10 THE OJIAHA JM1LYBE.E: FJRIDAY, .1ANUAHY 1. 10'J. I; AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA CtntroTtrij Ow L.oatioi f Piopiiii Tl diet Ow Railroad.. BROUGHT Uf BY STiCK YARDS fROPOSAL Councllnirn Coiiftltler (lint Slock Ynrils t'onipnny In Looking for llrlter End of lini-Knln Mnlo Clt)' Gossip. "When tho matter Is formally brought to tho attention of the city council," said a city olTlclal last evening, "there Is going to bo qutto a fuss In regard to tho location of tho proposed vlnduct across tho tracks. Whllo tho manager of tho Union Stock Yards company has seen fit to send com munications to thd Livestock exchange, tho Commercial club nnd ono or two Improve ment clubs, no proposition has becu made to tho council. The only knowlcdgo tho mayor nnd council has of tho proposed brldgo Is a letter from tho president of tho Livestock exchange and a memoranda, from tho Commercial club. When theso com munications wero read to the council Mon day night tho mayor, out of courtesy, re-1 fcrrcd tho correspondence to tho street and alley committee." It Is understood that no attention wilt bo paid to tho matter by tho council until thcro la somo definite proposition sub mitted to tho city authorities. In tho letter sent by Mr. Kcnyon to the organizations mentioned ho asks for a deed from tho city for such portions of Ilollroad avenuo which hovo not already been va cated, and extending from a point on the iouth lino of O street to U stroct. Mr. Kenyon further says: "If tho closing of tho grado crossing under tho Q street via duct and tho transfer of that portion of Itallroad nvcnuo Is accomplished, wo will on our part undertake tho erection of a well-constructed viaduct for the crossing of passengers nnd teams over tho tracks at somo convenient point between N and I" utroets. Wo will undcrtako to- havo tho tamo In operation within ono year." Councilman Johnston nnd other members of tho city government cannot understand why tho stock yards company wantH a deed to this property. "Never In tho history of the city," said Mr. Johnston, "has the city vacated ground for nny purposo nnd given n dcied to tho property, nnd tho chances aro that It will not do so In this case, When etrccts or nlleys havo been vacated for railroad purposes, tho city has morely passed an ordinance, according to law, and that ended tho matter." Tho portion of Railroad nvcnuo desired by tho Union Stock Yards company com prises about thrco nnd ono-half ncres, nnd Is especially valuable for trackages pur poses. It In doubly valuable to tho stock yards company, for thu reason that tho yards own a atrip of property directly east of nnd abutting on Itallroad avenuo. By ncqulrlng Itnllroad avenue tho yards will havo trnvkago property of onormous value. Ono well-known renl cstato dealer said yesterday that tho portion of tho streets tho stock yards company wants vacated Is worth not less than $75,000. A railroad offi cial, who la entirely disinterested, is quoted as saying that for trackage, purposes the 2,500 feet on Itallroad avenuo which tho city Is asked to vacato Is worth nearly If not quite $100,000. "What wo want," said a city official, "Is payment to tho city for this land, and nlso pomo definite proposition from tho Union Stock Yards company and the Union Tactile Itallroad company regarding tho construction of a viaduct.' It socms strango that tho stock yards company Is so anxious all at onco to build a brldgo when' tho council and tho business men havo been urging tho construction of n brldgo for years. Now that tho city is In a position whoroby it can enrich tho coffers of tho stock .yards company by giving away a vnluablo pleco of ground, there is a sort of hnlf-way promise made tluit a brldgo across tho tracks will be constructed." In tho selection of tho eastern terminus of tho proposed .vlnduct thero is going to bo qulto n squabble. A great many pcoplo would llko to bco tho brldgo termlnato on tho ground Just south of the Rawley block on Twenty-sixth street, whllo othors aro willing to givo to tho railroad companies tho foot of O street for a tormina! point. Troperty owners on O strcot are- working hard for their end of tho street, whllo N street business men want to see the brldgo constructed midway between N and O streets. Even with all of tho differences of opin ion, nearly overyono Is anxious to havo a viaduct built, In order that the dangerous track crossing may bo done- away with. Jonca Serves Notice. Sanitary Inspector Jontfl, who Is secro tary of tho South Omaha Board of Health, served notices on tho principals of tho pub lic schools yesterday regarding tho com pulsory vaccination rulo recently passed by tho board. Superintendent Mclican remarked that tho serving of tho notices loft the Doard of Education out entirely, as no official notice wns served either on tho president of tho board or tho superintendent. Consequently no attention will bo paid to tho service of notlco on tho principals. "If tho Board of Health wants to have the school board pay nny attention to Us regulations," sutd a member of the board last nlgbt, "It will havo to servo Its notices officially and not send nu agent around to the various schools with a big bluff talk, Tho wny to sorve such notlco was to call upon Superintendent McLean and tho pres ident of tho board and then tho principals of tho schools would have been notified In duo tlmo." As It Is, tho relations botween the Board of Health and tho Board of Education are lightly strained. City Olllt'lnU Positively Decline. Members of tho city council stated posi tively yesterday that the city would not, under any circumstances, pay for medicines io bo furnished to the assistant county physician. "This has been done In emerg ency casos," said Councilman Johnston Now is a very little EJ Mai j lailllVI ques PUR COLLARETTES, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, DRESS fclKIRTS, CAPS, TOQUES, PILLOW TOPS, SHOPPING BAGS CHILDREN'S GOLF GLOVES, REDUCED PRICES. yesterday afternoon, "but as long as the city has a physician of Its own tho assist ant county doctor will not rccelvo nny help from the city. Should County Commissioner O'Kceffo raako any suggestion of the kind to tho council It will bo turned down, as In our opinion thero Is no need of a county nnd a city doctor. Other city officials say that thero Is no need of an assistant county physician hero now and such an official will receive ecant recognition In caso ono is employed by Mr. O'Kceffo. SpWxcr Accept Histories. City Clerk Shrlgsley Is In receipt of a communication from Spltzor & Co., bond buyers of Toledo, O., to tho effect that the histories of the refunding Issuo of $110,880 bonds have been accepted by tho "attorneys. The bonds aro now being engraved and will be sent to South Omaha for signature. On tho coupons the signature- of the, clerk will be engraved, but on the bonds the elgnnturo of tho mayor nnd clork must bo wrltton. This issuo was sold for a premium nnd takes up all of the 1002 Improvement dis trict mnturltlcs, no well as somo 1901 bonds now oveduo. Xev I'lnn SnKReated, Manager Manchce of Swift and Company has inaugurated a now system In connection with tho Rounding of flro alarms. Formerly when thero has been a Are at Swift's tho alarm was turned In from tho watch station and upon arrival tho firemen had to stop and mnko Inquiries as to the location of tho blaze. From now on whlstlo signals will bo given notifying the department Just whero tho flro is located. Chief Etter hopes to havo the other packers adopt tho samo. system of signals, as ho thinks it will save a great deal of tlmo In getting tines of hose laid. Intercut Stops Sntnrclny. Interest on Treasurer Koutsky'a warrant call stops on Saturday of this week', Theso warrants when paid will use up almost all of tho cash balance of tho city and It will bo some tlmo beforo thero Is anothor war rant call. Property ownors are paying taxes slowly now and tho city treasurer will have tlmo to figure up his books and strike a balance. A report of the exact condition of the treasury will bo made to tho council on February 3. CI uh Elects Officers. Tho South Omaha Republican club has elected theso officers: H. S. Duke, presi dent; Swan Anderson, vlco president: J. E. DeLeo, socrctnry: Sara B. Christie, treas urer. Members of the executive committee havo been selected by wards. From the First ward thero Is Bruce McCulloch and James V. Chlzck. The Second ward repre sentatives aro Frank, Dwornk nnd Swan Larson, while Frod Clements nnd Frank Leo will look nfter tho Interests of tho party in tho Third ward. Walter Salto la alone In tho Fourth ward, tho club not bo- Ing able to agree upon tho second member from this district. In tho Fifth ward H. O. Bruco nnd Chnrles Welner are selected ami In tho Sixth Harry Tagg and E. T. Miller will act as committeemen. Jingle City Moduli). Thero will ho a boxing contest at Kout sky's hall tonight. Mrs. Chnrles E. Allen has gone to Chi cago to visit relatives. A boy with n pony can find employment delivering papers by calling at tho South Omaha ofllco of Tho Bee. Carl Johnson Is In Jail, charged with at tempting to rob tho residence of John Daly. 20.i North Twenty-fourth street. Dewey lodgo No. 6S, Bankers' Union of "mm, tvm kivo ii nnnco ox WOOUmatl hall on the evening' of February 1. Tho Second Ten of tho King's Daughters gavo an oyster supper nt Woodman hnll last night. Tho proceeds will go into tho treasury of the Circle of King's Daughters of tho First Presbyterian church. Children l.lko it. "My little boy took the croup ono night," savs F. D. Reynolds nf MnnaflaM n - - ........... n.n, wi, uu grew so bad you could hear him breathe all over the house. I thought he would die, but a few doses of One Mlnuto Cough Cure relieved and sent him to sloep. That's tb iaai we uearu oi me croup." ono Minute Cough Cura is absolutnlv unfa nnrf ia once. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, asmma ana nroncnitis. Announcements of the Theaters. "Way Down East." tho rumi rtmmn which hnd bucIi a successful at tho Boyd last season, will be seen for three performances at the Boyd, starting tonignt. Next to "Tho Old Homestead," "Way Down East" has had longer llfo than any of the rural plays. It is wholesomo and Invigorating and country llfo Is de pleted truo to Itself. Tho snowstorm sceno is one or tno most realistic bits ol business ever seen on tho lncnl tntm "Way Down East" has hnd tho unqualified endorsement of tho clercv and wherever It has been presented. The samo splendid cast that gave it last season la 3(iii nananng it. Effective Sunday, January -O, the morning train on thrvChleaen. fit. Tmti Minneapolis & Omaha railway for Sioux City and beyond, Wayne. Hartlngton, BloomQeld, New Castle and Intermediate points will leavo Webster street depot at instead or e a., m. Returning leave Sioux City at 7:16 a, m and 5:25 d. m.: arrive Omaha ll-sn m and 0:15 p. m. No change In departuro of aitcrnoon trains. Three Lines to Denver Via Union Pacific. Ono via Omaha (two trains dally). Ono via Kansas City (two trains dally), Ono via Cheyenne (two trains dally). Tho fast trr.ins to Denver aro via the Union Pacific. Full Information cheerfully furnished on nppilcation. City ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. 'Phone 316. Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, gives their twelfth annual concert and ball in memory of Robert B,urns at creignton nau, Friday, January 24. This will bo the best celobratlon of recent years, Union music; union prompter. ' Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716 Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 25c, at Tho I Bathory, 216-220 Bee building. ' Tel. 1716. MRS. J. BENSON. the time to get the best goods for money. All ouv 47r czr 4rr 4 nMAooisam Gm IT 1110 ID UUU 11609111 JUW at 25 to 50 Per Cent Discount. UNDERWEAR, ETC ALL AT IIOSTO.V STOltM I1UYS FUR STOCK. Hnlierttinmit UH 9, mth St., mnhn, Sells Us Entire Stock of Mnric-l'p Furs nt LESS THAN HOC ON THE DOLLAR. Tho entire stock will bo placed ON SALE SATURDAY, Hubcrmann's reputation for mnklng the cry finest garmcntL speaks volumes for the quality of furs In this sale., Pcoplo who know what real good furs aro will greatly appreciate this opportunity. The stock In cludes Jackets, capes, neck scarfs, collar ettes and robes. Wo will sell every garment t Just about half of Hubcrmasn's price. Salo begins Saturday nt BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J, L. Dranricls & Sons. VETERAN MASONS ELECT Martin Dnnhnm nf Oninhn Mnric President end Dnte for Summer MrctliiK Fixed. At tho meeting of tho Masonic Veterans' association of tho state of Nebraska yester day at Frco Masons' halt tho following offi cers wore elected for tho year 1902: Martin Dunham, Omaha, president; J. E. North, Columbus, vlco president; F. E. Whlto, Plattsmouth, secretary; Thomas A. Crolgh, Omaha recorder; Ocorgo W. Ltnlnger, E. A, Johnson nnd II. A. Haskell, Omaha, stew ards. The association fixed tho tlmo for the summer mooting at Juno G, tho day of tho opening of tho grand Masonic lodgo of tho stato at Omaha. A banquet wilt bo served at 12 o'clock. Thrco persons wcra elected to membership. W. L. Yancy, Paducah, Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease nnd thrco of tho best physicians In southern Kentucky treated mo without success. I was Induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gavo lmmcdlato relief nnd thrco bottles cured mo permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." Take no substitute. Off to Florida. A number of prominent Ncbraskans will leavo Omahn January 29 to enjoy an out ing In Florida. Many of them will take their golf sticks; others expect to play tennis, to fish, sail and bathe. This mid-wlntcr excursion to Florida will eavn tho Burlington stutlon, Omaha, 5:10 p. m., January 29, nnd will havo through cars to Jacksonville. Tho round-trip rate is $52.50. Tickets aro now on salo at 1502 Karuam street. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 22, 1902. To tho Members of tho Nebraska Retail Grocers nn5 General Merchants: At a meeting of the Executive Boatd, tho Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway was selected as tho official route to tho Gro cers' Convention nt Milwaukee. Party will leavo Omaha at 6 P. M. Sunday, January C, from tho Union Station. A special sleeping car has been chartered. A rate of ono nn'd one-third faro for tho round trip has been mado for this occasion. Sco that your tickets read in tho Chicago, Mllwaukeo & St. Paul Railway from Omaha to Milwaukee. A Royal, Good Time provided for by the Merchants of Milwaukee. For any furthor Information wrlto or wire, II. FISCHER, Sccrotnry, 901 Now York Llfo Bldg. llomeneeker'' Excursions. Tickets to nearly alt points In tho United States on salo at all ticket offices of. tho Chicago Great Western railway on the first and third Tuesdays of January and Febru ary at tho low rata of ono faro plus $2.00 for tho round trip. Good to return In 21 days from dato of sale. For dotnllcd in formation address any Chicago Great West ern agent, or J. P. Elmer. G. P. A., Chi cago, III. Notice. Members of Mondamln lodge, No. Ill, Fraternal Union of Amorlca, plcaso take notice, you are earnestly requested to at tend tho funeral services of our Into fratcr. Caroline Spellorberg, who passed away Tuesday, January 21. Services at family residence, 1837 North Eighteenth street, Friday, at 1 p. m. Interment at South Omaha. M. J. LAWLESS, F. M. GEORGE A. OSTROM, Socretary. Bond articles of Incornorntlon. notices of stockholders' meetlncs. etc.. to Tno Uec Wo will glvo thorn proper legal insertion Bee. Telephone 238. Publish your legal notices In the Weekly Telephone 238. Steinway Piano and Josef Hofmann Worthy companions In tho advance ment of musical art. Mr. Hofmann says of tho "Stein way:" "Their sympathetic tone, quality and perfect action fully sat isfy roe." For tho past s century Steinway pianos havo been the dally associ ates or all the great artists of Amer ica and Europe. Notice tho wording of an opinion given by a master whom tho cntlro musical world reveres Franz Liszt: "The 'Steinway' Is a glorious master pleco In power, sonority, singing quality and perfect harmonic offoct." Our selection of theso famous In struments is unusually largo at this time, affording an excollent oppor tunity for tboso who desire only tho BEST to mako their selection In Omaha rather ,than Chicago or Now York. We gunrantoo our prlco to bo as low as In any city of America. An early Inspection of these artistic Instruments is cordially invited. SOHMOLLER & MUELLER Sole State Representatives for the Steinway Pianos. 1813 Farnam St., Oinaha Telephone 1625 B Only 4 Days More nnd this gigantic salo draws to a closo. Today we will clean out all tho REMNANTS and odds and ouds from the $500,000 S o k Damaged by SMOKE AND WATER You'll profit greatly nt.ri iiiiess ;(,oi:, ur, I'uu itEM.v.v.vr. More dress goods remnants, all Imported materials, W and i yard lengths, from 4 to 8 to mntch, In plain fabrics, fancy materials, cloths, etc.. nil from 44 to BO Inches wldo. Theso nro all matched up and pinned to gether, enough for ladles' waist or child's dress, and actually worth $1.50 ynrd, go nt, per remnant noc ijhems noon?, ltic v.titn. These nre In lengths from 3 to 6 yards, In cheviots, cashmeres, hen rlettas, plnlds nnd checks, -4 -v nil wool materials, nnd I go at, ynrd IIEMNA.VI'S OF SII.K IIY TUB YAltl). Greatest bargains In desirable silks, fancies nnd plnln, In wnlst lengths nnd skirt lengths, from f g" 1W to 10 yards In length; fVJC go at, yard, 33c, COe nnd...-' SHOHT I.n.VC.TlIS OF SII.ICS AND vniiVKTS. Theso nre pnrtlculnrly desirable for neckwear ana millinery trimmings, dress trimmings'' nnd fnncy work, they go at 10c, Be, 3c nnd lc for entire piece. Short lengths of dress goods that sold brforo our smoke damngu up to BOc per pleco, choice of over wt 5,000 to select from, nt, fcsT' per remnant W :.t.c KMiiuoinKimcs, :ti-::. AMI B YAItll. All tho rrmnnnts of medium width embroidery nnd Insertion, nlco 5c flno quality, worth up to 25c, go nt 3Uc nnd Remnants nnd odd pieces of nil tho high class embroideries, hwIes, nain sook' nnd cambric, worth ft up to 50c, go at, ynrd, J,!C 10c. IBe und PRECIOUS "Mr stock Is complete In nssortment ' f sizes quality tho very tho lowest Besides diamonds there nro Rubles, Emornlds, Bapnli Opals nnd Tenrls. If contemplating n purchase wo would llko t benefit of out experience, as we know we can please you. jflk. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., flB JeVefi and Art istii and douoia.8 t. vRBK Stat) oner Mall orders given careful attention. Seleo- Ojmmm tlon packages sent to responsible partita. k REGULAR THING Every Saturdny 'from now on we will havo a special salo of some staple article which everybody needs. Next Suturdny, Janunry 25th, our specialty will be soapx. Tho best 25c box of 3 enkes of sonp In Amorlca for 15c. Do not lose sight or tho xact thnt everything In our storo Is sold nt cut prices. Remember wo aro not In the trust, and tho Jobbers won't sell us, but we've got tho goods and buy- them for leHS money than wo did before wo wero shut oft by tno Omnlia trust gang. 10c Frog In Your Tnroat b0 23c Laxntlvo Bromo-Quliilno jj0 23c Qulnncetol, best for colds 20o 25c Hill's Cnscnra Quinine ,. i5o $1.00 Lambert's Llsterlne sso 26c rJandcrlne g0 60c Omega Oil 33c $1.00 Hood's Snrsaparllla fio0 $1.00 Temptation Tonic 7c (This is tho Genuine.) $1.00 PERUNA ono to a customer E7c $1.00 Sexlne Pills ;5C $1,00 Parisian Hair Tonic guaranteed. 75c $1.00 Wine Cnrdul a $1.00 Butler's Femnlo Regulator 75c DOc Lleblg's Extruct Beef 130 11.00 Hylo tho guaranteed catnrrh euro BOc OPEN ALL NIGHT, SOHAEFEIt'S Cut Price Druir Store. Tel. 747. H. W. Cor. Klili and Chlcnxo. Goods delivered FREE to any cart of city. COAL Especial attention given to DOMESTIC COAL Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully screened with prompt cfllclont de livery. G. B. HAVENS & CO., 1522 Farnam St. Tolophonos 317 and 025. Not Lost, But found Shrniler's TcnjMlnuto Hentlncho Tow dern to bo n suro euro for liendnclies. If In doubt, try Slirmlcr'fl. Sold by drug gists or seut by mall for 10c and 25c. Address, W. J. Shrader Medicine Co., Nw York Room 10. No. 20 East Wk ill r 1H2 N. ,24th Kt. Omana. Nsb. Deputy UtaU Veterinarian. Food Inspector. H. L. RAMACC1DTTI, D. V. S CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 2Sth and Mason iU Tlmmouo K9, NDEJ by the revised prices. 25c HOC AM.OVIMtS, 1B F.ACII. All the lmlf-ynrd lengths of lino all- over lace, embroidery nnd tucklngs, worth up to $1 ymd, go nt, each 15c I'Oc LACES It t-Uc AM) Kc. All the remnants nnd odd lots nf flue torchon Inccs nnd Insertions In matched sots, worth up to J0o ynrd, go nt, ynrd, 34c nud 5c ItEMXAXTS IN IASEMF,.T. Cc unbleached muslin, 2'4c ynrd. French, Scotch nnd Chnmbrny Ging ham In short remnants, worth IBc, go nt Sio yard. Ciio ntundnrd npron checked ging ham, long remnants, 3o yurd. Itcmnants of outlig flannel, worth 10c, go nt lc each. Co standard prints, long remnants, 3ic ynrd. 12Vc chnmbrny gingham, 6a ynrd. 40c mercerized sateen, all colors, 12V4o ynrd. 12c percales, 30 Inches wldo, SUo ynrd. 25c whlto goods, Including lawns, dimities nud nainsooks, nt 10c ynrd. 20o Guletea cloth In long remnants, 10c yard. Hundreds of remnants of tnblo da mask that havo accumulated from our great linen salo nt prices averag ing nbout half value. 25c Imported percale, 3(3 Inches wide, per ynrd, 10c. 25c dimities nnd lawns, new spring designs, per ynrd 12&c. 40c mercerized ginghams, 32 inches wide, per 'yard, 15c. STONES best Thn nrlcn ilrcs. Turnuolse. to glvo you tho PIANOS YOU DON'T KNOW Wo havo about twenty different makes of pianos, and It's Impossible to think you would know all about all of them. Hut wo havo plenty of tlmo and clegnnt warerooms in which to show them off and display their good qualities. Now, potislbly you havo not seen tho world-famed Knabo Piano or tho most exqulslto caso of tho Kranlch & Dacb, with Its varied foreign veneers and beautiful toao qualities or tho Now Scalo Kimball Piano, tho instrument which hnB tho testimonials of tho greatest of world's famed musicians or tho rollablo Hal- lot & Davis Piano and tho many other pianos made to suit tho tastes of the great comcionwcalth. Hero aro pianos galore. 171008 that taper down to lewi than a hundred rtM'ars and expand to a thousand. i i-rma that begin with slnglo figures n dal , lars down to a llko nnuui In monthly Installments, up t cash. Your cholco, your prlco, your ta to Is our study. Will you buy and not in vestigate our claims. A.Hospe 1513-1515 Douglas St. Two Large Rooms sro seldom available In a building like Tho Ree Dulldlng. They aro par ticularly adapted for a concern need ing largo floor spaco or employing a great number of clerks. Tho rent Is particularly low. It you want them, epeak now. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Bee Building. UAVnCII' $18,000 Muslin IIAT UCRS Underwear Sale An Immense purchnso of beautiful garments for srot cash from tho world's best manufacturers. Pull lines of women's, mUes' nnd children's garments. THE MOST IMPORTANT MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ANNOUNCEMENT EVER MADE IN OMAHA. Tables nnd counters will bo laden with tho RICHEST AND HANDSOMEST ASSORT MENT OK FINE UNDEItWEAIt EVER PUT ON SALE. Among the thousands of pieces nro night robes, umbrella walking nnd underskirts, drawers nnd chemises In Jnp silks, lawns, nainsooks, long cloth, Lonsdale, and King Phillip cambrlrs, finished with rich trim mings, vnlcnclcnncA laces, embroideries, ribbons nnd hemstitched effects. They nro all exquisitely made In tho newest French designs, and havo all tho charm nnd at tractiveness of perfection and nbsoluto nownees. Friday the Grand Sale Begins And It "will bo a feast to tho cyo and n Joy to tho heart of every woman who ad mires tho dnlnty and tho beautiful. On account of our opportuno spot rash buying on so tremendous a scalo tho PRICKS WILL HE THE MOST ASTONISHINGLY LOW THAT HAVE EVER I1EEN NAMED. You can buy lust tho garments you havo been longing for nt much less than tho usual cost of tho most ordinary gnvles. A look through "this stock will delight you. COUNTER OXE. Ono lot of embroidered trimmed cho- LADIES' SKIRTS. Doublo umbrella rufflo, trimmed Nvlth flno duchesso, Valenciennes, insertions of flvo rows nnd edge, nt $2.50. Chemlao mado of flno lnwn and nainsook. skirt lengths, French mode, trimmed with neat, flno laces, at $31.93 and $2.93. Ladies' fine nnlnsook drawers, trimmed with flno duchesso, Valenciennes inco and embroidery, nnd finished with ribbon and pleating, at $1.60. China silk chcmlso and drawers, trimmed with flno Valenciennes laco at $2.50 and $5. Great Silk Sale Friday From 9 until 10 o'clock Friday morning, ln tho big main silk department, wo will offer tho best and biggest silk bargains of tho year. Thero will bo plenty of silks for nil, plenty of help to wntt on you and no ono will bo disappointed. Remember some of tho silks will bo worth $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 nnd $2.00, all full pieces, so you can get all you may want. Silks In every color for FRIDAY IS REMNANT Tho greatest bargains ever put on Omaha counters. No peddlors, dealers or manufacturers sold to ln this room. 20,000 YARDS OF WOOL DRESS GOODS REMNANTS, half wool and silk and wool nt one-third their regular prices, on largo counter, per yard, 10c, l&c, zac ana jjc. 10,000 yards of high grade dress goods remnants, .2 to 7 yards ln pleco, nt one third regular price, per yard, 45c, 75c and 85c. Silks worth 75c, $1 Mid $1.50, go at 39c. Corduroys worth 76c yard, at 29c. Flannelettes worth 16c yard, at 3c. FlannclottcB worth 19o yard, at Ec. BIG GROCERY An nra nnenr nlso n nurso alienor Enough snld. Read tho following prices: 22-Ibs. grnnuiateu sugar, .$i.uu. 3V4-lbs. good Japan rice, 16c. Largo sack white or yellow cornmeali 15c. C-lbs breakfast oatmeal, 15c. 4-lbs hand picked navy beans, 15c. 2-lb. cans tarly Juno peas, 8 l-3c. Cholco tea sittings, per pound, 20c. No. 1 Golden Rio Coffee, pound, 12,c. H. B. C. Mocha and Java, special, lb., 33c. BUTTER AND EGGS. Cholco country roll butter, pound, nc-ioc Fancy dairy butter, 18c. Fancy creamery, a good tnblo butter, 20c. Extra fancy .separator creamery, lb., 21c. Fancy full cream cheese, lb., 10c. HAYDEN WATCH CHAINS. Wo nro showing a nlco lino of ladles' chains ln gold, silver nnd gold filled, ranging from $2.00 up. A nlco filled cent's chain, $2.60 to $4.00. A good plated chain for $1.60. Spend n few minutes nt our store. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 151U Douglas St. 0 COAL SPADRA, SEMI-ANTHRACITE FOR THE FURNACE- A money saver and an un excelled heat producer S8 A TON JUPITER NUT FOR THE RANG Nice elzo, economical, clean, ' S5.50 A TON HALD & RICE SOU Hn. Kith St. Tel. VMH. mlso and flno cnmbrlc drawers, with xtw brella ruflles, tucked and hemstitched, also flno cnmbrlc corset covers, trimmed with Inco nnd flno embroidery, worth BOc, at 25c. COlf.Ti:it TWO. Ono lot of flno cnmbrlc corset covers nnd drawers, trimmed with flno laco nnd embroidery, worth 76c, nt 30c. OOLNTim THREE. Ono lot of flno cambric drawers, corset covers, gowns and chemise, very hand somely trimmed with torchon lace, em broidery nnd Insertions, worth (1, at BOc. COUNTER FOUR. Ono lot of elaborately trimmed cowns, made In tho V. neck, high neck or empire styles, either laco or embroidery trim med. Also corset covers in tho French or tight fitting styles, with from ftvo to seven rows of flno laro Insertion, chcmlso and drawers trimmed with flno laco Insertions and full lawn mfllos, worth $1.60, at 73c. COUNTER FIVE. Ono lot of gowns, skirts, chemise, draw ers and corset covers, made of flno long cloth, cnmbrlc and nnlnsook, handsomely trimmed with flno embroidery, flno Valen ciennes and torchon laco, finished with ribbons, worth $2.00, nt OSc. Ladles' flno cambric corset covers, In All sizes at 16c. ' Ladles' skirts, doublo 1 umbrella ruffle, trimmed with flno embroidery and lacs In sertions and edge, at $1.08. LADIES' CORNETS. Straight front, In black, drab, pink and bluo, at 40c, worth 76c. Ono lot of extra long corsets, In $1.00 and $1.60 quality, nt 49c. Ladles' glrdlo corsets, In all colors, sizes 18-24, at 49c. All tho popular mak:s of straight front corsets, W. D.. Erect Form, Kabo, W. C. C, Thompson's glovo fitting and Dr. Warner's, at $1.00. Tho Nemo Hip Spring corset for stout figures, $3.50, and tho Ln Grcquo, at $2.75. Morning for One Hour waists, for dresses, for linings; brocades, plain silks, fnncy Bilks, eatlns, poplins, peau de solo, tnffotns, embroidered silks, colored silks, armuro silks, many wide silks, somo 27-Inch and 36-Inch wide, heavy rustle silks In this lot for Bklrts. None sold be foro 9 o'clock and none after 10 o'clock at this price, , Friday morning for 'ono hour at 49c. DAY IN BARGAIN ROOM. 12c and 15a percales, dark and ' light, at Ec. Yard wldo outing flannel, worth 10c at Ec. Yard wdo outing flannel,1 worth IBc, 74 Molro linings, yard wide, worth 19c at Ec. 10c shaker flannel, 30. Cc L. L. unbleached" muslin, 3 7-8c. Cc flno bleached muslin, 4 1-Sc. - Ec prints, dark and light and turkey, worth 7&c, at 2c 10c and 16c towels all go at Sc. Turkey red tablo damask, worth 25c at 15c. SPECIALS. 1000 BOXES CRACKERS AND CAKES Just received. All fresh and crisp. Thesi goods are strictly first class. We handli largo quantities and If you want fresh crisp crackers, get them at Haydcn's. Shaker blsqults (samo as Uneeda), 3c. Fresh mado ginger snaps, 5c. Soda, oyster, butter and milk cracker. Ec. Graham and oatmeal crackers,. 7V&c. Sugar and molasses cookies, 7VaC. Orange sweots, 8c. Iced Angers, 8c. Ass't. Jumbles, 10c. Vanilla lemon wa fers, 15c. Baby mixed, ldc. Animals, 10a FREE DEMONSTRATION Droakfail foods, Fruens wheat wafers, Malto vlto it this department. BROS See Our' Prices on Cameras. Wo havo a tow flrst-claas cameras of standard mako which wo nro clos ing out at greatly reduced prlco. Anyone, in need of a strictly first clnss camera should not miss this opportunity. Among them Is. a Foco camera, 62x 82, fitted with fine Zeiss lens. List. $3113; sell for $75.00. THE Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Far nam St. Exclusive Dealers In Photo Supplies. 6 1 X i ) &V.W 'in SWIM