THE OMAHA DAILY JlEKi RATUIIDAY, J AINU ATI Y 25, 1002. 4 f 1 STAMPS OATHS AS RUBBISH Oity Olnlc Ilbiura Btfmti U Dfpnti tnu Qordti. totpt SPECIAL GUARDS FJECTEO BY POLICE Lawyer Kllcr Knilrnvorn in MnUe Snre 'llmt I'roferrcil Ontlif Arc Not , CooitlKtieil to Wn(f llnskrt DurliiK MM. Another effort, wns made Into Friday afternoon by' Judgo Oorrton end his attor ney, J. W. Ellcr, to corral tho police court bench, but tbo movo was promptly check mated, nnd the covelod scat nccms an far ut of hl reach now 03 at any time during tho last eighteen day;. ' ' ' At G 'o'clock Attorno'y tiller entered City Clerk Klbotirn'B oflloo with four typewritten document, which ho aBkWto have filed a parts of J ml bo Gordon's four ofllclnl bonds, already In tho city archives. The documents wero constitutional oaths, duly aligned, witnessed and attested, each pre ceded by an explanation to tha effect that ho (Gordon) had - Inadvertently taken the wrong oath, and that be wanted now to rnnko good tho oversight, These Attorney Elle'r' spfead but (Ipo'rT tho clerk's counter and calling Mr. Klbourn's attention to them, asked (bat they bo made matter ot public record. . Clerk Elbourn declfned to recelvo them. 'Your client', Judgo Gordon, In not an offi cer of this city," hi! said, "and so thcro Is no ( reason why ho should fllo an oath ot offico. These papers aro only so much rub bish. And If they aro left here tbey will bo treated as wasto paper. I shall not be re sponsible for thorn." Tho four oaths of office, with their at tached explanations, aro still spread out on tho. clerk's desk. ' l'Ht Out by (he Puller. Until mtdnlKht last night five men, two Bt them Judgo Gordon's sons, guarded the entrances of Clerk Hlbourn'o olllce, but at thai hour two. policemen entered tho city hall nnd put, them out. Thoy had to bo rjectert by, force, as tbey declined to obey the offlco'ra'.ord.crH to leavo tho building. In oxplnlnfng tho ncccsalty for tho guards Attorney Eller wild: "Clerk Elbourn nald bo would not bo responsible for tba documents and hinted thnt If they wero left thero thoy night find, their way Into tho wasto basket. Now, If that Ih to bo their fate, wo want to know by what agency they Incur It. Wo don't want to put tho city elerk or tho employes of his office In a posi tion to contend that, they were lost through accident, or through the carelessness of aome outsider pushing, them upon the floor, Bo tho guards wero Instructed to notify evoryono wh'o'by 'nny chanco entered that offico during, the night or early morning as to tho truoA8tnto of affnlra, thoy could bo careful not to molest thpso papers." Tho raid by tlie. pollco at midnight, how ever, frustrated this plan, and tho four precious documents lay unguarded from that hour until .tho offico opened for busi ness this morning. Attorney Ellor eays he will mandamus tho clork to file them somo tlmo todny. This action of Gordon and Ellcr was mado necessary by tho discovery January 18 that Judgo Gordons-had signed the statutory In stead ot tho constitutional .oath, which, It Is assorted, Invalidated his claim to tho office ot police Judgo. , v ANOTHER SUIT BY GORDON Aaka DamaKca. from City Ofllclnls ami j notidanjeji fnrtfcijlac Im. prlannnicnt. As an echo of (ho stirring scenes at tending tho ascendency of Judgo Derka to the pollco court bench January 7, during which Judge Gordon waB forcibly ejected from the room by an officer, tho deposed magistrate Is now preparing for revenge, Bomo tlmo today bis counsel, J. W. Kllcr, will fllo suit against Mayor Moorcs, J. J, Donahue, chief of pollco, Michael AVbclan sergeant ot police, and at least ono mom- bor of tbo city council yot to bo dotcrmlned, In which ho will seek legal redress from their bondsmen for the alleged falso lm prlsonmont of Judgo Gordon. "It Isn't necessary. In making a vnlld charge of falso Imprisonment, that tho In lured person should have beon actually bo bind tho bars," said Attorney Ellor. "Just iho piomept a man lo deprived of his liberty heils a prisoner, and Judgo Gordon was flepriyad of his liberty when an officer took him by tho shoulder and pushad him out of tbo courtroom." MR BRANDEIS IN NEW YORK Dinah a Merrliant "iiys Bnalnma In West Wna Never Better ' Thmf ' Ifovr. the ten 11 Drandols of Omaha, In an Interview faltho New York Commercial, January 21, said business Was exceptionally good in the woat. ' "Business has not been as good for years In Omaha as It Is now," said Mr, Brandela, "and all stores aro doing a big business. 'fltThe lobbing trade la particularly good ahd1 every house In Omaha will show n big lncreaso for 1901 over 1900, and 1902 will go far ahead of 1901. Many now Jobbing houses ara. opening In Omaha. Nebraska Is pros porous, and while tbo corn crop was not as great as was hoped, yot the wheat crop was very largo and farmers are getting good prices. The Utack Hills and Wyo ming, from which Omnha draws a big irado are alio prosperous. In fact tho west was over In better condition thnnlt Is today." Publish your legal notices In the Weekly Telephone 233. MnrrliiKC I.leeiiaca. Marriage licenses wero Issued yesterday to the (allowing persons: Name arid Residence. Age, Thomas Kozlnl, South Omaha 15 Annto Vot, South Omaha 18 John Mezyn, South Omaha,, M Joslo Ilarln, South Omaha ! Xslla K. Kelts, South Omnha 29 A'aum jioiiBn, oguwi yimiim., -i A STRAIGHT SHOT ItroiiKht Altout' H y Accident. 'K lady who accidentally began eating Drape-Nuts nnd quickly discovered tho strength that sho gained, felt disposed to rrlte regarding the rood. She says, "Grape-Nuts has dono so much for me. When I came out of school I was foroken down In health from overwork ,and fiorrousness. Every summer during the hot weather I have beon practically exhausted jmd generally, have lost five pounds yer. or Qujteby accident I began using Orapo .Nuts and thought 1 liked It very much at Arst, but the taste grew on roe so much that r. am extravagantly fond ot It. I at It ail last summer and was surprised1 to find dint I kept up with plenty of strength, my "I "know "exactly what has sustained mo or I have made, no change In my way ot lltTing ' except to take on Grape-Nuts. I Barer tiro or it. i always use it with. cold Jrreuun in summer and warm cream In win 4. tris is a airaignttorward, uoncst let ter. and I trust Jt will bo of service to you! ptof J. Bowse, Cedar Falls, la. RABBI SIMON .ON DREAMERS lie Define Hon C'lvlllrrHliin tin Henllm- oT (lie I) renin the World. f At Templo Israel last ntgltt Itnbbl Simon lectured on tho "Dreamer Israel," taking his Ideas from tho text, "And It shall como to pass that I will pour My spirit over all flesh and your old men may dream and your young men shall aeo vlatons." Tho rabbi stated that what was wanted today wero practical men, men- who could tell facts, and that a majority of people looked with contempt upon tho drearaor or visionary. "Practical men and dream ers," said he, "aro not to bo compared. Tho dreamer, however, Is first of all. Tho poet Is n dreamer and after him comes the sclentlot and tho ones' who' derive good from tho dreamer." Civilization ho deflnod as trying to get near tho dreams of tho world. Tho speaker tatcd that Columbus was a dreamer, Wash ington, Lincoln, Henry George were dream ers. Peoplo laughed when Marconi thought of wireless telegraphy. Whether in ,scl- enco or religion dreams come first. Jesus was a dreamer, and the people of today arc realizing these dreams. Tho speaker stated that of all people tho Jews wero first aa reamers "they live on dreams, feed on roams and aro trying to realize dreams. Mosca nursed a dream for forty years.1' In speaking of Zangwlll a "Dreamers of tho Qhotto," Dr. Simon said: "Men ot marvelous brains came out of those ghet tos. Dut doubtless the greatest, dreamer of them alt Is Zangwll! himself." In speaking of tho Zlon movement- tho poaker said: "I may say tho Zlon .move ment Is Impractical and a dream. It Is a beautiful dream, and the only dream for centuries that has brought together mil lions of Jews under one family. Whatever wo say against It, It has done much for us In seeing visions, nnd on our dreams epends tho futuro of tho Jow." A beautiful song scrvlco preceded the lecturo. Amusements At the lloyd For tho third tlmo within a little more than a ytar " 'Way Dowri East" was of fered at tho Uoyd theater Friday night to the largest audience of the' week. Soverul changea have been made la tho cast since tho pleco was last seen hero, Almost all of them being for tho better. Last night's udlunco seemed to find plenty to applaud, much to laugh at and a llttlo to woop oer. Tho scenlo effects aro good and well car ried out, oven to mlriuto details. The on- gagomcnt continues this afternoon, closing with tonight's performance. CHILDREN HURT IN COLLISION Flyliii Sled It turn Inlo Trailer with DlMntroas 'itesnlts to Conntcrs. Car As a result ot a collision between a sled and a motor car at 4 o'clock yesterday fternoon, nt Sixth and Plerco stroets, Harry Poterson received a broken leg, Otto TTrnrlnrtnb a anrnlnarl' nml Vinftlv itt tiln Elslo Lomatch n badly cut nose and face and Dertlo Wade a cut on the head. Alfred Loebers and Willie Frederick, the other oc cupants of the sled, woro uninjured. Tho Injured children reside In the neighborhood of tho accident and were taken to their home and attended by Drs. S. H. Smith nd City Physician Coffman. Nono is over IH years of age. Since tho snowtho children of this neigh borhood havo been spending their time In coasting on "travelers" from Hickory street dawn Sixth to Plerco. At Sixth 'cnr Plerco streets tbo Harney streot car line ends and tho company has In a Y on which the cars turn and stand until tlmo for tbom to begin their return trip to town. At tho tlmo ct tho accident the car had Just stopped after making the turn on the Y. Tho coasters woro unablo to turn tho "travolcr," which was going at terrific speed, and dashed into the rear end of the car. Bieu anu cnuaren an worn over in a heap. Ilesldcnts of the neighborhood rushed to tho assistance ot tho conductor nnd motorinan of the car, and tho little folks' were carried into nearby bouses and cared for until tho arrival of tho police ambu lance and Drs. Coffman and Smith, when they were removed to their, homes. Poterson a right log was brokon In two places below the knee, about four Inches apart, and otborwlso bruited. Ho resides' at SOS South Eighth street w'ith his' parents and was resting well last night. Otto Frederick received a severo sprain! ot the right hip and was cut on the leg. He was taken to his homo, 1019 Leavenworth, In tho pollco ambulance. , i The two girls were not so badlt Injured, ncsslo Wado revolving several cuts on tha faco and a cut across the nose, and Elsie Lomatch a gash of several inches on the head. DAIRYMEN FIGHT THE CITY They Decide to Test Legality of Ordinance Iteqnlrlns; Licenses. Members of the Omaha Dairy association havo decided to Ignoro tho city ordinance requiring oach operator ot a dairy wagon to pay nn annual license fee of $10, Notices that the Uccnso feo must bo paid without further delay havo been ignored and 'the dairymen stand ready to resist payment n the courts. Tho failure ot the council to pass ordi nances which would drlvo small hand dair ies out of existence provoked tho fight the dairymen .who havo wagons aro making. All told there are about 140 Omaha milk dealers who deliver their products from wagons. The hand dairies, conducted by people who have only a few cows, havo proved to be hard competition for tho larger dealors and the Omaha Dairy' association attempted to stamp out theso small dairies by proposing an ordinance compelling overy milk dealor to pay an annual uccnso tee or f 10, tho sum which tho city ordinance fixes aa tho license feo of wagon dairies. Vigorous protests against' such an ordl nanco were filed by persons who keep only. a tow cows. Under the present, ordinance email dairies are required to pay $1 a year for oachcow. Men who keep .only a few cows appeared before tho council and ex plained that the attempt ot the .association to fli. a fee of $10 for all dairymen was merely an attempt on the part ot tha milk trust to drive small dairymen out ot bust neis. V DIDN'T GET HISMAN EITHER ThleyUh. Propensities au'd Murderous Intentions Get Isaac Kane Looked Up. Isaac Kane, colored, was arrested-. last night by Officers 'Shields and Taylor, charged with stealing a revolver from Harry Deruateln, a pawnbroker at 212 South Twelfth street. Kane went Into tho shop yesterday afternoon and asked' to see a re' volvrr. While the obliging proprietor was tolling the prospecttvo customer of tho merits of the gun Kane, with the weapon In bis hand, suddenly made a ruth ior the door and with the remark "1 am going to kill a 'nigger' down at the Midway," wus soon out of sight. The theft was reported to tho police and Kane was arrested before being able to carry out his threat. The re volver was fiet vtcowali N MEMORY OF BOBBY BURNS Omaha Eitca Gathtr tt Ctltbrat Natal .AxnWtriar;. MUSIC, SONG, SPEECH AND DANCING Sklre of. I'lnr-n Lrailn 'Off I'ronriuil of Dear Devoted to 1'rnlne l'oet of I'll . People. Scotch . music, Scotlsh costumes and tho wlldwood notes of the voices of, Scotch matrons, lassies and men filled Crclghton hall last night when tilan Gordon ot tho Order of Scottish Clans" mot-" to colebrato tho 143d anniversary of the birth of Ilobcrt Hums. Tho audience was large. Clan Gordon has about 150 members and with tholr frlonds at least COO people woro present, ono ot tho largest crowds over assembled In Omaha on such an occasion. The program opened with an Introduction by the pipes, tho pipers being J. C. Iiuchnnan, piper of the Ian, and, Gcorgo McUougall. Following this was an overturn by (ho orchestra, In which many ot tho popular molodtcs of Auld Scotia wero Introduced. On behalf ot tho clan James Cameron, tho chief, made a brlof address of wolcomo and A. Jamlcson then sang "Wo Aro n' Scottish Here." This called for an encoro and the last verse of tho samo song wns repeated. Tho next number was one of tho best ot tho evening, Mrs. S. D. Lees singing "Jcs- le's Dream." Thero aro few voices any- whero better fitted for Scotch songs than that of Mrs. Lees, nnd with hor- voice she combines n full understanding of tho dia lect and nn appreciation of the forco of tho sentiment. In responso to an encoro sho showed that sho not only understood tho pathos, but well know tho humor, the song I'm Glad Ma Halrt's Ma Aln" being n fine example of tho humorous in Scotch dia lect songs. Address by A'lce Consul. A. A. Covnlt then rendered a cornet solo nnd this was followed by tho prlnolpal ad dress of tho ovenlng. "Memory ot Purns," by M. A. Hall, British vlca consul at Omaha. Tho memory of Hums, In the mind of the speaker, called up tho gifted plow man, born to povorty, suffering from Its pangs all his life, but giving to tho world a wealth ot sentiment which nothing could replaco. Durns, said the speaker, pre served the characteristics of tho people of Scotland In a manner not equaled by tho representative of any other race'; ho crys tallzcd Its ianguago and place,! Its tradi tions, Its legends and its superstitions in form which will prcservo them forever. No other poot over touched tho commonplace and lifted It into tho subllmo as has tho singer of Ayr. Following tho nddrees came the next mu sical hit of tho evening, when Mrs. H. W.. Fltt sang "JcsbIo, the Flower of Dumblanc." Sho divided honors ot handling tho words to their best effect with Mrs. Lees nnd her power ot expression wns something well worth the visit to tho concert. In responso to nn encoro sho sang "Comln' Through tho ltyo." "The Courtln' ot T'Nowhead's Boll" waB neat bit ot Scottish recitation, which was admirably handled by Miss Mary Wal lace. As a comic singer Sam Morris brought down the house, and was called upon for a second appearance beforo the audience. Danclns; Wins Applause. In dancing tho Highland fling Miss Jeanle Falconer showed skill which 'was only ex colled when, In response to"cnlls, she, with Georgo McDougall, danced tho sword danco to the music of tho pipes. This dance brought tho enthusiasm of the audlenco to Its hoigbt. Miss Blanch Sorenson sang "Banks o' Loch Lomond" in a manner highly pleasing and was called upon for a second song. A quartet consisting of Mi's. Fltt, Mrs. Lees and Mr. Jamleson and Mr. Morrison, sang 'Duncan Gray" and "Such a Wife as Wllllo Had" aa only Scotch peoplo can sing Scotch songs. Mrs. A. D. Edwards sang "Angus Mc Gregor" excellently, but when, in response to an encore, sho sang nn English song, her voice was heard to much better effect. Tho Land Wo Loft and This" gave J. Kennedy an opportunity to eulogize tho Anglo-Saxon race and draw a parallel bo- tweon tho work ot Great Britain In South Africa and the United States In the Phil ippines, saying that the race was destined to rule the world, bringing freedom nnd liberty to the oppressed. Mrs. George Shields, in tho character of an Irish emi grant, brought dow.n tho houso. Then Mrs. Donald, McQulston sang a Gaelic fcong in u manner highly pleasing- to tho audience nnd for its benefit Bbo sang the English translation. Preceding tho last song, "A Man's a Man for a' That," by Mr. Dempster, James Lindsay, tho secretary, explained tho ob ject and charactor of the Order ot Scot tish Clans. Following tho program the hall was cleared tor dancing, which was contlnuod until an early hour. The persons in charge of tho anniversary celebration this year wore: Reception Commltteo Thomas Mcldrum, Thomas Falconer, John Trench, W It. Adams. Floor committee William Hampton, P. T. Anderson. J. C. Taylor. Tliomns Fal coner, Jr., ThomaB Meldrum, Jr. Arrnngemcnt Commltteo Clansmen ot amusement committee. Door Commltteo Hlslop, Chapman, Hampton, Urotchlo, Lindsay. An Attack of 1'iieumomn Warded Oft 'Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. Sho complained of pains In her chest and had a bad cough. I gavo hor Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nccordlng to directions and In two days sho was well and able to go to school. I have usod this remedy In my family for tbo past eeveu years and have never known It to fall," says James Prendergast, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islands. -The pains in the chest indicated an approaching attack ot pneumonia, which in this instance was undoubtedly warded oft by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy.- It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. For aale by all druggists. j. S. CAULFIELD DROPS DEAD Omaha Man Expires Suddenly While Waiting for Train In Chl casio Depot. A telegram from Chicago announces tho death there ot John S. Caulfleld, who for a generation was Identified with the business interests of Omaha. According to tho re port, Mr. Caulfleld dropped dead yesterday -morning in tho Illinois Central depot while waiting for a train. His body was removed from the depot to the morgue. Mr. 'Caulfleld was for twenty years the proprietor of a book store In ibis city, which four years ago he disposed ot to the Megeath Stationery company. Since that time be has been retired from bual ness. He owned considerable real estate In Omaha and South Omaha. Ho served during the civil war as lieu tenant in Company G, Ono Hundred and Fourteenth Illinois regiment, and came to Omaha some years ago from Illinois Mr. Caulfleld was never married, and the only known surviving relative is a sister, JJales Ella 8, Caulflclfl, who retldei In Tev sylvnnla. Friends in Omnha bnvo com municated with friends in Chicago to team tho exact address ot tho sister and to as certain her desires as to tho funeral ar rangements, which Mill probably be mado In Chicago. It ti thought that Mr. Caulfleld died of heart failure. Ho hod been Assisted to the station by n bull boy from tho hotel, where ho had been staying, and had falenlnto tho boy's nrms onco bcfqre- tbo fatal stroke READY TO , BUILD A MARKET . I. c nunc Offers to Put ,I'p lIulldlnK nt lis Ottn I'.iiicimo f Pinna for llrlek mid Iron Structure. Members of tho Taxpayers' lraguo will appear beforo tho city coftncll At Its gen eral committoo meeting Monday afternoon and submit a proposition to erect a perma nent market houso In Capitol nvcnuo with out nny expense to the city. Plans for the building havo been prepared and tbo members ot tbo lcaguo stand ready to build the structure and recelvo thelr pay for tho building In rentals collected from tho stalls. Tho Taxpayers' leaguo consists of Alfred Millard, C. F. Mandcrson, Harry T. McCormlck, Joseph Goldsmith, L. V. Morso, Only Lumber company and other persons who ,havp property In the vicinity of tho propospd. site In Capitol ave nue between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. Many wholesalers who oppose tho market slto location used tor tho last few years nro also nctlvo In their support of tho proposition mado by tho TaxpuyorA' league. IMnns Alrenily Drinvn. Under tho direction of tho leaguo plans and specifications tor tho proposed building wero drawn by W. T. Mlsenor. These have been .shown to tho city engineer and several city counctlmen and will, bo laid beforo tbo cpuncll Monday afternoon. Tbo plans show a building of brick and Iron, forty-olght feet wldo nnd In two sections, each of which Is 264 feet long. Each section. of tho build ing has doors at tho ends and doors In tho center of tho sides. A tower stands In tho center of each part of tho building. Tho markot houso Is to bo only ono story In holght, but will bo quite high, so that tbo ventilation may bo good. The rides of tho building will be provided with largo windows only n. few Inches npart. Abovo theso largo windows will bo scml-clrcular windows extending almost to tbo roof. Through tho center of, tho building thoro Is to bo a doublo row of stalls claht feet wldo, and theVo will bo a ,row of similar stalls along each sldo wall, Wldo aisles will popnrnto theso rows. At intervals of twenty-four feet thero nro to bo passaga- ways through the center stnlls connecting tho two main aisles. Cost A limit Forty Tliousnnil. It Is estimated by tho leaguo that such a market houso as la shown In Its plans will cost between $35,000 nnd $40,000. No figures havo -been prepared to show what tho In come from such a building would be, but tho members of tho league express the opinion that tbo rentals from such a build ing for a limited number of years would moot tho cost nnd give tho city a markot without cost. Capitol tvenuo Is 120 feet wide. At pres ent tho sidewalks along tho avenuo nro twenty feet wide. It Is suggested that theso could well be narrowed to ten foot. Granting that a market houso forty-eight foet wide - Is erected, this chango In the width of tho walks would lcavo n driveway twenty-six foot wldo on oach sldo of. tho house. Councilman C. O. Lohcck examined tho plans prepared under tho -direction of tho leaguo and exprosscd his approval.. He said that- ho believed such a 'market house would be equal to any hacsnwduring his, recent visit to eastern cities Tho Taxpayers' league h'as secured a waiver ot damage from nearly rnll tho own ers of property along the section of Capitol avenuo whero It 'desires to have the' markot houso located. MELLEN OBEYS THE SUMMONS President Northern I'nclflc Compiles. with Inte ratnte Commerce Com mission's Subpoena. ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 21. President C. Mollcn of tho Northern Pacific today, when asked If ho had been served with a Bubpocna from tho Interstate Commorco commission to appear before that body to morrow In Chicago, replied "in tho affirma tive. When asked further It ho would recognlzo tho summons and attend tho ses sion of tho commission, Mr: Moll'en replied: "Of courso I snail attenu. rno commis sion has mado the summons and I have uo right to refuse, even it I had been so in clined." Mr. Motion will go to Chicago tonight. and other railroad officials also probably will go. ' Mr. Mellon said thero was nothing con tained In tho summons to indicate tho charactor of tho investigation. Constipation leads to liver trouble and torpid liver to Brlght's disease. Prickly Ash Bitters Is a certain euro nt- any stage of the disorder. Mortality Statistic. The following deaths and births, were re ported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon Fri day: . , ueatns-t-ftirs, umsia Anderson, in vooi worth avtnuo, nged C2: Mrs. Caroline Spel lcrbcrg, 1S37 North Eighteenth, aged 52; Sabrn Gallagher, Fifth nnd Iocust, nged 24: Charles Ilunyon, Douglas County hos pital, ngeu B'j; fliinnie eraser, di. josepn s hnsnltnl. need 40: lire. Anna Anderson. 3730 South Ninth, nged 34. ' Births C; V. Fisher, imb souin Twenty ninth nvenue, girl: Harold Glfford, 1S0S Capitol ayenuo, girl. N.ssy' f Feed your hair with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the hair grow long and thick. Always Restores Color to Gray Hair It checks falling of the hair, keeps the scalp clean, .makes the hair soft and glossy. tl. All irmuto. NOW COMES PRUNING TIME Hitruthmtat Program on at Otiitj Com mUilsnttV Uittiit; Ttdaj. CONNOLLY AND HIFELDT MAY BACK DOWN O'lCceffe Promises In Vote for thu Schedule Presented liy Owtrnm Which Cnn Go TIiioiiku wllh llnrle'n Vote. When It comes tlmo this morning to mako good tho unanimous promlso of tho Board of County Commissioners that thoro shall bo retrenchment in expenses It will deolvo upon Hlchard O'Kccffc, Henry E. Ostrotn and A. C. Hnrto to push tho matter through. Tho pruning knlfo that Jomea P. Con nolly brandished over his head so terribly and rclontlcssly a week ago has been re turned to lis scabbard, tmtnluted by ono drop of blood, und Poter llotcldt, another commissioner ot democratic faith and ex treme caution, who had been announced In 30-polnt Gothic as "standing pat for re trenchment," has bocn discovered to havo no pruning blado nt all, but Just a lady's pcnknlfo with which he might bo willing to whittle off tho salary ot a Janitor or two, but nothing more. In commltteo ot tho wholo tho board members voted on tho schedulo of em ployes presented by Ostrom and amended to restore n farmer nt tho county farm and exchange a cost clork for a stenogra pher In tho district court clerk's ofllco, and on this revised list, which means to tho county a saving of about $12,000 per year, Connolly and Hofcldt voted nay. O'ICecfTe MiiiiiIn nt. Commissioner O'Kecffo opined that his democratic contemporaries might bo satis fied with their own explanations ot their chango of front, but ho wasn't, and ho voted with tho republican members for tho ilrst real mcasuro of retrenchment that, tho present board Is nblo to undertake. Last night ho said that ho still believes as ho did when ho voted in commltteo ,and that ho would stick by tho schedulo In tho mooting this morning, which seems to make certain Its adoption. County Clerk Miller encountered somo more unpleasantness yesterday, when the committoo, of two, which ho had selected to "Investigate tho real needs of tho ofllco," and tell the commissioners In two hours tlmo moro than they had been ablo to dis cover In soverol years, received from- that commltteo a polite refusal to servo. Al fred Millard and Fred II. Dnvls had pre viously turned down lils request, nnd yes terday it was John S. Knox nnd S. A. Mo Whortor, upon whom devolved tho samo unpleasant duty. They woro humane about It, but they let him know that his fight for more clerks nnd more salary than tho board wished to allow was really no affair of theirs, as they are not and havo no doslro to bo In politics at least not in Mr. Mil ler's solitlcs. Tnlk About Miller's Time. From" the room next to Miller's thero has also commenced to como somo plainly audlblo suggestions that tho work of his forco would be lightened if tho clerk, him self would take off his hat and stay awhile ovory day or two. Even tho extremely discreet Hofcldt remarked yesterday, qulto emphatically, that ho didn't know bow much longer it would tako Mr. Miller to straighten up his private business affairs preparatory to giving bis full tlmo to tho office for which ho Is now drawing full pay. - , i Charles Unltt yesterday indicated his de termination to carry to the higher courts hlB contest for the offico 'Miller holds, by filing a transcript of tho county court pro ceedings with tho clerk ot tho district court, but tbo incumbent has qulto lost sight of that In his larger and more lmmedlnto per plexities. DOUGLAS HAS JM0RE TROUBLE Tries to Go Htvlnimliitr In Hotel Lobby nud Lnnds In City Hull. J. F. Douglas, tho Insano man who cre ated a sensation somo months ago by Jump ing through tho second-story window ot his Cass streot homo, caused) another furor ot excitement by endeavoring to undress and go swimming in the lobby of tho Hor Grand hotel. Tbo man had most of his clothes off bo foro hls.dlBrobtng was interrupted. Ho was taken to Jail and yesterday was' dis charged. -Ho immediately began another uproar about $57 which ho said tho police had taken from him and failed to return. A search revealed the money pinned In an envelopo Insldo his clothing. Douglas now lives at 71 South Seven teenth street. At the tlmo of tho Cass street episode ho ran flvo blocks after ho had struck tho ground boforo tbo police could overtake him. Thoy had beon called to the placo to quell a disturbance which Douglas was causing by trying to flail tho houso baro with a curtain polo. LOCAL BREVITIES. A. N. Ferguson will speak to tho Omaha Philosophical society In Labor Temple, Seventeenth nnd Douglas streets, Sunday at 3 p. m. Subject, "Public Ownership of Public Utilities' J. J. Corby, a conductor on tho Hnrney street line, received a scalp wound ubout 7:30 o'clock last night, near Twentieth nnd llnrndy streets, by n trolley falling nn hln head. Ho was tnkon to his home, 317 Norlh Seventeenth street, nnd attended, by Dr. Hobbs. His wound is not serious. i, C AYHI CO., Uir.ll, Uu. CHANGE Some Sensible Advice to Women by Mrs. E. Sailer, President Gorman Eolief Association, Los Angelos, OaL Ovrinp to modern methods ot living, not one woman In a thouennd ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. Those dreadful hot Hashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until It ecms ready to burst, nnd the faint feeling thnt follows, sometimes with chills, ns if the heart were going to stop for good, are only iv few of tho symptoms of a dangerous nervous trouble. Tho nerve aro crvlng out for nsslstnnoe. Tho cry should be heeded In time. Lyriliv K. l'lnkliniii's Vegetable! Com pound wns prepared to meet the needs of woman'n system at this trying period of her life, nnd nil women who mo it pass through this trying period with comfort nnd safety. MRS. E. SAILER. "Deati Mrs. Pinkiiasi: When I passed through what is kviown as ' chanpo of life,' I had two years' sutfering, sudden heat, and as quick chills -would pass over me ; my appetite was variable and I never could tell for u day nt a timo how I would feel tho next day. Fivo bottles of Lytlia 13. Plnkham's VcRetnlilo Compound chanped all that, my days became days of health, and I have enjoyed every day since, now six years. " "Wo have used considerable of your Vegetable Compound in our charitable work, sis wo And that to restore a poor mother to health so Bhopan support herself and those dopendent upon her, if such thcro be, is truer charity than to give other aid. You have my hearty endorse ment, for you have proven yourself a truo friend to sull'ering women." Mns. E. Sailkh, 7301 Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. When one stops to think about .the good Mrs. Sailer derived from Mrs. Plnkham's advice nnd medicine, it seems almost beyond belief yet it is nil true as Btatcd in her letter published above nt her own request. No other medicine in tho world hits received tmch widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse nil substitutes. As a matter of positive fact Mrs. Plukham has on file thousands of letters from women who have bseh safely carried through that danger period "Change of Life." Mrs. Sailer's cure is not an unusual one ior Mrs. Pink ham's medicine to accomplish. ' No other person can jjivo such holplnpr advice to women who are sick as can Mrs. Plnkham, for none havo had such n great experience her address is Iiynn, Mass., and her advice free if you are sick write her you aro foolish if you don't. Abaaa llEWAKD. We havs deposited ifUh theNatlonal Clly Hanker I.jnn.tWOO, VrKIIIIII which will bopald to any person who can tlnd that the nboro testimonial letter J lllllll ll not genuine, or wa published Wore obtaining tho writer's apodal per UUUUU mission. I.ydla K. l'lnkbam Medicine Co., Lynn, .Muss. A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUao- (FUL OF SHAME." SAPOLIO t. DECT TAB y Diaw i run QUARANTEED CURB for all bowel trouble!, appendicitis, blllouineia, bad breath, bed blood, wind c.i the etomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, Indliesilon, pimples, Sains after eating, liver trouble, aallow completion and dlnlness. When your bowels on't move regularly you are alck. Constipation kills more people then llother dlsesBes together. It la a starter for tho chronic ailments and lone years of Buffering that como afterwards. No matter what alls you, start taking CA8CARETS today, for you will never get well and be well all the time until you'put your bowels right. Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under an absolute-guarantee to cure or money refunded. Sample vwuaiut sdi nuuicis uicitiijg cmcuf ALL. DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are Incurable. HEAD NOISES GEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMOHB, SAYS: ' Baltimore, Md., March 30, fooi, CtntUmiix 1 IleinK entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you full history of my case, to be ued at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began toeing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost tny hearing In tills ear entirely. . I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without nny success, consulted n num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told rne that only an operation could help mr, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises woulil then cease, hut the hearing In the affected ear would be lost forever. 1 I then saw your advertisement accidentally In a New York paper, ana ordered your treat ment. After I had used It only a few days according to your directions, the noise ceased, and to-day. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and bee to remain very truly yours, . ., ". I'. A. WURMAN, 7JO S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment docs not interfere with your usual occupation. , E".3,Jicac,,,,Vce':"d YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA 8ALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. ' IIIL BEE f OR OF LIFE J CLEAN HOUSE WITH TUE BAUfEl ins nunna Vuinpain7i WniCBgO Or iiOW YOrKe 5oa ANY HEAD NOISES? CASES OF ALL THE NEWS