THE OMAHA DAILY. BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1902. 9 1 1111 1M THE DACI? 1)11 I UflD obligations. Tor that friendship nml for out any Omaha competition was considers Insldo. Tho fresh air fiends aro hopeful LULL 111 1 lift UA0I4 DALL Vi All obllBatlon Mr. lllckey willingly made b, nf disappointment to tho sports here, that tho rays of kindly Bol will shortly dls- I himself 'to nil kinds of criticism from the-5 f' hey havo found that there Is much slpato tho snow and removo all traces o Mifoatti Tak. a Waik'i But ail Fibllo QiU Advantage. QUESTION BETWEEN HICKEY AND TOWERS Ohio Mnn Xnjn It llltiKt on Matter of Chime nr SpntrfliiK Hntl for Van of Minor I.ritKi'i-fi. "Nothing doing." That's tho story In tho baBe ball war Just at present. Seven days of almost ab solute quiet havo succeeded seven days of unceasing exchanga of verbal and epistolary volloye all along tho line. This must not bo takon to Indicate that any of tho mag. natos have decided to quit. More likely It mcroiy presages a moro vigorous explosion In tho near future. Some little activity has been noted along tho skirmish lines, but nothing of nny moment. For example, the pen Moines ,papers published clrcumstantlnl accounts of how I'apa mil Kotirko visited that city to nogotlnto with Messrs. Flynn and others in regard to the franchloo In that city. Mr. Itourko returns to Omaha and denies that bo was In Des Molncs at all. Ho says he was at St. Loula looking after a contract with a player. Tho Des Molncs Leader Is authority for tho state? tnont that Klynn and his partners have had enough of Imbo ball and If tho Itawkoyo capital Is to have a team In the Western or any other league It will bo put In by somo ono clc. Mr. Klynn states that ho expects to sell to Hourkc. I nowly created foes. Does this Indlcato that j0 to bo dug up nt theso llttlo meets Its visitation. Tho lco underneath need not ' l',r,fi!SP..l--,.,lic.!S2yi,,r " S.M,reiV,Wr.nhna oM the countryside. In fact, It has Just necessarily havo been Injurod perceptibly , Pn t Powers lins tried to mako the public - uv ,un tt ( i, ,.. -i, i,i . bOllCVO? lUIB rtTHBUU UtUIUU I UUIliiilUU gUOlUIII w. ...... i.uvu .h t..a )uitu vuiu Now P. T. Powers has been In the em- a Il'tlo bovy of tho locol cracks to-tako In when tho snow enmd, and' It has not stuck ?r2K ?J A' LSSimJ," l?r S5'Tr' thM0 neighboring shoots, nnd somo hot In" to nny extent. Spalding Is known as a good business man competition Is developed. Even now It would bo possible to skato nnd .Mr. Powers lost nothing by being as- Tho Infrenuency of such events horo and very comfortably on such places ns Cut wnCvalCNn?urallyUCbecaau?e of hi? lornn's- the 91111 moro oldom occurrenco of live Off lake, for tho sdow only gathered lu soclatlotm with itr, Spalding, ho was very bird affairs on local grounds Is by no means patches, and thero aro many pathways of anxious that tho Hpnldlng ball should be satisfying to thoso who are especially puro baro Ice from ono end of tho sheet to delation? "wheVi Thorn's J. lflckw P- enamored of the game nnd they find that tho othor. with no need of striking snow vented the realization of that wish Mr. by going In a crowd to a foreign affair they at nil for tho wholo distance, It Is neccs I'owcrs arrayed himself ncolnst Mr. cnn Btart just ftg mucn excitement nnd sary to pick your way ns you go, nnd this KSan lilo make things pretty lively. Kvery member 1. not pleasing to tho fancy free skater National Association of Profcsnlonnl Ilaso of tho party which goes out to such a meet who wishes to swing from sldo to side reek Hall Iongucs. President Powers Jumped nt a C(iBCd to shoot clear through every lossly In huge, soaring curves. In n Tailo Tight beforV tile public by ex- event from start to finish of tho program Thero has been such continuous skating nclllnc him from the National association. I nml hralitrn Ihn rnntests nmnnr themselves this winter that tho fancy Stars have for noiwitnataniiing tie nnu nircauy resigned. for njgu nn,j pfrcentago they find many the first tlmo In years had a real oppor- Out In Denver tho papers have blown n big bubblo and then merrily smashed It Thoy Interpreted Head's romark that hu would havo a team In Denver to mean that jit would bo an American association team and then, after chucking a few odoriferous Either there is an enormous profit Jn worthy opponents nmong tho strangers at tunlty to get In perfect form, and they oiling base balls or Chaso Is willing to tho shoots. On more than ono occasion It are Just now arriving at their best. Tho pay n tremendous price for his advertising. .. been a source of keen enjoyment for K oraowii devoted ..n11 ,f thm Tho National Assoclotlon of Minor Leagues "io rest or mo crowu ana Keener scomng "u " etKfthVeTaS of lh0 BnnK 10 havo somo 0maha WI,crt blades. Next they began swlngtng Into the arc l? teams K Ignominious defeated at the, traps by i '"c leaeun has tho l2Citamo schedule, each rural unknown with a gun built in 1873. a fow slnglo anvils occasionally. Now, how- enm wlH nlav s xtjMhrco games on the U was expected that tho snow would call over, tho skilled ones aro at a point where i V"Va S. .! ?,W.? ' out the usual bevy of rabbit enthusiasts, they can do everything they ever could, and Calls wl lH renulrcd for each game, This d thoy did lake up tho chaso for the lrt they aro learning ; new ones Such steady would mako 189 balls for the season. Just W or two. However. thosowno went out h r uto .lln0y iKiur. o make It even numbers, say 102 balls, or Invariably returned crestfallen ami wltn uiproTI CDC ARC WAOMIMP IID ,!., .i o,i onrh .nflBon. If empty gamebags, for thoy say that they aro WKtb I LtHb Aht WARMING UP Mr. Chaso gavo each team threo dozen "kiuubi u. wiuwuuu ui u.,uU. ua balls, tho manager would bo required to ten. In the first place tho bunnies aro purchase thirteen dozen. At 12 per doxon "enrce nnd In tho second place tho hunters this would be UH6 for each team, or JlS,- . " L L, , ,u UIUB BU J1Jil(, lUUb HIV VUUIIUh ,1 1 V ItUlUlUR on tho ground. I.nvnt Mnt Artlntx llnve Plenty DuIiik for All-Ooiiiprs .lut Work Lifetime Dr. McGrew of Omaha has devoted the best years of his life to the relief of suffering men. An immense and successful practice rewards the patient efforts of a lifetime. The Doctor's Quick Cures and Low Charges are daily proving what a great rood can be done for Men at a NOMINAL EXPENSE. BLOOD POISON AND ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, DR. McGKKW can give you LtOT SPRINGS treatment for Rlootl Diseases (except the -water) and he GUARANTEES better RESULTS and better satisfaction, besides you can lake his treatment right at home and no one will ever Hud out that you have this terri ble disease. It is quite different when you go to the Springs, for that trip alone is quite sunleient to advertise just what your ailment is. Have you ever thought of this All external signs of this disease disappear at once under J)r. jicGrews treatment, and not a spot or pimple will appear to expose Die nature of your disease. This fact alone is "20 for tho 120 teams of the National asso ciation. Talio tho $15,000 cash bonus from this, nnd Mr. Chaso would have left 13.720 to pay for 18,720 baso balls of tho first grade, a llttlo over 19 cents aplcco. If it costs 75 cents to put a $1.25 ball on the market, tho loss on each ball of theso 1,560 dozen balls to tho maker Is C6 cents. If ho lino n profit of 20 cents on each ball ho puts out to tho retailor, he must sell 41,9.13 balls, or a llttlo moro than 3,491 dozen, to como out oven on tho season. It would seem that If tho Colurabu3 man Is right, Mr. Chaso Is willing to run his factory at Tho wrestling bouts last Saturday night pi mil ICTQ QTRIkP HARTl I WPQ between Telcr Loch nnd Frank Grccnnlnn and Terry Mustaln and Uert Lcllron wcro iMrniiittit -Winter PrnMiiccU In Oiuulin not omy tho Initial ovents of tho revival ....... . i... . i. n., of tho mat game In Omaha; they wero also I nnnMWprH in whi ihn rtalntn nf ihn flmfllm AMIIinrillCH, o.inMlnt fralnrnllv tnr Ihn in UU. V.un IIU.LIIII., .V. W "if, ...WfcV.l come, that between tho well known Farmer locally tho fighting enmo has received Hums of Iowa and Joo Carroll, tho Pa- a severe slap In tho faco by tho official I clllo const champion. edict nt South Omaha that tho Leonard- This contest will tako placo nt the Troca- Hynn match of Inst Friday night was tho dero next Saturday night, February 1. It last ono to bo held there.' Sports at tho will bo n blood match and each' man has hmlnllnla if Tlnnvnp al linlnv ftin mnat lm. I portant spot on tho baso ball map, they tho rate of ten dozen balls of tho highest H0Uthern cn(1 hopo that tho ban wm i0 re. already posted ft sldo . bet of $500, which m-nrnixii.rt tn nrotix wW in nnnnrnnt m I grade each day In tho year, Just for tho I .. . ..... I .. Loulni, ihn mlnnr IpntnlpR knock ,uu vi in. "'in - - ' u nriceless comfort and consolation to one n filleted with GUARANTEES you a PERMANENT CURE for life Nervous Debility In all its various forms. Dr. MeGrew's system for treat ing this disease gives re newed energy, more vitality and greater ambition. 26 Years' Experience this ailment. Dr. McGrew Stricture A treatment that cures in less than live days without pain or cutting. Every cure is guaranteed and no loss of time from work. 15 Years in Omaha any one, that Denvor Is too far out of tho way to be a profitable member of the American association circuit. Thoy had easily disposed of Omaha's pretensions In that direction by calmly taking over tho Omaha franchlso and then threw the whole thing up in tho air. Of course, when Don- jver dropped out that ended tho American. Now they aro piping a different tune. It appears that Dealt has no Intention of put ting In a rival team, but Intends to go Into court to fight for his franchise. Ho Insists that' tho Western league cannot dispose of him lu tho summary manner proposed, for . bo baB property rights at etako and theso ,tauat be respected. To a man up a trco It looks llko Dcall had the better of the argu ment. It was contended by somo of the Westorn league magnates last year that Indianapolis could only secure the Denvor franchlso by buying It, because of tho money Invested. Now theso same magnates propose to render tho money Invested In Denver worthless In order to get even with Dealt for his alleged duplicity In dealing with Tebcaii. This course hardly looks right. Somo good lawyers have expressed the opinion that Dcall can win. At all events, tho courts nt Denver will havo a chanco to try tho case. "Tommy" Ilurns of Colorado Springs and Jimmy Manning of Kansas City want to get togcthor; When Manning got back from the Indianapolis trip he gavo out tho in formation that Watklns would not listen to tbo Western league proposition. Durns, on bis arrival at Colorado Springs, an nounced that Indianapolis would surely be added to- tho Western lcaguo circuit. One or tho other of theso gentlemen is wrong, suroly. Messrs. Van Drunt and Whltflcld have not yet boon heard In tho premises. Tho Columbus Dispatch has added mate rlally to tho gaiety of tho situation. In a labored effort, which consumed something like four columns of his valuable space, the baso ball editor of that most enterprising journal has exposed the truth In regard to tho enmity Fat Powers harbors ngulnst Tom lllckey. It all comes from the' effort to securo tho endorsement of tho National Association of Minor Leagues for tho Spald tng and Reach balls. Tat Powers and Tim Murnano wore In a conspiracy to get thctio balls adopted for tho minor leagues, when Hlckcy came forward with Mr. W. P. Chaso of Dee Moines and offerod to furnish each team represented by tbo association with throe dozen balls annually and pay a cash Nnus of $16,000 for tho prlvllcgo of advertising tbo Chase ball as tho official ball of tho organization. After charging Vhot Jhero was an understanding that It the endorsement of tho National association could bo secured for tho Spalding ball the Eastern lcaguo would get Its balls free, tho Columbus odltor proceeds to thus eulogize Hlckey and pillory Powers: The result of tho wholo matter wan that. Instead of A. O. Spalding kidnaping the National association through IiIh uyent, President P. T. Powern, and securing the contract for furnishing tho halls to all tho minor leagues in the country, thereby con tinuing his base ball mortopoly, tho minor leagues icri mo new York meeting free to select their 'own ball for next xenxon and with n very exnlted Idea of 'what their Individual contracts would bo worth to tho manufacturer. Now tho fact of the matter is mat tno contract to rurnisii tbo balls for any ono minor league, Individually, Is not worth nearly so much nB It would appear when tho manufacturers wero figuring on tho contract with all the minor leagues as a whole. Tho contract as a wnoie would be .worth J23.C00 to A. O. Bimldlntr as nn advertisement. Thn Inill. vldual leagues rnuy refu?o to look at this phaso of tho question, however, and tho result will doubtless be' that several multra of balls will bo used by tho different minor iqbkucm next season, wnicn havo rormerly bcon shut out of this market by tho terms of tho old national agreement, which pro vldel that either tho Spalding or Hcach ball must be used. Now nil this happened becnuso Thomas J. Hlckey wat man enouch tn ilelit n irnnd battle for a friend to whom ho felt under nn. Mcaituw at Atiu n:i. them nbout. Inasmuch as It would re- VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE Positively Cured in Less Than Ten Days Without tho loss of a slnglo hour's time. DU. McOHKW'S treatment for Vnrlcocclo gives nbsolutcly no pain and Is tho quickest form of curing tho dlscnso that hns ovor been discovered. Tho doctor has devoted' TWHNTY-SIX YKA113 to tho treatment of Varicocele, and It Is but Justlco to him to say, without fear of contradiction, thnt his treatment of Vnrlcocclo has no equal nnywhero. AN ADSOLUTH CUKK IS dUAKANTISBU. nWCD Ofl finn PACQ Havo been cured of Loss of Vitality, Loss of Drain Power, Poor Memory, Despon UVliI ZUiUUU UnuLU dency, Olcct, and all unnatural weaknesses of men. CHARGES LOW. CONSULTATION FREE. LAST WEEK WITH BOWLERS No ClinnKC In Ton m .StniulliiR No Notnlile Hooroi Mmlu lit Ijcnmie (iiinicn. nml Hlckcy w in hnnnmn n tinvpi Mr irllyolmmnna anva 1 "t Charles. When Mr. Packard renched Denver ho ex- .h r.rinlnlv wnn n nirturn nt Birnnih U?L. pressed much regret at having to part with Ti,o muscles stood out all over Ills body Krug Park aeorgo Tcbeau. rcooau is ono oi me uest n b!B knots. From head to foot ho was ('lull MIltllillllKK. Clubs. W. 1.. P.C. illch. Tot. Ave. Omaha Xi If, .CS7 !74 41,301 S60 5-7 2S 20 ,IK3 Oft, 40.1S1 M7 1-V 27 21 .EU2 Dili 40,311.1 Sll 1-2 2G 22 .511 917 S9.9SI 8.13 21 2t .W) 9iU 29,871 830 7-10 22 20 .458 930- 29,278 8113-10 2t 27 .437 1)21 38,801 80S 3-W 11 .17 .2J9 925 30,793 76 1-2 baso ball men In the country," said Mr. Dn mnn nf knnttv nrntriuiinn. rnr,i "'sh score. Seaman (Date City), 237. Paskard. And Tabcnu's placo In tho Western " .jiow is thnt 0P -tarter?' ho said has been taken by Durns of .Colorado i did not say a word. Ills Ignorance Absolutely no chanje In tho rclatlvo Springs, whoso baso ball experience dates wns pitiful to me. Walking ovor to ono standing of tho eight teams of tho Omnha from last fall, whet) he bought out Hulou's sid0 0f tho room I took a set of boxing Bowling league resulted from last week's Interest In the Colorado Springs franchise, gloves from tho wall nnd hnnded him n P'ay. They remain In the samo sequence, pair. Following my lead ho put them on. nl tov another week or two nro a tie, an Absolutely nothing nas aoveiopeu in tno "it took mo nbout two minutes to show unusual thing. Tins stationary condition situation eo far as Omaha Is concorncd. that man how useless, unwieldy and lm- wns accomplished by &. peculiar bunching This town Is the keystone of tho Westorn practicable his muscles wero. Ho handled f' victories with the top liners. Each of lcaguo arch. It Is Omaha or no Western hlmsolf like a cart horse. He was as slow tho four first teams won two games from league. The American association wants on his feet as a messenger boy. His brain Ha adversaries, which chanced to bo tho Omana ror mm reason, inai s an moro is nctcu, as aid his muscles, slowly and lower rour teams. to It. stiffly. Although n ble man. welchlnc ner. Dowllng was rather listless' all tho week, hnnn 2nn nnunilit hn ,11,1 nrvt maim nj nnn.i Nn nxrnntlnnni 'scores, either Individual or SHOOTERS TAKE SOME REST showing with mo as many amateur light- team, wero madoj no records wero raised. weights with whom I had put on tho gloves, and tho average of each team, savo tho "I think I showed him clearly tbo use- Gato Cltys and the Nationals, dropped as lessncss of his heavy-wolght-lifting mus. a result of tho play. Tho Gato City men cles. They wcro good for ona thing tho topped the list with a total of 2,622, and sorvlco for which they had been trained. Seaman of this team led tho Individual Llko every athloto in his nrnfranlnn. hn scoro with 237 Dins, After two or thrco weeks of especially wna muscle-bound. Thoso hueo mnssea nf As a matter of fact tho eyes of nil the continuous trigger work tho shotgun men muscle, gained at, tho cxponse of many Omaha bowlers, llko thoso of tho rollers havn during tho past week found them- hours of hard work, wero for all nractleni everywhere In tho country, havo been turned solves comparatively quiet. Thero has been purposes of no moro use than a hand organ nil week toward Duffalo, whero tho progress nuio iiuuig iocuii-, cuuur ai mo imps would bo to a shipwrecked sailor on a raft of tho American Dowllng congress tourna or in me uom, nnu mo snootcrs aro mosuy n tho middle of tho Atlnntio ocean. mont has. boon watched with great Intorest, lying iow mm uiugiiiiiB iimir wum mr mu -in fact, such muscles serve to Bhortcn both from a political and a playing stand next period oi nnimsiea --pun - commnnus. 0no's life. Tho musclo-bound man, with point. irue, moro was a nine ono-uay meet oi 0Vcry fl ier of h s body drnwn to n tnnnlnn bnyner, wen., on wonaay last, nnu several that nulls at tho very heart strlnn. mnut Western bowlp.ra have followed with ji Omaha men had planned to attend. The frequently dies with whnt Is known as an tromor of excitement tho progress of tho sectionallzcd foud .which threatened for lthodcs, 220; Mr. Knowlton, Doono team, 201, 222: J. L. Gideon, 223; W. C. Kolls, 201, 210, 220; Fred Krug, 209; Wood Hart ley, 224, 201, 212; J. D. O Drlon, 200; u. K. Hush, 212; Fred Grnhnm, 217. Tminln scores of 200 and better nt Clark's olloys: II. M. Sale, 219; Frank Conrad, 210; King Dcnmnn, 227, zu; w. W. Hartley. 205, 210; W. F. Clnrkson, 221, 210; C. M. Zarp,-203; R. O. Frack, Deatrlcc, 209; W. C. Drunko, 218; II. Ehlman, Chi cago, 223; II. Frltscher, 207; H. Dcselln, 202, 203; D. W. Christie, 210; W. Weber, 219, 215; Z. M. Forscutt, 211, 2Ui; u. it. Orimths, 204, 233; Wnck. 211; Jack Welch, 205; L. C. Tromnlno, Dlolr, 203; J. II. Hodges, 243; C. J. Francisco, 215, 201; Gil christ, 20G; Potter, 213; M. II. Huntington. 212, 204; II. Lchmnnn, 213; F. J. Bengele, 210, 214, 205; II. Sellcck, 211; W. II. W.lg mnn, 203; W. S. Sheldon, 209; W, II. Emery, 201, 231, 210, 200, 201, 203, 210, 201, SIi; r'.llriilnn. I.'remnnt. 216: Tracy. 201: Roth, '227, 201; L. C. Lucas, 201; D. S. Heart, Hebron, 201; Clydo Spelchcr, coon uapiU3, :13. Tntinln urnroK nf 200 nnd better at Lontz & Williams' alleys: Will Illnrlchs, 212, 20S, 233; D. Williams, 219, 211; wimam Zltzman, 233, 218, 200; Ed Cudahy, 206; E. A. CrelBhton, 209; C. D. Irons. 200; J. A. Flanagan, 242; M. Z. Forscutt, 212, 214. 278, 222; Southy, 220, 204; Sol Yoder, 22C, 215; V Tjimnrenux. 222: II. Frltscher. 211: S. Elorman, 203; H. H. Rhodes, 214; Sam Plt- zer, 205; J. H. Husslq, 226; L. JankowsKi, "in. Vnss. 204: L. S. McConnoll. 202; D. Minor, 203; J. Flanagan, 212; Gall Johnson, 209; Clydo Spucnor, 213; it. licse lln,'203; C. H. Marling, 200, 201; Billy Dow man, 224; W. O. Flnley, 225; W. F. Weber, 217; E. lfoalo, 210. moved soon, but meanwhile no moro means somo flerco wrestling. Neither has mntchos can bo arranged. como to Omaha yet to stay, but both aro Thiu mnv tiln In thn lilld thn heat circuit I trnlnlncr hnr,l fnt thn vent. quiro -m teams piaying eixw-iurio 0f fights that has been scheduled for a Nowp from Carroll Just received by his each, and CaCll USing threO ballS tO the ,..(,- ,,.0 rl fnr nmn llnm. Thn I mnnnn-o vlv,. thn lnfnrinll,u, ll,l hn lu game to uso up this supply, It must be frcqucncy na aucCcss of contests of this training nt the South Sldo Athletic club In apparent that a very lively corner lot gort hna Ratherea in Omaha and South Chlcngo. Ho writes that ho has been un- campaign woum nave w uo '" Omaha a regular llttlo army of prize fight- ablo to securo a match In tho Windy city, put Mr. Chase out even. it can imruijr 0J.8( nni, wUh thcm buncucJ ln thnt manner ns ho had hoped, and thnt the wrestling bo tho ball contract that Is at the bottom trcouent matches wero certain. gamo Is dead thero. Ho had Intended. If ot tno enmity nciwqcn io ".n.w. A camlai ii. Dt tho r ne contestants Uv- thero nroved to bo nothlnir dolnir In f!hl- - I lnn hnrn rmlnv c 1 1 1 onnuf fcnw it nnd thn I nntrn n rrn ro u r n 1 1 nt n fnntnli ilt1t (Viai. . . . . 1 I f IILI U lUllllj ''III B"1" Vlf)Wf Wr)VVU0kkVVa K 41tUkV 1 1 I k l JllUVi Un to dato no reason to revlso tho juug- mcnt Of last WCCk, that POWCrS IB JealOUS ,.. n.... nnnnv tlnlnv. .Tnhnnle llm tnrr hna mulii IhlB mil nf Ihn nunn. of Hlckey's effort to break Into major leaguo 1?tVtln ITntifi Qmlrh Inmna WhHffllffir nil I Hnn Prifpnll nva hn will lm nn linmt nnvt - . 4 1 -iV UIUIVII) " ' p .... 1 VIIIIUII Sw U IIMIIU U W A t, I HW company, nna appcareu. m i. m of inlc,rgtat0 reputation and estab- Saturday night ready to. mnko Duma go KS niiMPTnW T-THT T1?R n m tn Q t) in SllTlflnvq Rn m tn n n in P O Unt 7fifi Kansas City Powers used figures compiled ,tahcd flghtor8t Then nmong tho ,csser 80lno, although he was considerably taken HM 01H1UJ! MUUltb .1. til. 10 J p. 111. DUIUiayS, b a. 111. 10 0 p. 111. 1. V. 1SOX fOU by tho renowned nm murnnuo, , , hts but gtm vcry promising young fol- aback ut Chicago toflnd that everyone 13 nx. n,,, nlc p iiil ni n.i nniiili ANrl rnnnm pi nillllA II m Comparing tho population of ho eight ( cities ,ows may bo numbered Clarence Kngll.h, there considered Durns tho best In tho IM Off 03 OVef 2 5 S. 4ft St.. DBU U 0 U QC 1 3 S W VMM SlS., OMAHA, NEB. in ihn Knstern icacuo nnu iuo uikiil ihu-i n,n ,i ti, t.. vi.t ni... ism w nOSCd for tho American association.. SUOWeil A m,.,.. Mimtnln. A rnmnlnln Bhnl. Mnnuhltn Plnr ImI, n,nno,- f conclusively that the Eastern Is the MeBCsL ,jown on nn sparring affairs will causo theso Durns, says tha.t his man is working out nt Tim Is astute, as becomes a man from Dos- . scamnor off to other localities llko the Davcnnort Athletic club cvmnnslum ln ton, but ho Isn't well Informed n regard ghcep( but thcro nro jmlIcat(ona that such Davenport, la. Tho Farmer Is always In to tno west, u no wore, no h.iuk a courso wm not bo necessitated. protty good sbapo.and ho will show up well cral times beforo ho would Indulgo In such , th,8 match ns UBUa,( (,cgplt0 th(J fa(Jt that comparisons as ho has made. 'motny Danny Haley, tho promising loent mid- ho wrestles on January 30 and 31 In Iowa should look oyer tho business of tho two joweKnt iia,i n strcak ot 111 luck at Kan- towns and' will bo compelled to Jump on tho sets of cities, compare tneir nciniiy gas city laBt Tutday night which Is seldom trnln nnd hurry, to Omaha Saturday for rejouvo imponunto in luu ' "" ""- duplicated. In hl fight with Georgo Fltz- this bout. iuv.u i - . gerniu oi hi. ljuis no nnu nis man wuippeu Alter consiucranie argument tno men lion as 10 moir uiwo omi .immu;., uU , (lcath ,n tho flfth rouu George taking havo agreed to wrostlo the best thrco falls maybo bo would revise his statement, tor- th count tnfeo timcB BUCCC.3slvely and bo- out of flvo and that will clvo endurnuce a tunntoly, however, tho dictum of this won- n(; flnaly S!tV0(j by tho pons. Then In the considerable hand In tho contest. Local dcrflll mnn from tno MUD UOCSn I go very nnTf rnllnii nnnnv rnl n llMIn rnrnlia nnrl ,,nrtti KnniMnr II vt. lhinml,nl,l. ,,, inr in ucciuing inanon. u a mero wiidiy driven blow from Oeorgo's elthor contestant will havo any easy thing, we'll try tn worry along Just the samo as g,ovo took hm ,n tho Btoraach and disabled Somo good preliminaries aro being arranged mougn no niui nuver emu n. bra B0 that Fitzgerald wns able to got for this night. easily to his Jaw and put him out. The Then, there's that word outlaw, wnicn ...m..h blow wag n mpr In., r.iiv is bolng nonaea arouna so ircciy jubi now. When Ban Johnson roaae nis DrcaK ior dbi- Tn hnnU ..phvioni rnitnrn nn,i ter things he was called an outlaw and Seit.DofcnBC nobcrt Fltzslmmons puts tho eoveral othor things. Ho wsb successful x.v of lon 0,ncrenco and COod common nnd 'now ho Is tho wholo thing. If some scng0 on tho widespread fancy of athletes or mo cnmusiasis wno-jum now uru wh)ch favors the development of enormous, Ing overtime to nbuso Tom Hickoy and call knotted, ricldlv hard muscles, nnd exnoses mm "ouuaw" win oniy arrnngo raano.rB wlth BlartUng distinctness tho fallacy ot SO thnf they Won't explodo beforo next .ueh notions. Snenklni? of nn Inntnnen nf n April, they may sing another tune. Maybo professional strong mnn of enormous size nhiri'nn"'." kon't bo nn outlaw then. wbo camo t0 hm ad announced a doslro Gato City... Trniia Aliniulqiieil for Time While Ex pert. Tnlk Over Former Achievement.. So ISxcn.e Till. Time. n.iltlmoro American: "It was a now gun, your honor," protested tho prloonor, "and I did not know it wns loaaoa. "nut." araued tho Judge, "the dealer has Just told us that you did not pay for tho weapon." "What haB that to do with It?" "Woll. If you didn't pay for It, tho dealer must havo charged It for you." And tho lutl eo tried to look ns much llko tho pictures of Solomon ns ho could. fall of snow that began Sunday night, 'athlete's heart.' nowovor, caused tnrm to niter tnoir plans A musclo-bound man is worse than a And no ono from tho Gate City drew a boad skin-bound horse. Ho Is awkward and un nt n targot or llvo bird either on that day. n!nlr as a crocodllo would bo In a ball nio oa.i ru.uu provenico any local rep- room TaUo hm away from h,3 cho8cn pr0. rescntatlon at tho two days' shoot at Hals- fcsslon and ho Is nil at sea. Ho la n frlght- se.viral days to(dlsriipt 'the -congress com-1 pletelK Tho samo" 1'acllcs which eastern Influences havo shown ln all national a'th lotlc organizations, tho American Athletic union, tho Looguo of American Whoolmun Downward Course A little bncknche at first, Daily increaaing till the back is lame and weak; . Urinary disorders quickly follpw, Diabetes and Anally Bright's Disease. This is the .Downward Course of Kidney Ills. DORN'8 KIDNEY PILLS Cures every form of Kidney Ills. Plenty of proof that this is so, Here is Omaha testimony: Mrs. Katlrt O'Mnru, 2420 Vac Itlc street, says: "For seven or eight years I was troubled more or less with rhoumatlsm nnd sharp pains across the small of my back. WorkluR pretty hard looking after mjr family In what I think brought on the trouble. I was much worso In the mornln ks on rising and becamo some bettor after being up anil around for somo time. I saw Dnan's Kidney Pills advertised and got them at Kuhn & Co's drug store. Before taking all of the box I k new they were benefiting me. They cured my back and helped my rheumatism." AtHI DrH StirM-Prlci50Cinf$-F0STER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, ion. ia., wnicn wasnciu on inursaay and fui object lesson against tho uso of heavy nnd even slightly In tho Ilultod States Friday. The fact that nolther affair drew dumb-bolls or heavy weights of any kind. Coif association, appeared early in tho Tho man or boy who wants to become American Dowllng congress, nnd tho same quick, strong and clever must avoid tho uso rule-or-ruln "Spirit was manifested for a of heavy weights as carefully- ns thouch tlmo by the eastern representatives thoy were poisonous unakes. They com- Other Bentlmcnts llnally prevailed, how- plotely destroy all that suppleness and ngll- ovor' and with tho withdrawal by tho east Ity which mark every detail of tbo clever " ts presidential candidate, EbblttB of athletos work. Now lork, nnd tho election of an cntiro "A man who Is a-runncr. Jumper, boxer now slate, with Mayor Dookwalter of In In fact, anything except a heavvwelnht dlanapolls as president, tho storm blow llftor can havo no use for knotty, un- ovcr nnd Intogrlty of tho congress Is wieidy massos of strength. Kven our best unimpaired. wrestlers nowadays recognize the fact '8 nn extreme gratification to local that muscles of that kind are of no use to rollers that Al Krug, captoln of tho Qer them. Thoy know that thero nro right and mans, won with his bowling partner, Dynln- wrong muscles, Just as weU as thoy know Bor ot Los Angeles, second placo In the mat mere is a right and wrong way to iwo-raan conicsi. meir score was 1,229, wrestle. Thoy know that such mimnin very closo to tho 1,237 mnde by tho Chi bring thcm prematuro old ago nnd early cas teftm McClcnn and Steers, which took death." first. There was vcry hot competition In y this event, being 107 ontrles SNOW BOTHERS THE SKATERS T,, omy wpim total score ot 2,782 pins, mado by tho Nationals of Now York Outdoor fen IleeoniDi imnrncdcable. City on Tuesday, and which was at once siaiea for tlrst prlzo by tho cnthuslnsts, has been beaten hero In tho Omaha leaguo. On November 12, In a game against the Ger mans, tho Oraahas throw 2,703, with Wlg- man, smead, Rend, Emery and Zarp rolling. but Illnks Profit Itesult. Last Monday's snow storm sufficed to keep the suators off the open-air sheets ot lco all the week, and as a consequence they hove taken to tho covered places, "where It costs to skate" and whero the Ice Is al ways clean, though of limited extent. The euow did not dlscourago any of the edge artists to the extent of laying away their blades, however? and It is probable that the moonlight nights of the last week have wit nessed mora skating parties than at any similar tlmo before this winter, even thouch tho moon was not vUlble as soon as you got Tenpln scores of 200 and better at the Gate City alleys: W. A. Chandler. 201; w. u. Kneidon, 221, 2oe. 200: C. n. Ilr don- becker, 200, 207, 211, 236; Sol Vodor. 201: II. Ceselln, 218, 228; Melle, 213; 220: Vic Hayes, 222, 2H, 213, 215; II. D. Peed, 201, 20S; M. Greenleaf, 213; II. W. Hanson, 237; c. Conrad, 200; J. P. uoblnson. 203: W. V Clarkson. 202; King Denman, 224, 201: Peter Nlelson, 202; Frank Kogg, 207; Fred auaieer, 203; 0, F. Hull, 212; II, JI. Contagious Blood Poison Thfcrc is no poison so highly contagious, so deceptive and so destructive. Don't be too sure you are cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per cons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or years, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up llko Boget UKo. & out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely, transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- "cad)- ' Pmitmt. life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. ii the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this 6o thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures Contagious Blood T 1L" Poison in any and all stages; contains no IjB mineral to break down your constitution ; it is Eurely vegetable and the only blood puri er known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it THE IWIFT SPIOIflO C., ATLANTA, OA. BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS TO- California Three Excursions Weekly VIA Scenic Line LEAVE OMAHA Wednesday Friday and Saturday Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco via Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra 4 Nevada ny uayngni. uireci .onnctiiuu iu i-m City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha. fir Two Large Rooms are seldom available ln a building like The Bee Building. They are par ticularly adapted for a concern , need ing; large floor space or employing; a great nurabsr of clerks. The rent Is particularly low. If you wan them, ' apeak now. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Arents, Bee BnlMlaf. Your Fortune Told Free. BY THE ZODIAC. WK, We will send you n Horoscope Read Itk of your life and u most Intereat tng nook on Astroloay, If you send the date of your birth and a stamp ior return pontage, Our readlngn have rr.ado people happy and full of hopo and Buocess. Address MAOAZINK Olf MY8TEKIES, 22 N. William St., N. Y. City. Clark's Bowling Alleys 1313-15 Harney St. Biggest-Brightest-Best MEN Cured WWII You Sltfp In Fifteen Dtji Any BUffnrer from BTIUCTUIUC and lt ofTuprlng, VAniCOCKLK, I'roBtutltiu nnd Bemlnal WeakncHH Ih Invited to cut nut thu coupon polow, wrlta his name nnd uddroiia rRur. 'iiiKATisi: coui'o.v. St. James Medical Association, (13 St. JuiiieN lllilK., Clnvliiiintl, O. Please send mo a copy of your Must trated Work upon the Malo Sexual Hystem, Hceuroly sealed, l'ltKl'AlD, FKEH of all CHARGES, Nnine AdilrenN palnly, mall It to St. Jamos Medical Assq,. 62 St. James Bid p., Cincinnati, O., and they will send their Illustrated Treatise, showing narts of the malo system involved lfi urothral allmonts PRE- t DETIf PAID, HT. JAMK.S MICDICAL, AHOCIATION, (ia Ht. Jnmea DIUur., CIINCINMATI, O VARICOCELE A salo, ptlnlcit, por mallBlllfiMrniiarnti. ,.iu. iTliijr - UVU ycari experionco. no money accojxeil until pa. tlont I well. Oomultatlon ana Book Frit, by mall or at omce. Wrlto to uuoTon O. M. uoe, BIO Walnut HtrtUAMSAB CITY. uh. THE BEE FOR ALL THE NEWS