method is well known; steady practice on free customers, tixpert Instructions,, demonstrations, etc., until competent; nverngo time two months; two years' apprenticeship saved. Do not confuso Us with the cheap 6c shops CalK-d colleger, who ask you to pay for working on their few patrons. For particulars and beautifully Illustrated catalogue write Moler Ilarber College, 1023 Karnam 8t. B-M1S0 31 TRAVELINO salesmen, also advertisers; salary or "no "o. Triumph Co., Dallas, Toxas. BM157 F2 WANTED, harnPHStuakcrs; good pay nud steady w.ork for good men. Fremont Saddlery company, Fremont, .Neb. B-M2I5 Fl. COMPOSlTOR-Stendy Job; state age. ex- tirllnnn n rtA tx'n tnt wa n tn1 t M t f n Windom., Minn. B m3i6 30 CLERIC wan tod htn. genera) .merchandise Ktoro In eastern iport qf: Nebraska; to a Kood, eligible young man . with froiri JO, tol6 year?! oxpcrlaiiuf) and-who. can 'take the management of a stock. $2,000, u very liberal salary will be gl,ven. Ad dress B 19,' Boo. B m30S 29 XOJJNO man ,to, .travel; salary nnd ex penses. Address Box S 20, Hep. n-m.zr WANTED. first-class stenogmphor. Ad dress, with references, Nye & Buchanan Co., South Omaha. B-330 30 SALESMAN WANTED, to call on- 16eors only, on behalf "of the leading firm In Itho business; established trndo; position permanent', applicant must be Intelligent and IndofnttKablo; state experience. Ad dress P. O. box 859, Philadelphia. , B 233 CO AltE YOU dlssatlsned with your work? Our free booklet "Are Your Hands Tied?"' tolls how wn havo qualified thousands In spare time for salaried positions In mora congenial nnd profitable lines of work. Write Intcrnntlonnl Correspondence Schools, box 1CGS. Scranton. Pa., or call day .or evening Omaha olllce, 106 8. 16th st. B-M333 29 PERMANENT position for tho right man to represent old established manufactur ers having $200,000 capital; $000 per year nnd expenses, paynbie direct from our offlcc; straight salary, not conditional upon results, but upon faithful work; no experience required; chance for promo tion; state age nnd give references. Ad dress Manager, box 821, Philadelphia, In. y H-M337 ftAI.EMME.'V WAXTI2U. BALESMEN wanted; full line nursery stock; plenty peach trees; outfit free; pay Weekly Luwrenco Nursery Co.. l.uw rencc, Kan. MS3I Fll WANTED KKSIALH 1IKI.P. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdiesslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write Room 2 Beo Bldg. C-003 WANTED Bright young ladles nnd grocer clerks wanting to Incrcaso their Income as local agents; Kood solllnn articles; staple with grbecrs. Give references. Address, P 60. Bee. C JI182 F-2 how we tench halrdresslng,' manlcurliik or facial massage in four weeks, mailed ,rcv, .uuiyr vuueKtj, ivm rurnnm nt. C-M107 31 COMPETENT girl for general houeeworkT 1134 So. 30th Ave. C 301 20 GBNEItXL hqurowork." 127 8. rsuTsT - , C-M323 WANTED, yduhg lady with musical knowledge to teach, on a new patented string Instrument. Apply S. Pureu, Mil ium num. u nl4 20' IIKI.P WANTED. MALE & female help. Call' Canadian Offlca. KOIl HUNT HOUSES. o MOVE rltht get Omaha Van Storiura Co., ,ofHce 15UV4 Farnam, or to!. UA9-S63r . D-tia nUUOM ic, uavia Co.. 8: 'lee wlds D-317 ' f-ROQM brick house, modern, 3715 Jackson St. Tellphone 481 or V-ii&i. a Treynor. D-8M9 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwnlt, Barker Blk! D-94J BED HENRY R, PAYNE, 001 N; Y. t,IFE. D-940 HOUSES, a. a. Wallace, Brown blocK. D-933 t-ROOM modern, except furnace, 122. U. M Nattlnger, Bee Bldg 'Phono 463, D-931 HOUSES ChrU, Boyer, 22d and Cumins. Phono 2049. D M919 J30 FOR RENT, 12-room modern house. 172i "Doujtlss at,, $4S. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1602 FARNAM. D-M721 HOUSES FC.U JiENT. IKVflO ?(tlS N. lTlh t ILrnnni nm.U.n with barn; newly repaired and piuniea. 145.00 Larao 12-room mansion nml ulnlvln with box stalls nnd coachman's rooms, $15.00-1842 N. 22nd., 7-room house, clly water; newly papered and painted. ' THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 19M l'kAlTril.AU OT lJl DOUGLAS ST. L D-329 6-ROOM cottage, electric light, gas, all modern conveniences, 120. list N, 20th St t . D-104 sr DESIRAnLE HOUSE-3019 Marcy' St.. rooms, all modern throughout,- (neludln as and electric light; recently built, 11,00 Oaorgs & Co., 1601 Farnum st. .D-M339 Fl I'Oll ItEM'-IIOUflES, A UOOD 8 or 8-room house, strictly mod em, gcod neighborhood, within walking distance; very reasonable rent to right party. M. J. Kcnnnrd & Son. .tWi-10 Brown block. D-lSfl TWO 5 & 6-r, mod. 'cottages. Phone A-23&3. D-7K1 HOUSES," etc. F, D.Wead. 1521 DougTaX D-9H 2204 MAPLE ST., 8 rooms, J20.0o! 1317 S. 31st St., 7 rooms, 26.60 ' M25 27 HOUSES, stores. BemlsT Paxton" block. D-913 S3., f!. ISTII ST., rooms, city water and sewer, newly painted, J8. , , THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. HTH PT. D-211 TO RENT About April 1, modem house, rooms, barn; good condition; Kountze place; will leno for tcrmr. J37.W per month. Address S 17, Bee. D-m313 30 TEN-ROOM house, nil modem. 2200, Hnr ney st. D-MS87 30 ' FOR ItllM-l'I RMHHKD ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th"ahd Farnam. E-9H. ONE fufnlshid room, with heat, on iht line. 1618 Cla:k; IS p6r, month. E-955 LAI(OE front room, nicely flfrnlshcdl steam heat, Vini or two gentlemen. Call 31314 S. llth St. . E-M30S FURNISHED rooms, modern. fOJ S. 20th. E-M156 F2 A PARLOR and room adjoining ns a suite, famished or Unfurnished, and two single rooms. Inquire mornings or evenings, lsoo Chicago St, E-M213 29 FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. NICE homo for young men. ICS S. 23th St. F-CSO SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentlo men. 1319 Jackson St. F CSS STEAM hthttd, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, at The Thurston. F-CS9 FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, ICth and Chicago Sts. F-M44I ROOMS and board, dlcncalrn, 1003 Dojglas THE ROSE, 2020 Harney: rooms nnd board, F M389 F6 1 gentleman, prlvato family. 2020 St. Mary's. F-718 ROOMS, board; steam heat, 2011 Hnrney street. F-M9S4F22 FURNISHED rooms with board for two; modern conveniences; prices reasonable. 2019 St, Mary's Ave. F-302 20' FURNISHED front rooms with board. 31 South 2flth St. . F-m321 FU WELL furnished front room, with board, porcelain bath, parlor privileges, prlvato family, for two; references. 2571 St. Mary's Ave. K-llo 28 FOR Ri:NT-l!NFUHMSHED ROOMS. DESIC room space, per month, ground floor room In Tho Beo building, faclng Farr.am street; no expense fbr light, hent or Janitor service. It. C. Peters, & Co., Rental Agents, Beo Building-. Q 116 FlVlTunWnrsheU rooms. 1120 N. 17th. Q-M100 THREE rooms, unfurnished or furnished; parlor tloor vnctmt xucsaay, .wu uougc st. ' Q-M299 29 KOIl RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- piCO oy Xlie uee ai ;iu v ariium ou ,i tiu four stories and a basement which was formerly, urcd as Tho Beo press room. This will t rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, bccretury, room 100, Beo building. 1261 FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply it. v. reiers at Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg. I 266 A FINE sutto of rooms suitable for doc tors onices. ROBERT 11. BENNETT, Room 12, Continental Block. I-MI29 LARGE warehouse, trackage facilities, on belt lino; 24.WW square reoi noor Burtnce; Nos. 1W7-15I9 North 16th Btreet. Hy draulic merchandise elevator. Lot 49x238 feet. Building 49x150 feet. Benson & Myers, 509 New York' Llfo Building. 1-987-29 AGENTS WANTED. PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure, suuscnpiions to tnc Ladles' Ho.ito JournAl and the Saturday Evening Post: We want agents who will work thoroughly md with business sys tem to covei each section with our Illus trated llttlo booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look shnrply after re newals from old subscribers. The pay Is first rato and nt the olid of tho season J20.M10 will be given the best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well some of cur agents have, suce.eedcd Is told In a llttlo booklet wo would llko to send vou portraits of some of our best acents, with the story of how they made It pay. Tho Curtis Publishing Co... Phila delphia! rat J-M206 F7 WANTED,, canvassing agents in every couniy 10 sniiLli nuunui ifiuuiiK iu riiu TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady omploymcnt with assured good l-jcome. Agents In the country with horso and buggy especially desired. Can vassers mako enslly $60 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau. Beo DUlldlng, Omaha. 213 "MEDICOLOOY." be ft family medical book In the world; 200 other good sellers. W. A. Illxenbaugh & Co., 600 Ware Blk., Omaha. ' ,ir . J 107 When You Write to Advertisers romembct it only takes an extra stroke oi1 two of the pn to mention the tact that you saw tho ad In The Bee. , . WANTBI)-TO RENT. WANTED A country home- with Ave to lOriy llCfttl UL 111.4 WU LUSH reached from Omaha, to rent for a term of years, or If prlco Is right' will buy. Address P 41 Bee. IC-M936 ; FRONT r6om and board for man nnd wife. A1BO lor yuuuts muii. uui aii'o. WANTED, by married couple a nlco fu.r. nUhed front, room, ceptqr location; ex pect to remain for at least ono year.- Ad dress 8 23, Bee. 1C M343 29'. STORAGE. , OM. Vitn Stor. Co., 151114' Farn, Tets. 1559.861 1 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912i Sit Jones, general storage unu orwaruing, 120 WANTED TO IIUY. WANTED To buy 11 rnnih: I want to buy a ranch to accommodate 1,000 to 1,500 head of cattle; will pdy cash, G. W. Fox, Benson, Neb. , N mS22 SO KOIl SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furnltuxo Co., 14J0 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. , ' O 967 FOIl SALE HQRSES. WAtiONS. ETC. THE BEST In buggies and wagons at 11. Frost's, 14th and Leavenworth. P 909 SEND $10 for tour new buggy wheals, steal tired, red or green paint; 40 bargains in 2dhand buggloa and carriugs, all styles. Drummoud Carriage. Co., ISth (t Harney, P-74I-F-17 KOIl, SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Fcrnam. Q-Wl CADET cout, good at new;, will fit 'boy 1J or It years old. Address II 53, Bee. Q-M5S6 INDIAN gooda and relics. uij arnam. Q-M52J 2D-HAND rufo .cheap. Schwartx, 111 S. 13. Q-965 FIR timbers foi houaemovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Doug las. Q-9C3 FOR SAI.i:-3IISCF,l,r,AM;H., FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any 6thcr musical Instrument; i up. The Wluman Co., 1621 Farnnlrt. ij-9tt! FOR SALE, godd-sltcd prfekages of news paper exchanges, 0 cents and up. Apply ut Beo Oltlce, Circulation Window. Q-G33 PIANO boxes cheap. 1313 Farnam St. Q-M217 F4 100 STYLES trunses, catalogue free. Sher man & McConuull Drug Co., 10th and Dodge, O naha. Q-961 FOR HALE, lino mahogany bank fixtures and Chlcn.10 Safe Se Lock Co. safe, auto matic douulo time lock; double burglar proof steel chests. Will bo sold it bargain. National Bank of Commerce Q 53 TYPEWRITERS, latest' models Reming ton, 8mlth-Premler, Densmoro, replaced by the UNDERWOOD; low price. A. H. Workman & Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phono 249. q 397' FOR SALE or trade, stcroopttedn in per--feet condition, original cost $S0, foreign manufneturo; lenses hlono -worth $3S; will trntl . . . . 1 . .. 1 . 1 . . -M . .... .. n r. - Bee. Q-M10S " 1 f 1 1 KOR SALE, scholarship In an Otnahft shorthand school, cheap. Inoulre 232 Boo bldg. M ' ' ' Q M968-' SALT. Il 20 per bhrrolonmenl,Vr.7B. Wagi tier's Feed Store, '.1909 Cuming st.. ' .1 1 ' ui GOOD violin; .$18. II. E. Patch, llth and, Nicholas. . 1 " Q M262 Fl ' EOR SALE; a nice twb-seftted cutter,! , cheap. Cnl a,t SU N lth St. Q-307 DOUBLE yellow head Mexican parrot for sale. 2607 Cuming St. Cl 112 30 , EVERETT. PIAN0S (Tho Artist's Fnvorlte). IVER8 & POND PIANOS (Everybody's Favorite). Starr, Richmond; Smith A Barnes and others, standard pianos, sold on easy payments. itOSS P. CURTICE CO.MH McCngue Bldk, y-U8 28 FOR SALE, cheap, Portlnnd slelsh. four strings bolls. 1G07 Iothrop St. Q-M3I0 31 CLAIRVOYANTS. AIRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. . S-JG6 MME. GYLMER, geuulno palmist, 315 S. 15. S-967, ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, 31714 N. 15; flat E; attendants. T-398 F0 MISS MACIC, massage; attendant 1403 Webster. T M182 Fl MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. T-291 F6 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian iicuiiiiuiii, uiicnuani. n. Jim. l lat A. T-M89S F2 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; babies adopted. 2306 Grant St. Mrs. Gardcls. Tel. l.'-llSi U-bn DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and sUperllu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12 Frenze? Block. U 968 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wliolebole home treatment. 318 Beo Bldg U-969 GOLDMAN'S, tho - only perfect pleating plant In the west. iM Douglas block. U Mala ir AxtwnntNtn mt.A .... 1 . connection with The Bather, alfatD J3eo, HUIiUllIbi It'll A I AO, UOdl- PROF. K HARAS, ..superintendent of. tho Kharas Institution, Is now In Friend, Neb., where tho Kharas Company Iihh re cently' established u new, branch .office. Prof, W. A.r Campbell , has, chargo as resident manascr of the Friend of fice. Prof Klwras will return to Omaha Thursday. Next Avoek he' wlll'ivlslt tho Kharas ofHca nt Lexington, Nob,, where ProL C. II. Fny and Miss Cle'ora Fay are maunders. , U M32I 29 RUPTURE permanently cured ln-"3u to GO days; send for circular. O. S. Wood. M D 621 New York -Llfo Bldfl.. Omaha. Neb. U-971 HAIRDRE8S1NG, manicuring and chlro pody, for ladles only, in-connoction with Tho Batlury, 216-220 Beo Bldg- U 285 SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send for handsomo lC6"-pago free catalogue. .u-977 L1EBEN, theatrical, masqucrado customer, 1018 Farpam. U 72 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with Tho Bathery, rooms 210-220 Bee B'dg, Tel. 1716. , , C-549 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best' and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 & Douglas. U-974 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. . U-971. When You Write to Advertisers - , remember it only takes ah extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tho fact that you saw the ud In Tho Ueo. WE RENT- machines of every, mako at 75c per week or $2 per month. We.'rcpalr and nil parts for every sewing marhlno manufactured. NKHUAUKA CYCLE CO.. COr. luth and ' Ilair.cy, 'pnone 1063. 831 Broadway, Coun- Council Bluffs, la. 'Phono B-618. 612 N. 24th bt.. South Omaha. U-S31 J28 , Mlddlemis, wall paper cleaner. 1403 Jackson U-S79 F3 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620 , Buidctto St. Mr3. Burgct U M4I3 F9 PIANO tuning and ropalrlng. Tel. 70L Agent tor vveDor piano. Room i, Beo OMAHA Cancer Cure Sanitarium. 3007 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb.., treats cancers, tumors and ail skin diseases! cure guar anteed. ,, , , t U .691 F14 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15 '2d floor, rl. U-M716 F15 The most popular cigar over put on the market Is the PRINCE OF OMAHA Bmoke ono and you'll know why. It retails at 5c straight and wholesales at $37 cr J,iJW. UIHUIl ijiu.ic. W. F, STOECKER C Id Alt COMPANY. U M292 Fl OEOROE Apropos of Dutoh lunches see page 71. February "What to Eat." 1 muuijic,. u .M3JU 23 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, Loiids and warrants. George Ut Company, .JC01 Farnam street. W-9S7 , 4H PER CENT on business property. J por cent on reslder.ee property. Options U nay whole or part any time. W. B, MEIKLIC, 1 S. 15th St. W-9S8 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W I'arnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street! w 939 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Karnam St.. Beo .'J 1(1 a-. wloin MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real . n , TIt, Minii.l in... r, 1.1 (i a . . . . . ' LDiaiei w V.V.,, uv, ouuilt lain W-Wl PAUM and city ioana, low rates. W. IL n't ft at Irl Wot llnnL m.. rr IZ.rT A lUIUU aw mu4W J-IUjJ X CI W 993 414 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemis, Paxton Blk. W-993 PRIVATE money, Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L v W-995 SEE HENRV B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life; FOR SALE-FARM AND CITYLOAN8. R. C. PETERS & CO., B11E HQ. OMAHA MORTGAGE O. O. Walh ce. Brown liln ok W-997 PRIVATE moneA F. D. Wead, 0521 Dougul w Ss 5 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Far- SIll.N'U Y elf i.oa,-(:hattels. MONfY To loan on Furniture and Pianos, Llvo .1 . 1 . . . sum . . V .'.III J ,VJ .1 ' . .- va ..IV. ,'.U,'V.. AI AHV I ( lANK 10 loop's huluiiiK sl,ki LVJAINO permanent positions, iuu tan boi'iotv Irom io.tiu up, Yo-j can gel the money on short notlm. Ymi mit V,... I .nln.i i... (1 Mi., ii.iiiuirtu mo tuil amount in cash. You mayikeep It ono month or more add pay lor it oiiij what time you keep It, Our rates ato low. v 1, wuuiiiia. ia luiiuuttiiiui UIIU UUr IllUiiW Is to "try to please. ' OMAHA srORTGAOE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trado Blug. Tel. 2."9i. (Established ISA'.) Sub S. 16lh St. X-CJI SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to mule or female employes. Wo Guarantee Lowest Rates. ' HOW DO WE DO ITT Full particulars rreo upon request. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Paxton Block. (Bee Window from Farnam Street.) X-173 FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., ujcta. vvosoiuieiy wunoui removing goods," Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 303, Paxton Block. X-981 MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried peopio: Business connueniiai; lowest rates. EH Paiton 'block; ThqTJ. A. JIutton Co. 1 X 8J MONEY leaned on furniture, live stock. jcweiry;, niao to saianeu people witnout security; cheap rates; easy puymcnts; business confidential. Foley LoUn Co., successors to Duff Green, R. 8, Barker block. Estab. It89. X979 LABGEST BUSINF.88 IN LOANS ' TO Bters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; ofcalest terms; 40 oillces In prin cipal cities, Tolman. H40 Board of Trade Bldg. X-980 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 63J (top floor Pnxton'blflcK, northeast corner 16th end Farnam; entrance 011 16th street, X-983 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- cirj vnurous; cows, eic j, r . itccu, iv a. ij. X-981 When YouAVrite to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of tho pen to mention tho fact that you snw tho ad in Tho Beo. BUSINESS CHANCES, TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, uoom 411, Aicuuguo.DUiiaing. . 1 Y-999 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your Dusiness or property quicK communi cate with ono who has tho customers. J. It. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life. Phone L-2270. Y-M881 FOR SALE, California, restaurant; proprle- xor wanis 10 leave city, am n si., uouiu Omaha. Y M724 31 FOR 3ALE. millinery, store doing good ousinesj; airo gqoa notci tor saia tor leaie to right ')arty), both good locations In N. E. Ncbruska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Llfo building, Omaha. Y-134 DRUG STORE for sale nt n bargain if taitcn soon; ucst locution in nco.i couniy. eat town of l.eoo; nboUt $3,200 will carry It; cash sales for 1DQ1 were $21.00 per day; rent, $15.00 per month on a threo-year lease. For full particulars address P' 53, Bee. Y-106 When You. Write to Advertisers remember it only takes iin extra stroke or two of tho pen to 'mention the fact that you saw the ad'ln The Bee. A" PARTNER wanted In tho real cstnto business; moro busmen than I can attend to; purty- must have some money and good recommendations'. Box COT, Btatr, Neb. Y M230 FS ELEVEN rooms, icleaantlv furnished. k modern brick tonemant, best location, every room filled with llrst-class room ers, paying proposition, future plans ne cessltntes lady.tselllngihy .Feb. 1. J. II, Johnson, N. Y. Life. , Y-M200 ESTAURAN.T, furrtltUri;andflxtures, fine, location, paying jus,lnd!u;' owner .leaving' Johnson. N. Y;' .Life.',, Y-M290 $l,00v CLEAN, grocery stock in city, good location, gooii business) must bo sold quicK. j. u. .joimson., in. 1. L.:a. rnotio L-2270. ' Y-M297 PARTNER WANTED, In n first-class and clean sccona-nanu storo in a tnnving isc braskn city J no better .paying business nnywhero If you hnve a few hundred dol lars cash to handle It (no Jew need reply)! reliable man, who has tho cash and U ready for business. S 10, Beo. Y-M293 29 FOR SALE Good, up-to-date steam laun dry in NenrnBKa' town or s.ooo, doing 11 good business; must sell; havo other business. Address 8 18, Bee. Y m312 30 FOR SALE Exclusive Shoe store; tho best- paying stocK in tno state; population 4,000; rent reasonable. Address S 15, Bee. Y-m318 F2 FOR SALE or exchange for shoes or gen eral merchandise stock, llrst-class farm, 320 acres in Northern Missouri. Address 8 15, Bee. Y m318 F2 FOR SALE (For few days) Clear stock hnrtlware and furniture; $2,200; good ho tel, newly- furnished, complete, $2,400; blacksmith shop nnd lot (only ono in town), $600; lots, ranches and farms at bargains; on easy terms. Hartley & Pulllam, Sargent, Neb. Y-m317 31 WANTED Steam thresher outfit to thresh 1.200 to 1,500 acres winter wheat on shares; references. Address 8 10, Beo. Y-m315 29 FOR 'SALE, one first-class moat market In ia good town of 700 inhabitants; also team anu ice; gooa rearnns tor selling, Address Lock Box 27, McFall, Mo. Y-109 30 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. 4TH FLOOR N. Y. L BLDG., OMAHA. Associate hanks unit attorneys everywhere, LARGEST LAW. AND COLLECTION AGENCY IN THE WORLD. DAl!GE SUITS, BANKRUPTCY; DL VOHCL and overy form . of, IITIOATION given attention py lawyers muKinp a spe cialty in their particular branch. Submit-your claims In porson or by mull, FOIl EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bd. N 19, Bee. SS-M510 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IF YOU' want 'ono of the nicest 8-room homes Id Hanscom Plnce,' I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Rluat sell. J. 11, Sherwood, 93J N. Y. L Bldg,, ' RE-MIR3 Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L Tel. 314 Tt I 7A7 T7i, , HOUSES. lots, farms, ranches. loans; also lire Insurance. Bcmls, Pax toh Block. RK-101 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Ufe. r RE-101 WILLIAMSON, m ri ' RE-661 When You Write to Advertisers . remember It only takes an extra strnkx nr two, of the pen to mention the fact that you saw me au in 1 no uee. RANCH and farm lands for sale by the union i'acinc itanroau company, 11, a. McAUaster, land commissioner, Union Pa- cine iieaucjuuriera, umanu, neu. BE-101 KOUBES-Harrlsun & Morton. Tel '314. RE-M167 Mch4 SEVERAL good farms for aalu in a good farming country. For furthor particulars wrlto or call on 11. L. Ludlum, Plalnvle, Neb. RE-M391 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also aero pvoprty and farm lauds. The O, F, Davis Co., Room 552, Beo Building. . GOT A good pleoo of land near Omahn, 40 acres on Dodge St. road, 8. W., N. W. 22-15-12, $3,5O0.ftj, 10 acres on Dodgo St. road. Lot 9 Plerson's- sub,, $900.00. W. G. Ure, CW Beo Bldg. RE-306 29 TWO CHEAP HOMES. 7- room house comer, 1627 Locust St., $1,700. 8- room houss, .modern, 1623 Locust St.. $1.noo W. G. Ure, 003 Bee Bldg. RE-303 29 foil SALE-REAL ESTATE. HAltlllSON MOIITON FARMS. 00, Kearney c6tinty, good buildings, largo part cultivated, $20 nn ncre. 619, Sarpy, rough pasture, -but good soil, small building, $20 on acre. so, Butler county. Improved, $1,600, 910, Improved bottom farm, near Emporia, Knn fine wheat, nlfalfn and com land, JIG an ncre. 1,(50, Madison county, 1.C00 Cultivated, four sets of Improvements, $33,000. 660, Sarpy, 400 bottom, 200 hill land, two sots buildings, $37.50 an acre. 63, Sarpy, rolling, but good soli, ' fnlr Improvements; till spring, $3,200. CIO, 16 miles from Omaha, very fine level laud; If sold quick, $55 an ncro. 153, six mlleti from Council Bluffs, $50 an acre, all level land. HARRISON' &' MORTON, OMAHA. RE-32S-28I BOYD COUNTY LANDS On account of heavy snow, our Boyd county trip postponed. Will five notice of next trip at least three days in advance. Write for particu lars. POTTER. FORCAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470. Omaha, Neb. RE-331 TRACKAGE. 32,000 square feet Burlington trackago on paved street; special prico; owner here, must sell, Inquiro HARRISON & MARTIN, N. Y. Life, . RE M33S 29 YORK COUNTY corn, wheat, timothy farms! 400 acres, well improved, alfalfa, rich black son, ia,vw, worm ii&.vw. 160 acres, well Improved, chotco land, near Bciiooi own, worm cash, balance at 4 Per cent Interest. w: rltn nwnar. ALFRED CHRISTIAN, YORK, NEB. RE MS 11 29 FOR SALE Good 80-acro farm in Johnson couniy, i nines irom town; price, $4,000. Address, 8401 Decatur St., omulm. RE-m320 30 COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads, auiiuui Bi'uuuu it'UBes. u. v . lrwin, ak ron, Col. RE-m309 F27 VA17MSI PABVOI V1TIMOI For burgains In larm property go to .i mini a lieu csiaie Agency, souin Omaha. RE-M906 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading sprciunai :n uiseases 01 women in umana, would cull tho intention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what causa. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513. Dodge, Omaha. 105 DIL W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of worn-. eu anu cnuarcn; years practice. Ulllco V2i Cumins. Res. tel. F-2790. ofllco li-zm. -M29I OUR GUARANTEE IS $300 REWARD To relieve .at homo any case of long-stan,d- vuouiittiu, uuuuiiiiui nujiiiressiun from, any cause. Even if others havo failed, try our compound concentrated vegetable fluid extract. Wo never disap point. Used for over eighty years with out a single failure. Why despair? Dr Mead Rem. Co., 19 Qulncy St., Chicago. -970 b-il TWO, sure' smallpox cures; expectant mother's pain relief; both $1. 11. W. Zay. LOST. LOST, largo red cow; no horns. O. R. Oil iicrt, the fur dresser, 1424 S. 13th; $10 re ward. Lost-MC75 LOST Saturday evening; lady's black nnnlinMinnl. ......... I .. I .. .. . t .. ., .'vnv..uwn, uumudiiiijt LU1UD UIIU ICilur. Plouse roturn to Bee ofllco. Lost 934 FINANCIAL. TO INVESTORB! Larnmlo Hahns Peak nnd Pnclllo railway , stock otters excep tional opportunity for safo Investment. Line under construction. First division to be In operation July 1. No preferred stock; no mortgage bonds. Common stock, par value, $10 share; now selling for short time at $2 a shure, In blocks of from ten to 100 shares nnd upwards. Call on or wrlto M. J. Grecvy, financial agent, representing Isaac Van Horn & Co, of Boston, bankers for the corporation. Of fice 414 Beo building, Omaha, Neb. M9SS F3 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J, T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sta. 370 late men; wuivr mifiya uu. Mavenwunn. w GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., clean! cesspools ana vaults, remove garoago a dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel 1779. -371 F5 PUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th. lyi AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. and Iowa. 2512 N, South Omaha. 990 F23' ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tale phone 3190. 611 South Thirteenth street. ELECTRICITY. GRAND ELECTRIC CO. 'Phono 2846. Re pairing, bells, lights, motors, otc. 524 8. 16, 787 81 . NICKEL PLATING. plant In Omaha. Omaha Plating Co., Boe Uiag. rei. 2000. w LARGEST plating plant in Omaha. A,- L Undcland, 1516 Dodge BL , Tel. 766. ' -114 POLICIES PURCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purchased. Loans on policies. Call on or wrlto The putnam t;o., chh-d in. i.uo bldg., Omaha, nod. t Jit OSTEOPATHY. TOMKHDM Institute. 515 N. Y. L BldK. Tel. 1664. Allco Johnson, D. O., ladles' dopL; Gld E, Johnson, usieopamisi, Mgr. ut DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCagUe Bldg. Tel 2Di.. o DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2821 TYrEWRlTERS. NEW & 2dhand. Illy Farnam St., Omaha, Mi FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases! trunks repaireu. urn. ituiik raciory, on f arnam. . 123 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUOHT-Omaha Stamp Co., 209 S. JJth 140 I10OKICEKPINO. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.! day or even ing, it. is, iom. nui. jnx. u, j. itamoun. -121 SIIORTIIAND AND TYPEWRITING. GltEGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th A Doug 1UB A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y, Life. -10? HOYLE8 College, court reporter principal. iS, It IA19. IDS NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd'g Tneaicr, jiw FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL 1331. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. liu HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 16th. -in. PHOTOGRAPHER, F. I. HOLOUBEK. photographs, 1258 8. 13th. MASQUERADE COSTUMES. S. Sack, ladles and gentlemen's, S31S 8. 20. nu m FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old ago OS well as lite, unarter momoors tree, rarucu lars from Frank Rosowator, supreme manager, 222 Bea Bldg. 724 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn; 430 Ramge Bldg. 131 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7o; collars, c, cures, tc. if so Licavcnwortn. ici, mi, -m MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty or ure escapes, snutiers, aoors ana safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th 8L 953 F20 DANCING. MORAD'S winter term for beginners ywvus una wuck. jiuuiib, i uosuajr unu Fridays, 8 n. m.; children, Saturday after noons. Prices reduced. 177 F2 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pttlow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2467, iu' MASQUERADE COSTUMES. COSTUMES fo. rent S. Sack, S31S S. 20th. mho eoa PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllco, reliable, accommodat ing; an Business connacntiai. isoi uougias. -118 TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, rcraodoled, altered, cieuncu anu rejimreu. joe xouBen, louu Farnam. . 128 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1510 Farnam. Tel. 1253. M483 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should bo rend daily by all Interested. as changes may occur K,i uny tlmo.) Forelcn matrs for the week pndlnir T.Vhrn. ary 1, 1902. will close (PROMPTLY in nil cuhcsj ai ine ueneral Postotnco us follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels post molls for Germany close at 5 S. m. Friday, per s. s. Pretoria via Hum urg. Regular and SunDlcmentarv malls closo at Foreign Branch half hour later than' closing tinih shown below (excapt Supple mentary Malls lor Europo and Central America, via Colon, closd one l.uur' later at' I'crcign ura.icnj. Trnnsatlnndc Mails. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per h s. ai. ram via uoutnampton; at 10 n. i.i. lor BELGIUM direct, per fl. s. Vnderlunil (mall must bo illrcctml "nor s. s. Vaderlahd"). SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, PORT UGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, .BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO, MAR IQUEZ, per 5. s. La Chumpugne via Havre (mall for other ports of Europo must bo directed "per s, s. Ia Cham pagne"), nt 7:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Columbia (mall must bo directed "nor s. n. Coltimbln."!. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER- T , Trd .11. . .. 1 . . . , 1 1 iuxmjo uiiuui, iiur b. s. iwnnicruum miau must bo directed "per s. s. Amsterdam"); nt 8:30 a m. (supplementary 10 it. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Umbrla via Queens town; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, ucr s. s. Anchorln (mall must bo, dlrectcTl "per a. s. .Anchorla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer innes iTinteu Ainiter. uornmercial I'a pors and Samples for Germany only. Tho oamo, claso of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not bo, sent by this ship unless specially directed by it. After tho closing ol tho Supplementary xiuimuiiuuiiu mans namca aoove, aaai tlonal Supplementary Malls aro opened nn the piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers audi re main open until within .Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for Sooth aud Central America, West ladles, Etc. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 a. in. for INAOUA and HAITI, pvr s. . Mt. Vernon; at 0:80 n. m. for FQRTlJKtJS ISLAND, per s. s. Andes (mall for Haiti must bo directed "per s. s. Andes"); at 12 m. for BARBA DOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, tier h. a. Cearenso; at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. in. j lor uahamab, per s. D. Ainanco (mall must be directed "per s. s. Al- Ima (mHll for Grenada nnd Trlnlrlnl must bo directed "per k. s. Roralmn"); nt 11:30 l. in. iur JAMrtiv-fl, ur a. s, AUmir.1l Sampson, from Philadelphia. THUHSDAY-At 8 n. m. for CUBA. YU CATAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other narts of Mexico must Im iilrect "per h. s. Monterey"): at 8 a. m. for liiait.iiuiJ.v, per h. s. inniuaa; at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHA MAS, GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, por h. b. Saratoga. FRIDAY" At 11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami. Fla. flATtinilAY At 9 n. m. for Pn If Tr Ttinn per s. s. San Juan via San Juan; at i a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) 'or CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. . Zulla ,(mall for Bavanilla and Cnrtaitena must bo directed "per s, s. Bulla"): at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A- vAniiiua, uAiiiAtiuiA ana UREY TOWN, per s. fl. Athos (mall 'for Costa Rica must be directed "por s, s, Athos"); nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, nor . r Mnrni Castle via Havana; at 11 a. m. for Ain.ii-.rsiir.ti, iiiiuuuAi ana para- uuai, per s, n, oauor iTince. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thenco by steamer, closo at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). MnlU for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thenco by steamer, ntnan at this ofllco daily ut 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., nnd thenco D" steamer, closo at this office nany exctpi nuuuay ui o;aj a. m, HiinitftVM at 4:30 It. m. (the rnn. nectlng closes are on Sunday, Wednesday nnd Friday), Malls for Mexico City, over land, unloja spoctally addressed for ills, patch by, steumer, closo at this nfflm dally. excent Siindav. m 1:0 p, m. und 11:30 p. in. Mulls for Costa Rica, Bcllie. Puerto Cortex and Gtmte inala, hy rail to New Orleans, and thenco Dy steamer, cioau ui hub oiiico daily nt i;30 11. m. (connecting closes lmr Mnn. days for Belize, Puerto.Cortcz nnd Ouute mala, und Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. previous uay. Tritnspacllla Mulls. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Jan uary '20, inclusive, tor aispatcn per s. s, vicioriu. Malls for Australia t'escept West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europo). New Zea land. FIJI, C4moa ana tiawai), via San Francisco, close. here dally at 6:30 p, m, after January 11 and up to February !, inclusive, or on arrival of s, s. Saxonla, due at New York February 1, for dls patch per s.. Sierra, Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji 1:30 p. m.) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS and BRITISH, DUTCH nnd FRENCH GUIANA, ner s. V Rom. POJTorFtdiS notice;- Islands, iu Vum-ouvrr. close hero dally ia 6;S0 p. in. up toT'ehruary inclushr, lor dispatch per s. s, Moanit (supplement ary mnlls yln Pontile and Victoria clof here at 6:30 p. m. Felnuarv 2. Mall must be d rcted "via Vniirnuvrr"i. Malls for llo wall, China, Jat.nn and Philip Pine slaiuK via Sun Francisco, closi neru tmuy m ; . in. up in, February 2. Inclusive, for illsnnteh nr d nhin. Mnlls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Snn Francisco, close here dally at 6.30 p. in. u,, iu ruurunijr --t, iiiuiusivo, lOT IMS- patch per a. Australia. Mails for China nnd Japan via Henttln cioso ncre nnuy ,nt b:ju it. m. up to Febru ary 5, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, lyo Mnru. (Heglstrred mall must be di rected "via Srnitln"!. Malls for Hawaii via San Fra&r.Nco. close nero ooiiy hi o:w ti. nt. up to February 10, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Ala'- meda. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip- IMiiti minim III nnii j rKIICIHCO CIOSO Hero llhllV at. fi!3fl tt. nt. tin In EVI.rimri. tn Incluslvo, for dtspatth per s. s. Doric. ' Mulls lor China and Japan, via Vnncouver, i'iubo ncre uiiiiy ni o;w p. in. up 10 I'Oorii- nry IS, inclusive, for dispatch p6r s. , Empress of China. (Registered mall must be directed "yln Vancouver." Merchan dise for tho U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via Can ada.) Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port of a. .I I II ..nil.. ... I .. . . . . I I . pi.iimih imiiy nun mil BUIinilUlO Ol CJOSlUg is nrranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland trsnMt. Regis tered ifinll closes nt 6 p. m previous day. Postofllcc, New Y'ork, N, Y.', Jan. 24, 1902. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED for U S. army, able-bodied un- inurricu hiph ueiween nges or 21 nnu SJ, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and tempcrnto habits, who cun speak, read and wrlto English. For information apply to Recruiting Ofllcer, 16th nnd Dodgo sts., Omaha, Nob. Jleod M31 RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION-IOTH AND MARC V. Illinois Central. Tnvit l,.iit. Chlcaco Express a itM nm n kma n'm Chicago, Minneapolis & hi. j-aui i.imitoo......a 7:txj pm a 8:03 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am MOiSS pm Chicago Express nl0:85 pm ChtciiKO t NorthtTnatcrn. "The Northwestern t.ln Ch cago Special a 7:10 am nll:20 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8i00 nm Eastern Express nl0:5f. nm a 4:03 pm Eastern Special a 4:63 nn n 4:03 pm ram .nun a 2:40 pin Omuha-Chlcago L't'd..a 7:45 pm a 9:20 nm Fast Mull a 8:30 am Cedar Rapidr Pars n S:30 nm Twin City Express a 7:05 am nl0:25 nm Twin City Limited ,a 7:65 pm a 8 40 nm Sioux City Local a 6:15 am a 3:50 pm nliimli. St. Louis "Cantion Bail" Express ......... ..a 6:15 pm a 8:20 nm St. Louis Local, Council Biuns 10:00 nm al0:30 pm Chleairo. MllwiiuUeu .V; Mt. Paul. Chlcaeo Limited a 6:00 nm a 8:03 .tm Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Missouri I'milUc. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:23 pm w. wv, uAyivNiujuu iiii a. una am uuicimo, imuk Inuiuil .t 1'nolHo. EAST. Des Molncs and Dav enport Local .' a 7:35 am n. 9:33 nm Chicago Express bllilS am a 6:0o pm Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm bll:50 am Chicago Fasi Express. .a 4:3s pm a 1:25 pm ana ana uaicago a :ic pm a 8:20 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo, Springs, , Denver, rue 010 aua West 1:30 Dm n. 41S lira Coloiudo, Oklahoma & Tcxus Flyer a j::o pm a 9:59 am l. II. 11 II I't.l'llKI. Overland Limited .... .a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm ...a.'8:60 urn a 3:25 pm ..a 4:26 pm ..ttlLW pm a 4:35 Din Fust Mall Cullfuinia Express.. Faclllo Express ..j... liuetern express Atlantic .xpiosa a 7:00 um Lincoln-BtrumauurK Kx.b 4:05 om iU:m m,, Grand Island Lvcai u 5:ju pm b y;jo am a Dally. BURLINGTON STAllON-lOTII A MASON 1 CIiIcoho, Uurllnuton jf tluliicy. LiAAVA. 1,H. Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0:20 pm Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex.. a 4:00 pin a 7:45 am wiuvaau -".- m.w uiu n, livv) pm fhlnnn L.lmlted a. 7:So mn n 7iK u " ,. - ... . . ITnc, Mull - n D.iA a 2!40 pm lluriluuton 4k Mlnaonrl lllvri. Wymore, Beatrice and MuhrriNkiL ICxDresa a 8:40 nm n 7..i nm Lincoln . s:40 an. bU:05 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pin a 3:UU nm t,i..i. mil. ....A UIUVH AA.tlv M,u u,gi Sound Denvor Con nection a 9:00 pm a 6:45 nm Lincoln Fast1 Mall b 3 O) pm a 8:17 am Fort Crook and Platta- mouth b i:20 pm bll:05 am Bellevuo & Pncitln jct..a 7:'.u pm a 8:20 am Bellovuo & Pacific Jet. .a 3:00 am Knimna Cll), Si. Ui.He,ilt .v Cuiiuell BlufTa. t " .. n .. l' " I , .. Tl r. If- M a.4A n .n L nUHDaa 1 1 J wn, . . . o.3 .tit, I V U . I.I.J H Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 0:15 am SL Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm uli:i5 am a Dally. I' Dally except Sunday. WEUSTER DEPOT l.Tl'II A WEBSTER wave. Arrive. Fremont, ElUliwrii A .tiUxourl tuiiuy Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Cusper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City Superior-, Geneva. Exeter and Sowar!. ...b 3:00 pre b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln nnd , , Fremont b 7:70 am b 10:23 am Fremont Local o 7:20 am Mlasourl Pnclllo. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am CIiIuuko, si. l'nuj. .liliiueapoJU .j flan Iih . Twin City Passenger.. .a 6:30 am a 9:15 pm Hlnnv flltv PiiHRnneer..a 2:45 nm n1l:0fim Emerson Local b 6:30 pm .b 8:15 am n Tiallv b Dally excent Sunday, r Run. day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally :cept Monday. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE . Jew York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, 8. M. Jew Twin-Screw s. s. of 13,000 tons register. Steamer Amsterdam Fob. 1, 10 A. M. Steamer 0131611(13111 Fob. S, 10 A. M. Steamer Maasdam Fob, 15, 10 A. M. Apply to Holland-America Line, 39 B'way, N. Y.; Harry Moores, 1115 Farnam St.; Louis Neese, First National Bank. PREFERS DEATH TO LAWSUIT Defaultlnir Accotintnnt In Alaska Cut IIU Throat When Nlmrtnuc Ilei'onira Ruotvn, BRATTLE, Wash., Jan. 28. A special to tho Times from Dawson, January 27, says: Thomas Mlddloton, chief accountant for tho Yukon territory, has committed sulcldo rather .than suffer arrest for embozzlomcnt. Ho was a natlvo of Leods, England. Ho had been missing for several dnys, during which a thorough examination was mode of his books nnd a shortage approximating 10,000 was discovered. When' confronted with proof of his dofnlcntlon ho offered no excuse and was cool ond collocted. Whon tho interview was terminated ho oxcusod hlmsolf a moment. A hocond later tho officers heard the fall of a body followed by groaning. Mlddloton had cut hln throat from car to oar. John Durand wns killed In tho shaft of the Thlrty-flvo Ilolow vmlne on Hunker crook. The opposing stngo lines to Whllo Horso and Whlto Pass aro having a rate war. Tho faro' was originally 1125, hut tho com panies commenced cutting, rates and now tho Whlto, Horso routo charges $60. ltieeti Alexandra, Iiiillnpnued. WINDSOR, England, Jan. 28, Queeu Alexandra is again slightly Indisposed awlnt; to eoldi This has caused a post ponement nf Klnit Edward's return to London,