Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis tells drucs
Btockert sells carpets ana runs.
Metz beer nl Ncumnyer'a hotel.
Drs. Green, office 203 Sapp block.
Plumblnn nnd heating. Hlxby & Son.
Wollman, scientific optician, kfl Broadway.
Dr. Stephenson, Baldwin block. Klevator.
Mr. O. It. Miens of Oakland avenue la
VlsltlUK In Illnlr, Nob.
1'lctures for weddlnij gifts. C. K. Alex
ander & Co., 333 Uroadwny.
A. Louie, Jr., and A. Altmanspcrger aro
In HlorllnK, Colo., on business.
Missouri oak body wood, Jsot cord. Wm.'
Welch, 2S N. Main st. Tel. 128.
V. H. Hrudley Ib reported to be seriously
111 nt Ills home on WnshlnKton uvenue.
Mrs. A. At. Phelps Is entertaining her
BlHter, .Miss Mstzlo it. Marshall of Mnrlon,
Itev, W. IJ. Sims of Atchison, Kan., will
preach lu Alt. Won Ilnptlst church Hunduy
Mr. und Mrs. II. N. Btlckney of Laramie,
Wyrt., aro guests of Alderman und Mrs.
C. W. McDonald.
1'rancls Hkiilth, Snfi Fifteenth avenue, was
reported to tho health board yestcrlay as
Buffering from scarlet fover.
Tho Daughter! of tho American Involu
tion wcro entertained yesterday afternoon
by Airs. Drayton V, liushnoll at her homo
on liluff street.
Antonio Zotcllln, a member of ISllcry't
Jloynl Italian band, Is seriously 111 nt the
Woman's Christian Association hospital
With pmmmonla.
Tho police are looking for tho vandals
Who striped u Wcstlnghousfi englno which
had been londed for shipment, of nil its
brass trimmings and llttlngs. -
Captain U U. Cousins returned yesterday
from Des Alolncs, where he went In the In
terests of the Iowa department of tho
Grand Army of the Itcpubllc.
Amendments to tho article of Incorpora
tion of tho Cole Atanufiicturlng company
of this city, Increasing tho rapltal stock to
MX,0u0, wetu Hied for record yesterday.
How James Thompson of Norwood, N.
V., arrived In this city yesterday ami will
occupy tho pulpit of tho First Congrega
tional church tomorrow and next Sunday.
Airs. Clara G. Drown and daughter Hlcn
nor of St. Paul are guests of .Mrs. O. At.
ilrowu of South Seventh street, on their
kvuy home front a visit with relatives In
Kaunas city.
Tho caso against Airs. Lewi Darner,
bharged with tho theft of coal from tho
(lumping station of tho waterworks com
pany, wan continued in polico court, as tho
defendant was too sick tq apear.
Tho overcoat stolen from A. T. St. John,
a guest at the Hevero house on Droadway,
Thursday evening, was recovered yesterday
by IJcteetlvu Weir In a second-hand goods
store, where It had been sold by tho thief
lor 75 cents.
, Tho preliminary hearing of John Dono
ine, charged with the theft of a pony bo
onglng to I'M Cozad, wus continued lu
lollco court yesterday until next .Monday,
n default of ball, placed at S1UQ, Donohno
a languishing behind tho bars of tho city
II. W. Hinder, D. J. Hutchinson and W.
B. Cooper, appointed to appraise tho real
projierty of tho cstnto of Kllza Crawford,
deceased, have placed u value of JIU.OOO
upon It. Tho appraisement was ordered as
tho heirs brought suit for u partition of
tho property.
John Saunders, a well known colored
resident of this city, returned yesterday
from u visit to Ids old homo in Kentucky,
Which he had nut visited In thirty-live
years. When ho learned of the smallpox
epidemic among tho colored people of this
flty ho regretted ho had not stayed there
Deputy Sheriff linker returned yesterday
from Sidney, Fremont county, with tho
two horses und s.uldlo stolen recently from
Stevenson's plnco near Alauawa. Tho thief
abandoned tho team on the public highway
fnd hung the saddle on n nearby bridge.
Ib is still ut large und tho authorities huvo
no clw to him.
A tlfteen-blrd shoot yesterday afternoon
y four marksmen of the Council Muffs
ilks nnd a llko number from tho Omaha
odgo resulted lu a tie. West of Council
Huffs and llurko of Omnhu tied. for tho
ilgh score, each killing thirteen birds. Tho
earn losing two shoots out of three will
iavo to pay for a supper.
Of "Nip and Tuck." the play that Is to
bo presented at tho Dohany thentor tomor
row night the Cincinnati Commercial siiysi
''Tho play possesses nil tho (Ualltlcntlons
of a great popular success, and the per
formauco was without u blemish. Air.
Webber Is u comedian of rare ubllltles and
ras a consummate knowledge of effect.
Us voice was pleasantly graded to each
character und dialect ho assumed, und the
various muke-ups Impcnetrabla In their
character outlining. Tho company through
put Is a good one, and wo can safely pre
fllct an uuuuallllcd success wherever it
jnay cast Its lines."
"Hose Hollow" Destroyed.
Nows was received hero yesterday morn
ing of tho destruction by tiro of tho country
resldcnco near Laveland of M. F. .Martin of
Omaha, 'fhe house, which .contained fortv
rooms, wns In chargo of a watchman. The
placo was known as "Itodo Hollow," and
est upward" of $40,000 to build, and It la
paid tho Insurance on it did not exceed
Ileal Hstiitu Transfers.
These transfers woro filed ycBterdny In
tho abstract, title and loan olTlco of J. W.
Bqulro, 101 Pearl street:
it. P. Judsoh and wife to Margaret I..
McOee, lot , block 20, Howard add,
it. c. d 10
S. A. llowurd und wife to II. Y. Mc
Qeo, lot 12. block 10, Howard add,
q. c d 5
Wllllum H. Donahue and wlfo to Wil
liam AlcAlullan, nwli swU swU 17-74-41,
q. c. d 1
30. I Shugart and wlfo to. S. W. Hill,
lot 8, block SO, Hlddle's subdlv,, w. d. 150
Alexander Adam to A. J". Stuart, neU
XM soV4 und swli scU 32-77-38, w. d., 19,W0
Sheriff to N. P. Dodge, lot 7, JudBon's
O rand View add, Neolu. sn. d 118
O. A. Pounder und wife to At. O. Tib-
iitB, nil undlvVi interest lu lots 1, 2,
and 4, block 0, Merce's subdlv, q.
c. d 1
V. A. 8treet to T. Fred 'DeOroat. w
201-3 foot of lot 10, block 9, Hyatt's
subdtv, w. d 1,000
Totul, eight trnnsfors , j......J20,885
The Best and
In Jewelry can bo seen nt our store,
anil when you compare the goods
and prices you will realize what
splendid values are given. The fobs
and scarf-plim aro particularly at
tractive. Hlngtf In tvery style, with
stones that wo can guarantee,
2SS UHOADWAV, Council Bluffs.
Optician, Jeweler, Ungravour.
Work Is Guaranteed.
b a
Funeral Director
tSueceasor lo v
C. Ksti
Negotiated In Ksjitarn J.'etirwM
5 B
Iinr Ftttnon Chirpd with lining t
Tijnrt Iniarcrt.
Clinrlrs J, Peterson Accused of Em
liesxlemrnt i:I .Hrlliy Kind It No
Crlnm to Kiss even n
Vounw (llrl.
Thn report that tho district court grand
Jury had been investigating tho fire at
Weston on New Year's day, when prop
erty to tho valuo of 130,000 was destrbyed,
was proved to bo correct yesterday after
noon, when that body returned nn lndlct
raont against Henry Peterson, ono of tho
mombcrs of tho firm In whoso store tho
flro originated, Tho charge on which
l'cterson Is Indicted Is that of burning
property to Injure Insurers. Peterson, who
had been notified of tho action ot tho grand
jury, nt enco surrendered himself to tho
authorities and was shortly afterward re
leased on bonds in 1,500, fixed by ' tho
Tho testimony boforo tho grand Jury
showed that tho Peterson firm had $3,800
Insurance on tho building and stock, and
tho ovldenco of tho Insurance adjusters
was to tho effect that tho stock had been
Insured over nnd above Us value. Several
witnesses testified to seeing Henry Peter
son In tho storo shortly boforo tho 11 ro
was discovered. Ono witness, Mrs. Martha
Klopplng, testified to soelng him leave tho
store nnd speaking to him. Sho said Peter
son tried to conceal his face from her.
J. AI. Hoover, a farmer living near Wes
ton, testified that about a year ago be had
a talk with Henry Peterson, In which the
latter told him nnd outlined to him how
a slow flro could bo started- nnd concealed
front view. Hoover was ono of tho early
arrivals at tho scene ot th'o flro and he
tcsttflcd to flndlng tho stovcplpo In tho
Peterson storo down. Anothor witness said
ho saw Peterson In tho storo a short while
beforo tho fire nnd thcro wns no flro In
tho Btoro then, nor any odor of burning
Simpcotcil Once Tlpfore.
Last Alay a flro occurred In the rctorson
storo and Henry Peterson was arrested on
a chargo of arson preferred against him
by Samuel T. Axtcll. Tho Information was
filed in Justlco Ferrlcr's court In this city
and tho preliminary hearing resulted In
tho discharge of Peterson for lack of sufll
clcnt evidence to warrant binding lilm
over to tho grand Jury, Tho flro on New
Year's night In Weston was the most dis
astrous In the history ot that little town.
The grand Jury, which had been In ses
sion since Tuesday of last week, complotcd
Its deliberations yesterday nttcrnoon and
after reporting a number of Indictments ad
journed. Only six of tho Indictments were
tnnde public, as tho defendants In tho
others wcro not In custody,, Tho grand
Jury also mado Its report on tho condition
ot the county and city frits boforo ud-'
Journlng, It found Jtbat tho .county Mil
Is In good shape, so fartas tho sanitary,
condition is concerned. As to .tho city
Jail, It recommended that, tho upper part
ot tho building bo put in a more sanitary
Tho other Indictments mado public yes-
torday were against Charles J. Pctorson,
charged with embezzlement: William Ches-
ney, charged with violating smallpox quar
antine regulations; A, At. Hlncs, charged
with embczzlemont; Harold Egbert, charged
with larceny from the person; Thomas
Carter, chargod with breaking and catering.
Clinrcril with lOtnliesxIoini-iit.
Charles J. Peterson Is charged with tho
embezzlement from tho' Pacific nnd United
States Express companies, whW In '.their
employ at tho Union Puclflc transfer depot,
of a package ot money containing $S5. Hod
nas Deen in tho county Jail since his pre
liminary hearing before, a local. Justice 'of.
the peaco. His ball was fixed by Judge
Thornell at $800.
William Chesney, colored, who Is charged
with violating the smallpox regulations to
the damage ot tho public health, Is In tho
county Jail and will, remain thoro unless
he can furnish a bond In $600.
A. AI. Hlnes Is charged with the embezzle
ment ot a buggy, horso and and harness
from George Gulll, a liveryman ot Weston,
and soiling the outfit to D. C. Sells of
Neola. The alleged theft was committed
last November. Hlnes Is in the county
jail In default of ball placed at $700.
Harold Egbert Is charged with stealing
$9 from Joe Woods wbtlo the latter was
drunk In a Droadway saloon. In default of
ball placed at $700 Egbert Is In the county
Thomas Carter was Indicted on the
charge of breaking Into tho saloon ot John
Achat! at 1021 West Droadway on December
18 last and stealing a number of turkeys.
His bond was placed at $700. Being unable
to furnish it, Carter languishes In tho
county bastlle.
The grand Jury returned no bill against
Ed Selby, who was charged with a serious
offense by the father of a young girl named
Edna Kouts. The testimony of the girl
before the grand Jury was to tho effect
that Selby had only asked her to kiss him
and had made no other advances. Both
parties live In Loveland.
U. It. K. P. dance tonight. Hughes' halt.
llurlal of Brneat Von Ulcberntrln,
The bodv of Ernest Von rtlphnratnin wtin
die recently in San Franolico, where ho
was serving in tho hospital corps of tho
regular army, reached here yesterday. The
runerai wm ue sunuay, in charge of the
Douse Light Guards, and burial will be In
the family lot of John Under In Walnut
Hill Cemetery, The funeral will be con
ducted with mlllUry honors.
Von Dlebersteln formerly lived In Council
Bluffs. At the outbreak of the Spanish
American, war he enlisted In Company O,
Second Nebraska volunteers, and, after
serving. In southorn camps with that com
pany, enlisted in tho regular nrray and
wns assjgned to the Twenty-second Infantry.
He served two years In the nrray hospital
Ono Night,
Sunday, Jan. 19
AIR. HAHUY WEmiEIt nnd his ad
mirable company, presenting the ex
citing, umuslng, Irrcslstlblo
Nip and Tuck
A success In France, England
und Anwrlcu. Llko no other play, but
with iho best feature of all. Ever'
human emotion depicted; nnd you
luugh. It Is four acta ot pure, solid
Pricvu of A(imUalpa-P, X
In Manila and was then assigned to duty
In the Presidio hospital In San Francisco.
Laat October Von Dlebersteln was In Coun
cil Bluffs on his way to Washington, In
charge of au Insane prisoner, when he was
met and greeted by many of his former
comrades In the Fifty-first Iowa.
N. Y. Plumbing Co,, tele?hono 250.
Judge Thornc-ll n runt a Her n Divorce
Midi Cnatnriy of the
Tho hearing of tho suit of Atrs, Aggn
Jane Nussura for divorce from Dr. Georgo
Nussum of Hazel Dell was partially had
beforo Judge Thornell In the district court
yesterday, when nn agreement was reached
whereby a decree was entered for thu
plaintiff on the grounds of cruel and In
human treatment. Airs. Nussum wns
awarded tho custody of their three minor
children nnd $10 a month permanent nll
mony. A division ot their personal prop
erty wan also agreed upon. Tho charges
made against tho defendant In connection
with a young woman were found by tho
court n not sustained. Tho defendant
was glvon permission to visit tho children
at reasonable times.
8. Alexander brought suit against E. N.
Brown, C. A. Brown and Airs. K. A. Brown
for $360 rent said to be duo for tho prem
ises nt 331 West Broadway, and for $6 due
for repairs under contract of tho lease.
Tho plaintiff alleged that tho defendants
had attempted to secretly removo the stock
of groceries during tho night nnd asked
for tho Issuance of a special attachment,
which was granted.
Tho defendants In tho suit of G. K. Atahor
against William It. Jcffrls nnd Ataud J.
Jeffrls, havo been cited to nppcar In court
Januarx 25 to submit to an cxnmlnntlon
In regard to their property. A quantity
of hay attached under execution of court
has been declared by tho defendants to bo
tho property of their chlldron. Judge
Thornoll ordered yesterday that the trial
Jury be summoned for Alondny, January 27,
Tho city yesterday filed notlco of nppeul
from the decision of Judge Alaey, grnntlug
tho plaintiff In the personal damage suit
of Jennlo O. Itozcleo agnfnet tho Olty of
Council Bluffs a new trial. At tho trial
at tho Soptcmber term tho Jury found for
tho city.
Tho application for tho removnl of Judgo
E. E. Aylesworth as executor of the estate
of George A'. Holmes, deceased, Is set for
hearing beforo Judge Thornell In the dis
trict court today. ,
Judgo Smith AtcPhcrson will presldo nt
a special session of United States district
and circuit court today.
DavlB sells paint.
U. n. K. P. dance tonight. Hughes' lia'l.
Petition for Extra Jndarxlilp.
A meeting of tho Pottawnttamlo County
Bar association has beon called for this
morning, to petition tho legislature to
create an extra judgeship for tho Fifteenth
judlclnl district. The district comprises
thu counties ot Audubon, Cass, Fremont,
Harrison, AIllls, Atontgomery, Page, Potta
wattamie and Shelby. At present thoro aro
only1 four Judges In tho district, which
recently had Harrison county added to It,
and It is claimed tho work Is too much
tor four Judges to attend to.
At tho meeting this morning a bill pro-
vld'ng for tho creation of tho extra Judg
shtp will bo dratted, with the Intent of
having It presented nt the present session
of the stato legislature.
U. It. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall.
Gravel roofing. A. H. head. 541 Brcadway,
Darlfc sells gins ' v
Kntlier of biingri'munnn 1'nnsrn Aivn'
Dui-tnir Sleep, of llurilriiliiw
of Illooil WnKelii.
Goorge F. Smith, father of Congress.
mnn Walter I. Smith, was found dead In
bed yesterday morning at the Ogdcn houso.
An odor ot cscnplng gas attracted tho por
ter to the room, Tho gas jet was found
partly open and tho room .was filled with
gas, but It was doubted whether Air. Smith's
death resulted from this cause. Dr. Hough
ton, Atr. Smith's physician, ascribed the
causo of death to atheroma, or hardening
of tho blood vessels. Coroner Troynor,
who was notified, decided an Inquest was
not necessary. ,
Air. Smith, who was 74 years of ago, was
about as usual Thursday afternoon, and
among other places was at the courthouso
on business. He had been ailing for some
time, but his condition was not thought
to bo serious. Ho retired Thursday night
at tho usual time and It was when tho
porter went to his room to call him yes
torday morning that tho odor ot escaping
gas was noticed. When Air. Smith failed
to respond tho door viae forced In.
Air. Smith was ono of tho pioneers of
Council Bluffs nnd In former years had
been a contractor, but of late had not been
engaged In active business. Two sons,
Congressman Walter I. Smith and Forrest
Smith, both ot this city, and ono daughter,
Airs. W. H. Ware of Omaha, survive him.
No nrrongements for the funeral will be
mado until Congressman Smith Is hoard
Vtnte Editorial Aaoclnlon Formed
nt Den Molnea Con
vention. DES AIOINES, Jan. 17. The Iowa State
Editorial association was organized In Dos
Molnea today, nearly two score of the best
known editors In the state being In at
tendance. C. M. Junkln ot Fairfield was
elected president and W. A. Parrott of
Waterloo secretary. Meetings will be held
For Iowa's . I.onln F.xlilblt.
DES AIOINES, Jan. 17. At a meotlng of
tho Iowa Louisiana Purchase commission
held In this city today It was decided to
ask tho legislature for an appropriation ot
$250,000 for the St, Louis exposition. But
three out of twenty-four members favored
a less amount. Much enthusiasm was mani
fested. Newapnper Wins.
AIARSHALLTOWN, la., Jan. 17. In the
suit for $5,000 damages for alleged libel
brought by Frank N. Morse of St. Paul
ngalnst the Tlmcs-Itepubllcan, Judge Cas
well this afternoon Instructed the jury to
return a verdict tor the defendant.
Officers for Chnntanquav Assembly,
BUFFALO, Jan. 17. Tho board of trus
tees of tho Chautauqua assembly has
elected the following otllcers to servo dur
ing the year: Chancellor, Bishop John II,
Vincent, Zurich, Switzerland; superintend
ent of Instruction, George E. Vincent, Chi
cago; chairman of executive board, J. C,
Neville, Chicago; first vIcq president, Wil
Mnn At. I)av. Cleveland: second vice
dent, E. d. Duzenbury. Portvllle. N. Y.;
third vtco presldont, Chester D. Atassey,
Toronto: treasurer. Warren P. Wnlwnrtd
flnvnland: secretary. Ira M. Miller AWmn
O.; trustee to All the vacancy created by
. V, .lAntl, a, linn I M .. ... . 1. .1
V, liclrAUJih.whak, J
Ipioial Arraigtmiat firOotnti Iattrfirii
with Itgilar Plait.
Depnrtment Commander Mctrgnr I'nli.
HmIii-m l'lnim for Twent y-IMnhtli
Annnnl Ihicnmpment of
Iowa Grand Arinr.
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES AIOINES, Jan. 17. (Special.) Tho
two house of the legislature having nd
Joumed, there will bo no meotlng ot either
until next Tuesday afternoon. On that dav
nt noon tho two houses must meet In Joint
Convention and elect senators. In tho aft
ernoon tho work ot the session will begin
Nearly all the' members havo gone homo
savo a few who live In tho extreme portions
6f tho state. Tho committees will be an
nounced on Tuesday In both houses. Both
tho Bpeakcr nnd the. lieutenant governor
have had moro or less difficulty In arrang
ing for all tho committees.
One matter which has complicated tho
committee-making Is tho fact that In both
houses special committees havo been pro
vided for considering contests. A few of
tho leading chairmanships aro known In the
house, but other committees are not yet
fixed. Tho passage In tho houso of a reso
lution fixing February 20 us tho latest date
for Introducing appropriation bills Is taken
by nil to be notlco that tho work of the ses
sion .will be expedited and not bo allowed
to drag.
Senator Allison has returned to Wash
ington, as he felt that thoro was business
beforo congress to which he should bo giv
ing his attention now. Senator Dolllver
will remain until aftor tho senatorial elec
General Onlers of G. A. It.
Department Commander Atotzgar this
morning Issued general order No. 7 from
thoi department headquarters, In which he
calls attention to the twenty-eighth annual
encampment of the department, which Is
to bo held In Des Alolnra Atay 20 to 23. At
tention Is also called to tho movement to
build a monument to the lato President Atc
Klnloy nt Canton, O, This Is heartily com
mended nnd tho comrades aro urged to
contrlbuto liberally. Itcfcrcnco Is mado
also to tho plans of tho Iowa commission
with regard to the Vlcksburg battlefield and
to an excursion party that will go thero
February 4. Alessrs, Hlgby and Longlcy of
this department are nlready at Vlcksburg
and tho department commander expects to
go with tho party. Now nldcs on tho staff
are announced as. follows: AI. A. Shootz,
Wlllamsburg; It. T. St. John, nicevlllc;
J. B. Dennis, Tabor.
Clinton Murray Commits Sulclilo.
Clinton Alurray, a well-known gambler
of this city, committed suicide this evening
on the Walnut strcc't brldgo by shooting
himself through tho, head. It Is reporcd
ho lost $800 Rambling recently.
KilUnrlnl Association.
A meeting of the Iowa Editorial associa
tion was held 'here .yil's' morning and tho
following officers we're? 'elected : President,
C. AI. Junkln, FnlrfleloVLetfger; vice1 presi
dent, Eraorr English,0 Valley Junction Ex
press; 'Secretary,- WA-'FParrott, Waterloo
Heporter; trcasuroK Hownrd Tcdford,
Alount Ayr' Hocord. iiExecuttvo commttteo:
M. Alurphy, Vinton Euglo; 'A. C. Smith,
Storm Lnko Pllot-TrlbUne, nnd Phil Hoff
man, Osknloosa Herald. Legislative com-,
mltteo: B. Alurphy, Emory English and'
Phil ITnffmnn. Thir naannlnllnn tiaa tin
legislation In vew, rlut thought it wise to
have a legislative committee. Propositions
were received Informally from two railroad
companies looking to excursions during tho
coming year and It Is probable an excursion
will be planned.
Trial of Clinrli'N Thomas.
In 'Justice court 'todnv tho preliminary
hearing of dharl'es tHomns, accused of the
murder of Atabel Schofleld moro than two
years ago, was hold here. The trial at
tracted a largo crowd, as tho caso has
been of great Interest to tho public. Much
evidence has beon Introduced In the case
and tho circumstantial evidence connecting
Thomas with tho disappearance of tho girl
appears to bo stt'ong. Ho relies on ability
to prove an alibi, and this also Is strong.
CnrncKlc Invited to I'ny.
Tho city council of Alnson City has, by
resolution, formally Invited Andrew Csr-
neglo to contrlbuto $50,000 for tho erection
of a public library 'building In that city.
Tho council pledges tho proper support for
tho library and It Is bclloved that the gift
will be forthcoming.
New Northwestern Depot,
The new depot of the Chicago & North
western railroad In this city Is now prac
tically completed and the oAlces will be
moved Into It next Sunday. Tho depot Is
not a largo one, hut Is woll built and af
fords oniplo room. Thero Is a train shed
the full length of a block. The depot cost
$65,000 and work has been continued on 11
all winter to have It ready for use.
Ask for IfUSRO.OOO for Exhibit.
Tho ' commission having In charge tho
preparations for tho Iowa exhibit at tho
Louisiana Purchase exposition held a meet
ing here today, their being twenty-one of
tho members present. A report was read
by S. At. Leach, chairman of tho commttteo
on plans and tcope, In which ho stated what
had been done In the way of securing a lo
cation at tho exposition slto and plans for
an Iowa building. Tho commission had had
prepared a plan for an Iowa building to cost
$40,000, but rocomm'ended that a building to
coat $75,000 to $100,000 should bo built. Tho
commission passed a resolution expressing
the eentlmont ot the commission that tho
state of Iowa ought to appropriate $250,000
for the Iowa exhibit, A committee of tho
commission will formulate a report and pre
sent It to the governor, who Is to present
it to tho legislature.
Goes to Washington.
Adjutant General Byers loft for Wash
ington today to attend the meeting ot the
National Guard association. It Is expected
that ho will be elected president of the as
sociation, Ho was largely responsible for
tho securing ot an appropriation of $1,000,
000 a year ago, and will attempt to have
this amount Increased. He will also look
after various other matters In connection
with the War department and tho collec
tion of Iowa's war claims.
New Cnrporatinns,
New corporations have filed articles with
the secretary ot stato as follows:
.Muscatine Theator company, capital $30,
000; J. At. Krnnble, president; C. W. Kem
ble, secretary.
Farmers' Co-operative Creamery associa
tion of Nashua; president, E. V. R. Hall.
Sweet & Atlnehan company of Davonport,
capital $12,000; president, H. F. Arnold;
secretary. Genren V. T4H.
Andrew Wood company of Rockwell City,
capital 150,000, py Andrew Wood ana w. u.
, QlgbQ Publishing company, pf Council
Bluffs, capital $10,000, by Denny and Rich
ard Alibrrry and A. U. Dennett.
The capital stock of tho Citizens Sav
ings bank of Washington has been Increase!
from $35,000 to $30,000.
Amerlcnn Woman's Property In .t
tucluMl by I'orelmi
CINCINNATI, Jnn. 17. A suit In attach
ment was filed today by A. A. Taquln, a
Parisian banker, ngalnst AIlss Evans ot this
city, aunt of tho duchess of Atonchestcr,
for 2.SC0 francs. Tho suit Is on a draft
drawn on herself Alarch 4, 1838, nnd not
paid. Tho real cstntc of AIlss Evans Is nt
tacbed. It Is said tho money obtained on
the draft was used for expenses connected
with the wedding of AIlss Zimmerman nnd
tho duko of Manchester. Alius Evans at tho
time was in Paris with her nteco.
Kentucky l.rulnliitnrr Cue on Itreoril
for Hlectlnit of Senators
by People,
FRANKFORT. Kv.. Jan. 17 Tho n..nnto
today unanimously concurred In thn hnnu
resolution nsklng congress to provide for
tho election of United States nnnntor bv
direct vote.
Tho houso rcsolutlo 11 DCtltlontnt? rnncrnai
to J-emave tho rovflnuo tax nil tnlinnnn nn,1
criticising tho tobacco trust, was passed by
n party vote. Tho republicans voted In tho
negative on that part criticising the trust.
ItliNNln Sold to Hp Foriiiliiw I.enKtie
ARiilnst KnlNer's Protect
ive. System.
VIENNA. Jan. 17. The evenlncr n-inora
here assert that Russln Is endeavoring to
organlzo common action on tho part of nil
countries effected In retaliation nnnn nnr.
mnny, because of that country's proposed
protective tariff. Tho papers nllego thnt
Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Sor
vln and Roilnmnln have Indicated thnlr mi.
heslon to tho Rueslan plnn.
President nnd Attorney (ienernl De
cide to Appoint ('mm unit
Hey wood,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. The president
nnd Attorney General Knox today decided
upon the appointment of L. S. Crum of
Oswego, Kan,, as marshal of thnt slnto to
Bitcceed W. S. Sterns nnd 1). II. Heywoad
as marshal of Utah.
Powder Kxploilrs In the Mull.
KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Jnn. 17 .1. v. mp.
tin. a nostolllco clerk, wnx lnlnrml tn.inv iiv
tho explosion of a package of powder, nitro
glycerine or an Infomal machine. Ho was
stamping letters' and packages nnd a pack
age addressed to a hardwaro houso here
exploded when struck with tho stamp. Ex
amination revealed on It tho nnmo nf n
New York smokeless powder concern. The
Interior of tho parcel showed a tin box, in
Which thn rxnlnslvn ?lnrl lmnn tmnhn.t 11...
local hardware firm disclaims having or
dered such a package or having been noti
fied of Its shipment. .Tho postal authorities
havo begun an investigation. Arrests may
liner 1'rlNoners nt Ilcrmuiln.
HAAULTON, Bermuda,. Jnn. 17. Tho, Brit
ish transport Alontroso has nrrlvcd here
from 'CapotWn with another detachment of
Boer prisoners. "
flfTt 51 Ifl 1 A Person with lame shoul-
VXllwCl VJLJL dcrs comes pretty near be
ing helpless. A lameness in the arms or leg or back is
just about as bad. Some men have to stop work while
suffering in this way, but a woman usually has so much
to do around the house that she just has to keep going as
pmr 1
that you should never lose time fooling with something
else. All good druggists sell Omega Oil, but if you hap
pen to go where it is not on sale, please tcll the druggist
he ought to get a supply of his wholesaler. If you want
any pain or ache to be quickly cured, Omega Oil is the
remedy that will do the work. 50c. a bottle. 374
11 fflfi El
is a cross
will all have to
bear but using
will lessen our
Use Swift's Pride Soap
in the Laundry.
Informs llrlllih Government linn HIkIi
Is Inimical to Venesnelnn
NEW YORK, Jan. IV. According to tho
Washington correspondent of tho Herald
Venezuela has sent the following cablegram
to tho British government:
CARACAS. Jnn It. 1902.-AIIni8lor of State.
London: Tho English steamship Ban High,
at mod for war, Ih Inimical to Venezuela.
Tho British torelgn office has not replied
to this note.
Ofllccrs of tho British wnr ship now nt
La Gunyra, tho seaport of Caracas, consider
that B.T' High, which Is now called
Ltbcrtador by the Venezuelan Insur
gents, Is n smuggling nnd revolutionary
vessel and they will not Intcrfcro with Its
movements ..becnuso It has not committed
nny piratical act up to tho present time
against foreign Interests, says tho Herald's
Washington representative. Tho craft, they
say, cannot bo considered as an enemy to
tho human raco.
Schley (Joes llnntlnir.
SAVANNAH, (5u., Jan.
hchley spent half of today und will spend
tomorrow on St. Cntherlno Island hunting
deer. He millc'd from this city enrly this
morning on the tug AlcCuuley In company
with General W. W. Gordon nnd Mncoh
Ravers, who' owns the Island, and arrived
nt St. Catherine nbout noon. The after
noon wns spent In preparation for tho
"drive," which will begin tit daylight to
morrow morning. Thero wns a demon
strutlon among the tthlpplng people ns tho
tug bearing tho party ntcnmrd down the
river. Tho party will return to Savannah
Saturday night.
Tourist Tillies Ills Life.
.MIAMI, FIa Jnn. 17.-Flnlay Gray, a
prominent tourist, who was spending the
winter In this city, shot himself todnv,
dying Instantly. He left no message In
forming his friends of tho causo for his
rash not. Ills body wns prepared for
burial nnd shipped to Qulncy, Ind his
Knnsns City Man Chosen.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Jan. 17. A Wil
lliimstowii dispatch to tho Republican
stntcH that Dr. Henry Hopkins of Kinnan
City whs tho unanimous choico of tho Wil
llntnstown college trusteeH for president of
the Institution nt a meeting held In New
York today. ,
President Considers Invitation,
KANSAS CITY, Jnn. 17. President Iloose
velt Jiiih promised to glvo an Invitation to
visit KHimnH City on his next trip west
hln, serlotis consideration,' according to a
letter from his private secretary, George
B. Cortelyou, received by E. AI. Clending
ton of thu Commercial club todny.
best she can. The
best remedy for lame
ness is rest, and a cure
is reached quicker
when the lame
spot is bathed and
rubbed freely with
Omega Oil.
It is an oily
liniment of a
green color,
and is so much
better than
other lini
ments, and
so different
in all ways,
Beauty's Blood Deep
How untrue the old adage "Beauty's Skin Deep." How many
women of beautiful features marred by Impure blood try In vnln to get
a pure complexion by doctoring the skin. The quickest, mirest, only
way to beauty is to cleanse the blood. '
'l hftVA ln tkklnff Cirrtitm
plmplaa nd havr been (really beneAted,"
-Mlit (iertrude irnl, Cambridge, Kui,
"I m verr "ell pleeerd with Onceretl, The?
are fine for the completion."
-Mln Catherine 0. Coflman.S. English, I,
"nurareti will otear the cemnleilnn of bolli.
mplei and blackheads caused bjr Impure
ood,"-A. K. Orlffln, M, !)., Htubblf field, Tuias,
"Caicareta here done a creak deal of good foe
le and for all our fsmllr."
- Miss Florence Cook, Webster Cltr, I.
How many, many young women are anaemic, pale, lckly-looking, perhaps i
with pimples on face and neck, owing to poor, unhealthy blood. Perhaps
womanhood is approaching, that serious time of life when Irregularities are
liable to break down a constitution. The first rule for purifying nnd enrich
ing tho blood is to keep the bowels free and natural, gently but positively,
without nervous shock, and Cascarets Candy Cathartic is the only medicine
to do it.
which we
A stuff of eminent physicians and sur
geons from tho British .Medical Instltuts
have, at tho urgent solicitation ot a largu
number of putients under tholr euro m
this country, established a permanent
branch ot thu Institute In this city ut tho
corner ot Sixteenth und Fnriinin streets.
Rooms S-fW Hoard tit Trndo building.
Theno eminent gentlemen havo decided
to glvo their services entirely frco tor
thren months (medicines c.c;ptod), to nil
Invalids who call upon them tor treat
ment between now and February 2.
Tho object In pursuing this course Is to
becomu rapidly and personally acquainted
with thu sick nnd ntlllcted, und uudur no
conditions wilt nny charge whatever bo
made for -ny services rondetcd for throo
months to all wjio call beforo February 'i.
Alula nnd female weakness, catarrh
and catarrhal deafness, nlsn rupturo,
oltre, cancer, all skin diseases, and nil
Iscnscs of the rectum, are positively cured
by their now trcatmunt.
Por years this remedy has been the
standard nerve restorative. Thousands
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to Its use.
Sexlne rills replace weakness and
exhaustion with strength and vigor;
the brain becomes clear; the nerves
steady and calm; gloomy forebodings
are banished and perfect vitality Is ful
ly restored.
If you are sufTerlug ns above, try k
box; you'll be encouraged by Its effect
to take the full course of six boxes
then If you are not entirely cured, we
will refund your money. This satis
factory offer Is one of the factors of
our tucces.
81.00 per box ; (J boxes (with guaran
tee tocure or money luck), $r) 00, mailed
In plain packages. Poole free.
JM U br KtAa Co.. Full r Paul
Bouth Omaha, and Davis Drug Co., Council
Bluff. la
nftlce Honrs, H a. m. to O v m.
Snndnys, from 8 a. m. to ISp.n,
J" I .(.!'. Ul
DR. McGREW Asa 53
Diseases unit Disorders of Men Only,
-O Years' lixperlunoe. IK Years In
VARICOCELE Cw"i,tnc,,?t7itghan 10 daya
SYPHII IQ nml a" H'd DlKensea cured
lrmi.ld for life. All brenklifg out and
signs of tho dlscaso disappear at onco.
fiVFR 9fl flflll casou cured of nervous
UVbll UUUU debility, loss ot vitality
mid all unnatural weaknesses of men.
Htructuru, Gleet, Kidney and Uladder Dis
eases, Hydrocele, cured permanently.
Cures Gnnrniitvetl, Consultation Tree,
Treatment by -mall. P. O. Hox 768.
Ofllco over 215 S, nth street, between Far
ram and Dougla. ats., OMAHA, NEli.
In the
The Leading Hok.1 of Laketceoi.
LAKH WOOD, In the heart of a bal
amlo forest of pines, Is now a
world-renowned winter resort for
health and pleasure, and The Lake
wood, Its principal and largest hotel,
Is a suporbly equipped hostelry, In lux
urious accommodation for the comfort,
convenience and entertainment of Its
Xatrons not surpassed by any hotol ln
inerlca. The cuisine ana service equal
those of the celebrated restaurants ot
New York nnd Paris.
At The I.akowood ars Installed thn
famous Hydrothernpeutlo (water cure)
Hatha ot Prof. Charcot of Purls, and
Prot. I0rb of Heidelberg. This resort
has the most Improved and perfect
apparatus for the treatment and cur
of overwork, nervousness. Insomnia,
and allied complaints, by means of
hydrotherapy and electricity, of any
hotel In the world. This department
Is under tha ear of the House Phy
sician. JAB. H. BERRY, Manager.
"I must add ray testimonial to . Tonr TalnsMs
medicine Cascareti for stomach treuble."
Irene Ackervian (famous slngorl, ,
X West fifteenth Street, New'Yortr,.
"I was sufferlne with sick headaches a areas
deal, put
tit rt tiklnff a hoi nf Oaaoerata. am
nt rely cured." Hiss Ulsramiiumoi, no.
Sandusky Street, Delaware Ohio.
"Cascnrets did me world of sopd. My llrer
was In bad condition for some time and on
bo. cured m QUt
r sa iii lit lift i i w w
Best for the Bowels. All drugglsta, ioc, ajc, 5e. Never old in
bulk. The genuine tablet atamped C C C. Guaranteed to cur
r yeur money bsck. Sample snd booklet free, Address)
ttrliog Remedy Company, Chicago or Ntw York, Mt