THE OMAHA DAILY 3113 Et WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1002. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grain Pit! F.ll.w of tat. tut Gum MARKET 15 ERRATIC ALL THE 8ESII0N pnrvoimtes nnil aiiiiirroiis Flucltiit tlotm ChnrnoterUc Trnillnn-Whent and Com Clnsp t'liehniiKCil, lint Oals nnil Provisions Lower. CHICAaO, Jan. 2S. Tho grain pits took Ihclr cues from oats today, which Btltl hnd tho center of Interest. When thoy opened Jlrm all tho other pits bracel up, but when thoy dropped 2o ngaln on renowod selling wheat nnd com followol after. Tho small ntsa of trndo and tho nbsenco of other potent Influences stendled tho pits toward tho closo nnd Mny wheat nnd May corn closed unchanged from yesterday. May oata lost Vic nnd provisions closed 6c to X2Vo lower oats wcr'o nervous and fluctuations wero wide nearly nil tho Reunion. May options tartcd a shade higher on llvo offerings and under tho Inflitenco of nn apparent ob Bonco of tho tcrrlblo pressure- that near y brought collapso yesterday. May ovon sold up to 42?4c but then country holders turned liberal Bollcre. Many longH with small margins wero pressed by calls for heavier margins at tho opening und some of theso woro Bliakon out. This brought a break for May down toJOa. Support then developed. Thoro wns also considerable covering on tho breaks. and putting out of Bhort lines nn tho Blight advances. May soon reacted to 42c and closed eay, Wo down at UfttMJc. Receipts wero 131 cars. Gossip on tho board today had It that yesterday's furoro wan duo to tho shaking out of a prominent Kansas City operator, who was long about J.GOO.000 bushols of May oats. After Satur day's break of lo Uio commission houses that worn handling this man's lino began calling for margins. .Thero was no re Hponso and tho llrst Uilng at yesterday s opening they begnn nolllng out tho lino to protect themselves. This brought on tho fear of Ilvtten soiling and tho break rp miltod. Tho Kansas City operator Is Bald not to bo In any danger of failure, having rondo good all his homo bills. Wheat had a fairly Kood business Thoro was llttlo In tho wuy of nows of Import unco and tho moderato ups nnd downs of tho market wero largely duo to local con ditions. Cables wero slightly bettor and th. world'H vlslblo supply showed a good decrease. There was rain In tho southwest which gav courago to tho bears, but It was tho oats dip that brought tho principal fluctuations In this pit. Tho comparative firmness of tho coarse grains at tho open ing hiul helped wheat materially. May opened unchanged to 14c Jilghor at iiMfl 77THO and ovun touched 78c. Naturally on this strength wheat was quick to respond to anything that would Influcnco a chnngo In coarso grains. When corn and oats began to dip then early buyers got dis couraged nnd cold. This, with somo fur ther liquidation and a fair amount of short Helling, sent May down to W'MnSic This dip was short-lived, and whon tho coarso grains rallied May wheat advanced ngaln to a steady closo, unchanged at 77c. Local receipts wero 4-1 cars, nono of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 428 rammiiklnir a total for tho threo nolnts of 472, against 40S last week and 321 a year ago. primary receipts wero vu.uw nunneis. I'ninnnrnd with 393.000 bushels last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 276,000 bushels. Tho world's vlslblo supply (lccrcaseu imsncin. na neu. board reported only 10 loads taken for ship ments. .... Horn started out stronir. broko sharnly with oats, but later showed a tendency to bold up well. The pit was surprised that only a comparatively small number of top-loss orders wero uncovered at 00c, as If It was generally made at this llguro tho market would run into neavy liquidation. Instead thoro was a fair ln-ostmcnt do tnnnil from llin southwest. Somo lmnor- tnnt short coverlne took place and tho market developed a strong undertono.' In a snort timo May, wnicn nau uroppeu irom 61Ho to t"i9c, was back at Clc. Tho closo was steady, unchnngod at COHtfTGOftc Re ceipts wero Jti cars. Provisions wero fairly active and some what norvotls. Thero wns a considerable linn of long pork liquidation and tho tern- fiorary weakness of grains brought a slump n pork, nut tho market waB much Htromrer In fcellnir than yostorday and re covered a good portion of tho loss. Hog receipts woro light at tho yards, but tho market thoro was rather slow. May pork Hold between 115.90 and S15.G214. and closed 1214c down nt S15.67H. May lard closed 6(8 V'.io ore at js.ajii anu Aiuy nus tc lower at 18.35. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, curs, corn, u ixirs; utu, w earn; nuu, Vju ncaa. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.Ycs'y, Wheat Jan. May July Corn Jan. May . July Oats Mav July Sept. Pork Jan. May , July Lard Jan. i May July Rlbs Jau. May July ...J. 771i 40 77 57',! V-ju'.i'.iii if.' "M twW';i A. 41T45el214214iOti 15 42V4 15 K7(4 15 80 15 55 15 SO 15 9214 9 22V4 9 40 0 1714 9 32V41 v w 9 47V4 8 ir, 8 371 8 GO 8 1214 8 35 8 20 8 40 8 50 8 47',4! Ko. 2. Cash niiotntlons were ns follows: FLOUR Easy: winter patents, $3.80 .w; Biraignis, j.i.iikji.i.ou; cienrs, j..uru.i.b'i; spring speclnls. $1.30; patents, $3.60f3.80; Biraums, i.ivUJ.iu W11B.VT-NO. 3 spring. 7071Vfcc; No. red. S3:c. OATS-No. 2. l2Uc; No. 2 white, 4314c; No, D WIIUO, 4It4lH)C. llVK-Vn. 3. RXUp. IIARLEY Kair to cholco maltmg, BSC2c, SEEUS-No. 1 flax, $1.C7: No. 1 northweBt orn, $1.7114: prime timothy, $6.43; clover, 'vontrnct grado. $9.50. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $13.60 Cfl5.C5. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.179.20. Short ribs sides (loose), $8.05iT.2S. Dry salted tdioulders (boxed r. $7.12144(7.25. Short clear Bides (boxed),' J3.30fifi.TO. WHISICY-Dasls of high wines, $1.32. The following wero the receipts and ship ments of grains yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 32000 29.0CO Wheat, bu .83,000 93,000 Corn, bu 121,000 90,000 Oats, bu 227,000 261.000 Rye, bu G.00O 3,000 liartey, bu , 88,000 9,000 On the Produco exchange today the but ter market was llrm; creameries, 15fl25o; I dairies, Hij'JOc. Cheese, steady, 10146 11c. J Eggs, llrm; fresh, 2iV4c NEW YORK GE.NKRAI, MARKET. Quotations of the Huy nn Ynrlona Comuioilltles. NEW YORK. Jan. 28.-FLOUR-RecepU, 21,218 bbls.; exports, 2,535 bbls.; continued barely steady and unchanged ns to price; winter patents), $3.7504.00; winter straights, S3.G0ft3.72: Minnesota untents. S3.E0ii4.10: winter oxtras, $2,90i83,20; Minnesota bakers, .$2.93a30; winter low grades, $ Ryo Hour, dull: fnlr to good, $3,201(0.40; cholco to rnncy, ;s.ouij3.,.. COHNMEAL Easy; yellow wcnUrn, SI 27: city. S1.2S: Mrnndywlno. $3.0U5i3.70. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, G6!c; stnte, &h;Io. e. I. f.. New York, carlots. IIARLEY Quiet; feeding.. 60c; mnltlng, t3 (fli.e, i'. i. I,, inmaio. WHEAT Rerolpta. 70,300 bu.; exports, 144,915 bu. Spot, steady: No. 2 red, 8C?ic, f. . b., afloat: No. 2 red, 8Sc, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 85Hc, f. o. b., nltont; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 87Uc. f. n. b.. nllo.-il: advancing a llttlo nt the start on foreign buying and absenco of pressure wheal turned weak, owltu: to a bad break in coaruo grains, but milled again on a largo decrao In Mradstreot's vlslblo and cover ing or snorts, closing stenuy nt uuciiangeit nrlres. Mnrch closed. Sic: Mil V. 82 13.16 fCHc clos-od nt 83Ho; July. 82tlSl 7-16c, cioseu at msic. CORN Rccolnts. 18.000 bu.: oxnorts. 43.2S0. Bpot, stoady; No. OSTic, elevator, and CGTic. f. o. b.. nfloat. Althotmh llrm nt tho opening on a demand from shorts corn sus tained later Heaviness tnrougu inu oats break, from which It finally rallied, with wheat and Biniill counter orforlngs. Closed steady. Ho net decline. January closed, C3i,c; Mny, r,mfi65ie. closed nt ta?c; July, OATS-ltecelpts, 109,5X bu.: exports, 43,200 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 4614c; No. 3, 4Gc; No, 2 wniie, io; ;so. a wniie. H)jc; iriuic, mlxea western, 4C5i47c. Option market at tho west experienced another heavy decline umier a owir rum, trom wnicn it inter rai , lied on covering. .' HAY Qulot; shipping, 6063c; good to Choice. S7Hj90c, HOPS Dull; state, common to choice. pi crop, ujvuic; ivw crop, eyu'c; ihyj I I i ""is" vwm 1VA 77fc ' I i ' "' f,li i 42H 40 4 37H scj; i ssttfl aiS 4 1.14214 15 271.4 t 15 92Vfe 15 f2',4 4 18 05 15 G74 9 20 0 17't 4 8 40 !) 30 4 0 50 0 40 8 15 8 03 4 8 42U 8 324 8 BO 8 45 crop, 617801 Paclfia coast. 1901 crop, U'ift IXUn 1r nrnn. SCT1i! 1M eroi UIUKH-Dillli Oalveston, 20 to 23 lbs., IS01 Cnllfornln. 12 lo 23 lbs., 1914o! Tqxns dry. 29 to 30 Ihs., UWc. IjiJATlIRU-Steadyi hemlock sole.Hi';nos Ayrcs, light to heavyweights, 2ia2o',4c. WUOLf-HtPudy; domestic lleccc, 27c; Texas, HVai7c. I'HOVIHIONH Henf. nil Pt! ffltniiy, H.ryJfl3.(j0: mess, J9.50fJ10.OOi beef bams, 20.00fj21.00; packet, I0.6011 11.50! city, extra India mess, $17.&0?il9.60. Cut meats, nlllPt; pickled bellies, W.75lo.(i0; pickled shoulders, i; picKieu nams, w.itu'io-'"- inru, nareiy steady; western steamed, $9.n0j rellned, ( continent, Vi.K South America, 10.fi5j compound, 8.(XfS.23. I'ork. easy; family. J17.2J-, short clear, H8.0oy20.00; mess, K!.noi)17.(l). iiu 1 1 iieceipis, y,;M pKgs.; iirm; slato dairy. 15ff23ci creamery, lG1i25c.i Juno creamery, iSfjCio; factory. VStflic. CHKKSH Hecelpts, 2,327 pkgs,; firm! fnncy large, 10ici tnncy small, state, full crenm, HHffllici fancy Inrge, early mailu, whlto, -105c: fancy small, early made, white, UMfcliVSc. KQ08 Hecclpts, 1,733 pkgs.: llrm; state and I'cnnsylvnnla, 2$ft29c; western un candled, at mark. 2Sc ,3WJ4&AV AVVV, 11.111. 1111 1 ,'tl lllllf, W.I-.UV, contrlfugal, 96 test, 3 ll-lGc; molasses, sugur, i id-iwj: rennea, nrm; crusneti,; pow dered, 4.8."c: granulated, 4.75o, COFFKK quiet No. 7 Illo, OHc MOl.ASSKS-Steady. 1'OUL.TllY Alive, firm: springers. 9c. turkeys, 1010V4c: fowls, 11c. Dressed, steady; springers, 10V41IlV4c; fowls, U)Wit 11c: turkeys, l2V4W13c. MiOTAIjS Tho featuro In today's metal markets was nn unexpected advancu of fully In tho prlco for copper. This guln, It was said, was duo to an effort to get tho market to sag llko a normal basis, us tho recent dccllno of 6c from tho ton prlco of J17, which was quoted tho mlddlo of De cember, wnH said to be qulto unwarranted by tho commercial conditions. Today's prices wero 111.50 for lake, $U.25,'rf'11.37V4 for oieciroiytioanu jii.i.'.wn.z.. tor casting. Tim London market declined 6s for spot, but futures wero unchanged and both positions closed nt 60. Tin was about 10 points lower here and easy at tho dccllno at 21.&o (hC3.(Vi for snot At I,ondon ntices cloned 15s lower at 107 6s for spot nnd 103 6s for futures. Iicad wns unchanged at $1.10. London wns Is 3d lower at 1015s9d. Spel ter was 2V4 points lower at Now York at (1.2714. London was 2s Cd higher nt 17. Iron wan qulot, but steady nnd unchanged hero. Tho Kugllsh markets wero lower. Glasgow closed at 4810d. Mlddlesborotlgh closed at 4lHj'id. Pig Irgn .warrants closed huro nt Sll.00ttl2.00: No. 1 northern foumlrv. 16.6017.W; No. 2 northern foundry, J16.(io8 iu.,u; no, x soutnern lounciry. Jli.?ni5.&o; No. 1 southorn foundry, soft, iltt.uoQi6.60. OMAHA WIIOLBSALIl MAHKCTS, Condition of Trnite nnil (luotntlnna on Mtnplc and frnicy Produce. Kaas Itccelnts moro liberal: market un settled; fresh stock, 20c. LlVlJ 1'OULTltY-Hens, 6V4Q7cs old roosters, 3U4c; turkeys, 7Q9o; ducks nnd geese. 7S8c: snrlm; chickens, per lb.. CWW 7c. DRESSED POULTUY-Turkoys. 1012c; ducks, 910c; geese, OQlOcs spring chickens, 8fiS4c: hens, 7V4a8c. UUTTER Common to fnlr, 14Hc: choice dairy. In tubs. iS'Unc: separator, 23j2lc. I'liu.u; I'usti uiacK nass, isc; wmto bass, iocs bluetlsh, 12cj bullheads, 10c; buf faloes, 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, 10c; crupplcs, 11c;. halibut, lie; herring, 60; haddock, 9c; pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12c; sun llali. Cc: trout. 9c: whltellsh. 8c: nlcknrel. Gc; fresh mackerel, each, 20S3oc; smelts, 10c. OYSTERS Mediums, per can, 22c; Stand- (.1.10, mil. v All 11 Btjll-IJIB, )Or CI1I1, 33o; Now York Counts, por can, 40c; bulk Standards, per gal., J1.201.23; bulk extra selects. si.0091.C5; bulk New York Counts, per gal.. S1.75. riubuiNH-Liivc, per uor., coc, VEAI-Cholco. (V&Sc. CORN-Ncw, C4c; old, 64c. OAT8-C2C. HAY Prices nuoted bv Omnhn Whnln. sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up- ianu, a; ino. a upiana, w; medium, 17.60; aro for hay of good color and quality. Dc- jnuiiu juir. xveccipis xicavy. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Homa urnwn. SI; nnrth.m $1 Salt Lake, 11.10; Colorado, $1.10. (JAJlllU'lH i'er DU.. 760. HBBTS-Por bu. basket. GOo. TURNIPS Per bu.. 50c; nutnhnrna. nAr 1 rv I V. (i ' PARSNIPS Per bu.. COc. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doz.. $2.40. LETTUCE Head, ner hhl.. lfi.RO? nouso lonuce, per uoz jsio. fAi.aus t-er aoz., s&c. RADISIIES-Per dox., 25c. awiiicx ruiAiuiia-iiomo grown, per 1U., rtuiiatui, pur UUI., o.a. OA H BAG HI Holland seed, crated, l?ic, CAULIFLOWER Per crnto. S2.75. ONIONS Spanish, por crate, $2.25; Mich igan, rcu or yciiow, oc per IU. CELERY California. 407:i. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, $5. JfUlHTS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., 54.0CX3I.60; Wlnesaps, $5; Jonathans, $5.60; Belleflow ers. ner box. $1.75. PEARS-Vlkors, $2.25; Lawrence. $2.25Q 2.50. GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $8. CRANBERRIES Por bbl., $7.60; .per crate, $2.75. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.15. TROPICAL FRUITS. " ORANGES California navels, $2.75QS.O: budded, $2.50. LEMONS Fancy, $3.603.75; choice, $3.00 (03.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.25W2.75. FIUS California, now cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb., 12S?14c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Now crop walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 1114c; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; 'No. 2 hard shell, Uc; Brazils, per lb 14c; lllberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small, 10c; co connuts, per sack, $3,50. . HONEY Per 21-sccUon case, $3.25. CIDER-Nchawku, per bbl.. $3.25; New York, $3.60. POPCORN Per lb., 5c. HIDES-No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, Ec; No. 1 salted, 7c: No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 1214 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8013c; sheep polts, "f-c; horse hides. $1.602.25. Kniisna City Grain nnil Provision. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 28. WHEAT May, 75c; July, 74UQ74Kc; cash, No. 2 hard, 75 77c; No. 3, 74c; No. 2 red. 858oc; No. 3, 8lQ85c: No. 2 spring. 73ft74l4c. vaunts January, usuc; amy, oihc; cusn, No. 2 mixed. 61S42c: No. 2 white. 63W6lc: No. 3, 63c. UA'IU-NO, 3 WnitO, 45HH46UC. RYE-,No. 2, 60c. HAY Cholco timothy. $13.50I14.00: cholco prairie. $1X001X60. BUTTER-Creamcry. 1822c; dairy, fancy, 18c, EGGS Higher; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock nuoted on 'chanco at 22o nor doz., loss oft, cases returned; now wlutc- wnim cures inuiuueu. isc more. RECEIPTS Wheat, 3,200 bu.; corn, 60,400 bu.; oats, 20,000 biff SHIPMENTH Wheat, 32,000 bu.; com. 107,000 bu.; outs, 29,000 bu. Liverpool Grain nnd Provision. Livisiiruuu, Jan. .-wheat-bi . No. 2 red western winter, quiet, 6s lUil; No. 1 northern spring, steady, 6s 2d: No. 1 California, llrm, 6s 6d. Futures: Qulot; March. 6s d; May, 6s llld. CORN Spot: American mixed, new, no stocks; old, quiet, 5s M. Futures: Quiet; February, Cs lHd; Mnrch, Bs l',4d; May, 5s 114d. PROVISIONS Inrri, American refined, In pnlls, dull, 49s 3d; primo. western, in tierces. 49s 6d. CORN Spot. American mixed, old. aulet. OS Ml. . PEAS-Cnnad an. C3 3d. Receipts of wheat durlnir the lost three days. 187.000 centals. Including 170.000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during tho msi inrt'u uujn, iv,w cuuiiiits. l'lilliulelpliln Produce Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 23. BUTTER' wood demand; extra western crenmeiy, 25!4c; extra nearby prints, 2Sc. EGGS Firm nnd 2c hlchvr: frosh nenrbv. western und southwestern, 28c; fresh south ern, 26o. CHEESE Firm, fair demand: New York run creams, tancy smnii, ii-io; new York lull creams, rnir to cnoice, yyuc. Toledo ( nil n nnil Seed. TOLEDO. Jan. 28 WHEAT Dull, firm cash. S6;o: May, S6',ic: July, 81Uc. curn January, uic; ainy, iic; July 61Mc. OAT8--Actlvo nnd Mav. 43c: July. 3S!4c. llrm; January, 43c SUED Clover, January, $3.70; March, Mllnnukro Grain Market, MILWAUKEE. Jan. 28. WHEAT steady: no. i nortnern. ,5i4tf7Hc; No northern. 7lJi'76Uc; May, 77T4c RYE Weak: No. 1. tile. IIARLEY Lower; No. 2. 02GC3c; sample, ooijui-t. CORN-May, 6114c MiimFiipoll Wlicnt, Flour nnil Urnn MINNEAPOLIS, Jnn. 2S.-WHEAT-Cnsh 74c; May. nwnma', July, 75V4C on track io. lyimni. mc; jn(i. i nortnern, no; ino. northern. 7214c. FLO U R First patents, $3.7543.85; second patents, $3.tifif5.75; first clears, 2.6ui30.K second clears, 13.05. liRAN Lower; in uuik, $io.wifio.w. Ht. I.ouls drain nnd Provisions. ST. LOt'18. Jan. 28. WHEAT - Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 8llio: track. Ri 87Uc: May. 8IVio; July. 7711c; No. 2 hard, 77fiMc,.. . . rOHN-i-ower; iso. 2 casii, mtc; ircn, Me, May, ac; July, 62c . OATH Lower; No 2 cash. 43c! track, 41c; May, 4214c; July, 37c; No, 2 white, 4614C. llYE I Ajwer at 61c. KLOl'R Heavy; red winter patents, $3.!i5ft4.20; extra fancy and straight, $3.65f 3.70; clear. $3.fJ3.40. HHED-Tlmothy, $rt.0Og.3O. (ORNMi:Al-8tcady, $3.10. IIRAN Weak; sacked, cast track, $1. HAY Dull, weak; timothy, $11.60-813.50; prairie, $7.0UU12.50. I'ROVIHIONS-I'ork, lower; Jobbing, old, $15,305) 16.00; new, $16.00. Lard, lower at $9.10. Dry Biilt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear ribs, $8.50; clear sides, $8,75. Racon (boxed), Btcndy: extra shorts and clear libs, $9,25; clear slues, $9,50. METALS Lead, higher at $1.00. Spelter, weak and dull nt Sl.OfoffUO. POULTRY Qulot; chlekons, 8c; turkeys, 10c: ducks, 914c; geesc.v 5fj6c. MUTTER Higher; creamery, 18B.!5c; dairy, 152Cc. EtKIH Higher nt 24c. WHISKY Steady. S1.32. IRON COTTONTIES-SL MAGOlNO-SH-iieHc. HEMP TWINE 9c. i.ivr.ii i(3"-r nitu, uuin, i nnuui, 32,000 bu.: corn, 60.000 bu.; onts. 60,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 10,000 bbls.; wheat, 96,000 bu.; corn, 85,000 bu.; outs, 45,000 bu. MOVEMENTS IX STOCKS AND 1IONDS. i'nlr Deinnnil Due- to FnvornblJ At- llttulc of TrndliiK In Grnlns. NEW YORK, Jan. 2S.-A successful turn was mado ngnlnst tho shorts today In the stock market. How far tho day's demand for stocks represented now buying from ontsldo sources can only' bo conjectured. Conditions which wero mndo the ground for selling yesterday remained unaltered today, without nffcctlng the strong tend ency toward recovery. Tho weakness In tho grain markets, which yesterday was mado the basis of rumors of llnanclnl trou bles, wns turned to a bull argument today, as showing good conditions tor tho winter wheat crop. Tho formation by tho United Mlno Workers' union of flat demands for higher wages which depressed tho conlers yostorday was Ignored today. Tho report of December not earnings of tho Erlo nnd Reading systems wero equally Ignored. Tho decreaso'ln net earnings for tho Erie for tho month was $118,163 nnd tho decrease In tho surplus of the Reading for tho samo period was $218,218. Tho Southern railway also reported a decrcaso In net earnings in December of $88,700. All of theso stocks were nultn conspicuous for activity and strength. It Is Raid that part of tho selling of tho coalers had been In anticipation of this showing, nnd that today's buying wus short covering. Theso changes of senti ment Indicate tho professional character of the trading. Tho most Important Influence In the ndvanco was tho strong recovery of threo more points' In Amalgamated Copper. The dealings In this stock wero almost twice ns great as those In any other ono stock. Tho further ndvanco In raw. copper and the heavy liuvlntr in London wns taken to lndlcato that largo requirements havo neon lert uncovered, waning ior mo prico to touch bottom. Tho ndvanco In Amalga mated wns taken by speculators to lndlcato a scuumoni in tavor or an advance. ry tne Stundnrd Oil party, which bus long been supposeu to ravor quieiuiie in speculation, Coupled with a published utterance of J. P, Mnrirun. expressing confidence In th main tenance, of tho country's prosperity, tho effect wns to Impress speculators with the Idea that tho great financial powers wero ngaln in nccoru in ravoring ingncr prices for stocks. Tho upward movement broad ened nnd gained force up to the close, which wus nt about tho best and strong, Tho reported agreement maintain rates among western railroads and meat pack ers was a strcnsthonlnt; lnducnco. The speculation In sugar was based on tho expectation of an advance In the production and had an lmnortnnt sympathetic effect. As an incident of tho ndvanco there was n renewal of many old rumors or consolida tions nnd absorbttons Involving tho local tractions, tha Vnnderbllts. Chlcaeo & East ern Illinois nnd Loulsvlllo & Nashville, tho Chicago, inuinuapoiis & Ijouisviuo anu tne Evansvlllo & Tcrro Haute, and many others thnr have nrevlouslv been In Circulation. The statement In tho British House of Commons that n note from tho Dutch gov rrnment la under consideration, nrcsum ably bearing upon overtures for pence from tho Boers, helped tho closing .strength In he margot. Tlio boml market was strong and Indl vlrlonl bonds were not so overwhelmlnctv conspicuous as of late. Total sales, par vnlue,.l,3S5,ooo. unuca utatos Donas wero an unennngcu on me mm tun, Tho following nru tho closing prices on the Now yorK moca exenango: Atchison do pfd Bal. k Ohio... do pfd Canadian Pac. Canada So Ches. re Ohio.. . 76U So. Pacific . 96)i So. Railway .103 do pfd . 961 Tex. & Pacific... .112i,To!., St. L. & W. . 87il do pfd ,. 4fr8lUnIon Pacific .... . 34l do pfd . 76WWabash . 521l do pfd Culcagn. re A.. do nru Chi. Ind. & L. do nid , ij'!, v neei. re xj. iu. Chi. & E. 111.. Chicago G. W. 1H14' I .do 2d pfd.... iWls. Central .. 1 do 1st pin.... do 2d nfd 8115 ,i no prd Adams Ex.... 42 r.. & N. W.... ,214U'Amerlcan Ex. f n. T. P 157 iij. n. itix,... Phi. Ter. & Tr... 17 Wolls-Forgo Ex.190 do Did iii'A yiiniii. v-oppor iti p. a. c. & St. L.loo Amer. Car & F. . 29i Colorado So 11 do prd..., , Amcr. Lin. Oil., do pfd,..x Amer. S. re R.. do pfd Anac. Mln. Co. Brooklyn It. T. . S5? . 10 . 41 do 1st pici in. Del. & Hudson... 17311 Del. L. re W 270U Denver & R. G..". 43l4 . 96?. do ntd vi . 60 Erlo 39V6 'olo. Fuel & I. 71 iCon. Gas 831a do 1st prd.. do 2d nfd.. . 50 i;on. 'rob. pfd.. Gen. Electric .. Gt. Nor. nfd. ,.18551 1 . osh .279 hock, vaney tiiucoso sugar . Hocklng.Conl .. . 501. do ptii bz lllltinlH Central. ..110 . U 'l . 19'i . 751i inter. Paper ..." do pfd Inter. Power .. Lncledo Gas ... Iowa Central .... "9V4 do nfd 74'i . 7 . 90 iiko wrie re v .. o do nfd 12li na. tliscuit ...... 44H National Lead.... 19'J L. re N 103W Manhnttan L 133U National Bnt 30 6(1 Met. St. Ry 17lVi Mex. Centrnl .... 29 Mux. National .. 151 i uo piu No. American . Pacific Coast .. . 89 . 73-H i.i.... p. a. t ,ioov; I'acnic Mall ..iiiiii. ni, u,i..iwvi.-., .ti . 41) Mo. Pacific ......lOS5 reoplo's Gas .., .loi; M.. K. re T..., . 2i -rseii a. jar, do nfd . 40; do Hid Sli N. J. Central. .190 iPullman P. Car. .221 N. Y. Central Norfolk & W. .161V4 Republic Steel.... 1614 do nfd Ontnrio & W. ... MA ...'Bit ... 62; ... 62 H Tenn. Coal re I. Union Bag & P. U3 13 Pennsylvania Rending no prn U. S. Leather... do pfd U. S. Rubber..., do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Western Union.. no 1st piu... do 2d nfd.... St. L. & S. F. do 1st pfd,. do 2d pfd 74V flt. L. Southw.... 26U do nfd 59 St. Pnul 163T1' Amer. f.ocomo,. do pfd 187 do pfd Tho Commercial" Advertiser's Tondon fliiHnclnl cablegram says: Tho announce ment that the Boers had recently made proposals looking toward pcaco sent KntUrs Boanng louay. -jneso siocks nun neen buoyant all tho day, but when Bulfour mane tno announcement m tne House o Commons retrnrdlnir neaco overtures tin shnrcs went mad on tho street after tho closo nnd tho excitement was creator than even In tha boom of 1893. although business is less nno mainiy prntessionni, witn Bomo ciiiiuiienuu uuying. illo puouo IB us yet Inclined to hold nloof. but probably will jump In on the advance. A characteristic iciiiure or tne market is its rcmarKanio width. Instead of Isolated bulges. Thoro Is no local activity In American stocks, but they respond to New York orders. Rio tlMOB fpurted l on tho strength of Amnl gamateu copper ana on tno nrst rnuy, in mo pneo or inuo copper Binco tno cut was mndo below 17c. The methl here reacted ?iJWd per pound after yesterday's Jump of 1'Jd. American contango begnn at 314 and eased off on the scarcity of stocks. Gold to the amount of 6,000 has gone out io tsouin America. .Money rote tend to uo easier on coiuinemi competition. Pari exenango is and Benin 20.4414. Now York Mlnlnir Slock. NEW YORK, Jan. 2S.-Tho following nro ino cioaniK pricwn on mining siocks; Adams Con 20 Alice 45 Breece 2li5 Brunswick Con,,, 8 Com. Tunnel .... 5 Con. Cul .i Va.,100 Dead wood Terru. W) Horn silver 160 Iron Silver 63 Lcadvllle Con.,,, 6 Llttlo Chief 11 Ontnrio ..,.,...,,.750 Ophlr so Phoonlx 6 Potosl g navngo 4 Sierra Nevada.... 14 Small Hopos 3S Standurd 315 Ilnnk ClunriuB. OMAHA, Jan, 28. Bank clearings today, $1,000,860.73; corresponding day laat year, $1,033,882.62; decrenso, $27,015.89. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 28. Clenrincs $17,861,891); balances, $2,022,778; money, 5 per NEW YORK. Jnn. 2S.-Clenrlngs, $308,664 101: balances. $16,157,437. BALTIMORE. Jan. 28.-CIcarlngs, $3,668, 887: balances. $292,266: money. 4Vt ner cent.. BOSTON. Jan. 2K.-Cleartngs, $23,703,613 bo lances. $2,638,634. . CHICAGO, Ju. .-Cloarlnvs, 21,343,063 balances, $3,729,745! postnd exchnngf, $4.W for sixty days, $4.M on demand; Now York exchange, ii-loo premium. 8T. LOUIS, Jan. 2S.-CTerlnts, $7,744,561; hn ntirM. 11.170 (,7. mnnnv ItlSlAll t,f K.iil. New York excluuige, fio premium. CINCINNATI, j7tn. 2S.-Clcarlngs, $2.634,. 700! money, 314H514 per cent; New York ex change. 25a lirnmlnm. ynr York Moner Mnrket, NEW YOR1C. Jan. IS. MONEY On eall. tcarly, 2tft per cent: closed, bid and nsked. 2irj'21i per cent; prima mercantile paper, 4y er com. STERLtNG EXCHANGE Easv. with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $1.871.84 for demand and at tt.filU for slxtv iluvs: posted rates, $1.831.88; commercial bills, 4.M1t4.8IS. Hiijviiu uar, 5514c; Mexican dollars, 41ho. 1JONDS Government, steady; Btate, teady; railroad, strong. Tho closing uuotatioiis on bonds nrn ns follows: U. S. ref. 2s, rcg. 108)4 L. & N, unl. 4s. 101 Mex. Centrnl 4s.. 83 no coupon iobh uo .is, rcg mi do coupon 10.VJ4 do now 4s, reg.,139 iln coupon ltd do is tno sli M. re St. L. 4s.. .101 M., K. & T. 4s... 98 UO H i N. Y. Central 1s.10.IU do gen. 3Vis lOS'i do old 4s, rcg... llHd do coupon Ul do 6s, rcg los do coupon 107 1.1 N. J. C. gen. 6s. .130 No. I'nc. 4s 105 Mo 3s 74 Atch. gen. 4s 103 do udj. 4s 92U Bal. & O. 4s lOlfi N. re. w. c. Reading gen. 4s.. 9m St L re I M o. BS.117-H do 314s 31i do con v. 4s 10,'iU 8t. L. & S. F. 4s. 96ft St. L. 8. W. Is... 98 Canada So. 2s... 14-V Cent, of Gil 6s,. Ill do 28 79 8 A & A P 4s.. 89 do Is Inc 79H Ches. & O. 414s. ,107k So. Pacific 4s 94 Ulll. ft Al 3KS... M 7. II & Q n. 4s... 96 So. Itallwav 6s. ..120 Tex. re Pac. Is...l20ti T. St L & W 4s.. 83 C, M & HP g.4s.H3W J. iS. W. C. 18.14 Union Pacific 4s. .104 do conv. 4s 1061k Wabash Is 118 do 2s 11414 do deb. B 68 West Shore 4s.. ,11214 W, & L. E. 4s.... 93 Wis. Central 4s.. 88 Con. Tob. 4a...... 6814 C. R. I. & P. 48.109 t.'CCJ & H Ij tr. 4M.10.T Chlcnuo Tur. 4s. KK Colorado So. 4h... 9241 D. & R. G. 4s,. .1021.1 Erie prior 1. 4s., 9814 no Koncrni is... ki. F W A D C ls..1eU ,t . i - . . . , , , . . 1 IIUUH, VU1. 4S.,1US 'Bid. fluatnn Stock Clnolntlon. BOSTON. Jan. 2?.-Call loans. 3U(fI4U nor cent: time loans, 43(5 per cent. Omclal closing: Atchison 4s Gns Is Mox. Centrnl 4s. 102 83 8. 7614 96 263 19.! l! 165 210 171 1215'? Amalgamated Unities Bingham Cat. re llocla.. Centennial .... 7614 38 22?i 610 13)4 57'A 6l(k 1 13 , 21 , 33 1 22'4 , 81 i 31 N. E. O. & C... Atchison fin ttfd copper Range Boston & A Dominion uoai Franklin Is!o Royale .... Mohawk Boston re Mo.,, Boston Elov N Y, N 11 re II. li'ltnliliiirir nfd... Old Dominion , Osccolu 'M n ... Amcr. Sugur .... i Parrot (10 pii Amcr. T. re T... Dom. I. re 8 Gnn. Electric ... ,11714 15S Qulncv 140 3 Santa Fo Copper. . 1,1111.1 ttuiv . . Trlmountnln . Trinity 257 278l ::::& ... 13 .... 21 .... 6 :::: Mass. Elcctrc . 33 o N. E. G. & C... United Fruit ... U. 8. Steel iln lifil united states Utah Victoria Winona Wolverlno .... . 8614 , 43 , 93 , 21 Advcnturo Allouez , 3H London Stock Quotation. LONDON, Jnn. 28. 4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money., do account.. 93 Anaconda Atchison 13?'(6 Norfolk & W... do nfd 6J1 77i HS3J 101ft 116'4 23 V 166' 93' 2.1 , 64 16414 Ontario & W.... Pennsylvania ... do pfd Heading do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Baltimore re O... Canadian Pac,.., Chesapeake & o, Chicago G. W..., C M. & St. P... Denver & R. G., Southern Ry.... do pfd Southern Pac... Union Pacific... do pfd do Hid Erie U. S. Steel do 1st pfd do 2d nfd do nfd Wabash Illinois Central... do nfd :.. Louis, re Nash... Spanish 4s Rand Mines, ..... M., K. & T do pfd N, Y. Central..., Deucers BAR SILVER-Steady at 26 7-16(1 ner ounce. . MONEY 21451311 ner 'cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 31-16(ff3U ner cent, nnd for three months' bills, 3Q3!4 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Jnn. 28. Tho revenuo collec tions today denudd the market of sup plies of money, tho government disburse ments were small 'and tho Bank of Eng land was apparently borrowing. These conditions, with the state of foreign ex change, strengthened discounts In spite of the continental Inquiry for bills. The price of tho new cojnty council loan was fixed at 98. Beyond tho carry-over tho Stock ex change transactions wero narrow. Kaffirs wero tno liveliest section, iney nau a hardening tendency and considerable busi ness wus done on those securities. Specu lators wero encouraged with the easo with which tho account was adjusted. Consols wero fairly steady, considering tho large number of attractive securities giving a blither yield that are coming out. Homo rails hardened. Americans opened dull, but afterward hardoned. Atcnisons nnd union Pacifies wero dull. Americans were gen erally inanlmato and closed below the best prices of the day. Rio tlntos roeo on Paris support. Copper started llrm at 5014, be came Irregular, was active and closed quiet at 49. Peace rumors caused considerable excitement on tno euro mancei ami tnero were numerous transactions In Rands, but tho general advanco was small, Tho sum of 5,000 gold was withdrawn from the Bank of England today for shipment to South America. Gold premiums are quoted: mieiioH Ayres. ito.w: juaana, nomo. 20.1214. PARIS, Jan. 28. Prices opened firm on tho bourse tlilav. under the lend of Rio tlntos, but subsequently weakened owing to realizations In certain Parnulct stocks and closed Irregular. Rentes were dull. Spanish 48 reacted on a rumor mat cer tain Spanish deputies will opposo the finance minister. The Russian Industrials wero weak. Rio tlntos opened strong on New York advices and matntnlned their advanco in splto of offers for American nc- count and the dccllno in copper. Kaffirs absorbed most of tho nttention nnd so vera 1 Blocks were In great demnnd. Shortly be fore tho close tnero was some selling, but nevertheless the tone remained wood. Tho private rate of discount was unchecked today nt 2 13-16 ner cent. Threo ner cent rentes, lOOf 2214c for the account. Exenango on London, -or 120 for cnecKs. spanisn 4s closed at 77.52. BERLIN, Jan. 28. An abundance of money In the market today produced a cenerally favorable, effect on the bourse, Home, funds and Internationals were prin cipally effected. Mines fluctuated some what and banks were firm on tho declara tion of options dlscloslnir n bear account Canadian Pacifies were rather weak on New York advices. Exchange on London, 20m44Ut)fus. for checks. Discount rates: Short Kills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, . per cent. r Condition of the Treannrr. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the sen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reservo In tho division of redemption, snows: Avaiiubio cash balance, $174,108,545; (.unl, uj,vu.;liuu. Vlalhle Supply of Grain. NEW YORK. Jan. 28. Special telegraphic ccmmunlcntlons to "Bradstreet's show these cnanges in available supplies rrom last au r.onnlfi, Wheat, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies. (Increased 1.882.000 bu.: afloat for and In Europe. Increased 800,000 ou.; loini supply, decreased'.wu du. Corn, United States and Canada, cast of the Rockies, decreased 274,000 bu. Onts, United States and Canada, cast of the Rockies, Increased 85,000 bu. Among tho moro important decreases re ported to Bradstreot'B are those of 2,000,000 bu. at northwestern Intorlor elevators. 203. 000 bu. nt Chicago private elevators, 134,000 iiu. in woieau, ro.uuu mi. at bi. josepn ana 60,000 bu. at Akron. The leading Increases nro those or 45,000 bu. at Davenport nnd 30, 000 bu, at Port Huron. Oil nnd Rosin. OIL CITY. Jnn. 2S.-01L Credit balances. $1.15; shipments. 93,162 bbls.; average. 91.627 bbls.: runs, 76,220 bbls.; average. 74,027 bbls, SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jan. 28.-OIL Turpen tine, nrm. i.hjc. itosin, nrm; a, 11. 1; anu D, $1.25; E, $1.30; F. $1.35: O. $1.10! H. $1.15; I. $1.70; K. $2,25! M, $2.63; N, $3.23; W. G fU.t , IV IY,, t.OJ, NEW YORK. Jan. "S.-OIL Cottonseed weak: nrlmn vellnw. 40W41e. Petroleum. steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentlno, steady. TOLEDO, O., Jnn. 28.-OIL-North Lima. 85c: South Lima, nnd Indiana. 80c. LONDON, Jan. 28,-OIL-Llnsecd, 2S3 jujtu, , Kusnr Market. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23. SUGAR QirunKi open kbiiio, -Tnu-o; iijirn centrifugal, 2T43c: centrifugal granu lated. 4!Mf4 3.16c: white, 3fr3io: yellow, 3V4fi3 13-16c! ner-nmlu UiMUe. Molasses. Btcady: open kettlo, !0$fXo; centrifugal, Kt NEW Y(SllK- '.Tn 28. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 3 3.16c: centrifugal, 9t leni. J ll-ioc. MOIUSBCS Sugar, i lie lined, arm, OMAHA LITE STOCK MAKiET Antthir Light Ria of OattU aid Trtdt Ril AcliTt aid Itraif. HOGS SELL TEN TO FIFTEtN LOWER Demand for Sheep nnd l.ntnbs Eqiinl to the Snpply Market linen Not Show Much Choline from Monday. SOUTH OMAHA, Jnn. 2S. Receipts wero: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclal Monday 1,454 4,468 2,722 Omclal Tuesday 3,693 6,899 1,367 Two days this week... M47 1U67 To89 Same days last week.... 7,581 24,277 6,031 Same week before 8,215 11,916 8,383 Samo threo weeks ago,. 9.6CR 20,611 6,701 Same four weeks ago,.. 6,363 20,283 6.875 Same days laat year.... 4,800 12,205 7,171 Averago price paid for hogs at South Omaha the past several days with com parisons: Date. I 1K3. 1S01.1MO.UM.I1U3.1I7.1SM. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. I. ... IX 4M4S1 t C I IS I II 2..,. 4 9i 4 33 3 57 3 17 3 43 $.,.. 6 lift 4 K 4 3 S 57 S 44 341 4.... 2894 6 02 4 27 a 44 S 44 3 25 3 El 5.... 6044373 47 33S327 .... 6 2374 4 S5 3 4S 3 39 3 29 3 63 7.... t 1014 S 06 3 42 1 40 3 18 3 41 .... 609 606434 3 43 3 12 3 44 .... 15 6 14 4 38 3 45 3 14 3 64 10... 6 13U 6 25 4 33 3 50 3 43 3 64 II. .. 6 0(C 6 21 4 41 3 63 3 29 3 07 3 61 13... 6 17 4 43 3 60 3 47 3 14 13... G OOU 4 63 3 35 3 43 3 09 3 47 14... 6 12(4 6 16 3 60 3 49 3 16 3 53 15... 6 20 6 24 4 68 3 47 3 26 3 69 16... 6 15U 6 21 4 52 3 62 3 23 3 66 17... 6 17 5 20 4 4S 3 49 3 47 3 72 13... 6 2714 6 23 4 65 3 61 3 61 3 23 3 82 19... 5 27 4 64 3 64 3 61 3 26 20... 6.2714 4 64 3 66 3 60 3 26 3 00 21... 6 144 6 26 3 69 3 54 3 26 3 99 22... 6 02i 5 13 4 63 3 67 3 23 3 91 23... 6 03 6 14 4 59 3 56 3 23 3 86 24... 6 08 6 22 4 65 3 61 3 62 3 92 23... 6 14 6 13 4 48 3 60 3 63 3 35 4 00 26... 6 18 4 65 a 67 3 72 3 35 27... 6 1214 v4 62 3 63 3 67 3 30 4 11 28 5 22 3 68 3 62 3 27 4 10 Jan.' Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: , Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C, M. re St. I4 8 6 O. & St. L 111., Missouri Pacific 6 3 ., Union Pacific System 13 9 .. 1 C. & N. W 5 8 .. 1 F., E. re M. V 28 15 1 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 35 9 B. & M 40 16 2 2 C, B. re Q 9 6 6 .. K. C. & St. J 1 C, R. I, re P., cast.. 10 10 C.( R. I. re P., west.. 2 2 Illinois Central 1 4 .. 1 Total receipts 159 8S 10 6 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 586 1,298 swirt and company 720 925 Cudahy Packing Co 1,011 Armour & Co 677 R. Becker & Degan.... 28 Lobman & Co 46 W. I. Stephen 96 Hill & Huntzlngcr 57 Livingstone & Schallcr.. 71 Hamilton & Rothschild. 40 U F. Husz 33 11. L. Dennis & Co 15 Hammond Pkg Co A. 329 8. Sc S Other buyers 212 2,817 1,781 518 338 Total -3,929 7,312 2.065 CATTLE There was a light run of cattlo hero today for a Tuesday, which makes the supply for the two days this week considerably short of tho samo days of laat week, as will be seen from tho table of receipts given above. For that reason packers were all hungry for both steers and cows and sellers had no trouble In getting steady to strong prices for all de sirable grades of killers. The market was unusually active from start to llnlsh and everything was sold In good season. 1 There were only a few cars of beef steers Included In the receipts today, rand, as buy ers were out early nnd bid good, steady to strong prices for everything In the yards, It was not long before tho pens wero cleared. Some of tho cattlo were of good quality, but there were s few unswerlng to mat acsenpuon inui uuyera nuu iu luu tent themselves with the commoner grades and short fed cattle. The cow maritet, 11 anything, wns moro netlvn than the steer trade. Buyers rode fast and bid strong prices on anything at all desirable. Even tho medium kinds and ennners sold freely nt fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. It wns the most activo muriici an aruuuu miij. hub ui-uu seen in somo 111110 time. Buns, veal cnives anu sings aiso soiu readily at steady to strong prices. Thtr wnrn nnlv a few Btockers nndfeed- ers In the yards this morning and anything showing weight and quality was In good demand at steady prices. The light und common cattle, however, wero nugiecteu, tho same ns usual, and did not show much of any chango In price. Stock cows und heifers of good quality also commanded strong prices, ns the demnnd was fully equal to tllo supply. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No, Av.. 440 870 870 843 976 106S 976 1017 1014 928 960 1025 990 1006 , 1056 1138 1100 Pr. 2 25 2 75 4 (10 4 20 4 25 4 35 4 65 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 76 4 90 4 95 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 15 5 25 6 25 6 25 5 25 6 30 6 40 No. 63... 9... 33... 3... 14... 42... 13... 15... 15... 16... 19... 23... 11... 20... 1... 51... 17... 20... 110.. Av. ....1217 ,...1220 ,...1139 ,...10S0 ....1200 ,...1283 ... 930 ,...1182 ....1182 ....1151 ....1191 ....1023 ,...1279 ....1178 ....1290 ...1216 ,...1251 ....1214 Pr. 5 40 6 45 5 60 5 60 5 50 5 55 6 55 6 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 63 6 70 6 75 5 75 6 73 6 75 5 SO 6 85 6 85 6 90 6 00 6 03 6 05 6 05 6 23 6 35 1.. 1.. 1.. 6., 6., 5., 3. 4 10 10 25 23 22 3 9 21 6 21 21 4 39 20 22 ..1062 .. 972 .. 990 ..1128 ..1053 ..1130 .1355 .1480 1. 20 1233 5 1370 38 1321 36 1288 0 1269 20 1424 1 1720 20 ..1053 7 1070 25 1088 24... 36... 20... 21... 7... 18... 7... 3... ...1065 .1188 5 40 STEERS AND HEIFERS. S29 4 30 48 1131 878 4 70 17 96S .....1015 4 75 14 1176 973 4 80 15 1100 947 4 90 13 1232 1271 6 10 19 1061 "STEERS AND COWS. ..,.71092 5 10 STEERS AND COWS. 965 6 00 6 10 5 25 5 35 6 35 6 40 5 65 40. wns, 1 3 3 4 8 12 15 5 5 2 3 7 14 6 10 18 12 1 1 2 11 17 4 il"" 36 1 16 19 13 16 1 1 4 1 te: 13 3 6 n .... 940 2 10 6 1060 ... 726 2 60 1 1170 I!.. 813 2 60 1 1260 .... 932 2 50 18 897 .. 935 2 70 1 1240 .... 820 2 75 1 1230 .... 792 2 76 3 1150 .... 942 2 75 2 745 .... 946 2 76 3 71(1 I 940 2 75 22 1026 .... 983 2 75 20 833 .... 837 2 75 4 1150 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 85 3 85 3 83 3 85 3 90 3 90 3 93 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 I 10 4 10 4 15 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 23 4 25 4 25 4 23 4 23 4 30 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 50 4 M 4 60 4 6) 4 70 .... 935 2 80 3 94: 3 .... 893 2 80 .... 971 2 85 .... 840 2 90 .... 870 2 90 ....1200 3 00 .... 900 3 00 .... 925 3 00 .,..1018 3 00 .... 963 3 00 1 '3 .1220 .1053 0. ...1203 ... 950 ...1046 ... 997 ... 889 ...1120 ,..1031 ... 120-1 ...1020 3 3 23 28 1 15 20 10 1032 3 00 950 3 00 1010 3 10 909 3 10 880 3 15 902 3 15 954 3 15 891 3 20 934 3 20 1030 3 25 970 3 25 1030 3 25 940 3 25 930 3 25 993 3 23 882 3 45 870 3 50 SRO a RO 6 10 I:::::::: ..1016 ..1091 ..1160 ..1420 ..1110 3 1246 10 1136 2 1210 5 1046 17 1237 25 779 10 1212 1 1120 1 1270 1 1010 1I 931 970 3 60 6.. .1191 1... 1... 1040 3 50 CALVES. 2S0 6 00 1 UO 257 6 00 1 180 100 6 60 2 ISO 110 6 75 1 170 COWS AND HEIFER8. 909 3 50 12 956 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 qp 4 75 4 30 4 43 4 60 4 61 6 00 5 10 3 25 3 .'13 335 3 60 3 55 3 8 400 11.... 18.,.'. 16.... 19.... 14.... 10.... 1.... HEIFEHS. 633 6S3 611 600 675 950 3 00 3 03 3 33 3 60 3 60 4 10 23 740 7 1145 1 1020 36 1012 1 900 1 1017 BULLS. l. 1270 2 00 1, 12.7) 1241 960 1040 2 1135 2 70 3 600 2 76 1 1180 2 85 1 1420 3 00 I....! 1400 3 10 1 1::::: 1 1500 1 icon 1 1 X1W 3 10 l..ii...XQfjQ, 121) ..AU) 3 Jj 3 e A lb 1 1510 1 1330 1 1130 1 1760 4 00 4 00 4 m 23 4 23 1 ...1370 1 1240 1 1270 ;i 2.) 3 23 1 1310 HTAfia. L....L,.. 1390 1 10n) 3 85 1 1410 6 60 I 50 STOCK CALVES. 1 3fl 4 00 . OTOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 650 2 W 1 .,..1170 2 7.. 1 930 2 50 1 610 2 85 3 .' 370 2 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDEHS. 1 6S0 2 715 2 60 1 1 900 3 60 3 70 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 90 3 00 3 0) 3 45 3 60 .1190 . 680 . 625 . 526 . 697 16 665 13 677 1 6V) 2 69) 1 720 24.. 21.. 3 50 3 60 llOnH Thrn v,.u ,1! run II f llOUS hero today, hut counting what was carried over from yesterday there wns u fairly liberal supply on sale. Advices from other points were unfavorable to tho selling In terests, and as n result packers startud n hero nnd pounded tho market from tho beginning to the end. Tho general market was lOiloc lower, with the greatest dccllno on tho light stuff. It wns noticeable thai thero woro more light hogs on the mar ket today than for sumo time past, which makes the nvcrugo cost look lower than It rrniiy was ns compared with yesterday. Tho market was slow from start to finish nnd particularly wus that true of tho last end, when packers did not enro whether they gut tho hogs or not, It wns late be fora nnvthlnc Ilka 11 clearance was effected. Tho bulk of the good heavyweight hogs sold from $6,10 to $6.25, and as high ns $6.35 was paid. .Medium wcignts sold largely irom $5.93 to $6.10, nnd the light hogs sold largely rrom $5.oo to kxw. itcprcsenwuive saicsi No. AVI Sll. IT. JNO. av. an. IT. 14 02 5 00 Kl 218 4U 6 00 67 127 6 60 6 35 6 50 5 60 fi 60 r. 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 5 65 5 70 6 75 5 75 6 75 5 SO 6 80 6 85 5 83 6 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 6 91 r. 90 6 90 5 90 6 90 6 93 6 03 5 93 5 93 6 93 6 00 6.00 6 CI 69.. 61.. 71.. 83.. 65.. 81.. ..215 40 160 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 O) 6 00 6 00 6 00 0 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 05 6 03 6 03 6 03 6 05 6 03 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 07W 6 0714 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 15 6 15 6 20 6 20 6 23 6 25 6 30 6 33 6 33 cars of 83 119 81 137 23 ..!l83 ...190 ...220 ...261 26S 117 40 105 147 14 120 X 1W 120 bl. 216 99, .,,,.111 47 201 lli.....lM 108 156 16S 171 61 181 91 177 74 164 53 211 82 211 76... '...200 40 280 62 224 11 218 73 216 81 216 40 222 63, 203 71 224 56 225 49 117 6S 223 70 220 80 207 55 213 CO 227 87 217 29 211 69 2X1 40 120 40 40 80 160 81 161 86 162 VS 181 $0 I26 80 80 80 40 3 216 78...U.2IO 62 207 120 40 81. 81. .190 .190 .1S2 .173 .177 .190 .181 40 81... 75... 90... 73... 40 6. 90 186 98 11H) 9.. ...201 40 ..220 ..213 ..238 ..378 ..257 82.. 81.. ,201 . 120 66..., 75..., 13... 69... BOB 72.. .198 100 .220 80 201 02 225 71..., 31 63 38S 61 205 80 Klin 47 in, ... 6 00 81 1 K K I' .Tllnr,. M-nrn nltnill nttlr. SllCen mill lumlv. lltn mnrbnl nrl jug, uesiucs a big string that wero driven In. Packers seemed tn be nnxlous for supplies, nnd us 11 result iuxt about steady prices wore paid for ull deslrublo grades. Lambs sold as high us $6.00, and somo heavy sheep brought $1.65. Thero wero no prlmu yeurllngs offered. Although the market was not cx"clted nt nil. still every thing was disposed of In good scufcon. I'eedors wero vnrv urnre tmlnv. hut It wn m evident that anything good would havo broucht stonily nrlem r.9!,,oJuA,0ns! Choice lightweight yearlings. ;ioh,w; goou to choice yearlings, 4.50fi 4.ii; choice wethers, $l.404.63; fair to good wethtrs. $1.2504.40; cholco owes, $3.76ij4.00; fair to good ewes, $3.5083.75; common ewes, $2.,5J(3.60: choice lambs. $5.65(hCO0; fair to good lambs, $3,uOifl6.63: feeder wethers, $3.60 K'aS0. fS'der lambs, $I.00SJ4.50; cull lambs, $J.Q03.7o. Representative sales: No. , av. Pr. 2 CU'bl 116 3 00 235 feeder ewes 100 3 00 10 cull owis 93 3 00 258 ewes, western 20S 4 00 western owes 120 4 00 60 western owes 128 4 00 21 western ewes 11a i nn 168 Wyoming wethers 143 4 50 -u wesiern weiners 115 4 75 33 wc-dem lambs 76 5 So 26 western lambs 92 g 0J 36 western lambs 102 6 00 CHICAGO I.IVB STOCK MARKET. Cntllc, HoHs nnd Sheep Steady nnd I.nnili Weaker. CHICAGO. Jan. 28. CATTLE nerelnts. 5,000 head, Including 500 Texnns nnd 250 westerns; steady, no choice here; good to primo steers, nominal, "i.bOU7.J5; poor to medium. $4.0006.00: stockcrn nnd feeders. $2.25Q'4.60; cows, fl.23Ii5.U0; heifers. 32.50 6.60; canners. $1.25f(2.30; bulls, C2.23H4.60; calves, $2.60S6.3O; Texas fed steers, $l.00g 5.25; western steers, $1.40. 11tr.a 1 1 n 1 . .. nJ. .wa 1. .1 . . 1 ..... .1 uwu.? jt:i;i-i,in, .u,v"i uumi; emuiiuiiru tomorrow, 35.0U0: left over. 9.000: steady at extrcmo decline of yesterday and 2On30c lower than closo last 'week; mixed nnd butchers, $5.8086.30: good to cholco henvy, $6.l5f6.4o; rough heavy, $5.9086.10; light, $5.001i5.90: bulk of sales. $5.90ft6.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccclpts. 11,000 head; sheep steady, lambs weaker: good to cholco wethers. $1.30185.00: fair to cholco mixed. $3.7584.40: western sheep, fed. Sl.OOfti 5.00; rratlvo Iambs, $3.5085.90; western Iambs, K.llr(f U.MJ. Official yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 21,183 head; hogs, 39,306 head; sheep, 23,530 head. Shlptncntfi-Cnttle, 3,161 hoad; hogs, 6,203 head; sheep, 1,335 head. Kniinn City Live Slock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7.600 nntlvcs. 600 Texnns nnd 200 calves; stockcrs and feeders steady to 10c higher, other cattle steady; ch'jlco export and dressed beef steers, S3.S086.55; fnlr to good, $3.0085.75; stoukers nnd feeders, $3.258 4.83; western fed cteors, $4.6386.(0; Texas and Indian steers, $1.0085.35; Texas cows, $2.5084.25; native cows, $2.8585.2u: heifers, S3.5085.60; ennncrs. $2.0082.75; bulls, $2.704j 4.50; calves, $1.0086,25. HOGS Receipts, 9,500 head; market 10c lower; top. $6.4214: bulk of sales. $5.5086.40: heavy, $8.3086. 1214; mixed pnekers, $3.90 .6.30: light. $5.30S6.l0: pigs. $1.7585.25. HHEE1 ANU I.A.MUS KCCClptS, 3.WKI mnrlfnl tttfi,lv lvitatnrn V Tl fiJO.OO: western wethers, $1.2584.80; ewes, $4.0084.50; cuiis, $i.uoy&.w; feeder inmns, $1.'.'586.25. St. Lmils Live Stock Mnrkcl. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 28. CATTLE Receipts. 4,500 hend. Including 2.600 Toxans; market strong nnd active: native shipping and ex- Cort steers, $4.5086.23: dressed beef nnd utcher steers. $4,008.75; steers under 1.000 lbs., $2.75C5.00: stockers and feeders. $2,608) 4.35: cows nnd heifers. $2.0085.25: canners. $2.0082.90: bulls. $2.5081.00; Texas and Indian steers. TA.ivuh.w, cows nno neiters, fi.vxy 3.70. . HOGS Rocelpts, 6.70O hend:x market 6 10c lower: pigs and lights. $5.7586.90; pack ers. $3.f683.C0: butchers. $6.1086.25. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1,600 head; markot steady: native muttons, $4.00 vm.dii; minus, to.uuj.7; uuiib mm pucks, $2.6084.60. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 28.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 17 head, all consigned direct; no sales reported: exports. 1,463 head beeves, 30,309 head sheep and 7.780 quartern of beef. CALVES Receipts, 26 head; 110110 on sale: quoted steady: few veals sold at 6j8c per lb.; a bunch of bnrnynrd calves at $3.23. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recolpts. 1.397 head; sheep, quiet, steady: Iambs, a llttlo firmer; sheep sold at $3.0081.30; a fow for export nt $1.50: lambs. $0.0086.15. , HOGS Receipts, 1,167 head; weak; 'no sales reported. I,, , St. Joseph Live Stork Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 28.-CATTLE-Ro-celpts, 1,400 head: steady: natives, $3.7CWi 7,00: cows and heifers, $2.0085.40; veals, $4.00 86.25: stookers and feeders, $2.6084.60. HOGS-Recelpts, 4.200 head; steady; light nnd light mixed, $5.7Tyn6.l5; medium and heavy. $H.15fi6.45: pigs. $3.7086.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 head; market steady. Stock In Sight, The following tBbln shows the receipts of cattlo. hogs and sheep at tho live principal markets for January 28: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha........... 3 CM 6.899 1,367 Chicago , 5.000 25.000 n.oiio Kansns City S.ono 9,500 3,00) Kl Tjlllls 4.S0O C..71A 1 TJ)n St. Joseph 1,100 4,200 200 Totals.... .22,593 52,293 20,007 rnflrp Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Jan. 28.-COFFEE-Snot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 6Tc. Mild, quiet: Cordova, StUHfe. The k market opened steady, with prices 6815 points lower nnd pretty much nil day was heavy, with liquid ation tho feature of operations. A flurry of nrnnt-tnklng nt one time brought about a slight reaction, hut the rally was of brief duration, for brisk selling for both accounts later carried prices lower thnn bofnro. Tremendous receipts In the crop country and weakness In forehrn markets were the chief Influences of depression. Smaller Ioiiks were tired put and refused to take further risks so long as tho crop movement continued on the present scale, Tho cloie wns stendy. with prices nt 10Q15 points lower. Total tales wero W,7W bag, Includ 1. 1. ing March nt 5.6VJ Mny, 5.706.750! June, 5.KICI July, 6.8S85.Kc! August, $5.95flrt.noe; September, 0.(08i,IOo; October, tUOt6,20c Mny, 8.28c i December, fl.36c. Cotton .Market, NEW YORK. Jan. 28.-COTTON-8pot chwed quirt; middling uplands, SSoi mid dling Kulflnlids, SSc, sales, none. Futures closed very steady; Jnuunry, 8.01ol Feb ruary, s.Oloj Mnrch. 8.10c, April, 8.15o; May, 8.16c; June, 8.17c; July, 8.1'je; August, 8.02c; September, 7.71c; October, 7.68c. Tho mar ket opened steady, 1 point higher to 3 points lower, and closed very steady, net unchanged to 7 points higher NEW ORLEANS, Jnn. 2.COTTON Steady; sales, 1,000 bales; ordlnnry. 6Uci good ordlnnry, 7c; low middling, 7 9-16o; middling, 7?c; good middling, TTkc; fnlr, 8 9-16o; receipts, 10,913 twites, stock, 362.910 bales. Futures, steady; Janunry, 7.S5fi7.89c; Fcbrunry. 7.8,87.89c; March, 7.9187.95c; April. 7.9iHT7.99c; May, 8.038.0lc; June, 8.00 48.osc: July, s.ll8fi.l2c. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 2S.-COTTON-Spot. niilet; prices unchanged; American mid dling, I13-32d. Tho sales of tho day wero 7.000 bales, of which 600 woro for specula tion and export and Included 6,600 Amer lenn. Receipts, 33,000 bnles, Including 2I) American. Futures. opened easier and closed steady. American middling g. o. c. : Jan uary, 4 27-64d, sellers; January and Feb runry, 4 27-6ld, buyers; February and March, 4 26-64d, buyors; March and April, 4 26-Cld, buyers: April nnd May, 4 276ld, sellers; Mny und Juno, 4 26-64WI 27-6ld, buy ers; June and July, 4 26.64ioM 2-64d, buyers; July nud August, 4 26-6181 27-64d, buyers; August and September, 4 22.640H 23-61d, buy ers; September nnd October, 4 16-64(1. buy ers. GALVESTON, Jan. 28.-COTTON Quiet, 7!4c Wool Mnrkrt. , ST. LOUIS, Jan. 2S.-WOOL-Flrm. tend ing upward; medium grades, WfflSHc; light fine, 1214815c; henvy fine, 10812o; tub washed. 148 24Uc. BOSTON. Jan. !8.-WOOI-Thero has been a fair demand here during the past week nnd full prices have been paid. Terri tory wools continued to head tho list of snlcs. They are In good demand, but tho supply Is not plentiful. The scoured bnsls Is 47fj'49c. with cholco lots with ptuplc In nt 60c, while staple lines of flno medium nnd fine will range up to 48 8 52c. Medium tertl torles nro quoted Armor nt 38840c with cholco lines. Ohio lino Delaines nro quoted nt 28148290. with XX und above held nt 27o and No. 1 washed at 2614827c. Thero Is n better demand for Australian wool and some fair lots havo been cleaned up tu manufacturers. Offerings on the tnnrket ore small and tho wools sold were generally nt prices below tho cost to replnco them from abroad. Australian Merinos are cost ing 70872c for super combings, with good at 6686SC LONDON, Jnn. 28,-WOOL-Thoro wns a full attendance nt tho auction sales today. Tho offerings numbered 13,810 bales. Includ ing a good selection of Merinos, which Bold briskly to the homo trade nnd Gor many. Good medium grensy wns readily absorbed by buyers from alt sections. In eluding America. Sales In detail: New South Wales, 47,000 bnlcs: scoured, 6id8 Is 6d; greasy, 2318'lld. Queensland, 2,000 bales; scoured, 7'4il771s Cd; greasy, 6'i811Ud. Victoria, 800 bales; scoured, 7dftls 7d; greasy, 7d. South Australia, 700 bale; greasy, DiJ87?Ul, West Australia. 400 bales: greasy, 68914d. Now Zealand. 3,800 bates; scoured, 3Hd81s 2d: grensy, 41J89d, Capo of Good Hope nnd Natal, 1,000 bales; scoured, SHdifls U4d; greasy, 448S14d. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fruits, NEW YORK, Jan. 28. EVAPORATED APPLES Thero were no changes In tin market today nnd only a light business doing. The tono hns nn easier tendency. State, common to good, are quoted 788ic: prime, 9891ic; choice, 914810c; fnncy, lOHff lie. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Thero was a stendy to firm feeling In the mnrket and holders showed no disposition to sell freely. Prunes nrn quoted nt 3T86c. Apricots, noyai, iiwhc: sioor l'arg. iovt 1214c. l9',4c. !14c. Peaches, peeled, 14818c; impeded, i'.i Dry Good Mnrket. NEW TORK. Jan. 2S.-DRY GOODS-Tho demand today for cotton goods In nil de partments hns been about recent averapo proportions. In brown sheetings nnd drills prices nro generally steady. Somo sellers of four-yard sheetings nrc slightly easier to deal with. Bleached cottons steady, with numerous small orders. Denims still very Brnrce. Print cloths unchanged In prlco, hut difficult to buy. No change iu print or ginghams. Silks firm, but demnnd quieter. MANCHESTER, Jnn. 28..-DRY GOODS -Quiet. Yarns Irregular nnd depressed. Ofrden'n Mnynr In Fined. OODEN. Utah. Jan. 28. Mavor Glnss. man, who was charged with having violated the puuno ncaun inws oy evnuing tne pest house nnd ordering the release of a smallpox suspect, was fined $10 by Judge Howell. Mnyor Glassman will appeal tho ense to the district court. ADVICE FROM CARNEGIE. To Gain Competence One Must Invest One's Money His Own Start Due to a Fortunate Investment in Oil Stocks. Great Opportunities at Present in the Oil Industry. , t.-nr nennle on n salary or limited Income to ncqulro n compotence-rto over have moro than A mero living as a result of their labor It Is absolutely necessary that they Invest at IcnBt a portion' of their savings, or surplus, whatever tho amount may be. THIS IS inu llioiuiy ui 111 nui nsaiuiv men. rnis is uiu uuitu hi" u j ruuh successful men as Carnegie (given tn 11 speech to znllroad men recently In Now York), Rockefeller, Flagler, Payne, Hanna, and many others. TheBo men started without voalth worked for a living ns millions nro doing today but they saved part of their eurn ingr, and by fortunate Investment or tho money saved laid the foundations of their llbscqueni minium) aim innvii. Hisnlilcnntlv. too. hundreds of America's rich men gulned their wealth by Invest ments In oil. Thirty years ago John D. HOCKeieiier was a ur uiorn luuuy lie is tim rlehest man In tho world. At a time when conditions Iu tho oil Industry wero very similar to those that exist now, ho saw the future of oil nnd bought of stocks and lands to his entire financial ability. The immense proamnion. ui 011 inai exists in this country today means that the fuel of the future In here. Tho problem .of get ting It to maraci is uciiik woraen out uy tho big companies, and when that Is com pleted thero will follow tho greatest boom In oil stocks In tho history of tho country. Then the Investor ln,oll stocks today will got his money oack. leu, twenty nnd nn hundred fold, as Investors In oil stocks In the past navo oone. tr vmi nro Interested In this treat field for Investment you will do well to get ac quainted -with tho extenstvo holdings and prospectB of the North American Crude Oil Co.. of Texas and California. ThlB company holds leases on 5,000 acres of very valuablo oil lands In California ownB land In feo on Spindle Top Heights, Beaumont, Tex., and hns formed nn alll anco with tho Fuel Oil Marketing Co. of Beaumont anu jvuiishs i-uy, wnicn insures a market for tho entire output of the North American Crude Oil Co.'s Toxns gushor. This well Ib now being driven nri in guaranteed to bo at least, of uo.nm barrels dally capacity. On Its uouiornia mnu, near uoa uaios, iim rnmnany Is down 300 feet within n. short distance of producing wells, and with every Indication that tho drill la ncarlng a vnst body of oil. Holding 6,000 acres of this land meanB inai a siriKo ncro would mako tho North American Crudo Oil Co. ono of the strongest nnd rltflicst on the const, and force Its stock for above par. Stock of tho North Amorlcan Crudo Oil Co. Is selling now nt sixty cents per share. Hundreds of bankers nnd business men all over tho country nro buying It, as Is shown by tho company's books. It Is bound to nd vanco Biiorwy, mm ui unm iu ouy is now. Tho directory of tho North American CruOo Oil Co. Is assurance of It being well managed. Its officers are well known throughout tho West ns men of Integrity nnd k.eif judement. Tho president, thn Hon. W. C. Ronfrnw, ex-governor of Okla homa, president of tho First Nntlonal bnnk. JNOrman, um,, uuu 11 iiiruuiur ui (no Amer lenn Zinc, Lead nnd Smelting company. Joplln, Moj vlco president, J. J. Swofford. president Swofford Bros, wholesale dry Kuuun iiuunr, jviiiiniin v,ji, i.iu,; treasurer, W. A. Rule, cashier National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo.j secretary, A. 8. Klmberly, treasurer Hudson-Klm-berly Publishing Co.; general manager, M. F. Brown, woll known In financial circles. Send In orders for stock at onco. Not less thnn twenty shnrcs will bo Issued to any one. Prospectim. maps and full particulars can ho obtained by writing the North Amorlcnn Crude Oil Co.. rooms 226 Bunk of Commerce building, Kansas City, Mo. Tetephona lOHR. Boyd Commission Co. (Successors to Jamei E. Boyd & Co.. OMAHA, NUB. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND iTOCIC9. Boar nf Trade Building. HI...I . I n . . r,L I . . . , . . j "Nisi nuti iu vunufeu luu wew icrsa 1 Vsrj-MfieoatBfi. Join At .WMrca u c