Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1902, Page 7, Image 19

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    Jn unary 11), 1W2.
An Up-to-date Undertaker
and a View of His Chapel Room
It has been well snhl that success 19 tho keynoto of nny business, mid It Is
doubly so of the business of nn undertaker, for It Is, ns a rule, only their success nnd
skill In tho Inking euro of business that hns been Intrusted to thein In tho past,
upon which their patrons have to Judge ns to their nblllty to please them.
Success Is nnd hns been for years the foundation of Mr. llurket's business ns n
funeral director nnd ombalmcr, nnd It is at tho present time, nnd hns been In tho
past, the gonl for which ho hns nlwnys striven. Whnt theater success enn there bo
thnn n limit who has proven himself successful In the business of his choice, nnd
who Is more entitled to this grcnt honor thnn he who hns always mndo It tho aim
cf bis life to succeed.
Day Nurseries
(Continued from Fifth l'ago.)
SBafcl 1 .HHbbbbbI
IFEnfPW V WW mmmmWWWWWmmmmw BBfl
1 iKmill H 1 i :l - - mm
I suspect If thero Is one quality more than another that has contributed to Mr.
Ilurkot's rise In tho business world it hns been his ability to grasp now inventions
nnd ndnpt them to his particular business. An Incident some tlmo ngo well Illustrates
this. When nutomoblles woro not bo common as now, Mr. Durket received a call
from Blnlr, Neb., and It so happened that thero wns no train by which ho could reach
tho city In time. Most men would hnvo thought of a livery team, but not so with
Mr. Uurket, he thought of nn automobile Instead, and ns somo of our renders may
remember, our stnff nrtlst caught him Just ns he was leaving the city, nnd It Is need
less to Fr.y that ho reached Illnlr on tlmo and added another success to his long list
Tho obi saying, "That n man may bo known by his surroundings," holds good
with Mr. Uurket, as ho has supplemented his ability ns nn undertaker with ono of
tho finest and most completo establishments of Its kind to bo found In this country,
ns can bo seen In tho abovo Illustration of his chapel room, and n short visit to Mr.
llurket's business home might well repay any one.
Mr. Ilurkot Is at present chairman of tho commltteo on organizations of tho Na
tional Association of Undertakers, which Is ono of tho most important committees of
tho organization, and especially so nt this tlmo, as thero nro many of tho western
states still to bo organized. Mr, Ilurkot is at present gathering Information re
garding theso states and will soon begin tho work of organization, which will, per
haps, lead him to pay a visit to many of our western states.
For this work Mr. Durket is well adapted, as ho was ono of tho organizers of this
stuto's association and was for somo tlmo Us president. Besides, his regular nt
tendanco of tho Nntlonnl association for many years has given him a thorough
knowledge of tho workings and tho bonoflts to bo derived from a membership In
tho association, and tho commltteo on organization are to be congratulated upon
their wlso cholco of a chairman.
Jl&ents TRmted
Tr lit Oca. JOHN A. LOU AN tlraid New Hock
It NTMltUM lantr Lift u iuu wonatmu bubm tod
Smbm of pur National CkplUIEsMatlTt.AdmlnUtimttTf,
fotid,udDpti1ainUliliieladMthLlTMot aJlthaPmi.
mm iiouMiroin
xrltory and flnt
the Municipal hospital, doesn't It?' 'That's
what It does,' said tho first ono. Sitting next
atBH.uuirwiTNiftBa "i; W7 oxint i
nuswfioaio iuomtiii. in nufainsani uiaitmiona, i
natlnalntaraat aauearional tuui. ana aala.itl
klnffof booka. To man and women wa offer work at
that . a hook that alla. txelnilva t.
The endowment of tho cribs nnd the Income
from tho children's core renders the home
nbout two-thirds self-supporting, the other
third being readily mnde up by contribu
tions from friends nnd the efforts of the
women supporting tho organization,
Within a few years nfler Its organization
the work had become so extensive that
need wns felt for n branch Creche to oc-
commodnlo tho women of tho north part of
tho city that found It too far to bring their
children to the llnrney street home. No
sooner wns this need recognized than the
women set nbout to supply It, soon raising
considerable sum, though not cnuogh to
secure the necessary equipment. In the
menuilmc the work of the llnrney street
Creche had become so extensive that n re
modeling of the building become necessary
nnd It wns decided to use nil tho funds for
this purpose. This work hns recently been
completed, giving to Omnha one of the
most complete day nurserys of tho west.
During tho last year 3.1'J children have
been enred for there nnd though the plai-e
hns been quarantined once, careful nursing
restored nil of them.
For some tlmo the kindergarten ha bi'ru
suspended, but It Is tho hope of the women
to reopen this work nt some not far distant
time nnd secure it as n permanent feature
of the Institution.
Through tho fourteen yours of tho nur
sery's existence Mrs. T. L. Kimball has
served ns Its president and while other
workers hnvo come nnd gone It Is still
being supported practical!); by tho snmo
women who orgunlzed It.
Pointed Paragraphs
Flatter the girl nnd
them was n man who lind been tnklng It
in. At Ibis noltit bo leniii'il nvrr ntut
hi. 'Say. when did you fellows net out?'
'Only yesterday, loudly remarked one of
kiuiiers. 'is that nor exclaimed the
man. 'So did I. Whnt ward worn you In?'
Veil, sny, those fellows Jumped off tho car
s though It lind turn struck by lightning,
nd you couldn't sec their heels for dust."
Vaccination in the Hub
It wns at n dinner party, reports the
Boston journal. Tho bright young man
found himself privileged to lt next to the
young woman with beautiful arms nnd
neck. He thought himself the most fa
vored personnge In the room. Suddenly his
fair companion exhibited nlgns of nervous
ness. Two of Ills very best Jokes, saved
cr n wpeclal occasion, pnsscd by unnoticed,
ler face wore a look of alarm. Appre
hensively the young man gazed at her nnd
meeting the look she said:
"I am In misery."
"In misery?" echoed the man.
"Vis," sho replied. "I was vaccinated
ho other day nnd It has tnken beautifully
1 could nlmost screnm, It hurls so."
The young man looked at tho beautiful
arms nnd, seeing no mark there, said;
"Why, where were you vaccinated?"
"In Boston," tdie replied, tho smile chas
ing nway the look of pain,
' II,' I"'
J "' i!!!;iriiiiiiiniiimra
i niiiini'ii
i ii . in '
with stale crrs, glue
nnd other things nru
not fit to drink.
Lion Coffee
is pure, ttiu-ontcd
coffee fresh, strong,
well flavored.
TIia m.a1.,I ttarlcfiirn In.
uri". uniform tiiittlllr
ami iroi.iino-M.
. a book that aella. tzelnil
tarma. Tralahfa rjalti anil eraVlit aHvan.
A. 1. WVlif U1NUTON CO.. lUrtTgrd, Cms.
Chlcngo News
spoil the wunnn.
Fraudulent bankruptcy Is another ex
nmplo of falso profits.
It pays better to slug In grand opera
than In Grand Itnplds
With tho dealer In second-hand goods
It is never too late to mend.
Most men, instead of being born leaders
nro born followers of women.
Tho man with frlngo about tho bottoms
of his trousers has n poetical look
Tho bugler frequently gives n blowout
nnd tho drummer Is often on tnp
Somo peoplo go nbroad to complete their
education nnd somo to begin It
It's n pity the nvernge man does not
lose his tonguo when be loses his bend.
When n man takes a vacation ho needs
rest: when his wife takes a vacntlon ho
gets it.
No sooner dees one physician dlscove
some new disease than nil tho others try
to suppress It.
Mnn Is never satisfied. Just when ho ha
acquired enough money to retire on ho
Joins another lodge.
A spinster says lhat many n man who
boasts of his bravery Is too cowardly to
contract a matrimonial alliance
It is said that n St. Louis girl recently
prayed for a husband, but then most St
Louis husbands need praying for.
When n young mnn calls on a girl and
sho says she feels ns If she had been u
late tho night beforo It Is time for him to
trot along toward home
German Dueling Instinct
Cleveland I'lnln Denier: "Sir you hnf
nsolted mo!"
"So? How did I did It?"
"Vcu wrinkled your noso by me."
"So? You mean llko dot, und dut?"
"Scoundrel! Ve vlll fight. Vnt Is your
"Dot's my peesness. Vnt Is your pess-
"I am n Chermnn lioutennnt."
"I am sorry for do army."
"So? Und you vlll fight yet?"
"Or I vlll fight ven you nro rotty."
"Vnt Is to bo do veapons?"
"I hnf my cholco, of course"
"Not unless you chooso pistols."
"Und vy do you brcfer pistols?"
"I'ecnuso I ntn n putty goot pistol
"I sco. Den I vill not fight you."
"If you do not fight und let mo kill you
I vlll prnnd you ns a coward,"
"If you prnnd mo as a coward I vill pull
your noso right beforo your faco."
"You oro ns goot as n dead man."
"I am worth n tousnnd dead men, you
gooseneck monkey."
"Hlniincl! You hnf Insoltcd do nrmy und
ven you Insolt do nrmy you Insolt do em
peror!" "Go vny from mo, you plnhcndet spludlo
ieckB." "You nro no chentlomen."
"I nm glnt of It."
"I vlll sco you Inter."
"Vnt n pity."
The Biters Bitten
Now York Trlbuno: "Thoro woro two
Smart Alecks on my enr yesterday," snys
a Philadelphia car conductor, "nnd their
gnmo wns to senro peoplo Into thinking
lhat liny wero Just recovering from small
pox. They talked loudly about it for tho
benefit of tho othor pnssengets, nnd tho
more nervous ones, especially tho women,
began to grow approhunslve. 'Yob,' Bald
one, 'my enso wns a pretty bad ono, tho
doctors sold.' 'So was mlno repllod tho
other fellow. 'It seems good to get out of
ABBfcT B4afA-Wt PL laJBBr
The Ideal Envelope Sealer
lias a capacity of l.nort envelopes per
hour, weighs "cm pound, mostly made of
brass, line NICKEL llnlsh. WET roller
moistens the gum, DIlV roller closes nnd
seals. A positive CUKE for the LICKING
1 1 A HIT. No dripping, ns In uo of sponge.
CLEAN, NICE WOltlC. Every business man
needs It. Many In use nlrendy. For par
ticulars write
Ideal Envelope Scaler Co.,
Oniiiliii, .Veil,
offer this week the second In our series of
beautiful art calendars for 1902. Tho first, our
"Century Girl", may still bo lind, tho second Is now
ready for distribution. Foi want of n better name
wo havo decided to call this ono "Outing," hecnuse
that tltlo seeniB most nppropr!..i? tc tin dnlnty nnd
artistic drawings. Each pinto Is from a water color
painting by Miss Mnudc Stamm, nnd nil the delicate
shades and nrtlstlc atmosphere of the originals havo
been faithfully reproduced. Thero Is no advertising
upon these calendars, nothing more nor less than
shown In tho Illustration herewith except tho colors,
which aro of courso Impossible of reproduction In
a half-tone. Wo hnvo secured a largo number of
'beso calendars, but tho demand Is steadily Increas
ing and It will bo well to send In your orders ns enrly ns possible. They will innko
very nttractivo and Inexpensive gifts nnd nro most appropriate at thin season
of tho year. You cannot secure such cnlendars nt the nrt stores for several times tho
price nt which these aro offered.
BjBjBjBjBjBR? W&4fK&IKnZmr tiBP
BflBBBBasLtnl"." KBBr ' A BBBBBBBbPv '
THE above half-tone lives but n faint Idea of the
flrrjt nni;i ileslrn nt Ihn nnw "nutlni." Pnlnnilnr
for 1U02. Thero nro two othor daslrnn In Mini
Stnmm'B happiest mood, and rather than attempt a
description we havo given each a name which will con
vey to you somo idea of these clever sketches:
"The Hunt for Happiness"
"Landing a Speckled Beauty"
"Bruin's Fae., '
The "Outing" calendar Is uniform In size and
style with the "Century Girl" and may be had upon
thu same terms, Don't forgot the coupon and don't
wait until all are gono beforo you order. Address
Prosent at Beo Office
or mall with lCc and get
this beautiful Art Calen
dar. When ordering by
mall add 4c for postage.
The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha. Neb.