Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1902, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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it 1 1 nmirn r ni?iiTrnniT ( say that he has secured an unusually nat
A1M.X1U3 11 ULUVi.lY3-ll toring schedulo for the eastern tflp this
v I . .J I i I . a W ...... e.1
ftndiDti Ioij Pr.piri.; for Spring Traok
ted Rtnncth Tttti.
) I 1 .1
Pont nail Schcdnle One of lien Brer conmcis mis year. However, iMeoras.- win
ArrnnBert-Ilnur Ilnll Prospect
year. In addition to tho regular esiaD-
llshod game that aro played each year, ho
hag secured dates with Northwestern uni
versity, tho University of Illinois and Knox
college. Nebraska has never yet met these
schools on cither diamond or gridiron.
Contracts for tho season's dates arc not CTnov mr niSA$TPtfillS TRIP TO GFRMANY
an mgnea yei, as western coueges nr
In nvoldlng
Faraoni O'd Tirfm&i Roaidlif lit Hit
Llf.'i H.n.itritob.
Unti-tinlly HrlKht This
play, besides tho three mentioned, Notre
Damo university, tho State university of
Iowa, tho Haskell Indians, St. Mary's col
lege, the University of Missouri, Purdue,
Highland Park, Indiana Stato and Kansas
Clrnned Unt tlojnl Sports nnd Lnmlcil
In Prison on Chnrtcc of DrlvliiK
ltlntccr Annlnut Local
Sport on I.nke, Pond nnd Hlnk linn
Heen Oond fur Full Nix.
Winter athletics aro In their zenith at
the University of Nebraska Just now. The
basket ball season Is In full blast, Indoor
hn.o hall and hand ball aro flourishing and
closes In general gymnasium exercises havo
a larger enrollment than at any other tlmo
of tho year.
Chief Interest Just now centers in mo
track team, which Is well under way. Throe
acoro or moro candidates for places on tho
t. a Inlno (ilnnn ri fi fl f
ant team nave nee,. h ---;-- the country. Tho Integrity of the Ice, how-
ening 01 mo munm.. " over, remains almost as eood todav as It
was Immediately after tho hard freeze of
that December cold wave, which l respon
sible for all this Bkattng season.
So unaccustomed aro most Omahans to
having nkatlng save In tho very coldest
weather that It Is hard for them to bellevo
that they may find It on any of these warm
afternoons merely by taking a street car In
any ono of several directions. For such,
however, tho appearance Immediately after
schools hours of tho untiring small boy
with his shining skates artistically draped
SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 18. (Special.)
Hob" Knccbs Is dying. Tho man who
dared slap the face of a Gorman prince,
who mado his homo In a German prison
for eighteen months, the center of Inter
national attention, while sportsmen of two
continents struggled ceaselessly for his re
lease, tho turfman who outdrovo eVerz
horse In Europe and Anally spent his whole
fortune In being freed from n charge pre-
nf thn nnhnnl vear In September. An un
usually large number of aspirants for all
tho dlfforcnt events aro on hand, and It Is
certain that somo of tho qualifying con
tests nnd preliminary tournaments will be
hotly nnd diversely disputed. Prospects
aro also very good for tho class trock teams
and tho meet will be of tho
highest standard. Tho freshmen especially
aro said to havo n line chance for tho win
ning team as so many good new men
uma to school last fall.
. . i HnunMMt fl nvrnm AT I
J no eXCCDUUUHl uivnum " ' I 1 . t . l ... i. m.
- . . .ua I uuuuv ma uirvn uu u mrup biiuuim ue buimu
maionai on uumi . . . fh . .
Nebraska will bo represented In most of
tho events nt tho Western Intercollegiate
meet In Chicago this Bprlng. Heretofore
tho 100-yard nnd 220-yard dashes, a ham
mer throw, shot put and polo vault havo
been tho limit of tho Cornhuskcrs' com
petition. Foot Ilnll Schedule Good.
In tho meantime work on tho 1002 foot
ball schedulo is almost completo and the
most Important new Information Is that
Northwestern university has accepted Ne-
For the sixth consecutive week there has
been skating for Omahans, n phenomenal
continuation of tho sport In this section of ferrC(i by tho aristocrats whoso horses
could not win, Is about to succumb to an
enemy for the first time In his life.
Kueebs was Just a plain Nebraska farmer,
but ho knew horseflesh nnd horsobone, and
ho could drlvo his racers like the very
devil. Ho lived on n ranch near Wakefield,
Nob., until tho last few years, when ha
has been In Sioux City, where he bred and
raised tho horses that mado tho "Nebraska
farmer" famous on both sides of tho At
It meant nothing to Kncebs that ho swept
the boards clean of their stokes at racing
meets, stato fairs and professional parks,
Ho wanted to cross tho water. It was the
ambition of his life to show the Oermans
how to race horses. About ten years ngo
ho resolved upon tho expedltlon-that ended
In an International eptsodo and considerable
bad blood. Ho secured promlso of backing
and started off with his horses.
-clllo Knrplm or llotlirl
Among tho horses Kncebs kept on his
Nebraska ranch wns Nellie Kneebs, not
known to have dono anything remarkable.
Another1 horso on tho Wakefield farm was
Tho Ice, too, seems to get bettor Instead
of poorer. This Is directly duo to the fact
that It did not freeze In the best of con
ditions In tho first plaros It wan a little
rough and the long submission to tbo cut
ting nnd scraping of hundreds of skate run
ners has served to skin off theso irregular
ities. Had tho Ico been smooth as glass at
first such long usago would have cut It all
up Into pits and grooves by this time.
Thcro are many places to which tho skat'
I made up my mind, soon after graduating
from college, thnt no one man was great
enough to master thn entire field of medi
cine and surgery. Many physicians havo
tried to do this, but they have met with
results usually dlsappqlntlng to themselves
and often disastrous to their patients. For
this reason I determined early In my pro
fessional career to confine my practice
strictly to a single line of dlscnses and to
originating nnd perfecting cures for them.
I therefore trent only what I am absolutely
cc.r.t?lP.l.!s.1P positively cure to stay cured
!yC.9.CKr''3' STRICTURE, conta
gious nixioD poison, nkhvo-hex-
and URINARY DISEASES nnd all rellex
complications nnd associate diseases and
weaknesses of men. To these maladies nlona
the best yenrs of my life havo been ear
nestly devoted and on thim nit mv fnnilftoa
arc concentrated. Our consultation and op
erating riMiin nre thoroughly equipped with
eery -cienunc apparatus, Instrument nnd
device essential to the most modern methods
ui iirucuce ami our references, both pro-
iraiuuimi una nnanciai, are among tho best
Citizens Of this vlrtnllv. tthn hnv b.r
cured by us and made happy. I want
every afflicted man to freely nnd fully In-
?miHiu uur irrnimem. I'-ncn case Is
treated separately, scientifically, closely
watching It nnd e.irnfullv fnltnwlmr it.
symptoms with remedies varied through
every stage. The diseases that constitute
my specialty nre more fully commented on
below and are well worthy the careful per-
'"en in men or mcuicui attention.
Whatever TT1AV Via (h nnuiA f 1fnlA .V. .1.
Its injurious effen. t, V. MZJLa"rAl'.
RI0SS'.t,lc mmd' wcakrns the body, racks
. i-t. I le,2 n,,u -f-imateiy leads to
complete loss of sexual power. If you
ire ft victim of this dire disease come to our
era go. As a rulo tho park ponds are not ucthel, nu exact ringer of Nelllo Kncebs
braskn's offer of a Thanksgiving game at very 00tl 'or tho purpose, but they aro In appearance, but with a good record.
Lincoln A guarantee of $1,600 wns neccs- nevertheless raided every day, chiefly by When Kneebs shipped his horses Nelllo
sary In order to sccuro this holiday con- tho small schoolgirls. Then Cut-Off lake Is Kneebs wns listed among them, but Dethol
....... . 4 nn AVAPa HfAo Otlt nmiwa rt t it rn a 1 1 n vtrlt 1 1 a n maI l 1i n limn fnn Inawlnc civ
test, for which Northwestern nan many ............. . v, uvu u .w. .... ...
offers. The affair may bo contracted for a " " uumuui inovu un runj-rauu uuu rivca mo uuuner ciuuucu ui muuuj ua
twn.vmr Berles this being ontlonal with Cuming streets has become very popular not arrived. Kneobs decided to take his
Northwestern. icuwjr. uorscs to unicago anu won lor mvuuy
.i.i... t.i tvMo-nnaln thoro. When ChlcaKO was reached tho
nro both booked, tho former for tho first RIVAL LEAGUES A STIMULUS money was still missing. Knccbs went on
to isow lorK wun tno assurnnco ino raonuy
would bo there. It was not. He kept on
going, but tho money was not at Liver
pool. Tho farmer wired back to his homo
for money and decided to back tho" enter
prise himself. The man back homo was
enraged, nnd followed, vowing vengeance
Kneebs did somo racing through Eng
land, winning races right and left. Nol-
t'otiipftltlon of .Vntlonnl nnd American
I'avorulily HeRnriletl by Spiilil
ItiK nnil Johnson.
week In November nnd the latter for the
third week of tho snmo month. Tho mtist
astonishing schedulo news, however, is tho
fact that tho Stato University of Iowa now
deigns onco more to consider Nebraska, nnd
'"--' " "' CHICAGO. Jan. 18.-Hnn R. Johnson nnd
The Cornhuskors rcfuso to meet on so cany v. a. Spalding held a conference hero today
a unto nowovcr, nnu it is proDanio inai a i ui wnicn mo nnse nan situation was ns
ii i.. a,i innn , I cussed nt considerable lencth. Mr. John
... t i j " son and Mr. Spalding ngrecd that It was in- ,, " . Hin nnrHntr ehfiaHnn of
will bo played as usual around tho old advisable to consider An amalgamation of 110 eeba was tho sporting sensation of
circuit Kansas, Missouri, Drake, Grlnneil, tho two leagues on any sort of n basis, tho season. Under his driving tho horso
Ames nnd Doano colleges. lr- Johnson stated that tho American seemed capable of Just enough extra speed
Ini? vnnr nn.l thnt wmil.t l, to Win GVery rnCO.
change In It In any way. Mr. Snnldlnc' After cleaning up tho English sports
A grand showing Is expected from tho was equally emphatic In announcing thut Kneobs shipped his bunch of horses to Oer-
universlty or NcornsKa Dnso nan team mis
yoar. Every man who played last yoar save pna aml Ur0oklyn-would go through tho finally Berlin was reached. Here tho sport
ono will bo out. and In addition to this season Intact and would nlay out a four- in. uinnA ran hicrh. Prinma nt hn rnvnl
strong necleus there will bo a host of now club chexlullf nccessary.1 expressed' b,o0(1 C0UntB( ,ords ftnd noMc8 ,o(
men to appear on tho campus as soon as numbcr of eight clubs, but not more than small and high degree frequented the track
outuoor worK commencos. eigiu nor less tnnn four. ond played strong: against Kneebs' bay mare.
h nrrXL nr mZ IntkooinlSn'thatrwoTa Tho Nebraska farmer Jockeyed well. Ho
tho now candidates aro working out every representing tho lurger cities aro a neces- cleaned out tho bunch until finally the only
day In tho practlco cago in the basoraent slty In order to satisfy tho public, and mnn wno ha,i tho norve to stay out against
of tho gymnasium. Pltchors can got full both bellove that rivalries between these . Prlneo Schmidt of somo nettv
.,-i- ,m. i .ui. local clubs of tho two leagues will better nlm ws frinco acnmiat 01 soma peuy
play for their long unusued nrms in this Hutlafy the base ball patrons In cities where German principality. His royal hlghncsB
way, ana tne omer piaycrs can umoer up two cuius may do located.
by throwing easy balls an hour or bo a
day. Considerable regular gymnastic work
is also required, as tho base ball men are
put In perfect condition for the season's
Qoorge C. Shldler, manager of tho team,
Reward of Merit.
A New Catarrh Cure Secures National Popu.
larlty In Less than One Year.
was suro ho had a horso that could beat
Nelllo Kneebs and backed his belief well
Kncebs drovo over tho line, smiling back
at his rival.
'nlnRlna" Charged
It was here that the fine Italian hand of
tho "backer" was exhibited. Ho gained tho
While both Mr. Johnson and Mr. Snnldlnc
aro strongly of tho opinion that It Is ad
visable to formulate somo kind of a treaty
between tho two leagues that will bring
nnout Harmony in mo Dnse Dan situation,
yet considering tho present mixed condition
of National league affairs, It Is believed to
bo lnopportuno to tako up this question
nnnr '
Among other results of tho conference ear f the sport ng prince nnd Informed
today wns tho suggestion that tho rcspec- . , . .. . , ... .
tlvo playing rules committees of tho Na- him that tho alleged Nelllo Kneebs was a
tlonal, American and National Association "ringer" and that the horse waB actually
of Professional Base Ball Clubs, have a Dethel, tho Bpeedy mare supposed to bo
Joint conference and formulate a uniform JOl"t-'' ' ,.,.-,.
bode of playing rules for the coming year, browsing on the pastures of tho Wakefield
j' or tno purposo ot carrying mis into or- ranch,
rcct. Messrs. jonnson nnu tsnauiing sent n mu- -.1- ... .n.... u. n..n
ihn Natlonnl Association of Professional Kncebs and taxed him lth his duplicity,
Throuchout a creat nation of nlchtv Rasa Hall Clubs. suceestlnK a Joint con- Knpnhn rnnlled In a characteristic Amcrl-
mllllon It is a desporate struggle to secure '"""PP04 Buffalo, N. Y., on Monday, Feb- can (nah0ni landing his fist on Prince
oven a recognition for a now artlclo to say Mrf Dreyfuss of Pittsburg and Mr. Hart Schmidt's aristocratic nose. Tho specta-
nothlng of achieving popular favor, nnd yot also conferred more with Mr. Spalding this tors wore astounded. The prlneo made 1m-
ntieri oon. ..Mr. urpymss uiiiiuunccu loair. nrnnariitlnnn to hnvp Knpnha nr.
Spalding tlint ho morougniy npprovcu or T V ,, .7 . , .
tho course tho latter had tnken to date In rested for "ringing." which Is n serious
eonductinir tins base nan controversy, and nffnnun in r.nrmntiv.
exproBsen tne utmost commence in ino uiu- KneohR- friends, seelne the seriousness
mato satisiactory ouicomu 01 tno present , " ., , " " - ------7-
league entanglement. of tho situation, Interceded with Prlneo
Mr. Spalding left tonight for Nex Mexico
nnu Homnern uautornia, to uo gono tor a
short time.
Schmidt. They told him It would not bo
sportsmnpllko to proceed against the vis
iting American and his highness agreed to
withdraw his action It Kneebs should
apologize. The message was borne to
Prospects of 'Varsity Team IlrlRliler Kneebs by. the self-appointed diplomat and
Thnn vivrw mwi ... was received with scorn
Looked For.
"Apologize? Yes, I will apologizo. You
tell his royal Joblots that I will apologize
A meeting or tbo ranuidntcn ror mo by. hitting him another belt In tho nosp.'
rmiirhtnn university, at which William Kncebs In Prison.
O Keorp wns oiectea captain ay tno- vote 01 KnA.h, ,vn, thrown Into nrlson. and dnr
rti.i tnnm nnn f i f n i vpHiprmiv nripr. I . ... ,
noon. Tho meeting was called for tho pur- ing tho four years the matter was undor
poso of making preliminary preparations consideration he spent eighteen months In
for tho season's work by enrolling candU . .. Turfmen nil over the world took n
dates, acquainting them with rules and Jall Tur;mn . . r , ? 1 . n
worK mappeu out anu giving mum 11 nrsi i nuuu, uuu iuu omm uvimi nuvu. n inuu
"tryout.'' ... ,. . dated by letters, petitions and communlca-
?Pl?tJln,At lcl me .?.x'.lHln mv Process of
. c..i,n ...
I liav
1. Kl1' ui,u wl" then not wonder why
ave positively cured hundreds of cases
VarlCOCOlp rlnrlnir thn nn.t
iths. Under mv innimnm k.
..nSrnn..'" 1,10 V0 ""Binning. All
ni" JjiJtiJI'i? .y,,- Soreness nnd swell
Ing quickly subside. Tho pools of stagnant
oiopa aro rorced from the dilated veins,
A'nlcn rnnldlv lumima thir nn.m.i .1..'
strength nnd soundness. All Indications of
disease and weakness vanish completely
nn.l In I. alp . . i . . ... . . . .
"inui Lunic 1110 priae, tno
power and the pleasure of perfect health
nd restored manhood.
It mutters not how lonir von havi iiffffrfM
(rom Stricture nor how many different doc-
I do not trent nil discuses, but cure nil I trent. I treat
men only, nnd cure them to stny cured.
tors havo disappointed you. Our treatment misery
will euro you Just as certainly as you come treated
to our omi
and indescribable woe. I havo
n tnnnv cases of this kind
ce for treatment. I will 'not do It that I am ns familiar with them as you
by dilating or cutting. My treatment aro with tho very daylight. Once cureu
Is new. entirely orielnal with me and uer- by us. you will never ngaln be bother d
fectly painless. It completely dissolves the with emissions, drnlns, premntumicss,
Stricture and permanently removes overy smnll or weak organs, nervousness, failing
obstruction from the urinary passngo.. It memory, lots of nmbltton or other smp
stops every unnatural discharge, nllays all toms which rob you of your manhood
Inflammation, reduces tho nrostato gland and absolutely unlit you for study. bul
wncn enlarged, cleanses and heals tho blaiV "ess. pleasure or marriage. Our treatment
der nnd kidneys when Irritated nnd con- for weak men will correct nil these fcvils
rested, lnvlirorates thn doxunl nnrnm nnd and tcstoro you to whnt nature Intended-
restores health and soundness to every parti-1 nalV nearly, happy man, with physical,
of tho body affected by the disease.
Nervo-SexuaJ Debility
Men, many of you nre now reaping the
result 01 your lormer loiiy, xour mannood
mentnl and sexual power complete,
Contagious Blood Poison
On account of Its frightful hldeousnes-
r'Anfnolniw Ttlnnd Pnlnon In rnmmonlv
Is falling and will soon bo lost unless you called the king of venereal diseases. I
do something for yourself. There Is no may be either hereditary or contracted
time to lose. Impotency, like all sexual onro tho system la tnlnted with It. the
diseases, Is never on tho standstill. With disenso may manifest Itself In the form of
It you ran make no compromise. Either scrofula, eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or
you must mnstor It or It will master you pwollen Joints, eruptions or copper-colori'd
and fill your whole future with spots on the face or body, little ulcers In
the mouth or on the tongue, sore thront,
swollen tonsils, falling out of the hntr r
eyebrows and finally a leprous-like decny
of the flesh and bone. If you have any of
theso or slmllnr symptoms you nro cor
dially Invited to consult us Immediately. If
I find your fears nro unfounded I will
quickly unburden your mind. But If ytur
constitution Is Infected with ayph I o
virus Twill tell you so frankly and show
you how to got rid of It. Our special treat
ment for Contagious Blood Poison Is prac
tically thoNesult of our life work 11 ml Is
endorsed by tho best physicians of America
nnd Kuropo. It contains no Injurious drugs
or dangerous medicines of any kind. It
goes to tho very bottom of the dlseaso nnd
lorces out every pnrtlclo of Impurity. Soon
every sign and ymptom of blood poison
disappears completely nnd forever. Thn
blood, tho tlssuo, tho flesh, the bones and
1 ho whole system aro cleansed, purified nnd
restored to perfect health nnd tho patient
prepared for tho duties nnd pleasures of lift.
Associate Diseases
In curing nn ailment of nny kind wo
never fnll to remove nil Keflex Complica
tions or Assoclnto Diseases. If tho rasa
Is Varicocele, tho weakness caused by It
disappears. If It Is Btrlrturo and has de
veloped Into Prostatic, Bladder or Kidney
Affections, the Injured organs nre all re
stored to a perfectly healthful condition,
If It Is contnglous Blood Poison, any nnd
nil Skin, Blood nnd Bone Diseases arising
from tho tnlnt nro entirely nnd perma
nently eliminated from the system. If It Is
Impotency, tho many dlstrcsMng symptoms
following In Its trnln and Indicating n pre
mnturo decline of physical, mentnl and
sexual power nro totally removed nnd
rapidly repincod by tho youthful energy
of robust manhood. Hence all resulting
Ills nnd reflex complications, which mav
be properly termed Associate Dlseaso nnd
which. In fact, nre often more stIouh than
the original aliments thnt give rlo to them
nil. we say, disappear completely , n1
forever with the euro of thn main malady.
Ono personal visit Is preferred, but If It
Is Impossible or Inconvenient for you to
call nt our office, write a full nnd un
reserved history of your case, plainly stat
ing your symptoms. We make no chnrgs
for prlvnto counsel, and give to enrh
patient n LKQAL CONTItACT to hold for
our promises. If you cannot call today,
write. Address
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnam Street, Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb.
REFERENCES Bust Bunks nnd Leading Business Men in this City.
CONSULTATION in person or by letter FREE. Office Hours 8n. in. to 8 p. in. Sundays 10 n. m. to 1 p. m.
Women's Irregular Menses
Stanton, Mon May 26, 1900.
I hare alwayi suffered with terrible pains at my monthly periods. These last three months I have taken
three bottles of wine of Cardul and three packages of Thedford's Black-Draught, according to your instruc
tions, and now have no pains at alL As 1 have always suffered before, all during the time, I can safely say
the medicines have done me much good. I consider your Thedford's Black-Draught a fine remedy. I think
yoar medicines stand at toe head of all others in regulating the monthly periods. SOPHIA LOTTMAN.
Regular habits are the foundation of a woman's health. She courts disastrous sickness and even
death itself, when she allows herself to keep very late hours. It is unnatural for anyone to spend sleep
less nights and drowsy, fretful days. This strain strikes at the vital center of womanhood, the nervous
system and deranged menstruation, with all its appalling suffering, is the result
will regulate the menstrual flow. It makes strong nerves. Mrs. Lottman suffered because her menses
were irregular, and Wine of Cardul cured her of a very severe illness. A woman who Is careful to
take Wine of Cardui to correct Irregularities need never know the suffering so many of her sisters
endure. Wine ot Cardui has cured 1,000,000 sufferers, many worse cases than Mrs. Lottman's. Don't
suffer any longer. The offer of such a remedy as Wine of Cardui puts the whole matter in your hands.
Will you get a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist torday and secure speedy relief?
For tulTloe and literature. address, ulTtnjt symptoms, "Tho Ladle)' Advisory
vepwcooDt", -rue uiauanooga sseniane umpanr, unntlanoof. Toon.
within oco year Stuart's Catarrh Tablets
V. n nam Mini Vina wtrti with oimh
8UCCQS8 that today It can bo found In every tiTcia, A toramlttee was appointed nnd sent
arug siore mrougnoui me uniico. aiaics i has tho ennnoo mis year oi pulling h rec- to wuiteiieiu, ncu iu iuvi-sukuiu iuo mini
and Carada. ord-broaklnK aRKregatlon In tho Held. IIo an(j firm the maro "nothcl" and returned
To be sure a large amount of advertising ?'"tL.Jn", men hnri rl with the report that Bothel was there.
was necessary In the first Instance to bring tine coro tn train In, a necessity tlioy have Local sportsmen went to Derlln to assist
the remedy to the attention of the public, long, wanted, tne services or. excellent Kneobs. Goorgo Hnmmor and Jim Mattl-
h..f ., lit ...lit. .1. craCKS U1H1 uio auuiiiuii ui
uuv uTbi jui.u iHiiniiui nun IMU Duijoiii f.tfivprH
addition of strong, new j , ,n .
i tiinvnrM wnom anv university miKm uiivv. i - -
knows that aihcrtlslnc alono never made' in wtninm Wilcox. Into cnntaln of tho to tho Identity of "Nollle Kneobs." but
any artlclo permanently successful. It must Vnledlna Amateur Athletic club of tho tho Judgo would not listen to .Uiera. IIo
have In addition absolute, undeniable merit, tgncr Tn tho west. Mr. Wilcox, whoso scornfully said that American witnesses
and this the new catarrh cure centaluly cxperlenco In hnnc. ball has been strength- could be bought for 1500 a piece, and nt this
possesses In a marked degree. eneu uy contact wun im.t-i ui uiu i.iK nu- statement Kncebs' friends had to ho d h ra
I a. i l A nml n ti lnnrr a tun i a In ilidli 1
Physicians, who formerly depended upon "VJi Pi!on carries In tho south will ho- down In his scat to keep him from assault-
Inhalers, sprays and local washes or olnt- bides holding his position, net as regular Ing tho Judge. After four years of llt'ga-
ments, now use Stuart's Catarrh Tablots coach of the team. Messrs. Calhoun nnd tion Kncebs was dismissed, but his prop-
hecauso, as one of the most prominent '"h " ct nVs erty. t0 tbo amount of S30.000, and Mils
stated, theso tablets contain In pleasant, Benson. Tho old university hall has been horses wero confiscated or spent tn tho
convenient form all the really efficient cn- converted Into a base ball cngo and now progress of tho trial.
Kept inn Secret.
Kneebs returned to the United States,
tarrh remedies, such as red gum. Mood hha
root and similar antiseptics, Tho plan this year Is to have two crack
They contain no cocaine nor opiate, nnd teams, tno -varsity ,Y""U '""A1'
II., I HI.IM.AH ...l.u ..II.. IV ml Will WUIh IVIiVlliGI. ,1.41V 5IUIII.ll M M .... ...MU, MM. IHIHIHIIVUI uu It.,
aro given to little children with entire nKninst ono another nnd thus Insiiro prac- mediately sot to work to make another for
a h i hi v sinn nnnpi i. ii.. nri mitrt rnr nver v iiiihiiiiiti. v i . .
I)r. J. J. Heltlger. ot Covington. Ky.. says: ready there nro throe candidates for overy tune and now has an no string, with which
"I suffered from catarrh In jny head nnd J
noMtlon nd moro for somo, thus promts- he had hoped to accomplish a good deal
- : ::r " X , 7. w n '(ncn l" " U,IU mm "h u The mystery or tho identity ot, Nellie
throat vPV fall. U'lth Mtnnnipb nf thr nnn .n.t rtr. it fnf nil. I ... . ... . . '
T, . H .' .i. ,u . n"Thr.nttm this vear ''says .the manager Kneobs" has never been fully determined,
and Irritation In tho throat affecting my I Tho team this ' l"rv. ma"n?,rci h,II?r, the friend,, of Kneeh, .m.m ,,
voice and often extending to tho stomach. n8 canddiite students from the under- wink knowingly when they tell the story,
causing catarrh of the stomach. I bought graduate, post-graduato nnd medical nnd . . " , .,
e. flftv-cent nnckneo of Stuart's Catarrh special departments of the university. Tho Tho horso was among thoso confiscated,
a ny-ccni pnehngo or btuarts ,Vatar"1 schedulo In not yet completed, but that It but oven with German drivers did no bet
Tablet, at my druggls carried them In ,cu,,0 ganjes tY'!j, Nebraska ter than threo mlnutca. Kneebs wl, ,
uuy pucnei iiua ucu tiiuui iHitiiiuiiy, auu mo I Minnesota, mmsouri mm uiKiuuim .n. .v,o ,y, .,, ,, ,. ,,
in hirh th.v irrt nd n sorles of exhibition games with tho tne sccr,,t of "nether it was tho un
ii i-.i , i... Itourko's family." known Nellie Kneebs or tho renowned
lllliitti lino 1.1:1 ihiiiij iiriiiiiinRuiv, i nan uu
catarrh last winter and spring and consider
myself entirely freo from any catarrhal
Amerli'iin Hprlnler Wins,
BUFFALO. N. Y.. Jnn. IS. Jerry Pierce
of tho Pastime Atnietic ciun, iow vorK,
Bethel that brought discomfiture to royal
German purses.
Mrs. Jerome Ellison, of Wheeling. W. Va.. Mewl Job" Cnffery. champion long-dls-,.
.it i """n. ii. u., tnnco runnor 0f Canada and winner of the
rites: "I suffered from catarrh nearly my Marathon road race In tho east last sum-
whole life and last winter my two children
also suffered from catarrhal colds and soro
throat so much they wero out ot school a
largo portion of the winter. My brother
who was cured of catarrhal denfness by
using Stuart's Catarrh Tablofs urged me to
try them so much thai I did so and am
truly thankful for whnt they havo done
mer, In a special llve-mlle foot race hero
tonight. Tho tlmo wns 27:12 1-B. Pierce
trailed until the last lap and then by n
(treat Hinirt defeated I'nffery by a safe
Mlllrr llentu Downey.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 18,-Herman Mll-
In Desppratr Attempt tn Win StnUe
rtnee Horse Itrrnks lllootl
m Vesmel.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. ISA Hlrlnrr nf
eleven 2-year-o ds faced Starter Kltzcernld
in me mini ruco mis atiernoon. mnKinc
ler of Haltlmoro defeated Jack Downey of their debut on tho turf. Based on trials.
Ilrr.nllVM In a ul v.l-nil nrl lui'll linfrirn thn tll MOrrlS-WOlden Hair. MOrrV 8 StCr Ilnll
for ray self and my children. I always keep Nonpareil Athletic, club tonight. Downey omel. wero favorites i nnd coupled. Merry
hnr of th tnhlMs In tho houao and n h resorted to clinching during the entire Bister s race was much the best. Shawns
a dox ot tno lanicis in mo nouso ana ni me ,,,,, ... JI,i iiil innn on tho outs do all tho wav and wns carried
first appcaranco of a cold or soro throat (ln,i had Downey . ec ded y groggy at tho wldo on tho turns, hut came very fast at
w nln It In tho hud and catarrh Is no close. th "-' nnd . nnlshed strong. Musical
we nip ii in inn nun ana caiarrn ja no ciooo. Slipper was wel hand ed, ran a good nee
longer a household affliction with us.
Full sized packages of Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets are sold for fifty cents at all drug
'Send for book on cause and cure of catarrh
mallod freo. Address, F. A. Stuart Co.,
Mareball, Mica,
llooslern Sinn n llnttery.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jnn. lS.-Jack Sutthoff
and was drawing away ns the
Dacmnr. favorite in the stn
Live Oak steeplechase, worth J1.015 to tho
they finished.
stnke event, tho
Lwas signed today to pitch for the Indian- winner, has probably closed his racing
apans Americnn nssocintion team, no wn career. i uiiaruti'ii iu riur curiy in ine
Ho was career.
race, but Hart ey remountfil and started
Hnrrv Tinl. ratrhnr nf thn Yluttln Creek I after his lead. Rlsillir to the tenth lumD.
me nors oroKo a uiooa vessel ana was
tried out by Cincinnati lost fall.
team of tho Mlohlcan lcanue. also was
I pulled up. Colcy made a new record for
tho track. Mynhcr, who won tho fifth race,
was the only winning favorite. Weather
partly cloudy; track fast. Hesults:
First race, selling, six furlongs: Orla
won. B. G. Fox second. Little Jack Horner
third. Time: 1:11.
Second nice, one mile and four and a
half furlongs, selling: Major Manslr won,
Judge Stendman second, Star Cotton third.
Time: 2:42Vi.
Third race, three furlongs: Musical Slip
per won. Flush of Lightning second, Merry
Sister third. Time: 0:36.
Fourth race, Live Onk steeplechase, full
course: Colcy won, Bristol second, Captain
Conover third. Time: 4:39V.
Fifth race, handicap, one mile and n six
teenth: Mynhcr won, Reseda second, Silver
Coin third. Time: 1:47.
Sixth race, six furlongs: The Hoyden
won, Ungo second, O'Hagen third. Time:
Jessie Y a Lone Fnvorlte.
CHARLESTON. S. C. Jan. lS.-Jcsslo Y
was the only winning favorite at tho Ex
position track this afternoon. Results:
First rnco, selling, six furlongs nnd a
half: Sauco Bowl won, Jim Winn second,
Stutgart third. Tlmo: 1:27.
Second rnco. selling, six furlongs: Latch
String won, Trlstrum second, Tout third.
Time: 1:13ft. . . . ,
Third race, selling, six furlongs nnd a
half: Jessie Y won, Klldarllo second, Vlnce
third. Tlmo: l:2fiV4- . .
Fourth rnce. selling, seven furlongs: Cer
tnln won. Lndy Hayman second, Jullotta B
third. Time: 1:34.
Fifth race, selling, six furlongs: By
George won, Bad Penny second, Sam
Lazarus issnuiro mini, iimui isi.
Predicts Crnsli Betwn Players' Pro
tective and Minor I.ensrne
. .f. . r. i.fpv Tan IR Utile Genr.
secretary of the Players' Protective asso-
wSlch'ndates that a clash between , the
players' organization nnd the Natlonnl
Association of Minor LenB.1'618.1'"."1;
Oenr snys that tho reported declaration of
officials of tho minor nssoclation w ll cer-
tniniy no reseniea l" '::'' ',,,:
fighting for freedom and that they will
not at and Idly by nnd allow themselves to
bo handled ns a lot of slaves.
Gear continues: , , ... .
"To bo told that they arc to play nnd
have a line nssessed If they dared to ac
cept n position In another league where
When accompanied by Impaired digestion, nervoaineis, constipation or occasional
troubla In the urinary organs Indicates a dangerous condition In tho kidneys; If 70a
have any of these symptoms the seuslblo course Is to stop the prog.'ess of the disease
before It eats away the vitality.
la a auvvtwruu niuncr mtuivniiL,
, This remedy Is not only valuable as a kidney tonic, but contains the necessary
properties for cleansing and strengthening the stomach, liver and bowels. Thus It
restores healthful conditions and liarmouy of action lu the entire system while
carrying out the Important object of ridding the kidneys of disease. Itpreveuts the
appearance of Brlght's Disease or Diabetes, and under its great restorative in
fluence the kidneys become welt and strong again.
SOLO AT DRUGGISTS. -aswajiM MHB. Price, $1.00 Per Bottle.
solution and Is using his official position
ns secretary of the players' nssoclation to
iurmer me inuiviuuai interests. Ho wil
fully misrepresents tho Western league
speakers at Tucsdny's meeting nt the
Baltimore, which ho could have attended
had ho bo desired, Instead of taking n
garbled statement second-handed, 80 fnr
as salaries aro concerned tho Western
leaguo has no salary limit and Is prepared
to pay ii mucii, it not more, man me Tc- 1
beau-Hlckoy combination."
Turned Down at IntllnnnpnllH, Kind
Frost at MllvTUiikcc, Sinn jVo
One for KniisiiH City,
kins to accent a franchise Tn tho We
league. W. T. Van Brunt, the third 1
k.... rJnr.., ! a niild was an action of ber nf tho committee, rnttirnerl tn hi homo
.lint Tt-no . F D. ' ""nil.. 7 V..7..; . i ,..
directly against tho Interests of the 1'layers
and was siriKing at i" ""
Playersf Trotectlvo nssoclation. It at
tempted to destroy all tho good tho union
had done for the players arid I, as secre
tary of tho association, will send out let
ters to nil members warning against this
new combine organized for tho Intcres a
of tho managers and to further shackle
thaearvroto tonight to President Daly In
regard to the matter and will P"l It to
an Issue btweon tho players und Vowcrn
organization. Genr further states that tho
reserve clause against which the players
fought and which really, resulted In the or
ganizing of the players Is tho very founda-
tlnn nf thn nHHncl.ltlOll Of tllO minor
lentrneH A nlaver must respect n rescrva- with us. ,
KANSAS CITY, Jon. 18.-(Spccial Tele
gram. ) James F. Manning, one of tho
owners of tho Kansas City frnnchlso In
tho Western league, und Thomns F. Bnrnn,
owner of the Colorado Springs franchise,
returned today from a fruitless mission, to
imiinnapoim to try to imiuco wuuani wni-
In St.'Joscnh. Tho Western lencuers were
disappointed over the outcome of their
trip. They had counted on making such
a flattering offer to Wntklns thnt ho would
bolt tho American nssoclation for a berth
In tho Western league, Wntklns gnvo the
committee to understand that ho would not
accept n franchise In tho Western league
If It wero tendered him on a gold plntlnr.
He said Indianapolis had ono touch of the
kind of bat... ball the" Western proposed to,
put up and "thn blow almost killed fnther"
"We made Wntklns a good offer,'' said
Manning, "and I guess he Is still consider
ing It, but It Is doubtful If he ncci'ptS'"
"Whnt nbout the Western lenguo circuit? '
"It denendfs on Wntklns. Wo would llko
to get into Indlannnolls, but wouldn't think
nf going thcro unless Wntklns should bo
leaving tho Western league or eastern
league. Tho players. Gear says, imvo se
cured tho concessions asked from the Na
tional and American leugus, and It Is not
their Intention to hnvn tho minors, who
havo always posed as friends of the play
ers, to act ugalnst their Interests.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 18.-Jnmes Whlt
tlcld, president of the Western leaguo and
a member of tbo board of arbitration of
tho National Association of Minor Leagues,
tonight mndo the following statement In
regnrd to Dale Gear'B Interview:
"Dale Gear evidently , fears that the
American association U tn danger of dla-
Mllwaukco nnd ho thought that town would
1m in tho circuit. Thr committed vlilteil
Milwaukee tn try to Induce locnl capitalists
to back a western league team mere, mil
was not sufllclontly successful .to lm nhln
to give any names. Mllwnukeo Is still
claimed SB' a part of tho circuit, but that
town Is without 11 financial backer or a
team manager. No player havo been so
cured for the Kansas City team.
Patronlie Amorlcan goods, especially
when you know they are the best, I'ke
Cook'si Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.
Lends A Helping Hand
To All Sufferers From
Lost Manhood and
Nervous Debility.
Sent Absolutely FREE To All
Sufferers, by Sealed Mail.
Until further notlcs ths wsll.known Importsrs,
You Mobl Co., ot Cincinnati, Ohio, will send freo to
all who apply enough of their famous spscifie, "Cn.
thos," for Nerrous and Ssxual diseases to last 0t
dare. In minr Instances wbere tbo ailment has rot
adrancod to nn sxtremo staz, this la sufficient fr.r
a cure. Till In no CO. U.frnud or DEPOSIT
rlieme. nd jour name and addres to-dar and
"Uallhos" will reach joix la a plain sealed packets
tr return mall.
The American rlhts for " CALTHOS " an con.
trolled solelr br The Von llohl Company, wbo In
troduced it into tbo United Htattl.
There Is abiolntelr no puMlcitr tn receiving or
taking it. Full directions and a treatise accompany
It. nv ben you hare read thtee jon will full under,
stand your own coie and to alio la be your own
doctor. The Von Moid Company la known ea the
richest and largest Importing firm of Its kind In the
world, and Its standing In the cnmmsrclal world la
ample proof of lis straightforward business methods,
"OAIiTIIOS" Is the fllscoTsrr of Frcf.Jul'i t.
horde, the most famous chemist In Trance. Ilsfor
the Introduction ot this wonderful Tltallier, Medical
Science agreed that there vraa 110 speclfls for lost
manhood and the rarioua forms of sexual weakness.
"CALTH0K" reaches ths eeat of disease u no
other remedy can do. acting airecuy on lerrcs,
Circulatory System and Mucous Membranes, If you
ra wtfttunrd tr lnda!fncilnyoatUaIirrori,x
tetses In later life, overwork and worry, remsmbe-
that CALTHOS" la t, ajaakrasUrvd cur in all
siagei 01 aexuai waaanesa oeroree-i riy, oontuma.
tloa or Insanity has eel In, "0AM Oti'' Irlflf , DeV
Ufa and new rigor, restores thrunken psrlf, cuts
hsaltbr glowing Jjlood la the velci and brinn back
the (prlogy, elaitlo step, sparkling ey and plsssnr
able ssnsaiions of younger day. It will rtstor that
cuperb manhood that 1 tb admiration of msn and
womsa. "
11 1 iu wouia navo rreeaom (rom (tetrad oz weak. If vn.i wmi M knAM l.m.l,k ... ? . . IT
comes irom iiaray meonooq. accept tha offsr
hearing la mind that the ''bAbTHOB'' dtp
vi iu vuiiuth h aidQii coonaauiiai.
TUeVoiiMohlCo.. 714 B,i