Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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CkUfLuni that Ont f Thira, Wlllltmi,
h Ho N.Tie,
Pacts CotircrnliiR tlic llolilnp AVI 11
Proltnlily Mc I'rcuPMlril to (irnml
Jury Itobliory Dlit Xot
Ilitppcii n Planned.
Nothing has ticen dqno yet In tho way
of Ming charges against Robert Limerick,
sllas Frank Jones, nnd Frnnk Williams, tho
men who hold up Cliff Colo's saloon Fri
day night, and tho men nro still In tho cltv
Jail. A report was current about the po
llco headquarters, however, that County
Attorney Shields Inteudcd to take some
notion In tho matter nt onco.
Attorney Shields sayo ho will probably
bring tho caso to tho attention of tho
grand Jury, adding that ho hadn't mado up
htn mind as yot what tho charge would ho.
Both robbers have been "mugged" and
measured according to IJertlllon methods.
Chief fionnhuo had an extensive conversa
tion with them Sunday and linn mado uo
his mind concerning them as follows:
"Tho man who gavo his namo as Fran!:
Williams, which is an assumed name, to a
good ono In his lino and no novice, as has
teen reported In tho newspapers. Ho tells
mo that ,ho was born In Osceola, Clarko
county, la., nnd that he Is 38 years old.
Ho has traveled ft great deal and has been
In noarly nil of tho largo cities of the coun
try. A year ago ho was nrrcBtcd In Chi
cago as a suBpcct m connection with a
series of holdups, but after being detained
In Jail for two or tbreo days was dis
charged. Ho used to drlvo a hack In Chi
cago. Ho seems to bo acquainted with
noarly nil of tho notorious thieves of tho
"Limerick, alias Jonm, has nerve, but
lacks experience. His homo Is In Council
muffs, whero ho has n very bad reputation.
Ills wlfo and brothor-ln-law enmo over yes
terday nnd had n talk with mo to boo If
nny arrangements could bo mado for get
ting htm out of this mess, but, of course,
I couldn't glvo them much satisfaction tho
way tho matter stands now.
"Williams had this to say nbout the
holdup over Colo's place: 'Tho Job wasn't
exactly ripe yet,' said he, 'nnd If Jones had
followed my lnstructlonn It wouldn't have
been pulled off on that particular night.
Our plan was to wnlt until there was a lot
of raonoy ;ln sight, but Friday night or Sat
urday morning Jones made a break that
tipped our hands and then wo had to go
ahead and do tho Job. It wasn't, true that
wo could havo been caught whllo running
down tho stairs, because I backed down all
tho way nnd had my gun In hand nil ready,
but thcro wasn't n head showed Itself.'
"Williams denies that ho had nuythlng to
do with tho holdup In Kansas City ten days
Bgo wherein $1,600 was stolen from a pool
room nnd ways ho hasn't been In Kansas
City for flvo years."
AnnotinrriiiontN f (lie Tiirntrrn.
"Tho Taming of tho Shrew" deals with
the all Important subject of matrimony. It
should bo seen not only by nil married
couples, but also by all other couples who
may bo married bo mo day, Tho coming
production of this most amusing of Shakes
pcaro's comedies by Charles II. Hanford at
tho Boyd tonight, tomorrow night nnd mat
Jnoe Is auro to attract ono of tho largest
audiences of the season. The beautiful
young Omaha actress, Helen Grnntly, whose
pictures havo recently nppcarcd In so many
of tho leading magazines, will play Kathcr
lne. Preceding "Tho Taming of the Shrew"
"Tho Old Ounrd," the French version of
"Waterloo," recently given hero by Irving,
will bo presented.
No Transfer nt ClilciiKn.
All trains of tho Bnltlmoro & Ohio, Lake
Bhoro & Michigan Southern nnd Nlckol
Tlato railways use tho Grand Central sta
tion nt Chicago. Patrons of tho Chlcngo
Great Western i all way desiring to go cast
via any, of thcBo roads will avoid trans
ferring. Shampooing and hair dressing. 25 o. In
connection with tho Bather), J16-220 Be
building. Telphono 1716.
Mayor nnil Council men from .South
Dakota City l'nylnR Visit
tn O mull it.
Mayor Frank Abt and Councllmen J. W.
Peterson, A. H. Lundln, John Estorbrook,
M. C. Campbell nnd J. P. Crick of Lead,
fl. D., aro In Omaha Investigating paving
and othor city Improvements. The party
came to Omaha from Denver and will leave
tor Kansas City Tuesday morning.
Beforo returning home tho Lead men ex
pect to visit a number of eastern cities.
They aro being shown over Omaha by City
Engtnoor Hosowater nnd nro paying par
ticular attention to paving materials, as
Load la to do considerable paving next
The South Dakotnns visited tho city hall
and wero delighted with tho building.
"The pitcher that goe9 often to tne
well Is broken at last." There's n world
of wisdom In that familiar proverb, and
k sound application of it to disease,
especially to such familiar forms of dis
ease as coughs and colds. Singularly
enongh the very thing that ought to
cause alarm is given as excuse for a feel
ing of safety. "It's nothing; only a
cougn. I've nau it
before." The fact
that a cough re--
curs iienodicallv
ahould be warning
enough to take it
in time, for the
most serious and
disastrous of all
maladies begins
wltn a cougn.
The use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
sot only stops the
cough but cures
the cause. It cures
obstinate, deep-
seated coughs, rvir
: ' " mtwjg
lungs, he in or- ,t
rhages, diseases
which if neglected or unskilfully treated
find a fatal termination in consumption.
Accept no substitute for"Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is no other med
icine "just as good " for weak lungs,
"I waa very Ick Indeed," writes Mrs, Mollle
Jacobs, of 'elton, Kent Co., Delaware, "and our
Family doctor said I had consumption. I thought
X rauit die toon for I felt so bad. Had a bad
cough, spit blood, was very abort of breath, in
fact could hardly ret my breath at all aome
time. I had paini In my chest and right lung,
also had dyspepsia, Defore ! took your ' Golden
Medical Discovery 1 and ' Pleasant relict 1 1 wn
o weak I could not sweep a room, and iow
I can do a amall washing. I worked in the
canning- factory this fall, and I feet like a new
person. I believe that the I,ord and your medi
cine have saved my life. I was sick over two
years. I took thirteen bottles of the'Oolden
Medical Discovery,' and four vials of Ur, Pierce's
1 Dr. Pierce'B Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
S. V. fierce, Buffalo. N.Y.
1 rrwrn
.m m wail
Tlilrtj-SIr I'rlaonrrs Arraigned While
(inrdoii Situ In Lonely
Police Judge Berka, whom Judge Cordon
charges with tho grand larceny of his. court,
did a rushing buslnets yesterday morning.
Thlrty-slx prisoners were arraigned beforo
hlra, of whom fourteen were olthcr fined or
cent to Jail, seven were discharged and tho
cases of tho remainder were set for hear
ing nt Romo future dato. It took a long
whllo to dtsposo of all of these and Judge
Oordon, who was presiding over his mos
quito court In tho hall, became lonesome
beforo tho docket was 'finished and ad
journed his tribunal and went home.
Fines were Imposed as follown: Drunk
and disturbing tho peace, Jack Carter and
Oscar Klmber, $1 and costs each; drunk
and asleep on walk, Charlre Matteeon and
Pat Kenrnoy, Jl and costs each; drunk, I'at
Cannon, Henry Parks, Minnie Schrocdcr
and Tat Murphy, $1 and costs; drunk nnd
resisting nn olllccr, J. W. McCloary, $3 and
costs; drunk and disorderly, T. K. Burk, $1
and coots; drunk nnd begging on the street,
John Henderson, (3 and costs; drunk and
using profane language, Cut) Kesalngcr, $.1
nnd costs; suspicious character, Henry
Lalchcnbcrg, three days In Jail; drunk, Al
fred Ormsby, 3 and costs.
An Kxtrnct from tier I.rttrr.
"If you could only be hero this winter
morning and see for yourself, you would
no longer doubt me. Hoses aro blooming
In our front yard, 'and all nature Is as far
advanced In this lovely American summer-
land as It will bo lu your cold "eastern homo
by June.
"Wo mnde tho trip from Omaha to Call
fornla via tho Union Pacific to avoid tho
detour routes.
"As less time Is consumed on tho Union
Pacific In reaching your destination, thcro
aro fewer incidental expenses on route.
"If you want to reach California without
suffering any of tho Inconveniences of whi
ter travel bo sura that your ticket reads
over tho Union Pacific. It Is tho only lino
running through trains from Omaha, (com
peting roads have Just ono car, going over
four or flvo different lines onco a day, only).
Wo rodo on that great California train,
'Tho Overland Limited,' which surpasses
any train traversing tho American con
tinent." For further Information call on or ad
dress city ticket office, 1324 Farnam, 'phono,
IlltiNtrntrd Lecture.
Ilomc, "Tho Eternal City," and glimpses
of Switzerland, Illustrated with over 100
largo stcreoptlcon views, by Rev. Charles
A. Payne of Berlin, Wis., at Lowo Avenue
Presbyterian church Tuosdny evening, Jan
uary 21. Mr. Payne's views nnd lens are
tho very bent and hie mental pictures aro
so vivid and accurato that his lecturo Is
llko a visit to old Homo and a stu?y of Its
thrilling history. Don't forgot tho flato,
Tuesday, January 21, at Lowo Avonuo
church. Popular price, only 25 cents.
llonit-xrcki-rft' KxrurnlonH.
Tickets to nearly all points In the United
States on sale at all tlckot offices of tho
Chicago Great WoBtern railway on tho first
nnd third Tuesdays of January and Febru
ary at tho low rato of ono fare plu3 $2.00
for tho round trip: Good to return in 21
days from dale of salo. For detailed In
formation address any Chicago Great West
ern agent, or J. P. Elmer, G. P. A., Chi
cago, 111.
Shampooing and hair dressing;, 2Sc. la
connection with the Batbery, 216-220 Bt
building. Telephone 1716.
IJ5.00 for a Halt a Day Worlc.
If you live In the country or In a amall
town and have a good acquaintance among
the fanners and stockralsers tn the neigh
borhood, you can mahc $5 easily by four
or five hours' work. Write ue and we will
end you our proposition. The Bra Publish
ing company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb.
Send articles of Incorporation, notlcea of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
Wo will clvo them propeh legal Insertion.
Telcphono 238.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at Tho
Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716.
Money for Oninha Feilernl Dnlldlnir
Annex Not Provided For In
Ilouan Dill.
Consldcrablu comment was hoard around
the federal building yesterday over tho
failure of tho gcnoral deficiency bill In
troduced last week In the house of repre
sentatives to contain a provision for the
completion of tho federal building at
Omaha, whllo the completion of tho build
ing at St. Paul Is provided for In an ap
propriation of $100,000.
Work on a part of tho annex Is now sus
pended waiting an appropriation of $5,000,
which Is required to carry out the plans
proposed by Senator Millard, and It Is a
matter of only a month or 'so before the
work will be suspended entirely unless the
appropriation Is mado. It was said at the
fodoral building yesterday that prob
ably Congressman Mercer had decided to lot
Senator Millard make tho fight for tho ap
propriation In tho senate and that a pro
vision for tho Omaha building would bo
added as a sonata amendment.
So Snjn Hoy Who Clipped the Trcaaca
of I.lttlr Dora
fiAlf.l' JnoUmnn,
Dora Jackman, 1417 Cass street, the llttlo
girl whoso hair was cut off Sunday morning
by 14-year-old Jacob Hoffman, appeared in
pollco court yesterday and filed a charge of
assault against the boy. Tho girl had beau
tiful hair, which hung down hor back In two
long, heavy braids, but It Is now cropped
closo to hor head. She says tho boy cut off
one of tho braids with a pair of shears,
which made hor hair so unoven that Bhe bad
to havo It all cut off.
Young Hoffman was arrested yesterday
morning by Sergeant Whelan. He says ho
used tho shears In a Bplrit of mischief and
didn't mean any harm. Ho added that he
wouldn't care if someone would cut off his
Will Not Pre Claim for Place an
Ilonrd nt County Com
missioners. Lyman Waterman haa retired from tho
contest for a place on the Board of County
Commissioners. Ho said:
"I will make no furthor attempt to take
tho place to which I was elected on the
Board of County Commissioners. A week
or more ago I fllod my bond In tho sum of
$15,000 and mado arrangements to mako a
contest. I thought at that time that I
could get a certificate of election without
golns Into court, but upon looking up the
matter again I found that tho county clerk
could not tssuo tho certificate under the
recent ruling of tho Bupremo court nnd that
he. could not Ignoro Commissioner Harto.
whllo be must recognize Commissioner
Effort t Sicnrt ExtcttW (JUminoj Hai
Etti Beaiwtd.
Itcfinrnt for I'nrilon Comes from Those
Who Ilcllevc l-'nther nnd Son
Wore .Miiile ScnprKonts
for Itcnl Criminal,
A strong effort la bolng made to secure
a pardon for C. A. and E. O. Itelmcrs,
father and son, who were sentenced to
servo a term in tho penitentiary at Sioux
Falls by Judge Mungcr for Illegal trans
actions In connection with tho failure of
tho First National bank of Nellgb, Nob.
While nothing was mado public about the
matter, the effort for their pardon by
President McKlnley was started Imme
diately after their sentence. Tho assassina
tion of tho late president caused a cessa
tion In tho work of tho friends of the
convlctcd'bnnkors, but now tho application
has been renewed. A deputy United States
marshal said:
"I know nothing directly nbout the pres
ent effort, but suppose It Is a continuation
of tho stops takdn Immediately after the
conviction of tho Hclmcrs. The applica
tion for pardon was signed generally by
the govornment officials here, who look
upon tho father and tho son as the scape
goats of tho real criminal, who has never
been apprchendod. This man Is Charles
H. Alders, who, under tho namo of Walters
Is now a resident of tho republic of Mexico
end Is safe from prosecution.
"Whllo thcro Is no doubt that tho Helm
era wore technically guilty nnd that they
wero Justly sentenced It Is alinoet as cer
tain that they wero tho victims of mis
placed conndenco nnd that what they did
was dono upon tho advlco and nt tho cug
gcstlon of Alders, who was tho only man to
profit by the Illegal transactions."
Another attacho of tho federal court says
that all of tho officers of that court do not
take tho Bame view of tho ensc. District
Attorney W. S. Summers I in Washington
and It Is said that ho has taken an Interest
In tho proposed pardon, going to tho length
of entering protest against tho granting of
It. Somo tlmo ngo, when tho matter was
first suggested, Mr. Summers said: "I am
not in favor of this pardon or any other In
a similar case. Anyono who knows nny
thing nbout such canes knows how hard
It Is to secure tho conviction of a man
charged with fraudulent banking, and when
n caeo Is mado nnd tho parties convicted
tho penalty should bo exacted."
Nono of tho court officials directly con
nected with tho caso could bo seen yester
day, as they aro in Lincoln attending
tho January term of tho United States dis
trict court.
School Uonrd I.lkcly to Hrluar Mnn
dnnina Proceeding" A if ul 11st
City Council.
"Now that tho equalization board has
adjourned without taking action on tho
matter raised by the resolution of tho
Board of Education." said C. E. Herring,
attornoy for tho school board, "It Is up
to the school directors to dccldo what they
will do. At the request of tho board I
havo been looking up tho law and find that
a mandamus to compel tho equal assessment
of proporty In tho city can bo made. A
resident toxpayor will bo Joined with Jio
board us relator In order to evade any
tochnlcal questions as to tho standing of
tho board.
"When the papers are prepared the school
board will stand squarely upon .the pro
visions of the constitution of the state and
upon the city charter. The court will not
be asked In general terras to compel tho
council to mako an equal assessment, but
will bo asked to compel tho council to as
sess all property In the city nt Its fair
valuation. This will bring the matter
squarely boforo tho court for settlement
and tho question will be decided for all
time. 1
"If wo nro successsful In our efforts It
will mean a lovy of 10 or 15 mills In place
of 3G, as that of last year. I bolievo that
the city council can bo compelled to make
the cbango, oven though tho Board of
Equalization has adjourned."
Publish your legal notices In the Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Plies Ourad
After 30 Yoars.
TllOS. B Wood. 818 17th St.. Knrrnmnntn
Cal.: "Ono 50-cont box of Pyramid Pile
Curo permanently cureil ttih nf nitre. T.-nr
3) years 1 Buffered: underwent a frightful
uin'iuuuu, ncuriy men, uui laueu to euro.
I was unublo to walk when I tried Pyramid
Pllo Curo. Tho llrst nppllcation relieved
me." All druggists noil It. Quickly cures
every fcrm of piles. Hook freo by mull.
Pyramid Drug Co., Murshall, Mich.
nnd It Is hard to toach a man who has
been drinking Metr beer to drink any other
brew. They WOUld mlsn thn evnnlilln n.
delicious richness and health-glvlng prop
erties mni uas made tnis pure beverage so
deservedly famous. Trv n rhflf nt (qI-
and you will never be without it.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. 111). Omaha.
LOr Jacob Neumayer, Agt., caro Neumavcr
loteU Council JJluto. lovti. wV.
Only Seven
Days More
in which to dispose of every vestige of
The climax of sensational value-giving hns been
reached this sale. The bargains are of the greatest magni
tude. Here are instances that demonstrate how vast the
reductions are:
$1.00 KID GLOVES, 10c PAIR.
2,500 pairs pf women's and misses' fine kid gloves that
are slightly damaged or a trifle mussed, principally small
sizes. If they were in all sizes and absolutely perfect ihey
would retail fr $1.00 pair, we
choice of the entire lot at,
per pair
Be, 10c, ir nnil -Tie, worth
It to Ijll.tM).
An Immcnso lot of lino embroidery
and Insertion of tho finest awlss, naln
pook nnd cambric, in nil widths, dainty
pattrnis, nnd with open work designs,
worth up to $1.00, go nt
5c, 10c, 15c, 25c
LACKS AT a l-ic, Ho nnil 10c YD.
sia.w Ann wohtii yr.c v.titn.
rino torchon nnd vnlcnclcnncs laces
with Insertions to match, dainty pat
terns, U-lnch to C-lnches wide, worth
up to 23c yard, at
3k, 5c and 10c
arte .mitti:s, ioc lwnt.
All of tho ladles' nnd children's all
wool double knit mittens, somo slightly
mussed, ull Hlzeu, worth
up to 2oc, go at,
iiai viim
Those sensational values aro for our retail customers only. No peddlers, doalors
or manufacturers sold to In this room. Tho gigantic volumo of the Ulg Store's bus
iness makes It posslblo to offer most wonderful bargain In amall lots, broken sizes,
odds and ends, etc., etc. Theso wo put on snlo In tho Bargain Kooin.
Dress Goods
54-Inch strictly nil wool chovlots, nt 49c.
52-Inch strictly nil wool storm serges, at
2-lnch granlto cloth, worth 75c, at 49c.
40-lnch all wool henrlotta, worth 75c, at
64-Inch heavy nil wool plaids, worth
$1.50, at 49c.
54-lnch all wool sacking, worth 75c, at
38-Inch strictly all wool Venetians, etc.,
at 49c.
38-Inch granlto cloth, worth 75c, at 39c.
36-Inch all wool henrlcttas, worth 69c,
at 39c.
38-lnch black figured satin bcrber, at 39c.
42-lnch storm serges, worth 50c, at 25c.
' 46-Inch fancies, worth $1, at 25c.
36-lnch henrlcttas, worth 50c, at 25c.
28-inch henrlcttas, half wool, at 7&c.
28-lnch Jacquards, halt wool, 7c.
28-Inch plaids, half wool, at 5c.
$15.00 dress patterns, $3.98.
$12.60 dress patterns, $2.98.
$10.00 dress patterns, $1.98.
Boys' Clothing
Hoys, $2.50 2-plece suits, nt 93c.
Hoys' $3.50 2-pIcco suits, at $1.50.
Boys' $5 3-plcco suits, at $1.95.
Boys' 75c corduroy pauta, at 25c.
Boya' 75c nil wool punts, at 35c.
Boys' $1.00 ull wool pants, at 50c.
Boys' $2.50 long pants, at 9jc.
An occasion llko this Is eminently culcu
lated for congratulations. To know that
Ilaydcn Bros, nro letting down the prices
on dried fruits. They nro tho only firm
In Omaha that stand by tho consumer und
sell tho best goods for tho least money.
Evaporated apples S'io
Cholco evaporated apples 10c
Who have hitherto worn some
higher priced similar quality
shoe, because Sorosls do fit, and
people want shoes to fit and fit
right nowadnys regardless of a
high sounding price,
Price Never Made Fine Shoe Finer
SOROSIS Are $3,50 Always.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr., 203 S. 15th SU
Sena Xor CuUloguo,
& sung
- - i j
offer you
ciiii.mtnvs KOn SIl.lC AMI V15I,.
In order to close out all of our 50c
nnd "oc children's silk and velvet cups,
trimmed with velvet nnd silk ribbons
nnd Inccs, that nro In nny
way smoko damaged or
mussed, go nt
if.ri.oo i'i,axm:i. waists, at ii.:h.
In order to closo out nil of our
French flannel 'waists mado In tho
latest styles, that sold nt $3.00 before
our smoko damage, most..
all of them perfect
go nt
r.Oo SILKS' AT 1r.
All of our 50c silks In chinos, foul-
nrds nnd tnffotns, on bar
gain square, nt,
Mie IHIKSS (iOOl)S, Ilia VAltll.
All of our 39c dress goods that wero
In any way mussed or -4 "v
smoko damaged, nil wool I
materials, go at, yard
French Flannel and Challis
All our strictly all wool French flannels,
worth i6c yad, in dots and small figures,
will go at 25c yard.
All our flno Imported challis, that wo
sold in tho bargain room at 50c, go at 25c
WIDE, AT 5c.
All our yard wldo Imitation French flan
nols, to close, worth 19c, at 5c.
All our yard wldo remnants of outing
nannei, worth 12V$c, nt 5c.
All our remnants of 15c and 10c porcalos
will go at 5c.
All our flno prints, remnants, will go at
All our 5c apron ginghams, 3c.
All our 10c Shaker flannel, 5c.
An all-day salo on blankets, comforts,
etc., at about half their regular value.
Underwear Sale
Men's 50c hosiery, lloeco lined shirts and
drawers, at 25c.
Men's whlto unlnundcrcd shirts, regular
60c quality, at 25c.
Men's $1.00 heavy Jersey overshlrts, at
Men's 25c henvy wool socks, nt 10c.
Shirts and Drawers, worth up to $1,00,
nt 39e.
1 lot ladles' and children's stockings,
worth up to 25c, nt 5c.
Men's nnd boys' 60c heavy Jersey over
shirts, In nil sizes, at 25c,
l'euches. all now 1901:
Prlmo evaporated ,,,, 814c
Fancy mulr joq
Fancy Crawford ovnporated i2Uc
Extra fnncy Yosolano ,ibQ
lllackberrles joc
llasplicrrles Ojo
nll'i8 1 JOo
Apricots JOo
Currents . i,v" .7... .::.; ;;;:..;:;;;:: 6?
Dental Rooms
Vitalized Air for painless ex
tracting, made fresh every day.
Extracting. 25c.
Vitalized Air, 60c.
Vvputy Otata Vatirrmartaaa,
Food I nJ rector.
5c 1
! It is false
economy to buy unrellnblo goods nt nny price. "Tl.i nlso true that nothing la
cheap unless It Is needed, nnd when you nro In need of goods, boo that worth
Is linked with the price. Our aim Is for truo economy always, qualltv allied, to
the least posslblo price. Tho list of today'a money-saving ttoms dcllno tho
word economy In the best nnd truest form.
Women's Shoes Women's Hosiery
Vici Kid
n medium
round too,
utrniuht hid
tips, inlllttiry
liuols, solid
leather solos;
u slice thut
would ho
cheap for $.1
nt "Urognloa'1
our prlco
Women's Welt Shoes-Made
of eclccted vlcl kid, with heavy ex
tension soles, patent leather tips,
military heels, In all sizes and widths
wo claim that this shoo Is equal to
any $3.50 shoo sold by ry -mZf
other Bhoe stprcs JaOvf
Foulard Silks Admired
Tho namo of Cheney Bros, stnnds for tho
best In Foulards, both In quality and dcslgu
thoreforo, bewnro and not buy tho sub
stitute offered under tho namo of Cheney
Bros., which Is a poorer grado of mate
rial, and will not provo as servlccablo as
the gcnulno goods. All of our foulards aro
mado by CHENEY BBOS.. and bear their
75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
$3.00 brocade silk, 27-ln., real heavy, 75c
Bankrupt Sale
Closing out tho balance of tho J. Eppn
mado at ridiculously low prices.
On Sale in
J. EI'I'NKn & SON Ladles' Bhoes, QQ
former prlco $1.75. thlM snlo ......... 9Wb
former nrico $2.60. this Halo ltttU
. EITNEK & SON Indies shoes,
former prlco $2.00. this salo
El'l'NEIt & SON inlsscH' Bhoes,
former prlco $1.50, this salo
15c S OB
Don't Need Weather Man
cause wo can tell how tho weather Is by
tho way our Egyptian Lotus Cream Bells;
every ono who knows what a groat prepara
tion It la for cracked or chapped hands, face
nnd lips, always buy It when this kind of
weather shows up. In our mall orders yes
terday wero two orders for Lotus Cream
3 bottlos to go to Cheyenne, Wyo,, and 3
bottles to Chicago, 111. Tho Chicago man
said In his letter "can't got anything as
good in Chicago." Sounds fishy don't it,
but wo havo tho bonnfldo orders for skep
tics. Try Lotus Cream costs 10c.
$1.00 Sexlno Pills 75 o
$1.00 Temptation Tonic, ono to customer 27c
$1.00 WIno Cardul, ono to customer .... 49o
$1,00 I'cruna, ono to customer 67o
5o Dandcrlno iSa
25c Laxative Bromo Qulnlno 12c
25c Quluacctol (host for colds) 20o
Cut I'rice
Ilruir Store.
Tel. 717. H, W. Cor, Klili nnil Chlcniro.
Goods aellvered FIIKE to any part of city.
Try one, then notice the fine Aroma of 'our present Havana
Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigars,
F. R. nice McrcanUlo cincCc-. Manufacturer, Rt. Xou(fc Union, MadT., '
Women's hose,
extra heavy qual
ity, Hormsdorf
fast black,
ileeco lined cot
ton, with full
fashionod foot,
an excullout
quality of yarn.
This hoso is sold all around
town for 35c como to Tho
Nebraska today and
save hosiery I Qr
money ,
Women's Hosiery- Mado of
. mm (1 H MaMM I ! H J aaI .
very lino thirty gungo sea-Island cot
ton, onyx dye, with extra high spliced
heel, double toes nnd soles they aro
tho kind that you havo been paying
50c for our prlco for
hi -iinn
Tuesday, All
Monday's Sales
Be Repeated and
Bargains Offered.
Ladies Tailor Dept
Wo aro now ready to turn out nil kinds
of Indies' tailor suits to order. Wo guar
nntco a perfect fit lu ovcry caso or money
choorful'y refunded. Our prices nro less
than any other house In tho wost. For par
ticulars too our hlgh-grado dress goods
For dress goods cheap sco our bargain
for Their Great Beauty
$1.60 whlto hcmstltchod taffeta, on salo
at Mc.
$2.00 fancy Bilk strlpce, for lining, real
hcavi', nt C9c.
$1.00 taffeta bIIIc, 27-ln. wide, good colors,
nt 50c.
$1.50 ynrd-wldo new surah silk, very
strong, at DOC.
Our now wash silks aro not the ordinary
kind, but nro the handsomest collection
you ever saw. In looking for a SEUVibh
whero nil others fall.
of Fine Shoes.
cr & Son Now York stock.
Tho beet shoes
Tuesday tho entire balance of this
stock will be put on sale regardless
of value, and you can buy $3.00,
15.50, J.OO and $5.00 shoes at
They come in welts, turns, Mc
Kays nnd all made from the very
best leathers, box calfs, patent
calfs, velours and vici ldds, in me
dium and heavy soles.
every pair carefully fitted ns if
you paid twice the price.
Bargain Room
J. EI'I'NER & SON mlBscs' shoes,
former prlco $2.00, this sale
J. ElM'NKlt & SON boys' shoes, ,
former prlco $1.60, thin salo
J, KIM'NEH & SON men's shoes,
i former pricu $2.00, this alo
J, El'l'NEIt & HON child's shoes,
I former prlco -COc, this sulo
Look Out
This unseasonable, pleasant, balmy
weather Is dungorous, Coughs, colds and
pneumonia nro lurking around, Bottcr bo
on your gunrd and provldo yourself with a
bottlo of our
It Is almost nn Infallible remedy for
coughs and colds. Its composition recom
mends It nt onco to all thoughtful persons.
Try a bottlo. Costs only 25 cants.
00. )