SPECIAL JOTICB Advertisement for these column trill tin taken unlll 111 m, for the venlng edition anil until 8. HO p. uii (or niornlna; ami Snndny edition. Hntc, 1 l2o n vord II ml Ineertlon, le a iron! thereafter. Nothing tnken for leu than ilflo for the first Inser tion. Tlieee ndvrrtlaetaenta must b run consecutively. Advertiser, lr rcuneatta; a num bered cheek, can have nnarfera ad treaaed to a numbered letter In ear f The flee. Anarvera ao nddreaaed will he delivered oj preaentalloa mt taa keek ! SITUATIONS WANTED. U'A V'l'Pfl ku vni.nv man rlfftlt VPIlM In mercantile business, would like a lino of porting goons or cutlery ior n ww iu territory; o proposition In other, linos Considered. Rend proposition, with. x- Betid proposition, with x ury nnd 'commission. Address Of lice, A-71S 23 Dennett, unliirv nnd 'commission. Address - - - - . , i 17, care POSITION liy mnn nged 30. good educa tion, references nnd bond. Box 11S3, , Plnttwnouth, Nob. A-M930 21 wanted-male in: LP. GOOD messengers wanted, Incrcuecd pay, A. D, Co., 212 South 13th. B i- iiTianv nrb nmntiible work, for Iioat. energetic hustlers. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard, D-910 -. tMMf.'A ITAI.t, nAY'S WOI1K. If you llvo In the country or In avsmall town and hKVo a good acquaintance among the farmers and stock misers In tho neighborhood you CHn make rive dol lars easily uy lour ur uvu iiwain vv Write us mul vi will send VOU our DroDO- sltlon, Tho Bio Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., 0.-naha, NCU. B-M213 WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for- Tho Iwentlnth Ccntur Fnrnrer. UUr aents mako good wages oveiywhorc. Reteienccs rcuuircd. Address,. ..Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Nop. li-MJ FREE1 FREE! BR 13 13 1 Shave nnd hall cut. Motor Harbor College, 1C23 Farnaln St., 3d floor, "j0!', ,4' A GOOD bookkeeper; stato exnorU'ncc and salary wanted. Aduress Uox J, Deo olllce, South Omaha. U-M4I3 When You Write to "Advertisers remember it only takes nn extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tho ad In Tho Uee HOY to lease, paper route, paying about $7.M per week profit. Ino.ulro 633 Paxton blk. DA Fill ICR to travel. ' Address J. H. Free man. 20S Miami St., lrqmon t -jfJjj , 21, ONE carrlagev wood worker. Co., 21th and Grant. Relnhardt & H-807 21 WANTED Men to learn the barber trndo; i.nvn fiw.im ii t ii ii t nnvo vears of ap prenticeship; our method of frco clinic gives us constant practlco and our in structors are especially, prepared for .1,.,!.. mnrV In tomthltlir lllilr Ull(l Skill dlS- eases ns well as tho regular work at tho chair; tho itverugo time required Is eight weeks, but students aro not limited to that tlmo: wo do not conduct a 6c shop nnd call it a college; our method Is the iimn im ortinlnvril liv dental and surgical Institutes pnd H calculated to elevate harboring; uur dlplomiiu nro u worthy arshlp; board. to'olB and transportation If desired; beautifully Illustrated cataloguo . 1 1 r.nrt fnlnf Itnrlmr nnllei;e. 1023 STfe Molo'r linrbor College; 1023 1'arnam St. U-M850 23 WANTED-Immedlately, thoroughly ' ex- l iiniibk,(!t)er..camtititcnt to handle I set books of largo wholesale house, tako i,ninnnna n Mmi ti vnutic man. Hober, reliable, gopd penman. Stato age. S3. if can't' ilfl rcnuiruiuuiiio. a to. iiw - RANTED, bright, energetic men to work Call t on, R. S, Thoman, 623 S. 18th st Omaha, Neb. , tH-M931 23, WANTRn.-ilrmatito noil' rrrocerles' to-the retail grocpry trauo in .umqiia ana viciu- i IV for a Chicago Iiouso hivlng.an estb- llsficd trade; only experienced grocery salesmen or grocery cierns nceu nppiy. Address S 10. Lord. & Thomas, Chicago. , , 11 M929 27' HAI.KSMKN WASTBD, HAi.FSMn' wnntnil! full line nursory stock; plcntj-peach trees: outllt froe; pay WCCKiy. i,awrcnco nursery -u., i.ure rencc, Kan. -M031 Fil WANTED FEMAIiH 1IEL1'. WANTED. 200 girls. 1621 Dodge. Tel. 878. C-941 WANTED, two young lady students to innm imirilresslnB. munlcurlnir and chi ropody and sclcnlltlc massago. Call or yvrilo lioom um uiuk. i.-iw WANTED, domestic. 2003 PIcrco St.; small . .1.. ,i milium. GOLDMAN'S 1 Cheapest place to got . ac cordion or side pleating; new additions and Improvements Just added. C MC99 21 . i . i- . . . GOLDMAN'S, for reduced prices Jn pleat- Ing of all kinds; new styles and machines added. C MiOO 21 WANTED, experienced second girl; good wages. Mrs. "Herman Kountze, 120 8. 10th st. C-743 20 niRL wanted for general housowork ot southwest 'corner 19th avenue and Locust Btreet. 1 iuo-Ji' WANTED, first-class cook jutd laundress. 1029 Georgia Ave. C-M7a3 21 RPL.RNDID waccs nald ladles who learn the hnlrdrcssmg. manicuring or facial massago witli us; only four weeks re quired; nil tho advantages of steady prac tlco on frco clinic, expert Instructions, lectures, etc. can or wrtto aioier col lege, 1623 Farnam Bt. C-MS51 2o TWO girls to work In Shroder's laboratory, silh ana nowaru, u aitux n , 1IKLP WANTED. MALE & female help. Call Canadian Ofllco. 942 WANTED, wood workers, cabinet makers. millwrights, to work in pattern shop to talto piaco or sinners, ttioaay empiov Tnnnt nml lituli urniren. Annh' AlllH.Phnl. mers Co,, lionio Insuranco bldg.. Chicago, Illinois. ni n- FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT, snl or trade, 7-room houso ami nvo acres gruunu. flirs. ai. A. BtlVeiS. W- COT , ' D 711 21 HOUSES, storef. Bcmls, Paxton block. D-913 HOUSES, etc' F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. UOllQPCi I" a,l rrs of city. The 'a huwuuu t, uavts cu., 3i ilea mug. UJll TO MOVE1 right get Omaha Van Storage CO., OiIlCO liillik 1'iiriiuui, ur iui. xoau-aw. ' D-4S (ROOM brick house, modern, 2715 Jackson St. Tcupnono mi or t,-iooo. a ireynor. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D-915 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-950 houses. O. G. Wallace, Brown bloeK. D-953 l-ROOM modem, except furnaco, $22. G. M. Nattlnger, Bea Bldg 'Phono 463. D-9J1 BEVEN-ROOM all modern htiuse. In good condition, Urgo yard und beautiful shade trees, a minutes wain irom city nan. Will rent tor j pt inonin. . OMaHA.LOAN & TRUST CO., 10th and Douglas Sts. D-952 IS21 DAVENroUT ST., 6-room, new mod- r n an 1 i r ir Int. 1"'1 Ck mnn.H Jill I O" w I T -v, Mr rri.n Ttvrnn Ilecd Co.. 212 Ho. 14th St. D-231 HOUSES-'Chrls, Boi'er, 22d and Cuming. 'Phono wj. . u Jiiu- FOR RENT, 12-t 00m .modern house, 1734 uougias st., m. . . . . JflliK W - MOHRINS. 1802 FARNAM. D-M721 ruil RENT MOUSES. FOR KENT, 4-room cottage, iW niondo St., is.so. inquire ai wi in. mm si. D M43I CENTRAL, atenm heat. 6-room flat. 3-room cottage, Tizara, ra in. -an, u-.ni a EIGHT-ROOM modern house, detached. nice lawn, zsu ricrco ut. inquire ivm Plorce. D-703 21 tinnm-a vnn ItRNT. J20.00-2613 N. 17th et., 8-rdom modern house. witn nam, ncwiy rermircu unu minted. J20.09-202S Charles St., 8-room modern House; newiy painteu nnu papen-u t Hr.ll r.linlt t 113.00 Lnrge 12-room mansion nnd Btnble, wun uox stalls aim coacinuuu THi:OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 1331 DOUGLAS ST, , , D M733 TWO B & 6-r. mod. cottages. Phone A-256S, u 1 1 u ttnttata t.-,"iti 11 t?V"P 537 S. 20th. rt., 8 rooms, modern, $28. 2519 Patrick nvo., B rooms, city water. I10.B0. B22 8. 10th St., 0 rooms, modern, electric light,' gas, laundry, hot water heat, 110. 2111 H. 10th st., 6-room flat In brick, partly modern, $10. . . ... 2013 Vinton st 6 rooms, city water, 10. 3302 Seward St.. 7 rooms, city wuter, cistern, imrn, trees, $12.60. . S31 H. 26th ave., 7-room flat, nil modern, new. furnace, laundry, J23. 2124 N. 16th, C rooms, modern, except fur nace, $16, , .,. 2I2HA S. 10th st., 6-room corner flat, $12.j0. 2507 lenioiit St., 4 roomi, well water, $1. 2121 Emmott st., 6 rooms, city water, barn, $1 60 Call' and examine list! or, If preferred, tell us what you want and we will find you jvcaqiTe INVESTMENT co ',le- foii nnxT-FUKM.iUMn rooms. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. B 9jI ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line, ids Claik; 0 per month. L 9j FURNISHED rooms. 62S B. 20th St. i AiliJ Ul TWO housekeeping rooms, V. 23 St. if.. a . a I. rAI J22 iuui o . v . LARGE front room, nicely, furnished, steam heat, oni or two gentlemen. Call 313',4 S. llth St. E-M509 FRONT room, modern, $S mo. 1717 Web ofr. E M925 J30' FURNISHED rooms, modern. 09 B. 20th. "L'RNISHER rooms, steam heat. ,31314 15th St., Mat I K-M910 2 11314 N. i" FLAT for rent and furniture for sale, steam heat. 31314 N. 15th st. E-M915 21' for RENT Larco front room and alcove: modern: suitable for two young men or gentleman anu wuo. am mi ou FURNISHED room, with board, for two; modern conveniences, prices reimonuoiu, 2010 St. Mary's avc. E-M923 23 rUUMHllED IIOOMS AND HOARD. NICE homo for young men. 1C8 S. 23th St, 1' liWJ SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men. 1619 Jackson St. F-&3 STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, with or without uoaru, at ilia inursiuu, F 6S9 FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or wiinout uoaru. miuiu m noiei, luin ana unicago dis. a ROOMS and board. Glencalru. 1D09 Dojjglas F-&19W, THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms nnd board ij uj x u . ,)rl .,. t,nnr,i rh) LARQE south room, wun noaru. ioi v"' cago. 1', M223 23 1 gentleman, private family. 2020 St. Mary's an ' HAlgJKY. nicely '..-Tur heat. M-944 n FOH'RBNT UNFtnNISHED ROOMS. Di,-gjf room aDaco SO Per month, ground DLBll room fPttnePr?i?din,J. "ffclhS Farr.am street: no cxponse for light, heat or janitor service, it. J. t-eiers uo. Kentai AaciniB. ueo uuiiuuik. u xiu I'Oll 11ENT STORKS AND .OFFICES. vnn tirmt. tho bulldliu: formerly occu Died uy ino ueo at vi I'arnuni ni. n uua . . 1 - . . 1 .... n. n I V, I t. ri .1 xour muries nuu u. uuouiiiunt rfiui. ruo rnrmnriv iir.Mi ii h Thn Ilea Dress room. This will b rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to v. u. nose water, becretary, room 100, Bee building, FOR RENT, store In first-class location rent reasonauie. Appiy . i-oier i Co., ground Iloor, Deo Bldg. 1268 A FINE sulto of rooms suitable for doc tor s otiices. ltUUlditT n. uiawwu-n, . Room 12, Continental Dlock. I-M429 AGENTS WANTED. ui'MniHAi, llfo of McKlnloVi four lan guages, txJ pages, -uu naiiioncs, i.du; irve outfit. W. A. HlxcnbauBh & Co., 800 Ware block, omulia. j ww PROFITABLE work offered agents in every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles 110.no journal unu uie ouiuiuuy Evening Post. We want agents who will work tYiorodghly mil with business sys tem to covet each section with our Illus trated llttlo booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look sharplyafter re newals from old subscribers,! The pay Is first rato and at the end of the season $20,000 will -be given tho best workers as extra prizes for. good Work, How well some of our agents have succeeded la told In a little ooomei wo wouiu iiko 10 send you portraits of some of ,our best agents, with the story of how they made It pay. The Curtis Publishing Co.. Phlla- dclphla, Pa. WANTED, canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK md COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 lmpirlal octavo pages, 800 object-teaching engraving nnd Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every day, practical money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner Steady employ ment with assured cood Income. Aeents In the country with horse and buggy es- Iieclally dcitred. Canvassers, make' easily .00 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer ttoiicuors- xiureau, xjco DuuuinK, Omaha. jaij When You Write to Advertisers remembet It only takes an extra strove 'or of tho pen 'to mention tho fact that you saw tho ad In The Bee. AVANTED-TO RENT. HAVE more calls for houses than Can supply: lor quicn renim "",' J,V" Parrottc, paxton oik. 1C-M878 25 WANTED A country home with flvo to forty acres or llinu inai. can imj euany reached from Omnha, to rent for a term of yearB, or tr prico is rmiiu i ju, AUuress i nee. -.uwa WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, some glass door ana glass partitions ana one uau-oaK roanu counter. Apply to M. J. Frar.ck, Midland hotel. N M445 IMPROVED eastern Nebraska farm of 160 tO -IV HvltB IUl UUUUI ut flu 17V1 hwu, Must be good level land. Give soctiou numbers and lowest cash price. Address p 27. Bee. N-747-22 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furnltitfo Co., 1410 Dodge. Te aM. Nvi nnd secondhand, bought, sol exchanged. O 937 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC THE BEST In buggies and wagons atH Frosrs, utn ana i-eavenworiii. 1 SEND $10 for four new buggy wheels, steol tired, rca or grren imini; m uurBuiim m Vaimnu uuggivs unu curriBKes, uii bijich Drummond Carrlago Co., lbth & Harney, T 71 J V. 1 7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. zDHAND sate cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. THE 03IAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1902. mm mai.ic ,mischi,i,a.m:oi.s. CADET coat, good aj now: will fit boy 1$ or II rears old Address 11 S3, llee. Q-MSS(S t'OP. HALE, phonographs, superior to nny other musical Instruments; S up. The Wlttman Co., 1621 Karnam. g-9tB FOIl SALE, good-slscd packages of news paper exchanges, o cents and up. Apply at Xico Oillcc, Circulation Window. y uu Il INDIAN coods nnd relics. 1113 Farnam Q-M523 FIR timbers foi housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 it.; criouing anu nog icnce. vn uoug- las. Q-SSJ 2D-1IAND rafo cheap. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. q 963 PIANO boxes cheap. 1313 Farnam St. Q-M217 F4 100 STYLES trusses, cataloguo ree. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, u.nana. w i FOR SALE, flno mahogany bank fixtures matlc double time lock: doublo burglar proof steel chests. Will be sold at a bargain. National Dank of Commerce. 14 333 TYPKW'niTEnB. latest models Reming ton, Smlth-l'remlcr, Densmoro, repmceji iv iti iiKnKiiwnnu low nrico. i. ii. Workman & Co., 1017 Farnam. 'Phone 2439. NORTHWESTERN REPORTER. new. comniete, 6 tllKcsts to same; uiso isi Nebraskas: cheap for cash. Address 1 16, Dec. Q-719 21 FOR SALE, complete postofflco outfit, 312 combination lioxes, nil in goou repair; nafo, stamping table, desk, fixtures; largo original cost $1,300; will sell at ridiculous . low prico ir i.iKen immeuiaioiy. a. j Arnctt, Madison, NoK Q-M738 31 CORN, 65cj ollmeal, $1.75. Wagner's Feed aiore, iwj turning ni. w 'OR SALE cheap, Post land sleigh nnd four strings or Dens, iwf iitnrop hi. Q M9I1 22 'APER routo for sale, paying about $13 per week profit. Address l' i.i nee. Q-M327 20' CI.AIRVO YANTS. AtnB. IVIIITZ. rlnlrvnvnnt. 819 N. 16th. a jw MME. OYLMEH, genulno palmist, 315 S. 15. BLECTHIO TREATMENT. MME. AMES, 31714 N. 15;.llat 12; attendants. X &33 U MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1403 Webster. T M182 F3 1ftM Olftmir 1 . n . V. n 11D XT 1 "I 0,1 (Inn. T 1U,ii Diuiiii, uaumi -v, -v. nvifi, 1 iilll 1' U BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; aitcnuant. Jiin is. Jinn. . i- mi A. T Mass F2 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- nncmeni, uuuies uuuiueu. jvu uritni oi. Mrs. Gardcls. Tel. F-1182, U-973 Dn. ROY. chlronodlst. corns nnd superflu ous nair rcrnovcu oy cicciricity. it. u, urenzer uiolk. u -jw VIAVA, woman's .way to health; rational, wtioicfcoio nomo treatment, an uco tnug. u aw GOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect pleating plant in tno west, aw jjougias diock. U J1DIJ SHAMPOOING and hair dressing, 2Sc In connection Willi 'ino uamery, zm-zzu ueo building. Tel. I7it. u aoi dAvn: send for c IrctlluK O. S. Wood. M. jj an etevr ion; l,iio uiug., uiiiuua, nuu, u mi HAIRDRESSINO, mnnlcurlng and chlro- pody, for ladles only, In connection with The BUthjry, 216-220 Deo Bldg. ' U-28B 1 Rime HATCH INCUBATGR CO.. CLAY' CENTER, NEB. Se.nd for hnmlsnmn lCC.uaira free catalocrud. ' u-77 , LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade customer. luis farnam. u i CHIROPODY A specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 210-220 Deo nuig. Tel. 1716. M ACCORDION plehting, cheapest, best and quiCKcst. Airs. a. -.. mar. 11 uouuwo. u l GRAMOPHONES nnd supplies, wholesale nrwl alnll r-nlltnu ll fl lln f-ft. . Tlniltf. 188. U JiO WE RENT mnchlnes of every make nt ?r,n tier week rvr 12 tier month. Wo repair and tell parts for overy sowing machine manufactured. NEUHA8KA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 15th and Harr.ey, 'pnono 1603. 334 Broadway, Coun- 4 uroauwav. Loun- Councrt'B'luftsr ia. 'Phone B-Cisrcw N. 24th st., South Omaha. U-831 J28 " . .' Mlddlemls, wall paper cleaner. 1403Jackson pniVATR hnmn for Indies before and dur- inc confinement: babies adopted. 2020 Btudetto st. Mrs. Burgot. U M4I3 F3 PtANn tiinliiir nnd ronalrlntr. Tel. 701. Agent lor wcuer piano, itoom 1, ueo bldg. U-M6I9 Fll THE KHARAS School of Osteopathy cm- ploys every one of Us graduates. Got a catalog. Fourth floor, Bco Bldg. U-6S3 20 OMAHA Cancer Cure Sanitarium. 3007 N. 24th St., Omaha, ncu ircais cancers, tumors und ull skin diseases; cure guar anteed, u-uii x-n MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r 2. U-M716 F15 A VnTTVfl nnflin wlntlAa tn mAUt ft lnrlV " f.V""" "u...". v.--:-r,-. Wltn .means who can muiuriauy iiarim mm in ins uto worn; marruigo 11 iiiuiuuuy nnM.nt,l., r. tftlinfu Atlrlrnoa In nprfnof gSod faltli and conlldcnce, H 96. World- Herald Office, Omaha. U-M722-21 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two or. tile pen 10 mention 1110 isci inai you saw tho ad in Tho Bee. PRIVATE hospital during confinement; uumes uuopteu. flirs. uiiioru, isi weo flter. U-M914 25 If you haven't, why haven't you? "That Is the question." . it 1h eertnlnly not good Judgment to smoke cigars of Inferior quality when you can get tno PRINCE OF OMAHA Thnn whv 'haven't vou been smoklne tha best at 6c straight or $37 per 1,000. union maue. W. F. STOECKER CIOAR COMPANY. U-M922 25 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Georgo & company, iwi r amain street. W-9S7 V4 PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence property. Options ti pay wholo or part any time. W. B. MEIKLK. ,ul ti. 18th St. w ss ,'nnt covers all cost. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. W-784 19 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam smun a "-u., xj-u rurnum street. W-9S9 WANTED, city and farm loans; also, bonds nnd warrnnis. 11. i-eiers as uo., iwi Farnam at., ueo umg. w w MONEY to loan on impuved Omaha real estate. Brtnnan-Luve Co., 309 South 13th. W-991 FARM and city leans, low rates. W. H. '1 nomas, xbi xiui. xjuuh uiug, xei. iua, W-993 Y'OU don't need to borrow money If you work for tne unaras wo. w 4ti TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. V 995 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life. MORTGAGE G, O. Wallace, Brown Block. ,W m MOXBV TO LOAN-HHAI, 13 STAT 12. rniVATB money. F. P. Wead, 1621 Douglas S PEH CENT loans. Qan'ln Ilros,, 1001 Far-W-M427 nam. FARM and city loans FOR SALE. R C. MO.NEY TO LOAN CIIA'ITKLS. money I To loan on urniture and lanos. Llvo biock, etc. You to retain possession of tho property. c ,.i ino t r-AMC AU peopie noiuinK bALAKT LUAlNo permanent positions. xuu 1:1111 uurruw irum iv.w up. ioj can get tho money on short notice. You got tho lull amount in cash. You may koep u ono montn or more anu pay tor it ouiy wnai iimu you Keep u. uur rates are low, our business Is confidential and our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA r.rORTQACIE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard or Trade uuig. Tel. 2293. U'.siauusnca ixk.) mo u. i6th St. X-0S3 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to male or female employes. Wo UuarufUeo Lowest itates. HOW DO WE DO IT? Full iw'iculars free upon request. 11ELIAULE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Paxton Iilock. (Sco Window trom Farnam street.) X-476 ltl.IA4X lUllllUU UII t U. II. .U ft V, IIIU DIULU, .nMI..V I .. .1 luml In il. , l n I jewelry; also to saiancu people without security; cheap rates; easy payments; business cotillucntlnl. Folev Loan Co.. successors to Dim urcen, it. S, uarKer block. Esiat). lwu. -xuin MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried nronin: uusinesa eoni ueniiai: lowest rules. tiH i-axion uiock. me J. i. .iiuuou jo. X-OSi FURNITURE. I'lA'OS, HORSES, ETC., LuANH, "Alisoiuteiv wit in t removing goods." Written guarantco given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room BtH, l'axion liiocic. a m LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED l'lSOl'm, mcrcliants. team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; eiLHlcHt terms: 40 otllcca In nrln- ripal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trado mug. a. ov YOU don't need to borrow monoy if you work for tho Knaras uo. .n dm LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. llvo stock, etc. ou ck service and lowest rales guarantceu. J. v. iAii,uii, (lop noori l'axion uiock, norineasi corner 10th tind Fnrnam; entrance on 10th street, A. j MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew clry, hursts, cowj, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET in or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, Mcuuguo uuuuing. X WHEN you want to buy. soli or exchange yOlir OUSlllCBrJ Or UlUllCl IJ ilUli;i tUIUlliUlll- i'nin with n mi who has thu customers. J. H. Johnson. S13 N. Y. Life. Phono L-2270. X WOR'HAI.E. California restaurant: Dronrle- tor wants to tcuvo.cuy. si., aouin Omnha, Y-M72I 31 11 ROOMS, elegantly equipped, first-class lUmitlirc, lllleu wun nrsi-cmss rooraors, best location: paying proposition. J. II. Johnson, sis . x. 1.110. 1 .nuiu When You Write to Advertisers rnmxmlver It nnlv tnkes un extra stroke or two of trio pen to mention 1110 laci uiui you saw tho ad In Tho Bee, FOR SALE, millinery store doing good ouilnesj; auo goou noiei tor-sate tor ica?e to right narty), both good locations in N. 12. Nebraska, uau or write v.i jn. x. Life building. Omaha. Y-134 " "' 1 1 I location in Cll , owner 1nus1m.11, see ino ltnmpillntnlv. J. II. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M014 FOR SALE, at n great bargain, foundry machine nnd blacksmUhi. shops, .located nt Tecumseh, Neb. Inqtilro of I S. Jones. -Y MGSa 21 WANTED, elevator nnil. lumber yard, or euner, 111 n iiirivuift. lumu numvno once, uox 2 isewman unve, iNeo. i . anu si- vnn CAT.ir! nn in Hiito rnrltnt atnrn! rnnntv 4 .. . scat; southwest Missouri. Address "Rnc kct," box SOS, Neosho, Mo. y-mwjd 2U FOR SALE,-good paying saloon, centrally located. NAiiurosa 11, uce uuice, uouncn Bluffs. x i-a ;j I WISH to correspond with manufacturers with urn v law or nana nir ineir accounts on tho Pnclllc coast with hcadquarterx In San Francisco. Address L. C, M 1311 L streot, Snrramcnto, Cal. Y MS2I 21 FOR SALE CHEAP-Blncksmlth shop In best county scat town in souineustern Nebraska; good reason for selling. P 41, Boo. Y M921 21 1 n c . - i.. m r... . , D?, T' 'm.',,. ft 8hnie. money maker: will trado for clear land old nco reason for selling. Geo. W. ent',J S OrXrit Neb. Y-M9I7 22 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchango good oak wardrobe for folding bud. w vj, uee. Z-M516 FOR SALU-RKAL ESTATE I IP YOU want ono of the, nicest 8-room homes In Hanscom Place, I will give you u bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. - . . .11. , 1 (ii? m v. 1 . ni,i l XI. DIIVI HUWU,,IMI RE-M1B3 Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tel. 314 t RE 707 Fll HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, Moans; also lire Insurance. Bcmls, Paxton Block. ma iui I i,i,v ti UAVMn.fiii.o -M v t h. 1 ecu iiuinn x. ,-1 w.-- ... . "-'' 1 Ull I IAVSON vl)? KJt? RE-061 RANCH nnd farm lands, for snle by the union I'aciuc .itauroiui coinpany. is. a. McAUaster, land commissioner. Union Pa- cine Headquarters, umuuu, nio, IIIU iuj FARMBi FARMS I FARMS I For bargains In larm property go to O NelU s Ileal t.3iuio Agency, aouin Omuha. . RE-M906 A BARGAIN. To settle an estate, wo offer for sale n well, bum mouern niiiu-iui'm nuun, mu-in- aniitii nn Charles nt.. near 26th: house has been thoroughly palntod and repaired, and as 11 now siunua ia mu i,iuuiu un gain north of Cuming st. No. 2028 Charles THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas. HOUSES Harrison & Morton. Tel. 314. kuwux-u Mfchl SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good farming country, r ur iui uiui (jariiuumra wrtto or call on H. U Ludlum. Plainview, Neb. RE M393 APllRR CLOSE IN, 10 acres a little ovor one mile from street car. with buildings, lino place for clilck- B 'acres, ' improved, 3W miles from P. O,, on ,',orA limine, barn, chicken house, lust li.ooo. 1 north 01 i' lorenct". x,vuv. 10 acres, Just outside city limits, 6 acres In hearing iruit, lino view, i.wvj. See u" For acre BARGAINS close to city. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14th St. llti-S7S 21 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroko or two of me pen 10 inviitiuu wiu met uiui you saw the ud In The Bee u , R-nri Mohanee. South Omaha clear house ana lot for lana in ccuirui nrurunKa or northwest Kansas, w. n. neiuy, uoara of Trado bldg. uk are 21 Vftn RAT.K. corner lot. 75x130. with good 6 rnnm nniiRii nnu liniiruveinuiiiH. ooixin Omaha: I must sell; will let go very cheap for casn. Aiiurcss 1 j" HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also ncro property and rarm lanus. -i no u, f, Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Building. Itlt-IUi in Ar.TlVM tint nulnldo city limits South umana; ripe ror .suoaiviuing, oniy iw per acre. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. nth at, sit ii- KOH 5AIii:-llllAI, nsTATH. A SNAP-S1.600. Seven-room modern cottago with barn, 4174 Cass St., nowiy paintea ana papereu. noi water plant. EASY TERMS. Must bo houi mis weoK. wi i-nxion jiiock. u "h0" im N. E. COR. 30th Ave. and Pacific 86x148 foot, ctiuni to uuoi il 3 lots in nil, lor ioavj. 40 acres at Floro-.ice, easy terms, $3,0. r. nerps iin.tr Centrnl Vnrt nrhnnl. il.OCU. G-room cottuge near High school, 101 tux SO, $t,nco. U. WHJAU, 1WI uougias Bl. RE-M913 2.1 rtllt.MTtllin ItUPAIIlINO. TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. ' ,'u,,4"" Tim HAI.I2 TIES. OMAHA Hay llalo-Tlo Co., SU North 16th. m (lAitiiAni:. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., cleans cesspools anu vauus, remove garuage (i.tnit ntiminiu 11 r r.iiiiinmi nr i;1 1 lflth. Tel, 1779. -371 FJ ' LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Lnundry: shirts. 7c: collars, .'c; cuns, 4c. liw i.eavunvvortn. tci, ih. -131 MAStlt'ERADE C'OSTUSIES. S. Sack, ladles and gontlomon's, 331S S. SO. i-- CARI'E.NTiniS AND JOINERS. ALT, kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nttended to. j. i. ucniitrco, Mill llllll ms. 370 WM. EVERITT. fineelnl rates to real eg. tate men: weather stripa put on. ssva Leavenworth. x 117 ELECTRICITY. lto- pairing bfiiw, HBins, motors etc. war aiKDICAl,. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women in umana, would cull the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations be r or u and during contlncment, nnd his treatment for Irrcguluritles, no matter what cause. Call or address, with Htamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 105 LADIES, $500 reward falling to relievo case or uuuorir.ai suppression, any cause; prico .'.; lully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy Co., 17 Qulucy St., Chicago, 111. -395 J21 DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of worn- en and children; So years' practice, Ulllco 2205 Cuming. Res. tel. F-27W. olllce B-2S!0. " -M294 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills aro 1110 nest, sate, rciiauic. ratio no other. Send 4c iitamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlladclpnla, Pa. LOST. STRAYED or stolen, black .cocker span el j pup; answers to name "Highball.'' i02 St. Mary'H Ave, Lost-071 LOST, largo red cow; no horns. O. R, Gll- ucrt, me lur urcsser, 11-1 a. uwi; iu ru ward. Lost M675 LOST, Saturday, black nnd tan Gordon setter dog, 15 mouths old, answers to prtlNTKD MATTER, ETC. This steamer of "Hector." Return for suitable takes Printed Mutter. Commercial 1M d to room 232, Beu bldg. E. W. 1)urs nn(i Samples for Germany only. TI10 name ruwnrd Slmernt. Lost 703 . Anrr r . 1 1 1 1 . .11.. J.i.1. , .. Anu.r , ,,', .'.fninnoi nose nnd tall. Answers to nnmo of "Colonel. Suitable reward for return to N. K. Syp, 40S N. 20th St. or U. 1. headquurtcrs. Lost-M946 21 STRAYED or stolon, a llttlo whlto Splta uog. I'iniier report 10 nev. 1; a. enarpe, 4712 N. 4Uth St. and receive reward. Lost M9I3 22 HEAVY rubber tire. Palaco stables. Lost M942 21 I IOST. small bay pony, bald faco. whlto i... 1.I...I . i I, .... I'll lllllll ll'HI, 1IUIII A.ftft, XV. AJi UUBUIIf 2010 Blnney st. Lost M93I 23 1 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. BIB N. Y. L Bldit. Tel. iwil. Alice jonnson, u. u., laaics acpt,; Old E. Julinson, OsteopathiBt, Mgr. 127 DR. A.T. HUNT, 512 McCaguo Bldg; Tel. 2352. -12S DR. MRS. MUS1CK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. 129 INSURANCE POLICIES. WE MAKE loans on insuranco policies 'and purchase policies: give full partlcu- lars. Tho Putnam Co., 604-6 N. Y. Life bldg., Omahtt. -678 25 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old ago as well as llfo. Charter members freo. Particu lars- from Frank Rosewntor, supremo manager. 222 Bee Bldg. 724 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug 1(W( A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -107 BOYLES College, court reportor principal. N. X. LIIO. 1U8 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. iw STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 124 PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Aaurcns. 1 . u. xjua oj, wiuutia, 184-J-23 NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating &lant in umana. umana riating uo,, ueo Idg. Tel. 2635. -113 LARGEST plating plant In Omaha. A. L. unuoianu, mitt uougo ai. xei. iw. in STORAGE. OM. Vc.n Stor. Co., 1611 Farn. Tela. 1559-S63, 119 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 914 Jones, general storage ana forwarding. 12J TYPEWRITERS. NEW & 2dhand. 1119 Farnam St., Omaha, iia PILLOWS, OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2467. IK MASQUERADE COSTUMES. COSTUMES for rent S. Sack, 3318 P. 20th. M170 Feb3 DANCING, MnitAND'H winter term for beelnncrs opens tnis wee. . auuiis. luesuay snu Fridays. 8 n. m.: children, Saturday after- noons. Prices reduced. -177 F3 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnora. Tel. 1258. M483 PAWNBROKERS, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 116 TAILORING. LADIES' jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired, Joe' Yousen, 1500 Farnam. 125 FUll DltKSSIMl. oTllTaiiTuEHT-20.7tanncrs, 1124 S. 13th. FACTOHir.S. ln,r,,,.,,,c, .,.. ... (,t, repalmT. 123 IIOOIvKEIR'IAC. LESSONS In bookkeeping, otc.i day or even ing. It. IS, Cum. Nat. IJaiik. U. R, Rathbun -121 A.Ot.CI1.Mi:.TS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phono 2190. BU souiu Thirtcentn street. -90S IMIOTOflRAIMIl'.HS. F. J. HOIXDUHEK, photogroplis, 12r! R. 13th. -MMI f:o Out With It ! Have It pulled today and you will have both hands for your work nnd you will rest tonight, it don't hurt our8 way of pull- ll'S. Bailey the Dentist, ;UU Pnxlini llluck, 14th nd Farnam Hta. Lady attendant. Phone 10SS m m l'Os rOI'I'K.'ll NOTICE. (Shniilil Im rend ilnllv hv all lllterct-il, Ms changes may occur Rt any time.) U( 'r"n -0;v 1 (ritOMlri.Y In nil cusesj ai me uenerai i-osiuince "'""; l'AHCKi-s l'uar .mails cioso ursc uuu EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closu ut j p. m. Monday, per s. s. Kaiser Wllhettii der G rosso; Wednesday, per s. s. lvoeln via Bremen, and Friday, per s. s. Pennsyl vania via Hamburg. Regular and Supplementary malls closo at Foreign Brnnch half hour later than closing tlmh shown below (except Supple mentary .Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close ono hour later ut Foreign Braiich). 'I'l-n tiMit t lit ii t le Mull. TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. k. Kaiser Wllhclm der Grossc. via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 0:30 a. m. for EUROPE, tier h. m lMilliiihilntiln via Southaillllton; at 8:30 a. m. (aupplemcntary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. h. Germanic via Queens town: ut 10 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. h. Southwark (mall must bo di rected "per s. s. Southwark"). THURSDAY At 7 n. in. for FRANCE, UW1T.ERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL. TURKEY, EOYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR OMF.y. iinr a m. Iji Hnvnln Via Havre (mnll for ether parts of Europo must bo SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, .,r Bj 1alm (mnu must be directed direeteil "per s. s. 11 avoie j 'tier s. a Lahii": it 7:30 a. tn. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotter ilnm (mull must lie directed Der s. s. Rot terdam"); nt 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Ivemla via tjuecnsiowu. name closa of mull matter for other parts. uf Ktiropo will not do uent ny tins snip unless specially directed by her. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on thu piers of tho American, English, French and Oorman steamers and ro maln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mnll for South, mul Ceutral America, TUESDAY At 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for CENTRAL AMISHKJA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per h. s. Advanco via Colon (mull for Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s. Advance"); ut 10 a. m. fur HAITI, per s. b. P, F. Hcndrlk (mall for Curacao. Venezuela, Trinidad. British nnd Dutcli Guiana must bo directed "per s. 3 P. F. Hendrlk"j; nt 0:30 p. tn. for JA MAICA, per b. s. Admiral Farragut, from Boston: nt "11 p. in. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from .Miami, ino. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 a. m. for INAOUA nnd HAITI, per a. s. Belvernon: nt 12:30 p. m. (supplementary i:sn p. m.j tor si. THOMAS ST. CROIX, LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH, nnTrrrr nmt T.'liKNiMt CIITIANA. tiers. H. Korona (mnll for Grennda and Trinidad must bo dltected "per s. s. Korona"): nt 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. . Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 8 a. in. for CUBA, YUCA niv nAi.rni.'niii, TAitAHrn nml r1!!!. APA8, per 0. b. Esporunza (mall for other . f . T . I .. ... . . , I . . 1 1 '..,, 1 ... I Mnn- 11 s. Esporanta"); nt 11 p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Carthaginian, I FMDAY At 12 m'. for BAHAMAS from l'nllndeipnia. RIDAY' At 12 in. for BAHAMAS and SANTIAGO, per s. 8. Santiago; nt 12 m. rnr Mi:xii:ti. tier s. h. nenecu. vnt luui- plco and Campecho (mail must bo directed ''per b. b. Seneca"). SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY., per 8. 8. Cyreno; at 8 n. tn, for BERMUDA, per h, b. Pretoria; at 9 n. m. (supplementary l!Sn n. m.V fnr 1'nilTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. 8. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla nnd Cartagena must bo directed "per 8. s. Philadelphia"); nt 9:30 n, m. (supplementary 10:30 11. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVAN 1LLA nnd. CARTAGENA, per 8. s. Altai (mall for Costa, Rica must liu directed "tier ... Altai"): ut 9:30 u. m. (Bunnle- mentary 10:30 n. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per 8. 8. Adirondack; at 10 n. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD nnd CIU15AD BOLIVAR. Der 8. 8. MnrU- val; at 10 a, m. for CUBA, per 8. 8. Mex ico via Havana;' at 11:30 n.m. for BRAZIL, per s. h. British Prince via Pernambuco nnd Santos (mall for Northern Brazil. Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must bo directed "per s. b. British Prince"); ut 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Ollnda via Matanzos, etc. (ordinary mall only, which must bo directed "per 8. h. Olln da"): at "ll P. m. for BAHAMAS, per Btcamcr from Miami, FJa. Malls for Newfoundland, by rnll to. North Hydnoy. ana tlienco ny steamer, ciose at this office dally 11 1 6:30 p. m. (connecting closo hero overy Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thonce by steamer, closo at this ofllco dully at 6:30 p. in. Malls ror Cuba, by rail to Port Tampu, Fla., nnd thence by nc-uiner, close at this olllce dally except Sunday at S:30 a. 111, Sundays at 4:20 n. m. (tho con necting closes nro on Sunday, Wednesday nnd Friday). Mulls for Mexico City, over land, unlejs specially addressed for dis patch by stvumcr, closo at this office dally at 1:30 p. m. nnd 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez and atmte mala, by rail to New Orleans, nnd thence by Btcamer, dote nt thin olllce dally at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes hero Mon days for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guate mala, and Tuesdays for Costa Rica), Registered mall closes ut.O p. m. previous day. Trnnapnolllo Mall. Mails for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close liero daily ni o:on p. in. up iu uuuuitry "JV, j 1. ,1luilfh tiip U a Atnmn.ln Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, CIOSO liero uauy v u.ov i. in. ui.i m uuu- unrv 21. Inclusive, for dispatch per b. a. Empress pf Japan. (Registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver." Merchan dise for the U. B. Postal Agency at Shanghai canpot vo rorwaruca via, uan mbIIk for China and Japan, via Taeoma. closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Jan uary "21, inclusive, ior uispatcn per s, b. lacoma Mgiia for China ana japan, via Heattle rnx her daily at 6:30 n. mi tin to Januarv 22, inclusive, ior aispaicn nor s. s. mo jun Maru. (Registered mall must bo di rected "via Seattle.") Mulu for Hawaii. Japan. China and Philip pine Islands, .via Han Francisco, closo here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to January 2S, inclusive, for dispatch per s. m. Hong Kong Maru. MnilB fnr Australia (excent West Australia. which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zea land, Fiji, Samoa and Huwall, via San Francieco, cioso ncro uuuy ai u:ju p. in. after January 11 and up to February !, inclusive, ur on nrrlval of s. 8. Saxonla. duo at New York February !, for dis patch per s. 8. sierra. Mulls for Australia (except West Australia, Whlcn goes via i.urope, anu nbw s.eaiunu which coos via Sun Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at e;so p. m. up 10 jpeoruary "i, inclusive, 0 POVroi-tM I- NOTU U. for dispatch per s. s Mnn tin (supplement ary malls via Seattle and Victoria close here at 6 3i p. m. February 2. Mall must be dlra-ted "via Vancouver"'). Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pine Island, via San Francisco, clos here dallv nt rt .3t p m. up to February Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. China. Malls for Tahiti and .Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. ni. up to February 4, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. Australia Transpacific malls aro forwarded to port-of sailing dally nnu tho schedule of closing Is ntranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered tunll closes at 6 . m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster, Posteillcc, Now York. N. Y., Jan. 17, 1P02, HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK-ROTTERDAM, VIA BOU LOGNE 8 M. New Twin Screw Steamer of 13,IM tons register. TffiSw Rotterdam .mn. 23.10 a. m Steamer Amsterdam ..Fob. 1, 10 A. M. Tet,mCe"rmV StatBndam Krb.8.WA.M. Apply to Holland-America Line. 39 ll'wny, N, Y,i Harry Moores, 1415 Farnam St.; Louis Net'se, First National Bank. R All.ttAV TlJItu C.VUUT t'NION STATION IOTII AND MAItOV, tlllniila Centrnl. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:20 am n 6:10 pm Ohlcnito, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm n 8:05 em Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am bl0:M pm Chicago Express nt0:35 pm ClileiiKO A NorthtTeatern. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:10 am nll:20 pm Chicago Parsetigcr n 4:16 pm a 8:00 am Eastern Ex-rts nlO:Gt. utn a 4:05 pm :ateru special .a t;uo inn .1 pm Fast Mall ... ft Pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd,.a "iU pm a 9:20 am Kiihi Mall a 8:39 nni Cedar llapldr Pass n 5:30 pm Twin City Express n 7:(K am al0:2B pm Twin my i..miieu iv aia pm 11 anu am Sioux City Local u 0:15 am a 3:50 pm Wiitiunli. St. Louis "Cannon Bad" Kxprcs n b:io pm s::u nm Si Louis Local, Council Bluffs .... -iu:oo am aiu:j pm tiilini I 'lie I lie. Overland Limited a 9:40 am n 7:00 pm Fast Mall a 8:60 am a pm California Express, ....a 4:26 pm Paclllc Express nll:30 pm Eastern Express a4:3opm Atlantic Express n 7:00 nm l.lncoln-Stronishurg Ex.b 4:05 pm b;2:30pm Grand Island Local ti 6:3j pm b 9:36 am Clilcnuii, .tllUtiiuUon X St. I'nul. Chicago Limited n 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:1j am b 3:10 pm MlNMtiurl I'nellU'. St. Louis Express aioioo am a 6:Z3 pm K. C. iV St, L. Express, aiu:50 pm a 6:15 am Clilcnu". Ilvek luliuul t I'Mulflu. EAST. Des Moines and Dav- enport Local n 7.3.) am a 9:8o pm Chicago Express bll:lC am a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fust Express. .a 1:3a pm u 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 8:Z am WEST Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:1S pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a :20 pm a 8:0 am a Dally. 1 I1URL1NGTON STA I toN 10TII A ALISON CTiIcbk Ilitrllnutoii .V )ulticr Leave. Arilva. Chicago Special a T.W) am al0:20 pm riiimen Vcstlbulcd Ex., a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago l-imiieu a i.uv viu u. n am Fast Man aw pm Uurllnittm .t Missouri Rive. Wymore, Beatrice and NeDrasxa iiixprena.....-.i o.iv uui 1." vin Lincoln an. bU:B5 am Denver Llmlteti a 4:25 pm a 3:UD pm Black lllll" ana ruset Hound, uenver ,on- nootinn a 9:00 Dm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 00 pm a 9:17 am Fort urooK unu i iaim- mouth D :20 pm bU:0 am Beilevue & Pacllle. Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Bcllevue & Pnclllc, Jet. .a 3:00 am Kunnua Clt. Ml. ....o'lt A: Council IlliifTa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a C:0G pm K-nnas City Night Ex..alo:30 pm a 6:1 am St Louts Flyer a 5:10 pm aii:l5 am a Dslly. b Pally except Sunday. WEBSTER DEPOT-I5TH Jfc WEBSTER Leave. Arrive. Freiiuint. KlUliorn A- MlHHiiurt Valley Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wvomlng. Casper and ffllaa v-"7.d 3:00 pm 0 5:00 P Hustings. York, David City Superior, Geneva, Exoter and Sewari....b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:15 am Fremont Local 0 7:30 am Minaiitirl PiiolUc. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am ClilcnK"i Ml. Paul, lllniifniiolls A Omulin. v Twin City Passenger..;. a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .n 2:45 pm nllilO nm Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am n Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun. day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. BOOKMAKER COMMITS SUICIDE Laurie Mnrka, Kiiroule fur Hiiaiaiia fur Trial, Jiiiiuin Over I linitrd, LONDON, Jan. 20. In tho course of to day's hearing of tho charges growing out of tho Liverpool linnk frauds, Inspector , Forest of Scotland yards testified that ns n result of inquiries niado nt Boulogno- Sur-Mor, Franco, and on board tho Chan nel etoamor, ho was satisfied that Laurie Marks, tho American bookmaker, who Is alleged to havo been connected with tho case, Btortcd on the boat for England and committed sulcldo by Jumping overboard. Thomas Patterson Goudlo, the former bookkeeper of tho hank; Dick Burgo, tho pugilist; Stiles, a bookmaker, ana F. T. Kelly, another bookmaker, were committed for trial. GLASGOW FIRMS COMBINE Gun' MnUera and Armor Vlnte Man ufacturer Mera-o Their Inff loata. LONDON. Jan. 20. Official announce ment wae made today of tho amalgamation or the firm of Vlckors' Sons & Maxim, the gun manufacturer, with William neard- moro ic Co., manufacturers ot armor piaie and ship building materials, of Glasgow. Tho Joint capital is 6,300,000, Tho Board more company owns a big shipyard and re cently acquired ground for another, on which tho amalgamated companies Intend to Install the finest plant in the world, AGREE TO ACCEPT RANSOM 1 1 nrlsranala Who Abducted Mlaalonarlea Unsettled' Regarding Place of Payment, CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 20. The United States minister, John G. Fleishman, lay tho brigands who abducted Miss Ellen M. Stono and Mrac, Tsllka, September 3, have agreed to accept the amount of ransom ralsod by subscription. The place of pay ment Is now tho only question unsettled. No Trnth In Uprising- Story. LONDON, Jan. 20. Tho offlclalB of the Indian ofllco hero declare there Is no truth in .the report from Odesso that a native up rising has occurred at Naslrabad, In tho AJmere district of India, which report al leged that tho British troops had been defeated In threo engagement,