THE OMAHA fiAlLY BEE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eruk'ag f tht Driath Oimi 81mp ii tit Mirktt ALL WHEAT ARGUMENTS ARE BEARISH IMcntr ol Moisture, World" Weekly StatUtlctt "ml Outside Snlcs All Tend to AnhIiiI In Forclnn Prices Ilimn. .May WIIClll ClUSCU Willi u. mon ui 74ll May corn lc lower and May oats down. Provisions lost from 10c to 17c At tlio opening in wneai mere w u attempt mudo to support tlio murket on tho early small break, but It was of no Uvnil. Cables wero higher, but a small rally was poorly held, Everywhere in tho suffering winter wheat country relief wus at hand. I.lRht rains were reported early with promises of plenty of moisture. Later snow fell In tho several stales and every Indication pointed to an end to the drouth. Additional bearish news arrived In tho Hhapo of tho weekly world's statistics. World's shipments wero reported at 8,374,- 000 bushels against 5,352, Ouu busholn last year. Drcadstuffs on passaeo. wero In creased l,ir.2,ww bushels, nnd tho visible supply Instead of being decreased, as wna expected, was Increased 1,196,000 bushels, Tho Influences sot long holders to unload Ing excitedly. Prices at outsldu points wero rapidly dropping under Chicago quo tatlons. Tho northwest began selling hero and Ht. Louis, frightened at the prospects of plenty of wheat from tho. winter coun try, dumped something llko 4,000,000 bush els In this market, Stop loss orders were executed freely and .May, which opened o to He lower at 80c to 80c and had touched SO-'ic, slid to 79c. Tho general opinion prevailing nmong traders wns that longs had overstayed In tho market and must now sacrifice profits to got rid of thiMr wheat. Tho decllno was unchecked and what was offered openly from all quarters. Contrary to former breaks on this campaign thero was very little de mand at low prices. May closed very weak, l4Jlc down nt 79ig79c. Local receipts wero 68 cars. 2 of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported Kl cars, making a totnl for tho thrco points of 609 rars, against 1,016 last week and 606 a year ago. Primary receipts were 6S7.000 bush oln, compared with 793,000 bushels a year hbo. Scuboard clearances In wheat and Hour equalled only 158,000 bushels. ' torn showed unusual strength consider ing tho weakness In wheut. Cables wero higher, and on tho theory that tho snow nnd colder weather predicted would no ccssltuto heavier feeding In stock, traders began to buy In. May opened steuily nnd at onco ndyanced. Tho small amount of Hhlpments Inst week to Europo and tho decrease of tho amount of corn on nns- !,m,.w,?rc 1ulllsh Incentives. Tho total quantity now on ocean passage Is 8,036, W0 bushels, or about ono-lmlf tho amount 1 Mint position n year ago. Thero was ttlo sold at tho outset and country offer ings threatened to dry up. This strength could not stand against tho bud brolk In wheat. In sympathy with that cereal. Mi iy S which had touched 65c. di-oppe 1 to C3-c. Hulls bought steadily on tho do L r? n?iL1,r " ? a ?nt Port of their nrft'n Hy c fe'' wo"k- ,l(c down nt 634 flMtC Receipts were 12S cars. Inwf,, 'J?,'1 "n cnr,y b'"'lh market. Fol lowing thu corn strength nnd on bullish May sol l'Su r,n,h4lr8rSlt ,?"encd "" " nd ... J.H!m un ,'c. Corn was tho lend- .rJhsss imlfr'!,!!!,i0n, l,entMl Mrly strong on an JFJXS hl . 1,0R """-kot and ho "nrly W S, 'camS'Ue. 4fcS ,,lcn,o0wn,,a0tr6LMfaDS Estimated recclpta tomorrow wht afiSTicSr 103 cnrs: on,e' 1? JloJoadfngfuturcs ninged as followa: Artlcles.l Open. nigh, l, , cln, lgn,- Wheat Jan. Mny July Corn Jnn. Mny July Onts May July Sept. Tork Jnn. Mny July Lard Jan. May ' July . nibs- ' Jan. May Tsas 77, 81 sou so: 0 73 79 79JJ rn: 6511 65$ 46i 41 31 16 57 17 20 17 15 9 45 9 75 9 824 63 ' 63 1 40 16 r.7 16 00 16 87 9 sr. 9 65 9 72 C3X 45 40 16 57U 16 9,-, 16 &7V4 9 35 9 63 9 72J4 S 33 8 62W 46Ji 33 16 67 17 12" 17 13 9 45 9 75 9 82 "S70" 40-li 33)1 16 674 17 15 17 10 9 75 9 82 8 I7U 8 72Vi 8 72 8 60 No. Pi nnn0'?!.'? wfT na '"Hows: Itralght tfmiwi cloarraSW'0' upoclnls, $5:30; patents ttb$?Kn?'U!i PKlnK I3.1OH3.40 J'"enis, W.6OU3.80; straights. WlllflAT'V. 1 i- S3Vif?S5iic. jc; no. 2 red , TST N, 5. 46Ho: No. ,779J..No- 3 white. 46l7Ue. white, 4714 UVIi-No. 2, 621i(Q62-)ic. 8)I1AHLBY-Falr to choice malting, 61 contrnrt grade. J9.70fi9 75 ' c,0Ner' riipVIKIONS-Mess p0'rk. per bbl 116 kk 16.63 Lard, per 100 lbs". J9 339 'sK ribs sides (loose), $8 308.45 X f tnJ Fi 'hoi'ldcrs (boxed). J7.1207.25. Short c enr elites (boxed), S.S0jr8.90 nr WIIlSKV-lJasIs of high wines. J1.32. Tho following were the recelnts iVnTi v,in ments of gralns.yeste rday: P and shlp" nrncirs. Itcce nt. Rhlnrnnn. Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu Data, bu Rye, bu Parley, bu 25,000 12.000 45,000 6S.00O . 56,000 .119,000 .205,000 . i3.rioii 202.0:O a ocn , 36.000 16,000 ter markot wns steady: creameries isffl Wc; dairies. 14J?20c. '6hee2. cSf?; 10 10?ic Kggs, easy; fresh. 22Q23c. HW YOKK i:KHAI, MAIIKET. luotntlon of the un- ., Varlouii (.'oimiioflltleii, patents, J3.S5J; 1.15 winter extras, J2.9J(ri3 3ic 'Minnesota bakers, $2,9553.35: winttr ini grndei. $2.75fl2.80.' Hyoj our. m "ett f?lr 875.B00 ' J3-"ya3M'' cl'olco to Vancy. Vso ,iRPIii,.RiAI9u,Sti yo.llow western, $1.36: ',UVi,,3tV "randywlue. $3.653.7S. ' 1UK-I5asy; No. 2 western 70c, f. o h fotsa 8 " CO'uC70 - Now' York, car HAHL13Y-rulli feeding, (!0ffC2c, c, I. f WHEAT Itccc pts, 6,650 bu.: exnnrtn 5.131 hu. Spot, "weak:' No. 2 'red. 'ItHc' o. l oflont; No. 2 red, 89c. elevator1 No. 1 northern. Duluth. 96c, f. o. b.. afloat1 No. 1 northern, Manitoba. SSc. f. o j, . ufloat. llurdenod bi- heavy offerings in response- to i good snowfalf In tho south' west, tho market broke sharply. St. IxiuIb mat i n prominent seller, while Increases In the visible, supply, amount on pnssago and 'world's supplies nil contributed to tho downward movement. Close.) weak nt IVrt Jc net lower. March closed at c: M il" l .16S6 1.16c. closed at Slftc; July.' sftlff 65He. closed lit S4He. w-uiCK-ueccipta. l.wo hu.: oxiiorts. 4,2(M Jiii. Soot, easy; No. 2. 6sic. elevator, tin mil lier -th--, I. u. ii nium i. upiionF opened hli:h ...... BuiMi niit'ciiiaiivo il niand. Hunt countrv nnrui-lnim mi ,. .i il- crcaso on parage. Corn eventually re acted with wheat and closed weak at So net loss. January closed ut fio: May, (Ht 69Hc closed nt oSc; July, 67fj69c, closed Bt 67siC OATH Receipts. 6,300 bu. Spot, steady; No, 2, Mo: No. 3. 50o; No. 2 while. 63Ufrtio No. 3 white, (xlc: track mixed western, tu Blc; track white, 62j5'ie. Tho market weakened In sympnthy with corn. HAY Qulot; shipping, U0J65c; good to choice. 82WGWC. HOI'S Steady; stnto, common to choice. 1901 crop. 11615c:'1900 crni, SSjl'o; 1S93, 61p bc; 1'iirinn cousi, iwi crup, nnjioc; jyuu, sp 120 ; IK'U. U'llC. IIIUKS Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs,. dry. 21 to so lbs.. llc. LHATH Kit Steady: hcm!ock sole. Ilucuos Ayres, light to heavyweights. 25tf2fl!. wuui-Biciigy, uuuivtiu iircco, ,'0((.'uc; JAtin, luiiiiu, I'llOVISlONS Beef, steady; family. $1 11, CO m ( '' II1C09 tf.MI V,irV UVl I llltllin, WJ . cltT extra India mess. $i7.50ti 19.50. i . n .1 . . . hUbt..l K.ltl... nl 1C! Cut Tlirtiliv, plFUiljr, limc-l uuniua, aif iw, ,ii;i led shoulders, 7c: picked hams. 9i'(T10e. l(jird, easy; western steamed, 9.ti; refined, ick CHICAGO, Jnn. 20. Hnln nnd snow fii-firiUlm, (tin liinir rlrnllth In tlin Winter wheat territory took tho argument nwny lrom tho bulls In tlio grain pltH todny and prices broko badly uround In consequence. flrmi continent. $10; South America. $10.75j compounil, $S.)08.2o. Pork, quiet; family, $17.68 18.00; short clear, $17.6ogl8.80; mess, $16.50yl7.BO. 11UTTBH Ilecelpts, 6,127 pkgs.j steady; stato dairy, 14M2ic; creamery, 16H23c; Juno creamery, ir(i21c; factory, 13gl5c. CHKL'SIO-Hecelpts, 1.76S pkgs.; firm; fancy large, full cream, fall mndo, 10fi 10-)ic; fancy large, lato best made, 9'ic; fancy small, full cream, fall made, 11UW 12e: fancy small, lato best made, lOQIOtic. EGOS Hecelpts, 1,983 pkgs.j llrm; state and Pennsylvania, 2&327cj western, at mark, 26c. SUGAR Haw. stendv! fair reflnlne. 2T;c: centrifugal, 96 test, 3c; molasses sugar, 2v, refined, sternly; crushed, 6.15c; pow dered, 4.75c; granulnted, 4.65c. -Uf ! liH-WCttKi KO, 7 1110, tiC. MOLASSES Steady; Now Orleans, 37 "POI'LTIIY-Allve, stendy; springers. MP 9c: turkeys. 10c; fowls, 10c: dressed, firm; BjnMngcrs, 9yi0c; fowls, lOTHlc; turkeys, METALS Indon wiblnd that better market conditions prevailed there, with n resultant ndvnnco In tin of 1 10, which closed spot nt JC106 6s and futures nt 103 2s 6d. Tho locnl market was also a p limit! better, closing with $23.75 bid and $24 nsked and firm at the rlnsi. ('miner wns easier. with Lako Superior quoted nt $11 nnd elec trolytic at $10.87fU.oo and casting at $10.75. At ixiniion copper prices wero rnised il lsi, with spot closing at ii 10s and futures nt X4S 15s. Icad wus quiet and unchnnged hero at $4, hut at loinlon prices closed Is 3d higher at 10 10s. Spelter wns un changed at homo and nbro.iil. The London market closed at 16 16s. Iron was quiet. European markets wero quiet, with Olns gow at 4Ds and Mlddleshorough at 4.1s 10'4d, Pig Iron warrants,vJ11.0iftl2.liij: No. 1 north ern foundry, $16.50'117.5t); No. 2 northern foundry, $16.ixfll6.5: No. 1 southern foundry, $16.0016.60; No. 1 southern soft foundry, JlG.ooi 16.60. u.MAHA aviioi,i:.s.i,i: MAHKKTS, Conilltlnn nf Trndc nnd Quotntlon on Staple nnrt Pnncy Produce. EGGS necclntn more liberal: fresh stock. 22c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 6fi6c: old roosters, 304c; turkeys, 7S9c; ducks nnd geese, '7fj!sc; spring chickens, per lb., 6 4t7c. .DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, 1012c; ducks, 9fj.l0c; geese, 9S10c; spring chick ens. 88c: hens, 7B8c. niTTTER Common to fair. HWc: choice dairy, In tubs, 15ifil7o; separator, 23'j24c. FROZEN FISH Ulnck bass, ISc: white bass, 10c; blueflsh, 12c; bullheads, 10c; bur faloes, 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, 10c; crappies, He; halibut, 11c; herring, 5c; haddock, 9c; pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c: mlmon, 12c: sunflsh. 6n: trnnt. Se: whtteflsli. Sc: nick crol. 6c: fresh mackerel, each, 20ti33c; smelts, ioc. OYSTERS Mediums, per can. 22c: Stand- ards, per can, 25c: extra selects, per can, 33c; Now York Counts, per can. 40c; bulk Standards, per gnl., $1.20ffl.25: hulk extra selects. tl.0Offl.G5; bulk New York Counts, per gal., tl.ia. I'luiiUNH ijive, per uoz., iaic. VEAL Choice, 6$sc. HAY Prices minted bv Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers', association: Choice up land, $9; No. 2 uplnnd, $8: medium, $7.50; conrse, $7. Ryo straw, $5.60. These prices aro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fnlr. Receipts, 8 cars. CORN New, 6lc; 01(1, WC. IlRAN-$23. OATS-62C. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home crown. $1: northern. $1; Salt Ikc, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. car hots Per mi., wc. REETS Per -bu. basket. 30c. T LT RN I PS Per bu.. COc: Rutabagas, per 100 lbs., $1.25. I'AKoMi'H t'er i)u., wc. CUCl'MHERS Hothouse, per doz $1.76. I.ETTT1ICE Head. Per bbl.. $8.50: hot- houso lettuce, per doz., 2.1c. pahhIjNY per aoz 20c. RADISHES Per doz., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Homo grown, per lb.. 2e; Kansas, per bbl.. $3.25. CAHHAHB uniinnn seeu, crniea, i7c. CAULIFIvOWER-Pcr crnte, $2.75. ONIONS Snantsh. per crato. $2: Michi gan, red or yellow, 3c per lb. . CELERY California, 40fl76c. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-uasKci crate, J5. muria, APPLKS Ren Davis, ner bbl.. tl.lXVS-I.BO: Wlnesaps, $3; Jonathans, $6.60; nellellowcrs, per box, $1.75. PEARS Vikcrs, $2.25; Lawrence, $2.2o 2.50. GRAPES Malagas, per Keg, jo.ij.w. CRANIIERRIES-Pcr bbl., $7.60; per crate. $2.75. NAVY utSANB per nu,, w.ia. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Callfornia navals, $2.75,00; budded. $2.60. LEMONS- S Fancy, $3.60fff3.75; choice, $3.00 3.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.252.75. FIUH uantornia. new cartons, i; im ported, 'per lb., 1214c. DATES Persians. In CO-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; Salrs, Gc. MISCELLANEOUS. ' NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; liard shell, per lb, llc; jno. z noil Bncii, iuu; xso. z nnrn sueu, :ic; Brazils, per lb., 14c; Illbcrts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17c: hard shell, 15c; pecans, largo, per lb.. 12c: small. 10c : co- connuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c. llUNUY per -N-foctlon case, J3.50. CIDER Nehuwka. per bbl.. $3.25: New York, $3.50. POPCORN-Pcr lb.. 5c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 snlted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. 1 veai cait, a to ius., ac: iso. i veal cair, 12 to 15 lbi., 7c; dry hides, SfflSc; sheep pelts, vuc; norso niues, ti.W2i2.2o. St. I.oiiIh Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Jan. CO. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 86c: track. 88Aff I9c: May. 86!,!&S6c; July. 79c; No. 2 hard, muia-c; receipiK, nuneis. PfinK IjlWffr' Nft 9. rnuli J71tn. Imnk 4S'4l4sc: May, 47o; July, 2iic;' No. 2 white. 49c. RYE Higher at 66c. FLOUR Dull and weak: red winter pat ents, $3.9004.00; extra fancy and straight, $3.50Ci3.70; clear, $3.2Mj3.40. hbkp-timotny, jo.wjib.uu. CORNMEAIv-8teady nt $3.25. BRAN Dull and heavy: sacked, east track. $10.60. HAY Weak and lower; timothy, $11.60 lo.00; prairie, $11.00 13.60.. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: jobblne. $16.05. Lnrd, lower at $9.15. Dry Halt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear ribs, $8.62; clear sides, $8.87. Bacon (onxea), sienuy; extra snorts, clear ribs, $9.62; clear sides, $9.75. WHISKY Steady at $1.32. IRON COTTON TIES-tHOO. HAGGING-6S6:4c. w' HEMP TWINE 9c. METALS-Lead. dull, t3.S7Q3.90. Spoi ler, quiet at $1.17. POULTRY Firm: chickens. Re: ni-u..v 10c; ducks. 8H,9C; geese, 5c. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, lSiSSc; dairy. lbf20c. " u ' kuu-Hieaay at sic. RECEIPTS Flour. 11.000 bu .: whent . 000 bu.; corn. 166.000 bu.; oats, 176,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 7.C0O bu!; wheat, 29,000 bu.; corn, 73,000 bu.; oats, 21,000 bu. KniiHitn Clt' firnin nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 20.WHEAT-May. i7Uc: July. ibc: ensh, No. 2 hard. 765j77'-'c: No. 3. T5fi76Uc: No. 2 red. KlUOS.Ui.- Nn j S6V487Hc; No. 2 spring. 71iil75c. cash. No. V mixed. CMtftnf Kn u.),itn 6.S(I769c; No. 3, 6Sc. iJAia mo. - wnito, 4V4tHUc, RYE-No. 2, 63064c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.50i7H.OO; choice prairie. $13.00. BUTTER-Crcnmcry, 18ij22c; dairy, fancy, ISc. EGOS Steady; fresh Mls.iourl nnd Kan sas titock quoted on 'chanco nt 21c doz.. toss off, cases returned; now whltewood enses Included, c more. RECEIPTS-Whent. 23.300 bu.; corn. 161, 400 bu.: onts. 39,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, S.S00 bu.; corn. 63,000 bu,; onts, 16,000 bu. Sllniienpolls Wlicnt, Flour and llrnn, MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 20. WHEAT Cash, 7IT4c; May, 75fi75o: July. 76fi"6)ic; on track, No. 1 hard, 76-c: No. 1 northern, 74se; No. 2 northern. 728"3c. FLOl'H Tho general outmok Is Im proved: first pntonU $3.S0tf3.9iJ: second patents. $3,7003.80: first " clears, $2.80g2.90; second clenrs, $2.10. IlltAN-In bulk. $17.00ffl7.60. SHORTS-In bulk, $17.60iJ18.CO. Toled" 5 rnl il nnd Seed, TOLEDO. Jan. 20. WHEAT Wcnlc and lower: cash, SiVJc; May, 87V4c; July, 82;e. CORN Dull and lower; Jnnuary, t2c; May, CIHe; July, 6lc. OATS January, 4ic; Mny, 47c; July, SEEDS-Clover, Jifnunry, $5.93; March. IllwiiuUef drain Mnrltrt, MILWAUKEE. Jan. 20. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 77WJ7c; No. 2 northern. 7&fl7c: May, 79c. RYE Easy at dtV-e. BARLEY Steady; No. 1, 64j6lo; sam-CORN-May, C3c. Plillndelphln Produce MnrUpt. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20,-BUTTER-Stendy: fancy western creamery, 24c; fancy neiirhv prints, 27c. EGGS Steady; fresh nearby, 25c; fresh western, 26c; fresh southwestern, 25c; fresh southern, 23c. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, fancy, small, llV4c: Now York full creams, fair to choice, 91fllc. Liverpool tirnln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 20.-WIIEAT-Spot, firm: No. 3 led, western, winter, 6s 2d; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 2d; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6 3d; futures, easy; Mnrch, 6s 2d; May, 6s 3d. CORN spot, steady; American mixed, new, 6s 7d; Amcrlcnn mixed, old, 6s 3d; futures, quiet; March, 6s 3d; May, 6s 3;id, l'EAS Canadian, steady, Oa lOd. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 7s 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific const), steady, JC3 3(f JC3 15s. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; extra India mess, 79s. Pork, llrm; prlmo mess western, 72s. Lnrd, quiet; American refined, In palls, 39s Od; prlmo western, In tierces, 49a 9d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., strong nt 49s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 11m., firm nt 41s 6d; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs., qulot at 41s 6d; long clour middles, light, 23 tn 34 lbs., quiet, 45s; long clear middles, heavy, 33 to 10 lbs., 44s 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 40s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 61s 6d. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., dull, 38s 6d. BUTTER Steady: finest United States, 90s: good United Stntes, 68s. CHEESE Firm; Amcrlcnn finest white, ISsi'xl; Amcrlcnn finest colored, 49s 6d. Imports of wheat Into Uverpool last week wero 48,500 quarters from Atlantic ports, 17.0HO from Pacific ports and 22,000 from other ports. Imports of corn from Atlantic ports last week wero 6,500 quar ters. KlKl" Butter Market. ELGIN, 111., Jan. SO.-BUTTER-Offerlngs on tho Board of Trado wero very light, 1,710 lbfc This wns sold early at 21c and tho markot was declared steady at 21c. Tho sales for tho week aggregated 42,000 lbs. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AND BONDS. EiiKnKrmciit of Oold for Kxnort the Only New Development. n? vnm: inn. "rtT.nut week's de pressions In tho stock markot wero fortl lled today by the engagement of $2o0.0W of gold for export. This -was practically tho only now development In the stock market, which continued In Its rule of dullness nnd professionalism. Prices aro generally lower on tho day. though not as low ns they t..,r.. iinritiir i in. MeHslnn. The continued discussion of tho affairs of tho trolley syn dlcato and occasional changes In tho plans of tho adjustment committee keep up tho disturbing effect of that episode. Tho spe cial heaviness of the Atchison's and of Now York centrni today was uuo to uio ilaM.'itlHfiictlnii felt tn the capital expan sion and now bond Issues with prior claims over stocks. Tlio news irom :no west ol much needed rain and snow In tho winter wheat belt was without effect. Reports of threatened damago to winter wheat from lack of molsturo havo been offered ns causes of some of tho recent depression of rnllroad stocks. Considerable Interest attaches to tho foreign situation Just at present owing to tho signs of speculative revival nbroad. It is evident that tho long liquidation In Germany has now pro gressed to a point where accumniulated cap ital Is becoming burdensomo again, but tho ardor of inquiry by German capitalists seem to bo directed towards their own public loans and to some extent to tho re vived Knlllr market In London. Tho Lon don market Is obviously discounting with greater faith than In a long time and thu end of tho Boor war, but their interest In speculation also turns townrd South Afri can mining securities tind toward homo railways, which hegln to show signs of recovory in curnlngs nnd promise pt divi dends. Thero Is even organized effort to Induco American cnpititl In common to embark In Katllrs. Theso symptoms sug gest tho Inquiry whether tho next revival of nctlvo speculation will not bo shifted to foreign mnrKots and foreign securities. American Tobacco sold todny at 300 nolnts nnd there wero advances of 1 to 5 points in tno omer touacco hiocks, tno uiucoso stocks, Metropolitan Street Railway, American Smelting nnd Brooklyn Union Gns, but this did not affect tho general downward tendency of stocks. Chicago. Burllnutnn & Qulncv unansented stork closed todny at 220 bid, compared with 208 Did on saturuay. standard uu sold in tho outsldo markot as low as 615, but rallied somewhat. Consolidated Tobacco 4s mado up the bulk of tho bond, which was otherwise dull und Irregular. Total sales par value. $5,010,000. United States rcfandlng 2s, tho registered 3s nnd tho now 4s, registered, advanced V4 per cent; new 4s coupon, per cent, nnd tho old 4s per cent. Tho 6s, reg istered, declined per cent nnd tho now 5s coupon, per cent on tho bid nrlcc. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho stock mar ket today was less active and showed a reactionary tendency, but waa healthy In tone. American shares wero heavy with a very limited volumo of business. Copper rose 1 to 48. the ton nnd Rio tlntos sold nt 41. Money wns unchanged. Gold to the nmount of 20,000 has been received from Australia. Tho nrlco on French de mands Is 77s 10-Hd. Silver Is firm on a French tender on Wednesday of 26.000 kilos. Purls exchange is 23.12; Berlin, 20.42. The following are tho Closing prices on the Now York Stock exchange: Atchison , do pfd Bal. & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pac..., Canada So dies. & Ohio Chicago & A..t.., do pfd Chi., Bid. & L... do pfd Chi. & E. Ill Chicago G. W..., do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chlcngo & N. W, C, R. I. & P Chi. Ter. & Tr... do pfd C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado So , do 1st pfd do-2d pfd Del. & Hudson.., Del., L. & W..., Den. & R. O do pfd Erie , do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Nor., pfd Hock. Valley .... do pfd Illinois Central.,, Iowa Central do pfd Lako Erlo & W., do pfd , L. & N Mnnhnttan I..... Met. St. Ry , Mex. Central .... Mex. National ... Minn. & St. Li..., Mo. Pacific ...., M.. K. & T do nfil . 74T St. Paul pfd , 964 So. Pacific 102 So. Railway .... , 96 do pfd.... ,114 Tex. & Pacific... , fcbVi Tol St. L. & W , 46't do pfd . 3IU Union Pacific ... , 76V4 do pfd , 52 iWabash ISO 68 32ft 92Ts , 38 18 .100 u . kSli 22ft . 414 . i9y 40 .193 21" . iH do pfd ,131!Wls. Central . 5'JU. iln ,.f,l , 83" Adams Ex'.'.".?.'.".'. AH A.,m'rlcnn Ex.... ,209 Si I'. S. Ex ,155i Wells. Fnrgo Ex , 17 Amal. Copper .. , Ui ,Amer. Car & F. , 96' do pfd , 14 Amor. Lin. oil.. , 6Hi do pfd , 23 Amer. s. & n... ,172 do pfd ,26i Anne. Mln. Co... , 42 Brooklyn R. t.. , 91 U Colo. Fuel & I., , 39X, Con. Gas , 71 Con. Tob. pfd... , 66 Gen. Electric ... .ISS1 Olucoso Sugar .. , 6S',i Hocking Coal ... , 82 Inter. Paper .... ,13 do pfd.. . .liu. Inter. Pnur.. .103 .183 . .H . 23 . 86 . 15 . 42 . 46 . 9(i',J . 63 . 80 .2174 .11U12 .27 . 60 . 14 . 19 Z$s .'87 . 92 . 41ft ' . 30 . 6) . 8.1 . 72 . 46 . 99 . 39 831,4 .219 . 6S , 72 I Laclede Gns ... , 65 Nil. Biscuit ..... ,124 No. Lead lOOil'Natlonal Salt .1351 do pfd ,167-'HiiNo. American .. , 27i Pnclllc Cont ... , 15!i Puclllo Mall ,10,'iVi'l coplo'B Gas ... ,liKHt,,Pressed S. Car.. , 21V dp pfd , 62Vi Pullman P. Car. ,18s iRepubllo Steel .. ,101Ji do pfd N. .1. Central .... N. Y. Central .... Norfolk & W...., do pfd Ontario & W Pennsylvania ... Rending do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd St. L. ft 8. F..., do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.... do pfd St. Paul 91 iTcnn. Coal & I.. 62V , 23-K union Bag & p. ,H8i do pfd , 66 U. S. Leather .. , M do pfd , 62U. S. Rubber ... , 62 do pfd.-. . 13 .72 . lift 81U yfc . 50 . 42 . 9I5 . 91 . 3i; . 31 ,82 u. m. stool , 7,'.UI. do pfd , 26 Western Union. , 59 Amer. Locomo... ,1GI7&! do pfd Offered. lliiftlnn Stock Quotations, BOSTON, Jan. CO.Cnll loans, 43 per nt; tlinu loans, 44jO per cent. OfUclnl ce closing: Alrhlson 4s 102AHouez 83 (Amalgamated Gas Is Mm. Central 4s. Hallli. Atchison . 'b . 96ft .262 .192 ,166 .210 .141 .loot; Bingham Cal. & HppIii... . 21V4 .580 . 12 . 67 . 67 . 11 . 21 . 29i,i ' ,'. 81 . 29 .U . 2 ..255 ,. 5S; ,. 14 . 13ft . 22ft :: J . 40 do ptil Boston & A Boston & Mo.... HoHlon Elevated X- V W II II. Centennial Copper Rango , i-'ominion uoal Franklin Islo Royalo .... Mohawk Fltehburg ,Pfd... Union Pnclflo ... Mex. central .... Amer. Sugar .... 27i Old llnmlnl.,,. 12i.Oscooln U5U Parrot do prci, Amer. T. & T... Iln.n I. K, ft 169Qulncy .. 2 Santa Fo Cop, Gen. Electric ... 278W Tamarack Mass. Kicctric... do pfd N. E. O. & C... United Fruit ... 31 92 iriniountnin .. i rinuy United Htm i . Nivj i: inn . 42iVlctorla . 94ftiWlnona . 20 'Wolvurlno U. , meui do pfd Adventure Trust receipts. IIiiiiU ClrnrliiKN. OMAHA, Jnn, 20, Bank clearings todny, $1,453,018,66; corresponding day Inst year, $1,161,466.12: Increase, $293,152.61. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 20.-Clenrlngs, $10,022. 725; balances, $1,220,681; New York exchango, 30c premium. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. SO. Clearings. $13,371,497; balances, $2,743,668; money, 6 per cent. NEW YORK, Jnn. 20.-Clearlngs, $131,. 913.664: balanres, $7,495,591, CINCINNATI. Jan. 20,-Clenrlngs, $4,471, 650; money. 486 per cent; New York ex change. 10fj20o premium. CHICAGO, Jttn. 20,-Clea rings, $:s,2(0,933; balances, $3,880,060; posted exchange, $1.85 for sixty days nnd $4.87 on demand; New York exchango, 40c premium. BALTIMORE, Jnn. 20.-Clearlngs, $2,756, 467; balances, $337,631; money, 4h6 percent, t BOSTON, Jan. 20.-Clenrlngs, $19,113,316; bnlances, $1,613,187, New York Money Mnrket, NEW YORK, Jnn. 20.-MONEY-On call, steady at 3gl per cent; closed bid and asked, 3g-i per cent: prime mercantile ptiper, 4fc5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.S7 for demand and $4.8lft4.84 for sixty days; posted rates, $l.85Cfi,8S; commercial bills. $4.83ifM.8l. SILVER Bar, 65ic; Mexican dollars, 41',ic. BONDS Government, Irregular; state, Inactive: railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds ar is follows: U. S. rcf. 2s, rog.lOSJ, do coupon lOSft do 3s. reg 108 I L. & N. unl. 4s.. 101 Mex. Central 4s.. 82ft I do Is Inc 32 do coupon 1084 M. & St. L. 4s.. .103 M.. K. & T. 4s.... 0s do 2s 83 N. Y. Central ls.lir.'H do gen. 3s 109 N. J. C. g. 6s 131 No. Pncltlc 4i 104ft do 3s 74ft N. & W. c. 4s. ...102 Reading gen-. 4s.. 93 St L & 1 M c. 6S.117 St L fit 8 F 4s... 96 St. L. Southw. Is. 9Mft do 2s 78ft 8 A & A P 4s SS Ho. Pacific 4s 93ft So. Railway 6s. ..119 Tex.. & Pac. Is.. US T, St L & W 4s. 82 Union Pacific 4s. .101 do conv. 4s.. 1054. no now is, reg..i;ivft do co ii non do old 4s, reg.. .111! do coupon 111 do 5m, reg, lot) I do coupon 107 Atch, gen. 4s 103ft do ndj. -is 92 uiu. a: unio is,,. km do 3s 95 do conv. 4s 101 Cannda So. 2s. ,.109 Cent, of Ga. 6s. ..108 uo is inc ,u Ches. & O. 4s...l0tift Chi. & A. 3Vs.... 81 C, B & Q n. 4s... . 95 C. M & 3 P g. 4.111 C. fc N. W. c. 78.140 C, R 1 & V 4s.... 106 CCC & 8 L g. 4s. 101 Chlcngo Ter. 4s.. 89 Colorado So. 4s... 92y4 D. & R. G. 4s 101 Erlo prior 1. 4s... 99 do general 4s... 89 F W & D C Is. ...107 Hock. Val. 4s... lOlftl wnoaBn is do 2s do deb. B ..118 ..lll( .. 68 ..112 West Shore 4s. W. & I,. E. 4s. 92 Wis. Central 4s.. 8S Con. Tob. 4s 69 Bid. London Stock Quotations. LONDON, Jan, 20. I p. m. Closing: Cons., money.. 91 3-16 Norfolk & W 67 do pfd 93 N. Pacific pfd. ..102 Ontario & West. 34 iPennsylvanta .... 76 Reading 29 do 1st pfd 42 uo account iH'i Annrnnrin. IW- Atchlson 77ft fin nffl lttl Baltimore & O...l04 Canadian Pac. ...117 ;nesupeuKo ft u. 47 Chlcngo G. W.... 23 C, M. & St. P...167 Denver & R. G.. 43 do pfd 93 Krlu 41 do 1st pfd 73 do 2d pfd 58 Illinois Central. ..142 Loulsvlllo & N..107 M.. K. & T 23ft do pfd 63 N. Y. Central. ...167 do 2d pfd 32 Southern Ry 33 do pfd 95 C, ..... I. ..... . 11 ft,. ouu tilt-1 n I uu..., '7H Union Pacific 103 do pfd 90ft U. 8. Steel 43ft do pfd 97 Wabash 22 uo piu 4.1 Spanish 4s 77 Rand Mine 11 Dcllccrs 43 BAR SILVER-Stcndy at 2511-16d per ounce. MONEY Tho rnte of discount in tho open market" for short hills is 2 per cent nnd for three months' bills 216-16-IJ3 per cent. Foreign Financial. . LONDON, Jan. 20.-Money was plentiful today, the demand was raouerato nnd rates ensy. Discounts wero weak, being in fluenced by tho recent reduction In tho German bank rate and tho anticipation that it will causo a lowering of tho English bank rate. Business on tho Stock exchango opened steady, quiet and less buoyant, though prices were generally firm. loiter business wns somewhat more animated. Flm-class securities wore firm. Home rails were Irregular, though nt first they Improved. Amertcnns opened dull nnd In active; afterward receding, owing to lack of Hupport, to below parity, and closed wenk In sympathy with Now York's open ing. Rio tlntos dropped a quarter, though copper grew firm, closing strong. Brazil ians nnd Spanish 4s relapsed. Kaffirs wero Irregular. Some of the shares reacted slightly, but afterward they were moder ately active and firmer. DeDcors were llrm. Tho amount of bullion tnken Into the Bank of Englnnd on balance todny was 20,000. Gold premiums nro quoted: Buenos Ayres, 131,20; Madrid, 31.26; Lisbon, 31: Rome, 22.25. Bar gold, 77s lOftd. American eagles, 76s 5d. PARIS, Jan 20. Prices on the bourse to dny wero firm. Rentes, Italians and Span ish 4s wore, easier. South Americans were dull. Thorn win-Houston was in nctivo de mand and closed wtth a sharp advance on tho report that a large short interest was open. Omnibus, shares and East Parisians wero strong. '.Metropolitans wero quiet. Gas nnd Sosnovlce wero wenk. Credit Lyonnns and Banque do Paris attracted nttcntlon on the announcement that tho former would distribute a dividend of 60 francs and transfer 8,000,000 francs to the reserve fund. Rio tintos advanced sharply on tho improvement In copper. DeBeers wero in nctlvo request, finishing with n shnrp rise. Kafllrs wero strong, but after tho close of tho bourso they reacted slightly. Tho private rate of discount was unchnnged today at 213-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 17o for the nccount. Exchango on Ixmdon, 25f 12c for checks. Spnnlsh 4s. 77.78. BERLIN, Jan. 20. Prices on tho bourse were Irregular. Portugese were hnrder. Americans wero quiet. Mines were strong at first, but reacted on realizations. Ex change on London, 20m 42pfgs for checks. Discount rate for short bills. 2 per cent; for thrco months' bills, 2 per cent. Condition of the Treimnry. AVASHINOTON, Jnn. 20. Today's state ment of tho treasury balance, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Avallablo cash bal unce, $171,996,667; gold. $37,610,416. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20.-COTTON-Spot, quiet: middling gulflnnds, 8 9-16c. Futures closed steady: January. ..97c: February, 8.01c; March, 8.0Sc: April. 8.13c: May, 8.14c; June, 8.15c: July. 8.1Sc; August. 8.02c; Sep tember. 7.71c: October, 7.67c. Tho market opened stendy In tone, with prices 2 to 5 points higher, this being a fair response to bullish Liverpool news nnd small esti mates for today's port receipts. Talk of higher prices for spot cotton south, pre dictions for a big export movement nnd generally encouraging cloth mnrket news from all quarters served to aid n strength ening tho market; but at 8.22c for May sellers In goodly numbers made their np pearance, being for tho most part small holders who preferred taking profits to risking possible further udvnnces at the moment. Speculative support was light and the bull contingent was anything but enthusiastic. Point by point tho market went off, with the opening advance lost beforo mluday. Finding our market pre disposed to sag. Liverpool cased off a trifle from tho top before, Mio close, but private cables declnred sentiment abroad was still very bullish. As now business did not come in during the into morning, the mar ket further sold down under large esti mates for tomorrows Now Orleans nnd Houston receipts. May went oft to 8.21c Inter, rallied a trifle nnd the market closed steady, with prices net 3 to 6 points lower. Tho ofllclnl reports from southern spot market wero very encouraging in that they nil gnvo well sustained prices nnd a steady 'sTLOUlS.Jan. 20.-COTTON-Qulet; sales, 30 bales; middling, Jo 15-16c: receipts, 5,509 bales; shipments, 6,181 bnles; stock, Galveston, Jan. 2o.-corrON-steady "NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 20,-COTTON-Spot. quiet; sales. 2,350 bales; ordinary. 6 9.16c; good ordinary, 7 1-lGc; low m d dllng. 7c: middling, T16-16c: good mid d i g, 8 3-16c; middling fnlr.'Sftc; receipts. 10,711 bales; stock. 36S.218 bales. Futures, nulet and stendy; January, i.8jtf(7.8ic; Feb ruary 7 89c: March. 7.93U7.94c: April, 7.96 "oscf May, 8.Wo3c; Juffe. 8.06&8!o7c; July, 8.Wj 8.10C. r,VTa. LIVERPOOL, Jnii. '"iTVV":: 4ti.' 4 3-32(1. ' The sales of tho day wero 10.000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export nnd Included 9,200 American. Receipts. 69.000 bales. Including 60.100 Amer lean. Futures opened .steady and quiet; American middling, fr. o. a. Jnnuary. 4 31-Old, buyers; Jnnuary and february, 130-tlld buyers: February and March, 4 29-611H sn-ofd, buyers; March and April, i M.6tifil 30-64d. buyers; April and May, 4 29-64TN 30-6ld, buyers; slay and .June, Coffee Murket. NEW YORK. Jnn, 20.-COFFEE-Spot Rio, weak; No.. 7 Invpjce, 6c. Mild ana nulet. Tho coffeo market opened 20 to 25 points lower in sympathy with very weak European market news and big Brazilian receipts. At no Mmo during tho day was there any reaction of note, and in the ear y afternoon fresh heavy liquidation set In and carried prices rapidly lower. Unnl cMilcs from European markets were very weak nnd rumor hnd It that a failure abroad wns In pnrt responsible for the al most sensational decllno In Havre, a bearish Santos cablo also helped. The locul market closed stendy In tone, but at the bottom prices of tho (Hy at a net loss of 35 to 45 points. Total sales were I'.coo bags, Including Februrury nt 6.foc: March. 6.6r,c; April. 6.ora6.00c; July, 6.0on6.20c; Septem ber, 6.2&S6.40c; December tt.40Q6.66c poor demand; prices y ihk" . -can middling fnlr, 4 W-lpd; good m dd ng, 4 11-lOd; middling. 4 9-16d: low middling, tr. .1.1.1. ni-itinnrv. 4 11 -3Jcl : ordinary. 4 30-6 d, sellers; June '"" "7,ui sellers: July nnd August, 4 30-fljd, sellers; August and September, 4 25.64,1 buyers; sontember nnd October, 4 16-61d buyers. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Diiirnbl friM f Ittf OtttU fold at Itndy t Strug Frcii. HOGS SLD CtNSIDERAILY HIGHER TODAY Sheep nnd Lamb Sold Freely Today nt Stcndr to Strong Prices and Bvrea Brought the Top Price of Season. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 20. Ilecelpts wercs Caltie. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclal Monday 3,011 7,9i 2,311 nome (lay insi weoK 4,.io Same week beforo 3,901 Same three weeks ago.. 2,652 Same four weeks ago.... 2,721 Samo day Ixst venr 1.615 4,743 7,15,1 6,598 8,721 6,465'J 2.310 3.301 2,1,23 3.070 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha tho past several days with com parisons ' Date. 1902. !01,llOO.liS.ll89S.lS97.lS9. Jan. 1.... I fO 4 95 4 21 3 42 3 18 3 4 Jan. 2.... 6 22 4 9t 4 33 3 67 3 17 343 Jan. 1.... 6 18 4 95 4 29 3 67 3 48 2 11 Jan. 4.... S2Sft 6 02 4 27 3 44 3 44 3 25 3 61 Jan. 6.... S04 4 37 3 47 3 3S 3 27 r Jan. 6.... 6 23 4 35 3 48 3 39 3 29 3 63 Jan. 7.... 6 10 6 05 3 42 3 40 3 18 3 48 Jan. 8.... 6 09 6 06 4 34 3 43 3 12 3 46 Jan. 9.... 6 16 6 11 4 38 3 45 3 14 3 66 Jan. 10... 6 13U 5 26 4 35 3 60 3 43 364 Jan. 11... 6 04ft 6 23 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 07 3 51 Jan. 12... 6 17 4 49 3 60 3 47 3 14 Jan. 13... 6 00 463355 3 49 3 09 3 47 Jan. 14... 6 12 6 16 J 60 3 49 3 16 3 63 Jan. 15... 6 20ft 5 26 4 68 3 47 3 26 3 69 Jan. 16... 6 15 5 27 4 62 3 62 3 23 3 66 Jan. 17... 6 17ft 6 20 4 48 3 49 3 47 3 72 Jan. 18... 6 22 5 29 4 63 3 61 3 61 3 23 3 82 Jan. 19... 6 27 4 51 3 54 3 54 3 26 Jan. 20... 6 27 4 61 3 56 3 60 3 26 3 P0 InrilriLten RtinHnv. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: , Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.HT's, a. m. & st. p 13 O., & St. L Missouri Pnclllc .... Union Pacific System C. & N. W F.. E. & M. V C, St. P., M. & O.... B. & M 3 1 13 16 13 3 19 o 9 3 4 93 C, u. & w. C, R. I. C. II. I. & P.. east.. & P., west.. Illinois Central Total receipts 113 10 Tho disposition of tho uav's receipts was a3 follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 100 1,015 fcts Swift nnd Comnanv 737 1.639 219 Cudnhv Packing Co 505 2.459 632 Armour & Co 363 2,727 631 Swift, from country 316 H. iiccKor & Dcgan ti Vansnnt & Co 4 Carey & Benton 10,8 Lobman & Cn 165 W. I. Stephen 29 inn i iiuntzingcr iu William Underwood 40 Hamilton & Rothschild ..219 H. I. Dennis & Co 1 B. F. Hobblck 7 Wolf & M 147 Other Buyers 215 .... 100 Total 3,131 7,840 2,210 CATTLE There was only a fair run of cattle hero today, and as ronorts from other points wero favorable to tho idling interests the trade here rule active, with prices on the better grades steady to strong. A heavy snow storm made tho cattlo appear In bad form and nlso made mem sen ramcr unevenly, ns is very ,ipt to bo thf enso under such conditions. Everything desirable, however, was out of first hands In good hunson. Receipts Included a llbornl proportion o conlfed steers, nnd somo of them wero of nrottv eood nunlltv. Uuvers took hold In good shape and paid steady to strong prices for all desirable grades. The commoner cattle did not movo as readily nnd could not do quoiea any moro man stcany wuu the close of last week. Thero was also conrldcrnblo life to the cow trade this mornlnrr. nnd buyers ware all after dcBlrablo grades. The market on such kinds could safely be nuoted steady to strong and active. .The commoner gradci wero not n quite as good demand, nut stilt they sold at Just about steady prices and practically everything wns out of first nann in gooa season. Thero wai very little change noticeable In the prices paid today for bulls, vtal calves and stags. Tho demand was good for tho better grades, but common kinds wero neglected. Tho stocker and feeder trado was rather dull today, probably owing to tho fact that speculators wero afraid that tho storm would keep buyers at horrif. Tho better grades, however, sold at right closo to steady prices, but anything on tho com mon order wns very hard to innvo at any price Representative sales: BEEF STEE'RS. No. Av. It. No. Av. Fr. 2 685 2 75 10 934 4 60 1 620 2 25 7 1000 4 69 4 1082 2 90 1 990 4 65 4 965 3 25 61 928 4 65 16 875 3 60 8 89.3 4 65 1 780 3 60 6 1153 4 85 3 813 3 70 10 1093 4 83 4 1015 3 75 17 914 4 90 3 1103 3 75 6 1101 5 00 19 781 3 75 2 1185 5 00 2 715 3 75 4 1060 5 00 10 820 3 75 12... 1162 5 00 17 996 3 85 2 970 5 10 30 1016 3 85 18 1061 E 20 2 1070 4 23 23 1080 5 20 1... 1000 4 25 42 1226 5 35 9 1014 4 25 40 1310 6 35 1 1000 4 25 2 1100 5 35 6, 890 4 40 28 1160 5 35 13 940 4 60 22 1202 5 45 6 833 4 60 23 1104 6 45 10 895 4 65 14 1242 5 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,.. 843 4 3b COWS. 2 3 3 2 7 '.7.7... 2 2 11 34 i. 1 3 4 1 , 2 , 1 4 1 1 1 , 2 , 8 4 22 , 6 1 , 1 1 3 , 1 3 o ?!!!!.'!.'! i i i 6 6 6 1 7 1 1 4 1 8 890 786 1 10 1 76 2 00 1 .1020 .1000 . 914 . 950 . 980 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 12 3 15 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 40 3 60 3 55 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 70 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 83 3 85 3 85 3 95 3 95 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 20 4 25 4 65 3 60 3 65 4 15 3 10 3 15 3 30 3 40 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 03 4 10 4 25 1 18 7 1 843 890 2 00 775 2 00 857 2 10 16 911 .. 850 ..'975 ,.. 901 .. 827 ..1000 ,.. 873 .. 945 ..1050 .. 885 .. 820 ..1087 .. 800 .. 800 .. 780 .. 875 .. 975 .. 992 .. 913 .. 9S0 ..1040 ..1010 .. 920 ..1016 .. 920 ..1016 .. 970 ..1410 ..1060 .. 790 .. 9S0 .. 962 ..1063 ,,. 891 ..1120 .. 740 .. 860 ,2 15 2 25 2 25 05 2 25 2 40 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 CO 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 90 2 90 3 00 1. 2. 16. ........1040 960 870 1120 1420 1018 1000 930 1 1 9. 1. 6. 1. .1200 .1635 12.. 1 1060 1 1090 & 853 19 1033 2.. 1035 1195 1020 969 1011 1178 1037 1060 1200 1269 1. 13. 22. 15. 11. 3 1 15 7 24 13 20 1 910 997 1195 1144 1220 26 1005 1 1080 6 1131 16 915 1 1300 10 1220 1 1420 2 1350 3 00 3 00 3 00 ..1060 COWS AND HEIFERS. , 732 3 95 2 730 . 830 3 25 11 833 . 737 3 55 1 1000 1 1200 2 1235 2 : 1 1220 1 1380 2 60 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 85 2 H5 2 85 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 1. 1. 1. 1.1') 1270 1150 1220 1220 1341 1100 910 1485 1280 1120 3 1183 2 1470 1 1370 1 1530 1 1610 1 1330 1... 1... 17... 1... 1... 2... 1... 1... 1 1720 1 600 1 1800 1 1180 1 1510 HEIFERS. 1.... 6.... 1.... 6.,., 630 485 680 2 80 2 610 3 75 3 05 1 710 3 8.1 3 60 STOCK CALVES. 370 2 85 2 293 3 75 105 3 00 CALVES. 290 100 90 , 160 90 , 110 6 00 6 00 6 00 1 230 140 185 122 210 6 50 6 60 6 60 7 00 7 00 1 2 7 2 6 00 6 00 6 00 STAGS. 1 1200 4 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 4 900 v2 10 5 1012 3 50 1 890 '2 10 13 773 4 00 2 423 2 75 8 952 4 25 1 980 2 75 20 1051 4 35 5 982 2 90 5 912 4 35 6 626 3 00 STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 710 3 00 11 601 3 90 4 805 3 25 9 766 4 OQ 3 926 3 25 22 661 4 0) 2 690 3 35 t 768 4 05 3 60 3 tO 3 60 3 75 3 80 3 SO 3 80 3 80 2S 927 7.. 751 1 720 40 721 28 fA'i 26 $60 40 479 28, ... 683 43 ,,966 69 761 4N,,.,. 896 29 1065 4 06 4 03 4 05 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 25 4 35 4 40 4 60 4 CO 3 SO 3 80 3 SO 3 SO 3 90 4 72 29 3S2 9 775 HOGS Thern wn n heavy sttnnlv of hors here today for a Monday, but the demand was equal to the occasion, and after tho market fairly opened trading was active, with prices a strong nickel higher. Pack ers all seemed to want tho hogs and an n result nn early clearance wns made. Tho bulk of tho good weight hogs sold from $6.33 to $6.60. Medium weights sold largely from $6.25 to $6.35 nnd the lighter weights went from $6.20 down. Although the heavy weights wero in tho best demand still sell ers did not experience nny great trouble in disposing of their lighter loads nt satis- laciory prices, itcprcscntntlvo sales No. Av. Sh IT. No. Av. 73 205 66 249 23 231 82 217 7S 211 63 252 65 242 71 229 Sh. IT. 33 113 30 125 6 25 5 25 5 95 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 03 6 i 6 03 6 05 6 03 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 15 6 15 6 15 fi 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 I'O 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 H V 6 23 6 25 6 23 40 6 27 240 80 120 210 120 6 27 6 27',n 6 27 6 30 6 30 6 30 95 166 73 151 SO 110 116 336 165 160 40 'so SO 102 161 84 166 6 30 ( 6 30 75 172 80..., 62.... 65. . . 69.... 91.... .235 210 161 156 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 32 6 33 6 35 6 35 6 35 6 35 80 161 83 161 83 163 82 142 30 193 1230 .233 .201 80.. !19 40 40 'so 'so 40 80 120 40 83 212 91 208 79 211 61 218 71 199 81 210 80 229 6.8 228 80 209 90 168 99 16S 78 196 73 187 72 202 91 175 91 173 99 181 83 195 94 193 82 195 , 61.., 21.., 71... 82... S3.., 86.. 66.., 16... 73... 66.., 223 ..252 ..254 ..210 ..210 ,..233 ..213 ..258 ..236 ..219 ..259 78 180 86 IMi 93 179 51 195 40 6 35 0 33 6 35 I! 37 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 . ti 40 6 40 77 199 77 201 76 206 6 : 6 : 40 80 'so 40 80 120 SO 207 93 199 67 202 69. 9.'. H06 25 ..216 (i 69 213 13 227 6 25 C 23 (1 25 6 23 6 25 6 23 6 25 6 23 6 23 6 25 6 25 6 23 6 25 6 25 66., 60.. .25.8 83 202 87 201 83 201 69 211 ,.268 ,.283 ,.266 ..252 ..290 62.. . 63... 67.., 56.., 160 120 100 80 71 230 6 40 6 40 6 10 6 60 89 174 60..., 165 ...230 ...204 ...214 ...204 66 270 70.. .257 40 61.., C4.., (-.., 62... 71.. 61.., ..2.38 ..293 80 SO 'io 6 .Ml 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 55 6 60 85. 201 63 197 79 218 ,.2D6 .381 67 206 6 27 100 SHLl'.P Thero wns nbniit mi nveraeo run of sheep hero today and ns the de mand wus In good Hhapo tho market could safely bo quoted steady to strong nnd nc tlvo. Buyers wero nil out early and It was not long before everything wns out of llrst hards. Tho most Important sale of tho day was that of the J'nlnter owes Mint sold for $1.40. Thero wero 470 head and they weighed 100 pounds Tho price Is, of course, considerably higher Minn anything that has been sold here In somo time past, but the quullty was nlso exceptionally good. As high as $5.00 was paid today for year lings nnd lambs sold ns high as $3.90. There wero no strictly prime lambs on sale. Tlio feeder market did not show any particular change, but Judging from tho way buyers acted anything good would havo sold at strong prices. Qjntntlons: Choice lightweight yearlings, $1. 80415.10: uond tn rbolen vetirtliicfl Xl.liM 4.75; choice wethers, $; fnlr to good wethers, ?4.2.i$j4.50; choice owes, $3.75i5i4,00; fair to good ewes, $3.50(f3.76: common owes, $2.75ff3.uO; choice lambs. $3.76f(6.10; fair to good lambs, $5.50J5o.75; feeder wethers, $3.60 WI.OO; feeder lambs, $4.00h'1.60; cull lambs, iit-'iireuuniuuve sales INO. Av. 97 93 91 100 IT. 3 65 3 75 3 75 4 40 b 00 6 60 6 90 6 90 6 00 3 00 4 20 4 25 4 63 5 00 5 60 211 western 291 western ewes , owes ewes ewes 11 western 470 western :23 western vearllncs loo 130 wethers nnd Limbs 63 i nntivo iamb ioo 8 nntivo lambs. , 9t K nntlve lambs 86 8 old ewes R! 186 western ewes loo 9 lambs 45 96 western wetherM 124 3 western Iambs.' 6) 16 western lambs 66 CIIIUACU MVK STOCK MARKET. Cntllc and Hons ltl;lier nnd Sheep Steady. CHICAQO. Jan. 20. CATTLE Receipts. 1,500 hend, Including 500 Tcxnns; active and itendy to higher: good prime, poor to medium, $4.oo to $6.0Oj7.03; stockers nnd feeders. $2.2034.75; cows, $l,23?i6.10; heifers, $2.50fi5.30; ennners. $1.23f?2.20; bulls. $2.O0f(4.60; calves, $2.50g6 20; Texas fed steers. $3.256.23. . HOGS-Recelpts, '3S.000 head: estimated tomorrow 37.000; left over. 3,000; market oponed 5c higher, closed steady: mixed and butchers. $5.90fi6.62M!: good to cholca heavy. $6.1046.65; rough heavy. $3.106.33; I'ght, t5.63U6.10; bulk of sales, $6,101(6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 20.000 hoad; stendy to strong; good to cholco wethers, $l.30So.oo; fnir to ciioico mixed, t3.75fi4.60; western sheep, fed, tl,25fi6.10; nntlve lnmbs. $3.20f0.O0; western lambs, J5.20ift6.00. Ulliciai Haiurnay;. jtuceinis unuie, zuu head; hogs, 20,937 hend; sheep, 903 head. Shipments Cattle, 961 head; hogs, 1,302 head; sheep, 2,157 "head. KniisnH City Live Stoek Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 natives, 1.600 Texans nnd 100 calves; market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed teef steers, $5.906.70; lair to good, i.nuyo.Mi pdicnern unu ivuu- ers, $3.60114.70; western led steers, ji.&iwj 6.00; Tcxus hnd Indlnn steers, $3.15110.25: Texas cows, $2..71('i.23: native cows, $2.751f 4.50; heifers, $3,501(5.25; dinners. $2.00112.65; bulls. $2.501,50: calves. $3."i51j6.00. IIOOS ilecelpts, ii.ipuu nean; marKet do higher; lop, $6.65; bulk of sales, $3.751f6.f6: heavy. S6.50H6.6S: mixed packers, $6.15'n0.55; light, $5,404(6.30: pigs. $4.50ifiii.40. iViw h,y.iio ju-i-t'iiitn h.dui; head: market strong: fed lnmbs, $3.00116.00; fed wethers, $l.00lio.03; yearlings, $4.75?5.60: ewes, $3,754(4.60 cuus ana feeders, Vi.imf 3.75. New York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,242 head; good steers, a shade hlglier; medium and common, steady; steors, $4.63f(6.15: bulls, $2.40; extra heavy fat cows. 1I.25S4.50: shlnments tomorrow. K50 cattle, 2,050 sheep nnd 6,650 quarters of beer. , CALVES Receipts. 1,167 head! steady to strong; veals, $5.ooii9.oo; southern nnd western calves. $3.5O4W.20. SHEEP AND IjAM US Receipts, 2,023 head; easier; common to medium, 104(16c lower: lambs, 16f(20c off: closed llrm; sheep, t3.0OfN.6O; oxport sheep, $4.40ffl.fiO; few wethers, $l.75a5.00: culls, $2.0OJr.50; lambs, $5.0iKii6.12: culls, $4. IIOUB iteceipiB, iu,s:i neaa: niglier; stato hogs, $6.2o5j.60; western hogs, nom Iral. St. Lou In Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Jan. 20.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 4,500 head. Including 2,600 Texans; market strong nnd higher; nntivo shipping nnd ex port steers, $4.606 30; dressed beef and butcher steers, $l.00fi).60; steers under lbs., $2,604(6.35: Blockers nnd feeders, $2.60y 4.25; cows nnd heifers, $2.00475.00; ennnors,. $1,904)2.75: bulls, $2.404M.25; Texas and In dian steers, $3.254p3.30; cowh and heifers, $2,661(3.80. HOGS Receipts. 7.100 hnad: markot 5c higher; pigs and lights, $6,954(6.25; puckers, $6.00410.35; butchers, $6,404(6.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 8.000 head; markot strong and active; native muttons, $3.254M,65: lambs, $1.80476.10; culls and bucks, $2.00111.50; stockers, $1,6002.23; Texas muttons, j..ui.-. Ht. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH, Jnn. 20. CATTLE Re celpts, 1,400 head; steudy: natives, $3.604i 7.00; eows and heifers, $1,3546.35: veals, HOGH-Rccelpts, 7.000 hend; strong; light i iini., mivnft r. rr.ift in ....wii,,.. n.i heavy. $3.604i,70; pigs. $3,704(0.00. Bllisisr uecvipiB, ouu ncan; sicaay. Stock In SUM. The following table shows tho recelnts shows tho nf rattle, hoes and sheon nt tho llvo nrln- clnnl market b for January 20: uuii). fjngs. Sheep. 2,311 20,000 2,500 8.000 8r South Omaha 3.011 7.965 Chicago 2,000 33,000 Kansas uity t.oui h,im St. Louis 4,600 7,100 St. Josepn i.iuo 7,(kio Totals 18,411 66,063 33,611 Standard OH Sules, NEW YORK. Jnn. 20.-Standnrd oil sold In tho outside market Mils morning nt $6.16, n nrenK nt m points irom namruny, on largo offerings. Tho prlco then rallied and sales wero mnde at $6.22, with bids at $6.25. (Ill and Itnsln. , OIL CITY, Pa., Jan. 20.-OIL-Credlt bal ancea, $1.15: certificates, no bids or offers: runs, 117,773 bbls.; average, 73,677 bbla,; 3 3 3 22 . .... 15!!!. so J;;);;;;;;; shipment?, 173 421 bhls.: average, SS.SSI bids. TOLEDO. O., Jnn. sn -OII-North Lima, J5o, South Lima nnd Indiana, SOc, NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-O1L Cottonseed, easier; prime yellow, 43c. Petroleum, dull, Rosin, llrm: strnlnrd, common to good, $1.65. Turpentine, strong, 43y43c. StiKnr .Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Jnn, 20.-8UOAR-Qulcti open kettle, 2iT3ftc: open kottlo centrifugal. 2&3 3-16o; centrifugal granu lnted. 4U?3o: white, Sll-l6o: yellow, 2J3 9-16e; seconds. Ii1l Jc. Molasses, open kettle. 104f2lc: centrlfup.1l, 6gi5c. Syrup, steady, Plf22c. All molasses and syrup arriving nffectcd by frost. NEW YORK, Jan. SO.-St'GAR-Rnw, steady; centrifugal, 96 test, 3ftc; molasses sugar, 2c; n lined, iitendy. Molasses, stendy. Hvuporntcil and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. EVA POR AT E D APPLE8 Quiet in tono nt former quota tions; itnte, common to good, 70Sftc: prime, 9fl9ftc: choice, 9fl0c; fancy. 10;ifllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market quiet nnd fl-mer nt former prices. Prunes, 3ft4i7e. Apricots, Royal, 104? 14c; Moor Park, 9Ifl3c. Peaches, peeled, 16420CJ unpecled, 7012c. Dry (innda Murket. NEW YORK. Jan. 20.-DRY GOODS Thn week opens with a moderate demand for the general run of cotton goods nil being stendy. Denims and other coarse colored goods firm. Prints nnd glnghnms firm, but quiet. Print cloth fabrics firm, with re luctant sellers. Hosiery and underwear stendy, but quiet. Wool .Market. 8T. LOUIS, Jan. 20. WOOI-Flrm. but unciinugod; medium grades, j3'((hhc; ugni fine, l2KI6c; heavy line, iiai-c; tub waancn, irtf.'ic. BLACK HILLSPI0NEERS MEET Society Holds Annual Convention iinil Elects Onipcra nt Dendvr ond. DEADWOOD, S. D., Jan. 20. (Special.) Tho proposed nmendmcnt to tho bylaws of tho Society of Black Hills Pioneers to ad mit those who came to tho Black Hills ai lato ab December 31, 1877, has again been tabled by tho society. This nmendmcnt h.11 been before the society for a uuinbor of years and has ben roportod upon adversely nt each of 'the last live annual meetings. According to the bylaws nt present, only those who came to tho Black Hills prior to December 31, 1S76, aro eligible to mom borship. At tho fourteenth nnnunl mooting of tho society, Just held In Dcndwood, James Con sett was elected president for the third consecutive term. Theso vlco presidents wore elected from tho rospcctlvo counties of tho Illnck Hilts: James Ilnlloran, Law renco; II. A. Albion, Custer; John Scollard, Mcndo; Ernest Schleunnlog, Pennington; E. T. Pierce. Fall River; F. C. Thulon. Butlo; Jnmcs Ryan, Crook (Wyo.); H. P. Lorcy wns elected eccratary; D. M. Gil lette treasurer; F. K. Smith, marshal; Oeorgo S. Hopkins, historian; C. Simpson, standard bearer (for llfo); J. M. Carvor, J. W. McDonald, Kirk C. Phillips. John Stan nus nnd Paul Ilowmnn. directors. Only ono member of tho society has died during tho past year, Mrs. Anna D. Tallent of Sturgls. The society Is In good condition, financially and numerically. CONFIDES SECRET TO POLICE Edward llnrdcaatlc While Intoxicated Telia Ilendivnod Authorities Hint He Shot a Mini. DEADWOOD, S. D., Jnn. 20. (Special Tel egram.) Sheriff Dickinson arrived In Dead wood today from Plattvlllo, Wis., nftor Ed ward HardcasMc, who is wanted for t.Vot Ing Henry Wcllman. Hnrdcastle has n.ii In Deadwnod two wockn, und whlls Intox icated confided to tho police that he bad rhot a rann. Trfe .police, communicated with the Wisconsin authorities nnd were directed to bold tho prisoner. Wcllman was shot in tho groin, hut Is stilt alive. Cnr of HoraeK nisnppeara. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Jan. 20. (Special.) An Ogdcn man has brought n peculiar suit against the Union Pacific. He seeks to re cover damages to tho amount of $3,400 for a carload of horses which he claims to havo shipped from Ogden to Clnrlon. In., but which, ho alleges, never reached their des tination. It Is snld that not n single trace of tho stock can be found nnywhoro. and tho carload has disappeared as completely as though tho earth had opened and swal lowed It. Many Grnaxhopiirra on Lnrnmlc Plalna CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Jan. 20. (Special.) A report from Laramlo states that an em ploye of tho Mlllbrooko ranch, ou tho Lar oralo plnins, recently encountered n largo numbor of grasshoppers. This Is tho first tlmo that tho pests wero ever seen In tho stato during tho winter months. It Is pre sumed thnt tho high winds of tho past week carried them up from tho south, or olsa tho wnrm weather hatched them out. Conrt Stays PrncrcdliiKM. PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 20. (Special Tele gram.) Tho supremo court today granted a writ of error and certificate of possible cause, which acts as a stay of proceedings tn tho caso of John Ford, sentenced 'from Miner county for two and a halt years on a chnrgo of burglary, tho offense being chicken stealing. IfonicBtnke Company llulliln Road. LEAD, S. D., Jan. 20. (Special.) Tho Homcstake company Is building a now wagon road alone tho hillside to the Elli son hoist, In the south part nf town, and la moving a numbor of dwelling houses eft tho right of way. Tho hoist bus hcretoforu been Inaccessible for teams. Tin: liHAi.TY market. INSTRUMENTS placed on record yester day: Warranty Deeila. Joseph McCloncghcn nnd wife to John Youngqulst. o nw. 26-16-9,. $ 3,200 Frnnk Swnndn and wife to Jnn Zelln- ger, n lot io, uiock 3, potter ana Ch add C50 C. E. Scarr nnd wlfo to C. M. Schln del. tot 3, block 13. South Omaha.. 2,400 J, K. Hazard and wife to Peter Len- hard, 20 acres in swvi nwft, ao-16-13 1.300 II. H. Baldrtgo nnd wife to J. P. Fin- ley, west vj jeet iois 2.1 and 21, hlock 18. Hanscom nlnco 3.500 John McCrcnry to E. H. McCroary, lot 6. uiock 4, .-uarysviue auu, unu lot 13, block 12, Pntrlck's second add 1,300 Samo to same, lots 13 to 18, block 3, Mnrysvlllo add 2,600 Omaha Realty company to Jnno Plck nrd et ill, south 20 feet lot 8, block 74, South Omaha 423 M. A. Burnham to J, W. Lofgrcn, lots 1 nnd 4, block 4, Burnham placo COO Quit Claim Heed. Barbara Mockolman and husband to Sinn Miller, e of nw ne, 32-15-11 1 C. M. Bchlndel nnd wlfo to Jennlo B. Scarr, lot 3, block 13, South Omaha 1 UeeiU, H. P. Voshurgh to Mary, McD Vos- uurgll, luin ,a unu i, iji,v;i i( i t,v- ter and C's second add 1 Total amount of transfers $15,078 Tetepnoae lOflll, Boyd Commission Co. Buccesiors to James K. Iloyd A Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND ttTQCK. Hoard of Trad Balldlna;. Direct wires to Chicago aid New YorV. CorrcsDondcnce. John A, Warren A Ca.