12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATUKDAY. JANUARY" IS, 1902. SIIRUM DEADS LABOR UNION Itclftlitt Ftotita Win aa Euj Tkttrj at AiiQtl Elation. ATTENDANCE AT MEETING VERY IAR8E Knrr Deleirntes Arc Sent In lir Mnnr fnlnim anil l'eritonnel of Central Ornnnlnllon fMilcrajoea a ltnillcnl Climme. Tho nnnual election at the Central Labor union last night resulted ns follows: W. O. Bhrura, president; C. A. lloblnson, vlco president; J. A. Bradford, recording sec retary; John Pollan, secretary-treasurer; Otto Ncldcrwclscr, scrgcant-at-nrms; O. I'. Sbrum, J. 11. Saunders and R. K. Worth Ing, board 'of trustees. It was a complete socialist victory, tho opposition being hope lessly divided. Tho meeting wan one of tho largest over held by tho Central Labor union. A poll In which tho cntlro membership was In terested, brought out clghty-ono votes a larger attendanco than has been In tbo hall for nearly two years. Of theso members Ixty-ono were admitted Just before tho election began and there was n consider able change In tho personnel, somo unions Bonding entirely new delegations. On tho Informal ballot. V. O. Shrum of tho plumbers union received fifty votes out of tho clghty-ono cast, and W. H. Hell, K. S. Fisher, C. E. Smith nnd O. P. Shrum, who were nominated, all declined and tho olec 'tlon of Mr. Shrum was mado unanimous. AVnut Krcc Textbook. A resolution protesting ngalnst tho sus pension of tho rulo providing for frco books In tho high school was adopted. An appeal for funds from loeked-out mem bora of a union In Knoxvllle, Tenn., dis charged from 11 woolen mill for bolonglng to tho union was received. No Omaha mer chant nppearcd on tho list of Arms uslnt; tho goods of this bouse. A letter from l'orto Illco, giving tho ro nult of tho trial of tho representative of tho American Federation of Iabor, who was convicted and sentenced to Jail, was rocolvcd, showing that tho Spanish laws against labor movements are utlll In force on that Island. Tho writers are planning to start n labor papor In splto of this op position nnd ask for financial assistance Tho grlovanco of tho bartenders was ro forrod to tho arbitration committee with powor, to act. Obllngor, Harth and An drews woro nppolntod as n temporary arbi tration committee to tnko up tho grievance, i.int or Nov nctPK"tcH. Delegates woro admitted as follows: Cooks' Helpers, Ocorgo rierson, John Hath away, James narnwcll; Drain Layers, Wil liam Flako, William T. Standbcrry, Wil liam Obllngor; Stationary Firemen, J. A. Dapt, M. M. Shcrlcy, C. E. Austin; Loco motlvo Firemen, Gus .Hollo, H. E. Graham, Fred Evans; Whlto CooS. E. H. Wesson, C. H. Lobln, Ocorgo Way; Bartenders, Theo dore Erlcksou, J. W. O'Connell, K. C. Ed wards; Coopers, Albert Miller, C. Q. Ed monds, Louis Bauer; Steam Engineers, John Landagraf, William Harper, William D. Austin; Stato Employes, Otto Schnelder windo, Jr., J. H. Wlthnell, F. J. Clark; Shoot Metal Workers, Otto Nelderwolsor, Sanford Wright, C. W. Adair; Barbers, Frank Crews, Frank Clapp, Frank Flynn; Bricklayers, H. Sago, E. Leonard, O. P. Shrum; Blacksmiths, John Iluef, C. Pos plsll, William Grlob; Electrical Workers, W. J. Wales, James Morton, George E. Jtusscll; Retail Grocer Clerks, It. E. Worth ing, Ed Nelson, C. L. Nicholas; Musicians, W. H. Danlols, Charles M. Ostrander, eorgo Abbott; Meat Cutters, C. E. S:hmldt, J. Barth, J. A. Bradford; Structural Iron Workers, J. Ekstrom; Leather Workers, John Kowalowskl; Eloctrotypors and Ster eotypers, Louis Connolly, John Dakln, Ed Dodson; Bakers, Chris Lyck, Fred Bobzln, S"red Carpenter. JOKE ON BANKER H. R. GOULD While I'uahlnir Ilurittiirr Inanrnnce Ills Omi Ilnnk In Cntmht 'With out n I'ollcj-. Tho bankers of Nebraska are having con siderable amusement over the predicament of H. R. Gould, secretary of tho State Bank ers' association aad ex-ofllclo agent for the burglary Insurance company which Is co-operating with that association. Mr. Oould Is president of tho Platto Val ley Stato bank of Del I wood. Kan. As sec retary of tho association he has been ad vertising tho merits of burglary Insuranco and has spent considerable tlmo In pushing the business, A few days ago burglars vis ited tho bank at Bellwood. They blew open the safe nnd carried away (2,000. As soon as the news was received In Omaha Mr. Gould took the robbery as a text for a cir cular to tho bankers of tho state, showing them the necessity of Insuranco. In this circular ho nil m Its that his bank had no insurance, but says that It was to have been written the day tbo .burglary took place. An Kxtrnct from "If you could only bo Letter. Her here this winter morning and see for yourself, you would no longer doubt mo. Roses aro blooming In our front yard, and all nature Is as' far advanced In tlilfl lovely American stimmor land as It will be In your cold eastern homo by June. "Wo mado tho trip from Omaha to Cali fornia via tho Union Pacific to avoid the detour routes. "An less time Is consumeU on tho Union Pacific In reaching your destination, there are fewer Incidental expenses en route. "If you want to reach California without suffering any of tho Inconveniences of win ter travel bo sure that your ticket reads over tho Union Pacific. It Is the only lino ruunlng through trains from Omaha, (com peting roads have Just one car, going over four or flvo different lines onco a day, only). Wo rode on that great California train, 'Tho Overland Limited,, which surpasses any train traversing tho Amorlcan con tinent." For further Information call on or ad dress city ticket office, 1321 Farham, 'phone, 310. HAS GORDON ON NEW TACK City Attorney Now Contends that Gor don Never flnnllfled for Police J n e. City Attorney W. J. Connell has taken a new tack on Judge Gordon and Is confident that ho will tiring tho Gordon dynasty to an end. Upon examining the records Mr. Con sell has found that when Judgo Gordon en tered upon his duties at tho police station In 1895 he took tho statutory oath of office. This would have been tho proper oath had It not beou decided by tho courts later that the Judge was a county oflker. Thin de cision made It necessary for htm to tako the Judicial constitutional oath. His fatluro to tako this oath was a failure to qualify for his office, In tho opinion of City Attor ney Connell. After the mooting of the Board of Equal ization yesterday attoraoon'tbe city council hold a special meeting for tho purpose of Introducing an ordinance striking an Item of $1,600 from tho last appropriation ordl nanco passed by the council. This amount was Judgo Gordon's salary for tho last part ,f 1901. Tho city attorney thought this Item was salary for tho first part of 1901 and approved It thinking that It was In eluded In the salary ordered paid by tho courts. Ho now belloveu that tho city can .not bo compelled to pay the Judgo any more alary, as ho never qualified for his office. Cost prlco and valuo Ignored. Winter goods must go. Turn to Pago 7' and read our ad and come and see us. Hayden Bros: No Trnnnfer nt Clilcnito. All trains of tho Baltimoro & Ohio, Lako Shore & Michigan Southern, and Nickel Plato railways use Uio Grand Central sta tion at Chicago. Patrons of the Chicago Great Western I all way desiring to go east via nny of these roads will avoid transferring. Wanted Salesmen and ' saleswomen, for tho dry goods department of tho new W. It. Bennett Co. store. Apply Saturday. Jan. 18, between 7 and 9 p. m. nt Mr. Flock's office, on second' floor of 'Capitol 'avenue store. Real Sco Sam'l Burns' front window. Wedgowood dinner set, $8.75. Kxclnslvelr for I.nilleH, That tho ladles 6f Omaha ap'nroclatc tho privilege which they enjoy In Tho Bathery has been amply demonstrated by their lib eral patronage. Thoy aro beginning to realize that while tho avcrago city of this size has plenty of places whero men may obtain Turkish baths nnd massnge or elec tric treatment, no other city In tho west can boast of a place similar to Tho Bathory, which Is reserved exclusively for ladles and equipped with special reference to their comfort, convunlenco and well being. Tho operators employed at Tho Bathery are tralnod women, Intelligent and capable. They understand tho value of tbo baths add treatment from a health and beauty stand point nnd are personally Interested to the end that patrons aro pleased and benefited. Tclephono 1716 for appointments. 220 Beo Building. Iloiiieseekers' Excursions. Tickets to nearly all points In tho United States on aalo at all ticket offices of tho Chicago Great Western railway on tho first and third Tuesdays of January and Febru ary' at tho low rata of ono faro plus $2.00 for tho round trip.. Good to return In 21 days from date of sale. For detailed In formation address any Chicago Great West ern agent, or J. P. Elmer, G. P. A., Chi cago, 111. 8B.OO for limit n Dy Work. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good "acquaintance among the farmers and stockralsers In the neigh borhood, you can make $5 easily by four or five hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publish ing company, Solicitors' Dept.. Omaha, Nob. Shampooing and hair dressing, ,25c. connection with the Bathery, 216-220 building. Telephone 1716. In Bit DIED. SHEARER Ludlm W.. aged 2S years. Funeral from residence, 2612 'Harney street. Sunday, Jan. 19,- at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. SHAW Mrsv Lucy Anna, age 32 years. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 from for mer residence. 202O Emmet street. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. Mnrrlnste Licenses. Marriage licenses woro Issued yesterday to the; following: , Name nnd Residence. Are. Georco Wood. Omaha n Molllo Donaghuo, Omaha is Tolydotro Horoux, Omaha 25 Mario Sattnrtleld, Omnha is Our way to win trado and rotaln It la by selling rcllablo goods at low prices. Read our bargain au on page 7. Hayden Bros. THE HEALTV MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday, Warranty Heeds, A. C. Troup,' trustee, to Francesca Vols, lot 8, block 107, South Omaha.. $ South Omaha Land company to Roslo Hydock, lot C, block 3M, South Omaha .v. T 13. McPherson nnd wlfo to C. J. Hyshtun, s 65 feet lot 11, block 4, Hodlck'H subdlv of J. 1. Redlck's add 3. K. Butler and wlfo to 8. H. Unver lagt, lot 10, block 16, West End add Winona Savings bank to George Kel ley. stt lot 10, block 8. Kountzo & R-'s add iB. a. Hazlot to J. S. Davis, lots E and 6. block 10, Isaac & S.'s add 1,000 A. W. Slmpklns nnd wife to O. M. Webster, e4 lot 7, Lindsay's subdlv: lot 3. block 4. Saundors & H.'s add to Highland Park; lots 1 to 9, block x. Golden add 600 Quit Claim Deeds. Lodusky McManlgal to C. M. Bell, lot T, In 21-16-9 1 City of Omaha, to Union Paclflo Rail way company, lot 6, block 317; lot 3, block 331; lot 8. block 328; lot 3, block S16; lot 7. block 326; wH lot 7, block 316, Omaha 1 Bamo to same, part Sixth street ad joining lot 4, block 181, Omaha l Bamo to same, "Road U-60." within rounds owned by Union Paclflo Railway company, In ne4 se; 28-15-13 1 game to same, various streets and alleys ns per contract between city and Union Pacific railway l J. M. Chapln to F. A. Rlsliur. lot. 4. Bturgls Place, 200 ORDERS PICAYUNE DIVIDEND Creditors of Nebraska Fire Insurance Company Will Iteoelre Two 1'er Cent. Creditors of tho Nebraska Fire Insur anco company will rccclvo a dividend of 2 par cent of tho amount of tho nltowod claims seme tlmo between tho tnlddlo of March and April 1. Yesterday morning A. U. Wyman, receiver, filed a report In which ho said that ho had on hands funds sufficient to pay such a dividend and tho order for payment was Issued. Tho delay in making payment Is ou ac count of tho large number of creditors, there being between 6,000 nnd 6,000 of thein residing in all parts of tho state. Thirty tiays' notice by publication will bo given, and It will requlro sixty days to make out the vouchers and checks. 15 400 3,600 7,000 1,500 W. C. Galloway Tho well known Hour merchant who lives at, 2112 Lake street, and whose place "of business Is at 18th and Izard, says he has tried many things for, a cold, but he has never found anything to equal Q'utnncetal Mr. Galloway Is not a relative 'Of ours, but appreciates our style of doing business, and gives us this testimonial unsolicited. Dad's Qulhlne ; igo Wood Alcohol, ono pint j is0 Wood Alcohol, one quart , 5j Wood Alcohol, half gallon... , coc Wood Alcohol, one gallon , f)Q Red Blood Albumen makes hens lay mo genuine boiix co.'s in pkgs.. lb. 45o JlCl! XJIUUU SIIUIIICU 111 UUlKt JlOUnil . . . , . , 3 Orders from city and country solicited. wo l.iemc rjxiraci iseei ijr 4-oz. Lleblg Extract Beef ' InS 8-oz. Lleblg Extract Beef ' j 16-oz. Lleblg Extract Beef j 25 rcruna , rt- 13.75 Hospital Malted Milk 12 ffi 25o Mistletoe Cream ........ n $1.00 wine uaruui , , ia 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine iS 25o Qulnacetol (best for colds) " Y ow.iuM.c 'vvmpiAiion tonio STORE OPEN ALL NIQHT. SOHAEFER'S ' Drug- Store. Tel. 747. . W. Cor. Kith and Chicago. Goods aellvered FREE to any part of city, ToUl tuuount of truuferf,. IMittO Announcement of the Thcnters. Rico & Barton's Big Gaiety company at tho Trocadero concludo their engagement this afternoon nnd evening, having pleased largo sized audiences all woek. May How ard, who has never appeared In Omaha, will bo at tho Trojadero tomorrow afternoon for n limited Btay, with a company of tal ented burlesque and specialty artists of national reputation. If you aro looking for bargains read our ad on Pago 7 and then hunt us up. Hayden Bros. Look Out Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Telepbono 238. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Bather, J16-220 Ben building. Tebphono 1716. This unseasonable, pleasant, balmy weather Is dangerous. Coughs, colds and pneumonia aro lurking around. Better be on your guard and provide yourself with a bottle of our SYRUP H0REH0UND, TAR AND WILD CHERRY. It Is almost an infallible remedy for coughs and colds. Its composition recom mends It at onco to all thoughtful persons Try a bottlo. Costs only 25 cents. FULLER ,S 00. 14tti Mi DoaaiM Sts, Now is the Time TO PURCHASE A Piano Wo have Just rccolved tho first Bhlpmont of our spring stock the largest line of standard pianos In tho entire weft. New pianos fully guar anteed, $148, from that prlco up to tho price of the Stelnway, Vose, Emerson, Stegcr, Steck, Mason & Hamlin, A. B. Chase and other standard makes. 1 Ebony case, upright $ 80.00 1 Rosewood case, upright 95.00 1 Mahogany case, upright .... 135.00 1 Beautiful sample piano only.. 158.00 1 French walnut caso, upright.. 174.00 1 Flemish oak, upright, only... 192.00 1 Antlquo oak, upright, only.... 225.00 Also a number of slightly used Kimball, Chlckcrlng, Decker Bros & Pease pianos at prices to suit econom ical buyers. For catalogues, prices and further Information, write to SGHMOLLER & MUELLER Exclusive representative for Steln way pianos and Self-Playing Pianolas. 1313 Fnrnam St.. Omaha Telephone 1025 502 Droadwnjr, Council Bluffs Telephone 36S ALCOHOL PRICES. Vx pint GRAIN ALCOHOL.. 20c 1 pint GRAIN ALCOHOL.... -too 1 auart On A IN ALCOHOL. . 7Ro M sal. GRAIN ALCOHOL.. Bl.50 1 Kftl. GRAIN ALCOHOL.. f 3.0O (The above prices do not Include bottles.) WE KEEP EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. Let us give you prices on what you use. It will pay you to visit our store and keep posted on our up-to-date prices MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Telephone 150. 10th and l'n run 111 Streets. P. S. Koep Red Albumen for ppultry. FINE OLD WINES. Port, qt bottlP. 35c, EOc, 75c Sherry, qt. bottle, 35c, 60c, 76c. Catawba, qt. bottle, 35c, COc, 75c. Muscatel, qt. bottlo, 35c, 60c, 76c. Angelica, qt, bottle, 60c nnd 7Kv Tokay, qt. bottle. 60c, 75c. Madeira, qt. bottle, 60c, 75c, Sl.oo. Malaga, qt. bottle, 60c, 75c, $1100. Imported Sherry. Port, Ma laga, 11.00, $1.25, 11.50. Escapernong, qt,, 90c; pint, Me. Meyer's Unfermented Catawbu, uho orlglm.1). 60c, pints; $1.00. quarts. Pare Orange Wine, mnde from navel oranges, per iiuori, iuv. CACKLEY BROS. Opposite. I'ostofloe. Telephone X14H, AQENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED BBSS BBS BBl BB 1BB1 - T f J IS eat SONS Shoe News Of Utmost Importance. Sale Extraordinary Saturday Main Floor. A momentous event the price again will appeal to yon the qualities of the shoes are simply superb the make are celebrated the names of the foremost makers being plainly stumped on the soles of the shoes. Women's Shoes- Women's Shoes $J85 worth $3 and $3.50 a pair. worth $3 and S3. 50 a pair. Queen Quality shoes for women, worth $3 a pair, at $1.85. Todd, Bancrofts of Rochester, celebrated $3 shoes, at $1.83 Jas. A, Lawrence, Chicag-o, celebrated $3,50 shoes, at $1.85. The assortment is good. It is a wonderful array of best kid, enamel and patent leather shoes ever offered at the price. IWen's $3.00 and $4.00 Shoes, at $1,85 a Pair Men's shoes that were not built to sell for less than 3 pair, some were built to sell for $-1. We have made another gathering of numerous lots, making an almost complete run of sizes, and all made for same selling price Saturday. Cleaning Up Time January is a sort of cleaning up time at "The Nebraska," although our stocks are in a very fair condition, but occasionally we run across odd lots that require us to mark at odd prices. The object of this business is to clean up all lines that we do not wish to carry over to next season and in order to have them move lively, we have nipped the prices here and there. The following demands your attention: $185 Boys' Shoes. Keep a-watching that part of the main floor shoe 3tore There aro no better boys' shoes sold In all this broad land. Urlng the big and little follows In for the celebrated LOCUSTS, at l.f0 nnd $1.39 a pair -sizes 12 to 5'.c. $139 $150 II AVnCIHl Bankrupt Sale of the IIA I ULRS Eppstein. Meyer & l leaaite HSaoU Qthnlr lanauo viuan wiuuni Another installment of ladies' fine tailored suits and skirts just received. This entire purchase, together with our own magnifi cent one, goes on sale Saturday morning at S o'clock in our mammoth cloak department. 250 ladies' man-tailored suits, made of line coverts, Venetians. broadcloths , and cheviots, some silk lined throughout, trimmed in silk and satin bands, silk stitched, made in blouses, .etons and jacket effects, worth up to $25, E., M. & I. snle, 10.00. 200 ladies' suits, made in all new shades, jackets silk lined, flounce skirts, worth up to 15, E., M. & I. sale price, 0.0S. Mora Skirts Than All Other Houses Combined. 1 table of ladies' skirts in rainy-day and dress skirts, made with separate flounce and trimmed with several rows of stitching, some satin trimmed, worth up to 0, E., M. & 1. sale, 2.08. 1 table of ladies' skirts, made in liuest Venetians, broadcloths and cheviots, satin trimmed with serpentine .flounce this lot in eludes 75 rainy-day skirts, made of finest coverts and kerseys, worth up to $12.00, E., M. & I. sale at fS.OO. Kaiuy-day skirts, trimmed with three satin bauds and several rows of stitjchings, E., M. & I. sale at 1.50. Ladies' box coats, made of finest kerseys and Montnnas, lined with Skinner's satin, worth up to $18.00, E., M. & T. sale, 7.50. One table women's box coats, mnde of good quality kersey and rough cloth, some silk lined, worth up 'to 9.00, E., M. & T. snle C" HQ SATURDAY SPECIALS. $1.00, underskirts. 25c. 2.00 wrappers, 98c. 0.00 silk waists, 2.98. 2.50 dressing sncque. 98c. SATURDAY EVENING, from 7:30 to 9:30, we will give you another of our wrapper speqials; a better value than ever before. 1.50 ilannellette wrappers for these two hours at 59c. READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE 7. HAYDEN BROS, For Womerv Automobiles for Women Wo li.ivo been ruraaging through our clonk room and And that the holidays have left us with several styles of automobiles for women we propose to clean them out quickly, the price clipper has been put to work on these garments nnd you will And the prices far below what the garments were actually made to sell for it gives you an opportunity for buying a hand aoine coat for very little money, and getting several months' wear out of it this season. $5.90 for Automobiles worth $8.00 $9.75 for Automobiles worth $14.00 $12.75 for Automobiles worth $18.00 For Men Metis Fancy Shirts .5c. At this price wo aro showing about twenty-live dozen of our regular 75c, $1.00, $1.25 grados they come in fancy colors, stiff bosoms, percale and madras cloths the shirts aro cut full length, are well made and come in stylish patterns this is a collection of several dif ferent lots that we have gathered together and put one low price on the lot you will lind them extremely good values if you want to see how far your shirt money will go, come to this store r today The Wearing of Haa become so general by tho women of the United Statoa that tho town whero Sorosls are unknown Is tho cxcoptlon. Manv manufacturers attempt to stem tho tide by pointing to tho price of tholr handi work and saying. "Sco, $5.00 and J6.00; thoy must be better." I'rlce never made a line shoo finer. Sorosls aro $3.60 always. SOROSIS SHOE STORE Frnnk,WllcoxMgr.. 203 S. 15th St. Bend for Cataloguo. It Tickles Hitti when ho thinkn of the plcnsuro and com fort that awaits lilm in a bottlo of METS5 nilKH. It's tho beer you should always havo In the house, because It's tho purest and bout, and Is bottled so as to retain tho punty nnu navor, Metz Bros. Brewing' Co., Tel. 110. Omavlm. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., euro Ne'umayor XiUlli, v,vuuut uimu, umv HAYDENs "Mr ,te MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. . Tremendous stocks of tho finest makes bought at lowest spot cash prices tlll on hand owing to the backward season must bo closed out no matter what tho sacrifice. GENUINE l'HICE REDUCTIONS ON EVERY GARMENT IN THIS STOCK OP 25 TO 40 PER CENT. Style, fit and quality guaranteed. Alterations mado freo of charge. 7S5 MEN'S SUITS In all wool chovlots. worth $8.00 In this stock re- 4LES ductng oalo at MEN'S VERY FINE ALL WOOL CHEVIOT WORSTED AND SEROK SUITS In a great varloty of handsomo patterns; stylishly mndo up; worth upflty e r to $12.50 salo prlco ,iV.;Ov" MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS In an almost oudlcss assortment of tho newest and most desirable patterns In Scotch cheviots, lino sorgos, Hockanum (H-tft worsteds, etc., worth $15.00 anil $17.50. reduced to JplvF THE BEST BARGAIN OP ALL Is to bo found In tho hlghost class makos In America. mo aiein-uiocK ana tuo n s. & m. Wo havo taken nil our very finest suits In theso eelobrated makes; In very best soloctod fabrics; newest styles; made up equal to the highest class mado-to-order morchant tailor clothlngjperfeot In flt; guaranteed to wear well and to keep their shapo and lino appcuranco, ttj w worth up to $27.50 nt JpXi3 MEN'S FINI3 tf.S.00 KIIHSKY OVHItCOATH marked down o fB.OO ALL OUR MEN'S $12.50 COATS-ln tho popular long style, with or wltht C out yoke, nicely tailored, guaranteed wear, worth up to $12.50, on sale at. P A t5 ALL OUR VERY BEST OVERCOATS In finest makos, that havo aold up to dN dv, win oo soiu owing to mo warm v.atner wo flavo had nt $18.00 and tpJO Great Pants Sale. All our Men's odd Suit Paat.i, accumulated from the entire season's sale of our boat suits, and worth from $2.00 to $7.00, will go Saturday at 95c, $1.50, $2.50 and $3.00. Boys' and Children's Suits Tills department Is thw mothers' Mecca. Tho prettiest and most dependablo clothing for tho little men to bo bad In Omaha nnd At n big saving. Hoys' and Children's Suits, worth $1.50, now 95c. Boys' and Children's Suits in chcvlotn and serges, double breasted and other styles, worth $2.50, aow $1.50. Boys' and Children's Suits In all. wool scrgos' and cheviots, neat designs, worth $1.00, now $2.50. Boys' and Children's Suits In fancy cheviots and aerge, all mado up In very pretty and most fashionable, worth up to $6.00, now $3.25 and $3.75. READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE 7. HAYDEN BROS. 1L Commencing Monday Morning nnd continuing nil tho wfi'k, v linld our II rut annual ndvnnue sale of Tvimli nit 1 1 1 fur liny a nnil ilreaaea for ulrla. Como prepared to Beo your Ideals, as our lines aro reploto with tho latest and best styles la ImporUyl and doraeatlo materials, all pleasingly priced. Also bear In mind that now Is an oxcollont time and hero tho best place to got anything you nood to finish out tbo winter for tba boy, the girl or tho infant. aT.7 VTaV JuunimancJj 1 --BBlBBBBaBBBBBBBBmW Talk Aaail azaar Opa. Orchard WUluiaa nm TArrc M Inn Philadelphia J Denial Rooms FILLINGS 1S17 IMit'fJl.AS STHI5HT. You cannot be tho pleasurn you desire to bo to your frtondn If vour teetli aro bad. ........... 7BU UK.X Deputy Otate Vatailuartaav Food Inspector. H. L. RAMAGGIOTTI, D. V. S, CITY VBTBRITf A1UAN. r V t