THU OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUAItY 22, J 002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrrrtlarmenla for thean columns trill ti tnkra until 111 tn. lor Itio tvtnln edition and tinlll S:!10 p, tn. tor moralnit mill Snnday edition. Rates, 1 l-2e a vrnrd flrat Inaerllon, lo a word tbareaf irr, Nolhlna; taken for leae tlmn Sife for lite Itrat lnaer tloA. Theae ndrertlaeaaenta mail ran cnaaeontlvely. Advertlaera, hr reimeatlnar a num bered chaok, van liave itnnr at!- rraaed to m numbered letter In car af The nc. AMinrri ao addreaeed will be delivered preaeatatloa mi the fccek amir. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKn hv voiinir man eight yenrii In anartinir aiu.iin or cutlery tor u winn.,., tSrrltory: 0 propoelt.on" In other linos considered, Send, proposition, with ex- nensrii. n arv and commission. A tiara as 1" 1. rnrn ni fit!. , . Ak-7i YOUNG man wnnts Placo to work tor hnnril will Ifl fttlCndlllK BCIIOUI. nuu fn.crB N. Y. Llfo bide. Tol. 1984. A MJvi A TOUNO Oerman lady, aged 21, with best referencea from Oermany, wants a posl- 1V33 ffiio."S!bS" . . WANTEO-MAI.H IIKI.1'. GOOD messengers wanted. . Increased pay. At D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. u-w STEADY work, prolltablo work, for neat, energetic hustlers. C. F. Adams Co., HW ttowara. " t vrn a iiAt.r rA V'H WOltK. if vnn iIva In th country or In a small town nnd have a good acquaintance among the formers and stock raisers in tne neignoornoou you can m mu uw ui- lnr ullv bv four or tlvo hours work. Wfll. im unit Ula will Knilll VOU OUT DTODU- ltlon. Tho Uto Publlshlna Co., aollcltors uept., omaiia, wou. "-"" ' ! ,i . I WANTED, a good man In every county Jo Centuri Farmer. Our acnts make good wages eveiywhere. Kelurences required. . Address. Twentieth Century tanner, Omahi, Neb. 11-013 li-ni.'PlI vnmtai FREE I Shave ind hall cut. Moler Barber College. 1023 Farnam BU, 3d floor. Hours. 9 tot4. - ,i.,. n,i bookkeeper: state exper ence nnd anted. Address Box J, Bee omce, naha. BMlt" A GOOD salary wanted. Boutn umina When You Write in Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or Jtfw Tttl!.naS..l,W 10Ct that BOY to lease paper route, paying about prollt. inquire 033 Paxton $7.W per week wis I WANTED Men 'to learn the barber trade; WO navo Iivcilllic.l llim amu uio prontlcoshlp; our method of free clinio &VuectoUrS C8toPC.alyC?eParedr fo'r ilai. 1 . tAArthlmr linlr timl nlrln (lift I cases as well tut tho regular work at the chair; the avcrago timo rcquircu is eigiu . -1. . I.... t..t..i,u Lira nn llmltim fn I that dmo; we do not conduct a Go shop nnd call it a college; our method ls tho ' l&r$r MKtto BCe l.nrlirlnff. nnr Hlnlnmnn UTtH a WOrthV recommendation) anyone can earn sdhof- Cu......m.ut.y "I",:'.; .,.n a,1a. i,,i, iilr,, llv illiiMtrnt,,1 pntnlnsuo I miuieu live, uiwivi iui ;wil.?,J Farnam Ht. - u msou 10 thnrollirlil V CX- ??r?. ""ylL:,' trial balances, etc. Must be young man, ntery vrantcd: Don't answer 'this If cnnU; till requirements, i; ia, lice. u a-o m. lk,mnm t.,l. .kan..,u . . n ,i r 1. s"t..pVoVoHltlon bo.!-a "refined plnn. I CM 1 on Rff, Thoma9. 523 8. 16th, st.. Omaha, Neb1. B-M931 23 WANTED, man to sell groceries to tho retail grocery trauo in umann ana vicin Ity for a Chicago house having nn estab llshod trade; only experienced grocery I salesmen r grocery clerks need apply. Address S 16. Lord & Thomas, Chicago. x uiv.j 1 M irrir ATJTPS nnnlinMl fnr nilvnnciment! our free dqokiui, . Are lour immm i Tied?" tells how thousnnds hnvo doubled or largely Increased their earning capa city through our spare tlmo Instruction by mall. Wrlto to tho International Cor respondence Schools, box IOCS, Scranton, Pa., or Call day or evening at Omaha omce, ju a, ltiin st. ii avjvz nr WANTED, men ot good address to talk our schemo to smokers; no Investment; ptrmnnont inconio assured, jonn is. Rogers & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. I1-M9CI 22 WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; goou pny. aim uverua- Ing Bureau, Chicugo. B-M960 22 WANTED. 0 Urst-class factory harness . t. ' s ui.. i i .. . iiiuiwib, lur iiBHi iiiiu iiviiv juiriit'n; best of wages. Buckstaff Bros.' Mfg. Co., Llncoln, Nob, B-SI9j8 21 WANTED, clover amateur performers at tne urpneum tnenter, ii mvzo 2t WANTED, bright, good otneo boy, not uyer 10 years. Auuress in own nnnuwrlt- mm, r,s. ee. R-M955 22 SALESMEN A Chicago manufacturing company wants travollng salesman to es tablish distributing stations; must havo somo capita,! or furnish security. Address i-M, ueo. u M971 22 WANTED, a boy, W yenrs old.v In ofllco: references required; must wrlto fair nana. Auaross 1- if, jiec. XI M96I 20 PERMANENT position for tho right man tn rnnrmlinl nlil natn hlfshml mr.,.n turers, having $200 capltnl; $900 per year and oxpenses, payable direct from our office; straight salary, not conditional upon results, but upon faithful work) no exparlenco required; chance for promo tion; stnto age und give references. Ad- uroaa manager, dox S34, Philadelphia, l'a. ' . U JUWJ 22 SALESMEN WAXTHU. Mill -s . ... " mtjawr-n wantea; fun lino nursery stock; plenty peach trcosj.outtlt free; pay j. wnii;inTj nursery to., mi, nun, M034 FH " t ' - WANTED FEMALE HELP, WANTED,' J00 .girls. 1S2 Dodgo. Tel. 870. ' C-9U WANTED: two young lady students to learn halrdrensliiK'. manlcurlnir n,i ropody and sclonlillo massage. Call Or WANTED, domestic, family., 2093 Pierce St.; small 115 SPLENDID wages paid ladles who learn the halrdresslng, manicuring or facial mnHftmrA milv fnn., quired; nil th advantages of steady prac- uuo uu hub L-iiniu, exjieri inBtructlons, huiuiuri itiv. ur wriiu Aioior t-0- ifgo, injj x-nrnam ot. C M851 25 TWO girls to work In Shrador's laboratory, mi mm pfjYuru. 1. .MU33 33 WANTED, girl for general housework In smalt family; good wages. 1117 s. 30th AVI, C-949 23 GOOD girl wanted at the Creche, 19th nnd itarney. C 94S 23 hpclp wanted; MALE & female help. Call Canadian Office. ill WANTED, wood workerx. cabinet mnlmra millwright,, to work In pattern shop to tuna yiutu ui iriKiTH, meuuy ompiOV' ment and high wages. Apply Allls-chal r?M.90" Il0me InsurQllce bldg., Chicago, i a- FOR nENT HOUSES. FOR RENT, sale or trade, 7-room houso and live ucres ground. Mrs. M. A. Stephens. 3039-41 Curtis Ave., Omaha, Neb V ill 31 HOUSES, stores.. Bemls. Paxton block. yljja F. ii. Wead, l&il Douglas. roil rent-houses. TO MOVE right pat Omaha Van Storago CO,, Ollico 10 11', 4 rarnam, or ici, i;ia-at3, D-'H8 tirtflCPC n " Prl of city. The a tlUUoCJ i uaviB UO,, hit Uee llldtf. ! VII S-ROOM brick house, modern, 2715 Jackson Ht, TClipnone ii ur ivj. 4 ireynor. D-919 HOUSES and Hats. Rtngwnlt, Darkor Blk. u um SEE HENRY R. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIKE. UVM HOUSES. Q. Q. Wallace, Brown block. 1J 91 8-ROOM modern, except furnaco, $22. U. M. Natungcr, ueo mug iiiono w, vvoi SEVEN - ROOM all modern house, In pood 5 - w .'Tnu OMHA l'A VuJl RUHT CO.. 10th and Douglas Sts. D-953 2521 uavkm-uut hi., o-roqm, now mou- ...nil unini TUo Byron iteea CO., 212 ao. nm st. D-231 HOUSESChrls. Boycr. 22d .gumlng. Phono 2049. u-ataia Jau KO UBrCT. K-room modem house 1 ft a. tt tiMimfUfrl1 4 T. A r 1721 JOHN W. IIOBUINS; 1802 FARNAM. D M721 FOH KENT. 4-room cottage, tA Blondo St., js.&o. inquire at wi r. ivia si. D oI43l CENTRAL, stoam heat. 5-room flat, 3-rooi cottugo. Tlxard, 222 N. 23d. D-MJ17 23 ElOHT-KOOM modern house, detached, nlco Jawn. 2011 Pierce St. Innulro 2003 rieree. . D-703 21 HOUSES FOR KENT.' j20.00 2013 N. 17th si., s-room inoacrn nouac, u-ith imrn: nowlv. rcnalrcd nnd 120.002628 Charles st.. 8-room modern houso; newly paintea ana pnpcrcu thrr.llcrtintlt. Jis.oo - Largo 12-room mansion nnd stable, with box stalls ana coaenman s rnnmu THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 13J1 UUUULAS bl. D M733 TWO 5 & 6-r, mod. cottages. Phone A-256S. HOUSES FOR RENT. R37 S. 29th st., 8 rooms, modern, 82S, 2519 pfttrlck ft'VOi, 6 rooms, city water. $10. 6,, H 4Qth , 9 roomg, modern, elocti light, gns, laundry, hot water heat, 40 631 8.' 20th nvc. ' J-roorn flat, nil modern, t.WAofern. except fur- tiiice, (10. 2I2IU s. lflth st. W t., lflth st., C-room comer flat, $12.50. 1 rooms, wen waicr, i. 6 rooms, city water, barn, (l nou3. M'CAQUU INVESTMENT CO., MModgo, ran HESiT FUltXISHISP HOOS DEWEY European hotel: 13th and Fnrnam, ' ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line., 1618 Cla:k: iS per month. E-P FURNISHED rooms. 02 8. SOth St, E M7C9 J27 n-wn t,rt,,..l,nnlnr roomn. 2623 St. Mary's Avo. 2 691 J-- LARGE front room, nicely, furnished. steam heat; oni or two genuemtm. j.uu 313 S. 14th St. trttV1BII7.n rnnm. mo.lm. soo s .aoth. K-aiaa i FOR RENT-Largo front room and alcove; mnderil: sultnble for two young men or gentleman and. wife. 310 N. 23d 8t. 1 .livou FURNISHED, room, nlth .board. Jor .two; modern conve nlences, priced rahle. FUll.MSIIF.D HOOMS AND. BOAUU, NICE homo for young mon. 108 S. 2oth St, F USO DUiiu oi ruuiiio. lurnuwu iivui. iui men. 1519 Jackson St. F-683 bij'.am ncnieu, nicciy luinuuw luuuu, with or vithout board, at The Thurston, FOR RENT, nicely furnished, stoatn heated rooms, with ot without ooaru. aiiaianu notei, itn ana unicago bis. r .iui ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 1009 Douglas THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms nnd board. A1MJ I'M' LARGE south room, with board. 1812 Chi cago., Mi-s u- 1 gentleman, private family. 2020 St. Mary's. F-748 I 2039 HARNEY, nicely furnished room with 1 ni wlthnnt tinnrrl! irnH. hath, furnace or without board; gas, bath, furnace neat. i ax ir FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, $3 per month, ground noor room in ine ueo ouuaing, lacing street; no expenso for light, heat or janitor Hervlce. It. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Bco Building. G-110 FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied uy ino uee a; ;it iarnam ot. ii uiw lour stories and a basement which was formerly urqd as Tho Uee press room. This will t rented very reasonably. . if interested apply a', once, to. C. C. Rose water, kccrotuiy, room 100, Beo building. 1 201 FOR RENT, store in first-class location: rent rtasonauie. Apply u. v.. reiors Co;, ground floor, ilco Bldg, 1-206 A FINE suite of rooms suitable for doc tor's omces. ROBERT H.- BENNETT, Room 12, Continental Block. I-M429 AGENTS WANTED, MEMORIAL life ot McKlnley, four lan guages, uou pages, iuu niuuonou, ii.w: irte outllt. Vv. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co., 600 Ware block, Omnha. " J 693 PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure nuDscripuons to tne Ladles' Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. We want agents who will work thoroughly md with business sys tem to envoi each section with our Illus trated little booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers, The pay Is ilrst rate and at the end of the season $20,000 will bo given the beat workers as oxtra prizes for good work. How well soma of our agents have succeeded Is told In a little booklet we would like to send you portraits of somo or our best ugents, with tho story of how they made It pay. The Curtis Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Pa. 3-M200 F7 WANTED, cnnvnsslng agents in every county to solicit suoscriutions to Tills TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK nd COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 imptnai octavo pages, sou oujecweacnuig engravings nnd is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to tho every day, practical money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good income. Agents in tho country with horse nnd buggy es pecially dt tired, Canvusscm make easily $00 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo building, utnana. j 213 When, You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or i twn nr tun nn in mpnunn inn Tart tnnr you saw tho ad In The Bee. WANTED TO RENT. HAVE more calls for houses than can supply; tor quick rental list- with J. II Parnate, Puxton blk. K-M87S 25 WANTED A country home with five to forty acres or land mat can be easily reached from Omaha, tn rent for a term of years, or If pries Is right will buy, Address f at ate, v nun WANTEU-TO 1IUY. WANTED, to buy, some glass doors and glass partitions and 0110 halt-oak rojnd counter. Apply to M. J., Midland notei, is n 1M P I tb VE ID ens tern Ncbra ska" farm "oMGO to 210 acres for about $35 or f 10 per acre. Must be good level land. Olvo section numbers and lowest cash price. Address, P 27. Uce. N-717-22 t'OIt MAI,i:-l"Lll.MTUIli:. C1I1CAOO Furniture Co,. H10 DodKe. Tel. ' 020. Ntw nnd secondhand, bought, sold, exennngeu. KOH SALE IIOHSKS. WAfiO.NS, liTO. THE REST In buggies nnd wagons at 11. Frost's. Uth and Loavonworth. P 939 upwn n fn. 1. n 1 1 11 i,Au tired, red or green paint; 40 bargains In 2dhand buggies and carriages, all stylcH. Drummond Currlago Co., luth & Harney. l'74t-F-17 KOU SALEMISCELLAMIOUS, 2DHAND safo cheap. Dorlght, 1119 Farnam. CADET coat, good as new; will lit boy 11 or 11 rears old. Address II 03, Bee. Q-MJ80 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instruments;, $5 .up. The wiiwnun 1.0., iwi ruriiuni. vj aoj FOR BALE, good-slzid packages of news- paper exchanges, ti cents and up. Apply ai iieo uince, circulation winuow. Q-6S3 INDIAN goods nnd relics. 1119 Fnrnam. Q-M523 FIR timbers foi houscmovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft,; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Doug las, y aw 2D-1IAND lufe cheap. Schwnrtx, 114 S. 13. y j PIANO boxes cheap. 1313 Farnam St. Q-M217 F4 100 STYLES truxitefl. cntnlnsuc froe. Sher man & McConncll Drug Co., 16th and uougc, u nana. y w FOR SALE, flue mahogany bank fixtures and Safo & Lock Co. sate, nuto- Mnltn .1 . . 1. 1 . I ... I 1 J...I.U Y. 1 r n prooi steel cnests. Will Uo sola at a bargain. National Bank of Commerce. TYPEWRITERS, latest models Reming ton, Smith-Premier, Densmoro,' replnccd bv tho UNDERWOOD: low nrlco. A. II. Workman & Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phono 2M. Q-397 t. t. r. rr r. t. ... uiviuiviaij'jjiii itcru iv 1 ni. Ilu'vt complete, 0 digests to snmu; also 1st 8 Netiraskua; cheap for cash. Address P 10, Bee. Qr-"13 21 FOR SALE, completo postofllco outllt, 312 combination boxes, all In good .repair; sate, stamping tnnic, ucsk, nxtiircs; largo n.,nl,nl. .,m n ........ C,h tn 1 ll.,,. original cost $1,300; will sell nt ridiculous low pneo lr tnxen unmcuiatciy. a. j. Arnett, Madison, Neb. Q-M73S 31 CORN, 65c; ollmenl. $1.76. Wagner's Feed FOR SALE cheap, Post land sleigh and tour smugs ot ucus. iwi i.atnron at. Q-M911 22 PAPER routo for sale, paying about $13 per ween prout. Address j it, jice. Q-M927 2C FOR SALE, scholarship In nn Omaha snorinann scnooi, encap. inquiro -j. ue bldg. Q-M9GS Inoulro 232 lleo CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N.'Wth. t B-90 MME. OYLMER, genuine palmist, 415 3 15. 12LECTIUC TllEATM I35T, MME. AMES, SVni NM5; ffdilS; ntten'daftta'. MISS MACIC, massage; Webster. attendant. 1403 X 1183 MME. SMITH, Jbths, 11S.N. 15i 2d 'floor. R 2. , f A 3J4 If'ti BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attendant. S21V4 N 15th. Flat PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and diirlns con- ' finement; babies adopted. 2300 Grant St. Mrs. Qurdols. Tel. F-USi , U 973 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, iTenie.- jjiuck. u m VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesolo home treutmcnt. 3IS Bco' Bldg, U !U9 GOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect, Pleating plant in tno west, auu uougias mock. u aisi3 SHAMPOOING and hair dressing, 2$c. In connection wun ino uatnory, zm-zao ueo building. Tel. 1710. U-661" RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 'Aay,BMnd ? r S'TO"1?-.0- ' 00 M. D., 521 Now York Life Bldg,, Omaha. Neb. HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring and chlro- no ay, lor laaies oniy. in connection wun Tno uamjry, zm-zzu uce uiag. u ;o SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send for handsome 106-nago treo catalogue. U-9H LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade customer. wis rarnam. u CIHROPODY n specialty. In connection Tii nia ua,,!ery. room' "ajSJL- Tcl' 718' rZ- ACCORD.ION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest, wrs. A. v. aiara, i ougmB. GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retail, coilins fiuno uo., iu:2 uoiig- IIIU, u aiv WE RENT machines of every make at 75c per week or $2 per month. We repair and lcII parts for every sewing inncnine manuiaciursu. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor, 15th and Hnrr.ey, 'pnono 1603. 331 uroaaway, uoun Councli Bluffs, la. 'Phono Br6l8. 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha. U-831 J28 Mlddlemls, wall paper clcunor. 1403 Juckson U-379 F3 PRIVATB.home for ladles beforo nnd dur ing, confinement; names adopted. 3tu Bui'dctto at. Mrs. Burgot. U-M113 Vt PIANO tunlne and repairing. Tcl. 701. Atjem lor iveucr piuuu, itoom i, uee U-M049 FU. OMAHA Cnncer Cure Sanitarium, 3007 N. 24th St., umunn. inod,, treais cancers, tumors and ull skin diseases; cure guar antied. U-691 F14 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r2. U l(l V 10" When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two ot tno pen to mention tne lact mat you saw the ad In Tho Bee. PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Gltford, 1814 Web ster. U-M914 25 If you haven't, why haven't, you7 "That Is the question." It Is certainly not good Judgment to smoke cigars ot Inferior quality when you Can get tne PRINCE OF OMAHA Then why haven't you been smoking the best ut 5c straight or $37per 1,000. Union made. W. F. STOECKER OBOAR COMPANY. U-M922'25 GEORGE: Your mourning won't bring back the dog. See pngo 35 January "What to mat.- -MOIIIO. U M973 23 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants, George & Company, C0l Furnam street. W-987 4l,4 PER CENT on business property, 6 pc-r cent on residence property. Options H pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLi:, 01 S. 15th St. W-938 YOU don't need to borrow money If you kV VUV atlOMMM VU ,V1 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and whrrants. W. i-'arnam umitn t vo., irarnnni street. W-KS9 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nnu warrants, n. j, i-ciers & uo., nus Farnam St., lleo .Uldg. W-t90 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urennan-iive uo sua south 13th. W-931 FA KM and city loans, low rates. W. 11. Thomas, isi Nat. uann uicig. Tel. 161S. W-992 4H TO 5 P. C. monoy. Bomls, Paxton H!k. W-993 PKIVATE money. Sherwood, 037 N. Y. U W-99S SEE IIENKY 13. PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Life. W-993 MORTGAGE Q. G. Wallace. Brown Block. AV 997 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Dduglas v xa 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1004 Far- nam. w M437 FARM nnd city loans FOR SALE. It C. I'ctors & co., omnna, nod. w sti fju MONEY TO l.OAJi CIIA'l'TELS. MONEY I To loan on Furniture and Pianos. LlVo siock, etc, You to retain possession "of tho property SALARY LOANS pcrmnnent positions. iuu tun uurrow irum fiu.Kj up, YOU can get tho money on Short notice. You got tno full amount In cash. You may keep It ono month or moro and nay for it onh what tlmo you keep It. Our rates are low, our buslnebs Ib confidential and our motto is to "try to piease. UMAI1A 5IU1UUAUB LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade" Blilg. Tel. 2."93. (Established 1S92.) 30U S. 16th St. X-0S3 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to mnie or icmaio employes. Wo Guarantee Lowest llutcs. HOW DO AVE DO 1T7 Full particulars .freu iipon request. ' nnnin Jill, tin r r n i tl1.1. (See Window from Xurnum Street.) X-176 mCNKY lnnnrd on furnitur... Ilvn ntnrlt Jewelry; also to salaried pcoplo without security; cheap rates; easy payments; business conllucntlal. Foley Loan Co.. successors to Duff Green, R. 8, Barker block. Kstub. X979 MONEY loaned on plain nolo to salaried pcoplo; business coullnontlal; lowest rates. bit raxton oiock. j,uo j, a. glutton lo, X-6S5 FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC.. iiUAMs. "ADsoiuteiy without removing goods." Written guarnnteo given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 303, raxion jjiock. x si LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without so curltv: easiest terms: 40 ollicea In nrln clnnl cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trado llklg. , , jt 9o YOU don't need to borrow money If you worn tor tno itnaras uo. a. dm LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE llvo stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 63J (top Moos) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th cna I'nrnam; entrance on iuui street. A. asj MONEY loaned on'tilanos. furniture Jew ciry, nurses, ccwj, etc . tteca, sin a. a. X-931 UUHIMOSS, CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, uoom tu, Aicuaguo Duuumg. : Y 993 WHEN you want td?bHiy,' sell-or exchange your Dusiness or property quicK communi' rntn wlthtino whri has-the cuHtomcrs. J, II. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Phono L-2270, : Y M881 FOR HALE. Callfornlnircfitftufaht! nronrlo tor wants to leave' city.-izww r st., ooutu Omaha. rrr: y-mtmsi 11 -ROOMSj elegantly: equipped,! flrst-class furnituro, iinea witnrnrat-cinss roomers, best -.locution; pnyltni-proposition. J. II, Johnson, E43 N. Y. nifw Y-M010 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an exira stroko or two of tho Den to mention tho fact that you saw tno nu in Tno .uee. FOR 3ALE. millinery store doing good business; alto good notei, tor sale tor ieae to right nariyj, coin gooa locaiions in N. .K. N'ebriiBkn. Call or write 024 is. x. Llfo building, Omaha.. Y- 131 location in city, owner must wi; ecu 1110 lmmedlatolv. J. IL Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M611 FOR SALE, nt n great .bargain, foundry, machine nnd blacksmith shops, located nt Tecumsch, Keu. jnquiro or 1: a. trtnno VM(M 21 ; FOR SALE, good payings saloon, centrally located. Address R, Beo Ofllce. Council Bluffs. -Y-728 23 FOR SALE, coal mine, 11V4 feet of good COal. two railroads, machinery In good Rhnnn. mnnov mnkcr: will trade for clear land; old ago reuson for selling. Geo. W. D'Mcnt, Crab .Orchnrd, Nob, Y-M917 22 WANTED, party with somo capltnl to handle ofllco nnd state nusiness; proutnuia and established. 101 Bee bklg- Y-M007 :: NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. 4TH FLOOR N. Y. L. BLDG.. OMAHA.. Assoclnto banks nnd nttornoys everywhere. LARGEST LAW AND COLLECTION agency in the world. DAMAGE SUITS, BANKRUPTCY, DI- VOIICL nnd every rorm or uiiiuAliuw - V b. Duomu your, uuiinia in iitiouu.ui uy niuu, FOR EXCIIANGC. exchange eood oalt wardrobf? for 1 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. THE BEST INVESTMENT IN OMAHA ' For this week is the following: Tho property known ns,1612 Cuss, 33x132, 3 cottages, rental wio. per year, 3 mocks from postofllco, 100 feet from 10th, on South Omnha car lino, business right up to It, Price, only 12.800. All Hnecial taxes nald: reasonable tnrmn. Will pny goon interest, now and has a great' ruiure. sea me ut onco tor particu lars. OEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. RE-932 22 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room nomes in iianscom i-iucv, i win give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. II. tjherwood,' 937 N. Y. L. Bldg. . RE-M153 Farms-Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tei. 314 niuwi trip HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; nlso tiro insurance. Bemls, Paxton Block. KE-101 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Life. RE-101 WILLIAMSON, m Kstr RE-601 A BARGAIN. To settle an estate, we offer for sale a . , , 1 1 . tnnn.n nlnn.rnnm l. n , , rnn- Ing south on Charles st., near 26th; house has oeen morougniy paintea ana'tepairea, ana as ll now muuui m ma gruaieai oil- gutn north of Cuming st. No. 2623 Charlei at. Price, $2,600. THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas riE-M29$ FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! For bargains In farm property go to O'NelU'H Real Estate Agetrcy, South Omaha. KEM9u6 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad comnanv. It. a. McAllaster, land commissioner, Union Pa- cine Headquarters, umunn, weD. RE-103 FOR SALE, corner lot. 75x130. with ennrt B. r6om house and Improvements, ' South Omaha: I must sell; will let go very cnay tor caau- auuivii a- a uou. l"Olt .N.VI.I' UE.VIi 1JST.VTM. liOUSES Hnrrlson & Morton, Tel. H14. llii 3116J Aicnf CHEAP HOMES. WHAT $iw"wiLL DO. I0O will buy .1S31 Fort street, Oftft. lot. good DToom coiingo renting ror o, irun mm shrubbery! vacant lots near by for gar dening or poultry; good pasturo for cow. l'lai't! worth twlrn thn tnnnpv. IIOO will buy the southwest corner 40th and unrmiott avo., 1 block south of nuove, well built S-roum linimo. wnrth miirli more. $l) will buy 3HX) Reward, full lot. good 4- room noiiMfl, city water, statue, tno use ot scvornl vacant lots; below grade, but right In town, near good school, 2 blocks from Ilnrney car line extension. Easy terms on nil of thn nlmv. OEUKOE O. WALLACE, 10th nnd Douglas. HE Sol -i A SNAP-SUM Seven-room modern cottage with barn, 4174 unss at., newly painted ami pnpercu, not water plant. EASY TERMS. Must bo sold this weok. C31 Paxton Block. Tele phone 1893. RE-JWG N. K. COR. 30th Ave. nnd Pncille Sxl48 reel, equal to nbout 3 lots In nil. for J6.WU. 40 acres nt Florence, easy terms, 3,(M). 6 acres near Central 1'nrk school. J1.0U0. ft-room cottage near High school, lot lOx F. D. WEAD, 1521 Douglas St. RE-M9IS 23 SEVERAL good farms for salo In a good tunning country, t or turtner particulars write or call on H. L. Ludlum, Pialnvlev, Met). U1S JV13i HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; also aero propi.rty anu inrm lanua. mo u. . Davis Co., Room R2, Bco Building. RE-102 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tho pen to mention tha fact that you saw tno aa in ine ajcb. IJ.UIMH. 100 acres near Bounlngton $10,000 10) acres on paved street lO.ono Si'iO acres ueur Elkhorn 12,600 320 acres Mno Sarpy county land, pos- session given Ainrch l. l'.'J.'............ zu.v CITY PROPERTIES. FAxim fnnt unr 2oth nnd Chlciiuo. S1.350. ICOS Cuming st., C-room house, rental jio; navlng imld chenu nt I1.6W. B"W S. 2uth St., 0 rooms, $l,S0i). SOI7 IMerro st.. with house, iirlcc $1,350. BO-ronni rrnmo nut nunuing, south pari or town; rental 73u yearly, l'rice, t,wv. N. W. corner 15th and Center, 8-room house, lot 75x100 feet SNAP-I3.5O0. Threo brick stores, flats above, 10 blocks from p. u., rentui ji.iuo per year. ii,uw. 13 PER CENT GROSS INVESTMENT, within 4 blocks of courthouse; rental nbout $900 per year. Price, $0,500. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD I'. O. RE-M959 23 FOR SALE. 20 acres very cholco land near Tenter street, pavement, west of city limits, for $3,200; no city taxes. Hicks, 320 uoaru -rraoo mug. his most 22 A. P. TUIfEY & SON Offer 44 feet on 21th st.. Just north of Cum- ing, tor fi,ziiu. A good location for small business. Lot Is 72 feet deep. Sower nnd nil paving tnxes paid. Must bo sold nt once. a. r. xuKcy .v: eon, llonrd orTmOu RE-M0C5 25 ruiiNrruiu: iiepaiiukq. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walk'.ln, 2111 Cuming St 130 lf.VI.13 TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North Uth. ill GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., clenns ctssiHjuia unu vuuus, remove garnage k dead animals ht rednceil nrlr. i'.-m V. 10th. Tol. 1779. 371 F5 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, m, cuiu, to. nau i.eavenworin. lei. bil. ' 131 MASQUERADE COSTUMES. 8. Sack, ladles and gontlcmen's, 3315 S. 0. HO Di CARPENTERS AND JOINEnS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenuea to. j. 1. ucnntree, iuin unu iiUKO ats. 37V WM. 3VER1TT. Special rates to real cb- tale men; weather strips put on. 2805 Leavenworth. ill EI.ECT111C1TY. GRAND ELECTRIC CO. 'Phone 2810. Re' pairing, bens, lights, motors, etc. 737 31 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women in Omaha, would call the uttentlon of suffering ludles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during conllncment, and his treatment for irregularities, no matter whui cause, can or aaaress, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 DoJge, uiiianu. wo DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of worn- cn anu children; ao yeuru- practice, umcu 22u5 Cuming. Res. tcl. F-27M, ofllco U-2S30. -MJ3t OUR GUARANTEE IS $500 REWARD To rollovo at homo any cose of long-stand. ing, oustiuuie, ,aunormui suppression irom uny cause, oven u otnors navo fn(led, try our compound concentrated vt?Bt,ililii fluid fvin.M. Wn not, ,iiu. vegetable fluid extract. Wo never disap point. Used for over eighty years with out a single failure. Why despair? Dr- jueau iwm, wo., u wuincy st,, unicago. -970 F21 LOST. STRAYED or stolen, black cocker spaniel THU tgDAY-Ai n m 'for CUBA YUCA-fiyiiSSJTv-'0 "Um8 "il,Bhb,a'V; 2W2 TTAN, CAMPECHE . LOST, large red cow; no horns. O. R. ail- pert, tne tur aresscr, li.'i b. ism: $10 re- wuru. ist MtRS STRAYED or stolen, a little white Sptta uog, riuuer repun iu uov, l. A, onarpe, li 1. iviii oi. unu ivuuivu ruwuru. Lost M943 22 V'c,, a . . i,.. TTVi rrr LOST-Saturday oyening; lady's black pucKciuooK, containing caras and letter, ricasu return to lieu omce. Lost 954 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. LRldg. Tel. iwi, Alien jonnson, u. u,, males- uept,; nl,l 1.? fnltnunn flHtMnnn thlat Mc yi DR. A, T. HUNT, 612 McCaguo Bldg. Tel. mi. l DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. 129 INSURANCE POLICIES. WE MAKE loans on Insurance policies ana purcnase policies; give iuu particu lars, Tho Putnam Co., 604-5 N. Y. Life bldg., umana. 678 ii FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old ago as well as life, unuricr memoers iroo, rarticu- larr. from Frank itosewater, supremo manager, co. uee liiag. u 8IIORTIIANU AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug iw A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. VII BOYLES College, court reporter principal. N. x. Lite. io NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'a Theater, iw STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. is NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plant in Omaha. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. -113 LARGEST platlna; plant In Omaha. A., L. PATEXTS. HAVE cash for pood patent or Invention. Aaiiress, . u. nox sa, uinnnn, iNeu. ISI J-U" STOHAOE. OM. W.n Stor. Co., 151114 Farn. Tels. ISSJ.SM n PACIFIC Storago and Warehouse Co., C12- Sli Jones, general storago nnu (orwaramg. TYPEWIl ITERS. NEW & 2dhand. 1119 Fnrnam St., Omaha. 113 MANITACTIHINO. OMAHA Safo nnd Iron Wks. make a spe cialty or lire escapes, shutters, doors una safes. O. Andreen. Prop., 102 8. 10th St. ua:4cino. MOKAND'S winter term for beginners. opens this woek. Adults. Tuesday ana Fridays, s n. m.; cnuurun, onturuay ntmr noons. Prices reduced. 177 F2 fll.l.OWS. OMAHA Pillow Co.. 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2107. 113 SIASQUEItAIIE COST! li:S. COSTUMES fo.' rent. S. Sack, 3318 S. 20th. M170 Feb2 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1319 Farnam. Tel. 1253. -M483 PAW.MIKOKKItS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, nu TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered cleaned ana repaired. Joe Youscn, isoti farnam. 13J rilOTOORAI'IlEKS. F. 3, HOLOUBEK, photographs, 125S S. 13th iWMJ I'.U Fl'U DHESSINn. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1121 8. 13th. 133 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Fnrnam. -122 IlOO It. KEEPING, LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.: day or even- nig. it. 13, uom, iNat. iiang. u, 11. itatnuun 131 ANNO U.NCF. M ENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tole Phono 2190. Dii south Thirteenth street. 90S POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read daily bv nil Interested as enanges may occur u; any time; Foreign malls for the week ending Jan unry 35, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY in nil cases) nt the General Postofllco ns follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR I EARLIER IhUll closllli; time shown below I'arcels post malls for Germany close at 5 P. ill. Monday, per h. h. Kntser Wllhplm der Grosso; Wedneslny, per s. s. Kooln ,u uiuliiuii, t.(i riiguji i?i- o. a, i uiiiib 1 vtviua via naniDurg. Regular and Suniilenientnrv malls closo at Foreign Branch halt hour, later than closing titnfi snown ociow '(except Hiippie montnry Mnlls for Europe and Central America, via colon, close one hour later a i-oreign urancn). Trnusntlnntlo Mnlla. WEDNESDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE per s. s. t'liiiaucipiua via Southampton nt 8:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 h. m.) fin itiuiiui-j, per s. s. uermanic via uueens town; nt lo n. in. for BELGIUM direct per s. s. southwark (mall must bo di rected "ncr h. s. Southwark"). THURSDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR QUEZ. ner s. s. Ijit Snvolo via Havre (mail for ether narts of Eurnno must bo uirectcu per s. s, ia tsavoio . SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for ITALY direct per s. 8. Iihu (mail musr bo directed ''per s. s Lalm"); st 7:30 n. in. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotter, dam (mull must be directed ncr h. 8. Iiot terdam"): nt 11:30 n. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Ivcrnla via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This stenmer inKes I'rintcd Matter, corr'.merclal Pa pers nnd Samples for Germany only. Tho same class of mail matter for other parte of Europo will not bo sent by this ship unless specially directed uy her. After tho closing ot tho Sunnlcmcntary Transatlantic Malls named above, nddl- tionai supplementary Matui nre opened on the piers of the American, English, French and Germnn steamers nnd ro rrmtn open until within Ton Minutes of tho hour of sailing ot steamer. Malta for South and Central America, West Indlca, Etc. wipnMran a va n.m ivipha WBDNESDAt--At 0:30 B. m. for.INAGUA nnd HAITI, per s. s. liclvcrnnn; ut 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, nnd BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, tier s. s. Korona (mall for Orennda nnd Trlnldnd must bo dlieotcd "per s. b. Korona"): ut 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral i a l An, i)i'.r n. h. I'jsneranza (man ror nt im parts of Mexico must be directed "per a. s. Esporatua"); at 11 p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, nor B. b. Carthnuinlnn. from. Philadelphia. .FRIDAY At 12 m. for BAHAMAS nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago; at 12 m. for MEXICO, por s. b. Seneca via Tam pion and Cnmpeche (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Seneca"). SATURDAY-AI 7 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY nnd PARAGUAY, per s. a. Cyreno; at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, por s. s. rrotona; at s n. in. (supplementary 9:30 n. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per b. b. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Cnrtngnna must bo. directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); nt 9:30 tu m. (supplementary 10:30 u. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVAN ILIA and CARTAGENA, per s. b. Altai (mntl for Costa Rlci must bo directed "per 8. s. Altai"); at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. in.) for HAITI and SANTA MART A, per s. s. Adirondack; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Mara val; nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. b. Mex ico via Havana; ut 11:30 a.m. for BRAZIL, per 8. s. British Prlnco via Pernambuco and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil. Argentine, Uruguny and Paraguay must bo directed "per s. s. British Prince"); at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. h. Ollnda via Mntanzas, etc. (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "ner s. h. niln. da"); ut "11 P. m. for BAHAMAS, per Btcamer irum luiuuu, nu. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North syanoy, ana tnence ny steamer, cioso at this omce daily nt eiau p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, nnd thenco by steamer, closo at this ofllco dally at 6:30 p. tn. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port, Tampa, Fla and thenco oy steamer, close at this ofllco dally except Sunday nt 6:30 n. m. annrlnvM .it 4:30 n. tn . tthn nnti. ncctlng closes are on Sunday,' Wednesday nnd iriouy;. jjiuiis mr niuxico v;ity, ovor 1 r. . nnl.ia nnnplnllv nrlflrnutfi,! tr. ,iiu patcii by steamer, closo at this ofllco dally nt 1:30 p. m. nnd 11 p, m, Mnlls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortex nnd Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thenco by steamer, cloao at this omce dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mon days ror lienze, ruerto cortcz and (Junto, mnla. nnd Tuesdays for Costa Hicnl. Registered mall closes at,6 p. m. provlous any. Tranapncllla Mnlla, Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at u:ao p. m. up to January "20, Inclusive, for dlsnatch ner s. s. Alameda. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, cioso neru iiauy ai uiov ii. in. up iu uun imru '!. Irrlnwlvn fnr ftlsnntpli nor u m Empress of Japan, (Reglvteicd innll must b 4lrt(ed ".vl. .VBuvr,'-' Mcrebuu POSTOFFICE NOTICE. dlso for tho l'. 8. Postal Agenoy at Hhanghnl eannot bo fortvardsd via Can- mill.) Malls for China nnd Jnpnn, via Tncoma, close nero tiuuy ni u;w p. ni. up to Jan uary 21, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s, s. 'rni'nm.i. Malls for China and Japan, via Honttle, close ncr tinny nt t.:w p, m. up to jnminry 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Rio Jun Mnru. (Registered mall must be dl rriMi'it "vln Seattle. ') Malls for Hnwnll, Jnpnn, China and Philip- pino islands, via nnu rsncisco, cioso here dally nt 6:30 v. m. up to January 23, Inclusive, for dlspntch per s. s. Hong Kntiir .Mnru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded via liiiropoj. xscw Zea land, FIJI, Haiiint ana Hawaii, vln San Francisco, rloso hero dally nt 0;3i) p. m. nfter January "ll and up to February "l, Inclusive, or nn nrrlvnl of s. s. Snxonln, duo nt New York February "1, for dls imtrli nor a. s. Hlerra. Mnlls for Austrnlln (oxcrpt West AiiMrnlla, Which goes via i-iurope, ami fsew .cuiniui. which goes via Sun Francisco), nnd FIJI Islands, vln Vancouver, close hern dnlly at 0:30 p. m, up to February !, inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Moaua (supplement ary malls via Seattle nnd Victoria close hero nt 0:30 p. m. February 2.- Mall iiiiihI lio illrf.Alfil "via Vnticnuver"!. MiiIIm for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip- fllliu inwtlltl, VIII OUII 1 l.lliv ini ir. .i,nti loro dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to Fcbrunry lr.lH(t..i fur .llai.nln), f.r a u Phlita Mnfl's for Tahiti nnd Mnrqucons Islnnds, via San Francisco, cioso ncro tinny nt t:s p, m. up to February "I. Inclusive, for ills patch per s s. Australia. Transpacific mails nre forwarded to port of sailing tinny and tun scncuuie ot closing Is nrnihgcd on tho presumption of tholr uninterrupted overland trsn'lt. Regis tered mail clones nt 6 p. in previous day. .nmtKKLiftM VAN mTI I'ostmiiHter. Postnlllce, Now York. N, Y Jan. 17, 1MJ.. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISING ARCHITECT, WASHINGTON, D. C, Jliniinry 7. l!V- SEALED PROPOSALS will no received nt tnis oiuco tiniii n ciock p. in. op mu ii dny of March, 1902, nnd thou opened, for tho construction (except hehtlng nppiirii tus, electric wiring iiml conduits) of thu U. S. Postnlllce nt Creston. lown. In ac cordance with tho drawings nnd speelllcn tlons, copies of which may bo had nt this nillre, or nt the ofllco of tlio PostmnBtcr nt Creston, lown, nt the discretion of the 8u- icrvlslng Architect. JAMES KNOX tay :.CR, Supervlalng Architect. J10-0t-c-o-d WANTED for V S. nrmy, nble-bodlcd un- mnrricn men notwoen nges ot ji nun w, citizens ot United States, of good charac ter Hid tempornle habits, who can speak, rend nnd wtlto English, For' Information apply to Recruiting Olllcer, lfith nnd Dodgo sts., Oninlin. Neb. Jlcod M31 R AIL WAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION-IOTII AND MAROY. Illliinla Cdiiinl, Txjnve. Arrive. Chlcngo Express a 7:20 am n 6:10 pm 1'hlcaxo, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a S:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express nl0:35 pm Ciricnuo A- ftortlm nhicrn. "The Northwestern Line." Cl.lcago Special a 7:10 am ull:20 pm Chlzaco Passenger a 4:15 run n sioo nm Eastern Exrros ui0:,M. am n 4:03 pin Kastern special a i:im pip .t 4:03 pm Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Omalm-Chlcago L't'd,.n 7:45 pm u 3::v nm Fast -Mull u 8:30 am Cedar J'.npiur i-ass... n r. .11 nm Twin Cltv Exuress... ...n 7:05 nm al0:.'5 pm ...u 7:5.") pm .i 8:io uni ...a 0:15 am u 3:50 pm Twin City Limited... Sioux City Lticil.r,.. Wn IiiinIi. St. Louis "Cannon Bad" Express a 5:13 pm a 3:20 am El. l.ouis Local, uouncu Bluffs ...il0;00 am al0:30 pm l lllllll I'llClill', Overland Limited ., Fast Mall Califiiiuia Express Puclllu Express ..... Lantern h.xpress... ..a 9:40 nm a 7:30 pm ...i s:50 am u 3:25 pm ..a 4.A pm ..ull:30 pni a 4:35 pm Atlantic Lxptcss a r.w am Liiicotu-Sironisuurg Ex.b'4:05 pm UIZMOpin Grand Island Local u 5:3j pm b 9:35 am CIilcuu'", .1H.nul-eL- .V SI. Pun:. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 r.m Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 um b 3:40 pm MInx'iii'I I'lifllii. St. Louis Express nlv:O0 um a 0:2o pm K. C. & St. i. Express, ulo:5o pin a 8:16 am Chlcnu", lltiL'k. I m I it ii il k I'uulQe. EAST. Deft Moines und Dav enport Local a 7.35 am n 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll:15 um a 5:u5 pm Des .Ntolues Local a hum pm 011:50 um Chicugo I'UBw .Express., u i:3.i pin u l:2u pin ucs Moines, Hock Isl and and Chicago n 7:4'.' pm u 8:5 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Coioiudc, Oklahoma dt Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 nn a Daily. UURLINGTON STA l:t)?t IOTII fc .MASON ChlcoKO, Hiirllnutoii tt 0,ulncy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am alQ:20 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex .a 4;oo pni a 7.45 ami Chicago Local u 9:3u uir, a 4:05 pm. Chicugo lunitea u. i;au pin a. i;u um Fust Man a ?:tu pm lltirltiiutnu k Mliaonrl lllvet. Wvmoro. Beatrice and Nebraska Express a 8i40 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln t' an. bli:55 am Denver Limited a 4:2a pm 'a 3:00 pm lilUCk run aim j-ukci Bound, uenver v-ou- nection , v.w ii,., m u.m am Lincoln Fast Mail b 3 0.' pm a ;17 aro Fort crooa unu -iuii- mouth b &:20 pm bll:05 am llellevue & Pucllln Jct..u ,M pm a 8:20 am Uellevue & Psclllb Jet. .a, 8:00 am KuiiMua CIO, si. Jowoiili X Council Uluff". Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:?0 am a :08 pa Kansas City. Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 0:15 am St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm afl;l5 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. , WEBSTER DEPOT-1BTII Vfc WEBSTER Leavt. Arrlvt. Fremont, ElUltiiru A; Mlasunrl Valley Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3;00 pm .a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglao .d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings. York, David City Superior, Geneva, Exeter and ScwarJ,,,.b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. ' Lincoln and Fremont , b 7:30 nm b 10:25 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Missouri I'liulllo Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm aM:15 am ClilcuKO, SI. Puul, Sllniuiuiiolla Jt Oiiiuliu. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm. Sioux City Passenger... a 2:45 pm allilO am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8;J0 am n Dally b Dally except Sunday, o Hun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK-ROTTERDAM, VIA BOU LOGNE 8 M. New Twin Scrow Steamers of 13.0W tons register. ''Sttr Rotterdam a. Rteamor Amsterdam Feb. 1, 10 A, M. tr Stat6IUlam Feb. 8. 10 A.M. Apply to Holland-America Lino, 39 ll'way, N. Y,; Harry Moores, 1415 Fnrnam Bt.; Louis Ncese, First National Bank. Iliivld City HuiuiresKes Hint Muuhlue. DAVID CITY, Nob., Jan. 21. (Special,) Slot mncblnisln David City aro a thing of tho past. Yesterday morning Mayor' Aid rich issued an order that all slot msclilncs and dice boxos must go, and instructed Chief of Police Calvin to onforco thn order. Twenty-two slot machines nt all kinds and descriptions are now for salo or rent,. This order ot tho mayor meots the approval of all law-abiding citizens, and it Is believed that other laws will he enforced that buvo heretofore boon Ignored. Ilrcnka Enaimciiiciit with Mnrconl, NEW YORK. Jan. 21.-Mrs. II. H, Hoi man of this city announced today that hor daughter, Josephine, had asked William Marconi, tho developer of wireless teleg raphy, to release her from her engagement la marry him and that Mr. Marconi had romntlert ivlth her. ranuaat. L I 4