THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL harp liar Attack a Cora Sudi Prim ' BlidiapDowa. Wrings very weak cash situatin purn flrcnlm nt (lie Opening of (lie ainrlccta n nil (he Depression CniMm SI ii nip In All ,) , (Jllicr Ccrcnl. CHICAGO, Jan. 23. A sharp bear attack nn corn, brought on by tho very weak sasn situation unu slumps in outsiua mar kots. sent tirlccs In nil nits slldlnir down hill today. Corn broko 2c, whom lHc. oats IJiC nnd pork 40c. After tho subsldonco of mo pumcxy reeling on ncavy selling tnero wero plight relictions. Corn registered n hct loss of lc. May wheat V40?c and May oats lc. Provisions closed 2fto to 2022Hc lower. All speculative markets wero weak, but the extreme, weakness was In coarso grains, corn leading In tho depression. At tho opening this cereul seemed ripe for a break, mnd break It did. Tho Initial Incentive was tho extremely benrlsh tnlk about tho bot tom belli; out of tho Kansas City cosh market vesterdav. It was renortcd that Kansas City houses wero hedging sales on. me .MiiwuuKee curu unu wncn mis mantci opened the Hiipposed weakness showed II elf by heavy southwestern selling here. Aluy started to Tic down nt ulTlc to ,C3iC. There whs tin almost entire absence of buying orders, cables wcro weak and reports mentioned a corn and oats block udo of 1,000 cars at Kansas City. 8t. Louis turned a prominent seller of corn and local boars started In to pound nut tho holdings on a prominent long professional. May broko to C2c, u loss of 2c, but at such a price covering was prolltable. There wcro reports hi wo of somo corn being worked to (lermuny and traders taking Into conMdor ritlnn tho small estlmatn of sixty cars for tomorrow, brought it half-hearted reaction. May sold back to 63'4o, but closed weak, d5lc lower, at 62?ic Receipts wero SO cars. Wheat was nuturally weak on tho corn depression. Hut everything elso was against tho price, sentiment, news and general con ditions. Statisticians' reports Indicated a rood cron condition and favorable weather. Traders were Inclined to tho belief that 'they Had been too eager to accept die Ht. l.oiils strength yesterday to bolster up lvalue. Cables were lldgcty and llnally closed lower. Foreign reports forecasted 'good crops In Itussla and India. Outside unnrkcts were lower nt tho ntnrt and May - opened hero ,,4'5?ic down nt WMfflic When corn broko May followed' after and sank 1o 73c. Reports of a ood export demand with shipments varying from 15 to GO loads, .helped prices late. A slight reaction sent lay to 79Hc. but the closo was weak, 'Ml To down, nt 784i?78Uc. I,ocal receipts were IS ears, nono of contract grade. Minne apolis nnd Diiluth reported .123 cars, making V total for tho threo points of 310 cars, .against 4bl Inst week nnd 2J0 a year ago. P'rlmary receipts wero IH.oOo Int. . compared with 380,000 last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat nnd Hour equaled 360,000 hu. Tho seaboard reported 323 cars taken for export, ' In tho oats pit tho sentiment seemed to ibo not In get caught holding high-priced guts. regnrdlefH of what dominating pro fessionals might do. In lino with tho stampede in corn, there wns a selling of May oats and a strong attempt was made .to rnld one' holder who Is long so much fthnt ho is to control tho mnrkct. No oats ,cnmo from his quarter, however. Tho ibrenk wns bad, notwithstanding. May sell ing off l?jc to 4l7ic Somo support developed nt tho low ilgiiro and May sold up again ,to ibc. Tho close was weak, lo down, nt H5tic. Receipts wero 109 cars, v Tho early feeling in provisions was strong, following tho Influence of n good Jiog market. On tho grain wenkness. heavy liquidation of long stuff developed, nnd Jirlccs eased. Tho early business was con siderable, but Into trndo turned dull and .Jicavy. May pork sold between $16.15 nnd J16.00 nnd closed 20fj2214c down nt $16,33. May lard closed 7J4c lower nt D.42'4 nnd tay ribs 2Uc down nt $8.60. ICstlmnted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, Co cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs, head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: iArtlclca.l Open. High.) Low. Closo.Vcst'y Wheat Jan. May t, July . lCorn ' Jan. Mny July Oats May July Sept. Pork Jan. Mny July Lard Jan. May July Rlbs Jan. May July f 754 764 7DV4H 'm 7R70145TV4 73?4 78W 79i 78 79 79$ C9',4 fiOTS wm 'vrti fi2-n 24 Gis C3i)-i C3 62 G24 OIB',4 484flAi 45i 4; 43V4I 46U 33V4 33& 33 33S 33 16 10 16 20 16 00 1G 00 16 20 16 GO 16 60 16 15 16 35 16 5714 16 57 16 CO 10 30 16 474 16 CO 9 224 9 30 9 47 9 CO ! 37H 9 42H 9 60 9 67& 0 CO 8 4714 9 GO 9 CO 8 324 8 3254 8 32! 8 3214 8 30 8 62V4 8 00 8 47V4 8 55 8 G2'4 8 7214 8 7214 8C2i4 8 67 f E No. 3; Cash quotations were as follows: i.Ii'liP.VJlnnro,.J' onsj'; WUcr patents. I3.R0S 1.80; straights, ?3.40fl3.SO: clears. $3.20a f:s6osSt?i'gKts8.IlS?X40l.,,:i0: lm,C,U8' W .3 Rpr,nR :vamcl N-2 OATS-No. 2, 4GtM5!4c; No. 3 whlto, 430 RYK-No. 2, C2c. I3"AUL,EY Fn,r t0 cholco malting, 694Q SHEDS No. 1 flax, $1.66H; No. 1 north western, $1.7014: nrlmo timothy. I6.E0; clover, contract grndo, $9.i;o9.6j. . PROVISIONS-Mobb pork, per bbl.. 116 05 O16.10. Lard, per 1(H) U, W.Wo.23. Short ribs sides (looso), $8.25f(8.40. Dry Baited shoulders (boxtod). 7.12V4a7.26. Short clear fides (boxed). $8.708.SO. WHISKY-UoalH of high wines, J1.32. feir'::::::::::::::::::; SSbSSS X ftnts, bu 137,000 iftono uu'- 13 000 fooo Iiarley, bu 64)000 aVooo ?nJJ)?i,P.rodU50 exchaneo today the but ter market was steady; creameries 15fi J3V40J dairies. 14f 30c. Cnecse. steady. 104J kOfcc. Eggs, atcajy; fresh. 2323V4c. 0 X13W VOIIK OENKItTl. MAniCBX, UnutiKion of (lie Day on Various Cnniiuiidllles. woPrRn-.ncceip.s. S?i teUi.tably.lovW winter 5. ill """ ' nira gnis, .75: Mlntinnntn nnn.a M rrr.r,.. 1 Vv VinnVJVT ;'.Y"'"'. -'.io, winter Siff1"- 2.00Sf3.30; Minnesota bakors. 2.25 3.3o; winter low (rrndes, 2.70(f2.W Ilvo to fanev. VlGOsiaTS. ' c"olcu siS?.HHiVJBA,I?rQ?.lot! . ',e,low western. ? i?vi-cltt. .32i Unindywlno, J3.C0y3.70. lUE-KasIor; No. 2 western, 69Uc. f. o b niloat; state. W07o c. I, f New York, car ."AKLBYDulls feeding, 60CT62C. c. 1. f.. ..'.'VT Jlecolpt. lfc.000 bu.: exports 42,756 bu. Spot, ehsy; No. 2 red, S7io f p. b., atloat; No. 2 rid. Hc7 eluvntor- No 1 northern. Uuluth. SSWc, f o. b . niloat : i P.'i,er neavy pressuro of liquidation nnd without Kupport from any source, tho early,Kkot, tou"'experlenceu a severe decline. Tho demoralization In corn, easier cables ami favornblo crop reports assisted J?.,1.,re,nk l,lml 1 wus not until export le i.1iHl,idc,0,'P!1 "f,or mUXilay that prices rallied. Tho closo was steady, ttffVSc not Ueciine. March closed at SGtJc: May. SW nt S4He?.8 ut Sicl Ju,y Wio, cloVed .5OIRccel,ltB' & ,,u-! exports. 1.051 liu. Spot, weaker: No. 2, 67f4c. elevator ond d7. f. o. b.. niloat. 'Heavy mid gen yral selling demornllzed tho corn market today, breaking prlow i!4u hero, with no dKiI?,"'i,U-.. ll wesf !ed 1110 'lecllne. Al though It rallied slfghtly with wheat, the close was easy, lUtfiUo not decline. JniVu ry,0,loso.d ,nl WZ. My. C7f7c. closed ,.u:"spot dulled nXT "jaiw.v, iimawu vuicrii, uuo: track white, 6l057f. With other markets, outs SSudaUon J'' BUStalnln "envy 8hip,,,nBi ? Bd J2o: 1W9. 6ff8-8t' CrP' mi5C'' ' 8 jl'lDKS Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs. JSc: California. 21 to 23 lbs., 19d: Tcxui dry. 24 to SO lbs., 14Ho. ' ' LMATHHll l'lrm; hemlock solo. Duenoc Ay.AJ'sV. to heavywelghtH. 552CUo. OOIr-Hrmj domestto ilecce, 1154126c: Toxas, 16Cj17o. ' PItOVlSlONS-Ileef. quiet: family. Ill.GO 013.00; mess. I9.C0O10.00: beef hams, 20021c: city, extra India, mess. $l7.50ffl9.GO. Cut meats, oasyj pickled bellies. 84jil0o: pick led 'shoulders. 7o: plekied hams. 9;iH10c. LfL, t"sjf. western iteamed, .63g9.75; re- i fined, enslerj contlnimt, .S0j South Amer ica, 110.76: compound, M.oOfi.2J. 1'ork, cony: family, 17.5oail8.00; short clear, J17.5U&I8.50; mess, 16.ti01f 17.23. IlUTTKIl-ltecclpts, 2,963 pkgs.: firm; stato dairy, Hn22c: creamery. Ky24c; Juno creamery, Itpjic; factory, 13tfl7c. CHEESE ltett'lpts, 763 pkgs.; ilrmj fancy large, stnto full cream, fall made, VWf 1074c; fancy large, lato made, best, 9Vio; ?.n.Mcy.8,ntt'! 8,ito full crenm, fnll made, HUfilH4c; fancy smjlll, lato made, best, lOGflOiic. ' U.aos-nccelpts, 2,'420 pkgs.; ensy; stnto and J'cnnsylvanln, 2S6irjc; western, ut mark, 28c. UUOAIt Haw, firm; fair rellnlng, 3c; centrifugal, W test, 354c; molasses sugar, 24Ci rellnod. llrm; crushed, G.75c; powdercil, 4.iGc; granulated, 4.6ic. COFl.'EIC-gtdet: No. 7 lllo, Cc. nIAS?,Ii8-K!rmi NbJv Orleans, 37012c. POULTllY Alive, easier; springers, S'y, 9e; turkeys, Wit 1014c; fowls, loc. Dressed, ur'keys?,?. i- METAIJ All of tho metnl mnrkets held steady todny, with somo advances. Spot don markot was nlso 4ilglier, closing nt i?? ?,n' J?lth "pot nt JC10 n"'1 futures lira. v.uiiiur remaineu nuoui sieaciv heri. wlilfn nt i, m .. .i ,n.. s.t W,!i.8,t;!lbLl?ncd'. .ThUB closed there nt 48 12s 6.1 nnd futures closed nt C4? lGs. rue closing prices hern for copper were iv., i ""i;?"1"! i"i I'lvviruiyiic nnd l0J4o for casting. Lend was steady and ""niniwru iicic, wiuie nn advance or 3s flu was cabled from Ioulon, closing there at -.i. aiifuvr biiuws a uareiy sternly under- changed nt 36 10s. Iron was moderntely nctlve here. English markets wero steady. Glasgow closed at 4Ds 3d nnd Mlddlesbor- nlltptl eln,ifl n. ilM ML. I fllM i ... closed nt Sll.ooffl2.iio; No. i northern i.,u;JJ-V'' L":rtW.-w' iNO- - northern foundry, S16.001fl6.i5: No. 1 southern foundry, .I6 mi ln.bO! Nn. I Rnlltllorn nnft fniiHilKi. '(l.niM Omaha wiioi,i:sam: .mahkets. Cnndltlnn of Trnile nml auAtfidnns on Staple nml Fnncy I'rotliice. EOOS Rccelnts inoro llliernl? nuirlinl un settled: fresh stock, 20c. LIVE I'OULTItY Hens. Gf?6!4c: old roosters, 3J4c; turkeys, 79c; ducks tind ge.ese, ilifjkc; spring chickens, per lb 614 DKES8ED rOtIITnY Tiirlifva inCTfo. ducks. 9O10c; geese, 910c: spring chick- ens, SffSWc: hens, 714tSc. HUTTElt-Conimnn to fair, lU,c; cholco dairy, In tubs, 1617e; separator. 23H24C v uuitiivi KiHii HiacK imss, l!e: white bass, 19c: bluellsh, 12c; bullheads; 10c: buf faloes, 7c; catilsh. 12c; cod; l&o; crapplea, lie; halibut, lie; herring, Gc; hnildocfc, 9c; Pike. 8c: red Hiinntinr. Ifln! snlinnn V'o? sunllsh. 6c; trout, tic; whlteflsh. 6c: uir crcl, Cc: fresh mackerel, each, 2tj35o; nint'iin, luc. OYSTEItS Mediums. nei enn. 11r Rl.tml. ards, per can, 25c: extra selects, per can, 33o; New York Counts, per can, 40c: hulk Standards, per gal.. St.2iV31.25: bulk extra selects. Sl.0iK7l.C5; bulk New York Counti, per gal., S1.75. JMUKUNH L.1VC, per doz., 00c. VEAL Choice. C3&C. COHN New, Clc; old, Clc 1IUAN-S23. OATS-62C. J IAY Prices ouotcfl bv Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' astoclatlou: Cholco up land. S9: No. 2 unlnnd. S3: medium. S7.G0: coarse, S7. Ityo straw, S3.fA Theso .prices nru lor iiav oi goon cnior nnu quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 12 cars. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home crnwn. SI nnrthnrn. SI: Salt I.ikc, S1.10; Colorndo, S1.10. uAKKUTs-rer uu sue. HEETS Per 14-hll. basket. GOc. TUKNIPS Per bu.. 50c: Ilutabanas. ncr 100 lbs., S1.25. i'AHSKirs-i'cr du., coc. . Cl'CUMHEItS-llothouse, per doz., $1.75. ' L.ETTTUCE Head, tier bbl.. JS.60: hot. hnuso lettuce, per doz., 25c. PARSLEY Per doz., 25c. JtAUISHES l'cr (IOZ., 2uC , SWEET POTATOES Home crown, ncr lb., 214c;. Kansas, per bbl., S3.2S. UAiniAUf; iionana seea, crnteo. iic. CAULIFLOWER-Pcr crato, J2.75. ONIONS Soanlsh. per crate. S2: Mlchl- gnu, red or yellow, 3c per lb. - L'Mi.rciiY i.aiuornia, wiuac. TOMATOES Florida, per 0-basket crate. $3. FRUITS. APPLES Ren Davis, ner bbl.. S4.0OdN.GO: Wlncsaps, S5; Jonathans, S5.50; Bclletlowcrs, per box, $1.73. I'fciAita viKers, war, Lawrence, sj.2om :.go. GRAPES Malagas, per keg, S6.60Q7.00. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. S7.G0: Dor crate, S2.73. NAVY 1313ANH l'or- till.,. S2.15. 4 , TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navals. S2.75ffl)3.00: budded, S2.50. l,EMONS Fancy. S3.G04I3.73: cnoice. J3.00 ffj(l.25. BANANAS Per bunch, qccording to size, $2 25f2.75 FIGS California, new' cartons, SI; Im ported, per lb., 125J14c. DATES Persians, In CO-lb. boxes, per lb., 514c; Sulrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron wnlnuts. Nn 1 nf shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb, HUc; M ou,i D.iuii, v , u. iiiiru Biieu, yc; Urazlls. per lb.. 14c: lllbcrts. ner lb.. 1.7v almonds, soft shell, 17c: hard shell, 15c; pecans, largo, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; co connuts. per cwf., S3; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY Per 24-section case. S3.50. CIDER Nchawka, per bbl., $3.25: now Y'ork, $3.50. POI'CORN-Pcr lb., Gc. HIDES No. 1 creen. Re: tin r srnAn en. No, 1 salted, 7c; Noi 2 salted, 6?4c; No. i veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf, -1 . inues, ontijc; sneep pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.50Q2.2a. Ht, I.ouls Grain nnd i'mvlnlniis. JIT T nilia T.. no tf ITU m n ovfltor, S6T4c; .track. SS0S8c; Mny, 86M'S0! .July' 7a!i0' No- 2 hurd, 784i8lb May.64c: July. 65V4c. " ' , "'o-iNo. s casn, i(c; track:. 48c; May, o: July, 3914c; No. 2 white, 48if49c. ivirr-uuwvr Ul uou. liT.nrTTl null nn.h,..l. rJiUi?!-2 2?MPJancy and straight, DisciUB-'iimoiny, steady at $6.OOJI6.30. CORNMEAL Steaily at $3.25. 0 W,"0 oV- HHAN Wimk. Inwpi" unbml o 4 .'.w.n.u, -. O t 1 1 iXI, HAY-Dull; timothy. $12.00014.50; prairie, not quoted. ' PROVISIONS-Pork. easy; Jobbing, old. 1R fill- nnrtr tilt Kr. T n-.l .S iV" X " salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear ribs. $8.60; clear sides, $8.93. Bacon ribs. $9.50j clear sides. $9.62. lear ivjiiBivi nieauy, $1.33. IRON COTTON TIE8-$1.00. BAGOING-5Iiic. HEMP TWINE 9c. METALS Lead, quiet at $3.8503.87. Spel ter, dull at $4.12ffj4.15. ' P i2c,PWW,gonB' 8VSc! turkeys- dKTScT SteaJy! croamer 18-'5: EGGS Iower at 22c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 9.000 bbls.; wheat. 19 -000 bu.; com. 77.000 bu.: oats, 79,000 bu SHIPMENTS Flour, S.OOfj blils.: wheat JI.0C0 bu.; corn, 66,000 bu.; oats, 46,000 bu. ' Liverpool (i rill 11 and l'rnr Utnns. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 23. WHEAT-Spot. No. 2 red western winter, steady, Cs 2d: No. 1 northern spring, steady, Cs L'd; No. 1 California, llrm, Cs Gd; futures, steady: March, Cs lHd; May, Cs 2d. miy, CORN Snot, steady: American mixed, now. 5s 7d: old, 5s 7d; futures, aulot: February, 5s 3d; March, 5s 2?4d; May, 5 34d. 1'EAS Canadian, steady, Cs 1M. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 7s 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady. 3 3sWJt3 1Gs. ' PROVISIONS-Beef.- firm; extra India mess, 79s. Pork, llrm; prlmo mess western, 72s. Lard, quiet; American refined, In pnlls, 47s 9d; prime western, In tierces, 47s Gd. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs strong nt 49s, Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., llrm. nt Kls Cd; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., quiet at 44s Gd; long clear mlddlos. light, 28 to 31 lbs., qutot. 45a; long clear middles, heavy. 33 to 40 lbs.. 44s Cd; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 40s Cd; clear bellies, 14 -to 16 lbs., steady, 61s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., dull, SSs. IIUTTER-Steady: finest United States. 90s: good United States, GSs. ' CHEESE Firm: American finest white, 4Ss6d; American finest colpred, 49s Gd. 1 Tolrdo flrnlu nml Seed, TOLEDO, Jnn. 23.-WHEAT-Activo nnd lower; cash, 8Sq; Mny, 8714c; July, 82ic. CORN Active, lowor; May, 63o; July, 63Tic. OATS Fair, nctlve and lower; Mny, 40c: July, 41c. RYE 63e. nominal. SEEDS-Clover, dull;' cash, prlmo, $5.83; March, $o.0. MllwuuLeu Oral 11 Jlnrket, MILWAUKEE, Jan. 33. WHEAT Lower: No. 1 northern. 76077c; No. 2' northern. 75ifi76c; May, 79ltc. RYE FLOUR-N11. 1. C3c. HAftLEY-LowerJ No. 2. 62c; sample, 65 CORN May, GJHc MliiiienpolU Wlirnt, Flour mid Ilran, MINNEAPOLIS, Jnn. 23. WH EAT May, 75hi5c; July, 7Hc; on track, No. i hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 7l4?i No. 2 northern,!73c. FLOt'lt-First patents, $3,8.'03.O3; second patents, $3.6Tlf3.75; llrst clenrs, $2.40; second clears, $2.10. IIRAN-In bulk, $17.CO017.GO. ICniisiis City (Irnln and I'm vlnlons, KANSAS CITY, Jnn. 2.1. WH EAT May, ic; July, "Glkc; ensh, No. 2 hard, 74ip 75c; No. 3, 7273c; No. 2. red, 81 u; No. 3, 8lc; No. 2 spring, 74075c. CORN January, 624c; Mny, do; cash, No. 2 mixed, C3c; No. 2 whlto, 63Q67C! No. 3, C3e. OATS-No. 2 white, 47J-I7c. ItYH No. 2. 60c. HAY-Cholco timothy, $13.GOfM4.00; choice prnlrle, $3.tW. IIUTTER Creamery, 18022c; dairy, foncy, 18c. EGOS Lower:, fresh Missouri nnd Kan sas stock uoted on 'change, 20o per doz., ort. cases returned; now whltcwood cases Included, 21c. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 21,100 bu.; corn, 77.0W) bu.: oats, 14,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 29,600 bu.; corn, 80, Ooo bu.; oats, 15,000 bu. I'lillndelpliln Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23. IIUTTER I'lrm, c higher: extra western creamery, 2ic: extra nearby prints, 27o. LOGS Steady, lc higher; fresh western ami southwestern, 28c; fresh southern, 2fj CHEESE-FIrm; New York full creams, fancy small, lHic; New York full creams, fair to choice, 9llc. MOVIJMHTM OF STOCKS AM IIOM1S. Operiitlnns Are Small nnd Confined lo 11 Short 1, 1st or Stock. X- T-1 TfMl , nn ... 1 ut uiin, -Jim. .i. incro was 1111 re- -i II iil .IllllllttllUll kU UltT BlUCH HUIIIWI today nnd tho bulk of tho smnll opera- which advanced quite strongly from the .......ctivu ut njii:i:itii i-iiurun. i.-,vuil 111 lllt--nu mo dominant professional element wns ovldent In the celling to take prollts nn the advance. There was a movement In the rn..1nl.lln . I luiinuiuiim iiiiuii u ttjfjuiruiiiiy Z1I1I1IU- lated by stories that part of the new Isstio of tho stock of the New York Central was to bo exchanged for that of Cleveland, Cin- -.mum,, uuuuhu pc ai, mum, inn iiiu move mcnt spent its force in tho course of the dny. St. Lawrence - Adirondack was mnrked up over 4 points" apparently on the expectation that it would be taken over by the New York Central. The recently preva lent strength of the local trnrtlon stocks led by the Metropolitan Street railway, con tinued for a time today, but the whole group succumbed to realizing. Sugar sue- Pllfutnil n lltn I .1 1.1.. ... . ...... j... ..u. ,,i ivmin nui ui inu m:u KOI HUH lato in the day wns lifted 3 points over lust night. An ndvnnce of lo points In tho prlco of tho product nnd reports of nn agreement nt Washington looking to the freo entry of Cuban raw BUgar wero ac countnblo for that movement. The news lltllt nn ni'mnmnnl l.n.t . . ...... .... ..o.vuiu,. nnu liv-ll it'Ul.lli;il Itu- tweon western rnllronds and packing " ""VRjiii in inaininui rates, tnus re lieving tho objcctlonablo conditions against whlrtli 111,. In, ml-... I... .1... ......... ,iuiii i'j mo uiii'rnuiui coni- nilssion Is directed, had a. stimulating ef- tii. uu nn- i-ueiiics, urangers and south westerns. The recommendation in the com- mlMMImi'M niltlllfll ....n... I.. n.. ..r 1 1 : - niiril ill 11141,1 1,1 inlaw ing iiHsoc atlons to maintain rates was also iiu.i.iiii mum-lieu lor western railroad stocks. Missouri Pacinc led with a rlso of over '2 nnlnlH li.miiiurt, it. i.. n. 1 n... . -v. ... inu llllJlutlU IIMI wero on a smnll scale. Amalgamated Cop- nuu.ira Buino sirengtu on tno growth of foreign demand for raw' copper. There nro growing symptoms of n plethora of money 111 fill nf tlm irrnn , nnn..n.. f . . I . .. I ... J , " ... V1"11"'3 "A L-llllllill. lO- days reduction in tho linnk of England's inn . : .r""l.ri .lo expecta- m hu Luucuiiuiin vi nixes wero cx- noetPll In (liinlfitn lm I n...ln.. . U - ; , --i"-. ---u 4.U1IHVIII iiiunu mur et at this tlmo und it was thought to bo neeessnrv- fn Iiii im ... ... ... .ihiiiv iiiiu in order to prevent wlthdrnwals of French capital. Today's statement of tho Bank of ! ranco shows such'an accumulation thero X.i-i.-i '.'."'V. "'uucemeni to call homo capital, but Berlin seems tho center of the ......... lo miiivii uy ilia fact Hint Uerlln has boon buying bills in tllO Inilllntl tnnnn" mnelni .,t .... ..i . ,r- ...w.. uuu Vita I II K ilJU discount rate thero whllo in tho very net w. duUi,viiiiiiiK biaij' nines over ror the pro rered government loans of $75,000,000, all of which has not prevented a decline In dis count rates nt that center. Thero is it con tinued accumulation of money in New York nlso. but without the stimulating ef fect on speculation which Is munlfest at other grout money centers. A romarkablo development in tho situation hero Is the fact thut very largo tlmo loans, running ,ntp tho millions of dollars, are being nego tinted at interior domestic.polnts for New York account. ' Thero was continued activity among Usually quiet bonds nnd some striking gains wcro recorded, but tho murket gen erally was irregular. Total sales, par value. $5,443,000 United States new 4s. coupon, declined 14 per cent on tho lust call Tho following aro tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Baltlmoro & O. do pfd...V..... Canadian Pac. Cnnada So dies. & Ohio.... Chicago & A,.., do pfd Clil. lnd. & L... do pfd Chi. Ac E. Ill Chicago G. W... do lBt pfd do 2d pfd C. & N. W C, R. I. & P.... Chi. Tor. & Tr.. do pfd C. C. C. & St. L Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson,. Del. L. & W- Denver & R. G.. do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd do 2t pfd Gt. Nor. pfd Hock. Valley.... do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Centrnl ... do pfd Lako Erlo & W do pfd L. & N..T. Manhattan L.... Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Mex. National ... Minn. & St. L... Mo. Paclllo M.. K. & T , do pfd , N. J. Central...., N. Y. Central..... Norfolk & W do pfd , Ontario & W Pennsylvania .... Rending do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. & S. F do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Kouthwr:., do pfd St. Paul , do pfd . 7o So. Pacific .96 So. Railway .... 102V-; do pfd.... ?? T-CXl Paclllo.. .114 Tql.. St. L. & W oqts uu piu . 46 Union Paclllo ... . 34'. do pfd..-. . 70 Wabash .5- do pfd . 70 Wheel. & L, E.. .136 do 2d pfd . 2.". Wis. Central .... , fc3& do pfd , 43lAdams Ex ,2U!iiAmcrlcan Ex.... ,155V U. S. Ex , 17iWell?-Fargo Ex , 32H Amul. Copper .. , 97'Amer. Car ,fc F. tin nf.l 60H Amor. Lln. 'oil'.'. . zs? uo pra .171 Amor. S. & II.... ,270 do pfd , 42 Anac. Mln. Co... , 91 Vi Brooklyn R. T.. . 29 Colo. Fuel & 1... , 70)i Con. Gas , 66; Con. Tob. pfd... ,181 Gen. Electric ... , 69 Glucoso Sugar .. e-W "UCKII1K L.OU1 ... .13S . 38 . 71 , 67 .127 ,103 .1MH ,171 , 2.S jlntcn Pnper . uu pin Inter. Power ... Lllnlnrln i!iiii KT tii . "mouii National Lead . -iMiiioiiai salt ,. ""J .sit ' ll- 1 1U.&11 ,, , jorn' nemo uousl ... ,105 I'aclllo Mull ..... ,102 People's Gas ... i-i uHseu a, Uar.. o prd Pullman P. Car. Republic Steel .. ilo nfd Suirnr. . AM?,0'"' Coal ,149(1 Union Bng & P. 81 U. S. Lcathor ... 63i do pfd 62.U. S. Rubber ... , 82 do pfd 74'U. S. Steo! , 2GH do pfd , 69. Western Union.. .163 Amer. Locomo... ,187 do pfd 5211 ,15 ,161 , 50 91 59 32 3!la - 22 - 41 1715 . 29 19 . 10 .195 .215 .102 .190 7014 - 29 . 804 . 15 . 42 - ''. . 97 - 31 . 6ti - .217 .118 .2S01; 49". - 14 iu . fb . 87 91 la . 30 :S .100 . 40 . 81 .220 .125V. . C2',J . 13 :S8 : S?h . to : - - 91 balances. $2,150,256; noslcd exchange, $1.85; s xty days, on demand; New York cx- -'"i'iu'i t-'v. l-iriiiium. BOS ION. Jan. 23.-Clcarln8S, $20,261,073; balances, .',0,l,o,J7. 1'llll. Vni'I.IMII I I.. ,,n , i . n ... n".. ... ll -mil. .). v.icuruiKS, $18,842,230; balances, $2,691,021; money, 6 per 1IALTIMORK. Jan. 23.-Ctcarlngs, $3671, 4j0; money, 4foo pt.r cent; New York ox- -.imnnv, uv luuiiuum. York Money Mnrkrt. "-"oytJi Ja' 23. MONEY On ca , pnlnr. 2UfIi:llz. ,,n ..i.....i .r", : I cent ,,r,mo mercnntllo pnper, 485 per ..STKIII'-NO EXCHANGE Firm, with nc- .II. i"y,0 ,,, iKinKcrs inns at $1.87 for demand nnd nt $1.81 for sixty dnys; posted rates, S4.8jy4.8s; commercial bills, $i.83yi -74- SILVER Bur. r.-.iu-- m.,i. ,in. 4j,i, - vui. nullum, i.,0-Ji!?i?ra?v5rnmc!,t' easier; state, Inac- .... , ......wiiw, iiunuinr. lho closing quotations on bonds nro as follows; U. 8. rot. 2s, reg,10s do coupon 108. do 3s, reg Vss do coupon i....,10 do new 4s, rcg..l3.s do coupon 139 do old 4s, rcg...lilfl do coupon int. do 6s, reg loo' lln rnlltinti .. 1iT7. Atrh. gen. 4s io,lk do ndj. 4s ji. mil, IV UII1U -IS,,.1UI do 3s iijV lln r-ntiv. in 1ni ' Canada So. 2s. ...110 ueni. or un. 63. .110 do Is inu ;sii, f.B. fl .llin KV.'-1 Chi. & A. 3s.... s l,i ii ct w n. 4s... C. JI fcijl'K, 48.113 I f. Al- N. W. V. Tb ill 1 f'.. II. I. XV 1 l.'m.,'l i-.iin.MKi' JIT. iS. W Colorado So. 4s,. 92-i n. X- 11 fl In Erie prior I. 4s... 99 v w x- n i' 1. i,ii. Hock. vni. -tiss:;;!'11 I.. A, M. nnl Ja Alex. Central 4s.. do Is Inc M. & St. L. 4s..., M., K. & T. 4s... iln N. Y. Central Is! uo gen. 3V43 No. Paclllb 4s do 3s N. & W. c. 4s.... Reading gen. 4s.. St Ii & IJI c. 6s. .m. t.. x. a 1.. i- 8t. L. 8. W. is..! do 2s 8 A & A !' 4s So. Pacific 4s So. Railway 6s... TV. X.' Pnn 1. T. 8 L W 4s.'..' Union Pacific 4s, no conv. 4s Wabash Is ,, do 2s iln ilnli tl West Shore 4s.,! W. & tj. E. 4s.... Win. f?f.ntrn1 in Con. Tob. 4S 321 103 1 "11 10a 133 ,105 74 118 96 9S 79'. M 4 121 82 1UD 106 "8 "Jill 112 Offered. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram savs: Nntwiihutnnriin,-. .the. reductions of tho discount rate of tho ijiiim 01 r.ngianu irom 4 to 3 per cent tho market was less active', with realizing sales In homo rails, tho dividends proving disappointing. Tho Ceylon loan was cov ered il vo times over and tho list wns closed in tlireo hours. Rio tlntos sold at 41 on American buying und copper at 48 tho ton. American shares wero lifeless nnd dcnlfira mlgrntod to Knlflrs. The monetary situa tion was not nffectcd by tho action on the bank rato and revenuo collections nro lick ing up surplus supplies. French demand for gold Is hardening and tho metal Is Berlin 2oV 10d' 1ar'S exchnnB0 ,s 2312! lloslon Slook tliintnlloiin. , BOSTON. Jan. 23.-Call loans. 34 per closlns: Atchison 4s , Gus Is Mex. Central 4s,, N. E. G. & C Atchison ', do pfd Boston & A Boston & Me Boston Elevated, N Y, N H & II., Union Paclllo .... Amer. Sugar ..... Amer. T. & T..,, Dom. 1. & S Gen. Electric Mass. Electric. do pfd...-. , N. K, O. & C..., United Fruit ... U. S. Steel , do pfd , Adventure Allouez , 102 81 J2' 67 7515 n2nk 262 192 168 21U 101 i 123! 34 91 3 87 12 ?4 Amalgamated rtaltlc Bingham .... Cat. & Hecln Centennial .... Copper Rango Islo Royalo .,, ini,o,i; old Domlii'l'o'n Osceola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fo Cop Tamarack .... Trlinountnln . Trinity united States Utah Victoria Winona Wolverlno .... 1 ... 70 .... 31 .... 21 ....59u .... 12 .... 21 .... 30 S .... 2814 ...139 ... 3 ...250 . v.: Sf ... 14 ... 22H ... 45 New York Minion Stocks. NEW YORK. Jan. 23.-Tho following nre tho closlngprlccs on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 ILIttlo Chief ... Allco 43 Ontario Brecon 3 Onhlr Brunswick Con... 8 Phoenix Com. Tunnel ... 5lpotost Con. Cnl. & ; Vn...l23 Snvngo Deadwopd Terra. ..o Sierra Nevada Horn Silver ....lj Small Hopes .. Iron 8 vcr co Stnndnrd Lcadvlllo Con.... 5 ... 10 1 ..775 .. 78 .. 4 ... 12 .. II ,.. 13 ,.. 38 ..340 Hunk ClenrliiK". OMAHA. Jan. 23. Bank clearings today, $1,321,221.27; corresponding dny last year, $1,012,317.54: Increase, $308,903.73. ' ST. LOUIS. Jan. 23.-Clearlngs. $7,810,134; balnnces, $339,253; exchange on New York, 25a premium. NEW YORK. Jan. 23,-Clearlngs, $220,717,. 902: balances, $12,017,085. CHICAGO, Jan. 23.-C!earlD6S, :,OT,150; KorelKii Flnnnulnl. ,iI4?ND0.N'. Jnn- 3.-fohcy wns In fair demand today and the supplies wero lessened. Considerable s,um wero locked V',1 1,1 '"rgo applications for local loans. Discounts ensed after tho lowering of tho bank rate. Business on tho Stock exchange opened quiet. Americans opened dull and lie low parity. The dealings wcro small mid prices remained hesitating, with fractional declines, until the New York markot opened, when they recovered somewhat, ftnd closed llrm. Rio flntoi Improved. K01!", vnncctl steadily and closed llrm . V?'' weekly statement of the Bank of Lngland shows theso changes: Total reserve increased 1,239,000. circulation do prcosed 257,000, bullion Increased 981,813, nther securities! decreased 401,000. other eposlts decreased 1,495,000. public deposits I MC?.nS, -.MM. notes reserve Incrensed -.1,131,000 and government securities de creased .1 1,094 .000. The proportion of the Batik of England's rosorvo to liability Is 49.12 per cent; last week it was 41.61 per ..ol! .Premiums: At Buenos Ayres, .VH;70:T,lMnIr1;1' 35-3! Lisbon. 31.23; Rome, 2.22. Bar gold Is 77s 3d. Tho rato of ills count of tho Bank of England was today reduced from I to 3 per cent. PARIS, Jan. 23. Operators on tho bourse today wero favorably Impressed by the lowering of tho English bank rate. Prices wcro llrm and thero was somo animation and numerous purchases. The whole list was stimulated by the favorable Bank of France statement. Spnnlsh Is rose briskly, owing to the Spanish sales reception of the financial bill. Spanish rails recovered. Thomson-Houston wns firm. Metropolitans wero in good demand. Rio tlntos were pur chased for iAindoir account nnd the nd vnnce in copper. DeBeers nnd Kalllrs closed steady nt a little blow the best prices of tho dny, owing to realizations. The private rato of discount wis unchanged at 2 13-16 per cent. The statement of tho Bank of I-ranco shows theso changes: Notes In circulation decreasod G3,675,0o0f. treasury ac counts current Increased 104,025,C00f, gold In hnnd Incrensed 13.675,000f, bills discounted decreased 22.725.000t nnd silver in, hand in creased 2,500.000f. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 23c for tho nccount. Exchange on Lon don. 25 f 12c for checks. Spanish 4s, 77.82. BERLIN, Jnn. 23. Home funds were In strong demnnd on the bourso today, owing to tho grntlfylng subscriptions to the new lonns. Spanish 4s wero harder on nrbltrngc buying. Locals wcro easier nt first as a result of the article In tho London Dally Chronlclo saying rumors wero current In India of coming trouble In Afghanistan between Russia and Grent Britain,- but they recovered well before the close on tho decrease In the Jihigllsh bank rato. Ex change on London, "Om 42nfgs for chcckc, Discount rato for short bills, 1 per cent; for threo months' bills, 2 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 23,-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 8 5-16c; mid dling gulf, S9-16c; sales, none. Futures closed quiet and steady, with prices not 6 II points higher: January, 7.93c; February, 8.01c; March. 8.06c; April, 8.12c; May, 8.13c; Juno, 8.14c; July, S.17c; August, Sc; Septem ber. 7.6Sc; October. 7.67c. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 23.-COTTON-Steady: sales, 6,450 bales; Ordinary, 6c; good ordinary, 7c; low middling, 7 9-16c; middling, 7?dc; good middling, 7c; mid dling fair, 7 9-lCc,; receipts, 16,116 bales; stock, 362,075 bales. Futures, steady: Jan uary. 7.6Sc bid; February, 7.8617.8Sc; March, 7.92if'7.93c; April, 7.9Cf(7.9Sc; May, 8.01j8.02c: June, S.OIfiS.oCc; July, S.O'JfaS.lOc. ST. IOU18, Jnu. 23.-COTTON-Qulot: Hfltnu "OH hnlno. .v.l.lHlr,n 7T(n . T. f . ..(iw. -"'J iiiiuutuin, 1 ys., ULUIlin, 5,013 bales; shipments, 6,366 bulcs; stock, ni IVIO llfl tf-H OALVKSTON .Tun 93 rnTTON-niil.t 7c. " LIVERPOOL. Jan. 23.-COTTON-Snot. fair demand; prices l16d lower; American middling fair, 4 13-lGd; good middling, IH.irl- ml.l.lllMn. 1 7-1IT.1. In.., . 1 .1.1 II.." J X.. 1 iiiifc. . -v-. ,i,w llllilllllUK, 4 11-32d; good ordinary, 4 9-32d; ordinary. 3 3-32d. Tho sales of tho day wcro 10,000 l.ntfta nf 'U'lllnl. RAA n.nrn fn . 1 ... I w .,.,-.,, twnj i, uiu iui DIVUUIU11UI1 and export nnd Included 8,300 Amerlcsit. .Receipts, 23,100 Tjnlos, nil Americnn. Fu- miia ui-ciii-n iiuiul unu uiuuru very sieaay. American middling g..o. c: January, 4 23-64 f(4 26-6ld, buyers; January and February, 1 23-Cid, buyers; February and March. 1 2 -CISM 25.6id, sellers: March and April. 4 2 -644W 25-Gkl, sellers; April nnd May 4 24.6IS?4 25-6ld. buyers: Mnv nnd iimV 4 25-6ld, sellers: Juno nnd July. 4 25-fild. unll lers; July nnd August, 4 2o-rld, sellers: August nnd Sontember. 4 20-64M 21-fiki. sat: lers: Renlpmhpr nml CinlnUttr- linir.'. 13-Cld. sellers. 0H1UA LITE STOCK MARKET OtltU Emipti Mtdtrat nnd Trt.t Bnlid AotWe and 8tricr. HOGS OPENED HIGHER. BUT CLOSED LOWER sneep nnd l.nntlia Slow nnd Ccnern Mnrket Wns Fully n Dlnio Lower nil. In Some "Cases It Wan Twcn() Flve Cents Lower. AVonl .Market. RT T.nTTTQ Tn.. nt nt -.. , , - , Ji -mil. .. . ir i rm ana fn'nly nctlvo: medium grades. 13Jfl7c; light '-aiMUW, IIUIIV 1111V. 4UU1-Ci IUD washed, 1452lc. t.nTsTTinM inn ..nfnnt' n. i ' . ,, uuuiy-uiLcnilnS III tho auction sales today numbered 14,314 bales of good nunllty. The nttendance was largo nnd competition wns nctlve nt firm IIHPPH rPlin a....ntn ....... 1 1 t I . I. .- .. . 41 I . . MW.llll Ulllll.lUll Ul LIIO WUU stimulated tho buyers to opcrato with great ........i,.,., o a rc-nuii inu iiriecH nuiaineu w ,ir.. hlt-lm .. . t , v. .v... .. n ....... . . V. , , .....i..t .Yitii ma injiiuni'iii inu mail ing buyer. Americans bought sultablo parcels of cross-hreds nt full rntes. With- Wales, 1.300 bales: scoured, 7d?ls 5d: grensy. 35T12d. Queiinsland, 1.100 bales: Bcoured. Isdfils 6d: greaBy. 2iM10d. Vic toria, 4,400 bales: scoured. 2Id'(?ls liwds greasy, 3(lQls 2V4d. South Australia. 1,600 bales; scoured. 7141i?T1b 4d; greasy, 2J.9d. ...... ..iioiiium, U4iin, nLiiuicil. 1-U'll' Is ld; greasy, 3?4f8d. New Zealand. 3.400 hfllpn .rOllriiil ALAt!l 1 u 11 rvrnn u. I II IUI (if rlrnt Tlnttn nml Vnln un1... scoured, Cd01s 2d; greasy. SiifiMd. Buenos Ayres, 100 bales; greasy, 2ft6!4d, Oil mill Utmln. OIL CITY, Pn.. Jan. 23.-OHJ-Credlt bal nnccs, $1.15; certlilcates, no hid; runs, K9,sni bbls.; average, 74.790 bbls.; shipments, 92,221 bbls.: average, 92,111 bbls. SAVANNAH, fin.. Jan. 23 Olf Turncn. tine. llrm. 43c. Rosin, firm. NEW YORK, Jan. 23,-OIL-Cottonsecd, weak; prlmo yellow. 42Ti42c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, firm. Turpentine, firm. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 23.-OII-Cottonsoed, Hull retlned, snot, llrm, 23s 3d. Rosin, com mon, steady, 4s. LONDON, Jan. 23.-OIL Calcutta Unseed, spot, 55s. Linseed, 30s 9d. Turpentine spirits, 30s ld30s 3d. Coffee Mnrkrt., NEW YORK, Jan. 23,-COFFEE-Spot Rio. quiet: No. 7 Invoice, 6c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 7'Rllc. Options opened steady, with prices 6&10 points lower, and closed steady, with prices 686 points lower; total sales, 46,250 bags. Including February at 5.65c: Mnreh. 5.75i?5.SOc: April, 6.ttc; Mav. 5.95ff6.06o: July, 6.16fI6.20c; September, 6 2: 6.35c; October, 6.300 35c; December, 6.45'ii G.60C. Rccelnts wern; Official Monday .., Olllclul Tuesday ., OHlclal 'Wednesday wmciai xnursuay SOUTH OMAHA. Jnn. 23. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, 3.011 4.670 4,227 3,176 7.905 16,312 11,30. 9.738 Four days this weck.,ll,9N3 45,317 Same days last wcck....lo,oi'J 31,387 Same week .before lo,3so 32,428 Saiiio four weeks ago,... 6,466 24,844 Same day a last year 9,9.11 SJ,6S0 Average price paid for hogs ut Omaha the past soveral days with parlBons: 2,311 3,693 4,216 3,txi 13,9i)S 11,57 4,232 U,209 south com Date. 1902. 1901. 1J0.U.I1S91.1897.1W Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. iun. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jim. Jll M Jan.' Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1. u. 3. t. o. 6. 7., 8. 8.... 10... 11... 12... 13... It... 15... 16... ll... 18... W... 20... I S:::1 23... 20 6 2214 6 H a as 6 23 6 lov.1 6 06 wp pin, 0 b l 0 U 6 6 6 041 6 23 I o ll 6 OOU l 6 12 5 16 b ID'.il O .'I 4 961 4 211 1 3 4i 1 1SI 1 41 4 Koi 4 331 3 571 13 17 3 43 4 95 4 29 3 67 3 481 III 6 021 4 271 3 4I 3 4I 3 Z5 3 11 b 04 14 37 3 471 1 381 3 27 4 35 3 4S i 3V 3 2V 3 63 I 3 421 3 401 3 18 b W 4 34 1 3 4.J 3 12 4 30 1 J CU1 o J 4 41 3 5ji 3 29 3 07 4 49i 3 60 3 47 3 11 4 631 3 5o 3 491 J 601 3 491 3 16 4 t2 3 52 1 6 lmi 6 2ui 4 431 3 49 3 47 6 2V 6 29 t 2?l A 97li 6 14(?i, li 02?4 6 26 D 13 b 11 4 61 4 64 4 651 3 611 3 51 3 64 3 66 3 69 3 661 3 61 3 601 3 54 3 67 3 W 3 26 3 23 3 26 3 2b 3 26 3 23 3 25; 3 4$ 3 46 3 bti 3 64 3 61 3 47 3 33 3 69 3 Wl 3 72 3 1-2 3 no 3 96 3 91 3 86 .Indicates Sunday. . Tho olllcial number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. Shcep.H'rs P, 3 a, m. & st. O. it St. L Missouri Pacific 7 union Paclllo System 22 C. At N. W 3 F., E. & M. V 1 C, ht. P., M. ii O.... 10 B. H M -ji C. B. & Q 11 lv. C. Ac Ht. J C R. 1. k P., east.. 5 C. R. 1. Ai P.. west.. 5 Illinois Central 6 7 3 iu 10 23 I 21 3 1 is 6 4 123 19 673 2,87 1,M1 454 1,937 003 651 4,125 220 II 112 211 21.. 124 278 ...N .... 49 31 32 79 -265 .... 25 3"ii3 10io9S 2,606 Total receipts 125 The disposition of tho C'J ts receipts wus as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buvers. Cattle, llogs. Shcop Omaha Packing Co 206 l.oiu Swift und Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Omaha. Irom K. C Swltt, irom country Hammond, irom ji. u... R. Bockcr & Degan J. L. Carey Lobman & Co Livingstone & Schallcr.. B. F. Hobblck Hamilton & Rothschild.. F. llusz Other buyers Total CATTLE Receipts of cattle wero not as heavy today as they wcro yesterday, us the table of receipts abovo will show. The demand, however, was In good snapo und buvers started out early and bid good. strong prices for all desirable grades. That being tno case, it am not iuko ions to clear the nens. There wero not very many cornfed steers offered thlB morning and buyers had but little, difficulty In disposing of what they had at koou. strong prices. Tho more desirable grades were of course In the best demand, out still oven the commoner grades sold freely at fully as good prices as wero paid yestrday. xna cow marxct was aiso active ana ino titter grades commanded strong prices So far as the prices paid for tho medium kinds and canners are concerned, there was not much chango from yesterday, but the market was more active and prac tically everything was out of llrst hands In irood season. There was very little change noticeable In the Drlccs mild for bulls, veal calves and stags, but still the market could safely be quoted strong on anything showing quality. . Tho stocker and feeder trade was In rather bad shape today. Speculators now have a good many cattle on hand that they have been unablo to sell, even though thoy have been offering them for less than they paid for them. ..Very few buyers havo Dcen on tne mantei anu now uuu tno end of the week Is closo at hand buyers did not care to get many more cattle on hand, Trade was slow and fully a dime lower. Had there been any choice heavvwplpht feeders offered they would orobablv hnvn soiu nuoui Biciiny. v,ommon stocKerB to. day were almost unsalable at nnv nrln. lteprcscntatlvo sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. 1 990 4 76 4 Oil) 2 -0 24. 1 770 3 00 31. 4 950 3 60 1 No. 1...., 15.... 1...., 12.... 1.... 6...., 1.'.'.'.. 7.... 5.... 11 5 o 2o!!!i: 6 42 14 3 4 9 18 19 12 Av. .... 455 .... 670 .... 770 .... 950 .... 750 .... 720 .... 6S1 ....1040 .... 893 .... 710 .... 778 ....1030 .... 870 .... 821 ....1032 .... 929 .... 915 ....1260 ....1000 .... 970 .... 908 .... 810 ....1030 .... 910 ....1076 .... 970 .... 926 .1050 Pr. ,00 1 o- 2 JJ 3 00 3 60 3 60 3 75 3 85 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 05 4 25 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 63 1 65 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 75 12 18 18.... 10.... 12..., 3.... 8 6 20 18 23 11 39 1 9 16 12 15 , IS STEERB AND HEIFERS. 840 A 10 U 1100 1067 4 70 15 1015 1026 4 75 17 1042 1023 4 80 STEERS AND COWS. 1187 4 60 2.. 1190 ... 990 ... 911 ... 927 ... 920 ...1200 ...1190 ... 930 ...1105 ...1200 ...1350 ...1103 ...1182 ...103S ...1073 ...1135 ... 966 ...1208 ...1105 ...1105 ...1176 ...1027 ...1237 ...1420 ...1212 ...1251 ...1213 ...1314 ..1402 4 75 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 4 83 4 83 4 9J 4 90 4 90 5 05 5 05 5 05 5 20 5 25 5 25 5 35 6 40 5 40 6 40 5 45 6 60 6 50 5 MJ 1..., 4.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 5.... O 1.... 8,... 1.... 3.... 1.... 3.... 12.... 4.... 7.... 3,... 6.... 1.... 5.... 14.... 3.... 1.... 1.,.. 1.... 3.... 1.... 6.... 12.... 20.... 1.... 14.... 21.... 18.... 4.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 1.... 3.... 1.... 930 840 860 850 760 860 930 V 910 -780 760 742 850 800 1000 1040 970 960 1110 913 1270 760 ,872 960 1030 1006 984 940 1070 912 7R0 1076 1060 886 9S5 1010 1035 1033 903 1170 1034 990 830 1210 1240 1130 1106 920 9W 995 912 RS0 1028 809 902 897 960 910 977 830 966 1320 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 20 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 33 2 35 2 35 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 33 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 45 3 40 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 1 13 10 0 11 6 4 9 5 23 1 6 6 13 17 19 4 1 1 11 10 6 5 1 1 1:::::: i 7 1 1 6 :::::; i 7 1 3 10 2; l 4 9 1 A:::::. i , 6:::::: 8 5 6 3 SO 4 6 3 6 0 1 4 1 4 2 n . 637 470 635 620 445 680 733 92 HEIFERS 70 .... 966 .... 910 .... 865 ....1121 .... 866 .... 808 ....not ....1185 .... 840 ....1068 .... 938 ....1050 ....1154 ....1023 .... 990 ... 967 ...1023 ... 967 ... 900 ...1060 ...1045 ...1050 ...1120 ... 854 ...1040 ...1470 ...1187 ...1200 ...1020 ... 985 ...1420 ...13.10 ... 971 ...1045 ... 903 ...1060 ...1054 ...1140 ...1060 ...1028 ...1075 ...1300 ...1227 ...1133 ...1310 ...128S ...1010 ...1370 ...13S0 ...12.30 ...1200 ...116S ...10R3 ...1106 ...1045 ...1120 ...1340 ...1083 ...1340 ...1230 ...1180 ...1257 5 80 5 la 6 15 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 60 3 60 ,3 50 3 55 3 65 3 GO 3 63 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 80 3 85 3 83 3 83 3 90 3 90 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 03 3... 1 TOT 3S5 1... UULIA 930 2 ro I . , . 800 4 30 1320 3 60 1.. 920 2 W 1 lf.'iO 1... 800 2 70 1 1110 1 1IVT) 2 85 1 ..1520 1 1460 2 90 1 1360 1... 1130 am 1 1310 1... K .1(0 1...., 1140 1 9S0 .1 00 1 1370 1 810 3 10 1 1250 1 1560 .1 10 1 1910 2 1233 3 13 6 1151 3 15 1 1330 3 23 1 1160 3 23 1 ,..,1000 3 25 1 1270 3 23 1 840 3 35 1 1420 3 40 1 1630 3 40 1 1170 3 60 CALVES. .133 3 r, 1 30.1 5 Oi) TO D 00 1.. 310 5 30 STAGS. 1050 3 00 1 910 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 856 2 40 1 610 2 90 510 2 60 2 6S0 .1 00 493 2 75 1 850 3 15 690 2 75 STOCK CALVES. 2.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 1.... .1.... 1...., 4.... 1.... 1. 1320 1 1400 -3 1510 1 1490 1.... 1W) 2 1705 1 11 60 1 19.10 25 52 1.10 2 0 110 3 60 .1 60 3 t.) 3 70 3 75 .1 75 3 76 3 75 3 75 3 SO .1 90 3 W 4 05 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 23 6 75 7 00 7 00 4 15 3... 3... 7 7: 1... 30... 9... .... 325 3 30 .... 310 3 60 8TOCKERS .... 620 .... 685 .... C30 .... co; .... two 45 20 65") 890 f.Sl 30 1. 310 3 75 AND FEEDER8. 2 810 3 60 12.... 16.,; 0 coo C33 60S 476 4S0 6 401 22 72S 2 600 10 918 3 tO .1 65 .1 63 3 70 3 73 3 75 3 85 4 00 4 25 3 00 .1 00 3 00 3 00 .1 00 3 25 3 23 3 23 3 45 :l 50 COWS AND HEIFERS U- 885 3 60 HOGS Receipts this mornlni; wcro not excessive, but Including what was carried over from yesterday, there worn a good .many hogs on sale. Packers started in tilddlng better nr ces than they did vester lay, and tho llrst hogs sold strong to 6c higher. At thoso prices quite a fow changed hands, but still the market was not what would bo culled active. When tho break came In provisions, howover, the market came to a standstill and very little wns done for somo time. All of the ndvnnco of tho morning wu lost and moto too, and the last end of the market was very slow and weak, mid It was late before anything one n clearance wns inane, un tno open ing market the honvywolght hogs sold mostly from Sfi :tl tn J.VIO. ilnm medium weight hoes sold Inrcelv from S6.15 to 1615. and the lighter loads went from (6.15 down. uepresenintivo sales: No. Av. Siv 4 84 ... 26 79 ... 21 19 ... 115 113 41 C9 ,141 ... 23 167 40 27 157 11 58... 83... 95... 89... 81... 91... 80 178 ...169 ...160 ...172 ...US ...1S1 ...159 ...162 111 160 86 4169 60 15S 101 190 78 1S3 SO.. 88.. 89... 82 .1.164 ...177 ...180 ..170 90... ...175 90 186 22 125 74 201 78 19S 90 189 68 190 81 189 60 177 17... 27. 52... 85... 7... 56... 91... 74... 86... 70.. 77.. 77.. 63.. 66.. 81.. 81.. 85... 25... 8... 95... 91., 92. 108 113. 70 191 ..216 ..193 ..199 ..209 ..197 ..197 1.184 ..180 ..192 ..198 ..203 ..204 ..223 ..201 ..193 ..226 206 .....115 226 207 203 200 ....183 ....211 ....182 ....206 ....293 ....183 183 18.1 120 40 120 40 40 80 120 80 40 120 160 120 40 160 40 40 80 120 80 11. 5 05 5 05 5 05 6 61 5 50 6 60 5 6) 5 U) 6 G5 5 70 5 70 5 75 5 75 5 73 5 75 5 75 6 75 5 SO 5 SO 6 SO 5 S3 5 85 6 85 6 S5 5 90 6 IK) 6 IK) 5 90 6 95 5 95 5 95 6 95 5 95 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 00 . 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 CO 6 00 6 00. 6 00 6 00 B 02 6 02 6 03 6 03 6 03 6 05 6 05 6 or. 0 03 6 03 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 76 210 SO 200 82 216 71 206 67 276 05 203 6t 222 67 216 83 206 20 2051 T null IV. . . 69.... 79.... 280 67. 66.. 72.. 65. ..207' ..203 ..200 223 222 255 77 199 4S 172 25 201 SO 231 68. .....240 8S 211 81 227 74 203 ft! 215 66 227 64 203 00. 0... CI.., 81.., (0... 70.., 60... Cii.., 30.., 76.., 63.., 83.., GO... 76.., 72. 74... C3. 40 80 120 '40 160 40 120 40 120 210 .258 '.'.'.20S ...20S ...227 ...218 ..257 ...232 224 "!27 'so ...247 ... ...300 ... ...231 ... ...226 ... ...2.12 ... .230 .234 64 2.13 35. GO. 31... 74... 72... 66... 69... 73... 20..., 66... 69... 63... 18..., 49..., 78... 62... .81! ...250 ,..244 ..223 ..232 ..251 ..230 ..2X1 ..237 ...279 ...26S ,,.304 ..300 ..285 ..219 ...112 , ..822 !!!s40 120 80 'so 120 160 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 03 6 05 0 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 0 03 6 05 6 07 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 tl 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 17 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 23 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 630 6 30 6 40 SHEEP Thern wnat tint n vnrv lin-iw run of sheep and lambs hern today, but still pacKers did not take hold with as much lfo as thev have been ilnlnir inf Into nnd the feeling wns weak from the Btnrt. Tho general market could safely bo quoted n dlmo lower, than that. Somo sales, In fact, wcro made that looked 25c lower than the same kinds sold for tho llrst half of the week. Sellers wero not itt all nnxlnun to take off that much, and as a result tho market was slow as well as lower, and It wns rnther lato before a clearance was made. Tho qunllty of the offerings today was nothing extra, so that llin ton nrleps do not look ns high as they would If tho quality had been better. Thero wero some )rimo yeurilugs. novever. that sold for $5.05. Thero was no part cular chango n tho feeder situation. Receipts continuo very light und the market may ho auoteil steady. : cnnico ugntwcignt yearlings, $4.905.25: good to cholco yearlings, $4.50If 4.90: cholco wethers, $4.50N.75; fair to good wethers, $4.2301.50; choice owes, $3.9001.23; fair to good owes, $3.60Q3.90; common owes, $2.75Q3.50; choice Inmbs. $3.75Jf6.10; fair to good lambs, $5.50(J75.75; feeder wethers, $3.60 W4.00: feeder lambs. $I.O0ifW.60: cull Iambs. iii.ivjl itcprcscniuiive sales: 15 2.S6 !0 9 40 No. 1 buck A.. 20 western awes .'. western ewes , Dakota ewes Dakota ewes western wethers Dakota wether yearlings, western lambs 94 western lambs a bucks 5 cull ewes 26 cull ewes 10 cull ewes 1 buck 90 western ewes 31 western ewes 10 cull lambs 107 western owes 22 western ewes cull lambs 153 western wethers ,,,, western mmim western lambs 26 ewes 29 western wethers 313 western wethers 18 western wethers 61 western lambs 19 western lambs 1 buck 10 ewes Av. Pr. , I SO 3 00 ,101 3 fO ,120 4 00 ,90 4 05 , 93 4 03 107 I 90 91 5 03 79 5 60 ,87 5 75 , 130 2 25 , 92 2 60 ,78 2 60 89 2 60 , 190 .1 00 ,01 3 60 ,95 3 73 47 3 75 93 3 90 142 4 00 62 4 23 96 4 60 93 5 25 66 5 23 1!3 4 10 103 4 73 82 4 75 73 4 75 78 5 7G 86 6 S3 170 3 00 105 3 83 CHICAGO LIVE .STOCK MARKET. nnd light mixed, $5.GOn6.S5; medium nnd heavy, $tUCW0.65; pigs, $X65$tO60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600 1 1 0:1 d; sternly ; top lambs, $6; tup yearlings, 5.40. Kiiusn City Mvr Mm-t Miirkrl, KANSAS CITY, Jan. 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head natives, 1,000 head Tex nns, 100 hend calves; heavy beef steers, slow; other cattle steady to shndo higher; Miolco export nnd dressed beef steers, $5.!0 SiO.tW; fnlr to good, $l.75$i6.75: stockors nnd feeders, $3,6051.73; western fed steers, $1.50 ium.w; jexns 111111 iiuiian steers, $l.2oi.3i; Texas cows, $2.6ofl4.25; native cows, J2.76W 1.8,.; heifers. $.l.50siG.23; runners. $l,73ij2.6j; bulls, $2.5Mf I.33; enlves, $I.IK1S,00. HOOS-Rectlpts. 12,000 head; market opened 610o higher: closed with ndvnnco lost: toil, $0.65: bulk of sales, $3.65'ij6.40i heavy, $11.10516.5.1; mixed packers, $6.0006.35; light, $3.25i(.20; pigs. $l.7lW.25. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 70)hond; market strong; western lambs, $5.(ks(6.po; western wethers, $l.6O$Ki.O0i yearlings, 5.004i 6.50; owes, $l.00fl.6O; culls nnd feeders, $2.W pi. 25. Sew York Live Stock Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Jnn. 23.-BEEVnS-Re-celpts, 2,900 head; 110 snlcs reported; no ex ports. CALVES-Recelpts. 102 head; steady; veals, $5.005jO.OO per 100 lbs. BllKHl' AKU LAMBS Receipts, 3.330 1. m-tiii, nni'i-p, siow mm steady: lamns in good demand und Ilrmi sheep, $3.60ff-l.43: a few at $1.75; Inmbs, $5.255f.40. HOGS RecelntH. 2.0HO iinml- nn ported; market weak, .stock In Slulit. , Tho. following table shows the receipt or Cattle. .linifM mill almnt, ... 41. n ,1..n ...I... J, . . -..vv. ... llU 11. u llllll" clpnl markets for Jnnnarv 23: on..... ... Cn.ML''- Hops, aiiu.ii vjiiiiiiui ,,,, a.i7r, uwengo to -M Knnsns City 7,000 St. Joseph 1,200 9.73S 38,000 13.000 0,600 7,600 Totnls 76,738 Sheep. 3,6M 15,000 706 8(X 1.500 21.65S Cn((In .sternly Active nml noma nnd nnd illuhi-r. Sheep 2 75 2 86 2 S3 3 00 3 60 3 50 i CO 740 861 920 960 680 915 620 6 932 9 1 1 1 1R 10 10 10 10 15 15 13 4 15 4 20 4 23 4 23 4 25 4 23 4 23 4 23 4 30 4 35 4 33 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 45 4 45 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 65 4 60 4 60 3 83 3 85 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 25 4 25 4 23 CHICAGO. Jan. 23. CATTLE Rerel nt.i. 10,600 head natives, 250 hend Texans; slow, hut generally steady; good to prime, $6.50f(' .0; pour 10 medium, tt.uuqjii.uu; stncKers nd feeders. $2.25ffl.75: cows. Sl.00fil.75; heifers, $2,25Q5.60; canners, $1.0002.23; bulls. $2.23if4.60; calves, $2.6086.25; Toxub fed steers, ji.kcjid. jo. HOGS Receipts, 38,000 head; estimated to morrow, 30,000 head; left over, 8,000 head: aotlvo and strong to 5c higher: mixed and butchers, $5,90Ji0.40: good tn cholco heavy. $6.3Ot(6.60; rough heavy. $.ooo.25; light $5.Bf,6.00: bulk of sales. $5.90J6.35. SHEEP AND LAMU8 Receipts, 15,000 head: sheen, steady to 10c higher; Inmbs, steody t higher; good to cholco wothers. $l.300.00; fair to cholco mixed, $.1.75fl.6o' western sheep, fed, $4,25fi5.15; native lambs. $3.60n6.10: western lambs, $5.20QC.00. ' RECEIPTS-Olllcluli Cattlo. 18,277 head hogs. 6.1.133 head; Bheop, 16.881 hoad. ' SIIIPMENTS-Ofllclul: Cattlo, 3,979 head hogs, 6,078 head; sheep, 756 head. ' fit, l.onls I.lvc .Stock .Murket. ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 23.-CATTLE-ReCclnts 4,100 head, Including' 2,800 head Texans' market steady: natlvo shipping and export steers, $l.60fi6.30; dressed beef and butcher steorsj $4.005.75; steers tinder 1,000 lbs . $3.00to.Ga: stockers nnd feeders, $2.60(fM.60 cows nnd heifers, $2.004.75: dinners, $1.90 2.75; bulls, $2.6fKa3.7G: Texns and Indian steers, $3,04f3.20; cows and heifers, $2.C0id ii.7. ITOaS-Recelpts, 9,600 head: market "'""IU'1?" ana "Bh,B' 5.75fiG.90; packers, $5.75ft8.10: butchers, $6.1566.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelntH soft li.n.i. murket steady: natlvo muttons. $3.75fM.6o! lambs, $5.00f6.25; culls 4.25; StOCKeru, $1.50ff2.25. und bucks) $2.00 Ml. Jonepli I.lvc! Stonk Market. BT. JOSEPH, Jan. 23.-CATTLE Re. celpts, 1,200 hend: steady: natives, $3.60 7.00; cows nnd heifers, $1,255.25; vcubi, $3.60 Q6.25; stockers and feeders, $2.2501.50. UOas-RecelpU, 7,600 head; steady; light .Snunr Mnrlml, NRU' nm.t'ivo t. . n Q"1.ot.l onf" kettle-,' !3ff244c;" open k'otti I, n "-"""jy . ?.'!!:"'. 1 "4XI-JC. ininsses. steady: open kntt o. 10fi25c; centrifugal. 6 16c. Syrup, steady, loy22c. All molasses nnJ..BArui."rrlvl"P "ffected by frost. firm! "nntrlfiifrtit o.? 11 ' wnr, 24p .Refined, llrm; No. 6, 4.20o; ro. 14, 3.i5c; fttandnrrt A, 4.G5c; confoctloiv or A, 4.Goc; mould A, B.lOo; cut loaf, R.25c; v.. uc.uu, ...un-, ijunui-rcu, -i.ffoo; granulated, 4.75c : cubes, 6c. LONDON, Jan. 23. SUOAR-BcQt, 7s 6d, Evnnnrntcd nnd Dried Fruits. AS,UAaY2.nK' Jnn' a EVAPORATED llRlit and thorn Is, a tendency toward cns!ti ' . . uin,i,aiifti.i VI 1IIU IJ1U inent. State, common to good, 7ff?iiol 1rlmp. DfiftV.n! iMmlr Olirin. iaiTJ . CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market Is without special feature. Prices nro gen ernlly pretty firmly held, with bushiest Ml-. Prunes, 3Tlf6ic. . Apricots. Royal. loifitc; moot Park, 9Wi2Hc. Peaches pooled, 1401SHc; unpoelod, 75jl5lSc Dry (ionils Mnrkrt. NEW YORIf. Jnn. -XI nnv nnnn There wns a better sto ri. triiilA fnAnv ntiM generally there was a bettor trade. Homo buying in brown and bleached goods was quiet. Cutters wero after denims, but wero nampereu uy scarcity or supplies, Print Cloths Wcro dull, but firm. VrflilH nml flnn-- hams wero unchanged. Hosiery and under- wuiir (juiui. CORN BLOCKADES' THE YARDS Kiinini City Traffic Tied ITp Trltli Shipments Into (lie Sontli- vcat Connlr'. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 23. A corn block ade, with the grain commanding high prices nnd tho grent southwestern country buying Ufrom'the north and east, Instead of having corn for sale, Is tho anomalous condition that exists In Kansas City. Grain mon say there nro 1,000 cars of corn on track hore nnd tho railroad yards so full that It takes many days to get corn started out of the city after It has hern ordered shipped. MoBt of tho corn Is com ing from Iowa nnd northeastorn Nebraska, but tho Daltotns and northern Illinois are. contributing largo supplies now. ADVICE FROM CARNEGIE. To Gain Competence One Must Invest One's Money His Own Start Due to a Fortunate Investment in Oil Stocks. Great Opportunities at Present in the Oil Industry, u-nr nonnlo nn a Balary or limited Income to acquire a competence to ever havo mora thnn a moro living ns a result of their Inbor It is nbsolutely necessnry that they IiivahI nt lrmst a nnrtlon of their savings. or surplus, whatovor the amount may be. This Is tno History oi an our wvniiny mnn TIMh Ir till. IldvICO Itlvell ll.V SUCh successful men as Carncglo (given In a speech, to railroad mon recently In Now York), Rockefeller, Flnglcr, Payne, Hanna and many others. Theso men started without wealth worked for n living ns millions nro doing today but they saved pnrt of their earn ings, nnd by fortunato Investment of tho money saved laid tho foundations of their subsequent millions and power. Hlirnlllcnntlv. too. hundreds of America's rich men gained their wealth by Invest ments In oil. Thirty years ngo John D. Rockefeller wns a poor clork today ho Is tho richest man In tho world. At a tlmo when conditions In the oil Industry wero very similar to those that exist now, ho saw the future of oil nnd bought of stocks nnd lnnds to his cntlro financial ability. Tho Immense production of oil that axlsts In this country today means that tho fuel of tho future is hero. Tho problem of got tlng it to mnrkct is being worked out by tho big companies, and wlion that Is com pleted there will follow tho greatest boom In nil stocks In tho history of tho country. Then tho Investor In oil stocks today will f;et his money back ten, twenty and an lundrcd fold, as Investors in oil stocks In tho pnst havo done. If you urn Interested In this grent field for Investment you will do woll to get ac cunlntcd with tho extensive holdings and prospects of tho North Amorlcnn Crude Oil Co., of Texas nnd California. This company holds leases on 0,000 acres of very valuable oil lands In California owns land In fco on Splndlo Top Holghts, lleaiimont, Tex., and hns formed an alli ance with the Fuel Oil Marketing Co, of Deaumont nnd Knnsns City, which insures n mnrkct for the entire output of tho North Americnn Crudo Oil Co.'s Texas gusher. This well Is now .being driven nnd Is guaranteed to bo nt least of 20,000 barrels dally capacity. On Its California land, near Los (Jatos, tho company Is down 300 feet, within a short dlstnnco of producing wells, nnd with overy Imllcntlon Hint tho drill is nearlng a vast body or oil. Holding 6,000 ncrcs of this land means that u strlko hero would mnko tho North Americnn Crudo Oil Co. ono of the strongest and richest on ho coast, nnd force Its stock far abovo par. Stock nf tho North American Crttdo Oil Co. Is soiling now ut sixty cents per shnre. Hundreds of bankers and business men all over tho country are buying it, ns Is shown by the company's hooks. It Is bnipid to nd vnnco siioruy, nnu tno timn to tmy is now. Tim directory of tho North Americnn Cruflo Oil Co. Is nssiintncn of It bolng well mnnnged. Its olllcers nro well known throughout tho West ns mon of Integrity nnd keen Judgment. Tho president, tho Hon. W. C. Rcnfrow, ox-governor of Okla homa, president of the First National bank. Norman, Okl., nnd a director of tho Amer ican Zlno, Lend and Smoltlng company, Joplln, Jlo.; vlcu president, J. J Swof ford, president Swofford Hros. wholcsnlo dry goods house, Kansas City, Mo.; treasurer V. A. Rule, cashier National Rank of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo.; secretary A. S. Klmberly, treasurer Hudson-Kim-berly Publishing Co.; general mnnagcr. M F. Hrown, well known in financial circles.' Send In orders for stock ut once. Not less thnn twenty shares will bo Issued to any one. Prospectus maps and full particulars can be obtained by writing tho North American Crudo Oil Co.. rooms 226 Rank of Commerce building, Kansas City, Mo Tetapnone lOno. Boyd Commission Co. Buccessori to James K. Doyd ft Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN, PIIOVISIOXB AND tTOCKI, Honrd of Trade Bnlldlnc Direct wires to Chicago and New York. CorrtufiOiidense, j0Un At YVttrreu tt C