1 V I'llJfl OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. JANUAItY 2G, 1DO. Catarrh of tha Stomach A Pleasant, dimple, but Srtfe and Effectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach has Jong been considered the next thins to Incurable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating tensation after eating, accompanied some- times with sour or watery riflings, a forma tion of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lunga and difficult breathing, head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general pHyod-out, languid feeling. There Is often a foul taetc In the mouth, eoated tongue, and If .the Interior of the itomach could bo seen It would show a slimy, Inflamed condition. Tho cure for this condition and obstinate trouble Is found in n treatment which cauaea tho food to, bo readily, thoroughly digested before It haa time to fcrmctit and lrrltato'the delicate, mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure ft prompt and healthy digestion is tho one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion Is secured the catarrhal condition will havu disappeared. According to Dr, Harlanson tho safest and best treatment la to use nfter each meal a tablet, composed of Dlatase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Oolden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now bo found at 11 drug' stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being n patent medicine can be used with perfect safety nd assuranco that, healthy nppctlte and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. riooher, Chlrngo, III., writes: "Catarrh la a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In the hpad, whereby tho lining membrane uf the noso become in flamed and the poisonous discharge there from, passing backward Into tho throat roaches tho stomach, thus producing ca tarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities preaerlbcd for me for three years for ca tarrh of stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after using only one' box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I oannot And appropriate words to express my good feeling. I have found flesh, appe tite and s'ound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest preparation as well as the simplest and moat convenient remedy for any 'form of Indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful' Offer IJO DAYS' iREATMcrrr fteauie WMPOUMO, Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound Is a famous disease destroyer and the greatest blood purifier ever discovered. Positively cures Catarrh. Rheumatism. Ln Qrlppe and all Ktdnoy, Stomach and Liver Dis eases. Bad Memory, Dizziness, Headache. Coated Tongue, Sleeplessness, 10 days' trial free. All druggists. DM. W. 8. niinKIIART, Clnclnnntl, O. Strengthens ram World Famous Marian! Tonic It Is found especially useful In Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia, Malaria, Consumption, 'Over work, Indigestion, La Grippe, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Tardy t Convalescence and Thront and Lung Troubles. U DrtiggUta. Refuse Substitutes Curse -or- DRINK CURED DT iffiiiiD niuuuu numuuj Ma Uiven In (llnaa if Walor. T er Coff Without Pattern's Knovle4 White Ribbon Remedy win cure or dt troy the dlsoared appetite for alcoholic Jtlmulants, whether the patient Is a con rmed Inebriate, "a tippler," social drinker er drunkard. Impossible for anyone to have an appetite for alcohollo liquors after ulmr Whlto Ribbon Remedy. Knaoraau by Member ttt TV, C. T. V, Mrs. Moore. Superintendent of tha Woman's Christian Temperance Union, writes: "1 have tented Whits Ribbon Rem edy on very obstinate drunkards, ana me furea have been many. In many cases ttie lemedy 'waa given secretly. 1 cheerfully recommend and endorse White Ribbon Remedy. Members of our Union are de tlghteu to nnd a practical one economical treatment 10 aid us in our temperance .work." . , aire. Wt. prealdent of tha Woman's Christian Temperance Union, atatea: "1 know of so many people redeemed from the euraa of drink bv the use oi White Ribbon Remedy that 1 earnestly requeat you to give It trial." For sale by druggists every where, or hy mall, $1. Trial package frea by writing or falling von MRU. A. M. TpWNSEND (for years Secretary of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union), 2U TREMONT ST., BOSTON, MASS. Sold In Omaha by SCHAEFER'S SKocRE Phone T4T. S. W. Cor. llth and CMcago. oods delivered FREE to any part of city. Deputy fltatt Veterinarian, rood Inspects. N. L. MMAOGIOTTI, D.Jf.S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Wd Infirmary. rtth and Mases ftt TaltiHWat AFFAIRS AX SOUTH OMAHA Oit; Htt Fawar to Did Away Stritti an! Alleji TaoUed. CHARTER PRCV.DES F03 ArPRAI'.MENT Committee on Street nnil Alleys of L'nnncll I'xpcrtrd to Make Report on' Proposition from Stack Yard Compnny. In regard to the vacation of a portion of Railroad avenue tor the Union Stock Ynrda company an error was made In tho statoment that tho city had never given a deed to a railroad company for streets and alleys vacated. Investigation shows that Mayor Kelly executed a deed to the Northwestern road when streets and alleys wore, vacated In the northern pnrt of the city. It appears that such a provision Is Included In the new charter, although few members of the council aside from Ed Johnston are conversant with tho section, Section 20 of the charter says: No street or part thereof shall be vacated by the mnyor and council except upon the following conditions: The value of tho ground to be vacated shall bo first de termined by the vnluntlon of three dis interested freeholders, who shall bo np polntcd by the mayor and confirmed by a majority of the council. Theso appraisers shall value the property so fia to tnke Into consideration tho fair markot vnluo of the lot or lots nbuttlng on thut part of the street ro tie vacated. The owners of the lots abutting such portion of tho street to bo vacated Hhnll, before tho order of vacation Is passed, pay Into the city treas ury tho amount determined by the apprais ers. When this Is done the mayor is author ized to make n deed to the purchaser for that portion of the street so vacated. There Is nnother provision in tho charter relating to the same subject, which says that tho valuations made by tho appraisers must bo submitted to tho mayor and council .for confirmation, and should the valuation not bo confirmed, proceedings may be taken anew for the purpose of fixing the vatu of the property. Whllo there Is not supposed to be any thing concerning tho viaduct or the vaca tion of Railroad avenue before the council, rumor has It that the street and alley committee, composed of Dworak, Adklns and Vansnnt, will consider tho proposition mndu to the Commercial club and, will make a report In duo time. l.ncnl Politics. It Is rumored on tho streets that W. Q. Sloauc is to becomo Jhe labor candidate for mayor. Mayor Kelly Is out for the republican, nomination and so Is Frank Koutsky. Elisor seems to have the lead among democrats. Mr. Sloane has gone on record as saying that he will not expend any money at the primaries, neither will ho contribute to n campaign fund. In the past history' of South Omaha It has been shown that tho labor candidate for mayor has never wont out, but this year the supporters of Sloane assert that he can win, providing he gets tho. undivided labor vote. Roth Ensor and Kelly are busy sotting up their fences, and whllo Kelly la preparing to show how extravagant Ensor was, tho latter Is securing data about tho present administration, and so If the light Is to be a three-cornered one It will be decidedly lively. As the city' attorney Is to be elected In the spring, several candidates arc itlready In the field. Henry C. Murphy wants the Job, and so does Al Sutton. P. A. Wells Is also casting longing eyes at the salary of the city attorney. On the demo'cratlc side, R. D. Montgomery Is going to bo a candidate, and so will H. D. Fleharty. Mr. Lambert, tho presont city attorney, asserts positively that he will not be a candidate at the coming election. While tb.e election Is two months off, a great deal of Interest Is being displayed and candidates are coming forward every "day. Cnptaln Holland Visits Fort Crook. Captain W. L. Holland of the troop or ganized here Friday night went to Fort Crook yesterday for tho purpose of secur ing a drlllmaster. An officer will be se cured to drill the troop for not less than thirty days, when It Is expected the troop will bo muttered Into the service jtt the state. Since the organization a number of applications have been received by the offi cers, and It Is thought now that there will be no difficulty In securing 100 mem bers. In the appointment of non-oommlssloned officers the officers of the troop propose to name those who have seen service or are well up In tactics. Arrangements are being mado for the use of a hall for drill pur poses and not less than two meetings a week will be held until the members have tho foot drill perfect. After that, mounted drills will come. Anti-Saloon League Meeting, Tonight at the First Presbyterian church there will be a meeting of the Anti-Saloon league, Harry 0. Fleharty will speak on the topic "The Saloon In Politics." This address will be followed 6y ono .from Rev. Dr. Wheeler. All of those Interested In the suppression .of saloons In South Omaha are Invited to attend this meeting. Union Services, Preparations have been completed for holding union services this week, by the pastors of the ..ity. The first of the series of meetings will be held on Monday night at the United Presbyterian church. Rov. R. U 'Wheeler will on this occailon deliver a sermon on tho topic, "A Newly Christened City." On the nights following services will bo held at the various churches', with different topics and a change in tho leader of the services each night. win nip cattle. The Union Stock Yards company will soon commence the dipping of range cattle. Ar rangements are now being mado for the lo cation of the dip plant Just south of the h street viaduct. A solution of lubricating oil from which the parnflne "has been ex tracted and sulphur, so It la stated, will be used as a dip. Feeder cattle to be sent to PIEss Cured After 90 Years. Thoa, 13, Wood, 18 17th St,. Sacramento, Cal,: 'One KO-cont box of Pyramid Pile Cure pel manently cured me of plies. For 9 years I nurtured: underwent a frightful operation, nearly died, but failed to cure. I was unable to walk when I tried Pyramid Pile Cure. Tho flrst application relieved me." All druggists sell It. Qjlckly cures every fc rm of plies Book free by mall. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, MK'b. the country will be dipped In order to pre vent the spread of any cattle disease. Pnckrra' Ilnnk Safe Repaired, The bjp steel eafe at the Packers' Na tional bank was brought back from the fac tory yesterday nnd Is now In good working order. During the latter part of December the automatic time lock on the safe tailed to work and it was necessary to take the safe .cut of the building and force It open. This removal was no easy Job, as the safo weighs 10,000 pounds. Investigation showed that tho clockwork had been stonped by a mite of dust. As the tlmo lock was guaran teed by the company selling ahu safe the bank wilt not have to stand Any of the ex- penso Incidental to the removal or tho open ing of the big strong box. Mnalj City Gossip. Mrs. C. W. Smith Is III nnd Is threatened with pneumonia. M. Maberry is laid up with a severe nt tnck of rheumatism. Services will be held at St. Edward's mission at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ed MoArllmher wim rnnflntr minIIv vrafftr. day, but there Is Utile hope of his recovery. Rev. Foster will prench on topics of the dny nt the Episcopal church this forenoon. Rev. S. S. McOIII will preach nt the Christian church morning nnd evening to day. Mrs. A. K, Strykor Is back from Oalcna, III., whero sho spent some time with rela tlves. Storm Snsll flnt Mrlrpx frnm llnwlnnit 43S North Twenty-fourth street, before buy- inn, i-none i. Rov. M. A. Head preaches this morning at the Methodist church on the topic, "Secret Dlsclpleshlp." Rev. C. N. Dnrn'Mnn tvltt ilfllvr nn 4d. dress at the Young Men's Christian as- sociation rooms mm arterjioon. Charles Attstndt has sent in his resigna tion as n member of thn lire ilon.irtmnnt nnd proposes to cngago In business for him- sen. Captain Uucklcv of fire company No. 3 was discharged from tho emergency hfls pltal yestcruny and will soon return to work. It Is understood that the edict has gone out from tho powers that bo that no more prize fights will be permitted In South Omaha. The Ladles' Aid soclet;- of the Methodist church will meet on Thursday of this week With Mrs. H. lllbsnn. Twpntv.nlehlh and O streets. DEATH RECORD. CJrncrnl Harrison C. Ilolinrt. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 2. General Harrl son C. Hobart, the last stfrvlvor of tho Wisconsin constitutional convention, and one, If not tho last, survivor of tho original five who planned and mndo the famous Ross tunnel and by It escaped from Llbby prison, died of old ago In (he hospital at tho Soldiers' Homo at 11:58 this morning. General Hobart was born at Ashburnham, Mass., and was graduated from Dartmouth college in 1848. In 1846 bo came to Wis consin and began the practice of' law. In tho territorial legislature of 1847 he repre sented Sheboygan and Washington counties and on tho organization of the stato was the first state senator from his district. Ho aided In the framing of tho constitution and had a marked Influence on much of the early legislation of tho state. During the session of 1849 he was the speaker of the house and with that office bis political llfo closed for a time, so far as holding office was concerned. AuKnst Sclioenbonii Architect. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. August Schoen born, who prepared the plans for the dome of tho tapltol, Is dead. In 1849, at the age of 22, he came to tho, United States from Germany, first going to Wisconsin. Two years later he came to Washington and entered the office of the architect of the capltoll His work there attracted (he at tention of President Fillmore, who was a frequent visitor at his office. At the breaking out of the civil war bo rendered valuable service In the preparation of maps and plan's for General McDowell,' as well as plans for forts, barracks, hospitals and other buildings for the quartermaster general's office. .His funeral will take place on Monday. , II I ram Carmtchael. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special.) Hiram. Carmlchael, aged 76 years, who has lived on a farm three miles southwest of here for fifteen years, died Thursday night after an illnese of several days. He had an operation performed Wednesday. He leaves an aged wife and ten children. Ho was burled In tho Table Rock cemetery today. Last fall Mr. and Mrs. Carmlchael cele brated their golden wedding anniversary, at which all -their ten children were present. The family came here from Pennsylvania fifteen years ago. John Goald. TECUMSEH, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special.) In the death of John Gould, which occurred hero yesterday, another nloneer settler nr Johnson county oaesea away. Mr. finnM died of heart trouble after but a few days sickness, ho was born In Ireland In 1829, came to America In 1853 and to Johnson county, whero ho settled on a farm. In lftl. Ho leaves a wife, four sons and a daughter. Henry Littleton Kdmnnds. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 25. Henrv MHIntnn v. munds, who was Judgo of the criminal court a ere tor many years, died today from an artltA fllflftflftn nt thn fltntoineh attn- . nt ness of several Suonths. Judge Edmunds was oorn at oirchland, a country place In Virginia. In 1863. He araduated from ih University of Virginia in i873 nnd was aaraiitea to too Ht. Louts bar In 1874. Solon Armstrong, MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 25. Solon Arm atrong, a resident of Minneapolis since 1857, died at his homo In this city to night after an Illness extending over a period of two wocks. He was at ono tlmo city comptroller, a member of tho Roard of Education, an alderman and president of the city council. Ilrlihnth Krnnlch. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Helmuth Kranlch. senior member, of the Arm of Kranlch & Dach, one of the oldest piano manufac turing firms of this city, died here today. He was' born in Germany sixty-eight years ago. Charles T. Means. MANCHESTER, N. H., Jan. 25,-Charles T. Means, republican national committee man for New Hampshire, died at his home here today. Ho was it years o age. THE nKAl.TY MARKET. 1 jfrS'T11 fr rCCOr,, Slturda-. Warranty Deeds. A. R. McCandless to E. E. McCand less, lots 2 and 3, block 4, Isnbell add ! len William Feller and wife to a. F. Turk-Ins-ton, lot 7, Pruyn's sub in Shlnn's add , 55 Atlantic Realty association to M. L. lorbes. lot 11. blocks, Hemls park.. 350 EJ?" Pu"'s.e,V.,0 ,J 8- Shadauck. lot 25. block 1. Remls park 500 E. ,11. McCrenry nnd husband to L. M. Cox, lots 18 and 17, block 3. Marys-. vllle add ,,,, ' soo Quit Claim needs,' I. N. Overturf to Conservative Sav- -Ings Bnd Loan association, lot 39, Luke & T.'b add....... , t Sarah Overturf to Conservative Sav Ings nnd Loan association, lot S3, Luke ct r.'s arid ;,, nrpila. Bherlft to J. G, Megeath, lot 124, Wind sor Place ', jjOQi Tptal amount of transfers Jlji" fa SILER SAYS SMITH WINS Refine Awtrls Caitut io lis Econun I Fi(hti. WHITTAKER DOES SOME ABLE SPARRING Decline to Mia rrlth Hatch, tint tlanres Ont of Ills llrnch Crorr l Is Kxasperated hy Ilelay. "Smith won the fight fighting. Had It been a sparring match Whlttaker would havo won, for ho landed more blows, which were mostly taps. Whlttaker did all the slapping, hugging and running away, Smith did all the punching. He wanted to fight, and was willing all the tlmo, but did not have a chanco to mako a very good show ing, for Whlttaker would not mix with him. Whlttaker had the longer arm, and kept It out, holding Smith away, pushing and slap ping him, but he was not fighting. Smith landed a real blow every time he got a chance." Referee Gcorgo Slier. This statement Is a concise summary of the twenty-round go at tho Trocadero last night between tho rival featherweights, Hatch Smith of Omaha nnd James Whltta ker of Akron, O., given under tho auspices of the Omaha Athletic club. The men went the wholo Journey and Smith was given the decision. The crowd was fairly well pleased. Both men were In perfect condition and finished the bout almost unmarked. Whlt taker was punished some about the body and Smith's face was slightly bruised. Ow ing to tho lack of mixing the contest wae monotonous at times. Whlttaker fought constantly at long range nnd did meet of the leading. Ho did not use hie right hand moro than twlco on offensive work. He played largely for tho head. Smith went after Whlttakor's body viciously aTid swung savagely at his head many times, but Whlttaker evaded most of tho latter blows. The house was two-thirds filled and thu crowd was enthusiastic, but tho fight went too ajow, savo In three rounds, to suit. Tho winner took seventy-five per cent of halt the gato receipts and a side bot of J250. Tiresomo delays in getting tho different events on the card started drew nut the afTalr till past 1 o'clock, when It should have teen finished beforo midnight. The hottest event of the evening was a preliminary four-round go between Clar ence English nnd Joe Gleason, lightweights They fought four furious rounds, left and right, hammer and tongs, English having his man badly grogged at tho last and win ning. Peter Loch struggled for an' hour to throw Frank Grecnman twice for a purso nt 50 and a aldo bet of about the same size, but tho bout ended without a fall. An In stantaneous battle royal was won by But ler Green. After going four rounds, Young Stafford was given the decision' over Jack Cowan. Eddlo Gardner reforced the preliminary boxing events and challenged the winner of the principal bout. All the mills wcro de cidedly clean and free from blood. BREAKS' FIVE-MILE RECORD McHacliern of Canada Lowers, World's Motor-Pace Time at In door Race.. , 1 PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 25. The five-mile motor-paced heat bicycle races took place, tonight on the Indoor. track at the Second regiment armory. The contestants were "Jlmmle" Michael. Jean Gougollr of Paris, Archie McEachern of Canada and Howard Freeman of Portland, Ore. McEachern broke the world's five-mile record, covering the distance In 7:52 2-5, tho best previous record was 8:01 1-5, made on ths sane track by Bennle Monroe. The four riders were matched by draw ing. Michael being pitted against uougoltz and McEachern pairing with Freeman. Michael won the tlrat heat of his race with Qougoltz by two and a quarter laps In 8:2Jf-5. He finished the second heat five laps ahead of Gougoltz In 8:15 4-5. McEnohern also won from Freeman In two BtralKht heats, covering the llrst five miles In 8:01, two and a half laps ahead of Freeman. In the second heat both riders showed remarknblo speed and rode abreast almost the entire distance. Mc Enchorn finished half a lap ahead of his opponent In 7:52 2-3, brcnklng the Indoor record. Swifts Ilefeat Armonrs. , Yesterday afternoon, dn Clnrk allevs, Armour's tenpln team was defeated by Swift's. Score: 1 SWIFTS. iBt. 2d. 31. Total. Bbne 124 102 140 366 Reckord 131 130 154, 415 Sherwood 6J 113 161 ) 443 Roth 131 16 134 433 Francisco 193 164 153 M0 Radzuwelt 120 115 146 3S1 Tofal. 68 792 ARMOURS. 888 1.518 1st. 2d 3d. Totnl. Gilchrist -. Klemens ., Forbes .... Knlhorn . Thompson Allen Total.., 171 114 1L5 105 128 128 139 11.1 137 113 16S 167 164 474 92 319 108 356 JM 439 116 138 161 144 771 837 815 2.451 Gate Clt Team Wins. On the Gate City alleys yesterday after noon the Denlson, la., team took two out of three. Tho Gate Cltys won by getting the largest tota! pins. Score;, GATE CITY. 1st. 2d. Id. Total Huntington 178 IBS 146- -492 H. Reed 154 130 161- 445 SU nicker t 134 174 129-1 437 Hengle , 166 156 172 484 Seaman 192 '170 199- 561 Totals '.llT 79S I07- 2119 denison; IA. ' ' Int. 2d. 3(1. Total Tannoy 120 155 159- 414 Jackson 139 161 164 464 Kelly 132 1'3 179- 484 Seaman ., ,.161 194 168-526 Surrey 159 160 191- 510 Totals 714 S43 "iil- 2418 llnnlap.Kasy for Omaha. The Omaha Bowling club dCfented the Dunlnp, la team last night nt Clark's alleys last night. Score: OMAHA BOWLING CLUB. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Denmnn , Frltchcr . Emery Kolls . 135 K 178 479 . 168 149 170 47 . 186 160 173 M9 . 193 158 169 512 . 156 180 176 512 zarp Total 838 813 65S 2,5 DUNLAP, IA, 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Reedy, l Thomas 145 119 211 U'l ' 390 158 142 110 130 314 391 Dixon 3i 125 155 177 Moore 112 Balrd , 131 101 4 1 Total.. .... 670 787 66 2,lt3 flyiaha Defeat Denlson, Tho Omahu Howling club defeated the Denlson, In., team last night at Clark's. Score: OMAHA BOWLING CLUB. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Denman Fritccher Emery Kolls Zarp 155 172 19S 1W 202 1SS 203 213 181 183 190 (33 138 513 166 577 1S2 5-3 U0 6) Total 907 S8 fBl 2.731 DENISON. IA. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Kelly .,. 147 H8 161 Hi) Brown 160 1H 142 VI Hecht 190 1 23 115 428 Cramer H9 no 137 m Scharnwebcr .., U2 137 150 75 Total .128 "773 715 2M6 St. l.o u I Man Wins. BUFFALO, Jan. 25.-BowIllig for the Dr Klmm tronhv was concluded todnv. I Martin Keni of St. Louis being the winner, with n scoro of 21 plm. Treasurer Steams of the Ainericuit Bowling congress slated today that n copy of the oitlctal scores will be mailed to nil members of the con gress. SALE OF ST. LOUIS FRANCHISE Transfer of Amerlcnn I.enKiie lllnhls from Klllenn In .Mound City Men Itnmored. CHICAGO, Jan. 2G. According to nn un official announcement, the St. Louis base ball club of the American league has been transferred from outside shareholders .o a syndicate at St. Iouls capitalists. The deal, It Is understood, was closed late to night at n conference between Ban John son, president of the Amerlcnn league; Manager James McAleer of the Ht. Lou's club, two St. Louis capitalists, whoe nnmes could not be learned, nnd Henry Klllllca. of Milwaukee. That the club would be placed In St. Louis hands was announced several davs ago. Just what considerations were of fered for the transfer of the club could not be learned. McAleer and Henry Klllllca were tho principal shareholders, ami It Is understood that a largo sum was paid them. Wntklnn 44oc (Itintilnu. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 25.-Preslflnnt Wat kins todny signed Charlrs Habb. Hie Fort Wnyne third baseman, for the Indianapolis American association club. Charles I.usky, with Washington last year, nnd J. McAl lister, with Columbus, outfielders, havo ilso been signed. WILL WEAR CAPS AND GOWNS GradnatliiK Clnss of CrrlRhton .Vert ical College Aurora on Costume. The graduating class of Crelghton Med ical college, after considerable wrangling, has decided to wear tho caps and gowns when they arc graduated. A week ago the members of tho class met. to select costumes to bo worn on that occasion, but after several bented debates and nfuch wrangling the meeting adjourned with thf, agreement to hojd another session, rather than have as many costumes ns members, Saturday afternoon President Oaks called tho meeting to order, stated the object and asked for suggestions. Most of the old speeches, some In favor of caps and gowns, somo for Prince Alberts and stovepipe hats, and' several for dress suits, were repeated with variations. For a time it seemed that a repetition of the former meeting would have to bo recorded, A happy thought struck ono of the advocates of the cap and gown, nnd ho Informed tho class what the costume would cost. Tho Prince Albert and 'tho dress suit men could not duplleato the price, nnd when the vote by ballot was taken only three men voted against tho caps and gowns, one of that number caBtlng his vote for leather trousers and sombreros. The meeting ad journed peacefully and till Is well with the graduating class. NO EVIDENCE OF GAMBLING NlirrlfT I'mrrr and He put leu Vainly Nenrcli for Kvldencc Ovr , CoIc'h I'lnee. The rooms over Cliff Cole's saloon were searched and ransacked about 8:30 o'clock last night for evidences of gambling, by Sheriff Power and Deputies Flynn, Roach and Weber, armed with a search warrant Issued by Judge Vlnsonhaler on application of F. R. Lite. No gambling was In prog ress and no Indications of gambling were found by the officers. Sheriff Power said: "We searched the rooms thoroughly, but coud find no evi dence of gambling. There waB one tablo In the room at which two men wcro playing high five, and that was the nearest to any thing In the gambling line we discovered during our search;" SAYS ROBBER HELD HIM UP .loll 11 A. J rosso up Rend Htartllnu Mesaaue to Police Over Telephone. John A. Grcsiicup of 2928 North Twenty fourth street eent a telephone message to the police station stlortly befcro 3 o'clock this morning saying he, had been assaulted and robbed of $40 about 2 o'clock at Twenty-fourth nnd Lake streets by an unidenti fied man. Two officers went at onco to tho scene. Groescup eatd his assistant was about six feet tall and wore a black mustache. Ho said that he was dealt a blow on the head which knocked him down, but did not ren der him unconscious. PACKING PLANT0N THE COAST Armour Compnny Days Ground and Will Rnlld nt Nan ' Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25. Tho Chron icle says Philip D. Armour & Co. of Chi cago will 30on establish ap. extensive plant In this city. A site 275 foot Bqunre has teen purchased and several ten or twelve story buildings aro to be erected by tho great packing Arm. Sent Free Jo Men. Frae Trial Package of tlila New Dl. covery Mailed to Every Man Sending Maine and Address Quickly Restore Strength and Vigor. Free trial packages of a most remark able remedy are being mailed to all who write tha State Medical Institute. They aured m many men who had battled for A. E. ROBINSON, M. D., C. M., Medical Director Eears against the mental and physical sut erlnjr of lost manhood that the Institute as decided to distribute free trial packa ges to all who write. It is a homo treat ment and all men who suffer with any form of sexual weakness resulting from youthful folly, premature loss of strength and memory, weak back, varicocele, or emaciation of parts, can now cure them selves at home. The remedy has a peculiarly grateful tr ied of warmth ana sems to act direct to the desired location swing strength fend development just ' where It Is needed, It cures all tho Ills and troubles that come from years of misuse of the natural func tions and has been an absolute success In all cases. A request to the State Medical Institute, 770 Elektron Hulldlng, Ft, Wayno lnd., stating that you desire one of their free trial packages will be compiled with promptly, The Institute Is desirous of reaching that grent class of men who ore unable to leave homp to be treated nnd the free samplo will enable them to seo how easy It Is to be cured of sexual weak nss when the proper remedies ara em ployed. The Institute makes no restric tions. Any man who writes will be sent a free sample, .carefully sealed In a plain package so thai Its recipient need have no fear of embarassrnrnt or publicity. Read V1AI I.m$& writ without teUy, aE' M aak. CURED TO STAY CURED Vhnt the afflicted man want Is not n temporary relief, hut n permit nrnt cure. The beneficial effects of mv treat ment are ns lasting as life 1" cure to stay cured. When once n patient Is rescued by MASTER SPECIALIST. me from tho ravages of disease or weakness peculnr to hl s.vx, he l never again bothered with his formor trouble. . I do not treat nil dlxcast-s, hut I treat men-MKN ONLY and cure them o ?tay cured. Varicocele t'nder my treatment, which Includes no cutting or pain, this Insidious din euro rapidly disappears. Pain disappears almost Instantly. Tho pools of stagnant blood aro driven from the dilated veins and All soreness and swelling quickly silb- Kvery Indication of Vnrlcocelo soon vanishes and In Its stead come thn pride, the power and the pleasure of perfect hcnlth and restored manhood. STRICTURE iMy cure for Strlqture la safe, pain less nnd bloodless, and, therefore, fi-pc from surgery In any form. It Is tne only ouro that should ever bo used, nnd the only one tecom mended by the lesions of men who have boiMi restored by It. It dissolves the Stricture completely f .ttBtBflafeaB We charge nothing for private counseV ,nnd give to each patient a CONTRACT to hold for our promises. Is It not worth your whllo tr Kmc n cure inni wis maue lire anew to muitituiies or men If you cannot call nt our offices, write your symptoms fully. iii'iiiiiiciii n)- i-urresponiience is uiwnys sucpessiui. CONSULTATION FRliC. Office IIout'3 From 8.1. 111. to 8 p. in. Siind;iyn, 10a. in, to 1 p. 111. State Electro-Medical Institute 1308 Furnani St., B.t. 13th und Mtlt btrewt. - - Omaha, Neb. 1 I VSaXilLhBi Tllero is uo ueed to go via Kansas City, and change cars en route, in order to reach Los . Angeles and other Southern California points. The Union Pacific and the Union Pacific only runs three through fast trains 'daily to California. ' . NO CHANGE OF OARS ACROSS THE CONTINENT. . t "The Overland Route1' all the way. If you elect to go In a tourist car, "as many do, you need not wait for certain days, but can go any day in the week on the' Union Faclfic, as this tine and this line only runs Dally Tourist- Cars to tha .PaoUo Coaft. The Union Pacific Personally. Conducted Excursions also run twlco n week, Tues days and Fridays, from Missouri River. Full Information cheerfully furnished City Tiektt Offici, PHONE 310. I DO IT TO-DAY I t HbMbMbHMbM HMbHbWIMI Examine ' -' - Section i of . - The Living Animals of the World s at the office of THE OMAHA BEE nnd removes ovrry nlnlrnrllon from the urinary piissiigi', hMm.vk nil In flammiitloii, s(om every I Im'-Iiii r cleaners nnd hnils I hit blinlder mid kidneys when Irrliatid or tmigeftMl, Invtunhltrs the niemii nnd restores health nnd soiiihIiii'kh to every part of thu body iilfectrd liv the illsciisr. Contagious' Blood Poison My special form of trriiliuent for specific or cnntiiglnus blood poison Is practically thn result of my llfi wmk, and Is Indorsed by tho best physicians of tlila nnd fmelRii iiniiilrli'f. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious iiii'dlclne of ntiy klml, It goes to tho very bottom of the disease and foiem out every particle of Impurity. Soon every hlgn nnd symptom dls appear completely mid forever. The blood, thu tlxiie. tint llcxh. tho bones nnd the whole, system are cleansed, purliled mid icslotcd lb "per fect health nnd thu patient prepared anew fur tho ilulies mid pleiiHurca uf life. Nervo-Sexiial Debility My cum for weak men tines not stimulate tcmpoi'iirlly. but lectures perm intently. It soon drives uway nil those dis tressing symptoms which so con stantly remind one of his dinner folly. It stops every drain of vluor nnd builds up the inusclil.ir mid nervous system, putillcs unit enriches th-s blood, cleanses anil heals the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates the liver, revives the spirits, hrlclitetut the In tellect, and, nliovo nnd beyond all, restores the wasted power of man hood, Reflex Diseases Many ullments are rtllex, originat ing from other discuses, Fur Instance, tnnnly wenknesa sometimes comes from Varicocele or Stricture, Innumerable blood 11 nil bone diseases often result from blood poi son taint In the system, or physical or mental decline frequently follow loss of innnhoodl. In treating diseases of any kind I always cure the effect ns well as the cause. LKCSAL to Investl- Our home SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA V 1, on application. 1324 Farnam Strati.