Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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linwid OnfUiMttid Siitrtl Ootd FiI
Itg tlit Uarkat Ftttirii.
May WhcHt Clone a Shade I.ojver, hut
Corn and Oata II I k While
Provision .Make Some
i Good (ill I II .
CHICAGO, Jnn. 17. Renewed confidence
and general Rood feeling characterized thu
trude In grulns toduy. From tlio start
grains unu provisions wero given Rood Blip
port, liven tnough business wan quiet. May
wheat closed n Hhada lower. May corn Ho
higher and May oatH Ho up. Provisions
hail net gains of from be to 17ftc.
Barring; several active spurts, wheat
ruled quiet throughout thu day. At the
start May hud a steady tono on the In
fluence of Improved cables und dry weather
reports. Opening prices wero ',4c, lower
to Vic higher nt eOftc to SOftc. Foreigners
wero reported buying liberally In futures,
but cash business was scarce. Attcr yes
terday's trade thcro won not much ot a
disposition to take n position one way or
the other. The public naturally held oft
for some tlmu after such a disturbance.
The result wus a trade largely local.
Shortly after the opening the weather
bureau predicted rain for some of the whoat
states and prices at once slid off to 7a
for May. Skeptical bulls mado Just as
quick a turn and shoved tho price up again
to SOftc. 8horts also covered freely and
commission houses took advantage of low
prices, llaln talk and lower closing cables
pressed prices back to the low marx again,
but tho support was sulllclent to bring a
steady closo for May, a shado lower nt
SOftysoftc. Local receipts were 25 cars, ono
of contract grade, and Minneapolis and
Duluth roportcd 414 cars, a total for tho
three points of 4.1V cars, against G79 last
week und 291 a year ago. Argentine ship
ments showed a heavy falling off 36.OU0
bu. for the week, against 618,000 the corre
sponding week last year. 1'rlmary re
ceipts were 6.14,000 bu., against 662,000 a
year ngo. Clearances equaled 111.000 bu.
The Hcaboard reported 30 loads taken for
Corn In Rcncral found good support. The
opening was somewhut Improved on cables
and the wheat Inlluoncc. The cash market
had also Improved. Early a rather broad
bull movement got under way, tempted by
tho low prices. Local receipts, too, wero
small enough to bo bullish, in spite of tho
talk of freer country offerings, It seems
that corn did not move this way rapidly.
On the rain news for wheat, May corn sold
back to 63c, but professional buying at
once sent It up again to 64c. Scalpers and
a few commission houses did tho gelling.
Toward tho end profit-taking and tho
easier feeling In wheat lost corn some of
Its strength, but May closed firm, ftc
higher, nt 63ic. Receipts wero 65 cars.
Outs wero Arm and quiet, supportrd well
by professional traders. In general It
showed considerable Independence of tho
other grains. Tho early demand was In
July, but later tho bulk of .the trade was
for May. -Prices fluctuated within a range
of ftc. The better cash situation was the
leading Influence. May closed Arm, ',4c HP,
nt 45fto. ltecclpts were 122 cars.
Provisions had a dull but firmer market.
Thcro was a moderate demand to start
with and prices at tho yards wero better.
Prices yielded a few polntH on tho grain
sags, hut local buying, especially for ribs,
brought a good advance all round. May
pork closed 17ftc higher at J17.05, May lard
be tip at $9.72ft and May ribs 6fa7ftc ad
vanced at $8.651f8.07ft.
Eestlmated receipts for tomorrow: Whent,
83 cars: corn, 70 curs; oats, ISO cara; hogs,
25.000 head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlclcs. Open. lllgh.l Low. Close.Ycst'y
Jan. May
Oats '
Jan. May
76ft 76K 76ft 76ft 76ft
softfift soft 79Hii softim MIMM
80 ft SOft 79ft SOft SO
'60 60ft 60 60ft 8DJ4
63ft7ft "4 .13 63 ft 6.1ft
!3Uf. B3M 62ft 63ft 63ft
' 45 45 41ft 45ft 45ft
39ft40 40ft 39i 40 39
33 33ft 33 33ft33ft4jft
16 65 16 50
16 92ft 17 07ft 16 S5 17 OG 16 87ft
16 76 . .16 92ft 16 72ft 16 90 16 72ft
9 42H 9 42ft 9 40 ft 42ft 9 42ft
9 67Vi 9 S7ft 9 65 9 72ft 9 CG
9 70 9 SO 9 70 9 7754 9 72ft
R 40 8 35
8 6214 8 70 8 60 8 67ft 8 60
No. 2i
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR-Ensy; winter patents, $3.80
4.00; stralRhts, $3.404T3.S0; clears, --$3.20
4M.60; spring specials, $4.30; patents, $3.50
3.. so; straights. J3.20-Ji3.40.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 74fttf77ftc; No. 2
red. R3ft485c.
OATS No. 2. 45i;ig454c: No. 3 white. 47c;
No. 3 white, 4641 47c. .
RYE No. 2. 62ft4i63ftc.
PAULEY Fair to choice malting. 60361c.
SEED fjo. 1 flax, $1.65ft: No. 1 north
western, $1.6Sft; prlmo timothy, $6.65; clover,
contract grade, $9.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.70
(fl 16.75. Lurd. per 100 lbs., $9.40fc9.42V4. Short
ribs sides (loose), $8.33iS.50. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $7.12ft&7.25. Short clear
sides (boxed), $S.S04f8.90.
WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.22.
The following were tho receipts and ship
ments of grains yesterday:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 22.000 22,000
Wheat, bu 92,000 35.0J0
Corn, bu 97,000 124.030
Oats, bu 230,000 284,000
llyo, bu 18,000 3.000
Uariey, bu 78,000 18,000
On tho Produce exchango today tho but
ter market was steady; creameries, 15)
23ftc; dairies, 14J20c. Cheese, steady, lOfttj)
llftc. Eggs, weak; fresh, 244J24ftc.
Quotation of the Day ob Various
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-FLOUR-Reeelpts,
12,607 bbls.; exports, 10,882 bbls.; quiet, but
steadier on the firmness In wheat; winter
patents. $3.75iM.OO; winter straights, $3.60a
3.70; Minnesota patents, $3.S54j4.15; wlntor
extras, $2.9OH3.20; Minnesota bakers, $2.903
3.35; wlntor low grades, $2.704f3.80. Rye
flour, steady; fair to good, $3.203.40; choice
to fancy, $3.504ja76.
CORNMEAL Quiet; yollow western, $1.33;
city. $1.34: Rrandywlne, $3.653.76.
RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 70c. f. o. b.,
afloat: stato rye, 664iC7c, c. I. f., New York
WHEAT-Rccetpts, 90,250 bu. Spot, Arm;
No, 2 red, SSc, f. o. b.. afloat! No. 2 red,
SOftc, elevator; No, 1 northern Duluth, 62ftc,
I, o. b,, afloat. Options opened steadier
and well sustained all tho morning by for
eign demand, cold weather In tho south
west, better cables, and small winter 'wheat
offerings," Subsequent realizing, Inspired by
less active export Inquiries and talk of
now n winter wheat states caused de
clines, but tho market Anally recovered
with corn and closed Arm at ftQftc not nd
votice. March, 83ftfjSGftc. closed at R6io;
May, 854J65ftc, closed at 85ftc; July, 84 13-16
15 5-16c. oloscd at 864c. "
CORN Receipts. 9,000 bu.; oxports. 6,613
bu. Spot. Arm; No. 2. 67ftc, elovator, and
6Sc, f. o. b afloat. Options mnrkot opened
Arm and experienced a strong tone all day
by reason of higher cables and light pit
offerings, together with prospects for
lighter western receipts. Closed Armernnd
He higher; January. 674g67ftc. closed nt
67c; May. 67 5-164j67ftc. closed at 67ftc:
JuTy,'67ttffcTUc, closed at 67V4c. '
QATS-Recelpts. 82,500 bu.; exports, 9,736
bu. Spot, Arm; No. 2, 60V5c: No. 3, 49fto:
No. 2 white, 53(f63ftc: No. 3 white, 53o; track
mixed western, 604jSlo: track white, 53fD
D8c. Options fairly actlvo and firmer with
HAY Quiet: shipping, GO065c; good to
choice. 82ft90c.
HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice.
1901 crop. li15ftc; 1900 crop, 12c: 1S99 crop;
4i9c; Pacific coast. 1901 crop, 114115c; 19W
crop, 8tjl2e; 1899 crop, 6tJSc.
HIDES-Steady: Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs.,
18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19Uc; Toxas
dry. 24 to so lbs.. I4',4c.
LEATHER Steady: hem oek sole. Tin.
enos Ayrcs, light to hcuvywtlghts, 53
WOOL Dull; domestic fleece, 25Q2ec:
Texas. 1617o.
PROVISIONS-Beef, Arm: family, $11.60ijji
n.w; mess, im; ueei nums, j.-v.wnij.'i.uu: pac
ket. . $10.50411.50; city, extra India mess.
517.fi04il9.00. Cut meats, quiet, easy; pickled
bellies, 8N0c; pickled shoulders, 7c; pick
led hams, 9(10Uc. Lard. Armer; western
steamed, $9.90tj9.9o; refined, Arm; continent,
J10: South America. $11: compound. $8.0047
8.25. Pork, steady; family. $I5.W17.00; short
clear. 18.fi0tf.(X; mess, $16.60(817.00.
nUTTER-Rccclnts, 3,453 pkgs.j steady;
stato dairy, 14t21Hc; creamery, l23!4c;
june crt'iinirry, lo'd-icj laiiury, johioc.
CHEESE Receipts. 1,031 pkgs.; Arm;
fancy, large, state, full cream, fall male,
100 Wio; fancy, small, state, full cream,
fall made. HUttUHc: fancy. large, late
made, best, OVlc; fancy, small, late made,
best. WlOc.
EGQa Receipts. 2.693 pkgs.; weak and
lower; state and Pennsylvania, 235 -fc;
western, at mark. 25W28c.
SUOAll-Raw, bareU' steady; fair refin
ing, 2?a; centrifugal, 96 test, 11 He: molasses
sugar, 2tc; refined, dull; crushed, C.75c;
powdered, 4.75c ; granulated, 4.65c.
COFFEE Steady; No. 7 Rio, 6 7-1&C. '
MOLASSES-Steady; New Orleans, 373'
POULTRY Alive, weaker; springs, sg9c;
turkeys, 10c; fowls, 10V4C! dressed, slow;
springers, lOtf'tflliici fowls, 10IHc; tur
keys, 13Hc.
METALS Tho London market for tin
was 6s higher, with spot at 101 15s and
futures 101 10s. The local market was a
trifle lower on the bid price, which closed
nt $23.62V4, while $23.8714 was naked. Locally,
tho copper market was dull and weak, but
not quotably lower, with spot lake quoted
ut $11.1214. electrolytic $11 and casting $10.75.
Lead was quiet and unchanged at $4. At
London lead was Is 3d higher, closing nt
10 9d. Spelter was quiet and unchanged
at New York nt $1.33 and London was also
unchanged at 16 15s. The local Iron mar
ket was quiet. Tho European markets
wero a trlflo lower, with Glasgow closing
at 49s and Mlddlesborough nt 43s 9d. Pig
Iron. $11.00fl'12.n0! No. 1 nnrthprn fniindrv.
$15.50i816.00: No. 2 foundry northern. $15.00
15.50; No. 1 southern foundry. $15.508 16.00;
No. 1 southern foundry, soft, $15.(X8 17.00.
Condition of Trade and fltiotntlons
on Staple and Fmicj- Produce.
EGOS Receipts more liberal; fresh stock,
LIVE POULTRY-Hcns. 6flc; old
roosters, 3&c; turkeys, 7H9c: ducks and
geese. 7V4ii8c: spring chickens, ner lb..
DRESSED POULTRY Tiirkrvn. 10l!r!
ducks, 9yi0c: geese, 910c; spring chick
ens, 8f?too; liens, 7H6c.
uuTTuii common to ruir, liftc; cnoico
dnlry, In Ubs, 15ai7r.: separator, Z3S21C.
FROZEN FISH-Ulnck 18c; white
bass, 10c; blueflsh, 12c; billheads, 10c; buf
faloes; 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, 10c; crapples,
11c; halibut, 11c; herring, 5c; haddock, 9c;
.1tfn Bnl v .1 ............ ID.. I If-.
ou. niiui,(;i, 1VU, DIVIIIIUIl,
sunflsh. 6c! trout. 9c: whlteflsh. 8c: ulnkprel.
6c! fresh mackerel, ouch, 20a-33c; smelts, 10c.
uiBiii,iio jieniums, per can, Zic', stand
ards, per can. 26c: extra selects, ner can.
33c; Now York counts, per can, 40c; bulk
Standards, per gal., $I.201.25; bulk extra
selects. $1.6n1.6S; bulk New York counts,
IJt-r Km.,
PlaEONS Llvo. per doz., COc.
HAY Prices nuoted hv Omnhn Whnle.
sale Hay Dealers" association: Choice up
land, $'J: No. 2 upland, $8; medium, $7 50;
coarse. $7. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality.
ift'munu lair, ueceipts, a cars.
CORN New, Mc; old. 64c.
POTATOES Home crown. It! nnrthnrn.
$l.uo; Halt Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10.
nAiiiiui-rcr uu., we.
BEETS Per M-bu. basket, 30c.
TURNIPS Per bu.. 60.:: Hutab.-iens. nor
100 lbs., $1.25.
t'ARSNiPH I'er bu., 60c.
CUCUMUERS-Hothousc, per dox., $175.
LETTUCE Head, nor Mil.. IK &o hot
house lettjeo, per dnz., 25c.
PARHLEY-Pcr doz., 26o.
RADISHES Per doz.. 25c.
SWEET POTATOES II omn prnmn nnp
lbj, 2V4c; Kansas, per bbl., $3.25.
CABBAGE Holland seed, crated. lc.
CAULIFLOWER Per crate, $2.75.
ONIONS-Spanlsh. per crate, $2; Michi
gan, red or yellow, 3c per lb.
uHijHiir i.aiirorma. iojjisc.
TOMATOES Florida, ner 6-basket crate.
APPLES Den Davis, ner bbl.. H omi M;
Wlncsaps. $5; Jonathans, $6.50; Uclleilowers,
per box, $L76.
n PEARS Vlkers, $2.25; Lawrence, $2,250
GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $6,5057.00.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7.50: ner
crate, $2.76.
WAVY 1J KANo Per bu.. I7.JC.
ORANGES California navals, $3.7533.00;
budded, $3.60.
LEMONS Fancy, $3.5003.76; cholco, $3 00
BANANAS Per bunch, according to slso,
FIGS California, new cartons, $1; im
ported, per lb., 12iil4c.
DATES Persians, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb.,
6V4c; Salrs, 6c.
NUTS New cron walnuts. No. 1 nfi
shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., ll'ic;
io. i son mien, ivc; no. 2 nara sncil, Mc:
Bruzlls. per lb.. 14c: Alberts, tier lb.. 13c:
almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c;
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa
nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c.
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $3.60.
CIDER Nchawka. Der bbl.. i.liG- .Now
York. $3.60.
POPCORN Per lb.. 6c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6o;
No. 1 salted, 7ftc: No. 2 salted, 6&c; No. 1
veal calf. 8 to 12tt lbs.. 9o: No. 2 vul enir.
12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8'13u; sheep,
pelts, 75c; horse hides, fl.502.25.
St. Loula Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Jon. 17. WHEAT ttlnhnr?
Mn 9 Afl nnoh Almtn n CTT n n Lit-...
8914c; May. 874fS714c; July. 86ic; No. 2
hard, 8083c.
CORN-Hlghor; No. 2 cash, 63Ho; track,
63V4!&64c; May, 65?i(863T4c; July, 63ic.
uAia-iiiBiior; sso. i casn, kc; tracK, iiV4
fHSc: May. 47c: July. S3Mc: No. 2 white.
ltxE Lower at 64c.
FLOUR Steady: red winter Datonts. $1.00
04.15; extra fancy and straight, $3.55i3.70;
clear, $3,2553.40.
skkd Timothy, steady, 6.ooa6.30,
CORNMEAL Steady, $3.25.
BRAN Dull: sacked, cast track. $1.03fl
HAY-Steady; timothy, $10.00015.00; prai
rie, $12.00015.00.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
$16.25. Lard, better. $9.224. Dry salt meats
(boxed), dull; extra shorts and clear ribs,
$S.62U; clear sides, $3.8714. Bacon (boxed),
dull; extra Rhorts, $9.60; clear ribs, $9.62'4;
clear sides, $9.75.
WHISKY Btoady. $1.32.
METALS Lead, dull at $3.871433.90. Snel-
tcr. dull at $4.154.17
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 7V4c; tur-
itoys, oc; uuckh, bc; geese, 054c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery,.
nuns-Htoady at J3o.
TJ T7-f. rivio 1 j. 1 ...... a AAA v.v.t. . 1 .
18.000 bu.: corn, 126,000 bu.; oats, 90,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Klour, 7,000 bbls.: wheat,
24,000 bu.; corn, 66,000 bu.; oats, 36,000 bu.
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
No. 2 red, western winter, steady, Cs 2d:
No. 2 northern, spring, steady, 6s 2d; No. 1
California, Arm, 6s Cd; futures, steady;
jwarcn, on .q; Aiay, os ijn.
CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed,
now, 5s 6l,4d; American mixed, old, 6s 7V4d;
...!. tr.AV.v..nw E. 91 . 11...
6s 2d; May. 6s 2d.
PROVISIONS Pork, prime mess western,
,03 va, itnms, snort cut, -js tki. uacon,
Cumberland cut, Arm, 41s 6d; long clear
middles, light, quiet, 45s; short clear backs,
steady, 44s 6d; clear bellies, steady, 51s Gil.
Lard, prlmo western, In tierces, quiet,
47h 9d.
HOPS At London, PaclAo coast, steady,
3 6s&'3 10s.
RecelptH of wheat during the last three
days, 149,000 centals. Including 141,000 Amer
ican. Receipts of American corn during
the lost threo days, 161,000 centals.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions,
"SYiO; July, 78c; cash. No. 2 hard, 77c; No.
3. ic: No. 2 red. 88&8SV4c: No. 3. S6i87c: No.
2 spring. 75V4S76c.
uukn c-asn, jno - mixea. uxowc; tio. 2
white. eSWJiSSHc: No, 3, 6Siff68Uc.
OATS-No. 2 white, 48o
RYE-No. 2. fBtic
HAY Cholco timothy, $13.00; choice prai
rie. $13,604(14.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 18p22c; dairy, fancy,
18c. '
EGGS Lower on heavy receipts; fresh
Missouri and Kansas Htock quoted on
'change, 22c per doz., loss off, cases re
turned; new white wood cases Included.
"RECEIPTS-Wheat, 10,400 bu.; corn, 80,300
bu.: oats, 15.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 10,400 bu.; corn, 64,
$00 bu.; oats, 15,000 bu.
Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Bran,
i5Uc: May, 76Ufnuic: July, 77Hc; on track,
No. 1 hard, 77Uc: No, 1 northern, 754c; No.
2 northern, 73V45J74C
FLOUR First patonts, $3.85Q3.96: second
patents, $3.753.85; Arst clears, $2.85(ff2.95;
second clears, $2.15.
BRAN-Lower; In bulk, $17.008U7,5O.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. Jan. 17. W 1 1 EAT Cash, 8SV4c;
May, S7;c; July, 83a
CORN-January. 62V4c; May, 6;C; July,
61 Vic
OATS-Jnnuary. 47o; May, 46!Jc; Jub',
CL0VER8EKD January, $5.60; March, $6.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Jan. 17,-WHBAT-Irreg-
l).lari No; 1 nJ,themi 78Uo; No. 2 northern,
76if77c: May, SOVio. '
RYE-Steady; No. 1. C4c.
BARLEY Lower; No. 2, 64Kc? samplo, CO
CORN-liliher; May, 63',4e,
Bright 0tt!o3k ii th Iran aid ittil
General A crane of Staples and Se
curities Reaches an Extremely
Low Point, but .Manufactured
Products Are Not Disturbed
, NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-R. G. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
Readjustment of prices continued during
the second week ot January nnd tho gen
eral average reached a much lower point
than prevailed when tho year opened.
Manufactured products were scarcely dis
turbed, but botn staples and securities suf
fered. Business conditions are sound,
liberal distribution and prompt payment
being reported except at a few southern
Cotton still falls to command a prlca
proportioned to the estimated crop and as
a consequence tho return to growers Is In
sulllclent to sustain business at the rate
established by the previous year's profitable
yield. Transporting Interests nro less be
hind with deliveries and railway earnings
for the Arst week of January show gains
of 7.16 per cent over last year's phenomenal
figures and 14.7 over llnX).
Nothing has transpired to disturb the
bright outlook In tho Iron and steel In
dustry. Deliveries of fuel aro less delayed
und furnaces nro operated fully, while
mills receive material with a fair degree
of promptness. Quotations nre maintained
firmly, especially for pig Iron, which Is In
great demand. Large contracts havo been
placed for Bessemer at $16.50 on Pittsburg
deliveries In June. Spot sales In small
quantities are much higher. Structural
material Is taken almost eagerly and more
foreign bridge contracts are reported.
Billets cannot bo had In sulllclent bulk
from producers, so that Imports from Ger
many are solJ ut Youngstown for $27.50.
The production of pig Iron on January 1,
according to tho Iron Age, was 298,400 tons,
against 324,761 at tho high point on Do
comber 1. During tho last two weeks con
ditions havo Improved so rapidly that tho
present rate of output Is probably at about
the top point. Stocks at tho furnaces
showed a further decrease to 216,137 tons
on Janunry 1. Snles of copper nre matin
at 11 cents, which makes a somewhat
striking comparison with the 60 ,per cent
higher figures of a few weeks ago.
Footwear producers havo at last mado a
general advance of from 2V4 to 5 cents.
Wholesalers havo not altered lists. Hides
nre weaker, which Is natural at this season,
wnen tne quality deteriorates, biocks ot
cotton goods nre not burdensome and de
mands gradually expand with the advanc
ing season, especially for fine grades. Heavy
nrown goous are sieauy, 001 n on nomo
nnd domestic demands. Woolen goods aro
lower than expected, nnd purchases wero
retarded rather than stimulated by tho de
clines. Changes wero few and small, yet
there had been such confldence In a higher
level that tho trade hesitated. Woolen nnd
worsted yarns tend upward.
Grain' reacted sharply from the high
point nnd a large western operator was
caught with more thun ho could carry.
Forced liquidation of this long account
forced liquidation of manipulators for a
decline. Another unsatisfactory fcaturo
was the recent falling oft In foreign de
mand, olllclal Agurcs for December show
ing smaller exports ot wheat than for any
month of tho calendar year, although for
six months of the calendar year thcro ap
pears a gain of fjO.OCO.OOO bushels over tho
corresponding months of 1900 or 1899. This
week exports wero 4.348.431 bushels, against
3,408,250 a year ago.
corn declined snarpiy, dui sun remains
about 20 cents a bushel above the prlco
last year. Exports In December wero only
about ti per cent of tho outgo In the same
month of 1900, whllo for tho week Atlantic
ports sent out 12S,C74 bushels, against
4,265,330 bushels n year ago.
l'rovlslons weakened slightly, In sym
pathy with grain, yet tho higher level of
prices In December established a new
monthly record In value of exports. Great
activity occurred at tho Cofteo exchange,
whero speculators for a dccltno were suc
cessful, aided by enormous receipts at
Brazil ports and American stocks 150 per
cent larger than wero held a year ago.
Falluros for tho week numbered 334 In
the United States, against 325 last year,
nnd forty In Canada, against forty-three
lust yeur.
Usual Jnnnnry Weakness In All Com
modities .Makes Ita Appearance.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17.-Bradstrcofa to-
morrow will say:
Tho usual "January tnaw ' in prices ar
rived this week and securities, food prod
ucts, particularly tho cereals, nork and
dairy products, coffco nnd sugar among tho
groceries and copper among tho metals,
have all weakened and closed lower on tho
week. Tho causes for this movement havo
been In many cases technical and the gen
eral trade situation has not on tho whnlo
been weakened. If anything, In fact. Im
provement may bo expected to follow.
striking example of this being In the
cerenls. High prices hud killed oft export
trade, but this seems to havo revived this
week on tho decline. In distributive trade
tho situation has certainly Improved. A
larger spring business has been done in
cotton nnd woolen goods. Advices from
tho west aro of an enlarged spring trade
and collections remain satisfactory. North
western advices are particularly good.
Trade In tho southwest continues satisfac
tory, but the lack of needed moisture for
the winter wheat crop Is a disturbing cle
ment, tending to dull the edge of trade.
it is to no noted niso mat rain is neenea
In the wheat-growing sections of Cali
fornia. More Is doing In leading eastern
textile mnrkets, prints nnd ginghams mov
ing well with jobbers, while a good busi
ness is also reported In woolen goods,
though tho new prices made are rather
lower than expected. There, Is even soma
Improvement noted in southern trade,
largely tho result of tho firmer tono of the
raw cotton.
Among tno industrials, iron anu steel are
still easily II rat In the volume of new busi
ness and In production, although the car
shortngo is shown to have materially re
duced tho Doccmber output of pig Iron.
Sales of the latter this week have been
very heavy, fully 160,000 tons having been
taken, most of It nt Pittsburg and tho bulk
of It for delivery In tho latter part of tho
Prompt deliveries command a premium
and the same Is true uf steel billets. Con
servatism In tho matter of advancing pig
Iron prices Is still noted. Southern produc
ers announce that they will discourage any
advance of, $12 for No. 2 at Birmingham.
Conservative plans may be disarranged If
tho scarcity becomes more acute. Pre
dictions of advances In foundry nnd char
coal grades nro confirmed by price changes
this week. Finished products tend higher,
Copper has been "cut to tho bono" this
week and llo Is the nomlnnl price, but
claims aro mado of sales as low as lOVio
withnnt anv particular Improvement In do-
fmand reported, although exports aro large.
Tho boot and snoe inuusiry iooks lorwuru
conlldcntly to an actlvo spring business.
Although tho question Is not settled It Is
generally expected that prices will go
Filcher. Tho cereals have been active and
excited. Liquidation by disappointed longs
was a featuro cany, ono prices crumbled,
nlded by tho suspension of a prominent
western operator and bear rumors of fur
ther troubles.
iTnHatisfnctorv whent cron advices, not
enough moistures being reported at the west
and southwest, wero the sustaining features
later, but tne main element Beems 10 nave
tho reawakening of a better export demand
for wheat at the lower levels. Flour acted
In sympathy with wheat and here nlso a
better export demand nppenra to have been
evoked. Corn and oats went oft In sym
pathy, but these cereals are still above ex
port levels.
Wheat, Including flour, exports for the
week aggregate 4,690,203 bushels, against
3,697,710 last week and 3,336,054 In this week
last year. Wheat exports, July 1 to date
(twenty-nlno weeks) aggregato 108,004,473
bushels, as against 106,163,694 last season.
Corn exports aggregato 298,093 bushels, as
against 136,873 last week and 6,181,650 last
vear. July 1 to dato corn exports are 21,
255.717 bushels, against 107,730,760 InBt season.
Business failures In the United States for
tho week number 291, against 396 last week,
ivO In this week- last year, 255 In 1900, 262 In
1899 und 309 In 1838. Canadian failures for
the week number 35, as against 33 last week
and 60 In this week a year ngo.
v York Mining; Stocks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Tho following are
the closing prices on mining stocks;
Adams Con
. 23
. 4
. 70
. 9
Little Chief ...
.. 78
.. C
.. 14
.. 6
.. 18
.. as
Brunswick Con.
Com. Tunnel ...
Con. Cnl. & Va.
Deadwood Terra
1ln.n alti'nr
Ontario ., ,
Savago ,
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..,
Standard ,
. 50
. 60
I t
tiwi,, .., .....
Iron Silver
l.enavine wun...
Hank ClearlnK.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17.-Clearings, $128,.
006.GO2; balances. $13,541,134.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 17.-Clearlncs, $8,810,683;
balances. $1,069,866 exchango on New York,
20c premium.
..JfiAl,A Jan- 17. Bank clearings today,
rJ'fJS'Sl'SS' corresponding day last year,
$1,159,863.26; Increase. $50,674.70.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 17. Clenrlnes. 11 -
&); money, ' per cent; New York ex
change, 10c premium.
CHICAGO, Jan. 17.-CIearlngs, $29,540,083:
balances, $2,354,620; posted exchange, $4.85;
sixty days, $us on demand; New York ex
change, 30c premium.
BOSTON, Jan. 17.-Clcarings, $26,214,933;
balances, $12,334,976.
PHILADELPHIA. Jnn. 1? Pl.arlnn
$24,161,720; balances, $2,S06,690; money, 6 per
BALTIMORE, Jnn. 17.-CIcarlngs, $6,613,
989; balances, $571,608; money, 5 per cent,
AKftreR-nte of Dullness Transacted by
the Associated Hanks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-The following ta
ble, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the
bank clearings at tho principal cities for
the week ended January 16, with the per
centage of Increaso and decrease as com
pared with the corresponding week last
J Clearings.! Inc.j Dec.
$1,569.837,298 1L7
171,312,493 18.4
166,102,354 1.0
118,780,600 10.2
53.285,549 28.2
45,064,382 17.1
25,743,471 13.6
21,746.600 2.9
21,16S,1!0 17. N
18,717,918 37.8
16,015,76.1 63.7
15,261,461 14.7
14,911,501 41.2
10,867,146 7.1
9.861.991 20.7
7,835,100 6.7
7,296,720 15.0
7.578.2M) 21.1
6,277,775 .1
6,2C5.90 87.4
5,729,755 31.5
6.629.310 U.7
6,098,317 4.0
4,498,413 22.9
4,329,492 61.1
3,788,869 7,
3.970,754 24,5
3.317,879 4.8
3,003,847 1.1
2,938,936 31.2
3,501,000 4.4
2.897,710 8.9 ......
2,884,573 22.2
2,439,485 . 9
2.873,157 20.0
2,2.18,619 61.0
3,176.686 24.6
l,62M4i 3.0
1,921,614 19.6
1,9X),3! 4.4
1.708.992 15.8
1,478,268 6.4
1.928.392 13.0
1,723,978 9.4
1,747,930 12.0
1,666,167 22.2
1,528,042 29.1
1,612,616 11.4
1,282,364 4.3
1,417,584 41.8
1,266,684 3.0
1,189,206 21.4
1,204,928 35.2
1,640.069 41.3
938,779 28.8
950.616 13.6
790,000 4.8
908.208 62.6
747,729 22.6
796,575 13.8
781,058 60.0
780,600 37.3
572,101 24.2
674,082 15.8
765,924 75.4
353,500 24.5
677,655 30.8
604,081 31.9
421.187 39.0
C45.427 63.0
40,239 16.5
363,592 26.0
397.000 25.6
434.350 37.9
234.13! 64.7
239.2:0 64.8
378,811 75.8
207.231 27.7
11,647,233 27.9
8.13O.90O 45.1
7,506,000 3.4
986,163 19.4
304,275 1C.4
$2,433,863,06.1 67
864,015,765 13.0
New York
St. IrfJUlS
San, FrnnclBco
iinuimore ,
Kansas City
Now Orleans
Minneapolis ...
Indianapolis ,,
Buffalo ,
St. Joseph
St. Puul
Los Angeles
8a t Lake Cltv
Portland, Ore
Fort Worth
Dos Moines
New Haven
Sprlnglleld, Mass
Grand Rapids
Sioux City
Dayton, O
Portland, Mo
Wilmington, Del
! an uiver
Little Rock
New Bedford
Sprlnglleld, III
Springfield, O
Sioux Falls
Bloomlngton. Ill
Jacksonville, 111
Columbus, O
Colorado Springs...
Wheeling. W. Va..
Chester it....
Wilkesbarre ..j
Beaumont .;'t...
Tnlnli It a
Outsldo New York...
Clearings. j Inc.
Vancouver, B. C
St. John, N. B
Vlctorln, B. C
Totals, Cnnnda...
$ 40,616,1941 14.4
Not Included In totals because containing
other Items than clearings.
Not Included In totals because of no
comparison for last year.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-MONEY-On call,
steady at 3jjf4 per cent; closed offered nt
4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4t433H
per cent.
actual business Jn bankers' bills at $4.87H
for demand and at H.64Ufl4.84i for sixty
days; posted rates, $1,85 and $4.88; commer
cial DMIS. tt.&I-fttM.Mft.
SILVER Bar, 65Hc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; stato and
railroad, strong.
The closing quotations on bonds are
U. S. 2s. reg 108U
L. & N. unl. 4s.
Mex. Cen. 4s..,.
. 83
. 3 '2
. 98U
do coupon
do 3s. reg 1074
do coupon lOs-fi
do new 4s, reg..l38fe
do coupon 139'
do old 4s. reg...llli
do coupon llli
do 5s, reg.. ...... 1061b
An nminnti 1071
do 1st lnc
M. & St. L. 4s..
M.. K. & T. 4s.
do 2s
N. Y. Central ls,102H
uu gen
N. J. C.
do gen. 3Us 109
. J. U. II. 6S...
No. Pacific 4s...
Atch. gen. 4s 103T
do 3s
do ad. 4s avt
B. & O. 4s 103V4
N. & W. c. 4S....107H
Reading gen. 4a.. tutu
K L & T M n. 6S..117H
do uvs vju
.In i-oni' iu 1(VlVi
ai. 1.. tc a. v. is, ytjyt
St. L. S. W. Is.. 99$J
do 2s 73 li
S. A. & A. P. 48.. S8Vi
Ho. Pacific 4 9.1V4
80. Railway 6s.. .120
T. & P. Is linu
Canada So. 2S....1C9V4
U. ot U. bs lusft
An 1u Inn 7B
C. & O. 4V4 106
rUt X. A ka fii
C, B. & Q. n. 4s. 96
C, M & S P g. 4S.110U
T. 8t. L. & W. 4s 82(J
Union PaclAc 4s.. 105
C. R. I. & P. 4s.l0o(4
do conv. 18 106V4
Wabash la H8,i
do 2s no,
do deb. B 68U
West Shore 4n....H2U
W. & L. E. 4s.... 92(1
Wis. Central 4s.. 88U
Con. Tob. 4s tt7H
rrr a h i. ir in lni
hlnnnn Tn la It
UOIO. Ac DO. 43,,,, Vi-it'
I). t It. U. 4S.,,,1UI
Erie prior 1. 4s. 1, 69
do gen. 4s 89
t.i it.' ff. v n 1. itut
Hock. Val. 4V4sV.".107
toidon Stock quotations.
LONDON, Jan. IT. 4 p. m. Closing:
Consols, money.. 93T4
Norfolk & West. 57H
do pfd 94
N. PuclAo nfd. ..102
do account
Anaconaa o'-t
Atchison iB4
do pfd 10O(i
Baltimore & O...103
Ontario & West. 34H
do 1st pfd...
do 2d nfd...
Canadian Fac....lm;
Chesapeake & O. 4b"!t
Chicago O. W... 23
C, M. & St. P...166H
Denver & R. G... 43H
do pfd 93H
Erie 41',,
Southern Ry
uo pia
Southern Pac
Union Pacific
do nfd 91
no ist pfd 74
do 2d pfd D8
Illinois Central. ..141
U. S. Steel 43U
do pfd 97
Wabash 22
do pfd 43
Spanish 4s 77
Rand Mines 11)4
Delicers 42
Louisville & N...107Vi
M.. JV. L.. Z3?4
do nfd j3
N. Y. Central.... 167H
BAR SILVER Dull at 25 9-16 per ounce.
MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of dis
count in tho open market for short bills
Is 2 15-1&93 per cent and for three months'
bills Is 3 per cent.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-COFFEE-8pot
Rio, easy; No. 7, Invoice. 6 7-16c. Mild,
quiet; Cordova. 7Hlle. Futures opened
steady at a loss of 5 points and closed
steady In tone, with prices net unchanged
to 5 points lower. Total sales reached 49,
600 bags. Including January at 6fl.03c;
March, 6.l(xf,c.20c: May, 6.30Q.3oc: July,
6.46c; August, 6.60c; September, 6.604j6.65c;
October, 6.70c; November, 6.75c; December,
Dry Goods Market.
moderate demand was reported today In
cotton goods. Brown sheetings and drills
nnd bleached cottons were steady. There
was a dearth of denims and If ready de
livery could be given some fair orders
could bo placed. Other coarse colored cot
tons were steady. Print cloths were quiet
but Arm. Linens were In somewhat better
demand at Arm prices. Burlaps wero
steady, but business continued light.
Cloths and yarns quiet nnd Arm.
Market Shows Itenevred Activity and
Increased Strength.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-Thcro was In
creased activity In tho stock market and
a show of strength, but tho dealings did
not rlso much over 500,000 shares and wero
largely consented in tho few stocks which
wero favorites In speculation. Statements
were circulated as to tho phenomenal earn
ings of tho anthracite carriers, which wero
asserted to reach 13 and 20 per cent for the
lending high-priced stocks. No difficulty
was found In marking up these stocks, nnd
thero was a heavy demand nt the samo
tlmo for the lower priced stocks In tho
group, especially tho Readings. There were
resulting ndvanccs in Iackawanna of It
points, New York Central, ex-dlvldcnd, 3i,
Reading 2H and other members of tho
group 1 to 2 points. The movement wns
extended In some measure by sympathy
to some of tho soft coalers. Thero wns
continued strength in the southwestern
railroads as a group at ndvanccs ot 1 to 3
points. Such conspicuous stocks as Sugar,
Amalgamated Copper. General Electric and
tho local tractions showed gains ot 1 to 2
points. American Tobacco gained another
3o points, selling nt 235. with a later bid
at 245. This Block is exchangeable at par
for 200 Consolidated Tobacco 4s. Thero Is
said to be loss than 5 per cent of tho stock
still outstanding. American Tobacco pre
ferred gained 6 and tho Consolidated com
pany ft bonds were strong and active, late
in the day St. Paul was bid up quickly
nearly 2 points and other grungcrs and Pa
clllca hardened In sympathy. This late
movement was the effectlvo factor In keep
ing tho closing firm, as a wavering ten
dency hnd developed before St. Paul's rise.
Tho railroad bond market was nctlva nnd
strong, mortgages of railroads In tho
southwest being In particular favor. Total
sales, par value. $1,075,000. United States
bonds wero all unchanged on tho last cull.
Tho Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says: American stocks
wero dull and Idlo nil day, but In tho street
New Yoik bid up tho coalers and Union
Pacific a point. Copper was steady at 46ft
tho ton. Monoy Is jasy and tho bank may
reduce tho discount to 3'4 per cent of tho
noxt return. Is good. Tho present rntn la
4 per cent, with tho market demand weak
at 3 per cent. This tends to keep tho bank
Idle. Berlin exchango 20.42.-
ine toiiowing are inn cioslng prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
76ft 80. Puclflo
: 8
. 93 1;
' tv
. ID
. 3.
. 87ft
. 40
. 14i
. 19ft
do pfd
. .no. juu 1 way ....
.103 do pfd
. 96V4 Texas & P
.114(l T.. St. L. & W.
Baltimore & O..
do nfd
Can. Pnclflc ...
Can. Southern .
. 86-V do nfd
. 46ft Colo. F. & I
. 3nft Con. Ous
. 76Vi Con. Tob. pfd...
. 63ft Gen. Electric ...
. 76(4 Glucose Sugar .
,134ft Hocking Coal ..
. 23ft lnt'n'1 Paper ...
Ches. & Ohio....
Chicago & A....
do ptd
Chicago, I. & L
do pfd
Chicago & E. I.
(Jliicago nt. w.
do 1st lira....
. wsv ao pru
. 43U. lnt'n'1 I'awai-
. 70
. 87
. 92
: ffl
. 30
. 63
. 8.1
. 71
. 17.V.
do Zd pfd
C. & N. W
.208Ji 'Laclede Gas ...
C. R. I. & 1'
.1MJ4 iNOt. lllSCUlt .
. 17ft National Lead
. 32ft National Salt
Chicago T. & T.
uo nra
C. C. C. & St. L
. vo'A ao pfd
. 14ft No. American ..
. 61ft Pacific Coast ...
. 29ft Pacific Mall ....
.173ft Peoplo's Gas ....
"CJl IPrrnnori R r
Colo. Southern .
do 1st pfd....
do 2d pfd....
Del. & Hudson..
Del.. L. & W
. 40i
Denver & R. G.
. 43 do pfd
. 91ft' Pullman P. C...
do pfd
. 411 itepuDiic Hteol .
. 72ft do pfd
. 68. Sugar
do 1st nfd.
. 83ft"
do 2d nfd
Ot. Nor. nfd
Hocking Valley.
lST.U.Tnnn. IT J6- I
U. B. & P. CO...
uo piu
Illinois Central .
Iowa Central ...
nn nfil
U. S. Leather...
do pfd
U. S. Rubber....
do pfd
U. S. Steel
do pfd
Western Union .
A. Locomotive .
do nfl
do nfd
. 60
. 43',1
. 91ft
. 31.
. 31ft
. U2
. 22ft
. 42ft
.' S)ft
. 40ft
. 70ft
. 29ft
. 42
. 45ft
. M6ft
L. 13. & W
do nfd
Louis. & Nash..
Manhattan L ..
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central ...
Mex. National .
Minn. & St. L..
Mo. PaclAc
M.. K. & T
do pfd
,N. J. Central...
N. Y. Central...
Nor. & West....
Union Pacific ...
do pfd
do pfd
W. & L. E
do nfd
Win. Central ...
do pfd
Adams Express.
Amor. Express..
U. 8. Express...
do nfd
Ontario & W....
Pennsylvania ...
do 1st prd
do 2d nfd.....
Amal. Copner ..
Amer. u. &
do pfd
Amer. Lin. OH..
do pfd
Amer. 8. & R...
do pfd
St. L. & S. F...
do 1st prd
do 2d nfd
St. L. S. W
do nfd
ut. l'aui ...
do pfd ..
.187ft Urk. Rap. Tr...
Boston Stock notatlona.
BOSTON, Jan. 17. Call loans, 4H6 per
cent: tlmo loans, 4QG per cent. Official
Atchison 4s
Gas Is
Mex. Central 4s.,
N. K. G. & C...
102 Alloucz
83 Amalgamated
81 Baltic
57 Bingham
76ft Cal. & Hecla..
98 Centennial
262 Copper Rango
192ft Dom. Coal
166 Franklin
210ft Isle Royalo ...
101ft Mohawk
27ft;Old Dominion
; P
do pia
Boston & A
llnalnn & Mn
Boston Elevated,
N Y, N H li.
Union Pacific
Mex. Central
Amir. Huear ....
123" usceoia
159ft Parrot ,
Amer. T. & T...,
Dom. 1. fe h ,
Gen. Electric
Santa Fo Copper,
Mass. Klecinc ..
do pfd
r v. ct. Xr C!....
united Stntes ....
United Fruit
U. S. Steel
94 i
do ptd
Oil and Itosln.
AH. PITV Ton 17 TUT Pnll h.l.iH
$1.15; certificates, no bid; shipments. 118,384
bbls.; average, 88,799 bbls.; runs, 90,836 bbls.;
average, 74,844 bbls.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. uit cottonseed,
Arm; prim8 yellow, 44ft45c. Petroleum,
dull. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, firmer,
SAVANNAH, Jan. 17.-OIL Turpentine,
firm, 39ftc. Rosin, firm. Quote: A, B, C,
D, il.20j E. $1.25; F, $1.27ft: G, $1.30: H,
$1.42ft: I, $1.70; K. $2.25; M, $2.65; N, $3.25;
WO, $3.60; WW, $3.85.
LONDON, Jan. 17. Oil Linseed, 28s 9d.
Turpentine spirits, 28a aVjd.
Sugar Market.
NEW ORLEANS, Jnn. 17.-SUOAR-Qulet:
open kettle, 2ftS'2ftc; open kettle,
centrifugal. 2T4Q3 3-16c; centrifugal granu
lated, 4ft0'l3-16c; whites, 3ftj311-16c; yel
lows. 2ft(ft'3 9-16c: setonds. ZQ3c. Molasses,
steady; open kettle," 10iK25c; centrifugal, 6
15c. Syrup, steady, 10i&'22c.
NEW YORK. Jan. .17.-8UGAR-Raw,
dull; fair reflnllig. 2ftc; centrifugal, 96 test,
3ftc; molasses sugar. 2ftc. Refined, quiet.
LONDON, Jan. 17. SUOAR-Raw, cen
trifugal, 8s; beet, January, 6s Sftd,
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 17. WOOL Firm; me
dium grades. 133'17ftc; light line. 12ftl5o;
hoavy fine. lOfrUc; tub washed, 14Q24c.
IX5NDON, Jan. 17. WOOI-The sheen
skin sales were concluded today, with of.
fcred 173,472 skins ot slightly Improved
quality and condition. All were sold. Tho
home trade secured most of tho offerings.
Long wooled stock wns ftftd denrer and
short wooled ftftd higher. Shorn wore
unchanged. Coarse wooled stock was In
keen demand at an advance of ftd.
Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fruits.
APPLES A fair business was 1 transacted
in the market today, with full prices paid
for nil lots. Tho feeling at the close was
steady. State, common to good, 7Sftc;
prime, 9ftS9ftc; choice, 9ftQ10c; fancy, lO',,
but steady. Prunes, 3ftin7c. Apricots, Royal,
10fJ14c: Moor Park. 9ftfl3c. Peaches, peeled,
16QC0c; unpeeled, 7ftQ12ftc.
Philadelphia Produce Market,
Steady; fancy western creamery, 24c; fancy
nearby prints, 27c.
EGGS Dull, lc lower; fresh nearby,
western and southwestern, 2Sc; fresh south
ern. 27c.
CHEESE Firm; Now York full creams,
fancy small, lUic: New York full creams,
fair to choice, 9ft(gllc.
St. I.aula Live Stuck Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
1,800 head, Including 1.400 Toxans; market
steady: native shipping nnd export steers,
$4.tiOri'.25: dressed beef and butcher steers,
$4.0006.05; steers under 1,000 lbs,, $3.26'3.5.01:
stockers and feeders, $2.65f4.25: cows tnd
heifers, $2.0O'(j6.0O; canners. $1.60fl12.50; bulls,
$2.5ni4.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.25f
6.30; cows and heifers. $2.45f3.80.
HOGS Receipts. 7.200 head; steady: pls
and lights, $5.9Oj6.00; packers, $6.0036.'0;
butchers. $6.2576.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.S00
hend; market steady; native muttons. $1.80
tffi.W, lambs, $1.60t6.20: culU and bucks,
$2.0031.25; stockers, H.5O32.00.
Bf Ittirt aid Ctwi Itld Qtitrallj Hit
to Ti Otnti Ltwtr.
Very Ferr Sheep and Lambs Arrived
Todny nnd Quality Common, but
.Market Could lie Quoted About
Sternly vrlth Yesterday.
Receipts wero: Cattle
Olllclal Monday 4,210
Otllclat Tuesday 4.005
Otllr-lill Wollnnx.Inu t lex
Hogs. Sheep.
4,(42 1,999
7,204 4.38J
8,643 2,915
10,798 2,278
9,947 1,263
Ofllclnl Thursday 3,669
WinCim rriuay..,,, i,Til
Flvo days this week. 17,770 41,334 12.S3S
Samo days last week. ...17,355 47.341 8,866
Snmo week before 13,011 4.1,821 10.649
Hnnin thrAo tvr,.ki nan .. A HV nn 11A 4 ?rtf.
Samo four weeks ugo....lcl76 66,077 11,379
Samo days lost year 12,691 &S.693 11,698
Average prlco paid for hogs at South
Omaha tho past several days with com
parisons' Date. I 1902. t901.H00.18S9.llS9L1887.l$9.
I. ... 6 JO 4 93 4 21 3 42 3 IS 3 4
2.... 6 22ft 4 96 4 33 3 57 3 17 3 43
3.... 6 18ft 4 93 4 29 3 67 3 48 2 4
4.... 6 28ft 6 02 4 27 3 4 4 3 41 3 25 3 61
5.... 6 04 4 37 3 47 3 38 8 27
6.... 6 23ft 4 35 3 48 3 39 3 29 3 53
7...,. 6 10ft 5 06 3 42 3 40 3 18 3 48
8...'. 6 09 6 06 4 34 3 43 3 12 3 46
9.... 6 16 6 14 4 38 3 45 3 14 3 66
10... 6 13ft 5 23 4 35 3 60 3 43 3 64
II. .. 6 01ft 6 23 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 07 3 51
12... 5 17 4 49 3 60 3 47 3 14
13... 6 00ft 4 63 3 65 3 49 3 09 3 47
14... 6 12ft 5 16 3 60 3 4 9 3 16 3 53
IS... 6 20ft 6 26 4 68 3 47 3 26 1.1 59
16... 0 16ft 6 27 4 62 3 62 3 23 3 66
17... 6 17ft 6 20 4 48 3 49 3 47 1 3 72
Indicates Sunday.
Tho- olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by ench road was:
C. M. & 8t. P. Ry 4 13
O. & St. L. Ry 1
Missouri Pacific system 8 2..
Union PaclAc system 9 21 ..
C. & N. W. Ry 1 3 14
F., E. A M. V. R. R 30 34
I'., St. P., M. & O. Ry 33 9
It. & M. R. Ry 22 16
C, B. & Q. Ry 7 6 2
C, R. I. & P., east 11 1
C. R. I. & P., west 12..
Illinois Central 13..
Total receipts 113 181 3
The disposition of tho osy's receipts was
n.i follows, each buyer purchasing tho num
ber ot hend Indicated:
Uuyors. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
1 uumiiK vu, .......
G. II. Hammond Co
Swift and Company
Cudnhy Packing Co
Armour & Co
R. Becker & Dcgan
Carey & Benton
W. I. Stephen
Hill & II 1
Livingstone & Schaller...
L. F. Husz
II. L. Dennis & Co
B. F. Hobblck
Other buyers
. T, 1.1 -
Totals 2,682 9,681
CATTLE The tendency of prices on all
kinds of cattle was downward today owing
to unfavorable reports from other points
and nlso to the fact that receipts were
qulto llbetal for thin time of the week. Tho
market, however, was fairly active and the
bulk of tho offerings was disposed of In
good season.
A few bunches of steers sold at right
around steady prices this morning, but
after tho Arst round packers wero bidding
generally IVinOa lower. The greatest de
cline wns, of course, on the less destrnblo
grades and light cattle lit particular wero
hard to move. It was an uneven market,
however, so thorp wns considerable varia
tion In tho prices paid.
Tho cow market was also lower today
and vi ry unoven. Tho genornl market
could do quoted all tho way from steady to
15c lower. Tho better grades brought right
cioso to steady prices, particularly on tho
opening market, but aside from a few oarly
sales tho bulk of tho stuff sold tyfilOc lower
ana in extreme cases, tne Kinds selling bo
low $3.00. wero 16c lower. Trado was fairly
active, though, at the decline, so that tho
pens were cleared In good season.
Bulls wero also a little lower than they
were yesterday and the samo was true of
stags. Veal calves showed very little
cnange rrom yesterday.
Receipts Included oulto n few stackers
and feeders and an Is very apt to bo tho
caso toward tno cioso ot tne week buyers
would not tnko anything unless thev could
get It for less monoy. Common kinds of
came wero very nnrd to movo today, bat
1110 iiceinie wouin oe covered in tne ma-
of cases by
GSflOc. Representative
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 680 2 35 22 1051 4 80
1 770 2 75 17 10S3 4 80
3 650 3 00 2 1030 4 85
1 82 3 25 15 1096 4 85
1 660 3 SO 3 H26 4 90
44 879 4 00 3 1013 4 90
3 733 4 10 12 1139 4 90
8.., 766 4 10 21 1119 4 90
3 803 4 25 19 997 6 05
3.......... 983 4 25 25 1092 4 95
7 941 4 40 2 1160 4 96
4 782 4 50 19 nofi 5 10
7 978 4 60 20 1117 5 15
2........ 865 4 60 30 1167 6 26
2 1000 4 60 21 1212 5 40
2 1010 4 60 17 1220 5 40
4 .V.1055 4 65 25 1194 5 50
20 1013 4 70 20...., 1232 6 65
25 1021 4 75 li....! 1193 5 55
20 10O5 4 75 36 1264 5 GO
2 1050 4 75 20 1248 5 60
7 1151 4 80 14 1382 6 10
23 1003 4 80 1 6 1329 5 85
6 825 3 80 32 978 4 65
2 1300 4 00 21 933 4 65
21 952 4 15 7 990 4 90
14 898 4 35 4 11C0 5 00
10 1109 4 60
2 883 2 25 2 1033 3 25
3 1000 2 25 6 920 3 25
1 1020 3 25 22 1072 3 10
1 900 2 25 6 1014 3 35
11 940 2 2o 8 958 3 40
1 770 2 25 20 993 3 40
1 950 2 30 14 952 3 40
7 971 2 30 4 1077 3 45
6 8S5 2 30 1 1080 3 50
6 1M8 2 35 3 1100 3 50
4 922 2 31 2 1130 3 60
2 675 2 45 2 1065 3 60
15 1063 2 45 19 1046 3 50
1 910 2 60 2 11.10 .1 50
3.., 92G 2 60 15 993 3 60
1., 1000 2 60 1 850 3 60
1 810 2 60 7 950 3 65
6 970 2 50 6...., 10.10 3 60
10 861 2 m 1 lO'O 3 65
1 1070 2 65 7 U37 3 75
3 816 2 70 23 975 3 80
3 940 2 70 11 1158 3 85
1 1030 2 75 2 1220 .1 85
1 900 2 75 2 1165 3 90
1 1080 2 75 2 1245 3 90
6 1011 2 75 1 1310 3 90
1 980 2 75 3 1033 4 00
3 923 2 85 16 1016 4 00
2 1015 2 90 4 1125 4 00
10 991 2 90 10 1016 4 00
5 912 3 00 5 1076 4 V
10 915 3 00 6 952 4 10
8 930 3 00 1 1300 4 10
1 1040 3 00 1 6 1091 4 10
2 905 3 00 8 1091 4 15
2 660 3 00 18 1U6 4 20
38 925 3 05 7 1190 4 20
1 1310 3 25 2 1375 4 2o
14 904 3 25 9 1055 4 35
1 1310 3 25 4 1200 4 33
1 960 3 25 12 1114 4 40
1 680 2 60 1 1400 3 85
1 660 2 60 7 S21 3 90
1 930 2 50 11 844 3 90
6 628 2 90 6 930 3 96
1 770 3 00 1 880 4 00
17 691 2 80 2 945 4 00
1 710 3 10 6 916 4 10
2 771 3 10 1 880 4 25
2 1225 3 25 6 936 4 25
7 537 3 25 17 1013 4 40
2 825 3 60 1 1070 4 40
6 700 3 65 19 1012 4 59
7 691 3 75
1 850 2 35 1 920 3 35
1 1020 2 50 1 1200 3 40
1 1250 2 60 1 1440 3 60
1 940 2 60 1 1420 3 50
1 1260 2 75 1 1350 3 60
1 1250 2 85 1 1650 3 50
1 1220 2 90 1 1430 3 60
2 1175 2 90 1 1250 3 60
1 1780 3 10 2 1470 3 65
1 1000 3 10 1 1350 3 90
1 1200 3 15 1 1730 4 00
3 1136 3 20 1 1300 4
1 1200 3 20 1 1690 4 00
1 1320 3 25 1 600 4 00
2 1425 3 23 1 1230 4 60
1 900 3 25
6., 323 4 CO 1 140 6 25
1 260 6 00 1 140 6 25
2 250 5 60 1 180 6 60
1 SO 6 60 3 146 6 60
3 126 6 00 1 140 6 60
1 1360 3 75
240 3 00 1 360
463 3 35 1 210
4 35
i 76
2 305 r. 60 1 200 4 75
3 ,406 3 90
1 SM 2 05 4 650 2 85
1 740 2 65 1,,., 850 3 60
2 650 2 80 1 1630 4 00
1 630 2 00 16
2 6.V) 2 60 27
1 810 2 75 25
2..., 795 2 83 1
2 73) 3 00 9
3 K,
3 70
3 75
3 80
3 80
3 90
3 95
4 00
4 00
1 740 3 00 3.......
6 666 3 20 17
27 595 3 M 5
2 875 3 50 15
2 745 3 50 II.. ....
4 15
HOGS There was a fairly liberal run of
hogs hero today, nnd the same as was tho
case yesterday, the quality was better than
usual. Tho weights nre also Imprdvlng
qulto rapidly. Tho market opened with
buyers bidding a Itttlo lower than yester
day, but thoy did not get tho hogs, nnd
when more favorable reports came front
Chicago packers started In and bought tho
bulk of tho receipts nt right nroiind steady
prices. In snmo cases the market looked
stronger, nnd nn occasional sale wns 6c
higher. After trading was fairly well
tinder way tho hogs changed hands rapidly,
so that tho big end of the receipts wns
disposed of i.t good season. The lighter and
more common hogs wero left until tlm
Inst,' so that the close of the market wns
not as nctlve. Good weight hogs sold
largely from $6.25 to $6.4S. Medium weights
In most cases brought from $6.15 to $6.25,
nnd tho lighter loads sold from $6.10 down.
Representative sales:
No. av.
14 76
20 93
17 107
22 109
27 121
38 119
43 137
116 118
97 151
99 162
66 175
74 173
84 176
79 160
88 146
72 179
92 171
80 174
78 175
169 185
74 171
53 182
71 210
80 170
78 1S2
88 187
84 180
81 183
76 177
92 189
Pr. No. Av. 8h. Tr.
5 00 78 195 SO G 15
6 00 81 211 ... 6 15
6 25 72 204 ... 6 15
6 25 68... ...213 ... 6 17ft
6 25 79 203 240 6 17ft
6 411 71 225 200 6 17ft
6 65 83 213 40 6 17ft
6 65 12 202 ... 6 20
6 75 "0 226 ... 6 20
6 80 80 213 ... 6 20
5 85 6S 226 ... 6 9)
6 90 76 222 ... 6 20
6 90 76 21S ... 6 20
6 90 0 235 ... 6 20
6 90 60 239 ... 6 20
5 95 65 227 ... 6 20
6 95 72 23,1 ... 6 20
6 95 ii 229 ... 6 20
6 93 75 207 ... 6 20
6 00 68. 230 ... 6 20
6 00 " 278 ... 6 20
6 00 3 276 ... B20
6 00 79 219 80 6 20
6 00 7 251 120 6 20
6 00 87 221 40 6 20
6 00 61 24.1 200 6 20
6 00 46 241 164 6 20
6 00 "2 227 120 6 20
6 05 60 226 ... 6 20
6 05 "2 214 ... 6 20
0 05 64. 2.19 ... 6 20
6 05 66 238 120 6 22ft
6 05 0 210 80 6 22ft
0 05 26 296 SO 6 25
6 07ft 56 281 SO 6 25
6 07ft 72 211 6 23
6 10 68 222 SO 6 25
C 10 B7 246 40 6 25
6 10 72 233 40 6 25
6 10 75 241 ... 6 75
8 10 68 243 40 6 25
6 10 69 265 ... 6 25
6 10 79 223 ... 6 25
6 10 76 253 120 6 26
6 10 BU 264 ... 8 25
6 10 73 203 ... 6 25
6 10 64 255 ... 6 25
6 10 69 245 ... 6 274
6 10 31 233 ... 6 27ft
6 10 39 237 40 6 30
6 10 70 281 SO 6 30
6 10 66 265 40 V 30
6 10 61 260 ... 6 .10
6 10 67 294 ... 6 .15
6 10 55 283 ... 6 35
6 10 69 263 ... 6.15
6 10 46.,.;. .856 40 6 35
6 10 72 233 80 6 ?0
6 10 63 301 ... 6 35
6 12ft 67 258 ... 6 35
6 15 57 292 80 6 35
6 15 40 3S6 ... II III
6 15 42 354 200 6 45
6 15 72 266 200 6 10
6 15 66 254 ... 6 40
6 15 31 289 ... fi 40
6 15 62 253 SO 6 40
6 15 61 301 120 6 40
6 lo 41 3B1 40 6 45
6 15 74 254 ... 6 45
84 175
10 186
92 189
71 210
66 179
70 184
W 191
90 199
64 232
75 207
88 180
78 1S7
77 198
S3 197
79 191
68 223
97 199
73 195
66 208
80 213 80
cars nr r;iii?ro f,Ta sny nbout tireo
tndnv n.?Hp am1 Inmb! ,ho mnrket
St .5r mni18 not mn,,- Tll u"'k of "
sturr. mnrenvpr uno nt ... 1. .
nlliill,. - ' Jt. auinui VUIll II1UI1
quautj. There were some good owes. linw.
r.V !nrlt D!"(1 .nt which was coiuld-
ered n good, stendv nrlno. t(, .,.,
7e.r,n?8 .wero common, but still they
sold at just about steady prices and eve y
thing was out of Arst hands In good sea
in. ' fh.oic "Flitwclght voarl
10, good to choice yenrllngs, $
C.R, w,,.,Vrs' '4-MSL75; fair to ;
i.sva mo
4.75; chol
ud lamns. LYHKifi 7r. fA.Hn n,.,t.
tlvoWMlo8-er lambS W W400' Kcprcsentn-
35 cull ewes so
6 cull ewes m
89 cull owes ,
3 bucks nil
1 xoat 40
47 native ewes 120
166 cull lambs 53
21 native lambs S3
1 25
1 75
3 25
3 50
4 00
4 00
4 no
5 50
Cattle, Horh and Sheep Steady ta
niircvrsn inn 17 nin -r.
2.600 head; beef cattlo steady to strong
cow stock slow; medium to prime, ta.wd
7.40; poor to medium. $4.O0300: stockers
""; ,cciVSu,'luu.0i cows, $1.25-4.65;
heifers. $2.26gC.OO; canners, $1.25a2.25: bulls
tomorrow. 30000 head; loft over, 3,000 head 1
opened steady, closed strong; mixed anil
butchers. $5.986.40; good to cholco heavy,
j6.30ff)6.65; rough heavy, $6.00416.23: Huhts
$5.604,6.00; bulk of sales. $59Sij.30. "Bm"'
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts! 12.000
head; steady; Iambs, steady to strong
good to choice wethers, $4.3O4j(i.0O; fnlr to
'S?? "Jlxe-d. 3.7&iM.40; western si cop, fed,
S-JffiP-1?i,n,S.JW,ta' .50fl6.00; western'
nKnp.iPTHJ.omAin'i. rn- ,
hi. M.7IB hcad7 'sheen. iKlf'hcl'd? "eaa
"Vi!??1DJumo,al: Cattle, 6,660 lieadl
hogs, 4,063 head; sheep, 3.446 head.
Kansas Cltr Lire Stock Market.
VAlSTHAfl ("MTV Tan IT -tAmmr.
celpts. 2,600 head natives. 600 head Toxans,
100 head calves; stockers and' feeders. 1041
16o lower; others steady to strong; cholco
export and dressed beef steers, $3.80476.70:
fair to good. $4.754J6.70; stockers and feed-
AM 17 TJv'nd 7Fi w.slorti n.l ...... , pn.
6.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.75rrf6.20
4.75: heifers, $3.50J76.25; ennnnrs. $1.7541C.6,5:
bull. $2.25ff4.50; calves, '3.60R4).0d.
HOGS-Rccelpts. 13.000 head: market
steady to 6c lower: top. $6.60; bulk of sales.
$5,7546.70; heavy, $6.6046.60; mixed packers
$6.10fi6.25: lights, $5.50fC.25: pigs, ltfhial'
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 700hoadi
market 16420C higher; fed lambs, $5.764ifl.2Si
ted woiriers, ,.wo.w; yearlings, $4.75rf5.50j
ewen, ij.wbi.uv, tuuo una ieeoers, $S,004J
New York. Live Stock Market,
NEW YORK. Jan. l.-BEEVEB-Recelpts.
4,107 head; steers slow and 10Q15o lower;
common steers 154925c oft: bulls and
steady to 10c lower: steers, $4.60426.25; bulls.
J.i'iii..i cuv, 4i.iuin..,i: cauies quota
llvo cattlo steady at 12V4ff13VSq, refrigerator
beef lOtfplOftc: exports tomorrow, 823 cattle.
812 sheep and 4,460 quarters of beef,
CALVES-Steady; vnals, $5.00fl0.00; barn
yard nnd western calves nominal.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,282
head: sheep ensler, lambs 250 lower; sheep.
$3.00Q4.40; choice. $1,604(4.60: culls, $2.004fl
2.60; lambs, $5.00426.40; one deck, $6.60.
HOGS Receipts. 2.108 head: nana medium
nnd heavy, steady: plg lower; whole rang
quoted at $5.704J6.60.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 1.000 hend: steady; natives. n.2M
7.00: cows and heifers, $1.25415.25: veals. $3.50
06.25: stockers and feeders, $2.25474.60.
HOGS-Recelpts. 9,600 head; steady: light
nnd mixed. $5.504?6.4O: medium and nnw.
$6.16476.60; pigs. $3.70?5.00. '
biii'ilir ainu iiamiin-jtcccipis, loo head:
steady; top lambs, $6.
Stock In Sight.
rKt. - 1 1 I .. r. Inkl. . 1. - I . . .
1 HQ lununtliH .ow.w nuunn 1.1113 receipts Ol
cattle, hogs and fcheep nt the Ave principal
markets for January 17:
v.aiue. nogs. Hheep.
Hnuth Omaha 2.721 9.647 I'M
Clilnirrl 2.500 V U 10 fwrt
"Kansas City 8,100 13,000 '700
St. Louis i,kii 7,200 1,800
St. Joseph 1 1,000 9,600 100
.11.121 71,747 15,863
Telephone 10.19,
Boyd. Commission. Go.
Successors to James S, Boyd ft Oe.,
oard of Trade Ballalaa.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
.Corrtiosndcnce, John A, Warrn Co.
. cnoico ewes. $3.7EI.OO:
i?'Js4? pfi?2i -3.76; commonTwcs
$2.. 503.60; choice Inmbs. $5.7536.10: fnlr tr