Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1902, Page 8, Image 20

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Exempllfiod in ihi Successful Growth f a
Nebraska Life Company.
ItiuikcrN llcscrvc l.lfo Lends Annual
Ileiinrt of President II. II. Itolilson
4o Ofllecrn, Director nml Poller
Holders, Jnminrr IB, 1002.
Tho Twentieth century dawned on a
prosperous nation. Tho first two years have
been rcploto with events having a mighty
Influenco on tho people of tho whole
orld. Tho achievements of tho nrmy and
invy, victorious on land and sea, have
placed America's flag and prowcee: first
among tho nations.
It carries civilization and liberty to the
Islands of tho Atlantic and Pacific oceans,
tho brood highways for tho commerce of
tho world. It stands for theso principles
on tho walls of I'okln, linn stayed the al
lied armies from partitioning tho ancient
dynasty, has steadied the tottering throne,
linn maintained Its Imperial emperor In
possession of his royal scepter. It stands
for tho Integrity, maintenance and honor
of tho ancient civilization while holding
out tho lamp of liberty, emblem of tho
newer higher civilization.
It has been decreed by tho nation speak
ing through Its congress that tho red hand
of anarchy shall not llvo In this land of
tho free, It shall nuvcr again strike down
a ruler, or cntiso tho world to mourn a
McKlnlcy, n beloved soldier, citizen, states
man and president.
Tho ovolutlon has changed tho map of
tho world, him expanded tho Influonco, trade
and commerco of tho United States, giving
It first rank In these Important elements,
llkowlso In diplomacy and In tho congress
of tho nations.
involution In Iluslnesa Methods.
A revolution In biwtncss methods equally
Important has taken placo during tho past
two years, that linn been tho outgrowth
of tho changed conditions In other things.
Tho great west with its wealth ot lands,
minerals, corcals, llvo afock, healthful cli
mate, combined Is destined to become the
Btorehouso to feed and supply half the
pooplo of two continents, while support
Ing a vast population ot I to own. The
shrewd capitalists controlling tho great
railway and navigation systems, tho com
mercial arteries ot tho west, aro keenly
allvo to tho situation, aro taking time
by tho forelock in anticipation of tho ex
pansion already apparent In everything.
Tho atmoBphcro roverberatca with tho
sound ot billions whoro millions were
formerly spoken or chronlclod In the
Wentcrii Possibilities Great.
Who can estimate tho vast possibili
ties of the great nst, already called to
supply half tho population ot tho world
through tho open door to China on the
west; tho everlasting mlnoral regions ot
Alaska on tho north; Moxlco and Central
America on the south; tho republics of
South America through tho Nicaragua
canal; tho open door already assured to this
vast continent. President Roosevelt In his
message to tho congress has given his In
llucnco and recommendation to Irrigation
and ether measuros equally Important and
well known to him.
The StrnitKle for Nnpreinncy.
A brief mention ot theso living subjects
leads to othor topics, equally Important to
our pcoplo and section. Tho keen struggle
for supremacy In trndo, business, politics
and society make necessary a strenuous
lifo with higher education In every line,
facilities for which are provided In our
splendid freo school system, the bulwark
of our civil and religious liberty. The
higher education means a keener ctvt
llzatlon, an advanced cost for living, tht,
logical result being tho gradual amassing
of tho wealth ot the people in the control
of capitalists or In the custody of fiduciary
Institutions, first and foremost being life
Insurance companies, that receive, hold, In
vest and distribute to the policy holder
tho savings entrusted to them exactly In
proportion to the deposit, whother the
small premium of tho wage earner on hi
thousand dollar Insuranco or tho capitalist
who protects his estato and family with a
million-dollar policy,
Western Life Savings.
The necessity for strong llfo and flro In
surance companies in the west is rocog
nlzcd by everyone. No one would think of
sending the dally hank deposit of this Bee
tlon to eastern banks or cities. It is equally
disastrous to our commercial Interests to
send the peoples' savings from each west
em stato ot from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000
annually to tho money congested centers of
tho east, never to return, not one dollar
of which Is available to western banks
or policy holders In time of financial dls
tress or panic.
The subject should have the careful
thought ot western people. Bankers .may
woll pauso and consider' the effect of send
ing east every ten years in withdrawals
for llfo insurance premiums, an amount
exceeding the combined banking capital of
each western state. The sum lent from Ne
braska banks to a few eastern life com
panles from 1890 to 1900 exceeds $15,000,000,
in excess oi mo moneys returneu 10 west
ern policy holders by these companies.
Onlarrowth of n Necessity.
Tho Bankers Rcservo Life association was
founded by well known Insurance and busi
ness men, who have lived in tho west from
quarter to a third of a century, who
have mado a careful study of the resources
and possibilities of this vast section, who
aro a part of Its history, whoso Interests
aro entirely in tho west, whoso children
havo been born on its soil and cducatod
In Its schools, who havo an abiding faith
In tho loyalty of tho pcoplo ot tho west, who
will always rely on Its citizens to bo loyal
to tho institutions that safeguard their In
terests. Tho splendid results already achlovcd are
briefly enumerated In the following sum
mary: Income for 11)01.
The premium Incomo ot $111,311.72 shows
an Increase of $40,846.21, bolng 38 per cent
moro than that of tho provlous year. Tho
Incomo from other scourccs, In addition
to premiums, Including cash received from
provlous .year, makes a total of $135,947.41.
A Low Tlenth Ilntc.
Tho death claims wero four, amounting
to $10,500, of which $5,750 was reimbursed
by reinsurance from other companies, leav
ing not death losses sustained $1,750, tho
lowest mortality record of any American
company all death claims being paid Im
mediately on tho receipt of final proofs, and
othor obligations or bills wero promptly
paid on presentation. Tho records show
not a single obligation unpaid or duo.
Selected Illak nml Ilelnsnrnnce.
The company's risks aro well distributed
and carefully selected. No policies aro
written on any one. lifo for moro than $5,000
and In all Instances whero tho policy writ
ton Is for more than $2,000, tho excess above
that sum, also half ot tho risk on every
$2,500 policy, Is Immediately reinsured. The
total reinsurance now In forco exceeds $1,-
777,000, making a double (insurance, for tho
policy holder and an effective nBeot to that
amount for tho company.
Sew Ilnslness Secured In IHOl.
Tho record of new business written on
tho lives of the leading citizens ot tho
stato Is not equaled by any other company
operating In tho west, as will be observed
by a comparison of tho following exhibit:
Applications written In 1901:
No. Amount,
Insurance aDDlled for C76 11.893.500
ADDllcatlons rclccted. reduced.
Buapcnuca or incomplete vj rsz,ow
Applications approved 627 $1,766,000
Policies In force:
Policies Issued and revived.... 627 $1,766,000
Policies of provlous year 657 2,131,500
Policies at risk during
year 1.284 83.897.500
Policies terminated by death,
lapse or overdue, premiums., isi ifs.ouu
Policies In force December
31, 1901 1,145 $3,421,000
Compared with Older Companies.
We invite your attention to tho ancient
history of the following well known com
panics; tho comparison will make Interest
Ing reading to every loyal citizen ot tho
Mutual Llfo of New York (outstanding
Yenr. Premiums. Policies. Amount.
Firm 137.943 400 $1,480,718
Second 83.233 908 2,960,083
Knultnnln Ilfo of Now x one:
First 22.707 268 1,144,000
Second 65.547 769 2.641,500
Third 85.332 1,185 3,tiiU,UW
Now Vnrlt i.irn nr New IorK
First 22.603 369 799,000
Second 41.746 793 1,846,000
Third 69,427 1,271 2.831.000
Northwestern Mutual Llfo of Wisconsin:
Second 12,623 137 408,800
Third 26,018 414 962,100
Ifnlirlh 44.511 785 1.M4.UW
Fifth 68.484 1.581 2,370,650
Sixth 97,929 2,285 3,076,150
Nntlonnl Life of Vermont:
Fourteenth 66,807 1,383 2.242.51?
Fifteenth 82.991 1.71R 2.763.1176
Sixteenth 110,851 2.025 3.445,757
Bankers Heserve l.lfe Association
Second 22.183 3S3 775,500
Third 70,465 660 2.133,000
Fourth 111,312 l.iia ii.i,wu
It will be observed that the great east
ern companies, writing an averago limit of
about $3,600 on a single life, in comparison
with the Bankers Reserve Life writing Its
first million of Insurance on an averago
of less than $1,600 on a single risk did not
equal tho splendid results of the Bankers
Reserve In amount of promlum Income or
Insuranco in force at corresponding ages
other things being equal. It should be re
memberod that the Equltablo commenced
with a capital stock of $100,000, and, with
the other large companies wrote a limit
from the start of $5,000 to $10,000 policies.
The Cost of New Business.
The premium income received from new
business $57,562.41, from renewals on old
business $53,749.31. total $111,311.72, was so-
cured at a net cost for commissions and
compensation of managers and agents of
$37,648.6$, or at a saving ot $20,013.79 of the
gross amount received from premiums on
new business, the savings being more than
the net outlay for death claims and for cost
of carrying $1,777,000 of reinsurance In other
companies. It Is a well known fact that
the eastern life companies secure their new
business at a cost of the enttro first year's
premiums. The aworn reports on fllo show
thn cost of new business to bo In most in
stances amwmbuht" equal to 100 per cent to
200 per cent ot the entire first year's pre
The record ot the Bankers Reserve Life
for economy of management, death claims,
business handled and secured Is not equaled
by any llfo Institution In tho land, writing
or handling a like volume or class of
standard policies, collecting full legal re
serve premiums.
Investments nnd Securities.
Tho period for investment In permanent
Interest bearing securities begins with tho
receipt of rcnownl premiums on Investment
policies with every company. It Is well
known that no portion of tho first year's
promlums nro available for Investment, tho
first year's cost for placing tho business on
tho books, for death claims nnd expenses,
leaves small margin for surplus. Tho first
Investment policies of this Institution were
Issued about two years ago, on this business
or class of policies a Uttlo moro than $40,
000 was received In rcnowal premiums dur
ing 1901, Tho renewal incomo received
thereon has slnco last May been Invested
In flrst-clnss registered coupon twenty and
ten-year bonds, $20,000; first mortgages on
well Improved farms In eastern Nebraska,
$8,850; Eccured loans and cash In bank of
about $15,000 nddltlonal. Of this amount
there aro bonds nnd first mortgages owned
by tho company
for the benefit and protection of policy
One Hundred Tlioimniul Dollnrs
Is tho estimated net rcnowal Incomo for
1902 to bo avallablo for Investment. This
amount, In nddltlon to tho present Invest
ments, will rapidly increase tho deposit
with tho state"ns tho renewals aro ob
tained. Investments nro carefully made
on sworn valuations after personal Inspec
tion; on Improved farms loans aro limited
to 25 to 40 per cent of tho nctual caBh valuo
ot tho property.
The Advisory Ilonrd.
Tho selection of several hundred promi
nent mombcrs, flvo to ten In each of tho
principal counties ot the state, Is a woll
recognized power. It Is tho strongest
slnglo business organization over mado In
tho west. Tho board Is making Its In
fluenco felt In protecting nnd furthering
tho Interests and business of tho Institu
tion In their respcctlvo localities. The of
ficers and directors extend to tho membors
ot tho board their, thanks and congratula
tions on tho excellent results nchloved.
Tho spoclal advisory board plan was
formerly employed by tho older companies
In opening now territory; during tho last
twenty years It has been Uttlo used by
them. It Is tho cheapest and most effec
tive known method of Introducing a new
company, until Its business has boen se
curely 'placed and an agoncy force estab
lished In its homo and othor states.
Wo keop on fllo copies of tho spoclal
board contracts formerly extensively used
by tho Now York Life, Equltablo and other
leading companies that will be furnished
our board members when desired by them.
Theso documents nro a surprise to tho
most of their agents, who aro virulently
opposed to tho plan, slnco It gives to tho
special board members the advantage ot
tho renewals that under tho usual methods
help to swell tho Incomo of tho self-styled
"Old Lino" agents, and with which they
wish to lino their pockets.
The Field Staff.
The management extends its sincere
thankB to Its loyal, faithful field staff. for
tho Intelligent, efficient sorvlccs rendered
during tho last year. Tho flold staff ot
tho Bankers Rcservo Lite Is most or
flclent, Is not equaled In excollenco and
ability by any equal number of mon to bo
found In tho life Insurance field ot tho great
west, a fact well known to competitors
who have had occasion to test them. Every
man is a skilled fighter, actively and in
telllgently engaged In his chosen work, who
scorns to resort to tho underhand methods
of certain ngonts, who aro tho' cowardly
assassins of tho great llfo Insurance busi
ness. This class of agents should find no
placo or recognition with reputable com
Superior Policies and Plans.
It is well known that the strictly modern
policies and plans ot the Bankers Resorvo
Llfo "are not excelled In tho world." This
truism stand's unchallenged In all Its litera
ture, including Its calondars. Tho liberal
policies adopted Include every safe known
option provision.
Tho now gold bond policy Just adopted
Is strictly modern, 1b superior to any other
policy on tho market, combines investment
nnd protoctlon In a plain, simple manner,
Is attractive, liberal and a popular seller.
Policy Holders Its Capital.
Tho policy holders of a llfo Insurance
company constitute Its principal elements
of success, nro Its real capital; they are
tho patrons who contribute- tho revenues In
tho payment of premiums, which make Its
assets, scttlo Its death claims, expenses
nnd create Its surplus, this being true
in the history of every life company.
No institution or company over had moro
loyal enthusiastic friendly policy holders,
Tho carping criticisms of alien concerns,
tho cowardly attacks ot compotlng agents
has solidified our ranks, has turned public
sentiment In our favor, has caused tens
ot thousands ot loyal Nebraskans and clt
liens of the west to espouse the cause of
patronage of western Institutions for west
ern people.
The Press Is a Power.
The Influence of the press In moulding
public opinion, In promoting enterprises,'
In eradicating ovll Is a well known power.
It Is the subtle electric current ot thought
that moves the age. Tho Judicious uso of
printer's Ink Is an essential factor In
building any Institution.
Wo are grateful to the press ot the state
for tho many courtesies extended In further
ing tho Interests of policy holders, In
creating a healthy sentiment favorable to a
strong financial Institution to keep at home
for Investment In our own securities a
portion at least ot the savings of our pco
plo under the beneficent laws of Ne
The New Year 1002.
What shall its record be? Just what
policy holders, field staff, management, the
press and western pooplo by their patronage
make it. Tho Incomo may be safely
doubled, jhould be mado to exceed a qunr-
tor ot a million dollars, a largo sum, every
dollar of which can bo saved for deposit in
western banks, for Investment In western
Officers, Field Staff, Policy Holders.
You will kindly accept my thanks for
tho loyal, faithful, cordial support rendered
In tho grand work. Tho success attained
represents tho combined energy, Influence
nnd contributions of officers, field staff, cm-
loyes nnd policy holders, working together
to further tho Interests ot tho Institution.
Wo trust to secure your active, loyal future
Wo invito the co-operation ot the ad
visory board members, the press and peo
ple With this combined support an In
stitution will bo built that will bo a credit
to our city, stato and tho entire west.
Respectfully submitted,
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and
Enellnh. Students who desire It are as
sisted to positions to earn board while at
tending. Send for catalogue. New York
i.i re nuiiuing, umuna, Men.
which appear from tlmo to time
In The Illustrated Bee. On small
portrait cuts wo mako a nominal
prlco ot $1.00. On larger cuts C
cents per square Inch. They are
all In first-class condition.
Our photographic department
'vlll also print additional copies
ot our original photographs at
a reasonable rate.
The Bee
Publishing Co,
OmaliH, Neb.
Is easily settled
when accounts are properly kept. Don't
practice false economy by trying to save on
LANK BOOKS. We will make you a set
ruled and printed to order at such a small
coit that you can buy the bcit.
A. I. ROOT, Printer,
414.418 S. nth St., . - OMAHA, NEB.
KTerrialasj la thaNaraerr and
Kl.rl.t'e Use. blrect deal with
ue will lnaura iou tha bait and
are iou money, van eito
larner bf'ht or ifDMLUh arrival
and aatlaf action ffnarantood. Trv na. A vain.
ahlo 16H naffo (latalon for tho aaklna-. if) raara.
lOOOacraa. M grerahoueM.
ax mr
Jnminry 10, 100'J.
Thr la no whUkor the
equal ot a puro malt
wblakeT nnd
la abaolnttlr the flni-H,
mellowest nnd mnt n
llnhtful whUkejr In tho
willow Sorlnoi
Distillery, Omaha.
Indisputable Facts about
"Blue Ribbon" Beer.
Made from tho very best selected Ingre
dients that money can buy.
Perfect cleanliness.
Perfect browing.
Perfect ageing.
Perfect sterilization so that no unhealtb-
fut germs can possibly exist.
A perfect Beer.
"iilue Ribbon"
should be In every homo for It's perfect
purity and health giving tonic strength
Unsurpassed as a bulldlng-up tonic when
taken with meals and the best family
table beverage.
Storz Brewing Company
Telephone 1260.
Manz Engraving Co.
' 195-207 Canal St.
Chicago, Illinois,
Aro Justly celebrated as tho engrav
ing establishment which can at all
times be relied upon for satisfactory
results, whether tho engraving bo n
fine half-tone, wood cut or zinc etch
ing. Tholr facilities aro so extenslvo
that work which must be executed
quickly for shipment to distant cities
can be easily turned out.
When ordering engravings from
your printers ask for
Manz Perfect Engraving.
i Makm Seis
-Tht Oawy twsOTktocul DostMctv.
Tow) Msakssrallsr amymn.
ft assS as all hmsmMa
C H. Strong . Co., Props., Chicago, U.S.A.
1.00 Vapor Bath Cabinet eacn
3.IIO Quaker " " . 8.SO cacti
SlO.Ort e.lOeach
1.00 race ft Head Steam. Attch. OSc
mailt? neat, uuaranteea. 12. 1100k
vree wuu ail "Duakcri."
Writs for our New Cata
logue, pectal CO-I)ar offer.
Dont mlaa It. Your laat
ennnee. new plan, new
prlrra to agents, salra.
Man. anuMMvAaw .1 - -
fu.1 teller. Iluatlera RetiliiK rirh. l'Tentjr territory.
World MT Co., UT World Illd, Cincinnati, U
PPr lB BbbbbbbbbbV