Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Briin PiU An Excuiiiglj Ktrrm tti
Ernctlo Vtit of tit ItHioa.
f3ly Henry Covering antl Support
Thcr llrlnur the .Mnrkct
n I'nlrly cnil
CHICAGO, Jnn. IS. The grain pita went
ttnargln mail today. Ever slnco tho raid
.on I'hllllps last Monday broker havo been
demanding murclna to tho limit, for fear
they might bo caught In other fnllurrs.
Humors that several firms were In dirt)
straits wero circulated lato yesterday on
tho ourti, noma nny with n vlow to di
' pressing nrlccs. Ileum seized Uipso rumors
us cudgels to heat down the weaklings mid
succeeded In raiding prices. Dulls, how
nver. Jumped ut tho opportunity to buy In
nt tho low prices and with heavy covering
by tho shorts supported the market to a
fairly steady close. Miiy wheat closed un
changed, May corn i,u lower and May
oats Via down. 1'rovlslonn tost a tdindo to
Wheat was exceedingly nervous and er
ratic most of tho session, Tho opening
was badly depressed on yesterday's curb
wenkness nnd lower cables, May opened
excited, Uftc lower, nt &0c to 79'ic. Heavy
liquidation was occasioned by a general
cull for Increased margins. Moro stuff
was thrown out than could be readily
absorbed and tho pit curly ruled very
weak. But as no failures wero reported
at tho opotilng, u better feeling begun to
spring up und on liberal buying prices
advanced to kOtec ugaln. Just beforo clear
ing houso rumors wero rlfo ngaln that sev
eral houses would not be able to settle
and selling orders came, from the country
with a rush. Bearn pounded hard and the
result of tho commission houxu raid was a
quick drop to 78Tc. Tho otttsldo markets
wero also depressed, confidence- for the
tlmo seemed lost and Liverpool declined
steadily. Everything Indicated a further
demoralized condition of this pit, when
buying at theso low prices set In on all
hands. May struggled bravely agultist thp
concerted bear nctlon nnd gradually milled
to last night's closing price. Confidence
wiw restored whon tho clearing house re
ported all houses settled anil May closed
steady, unchanged at SO'.ic. Ixcul receipts
wero 41 cars. Minneapolis nnd Duluth re
ported 410 cars, making a, total for the
thrco points of 4S1 cars, against 523 last
week and 371 a year ago. Primary receipts
wero B21.00O bu., compurcd with 663,(00 last
year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and
flour equalled 357,000 bu.
Corn was demoralized under tho con
tinued liquidation of outside longs. Tho
southwest wa tho chief source of selling.
Cables wero lower and tho early weakness
from false rumors brouRht a Jagged open
ing, HlHo lower, at fi3Uff62c. Nearly
every houso continued to mako heavy culls
for margins anil discouraged holders. On
tho break uctlvo covering by shorts nnd
somo long buying Influenced a fair rally,
May selling to Its top prlco of 63Q62c.
"When whent broko a second tlmo corn
sagged badly to f!2V4c. As In wheat, thero
was a revival of confldonco, but tho de
pression wa too much to overcome by tho
lato demand. Tho cash market was slow
nd May closed weak, ftc lower, nt 63Uc.
Itecclpts wero 115 cars.
Oats shared in a measure the panicky
feeling In corn. Trndo was not heavy, tho
Interest In tho other pits detracting from
this. Outside liquidation depressed prices
and May opened nio lower nt 4IV4tf4ISc.
Tho wheat break pushed this option down
. to 43Ue, but professional support and short
covering brought a rally to tho higher
opening prlco. May closed fairly stoady,
tfc lower, nt Wtic Receipts wero 177 cars.
Provisions ruled lower, following grains.
Tho opcnlngwns badly depressed nnd felt
tho Influenco of a poor hog market at tho
yards. Commission houses sold liberally
nnd price woro only supported by con
pldorablo buying by packers. May pork
closed between J1G.M) nnd $16.974 and closed
20o lower nt $u;.i7H. May lard touched
J9.67& and closed 24o lower nt 19.85, and
May ribs closed a shndo lower nt $S.fi0.
Estimated rccelptH for tomorrow: Wheat,'
25 cars; com, SO cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs,
31.000 head.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Closo.Vest'y'
Jan, May
May July
Jan. May
7614 76V4
8014 78 SOViWVi SoS
SO 79 80 SOQVJ
toy, 69V4 69V4 GOtf,
ssrA 2 3U fA
63?! 63 63Vi C3i
44 Wi 43 4I1 44
39 39 39 39H
33HV4 33 J3?iyV4 33
16 57V4 16 47H 16 60 16 C7H
16 07U 16 80 16 87Vi 17 OVA
16 87 16 AG 16 72V4 10 95
9 42U 9 37U 9 42Vi 9 45
9 67V4 9 60 9 6G 9 70
9 72V4 9 62V4 9 72V4 9 75
8 33 8 32J4 8 35 8 32
80) 865 860 8 62
111 67U
16 82ti
18 70
ft 40
9 tas
0 67V
8 60
No. 2.
Cash quotations wero an follows:
KLOUK Weak; winter patents. 3.R0S
4.00: straights. I3.40fl3.80; clears, 13.20
C73.CO ; spring specials, 11.30; patents, 13.50
8.80; straights. 3.20fi3.40.
WHEAT No. 3, 71Q'76c; No. 2 red, 83
OATB-No, 2, 44ic; No. 2 white, 45
tGc: No. 3 white, 456iC.
11YE No. 2. 61I62C.
DARLEY Ealr to cholco malting, (ancle.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.65: No. 1 north
western. 11.67; rtrimo timothy, 16.65; clover,
contract grade. $9,704(0.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.65
CH6.60. Lard. per 100 lbs., I9.400.42. Short
ribs sides (looso). $8.3008.45. Dry salted
Bhoulders (boxed). $7.12j'7.25. Short clear
Hides (boxed). J8.7&R8.83.
WHISKY Basis of high wines. $1.32.
Tho following wero tho receipts and ship
ments of grains yesterday:
iieceipt. Shipment.
17,000 22.000
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.,
Corn, bu..,
Oats, bu...,
llvo. bu
41,0(10 61,000
vs.miu lb.VW
182,000 196,000
11,000 2,000
..i 44,000 35,000
Darloy, bu.
On tho Produce exchange today tho but
ter mnrkct was steady; creameries, 15
23c; dairies, 14020c. Cheese, atendy, 104
JIHc. Eggs, easy; fresh, 26c.
Qualntlona of the liny on Various
NEW YORK. Jan. 16.-FLOUR-ReccIpts,
18.721 bbls.: exports. 17.530 bbls.: dull nnd
Irregular at a shado decline from yester
day: winter patents, $3.75ff4.00; winter
straights, $3.60ft3.70; Minnesota patents,
J3.85fM.15; winter extras, $2.9OiT3.20; Minne
sota uuKcrs. i.w((j-a: winter low graacs,
$2.7003.80. Ryo flour, dull; fair to good,
$3.20n3.40: choice to fancy. $3.50fr3.7G.
CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.35;
city, $1.34; Brandywine, $3.653.75.
RYE Easy: No. 2 western. C9V4e. t. n. ti..
.afloat; stato rye. 663fi7c, c I, f Now York
WHEAT-Recelpts. 101.530 bu. Spot,
steady: No. 3 red. 87Uc. f. o. b.. nflont: No.
3 red, 90c, olevator; No. 1 northern Duluth,
6U,c. f. o. h.. afloat: No. 1 hard Duliitli.
ii'.'ic, f. o. b afloat. Options had an un
settled opening at lower prices, and wero
irregular an day over n cent range, re
flecting uneasiness about the Chicago sltua
tlon. Goneral tendency was downward
with liquidation ngatn a feature, silmile.
mented by lower cables and frequent boar
aiincKs. wan street notignt on tne de
cline und with export demand caused a Into
recovery, uiosea nrm nnn w not lower,
March. SSViirSSTtc. closed at 85Tio: Mnv.
84 7-1&US5 5-16c. closed at 834o; July, SliiO
8ltic. closed ut 85c.
CORN Rocnlpts, 6.000 bu.; exports, It.OiTO
bu. 8pot, steady; No. 2, 0714c, elevator,
and 67c, f o. t.. nllont, Ojitton market
opened lower with wheat, but rallied on
covering, uftcr which It sustained, through
heavy liquidation, n decided break. In the
last half-hour It rallied again on 11 demimri
from shorts und closed about steady at Vt
Go net decline. May. CTfi7 U-JKc, closed
at 674c; July, 67 l-l(Wfi7c. closed at 67c.
OATS Receipts. 31,600 bu.; exports, 664
bu. Spot, easier; No. 2. 60c: No. 3, 49c:
No. 2 white. 63c; No. 3 white. 62c: truck
mixed western. 49T60c; track white, 52
awc. upiions irrBjuiur umi genernuy weak
vlth com nnd wheat
HAY Quiet: shipping, COQCSc; good to
cnoicn. B.'yuwc.
lfwi crop, niSc: 1900 crop, 12c: 1S99 crop'.
tHJ9c; Pacific coast. 1901 crop, 11015c; 1900
crop, am 1.0: invj crop, imiisc.
HIDES-FIrm: Galveston. 20 to 23 lbs..
18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs,, I9c; Texas
ury. i, o i ips., nc.
T.RATHHn Steadv: hemlock solo. Tin
noa Ayrea, light to heavyweights, 250
WOOI Dull; domcstlo fleece, 25;6c
PROVIBIONS-Beef. firm: family, $11,505?
12.00; mess, us; beer nnms, iw.wir-f.w; puc
kt. $10.601(11. 60: cltv. extra India mess
ti7.501fl9.00. Cut meats, quiet, easy: pickled
Sollies, 8tfivc; pictiea snouiacr. ic; pick
led hams, JHi91Hc Lard, easy; western
steamed, 19.85; refined, easy; continent, 10;
South America, 111; compound, JS.0WS.25.
Pork, steady; family, 15.05117.00; short
clear, tl8.0og20.00; mess, I1S.501?.00.
UUTTER-Hecclpts, 3,769 pkgs.J steady;
stato dairy, l4S21Uc; creamery, Wiac;
Juno creamery, l6Jlc; factory, 13315HC
CHEESE-llecelpts, 1,070 pkgs.; firm;
fancy, large, state, full cream, fall made,
10l4jfl0ic; fancy, small, state, full cream,
fall made, llugilHc: fancy, large, lato
made, best, 9c; fancy, small, lato made,
best, lOfllOtfc,
EGOS-Hccelpts, 2,093 pkgs,; firm; state
nnd Pennsylvania, 33034c; western, at
mnrk, 27iJ33c,
SUOAlt Itaw, easy: fair refining, 2!ie;
centrifugal, 96 test, 3c; molasses sugur,
2"iic; rcllncd, quiet; crushed, 5,15c; pow
dered, 4.75c; granulated, 4.65c.
COKKEE Easy: No. 7 Illo, 6Jc.
MOLASSES-Stendy: New Orleans, 37
POULTHY Alive, steady; springers, STf
9c; turkeys, lOfillc: fowls, lie: drrsed,
heavy; springers, 104flll',4c: fowls, 10llc;
turkeys, 13V4c
METALS Tho local market for pig tin
was sieauy, with a moderate business. The
bid price remained at $2.1.75. but the asked
prlco was reduced to S23.S5. At London
there wan a decline of 7s M, which closed
tho spot mnrkot there nt 101 10s and fu
tures nt 101 6s, Copper was unchanged
here, but quiet, with lako quoted at lll.L'Vi,
electrolytic 111 and casting at 110.75. The
London copper market closed 1 15s higher,
with spot nt 476s nnd futures at 17 12s
Cd. Lead wnn unchanged hero at II and
londou nt 1 7s Cd. Spelter was quiet and
unchanged here at 11.35. London was 3s
higher nt 16 15s. Tho European Iron mar
kets wero HtlfTer, with Olasgow closing at
49s 6d and Mlddlesbnrough nt 41s. Tho
local market wasqulet. Pig Iron warrants
wero quoted at Ill.005il2.00; No. 1 northern
foundry, I15.60W16.00; No. 2 northern foun
dry. lir..O0(R16.GO; No. 1 southern foundry,
I15.60fil6.00: No. 1 southern foiindrv. soft.
Condition of Trnde nnil Quotation
on Mtnplc nnd Fnncr Produce.
EGOS-Itecelpts, light: fresh stock. 23c.
LIVE I'OULTRY Hens, (Vric; old
roosters, 3Q4c: turkeys, 7Ji9c; ducks and
geese, 7j8c; spring chickens, per lb.,
DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, lCffl2c:
ducks, 9S10c: geese, oyiOc; spring chick
ens, 8(fiSc; lions, 7fl8c
BUTTER-Common to fnlr, llc; cholco
dairy. In tubs, 15rfl7r.; separator, 23a24c.
FROZEN FISH-Black, 18c: white
bass, 10c: blucflsh, 12c; bullheads, loo: blue
fins. 7c: buffaloes. 7c: catfish. 12c: cod. 10c:
cranplcs, lie: halibut, He; herring, 6c; had-'
dock, 9c: pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c; rut-
mon, i-c; sunusn, be; trout, tic; wnitensn,
8c: pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 20
35c: smelts. 10c.
OYSTERS Mediums, pr can, 22c: Stand
ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can,
S3c; New York counts, per can, 40c; bulk
Standards, per gul., Sl.20ml.25: bulk extra
selects, $l.(yK?1.65; bulk Now York counts,
per gal.. $1.76.
PIOEONS-Llve. per doz., 60c.
VEAL-Cholce, 6ji8c.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up
land, $9,' No. 2 upland, $8: medium, $7 50;
coarse, $7. Rye straw, $5.50. Theso prices
are for hay of good color and quality.
uemnna rnir. iicocipis, 1- cars.
CORN New, trtc; old, 64c
I'OTATOfJS Homo grown. $1: northern.
$l.(m; Salt Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10.
(JAltHUlH i'CT I1U., WiC.
BEETS Per -bu. basket, 30c.
TURN1P8-Pcr bu.. 60o: Rutabagas, ner
10O lbs., $1.2G.
PARHNIl'S I'cr bu., COC
CUCUMHERS-Hothouse, per doz., $175.
LETTUCE Head. Dcr bbl.. 16.50: hat.
house lettuce, per doz., 25c.
PARBLEY-Por doz., 25c.
jiAuiMiii'-H i:cr uoz., zic.
SWEET I'OTATOKS Homo crown, ner
lb., 2c: Kansas, per bbl.. $3.25.
CAU1JAUK Holland seed, crated, l&ic.
CAULIFLOWER-Per crate, $2.75.
ONIONS Spanish. Dor crate. $2: Mlchl.
Ban. red or yollow, 3c per lb.
ui'-i.i-jUi i.amornin. imiibc.
TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate.
APPLES Bon Davis, per bbl.. $1.00114.50:
Wlncsups, $5; Jonathans, $5.00; Bclleflowcrs,
per uox, i.i.
1'jAita viKers, ;.; iawrencc, $2.25
ORAPES Malagas, per .keg, $6.60n7.00.
CILVNBERUIES-Por bbl.. $7.60: ner
crate. $2.75.
NAVY BEANS Por hU.. 17.15.
ORANGES California navals. l2.73JT3.oa!
budded, $2.60.
LEMONS Fancy. t3.G04T3.75: choice. 13 no
BANANAS Per bunch, according to slse,
I2.2fra2.76. ,
FIGS California, now cartons, $1; Im.
ported, per lb., 12ftl4c.
DATES Persians. In 60-lb. boxes, ner Ih..
6c; Salr8a 6c.
NUTS New cron walnutic. No. 1 nft
shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc;
No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, tic;
uruziiH, jier id,, 11c; iiiperis, per in., IJC;
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa-
nuts, nor cwt., w; encstnuts, izc.
iJuiMisx rer .i-secnon case, w.w.
CIDER Nchawka. ner bbl.. 3"5; Nnw
York. $3.60.
POl'CORN Per lb., 6c.
No. 1 salted, 7?4c: No. 2 salted, 6;c; No. 1
veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c: No. 2 veil cnlf.
12 to 15 lbn 7c; dry hides. 8013c; sheep,
pens, 10c, norse niuee, n.ovu-..3.
St. Lonls (irnln and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 16. WHEAT Lower-
No. 2 rod. ensh. elevator. 86c: track. SSifH
8c; May, 86c; July, 80c; No. 2 hard, 79
toiiN-Lowcr no, 1 ensn, 62)ic; truck, 63
3Uc; May, 65Vic: July, G5c.
uAia-wwcr; iso. casn, 4M.c; track,
4Sff4Sc: May, 48c; July, 39c; No. 2
whlto, 4S4!c.
Jixiv f irm at uc.
FLOUR Dull: red winter patents. Jl.Oftffl
4.15; oxtra fancy and straight, $3.55Q3.70;
clears, $3.2503.40. '
annu -rimotny, nominal, $G.oo5j6.30.
CORNMEAL Steady, $3.25.
BRAN Dull, weak: sacked, cast track.
HAY Steady; timothy, $12.0Ofli6.0O;
pralrlo, $8.00ifll.(X).
i'iioviMiuis pork, Jower; lobbing,
$16.10. Lurd. better. $9.2214. Drv salt
mcnts (boxed), steady; extra shorts nnd
clear ribs, $8.62; clear sides, $8.83. Bacon
(ooxcu), steaay; cxira snorts, ju.&o; clear
ribs. $9.62; clear sides. $9.75.
WWBK.Y steady, $1.32.
METALS Lend, dull at $3.87mi3.90. Snel.
ter. dull nt $4.1504.17.
POULTRY-Bteady chickens, 7c; tur
keys. Sc; ducks. Sc: geeso, 6c.
BUTTER Steady: creamerv. ini?,r
dairy, 15ti20c. '
Kuus-Lowor at 23c.
RECEIITS-Flour. 6,000 bbls.: wheat. 11..
000 bu.; com. 114 ' bu.: onts, 61,000 bii.
SHlPMENTSTTilur, 7.000 bbls.; wheat.
65,000 bu.; corn, 87.0JO bu.; oats, 80,000 bu.
Kansas City t.riiln and PrnvUlons.
CORN-Janunry. Hle; May. C5V4c: ensh,
No. 2 mixed, 6i?4tiC5e; No. 2 whlto, 6S0J9c;
No. 3, tSc.
OATH NO. 2 white, 4SC.
RYE No. 2, 6lfjC5e.
HAY-Cholce timothy. $13.601711.00: cholco
prairie. $13.00.
BUTTER-Creamery, 18-5220; dnlry, fancy,
EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri and Knnsns
stock quoted on 'change at 23a doz., loss
off, cases returned; now whltowood cnees
Included. Ho more.
RECEIPTS Wheat, 20.SOO bu.; corn, 4S.800
uu.: oais, .'i.uiu ou.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 19.200 bu.: corn.
S9,60i) bu,; oats, 39.000 bu.
Minneapolis Wlient, Flour nnd llrnn.
Cash, 75ic; May. 7,6'.ii,f76V4c; July, 77V
77!c; on track, No, 1 hard, 77l4c; No.
northern. 75',c: No. 2 northern. 73W!??74c.
FLOUR First patents, $3.85'o"3.95; second
patents, t3.754ja.SO: first clears, $2.85&2.95;
second clears, $2.15.
BUAN-rln OU1K, $l.UKfflS..'J.
MlltvmiUre (irnln Mnrket,
ket lower: No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 north'
crn. 757Cc; May, 80c.
RYE Iower: No. 1. 64c.
BARLEY Dropping; No. 2, C5fi63U0; sum-
pin. KTtIC.
CORN May, Q3Kc
Philadelphia Produce Mnrket.
Steady, fair demand; fancy western cream
erv. 2le: fancy nearby prints. 27c
EGGS 1c lower: fresh nearby, 29c; fresh
western, 29c; fresh southwestern, 29c; fresh
southern, iic.
Liverpool Grnln nnd Provisions.
steady; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s 2d
No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 2d; No. 1 Call
7Sc: July. 78c; cash, No, 2 hard, 76u;
No. 3, 77c: No. 2 red, SSQWc; No, 3, 8608Sc;
No. 2 snrlnc. 74'..ffi75c.
fornla. 6s 6d. Futures, steady; March, 6s
2d; May, 6.2d.
CORN Spot American mixed, new, no
stock; American mixed, old, quiet at 6s 7d,
Futures, steady: February, 6s3Ud; March,
6s2Hd; May, 6s2d.v
PROVISIONS Lard, American refined, In
pnlls, 4Ss; prlmo western, dull, 47s Pd.
Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., dull,
40s C1; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs, 39s
9d, short ribs, qulot, 41s 6d; clear bellies,
51s. Tallow, prime city, strong, 30s Cd.
Toledo (irnln nnd Seed,
TOLEDO. Jan. 16.-WHEAT-Weak nnd
lower; cash, ssc; May, 87?c; July, 82Hc
CORN January, 62c; May, 6IVic; July,
OATS January, 47c; May, 46c; July, 4tc
SEED Clover, Januury, $5.95; March, $6.
Duluth (irnln Mnrl.ct.
DULUTH, Jan. 16.-WHEAT-Cash, No.
1 hard, 77?4C! No. 2 northern, 72c; No, 1
northern, 74ic; May, 77)4c; July, 7s)ie.
ScIIIiik U Very l.lKht nnd Mnrkct In
SIiikrIsIi All Dny.
NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-The strength
which developed In yesterday's stock mar
ket failed to porsltt today. With the urg
ent demand from the shorts satisfied, tho
buying became sympathetic. Tho selling
wns very light, but wus not well ubsorbed
and the market moved In 11 sluggish und
Irregular wiy nil day. (Tho rather ncuto
weakness which wns manifest earlier In
tho week was not renewed and thero
was somo appearance of support on the
declines. This and the positive, strength of
a few stocks In tho list steadied the tono
after declines hud reached considerable
figures and resulted In recoveries. The
guncrul level of prices did not get fur
from last night's level on tho recovery
and tho market bucamo Irregular again at
tho closing. Thero Is an element among
stock operators which holds tho theory
that largo reserves of cupltal nre In the
hands ot Investors ready to flow Into se
curities the moment tho downward course
of prices Is seen to havo gone far enough.
This class hoped that the support af
forded tho market yesterday would re
solvo tho doubts of tho owners of this
waiting capital, and that It would flow
Into tho stock market, but tho commis
sion houses this morning failed to reflect
nny notable Increase In their orders for
execution. Tho opening advance quickly
came to a standstill. Sharp weakness In
Manhattan helped the reactionary tone,
that stock dropping during tho morning
to 13174. Speculators In the stock hnvo
been fed with the hope that an arrange
ment for nn interchange of traffic, with
the New York Central was Impending as
a consequence of the disaster In the Park
avenue tunnel. As yesterday's statement
by tho New York Central directors of
their pluns for terminal Improvements
travo no corroboration to tho reported
plan for interchange with Manhattan, that
stock was sold freely by tho speculators.
There wus much discussion In 11 gcncrul
way of the recent new bond and stock
Issues by various railroad companies nnd
tho effect of this discussion was unfn'or
ablo to speculation. Recent heavy out
lays by railroad companies from tho largo
current profits wero btipposcd to be a fore
stallmcnt of necessary changes for bettor-'
ments and to promise future curtnllment
of expenses nnd tho consequent mainten
ance of net prollt In future periods of less
prosperity. Tho current tendency to In
crease capital Issues has disturbed this
feeling or security over tho future. Tho
process of piling up reserves In tho New
York banks which seems to havo gained
much headway during tho week, failed
entirely to stimulate speculation.
The money market continued easy nnd
sterling exchango showed no advance. Tho
mnlntcnco by tne Bank of Englnud of Its
4 per cent discount rato may bo regarded
as a fair notice of Its Intention to attempt
to lift tho open mnrket rate. Tho bank's
reserve Is very utrong and the market
Is practically freo of Indebtedness to the
Institution, which would prompt Its gov
ernors In their capacity as private bank
ers to lower tho rato and secure business,
but In their Hcml-nubltc ennucttv nnd In
looking to tho government loan It may be
Incumbent on them to take mensurcs to
attract foreign h'old to the English money
market. Thero wns somo special strength
In toduy's market by southwestern railroad
stocks, notably In the St. Louis Southwcst
erns, tho St. Louis & San Francisco and
tho Texas & Pacific stocks. Sugur also
showed strength.
liomiH werb moucrniciy nciivo anu nrm
r. Total sales, par value. $3,100,000. United
States bonds were all unchanged on tho
last call.
The following ure mo closing prices on
tho New xors. uiqck exenanga
76U So. .Pacific
'I71-. Sn 1!nllnnv
, 19
, 2S
, 19
, 40
ao pai
Baltimore & O..
,102 do pfd ,
, 1) iTex. & Pacific.
,113iiTol., St. L. & W.
, 85 do pfd
, ISSi Union Pacific ...
, 34Vi' do pfd
, 76 Wabash
, 60',i do pfd
, 75 W. & L. E
.131 do 2d pfd
, 22-);Wls. Central ....
,84 I do pfd
, 43 Adams Ex
,201 American Ex....
Ifviti IT. S. Ki
do nfd
Canadian Pac...
Canada So ,
Chen. & Uhio....
Chlcugo & A
Chi. Bid. & L...,
do pfd
Chi. & E. III....
Chicago G. W...,
do 1HI piu
do 2d pfd
Chicago & N. W
(j n. 1. Ac 1....
Chi. Ter. & Tr..
do pfd 1..
C. C. C. & St. I,
, 17 iolls. Fargo Ex
, ;i2 Amal. Copper .,
. 95W Amcr. Car & F.
. 69
- 28
. 85
. 1U
Colorado ho
. 31 do pfd
do 1st pru
do 2d Pfd
GO ,Amor. Lin. Oil..
28 do pfd
17n Amor K X. It
- 47
. 45
. 964
Del. & Hudson..
Del. I,. Kc V...
.2564l do pfd
. 42 Anac. Mln. Co...
. 91 Brooklyn R. T..
,. 89fi Colo. Fuel & 1..
. 71 Con. Gns
Den. & R. G...
do Pfd
do 1st lira....
do 2(1 Pfd
Ot. wor. PIU...
Hock. Valley .
lSlWGen. Electric ...
. tWU Glucoso Sugur .,
. ic Hocking Coal ..
.13 Inter. Paper ....
. :i774 . lo pfd
. 71 Inter. Power ...
do pin
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ...
. ID
. 87
do piu
Lnko Erio & W
. 65 Laclede Gas
.12J Nn. Biscuit
,101'Natlonal Lead .,
..135 iNntionul Salt ...
,.160 do nfd
. 26 No. American...
,. UK- Pacific ConHt ...
. 01
do nfd
. 11
. 16
. 30
. IU
. S
. 72
L. & N
Manhattan L...
Met. St. Ry
Mox. Central ..
Mex. National
Minn. & Ht.
101 Paclllc Mall ....
,100, People's Gas ...
, 25 Pressed S. Car.
, '! nW
lsl ullnjnn P. Car
,163 Republic Steel..,
, o5i do nfd
. 46
. 99
. 40
Mo. l'ncilic
M K. & T
do Pfd
N. J. Central...
N. Y. Central...
. 16H
NorfoiK Ac v..
do pfd
. 92 iSugar
. Tenn. Coal & I.
. lv,i
Ontario & W....
1. 6'-?
Pennsylvania ..
.nvi, union nag Ac I',
.61 do pfd
. 1 U. 8. Leather...
. 61 do pfd
. 63 U. S. Rubber...,
. 86 do pfd ,
. 73 U. 8. Rteel
. 26 do pfd ,
. 59 Western Union.
,1C2 Amer. Locomo.,
.187 do pfd ,
. 13
. 72
do ist piu
do 2d nfd
,. 11
. Kl'i
. 91
. 91
. 31
. 91
St. L. & S. V..
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. L. SouthW..
do nfd
St. Paul ........
do pfd
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says: Tho settlement
mnlnly In South Africans was heavier to
day than since tho time or the African
boom In 1895. As a result tho Stock ex
change wns too busy to transact fresh
business until tne atternoon, wnen tne
African boom wus renewed, being en
couraged by a rumor that tho British gov-
criiment lias oecn controlling ino unpo
cublo for twenty-four hours In connection
with nenco negotiations. The cable office
contradicts the report and Dutch papers
ullege mat tne premier s visit is personal
und not In connection with peace negotia
tions. Nevertheless consols spurted to
94. Rio tlntos Jumped on an ndvanee of
'i in tne metai. ine copper iorinigntiy
statement shows a decrease In stocks of
288 tons and an Increase In supplies of
sixty-two. tons, tho American department
was thoroughly neglected.
Boston Stock (tiintntlons.
BOSTON, Jan. 16,-Call loans, 4l3o per
cent; tlmo lonus, 405 per cent. Official
w v. n. & c
57 Bingham
76Cal. Ac Hecla....
97 Centennial
262 Copper Raugo ..
16.1! Dom. Coal
211 Franklin
143 Isle Rnyalo
,101 Mohawk
26 Old Dominion ..
12J Osceola
139 1 Parrot
, 24 Qulncy
, 33 Jsanta Fe Cop...
93 iTamurack .......
, 5 Trlmountaln ....
do piu ,
Boston Ac A
Boston Kiev
N Y. N II Ac H..,
l.-ltnhhiirir nfd ...
Union Pacific...
Mex. Central ..
Amer. Sugar ...
Amor. T. & T...
Tlrtrw 1 .C. R
Mass. Electric ..
do pia
V I."! n a- 11...
United Fruit ....
wa Trinity
42 United States ..
U. n. Steel
do pfd..........
Amalgamated ..
nnnk Clearings,
OMAHA, Jan. 10. Bnnk clearings today,
$1,265,732.72; corresponding day last year,
$1,161,571.70; Increase, $104,161.02.
CHICAGO, Jnn. 16.-Clearlngs. $17,3S0.190:
balances, $2,193,732: posted exchange, $4.8a
for sixty days, $1.88 on demand; New York
exchange. 30o premium.
NEW YORK. Jan. Hl.-Clcnrlngs, $327,795,
150; balances. $12,501,5.12.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 16. Clearings. $8,987,393;
balances. $799,498; exchange on New York,
U)o premium.
V?26,Oi2; balances, $3,131,353; money, S per
BOSTON, Jan. 16.-Clearings, t2D.lO0.C00;
balances, $1,921, 4S5.
. BALTIMORE, Jan. 16.-Clearlngs, $4,669,
517V,l'.n "Sy'I'J..MSJ money, 5 per cent.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 16.-Clcarings, $3,500.
400; money, 4ti6 per cent; New York ex
change, par.
eir York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Jan. I6.-MONEY-O11 call,
steady at 3Q4 per cent; closed offered
at 4 per cent. nrlm,. mxrrnntlln inner. Mt
5 per cent.
HiiiuijiiNU EXCHANGE Firmer, with
actual business In bankers' bills nt $1.87
4.s7 for demand nnd $l.8IH94.8l for sixty
days; posted rules, $1.85 and $I.SS; commer
clul bills. $l.83g4.83.
SILVEIl Bar. fHn- Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, steady; state, In
active; railroad, firm.
The doling quotations on bona ar
U. 8. 2s. reg KS
L. Ac N. unl. 4s. ..101
Mex. Central 4s.. ir.'-'K
do Is Inc 31
M. Ac St. L. 4 101
M.. K. & T. 4s... 9S
do 2s 83
N. Y. Central ls.102
do gen. 3s 108
N. J. C. gen. 5s.. 101
No. Pacific 4s... .1014
do 3s 74 Vt
N. & W. con. 4s. 102
Reading gen. 4s.. 9$
St L & I M c. 68.117
St L Ar S F 4s. ...100
St. L. SouthW. Is.
do 2s 79
8 A Ac A P 4s.... 87
Ho. Pacific 4s.... 93
So. Railway 6s.. 119
Tex. Ac Pacific ls.lli
T, St L Ac W 4s.. n.1
Union Pacific 4s.loi4
do conv. 4s 105
Wabash Is 118
do 2s 111
do deb. B 6S
West Shoro 4s. ...112
W. & L. E. 4s... 32
Wis. Central 4s.. SS
Con. Tob. Is 65H
do co
do 3s
do coupon 10
do coupon lOSft
do new 4s, reg .1W
In old 4s. r'e'ir!tflll?
do coupon lllji
do 5s, reg 106'
Atchison gen. Is.iiwU
do adj. 4s 92
Bal. & Ohio 4s. ...103
in rnnnnti .ld.ii
do m '.i.i
Art rnnv. Ja KAAi
Canada So. 2s. ...109)4
Cent, of Go. 08...IO1
do Is Inc., i
dies. & O. 4s..llK
Chi. & A. 3s.... 81
C, B & q n. 4s. (. 96
C, M k H P g. 48.110(4
C. R. I. As P. IS.lOu'.i
cr.n & s 1, c. im.ioi
Chicago Ter. 4s.. s7
i;oioraiio ho. is., si.'
II. A, 11. M. im llllli
Erie prior 1. 4s.... 99
no general 48... xsv.
W. & D. C. ls.lw
lock. Vat. 4s..l07
London Stock notations.
LONDON, Jan. 16. 4 p. m.-ClosIng:
Consols, money. 94 5-16;
Norfolk & West.
: 8I
. 76
. 28
. 41H
. 31
. 33
. 9)
. 61
. 91
. 224
. 43
. 77T4
. 11
. 424
do account. . .91 7-lB do nfd
Anaconda 6 No. Pacific pfd,,
Atchison 78 Ontario Ac West
'do prd 100 Pennsylvania ..
Baltimore & O...105 Heading
Canndlan Paclllc.117 do 1st pfd,...
Chesapeake AV O. 4tJl do 2d pfd,...,
uuicago u. v,..,, Bouinern tty....
C, M. & St. P.... 166l do pfd
Denver & R. G.. 4.lf(. Ho. Pacific
do Pfd Mil. Union Pnclllc
une 41 do pfd
do 1st pfd 74 U. 8. Steel
do 2d nf.l &x .In nfil
Illinois Central. ..142 Wabash
Louis. & Nash. ..107' do ptd
M.. K. & T ISM Snnnlsh 4s
do prd 54 IRand Mines
N. Y. Central. ..167 iDeBecrs
BAR SILVER-Stcady nt 25Sj1 per ounce.
MONEY 2ffr2U ner cent. TheT rato of dis
count In the opened market for short bills
Is 3 Per cent and for thrrf. months' bills
3U3 1-16 per cent.
.cv York MlnlnK Stocks.
NEW YORK. Jnn. 16. Tho fnllowlnir nr
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con 2)
Alice 45
Little Chief ...
.. 10
.. 6
,.. 18
,,. S
.. 18
.. :w
Brcecc hi
Brunswick Con.. 9
Sierra Nevada
Small Hones ..
Com. Tunnel 6
Con. Cnl. & V11..IIO
Dciidwood Tcrrn. M
Horn Sliver 165
Iron Silver tVJ
Lendvillo Con.... C
1'orelKii Flnnnelnl,
t n vnn v t ,. .. 1 c..i . .
Increased tho demand today, nnd the plen
tltude wcukened discounts. Business on
tho Stock exchange opened cheerfully, but
theru wero few transactions. It was tho
busiest settlement pay dny In tho last thrco
years, owing to the Kafllr revival. Conse
quently the Kafllr section was much less
crowueu anu tne activity tncro was less
keen than for the last threo days. Never
theless, tnero wns a strong undertone, anu
tho leudlng shares were higher. Rami
shares were In request. Consols wero firm
on persistent peace talk., Brazilians hard
cued. Home rails wero generally sup-
iiorii'u. mcricunB puiuivu nrm ui pamy.
Improved somewhat, became inactive nnd
Irregular later und closed quiet and steady.
illo tlntos were in uelter demand, uopper
wns firmer. There was fair trade In the
decrease In the Liverpool and Swansea
stocks by 680 tons and the metal closed
strong at 474. Gold premiums nt Rome,
1.87. Bullion amounting to 225,000 wns
withdrawn from the Bank of England on
balance today for shipment to Germany.
Gold premium at Buenos Ayrcs, 131.10. Gold
pars, i iti iuvju. American engies, dts ;m.
PARIS, Jan. 16. Prices opened firm on
the bourse today. Late realizations caused
n reaction nnd the close, of the market was
firm. Rentes wero dull. Spanish 4s com
menced firm nnd finished easier. Russian
Industrials were lower, Rio tlntos mado a
good recovery and closed very firm on large
purchases for London account. DcBeers
were offered during tho day, but after the
closo of regular business they were In ac
tive demand, Kaffirs participating in the
movement. The private rate of discount
was unchanged today at 2 13-16 per cent.
Tho weekly statement of tho Bank of
Franco shows these changes: Notes In
circulation, Increuse, 3.'l,800,000f ; trensury
nccounts current, decrease, 7,200,OOOr; gold
In hand, decreased 3,4O0,O00r: bills dis
counted, decreased 1.826,o00f; silver In hand,
decreased 375,O00f. Threo per cent rentes,
lOOf 40c for the nccount; exchnngo on Lon
don. 25f 12c for checks; Spnnlsh 4s, 78.32.
BERLIN, Jan. 16. Internationals wero
f;enerally firm on the bourse todny. Spnn
sh 4s nnd Chinese were In good demand.
Home funds wero maintained. Tho sub
scription list for the now series opened
Jnnunry 22. Locals were quiet. CaBh In
dustrials wero strong, Exchango on Lon
don, 20m42pfgs, for checks. Discount
rates: Short bills, 2 per cent; three months'
bills, 2 per cent.
CALCUTTA, Jan. I6.-TI10 rate of dis
count of the Bnnk of Denial was toduy
raised from 6 to 7 per cent.
Condition ot the Trensnry.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 16.-Todny's state
ment of the trensury balances In tho gen
ural fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption.
shows: Available cash balances, $170,953,
900; gold, $103,669,583.
Cotton Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Jnn. 16,-COTTON-Spot
closed quiet: middling upland, 8c: mid
dling gulf, 8 fi-lGc: sales, 105 bales. Futures
closed very steady: January, 8.03c; Febru
ary. S.09c; March, 8.14c: April, 8.1!)o; May,
8.22c; June, 8.23c. July. S.25c: August, 8.10c;
September, 7,78c; October, 7.72c.
Spot, firm: sales. 10.100 bales: ordinary.
6 9-16c; good ordinary, 71-16c; low middling,
-iL'n, .hI.i.iii.... t ie 1
7141., lUIWWIIIIK, I IU-1UU, KUlfll III1UU11IIK,
8 3-16c; middling fair. 8c; receipts, 12.60)
bales; stock, 375,397 balos. Futures, quiet
and steady: January, 7.93fT7.96c: February,
7.95517.97c; March. 8.01f8.02c; April, 8.0l1i
8.06c; May, 8.10g8.11c; Juno, 8.l3S.16c; July,
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 16.-COTTON-8toady;
sales, 200 bales: middling. 715-16c; receipts,
4,240 bales; shipments, 4,188 bales; stock,
54.162 bales.
steady at 8c.
moderate business, prices high; American
middling fair, 4 31-32d; good middling,
4 3-16d; ordinary. 4c. The sales of tho
day wero 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for
speculation and export, and Included 7,100
American. Receipts were 11.000 bales, In
cluding 13.800 American. Futures opened
firm and closed quiet; American middling,
g. o. c, Jnnunry. 4 32-6ld, buyers; January
Februnry, 4 32-6ld, sellers: February-March,
4 3t-644 32-64d, sellers; March-April. 4 31-64
f4 32-64d. sellers; April-May, 4 31-6W4 32-61d;
May-June, 4 :il-0lff 32-64(1, buyers; Juno
July. 4 31-6ljn 32-61(1, buyers: July-August.
4 31-6lffl 32-61(1. buyers: August-September,
4 27-6U1. sellers; September-October, 4 18-6ld,
Ernpornted nnd Dried Fruits.
APPLES Tho market Is steady on a small
Jobbing trade and prices are unchanged
for all grades. State, common to good, 7
Sc; prime, 9Q9ic; choice, 901Oc; fancy,
and firm, but without special feature, and
show no quotablo change for the moment,
Prunes. 3;i7c. Apricots, Royal, 10ft Uc:
Moor Park, 9ifI13c. Peaches, peeled, 16f
20c; unpceled, 7V412c.
Simnr Mnrkct.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 16.-8UOAR-Markct
quiet; open kettle. 3fl3Hc; open
kettle centrlfugnl, 2ti3 3-16c; rontrlfugal
grnnulnted. 4j4 3-16o; white, 3if?3 11-HWi;
yellow, 203 9-16o; seconds. 1i?3e. Mo.
lasses, dull; open kettle. 9f?25c: centrifugal.
6015c. Syrup, dull, W22c. All molnsses
and syrup nrrlvlng affected by frost.
NEW YORK, Jnn. 16,-8UOAR-Raw.
easy; fair rollnlng, 2c: centrlfugnl, !6
test, 3c, Molasses sugar, 2c. Refined,
Libtral JUcilpU f Otttl Mad lijtn
lathtr Btariib
Demand for Sheep nnd Lnmlis at This
Point Sufllclcut to Hold the .Mnrket
About Stcndy In Spite of
Lower Prices In Chlcngo.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Ottlclul Monday 4,210 4,f42 l.'.nO
Ohlclal Tuesday 4,OUi 7,204 4,33
Ottlclul Wednesday 3,10) 8,UU 2,9la
Utticlul Thursduy 3,Uli Iu,i98 2,2i8
Four days this week ..lhfiTi 31,387 11,575
Same lust week. .13,36 'Jl.tVi 7,a4J
Jiamo week before 10,30 32,428 ,bOS
Same threo weeks ago.. 6,466 24,814 4,2a:
Same four weeks ago. .14,088 42,i97 9,387
aunio uays last ycur ,.ll,n4 31,13a lo,ib0
Average prlco paid for hogs ut South
Omaha tho past several days with com
parisons' Uate! I 1902. 1901.lOO.l893.llS9J.l!7.l)l9.
Jan. 1...
Jan. 2..,
Jan. 3...
6 20 I
0 22
6 18
6 2S-?4
4 95
4 21
3 42
3 18
3 49
3 43
i 46
3 tl
4 33
4 29
3 67
2 57
3 17,
4 95
6 02
b 04
6 06
3 48
3 4l
Jan. 4...
4 27
4 37
3 41
Jan. 6...
3 47
3 351
3 27
Jan. ti....
6 23
4 35
4 34
4 38
3 48
3 39
3 2 3 53
Jan. 7..,.
Jan. 8....
Jan. 9....
B 10
3 42
3 W
3 43
3 18
3 48
0 vj
6 15
6 06
3 12
3 14
3 46
3 ut
3 b
3 51
6 14
3 45
Jan. 10...
6 13 6 25
4 35
3 601 3 43
3 651 3 291
3 60 3 47
3 b5 3 49
3 601 3 4
3 52
Jan. 11...
Jan. 12...
6 044
5 23
3 071
0 li,
3 14
3 09 3 47
3 ltij 3 53
3 26 1 3 59
3 23 3 66
Jan. 13...
Jan. 11...
6 12
5 16
Jan. 15.
Jan. 16.
6 204
3 .6,
4 681
I 6 27
4 62
Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday.
Tho official number of enrs of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cnttle. Hoes. ShccP.H'r's.
C. M. & St. P 6 6
O. & St. L 2 4...,
Missouri Pacific 2 8
Union Pnclllc System 16 22 2 1
C. & N. W 15 9 4
1' ., K. Ac M. V 30 35 2
C. St. P.. M. & O.... 31 10
B. Ac M 2S 21 3
C, B. Ac Q 16 8 4
V., It. 1. Ac 1, cast.. 10 11 .. 1
C R. 1. & P., west.. 1 1
Illinois Central 3 4
Total receipt 169 139 15 2
The disposition of tho i.'.v'h receipts wns
aa follows, each buyer purchasing tho num-
uer 01 ncuu indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hons. Sheen.
Omaha Packing Co 473 1,153
u. 11. iiammoiui lo
Swift and Company 7o) 2,711 1,040
Cudahy Pncktng Co 709 2.975 l.tul
Armour & Co 430 3,!5o 230
11. uecKcr Ac ucgnn 1
Vunsant & Co 3
Lobman & Co 66
Hill Ac Huntzlnger 3f
winiam 'underwood 68
Livingstone Ac Schullcr.. 118 .... . ....
L. F. Husz 37
H. U Dennis & Co 31
Carey Ac Benton Ill
B. F. Hobblck 26
Other buyers 317
Total 3,813 10,689 2,271
CATTIJ2 Receipts of entile were heavier
today than anticipated, and as 11 result
buyers started In from the beginning to
uuy their supplies for less money than
they did yesterduy. In some cases they
succeeded while In others they did not, so
uiui mo murKei on 1111 grades, uoin good
nnd bad. wus rather uneven. Another
beur fcuturc wns tho reports from Chicago
showing u decline In prices nt that point
on ull but thu very best grudes, amount
ing to 6 10c. Tho market wus not very
active here, but still tho bulk of thu
offerings was out of first hands In fairly
good season.
Tho market on cornfed steers could be
quoted all the way from steady to a dime
lower. The decline wus not contlned to
nny one grade, but was uneven on nil
Kiuus. liuyers tried to uuy uvcrytning
lower, but in a good many Instances they
paid steady prices for what they got.
They seemed to be anxlouB tor cattle, and
the more desirable grades changed hands
quite rapidly, but conditions were against
seiiers anu in a goou many ensos tney
had to shade prices.
The cow market was also uneven. The
better grades sold at Just nbout steady
prices and tho medium and can hers sold
steady to u dime lower, liuyers tried to
pound the market, but they evidently
wanted what was offered, ana ns a result
they had to pay steady prices In a good
many cases.
Tho feeling on bulls wns also rather
weak except whero tho quultty was very
good, and the 'uamo was true ot stags.
eul calves sold In Just about yesterday's
There were very few stockcrs and feed
era on sale this morning and anything
good sold at Just about steady prices.
Tho common kinds, however, wero neg
lected and hard to move, tho same an Is
generally tho case. Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 920 2 30 11. , 1063 4 SO
1 820 2 S3 21 1028 4 85
1 820 3 0) 20 1061 5 00
3 833 3 00 12 983 6 00
1 730 3 25 33 1249 6 05
6 680 3 60 . 20 uVt 6 10
1 1050 4 00 20 1198 5 10
1 800 4 00 40 1091 5 10
1 940 4 25 22 1087 6 10
22 928 4 30 11 1228 5 20
880 4 35 19 1185 5 20
6 1010 4 3.1
22 824 4 45
1 1160 4 50
16 925 4 60
24 963 4 60
6 1061 4 65
2 915 4 65
4 1037 4 70
2 1335 4 75
22 1100 4 75
11 1030 4 75
23 1065 4 75
973 6 20
8 .-.1150 6 25
23 1119 5 35
S(! 1390 5 40
2 950 5 60
3 1359 6 65
40 1266 5 60
10 1197 6 60
34 1255 6 70
17 1244 6 85
16 1306 6 95
4 1400 6 00
24 1086 4 80
9 755 4 30 20 923 4 73
22 1100 4 40 9 1054 4 85
11 932 4 43 13 962 4 95
20 838 4 50 16 1006 5 00
17 862 4 65 6 1124 6 10
9 1040 4 65 32 1128 6 15
16 1086 4 70 10 1157 6 30
1 830 2 00 3 1010 3 45
6 946 2 10 16 1001 3 45
6 786 2 15 3 953 3 60
8 934 2 25 2 900 3 60
4 900 2 30 2 1310 3 60
12 972 2 40 1 1040 3 60
3 846 2 40 12 1115 3 50
4 775 2 40 14 1097 3 63
2 925 2 40 4 1042 3 60
37 779 2 45 1 1170 3 60
1 710 2 60 18 909 3C0
1 720 2 50 12 970 3 60
1 860 2 50 8 1048 3 60
6 993 2 50 1 930 3 70
1 670 2 50 2 1240 3 75
1 700 2 60 12 968 3 73
1 1040 2 50 1 1150 3 76
6 741 2 60 9 1147 3 75
13 980 2 60 4 802 3 75
8 950 2 65 4 1162 3 80
6 918 2 65 3 1166 3 85
7 960 2 65 1 1300 3 90
10 . 873 2 70 10 1033 3 85
1 1040 2 75 2 1080 3 85
8 912 2 80 6 1128 3 S3
6 1000 2 S5 10 1033 3 85
6 860 2 85 11 1041 3 90
6 1012 2 90 18 lmi 4 00
8 975 2 90 2 1320 4 00
1 830 2 90 4 1112 4 00
6 970 2 90 1 1030 4 00
1 410 3 00 6 131)0 4 00
1 1030 3 00 18 1001 4 00
2 1015 3 00 17 917 4 10
7. 1117 3 05 9 1088 4 10
12 1125 3 10 6 1045 4 10
1 963 3 10 1 1180 4 10
1 1120 3 10 4 1130 4 10
1 1040 3 10 17 1081 4 15
8 930 3 20 2... 1081 4 15
1 780 3 20 13..'. uto 4 20
9 1025 3 20 13 1043 4 25
20 865 3 20 2 1000 4 25
6 1015 3 20 1 1080 4 25
4 902 3 25 1 US0 4 25
1 820 3 25 1 810 4 25
1 1000 3 25 3 976 4 25
4 902 3 25 1 1420 4 35
2 1010 3 25 13,. 1155 4 65
16 940 3 30 7 11.11 4 00
1 1260 3 35 2 1430 4 60
14 867 3 35 3 1353 4 6,1
9 1050 3 35 1 U50 6 10
1 1020 3 40
2 760 3 00 26 765 3 65
15 809 3 15 1 1130 4 25
1 760 3 25 1 1040 4 3J
1 900 3 25 24 961 4 45
2 1660 2 40 2 1335 3 60
1 1230 2 65 1 1580 3 50
1 1350 2 85 1 1870 3 60
1 ,..,.1280 2 90 1 1400 3 60
1 1280 3 00 1 1460 3 C5
1 1260 3 00 1 1490 3 70
1 890 3 00 1 16i 3 70
11 847 3 00 1 1610 3 75
1 1100 3 25 1 .,.1640 3 80
1 1430 3 25 1 990 4 00
2 725 3 35 1 1270 4 00
1 910 3 33 1 1410 4 00
1 1140 3 40 1 1350 4 00
1 14 a 40 1 650 i 23
1 1640 3 50 1 1670 4 60
1 1130 3 60
1 3M 4 00 2 190 6 25
1 230 6 00 2 205 6 25
1 110 6 00 1 100 6 60
1 1P0 6 00 1 M70 6 60
2 170 6 O) 2 160 6 50
13 193 6 00
4 95.0 2 10 3 576 2 75
1 63i) 2 50 1 1090 3 00
3 713 2 60 6 76S 3 25
2 600 2 75 2 12C6 3 25
3 246 2 60 2 430 3 GO
1 350 3 00 1 360 4 25
1 390 3 25
1 1360 3 25
2 50) 2 25 6 612 3 60
5 662 2 75 19 890 3 70
1 810 2 75 65 612 3 75
2 765 2 75 3 (9 3 M)
6..., 600 2 75 11 839 3 80
3 743 3 00 9 64S 3 85
2 (V0 3 40 2 620 4 00
41 741 3 60 24 1022 4 45
2 865 3 60 62 1080 4 ft)
12 750 3 60 7 .1037 I 70
1 760 3 60
HOGS There was a liberal run of hogs
hero tcdny and ns nil other markets were
quoted lower prices hero took a drop. The
general mnrket could safely be quoted fully
10c lower on ull but tho-best heavyweights
nnd they sold mostly steady to 5c lower.
Tho quality nnd weight of the hos hero
today was much better than yesterday, so
that tho market on paper dors not show
ns much of a decline ns It would It tho
quality was the Bume aa It was yesterday.
Tho better weight hogs sold largely from
$6.25 to $6.60. Medium weights sold mostly
from $6.10 to $6.25 nnd the lighter loads
went from $6.10 down. It wus not what
would bo called an actlvo market, but still
the bulk of tho offerings was disposed of
In fulrly good season. Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr,
16 96 ... 5 25 90 199 ... 6 10
84 176 ... 6 00 72 189 ... 6 10
60 166 40 6 00 69 2Wt ... rt 10
105 180 ... 6 05 Kl 232 ... 6 12
75 19S 40 6 03 M 0 ... 6 12
93 180 ... 6 03 Ml 210 ... 6 12
9 190 ... 6 10 S3 211 40 6 12
H Kl 12 69 211 40 6 12i
21 40 6 2 71 "to ... fi i:
S &7 JS SI 57 i -
j iv u .v 4 223 ... t l.'i
' 210 6 20 79 221 40 6 15
Sj ;1 $ 5 81 211 80 6 15
-1 20) ... b 2o 71 1 9 ... r, 13
77 251 SO 30 In V 15
38 425 160 6 35
70 207 ... 6 15
3" 93 ... 5 25
87 112 ... 6 35
90 Ut ... 5 SO
88 13S 40 5 60
79 151 40 5 90
101 170 80 6 90
30 158 ... 6 90
67 161 ... 6 95
95 176 40 S 93
M 171 ... 6 95
92 175 ... 6 00
100 175 ... 6 0.)
63 193 ... 6 00
70 ISO ... COO
86 150 ... 6 ()
102.i.,.lS0 ... 6 00
20 175 ... 6 00
92 183 ... 6 00
69 196 81) 6 (O
ft) 169 ... 6 021-
32 176 ... 6 05
65 183 ... 6 05
75 181 80 0 05
95 191 120 6 05
69 179 ... 6 05
78 195 40 6 05
85 IM) ... C or.
71 220 ... 6 15
64 214 40 6 15
71 206 80 6 15
65 226 SO 6 15
75 235 80 6 17
61 211 40 6 20
65 210 ... 6 20
61 213 80 6 TO
63 242 40 6 20
63 237 ... 6 20
73 222 40 6 20
88 225 ... 6 20
73 2.13 40 6 20
SO 220 80 6 20
70 225 ... 6 20
71 227 ... 6 2i)
40 223 ... 6 20
66 257 ... 6 2214
67 273 80 6 25
65 2ft) ... 6 25
63 251 40 6 25
(3 290 ... 6 35
10 307 ... 6 25
00 257 120 6 23
67 26i) 120 6 25
M 261 220 6 25
75 240 80 6 25
84 209 ... 6 07W 79 212 M) R T.
J?. ?8 ... 6 10 68 230 0 6 27
S J 6 10 20 236 ... 6 30 s
2? 201 ... 10 33 266 ... 6 3,)
& 199 160 6 10 64 291 40 6 30
IK 120 6 10 65 293 ... C 30
?.! 2'8 SO 6 10 46 230 ... 6 35
?K 6 10 30 273 ... 6 3T.
55 "7 ... 6 10 13 311 ... 6 35
J? ?57 ... fi 10 48 320 320 6 35
9 198 2S0 6 10 68 278 160 6 33
" 80 6 10 61 26!) ... 6 40
? "J 160 6 10 54 312 ... 6 40
J? J96 .. 6 10 55 291 SO 6 40
i 188 40 6 10 63 280 ... 6 45
i ???, 40 6 10 67 314 ... 6 43
? 2 ... 10 4S 355 ... 6 60
80.. ....210 200 6 10 CO 503 SO 6 10
SHEEP Thero wero not ns many sheep
on sale today qs thero wero yesterday, so
.A.!"0 ""nrkot held right closo to steady
nt this point In splto of tho ract that Chl
cugn was reported weak to n dimo 'lower.
Prices havo gono down quite rapidly In
Chicago this week, but thero has been a
good steady market hero all tho week, so
that prices are higher hero than In Chi
cago. Tho quality of tho offerings wns
nothing extra today, so that the market
does not look particularly high on paper.
Thero weto some yearling wethers, how
ever, good enough to bring $5.00. About
tho only weakness vlslblo today was on
heavy wethers, but there was but a slight
change from yesterday In tho prices paid.
Very few feeders woro on sale today, tho
same as has been the caso for somo tlmo
past, and tho markot could be quoted
n 1 euu j t
li'lriS Rood ewes, $3.60(83.75: common ewes.
$2.75f?3.60; cholco lambs, $5.766.10; fair to
good lambs, $5.50ffl6.75: feeder wethers, till
e3.00; feeder lambs, $3.50iJ4.00. Representa
tive sales:
No. av. Tr.
10 Dakoti cull owes 75 1 60
2 cull owes 105 2 50
i ducks 1.Y1 3 60
1 JJUKOia ewo SO 3 75
113 Dakota ewes 83 3 75
90 western ewes 104 4 00
252 cull lambs 65 4 00
22 we&tem ewes 114 4 01)
3 wethers and ewes 126 4 00
71 cull lambs 64 4 60
167 Wyoming wethers 136 4 55
10 yearlings nnd wethers 82 6 00
7 yearlings und wethers 82 B 00
S3 western yenrllngs 104 6 00
99 Dakota yearlings S3 6 00
105 western lambs 69 6 CO
329 western lambs CO 6 65
Ki western lambs 75 6 63
4.1 western lambs 64 6 65
33 western lambs R3 6 75
32 culls 44 3 75
230 western wethers 97 4 35
226 western yenrllngs 93 5 ()
C western yenrllngs 84 6 00
Cnttle, Hors and Sheep Weak and
CHICAGO, Jnn. 16.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
11,500 head: slow nnd weak to lower; good
to prime, $6.507.35; poor to medium, $1.00
f6.o0; stockcrs and feeders. J2.25ff4.75; cows,
$1.25ff4.75; heifers, $2,255)5.00; ennners, $1.25
W2.25; bulls. $2.005f4.00: calves, $2.50j6.5o;
Texns red steers, $3.25S?5.60. .
HOGS-Recelnts, 32,0() head; estimated
tomorrow, 2S.O0O: left over, 6,000: market
opened 10c lowor nnd closed nnother 610o
off; mlxod and butchers, $5.90ft'6.45; good
to cholco heavy, $6.3rd6.65; rough heavy,
$5.95f6.20; light, $5.60(35.95; bulk of hales
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 21,000
head; shcop nbout steady, lambs steady to
a shado lower; good to cholco wethers, $4 30
5.10; fair to choice mixed, $3,75fM,30; west
ern sheep, fed, $4,25fi5.70: nntlvo lambs',
$3.60if?6.00; western lambs, fed, $5.206.00.
Ofliclal yesterday: Receipts Cnttle, 22,607
head; hogs, 23,428 hend; sheep, 17,924 head.
Shipments Cattle, 3,991 head; hogs, 4.071
heud; sheep, 900 head.
Knnsns City Live Stock Mnrket.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 16.-CATTLE-He-celpts,
6,500 natives, 700 Toxnns nnd 200
calves; nntlvo beef a tee, bfaiOc lower,
other cattle stindy; cholco export nhd
dressed beef, S5.KtVQ0.E5: fnlr to good, $1,63
(5.75: Blockers and feeders, $3.25f?4.75; west,
crn fo.d steers, H.50fti.00; Texas and Indlnn
stcern, $3.7535.25: Texas cows, $2.5Xif4,25;
native cows, $2.7534.75: heifers. $3.6035.25;
dinners. $1.7502.05; bulls, $2.6035.00; calves,
HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; markot 53;
lOo lower; top, $6.60; bulk or sales, $5 80fi
6.20; heavy, $6.6036.60; mixed packers, $0.00
tfC.60: light, $5.4036.35; pigs, $4.6035.40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600
head; market strong: fed Inmbs, $5.0036.15;
fed wethers, $4.0034.75; yenrllngs. $1.6035 25:
ewes, $3,7644.25; culls nnd feeders, $1,763
Stock lit Sluht.
Tho following tnble shows tho receipts of
cnttlo, hogs nnd fcheep at the five principal
murkcts for January 16:
Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Smith Omaha 3,695 10,795 2,278
Chicago 11.500 32,000 21,(00
Kansas City 7,200 11,000 1,500
St, Louis 2,600 7,301) 1,9W
St. Joseph 2,100 8,200 1,100
Total 26,993 C9.293 27,778
Kev York Live Stock Mnrket.
celpts, 476 head; all consigned direct; no
suits reported; no exports,
CALVES-Recclpts, 269 head; steady;
vents, sold at $I.Ufl5.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,171
head; sheep, dull, steady: lambs, slow,
shade easier; sheep sold at $3.8531,75; lambs,
$5.6MC.(ii; one little bunch, $6.75; culls, $5.25.
HOGS-RctelptB, 3,360 head; weuk.
St. I, (Mils Lite Stock Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 1C.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
2.600 head, Including 1,900 Texuns; markot
steady; native shipping and export steers,
$4.453 6.25; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$4.0036.00; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3,2535.(0;
stnekers nnd feeders, $2.6033.95; dinners,
$1.603.2.50; bulls, $:.cS3l.25 Texas and Indian
..?Ji2LnAlon8! Choice lightweight yearling.
$4.8035.10; good to choice yenrllngs, $4,351
4.i5; choice-wethers, $4.6004.75; fair to good
wethers. S4.?5tf4.KO: rhnl-,. n-n n i.
steers, $3.2535,25; cows nnd heifers, $.M03
i), f,
HpOS-Recelpts, 7.300 hend; market W
lOo lower; pigs and lights, $5.9036.10; pack
ers. $6.1036.20: butchers, $6.25 3 6. 65.
hend; market steady; native munolis, $3.6C
34.60; Iambs, $l..36.00, culls und bucks,
$3.lV3l.0); stockcrs and feeders, $1.0032.60;
Texas muttons, $3.25.
St. looili l.ltr Stock .Mnrket.
.IT. .mvll.MMt t lis .r. t -m.t .
celpts, 2,100 hruil; steady; natives, $3,353
J.Wi cows and heifers. $t.2Hj.25; veals, $3.50
niucMTa unit leviiers. 9..23n4.,i0.
HOGS-Recelpts. 8.200 head; W lowor;
light und light mixed, $j.8.V!)6.25; medium
nnd heavy, J6.I036.60; piss, $.1.8533.03.
SHEEP AND LAMIW-Recelptf, 1,100
hend; steady to weak.
t'oO'ec .Xiirket.
..NEW YORK, Jim, 10,-COFFEU-Spot
Rio, weak; No. 1 Invoice, 6o. Mild, easy;
Cordova, 73llc. Futures opened steady,
with prices IO3I0 points lower under tho
tistinl, of late, beat lull lunileiu'es. Cables
from all foreign tunikets liutlonto great
weakness, Brazilian receipts ut port nnd
Interior towns still keep ulicail of the
movement looked for nt tills season, whllo
the Inquiry for spot supplies In the locnl
Held remains light nnd the market de
pressed. The feature ut trading wus again
found In the heavy unloading of long oof
feo by discouraged holders, which con
tinued nil the sessions. Sentiment nt tho
closo wns very lieailh. The net loss for
the dny whk 10(iM5 points, und the limit
undertone sternly. Totnl sales amounted to
3,160 bugs, lnclinllnu: February, CWcj
March. 0.1536.20c; April, (i.25c; Mnv, 6.33c;
June, O.I03.45o; July, 0.5cc; September. (,.65
3i.i0c; Octobei. C.75c; December, 6.S3i6.90c.
Oil and llii.ln.
OIL CITY. Jan. I0.-Olt,-Crcillt balances.
$1.15; ccrtlllcates. no bid; shipments, 6S.675
bbls.; nvernge, 56.827 bbls,; runs, 83.9M bbls.;
nvernge. 13.7S2 bbls,
SAVANNAH. Jim. !ii.-Ott-Turpcntlno.
firm. 39c. Rosin, firm. Quoted: A, 11, C,
D, $1.16; E. $1.20; F. $1.22; O, $1.27; H
$1.40; I, 1.70: K. $2.25; M, $2.65; N, $,1.2o;
WO. $3.60; WW. $3.05.
TOLEDO, Jan. IC-01t,-North Lima,
85c; South Lima and Indiana. 8C0.
NEW YORK, Jnn. 16.-OII-Cottonseeil,
qulot. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, ensy;
strained, common to good, $1.60.' Turpen
tine, steady.
LONDON. Jan. 16.-OII-Calcutta Unseed,
spot, 52s Od. Linseed nil, 29s. Petroleum,
American rcllncd, 61 6-16s. Turpentine
spirits, 28s 3d.
Wool Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS, Jnn. 16.-WOOI-Stendy; me.
dlum grndes, 13317c; light line. 12315c;
heavy tine. 10012c; tub washed. 14321c.
T.ONDON, Jnn. 16. WOOI-A snlo of
sheep skins was held hero todny. The of
fcrings numbered 35.051 skins. The at
tendance was largo and competition wns
animated. Merinos sold nt 5 per cent und
crosshreds nt 7310 per cent nilvunco. Theso
uro tho snlcs and tho .prices obtained ror
combing: Queensland, 14 bales, 4s7id;
Victoria. 911 bales, 23'xl; South Australia,
631 bales. 33'6Ad; West Australia, 664 bnles,
237d; Tasmania, 31 bales. 236d; New
.enlatid, 610 bnles, G36d; Falkland Island,
21 bales, 4d.
Dry Goods .Mnrket.
Improvement In general demand for cotton
goods noted yesterduy has been maintained,
but It Is made up or small orders ns 11 rule,
with no buying npparent to nny extent.
The tono or tho market Is firm nnd sellers
nro paying attention to tho strength In rnw
cotton. Print cloths nro quiet today, with
somn business In odd goods nt full prices.
Good demand reported for silks nnd tho
market Is ntrong.
Rise In Copper nt I.iiudiin.
LONDON, Jnn. 16. Buying orders, as
sociated with the coiirsn of affairs In South
Africa, caused a sharp rlso In copper to
day. Seven hundred tons wero sold at
Pickle Famine In SlRht.
CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-Tho Western Plckln
Packers' association, Including repre
sentatives from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Ohio, Iown nnd Mlsourl, nro considering
an advance In prices. It Is declared that
thero might bo n plckln famine, before next
summer, notwithstanding the Increase of
$1.60 n barrel over tho prices of 11 year ago.
Tho crop of cucumbers was COO.Omi btmhols
below tho average, which meant tho plckln
packers would bo 200,000 barrels short.
, Snirnr Price Advnnee.
GLASGOW, Jan. 16. In anticipation of
nn Increase In tho duties on raw sugnr, nnd
In view of tho possibility of a countervail
ing duty on foielgn refined sugar, tho
Clyde crushed sugnr market opened ex
citedly today. In n few minutes every
thing offered was sold at 3 ponce udvnnco
over yesterday's prices, making an udvnnco
of 6 penco slnco Monday,
General Salesman.
tOOR Fnrnnm Street.
Resident Balesman.
Davis & utiwgijf iron Works.
H1, IROU mm 100B Julun HiHi
Omaha. Nek. Tat. BM.
M. ZahrUU. Xmau i. . CrwgliL Mh
Manufacturers and Jobber of
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All Kinds.
1014 and 1010 DOUGLAS BT.
Uistern Electrical
V Company
Electrical Supplies.
Hactrlo Wlrtnt Bells Mil Ou Llghtla
a. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. U10 Howard Ou
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Manufacturers of
Tents and Canvas Goods.
Send (or Catalogue Niuc&cr 23
Olds Gasoline Engine,
Olds (Insollne Engine Works,
1114 Furnam St.. Oninhn,
i Telephone lOiltl.
Boyd Commission Co.
Successors to James E. Boyd tc Co,,
llnara ot Trutla llullrtluir,
Dlreot wires to Cblcaeo and Now York,
porrncondcnce, Joim A. .Wtrrcn ft C