THE OMAHA DAILY limZ: WJ.DK 1.S0AY, JAIN UAH Y 22, 1002. CITY COOSUL PROCEEDINGS Jide GeriWi ?a!arj Allow&ioi far Lut YearhGitOnt. ORDINANCE FOR HEALTHY BARBER SHOPS Tonxorlnl Artist Muni Do .Mtli'li I'.itrft Work Kvffj- Tlmr Tlify Mltnve a Ctmloincr ltcrrnf tr r Uo .liny llnrk. I'lvo councilman acted upon City Attor ney Connoll'n suggestion at last night's mooting of the city council and passed an ordinance repealing tlio Item of $1,600 for Judge Gordon's salary during tho last halt of 1901, included In the last appropria tion ordinance, and annulling all salary warrants which hnve not been delivered to -Judgo Oordon. Counctlmen Ixibcck and Zlraman opposed the ordinance and It was supported by Councllntim Ilascntl, Uoyc, Trostlcr, Whltehorn and Karr, Tho other two moni tors of tho Council, Mount and llurkley, wero not present. In urging the passago of ihe ordinance, City Attorney Conncll explained that Judgo Oordon never took tho oath required for tho Judicial ofllcer und that consequently ho never qualified for tho olIJco. Tho city attorney expressed tho opinion that bo will have no difficulty In preventing Judgo Gordon from securing any salary which hqs not been paid to hlru bb yet, Ho read from a' number of do clolons in similar canon and stated to tho council that ho will Immediately tako steps to have ,thu order But nsldu which pro Vldcd that tho city should pay Judge Gor don hln salary for 1'JOO and tho first half of 1001. Siiitltiiry llnrlx-r .Simps. Tho ordinance requiring barbers and hairdressers to adopt strict measures to prevent the spread of dleao was adopted by tho voto of nil tho councllmon present, with tho exception of Mr. Zlmman. Tho ordlnaneu requires that nil barbershops and' halrdresslng parlors shall be kept In good .sanitary condition. It provides that razors shall bo dipped In an alcohol solution after they aro used and that nil combs, brushes, clippers and other tools shall bo cleansed with a formalin solution. Shaving mugs and brushes aro to bo dipped In boiling water evry time they are used, and n clean towel is to bo used on ench person. Darbcrs ore not to blow their breath on instruments and aro to cxereiso great caro in keeping their bands and tholr clothing clean. A request was read from Charles S. El gutter In which ho asked that bids bo sought on tho electric lights used by tho city. Mr. Elgutter stated In his communi cation that ho represents persons who do ttlro to mako propositions to tho city for electric lighting. Anottirr llniltli Menmirc. An ordlnanco was passed preventing tho salo of milk from cows which nro fed on tho slops nnd rcfuso from restaurants, ho tels and similar places. Tho measure also provides for tho repeal of nnothor ordi nance which was so worded that it pre vented tho feeding of malt to milch cows. Tho ordlnanco making provision for nnos to bo imposed on tho owners of barking dogs wan defeated by tho unanimous voto of the councllmcn present. A resolution was Introduced by Council man Zlmman which provided for tho Open ing of tho market plnco March 1 and tho miction of market stnlls. Tho measure was n'pposcil by scvoraV councllmcn, who main tained that no market placo has been agreed upon as yet and that no steps can now ba taken to soli stalls. Tho resolu tion. was finally referred to tho commltteo on buildings and proporty. A protest against tho construction of n market houso in a street was submitted to tho council. It borq tho names of 140 cit izens. Councilman Lobeck announced 'that the council will hear from all porsons having - mnrket-houso sites to Bell nt Its general commltteo meeting next Monday aftarnoon at 3 o'clock. him until 11:45, when ho died without re gaining consciousness. It ras first thought that he had taken laudanum, though no trace of tho poison was found by the physician. It Is supposed death was caused by congestion of the brain brought on by alcoholic stimulants, though there was somo symptoms of laud anum . poisoning. The Inquest will likely be held Thursday, DEATH RECORD. Old Soldiers nt Sllilrr. SIBLEY, la., Jan. 21. (Special Tele gram.) Solomon II. Westcott was burled today. Ho was- born in Vermont In 1835, served three years In the Second Vermont regiment and was wounded throo times. He left a daughter and two sons, ono of which Is In tho United States navy. George V Dean, who served In the Ono Hun- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Otiiollatn Appur to E ! Dark Itf ri- il Nw f u Prtjiot. PROMOTERS ARE STRANGERS IN CITY Ilnninrun Mrn Hrgaril MoTcinrnt to Secure Franchise nm n "Strike" nt Omnha fin Company Which Is Heedless. Tho proposition of ccrfaln people to se cure a francblso for the manufacture of acetylene gas In South Omaha Is causing dred and Forty-first Ohio regiment, was considerable talk, but no one appears to quite sick, was reported better yesterday. buried Saturday. He loft a widow. Doth know Just what Is wanted, and so far tho Members of tho Hoard of Education nro nin.r .MM. hnm.niii.r nf members of the council anninr to. h irnn. still on tho anxious seat as regains imnct- ....... '-.. w. . . ' - i mptitn av tna crnnu jury. shows that tho club Is In excellent condi tion tut regards finances. Council (IrnnfK I'rrmlsalon, Acting upon the suggestion of Councilman Vansant, the city council has granted to tho 8oulh Omaha Land company the privllego of grading It street from Sixteenth to Twentieth streets, and thus placing this roadwav In a tiassable condition. Tho ap proaches on O Btreet from Eighteenth to Twentieth streets are to bo graded also. I This work is to bo done at the expense of tho property owners and under the super vision of tho city engineer. Mimic City tinftslp. MIks Cora. Shafer of Lenox. In.. Is hero vlsltlne relatives. A renubllcan rally will bo held at oou- man hall tonight. M. Cnrl Smith of th6 South Omaha na tional bank Is oil the sick list. Mrs. Charles 12. flenrr, who has been LOWER LEV! NOT PROBABLE TtUl Auiiiti Valuation Abiut Half Mil- lion Liu Thai Ltit Ym. Osceola county. Chitrlr XV. Orrenr. IIAPID CITY, S. D., Jan. 21. (Spoclal Telegram.) Charles V. Groone, Bpcclal agent for tho United States land ofllec, died hero last night of apoplexy. He was Btrlckon yesterday afternoon while at work. Ho had been In tho government servlco ten years nnd stationed hero four yenrs. Ho fought In the civil war In an Iowa regiment and was a member of tho Grand Army of tho Ilopubllc and a Mason. Tho body will bo shipped to his home nt Des Moines, la. .1. II. IlpttR. rani ODOUl lUO matter. V Inn- .rrl,.r.t nr t.ronnrttlcr fnr tlln Whllo the proposed ordlnanco granting I meeting of tho stnto association convention tho franchlso has been published in a which will bo held here In May. weekly paper it has nevor been formally ..JCft.'llli,,s..for.1!.y 9j,SeiL!1. ".'HS!. brought to tho attention of tho council, to Clork Shrlgley Is Uert Davis, tho labor anu tnercroro tlio question is not under leaucr. consideration. Tho second ten of tho King's Daughters filtr Aiinm,. t omt,.r .m. .w in wi give nn oyster supper at womiman ----- -..... ii u i u li .uhw i " ii, nil 'I li'iitlf i.ll,t 11 nnfl IN. ulrnnlj n M 'I'lilirM. uiuci iu i-umpiy who too laws in lores uuy evening. a franchlso ordlnanco should first be in troduced In tho council and thon pub lished for two weeks in somo paper of general circulation. This publication and tho stay of two weeks is for tho purpose of permitting protests to bo filed In caso citizens do not dcslro a franchise granted. Section C8 of tho city charter says that It NEW BILLS IN IOWA (Continued from First rage.) i nl. MnlMhorrv. Townsrnit. Porter. Ball. Antirnnrlntlmin durst. Ilnrrltnan. Alex- takes S nor font, of ihn nn vntrra nf fhn nn.lnr. AHvn. Hmlth of Mitchell. Honklns. BEATRICE, Nob., Jan, 21. (Special.) city to fllo a rcmonstranco against tho Machman, Mofftt. Harper. Maytag, Spauiii- Th. nf .T. II. Unit. hlnn,l tn U ,.f n M. .u. , ng. uroOKn, IlUniu, usuu, u... Hartford. Conn., today. In chareo of Under- I slEtia.tiirii in ho itnirnnlno.i iiv.thk mmw I Airriniiliiri Itarrlman. Clnnsn. llrooks. taker W. W. Scott. Tho body was es- of votes cast at tho last general election. Jf,r"VioMV8rl!SroidrlS5 cortcd to the train by.thoso members of So far no attempt has been mado by tho tag) Vilson, Young it Lee, Smith of Oes tho Gage county bar, of which tho dead Omaha Qas company to Bccuro signatures Moines. . In a nnl I n ! .n lnl..,.l. ivuiliumin 1 uiiviui.u, j.w..... tcrday an pany sniu tnat no attention bad been pa tlOt I Hitlna nml Towns Trnwln. Alexander. DCioro tno council, even though It bad Hayward, Illancharu, iiazeiton, urigiuon been printed in a weekly paper. uAMafe tttt "Thoso aaklne for a franchlso aro nrne- I !,., u.m. At riu Mninn tlcally unknown here," said a city official jBupmIo onrly ln February and aro anxiously look- last night, "and unless somo showing Is ii?hi SpUuldlng, ing for name place where a reduction can mado to convince the people that tho pro- Fitznatrlck. Brooks. Wlnnc, Young of Lee, hn mn.i i rnn,iiti,r,.s in answer to the pany at IMtcalrn, Pa., Is burning and Is Ped company Intends to do business, the ""vnftf'and Judicial Dlstrlots-Ha- popular clamor for a lower levy. The city threatened with destruction. Tho twolve franchlso ordlnanco will never pass Its Bee- zcit0nj Hlanchard, Motm, Lister, mtzpat- iCVy last year was 27.6 mills and tho levy It Is uuu ruuuuig. iiirl is, oi course, proviaing ncK, narriman, .inruis, jiucuuutu, - (or school purposes was C. d0. that It Is ever Introduced." berry. Lambert. Lyons- B,lffrnrt , al mntB. RoVcral we, I Among business men tho proposed or-lr-roi aiivm. ninnrhimi. Henley. Hub-1 t tlin low a a it,. ln ,. nnn rn. n I dlnanco is classed na a "holdun" nrhomn. I luinl. Ttrlnhton. Ilobart. Coiirtwrlgllt, . .,...., . n- ,ill nl ' I',... u ii o u . v v. i v o v u u u I. " -. 7 ui..h.t;" m.hnn. TjimliPrt. lor cny iui" "" - week tho origin of tho nro Is a mystery. A inainerenco oi mo umana uas com- Tgunmce-8mith of Mitchell, Ilobart, asked that estimates from all heads of de- number of tramps havo been sloeplng about Pany to the proposition is probably what Allyn, Hayward, Moillt, Lister. Unzolton, Dartmcnts bo mado with a marked rcduo- tho pltce nnd until tho fire Is extinguished causing tho delay ln tho pushing of the Whipple, Maytag, lownsenu. nmmen, . . Uo nfJW hBg n pstlrantes man was a member: Judgo A. II. Han cock, County Attorney II. E. Sackett, It. W. Sabln, V. C. Horsey, Fulton Jack and K. II. McGlr. hAllMAft an lnlk.iil.iii HUM rUIlllB 1 111 IIUIUII VI, JlUUUIt, vj I n in I . petition. In an Interview yes- ciauson, Mardls, Arthuud, Smith of Mlteh- ofllclal of tho Omaha Gas com- ell, Orlswold, Hubbard, Fltzpatrlck, Uar.n- that no attention had been paid man, Hopkins, Hartshorn, Townsend, Por to tho proposed franchlso. aa It was not titles and Townsrrewln. FIRE RECORD. Ilrlek Plnnt at IMIcnlrn, ln riTTSDUItO, Jan. 21. Tho extensive plant of tho J. II. Kumbaugh Drlck com' largo drying houses aro on flro and feared tho boiler houso will also be stroyed. SfilLS PLAN FOR CUT IN TAX RATE Mrnilirr- nt Council nnd nf llnnrd of Kducntlnti Knll In See Where Mitt or In I Itcdtictlnnn Cnn lie Mnde. Deductions which tho Doard of Kquallza tlou made in assessments upon real and personal property amount to not less than J200.000. After tbo Uoard of Itevlow fin ished Its slashing of tho assessments made by tho tax commissioner tho grand total of assessments was almost 300,000 less than tho assessed valuation upon which taxes for 1901 wero levied. The combined reductions of tho Doard of Itevlow and tho Doard of Equalization havo forced tho total aeaessmonts down to halt a million dollars below tbo amotiut upon which tnxes wero collected last year. Last year tho total assessed valuation of Omaha proporty was $30,374,180. Tho to tal valuation for this year Is estimated nt $35,000,000. Tho Doard of Itevlow re turned assessments amounting to $30,102,003 and tho Doard of Equalization saw fit to reduce this sum by at least $200,000. This reduction In assessments will In- tcrforo to a considerable cxtont with tho proposed reduction of tho city's tax lovy for 1802. Granting that tho lovy for 1902 becomes tho same as that for last year 34 mills tho tax derived would fall more than $20,000 short of tho amount turned Into tho treasury last year. In short, tho reduction ln tho assessed valuation Is so great that it will decrease tho "receipts of the- city by a sum equal approximately to that which a lovy of two-thirds of a mill would yield. Looking1 for l'luce (o Cut. Councllmcn aro engaged ln tho discus sion of the tax levy1 which Is to bo mado .fi-r I1AAM All O I . JAIfUDO UIL CURBS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA SPRAINS STIFFNESS SORENESS THE GREAT REMEDY USED FOR 50 YEARS, UNEQUALLED 25 and BO Cents. CONQUERS PAIN It will not bo known whether or not any of them were burned to death. Itnm Xcnr Ilostrrlck. SUPEDIOIt, Neb., Jan. 21. (Spoclal.)- proposcd ordinance. Thnt Library Ordinance. According to tho opinion of City Attorney Lambert the library ordlnanco Is now a law, oven though the mayor neglects to A largo barn belonging to A. W. White, ,lgn lt. Mr. Lambert eays that when tho Jifff'ffciBht11 wTiinc Townsend'" "' living near Dostwlek burned Sunday after- counclI( by 0 maJorltJP vote dec(led to SSffi MrTp&luy noon, ins hiook nnu iiumuu wore saveu, ,, ,i , ,,.' ., nin.n TTonldna. Ilpalev. JunKiu, irewin, vniiipiu, i,. ,.hin u.n An.irnA ti, 7. ' Urooks. Porter. Imbcrt. Ulshop. nollcv means only " ; ' t: n".7. ": i"n. ue:im. a ,aw iMiu r-i! r8htin, rK... "?.aw: oiiowmt year and is " , : , or tno cnici exccutivo oi tno city. Maytag, Clasuen. Hmiui oi muciwu, . -- . , th fAiii iinnn Tim inao win -rfitn Sean in- I ... . .... I t nmhn.t l lone run. in many 01 IUU ."'"...V race or tno ract mat nis veto naa Dcen v"', ""'. ,"Vt n Arthmni. ninnchnrd. , rpcntvn.i lo niiitTii i ii i luuu. i Bchools-Crosslcy. Trewin, Hopkins, under consideration aiid is making every Mofflt, Lister, FltzpiitrlcK. aioicsucrry, fcffort . nnd n placo for retrenchment. WBK "I .lo not believe It will be possible to kins. Younir of Washington, Brooks. Lewis, mnt0 iiin clty levy less than 27 mills wlth- WllBon. Tallmnn. . . , rri flamace to tho city." said Cottn- DUllUIng M ? ' iViVS' -TlinrA u no economy In . Sllowlnc everything to fall into ruin for tno wnr.u, i, ii,n low flnin-n. Such a lncreasca expenses mo extravaganco in tho funds only enough meet fixed charges. Dowcll, Th,8 f) ,ruo 0, Ul0 ,vnter 0J1(1 lighting fund. overruled the mayor insisted upon pro- r-;i nrlswold. ntzpatrlck, seating the names of nine persons aa mom- B"hnor Districts- No reduction can bo mado ln tho levy for hers of the library board. Members of tho tI?lrm . inepiihiri. Lister. Oris- ini,in f,n,iB nn.i if imnrovomcnts are n. .n ... . II .1. ... .1.1. . . ,..t -".. --.,-..... ...II IUU iiiniiin - , jan. i. topecini.; tuuiiun oajr iui.iu uiut uu W0(j( Moieaucrry, wimic, j.hh, . nQ roat reductions can DO roauo imo two miles north of the part of the mayor, as tho appointments Lyons, Voutig of Leo. csnnnininc- in n, inw for other funds." nty. burned yesterday foflowed tho turning down of his voto. 'JJ 'JoS which Is to ba COUNT VON KALKRENTH DEAD Inquest o ncfcrmlne Cntme nf Nudden Terinlnnllnn of Ilia Cnrrcr. Count Kurt von Kalkrcnth of Germany, Known In Omaha as Dr. Schultz, died nt tho City hotel last night, whether from natural causes or not a coroner's Inquest will dotcrmlno. 'Tho body was removed to tho morguo. Schultz camo to Omaha two years ago' from Ocrmany, slnco which time ho. haatjeen a regular boarder at the City hotel, lie had ho occupation, but semi annually received a remittance from Ger many. Ho Informed tho hotel people that ho had a wlfo and slstor nnd many rela uvea jn tno oia country, wno naa com pelled him to come to this country. lis was. highly educated and made a large circle of friends. , Throo weoks ago he recolved a letter from homo and slnco then had been de- , apondont, frequently saying that ho was going to takw his own life. A week ago ho began1 td drink hcnvily. Tuesday morning ho nte breakfast and Immediately went to Ma room. At 8 o'clock last night Oeorgo Thoghoft, an omploya of tho botol, heard groans Is suing frun tho mnn's room, forced tho lock nnd :found Schultz on tho bed uncon Bcloui. Dr. Pcabody and Police Surgeon Dorglum wero sumrooped and worked with DitcIIIuk Nrur Superior. SUPERIOR, Neb., Jan. Thad Davis' fine homo Nora, in this coui afternoon. Tho family wbb away from homo and everything In the houso was de stroyed. HYMENEAL In connection with tbo appointment of nt.e. Tollman. tho library board tho council proposes to Corporations ilobart exorctso this authority Itself, and for that reason tho matter was lalfl over for two weeks. A glanco at tho list submitted by Mayor Kelly shows that seven of tho nlno raembors ho nnmod are from' tho old ward. 'Tho council wants tho patronage . . ni.n.ntli nml Tnnlf. , t I...- i nrncinn nt mo corner ui r-iutt-ini ........ norntions iioiHiri, . uiainjuuiu, .1.10.. - - ...ii.,. it !... ri,,Minr,l llnrrltnnn. WlllntllC. nn HlrrrtB Will nOCCBSlllllU ail i-iimnu.u iiufituuiii i iiii.L.i.1 - . i - - - - , , , Hogue, Tn"mnii. ', , , , . . of about $35,000, about tho amount which vomrt 'ii oi i-iio" y'-H n tnx nf i mill will yield. Additional racm- f i..r. hmlth of Des Moines. ' hers nnd Increased expense ln tho flro do- VI0 J?. . I'uMIl ,th-nachman, Allyn. llrlgh- partmcnt will mako lt impossible to reduce Jld First ton, Moiiu. .rf!JyA:,?SS2"l -,0LSlb"7-' thn lew for tho flro fund. Tho health, atronago urawioru, l0u,lB ui " I ii. iiKm, rit nnd ludement funds distributed bo that each ward will bo rep- Educational Institutions Courtwrlght, ., ,.,, 'nv narlnc ln tho opinion of linuui., 4IV-...1"V., u."-r l nf Ilin rnllllC mCll. NO CUIS Can DO niiina-nrown. r,,J,', XV. M. 'Glass of the Lee-Glass Andreesen Hardwnrn comnanv. and Mrsi Katherlno Drown wero married ln Chicago yesterday resontod on tho board. afternoon. Mrs. Drown formerly lived in Council Bluffs, whero her husband was em- bor ployed In the government secret service Kelly Her home has recently boon at 203 South appointment Twonty-nrth avenue, oniy a row or tne uini i some ui iuu nuuiuu uu mu uumu jjisnon. inttmntn friimriB of thn counle knew of tho will bo cut off. aa it is not deemed ndvls- Ponlt contemplated marriage. - - I t ... It la moro than probable." said a mem- m. . ,'-'V ""i-" inPi,ard. mn.m m the low for inditing, wator rent it, tlarpcr, xoung oi nsningion, nmi oinklnir funds. This leaves oniy tno nnd paving, street clean- general and school funds ln which cuts nro conceded to bo possible. .Sin nil Clinnce tn Save. of tho council yeaterday, "that Mayor Crawford. Harper. Young of Washington, nnd oinvw funds y's list will bo entlroly Ignored ln tbo Porter. Tallmnn. Wilson. ",,rhln ciittrrlnir ilnimentB One thine Is certain and Pharmacy-Hopkins. Kmmcrt, Hayward, curbing, guttering ilntments. ono thing is certain, anu Hubbard, darst, liachman, Wilson, ing and sweeping, i Penitentiaries i h.. nniiint irnvornmnnt In nf- Hubbard, Urooks. Young of Washington, . r ,. ' i. . Crawford, Bishop, v and Pardons Whipple, oung of Leo. Mnr- Ono mill was levlod for street cleaning and swooning last year. The available in- como from this lovy was $32,730.77. Much fairs of the city where largo sums of money Priniine Aiivn. Rrlirhton. Trowln An Altnck of Pneumonia Wnrdod Oft to ,o handled each year. With four dls, Orlswold, Courtwrlght, Lambert, ... . . I ... . , i. . I ltlnhnn. Tiillmnn. "Somo time aco my daughter caught a women on tne Doaru tne men woum uo w.,ii;i rminiinno rmwrnni. i-rniir sevore cold. Sho comololncd of nalns ln her nractlcally helpless, and so the plan now ii0eue. Hartshorn. Lowls. Young of Lee, nf ihls sum was sDcnt in paying old debts. chest nnd bad a bad cough. I gave hor is to select nlno men of standing and eau- tn0iMniiiii!,itnatrirk Ho With $25,000 tho city engineer believes tno Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to cation for the positions." bhS crossloy. Hokuo. Honklns? streets-could bo kept ln fairly good condl- dlrectlons and in two days sho was welLand When tho appointments aro finally mado Harper, Lyons, Portr. tloh. Tho actual Income last year for sower ablo to go to school.. I havo used this and confirmed tho board can go to work E ect remedy ln my family for the past Beven and advertise for bids for a site. niiiimH-iinrtMhorn. Oarst. RuauMinir. 0.27 of a mill. Tho levy last year for gen- ycars and have never known It to fall," Crawford, Lewis, Kmmcrt, Young of Lee. cral fund was 7 mills. No overlap Is to bo says James Prendcrgast, merchant, Annato l.oonlnK City Hospitni. A,m,miernnT.!inr'm.rlannCli1' AloxnmIcr' cared for this year ln tho general fund and Bay. Jamaica. West India Islands. The Mavor Kelly. City Engineer Deal ana ono .,, .uMvf smith nf miii,ii ii i nntlcinated that somo reduction will pains ln tho chest Indicated an approaching or two members of the Board of Health Hayward. Ulshop, Wilson. , mado here. Tho now firehouso and tho attack of pneumonia, which In this Instanco selected a Blto yesterday for the proposed Publlo Uidldlngs-Ilrooks, Mardls, C-nrst, now omersenCy hospital, costing In nil was undoubtedly warded off by Chamber- city hospital. Tho plat of ground chosen rtules-Lewls,' Brighton, Trowln. Hcnloy, nbout $40,000, aro to bo paid for from this lain B lougu uemcQy. n couuioruciH uuy g in tno tar norinwesieru iiari ui uiu uarsi, uowoii, iyons, nun, i-oner. man, Hall, Smith of Des The county has agreed to spond $1,000 Public Lands Hoguo, Craig, Wilson in tendoncy of a cold toward pnoumonla. For Miv nnd is fully four blocks from tho Horticulture , and I'orestry-Bpauldiiig, n.l. n ll m.ol.l. . . y.u.nic,, limn " nearest uuusu. Aioines. 11 . Tno rniinlv has aereed to SDOnd $1,000 Public Ilelall Grocer. Indor.e Union. on Qf Mf ho8 Ur, providng Publlo IMtIob-Vo. Hopkins. f Allyn, At . a meeting . of the retail grocers . of . nBt ,hn of South 0maha maintains It. rmirV n . n hW, ih ni'h.Vvn',,, umana loeni union mo. vu, neuui uicrns- I : . nnr n Itonlth In international Protectlvo association, was I , At n meeting of tho Board of Health to lb union was organized last bo hold today lt is expected that a contract u""e"' i!iYni.n- .of w,,.hh,m ably bo a -ylx-WVe.St,a.S.S: b0 let for th0 'on9truct,on of th0 aSSSSi'" HaBrfcVnUnB '0f '""n. no lers over 100. It : I s tho Inton- building, according to tho plans drawn by Enrolled Ullls-Wlnne, Trewin. Townsend. Wood of fund, however, and will mako any great re duction Impossible. Tho school levy Is whoro tho councllmcn had hoped to sea tho greatest reduction, but members of thn board oxprcss tno opinion that tho levy will bo about tho sarao as that Fish ana uamc iumbert, Hlanchard, of iimt venr. 6. G mills. "Our lovy will prob- about the samo as last year ana cor- not Ipbs than C mills," Bald H. N. tho Eoard of Education. Other Introduction nf IIIUn, members denied tho report that tho school Indorsed. The March by A. S hershlp of twenty twrahln numhfirA tion or tno memners nt inp. union to or- i tne city eugineor. ino ouuuiuk is vo uo S of brick th cement floors It win take thj ntroductIoll of blls levy wl.lboS mills and 1 said that th, board 1M HOOn lO DC imuuiniCll oy inu UlUCin lO HUUUl "i""" u.n.n vv,..-..... v.. Imm.ill.l.l oflni. ITio vnln nn ..nnlnm Will "lliuiHl ". - - ca t pon tne otner unions ot ino city to city ofllclals are ln communication wun . . , ,, ... , "V . iisslst and co-opcniU. with them in or- . U3 . ' . J.... "x.1 ... i nnnounced and President Horriott had an- gimlzlng tho.pther clerks. "About tho 1st tt ,man ""J """ """"'.-'" "'" " o." nounced his committees. The first bill was or veorunry.: sam a. aicuermoii, interna- win possiuiy uu i,.. ......... intPOI,llp. ,. Trwln ami nrnvhlM for n., tlnnai organizer, "wo intena to commence mavor thinks that a tract of land adjoining " " .;. ". " ,. . ' , " 1 r , Wk to Set the other cl ' V "Vo rented rea- BOt"K tn" code' Cr0B81 nl ln 11 bl" shall mako a trip out through tWu state ho proposed hospital can bo ' roMta i Tta.. prt)Vaes (or the legalizing of prl- fffi.2i5..Dakota "nd petreCt wnlza- sonably, and If so the cost of malnUlnlng Iowa and prescribes the tlons there. Mlaa Motile Simon Winn Medql, Tho contest for a Dcmorest medal at tho Tenth Street Mission Inst night was nn en Joyablo elitertntnment. Tho following took part: Florence Payne. Margaret Dufer, Lynn Kllgore, Leo Iteom, Amelia Flack, Molllo Simon, Agues Htltt. Tho contest was decided in tnvor of Miss Molllo Simon, Good Things in a Bad Place or- rifs, puddings, cako and goodies of all sorts (missionaries excepted) aro Intended for human usq, but auch good things should not bo -put In a bad stomach. Thoy are nearly always' made up of nourishing arti cles Mich as milk, sugar, butter, (lour, etc., etc., but tho combinations nro too bard for any but healthy stomachs to digest. You mu?t use carefully selected food If you aro a llttlo below par, and tho sooner you do this tho sooner your stomach will heal up and got strong again o that you cu tat whatever please the appetite. Don't be a crank and think you can only drink hot water and eat white bread. Use Grape-Nuts breakfast food with somo rich cream, and you will discover tho food will agree with the weakest stomach and supply the highest form of nourishment, pre-dlgested nnd ready for quick change Into good, rich blood. Strength (nerve strength) comes from fowling on Grape-Nuts, There's a reason Try It and prove for yourself. It aeums good to be perfectly well and feel wall fed. Taking Into consideration tho reduction In the total assessed valuation of city prop- erty, members ot the city council nro of tho onlnlon that tho lovy for city purposes can not bo reduced materially below tho levy of 1... ...nw OT R Til U 1 a tho nuracB will bo greatly reduced. For ...u,.u .. patients who aro ablo to pay. a charge of " " r " " S v" Ml(h V""C' nBUrnd $1 per day will ce maao, wniio indigents ,nnolvment of chimin n. It you aro looking for speed nnd comfort will Do cared for at tno expenso or tno factories. A bill by when going to New York or Philadelphia, city. The actual cost of maintenance w QoTeg co g ul)ow d UlXurlously furnished Vostlbuled Sleeping, bo B0 cents p"da '? j K Vin to discriminate in coal rates for the Parlor Cars and Day Coaches. Dining Cars savo enough to pay tho cost of caring for . . , , , .,,,.. H(.rvi.n. fled. a la carte Bervico. was Introduced to rote the State untveruity Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls on all anv. - . j,ii.i.i . i.. I iht-nniFh ilrWrtq to New York and Phlladel- . . . , - i . . i uucuiiu ui u uini uuuiuvnai iuji. uun I " " i.; , Vi.-7 rtrtM introduced a bill forbidding tho re , Phia. of Health that tho work of constructing .. . on . ...i.. nA the building will commence shortly after today's meeting. IlecetptH Hteadllr Increnslnsr. Since January 1 of the present year tho recolpts of rattlo and hogs havo been on the Increase as compared with, a year ago. So far this year tha cattle receipts show an Increase of 11,754 head, whllo tbo hog receipts run tho Increase up to nearly 15,000 head. There Is a slight deorcaso in sheep receipts In comparison with the same period of time a year ago, but this is ac counted for by tho fact that tho feeders are holding back shipments for. the early spring market. Clrnnlnir Kldevvnlks, Only a few of tha merchants doing busi ness ln tho downtown dlstrlcs have paid any nttentlon to tho ordinance regarding tho removal of Bnow from sidewalks, and the same may bo said of the resident dis tricts. No effort has been mado by the po llco to enforco tho sldowalk cleaning or dlnanco, and tho consequence is that the walks tn tho business portion of the city are covered with Ice and alusb. Tha atten tion of tho mayor has been called to this violation of tho city ordinances. Ouli Kleets Officers. The annual election of offlcors of tho South Omaha club resulted' as follows; Bruce McCulIoch, president: W, B. Cheek, first vlco president; John O'Hcrn, second vlco president; Walter J. Slate, treasurer; J. H, Brady, secretary. The position of president was tondered to Colonel J. II Wntklns, but ho declined. Mr. Brady was re-elected secretary by a unanimous vote. All of the officers elected havo been promi nently Identified with the club since Its organization. The report ot the treasurer filling of boxes nnd bottles under certain conditions. House Clinliniuimlilua, The houso waited until near 6 o'clock for Speaker Eaton to complete his committees, Tho following are tho chairmen ot tbo prin cipal ones: Judiciary, Clark; ways and means; Tern pie; appropriations, Hughes; railroads, Wise; agriculture, Wright; insurance, War ren; municipal corporations, Carter; banks, Wilson of Buena Vista; private corpora tlons, Head; labor, Buchanan; claims, BtuckBlager; compensation of public ofll clals, Hum; suppression, of intomporanco Stratton; printing, Anderson; elections Cowles; congressional districts, Furry; sen' atonal districts, Hllslnger; pharmacy. Hawk; constitutional amendments, Swoet: publlo health, Elker; retrenchment and re form, Townsend; woman's suffrage, Roomo, Curse -or- DRINK CURED BT White Riboon Remedy Cau He Given In Glass nt Water, Tea or Coffee Without Patient's ICnowledif WhttB Ribbon P.emedv will cure or de (troy tha diseased urpetlte for alcoholic stimulants, whether the patient Is a con flrmnri Inebriate, "a tlnDlcr." social dtinkar or drunkard. Impossible for anyone to inrin nu'nnnnii' u'nmiiii H Kinipnf-a I r. . . .. ' i have an appetite ror aiconouc liquors ainr domestic manufactures, Patton; county and using Whlto Illbbon Ilemedy. township organizations, Blakemore; schools. Dunham; roado, Coburn, normal schools, Kerr; publlo lands, Meservey; orphans' nomo, uummins; usn und game. Crulkshank; Insane hospitals, ' Graff; feeblo minded Institute, Black; fed eral relatione, jaeger; uund asy lum, McNIo; agricultural collego, Oreo ley; deaf and dumb, Jenka; Judicial dis tricts, Sweeley; rules, Koontz. Both houses adjourned to moot at lu o'clock Wednesday morning. Hudoraetl by Member o( W. C. T, I), MrB. Moore, Superintendent of tht Woman's Chrlntlun Temperanco Union, writes: "I have tested White Illbbon Item tdv on very obslliialo drunkards, and the cures havo been many. In many cases the Ilemedy was given secretly. 1 ohaerfully recommend and endorse White Klbbon Kemedv. Members of our Union are de lighted to find a practical anc. economical treatment to uld us ln our temperanc work." .Mrs. Weet, president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, states; "1 know ot so many people redeemed from the curse or urinK ny tne use ot wnim monon lllrlli Itecord. Ilemedy that 1 earnestly request you to glvs lt a trial." For sale by ilruueist every where, or by mail, II. Trial puckuge free The following births wero reported to the city health commlhaloner for th twenty- iour iiourH enaing hi noon 'iiiesuny; ior nellus Norrls. Tenth and Martha, elrl. Owen W. Cowden. 1008 South Fiftieth, hoy; L.,U. Hughes, !12V4 Burt, girl, J Brown 1320 North Twenty-fourth, girl, Tom tiaraer, isoh wniiam, Doy; ioui Vinson it'in ooum Dixieenin, uoy. uy writing or calling on MHS. A. M. rnWNSRN'n ffor vearn Secretary of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union), 21i TItKMONT ST.. BOSTON. MASS. Sold Omaha by MMuapirifenie cut price ounMCircrc o drug store Phone 74T. 8. W. Cor. 16th and i Qoods delivered FUE13 to aay part of city, MAN'S MALADIES AND THEIR CURE I CURE VARICOCELE WITHOUT CUTTING. THUS AVOID ING THE HORRORS OF SURGERY MASIER SPECIALIST Wluitover tuny lie tho cniiBc of Varicocele. Its Injurious effects lire well known. It Is frequently the re sult of Indiscretion, but niny nlso bo cnusoil by blows, falls, strains, execsslvo horseback btcyclo rlilliiK, or excessive dissipation. There Is dull, heavy, dragging pnln ln the bnclc extending down through vrj 161ns', low spirits, weukness or body and brain, nervous du blllty partial or com plete loss of vigor and often failure of general health. you nre a vic tim Of tills dread disease como to our of fice nnd let us ex plain to you our pro cess of treating lt. You will then not wonder why wo hnvo cured hundreds of cases of Varicocele within tho past tjvelvo months.TJnder our trcntinent the patient Improves from tho very beginning, i AH pnln Instantly ceases, soreness anil swell ing quickly subside, tho stagnant circulation Is rapidly restored to its normal condition, nnd tho dilated veins assume their normal size, streneth and Rnunflnnnn All ln.ll.nllnna . . l. ji . i v..wm u. uiscaso ana weaKnoss van ah comnlctolv and in their stead como tho pride, the power and tho pleasure of perfect health and, restored vigor. i' Wo also euro to stay cured by our combined Tunl-"'-. icidnoy and'r Kloclro-Mcdlcnl nturn Tri, n Diseases and all associate diseased nn.i ont,n..- ' . son or by letter Is absolutely Free andVonfldUal.d we g vu to each1 patleTt a Lcgal.Contrnct to hold for our promises. If you cannot caU, write today. References: Best Bunks and Leading Business Men in this City State Electro-Medical Institute 1808 Farnam St., Between 13th und 14th Sts , Onmlui, Neb. ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf nre incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8: aful&o my hearing hn tSVar'M,,ht bCga" ' ,hU keP' tt Ke,""B WOr,e Unt" 1 ,0rt i I. i i " a lreln:nl or ratartli, Tor three months, without any siicceu consulted a num. then cease; but the uX Trf thV affected 7." would 1 KTl ost ffiSr? ,,lal ,hC "ead n"" fia.'J yo,ir nilv.ef!1"eme,lt,,,cc,i,enUlly,I, New York paper, and ordered your treat tnent. After I had used it only a few days accord ne to your directions the uolerraM IVa L;?.V;i.afAf 5 f,ve L W bearing in the diseased ear ha. feen eS Irclv reared" i'A tS utnny uuu ucg io icinaiu very tr uly yours. I'. A. WKRSIAN, 730 8. liroadway, haltlraore, Md. Our treatment docs not interfere with your usual occupation. YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ntoS,BU INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICA00, ILL BiiJUlJfinfVNauM l Ur.l ts4 VoM n.iHUa bun ...I.4 I I(f MiikttliuUsai mm ImIU- . Ma4lM Naaufc I'llll-X J'j (5(9 (9 RESULTS TELL THE BEE WANT A US PRODUCE RESULTS. i CD CD GD 0) 9)00 GDI) jpff DISEASES!! MEN ONLY. I.nsa of Povfer. Organic M'vak iiHH,Viirlcocelo. ItlNPiisva of ll Iirontnto Rlnnd, 1 1 it n a y and Illndtler Trou IjR's, Itiiptiirr, fitrtcliiro und JnllllK'Na for .tlnrrlagc. Established 18CS. Chartered lv tho Htate. Call or atata caso by mall, for Fltiu: IIOMK Till: A.TJI KST. Addrossi Dr, La CROIX, JIN Iron Block, MILWAUUKt:, WIN. This signature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative Uromo-lluininc Tablets the remedy last cure cola Lu osie it.