THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT U 111) A Y, JANUARY 25, 1002. 11 r t SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements far these column will be Inkra until 12 m. (or Ihe venlns edition and nntll RiJlo p. m. (or morning and Snadar edition. Hates, 1 l-2o a word flrat Insertion, to a rord (hereafter. Nnthlnc taken (or less than 2Bo (or the first Inser tion. These' adTertlaemenla noil be ran eonaecntlrely. Advertiser, br reqneatlna; a nam tiered check, can hare answers ail dressed to it numbered letter In ear f The Bee. Answers so addressed will be delivered reseatatloa ( tke keck emir. SITUATIONS WANTED. WAM-nS'lAnSf nXV0coegred 8"1TB ot oom,s- furnace heat, for gentle r,h".ft".en4'nB..l,.c l2'-. .U"C8 ,y,?V' men. 1519 Jackson bt. F-6B8 nw lorn Llto mug, ici. iuai. jv .iv WANTED, bbokkcopcr; young married man- who Is nn expert and experienced bookkeeper wants position; best of refer ences. Aaarcss p wt, juco OI,1C106 BKIOHT young lady, experienced collector, desires position In office. Address P 51, Bee. A ana i a WANTED MALE HELP. GOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. CO., zu oouiii um. uvit strahy work, profitable work, for neat. energetic hustlers. U. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. ,"lu 5 TTOR. A HALF HAY'S WORK. It you live In the country or In a small town ond have a good acquaintance amontt the farmers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can mako tlve dol- l... ...lit. tin fnii. n flip. Itmi Fa' ar,rlr. Write us and we will send you our uropo sltlon. The lite Publishing Co., Solicitors Dept., Omaha. Neb. B-M:13 WANTP.n n mnH mnn In every county to take subscriptions for ' The Twentieth Cehturj Farmer. Our agents moke good wages ovety Where. References required. Address, Twentieth Century farmer, Omaha, Neb. is-uia vnf.m unBE! FREE1 Shave and halt cut. Moler Baruer College, 1623 Farnam St., 3d floor. Hours, 9 to 4. 11 M-'M IT When You Write to Advertisers rimtmhtr It niilv tnkus uti extra stroko or two of the pen to mention tho fact that you saw me nu in mo uco, WANTED Mon to learn tho barber trade; run hnvn fnrllltlpH that save years of ap prenticeship; our method of free clinic gives us constant practice and our In structors are especially prepared for thlr work In teaclilns hair ana skin dis eases as well as, tho regular work at the chair; tho average tlmo required Is eight weeks, but students are nut limited to that tlmo; wo do not conduct a 6C shop and co it a college; our method Is the samo'aM employed uy dental and surgical institutes end W calculated to clovato barberlng; our dlplomus are a worthy rornrnmprulntlnn! nnvane can earn schol arship, board tools and transportation If desired; beautifully Illustrated catuloguo mailed ftcc. Molur Uttrber Collego, 10J3 Farnam Bt. U-MsaO 2o WANTED, man to sell groceries to tho retail grocery trade in Omaha and vicin ity for a. Chicago house having an estab lished trade; only experienced grocery salesmen or grocery clerus need nppiy. Address S 16, Lord & Thomas, Chicago. . HMVSI i WANTED." n. hov. 1& years' old. In Ofllco: reference! required; must wrlto fair hand. Addrgss P 47. Uce. B-M9M 2C WANTED, nrst-Cltfss ' practical awning man, unuersianns puiung up an kuiub ni awnings l guou salary ana permanciii DosltlOn to tint. class man. Address (Jolo ' rado Tent and Awning Co., 1721 Lawrence St., Denver, uoio. u msw ay 1 f'IR8T-CLA88 tinner, with knowledge of furnace work; sooer and Industrious; steady Job: state ago una rcierencc. Ad dress Box 107, Wymoro, NOb. B-M123 26 BLACKSMITH wanted, ono that can do horseshoeing and wagon repairing: must be industrious and sober; a good job for tno rtgnt party. Auarcss u. w. Morgan, Rawlins, vvyo. u mvm ai j i i. A QOOD'Coatmaker virunted. Address J. V. Ueesen, Seward, Nep.. 11 Mill 27 WANTED, men ot good address to talk our scheme to smokers; no investment; per manent income assured. John B. Rogers & go., mngimniton, w. i. b mho 26 ACTiyE, reliable man to represent large muiiuiuuiuririK cumpuii lucuuy; huso lutely no canvassing; advancement to right party; salary $18 weekly. Address w. j. uni, 7Z3 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, x-u. ii oiivj if SALESMEN WANTED. OALiiaiMtiiN -wanted; tun lino nursery biock; plenty peacn trees; outnt free; pay wnai. uiwrcun nursery o.. Law rence, itan. M031 Fil SALESMEN A Chicago manufacturing company wants traveling salesmen to es tablish distributing stations; must havo some capital or furnish security. Address r j, eo. Aim WANTED-KEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 878. C-3U WANTED, two young lady students to itarn nirurviuM;, niuiiivuruig unu cm ropody and sclsntlflo maseago. Call or writ itoom Z2u, ueo uiag. u cos SPLENDID wages paid ladles who learn -the halrdrosslhg, manicuring or facial massage with us; only four weeks re quired; all the advantages ot steady prac tice on free clinic, expert Instructions, tcciurB, .eic, ,-tui or wruo aioier (.01- lege, Iks rarnam Bt. c M8oi 25 HELP WANTED. MALE A female help. Call Canadian Office. WANTED, wood workers, cabinet maker. millwrights, to work in pattern shop to lane piace oi siriaers. Steady employ Apply Allls-Chal-ice bldg.. Chicago, ment. and, high wages. asers Co., Homo Insurance Illinois. M-67S2S' FOR RENT ROUSES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. otBce 151li Farnam, or tel. 16i3-8SX i "oTt nUUOCO uavls Co., 562 lleo Uldg. - d n 8-ROOM brick house, mod am, 3715 Jackson Ht Telephone 481 or L-H6S3. a .Treynor. , ru HOUSES and flats. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. 8KB IBNlir B. PATNB, 601 N. T. LIFE. HOUSES, a. a, Wallace, Brown bloca. p-(s3 . j-ROOM modern, except furnace, $22. O, il, Nattlnger, Bee Bldg 'Phono 461 D-fcl MSI DAVENPORT ST., (-room, new mod em ton, iarae iuv, m,w a montn. mW w., mm ww -. VJ D-2JI mouses enns. uoyer, zza and Cuming. rnone suo. u aixis jjo' FOR RENT, 13-room modern house, 1724 lOHN W. BOBBINS. 1803 FARNAM. D M721 w imw .,., 0., D'lUUIII ,,IV,UV, I, IlllUtUj with barn; newly repaired ana painted. 130.002628 Charles st., modern house; nawly painted and papered throughout. $48.00 Large iJ-room mansion and stnblo, with 'box 'stalls' and coachman's rooms. THE OMAHA REALTY' COMPANY, " 1SJ1 DOUGLAS BT. D-M7J3 TWO 5 A -r. mod. cottages. Phono A-2588. HOUSES, etc. F. D, Wead, 1524 Douglas. HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block. ' D-943 6-ROOM cottage, elcctrlo light, gas. all aaodem conveniences, $20, 1431 N. 20th St. W D-104 30 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. .... . , i. , f ,. DEWEY European hotel. Hth and Farnam; ONE furnished room, wltli heat, on car line. J 613 (-la: A; to per montn. FURNISHED rooms. ta & th at. K-M7D9 J27 LAHG-E front room, nicely. furnished. steam heat, oni or two gentlemen, can 313V4 8. Hth at. E M509 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 809 a 30th. FURNISHED front room. 2223 Dodge St. E-M118 28 FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. NICE homo for young men. 108 S. 25th fit. STEAM hehted, nicely furnished rooms, With or without board, at The Thurston. r ow FOR RENT, nicely furnished) steam heated rooms, wun or wnnoui ooara. luiuianu hotel, 10th and Chicago Sts. F-M144 ROOMS and board. Olencatrn, 1609 DouglM nww THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; room and board. I gentleman', private famli -2020,84. MaVg"' ROOMS, board; steam heat. 2011 Hnrney street, j) xivjji ra- DE8IRAIJLE room, llrut-class board. 2CS4 FOR RUNT UAFUHN1SUED ROOMS. DESK room space, $9 per month, ground nnnr pnnin in rine neo uunauiK. laLiim street; no expense tor light, heat or juuiiur svrvici;. i ' yyi Rental Agents, JJce liullolng. U ll FOUR rooms, 1C03 Leavenworth street. iU-ill FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N..17th. U-M100 FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, tho building tormorly occu pied by Tno ueo ac iu r arnam di. u una lour diones anu a uhbciuvmi wmuii ti formerly used nu The Ueo press room. This wilt be rented very reasonably, 'if Interested apply u'. once to C. C, Uoso water, tecruiury, room iw, see uuwuiu I 2U FOR RENT, storo In first-class location; rent reusonauie. apuiy n. v. ,x-eiers Co., ground floor, Roo Dldg. 1264 A FINE suitu of rooms sultublo for doc tors omces. RUHHHT 11. UlSliH', t , Room 12, Continental Dlock. I-M429 LAROE warehouso, trackage facilities, on belt line; 24.WU square feet noor suriacei Nos. 1M7-1549 North 16th street. Hy draulic merchandise elevator. Lot 48x238 feet. Building wxiw icetj uenson iet Myers, 50U Now York LUo Building. i ar AUENTS WANTED. PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure suDscnptions to the Ladles' journal ana me auuiraay Kvnnlni; Post. We want aconts who-will work tnoroaghly ind with business sys tem to covet each section with our illus trated little booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers. I'ho puy Is Itrst rato and at tho ond of the season $20,000 will br given tho best workers .as extra prizes for good work. How well some of our agents havo succeeded, i told in a llttlo booklet we would like to send you portraits of somo of our best agents, with tho story of how they mad it pay. The Curtis Publishing Co., Phlla- delphla, Pu. !lphla, i'a. J AlZOo w WANTED; .canvassing agents in every couniy o buiicii BuuncriuiiuiiH iu x nc TWENTIETH. UKWIUHI H'AllltUH aild the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE. STOCK DOC' TOR. This splendid book contains. 1,400 Impt-rlnl octavo pages, 800 obJeat-teachlng Miiirrnvinm and Is the only book on live stock ever published, adapted to the, evcry- farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income Agents in tho country wun norse nnu Duggy ea pecldlly desired. Canvassers make .easily $60 to $100 per month. Address Century Furmer Solicitors' Bureau,- Bee building, Omaha. J i "MEDICOIX)aY," best family medical book in tne wona; ja oincr goou seuers W. A. Hlxenbnugh At Co., 600 Ware Blk. Omaha. J vn When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of thovn to mention the fact that you saw tno aa in ino uva. AOENTfl. now man: iruarantccd watch free with every portrait; real Donanza; vj cleared dally; act quick. Family Portrait Co., Chlcugo. J-Mlia zo' WANTED TO RENT. HAVE moro calls for houses than enn supply: tor quick rental list wun j. ti Parrotte, paxton one. i. wn ia WANTED A country home with five to forty acres or lanu inut can oo easily roaenca irom umunu, iu tuijl lur term of yours, or if price is .rigni win -uuy, Adarcss t l uee. lavao GENTLEMAN desires room and board In a strictly privato family, where mere are . 1. 1..,., -.1 . ..Inalt,,! and With bath; willing to pay good price for satisfactory accommodation: refer ences furnished. Address p 60, uee. K-MU8 26 I,, V FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAQO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. zozo. isiw ana seeonanuna, oougnt, soia, exchanged. o i PIANO, almost new. and other household furniture, at ino. jjm Avenue u, council Blurts. I WANT to buy a stock of hardware In gooa town in western iowa or eastern Nebraska; wrlto mo at Strang, Nob. S. S, fennel. . ft-au;i zr FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS. (ETC, .... ... . r ; THE BEST In buggies and wagons at U, Frost's. 14th and Leavenworth. P 059 B15ND 110 for four now bunny wheels, steel tired, rea or green paint; w bargains in sdhand buggies and carriages, all styles. Drummonu Curriage Co., 18th. Sc Harney, 1' (44 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, CADET cout, good as new; will fit boy 13 or 14 rears old. Auares 11 m, uee, Q-M5S6 FOR SALE. Dhonosronhs. superior to any otner musical instruments; up. ins Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. vi-stu l.'OIl SALE. Kood.slzed Dackaaea of news paper exciiungfs, o ceiua .niiu uv. at uee umce, circulation ,winaow, Q-6S5 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam Q-M522 2D-HAND tato cheap. Bchwart. 114 S. 11; vw FIR timbers fot housemovers, etc., 40 to it it.; criouing ana nog isnce. wi uoug las. Q-903 14 Mill 4 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Shr man a jucconneu urug co., itstn anq Dodge, o-nana. cj w FOR SALE, fine mahogany bank fixtures ana Bare & lock co. sate, auto matic double time lock: double burglar prooc steel cnests. win be soia it bargain. National Bank of Commerce. Q-$ FOR SALE-Latest model No. 2 Smith Premier typewriter; good as new; $C3, hi. w. uoyies, enter or ponco .onice. -976-24 TYPEWRITERS, latest models Reming ton. Hmitn-Premier, uenamore, replaced by the UNDERWOOD; low price. A. H. workman Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phone 2439, .Q-397 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. A PER route, for sale, paying nbout $13 week prom. Address P 45 ueo. Q-M927 2fi' FOR SALE, scholarship In nn Omnha shorthnnd school, cheap. Inquire 232 ueo bldg. Q-MIHH SALT, 11.20 per barrel; ollmeal, $1.75. Wag ners feed more, iws cuming si. y aim FOR SALE or trade, stcreoptlcon In per- lect condition, original cost iw, foreign manufacture: lenses alone worth 135: will sell cntlro nmchlno for $20. Address P 57, uee. u mios THOSE Intending to buy a piano will find u erc:llX 10 moir nuvantage to aaaress P 55, Hoc. Q M123 26 CLAIRVOYANTS. AIRS. FlUTZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. I6th. MME, OVLMEIt, genutno palmist, 31S S. 15. B 967 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME, AMES, 317H N, 15; flat E; attendants. X 3US F6 MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1403 T-M1S2 F3 Webster. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. X 3l F0 DEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attendant. 321V& N. 15th. Flat A. T-M898 F2 PERSONAL, PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; uauies auoptcu. uuu urant Bt. Mrs. Qnrdels. Tel. F-1182. U 973 DR. ROY, chlropodUt, corns and superflu ous nair reinovcu uy electricity, it. yj. Frcnzer Block. U-968 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, niiuiuauiu tiumu u vmiiiviti. dts m'O IJIUg. U-O0K GOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect bloating plant in tno west, aw uougias block. U-M513 SHAMPOOINO and hair dfcsttlng, 21c. In connection wun ino uatnery, zie-izo ueo building. Tel. 1716. U-CC1 RUPTURE permanently cured in 80 to CO nays, senu tor circular, u. B. wood, M, D 621 Now York Lifo Bldg., Omaha. Neb. U-071 HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring nnd chlro- nouy. ror laaics ouiy, in connection wun The Dutlnry,"' 216-220 Beo Bldg. U-2S5 SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send for handsorao ICO-page free catalogue. U-977 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade customer. ivih arnam. umi CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection wun i no uatnery, rooms uv-av ueo uuig, Tel. 1716. U-549 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best' and quickest, airs. A. c. juaric, it & uougias. U-OT4 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale anu retail, couins fiano co., juz uoug ias. U-975 WE RENT machines of every make at 75o per week or $2 per month. Wo repair and lc.11 parts for every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. 15th and Uarr.oy, 'phono 1663. 334 Broadway, Coun- council uiuits, la. 'mono u-uis. oiz n, 24th St., South Omaha. U 831 J28 Mtddlemls, wall paper cleaner. 1403 Jackson U-379 Fi PRIVATE homo for ladles beforo and dur ing confinement: babies auoptcu. zo.v Burdctto st. Mrs. Burgct. U-M443-F9 PIANO tunlnir and rsDatrlnsr. Tel. 701. Agcut for weber piano, itoom 7, uce bldg. U-M6I9 Fll OMAHA Cancer Cure Sanitarium, 3007. N.. 24th st., umana. inou., treats cancers, tumors and all skin diseases; euro guar anteed, u Ml fit MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r 3, U M716 F15 When YouWrite to Advertisers'. . remember tt only takes an extra stroke or tWo of the pen to mention tho tact that you saw tno aa in xne uee. PRIVATE hospitul during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. ainord, 1814 Web ster. ' , U M914 25' If you haven't, why haven't you? "Tnnt is tho question." It Is certainly not cood judgment to smoke clgnrs of Inferior quality when you can get. uie PRINCE OF OMAHA Then why haven't you been smoklne tho pest at be straigut or hti per i,vw. Union, made. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR COMPANY. U M9Z2 25 BEAUTY book and rfrtlclo for ladles neck ware, worth Z5 cents, sent any lady send ing names and addresses six other ladles; send two stamps for postage. Sultana Co., IH3 aiucoti square, uuitaio, n. l. U-M119 26 MOLL1E: Beforo Rolng to tho luncheon read tho joxes in tne January number "wnat to tiat, ueorge. u Mii7 25 JAMES DENNY POWELL: Mother is grieving aoout you. uoirt ncsituto to write, uvcrytmng satisiactory. i U-MU5 27 WANTED, everybody who lost laundry in Prnntlnr Idlimirv flfn t It niffimilnlnn,. Wttn l' t. uee. U AI125 26 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loansMionds and warrants ueorgo & company, jwi x'arnam street. ' W-9S7 44 PER CENT on business property.' O liter ccilt ui iciucnvu ij.uijciiy, Options ti' pay whole or part any time, W. B. MEIKL1S, til ti. 15th St. W-988 YOU don't need to borrow money If ybu WorK ior tne ivnarua io. w 63 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street, W5-9 wANTRD ctt' and farm loans! a.lan'hnn)i. .1 nla.,,Mhi' 1 1 rti tin .... .a. --An U1IU 1 ... - . . m. W.Wdl, w, .VU., . . ft i 11 t .1 . iar ' .1.1" MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, urennun-xtve wu,, nuv ooutn ma, W 89$ FARM and city leans, low rates. W. Thomas, 1st Nat Bank Bfdg, Tel. 1648. W-093 4V4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. ' W 993 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, USf N. Y. L. w w SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Life. ' W-r996 MORTGAGE G. G. Wallace. Brown Black! , W-897,, , PRIVATE money. F. D,' Wead, 1521 Douglas 5 PER CENT Joans, nam. Garvin Bros., 1604 Far W-M437 FARM and city loans FOR- SALE. R C peters & co., umana, iweo. w W4 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY You to retain possession of the property. SALARY LOANS You can borrow from $10.00 up. You can get the money on short notice. You get the full amount In cash. You may keep It ono month or moro and pay for it only uihat 11mA vnil IfAnn It tilt ..In. -a Inn. our business Is confidential and our motto is to "try to niease." . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1S92.) 306 S. 16th St. X-983 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to male or female employes. We Guarantee Lowest Ratos. HOW DO WE DO ITf Full particulars free upon request, RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303. Paxton Block. (See Window from Farnam Street.) X-476 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. ieW' elry, hursts, cowj, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. ' X-981 MONEY TO I,OA. CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried people; uusmess coniiueniiai; lowest rates, 114 Paxton blocK. Tho J. A. jlutton Co. MONEYS loaned on furniture, live stock, jcnmi, iiisu iii vuiuituu )vutiu milium security; cheap rates; easy payments; business Confidential. Foley Loan Co., Buvceaaurs lu uuu urcuu, it. s, uarKcr block. Estnb. 1. X979 LAHOEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried people, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity; c&siest terms; iu omces in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trado uiug. x 9S0 URN1TURE. 1'IANOS. HORSES. ETC.. LOANS. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 303, Paxton Block. X-934 YOU don't need to borrow money If you worn tor tno itnaras ca. x LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, -etc. Quick service and lowost rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner lCtfi end Farnam; entrance on 10th street. X-983 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCaguo building. WHEN yoli wnht to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quicK communi cate with one who 1ms tho customers. J. H. 'Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Phono L-2370. I JlfSl FOR SALE, California restaurant; proprlo tor wants to' ledvo city. 2000 N st.. South umana. Y-M72I 31 11 ROOMS, elegantly equipped, flrst-class rurniture, inieu wun nrst-ciass roomers, best location? nnying proposition. Ji 11. Johnson,'843 N. Y. Life. Y-M610 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes nn extra stroko or two of tho pen to mention tho fact that you saw tho ad In Tho Bee. rrry nit f ' . . Mil..... . . n r Vifc AUEii itllltiiit oium uuitic kuvii ousinesj; Dbo goou noici tor saio tor leor j to rigni nurtyj, uoin goou locniions in N. E. Nebraska. Call or write C24 N. Y. Life bu(ldlng, Omaha. Y-1J4 HAVE a ranch capable of handling 1,200 cnttlc; want a partner with capital to stock it. P 61, Bee. Y M99I 2i DRUG STORE for salo nt a bargain if taxon soon; ucst location in inou.: county sent town of .l.tXW; about $3,200 will carry it; cash sales ror 1901 were $21.00 per day; rent, $13.00 ber month on a throc-ycar lease. For lull particulars address P TO, Bee. Y-100 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bud. n iJ, uee. amiu SOtJTII OMAHA house nnii lot to exchungo for land- in central NcnrudKa or north west Kansas. W. L. Shelby, Board of Trado bldg. Z-M112 27 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IF YOU want ono of tho nicest 8-room homes in lianscom i-iace, i win give you a bargain. Owner loft city. Must sell. J. 11. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. L. Bldg. REM163 Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tel. 311 llli 7U i'14' HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nro insurance; uemis, i-axton uiock. RE-101 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Lifo. It L 101 WILLIAMSON, cm RE-6H , A BARGAIN. To settle nn estate, wo offer" for sate a well butit moaern nuie-room nouse. rac ing south on Charles st., near 26th; house has been thoroughly painted and repaired, and as It now stands is the greatest bar gain north1 of. Cuming sr. No. 2628 Charles. bt. XT1CC, t.,OW. - . THE OMAHA REALTY' CO., 1301 Douglns. I tit MUM FARMS 1 " FARMS) . FARMSI For bargains In , larm .property go to O'Neills iieai-.Lsuuo Agency, uoutn Omaha. c : .RE-Mo6 RANCH nnd farm land (for sale by tho union I'acinc itanroaa company, u. a. McAllaster, land commissioner, uplon. Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha,' Neb. RE-103 HOUSES Harrison & Morton. Tel. 314. iil MiD( aicni" SEVERAL good farms for sale in a good farming country, i'or runner particulars write or call on H. L. Ludlum. piulnvlew, Neb. ' . RE-M392 A. P. TUKEY & SON Offer 44 feet on 21th St., Just north of Cum ing, for fi,iiM. a gnoa location ior sman business. Lot Is 72 feet,'.deep. Sower and nil paving tuxes paid. Must be sold at once. A. P. Tukey & Son, Board of Trade. RE-M965 25 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also DavlH Co., Room 553, Bee;Bul'dlng. 102 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of tho pon to mention tho fact that . . i. . .. i i I.. i. I,...,. yUU DUW UltJ UU 111 X11C UCVi' FOR SALE, a new. modern, two-story, six- room awciiing; cementea ceuar unaer wholo hoube, furnace, hot and cold water, bathroom with enameled tub., washbasin and closet; gas, with electric lighting up nnriitiia. ntn. Corner DavenDart luiil .tiith' stB. Price, $3,000; easy terms. Inqulro on premlaea. -" ke M993i2B MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading sneclallst in ulseases oi women in omana. would call tho uttentlon pt suffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement,, and his treatment tor Irregularities, no. matter what cause, can or auarvsa, wun stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, umana. . we. DR; iW.i HUTCHINSON'; spoqlaUst of worn, ' .. .Lt.l-.H , ...... 1 w ....... fM.. 041 U11U Ulllllll cil, 'WV cv.o.iuaj.uuT, 830Q Cuming. .Res, tel, F-27i0, ujllce B2836. OUR GUARANTEE IS Uoo REWARD To relieve at home uny caso of long-stand ing, otistinuie, auuormui suppression front any cause, liven it otners havo failed, try our compound concentrated vegetable fluid extract., Wo never disap point. Used for over eighty years with- out n single ranure. w ny acspatr7 Dr Mead Rem. Co., 19 Qulncy st Chicago. . 970 F21 LOST. STRAYED or stolen, black cocker spaniel cup; answets jo napw 'Highball. 2(02 at. aiurys Ave. Lost tilt LOST, large red cow; no horns. O. Rj all. neri, uie tur arcsaer, iui a. join; iu re ward. i Lost M675 LOST Saturday evening; lady's, black pocKeiuooK, containing euros unu letter. Please return to Bee office. Lost Sit LEATHER-COVERED notebook containing recients. -iteturn to jonii .xiocnstrasser, jr., itin ana jocksoii- iwo aonars re ward, no questions, asked, Lost-98.1 25 FINANCIAL. TO INVESTORS: Laram lo Hahns Pfcak and pacific runway biock oners excep tional opportunity for safe investment. Lino under construction. First division to bo in operation July 1. No preferred stock: no mortcaco bonds. Common stock, par value, $10 slmro; now selling ior snort timo at . u snure, in oiochs ot from ten to loo shares and upwards, Call on or write ai. J. ureevy, nnanciai agent representing isuac van uurir ac co. o Boston, bankers for tho corporation. Ot flea 414 uee building. M9S5 F3 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand, Om. C, Col. 16th &.Dauir w A. Oi VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, 107 BOYLES College', court reporter principal, in, x. me. 103 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd' xucaicr, iw CARPENTERS AND JOINERS.' AT.T. ltlnilfl nt rarnntnr urnrlr atut r promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, win nnu uuu ma. stv WM. EVER1TT. Special rates to real es tate men; weather strips put on. 2805 Leavenworth, 117 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. Lt Bldg. To!. 1664. Allen Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.l Old E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr. 127 DR. A. T. HUNT. 512 McCague Bldg. Tel. 2352. -12S DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. -129 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1421 S. 13th. -133 AUCTIONEER, IN Neb. and Iowa. 2S13 N, South Omnha. 999 F23 ANNOUNCEMENTS, WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phono 2190. 511 South Thirteenth street. -908 ELECT rc ITY. GRAND ELECTRIC CO. 'Phono 2846. Re uniting, bells, lights, motors,- etc. 524 S. 10. -737 31 INSURANCE POLICIES. WE MAKE loans on Insurance policies and purchaso policies; give mil particu lars. Tho Putnam Co., 604-5 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. 578 25 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as lite. Charter members freo. Particu lars from Frank Hosowutor, supreme manager, 222 Bee Bldg, 724 r 1 ; 1 . . , ,'' m NICKEL PLATING, LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plant In Omnha, Omaha Plating Co., Uee Uldg. Tel. 2536. -U.3 LARGEST plating plant In Omaha. A. L. Undoland, 1616 Dodge St. Tel. 766. -114 UAHIIAUE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbago Co., cleans cesspools and vaults, remove garbage & dead nnlmals at reduced prices. 021 N. 16th. Tol. 1779. -371 F6 STA3IMER1NC1 AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramga Bldg. -124 STORAGE. OM. Vjui Stor. Co., 15HH Fdrn. Tels. 1559-863. -118 PACIFIC Storago nnd Warehouse Co., 912 914 Jones, general storago and forwarding. 12V FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walk'.ln, 2111 Cuming St. 13W HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tto Co., 811 North 16th. in LAUNDRY. OMAlIA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars. -c: cuns, 40. nw Lcavenwortn. xei, an. -131 MASUUERADE COSTUMES. S. Sack,' ladles and gontlomen's, 3318 S. 20. U U I' i TYPE WRITERS, NEW & 2dhand. lllu Farnam St., Omaha. MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Sale and Iron Wks, muko a. spe cialty oi lire escapes, suutters, uoors ana safes. G. Andrecn, Prop., 102 ti. 10th St; -953 F2H DANCING. MORAND'S winter term for beginners . . . 1. 1 . 1, A.i.ii.- rr, .... .. .....I uivlin bllia nAi nuuiin, .ucauu; unu .V.rldnys, 8 o. in.; children, Saturday aftor aoons. Prices reduced. 177 F3 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. ' Tel. 2467. iia MASQUERADE COSTUMES. COSTUMES fo.- rent. S. Sack, 3318 ?. 20th. mho I' eoa PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business connaentiai. lsoi Douglas. us TAILORING. LJ 1 , Jlj ,U..DI. HMWl IBIIIWI.ICU, UifcOtCU, cieanea anu repairea. joe xouson, louv Darnam. ua FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1288. M483 PHOTOGRAPHERS. F. J. HOLOUBEK, photographs, 1258 S. 13th -WW DM FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired, um, mtuiik i actory, ia irarnam, 123 IIOOKKEEI'INU. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etcj day or even ing, tu lb, com, in at. uanK. u. tt. itatnoun, -121 WANTED TO MORROW. WANTED to borrow, $450 or $600 home money at i per cent, goou ooutn umana rental property, jvuurcoa i' v., ueo. 101 27 It Makes no dlfferenco whothor the work done at this office Is great or small, it Is well done. Extract ing, filling, crowning or fitting of new teotb. Bailey th Dentist, f Ilia Paxton UluoK, I Hth and Farnam Bts. J Lady attendant. Phone 1081. j " I m m m POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by alt Interested as cnanges may occur m uny time.; Forclen malls for the week endlna Jan uary 25, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY in all rr.HPfil at the General Postofllce as follows! PARCELS POST MAILS closo ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlma shown bolow. Parcels post mulls for Gormany close at 5 n. m. Monday. rer 8. s. Kaiser Wllholm der Grosso; Wednesday, per a. s. Koeln via Bremen, und Friday, per s. s. Ponnsyl vania via iiamourg. Regular and Supplementary malls closa at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing tlmfi shown below (except Supple mentary Mulls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign uraticni. Transatlantic Malls. BATURDAY At 7 a. mMor ITALY direct, POSTOFFICE NOTICE, per s. a. Lahn (mall must bo directed "per s. a Lahr."; st 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotter dam (mall must ho directed per s. s. Rot terdam"); nt 11:30 n, m. (supplementary 1 tt. m.) for EUROPE, per s, s. Ivcrnla via Quecnstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer taxes iTinteu Matter, commercial l'rt pers and Samples for Germany only. The same clasa ot mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship unless specially directed by hor. Aftpr tho closing ot tho Supplementary transatlantic Atans namoa above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on tho piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers and ro main open until within Ten Minutes ot tho hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Sonth and Central America, West Indies, Etc. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for ARGENTINE, uiu'uuvi nnu i'auauuay, per s. s. Cyrone; nt 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s, s. Pretoria! nt 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 n. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia imoii ior oavnniiia anu cartngenn must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"; nt ):30 n, m. (supplementary 10:30 u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVAN- ue uircctcu o; F ILLA nnd CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed . ... ....... , uv v.uv ... in. tauiiwiu- mcntnry 10:30 u. m.) for HAITI nnd SANTA MART A, per s. s. Adirondack; nt 10 n. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CH'DAD BOLIVAR, per s. h. Mara vnl; nt 10 a. tn. for CUBA, per s. s. Mex ico via Havana! nt 11:30 a.m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. British Prlnco via I'ornambuco nnd Santos (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay olid Parnguny must bo directed "per s. s. British Prlnco"); at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Ollnila via Matatuns, etc. (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "por s. s. Olln da"); itt "11 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North oyancy. aim tnenco ny steamer, closo at this oillco dally at 6:3o p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday nnii Saturday). Malls for Mtquelon, by tall to Boston, and thence by steamer, closo at this office dally nt 6:30 p. m. Mails tor Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., nnd thenco by steamer, closo at this ofllco dally except Sunday at G:30 a. in. Sundays at 4:30 n. m. (the con necting closes are on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday). Malls for Mexico City, over land, tinlejs specially addressed for dis patch by steamer, close at this office dally at 1:30 p. m. and 11 p. m. Malls far CoMa Rlcn, llcllse. Puerto Cortez nnd Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans, -and thenca by steamer, closo at this oillco dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mon days for Bcllxe, Puerto Cortex and Guate mala, and Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn). Registered mall closes at.O p. m. previous day. Trnnspnotnc Matin. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close nero uauy at o:iiu p. m. up to January "'20, lllliuoi. i-, uinian.M jv, n, c. Illlliuuu, Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, ciosu nuiu uuuy hi u;ou 11. in. lip to Jan- tiary 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per b. s, Empress of Japan. (Registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver." Merchan dise for the U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded vlu Can tula.) Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma-, ciupu in'iu uuiiy ui v.ov in. up to Jan uary "21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tncoma. Malls for tChlna and Japan, via Scnttlo, cioho ner uauy .11 p. m. up to January "22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. RIo Jun Muru. (Registered mull must be di rected "via Seattle") Malls for Hnv-T.II, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via tian Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to January 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kotm Muru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn ia lorwunieu via Luropej, js'cw Zea land, FIJI, Samnn &nd iiuwull, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. nftor January ''ll nnd up to February "1, inclusive, or nn arrival of s. s. Huxonln, due at New York February "J, for dls uatch tier s. s. Slerru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn goes via iuropo, anu nuw zeaiunil, which goes via San Frnnclsco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, closo here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to February "1, inclusive, (or dispatch per s. k. Moana (supplement ary malls via Seattle and Victoria close hero at 6:30 p. in. February 2. Mall must bo dlrncted "via Vancouver"). Malls for Hawaii, Chlnu, Japan und Philip- Pino iBianui, via ami r runciaco, cioso here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to February 2. Inclusive, for disnatch ner s. . Chlnn.. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islnnds, via Ban trancisco, ciosa nere uany nt t:30 p. m. up to February "4, Inclusive, for dis patch per a s. Australia. Transpacific malls are forwarded to nnrt nt sailing unny ami tno bciiciiuio oi nosing is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, "ltegis. tered moll Hoses at 6 p.. m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Ppstofflce, New York. N. Y Jan. 17. U02, ndvEi-NMENT Notice. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. OMAHA. Neb... January 21. 1902.-Kpalcd nrODOsals. in triplicate, subject to tho Iisunl conuuions, win De rcceivoa nerc until 10 o'clock a. m., February 21. 1902, and then opened, In the presence of attending bid dors, for printing required nt headquarters, uvpurununt ui tno Missouri, uurmg tno llscal year commenclnc July 1. 1902. nnd ending June 30, 1903. U. 8. reBerVes right to reject or accent any or an proposals, or any part thereof. Blank forms for bidding anu circular giving run iniormntion and re quirements will be furnished on application iu tins uincc. .envelopes coninmincr nrn. posals should bo marked "Proposals for i-riniuiK, ana aaaresseu to JUHN AV. I'ULLAiArv, cnier u. M. 6tlJ.l-Z5-27-28F18-19 RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION-IOTH AND MAHCY. Illinois Cetttrnl. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited...... a 7:50 pm a 8:05 am minneupoiia ac ot. r&ui Kxprrss d 7:zo am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express al0:85 pm vaivasjv nuiinniriiera. "The Northwestern L.1 Chicago Special a 7:10 am Chlcauo Passenger a 4:15 nm aU:20 pm Eastern Express al0:5i am s UsW (VU a 4:03 pm a 4:06 pm a 2:40 pm u 9:20 am a 8:20 nm uastern apeciai a 4:E6 pm Fast Mall Omaha-Chicago L't'd.,a 7:45 pm Fast Mall a 1:30 am Cedar Rapldr Pass Twin City Express a 7:06 am al0:25 pm a 8:40 am a 3:50 pm Twin city Limitea a 7:65 pm Slouz City Local ...a 0:15 am Wubnah. Bt. Louis "Cannon Bail" Express a 6:15 nm a 8i20 am 10:30 pra St. Louis Local, 'Council Biutxs .... .uojoo am Lnlou Pitvlau. Overland Limited a 9:40 am Fast Mall a 8:60 am a 7.30 pm a 8:: i:z5 pm c'ullfumla Express a4:2orjm Pacific Express all;30 pm U.U,BiSlll U.ll,l,tM.l Atlantic Express Ltncoln-BtromsbUrg Ex.b 4:05 pm Grand Island, Local, t A:3u pm a 4:35 pm a 7:00 am bill; SO pm u mat am Chleasu, .UlmauLee Ac bt. Paul. Chicago Limited,... ,.,,a 6:00 pm a 1:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3:40 pra Missouri PaulUo. St. Louis Express aio.00 am 1C. C. ft Bt. L. Express, alOiSO pm a 6:2a pm a :u am CIiIuuhu, Hook Island V I'aclSu. KAHT. Dsa Moines and Dav enport Local a 7,33 am Chicago Express bU;l5 am Des Moines Local a 4:oo pm Cntcago Fast. Express,, a 4:3a pm Lies Moines, Ruck Isl and ana Chicago....... a 7:40 pm WKT. Lincoln, Coio. Springs, Denver. Pueblo and a 9:35 om a t:o& pm bUico um a liiia pm a 1:86 am West I) pm a 4:11 pra Coiorudo. Oklahoma ft Texas Flyer a S:20 pm a 9:50 asa a Dally. IIURLINGTON STATION IOTH MASON Cblcaao, Darlington qalney, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special,... a 7:00 am alO:9o pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 9:30 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited., a j:Jo pm a 7:45 am rast aw a c;w pm UurlluKton ft Mlssoarl Hirer. Wvmora. Beatrice and Nebraska Express,,,, ...a 8:40 am a 7:12 pm Lincoln 8:40 an. bli:65 am Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 8:00 pro UIBCK inn ana mm Bound. Denver Con nection aS.OOpm a 6:41 am Lincoln Fast Mali b 9 V) pm x 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth , b s:80 pm bu:05 am Bellevue & Pactfin J0t.,a 7:40 pm a 8:20 in uenevue ft fscino jct..a i;w aa O.lll.WAY TIME CARD Con tinned. ICanana Clt, St. Josvpli X Conncl) Illnfta. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:08 pre Kansas City NlRht Ex..al0:30 nrn a sits am St. Louts Flyer ,,,a 5:10 pin amis am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. WEBSTER DEPOT-18TII A WBDSTBR Leave. Arrive, irroiuiint. Elkhorn A Mlasourl Viif. Black Hills. Peadwood. Hot Springs . 3:00 pm a 5:09 pra Wyoming, cospor anu Douglas 3:00 pm e C OO pra Hastings, York, David City Buperior, uencvn, , Kxetsr and SewarJ.,..b 3:04 cm b E:CO rim Norfolk, Lincoln and Vtwntnnl K 7.90 W. tl Iftit iv.l.u,.. , a a .a...... ..ww w ,vi.ll 1.(1. Fremont Local o 7:30 am Missouri PaolSo. Nebraska Local Via Wesplng water b 4:10 pm a:24 are Clilenuo, St. Paul, Minneapolis A f 1 ... rtl.B Twin City rasscnr:ct-....a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Hloux City Passenger, ..a 2:48 pm allilOam 1. IF. B r I U II uil'AI u w.av 11IU V 0v am i Tin 11 v , Dally excent Sunday, o Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, Dally except Aionany. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE tUI l'lUl It'i VIII Ill H IFtllUfIH Ml - New Twin-Screw . s. of 13,000 tons register. Steamer Amsterdam reb. J, 10 a, ai. 8teamepW 013(611(13111 Feb. 8. 10 A. M. Steamer Maasdam Feb. 15, 10 A, M. Apply to Holland-America Line, 39 B'way, N. Y.; Harry Moores, 1415 Farnam St.; Lotus Mccse, 1'irst xsntionni iintiK. Wool Mnrlcet. om t rutin .tun. ?4. WOOL Firm, but unchanged; medium grades, 17V4C: light flno. U'iTflSc; heavy lino, 1012c; tub washed, 14' LONDON. Jnn. 2I.-WOOL-Tho offerings t tho auction snlcB today numbered I4,2o0 i,.in. All auncrinr nrauos were in goou demuhd at hardening rates. Medium courso. nnd greasy cnituriu nnu ranvm i, i... Amarli'nn nnd European buyers nt 101P . 15 per cent advance over tho December sales, .ucriiiua mi" nn. "m"1 714c dearer. American purchases Included several parcels of Capo of Good Hdpo and Natul at tidvnnced rntes. These are the Honili WuIph. 2.300 bales: scoured. lslOd; greasy. jOWid. Queens land. 3,200 bales; scoured, 7UlSiIs7d KTcnry, iiililW. Victoria. uuiun; scoiurii, in" 2s 9d: grousy, 3idyiB Id. South Aus tralia, 100 biilcs; sconriMl. 5W7d: greasy, ,wa Q, VI'St AllVlUlll". iw lillli-o, Kivunj, u. id. 1NOW .eillHIlll, l.QVJ ijillUD, nuuuivu, ..pnof niAini,1 fnti nf flnnil llntin mid Natal. 900 'bales; Scoured, 7H14Jls 3H1; Bicnsy. iKOTVW. , wnn,u. llCnlt. JHll. -L W A UV V.UIII1IIV, int itiiiietin will say In tomorrow's report on tho wool trudo of tho United States: "Tho market Is dull, tho large shipments being tho result of earlier sales. Only Urn smaller mills have been represented All prices nro particularly Htrong und thoy nro at full rates. Tho ndvunco of 65W0 points In Lonuon completely confirms tne strong nttltudo hero. Donlcrs nro sold so far nhend thnt thoy ciin alTonl to view tho situation with equanimity. A load of wool U now on Its way from Utah. Not even one clip of full wool Is loft In Txns nnd tho great scarcity of wool In the Interior Is emphasized by tho unuBunlly enrly com mencement of shenrlng. Already u few sheep havo been shorn near Phoenix. Arlt. Tho Natloiml Association of Wool Manu facturers Indignantly ropudlatos tho state ment recently reported to have boon made nt tho farmers' coiivt'iitlou In Columbus, O., that manufacturers propose to lobby ror froo wool, rnoy navo no bucu niirn tlon nnd never have taken any such atti tude. Tho rrci'lntH nf wool In Boston since January 1. 1!2, huvo beon 11,710,750 pounds, against 7,172,900 for the sumo period In 1901. The Boston shipments to dnti nro 23,070,950 pounds, ngninst siiu-b ot v,ki,mju ior tno same period In 1901. Tho stock on hand In Boston, January 1, 1902, wns "7,310,161 pounits. Tlio total biock touay is ua.usu.itu pounds. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 21,-COTTON-Spot tA..,l.. ..I.MII.u, .t.tlnawlca 6 Mils' middling gulf, S9-lCo; sales, 319 bales. Fu tures closed quiet; janunry, s.tac; i'?o. rtiury, 8.03c; March, 8.09c; April, 8.11c; May, 8.13c: June 8.16c: July. 8.19c: AttgUat, 8.020: Scptcm'oor, 7.73c; October, 7.71c. Tho mar ket -opened steady, with January 2 points hlghor and other months unchanged tp S points lower. . , NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 21. COTTON Firm; sules, 5,200 bnles: ordinary, dijr; good ortllnnry, 7c; low middling, 7 9-luc: middling, V,ic good middling, Sc; middling fulr, 8 9-16c; receipts. 8,647 bues; stoclt, .179,479 unies. I'utures, iiuict nnu stcnciy; jnn uary, 7.Sc bid; February," 7.887.8c; March, April, Y.ync: May, K.vms.w, Juno, .OiCTS.OOc; July, fi.12ifi8.13c. Secretary lies er's HtatoiniMit of the world'H visible sup ply of cotton BhowH the total visible as' ,4,11,083, or winch 3,CG.i,(XW were Amcrlcun. TsT. LOUIS. Jnn. 21. COTTON Steady. with sales 100 bnlcs: mldilllnir. 77ic: re ceipts, 2,393 bales; shlpmunts, .',931 bulcs; stock. 53,008 bales. QALVEHTON, Jan. Il.-COTTON-Stcndy, LIVERPOOL. Jnn. 21. COTTON-Snot. moderato business? prices 1 J-Wc higher: middling rulr. 4Td; good middling. 4Wd; middling. 4V4d: lower mlrldllng. 1 13-32d: good ordinary, 4 9-32d: ordinary, 4 1-32U. The sales Of tho day wero S.OOO biili'B. nf which 600 were for speculation and export. Evniinrntt'tl nnii Dried Fruits. NEW YOniC. Jnn. 21. EVAPORATED APPLES Tho market Is u llttlo over stocked nnrt while quotutions nt present remain unchanged, llttlo provision pre vails. State, prime, fltfJSttc; choice, 9!i't3'.ic; fancy, iisfiic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Tho feeling Is steady, but the movement Mn. There Is a fair Inquiry for apricots nnd pouches. Prunes, OVifjOJIc. Apricots, Royal, ioniOWc; Moor Park, fifl3e. Peaches, pei'-V, npeelcd, 7Vi&34c. Dry CoodM Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. 24. DRY GOODS A moderate general, demand has been re ported today for cotton goods. There hag been no chnngo In the attitude of sellers and both staple lines nnd f.'.noles are steady In price. Narrow print 'cloths are strong, but not quotubly ti'.i'Jtcr; wide makes quiet, but firm. Limns uto tending upward, with n moderate ii.mand. Burlaps nre dull, but steady. MANUiicBi mi, Jan. i. viiviiiB Quiet and steady; yarns, firm, with a fair demand. Oil nnd Rosin, rt.r -.. ni n.T n-A I . uHlnM-a $1.15; certificates, no bid; shipments, 71,444 bbls.j average, 91.243 bbls.; rims, 73,545 bbls.; rtvoragc.- 74.VSO bbls. .savanisaii, Jan. 24. viii Turpentine, Arm. 43c- Rosin, Arm. NEW YORK, Jan. 24.rOIL Cottonseed, steady. Petroleum, steady. Roslp, steady. Turpentine, steady. LONDON, Jan. 24.-OIL Linseed, 49s td. Bperm, 4. Turpentine spirits, 40s 2yid. Coffrn Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 24.-COFFEE-8(eady: mild, qulot; Cordovn, 7MfUc, Tho market oponeq, sienay in tono, wun prices o to iu points lower; tho clono was Rtoady. with prices not unchanged to 5 points lower; total sales. 25.000 bass, lncludlnir: Maroh. 6.70c; May. 6.90(a.95a: Sontembcr, 6.20(3, u.ioc; uctoiicr, v.uo; uocemuer, u.ioo, TllBTllEALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on fllo Friday, January 24: , Wnrrnnty Deeds. Qeorgo ailmore,, trusteo, to S. T. Lindsay, lots H, 25 nnd 26. block 1, Mystlo park I 721 Margaret Flnlnyson and husband to same, lots 27, 28 nnd 29, block 1, same ' 971 E. C. Grant to Walter Proston, n44 feot lot 8, blook 8. S. E. Rogers' add. 1.700 Thomas .Hudccok und wife to Anton an Joscfinu Hudcrck, nH lot 18, block 2, KounUo'u 4th ndd TOO C, B. Kountro and wlfo to A. V, Larl- M mer, lot 26, block 2. Forest Hill....... 1,400 A. V. Lnrlmor nnd wlfo lo M, J . , Valentino, samo , 8,600 Frank Vocasok and wlfo to J. O. Vocasok, s24 feet lot 20, block 3, Potter & C.'s 2d add 600 George Bchlndeln to Frank Vocasok, lots 17 and 18, blook 3, Brown park.. TOO W. J. Wagner et nl to M, 13, Jones, block 3, Brighton (refllo),. MOD P. J, Borg to S, J. Borg et al, lot B and 6 and wU lot 7. block 103, Omaha 1 Hotel Association of Omaha to same, ealo ot ninnty-nlne-year tense and also buildings on lots 6 nnd 8 and wH lot T, block 103, Omaha.,,,,,,,, 1 South Omaha Land company to . M, and S, B, Chrlstlo, wlJO feat lots 11 and 12, block 25, South Omaha.,,, T70 Oult Olulnt Deeds, John V, Flnok company to 54, T, JJnA my, liitB 27, 28 and 29, blook 1, Mystlo park ,,,,,..,,,,,(,, , , i, .,,,,,,,,,,,, , 1 Deeds. Sheriff to 8, J, MoMurrny, lot 8, Bon' fleld add , ,,, K Total amount of transfers ,,,flS,9f 4