Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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8ittj DmUei Tin f Itiind of Rait,
Sail tad Dintr.
Enrlr Apprnnch of floe Snt Af
ford flurcpoBp Dcalreil unit Visit
Abroad llnvc Come Into
I'll. Pnihlnii.
it Is well for sorao o( the membors of
tho smart net that Lent will soon bo hero.
Now that tho holidays oro over, there aro
thoso who aro paying tho penalty of Its
excessive gaiety by having to forego a
good share of the pleasnnt affairs, even of
tho quieter kind. To ovoid the unpleasant
ness of having to rcfuso Invitations and
the greater unpleasantness of being com
pelled to remain at homo while others aro
enjoying nil manner of nice things, several
of the young women aro contemplating
short visits with out-of-town friends that
will detain them until Lent. Some of these
nre already gone, In fact, and not a few
bachelors nre complaining that tho affairs
given of late nro not as Interesting ns somo
of those of the early winter.
Now that tho Country club Is closed (7)
and with It tho privilege of viewing all
ocloty from ono veranda, Mrs. Grundy
eems to bo confining her observations
largely to tho ballroom, and certainly that
affords about ns broad a view of tho fash
ionables ns ono gets In theso days of teas,
luncheons and llko feminine nffatrs. Ac
cording to this busy damo, society Is protty
much tho samo as It was last summer,
when It went chasing over tho greens nftor
tho golf balls. Almost too much so In
somo respects, for tho athletic golf stride
Is hardly consistent with tho dainty, but
terfly creations of tucking and frills, so
much worn this winter.
And the men. Sho says It Is enough to
shatter ono's nerves tho way thoy get about,
and ono's gowns as well, 'If one Is to Judgo
from the demands for pins and other
things to bo hoard In tho dressing rooms.
And this Is rather disheartening, consider
ing tho long season thoy hava dovotcd to
tho pursuit of thosa things said to be con
ducive of manly grace.
WciltlliiKN nnil IJiiKHRCtiirntii.
Tho wedding of Mr. Daniel Daum nnd
Miss Harriett Holland Hackott of Easton.
Pa., will occur nt Trinity Methodist church
of that city on Wednesday.
Announcements liavo been received In
Omahn of the marriage of Miss Alma Caro
line Trimble., formerly of thlB city, and Mr.
Charles Sumner Schmltt of Doston, which
occurred at tho homo of tho bride's sis
ter, Mrs. Frederick Mantey, In Cambridge,
Mass., oa Tuesday evening, January 7. Mr.
and Mrs. Schmltt will bo at home after
February 1 In Doston.
A vory protty and quiet wedding won
solemnized on Thursday, January 16, at
St. Phllomcna's cathedral, In which Mr.
Louis C. Kelsoy nnd Miss Anna Brunner
Wolch wero tho contracting parties. Itev.
Father Stonsnn officiated. Tho brldo was
attended by Mlsn Agnes Moran and Mr.
Ed Alkens acted as best man. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Kelscy will bo at homo at 209 South
Twentieth street.
Tho marrlago of Miss Margaret .Reed,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward need,
and Mr. Jnmcs Wnllaco will be solcmnlzod
nt St. Peter's church at 8 o'clock on
Wednesday evening. Miss Reed will bo at
tended by Miss Dlnncho Murphy, Miss Lil
lian flushraan and Mies. -Mary Archer of
Fremont. 'Mr. Byron Reed will act as best
man. The ushers will bo Mossrs. Will
Monaghan, P. B. Murray, James Reod, John
O'Kcef, John Drcnnon and Louis Bushman.
On Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I. Hoopcs on
East Qrant strcat, this city, occurred the
marrlngo of Miss Clare V. Adams nnd Mr.
Richard C. Estca. Rev. T. V. Mooro of
Westminster Presbyterian church officiat
ing. Tho wedding was n quiet ono, only
relatives and a fow friends of the con
tracting partleB being present. Both the
brldo nnd groom nro well and favorably
known both In this city and South Omnha
nnd carry with them tho best wishes of a
hoBt of friends. They loft on tho evening
train for Qlenwood, la., where they expect
to mnko their home.
l'lcnatirea l'nnt.
Mlsn Mooro gave an Informal tea on
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Frank Turney wns hostess at a small
Informal affair on Friday evening.
Miss Alma Fredorlck was hostess at
Monday's meeting of tho Chafing Dish club.
Mrs. . Harry McCormlck was hostess at
Wednesday's meeting of the Cooking club.
Mrs. Wllholm gavo a very delightful In
formal parlor musical at her home on Sat
urday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Remington gavo an Informal
card party on Wednesday evening for Mrs.
Beeson's guests.
The Carnation Social club gavo their
third anniversary" ball on January 10 at
Chambers' dancing academy. About 125
Free to
Ono Full.alzed $5.00 Package of Dr.
Mary Lock's Wonderful Home
Treatment Given to
Every Lady.
Corn Bvery I'lirm of Prmnlr Wrnk-
nemi, nUplMccnicutn, I.eiicorrhea,
Nunpreaarit or l'lilnful Mnmra,
FnllluK or the Womb,
Olilliiliu of Mil, etc.
at 1 ,1 .1 . . - . ii.Tfn .-I . . . A
wiuwu till ih niiu i iimu lu KIVU irru, una
full-sized 5.00 pnekngo to every suffering
fviiiuii nt ui uvi iu iiuumy imiuuuLU liiuir
Two of Amrrtcn'a Oreatest I.nUy
most wonderful remedy In every city,
town and hamlet In the IT. S. They could
not afford to do this only that they expect
after you nro cured and they know you
will be nnd' that you will recommend tho
remedy to suffering friends who will gladly
order tho treatment nnd In this way they
will be amply rewarded for making this
moHt llbernl free offer. Bend your name
nnd address to Dr. Miry Lock Co., tsOJ
Englewood Station, Chicago, Ills., for n
free $S.OO package nnd be quickly cured In
the prlvncy of your own home.
Remember this !s not a patent jncdlclue
hut a full three-course treatment sent
complete, In a plain package do that no
wrson will know what It contnlns.
Tho nbovo offer Is genuine. Wo nBk io
questions or references of uny kind. Every
lady who writes will bo given u full 13.04
package free. Wrlto today.
HBB jr tltb
couplo attended nnd a very enjoyable time
was had.' The decorations wero In pink
and white and palms were nlso used.
Miss Mao Rothschild entertained at whist
yesterday afternoon for a number of visit
ing young women,
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Klnslcr gavo n smnll
tea on Sunday evening for Mr. nnd Mrs.
Cochran of St. Paul.
The, Southwest Dancing club gave ono of
Its very enjoyable parties at Chambers'
hall on Friday evening.
Tho Misses Scabrook entertained a num
ber of friends nt their home on Walnut
Hill on Tuesday evening.
Miss Mae Hamilton entertained a party
of twelve at dinner on Saturday evening In
compliment' to Miss McCornlck.
Tho Et-A-Vlrp club gave another of Its
very enjoyable dancing parties nt Cham
bers' hall on Thursday evening.
Mrs. A. Mandelberg and Mrs. Ben Rosen
thal entertained a matinee party nt tho
Orphoum on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Harry May was hostess nt n very
pleasant afternoon nffalr on Monday, given
for n number of out-of-town women.
Mrs. J. E. Baum was hostess at nn In
formal complimentary affair on Mondny
afternoon given for Mrs. Beeson's guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Judd entertained tho mem
bers of tho Indian club nt their home on
South Thirtieth street on Saturday even
ing. Mrs. J. C, McDanlels entertained nt nn
Informal tea on Tuesday for Mrs. Beeson's
guests, Mcsdamcs Vinton, l'clrce nnd Oliver
Tho 'members of tho "S.-E." Card club
wero entertained on Monday evening nt tho
homo of Mrs. Burko of 602 North Twenty
fifth strcot.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Patrick entortnlncd n
supper party at Happy Hollow on Friday
ovenlng In honor of Mrs. Lcarncd's guest,
Miss Tlmbcrlake.
Mr. Ouy C. Barton entertained Mr. Mur
phy, Mr. E. M. Morsraan, Mr. Qeorgo Bld
wcll nnd Mr. C. E. Yost at dinner on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Sam Frank was hostess at a pretty
kenslngton on Wednesday aftarnoon, at
which n number of visiting womon were
tho guests of honor.
For Mrs. Chadwln, who Is Mrs. Harry
McCormlck's guest, Mrs. Luclan Stephens
entertained at an Informal 6 o'clock tea
on Friday afternoon.
Mcsdamcs Bccson, Vinton, Pclrce, Oliver
Peirce, J. E. Baum nnd Thompson wero
Mrs. Charles T. Kountzo's guests at a
luncheon on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hake entertained tho
Old Folks' Card club on Saturday even
ing nt their homo at Twenty-sixth Etrcet
nnd Poppleton nvenuc.
In honor of Mlsn Vera Wattles, who Is
Mrs. O. W. Wnttlcs' guest, Mrs. Charles
Marsh entertained nt an Informal kenslng
ton on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Bennrdon of Georgia nvonuo was
hostess at n dinner last week, compliment
ary to Dr. and Mrs. Bcnardon of Now York,
who aro on their way to California.
Tho Slx-handsd Euchro club met with
Mrs. William Wallaco on Monday, the
game, resulting lu favor of Mrs. Barlow,
Mrs. Prltchett and Mrs. Funkhouser.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Kountzo cntortalned
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCormlck, Mrs. Chad-
bourne, Miss Preston, Dr. Bridges and Mr.
Sam Burns at dinner on Tuesday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Wllklns nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Kountzo were the guests
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Paxton, Jr., on
Wednesday evening at dinner and later at a
box party.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost, Mrs. Offut and
Mr. Earl Oannott were tho guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Carten at a dlnnor on Tues
day evening, given in compliment to Mra.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Conrad gavo a box
party at Boyd's on Tuesday evening for
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Hord nnd Miss Hord
of Central City, Mr. and Mrs. Strlckler
and Mr. Kcsslcr.
For Miss Swensburg and her guest, Miss
Bennett, Miss Lomax gavo a box party and
supper on Wednesday evening, Mr. Fred
Nosh, Mr. Cooley nnd Mr. Ben Cotton com
pleting tho pnrty.
On Wednesday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
A. Qosney entertained at progressive high
five in honor of Mr. Sheldon of Now York
and Mrs. Oosnoy of Sioux -City, about
thlrty-flve guests being present.
Mrs. Harry Lyman was hostess nt nn In
formal luncheon on Friday, given in honor
of Mrs. Cochran of St. Paul. Mrs. Lyman's
other guests wero Mcsdamcs Jacobs, Kin
Bier, Qulou, Lowo nnd tho Misses Curtis.
Mrs. Webstor was hostess nt a small but
vory pretty luncheon on Friday, given for
her guest, Mrs. Laughton. Tho other
women present wero Mosdamos Kenyan,
Kountze, French, Kllpatrlck, Morso and
Mra. E. C. Price was hostess at ono of
the protty luncheons of the week on
Wednesday, when sho entertained a party
of ten women at tho Omaha club and later
In the afternoon at a niatlnoo party at tho
Tuesday ovenlng Mr. nnd Mra. Frederick
Danlelson entertained tho Reed-Wnllaco
bridal party. A most enjoyable evening was
spent, high five being played in tho early
part of the ovenlng and a musical program
rendered later,
Tho membors of tho Two-Ten club enter
tained themselves at a theater party Fri
day, January 17. After spending an cn
Joyablo evening with "Rip Vnn Winkle,"
suppor was served by one of the membors,
Mrs. P. B. Walker acted as chaperon.
Mrs. J. Lobman gavo n complimentary
afternoon on Tuesdny for a number of vis
iting women. Her homo, on South Twenty
sixth stroot, was prettily docoratcd with
red flowers, tho samo color bolng used In
tho dotnlls of tho luncheon which followed
late In the afternoon.
For her daughters, Miss Purvis nnd Miss
Frances Purvis, Mrs. Robert Purvis enter
tained about thlrty-flvo women at luncheon
on Friday. Tho color scheme of red was
carried out In de(atl, both In tho decoration
of tho rooms and small tables at which
tho guests wero served.
For the young women who acted as her
bridesmaids, Mrs, Edgar Morsman, Jr., en
tertained at luncheon on Thursday. Miss
Ltndsey, Miss Helen Mlllnrd and Miss Kll
Patrick, Mrs, Floyd Smith, Miss Helen Cur
tls and Miss Louleo Squires of Council
Bluffs were the womon present.
The Bohemian club, composed of twclvo
womon, camo up from Lincoln on Wednes
day to be tho guests of Mrs, A. O. Boeson.
A luncheon was Berved In their honor nt
the Omaha club at 1:30 and the afternoon
spent at the matinee at Boyd's, the party
returning to 7 o'clock dinnor at Mrs, Deo-
son's home.
Tho Misses McShane gavo ono of tho
smartest buffet luncheons of tho week on
I Saturday afternoon for their guest, Mrs
Robinson. Tho roams wero lighted with
numerous candles and prettily decorated
with green nnd white. They were assisted
by Mcsdarues J. A. McShane, Wllklns, Mc
Qlnn and Miss Stanton.
The Friendly Greeting club was enter
tained at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, II. C,
Cook, 1902 Military avenue, on Tuesday
evening, January 14. After tho exchange of
friendly greetings cards wero played. Mrs,
F. J. Miedlng was awarded first lady's
prize and Mrs. E. W. Norrls the lady's
consolation prize. There was a draw be
tween E. W. Norrls, F. J Miedlng nnd P,
J. Corcoran for first gentleman's prize, In
which Mr, Norrls was successful. The
gentleman's consolation prlzo was awarded
to Mr. John Keyser. After refreshments
wero served, music nnd dancing prevailed.
Tho next meeting of the club will bo nt tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Norrls, Tues
day evening, January 2S.
Tho members of St. Patrlgk'e; choir nnd
their friends were delightfully entertained
Wednesday evening at St. Phllomena'a hall
by Father Smith. About fifty couples of
young peoplo were present and showed their
appreciation by enjoying to the fullest ex
tent tho preparations the committee had
mado for their entertainment. Dancing
was tho order of tho ovenlng and tho pro
gram was varied by dainty refreshments.
Mrs. James Taggart was hostess at Tues
day's meeting of the Southslde Whist club,
when tho prizes were awarded to Mrs. A.
II. Fullor, Mrs. J. B. Blnncbard and Mrs.
Tlppcry. Tho noxt meeting of tho club
will be held at tho homo of Mrs. Dalton
Rlsloy on South Twenty-fifth strcot, on
Among tho largest of tho many luncheons
of tho week was that given at Hill Sldo on
Thursday by Mrs. Yates. Tho twenty-six
women present wero seated nt ono largo T
shaped table, upon which several vases of
pink carnations nnd white Jessamine, to
gether with pink-shaded candles, constituted
tho decoration.
Mrs. H. Llcbonthat entertained tho
Thursday Kensington club at her home, nt
Twenty-fourth and Chicago streets last
week. Mrs. M. Monhelt was also hostess
at a mooting of the Kensington club dur
ing tho week. Mrs. B. Harris will entertain
the membors nt their next meeting nt her
home, 2905 Lako street.
Mesdamcs F. Goldstrom, M. Klein and
Nathan Rothschild entertained a party of
womon nt whist on Wcdnosday afternoon.
Twelve tnblcs wero arranged through tho
prettily decorated rooms of Mrs. Oold
strom's homo nnd flvo handsomo prizes
wero awarded. After tho gamo an elabo
rate luncheon wns served.
Misses Lillian nnd Nettto Bushman wero
tho hostesses for tho Rced-Wallaco bridal
party Thursday ovenlng. Each member of
tho party was naked to tender a toast to
tho futuro happiness of Miss Reed and Mr.
Wallace. Many delightful worda were gra
ciously expressed, wishing them sunshine
and sweet content for nil time.
Mrs. Janny of Council Bluffs was the
guest of honor at a dinner given at the
Millard hotel on Tuesday evening by Mr.
James Paxton. Tho guests numbered six
teen and wero served In the white and gold
dining room, which contributed an effective
surrounding for the handsomely decorated
table, with its profusion of Amcrlcnn Beau
ties. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Henry W. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Kountzo, Mr. nnd Mrs. John L. Webster.
Mr. and Mrs, Horaco Burt, Dr. Miller and
Mrs. Hamilton wero tho guests of Mr.
Frank Murphy nnd Mrs. Cummlng at dinner
on Wednesday ovenlng. Tho decorations
wero In red, American Beauty roses being
For Miss Tlraborlako of St. Paul, who Is
her guest, Mrs. Myron Learned entertained
party of twenty women nt ono of tho
most elnborato luncheons of tho week In
tho cafe of tho Omaha club on Tuesday. A
center piece of bridesmaid roses, pink car
nations Id profusion and pink shaded can
dles In single, tall silver holders constituted
tho very effoctlvo tublu decoration.
Tho members of Metropolitan club gavo
very enjoyablo whist party on Wodnes-
day ovenlng, about eighty members and
friends bolng present. Fifteen tables were
employed for tho game, which resulted In
favor of Miss Oradwobl of St. Louis, Mrs.
F. Adler, Mr. Louis Rothschild and Mr. A.
Mandelberg. After the game a short pro
gram was danced, the evening concluding
with an elaborate supper.
The Crescent club gavo Its opening party
nt thetr new club rooms last Monday
evening, January 13. Tho rooms were
neatly decorated for tho occasion and was
largely attended by the friends of tho mem
bers of tho club. Tho first part of tho
evening was spent In a progressive 'high
flvo party, In which Miss Fair nnd Mr.
George. L. Stem carried away honors by
winning first prizes. Tho latter part of
tho evening concluded with a social hoc
Rev. G. Taylor Grtfllth was host at ono
of tho Bmart receptions -of tho week on
Thursday nttcrnoon from 3 until 5 o'clock
nt his home, 1818 Blnney street. Rov.
Grlfllth was assisted In receiving by Mes
damcs B. F. Crummer, Charles Mercer Fow
ler, F. H. Cole, E. D. VnnCourt, Curtis nnd
E. A. Blum, nt Whoso homo he is residing.
Tho reception room nnd drnwlng room wero
effectively decorated In red and the library
In green, with an Intermingling of the flags
of nil the Christian nations nnd ribbons
and streamers. Tho rooms wore lighted
with shaded candles. About 100 women
woro received during tho afternoon.
Tho teachers of Lothrop school tendered
a very pretty farewell reception on Friday
afternoon to Miss Emma Godso, who re
signed her position In that school last week
and will be married January 22 to Mr. James
Morton, Jr., of this city. Tho affair, which
was a .surprlso, was held in the kinder
garten room, which had been effectively
and appropriately trimmed for tho occa
sion. In token of their esteem the teachers
of the building presented Miss Godso a
vory handsomo water set in cut glass, while
the pupils of her room, at the close of the
school hour, gave her n beautiful water
color picture, tho presentation being mado
by Miss Allco McCullougb.
The largest of the week's affairs and one
of the most enjoyablo dancing parties of
tho winter was given at Metropolitan club
on Tuosday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. G,
W. Wnttlcs in honor of their niece. Miss
Vera Wattles, who Is tholr guest. With a
mass of ferns and flowers for a background,
Mr. and Mrs. Wattles and Miss Wattles ro
colved tholr guests, assisted by Mr. and
Mrs. Baum, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and
Mr. and Mrs. Chnso. Quantities of south
ern smllax mossed tno chandeliers and
wall and festooned tho doorways, while
each of tho cornors was screened with the
greon stuff and with Oriental ' rugs nnd
couches converted Into most Inviting cozy
corners. American Beauty roses woro used
In profusion. Downstairs pink carnations
nnd pink shaded candles gave a pretty tono
to tho supper room, where refreshment
and punch wero served. About 150 guests
wero sresent.
Movements nnd Wlierenbon(s.
Mr. A. B. Smith Is In New Orleans. ,
Mrs. John A. McShane has returned from
a trip south.
Mrs. Charles E. Black Ib visiting friends
in Crcstou, la.
Mrs. Lewis Reed will leave Chicago for
Detroit this week.
Miss Hawvor has gono to Chicago, to be
gono soveral weeks.
Mrs. Edward P. Peck returned from ths
east on Wednesday.
Miss Louise Heller is In Nebraska City
visiting Sirs. Eugene Levi.
Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker Is making a
brief visit with friends In Chicago.
Mrs. Rose Strawn returned on Wednesday
from an cxteuded visit In tho east.
Captain and Mrs. Erwln left Sunday
evening to mako their home at Fort Riley
Mrs. Jordan has gono to tarand Island
for a short stay with her daughter, Mrs,
Miss Carrie Hawvor went to Illinois on
Friday to spend several weeks visiting
Miss Mabel Hako will leave on Wednes
day morning for Albion, Neb., where aba
will bo a member of n large house party
to be held there next wook.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Wharton have re
turned from n week's visit in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bald rl go nro ex
pected home from their castorn trip today.
Miss Lomax, Miss Swcnsbnrg nnd Miss
Bennett went to Chicago on Friday ovenlng.
Mrs. Charles Moore has gono to Evanston,
whore sho will be the guest of Mrs. Charles
Miss Elizabeth Allen left for Kansas City
nn Sundny evening and will bo nbscnt
nbout two months.
Mrs. O. W. Holdrcgo is spending two
weeks in Chicago with her son, Mr. Harry
Holdrcgo, and his wife.
Dr. and Mrs. C. D. McLaughlin rcturnod
tho -early part of tho week from an ex
tended stay in Now York.
Mrs. W. P. Campbell left yesterday for
an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs,
Wlthcrcll of Victor, Colo.
Mrs, II. S. Jaynes, who wns called to
Wisconsin on last Saturday, Is oxpected
homo tho middle of tho week.
Mrs. Noel Griffiths returned to her homo
n Des Moines Saturday, after having spent
month with her parents, Mr.i nnd Mrs.
L. F. Lccder.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Conncll hnvo returned from
nn eastern trip, during which they visited
Dr. Carl Conncll in New York, going then
to Washington.
Mrs. Arthur Rose, accompanied by her
daughter and' mother, Mrs. Crano of Chi
cago, loft Wcdncsdny evening for Houston,
Tex., where they will spend somo time,
going thon to California. They will return
nbout May 1 by way of Portlnnd and tho
northern route.
Ollt-of-TlMTIl (InFNtft,
Mrs. II. C. Flehcr of Chicago Is Mrs. John
Franco's guest.
Miss Helen Curtis of Rcdlands, Cal., Is
tho guest of Mrs. Floyd Smith.
Miss Belle Thynn of Rockford, III., Is
tho guest of Mrs. B. F. Weaver.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher has as her guest this
week Miss McCornlck of Salt Lake City.
Miss Evelyn Lnughton of San Francisco
has been Miss Webster's guest since Mon
Mrs. Edward C. McClornlnnd has as her
guest her sister, Miss Pomp of Pennsyl
Mrs. Loughton of San Francisco arrived
this weok to bo the guest of Mrs. John L.
Mrs. Robertson of Grand Island nrrlvcd
on Wednesday to bo tho guest of tho Misses
After a visit of sovcrnl weeks with Miss
Qwensburg Miss Bennett returned to her
homo on Friday.
Mrs. Low Mnrshall of Lincoln has been
tho guest of her mother, Mrs. J. E. White,
for tho past week.
Mrs. Samuel Caldwell of St. Louis is tho
guest of her mother. .Airs. John Wlthnell of
2004 St. Mary's avenue.
Miss Cody of North Platte, Neb., spent
last weok with Miss Rudlo, who will return
west with her this week.
Mrs. William H. PIndoll of Hannibal.
Mo., Is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Sylvester Rush, 4931 Webstor strcot.
Miss Mary Archer of Fremont Is tho
guest of Miss Margaret Reed, having como
to act as bridesmaid at her wedding on
Miss Stella Holncraan returned to her
homo in Milwaukee on Sunday after a visit
of soveral weeks at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Unverzagt.
Mrs. A. M. Allen of Buffalo, N. Y., ar
rived tho early part of the week to spend
somo time with her daughter, Mrs. J. C.
Cornwall of 2578 Harney street.
Mrs. Charles Pclrce, Mrs. Oliver Pblrce
and Mrs. Henry Vinton of Lafayette, Ind.,
who hava been Mr.. Beeson's guests for
tho last fortnight, returned to their homes
on Friday.
Soclnl Chit-Clint.
Tho next Cotillion Is announced for Feb
ruary 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pinto will entertain
at cards on next Tuesday.
Mrs. J. J. O'Connor will entertain at
cards on Thursday evening.
Miss Mary Barker will entertain nt whist
on next Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Henry W. Yntes will cntertntn a
whist luncheon on Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fairfield aro occupying
their new homo on St. Mary's avenue.
Tho third of the series of assemblies will
be held at Metropolitan club on the ovenlng
of January 23.
Tho January party of the Winter club
will occur at Metropolitan club on Saturday
ovenlng, January 25.
Tho Hanscom Park Dancing club will glvo
its next party at Chambers' hall on Tues
day evening, January 28.
Mra. Ben Gallagher will entertain a sup
per party on Wednesday In compliment to
her guest, Miss McCornlck.
Tho Misses Murphy will entertain the
members of tho Rced-Wallaco bridal party
at their blmo on Georgia uvcnuo on Monday
Tho Thurston Rifles havo Issued Invita
tions for a dancing party to bo given at its
new armory, 515 North Sixteenth stroet, on
Friday evonlng, January 24.
The Ladles' Ilnthery.
Naturo holds a remedy for every 111, but
sometimes It Is so near to us, so cheap and
slmplo that wo are prono to overlook It
wo llko to go farther and pay more. It
has been said that tho most popular physl
clan Is that ono who makes' a diagnosis of
his patient's deslro as wolf as the malady
and frequently prescribes pleasant Jour
neys rather than unpleasant medicines. A
great many womon suffer from nervous
troubles, lassitude, poor digestion and slug
gish circulation. For theso Tho Bathery
offers a suro relief right nt home. Tho ox-
pense and trouble of long Journeys may be
avoided. Proper bathing, maBsago treat
inont, electricity and Turkish baths work a
wonderful change. It Ib nature's own rom-
edy applied to nature's flagging powers, and
tho results Justify tho means. As a beauty
treatment it la unsurpassed. Trained opor
ators always in attendnnco. Tolephone
1716 for appolntraonts. For ladles only,
220 Bee building.
The Marquotto club will glvo the second
In its series of dancing parties next Fri
day evening. January 24. Invitations have
been issued and tho club's reputation for
enjoyable dances will bo maintained. Spe
cial muslo has been engaged.
Miss Julia Officer, piano, Karbach block.
January term now open for students.
1'rqmntlnn Committee llnpea to Se
cure New Bennett Iliilldlna;
for the Event.
If the consent of W. R. Bennett can
bo secured, there will bo n ball for tho
benefit of tho Omaha auditorium some
ovenlna In tho month of February. Tho
plan wns suggested some time ago by D. J,
O'nrlnn. a member of the promotion com
mittee, but at that time no nvallable room
was known to the committee and the
matter was dropped. Recently some of tho
persons who strongly favored tho Idea of
tho ball decided that tho second floor of
tho new Bennett building would be Just
the place for such a function. Mr. Bennett
was taken Into tho confidence of tho pro
moters, , but advnncod somo objections to
tho plan The promoters have not gIVwi
up nnd hope to secure tho building.
If tho plnn Is cnrrled out the ball will
probably bo n state event. Tho commltteo
propusea to Invito tho governor of tho
state, his staff, the commander of tho De
partment of the Missouri, U. S. A., with
his departmental nnd pcrsonnl staff, tho
commnndant nt Fort Crook, with his staff.
nnd such other notnblcs of tho stnto nnd
nation who aro available at that time. Tho
decoration of tho building will bo placed
in the hands of tho Knights of Ak-Sar-I)cn
or somo other local society.
Have You
Seen the
If not, cnll nt Schmollcr & Mueller's and
witness n performance of these wonderful
Instruments. The Pianola enables nny ono
to piny tho piano, oven If they do not know
ono nolo from another. If unablo to call,
wrlto for cataloguo giving full description.
Pianolas can bo bought on monthly pay
ments when desired. 1
Schmoller & Mueller
1313 Farnam Street. Omaha Telephone 1625.
BALL-BEARING Sewing Mnchlnos always
run faster and ensler than nny other mado.
Thoy nro the most popular machines in
Omnha today. Wo buy them for cash nnd
will sell you one either for cash or
$5 Down and 75c a Week
T.Tt.-rc Buwim nrmnm, tivrtiv
No illiTercnco whero you Dougni your
mnchlno r.or from whom, you ore welcomo
to como to our store nnd learn to do nil
kinds of fancy work and to use your nt-
Sicond-hand Machines from
$1.00 to $10.00.
Wo rent Machines nt 75c per week or
J2.00 per month.
Wo soil Needles nnd Attachments for
nnd repair every mnko of Sowing Machlno
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney
GEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. 'Phone 1053.
612 N. 21th St., South Omaha, Neb.
331 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Telephone Ji 618.
It don't sound ao extruvnicant, ier-
hniis, but It does nnmire you that your
feet are fitted rlRlit If you tveur
They Are $3.50 Always
And fit tho feet as naturo Intended and
because thoy do they havo more real char
acter and style than if tbey wero in all
Wo can't havo a mark-down special sale
nt our store, becnuso they nro marked
down tho yens round.
Sorosls Shoes aro $3.50 always.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr., 203 S. 16th St.
Send for Catalogue.
Put up In book form tho handiest
for men always In compact shape
always clean cards sewed, not perfo
ratedmakes a clean edgo tear outJ
ono card nt a tlmo and thero you arc.
100 cards put up In pads of 25,
tongued to fit sealskin case. Slip In
ono lot keep otbors In desk no con
fusion. Seo? Just tho thing for
Clement Chase,
213 S. 16th St. Stationer.
Howell's Will euro a cough,
a sore throat or a
cold. Warm days,
no overcoat, awful
cold, fearful cough, may start consumption.
Antl-Kawt stops It. 25c a bottle.
ivft i liUr 1
tain of our best selling silk waists nnd wool waists such as wo have, but one
of n slzo or ono of n color left waists that sold nt $4.00 and (5.00 or mora
itonday morning at JUBt half tho former price. Como and you'll not bo disappointed.
Bath Robes, $3.50
We offer you Bath Robes Monday such ns everybody appreciate Robes
un ur3u pun nv9n tsB.ft ill- 'BU.f '00'c right. Neat pink nnd white or
bluo nr.d whlto Btrlpo with self colored border.
It will bo well to como early.
II IVaoiksuiTco.
Mueller Piano and Organ Co.
Wo hnvo a largo bargnln list this wook In Used Upright and Squaro Pianos,
taken In trado toward IIAROMAN PIANOS during our factory salo. All havo
been thoroughly repaired somo good u new.
Hale, Kimball, Stolnwny, Hardmnn, Chlckcrlng, Harrington, Story &
Clark, Fischer, Carleton, Hallot & Davis, Arlon, Bradbury.
Plain and fancy oak, mahogany, rosewood, Hungarian ash, cbonlzcd and all
gralnB of walnut
$38.00, JCO.00, $84.00, 95.00; $137.00, $155.00, to tholco of this lot 'for an even
A completo stock of now HARDMANS, 1002 designs, Including a few ART
CASES (excluslvo with us,) for which this factory Is noted, at prices from
$330.00 to $900.00. ,
WE HAVE SECURED tho agency for tho now SIMPLEX Piano Player. Its
caso of operation nnd low terms place It far in tho load. ANGELUS PIANO
PLAYERS at cut prices during January.
Correspond with us or call at our wnrcrooms. ONE PRICE, plainly mark
ed. EASY payments. TRUSTWORTHY SALESMEN, RELIABLE advertising.
Moving, tuning, renting, Repairing, Selling ALL tho tlmo.
Mueller Piano and Organ Co
North Side Farilnm St., No. 1310
Our guarantee is the strongest.
Jewelry at a Discount of 25 Per Cent
$27.00 Solid Gold Link Uuttons for S20 25
.?5.00 Solid Gold Link liuttoim for $3 75
$ 10.00 Solid Gold Stick Pinn for $7 60
5.00 Solid Gold Stick Pins for '..t s37rj
$8.00 Gold Filled Watclr Chains .....,. 0 00
?5.00 Gold Filled Watch Chains $375
$15.00 Gold Filled Watches il2
$25.00 Solid Gold Watches , igjr,
$10.00 Chatelaine Watches " 4750
$7.00 Baking Dishes for ' S505
$10.00 Chafing Dishes $7,50
$20.00 Tea Sets in.00
$50.00 Silver Platters $37.50
Mawhinney & Ryan Company,
Jewelers and Art Stationers. Fiftiinth and Douglas Struts
lilt BEE F0II
Pawln at.
-and whllt thiy last.
Black mcrccrltcd pott I- QKft
coats for QU6
Black mcrccrltod petti- I AA
coats for UU
Black mercerised petti- I EtA
coats for llWU
Black mercerized petti- 9 OA
coats for lilVU
Black morcorlred pottlcoats three
styles tu solcct from Q, BE
Theso petticoats nro not tho com
mon sort thoy nro mado full thoy
nro well mado nnd you'll bo pleased
to get them at theso low prices.
Silk Waist Sale
Half prlct.
Monday morning wo will offer cer
New Muslin Underwear
New Embroideries
New Goods in Infants' Wear
We aro still making big cuts In price on tho fol
lowing goods:
Fur Collarettes several lines Knit Underwear
Dressing Sacques Children's Clonks, Toques and
Bonnets Spnchtol Tnblo Covers nnd Pillow Shams
Pillow Tops Chiffon Boas sovernl lines of Corsets
13.60 I. D. long for $1.7B; stylo 6Ni W. C. C, regular
prlco I2.7G, now 91.38: ll.DO Arlston for $1.00: stylo B
Thompson's Olove-Flttlng, regular prlco $1.75, now $1.
Black Equlpolso Waists, regular prlco $3,00, now
A good, strong, tallor-mado Corset, sizes 21 to 20,
prlco only 60c.
All Dress Linings, ono-fourth off.