10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; ITKIDAY, JA!NUAKr 17, 1QOL'. AUDITORIUM PLANS READ! lit, flight Chant. Mad. ii Original DiiIjii far BilUlnf. ARCHITECT TALKS AiiUT CONTRACTS llr. iMtmnvr Hrllewn IlullilInK Cnn He Itenilr for Vnc Within Seven Month from Dn(t of Ile kIiiiiIiik Cntmtriicllon. Tho plnns nnd spcclflcntlons of tho Omaha Auditorium are now complolo and will bo turned over to tho building committee of tho company In n short time. Tho final plans show a slight deviation from those nt first presented. Some of the people of tho city who nro Interested In flno horses aftnr Inspecting tho plans camo to tho conclusion that tho provision for bring ing stock Into tho arena was not sufficient, nnd at their suggestion nn cntranco to tho building for teams was tnado on the south west cornor of tho building. This cntranco on tho plans shows n door fourteen foot wide tho npproath to tho arena being twclvo feet high. Tho Incline Is less than tho grado of Karnam street between Six teenth and Seventeenth streets, making an Ideal approach to tho arena. Over tho door Is erectod a hood as a sort of porto cocboro. This Is decorated In harmony with tho orna mentation of tho othor portlonn of tho build ing and rollnves tho monotony of the west ern wall. Speaking of tho probability of having tho building completed In tlmo for tho Chris tian Missionary convention Mr. Latenser said: "Wo can got tho building In condition for uso In soven month from tho tlmo ,wn tart, provided thcro Is no delay In getting material. Tho only question of delay will como from tho steel or structural Iron, as 11 othor material can bo secured In quan tities sufllclmt for tho purpose of tho com pany. Antlollintrn Tin DiniouHy. "With $110,000 of available nssots I do not bcllovo thoro will bo any difficulty In letting contracts for tUo work. Tho contracts will probably hnVa to bo separated, the brick work, tho atone work nnd tho Iron work being lot In different contracts. I think pny contractor under thrso circumstances" will bo willing to ntnrt to work for this rooscn: Contractors nro paid on estimates tendered ovory two weokx. In that tlmo a contractor may put 5,000 Into tho building nnd will rccolvo within 10 per cent of tho umount expended upon his estimates, so that at no tlmo will ho havo moro than 10 per cent of tho amount of his contract com ing from tho company. Should tho estimates not bo mot ho would not continue, nnd for his $5,000 twpcndod during tho two weeks previous ho would havo a lien upon tho on tiro property, Including tho land, which Is trorth much moro than any amount nil of tho contractors could hnva against the company at tho tlmo any csttmato Is rendered. "It will tako all, of $110,000 to oncloso tho building and will require $40,000 moro to put It In shnpo for use. Tho contracts for tho structure nro amply provided for, I think, under tho most conscrvntlvo esti mate, for If tho $110,000 Is two-thirds of tho total amount of tho subscriptions, ns I un derstand It, this amount will certainly bo rnlsed from tho total subscriptions, as tho exporlcnco of pcoplo In such cntorprisos Is that about SO pur cent ot tho amount sub scribed la collected. I believe, however, thnt n much greater proportion than this "will bo collected from tho present sub scription list. "Thcro Is ono thing certain, nnd that Is that no contracts will bo let for an amount In excess of tho legal restriction, nnd that thcro will bo no debts when tho building is Eomploted, If tho plans ot tho company work Dut." At tho mooting ot tho Auditorium direc tors yestonlay it wan decided to com plolo tho repairs upon tho Kountzo Placo property nnd to rent thnt building. A roport from tho promotion commltteo relative to tho employment of tho Koynl Italian band for a thirty-day ongagemont In tho city during iho months ot August nnd Septombcr was received nnd tho matter "was passed over for ono week. BURT VISITS NEW SHOP SITE (Union rncMei President Snya that Moro 'Winn 7no,000 "Will lie Spent. President Burt, Chlet Engineer Berry and Master Moohnnlo Bnrnum of tho Union Pa clflo visited the slto ot tho new Union Pa cific shop buildings yestordny afternoon. A force of men was nt work undor Foreman Jfeff tearing down tho Band house, which stands just west ot tho roundhouse. This Is whero tho now machine shops will bo located. President Burt and party in spected the locality carefully, and tho formor gnvo out now information concern ing tho work. Ho said: "Much moro than $750,000 will bo spent fcoro this year. Wo wilt bulla machlno chops, n small roundhouse, a building for tho housing ot tho electric plant nnd a pat torn store houso, all during 1902. Then next yenr will como a boiler shop, n black smith shop and other minor buildings. "This work will bo pushed with nil possl l)l speed. Wo would have- been nt It two months ago hnd not tho city been so slow. All contracts nro let now for nil this con struction." ?ff.OO for a Hull n liny. Work. It you live In tho country or In a small (own and havo a good acquaintance among the farraors and stockratscrs In the neigh borhood, you can mako $5 easily by four or five hours' work. Write us and wo will send you our proposition. Tho Bee Publish ing company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. Mr. J. M. Baldrlge has beon appointed Omaha agont ot tho liability department for tho Travelorn' Insurance company of Hart ford, Conn. MRS. J. BENSON. I New Muslin Underwear I iir New Embroideries I New Goods in I HpT Infants' Wear I LfaiBBiBiBiBjLiLVLVaia REDUCTION FOR BELT LINE Hoard at i:nnllrnt Ion Cuts Fleming's Assessment Almost Fifty l'er Cent. The Hoard ot Equalization reduced the nmessment of tho Omaha Belt line from $12,000 to $6,500. An attornoy for tho Mis sourl Pacific, the company owning tho belt line, appeared beforo the Hoard of Equaliza tion and asked that tho assessment on the track encircling tho city be cut down to $6,500, the amount assessed against the line by tho suite board. Ho explained that the state board, and not the city authorities, has the right to fix tho sum upon which tho company shnll pay taxes. Tax Commissioner Fleming protested against the reduction and nssured tho coun cllmcn thnt the city attorney had advised him to assess the belt line, regardless of tho action of the Stnto Hoard ot Equaliza tion. Councilman Mount moved that the belt lino assessment bo restored to $6,500, tho sum upon which tho company paid taxes to tho city last year, and tho motion was adopted without a dissenting vote. Mnny protests on real estate assessments woro filed. The council ncted on a largo number of complaints, but mode no reduc tions ot Importance. Tho personal ntscssmcnt of M. E. Smith & Co. was reduced by tho Hoard of Equali zation from $95,000 to $80,000. Tax Com missioner William Fleming originally as sessed tho company's personal proporty at $120,000 and tho Hoard of Review reduced tho amount to $95,000. The W. n. Bennett Building company's assessment on Its property at tho cornor of Sixteenth and Harnoy streets was reduced from $75,000 to $50,000. Mr. Morning as sessed tho lot upon which tho Dennett building stnnds at $50,000 and the Hoard of Ilevlow ndded $25,000 to this amount for tho building. Tho building was Incomplete nt tho time the assessments were mode last year and on this account tho Hoard ot Equalization cancel!! tho assessment for improvements. Chapped hands, cracked Hps nnd rough noss of tho skin cured quickly by Banner Salvo, tho most healing ointment In tho world. WILL PAY RURAL CARRIERS Sew .Duty A""lKnetl to Omnlin l'nat mnoler from llenilqunrteri nt Wnnhlnfrton, Instructions wcro received from Washing ton yesterday by which tho Omaha post master Is mado paymaster for tho forco of rural frco delivery cnrrlers in tho stato of Nebraska. Tho letter stated that a roster ot the cnrrlers would be sent nnd tho post master should proceed Immediately to pny tho January salaries. Tho roster hns not arrived, but it Is estimated that about 200 persons will bo paid at this ofllce. l'rovlous to this tho rural carriers have been paid by warrant from Washington nnd this has mcdo considerable delay In tho re ceipt of monthly stipends, but now pay ment will be mado near tho first of each month. Tho chanRo Increases the work of tho Omaha ofllce, but will reduco the amount of money transmitted to Washing ton each month, as tho vouchers ot tho carriers will bo turned in as cash. Frank Trendwell, Dennett, In., was trou bled with kidney disease for two years. He writes: "I had taken Hcvcrnl kinds ot kid ney remedies, but with llttlo benefit. Finally I tried Foley's Kldnoy Cure and a ono dollar bottle cured me." Announcement of the Theater. Thomas Jefferson will bo tho attraction at tho Boyd tonight, Saturday matlnco nnd night, presenting tho ono play that has been seen by thousands of theator-gocrs presented by his father, Josoph Jefferson, entitled, "Illp Vnn Winkle." Tho play will bo given with special scenery and a com pany of cxcollencc. Thomas Is not a novlco on tho stage, as he has sorved appren ticeship under tho tuition of his illustrious father nnd has been highly praised for his nblo performance of "Illp" by all the critics of tho largo cities, namely, Chicago, .Bos ton, St. Louis, Washington and Pittsburg, whero ho has appeared to largo audiences. Tho bill at the Orpheum this week Is at tracting good-sized audiences, to whom Mary Norman, tho society caricaturist; Josephlno Sabel, sho with the naughty llttlo wink, nnd Derapsoy, Mack and company In "A Man of Chance," nro scoring big. Tho other acts offer much In tho way of vnrloty, with comody predominating. Tho regular family matinee will bo glvon tomorrow nnd tho last performance of this bill on Satur day evening. Next week Omaha patrons will be glvon a chanco to sco "Tho Flirtation Quintet;" a llttlo musical gaiety by Messrs. Mac Connell nnd Smith, the authors ot "Beaux and Bells." It contains two ditties ot tho kind that attract tho whlstlors, entitled, "Tako a Walk with Mary," "Tho Military Man" nnd other Jingling musical numbers. Four catchy Casino girls assist Mr. Wood Brown, tho baritono, In the production. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Telephone 1716. Publish your legal notices in the Weekly Oee. Telephone 23S. ' There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. DIED, m E W E Ferdinand F., nged 22 years nnd 5 months. Funeral Saturday morning, January 18, nt 8:30 a. m.. from family residence. 2330 South Nineteenth street, to Otrman church, Seventeenth and Center streets. Burial nt German Catholic cemetery, South Omahu. Friends Invited. Mr. Itlewo waB connectod with the Cudnhy Packing company In South Omaha ns clerk for six years. lie leaves a mother nnd ono brother to mourn his loss. KELLNER Mrs. B., January 15, 1902, nged 63 years, in Milwaukee, Wis. Funeral from Mr. Gladstone's residence, 217Harney. at 1:30 p. m. Friday. Friends Invited. LOOKING FOR OFFICIAL AXE Ctxitj EplTi Itlioltoii ai t Mmatnti of O'li.ff.. COMMISSIONER iSTROM NON-COMMITTAL Third District Member Says He linn Sot Mnile I'm III .Ml ml How to ' Act on Payroll Deduc tion Proposition. In nnd nround the county court houso yesterday the nnmo of HIcbard O'Kccffo echoed with n frequensy that was as marked as It was subdued. The Interview given Tho Heo by tho new member of tho Board of County Commissioners In which he stated that ho had figured out whero at least $12, 000 a year could bo saved In calarlcs set those who hold positions by tho graco ot tho board to feeling the backs of their necks to discover just whero tho ax might light should It tall on them. Thcro wero somo of thoHo who had contributed to the stone shirt stud glvon Tom Hoctor upon his re tirement from tho board who began to won der If It would not havo been well to have saved tho money for possible emergencies under Tom's successor. Mr. O'KccfTo Is a largo man with an nmlablo faco as tnscrutnblo as that of the Sphynx, and ho moved about the depart ments apparently unconscious of tho con spicuous placo ho was occupying In tho minds ot those ho passed. Connolly Out ot I, Inc. Mr. Connolly, another democratic member of the board, was present, but he and Com missioner O'Kccffo did not move around together to any marked extent. In fact. Connolly has no fnr refrained remarkably well from patting O'KccfTo on tho back or making sounds ot great rejoicing over tho lattcr's plan ot retrenchment. Tho past chairman Is said' to havo a plan of his own thnt Is not nearly so disastrous to tho em ployes nbout tho placo an is O'Kccffa's, and this no occupies his tlmo that he has not yet found opportunity to nrlso nnd shout hosannus tor his now compatriot. Commissioner liarto was not about the building yesterday, but Commissioner Ostrom, .the other republican momber, was there and wob asked for an expression on tho plan of retrenchment as outlined by tho O'Kecffo Interview. Ho said: "I am seriously considering this matter, but I havo not made up my mind fully as to the saving that can be made, nor am I at tho present tlmo ablo to say whether I would favor a material decrease In tho number of employes. But when tho tlmo comes I will havo my mind mado up and bo ready to net." Send articles ot Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee. We will give them proper legal insertion. Telephono 238. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Hutberj, J1G-220 Dos building. Tebphono 1716. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE A PIANO We hnvo Just received tho first shipment ot our spring stock the Inrgcst lino ot standard pianos In tho entire weft. Now pianos 'fully guar anteed, $148, from that prlco up to tho ' prlco ot tho Stclnway, Vose, Emerson, Steger, Steck, Mason & Hamlin. A. B. Chase and other standard makes. 1 Ebony coso, upright $ S0.00 1 Rosowood case, upright 95.00 1 Mahogany caso, upright .... 135,00 1 Beautiful samplo piano only.. 158.00 1 French wnlnut case, upright.. 174.00 1 Flemish oak, upright, only... 192.00 1 Antlquo oak, upright, only.... 225.00 Also a number of slightly used Kimball, Chlckcrlng, Decker Bros & Pcaso pianos at prices to suit econo mical buyers. For catalogues, prices and further Information, write to SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Excluslvo reprcsentntlvo for Steln way pianos nnd Self-Playing Plnnolas. 1313 Farnnm St., Omatm Telephone 1G25 502 Broadway, Council Hlufls Telephone 368 Don't Hesitate to Call lTp 747 thnt's our telephono number If you liavo a prescription mm want -us to cnn for It and then deliver It or for itnvthltiir elso In our lino ns we havo added to our messenger foico another lightning "Jnkey." NO EXTltA CHARGE DAV OK NIGHT. Dad's Qulnlno ISo Wood Alcohol, ono pint 15c wood Aiconoi, one qunn use Wood Alcohol, half gallon Mo Wood Alcohol, ono gallon sou itnl niood Albumen makes huns lnv tho genuine Snllx Co.'s In pkgs,, lb. 43o Hon inooa Aiumen in uuik, pound zsc Dnlors from cltv. nnd countrv Holfcllml. 50a Lleblg Extract Iteof ije 4-oz. Lleblg Extract Ileef 40a 8-oz. Lleblg Extract Heef 750 lli-oz. i.icuig jjxiruui ii to i , JJ.23. 11.01 Pernnu KTn M.TB llnsnltnl Malted Milk ? ik iiio AUHlieion ureum 3a 6Rn T.axntlvo nromo Qulnlno si. id winn uiiruui jq .'So (juinaceioi luesi lur cuius) 0o Wo sell only tho genuine temptation tonlo sco uu. STOnE OPEN ALL NIQ1IT. SOHAEFEft'S Cat Price Druir Stare. Tel. 747. H. W. Cor. lUth and Ctilrnuo, Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. COAL Especial attention given to DOMESTIC COAL Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully screened with prompt efficient de livery. G. 6. HAVENS & GO , 1522 Farnam St. Tolophones 317 nnd 825. Today's Remnant Sale will be the greatest ever known. All odds and ends from the $500,000 Stock Damaged by Smoke and Water will bo closed out at prices never beforo heard of. r.oo DiiKss nouns, ltic yaiiik Cholco of thousands of remnants of nil wool dress fabrics, cheviots, suit ings, cashmeres, henrlettas, checks unu pinius, in lengtlis 01 2, 6 nnd 7 yards, 19c go at, ynru noo am. wont, ciiai.i.i.h, anc vn, Ilcmnants of Imported nit wool chai ns, light and dark urounds. ltornl de signs, polka dots, etc., In lengths irom u 10 ft yams, nut many pieces to match, nt, yard 25c IIKMNAXT.S OF ritllNCII 1'I.AX- xi:t no ami i on n.u.'ii. French flannel that wcro marked to sen ueroro our smoke dam 10c age nt 60c, cntiro rem nant for Cc und iir.MNA.vrs OF MI.1C. All of our nhort lengths of silk and velvet thnt wcro sold beforo our smoke damage up to Zoo s each, go on sale In buse- p mcnt, ut, cauh BOo Mil. ICS AM) VR1.VHTS, no Axn loo. These nro nil largo pieces miltnlilo tor urcss trimmings, millinery pur poses, neckwear, etc., go 10c in two lots, on mnln lloor, nt Cc nnd , .. SIMC.N 11V tiii: YAH I). For tomorrow we placo on special bargain squares on main lloor, plain and fancy tnlTctnH, peuii do solo, satin uiicncsse, uuick nnd col 69c ors, nil go at, yard S'Jc, 60c and IU3M.AXT.S OK LACKS A XI) KMIIIIIODKIIIKH., Itomrmnts of embroidery and laco, nil wtdtliH, worth up to ram fixyzt'' 15c Extra ! Extra! Extra! Diitr.cT KiioM tiii: custom hoiisi:. .Siiniil- KihIn DresN Knoiln 'Worth Ifl-'.r.l) Yuril, nt 'Mo Knoll. Dress goods samplo remnants that wcro Imported by ono of tho largest Now York dress goods Importers. These aro traveling men's vainplo pieces sent over hero by tho manufacturer to take Import orders by. All comprising tho finest goods manufactured In Europe, inch pleco is i to -1'nrd long, and there nro 6 to 9 pieces to match, nil of them 60 Inches wide, nnd such goods ns tho llucst broadcloth, zcballnc, coahmcre, Henriettas, nil kinds of These nro cspcclnlly suitable for Indies' waists and chlld drcn's cntiro dresses, and although they aro worth $2.60 yard, they will go at, per remnant IIS LADIES' BROOCHES. Diamonds and Pearl Sunbursts, Turnuolso nnd Pearl. Rowan Gold und fancy designs. Some hnndsomo pieces In Hose Gold tlnlsh. Also a nleo lino of diamond mount Roman Gold and fnncy desl In our store. LOOK FOR THE NAME S' W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. UP-TO-DATE STYLES RICH AND RARE VENEERS, FINEST TONED AND ACTION Our flvo plnnn parlors teem with the finest speclmons of tho plnno makors' art. All tho new twontloth century Ideas ot piano architecture in rnro and fancy veneers from all parts of tho world. Mahogany from Ban Do mingo nnd Luzon. French burl, strlpod Italian and ArccaBBlan Wal nut. Quartered and circular sawed oaks, gonulno rosewoods, fancy bu( ternuts, marbollzed birch and many others. Wo represent nearly all tho old and renowned factorlos, such as "Knabe," "Krnnlch & Ilach," "Kim ball," "MathiiBhok." "MePhalll," "Hallot & Davis." "Melville Clark," and nbout a dozen othors. This year wo shall sell pianos at closer margins than ever. Wo aro determined that this shall prove tho bannor year of our twenty-eight, and to this end shall bond overy energy to pleuso please each nnd ovory customor. Our old motto: "Every Customer a Satisfied Customer" will havo moro stress laid on It that over. Our prices will ALWAYS I1E THE LOWEST. Our terras will always bo the easiest. An early call will bo to your benoQt and duly appreciated by us. A. HOSPE, 1513-1515 Douglas St. C nil tho 5c nnesi wnsn nices, worm up to 20c ynrd, go at, yurd, lc, 3V&o und Ilcmnnnts of nil over embroideries nnd laces In ',4-yord lengths, worth up to Jl 15c yuru, ut, cacu . . . Itn.MXAXTS IX Till! IIA.Hr.MKXT, Co standard prints In long remnants, 3Ho yurd. Ho outing llnnncl remnants, 3HJ ynrd. , So standard apron checked gingham, 6c yard. loo funcy zephyr ginghams at iWc ynrd. C',4o npron checked ginghams In long remnuutH, 3Wo yard. 3fio mercerized gingham, 32-lnchcs wide, 15c yurd. 25c fancy dress dimities nnd lawns In long mill lengths, 12Ue ynrd. I3o French percales, 3iMnchcs wldo, Co yard. 25c white goods, lawns, dimities, nainsooks, etc., In long remnants at Wo yard. 16c Oalntea cloth in long rcmnnnts, 10a yurd. t. to damnped nil linen napkins, nt 4c each. $2.60 dnmnged nil linen napkins, largo sizes. Co each. 6,000 yards tablo damask In mill rcm nnnts, Hi to 3V4-yrd lengths, go ut n moro frnctlon of their real value. onus AMI KXII.S i.v ciiimmii:.vs CAPS. All of tho children's 60c nnd 75o cllk nnd velvet cups, many of them Handsomely lur inmmcu, veivei riu- lion trimmed, etc., go on bargain squurc, nt, tucii 10c iyr,,oo waists, M "' In order to closo out every ono of our i' rencn nuiinui im umi marked to sell before tho smoko dam- o smoito dam- 1.50 ngo at ss.w, ono unu two ot u Kinu, go ill, each blnck goods, also colored dress goods. 35c "When She Won't She Won't, , And there's nn end on't." No self re specting cook should bo expected to do good wprk with poor coal. Uuy JUPITER NUT, and you will get genuine coal tho kind tho cook can do best with. $5.50 A TON. All coal well screened. Hald & Rice, Tel. 1238. 50G So. 16th St. Best Magazine on the Market, 4x5 size. ONLY $7.00, Wo linvn nil other Htylca nt lowest prices. The Robt, Dempster Go. 1UIB I'liriiiuu Ht. Excluslvo Dealers in Photo Supplier. Not Lost, Bat Found fihnidor'fl Tcn-Mlnuto TIcndnvlio Pow ders to bo n sure euro for lionduclies. If In doubt, try Shrnder'n. Sold by druj,' BlHts or sent by mall for 10c anil J5c. Address, W. J, Shrader Medicine Co., Nw York Room 10, No. 30 East 14U 3u r 1603 N. 2tth St.. Omaha. Nab. TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS IH17 Ootiuliix .Street. You cannot bo the pleasuro you desire to be to your frlonds If your teeth are bad. Fillings, 76c up. Hemnnntfl nnd odd pieces of all tho 0 i a big shoe failure J. EPPNtfU & SON, HOHNKLSVILLK, NEW YOIUC forced to quit tho shoe bus iness. They carried ono of tho best shoo stocks in thnt section of the country. Our eastern buyer bought tho cream of tho cn tiro stock, being tho only enstern buyer nt the snto. A part of this stock Is now shown In our ICth street windows. The stock carried by J, Kppuer & Son, Included such well known ranke ns Ilrooka Dros., Rochester, Oray Pros., Syracuse, Mooro, Shaffer & Co., Drockport, C. H. Aborn & Co., Lynn all the above nro tho best makes of ladles' fluo shoes. In men's Bhncs such makes as M. N. Arnold & Co., North Ablng- High Gradi Drtss SprlitK CoiiiIn Arr Sco our Scotch Tweeds, In grays, Oxfords, browns, etc., for suits, skirts, etc.; they aro worth $2.98 yard wo will sell them for this week at $1.50 yard. Seo our new Tnnja or Ilaskct Wcavo Cloth, in nil tho flno spring shades, R4 Inches wldo, domestic cloth, worth $1.80, will go at $1.00 yard. Our West of Eng land Panja, extra heavy and firm, mndo by Ilrlggs & Newman, Uradford, England, worth $3.9S, wo will sell for $2.98 yard. Wo havo flno Skirting nt 49c. 75c nnd 98c ynrd: nlso the snmo as others chnrga 60 Ier cent moro for. Friday is Remnant Day in the Bargain Room. WE WILL HAVE THE GRANDEST SALE OF REMNANTS THAT WAS EVER SEEN IN OMAHA- jnlea will Inst nil tiny nnd no houso In the country la capablo of giving such prices as theso sales. Everything Just as advertised. NO PEDDLERS, DEALERS, MERCHANTS OR MANUFACTURERS. 50-Inch strictly nil wool storm serges; 51-Inch strictly nil wool cheviots, worth $1.2r ynrd, black only; 50-Inch plnld back golf stilting, oxford gray only, worth $1.50 yard; 40-Inch granite; 40-lnch German all wool Ilcnrlettn, nnd thousands of other wrnves, up to $2.9S yard, nit will go on this snlo nt ynrd 49c. 40-Iuch Figured Dlack Novelties, worth 75c, nt 39c. 40-Inch Granites, worth 75c, nt 39c. 42-Inch Storm Serges, nil coldrs, worth 50c, nt 29c. 3S-lnch CnBhmcros, 25c. 30-Inch Plnlds, worth 25c, at 15c. 3G-lnch Novelties, worth 25c, at 15c. 32-Inch All Wool Tricots, worth 50c 29c. 28-Inch plain Waist Flannels, 25c. 28-tnch strictly nil wool French Flan nels, worth 75c, nt 23c. 32-Inch strictly All Wool Chnllls, 25c. 28-Inch Unit Wool Novelties, 6c. 28-Inch Plnlds, 5c. 20,000 ynrds of Wool Dress Goods, 10c. Ilcmnants, half wool and silk nnd wool, at one-third of their regular prlco on largo Boys' Our Doys' Clothing department Is tho cheapest plnco on earth to buy good, cheap, rollablo clothing. Hoys' $2.50 2-pleco Suits, 95c. Hoys' J3.50 2-pleco Suits, $1.50. Iloys' $3.00 3-pleco Suits, $1.C . Hoys' 76c All Wool Pants, 35c. Underwear and Furnishings in the Bargain Room. Man s 50c Working Shirts, In dnrk colors, 39c. Hoys' 50c Jersey Overshlrts at 23c. $1 Hand-Made Center Pieces 35c. Friday morning wc plnco on salo n beautiful lino of Real Hand-Mado Hattcnberg Ccntor Pieces, worth up to $1.00, for 33c. Not over two to n customer, as supply Is limited. SI.50 Star Colored Uiundered Shirts, with separate cuffs, all sizes, 14 to 17; thlB Is one of tho best brnnds made; sold elsewhere nt $1.60; on salo at 49c. 100 dozen men's flno silk, fleece llnod nnd nil wool Shirts nnd Drawers, in nil sizes from 30 to 60, on sale nt 75c, 300 dozen men's lino White Laundered Shirts, open or closed front, tho Griffon brand, mndo to sell at $1.00 and $1.60, on salo at 49c. Men's $1.00 nnd $1.23 wool, flecco lined Shirts nnd Drawers at 49c. tiii: ;hi:.t fight in on Hctwcon tho Cnno Sugar trust and tho Boot Sugar trust. Wo nro tho only pcoplo or firm In Omaha that will stand by .ho consumer. Wo will sell you tho best goods for tho least money. 11 pounds of Granulated Sugar 50c 2-pound can best Sugar Corn Cc 2- pound can Red Kidney Beans Co 3- pnund cnn Hnknd Deans Cc 3-pound cnn Pumpkin Ca Ono packngo Jclllcon , 7 ',4c t'llKKNK NI'IM'IAI.S. Nebraska Cream Cheese 7 '4c Iowa Cream Cheese 12o Wisconsin Llmbcrgcr 12',;c HAYDEN f A GENUINE CLEARING SALE. Ilefiiri (nkliiK Inventory anil to rednre tlir linen which w urn nveratot'lKMl lit vte rrlll iiinko 11 ainuount of i!t ier cent on the fol lowing Ktxiilni $9.00 Ladles' Chatelaine Bags reduced to $6.75 $7.00 Ladles' Chatelulno Hags reduced to $5.25 $5.00 Ladles' Chatelalno Hags roducod to $3,75 $7.50 Sterling Silver Brush and Comb Sots reduced to $5.62 $6,00 Sterling Silver Brush and Comb Sots reduced to $4.50 $4.00 Sterling Silver Brush nnd Comb Sots reduced to $3.00 $4.00 Ebony Brush and Comb Sets reduced to $3,00 $3.00 Ebony Brush and Comb Sets reduced to $2.25 $2.00 Ebony Brush and Comb Sots reduced to $1,60 $2.50 set of best Plato Teaspoons reduced to $1,88 $1.75 set ot best Plato Teaspoons reduced to , $1,32 $1,25 set of best Plato Teaspoons reduced to 950 $1.60 Nlckol Alarm Clocks reduced to $1.00 $1.00 Nlckol Alarm Clocks reducod to 760 $10.00 Cluster Rings reduced to $7, go $5.00 Sot Rings reduced to $3,75 $2.00 Sot Rings reduced to $i,co This Reduction Sale Begins Friday, January 17 SUE OUR SUNDAY AD FOR PRICES ON OTHER LINES. Mawhitiney & Ryan Co., JEWELERS AND ART STATIONERS, l.Vril AMI DOtltil.AS NTHHI-.TS. iiAvncm nAT UCRS ton, Thompson Pros, South Weymouth, O eo. H. Keith, Urockton, Preston 1). Kolth, Cnmpello all largo manufacturers of tho highest grades of men's shoes. Wo hnvtt taken the best shoes in both ladles' and men's and marked them nt ONE NINETY SIX. Not n pair worth loss than $3.00, JJ.50, $1.00 and $5.00. In wcltn, turns and McKays. In all tho Into stylo toes and fotno not 'nn lato, but all mndo from tho best leathers, box calfs, patent calfa, ve lours and vlcl kids, In medium nnd heavy soles. ON SALE FIUDAY MORNINO. Ex trn sales people engaged so thnt yu will be waited on promptly. On salo In tho Pnrgaln Itoom. J. Kppner & Son, Indies' shoes, former prlco $1.76, this sale 98c J. Kppner & Hon. lidles' shoes, 1 JO former price J-.tO, this salo WlitO 3. Kppner & Son, ladles' shoos, 1 Q former price J2.00, this sale Vltl9 J. Kppner & Son, misses' shoes, Qfa former prlco Jl.W. this sale wOM J. Kppner & Son, mlnses' shoes, 1 4A former prlco $2.00, this salo ......Wlift9 J. Kppner & Son. boys' shoes, QQit rormer price n.w, tnis saio vv J. Kppner & Ron, men's shoes, 01 Aft former price 12.00. this salo vliuV J. Kppner & Son, child's shoes, former prlco GOc, this sale., .... I9c Goods Dcpartmtnt. IvIiiht Hvrrr Uny, I Tnllor-MadoiSults and Skirts to order by a professional Indies' tnllor, tho only ex- i cluslvo Indies' tnllor In Omaha. Wo will mako any kind of skirt or-suit to order at CO per cent less than' any olher tnllor In tho city. Wo guaranteo a porfoot fit In every Instnnco or money cheerfully re funded; and wo challenga any ladles' tailor west ot Chicago to do ns good work as ws do. For full particulars, sco our High Grado Dross Goods Department. For good Dress Goods cheap, aoo our Bar gain Room. counter, nt yard 10c, 15c, 25c and 35o. 10,000 yard3 of high grado Dress Goods, In remnants of 2 to 7 yards, nt ono-flfth ot regular prlco, yard 45c, 75c and 85c. Silks worth 75c, 49c, $1.00 and $1.50 yard, nil go nt 39c. Velvets, worth 49c, will go at 10c. Corduroys, worth 75o ynrd, 29o. Flannelettes, worth 16o yard, 3c. Flanncloltes,, worth 19c ynrd, Cc. 12!lc and 15c Percales, dnrk and light, 5c. Yard wldo Outing Flannel, worth 10c 5c. Ynrd wldo Outing Flannel, worth 10c, at Taffeta Sollols, worth 26c, for waists, nlco bright stripes, 7Hc. Molro Linings, ynrd wldo, worth 19o yard, will go at 6c. 10c Shaker Flannel, 3$c. Cc LL Unbleached Muslin, 3?4c Cc flno Illeached Muslin, 44c Cc Prints, dark and light and turkeys, worth up to 7&c, at 2ic. 10c and 15c Towels will go at 5c. Turkt-y Red Tablo Damask, worth 25o, will go at 15c. Clothing. Hoys' $1.00 All Wool Pants, 35e. Hoys' $2.C0 Long Pants, 95c. Clearing out nil Hlankcta nnd Quilt, at less than cost. Slightly mussed Tablo Covers at exactly holt price. Children's 60c Wool Ilnderwcnr nt 10c. Men's 10c Seamless Socks at 4c. Men's 10c Colored Handkerchiefs at 3c Shirts at 49c. Hand Chcosc, oach , m0 Gem Plncopplo Choeso 490 Neutchatol Cheese, each 20 si hats at iti:nit;i:u piiices. No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams Ho 3-pound pnlla Compound Lard 26a C-poilnd pit I In Compound Lard 46o No. 1 California Hams 7a Best brand No. 1 Small Hams 120 Alstott's Now Bologna Cc KltlHTH. Wo handle tho Inrgcst stock of fancy fruits west of Chicago. Imported Dates, per pound 12Wo Fancy Apples, per dozen 20o Largo Navel Oranges, per dozen lCo BROS.