THK OMAHA DAILY 31EK: WEDNESDAY, JA!N1TA1?Y 22, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Uuini lUllj frm Yiitirdaj'i Dipitulta, bt PmiiUn Ltit. OATS ACT INDEPENDENT OF CEREALS Knrlr OfTorlnn I StrniiK, on Unlit Of crliiRH, nnd Wet Wentlirr Vat ther Iletircnues Stock ntul Forces I'rlcen Up. CHICAGO. Jan. 2L-A1I trains rallied to day from yesterday's depression. Karly market wero Inclined to carry over tho wot weather weakness, but covering savod tho day for prices nnd May wheat closed 'ic hlBher, May corn iio up and May oats H'tI?io lilKlicr. Provisions lost Cc to 12'jC. Tho news of general precipitation over the winter country set prices buck from yesterday's close at tho opening today. The foreign murkots weru nearly all lower, WioiikU not to such a degree an character ized local pits yesterday. A sood deal of wheat was for sale early and outirido markets started out weak. ShortB wero numerous and covered freely. Longs who ' 2'4o! rodned. steady: crushed. 6.15c: pow dered, 4.75cj jrranulated, 4.65c. cut ! ism iiarciy steady, no. mo, jc. MOLA88EB Steady : New Orleans. 374? 42c. rouirllY Allvr, steady; sprinRers, w Do; turkeys, lOaiOHcj fowls, Kmc. Dressed, firm; spritzers, lO'MJimci fowls, lOftftlMic; mrKeys, luwu'SC METALS Tho local market for plR (In wiim hlKhcr. In svmnathv with a uood nd- vanco In London, 'hie spot price here at tho closo was J2t.Ol24.W. 'Hie London market closed 15s to 2 higher, with spot at JE108 f.a nnd futures nt JC104 15s. Copper was steady hero at junior lake, JlO.&iH for electrolytic and J10.73 for cast ing; tho London copper market was un changed to 2s 6d lower, with sppt closing at 4S 10s and futures at 1M8 12s 01. Im was unchanged hern at H, but London was 2s 6d hltrher nt J110 12s 61. Siirllnr wns quiet and unchanged hero at $4.35 and at j-onuou prices wero about unchanged at 16 16s. Iron was dull hero. Thu Kuro- ponn markets wero steady, but nbout un changed; Glasgow unchanged nt 12 3s; No. 1 northern foundry pig Iron, $16.50: No. 3 foundry, northern, $16.o0'(il6.76; No, 1 southern foundry, Mri.OO&Jfl.Go; No. 1, south ern foundry, soft, $16.016.00. OMAHA WIIOMISAI.K MAHKIITS, Condition of Trndc nnd ClnntntlntiN on Staple nnd I'nncr Product. fnnev small, llUd Now York full creams. fair to choice, DMfllc. Vlnllilr Supply of flrnlii. NHU YORK. Jnn. 21.-Sneclnl coble and telegraphic communication to llrndstreet's nows ine louuwing enanges in nviuuiuiu implies from last accounts; Wheat, t'nlted States and Cnnnda, east of Hockles, decreased SST.H'l bushels; nlloat for and In Kuroiio. Increased. 10.000.0uoi total supply Increase, 373,010 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, east of Hockles, In creased 401,) bushels. Oats, I'ntted States nnd Canada, east of Hockles, de creased 412,000 bushels, Tho leading In creases this week are thoso of bush els at Manitoba storage points, 1S5,1K bushel at Portland. Me.. 90.uo1 bushels at Chicago private elevators and fO.OOO bushels at Minneapolis private elevators. The lead ing decreases, ineiuuc tnose oi i.wni.u'u bushels at northwestern Interior elevators and llMW bushels at IOUlsvllle. Toledo (i ill I ii nnd Seed. TOLKDO. Jan. 21.-VHI3AT-January. SS&c; May, STiic; July, S3c. COHN Janunry, 62Hc; May, 65V4c; July, 65ic. uath January, 4tc; May, 4jsc; Juiy, 4 Hie sijisuh uiover, January, Marcn, I.W. EGOS Receipts mora liberal; fresh stock, LIVE POULTRY liens, 6ft6ei old roosters. 3fMe: turkevs. 75iOe : ducks and began to unload early wero noon balled geese, Imt&ci spring chickens, per lb., 6Hi out nnd tho stop-loss orders that do- g7c. pressed prices still further ceased shortly .DRESSED POULTRY Turkoys, 10U?l2c; after tho opening. May startod a ohado ducks, OftlOo: gceso, HfflOc; spring chlck- ic voiceu among irauem i r iiLr.. r ion imiuit imsn, iw, wim. ,., .1,1,, .tin no, hn mil mlnn I Inn nf wet Dnsfl. IOC! blUnllSII. IZCf I)U IllcaUS. IOC! HUT 1 .. .. V1.. ', .......I C?.. I T n fl ..1. 19rt. 1 fW. . rnnntna wcatner, liquidation prices pruvnticu. : j ui . ."',"'"1. '"j1 "V . i. 'jl .' 1 i : eral professional shorts covered openly and lie; halibut, lie; herring. 6c: haddock, 9c;.i Influenced followers. A commission houso pike, So; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12c; demand sprang up and May auvanceu 10 Iranian, oc, iroui, -jv, uicmn, ou. ("-; TflUe. Thero was another slight dip on crcl. 60: fresh mackerel, each, 2033oc: tirollt-tnklng. but buying sot In again nnd smelts. 10c. t.. J,..J mv- nrm. Un un. nt OYSTERS Mediums, ner can. 22c: Stand "ICwrMic. Local receipts were 61 cars, nrds, per can. 25c: extra selects, per can Minneapolis S5I. making 40S cars, against Local receipts were 61 cars, nrds, per can. zsc; extra selects, per can, and Duluth. Duluth reported 33c; New York Counts, per can. 40c; hulk a toUiI for tho three points of Standards, per gal., $1.231.2S: bulk extra dnst 479 last week and 410 last selects, $1.0031.63; bulk Now York Counts, vnnr. Thn world's visible supply Increased (13,000 bushels. Last year thero were over 2,0)0,000 bushels. Primary receipts wero 454,000 bushels, compared with 487,000 bush els last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour equaled 345.000 bushelB. Thounh English cables In corn wero lower, following yesterday's Chicago de tier iral . 11.75. 1'lUfJUiNB Ijivo, per uos., ra. VEAL-Cholco, 68c. hay Prices minted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice np- coarse, $7. Ryo straw, $5.50. These prices aro for nay or good coior nnu qua my. cllnelVcorn" I'v jl &. 'i ? nI L strength. Western offerings wero light ana commission houses had good buying or ders, whllo shorts coverel liberally. Wot woather brought fears of a slower country mnvMiwni. Thn cash demand wns some what Improved. Rains In Argentine wero reported Insufficient, and alter a email early dip, prices went up readily to 64Hc, and closed ?;o higher at 6lc. Ro- nnlnltt Wftrn 1R1 rnM. Oats wore rather Independent of other rmim Thi! onrlv tnnn was strong on light offerings. Tho wet weather and further decreased Btocks woro other ractora in tno ctrArtrrtii Ai tiw. nurtv Inw nrtcos almost nothing was ortercd. and after prices ad vanced well liquidation was limited. May sold up to 46',4c but lost somo of its strenirtli on tho dins In other grains. Tho closo was firm. "Mi-Tic up, at 46',iUHc Receipts were 190 cars. rrnviimin wcrn inclined toward iwenk- thn whole session on liberal bog receipts. Tho opening prices for hog products wero lower nil around and tho early grain weakness influenced slight dips. The later grain strength helped tho . .... t,1n .. fnt, nnrb .InanH tl.n HUH lb llLlltT. U14I. ....vj v v.w,,. J - I vv lllt)BUia. lower at $t5.82V4: May lard, Be lower. , at por box, $1.75. f'j.oo: Mav ribs, unchanged, nt $8.fI?8.aJ. l-cilmntril reeelnta for tomorrow: Wheat. 20 cars; corn, 80 cars; oats, 120 cars, hogs. 42,000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I Illglul Low. 1 Close.Ycst'y CORN New, 61c; old, 61c, OAT8-G20. VEOKTAULKS. WTATOKS-Homn crown. $l! northern. $1; Bait Lako, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. UAIIKUTS I'er ou., wrc. I1KKTH-l'or -nu. luvHKOt, jk. TURNIPS Per bu., COc; Rutabagas, per 100 lbs.. 11.25. PARSNtrs fcr mi., wre, CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doz., $1.75. I.KTTTUCE Head, per bbl., $6.50: hot house lettueo, per dor., 25c 1'AItHljKV i'er U07.., iac. RADISHES I'er doz., 25c. HWHKT POTATOES Home grown, per lb., 2Ho; Kansas, per bbl.. $3.25. UAUUAUt; lionnnn soeu, crnicu, inc. CAULIFLOWER Per crnto. $2.75. nvmNrt Hnanlsh. nor crato. 12: Michi gan, red or yellow, 3c per lb. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, rmttwa r llUUfh AHPT.PS-TlMi Davis, ner bbl.. $4.00(!M.60: Wlnesaps. $5; Jonathans, $5.50; Bcllcllowcrs, Lawrence, $2.25 Wheat Jan. May July Corn Jan. May July Oats May July Sept. Pork Jan. May July Lard Jan. May July Ribs-May 76' 78H79S 7Wi 781,4 79ff TS43T 79H Rl 63V4W 64HflAl 63'i MM G3W 61 63,4 6IW 45?;W4 46H 45H VM 40JH4 40U SOiffli ml 33-H 33T4 33H S3H 16 4214 16 45 16 42H 16 45 16 SO 1R 9214 16 7714 16 82V5 16 80 16 90 16 80 16 80 ft 4214 9 4214 9 () OfiT, 9 67H 9 60 9 65 9 7214 9 65 9 70 8 5714 8 6214 8 67 8 62 PEARS Vlkers, $2.25; 50, . ....... GRAPES Malagas, per Keg, CRANllERHlEo per uui., jf.ou; per crato, $2.75. NAVY UKAINB i'er nu., .'.!. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navala, $2.753.00; lesions 1'oncy, .mj.iu; cnoice, w.oo BANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo. $ZWB.'(l). .... . ... F1U8-uajurornis, now cartons, i; im oortod. tier lb.. 1214c T-lArnrCl Tl.r.ln n c! ln ATI.1K linvn. n- IK No. Cash quotations wero ns follows: 79!4Wi 60V4 6354 6Hc; Salrs, 6c 40 MISCELLANEOUS. 33S NUTS New crop walnuts, No. 1 soft I snail. nr id., lie: naru sneii. nor Hi. iiu.p- 16 57H No. 3 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; 16 96 BrazllB. per lb., 14o; filberts, per lb., 13c; 16 8VA almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, iurgo, per iu., x-c; small, iuc; co iuiNKi-1'cr .section ease. i:i.f.o. CIDER Nchawka. per bbl.. $3.25: Now POPCORN I'er lb.. 6c No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 Baited, 6)ic; No. veai coji, a to 12ft ids,, uo: xmo. i veal calf. 9 35 9 cr, 9 7214 8 62 FLOUR Barely steady: winter patents. 12 to 15 lb.. 7c: dry hides.; shoo,'. $3.804.80: fltrnlchts. f3.40ff3.80: clears. $3.20t?D nelts. 75o: horso tildes. S1.B02.!'S. j.w; spring specials, h.m; patents, jj.wa' I 3.Q: 'ralglits. $3.10570.40. st Grnln nll iTovt.lon.. WHEAT NO. 3 spring, 73li74Vic: No. 2 rod, 84Vlc , I ST. LOUIS, Jan. 21. WIIEAT-Strong; OATS No. 3, 46c; No. 2 whlto, 47ic; No. 3 No. 2 red, caoh, elevator, S6c; track. S7'4c; white. 4614Tkl7Ic May, fcttc; July, 7914c; No. 2 hard. 7&V4GSle. -ui iiiguer; no. z casn, Kitic; track, malting, 60 63V4o; May, 63Hc; July, 6V4c RYI-No. 2. 61c. BARLEY Fair to choice 63Hc OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 47Vic; track, SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.CT: No. 1 northwest. 4Sc: May. 4Stta: July. 33T4c: No. 2 white. em,; prime timotny, $6.a; ciovor, jisc contract erado. $9.70fiO.75. RYE Firm at 66c. I'uuviaiUNH Mess pork, per bbl., 116X0 I'-iuuit yuiet; re a winter patents. $3.t'5 frl6.,55. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.309.42H. Short rips sides uooso), Dry salted Bhoulders (boxed). $7.121467.25. Short clear sines (Doxeuj, ja.uxns.fw. WHISICY-Basls of high wines. $1.32. Tho following wero tho receipts nnd ship ments oi gruins yesieruay. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 27.000 21.000 Wheat, bu 133.000 47 000 meats idoxij. s.sauy extra snorts, Corn? bu."V..V.V....V." 116 000 clear ribs. $8.6214: clear sides, $8.8714. .Pa 04.20: extra fancy and stralcht. ihiu: cicor, w.ij.iv. SEED Timothy, steady, $6.006.30. CORNMEAL-Stcady. $3.25. U RAN Dull, nominal; sacked. $1.05. HAY Tlmothv. steady. $13.UO15.00: nral rle. weak. $9.0H13.00. PROVISIONS-Pork. better: lobbing, $16.10. Lard, better at $9.25. Dry suit meats (boxed), steady; extra shortB, $8.62'2; Oats, bu 231,000 27,000 uyc. uu a,ooo Barley, bu 84,000 86,000 On the Produce exchango today ths but ter market was steady: croamprlxi lnrn 2.14c; dairies, HQCOo. Cheese, steady, 10V1 XBW YORK GENBRAIi MARKET ((notations at the Day on Various Comniodltlra. NEW YORK. Jan. 21.-FLOUR-Rocelrt, 21.199 bbls.: cxDorts. 2.3S0 bbls.: falrlv ac tive and stoady with wheat; winter pat ents, $3.75(6(4.00: winter straights, $3.60(35.70; Minnesota natonts. $3.8504.15: winter ex tras, $2.90SS.U); Minnesota, bakers, $2.95 3.35; winter low grades, $2.75(32.80. Ryo flour, quiet; fair to good, $3.20(30.40; choice to rancy, CORNan3AI Quiet: follow western, $1.34: city, $1.32; Brandywlne, $3.0000.70. . . J , ..v. a. 1 1 l-vi .... . , ,v4V., . . j. kS. , afloat; state, 66t!7o c I. f., New York, car lots. BARLEY Quiet: feeding, 60di2o, c. 1. r., con (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $8 50; cioar nos, jy.uvti; cicar siacs, tu.iD. WfUHK.x Mteauy, , IRON- COTTON TIES-$1.00. BAaaiNG-fiU'fjeiic HEMP TAVrNE 9c METALS Lead. dull. $3.871433.90. SdcI tor. dull at $4.15. POULTRY Firm; chickens. So; turkeys ivo; aucKs, siiajc; gceso, oc BUTTBit ateaay : creamery. i6SiJ5o dairy, 154f20c Kijus Mteaav at zac. 1VU.U. A .1 i. 11' L. I , 0,UW UUIOi, IU 11. $3,000 bu.: corn. $0,000 bu.: oats. 86.000 bu. HlUt'lYltiiN is i- iour, li.uw puis.: wneai 43,ouu du,; corn, t,uw uu.; oats, i:,wj du. Liverpool Grnln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21. WHEAT-Spot ll-SO. Ryo northern spring. Btendy. 6s 2d: .No. 1 Call forma, nrm, us bu. futures: Quiet; Marcn cs 2a: May. us zwi. CORN Hnot: Steady: American mixed now, 6s 7d; old, &s 714d. Futures: Steady; I'euruary. ua i'..u: Aiarcn. os Jiu: aiay. 6s 314d. I'KAH-unnaaian, steady, ts iou. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, firm, B 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady. 3 3siu315H. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: extra India mess, 79s, I'ork, firm: prime mess western, Tin. lAXta, quiet; American reunen, in pails, 4Ss; prlmo western, In tierces, 49s ud. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., strong at 43s 6d. Bucou, Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., steady at 41s; snort ribs, lu to z ids., quiet at 4ls tiu; lonir clear middles, llcht. 28 to 31 lbs., (inlet. 45s; long clear middles, heavy, 33 to 10 lbs., 4a Cd; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., 10s Gil; MllirnuUrc Grnln Market. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 21. WHEAT -asler: No. 1 northern. 77c: No. 2 northern. IW76c: May, 75Hc jlARLEV Weok; No. 2, 6KS6U4c; sample, '563140. I uuitiN ingncr; May, 6hc .MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AM) UOM1S. Mnrkrt Continues In Somnolent Con dition of I.nst I'nv Dnyn, NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Today's stock market had tho sumo nnnearance of Indi gestion and somnolence which has per vaded It of late. The movement of prices was exceedingly sluggish nnd narrow nnd tho volumo of dcullncs fell away further. Tho net changes nro small and mixed. rhev understand that the character of the market comparison with previous conditions will bo helpful. This time lost year was a period of constantly developing projects i or comoinations and centralization ot con trol on a scale never before witnessed. rhore was a nrocress Ivo advance from month to month in the volume of the tra'lo balanco In favor of this country, This and tho operation of the currency and refund ing law were rapidly expanding tho coun try's circulation nnd providing tho requl Hlte financial fncllltles for thu vast loan expansion In connection with tho great projects ln hand. At present tho stock markot misses these stimulating Influ ences. While thero Is nothing positively unfavorable ln the outlook, there 1b a surfeited feeling from the undigested mass of Inst year's great projects. Tho coun try's foreign trade balance, although still ln our favor, shows progressive decllno irom montn to monin, compared wun ine corresponding months of Inst year. The national banks, instead of putting out additional nolo Issues, nro retiring their circulation up to tho monthly limit al lowed by tho law, and applications nro already on lllo for withdrawal of circula tion suilicieut to c.xnnust tlio legal limit Into March. Talk of new combinations Is heard, but only with scepticism and dls trust. There is n Intent fenr that such combinations mav be for hostllo purposes ratner man ror mutual ueneui. numors- hnvo circulated for a few days that all tno great nanus and trust compnnics in New York, nnd oven tho Insurance com panies, aro crystnllzlng Into two groups nlontr the lines of clcavace that developed ln tho llnnnclal battle of last May. It Is such considerations ns theso that must be looked to again light on tho present Mock market. There wns a show of strength In Sugar and Metropolitan, but me gams wero suusequcntiy wiped out. Glucnsn continued its recent advance to tho amount of a point, but outwards fell below last night. Thero was an actlvo demand for Mexican Central nt an nd vanco of 1, accompanied by reports of a now linml Irsih mul thn ncnulsltlon of ad ditional lines. National Salt, after a long period of Inactivity, was orroreti aown nvor li nnints neiow tno last sa o. and then rallied 5. The preferred lost 4. No explanation was offered, beyond tho ob htructlon to the plan of reorganization. American Tobacco was stricken from the stnclr .chnniri list, owlnir to tho in significant amount of Block outstanding and the facility thus orrercd tor manipula tion nnd the posslblo working of a corner. The market showed somo Irregularity and rlnslt Rtpadv. Consolidated lonacco s cominucu to mako up tho largest part of the bond market and wero reactionary. Total sales, nan vnlllx. 13.730.000. United States bonds wore all unchanged nn thA hint cnll. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket wob moderately active, but the reac tionary tendency was checked ln later deal ings, ilicro is a prom in ine cuiiiuku ui rupees. More Is coming, tho estimates nhieinc- tho totnl at 1.500.000 gold to be shipped direct from the Bank of England. American siockb sihi eng. 1110 unuigesieu Htnck In America Is disliked over here nnd tho continent Is a steady seller. Copper sold at $1.87 tho ton and itlo tlntos nt 4i;ic, Parts exchango is zj.vift; licrnn, zi.viyt. Tho following are the closing prices on the .Mow xorK otocn excuango: nil weak, following New York's lend. Operators here were not dlspojed to take tho Initiative, but Americans milled later nnd closed firmer. Spnntsh 4s were sup ported on tho statement from Madrid that the cabinet has authorized the Bank of Spain to withdraw notes for nn equal mount, oi treasury bins, tno reduction to o continued until only 3no.O0O.00O tinner pesetas are In circulation and that the reg ulation concernlni- fnrml circulation n'nt cancelled. Gold premiums nt Buenos Ayres, at .Miuirid, .H.-ti, iii.Ki. lis, jan. m Home funds nnd in crnntlonals were tirm on tho bourse today, t being expected Mint the new lnnns wnnM bo largely over-subscribed. In other de partments realizations ruled, causing reac tions, Tiie encouraging reports from the manufacturing districts, In connection with tho rolling mills raising prices, produced no effect. Cnnndlan Pnclllcs were easier. i;xcnange on intion. 20m 42ii pfgs. for hocks. PARIS. Jnn", 21. Prices were llrm on thn bourse todny and business wns quiet. The market opened hesitating, but soon Im proved, closing somewhat heavy. For- gners were irregular. Rentes wero Ightly better. Snnnlsh 4s were In uonil etnniid, ln expectation that the Spanish tiaUCe bills WOllM llnallv hn nnccnmifill. Brazilians and Italians were easier on un satisfactory exchnnge. Rio tlntos rose nnd men sagged, owing to the decllno In cop per. Dcltcers were well supported. KnfTlrs wero In good demand, especlnlly those giv ing results. Tho private rate of discount wns unchnnged today at 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 100f20o for tho ac count. Spanish 4s, 76.7. Xmt York Miinrjr Market. NEW YORK. Jnn. 21. MONEY rn cnll. teadv. S'.4 ner cent: cloned tilil nml nnhivl. 3f(l per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4!4Jt 514 tier cent. HTEHLI.NG KXCHANOE-Stendy, with actual business In bankers' hills nt 14 87 fnr demand nnd at $I.8IUiM.81S for sixty days; posted rates, $i.S,Voi.SS; commercial bills, $4.83'il.83)i. siiiVioii-Bar, 5514c; Mexican dollars, I'ic BONDS Government, ntrnnirf ntntn. tnnn. tlvo; railroad, Irregular. ine closing quotations on bonds ara at follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg.lOSJi io coupon ur-fc do 3s, reg 10!) do coupon lOvi do new 4s, rcg.,13.i44 do coupon Ill do old 4s, rcg...lliu do coupon . .... .lllt do 5s, reg 100 do coupon 107'; Atch. gen. 4s 103V. do ndl. 4b 02 'k Bal. & Ohio 4s...I031i do 3V48 9..U do conv. 4s 101 U 1 Canada So. 2s...l0yw Cent, of On. 6s...lODU no is inc ,u Ches. & O. 4!4a...l0ti Chi. & A. 3i4a.... Mil C. B & Q II. 4s... 95 1- C, M & S P g. 4S.112V5 'fj. iV IN. V. C. YS.HI C. R. 1. & P. 4S.107M CCC & S L g. 48.103U Chicago Ter. 4b., 89 i oiorauo so. is., D. & R. G. 4s, ...102 Erlo prior I. 4s... 99'; do genernl 4s... XM; t.' w av n r ia imi? Hock. Vul. 414s...l07tii Atchison do pfd .. Baltimore & O do pfd , Canadian Pud Canada So..... Ches. & Ohio. Chicago & A.. do pfd Glil.. Ind. & L. do pfd. . 75 So. Pacific 59 . v So. Rallwuy 32 .102 do pfd 92T4 . Uf. Tex. Ac Pacillc... 3.S lHHTol., St. L. & W. 18V4 . K5H do pfd 25(4 . - .union l'nciiic .. . 31 I do ptd . 75i Wabash . 51U do pfd . 75V4 Wheel. & L. E. Chicago & E. Ill.l4 lo 2d pfd...... Chicago G. ... 22'a Wis. Ccntrnl .. do 1st pfd 8314 do pfd.. do 2d pfd 43 Adams Ex Chlcngo & N. W.2U American Ex... n u I X, V 15511 U. S. Ex Chi. Ter. & Tr... 16i Wells-Fargo Ex.lS.5 du pfd Ainui, supper C. C. C. & St. L. 90 Amor. Car & F Colorado So 1114 do pfd......... do 1st pfd oo'Amer. Lin. Oil do 2d pfd 284 do pfd , Del. &. Hudson. .. 1731 Amer. S. & R. Del. L. & W 2634 .do pfd. Denver Ai R. G.. 42va Anne Mln. Co do pfd 0"4 Brooklyn R. T Urlo ;"'Vii Colo. Fuel & I do 1st pfd 704 Con. Gns do 2d pfd 50 Con. Tob, pfd. Gt. Nor. pfd lSoVVGeii. Electric . Hock. Valley &SVs Glucose Sugar. do pfd -? illicit, uoai .1001: . 22' . 41V . IT1 . 2SVa . l'J4 .195 .212 .100 Illinois Central.. .13S14 Inter. Paper Iowa Central do nfd II.. Lako Erlo & W. 65 do ptd L. & N Manhattan L. Met. St. Ry... Mex. central I Mex, National 1 1 ii. I T ..123 do nfd... Inter. Power . Laclede OnH . Nn BIhcuU ... 10li National Lead .ya .Minimal Han . .11171 do pfd . 1S No. American .15s I Pacillc Coast . 69 . 29 . bij . 13 . 42 . 46)4 . 30' .J17 .117 7!ll tiii: . HVi . in . 87 . 9i . 411J . j.i . 6J . KS Buffalo; malting. 6972Vic Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, fii,900 bu.; exports, 125,917 bu.; spot markot firm; No. 2 red, SSVio f. o. b. afloat and DOVio olevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 66Ho f. o, b. afloat;; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 8840 f. o. b. nfloat. Opening a shado lower, because of bearish cables, tho wheat market turned strong In tho forenoon on vigorous buying for nn advance, prospoota ior a coia wavo west, cavorlnar and atrenarth ln coarso irrnlns. A midday raid broko prices sharply, but was followed noon by a second upturn on renorts of light cash stocks at Chlcniro. LTn7?n. Sfai6 RU fSrun ViniS clear hollies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady.. 61s Kf.dtSftf BiSinfun liitS?t0,sed at ShouIderB. Bquaro. 11 to 13 lbs., dull. 3Ss 6d. MWiL,nVn?1Hio'non.ainnV2; BUTTER Steady : finest United States, niivlS2SiFfi 2 nriRfiitn V jf i, i(ii.I! 90s; good United States, 6Ss. X'nAfln'ni?0 f0,th0,l CHEESE Firm: American finest whlto, general flrmnoss .Prevallod lnthe corn ,gf,Ga. Amorlcan llnest colored. 49s M. "1"." 'liJK0 JJ?".' "ceJP.l.rjL Receipts of wheat during the last throe covering and light country offerings; after a noon breax wun wncat it raiuoa on cov ering ana closod GT4o net ndvanco; Jan uary oloBod at 6ST4c; May, 67J4SCSHC, closod at Siwa: juiy ciosou at ust.c. OATS Receipts, 120,000 bu.; exports, 10, ono bu.; spot firmer; no. Die; no. 3, who; No. 3 white, 63Mo; track, mixed western, fiUiG2a: track, white. 62GiOSc Bull manlnu- lutton west strengthened oats nt first, but unloading and reaction followed. HAY Baroly steady; shipping, 60o; good tO cnOICO, 87ttU&C 1TADD 1 1 1 ii , .Inl. nmnmn tr. ..Ytniir. prnn ilfflliWi'.! 1)0 won. SffM2o! ISM. t.ll Ka; Pnciflo const, 1901 crop, H(fil5c; 1900, 8 Via; biisc. . HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. ISc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19'4c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 IIib., Hljc. LEATHER Steady; hemlock solo. Buenos Ayres. ugnt to nenvyweignts. .ojo. WOOL Dull; domestic fleeco, 26flt:0c; nvvni ir.(rri7n. nnvisiONS Beef, nulet: family. $11,50 JflS.OO; mess, $9.6010.00; beef hams, 20iJ21c: mcii'tn. niilot: nlcklcd bellies. SiftlOc: 'pick led shoulders. 7c; pickled hams. 9;ai0c, ijir.i muv: western stenmod. $9.77W. r.e. lined, easy; continent, $9.90: South America, tin?',, nnmnniinil. is.00fi8.2o. Pork, nulet: faintly. $17.00818.00; short clear, $17.50 13.50: mess, $16.504fl7.W. Bl'TTER Receipts, 6.6SS pkgs.; steady; Ktuto dairy. H2l'4o: creamery, Iivff23l4c; Juno creamery, 15fiilc; factory, 134H514C CHEESE-RecclptH. 1,522 IkKs.: firm; fancy largo, state full cream, fall made, Ve fancy lurgc, lata best made, 91ic; i.iiw.f nimill. Rtntn full cream, fall mude. lHill!4c; fancy small, late best made, 10ip JV'iO :aGS-ecelpt8. 3,cco pkgs.; firm: Btato nnd Pennsylvania. 275'.SSc; western, at m-irl 'Viffjf.. Sl'GAR Raw, steady; fair reilntng. 'Jc; centrifugal test, So; molansca MUb'nr, days. 236.000 centals. Including lli.OtX) Amer lean, ucceipts ot American eurn uuring tho last three days, 14,200 centals. Kniiaiin City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 21. WHEAT May, 77Ho: July. 7Wic; cash. No. 2 hard, 75HTf79c: No. 3, 75c; No, 2 red, 8714c; No. 3, 85iiSi"io: No, 2 spring, 741475c UORN January, uc aiay, i-hc; casn. No. 2 mixed, 65(h6Cc: No. 2 white, 6S',4c; No. 3. nominally U7H(ijwc OATS No, 2 wnite, 4S41M8HC RYE No. 2, 6214c HAY-Cholco timothy. $13.60314,00: choice prnlrle. $13.60. jju i i I'.H creamery, ism-.c; uairy, luncy, ISc. EGGS Firm: fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, quoted on 'change, 21c per doz,, loss off. enscs returned: now whlto wood cases Included, 21Hc iiKCisiPTB Wheat, w.sw uu.: corn. bu.; oats. 11,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 8.800 uu.: corn. 75.- 400 bu.; oats, 19,000 bu, Mtiineiipnlli Wlient, l'linir nnd llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Jon. 21. WHEAT Cash, 77Ho; May. 7jHo; July, 7714c: on track, No. l nnrd, itiTic; ro, i northern, 75'4e: No. 2 northern, 73ViS73ic. FLOUR First patents, $3.85fl3.D5: second patents. $3.65U3.75; first clears, $.'.10; second clears, .. . BRAN in bulk, 17,lWil7.0. I'll I IikIc-1 (ill I Product .Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. 21. BUTTER Steady but qulot; fancy western creamery, "4i: fancy nearby prints. 27c. EGGS Steady; fresh nearby, s.ic: rresn western. 25c; fresh southweMern. ac; fresh roiithern. 23'iiJ4. CUitSE l'inn; -now xoik iuii creams, Minn. & St. L...1C516 Pacillc Mail Mn. Pncinn 100 Peonlo 8 Gus M., K. & T 25 .Prtssed S. Car.. no nrci uu inn N. J. Contra! 1SS Pullman P. Car..21S N. Y. Central.... 161 (Republic Steel ... 16',: Norfolk & W. do Did Ontario & W... Pennsylvania . Heading do 1st pid do 2d pfd St. L. & 8. F. . do 1st prd do 2d Pfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd St. Paul do pfd noVil do pfd (,S',4 in nugar m asii'ienn. coal & I. . 4S . 60H . 8H4 . 021(, :S . 59 .10214 .ISO Union Hag & P, uo ptd lT. S. Leather.. do pfd U. S. Rubber..., do pfd P. S. Steel do pfd Western Union Amer. Locomo. do pfd 13 . ill: . 851i . 14 . 601 . 42 . 31 . 911 OMAHA L1TEST0CR Mill! Ft Cattl Brit(ht Eittij to Itrm Frlotr, bat Etcoken Wtrs Lontr. IG BREAK IN THE PRICE OF HOGS I'nlrly Mbernl linn of Sheep nnd l.ii m Iih, but fletiinnd Wns Siifllelcnt to Tnkc Dcnlriihlc (irndcn nt Fully Sternly Prices. Reeelnts wern Oiliclal Monday.. Olllclal Tuesday. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 21. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 3,011 4,000 7.WVi 16,180 :,3I1 3,600 Two days this week... 7,011 21,115 6,911 Snmo days last week.... 8,215 11,916 f,,.TS2 Same week before 9,6)S 20,611 5,74 Hmno three weeks ago... 6,365 20,289 6.S75 Same four weeks ago.... 4,Mt 20,512 3,770 Same dnys last year 1,377 18,661 6,937 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha the past several dayB with comparisons L. & N. unl. 4s..l01U Mex. Central 4s.. S2li do Is Inc 32 M. & St. L. 4s...l03tk M., K. & T. 4s.... 9814 do 2s 82i N. Y. Central ls.lO.'H do gen. 314s.... 10914 N. J. C. gen. 6s. .133 No. Pacific 4s 1044i do 3s 74Vt N. & W. c. 4s.... 10214 Rending gen. 4s.. 93 U St L & I M c. 6s. lis St L Sc 3 F 4s... !M14 St. L. 8. W. Is... 99 do 2s 'Ml S A & A P 4s.... Will nu. i uuiiiu m..,,, u.l?4 no. itauwny ns iex. v l'acuic I'. H I, AT. V i Union Pncllle 4n..inift do conv. 4s 105 Wnbash Is 11814 do 2fl UV,i do deb. B 6$ West Shoro 4S...112U W. & L. E. 4s... 92U Wla. Cenlrnl in. ss Con. Tob. 4s 6S91 Jan. 1.... 6 20 4954 21 3423 1S3 4I Jan. 2.... U 2214 4 96 4 33 3 67 3 17 3 43 Jan. 3..,, 6 18H 4 95 4 23 3 67 3 48 2 44 Jan. 4.... 6 284 6 02 4 27 3 41 3 41 3 25 3 61 Jan. &.,.. 6 04 4 37 3 47 3 38 3 27 ' Jan. 6..,. 6 23!4 4 25 3 48 3 3! 3 29 3 63 Jan. 7,... 6 101t 6 06 . 3 4 2 3 40 3 IS 3 48 Jan. 8.,.. 6 09 5 06 4 311 3 43 3 12 S 40 Jan. 9.... 6 15 5 14 4 38 3 45 3 11 3 CO Jan. 10... 6 1314 6 25 4 35 3 60 3 43 364 Jan. 11... C0l & 23 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 07 3 51 Jan. 12... 6 17 4 49 3 60 3 47 3 14 Jan. 13... 6 00U 4 63 3 55 3 49 3 09 3 47 Jan. 14... 6 12U 6 16 3 60 3 49 3 16 3 53 Jan. 15... 6 20 6 26 4 68 3 47 3 26 3 69 Jan. 16... 6 15U 5 27 4 62 3 62 3 23 3 66 Jan. 17... 6 17 5 20 4 4S 3 49 3 47 3 72 Jan. 18... 6 2214 5 29 4 65 3 51 3 61 3 23 3 K Jan. 19... 6 27 4 64 3 64 3 6 4 3 26 Jan. 20... 6 2714 4 64 3 66 3 50 3 2SI 3 AO Jan. 21 & 26 3 69 3 64 3 26 3 96 Indicates Sunday. The official number nf earn of stock brought ln today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'scs. U.l?4 6S...119!, c Is. U9l5 4s,, Slk M. & St. P. Ry.. O & St. L. Ry Missouri Pacific Ry 10 Union Pacific system... 29 C. & N. W. Ry 11 '.. E. & M. V. li. It.... 22 C, St. P., M. it O. Ry.. 25 B. .t M. R. Ry 42 O., B. i Q. Ry 6 K. C. & St. J C R. I. & P., cast 7 u., li. 1. t P., west .... 13 Illinois uentrnl z 19 Total receipts 171 Tho disposition of tho u.:y's receipts was 03 follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- Der oi neau indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Bid. London Stock quotations. LONDON, Jna. 21. I p. m.-Closlng: Cons., money.. uo account.. Anaconda iMchlson do nfd 99 Baltimore & O...101V Cunndlan l'ac....ll7V Chesapeako & O. 171. Chicago O. W... 23 M. i Ht. l'...lGti; i;ii)IIQIK ..,,. DO4 i r8 uo pia ;i.f t N. Pacific nfd. ...102 . ii uninno c west. ai4 i-ennsyivnuia Reading do 1st pfd. do 2d pfd.. Southern Ry. uo piu Denver & R. G... Mfe Southern Pac... do pfd 9Ji Union Paeinc... Erlo 40foi do pfd do lBt pfd 73H U. S. Steel do 2r nfd 58 I do nfrl Illinois Central.. 142 iWnhnnh Louisville & N...107 i do pfd M.. K. & T 25ViiSnnnlsh 4s do Dfd h.1 IDeTtiwra .. N. Y. Central. ...leoH'Band 414 l7l 33 95 9i 102k 90 77S Omaha Packing Co 476 Swift nnd Company 1,011 Cudnhy Packing Co 623 Armour & Co 187 Omaha Pack. Co., K. C. 22 Me, at ucnton 163 Hammond Co 4G6 I.obman & Co 201 W. I. Stephen 213 Hill & Huntzlnger 140 Underwood 124 Llvlngstono & Schnller... loo Dennis & Co 36 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 159 L. F. Husz 6.1 B, F Iobeck 25 Other buyers 397 ::::::: Sft BAR SILVER-Stcady at 26 9-16d per ounce. MONEY 1WH2 ner cent. Tho rn nt discount In thn nnen mnrknt fnr nhnrt hill. ib u-ib per cent, and ror thrco months bills, 2a-15-16 pencent Neir York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Tho following ara ine closing prices on mining stocks: Con. Adams Alice, Breece Brunswick con Com. Tunnel .. Con. Cal. & Va..l23 Dead wood Terra. 50 Horn Silver 150 Iron Silver ....... 60 Leadvlllo Con,... 6 20 45 63 It 6H Llttlo Chief 10 Ontario 775 Onhlr 80 Phoenix t Potosi 14 Savace Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ... Standard 4 . 18 . 38 .340 llnnk Cleurlnaja. Offered. IIomIoii Stock (ittotiit Inn. BOSTON, Jan. 21. Call loans, 4SjG per cent; time loans, -l5iu per cent. Olllclal closing: Atchison 4s Ons is .......... N. E. G. & C... Atchison do pid Boston & A.... Boston Mo... Boston Elev.,.. NT V. V II & II Vltrhhiirc nfd 144 Union Pnclilo ....IO0R41 mm. uenirai za Amer. Sugar 1221s Amer. T, & T lSTl,: Dom. iron cc ti.. .i',j 102 (Amnlgamnted 83 Baltic .MUlHIngham. ...... a ,jai, fc iiecia.. uentennlnl .... Copper Hango Dom. Coal .... Franklin Isle Itoyalo ... Mohawk Old Dominion Osceola Pnrrot . . U6 ..2S1 . 19214 ..167 .210 Mass. Klectrlc. do pfd N. E. O. & C. United Fruit . U. S. Steel ... do pfd Adventuro .... Allouez 33'., 2 R6H 19 Qulncy nam tn Fo Con.. Tamarack Trlmountnln ... iTilnlty 1 'niton mates .. Utah Victoria .Volverlne .. r.94 .. 34 .. 21 . .580 .. lllil .. 53 .. SSli ,. Uln .. 21 ...29', '.. 80V4 ::iSh .. 6714 .. 14W .. W4 .. 22 U .. .114 .. Hh FoiflKii I'llilllicllll. LONDON. Jan. 21. Supplies of money were plentiful today. Discounts wero easier, Tho weakness wns accentuated by tho statement that 500,000 In gold Is to ieavo India January 25 for iAindnu, It Is supposed, nusluess on the Stock exchange opened wavering und with a reactionary tendency. Gilt-edged securities were easier. II 0111 u rnlls weakened on expected realiza tions, following the disappointing British ton dividend, loiter Brighton deferred ral lied. Kntllrs eased on protit-taklng. Subse quently there were considerable dealings In mines and Kaffirs Improved. Copper shares were firm Copper, after . touching 4S',, closed at 4bT. American were stugnunt OMAHA. Jnn. 21. Bnnk clearings today. $1,171,071.63; corresponding day last year, $1,081, sai.tin; increase.'. nmrsvfin Jnn 21 Plpnrlncs. I!9.20fi.l45! balances, $2,679,753; posted exchango, $4,85; sixty days, $4.48 on demand; New York ex- 1 .1 rrr. .IA.. n.nmlltM l.lKHthl T- ' V,,, Ultll -v.. new yuuk. Jan. .1. uiennngs, h,- 428.2S9: balances, $9,538,608. BOSTON. Jan. 21. Clearings, $24,721,157; balances, $1,919,621. BALTIMORE. Jan. 21. Clearings, $4,322, 255: balances. $446,771: money. 6 per cent. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 21. Clearings. $22,816,902; balances, $2,197,797; money, 6 per cent. ST. T.OIIIH. .Tnn 21 Clearinirs. S10.O43. 233; balances, $1,147,258; money, 414S6 per cent; New York exchange, 40c premium. CINCINNATI. Jnn, 21.-Clenrlngs. $3,632,- 350; money, 4'3V4 per cent; wew lorK ex ciiuntiu, prvijiiuni. Condition nt the Trennnry. AVASHINGTON. Jan. 21.-Today's state mcnt of tho treasury balances In the gen oral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold rescrvo ln tho division of redemption shows: Available cash balances, $169,425,183 gold, ;9i,rJ3,162. Wool Market. BOSTON, Jan. 21.-WOOL-Tho markot here shows little chance from recent con dltlons. tho tone being firm, whllo the dc mnnd is moderate. There Is no weakness shown ln or ces nnd the trade, as a rule, Is very conlldcnt. The largo purchases mude during the fall cut Into the sunnly of tho most, desirable worsted wools, which aro not plentiful at. present, Fine territory wools of good staple are scarce and such cuminunii extreme prices wnrn uvn.uu.uie, Good ots of fine medium territory nre quoted on tho scoured basis of 41(il44c. with lino at 4&j-17c, and staple at 48OOc. Fleeco wools are llrm nnd somo houses keep sold nh cud fuster than the wools can bo opened. Tho trado ns a whole quotes tho market llrm but quiet. Sales of unio wivsneu de laines huvo been mails at 2S14W29c, with Ohio fleeces at 26V4W7C some fancy lots belnc held nt 28c. For No. 1 Ohio fleeces, washed, 26V4ti27c Is quoted, with sales at tno rormer price, ino mantci tor jus trallan wools is firm, with offerings mod ernte. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 21 WOOI-Flrm; me dlum grades, 13fi1714c; light fine, 1214315c heavy fine. 10(iil2c: tub washed, lt'U'.'tc. LONDON, Jan. 21.-WOOL-Tho first series of 1902 nuctlon sales opened todny, Thero was a fairly large attendance of continental, American nnd homo buyers eager to securo supplies to replenish de pleted stocK. competition was spirited and general. Tho offerings numbered 9,209 bales of unusually good quality: new crossbreds sold 5 per cent higher; medium nnd coarse 10 per cent nnd Cupo of Good Hope und Nntul and sllpea unchanged to 5 per cent denrcr. Thero wero a few lots withdrawn. Americans purchased cross breds moderately. These are tho sales In dotal : Now South Wales. 1.000 Im ca scoured, 4sjl 3d; greasy, 4'y4(g-l014d Queensland, 1,600 bales; scoured. Is 2dfi Is 6d; greaay, 614''iJ8d. Victoria, 400 bales scoured. Is lUdffrls Hid; greasy. 5s lOVjd South Australia. 600 bales: scoured. OUuffi' 1b 3d; greasy, t'.fi'Jd. West Australia, 900 bales; greasy, 6ii7d, New Zealand. 4,000 bnlcs; scoured. 3',4t71id; greasy, 35j9'4d (.'aim of Good limit nnd Natal. i.OOO bales scoured, la 9d; greasy, 9S10V4d. Punta Arenas, 32 bales; greasy, aviimsu. SiiKiir Market. NRW nni.KANs. Jan. 21. SUGAR Quiet; open kottlo, 2a2?to: open kettle centrifugal, 'JTiisa 3-iec; ccntriiiigni grnnu i:itcii. -lU-Tii n.u-uv whites. 3ii3 11-lCc: yet lows. 274i3iVe! seconds. Hill-lc, Molasses steady; open kettle, lOfrtSc; centrifugal, (fit . a. 1.. lA.OO.i XIa niivn. nml 41-, (3JI11U, PiCltliy, ...wtMoavn ..,,. syrup urrlvlng affected by frost. NEW YORK. Jnn. 21. SUGAR Raw steady; fair reilnlng. 2T4c: centrifugal, 96 tust, 3Hc: molasses sugar, 25ic; refined steady. Evaporated nnd Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Jan, 21.-EVAPOIIATKD APPLES HusiiiPHH wns nulet and the mar ket was without new fenture of Interest , . .......1 ZiZWr.. nr nm Hfi oiim, .uuilliuil IU KUimi lJi"t r 01. r.. hnln.i OliffTIV.. 'nnpv. tOIKlllle. CALIFORNIA DRIED F R U ITS LI gh t In dnmunH hut nlnnilllv hn 111. Primes. fi6;c: nprlcotg, royal., lOfllle: Moor park 9!ifil2!ic; peachas, peeled, 15ilo; unpeeled Date. 1902. 101.100.18S9.I1S93.1&7.18. 9 1 9 35 23 48 II 23 15 1 15 3 6 212 90 ...... 220 son 160 10) f. 50 f. 75 6 2t 6 25 6 : l. l l 3.. 150 1MI 175 HV) 153 6 70 75 6 75 7 ti 7 00 1. STOCK COWS AND HICIFERS. 901 2 10 1 ft'.') 2 7." ........ 8.V) 2 l.i 5 r.'it i m fKW 2 65 2 195 2 95 STAGS. 850 3 00 1 1200 3 00 STOCICERS AND FEEDERS 3S0 2 ) 2 I'Vi 3 til a 666 3 ro 2 4 3 3 tn 1 B90 3 00 12 61S 1 6l 1 590 3 00 6 912 3 SO 2 375 3 00 17 731 3 85 1 030 3 25 30 842 3 85 t 710 3 25 2 MO 4 00 2 753 3 60 18 ftVi 4 10 '.i bl'.l .11 -J ("i 1 l" 6.... &90 3 i0 fi tii'.i 1 l.i 6 340 3 50 2 895 4 40 HOGS There wns a heavy run of hogs hero today and ns nil other markets wero quoted lower prices 'it this point nlso took a tumble Hogs sold nil the wuy from 10c to 20c lower than yesterday anil the gen eral market wns fully 15c lower. Sellers did not like the Idea of tnklng off that much nnd for that reason It was lute be fore the bulk was out of first bands. Buy ers hud everything their own way, how ever, and sellers had to make tho con cessions asked. Good heavyweight hos sold largely from Jb25 to $6.40. Medium weights brought mostly from $6.10 to $0.20 and tho lighter loads sold from $6.03 down. It was not an active market at any time nnd It wns very late before anything like a clearance wns made. The decline was not confined to tho lightweights, but wns general on the heavy as well ns the light hogs and, more than that, the market was uneven. Heprescntuiive saics. No. Av 32 79 11 8S 4i 150 86 166 J2 144 88 1G6 73 16'J 8h. Pr. 5 25 No. 86... 73... 95... 83... 40. . . 69... 61... 90... 89... 90, . . 79... 32.. 181 . . .167 ...191 ...1S6 ...171 ...181 ...166 ...173 ...161 ...173 ...1SI ...177 89 202 82 190 81 200 86 206 79 208 9 188 40 40 160 120 120 80 200 40 120 40 160 40 80 67. 1,273 4,167 3,201 6,410 760 l',592 430 245 Totals 4,439 15,083 3,052 CATTLE Receipts of cattle today woro ery liberal and much larirer than antici pated. In spite of the liberal run, how ever, there was comparatively little good stuff offered. Tho bulk of tho receipts consisted of cow stuff, with cannerB in the majority, and of stock cattle. For that reason tho market on fat stuff held up ln good shape and thero was none too much offered to meet the requirements of tho local trade. Packers were all anxious for corn fed steers this mornlntr nnd hovers rndn fitnt and bid steady to strong prices on all de sirable grades. As noted above, offerings wer limited, so It was not long before everything desirable waB out of first hands. Bomo or tno trains wero late ln arriving, which delayed tho market to somo extent. The common and warmed-up cattle did not movQ ns freely us tho better grades, but still they brought fully as good prlcea as wore .paid yesterday. Thero was an actlvo demand for cows and heifers of good quality and steady to strong prices wero paid. Thero were sev eral nuncnes or good siurr, as the sales below will show, but the bulk of tho offer ings was of common quality. Medium grades and canners sold freely ln splto of the heavy run, but there wus not much of any chango from yesterday ln tho prices paid. Bulls could be quoted Just about steady with yesterday and so also wero stags and veal calves. Thero were not many choice heavyweight feeders In the yards this morning nnd thoso showing quality sold at right close to steady prices. Prime yearlings also sold at very satisfactory prices, but when it camo to tno general run or light stockers tho market was very slow and prices fully a dime lower. Thero wero bo many of tho commoner grades of stock cattle In tho yards that sellers had to take most any price they could get. Representative sales: 11KEF STEERS, No. 1... 1... 9... 1... 7... 15... 3... 7... 1... 7... 1... 2 19... 13. Av. Pr. .680 3 00 ,.1000 3 00 ,. S75 4 00 ,.1000 4 10 .. 967 4 25 .. 99S 4 50 ..990 4 50 ..1075 4 60 .. 780 4 50 942 4 50 No. 1. 1. 14. 3. 21 1139 5 20 Av. Pr. .1170 5 00 .1080 6 00 . 957 5 00 10LT, 6 00 800 950 927 983 19 1011 836 3.. 1.. 2.. 32.. 8.. 20.. 7.. 21.. 14.. 2!!!! 4.... 9.... I. ... II. ... 4.... 3.... 5.... 8.... 1.... .1000 .1050 . 970 ,.1024 . 993 .1078 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 80 4 S3 4 85 8.... 12.... 6.... 1.... 6.... 6..., 15.... 19.... 24..., 10.... 12.... 17.... 1 44!'.'.'. 60..., 60..., 13. STEERS AND HEIFEHS, 1115 5 25 1125 5 23 ....1225 t?3 ....1380 5 25 ....1430 6 50 ....1346 6 60 ....1226 5 50 ....1221 6 60 ,....1215 6 65 ....1263 5 65 ....1295 5 73 ....1255 6 80 ....1310 5 85 ....1223 6 00 ....1396 6 00 1401 6 no 15K) 6 25 2 30 2 40 60 793 .. 76i .. 937 .. 815 .. 930 .. 800 ..1023 .. 905 .. 760 .. Ml .. 770 .. 935 2 60 .. 970 2 60 .. 871 2 ca .. 977 2 70 ..845 2 75 ..1240 2 75 .. 910 2 75 .. 960 2 75 .. 606 2 85 .. 978 2 85 ..793 2 S3 ..10U0 2 85 ..1010 2 8) .. 975 3 00 ..750 3 00 .1050 3 00 I ?0 1 4 30 20.. 4 35 18.. COWS. 1 90 2 00 2 00 .1010 4 S3 ...1170 5 25 ...1333 6 75 9.. 1. 1. 21. 2. 6. 1. 22 u. 2... 4... 1... 4 905 3 00 990 3 00 ..1250 3 00 ..1020 3 00 ..1080 3 00 ..1170 3 00 ..886 3 00 .. 988 3 00 .. 891 3 03 ,.1150 3 05 ..971 3 10 ,..10S0 3 10 ..1135 3 10 23 9.3 3 15 3 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 6.... 6..,. 1.... 6,... 1..., 947 3 15 12(10 3 25 1032 3 25 915 3 25 810 3 23 1000 3 23 675 3 35 1160 3 35 COWB AMU HEIFERS. 4,... 6.... 5.... 4.... o 14.... 5.... 6.... 14.... 20.... 9.... 7. . . 1.... 3 3 4 3... no 0... 17... 3... 4... 1... 29... 23... 23.,, 1... 3... 1... 23... 987 3 40 1140 3 40 1310 3 50 995 3 60 880 3 50 1093 3 60 .1120 3 GO .1006 3 63 1006 3 70 17 3 75 966 3 75 1224 3 75 925 3 75 1200 3 75 856 3 75 863 3 SO 108 1 3 83 1030 3 90 1016 3 90 1010 3 90 972 3 90 1052 4 00 1210 4 00 ...1200 4 00 ... 930 ...1040 ...1185 ... 830 ...111S ... 930 ...1253 ... 996 ...1173 4 20 ...1023 4 25 ... 9,8 ...1074 ...1132 ...1240 ...1027 ...1013 960 ,...1720 ...1016 ...1080 ...1003 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 no I 20 4 23 4 25 4 23 4 25 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 60 4 50 4 50 4 65 5 486 2 60 18 990 3 70 1 640 3 75 1 750 3 85 3 746 3 15 1 aiO 3 85 1 80) 3 23 12 936 4 0 1 660 3 60 4 1052 t 25 1 830 3 50 1 1100 4 23 1 783 3 63 3 9S0 4 25 4 803 3 70 1 mo 4 60 COWS AND HEIFERS. 16 889 2 70 20 sm; 3 43 UUlvl.M 1 1.... 1.... 1.... 21.... 1.... 1.... O l!!!! 1.,.. 1.... 1.... 1.... 1. 4.. 14., 3.. 1 1310 3 40 1 1410 3 50 1463 3 f.n 1 1500 3 60 1 13S0 3(1) . 650 2 60 .1030 2 65 1290 2 75 1200 2 SO 1220 2 SO 1450 2 83 13i 2 85 1105 3 00 850 3 00 1570 3 00 1540 3 25 1370 3 23 1350 3 25 660 3 30 1 1470 3 40 lEilt' UHO, . 893 3 30 11 918 . 808 3 60 1..,., 930 .1055 4 10 1 1220 CALVES. 2 190 4 7a 2 145 1. 1. 1. 1. 1... 1... 1... 2 1. 1470 3 70 1290 3 70 IflTO 1630 15.13 1670 1820 3 75 3 75 3 85 4 00 4 00 13.10 4 00 .1763 4 00 .1620 I 10 4 15 4 50 4 75 660 yn in .193 88 187 SO 205 .196 88 203 65 209 183 6.. 8.. S3 ..191 . .360 ..197 ..205 ..216 ..200 ..205 ..190 ..209 ..202 2 215 .178 89 207 4 210 77 225 10 208 1 200 St 221 69 208 6 210 . .220 .192 6 25 6 G5 6 75 6 80 5 9J 5 95 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 () 6 00 6 03 6 03 6 05 6 03 6 05 6 05 6 03 6 03 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 12'J 6 12U 6 12la 6 1214 1214 6 12V, .! 111,. 40 Vl 12(4 ... 61214 (. 11 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 12 ...216 ...221 ...231 ...216 ...218 ...237 ...215 ...216 ...191 ...250 ...277 . . .223 . . .206 ...213 ...260 . . .233 ...241 79 197 101 218 71 223 7! 219 71 215 ....232 ....233 62. 54. 70. 66. 67... t S9... 26... IS... 68... 74... 66... 12... 62... Av. Sh. Pr. 6 13 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 13 6 1714 6 17' 120 ie6 40 so 40 120 so 120 so 40 40 40 40 120 40 70. 60. . 7S... 70... 31... 75. .. 21... "4... 63... 60... 66... 76. .. 66. . . n. . . 42... 66... 68... 69... (.... 57.... 61.... 42.... 57.... 69.... 69.... 60.... 71.... 60.... 12.... 46.... Of) '.'.218 '.'.Vis . .237 . .285 ..211 ..239 . .292 ..276 ..247 ..24S ..231 , . .269 ,..232 ,..307 ..292 ..276 . . .321 ...2S7 ,..315 ..343 ,..237 ...313 . .26S ..250 ..360 ...370 .195 40 SO 40 120 200 'so 200 120 SO 40 40 SO 126 120 40 6 20 0 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 2n 6 25 6 25 6 A 6 23 6 25 6 23 6 23 6 ?5 6 30 6 30 6 .10 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 35 6 33 6 35 6 13 6 40 6 40 6 i 6 50 light nnd light mixed. $5.StKK.30; medium ntul heavy, 6 ir.wi.6ii, pigs. $3.5"fr.W. SHEEP Heceipti. 260 head; steady, Cotton MnrUt't. NEW YORK, Jan: 21 -COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, SV; mid dling gulflniiils, 8 9-ISi'; sales. 1.057 bnle.i. Futures closed unlet . January, 7.97c! Feb ruary, 8c; March, S.o7c; April, S.12c; May, S.13c; Juno,; July, S.lie, August, S.oioi September i.TOc; October, 7.67c. Tho mar ket' oponiT steady, with prices unchnnged tn 2 points lower and throughout the dav was dull, with monger changes In values. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 21 -COTTON Steady; sales, 3.9.10 bales, ordinary, W'jc; good ordinary. 7c; low middling, 7 9l6c; middling, 7 7-liV; good middling, 8c, mid dling fair, S9-16c; receipts, 15.1iJ bales; stock, 36i,0SI bales. Futures, quiet nnd stoutly; January, 7.s5fi 7.87c; February. 7.S4 M'.SSc; March, 7,927.'.Uc; April, 7.'.6y7 9H-; May, Sji.s.oic; June,; July, s srp 8.01V. ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 21.-COTTOXQulct J sales, none; middling. 7,156 hales; receipts, 6.662 bales; shipments, 5,892 bales; stock, Bl.tJM bales. GALVESTON, Jan. 2l.-COTTON-Qulet, 7 7-16o. LIVERPOOL, Jan, 21.-COTTON-Siot, quiet; prices 3'jd lower: American middling fair, 1 29-32(1, good middling. 4 21-32d. CofTee, .Miirlict. NEW YORK, Jim. 21.COFKEE-8not lllo, steady; mild, quiet; Cordova, 74illc Tin market opened steady, with prices rtitS points higher, this being In re sponse to better European news nnd prollt-tnklng by room shorts, who feared n shorp reaction as 11 natural sequence to tlio Into protracted decline. Ilnvro closed at a net gain of iffl.f, while Hamburg finished tin day net unchnnged to 'ipfg lower. Santos was weak and down 2l0 rcU. Rio was closed on uccoilllt of n holldty. At midday the mnrket win quite firm, though net prices lnyi.ic net higher, but later selling by early buyers sent prices up ngnln, with the close steady ut n net tulvniici' of f tn 10 points. Total s.iles wepo 29,760 bags, Including Janunry nt 5.70c; March, 5,75fif.Mc; May, S.ooao.noc; Juno. 6.n5o; July, 6.10c; September, 6.3'io; October, e.r.fle.lOo; November, 6.10c; De cember, 6.50c Oil nnd II111I11. OIL CITY, Jnn. 21,-OIL-Crcdlt balnnccs, $1.15; certificates, no bids or offers; ruin, 71,022 bbls,; average, 13,119 bbls.; chlpments, 142.361 bbls.; nvcrnge, 91,583 bbls. SAVANNAH, Jan. 21.-OIL-Splrlts tur pentine, llrm, 4214C. Hnsln, llrm. Quote! A. B, C. D, $1.2214; E II, 1.4f. 1, Jl.7(i; I,, 1; WG. S.1.73: WW. $3.65. TOLEDO. Jan. 2l.-OII,-Nnrth Lima, S3o; South i.iiiin nnd Indiana, 800. NEW YORK. Jan. 21.-OIL Cottonseed, easy: prime yellow, $3. is, llosin, firm. Calcutta linseed, 731. itiiniii, ,,,,n V.UMIU, 14 i E. F, $1.32'4; G. $1.3i!4: L, $2.25; M, $163; N. $3.2..; Turpentine, strong, Rice, firm i.o.Nuurs, jnn. 21. 011 spot, iiis (Id. LIllMcd, 29s. SHEEP Thero wns n liberal stinnlv of sheep and lambs here today, as compared wun tno arrivals 01 me last several nays, but packers all wanted good stuff and as a result tho market had considerable Ufa and could bo quoted fully steady. Any thing choice and nf hnndv welcht wns ln big demnnd and if nnythlng sold higher. for exmipie, n cnoico uuncn 01 ugnt welght yearlings sold at $3.25, which Is tho high price of the season. Other bunches sold correspondingly well, so that sellers wero well pleased with tho prices they re ceived. Everything, Including both sheep nnd lambs, was sold and weighed up nt an early hour. very few reedera were Included In tno receipts, but It Is safe to call tho market strong. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings, $4.9085.25: good to choice yearlings. $4.50 4.90; choice wethers, $l.50fl4.T5; fair to good wethers, $l.26ti1.50; choice ewes, $3.90if4,25; fair to good ewes, $3.003.90; common ewes, $2.75(!f3.&0; choice lambs, $3.75ff6.10; fair to good lambs, $5.60j)C75: feeder wethers, $3.50 dtM.OO: feeder lambs. $i.00(fi4.60: cull lambs. $3.003.73. Representative sales: Nn. Av. 20 cull lambs 56 161 Wyoming owes 149 203 western yearlings 107 yearlings 102 wethers 105 lambs 59 wethers 81 307 western 48S yearling ll western 249 yearling western lamps... 123 western lambs... 17 Colorado ewes... 6 Colorado ewes... 418 Colorado ewes... 59 Colorado lambs. 76 59 82 92 90 79 Pr. 4 00 4 60 4 90 4 90 5 10 6 15 5 23 5 60 6 65 4 00 4 00 4 15 5 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cnttle Slenrty nnd IIork nnd Sheep Loner. CHICAGO. Jan. 21. CATTLE Receipts. 6.500 bend; western steady; good to prime, $6.60537.23: poor to medium. $l.00&6.00: stock ers ana leeiiers. 1.10; cows, .'.zo'i.i; heifers, $2.50flu.OO; canners, $l,OOri2.2.3; bulls, $2.25fi4.00; calves, $2.50i&6.25; Texas fed steers. $3.25fC.25. nous Receipts, 30,01 m nend; estimated tomorrow. 35.000 head: left over. 4.000 head: market 10fil5c lower und slow: mixed and butchers, $5.90f(fi.50; good to choice heavy, $6.30il6.&5; rough heavy, $3.906.20; light, $5.8(f(C.OO: bulk of sales. $3.95T6.30. SHEEP AND ,AJ US-Receipts. 15.000 hend; sheep, steady: lambs, steady to lower: good to cnoico wetners. ji.3UjfD.oo; fair to choice mixed. $3.7o(iJ'l.60; western sheep, fed. $4.25575.13: nntlve lambs, $3.50ij 6.00; western lambs, fed, $5,0n5,85. RECEIPTS-O ncla : Cnttle. 19,058 head: hogs, 36.197 head: sheep, 23,960 head. SHIPMENTS-Oftlc al: Cattle. 3.541 head: hoars, 3,356 head; sheep, 316 head. GOODS for heavy trade and Dry (JiiiiiIn MnrUct. NEW YORK. Jan. 21.-DRY Thero was a moderate demand brown cottons from the home moro lnnulrv from exporters. Aotual busl ncss wus quiet ut nrm prices, tucaciica cottons wero quiet nnd stendy, Coarso colored goods wen llrm. Print cloth ynrn innrics were diincuit to pity mis sniu or April. Prints nnd ginghams were llrm. 15.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years tn Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method naw, without cdttlug. 9lc r Ion of time. CVDUII iQcuredforllfianattiapoliioii OT initio thoroughly clsauied from Ihcayitim. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and fortver. No "BREAKING OUT" of the dlieaie on ths skin or face. Treatment contains xio dangeron irupi or lnjurloni medicine. WEAK MEN. from Excesiei or Victim! ro NCHVOIIB UIBILITY or KXB1 BSTIOtf, W18TINO Wbakmkrs with EAnLT Dcoat In Youno and MionLi Aosd, lack of Tim, .vigor and strength, wiln orgaus Impaired and weak, STRICTURE cured with a new Ilomi Treatment.. No pain, no detention from bust neis. Kidney and llUulder Troubles. - Co$iltltir.C?re,atmtn( by Mall. Call on on or uddrras 1 19 So. 14th St.' Dr. Soarles & Searles. (Mil Neb. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA KimsnH City Live .Stock' 3inrl(it. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.000 head natives, 600 head Tcxans, 600 bead calves; markot generally 10ftl5c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers. $6.00ffl6.90: fair to good. $i.S045.90: storkers and feeders, $3.50(iJ4.75; western fed steers. n.wt6..): Texas and Indian steers, $1.00(83.25; Texas cows, $2.60M,25; native cows. $2.75fi5 00: heifers. $3..Wi'5.00: canners. $; bullB, $2.2fft3.25; calves, $4.00?6.OO. HUUM iteceipiB, zv.iitiu nenii; marKet ww 15n lower: ton. 6.55: bulk of soles. So.TEVui 6.35; heavy, $6.45ii6.65; mixed pnckerB, 56.Wtf 6.45; light, $5.30(ti.:'0i pigs, $1. 655(5.30. SHEEP AND liAHUS- Receipts. 6.WD hend; mnrkot steady; western lnmbs, $5.60 tfcoOO: western wethers, $l.50f3.05; western yearlings, $5.0.po.60; ewes, $1.00(4.60; culls und feeders, $2.iWj4.00. St. I.011I I, Ivo Sloclc Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 2!. CATTLE Receipts. 3,200 hend, Including Toxnns; market nbout Btendy; native snipping nnu export steers, $l.60flfi.35; dressed beef and butcher steors. $1,001(6.00; Bteers under Ui0 lbs., $2.65f5.25: stockers and feedors, $2.657l.25; cows and heifers. $2.(Vfi5.00;, $1J0 (2.75; bulls. $2.104.25; Texas and Indian steers. $3,255)6.20; cows and heifers, $2.0)(f( 3.SX). HOGS Receipts, 10,300 head; mnrkot lower: pigs nnd lights, $5.!Wi6.00; packers, $0.1O5i.3O: butchers', $6.25'6 57H. HIIEEP AKU WAftlim IteceipiB, nil head; market strong nnd active: nntlve muttons, i3.50fi4.75: lnmbs. $5.(0576.15: culls ond bucks. 12.25UI.00; stockers, $1.5092.23. w YorU Live Stock Mnrket, ii, tti i - T 1, titi-Tif r.-a T cplpts, 407 head, mainly consigned direct; r. .r.l..a fnnnitn(l' nn lilnu cflintod Amur. I(W QillVn a a;,rn 11 , t-owtt ltwv.a -,.- nArn t,t 11,Vrf7 lllirt rlrnnunal wrtl it S t refrigerator hwt, at lW10V4c pur lb, Kx portH, beewH, 2,030 aheop and about viiii8. Si.oCKffO.OO. car of western calves at M.EK). . bead; sheep. hIow nnd weak; Inmba, In lUir WCIll" (llli "V ei"-a i nnv.vji( t-'u-. 1,-u, one smnll bunch, $1.60; culls, $2.00; limbs, ilOGS Receipts, 922 head; sternly; west ern hogs, $0.25. Stock In SIkIiI. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho five prin cipal markets for January 21: ' Cntll". Hojts, Sheep. South Omaha 4,000 16. 161 3.6)0 Chicago 6,TM 36,("1 15,0-K) KinsSs City 7.5i 20,000 r.,60o St. Louts 3.2" 10.300 800 St Joseph 2.100 11.000 250 DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO WHOLESALE DRY fJOODS, CHICAGO. E. L.HICKS, General Salesman. OMAHA SALESROOM, 1505 l'-ornum Street. J. E.HOWE, Resident Salesman. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTURltRB AND OBBBIUI OF MACHINERY. GENERAL REPAIRING A IFDCIALTl IKON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. 101, Itioa mmi 1BOB Jaokiia ltrt, Omaha. Neb. Tel. BM. B. eabrlskla. Agent J. B. CrwctU, U$ AN CO. ' Manufacturers and Jobbers ot Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 nnd 101(1 DOUGLAS ST. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Clectrlc Wiring Bolls and Qti Llrhtlnaj. Q. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard UU AWNINGS AND TENT?. Totals ...23.600 93.7S0 23,150 St, Joseph l.lvi Stnok Mnrkrt, ST. JOSHPII, Jan. 21,-CATTU Re celpts, 2,400 head: steady: native, 7.0o: cows and heifers. l.WJ(3.f: venls, 3.5iWi6.25: stockers and feeders. $2 54 51. HOQS Receipts, 11,000 head; lOftlSo loworj Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Omnlin, Ncli, Manufacturers of , Tents and Canvas Goods. Send (or CataloKiio Nuirbcr 33 GASOLINE EN INES. QLDSMDBILE" Olds GasoHns Engine, Olds Gasoline Hugine Works, 1 1 11 Fiiriiiini St.. Oinaliu. 'Iep1innn lOIIK. Boyd Commission Co. Successors to James IC. i;od & Uo., OMAHA, NKII. COMMISSION CHAIN. I'llOVINIO.VS A.D TOCICS, Hoard of Trade llulltllnw. Direct wires to Chlcngo ind New York. CorrccondDc, John A, Warren & Co. ' 4