Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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' ! Dnliaji with Faolir; Hiri Iiii tid
An latiifacUrj.
last year one of profit to them
Ien Who Comr liiln Cloar Cnnlnct
with Foriuem Toll of Exprcmiltitiii
Which Slunr Trrncl of IV. I
ln TiMTiircl Oxnnriln.
ORAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) An arllcln appearing In the World
Horald of yesterday, to tho effect that a
beet grower' convention Is soon to bo
held In that city, and that grlovancea
against the Grand Island and Norfolk factor
les wljl be brought out, Is being qulto
freoly commented upon hero as being, In
view of tho real facts, uncalled for, unfair
and very probably to a largo degree untrue.
It is believed to bo tho latter particularly
In so far as tho arttclo refers to dlssatls
faction In this city and county.
The article charges that tho boot grow
ers are complaining of unfair treatment
by the officials and employes of tho fac
tory In the matter of tho chemical tests
of beets, and leaves tho Impression that
there Is general complaint. Notwlthstand
ing the fact that tho local factory has not
boen operated tho last two years, qulto
the contrary Appears to bo true It tho testi
mony of tho men In the position to bear of
complaint can bo relied upon.
Ilnlar llccU for Norfolk.
The bcot raisers In this vicinity raised
nearly two-thirds of the beets for tho Nor
folk factory this year. That Is to say, while
the Norfolk factory was tho otio operated,
nearly two-thirds of tho boots manufac
tured Into Biigar In that plant wcro con
tracted for tho Orand Island factory. Tho
Norfolk factory lias a process for tho ex
traction of a greater amount of sugar from
syrups than Is possible here, and hence,
there being not enough beets to run both,
tho local beets nro shipped to that plant.
This condition appears to bavo nrlsen
from twp causps, dissatisfaction several
years ago, resulting In the non-operation of
this plant, and tho fact that without
operating this plant the maximum acreage
of beets cannot bo secured. Tho ono fault
now found, locally, Is that tho raisers
would prefer to seo tho beets ground In
their own factory, and tho money dis
tributed In the manufacture of tho beets
romaln In their own county or vicinity.
The American Dect Sugar company at
this point docs business with tho Grand
Island Hanking company and tho First Na
tional bank. Tho cashiers of theso banks
nre at their desks when the beet ralsors
corao In to get their money. In both In
stances tho desks are easily within bear
ing distances of the tellers' windows. They
are therefore able to asccrtnln, from tho
romarks passed, as to whether tho checko
are satisfactory or not.
Kurint-rn Wrll IMensoil.
"Yes," said Mr. Dell, when asked whether
tn a position to say what Is tho feeling
among tho farmers In general, "I think
I. am. Men come to our bank to get their
checks cashed, as In years gono by, and
while thoro wcro formerly numerous com
plaints, not only this year, but also last
year, and to a great extent In 1899 thero
was much better satisfaction. This year
I have not heard a complaint. Quito to
tho contrary, thero have been many expres
sions of commendation of the factory, and
of tho rosults of bent raising this year.
Naturally enough wo hear complaints that
the beets are not made Into sugar here,
and this Is not only tho case among tho
growers, but among tho business men. And
I havo not tho loast doubt but that, If Mr.
Oxnard would glvo assurance of tho opera
tion of the local plant, ho could sccuro all
tho beets necessary for a long run, as tho
factory can moke. Not one complaint havo
I heard about any tests. I understand tho
next year's contract Is to be tho samo as
this, and I believe tho farmers will be very
highly pleased with It. Dy tho way, It's
peculiar, Isn't It, that NebraBknns should
try to havo the protection at Washington
taken away and in tho samo breath advo
cate a bounty to bo given by the stato?"
IMnsntUfnetloii Dltinnnrnra.
Cashlor C. F. Dentloy says:
"The American Deet Sugar company keeps
an account at our bank and pays tho far
mers for their boots by chocks on us.
When the farmers come tn with their
chocks, I frequently tako tho opportunity
to ask them what success they have had
tn beet growing and how they aro pleased
with tho results, A few yoars ago thero
was somo dissatisfaction among the beot
growors. The analysis of ono farmer'H
boots would show a smaller per cent of
sugar than his neighbors'! it would bo diffi
cult for him to understand why his beets
were not ns rich In sugar as his neighbors'
and he would express his dissatisfaction
with tho result. Ono year, when wo had
rains lato In the fall, that caused a second
growth of beot leaves, to tho detriment of
tho sugar contents of tho beot, thero was
considerable dissatisfaction, for the reason
tbat thoro was Buoh a largo percentage of
low grada beots that, under the existing
contract, brought a very low price. This
difficulty, however, could not occur at tho
present tlmo, ns undor nioro recent con
tracts tho minimum prlco is much higher
than it was thon., Tho past year, howovcr,
I havo not heard a'slngle complaint either
about contract, weight, tore or analysis.
It Is possible that .thoro may bo somo dis
satisfaction, but If thero Is, I havo not
heard of It, and I havo talked with a very
large number of beet growers, and nil with
whom I bavo talked seemed thoroughly sat
isfied." Kxnrrlmoc of Wollimniilcr.
Kll A. Darnes, for many years connectod
with the State Agricultural society, has
been welghmastor at the local beet yards
for the past three years. Mr. Dames said,
when questioned as to whether ho had
beard of any complaints: -
"Yes. I saw tho nrtlclo to which you
refer today. I want to say that the state
mfnts therein contained, reforrlng to dis
satisfaction among the Grand Island beet
raisers, Is absolutely false. I have, during
tho season. Interviewed all the raisers
bringing beets to the factory and weighing
them over my scales, and positively know
that such statements nre not correct. Tho
Sugar trust lutplrlng these things? If such
wero tho caso, they have no more right to
Interest Ihemsolves In this matter 'than
the missionaries of tbo cross have to es
pouso the cause of tho Chinese Joss as
against tho claims of Dudda. I weighed
1,476 loads of beets In 1900 and 2,275 In
1901, aud particularly In these two years
have the beet raisers boen very well sntls
fitd." Cattle In Good Condition.
VALENTINE, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Ranchmen from all parts of the county re
port that stock has nover looked better at
tbU time of tho year thilu now, So far
their stock Is all thrifty and In good flesh.
The open winter weather has been worth
many thousand dollars to this county as It
baa been favorable to the stock Industry.
There has been no losses and feeding has
been light, cattle having had tho advuntage
of grating on tbo range which has been
good. Heavy snows and severe cold
weather would have reversed tbeso coudl
ttavjRterlftlly. iy A
Olmtlnl nml 111 While Wife Itenciieil
from the Mire by l'nRliir
Ituncli ninn.
ALLIANCE, Nob., Jan. 19. (Special.)
John It. Iawrence happened along Just nt
an opportune time, for tho Chinaman who
recently married Mary R. Sheedy, a white
woman. Mr. and Mrs. Chinaman hired a
team at the Keclcr barn in this city, and
also seemed to havo taken along a cargo
of "hop" and whiskey.
The country was new to them and along
about 6 o'clock In the evening they at'
tempted to drive across a lake bed on which
a few Inches of water was standing. Thl
had been undermined by muskrats, and
horses and buggy sank Into tho mire,
deeper and deeper an the hours dragged by,
Early In tbe morning they woro discovered
by Mr. Lawrence, tho woman In n semi
unconscious stato and the Chinaman dc
In a few hours moro tho occupants and
horses would have perished. Mr. Law
renco secured n quantity of barbed wire,
and after nbout a half dny's work, succeeded
In pulling tho party and team out. No
particular damngo resulted to tho outfit,
but tho horses wero so exhausted that tbey
had to bo kept at tho Krauso ranch to re
gain strength beforo being brought to town.
This particular Chlncso-Amerlcan alliance
soems to bo fraught with somo events of
moro or less grave Importance.
Tito Marauders In Humboldt Arc
Driven Anny for Son of V, W.
IIUMnOLDT, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.)
An attempt was made to break into tho
residence of F. W. Samuolson, president of
tho First National bank, early this morn
ing, but the plan wns frustrated by tho
wakefulness of Edwin Satnuclson, a eon,
who was slocptng in tho house Tho re
mainder of tho family is In California, tho
head of tho bouso hnvlng left but a tow
days ago, and tho moBt probablo theory Is
that somo local talent thinking that Ed
win ncompanlcd his father, decided that
It would bo a good time to pick up any
stray valuoblcs that might bo bandy.
According to Edwin's story, thoro woro
two of tho visitors, and whon they woro
discovered had gained entrance to a rear
room and wcro trying to pry open a door
which barred tho way. Edwin socured a
rovoicr and demanded to know who was
thoro, whoroupon tho prowlers took a hasty
departure, Edwin following, closo enough
to seo that thero wero two in tho party.
Ho shot Into tho air to frighten tho fugi
tives nnd then called tho nlghtwatch up
by telephone nnd Informed him of the oc
currence Nothing moro was seen of tho
Slntc Firemen'" Convention.
NEDRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 19. (Spo-
clal.) Tho twonty-flfth annual convention
of tho Nebraska Stato Volunteer Firemen
will bo hold hero January 21, 22 and 23.
Arrangements aro being made by tho local
firemen to entortaln tho visitors In good
style. On Tuesday the recoptlon of tho
delegates will occupy the morning and a
business meeting will bo held in tho after
noon. On Wednesday tho visitors will be
shown tbo manufacturing plants and other
points of Interest about the city, and In
tho evening will bo entertained by a ball
at tho armory and a play at tho Overland
theater. Tho mooting will close with a
banquet at tho armory Thursday night.
For this latter event elaborate prepara
tions aro under way.
Heck to Mlnrt I'roulKnl Anew.
SUPERIOR. Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Several days ago Tho Deo contained an ac
count of tho arrest, at Superior of Harry
Witt, charged with forgery. Tho para
graph camo to tho notlco of Witt's father
nt Syracuso, Neb., and wns tho first news
bo had had of his missing son for over
two years. The father and tho grand
father of tho boy arrived here last night
and are endeavoring to sccuro his release
Thoy stato ho Is but 14, and had been In
duced to run away from homo by a tramp
farm hand, employed on tho senior Witt's
place. They wish to tako htm homo and
give him a now start.
nmollne lltirna Humboldt Youth.
HUMDOLDT, Nob., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Todd Drake, a young man who works for
Moss Davis of this city, attempted to dry
his cap at the kltcbon stove last evening
after washing tho headgear with gasollno
and the result was an explosion, In which
the young man was badly burned about
tbe hands and face and the bouse barely
saved from burning. The cap caught fire
and was thrown within a few feet of a
two-gallon can of tho gasollne..but for
tunately that did not catch fire.
Judge Manner' Address.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Judgo Gcorgo A. Magney of Omaha, for
merly a resident of this county, dcllvcrod
an Interesting address dn tho First Presby
terian church this evening on "Money nnd
Morals." Rov. Asa Slocth, pastor of the
First Methodist Episcopal church, took for
the subject of an ablo discourse this morn
ing theso words: "In my Fathor's house
aro many mansions; If It wero not bo, I
would have told you. I go to preparo a
placo for you."
I'ulilld GntherliiK" Suspended.
FARNAM, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special.) Tho
following notlco was posted In conspicuous
places In tho village yesterday: "On ac
count of diphtheria near town, It Is re
quested that as a preventative mcasuro tho
churches, Sunday schools and lodges do not
meet for tho next two weeks. Dy order of
village trustees." Ono or two now cases
havo developed In the past threo days, but
no deaths.
Holihery nt C'oliiinliim.
COLUMDUS, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special
Telegram.) P. J. Hart's clothing store
was entered through n back window Inst
night nnd a number of garments tnkon,
tbe safe and cash drawer not being mo
lested. No cluo to tbe burglars has been
Itnllrnnd Man Hurts n Left.
PLATTSMOUTH. Nob., Jan. 19. (Special.)
While Horry L. Dcnsmore was working
In the Durllngton yards yesterday ho
squeerd his loft leg badly between a truck
frame nnd wheel, which will necessitate his
remaining at home for some time.
Sennte Committee Will Mnkc Close In
ventliintlnn of Second Clime
Mnll Mnttera.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 19. A decision has
been reached by tbo senate committee on
postofflces to begin the proposed Investiga
tion on Tuesday, January 28, of the Post
oftlco department's nets In relation to
second-class mall matter. Senator Mason,
chairman of tho committee, says It is th-J
Intention to examine a nunibor of wit
nesses. The senate committee on postotnees today
authorized Senator Mason to report tho
dim griming tie franking privilege to Mrs
Nsbinka Beard of Agrliilturt Aeptiti
Gratifjlir; Pr.iptcti,
Ilotirrt W. I'lirnnw to Continue nn Hrp-
retiiry New Iloitril of .MansKern tn
lie Chosen Other State
(From a Stnft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 19. (Special.) Tho State
Doard of Agriculture will meet In this city
next Tuesday to elect ofUccrs aud members
for the board of managers, and to make
preliminary arrangements for tho next stato
fair, which will bo held during tho first
week In September. Somo old accounts re
main to bo settled, but It Is asserted au
thoritatively that after all bills uro paid
there will still bo a small cash balance on
hand with which to begin tho work this
year. Tomorrow afternoon tho board will
probably meet Informally, but nil ofllelal
buslncsj will bo held for the regulor an
nual meeting, which takes place tho follow
ing day.
W. R. Mcllor of Loup City, member of tho
board of managers, was In tbo city this
afternoon, nnd several other members are
expected tomorrow morning. Ho says tho
prospects for tho next stato fair aro flatter
ing and ho looks for not only a bigger at
tendance, but a bigger display than last
"This year wo will havo tho advantage
of well-equipped grounds early In the sea
son, so that wo will not bo dclnyed In our
work by building or repairing, as we wero
last year," Bald Mr. Mellor today. "Thero
has been considerable improvement In tho
grounds and buildings since tho last stato
fair closed. All tho buildings hnvo been
painted nnd tho general condition of things
has otherwise been Improved. It Is my Im
pression that thero will bo a small balance
In tho treasury after nil accounts of tho
last fair are paid. Ono or two claims ro
maln to be considered, but they aro In
significant In amount."
It Is conceded that Robert W. Furuns
of Drownvlllo will bo elected secretary of
tho state board. Ho has served satisfac
torily tn this position for many years past
and there Is a unnnlraous disposition among
tbo mcmbors of tho board to retain him
In tho same capacity. In tho view of tho
two-term precedent thero Is strong likeli
hood tbat E. L. Vnnco of Pawneo City will
be re-olcctcd president. An cntlro new
board of managers will be chosen.
Tho Nebraska Improved Livestock Drecd-
ers' association nnd the Stato Poultry asso
ciation will meet In Lincoln this week.
Tho state poultry show, under tbo auspices
of tho latter organization, will bo openod
to tho public In tho Auditorium Tuesday
Tho fourth annual meeting of tho Asso
ciation of Agricultural Students, University
of Nebraska, will bo held Janunry 20 and 21.
Tho first session will be held at the
chapel, University hall, Monday evening
at 8 p. m. Chancellor Andrews will speak
briefly, after which tho annual address
will bo delivered by ex-Governor William
A. Poyntor.
The meetings on Tuesday will bo at the
university farm, experiment station build
ing? At tho morning session papers by
members of tho association will bo read
and thero will bo an address by Hon. Hugh
, Mcintosh of Omaha.
In tbe afternoon tho business meeting of
tho association will bo followed by reports
on tbo experiments carried on In 1901, and
tho mooting will closo with an address by
Hon. M. F. Greeley of South Dakota.
Open Conflict In Expected Over the
Surface Illirhtn In Wyo
ming. CHEYENNE, Wye, Jan. 19. (Special.)
Reports from tho southwestern part of the
stato tell of strained relations between the
sheepmen and oil men of the section, nnd
It Is asserted that nn open conflict Is In
evitable Surface rights are Involved nnd
tho courts will bo called upon to Bottle tho
difficulties, which promise to spread to
every county in the state In which oil has
been discovered, nnd In which sheop are
grazed. The troublo will probably extend
over Into Colorado and Utah, where tho
samo conditions exist ns In this state.
As tbe matter now stands tho contest will
probably originate in Uinta county. Since
tho discovery of oil near Piedmont last
spring, practically all of tho government
land In Uinta county has been taken up as
oil land. The area covorcd Is 100x80 miles
in slzo and has been tho summer range
of thousands of sheep, that are now win
tering in the Red Desert. When the flocks
aro moved back In March and April, the
oil men will bring action against tlielr
owners for trespass. Such action will
open tho question of surfaco rights on oil
claims, and It may not bo settled this side
of the United States supreme court.
In tbo mcantlino there is bound to be
serious troublo betweon the two Interests
and open clashes will probably result. A
few weeks ago otl men located a piece of
ground In the Fossil district, that has boen
used for many years by a prominent flock
master as a dipping corral. Oil indications
wero found thero and no sooner had tho
filings been made, than tho flockmaster
was notified that he must got out or pay
a rental to tho oil men. Tho sheepman
Is wealthy nnd proposes to fight tho caso
out In tho courts.
Tho conditions prevailing In Uinta county
also obtain in Fremont, Natrona. Converse,
Carbon, Sweetwater, Dig Horn, Crook and
Weston counties. In all of theso oil wells
nro being drilled nnd sheep aro being grazed
In and around tho fields of operations. A
few months ago the oil men of tbo Salt
Crock fields, In Natrona county, sought
to have a large tract of land several hun
dred thousand acres In all held up from
homestead entry, on th'o ground that they
were more valuable for mineral than for
agricultural purposes. Tbo petition was
granted and tho large tract was segregated.
A counter petition was soon after filed,
however, und Assistant Commissioner W. A.
Richards of the general land offlco was
sent to personally Investigate tho situation.
Tho official reported that tho segregation
should stand, but stated that If the oil
men did not carry out their promises of
development, tho lands would be restored
to entry.
Tbo oil men assort that if thoy put down
wells speculators file homestead entries on
the land and this action retards develop
ment. The declslou was in favor of tho
oil men and their operations are now being
closely watched by tho department.
The question of surfaco rights Is probably
ono of tho most Important matters that has
been brought up In tho west for some time.
Many believe that It overshadows the
mucb-talked-of war botwecn tho sheop nnO
cattlemen over a division of the ranges
for grazing, nnd cortatn It Is that with the
millions of sheep now being grazed In the
Rocky Mountain states and the Increased
activity In oil development, tho problem
will grow moro Important nnd a decision
must sooner or later bo made.
Some of tho host lawyers hero bold that
surfaco rights of tho locator of an oil placer
are Incontestable, and that tho sheep
owners must bo defeated in the courts,
whllo others think It possible that the
lrazero might Jiavo certain rights to rapnj
as long ns they do not Intcrfero with the
operations of tho oll-seekcrs.
The Wyoming territory Involved In the
controversy Is now plentifully sprinkled
with woll-drllllng outfits, and tho discovery
of a fow good wells would cause It to be
overrun with oil miners nnd covered with
Supposed Murderer of Sheriff Itleker
Continue to Avoid Cnntnrc nn,d
Ills Ilrnther Is Itclensed.
CASPER, Wye, Jan. 19. (Special.) All
efforts to capturo Charles Woodward, tho
supposed murderer of Sheriff Rlckcr of Na
trona county, havo thus far resulted In
nothing. Tho murderer has been seen nt
several aheep camps in Johnson county.
but he Is on the move all tho time. Ono
day last week Woodward stopped nt tho
sheep camp of Tom McAffe, near Powder
river nnd about nlno miles from Knycee,
Ho was armed with two revolvers, ono
of which wns probably taken from tho
dead body of Sheriff Rlckcr, nnd n belt
filled with 32-20 cartridges. Ho wanted to
trade ono of tho pistols to McAffe for n
Winchester rifle, tbo sheepman would not
While at McAffce's camp Woodward
stated that ho was looking for a cabin, In
which to spend tbo winter. He nlso said
that ho Intended to live In tho broken coun
try. Ho was loaklug for horse thieves, ho
said, and expected them to tako rcfugo
In tho bad lands. Woodward appeared to
bo very nervous. McAffe had not beard of
tbo murder of Sheriff Rlcker at tho tlmo of
tho visit of Woodward.
Tho Jury has found that Harry Wood
ward was not Implicated In tbo killing In
any way and ho has been released. Harry
was nt the McRae ranch on tho night of the
murder. Frank Footo Is still at largo and
not a fllnglo trace of him has been obtained.
Clarcnco Woodward and Jeff Franklin, tho
other two Jail breakers, bavo been held to
tho district court on tho charge of grand
larceny. Latest advices from tho north
stnto that when last seen Charles Wood
ward was headed for tho Montana lino
Two posses wero In pursuit nnd It was re
ported tbat tho outlaw could not escape
.Slock Detective Aeeuned of Murder
Will l'ut I'll SlroiiK I.ckiiI
lint tie.
CHEYENNE, Wye, Jan. 19. (Special.)
Tho preliminary hearing of Tom Horn, tho
stock detestlvo, who Is charged with tho
murder of Wlllto Nickel, did not como oft
yesterday afternoon, ns expected, but will
bo held some day next week, probably next
Wednesday. Horn's friends nro arranging
to mnko a hard fight for hla ncqulttal.
Five of tho best attorneys In Wyoming
havo been engaged and others may bo
called In to assist In tho defense Money
seems to bo no object, and It is safo to say
that tho trial, which will occur In tho Lar
amlo county district court probably somo
tlmo In May. will attract moro Interest
than did tho cclcbrntcd Crocker murder
trial n fow years ago. Tbo prosecution baa
prepared Its caso and is ready to go ahead
nt any time It Is said that a strong case
has been made out against Horn, and in
view of tho Imposing array of legal talent
retained by Horn, tho cubo will bo ono of
the hardest fought legal contests that has
taken placo hero In many years.
South nuknta l'outtrr Show.
MITCHELL, S. D., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Arrangements aro progressing In fine shapo
for tho third' annual exhibition of tho South
Dakota Poultry nnd Pet Stock association.
The exhibition will bo held In Mitchell
ngnln this year on Jnnuary 29, 30 nnd 31.
Tho etato association Is tho outgrowth of n
county poultry show which was started In
Mitchell about six years ngo, until It took
on a wldor range and tho number of en
tries grow from 100 to COO and 600. Secre
tary Dras states that tbe Indications for a
larger exhibition than ever aro good. Tho
applications for epaco aro coming In stead
ily nnd ho thinks thero h no doubt tho
entries will reach fully 700 this yoar. A
suitable building has been secured In which
to hold tho show, nnd exhibitors can bo as
sured that their birds will bo woll taken
caro of.
Wheel nnd Ilunuern Alternnte,
SPEARFISH, S. D., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Hugh Johnston, who carries tho mall from
Spearfleh to Dear Gulch, sixteen miles, has
recourso to a novel method of travel. The
first half of tho Journey Is mado with a
buckboard, over a road that Is dry and
dusty, and tho remainder of tho way he
goes with a Eloign, tbo enow being too deep
in tho mountains to permit tho uso of
wheels. There has not been any snow In
tbo valley since tho holidays, but In tho
vicinity of Dear Gulch tho snow rarely dls
appears from tho tlmo It begins to fly In
the fall until early summer. That region,
consequently, has mora snow than any other
part of the Dlack Hills.
CiirneKle Library for Mitchell.
MITCHELL. S. D Jan. 19. (Special.)
Mitchell has an opportunity to secure a
donation of J 10,000 from Andrew Carneglo
for tho erection of n public library building.
Somo fow weeks ago tho matter was taken
up with tho private secrotary of Mr. Car
neglo, nnd n letter wns received by E. S.
Johnston, editor of the Gazette, In which
ho was notified that tho crcat benefactor
was ready to mako Mitchell a present of
$10,000 If a slto for tho building would bo
donated nnd f 1,000 a year sot aside by the
city for tho maintenance of tho library.
Tho matter will bo presented to tho city
council at Us noxt regular meeting.
Itemly for the Retailers.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Jan. 19. (Special.)
All preparations havo boon completed for
tho annual meeting of tho South Dakota
Retail Merchants' association, to bo held
In Sioux Falls Tuesday and Wodnesday (of
this coming week. Among tho prominent
men from outsldo tho stato who will be
present will be Hon. P. G, Hanson of St.
Paul, president of tho National Retail
Grocors' association. On Tuesday ovcnlng
tbo visitors will be tendored a banquet,
which will be unique In that the provisions
for it will bo furnished by various whole
sale houses, which will send tho best of
tholr goods.
Illitiiit-Ji Lrirlnliitore for Poor Oil.
PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 19. (Special.) Oil
Inspector Emll Drauch haa fllod bis re
port with tho governor and at tbe samo
time turned into tho stato troasury $1,
157.18, which ho has collected in excess
of salaries' nnd expenses of himself and
deputies. The amount turned In for last
year was $229.74. The Inspector takes ad
vantage of the opportunity to answer tho
many criticisms which havo boon aimed
nt him for tho poor quality of the oil fur
nished In tho Btate and lays tbe blamo on
the legislature for such a Btato of affairs.
(rent Advance In Farm Land,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Jan. 19. (Special,)
The experience of John Zlnk, a farmer
living near Ramona, shows tbo great ad
vance In tho price of South Dakota farm
land during the past yoar. Less than a
year ago Zlnk purchased what Is known as
tho William Dykens section of land near
Ramona, for which he paid 116,000. The
other day he sold tho fitO acres for $21,000,
making $8,000 by tho increase in the value
of the land alone In addition, he last
season raised, a profltoblo crop, on tbo tract.
Arid Un ii ljuod Dni in lit 0
1 Ittrt.
Killed Their I'rey, Evidently, In
Vnln Kndenvnr to 'secure Val
uable ThroiIKh HI Un
forced Aid,
ROCHESTER, Jan, 19. Dela A. Drown
aged 65, n prominent denier In diamonds
nnd manufacturer of Jewelry, was found
murdorcd In his storo hero tonight. HI
legs wero tied together nnd ho was gagged
with n long red neck scarf. At the back o
tho head wns n holo extending Into the
brain and there wcro several gashes In tho
sralp, evidently made with n hammer found
near the body smeared with blood and white
hairs from tho head of tho victim. Tho
murdered man's head was covered with
blood nnd a pool of It formed on top of n
small chest of drawers over which tho head
lay. All nbout wero evidences of a de
termined struggle, but a thorough search
failed to discover any positive clow as to
the Identity of the murdorer or murderers,
From tho position of tho body In front of
a safo tho conclusion was reached by the
pollco that tho murderers had placed Mr,
Drown beforo tho safo, which was locked
and which contained thousands of dollars
worth of diamonds nnd Jewelry, and tried
to forco him to work tho combination for
them. His right hand wan covered with
blood, indicating that ho had raised it to
his head whon ho was struck and tried to
ward off tho other blows which followed
Tho murderers,, secured nothing of value
except, perhaps, a diamond stud which Mr,
Drown woro and which Is missing.
Kdltor nrntnu of Wchxtcr Ileelnre
He I it Worthy Citizen of
South Dnkoln,
WEDSTER, S. D Jnn. 19. To tho Editor
of Tho Dee: Tho peoplo of this city were
very much surprised to rend In tho press
dispatches a telegram from Tacoma relloct-
lng on tho character and godd name of Dr,
J. S. Goodmanson. Tho doctor hns been a
resident of this city for over threo years,
Dack about seven or eight years ago Dr.
Goodmanson wns unfortunnto enough to
loo his first wlfo In Nebraska nnd her rel
atives had him prosecuted on a murder
charge, but a Jury brought In a verdict of
not guilty.
SInco tholr rcsldenco In this city both Mr,
and Mrs. Goodmanson havo moved In tho
best of society nnd are considered nmong
our very best peoplo by nil. Wo all very
much condemn this attack upon their good
name nnd character nnd earnestly dnlro
that a retraction be published as widely as
Dr. Goodmanson, both professionally and
socially, la well liked and respected hero,
and any report to tho contrary Is absolutely
witnout foundation.
The Washington dlspntch sent hero was
as follows: "When nnd wbero did Dr.
Goodmanson move to Washington, and what
Is thero to tho lynching story 7" Tho re
ply was: "Dr. Goodmanson was never In
tho etato and knows nothing nbout lynch
ing." Dy "stato" iwas meant stnto of
Washington. H. F. DENTON,
Editor Reporter and Farmer.
Mllltln Company Sworn In.
HURON. S. D.. Jan. 1!). fRnnnlnl
Captain Hcndrlckue, under commission of
Adjutant General Conklln, was here, and
n militia compuny was sworn In, with' the
following officers and members: Captain.
M. E. Walton; llrst lleutonnnt, Color
Campbell; second lloutennnt, William
Uccker; enlisted men. Lewis Mc.nnnnlii. n.
W. Corloy. William E. Gllllsnln. .Tnhn
Johnson, Don H. Tolmlo, H. N. Howard, R.
M. Cooley, Clinton D. Joy, M. A. King, R.
W. Flower, Harry Thoman, Snmuol E.
Deddo, Earl P. Johnson, Georgo Edwlnson,
Arthur Phillips, J. T. Squires, Sid Wood
worth. O. L. Stroun. R. G. Stroun. tlnl.nrt
A. Denning, James T. Dodlow, Harry C.
Lampe, G. N. Raush, D. R. Snedlgar, Sam
Snedlgnr, Leon L. Gllkoy, Ed Danks, S.
C. Trutuc, Harry Hcnlon, Cliff O. Joy.
Demand Iletter Itnllrnnd Kncllltlen.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Secrotary Stanley of tho Stato Doard of
Railroad Commissioners has received a
protest from tho citizens of tho town of
Doogo against tho treatment accorded tho
peoplo of tho placo by tho Great Northern
railroad. Some tlmo ago the citizens asked
tho railroad company to furnish the town
with a depot nnd station agent. The com
pany agreed, It Is alleged, to furnish both,
but neither has been furnished up to tho
present time It Is probable that tho rail
road commissioners will set u dato for a
hearing In order that tho matter may be
Conatltutlonnllty nf Dentnl l.nw.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D Jnn. 19. (Special.)
Tho constitutionality of tho law passed
hy tho last legislature, compelling den
tists to pay an annual licenso of' $2 on
July 1 of each year, Is to bo tested In tho
courts. Thero nro now over 200 practicing
dentists in South Dakota, and n number
of thorn havo not compiled with the new
aw In regard to paying licenses. To test
tho legality of tho law tho Stato Dontal
association has decldod to Inatltuto pro
ceedings against theso delinquents, among
them Doing six Sioux Falls dentists, who
wilt bo tho first ones to bo prosecuted.
Fracture a Hip.
WHEATLAND, Wyo., Jnn. 19. (Spoclnl.)
John Uradley recolved a broken hln hv
falling from n load of hny near tho Mullln
ranch, ono day this week. Dradley laid In
tho road for sevoral hourso beforo ho was
Injunction Co in mil ml I iik Muapcimlon of
Work Mny Produce Want Aiuouir
DUCKTOWN, Tenn., Jnn. 19. Another
Injunction haa been granted against the
Duckton Sulphus Copper and Iron com
pany and tho Tcnnessco Copper company
on account of smoke and fumes tbat aro
emitted from tholr plants. It Is said that
tbo piesldont of tho Tennesseo copper
plant nas notified Randolph Adams, gen
eral managor of tho company here, that
tho Injunction was served urlon him and
ho Is to shut down tho entlro works and
mines and pay off and dlschargo every
This would bo a terrible calamity upon
the peoplo of Ducktown. It would bo a
repetition of the days of 1867, when tho
Union Consolidated Mining company sus
pended operations. Tho samo conditions
exist now as then, hundreds of families,
being too poor to secure transportation
from Ducktown, nnd they woro forced to
walk away with tholr wives nnd children,
carrying as much of tholr personal effects
as posstblo upon their persons.
Murderer ConfmaeN nnd nenpcM.
WORCESTER. MnsH.. Jnn. lO.-Samnsnn
HeaveniH. 83 years old, living on the rood
from Rutland to Princeton, was killed to
night at his homo by Urn Hapgooi). who
bad bcon employed fey, rim on thu fara.
Hnncood nttneked Senvcrns In bed with nn
nx, shot him with a revolver, and Inter
confessed his crime to a (hummer of the
uctiu man m tno house Ho then csenped
No. !:. Soli:, Schwnb & Co. n gainst
jiucKiicn. apix'ui irom Lancaster. Jtuig
ment. Hastings, c. Division No. 1. He
1. Where circumstances show clenrlv that
notwithstanding defcudnnt'H assertions of
goon nimi no wiui nt least guilty of cul
pable negligence and was so placing his
property as to hinder nnd delay the col ec
Hon of bis debts, under circumstances
showing that by the exercise of any ordi
nary care be must bavo known this would
be the result, tho transaction will not bo
unncid wnen mo other party participates In
the fraud.
1, Lvldcnce examined mid liM.1 in lnu,
nt lenst enough facts within defendant's
knowledge so thnt good fnltli toward his
creditors demanded that ho make so much
Investigation as would have shown tho
worthlessness of tho consideration ho was
receiving ror ins property.
'i. Where It nntiears clenrlv from thn ror
ord thnt defendant Is Insolvent nnd that
execution have been returned iiL'iiliiNt him
iinsatlstled, tho fact that no execution has
neon iseueu on u judgment win not prevent
an Intervennr trom recovering upon it
when conveyance Is set nsldo In nrlnclnul
I. Fraudulent c run tees who Imvn ,11a
ItOMpd nf tlin nrritiortv In tl,....
nre vhnrKciililo uh trustees on behalf of thn
grantor h creditors.
Mi. vssi. Hartford Fire Insur.inre Com
winy ngnlnst Ltiudfore. Krror from Doug-
ns. Wurmen. aougwicK, m. division No,
I. Reported,
1. In an notion upon n policy of lire In.
Biirnnco, If the answer ptends a farfelturo
nf tbo policy hy breaches of Its comllllnnH
against Incumbrances existing at tho dato
oi inu policy, wn en uro sot out in fun In
tho HliBwer, u reply which nlleges "thnt
ino dcrcnuant wns at nil times In tho peti-
iiou una answer named ruiiy nuviscd ot
tho factH set out In tlin answer nn tn tlin
Incumbrances on the property so far nn tho
sumo are in saiu unswer truly alleged" is
a stllllclent plea of waiver of mich incum
brances ns against objection thereto tlrst
made In this court.
2. An agent cannot by oral contract with
tho Insured walvo tho express terms of tho
policy of Inxurnnra when the policy pro
vince nun - no oincer, ngem or representa
tive of the comtmnv shall bo lipid tn lmve
wnlved any of the terms nnd conditions of
HUH Policy illness sucli waiver slum lie en.
dorsed hereon In writing," but tho company
may vy us cunuuci waive u rorreiiuro
wnen it nas notice or the breach of condi
tion upon which mich forfeiture Is baseU,
nnd notlco to tho agent Is notlco to the
company. Such waiver need not bo In
3. Forfeiture of a nollcv of Instirnnre Is
waived wnen tno insurer, being informed of
me facts on winch forfeiture is based,
thereafter contlnucH to treat the contract
uh binding, and Indticcn tho Insured to net
in that belief.
I. The allegation of nn Incumbrance on
the property in an answer in nn action on
a lire Insurance policy Is not admitted by
the allegation In reply that "the defendant
wuh at ull times In suld petition and answer
named fully advised of tho facts set out In
t lie answer as to tne incumbrances on xnni
property, so far as tho samo arc In said
answer truly alleged," nnd thero being also
n gcnerui iicniai in tno reply, tne burden
Ik upon defendant to nrovo the existence
of sueh Incumbrances.
C. The provision In n policy of lire Insur
ance that the "loss Ih payable sixty days
nfter duo notlco and satisfactory proofs of
the samo nro nindu by the nnsurcd nnd re
ceived nt their olllco In Chicago" Is waived
by such action or tun company as waives
proof of loss, nnd In such case Interest
should bo computed from tho dato of tho
HOSl. Anselmo against American Having
nnd Loan Association. Appeal from Platte.
Reversed, with Instructions. Day. C. divi
sion No. 1. Reported.
1. where a building and loan nssoclntlon
Is Insolvent nnd unnblo to perform Its con
tracts with Its members nnd a receiver Is
nppolntcd to wind up Its nffnlrs, It Is en
titled to recover from n, borrowing member
tho amount of money actually loaned with
Interest thereon from dato at tho lcgnl
rate, less tho amount paid by tho member
ns Interest nnd premium, with Interest from
mo date or tno several, payments, sucn
borrower Is not entitled to credit uiion his
loan for money paid Into tho association
ns dues upon tho stock.
No. 10413. Schernr ngulnst Prudential In-
Hiiranee Company. Error from Douglas.
Atllrmed. Duy, C. Division No. 1. Re
ported. l. it is wunin tno discretion ot tno trim
ourt to permit a defendant to amend his
answer and error cannot be predicated
upon It unless an abuse of discretion Is
shown and prejudice resulting therefrom.
A mn.lltlnn liif n llr IriMimmrn nnllev
that If within threo years from tho dato of
tho policy tho Insured should die by sui
cide, salio or Insane the liability of tho
company should bo limited to tho amount
of the premiums paid, Is valid, und It Is no
answer to such n stipulation that the In
sured was Insuuo and unconscious of tho
moral and physical consequences of thu net
which caused death.
3. Evidence examined and held not to
constitute a waiver of forfeiture in tho
No. 1052B. Johnson against Sherman
County irrigation Company. Appeal from
Hiierman. neverseii. Hustings, v.. uivisiun
No. 1. Reported.
1. Where a mill Is erected nnd a water-
power obtained by the nld nnd oo-operatlon
or adjoining innuowners, any rigni oc
llowugo over their premises of wuter for
tho mill arranged for or contemplated by
the owners, ns subscribers toward Its con
struction, becomes uppurteimnt to the
2. A subsequent uso for less tnan len
years of real estate tor nowago or waier
by gradual encroachment without agree
ment with tho owner nnd without com Inn tn them, and not contemplated
nt tbo ttmu of the subscription, will not
create un interest m me rem csinio so
llowed nor establish nn Irrevocable licenso
to bo use It. ....
3. Only a right to enjoy ino privilege nnu
no fee title nor right to exclude the owner i
can. In any case, bo estaunsncd oy mere
user of a privilege of llownge
No. 10574. Kingman & Co. against Davis.
Error from Lincoln. Atllrmed. Pound, C.
Division No. 2. Reported.
1. The supremo court cannot review tho
rulings of n county court directly, but can
only review tho Judgment of a district
court rendered on error or appeal there
from. Hence, where demurrers to each of
sovnrnl cnuses of notion In a petition were
sustained In county court and such Judg
ment was nlllrmed on error In tho district
court, quaere, whether a petition In error
In this court alleging error In tho sustain
ing of said demurrers presents anything for
2. I'arol acceptance oi an oner in writ
ing does not give rlso to nn agreement or
contract In writing within tho purview of
section 11, Codo of Civil I'roeodure
3. If a written order for goods and mer
chandise makes no mention of price or
terms and contains no promise of pay
ment, It does not become n promise In
writing within the meaning of snld sec
tion when llio order Is tilled.
4. nvi.ii thmiizh such order specifics prleo
and terms and contains a promise of pay
ment, If It Is not lllled as made a partial ac
ceptance or neceptunco varying us terms
consiuuies a new ouur, mm iiiinnnii
being created by receipt nnd retention of
tho goodB delivered tho order does not con
Hiltiitn a nrnmlsa In writing within the
meaning of snld section.
. No. ha Dakota County ngulust Chi
cago, St. Paul, Minneapolis St. Omaha Rail
road Company. Error from Dakota. Af
llrmed. Norvnl, C. J.
1. Taxes levied In excess of tho constitu
tional limit aro for an lllegat and unau
thorized purnoso nnd aro void.
2. Ono paying laxes in excess m wiu cmi
niMiimini limit mnv recover such excess
In an action at law, iilliuiugn sucn taxes
ero pni pmu unin inijni.
No. lOfiS'J. ICelloy against Nelm. Error
from Gage. AHlrmcd. Norvnl, y. J.
1. A real estate tax Is not the personal
obligation of the landowner. Tho renl es
tate alnno is llnblo for Its payment.
2; A deficiency Judgment entered ngnlnst
the landowner In a suit to foreclose a tax
lion Is void. , m
3 A prayer mr kitihuui itnih in ruiu
i,.nt tn iiiitbnrlzn any Judgment to which
the nnrly Is entitled, under tho pleiidlngs
and evidence ..... . ,
I. A judgment will not bo reversed merely
bepaiiBo the court gave a wrong reason
for the rendition thereof.
6. Krror which Is not prejudicial to tho
party complnlnlng will not work a reversal
r n cause.
No. 10727. Now Hnmpshlro Savings Hank
ngnlnst Dlllrunce. Appeal from Douglas.
Atllrmed. Norval, C. J.
1. Tho preponderance or evidence is not
etcrinlned alono by tho greater number
witnesses wno lemny in nivur in n
party. . .
2. Tbe rinding of the trial court upon
conflicting eyldenre thnt nn appraisement
f real property lor judicial sine wns rair
111 ordinarily b susiiuncu on review.
107S9. Salisbury ngnlnst Murphy. Anpel
from Lincoln. Affirmed. Norvnl. C. J.
nusuiinil is a treennuier wno lives
th his wiro on land of winch sho has
the title, when occupied by them Jointly
a homestead.
A decree of foreclosure Is sufllclent au
thority to make tho snlo thereunder with
out a formal order of sale.
3. A sale of lands under a decree of fore
closure will not bo Invalidated by reoeon
f n manifest error n giving the meridian
number, when the remainder of tho de
scription ns to the locution of tho property
after rejecting that which Is erroneoun,
Is sufficiently definite and certain to enablo
Uio. land to bq located, .
ltrDf Admctootit li Appoint tn LeitWn
luck Ixchugi.
fence Itumuin finm Muitli Africa
Alii In KimliiK the .Hom y Mur.
ket nnd lleducliiK
Hunk Mote.
LONDON, Jan. 19.-Tho feeling on tho
stock exchange nt tho closo of the bin
.cl.iivn8 ,ll,clJ,,ly happy. Whether or
not this was merely Uio upward ernl of
tno financial see-Haw Is hard to sny, but
nJr.7" 8i,mo "''expected discouraging news
arrives from south Africa, there Is a good
prospect for a continued upward movement.
,7,u.!lcI n.'.lH .ht:S'n c.a"y. n'"' ,ll!r ' every
llm1 ''ct t,1,at ,tl"5 J."1"1' r'ito of discount
will bo reduced to 3'a tier cent dlirlmr tho
nex fortnight. TlilsV-ductloii Is remlerHl
iikuI In view of thn large government
,rftlm.Wchil." "My In Alari h
-in !r"' U 'Vll!": l'robablo (hat there
will bo a Russian loan In Purls In the
spring nnd naturally tho Dank of VhVg.
land Will eliil.vivnr lii Blr.,.ii,.... li. ...
atJ,lm1t,mey ,H"'ltlu" ,m ,mleh ,,s l''blo
n .iii?,0'!'?? "'""""I which were circulated
eMewheW. have helped the boo n. " but t e
latest lioor statements emanating from
cont neiit liidlca o that these rumors "vero
Btock cicl,BS.rKV:,y IOr U' b0,,,lt 0t 1,10
Trunks were firmer. South Americas Ken.
tir, .,.nJI'ro ' ""' w.u." exception of
I'ruirunv mm 4. tvlilni, ... ...
improved polltlc il outlook. '.Spanish 4 wero
. V , ,u 1 " V l,0H rcl11 'fed ill sympathy
with tho break In copper.
livi-iyiioiiy appears to expect nn limned
ate resumption of rn,rii 1.. u 1.
Africa with the closo of the wnr. and an
Immense gold output. Theso of conserva
tive opinion, however nnr Mint , .......
oral laying down of nrms for somo lime to
come Is not likely and tbat the long de
ferred Pence, with Its accompanying pros
perlty, Is likely to havo to await tho slow
process of attrition.
SiiKnr .Mnrkct.
NEW YORK. Jnti. lS.-.SttriAi!n,il..f
n, iv-". . 4" uioiiisses nnd syrup
arriving affected by the frost.
.(... ..1.. 1Af..M ... . . '
NHW YOIlIf. Jnn. IS ITn a tt...
weak: fair refining. 2T(.o; centrifugal. )
lasses, steady; New Orleans, 'open 'iei
good to choice, .TO42C.
LONDON. Jnn. 18.-HKHT SLaAR-Jnnu.
ary, 6s 6;l.
ColTee .llnrket.
NUW YOIlIf. Jan. is r"ni,'t,'i,pi!ni
Rio. nulut: No. 7 Invoice. mii.i
Cordova. "Mille Futures opened steady,
with prices unchanged in 5 points lower.
At tho closo tho market was oulet, with
prices net 6 points lower. Tnint uninu .........
13.J..0 bags, Including: February, Uc; March.
f DJ,"y' fi-WS June 0.3.1c; July, ii.i5in
S-KJ s,r,!"ember. 6.55C.ttc: December, ti.73ii
0.80c. Tho market for spot coffee was dull
and barely steady, with prices on tho basis
of fi?c for Invoice lots of No. 7 HIo.
IMilliidclpliln Produce 3lurket.
Steady; fancy western creumcry, 21c; fancy
nearby prints, -'7c.
KOOS Unsettled and So lower; fresh
nearby. 25c; fresh western, 25c; fresh south
western. 25c: fresh southern. 2Jc.
CHKESI2 Quiet but firm; New York full
creams, funcy smnll
tuiiuy Miinn. ieii:; rsew vork full
creams, fair to choice, S'Ollc,
Ilry (ioodN .MurKel.
NEW YORIC. Jan. IS.-j-nilY r,iinn4
General conditions wero without change In
tho cotton goods market. Tho demand
continues moderate nnd prices nro main
tained, Print cloth yarn goods are In fair
demand, but dlfllcult to buy for delivery
this sldo of March. American cotton yarns
n iiur rciuiiu nun generally nrin; worsted
urns nrm nnu women yarns steady.
General Salesman.
lfiOR Fnrnam Street.
Resident Salesman.
Davis & Cowgill Iron Works.
1M1, 1B03 mm loot JmUmb ItrMt,
OMnho. Nek. Tal. BM.
EabrUkla. Atnt, J. . CrwtfU, Hg
friANE CO.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All Kinds.
1014 and 1010 DOUGLAS ST.
Uestern Electrical
vv Company
Electrical Supplies.
Msctrlo Wiring Dells ud Ou Lljbtlaf.
Q. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 . Howard Hl
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.,
Oninlin, Neb.
ManufaQiurura of
Tents and Canvas Goods.
Send for Catalogue Number 23
Olds Gasoline Gnffine,
Olds Gasoline Engine Works,
1114 Farnum St.. Onmlm.
Telephone lOitD.
Boyd Commission Co.
Successors to James E. Boyd L. Co.,
Board ( Trade Dalldlaw,
Direct wire to Chicago and New Tork
1 T.i n :in,rn,""!,.'.y,'K' "eiue centrir
JlS'n' i-7',33r? centrifugal granulated, 3H
5r3 11-lbci white, 3 11-lCc; yellow. S7M3 M-lBo:
seconds. m,3c. Molnc steady open
kettle. i"5e: centr Ifinmi. Mir,n
. i..:"v. "-'"'.'T? C"i;r' -c- "Mined,
steady: No. fi. 4.10c; No, 7. 4o; No. S ,TH)c:
No. 9. 3.5c; No. 10, 3o0; No. 11, 3.7fo:'No'
'a2' 3;: No' J3' ?,-65c! ''" H 3 Wic! Klundard
A, 4.4.ric: cmfeelloncrs' A. 4.4.".c: mould a.
Be: cut loaf, 5.15c; crushed, 5.15o; powdered
4.,5c! ernnuhttcfl. 4 Tw'.n mil.., a i nn if..