Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Lifter Hmin; OfflolaU OtmmliiUitn Itiok
t Irieinal Plw.
tScolitrcM Ho Will Hniiiltir Sunn: Ntim
lier of Clerk llnvcrlr "nil lte
Kardlcn of Action of
Countr Dnnrdi
A number of tho Board of County Com
'tntsslonars, whoii tho board bad concluded
Its consideration of tho arguments heard
yasterday against tho proposed pruning of
tho salary list, said that tho schedulo sub
mitted by Commissioner Ostrom at last
Saturday's meeting would probably be
udoptcd with only two changes.
Ono of these will bo In tho office of the
clork of tho district court, wfioro no cut had
been proposed, but where, nt tho request of
Clork Broadwell, thcro Is to bo ono steno
grapher, salnrlod nt $40 pur mouth, removed
nd an assletnnt cost clerk' put on, the lat
tor to draw $70 per month, making an In
ercaso of $35 In tho payroll of tho olllce. Mr.
Broadwell pleaded for tho change on tho
ground that ho had urgent need of ono man
whoso solo duty It should be to keep costs
collocted promptly, Instead of permitting
them to remain In open account for months
or oven a year nfter they should havo been
paid In, as has occurred frequently.
Tho other chango In tho schedulo Is the
restoration to tho list of those to bo re
tained of tho farmer nt tho poor farm. His
salary will bo $25 per month.
Miller and HI" Ilrll.
Tho commissioner remarked nlso that It
might be necessary later to glvo County
Clerk Mlllor ono or more of tho employes
that It had been proponed to eliminate, but
that becauso of Mr. Miller's defl yesterday
tho board will Btand pat until convinced
that tho offleo really has to have (ill of tho
present forco. Mr. Mlllor at noon had said:
"Well, gentlemen, u Is no use for mo to
orguc. All I bavo to say Is that I am clerk
of Douglas county and as such I will ap
point every employe that Mr. Haverly, my
republican predecessor, had, and will go to
court If noenssary to retain them."
Entire K(ntc In llequr ntlicil lo l'rnn
cla T. l'nrker nnil l'aiilrnn
Charles S. Huntington and W. It. Wall,
exocutors, have-petitioned for tho probate
of tho will of William Frederick Parker of
Florenco precinct, who died January 9,
leaving a will In which It Is provided that
his estate which Is said to be a largo one,
Shall go. to two people, whoso relationship
Is not mentioned in cither tho will or the
Huntington and Wall name ns those Inter
ested In tho cstato Joscphtno S. Brlsbln,
Francis T. Parker nnd Paulena Fratsslnet,
but tho first mentioned Is not named In tho
will. Tho first provision of tho will is that
111 just debts nnd funeral expenses shall
bo paid from tho cstato beforo any division
Is attempted. Tho second clause explains
that YV. F.' Parker was the executor of the
cstato of James Monroo Parker of Daven
port, la., and as such Is accountable for
jlG.554.00, which amount tho now executor
may securo from two Insurance pollclos,
ono for $10,000 and tho other for $5,000, on
W. F. Parker's llfo onjl from the cash In
tho hands of tho tatter's executors.
Tho other provisions of tho wilt are that
the surplus money shall go to Paulona
Fratsslnet and tho remainder of all prop
erty, real and personal, to Francis Tadntr
Huntington nnd Wall are named as tho
desired executors, but they cannot act as
executors of tho cstato of which Mr. Par
ker was executor nnd It will dovolvo on the
court to select one.
Tho only rwferenco to tho extent of tho
tstato Is the assertion of tho executors
that thoy bollevo it to havo n value of at
least $15,000.
Announcement of the Thcnlem.
Society Is a llttlo astir over tho engage
ment at tho Orpheuni of Mr. Harry Wood
brown, who Is tho nephdw of n prominent
bank cashier of this city.- Mr. Drown Is
tho handsome young tenor singer of "Tho
Flirtation Quintet," his four asslsants be
ing comoly young women, who know how
to sine and danco. Tho act is a decidedly
protty one, tho music being tuneful nnd
tho lyrics bright. It Is the latest effort of
tho llbrottlsts and composers, Messrs. Mac
Connoll and White, and Uko their "Beaux
and Belles Octette," is a dainty and re
fined llttlo musical gaiety. The other acts
on the bill ofTor a big variety of good en
tertainment. Tho regular Wednosday mat
Ineo will be glvon today.
Josef Hofmnnn, tho wonderful pianist,
will bo seen at Iloyd's Thursday night for
x single concert. Tho tickets aro on salo
for this concert nnd nro golnj;' rapidly.
Judging from tho sale, Mr. Hofmnnn will
repeat the big success hero that has marked
bis tour since leaving Chicago.
Tho engagement of May Howard at tho
Trocadoro Is a continuous succession of
largo houses, tho engagement closing Fri
day afternoon.
Miss Howard, who is an honorary mem
ber of tho "Eagles," will havo many of
tho members of that order In attendance.
Xhiiraday afternoon and ovenlng, tho
"Eagles" having decided to attend in a
body on this occasion.
Clan Gordon No, C3, Order of Scottish
Clans, gives their twelfth annual concert
and ball In memory of Hobort nurns at
Crelghton hall, Friday, January 24. This
will bo tho best celebration of recent years.
Union music; union prompter.
No Time Like The
T,et tho
toast paw,
Drink to tho
After tho bridal tour come those hap
py days of "receiving" at the llttlo
home. 'Tl then that BLATZ J1ESK
"and rriMit welcome makii a mrry
feaat'r It is a most pleasing beveras
for all occasions.
Non-Intox tonic All druretata or dlreot
1416 DobsIw St. Tml. 1081.
1 I 1) a btJrt niLhSmf'C
i ii IB i i
Itev. Clinrlr A. I'nynp Drsrrllics nnd
IlltiMrntm Point of Interest
In Itome.
Through the southern battlefields of the
union, tho quaint cities of Mexico, tho gla
cier grandeurs of Switzerland and finally
over tho Alps to Home, his principal topic,
Ilov. Charles A. Payne led tho fancy of his
auditors at Lowo Avenue Prcsbytcrlhn
church last night.
ltcv. Payne, who Is a brother of Henry
D. Payno of Omaha and who Is pastor of
tho Union church at Berlin, Wis., was lec
turing under the auspices of tho Ladles'
Aid society of the Lowe Avonuo church and
used a stcrcoptlcon to display his pictures,
which nrc of unusual distinctness.
When Introduced by Dr. Stephen Phelps,
pastor of tho church, ltcv. Payno began
by tracing tho history of, tho "Eternal
City" from tho day tho mythical Romulus
Is supposed to havo marked out Its boun
daries with a plow until the days of its
decadence. Having thus refreshed his audi
tors' ncqualntanco with history, tho lec
turer called tho stcrcoptlcon Into uso and
elaborated on tho theme, showing the ruins
of 200 or moro of tho, places of most Im
portance, Including tho ruins of tho ncque-
ducts, fountains, baths, Pantheon, tho
column of Marcus Aurollas, tho Marblo
Fawn, tho flguro of tho dying gladiator,
tho ruins of tho palace of Caligula and of
Nero, tho triumphal nrch of Titus, com
memorating tho taking of Jerusalem, tho
dungeon In which Paul Is supposed to have
been confined, tho church marking the j
place of his execution, tbo cloisters, tne
catneombs nnd all the gruesomo glories of
tho Coliseum.
Off to Florida.
A number of prominent Ncbrasknns will
lcavo Omaha January 29 to onjoy an out
ing In Florida. Many of them will take
their golf sticks; others expect to play
tennis, to fish, sail and bathe.
This mid-winter excursion to Florida will
leave tho Burlington station, Omaha, 5:10
p. in., January 29, and will havo through
cars to Jacksonville. Tho round-trip rate
Is $52.60. Tickets aro now on sale at 1602
Fnrnam street.
"Tumi ii k the Shrew"
A comedy in four nets by William
Hhakespeure. Produced In Boyd's theater
Tuesday night by Delcher & Brcnnnn's
company, headed by Charles B. llnnford
and Helen Grantly.
Ilnptlsta P. A. Nnnnary
Vlncentlo M. C. Stono
Lucentlo Stuart Bccbo
Petruchlo Chnrles B. Hunford
Oremlo Paul Anderson
Hortenslo Irving Knlgnt
Trunlo R. O. Meech
Ulnndello Harold Flske
Orumlo William J. Shea
Knthorlno Miss Helen urnntly
lllnnca Miss Mnrlo Drofnuh
Curtis Miss Emma llayner
Omaha, over ready and always willing
to glvo a hearty welcome homo and plenty
of encouragement to ono of Its sons
or daughters, was called upon last
night to oxtend the glad hand to a
talented young woman, who but a
few years ago was graduated from
tho Omaha High school and who has by
hard work, perseveranco and natural tal
ent elevated herself to an enviable posi
tion in the dramatic world. On tho stage
sho Is known as Helen Orantly, but by her
former associates and Intimate friends as
Isabel Ooldsmlth. Although this Is her
second season on the stage, Tuesday night
marked her first appearanco beforo the
public of her natlvo city. Tho audience
was fairly large and qulto distinguished,
as well as 'unusually enthusiastic. After
tho last threo acts Miss Grantly wns
forced to respond to encores, which wcro
extended In recognition of her good work.
Mr. llnnford Is woll known to Omaha
theater-goers. Few actors aro more cap
ablo In Shakespearean works.
William J. Shea's Orumlo Is worthy of
cspoclal mention, while tho Brnuca of
Marie Drofnnh was satisfactory.
Miss Grantly was tho recipient of sev
eral handsomo floral tributes.
Tho engagement continues this after
noon and terminates tonight.
An Extract from Her Letter.
"If you could only be hero this winter
morning nnd see for yourself, you would
no longer doubt me. Roses are blooming!
In our front yard, nnd nil nature is as far
advancod in this !ov!y American summer
land ns It will bo' in your cold castorn homo
by June.
"We made the trip from Omaha to' Cali
fornia via tho Union Pacific to avoid the
detour routes. ,
"As less tlmo is consumed on the Union
Pacific In reaching your destination, thcro
nro fewer incidental expenses en route.
"It you want to reach California without
suffering any of the inconveniences of win
ter travel be suro that your ticket reads
over the Union Pacific. It is tho only lino
running through trains from Omaha, (com
peting roads have Just one .car, going over
four or five different lines onco a day, only),
We rodo on that great California train,
'The Overland Limited,' which surpasses
any train traversing tho American con
tinent." For further information call on or ad
dress city ticket ofllcu, 1324 Farnam, 'phono,
316. for a Half i Day't WorU.
If" you live In the country or In a small
town and have a good acquaintance among
the farmers and stockralsers In the neigh
borhood, you cat; rat'-; $5 easily by four
or five hours' work. Write us and we will
end you our proposition. The Bee Publish
ing company. Solicitors' Dent., Omaha, Nab.
All Saints' Parish Aid will servo a dinner
Wednesday and Thursday at 1513 Dodge St.
Shampooing and alr dressing, 25c, at Jbo
Bathery. 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716.
Genuine Imported Bock Beer on draught
at Maurera', 1306 Farnam.
Publish your legal notices In the Weakly
Bee. Telephone 238.
' MttrrliiKC I.lcenaea,
Tho following marrlngo licenses wore is
sued yostcrday:
Name nnd Residence. Age.
Pntrlnlc II. rvnnnnell. Council Bluffs 31
foro A, Mikesoll, Council Bluffs 27
James II. Martin, Omaha 42
Emma Jean Godso, Omnhn 33
Harvey Hurd, Council Bluffs 33
Elizabeth Blgley, Council Bluffs IS
Fred Hnffke. Omaha 37
Louise Jakubect, Omaha i...2S
The contest of, the Crolghton Oratorical
nssoclntlon takes placo nt University hull
Mrs, E. Iter nnd daughter Molllo leave
today for a short visit with friends In St.
Joseph, Mo.
The Original Boss Ball club will glvo a
dance nt Thurston Hides armory, 616 North
Sixteenth street, tonight.
The governors of tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Den
were to havo elected officers last night
and though several were on hand itt the
Omaha club the action was postponed until
Tuesday night of next week becauso of the
ubscnen of Thomas A. Fry, the president.
Pnxton & Vierllng Iron Work held Its
sixteenth nnnual meeting and reelected ns
directors: W. A. Paxton, Hobort Vierllng,
Louis Vierllng. A. J. Vterllng nnd W. A.
Paxton. Jr. Tho otltcers for tho ensuing
year aro: W. A. Paxton, president; Rob
ert Vierllng, vlre president; Louis Vierllng,
secretary and treasurer, cud A. J, Vierllng,
Itelntlvps of Clillil'n .Mother lieu In
IlntiPiiN Corpus I'roeeedltiKS In
Comity Court.
Relatives of the child's mother havo be
gun habeas corpus proceedings In tho
county court to secure possession of Mnry
I). 8. Corrlgan, aged 1 year, nnd now under
tho control of Margaret J. Wclr, residing
In South Omnhn. These relatives havo se
lected Hosann M, Fitzgerald, an aunt, as
Tho Ihfant stands a good chanco to have
considerable court experience beforo all her
first teeth aro cut, as tho present proceed
ing follows .others In tho samo matter al
ready begun In probate and district court.
Tho explanation Is found In tho fact that
an estnto of $12,000 or $15,000 Is Involved,
being that of Ilernnrd Corrlgan of South
Omaha, who died laBt June.
Corrlgan's wlfels death preceded his own
by only n month or two and only two hours
boforo his last breath, It is alleged, ho
deedml all his property, personal and real,
to his mother, Anna Corrlgan, leaving tho
child unprovided for. The final olm of
tho parties who aro taking the present ac
tion Is to havo thin deed set nsldo and tho
property given to tho child.
Tho quickest tlmo to Hot Springs, Ark.,
Is rondo by tho Southeastern Limited of
tho 'Frisco system, leaving Kansas City
nt 6:30 p. m., reaching Hot Springs at 3:15
the following afternoon. Excursion rates
dally. You can learn all about It nt tho
passenger office, 2Q5 South Fourteenth
street, Omaha.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
We will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 23S.
Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 25c, nt Tho
Bathcry, 21C-220 Beo building. Tel. 1710.
Steinway Piano
Josef Hofmann
Worthy companions in tho advance
ment of musical art.
Mr. Hofmann says of tho "Stein
way." "Their sympathetic tone,
quality nnd perfect action fully sat
isfy me."
For tho past century Stelnwny
pianos havo been tho dnlly associ
ate of all tho great artists of Amcr
k d Europe.
Notice tho wording of an opinion
given by a master whom the entire
musical world rovores Franz Llstz:
"Tho 'Steinway' is a glorious mastor
pleco In power, sonority, singing
quality and perfect harmonic effect."
Our selection of these famous In
struments Is unusually largo at this
time, afford lug an excollent oppor
tunity for thoso who d'cslro only the
BEST to mako their selection in
Omaha rather than Chicago or Now
Wo guarantee our prlco to bo as
low as in any city of Amorlcn.
An early inspection of these artistic
instruments is cordially Invited.
Sole State Representatives for the
Steinway Pianos.
v 1313 Farnam St.. Omaha
Telephone 1625
Sherman & McConnell's
FOIt THIB WEEK wo shall sell drues
at tho following prices FOIt CASH:
Wo have engaged moro clerks and shall
bo ablo to corn for alt promptly. Our
i-rescnpuon .Department is in tno tinao
ment and prescription clerks nro NEVER
INTERRUPTED in their work or other
wise nnnoyed by tho rush of trndo in our
sales department.
2fc Lnxatlvo Bromo Qulnlna. I2u
2."c Hill's Cnscara Qulnluo 17o
J1.00 Llstcrlno (Lambert's) 69c
GOc Cnldwell's Syrup Pepsin 29c
21c Allcock Porous Plasters for 12o
l.oo uurnnnm's Beer, iron ana Wlno.. 60c
Hitter Water, Hunyndl Lajos for 15c
10c Bromo Seltzer for 6a
$1.00 Bromo Seltzer Mc
2.-K! uhnmberiain n cougn syrup for.... 17c
$1.00 Duffy's Mnlt Whisky for 7(o
25a Dandurlnn for 20o
foe Danderlne for 39c
$1.00 Dnnderluo for C1M
$1.60 Fellow's Syrup for 93o
'Sic Frostllla for - 19o
2So Garfield Tea for 20c
Wo Hind's Honey 'und Almond Cream
for , 3So
$1.00 Hood's Snraparllla C2o
26c Howell's Antl-Kawf 17a
$1.00 Kilmer's Swump Root K2c
26a Sozodont 2oo
$1.00 Malted Milk for 67o
$3.75 Malted Milk for $2.G9
Wo Marshall's (called by some "Lle-
blg's" Extract Beef) for Ho
26c Mistletoe Crenm for 14c
$1.00 Newhro's Herplcldo for RSc
ROc Omega Oil for Sic
60c Parker's Hair Balsam for 40o
60c Plnaud's Eau do Quinine for 3Sc
25o Plso Consumption Caro for 16o
60o Pond's Kxtrnct for asc
33c Port Wlno for 35o
60c Pyramid Pllo Cure for 40c
26a Rublfonm for 20c
23c Shlloh's Consumption Tonic 17c
$1.00 Tcmptntlon Tonic 29c
$1.00 Wlno Cnrdll! , 60c
SI.Oi) Coke's Dandruff Cure 76o
Dr. WeMtmnl'H Coldolds (ono day cold
cure) 26 tablets , , 25c
60c Kodol Dyspepsia Curo 40o
$1.00 West's Nerve, nnd Brnln Treat
ment .., , lGc
60c Donn's Kidney Pills , 0c
50o Agnew's Catarrh Remedy..,, 40c
60c St. Jacob's Oil 40c
$1,01) Hostetter's Hitters 750
2."c Hurkhart's Vegetable Compound.., 20o
25a Sloan's Liniment 20c
$1,00 Five Drops Snc
$1.60 Vln Mnrlanl S9c
60c. Cnscarnts 40c
$1,00 Austin's Dandruff Curo !.,., 750
$1.00 Plnkluim's Compound C9(i
26c Woodbury's Faclnl Soap ia
Sherman &.McGonnell Drug Go.
"The Drug Store on the Corner."
Only 6 Days More
and tins grout Rule will druw to u close. The time is short
und iu order to dispose of every bit of our
$500,000 Stock of
Smoke and Water
Damaged Merchandise
we liuve niude still further reductions. The values are
absolutely -without a parallel.
$1 Kid Gloves 10c Pair SIO Raglans 83.98
All tho ladles and misses' dnmnged Women's flno rnfilans, yoko back and
kid Kloycs, some slightly soiled, front( ,n oxtoriifl aml f f (?
principally small sizes, -if, castor, worth fully $10 , 5 Vl cS
M, 80 t. 1UC on salo nt
pair w
50c Pearl Buttons 3c Dozen $,2,5 Automobiles 94.98
All tho largo and Bmall pearl buttons Women's flno automobiles In kersey,
In white nnd fancies, somo meltons nnd cheviots, In oxfords,
n llttlo dnmaged, all ro at, -TffTJ tans, castors and black, full satin
Uozen lined, with yokes nnd A f C
40c Buckles Jc Each Zllltr:. 4. V O
All tho fancy trimming buckles in ce n.,- r 4- o sn
Kilt, oxidized, Jet. hundreds "OX LOatS $1.5U
of styles, somo a llttlo dam- "if , , I . , .. . ,
aged, worth up to 40c. at Wou1cns hox coat" ln avy oxfords,
full lined, good materials, largo
5C Embroideries liC Yard storm collars, regular ev
All the narrow embrold- -j , f vnl,,C3' lt3J
cry edging, slightly I oC '
aiTS VTZy. dSZ Wo' e" 's 52 Skirts 98c
bwIsb, nainsook and cnmbrlc, In all Women's black dross eklrts with' rlb
wldths, worth up to COc bon trimming, flounce effect, well
K.K'.f?f.0:. ,OC Hned, perfect hanging Qft
u garments, regulur prlco Vlt2
I2ic Hosiery 5c Pair 20-at
ah tho odd lots of ladies- Women's $8 Golf Skirts 4.98
and children's fast black JtO
hose, go at Women's lino golf skirts made of
2Sf llnciprv Iflr Pair hcavy oxoris nnd Kra' fabrics, with
iDL UUiiery lUC fair stitched flare flounces, nnd bands and
All tho ladles', misses' and boys' fast self-strapping, a -v -v
black hosiery in heavy ribbed blcyclo actual $S values. c. KJk
and school hose, prlco -v nt -
every whero 26o pair, llJC
so at ji jviuslin Underwear 49c
25C Underwear 6C EaCll Immenso lota of ladles' lino muslin
All tho children's winter underwear. nml cambrto drawers, Bwn8, skirts
in small sizes, Includtug heavy ribbed aml sklrt chomlse, trimmed with fine
nnd fleece lined, some aco nnd embroidery, somo A fv
worth up to 25c, l3C slightly smoko dam- 4LjLt T
go at aged, worth $1, go at
"That You, Alice?"
Hotter come to our big soap sale Satur
day, tho 25th. and icet that black off your
face. 'Taint no uhnap "skate soap" a
better soap was novcr sold for 10c a enko.
You know tho soup It's thuMiest In Amer
ica. Our prlco Ih'IBo u box of threo cakes.
Sco It In our window. Mall orders filled
promptly. Comes In live colors, glycerine,
olderllower, lloral honey, oatmeal and vio
let. Another big shipment of Llcblg Kxtrnct
of Ueof
DOC Sl7.0 ! ISC
4-ounce size, regular prlco 75c, for
S-ounco size, regular pneu ior.... iuu
Hi-ounce size.' reculnr nrlce $2.50. for.. .$1.25
50c Cnldwell's Syrup 1'epsln H'tt
c syrup Kigs w
COc Omega OH Ic
$1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic, guaranteed. . r.o
$1,00 liutler's Kemnlo Regulator 75c
$1,00 Hoxine Pills Trr.c
$1.00 Temptation Tonic 27c
fTlils Is tho cenulnc.)
$1.00 Wlno Cnrdul 40c
$1.00 l'eruna, ono to a customer B7c
25c Danderlno 18c
25o Laxutlvo Bromo-Qulnlne 12c
25c Qulnncetnl, best for colds 20c
SGHAEFER'S ' IlruK Slorr.
Tel 74T. S. W. Tor lUh nntl Clileimo.
Goods aelivered FIIKE to any part ot city.
Especial attention given to
Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully,
screened 'with prompt efficient de
livery. G. B. HAVENS & CO.,
1522 Farnam St.
Tolophonos 317 and 823. ,
for Keep tig
Papa Heme...
The lnrgo and increasing
popularity of mixing drinks at
homo bo ns to keep the men
folks away from clubs, etc.,
I makes it advisable to placo In
ovory household In clear and
concise form the best nnd new
est recipes In uso. A llttlo
booklet given free to all who
call at our store.
Fine WlncB mid Tnlilo Liquors,
OipoWc l'ovtalllce, 'I'eleiibuuu 1148.
Mall orders promptly filled.
City orders delivered.
Bee Want Ads
Produce Results
Sputy tt Vstrlaitaa
Food Inspector.
Offloa and Infirmary. 23th and Mason Btu
Telephone. US.
ureal moutlily reKu
laion itrunct'tt. bet,
f iU:contaln Lnrot.
Tinir. Pcfinyruyali nut a iliulu failures lunnett, mux
outtluate cuici relieved lu few ilaiii I2MI t
Bbcrmtn iilcCsnnell. drugsttu, 1Mb snl DoJgo it
lzr SONS
Our flvo piano parlors teem with tbo
finest specimens of tho plano-makcrs'
art, nil tho new twentieth ccnturv
Ideas of placo architecture, In rare
nnd fancy veneers, from all parts
of the world, mahogany from San
Domingo nnd Luzon, French burl,
striped Italian and Circassian wal
nuts, quartered and circular-sawed
oaks, gcnulno rosowooda, fancy but
ternuts, marbcllzcd birch and mnnv
others. Wo represent nearly all tho
old nnd renowned factories, such ns
"Knnbo," "Kimball." "Kranlcb
Bach," "Hallot & Davis," "Melville
Clark" nnd about a dozen others.
This year wo shall soil pianos on
closer margins than cvor. Wo are
determined this shall provo the ban
ner year of our twenty-olght, nnd to
this ond shall bend ovory energy to
pleaso each und every customer. Our
old motto, "EVERY CUSTOMER A
moro stress luld on It than over.
Our prices will ALWAYS BE THE
LOWEST, our terms will ALWAYS
I5l3and 1515
Douglas St.
NACE' A money saver and nn un
excelled heat producer
$8 A TON
Nlco elze, economical, clean,
S5.50 A TON
SUII Nn. tilth HI.
Tel. lilUH.
IJlVnCil' Annual Clearing Salt of
IlAT UCllS Women's
The Ulg Storo's entire stock of Heavy Wrappers must bo sold regardloss of cost
or vnluo, to uiaku room for spring goods.
Go dozen l'lquo Flnnnellotto Wrappers, mado with sep
arate yoke, extra waist lining, ruffle over shoutdor; fin
10 dozen
J our cholco
materials, somo
Men's Furnishings Specials
$1.50 Oxford Mufflers at 25c.
All tho flno MufTlera that sold up to $1.50,
closing out at 25c.
Men's 50o and 75c Outing Flannel Gowns
at 25c.
Men's $1.50 Star Shirts, ln nil sizes, at
Men's 60c Whlto Laundered Shirts, tho
Griffon brand, at 49c.
Special Sale on Embroideries
Closing out everything lu tho lino ot Em
broideries and Insertions.
Flno Embroideries and Insertlngs, per
yards, lc.
Big lot of 6c and 7'4c Embroideries and
Insortlons, per yards, 2V4c
Elegant assortment 15c and 20c Embroid
eries for 5c.
Big lot of 35c Embroideries, "iic. ,
Fino lot of 35c Embroideries and Inser
tions nt 10c.
Big lino of Cornet Cover Embroideries,
extra wide Embroideries, worth COc, to
$1.50, on sale at 29c.
22 lbs. finest granulated eugar for $1.00
24 lb. sack ryo flour, 49c.
4 lbs. hand picked navy toans, 15c.
2-lb. can sweet GUgar corn, 714c.
2- lb, can early Juno pens, SVic.
3- lb. can fancy gardon beets, 74c
Burnham's hawty julllcou, per package,
Fancy evaporated raspberries, per pound,
Cholco cleaned currants, per pound, OVSc
Wednesday tn the Bargain Room
Bargains for our retnll customers
turers Mold to In this room.
Dress Goods
114-Inch strictly nil wool chovlots, nt 49c.
C2-lnch strictly nil wool storm serges, at
42-Inch grnnlto cloth, worth 75c, nt 49c.
40-Inch nil wool hcnrlottn, worth 75c, at
54-Inch heavy all wool plaids, worth
$1.50, at 49c.
64-lnch all wool sacking, worth 75c, nt
38-Inch strictly nil wool Venetians, etc.,
at 49c.
38-Inch grnnlto cloth, worth 75c,i at 39c.
36-inch all wool hcnrlettaB, worth 69c,
at 39c.
38-Inch black figured satin bcrbor, nt 39c.
42-inch storm serges, worth 50c, nt 25c.
lC-lnch fancies, worth $1, nt 23c.
30-lnch henrlottas, worth 50c, at 25c.
2S-lnch henrlottas, half wool, at 7Vic
28-lnch jacquards, half wool, 714c
28-Inch plaids, half wool, at 5c.
$16,00 dress patterns, $3.98.
$12.60 dress patterns, $2.98.
$10.00 dress patterns, $1.98.
French Flannel and Challis
All our strictly all wool French flannols,
worth 75c yard, in dots and small figures,
will go nt 25c yard.
All our fine Imported chnllls, that wo
sold in tbo bargain room nt 50c, go at 25c.
The nbnvo Is a 20-yoar gold-tilled case, Elgin or Wnltham movement, guaran
teed ono year; llrst-ciass timeKoeper; sous rcguiariy ior tiz.w, reduced lo J10.00.
Boys' gold-filled .watches, regular prlco $10.00, reduced to $7.60. Ludles' pole. tilled
watches, 20-yeor case, American movement, regulur prlcn $15.00, reduced to $12.50.
Jeweler and Art ibtii and hovovah ktbj
Stall oners order given careful attention. Beleo-
Uon paciULgea sent to reaponslblo parties
Not Lost,
But found
Shradcr's Tcn-Mlnnto nendaclio Pow
ders to bo aK suro euro for laondttches.
If in doubt, try Shrader's. Sold by drug
gists or Kent by mall for 10c and 125c.
W. J. Shrader Medicine Co.,
Nw York Boom 10, No. 30 East lit it
r 1602 N. 24th Ht.. Omaha, Ntb.
Dental Rooms
AVo stop decuy, savo broken
down teeth and oxtract teeth
positively without unlit.
Gold Crowns $5.00
ished In brnld, inado with 12-Inch flounco; former prlco
$l.f0, on salo Wednesday nt COc.
"5 dozen ladles' flno Flnnnolctto Wrappors, trimmed
in volvot, embroidery and fnncy braids, 15-lnch flounoo,
handeomcly trimmed; worth J-.00 and SS.GO, Wednesday's
salo prlco 9Sc.
20 dozen of our finest Wrappers, made of Imported flan
nelettes, nicely made, with collars, ruffles nnd reveres ln
nil latest styles, handsomely trimmed ln silk, velvet, satin,
ribbons and Imported fancy braids; worth $1.00, for 11.50.
10 dozen Wool, Flannel nnd Cnshmero Wrnppere, lined
throughout; wo will closo out Wednesday at $2.95.
During ThiS SfllC wo v Placo on our counters
Flannel Waists, worth J1.00. at 25c.
100 Astrakhan Collarettes, worth $4.00. $1.45.
of any Suit ln tho house mndo
ot finest
silk lined throughout, worth up
to JtO.OO,
tor only $ii.?5,
Your cholco of any Jacket on our counters, for this salo
worth up to $20.00 at $3.9S.
Tho Eppstoln, Moyer & Isaacs' salo Ptlll going on.
Bigger values than over being offered.
Men's Whlto Unlaunderod Shirts, ln all
sizes, at 25c.
Men's Wool Shirts nnd Drawers, made to
sell at $1.50, on salo nt 75c.
Mon's 25c Socks, ln plain and fancy col
ors, at 10c.
Men's Hcnvy Working Gloves and Mit
tens at 25c and COc; worth double.
Men's $1.00 Hcnvy Underwear at 49.
SI, 50 All-Over Embroideries
59c Yard,
Wo place on calo 100 pieces of tho latest
novelties in All-Over Embroideries nt less
thnn ono-half of tho regular price. It I a
llttlo early for this lino of goods, but tho
prlco Is bound to nppeal to you. Only 59c
per yard. Sultnblo for yokos, shirt waists,
underwear trimmings nnd corset covers.
Do not miss our opening Embroidery
Campbell's soups, mock turtle, tomato,
oxtail, etc., etc. 1 can makes enough for
six persons, per can, 8!4c.
On Tlmo yeast, per package, 3c.
Quaker oatmeal and graham crackers,
per pnekago, 7',4c.
Good country butter, per pound, 14c
Strictly fresh eggs, per dozen, 23c.
Just received ono lot of fancy dressed
chickens wo will put on anlo nt 7c.
only. No peddlers, dealers or manufac
WIDE, AT 5c.
All our yard wldo Imitation French flan
nels, to closo, worth 19c, at 5c;
All our yard wldo remnnnts of outing
flannel, worth 1214c, nt 5c.
All our remnants of 15c and 10c percales
will go nt 5c.
All our flno prints, remnants, will go nt
All our 5c npron ginghams, 3c.
All our 10c Shaker flannel, Dc,
Boys' Clothing
Boys, $2.60 2-plece suits, at 95c.
Boys' $3.60 2-pleco suits, at $1.50.
Boys' $5 3-plcco suits, at $1.95.
Boys' 75o corduroy pants, at 25c.
Boys' 75c all wool pants, at 35c.
Boys' $1.00 all wool panU, nt 60c.
Boys' $2.50 long pants, at 95c.
Underwear Sale
Men's 60c hosiery, fleoco lined shirts and
drawers, at 25c.
Men's whlto unlaundercd shirts, regular
60c quality, at 25c.
Mon's $1.00 hcavy Jorsey ovcrshlrt., at
Men's 25c heavy wool socks, at 10c.
Shirts aud Drawors, worth up to $1.00,
at 39c.
1 lot ladles' and children's stockings,
worth up to '25c, nt 5c.
Men's nnd boys' 50o heavy Jersey over
shirts, ln all sizes, at 25c.
WATCH $10.00
& Ryan Co.,
We havo a few first-class cameras
of standard mako which wo aro clos
ing out at greatly reduced price.
Anyono lu need of a strictly first
class camera should not miss this
Among them Is a Poco camera, 62x
82, fitted with flno Zeiss lens. List.
$113; sell for $75.00.
Robert Dempster Co.,
1215 Farnam St.
Excluslvo Dealers in Photo Supplies,
Prices '