THE OMAHA PA1LY 1U2E: HIUHSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1002. n SPECIAL NOTICES t! . i . Advrrtlaementa for theaa column frill tin tnkrn until I'Jt tn. fur the tvenln edition ntul until N:no p. an. for morning and Hnnrtnr edition. HUi 1 J-So u word first Insertion, la vrord tharenfter. Nothing tnkrn for less than 2r.o far the flmt Inser (Ian. These ndvertlaemente mast be ran consecutively. Advertisers, lr reqiteatlnir num bered check, con have nnstrers ltd treaead to natnbered letter In ear f Ths Hee. Answers so addraased will tie delivered oat preaeatatloa af taa kaak aalr SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED By young rnnn, eight years' ex perience In mercantile business: would travel In western territory: can handlo a line df sporting goods or would take ume oiner goou line, (huu3i tlon at once, Including expcmc.1, salary anu commission. Auurras - ncu. A MG&O 20 WANTED-MALE HELP. OOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. CO., 212 South 13th. D-533 BTEADY work, profitable work, for neat, tnergetlo hustlers. C. F. Adams Co.. 1611) Howard. D-JlO S VCtil A HALF DAY'S WORK. If you llvo In the country or In a Binalt town nnd Imvu a good aciiualntance among the farmers and stock raisers In tne nvignuornoou you cun mane nvu uoi lurs etLBllv bv four or llvo hours' work, Write us una we will send you our propo sition. Thu Bio Publishing Co,, Solicitors' uept., umunu, -eu. uai.n WANTED, a good man In every, county to ,tako subscriptions for Tho Twentieth Centurj Farmer. Our ilk tuts make good wages evuty where, References required. Addross, 'i'wcntloth Century Fanner, umann, ncu. u nfiPRi fiircMt vnEEl Shave and hutr cut. Moler llarlx-r College, 1123 Farnam St., 3d lloor. Hours, 9 to 4. B-M274 Ft A GOOD bookkeeper: stato experience and an uiry wmuuu. .luureoB uox j, uuu wmtv, ...... .7 fx mil-. ouuiu umuuu. xj - WANTED, tnen' to learn the barber trade by our method of steady practice, expert Instructions', etc.; only two months re quired; can onrn scholarship, board, tools and tran'portatlon If doslred; cull today. Moler Harbor College. 1U23 Farnam st. B-M59H 17 perloncoti, double-entry bookkeeper for wholesale Iioubo ; must he a young man, good penman, accurato In figures, sober anu rnnaDie; aoiri nnswor wus u you . can't nil these requirements: permuhout place for right party. Answer In own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary wanted. Address 1 11, Hoe Omcc. u-em iii FIRST-CLASS lautrtlryman wanted nt once; stato wnges, etc. Address tho Homo Laundry, Sao City, la. B MGS7 17 WANTED, 2 good harncssmakorH nt once. H, W. Krenz, Humphrey, Nob. H-M715 18 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED State salesmen mako J500 monthly; sell to merchants: no fake; call and Investigate. Owen Hardman, Hotel Barker. Salosmon M4S0 16 SALESMEN wanted; full linn nursery stock; plenty peach trees: outfit free; pay weekly. Lawrence .Nursery ,Co Law- re nee. Kan. M634 Fll WANTED FEMALE 1IEI.I. WANTED, 2C0 girls. !C2t Dodge. Tel. 87C. C 941 WANTED, two young. lady students to learn halrdiesslng,, manicuring and. chi ropody and scientific massago. Call or write. Room 220, Bee Bldg. G-Wi WANTED, girl for general housework. 1000 Gcortla Ave. C-378 WANTED, domestic. 2603 Ficrco St.; small family. C 115 LADY clerk, single, not over 35 years; will employ by the year. Address 13ox 3, At lanta. Neb. C-M403.17 WANTED, ladles to learn hulr dressing, manicurlrg or facial mussagc; only four weeks required; complete outllt of tools presented eueh atudont; positions guaran teed; splendid wages paid graduates; call or write today. Moler College, 1623 Far nam Ht. C-M509 17" GIRL for general housework. 127 S. 25th St. C-681 GOLDMAN'St Cheapest place to got ne cordlon or side pleating; new additions and Improvements Just added. C-MG99 21 GOLDMAN'S, for reduced prices In pleat ing of all kinds; now styles and machines added. C M700 21 WANTED, good girl: must be good cook and laundress. Apply Mrs. J. 8. Brady, 362S Jackson St. C 712 10 WANTED, girl for .general housework. Mrs. E. Rosewntor, 1711 Douglas St. C 710 HELP WANTED, MALE & female help. Call Canadian Office. 642 WANTED. w"ood workers, cabinet makers, millwrights, to work in nuttorn shop to tako placo of strikers, titeady employ ment and high wages. Apply Allis-Chal-mors Co., Homo Insurance bldg.. Chicago, Illinois. M-673 23' FOH KENT HOUSES. HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Faxton block. D-913 HQUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas, Uni ICRC In all parts ot city. The Q IlUUoEO i,', Davis Co., 552 Bee Uldg. Li VII 'TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storago Co,, offlco 1511H Farnam, or tel. 1553-8C3. d mis STEAM-HEATED cottage. 35; roomers pay rent; win remain with riKlu variy. it. ii. urunum, itn nnu 1'ar num. . ' D-584 t-ROOM brick house, modern, 271G Jackson Ht. xcitpiiono wi or a Treynor. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk D-UIJ SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-SN0 HOUSES. G. O, Yllace,. Brown IiIock. D-D53 l-ROOM modcriu 'except furnace, J22. O. M, Nuttlnger. Bee Bldg 'Phono 463. D-951 SEVEN-ROOM nil modorn house, in cooil condition, largo yard and beuutlful shude treos, t tmirjiM waiK rrom city hall, Will rent for 30 per month. OMaIIA LOAN & TRUST CO., lilh.qud Douglas Sts. D-9J2 FOR RENT. 6-room houso. city water, 1910 Pierce St., Ho; also barn, KM. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-M870 2821 DAVENPORT ST., 6-room, new mod em cottage, i.irgo lot. j.u.w a montn. Tho Byron Ri?ed Co., 21. So. 14th St. . D-231 HOUSES-Chri. Buyer, S2d nnd Cuming mono ww. uaww ju- FOR RENT. 4-room cottage, 2S0i Blondo at., s.w. inquiro nt wi in, I'Jtn si. D-MI3I TWO-ROOM cottage, $4 month. 1411 South jstii at. inquire Jos. uoiusmitn. itoom is. U. S. Bank building. D 706 15 iron ttns'T. A beautiful country homo of 0 acres, right In the city, on paved street; convenient for Omaha or South Omaha man; IP-room house, with large barn, corralls and out buildings; splendid water system; lots of shade trees: fruit orchard of armies peaches, plums, cherries and small fruits In abundance. Will make 1 to 6 years' lease to right party. This Is nn unusual opportunity to get nil tne au vantages of thn country in the city. $7! tier month. Many nnv as much for Him liar house on ono city lot. Address P 13 weo. u iw la- WANTED, tinner for general work, clerk In store nnd with Imnlements: state ex perience and where, married or single and wnges wanted, steady work to good man, Adilreis Georio Willing, Broken Bow, WMk, li.Mil 13- FOIl RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT, at reduced price, 6-room flat across from Ilanscom park. n. C. Peters c Co., ground floor, Bco building. D-M672 20 EIGHT-ROOM modern house, detached, nice lawn. 2611 1'lcrco Ht. Inqulro 2C03 Pierce. D 703 21 FOH RENT, sale or trade, 7-room houso and nvo acres ground. Mrs. M. A. Htenhcns, 3039-41 Curtis Ave., Omaha, Neb IX 7lf 2f CENTRAL, steam heat, 6-room flat, 3-room cotta ge. Tiinrn, m -n. ran. i i,17 3Z FOR RENT FURNIKIIKD ItOOMS. DI3WEV European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E-951 ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line. 1018 Clnik; IS per month. E-955 FURNISHED rooms. 623 S. 20th St. E-M71D J27 TWO housekeeping rooms, IS. 2C3 St. Mary's Ave. E-691 J22 LAROE front room, nicely furnished, steam heat, oni or two gentlemen. Call 313H H. 14th St. E-MM'J FRONT room, modern, IS mo. 1717 Web ster. E M925 J.K E-M325 J30 FURNISHED rooms, modern. 800 S. 3)th. E-M150 F2 ROOMS. 1W(5 Capitol avc. E-MC7C 18 I'tllt.MSIIKO ROOMS AND IIOAIll). NICE homo for young mon. 103 S. 23th St. F-CS'J SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men. 151S Jackson St. F-CSS STEAM htattd, nicely furnished rooms, with or without bourd, at The Thurston. F-tt'J FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam hcatod rooms, with ot without board. Midland hotel, 16th nnd Chicago Sts. F-M4II THE BONNIE BRIAR. 1720 DODOE ST. F-4S5 J17 ROOMS and board, alencairn, 10) DoJgl.s F-MscJ THE ROSE, 20M Harney; rooms and board. F-M3S9 F6 FOIl HKNT-UXFUUNISIIUD ROOMS. DESK room space, Jo per month, ground floor room In Tho Bee building, facing street; no oxpenso for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. J'ctcra At Co., Rcntul Agents, Use Building. U-Ut) SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. All! (l..nrirlu nn fl M7 'Jl FOIL HUNT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, tho building formerly opcu pled by Tho Beo at m Farnam St, It has tour stories and a basement which was tortnorly Ufd an Tho Beo press room. This will l"t rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at oncu to C. C. Rose water, tccretury, room 100, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, storo In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg. ' 1200 A FINE sulto of r6oms suitable for doc tor's ofllces. ROBERT II. BENNETT, Room 12, Continental Block. ' I-M4J3 ACSENTS WANTED, MEMORIAL llfo of McKlnley, four lan guages, 650 pages, 100 halftones, 11.60; frco outfit. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co., 600 Waro block, Omaha. J 693 PROFITABLE work offered ngonts In every town to secure subscriptions to tho Ladles' Journal and the Saturday Evening PoHt. Wo want agents who will work tborotighly and with business sys tem to cnvei each section with our illus trated llttlo booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers. The pay is first rate und at the end of the season J20.CKX) will be given tho best workers as extra prises for good work. How well some of our agents havo succeeded is told in a llttlo booklet wo would like to send you portraits of some of our best agents, with the story of how thoy mado It, pay. The Curtis Publishing Co.-, Phila delphia, Pa. j M206 F7 WANTED, c&nvasslng agents in, overy count to solicit Buoscnptions to THIS TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE 8TOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book ' contains 1.400 imperial octavo pages, 800 obJect-tenchhig cngravlnxs and is tho only hook on llvn stock ever published adapted to the every- uu), prucngui money-saving uso oi every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents lit tho country with horsn nnd luittav . peclally dctdrcd. Canvassers make easily w to iw iicr mujiiii. Auuress loniury Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo building, WANTED TO HUNT. WANTED, to rent, storo or portion of storo in goou central locution. Joyce, Mill ner. . ("i i t a. ..... jjuui; uiM oi. n. IN13A ll WANTED, to rent, twenty to thirty-room noiei iuniiBucu, in goou town, county soat preferred. Address Zach T. Greer. Wil. uer, eu. k M701 20' WANTED TO 11UY. WANTED, to buy, some glass doors and glass partitions ana one half-oak round counter. Apply to M. J., Midland notci. n M445 WANTED, a good secondhand organ ft cash. Address 1 15, Beo. N702 17 for FOR SALE FURNITURE, CHICAGO Furnltuje Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel iv.v. niw aim buluuuiiuiiu, oougnt, sold exchanged. O 937 FOH SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC, THE BEST In buggies and wagons at II I'Tosi s. mn ana .eavenwortn. i' you FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, CADET coat, good as new; will fit boy 13 or ii ; iur um. auutcsh ii w, uee. , Q-iM5S6 2DHAND safe chenp. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. q-'JUl FOR SALE. DhonoKrnnhs. sunerlor to nnv otner mjucui lnHiruments; o up. ino witimau uo,, iui farnam. y aw INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-M52J FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news paper exenanges, a cents ana up. Apply I. k J,V Wtl.WW, V... VM.V...W. T . HI Hi Q-5 FIR timbers fot housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; cribbing and hog fence, vol Doug- 2D-HAND tafe cheap. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. PIANO boxes cheap, 1313 Farnam St W-ii.i( '4 100 STYLES trusses, cntatoguo free. Shir man & Mcconncii urug t-o itiin nnu uotlge, u-nnlia, y wi FOR SALE, fine mnhoganv bank fixtures und vnicajo aie i ick t-o. sate, auto mada double tlmo lock: double burglar proof steel chests. Will be sold .it a bargain, national nam: or uommerce. Q 053 FOR SALE, cheat), one llrst-class bass urum, witn symnois. inquire at iK3 uam St. W 17' TYPEWRITERS, latest models Remlnir tons. Hmith-Premler, Densmore, replaced ny tne u.ui'.uwuuu; low price, a. it. Workman & Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phono 2439, CJ &7 Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Incandescent gaslights, glassware, man ties.. The best gasollno lamps. Wholesale und retail. H. FHAN55EN, nui in. ,utn Ht., umana, neo. CLAIRVOYANTS, AIRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 N. 16th. S 363 MME. QYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15, B OI STAMMERING AND STUTTEHINO. CURED, Julia. Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg, -131 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MMB, AMES, 317V4 N. 15; flat Ej attendants. T-39SF4 mTieTsMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, H 2. T-331 F4 UEATXIICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attendant. 321ft N. 15th. Flat A. T-M1D3 18 MISS MACK, massago; attendant. 1403 Webster. T-MIS2 F3 rEHSO.XALi. DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns nnd supertlu ous hair removed by electricity. It. 12, Frenzer Block. U-968 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesolo home treatment. 311 Uee Uldg. U W)j GOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect pleating plant In thn west. 2m Douglas block. U-M513 SHAMI'OOINO and hair dressing, 25c. In connection witn tho uatnery, zw-zzo uoj building, lei. 1716. U-S61 RUrTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. S. Wood, M D 521 New York Llfo Uldg., Omuha, Neb. U-971 HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring nnd chlro- pouy, ior mutes oniy, in connexion wmi Tho UiithJry, 218-220 Bee Hldg. U-IS5 SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send for handsome 106-pago tree catalogue. LIEHEN. theatrical, masquerado customer. iuw iarnam. u i PRIVATE hospital, before nnd during con- nncment; uauici auopicn. iwvo urnni m, Mrs. Qardcls, Tel. F-1182. U-373 CHIROPODY n specialty. In connection witn ino uaiiicry, rooms i,iu-.v xice jiiuk. Tel. 1716. U-649 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quiCKesi. airs. j. j. larx, ii et uouri, U-R74 QRAMOPHONES nnd supplies, wholesale nnu retail, coiuns riano uo., ik uouk las. U-91i WE RENT machines of every mako at 70o per week or )2 per month. Wo repair nnd till parts for every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 16th nnd Hnrr.oy, 'pnono J663. 334 iiroatiwny, uoun Council Bluffs, la. 'Phono U-G1S. 612 N. 21th St., South Omaha. U-831 J23 Mlddlcmts, wall paper cleaner. 1403 Jackson U 379 Fo PRIVATE homo for ladles beforo nnd dur ing confinement; tinbies aiiopieo. iwu Burdetto st. Mrs. Burgat. U M413 F3 PIANO tunlnir nnd renalrlnir. Tel. 701, Ageiil tor WfDcr piuno. iioom i, 1100 bldg. U-M61 Fll' A FEW PLAIiJ FACTS. For flavor, quality, coblncss nnd frceness tno ccicorntcu PUINCt: OF OMAHA Is Unquestionably the best cigar on the market. 6c straight, )37 per 1,000. W. F. 8TOECKER CIGAR CO. U-9 IS THE KHARAS School of Osteopathy cm- ploys every ono or its grauuutes. uei a catulog. Fourth lloor, Bco Bldg. U-6S3 20 WANTED, a trained ntirso as head nurso at Cllllu saving institute. iiso two ad ditional nurses in training Bchool for nunes. Apply to matron, 18th and Ohio 818. U-.HKII) if INDEPENDENTLY wealthy young woman would Uko to correspond Witn reuneu gentlcmnn; object mutrlmony. C. box 83, Ht. LOUIS, AlO. U-M6S6 16 OMAHA Cancer Cure Sanitarium, J07 N. -Itn St., UIIIUI1U. 11DU., viuuib ;uiiv.i:in, tumors and all skin diseases; euro guar- antceu. u-wi r MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r 2, U M716 F15 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, honds and warrants. Georgo & company, jdui rarnam street. W-987 4',4 PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. W. B. MEIKLUi it S. 15th St. . ' -W-9S3 WANTED, city loans and warrants.- W. Farnam emun ct uo imi rarnam Rtrcet W 989 WANTED, city una farm loans! also bonds anu warrants, n. v-' t'oiera at uo., him Farnam Hi., weo uiug. Y so MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Btcnnan-iovo o,, su noutn I3tn. W 991 FARM nnd city leans, low rates. W. II, X11UIIIUO, IDl .Ul. uuun UlUg. IVIO. W 932 YOU don'tj need to borrow money If you wora ior tne jviiurus v-u. v ooj 4V4 TO 6 P.. C. money. Bcmls, Paxton Blk, . . w VJJ PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. V 5TJ5 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life. MORTGAGE G. O. Wallace, Brown Block. W !7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Far nam. w M4Z7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY IM You to retain possession ot the property. SALARY LOANS i rnVnn,. iuu can uurruw irom up. xou can act tho money on short notice. You ant tho full amount in cash. You may keep it ono month or more and pay for it only what tlmo you keop It. Our rates are low, our business Is confidential and our motto is to "try to piease. UAIA11A MUHTUAU1S LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trudo Bldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 1892.) SW S. 16th St. X-083 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to male or female cmployos. Wo Guarantee lowest Rates. HOW DO WE DO IT? Full na'ticulars free upon rcquost. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Paxton Block. (See Window from Farnam Street.) X-476 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock jewelry; also to saiancu people without security; cnean rates; easy puymtnts; business Foley Loan Co.. successors to Duff Green, R. 8, Barker uiouk, ustau, ru-j. X979 MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried pcopio; business conuuentiai; lowest rates, bit paxton uiock. ine j. a. glutton Co. X-085 FURNITURE, I'lANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANS, "Absolutely without removing goous. written guarantee given to tnis effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 303, Paxton Block. X-9S4 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, uoartiing nouses, etc., without so curltv: easiest terms: 40 oltiees In nrln clpnl cities. To 1 man, 410 Board of Trado UlUg. X 980 YOU don't need to borrow money If you worn ior tno unarau uo, Jt 661 Y "I A WH AM aAT.AT7Tl.-a T?TTTx?Trpf Tl I llvo stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rntes guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (tot) floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th end Farnam; entrance on 16th street. a. jy ..4W,U luuiliu Ull JlllUtun. 4141IIIIUIC. elry, Jiorses. cowi, etc C. F. Reed, 310 S. 13, X 131 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on WU Inma ... J11 fnP,.i,i,i, l.till.iln Y-9W WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quicK communi. t-ate with ono who has the customers. J, H. Johnson. 8(3 N. Y. Life. Phono L-2270, 1 V xloc. location In city; owner must sell: Beo mo immediately, j, n, jonnson, v. i.ue. Y-M611 11 ROOMS, elegantly equipped, first-class lurnnure, nueu witn nrst-cmss roomers best local ion, paying proposition, j. i; Johnson. 813 N. Y. Llfo. Y-MCW IIUHINHH CIIANCEM. DENTIST or doctor contemplating locating wouiu do wen to uuy ino lurnituro ot 6- .n.. ... .... ttl.l. nn.i U ...., Omahn: owner coins to Mexico: no rea sonable offer refused. J, H, Johnson. N. Y, i.ue. v wrj is FOR 3ALE. millinery store doing good justness; nioo goou noiei ior saio (or ioae io rignr ')iirty), ooin goou locations m N, E. Ncbruska. Call or write 624.N. Y. Life building, Omaha. Y 131 r i.uuij nun i ui, iiiiit lukuiiuut full boarders nnd roomers; ownor leaving city; pnylng business; at reasonable fig ure, j, ji, jonnson, su m. i. i.ite. i-nono IJ270. Y-M6U 10 ROOMS, completely furnished, good loca tion; boarders and roomers; lndy com telled to leava city: a liurc.iln. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M611! NEBRASKA SNAP. Handsome Jeueler store; county scat: pop ulation a.wii; paying nusincrs; invoice J5,0i); can reduce; cash cly. Address 11, care J, C. Huteson Co., Omaha, Nob. 1 AlbtV is OR SALE, up to date racket store, county sent; soumwesi Missouri, .uuress "itac kot," box 80S, Neosho, Mo. Y M093 20 OR SALE, nt a great bargain, foundry, machlno and blacksmith shops, located at lecumscn, xsou. inquire ot i', a. Jones. Y-MCS5 21 YOU tako no chnnco; J2.500 perfectly fo- cured; chanco on ground floor; bonanza; will call on you. Address P 11. Bee. X TOl lJ' WANTED, elevator and lumber yard, or cuner, in a tnriving town. uurcs at once, Box 241 Newman a rove, Nob. A1713 ZI FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange .goou onk wardrob" for folding l;d. N 19, Bco. 2-M510 FOIl SALE-REAL ESTATE. HOUSES nnd lots in all parts ot city; also acre property nnu larm inniiB. -ino u. . Davl.4 Co., Room 552, Beo Building. RE-102 SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good farming country. i'or lurtncr particulars write or call on II. L. Ludlum, Plalnview, Neb. RE-M393 FARMS 1 FARMS! FARMS1 For bargains In farm property go to O'lNciirs ueai listaio Agency. Houtn Omaha. RE-M30G BOYD COUNTY LANDS Railroad an assured fact. Our next party Jan. 27, 1902. See us about it. Join our party and save railroad fare. 'OTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470. Omaha, Neb. RE-M157 20 A SNAP IN LAND-610 acres land In An te dim county, iscurasga. J ner acre if taken ut once. Some good bottom hay lana, oniy ju acres uroKe; wouiu maxe lino pasture; & miles from good town. Address OSS, Bee. RE-MHO 10 A BARGAIN. To settle an estate, wo offer for fale a well bum moucrii nine-room houso. rac ing south on Charlos st., near 26th; house bus been thoroughly painted and repaired, and as It now stands Is the greatest bar gain north of Cuming st. No. 262$ Charles . i -, ) r, . i THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas. HE M29J HOUSES Harrison & Morton. Tel. 314. llli M167 Mchl RANCH nnd farm lands for snls by tho union i-acinc ituuruuu company, ii. A. McAlluster, land commissioner, Union Pa cltlo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-103 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, xicmis, raxton biock. RE-101 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Llfo. lt HE 101 WILLIAMSON; Z . '', . RU-661 20-ACRE fruit, nnd garden place adjoining council ii.uitn, nu una innu anu well set tn nrolltnhld varieties of fruit: If von want a good place ot this kind nt it very rensonuuiu iikuiu sue juo noout huh; 1 have others nlso. H. a. McGcc, No. 0, Pearl st., Council Bluffs, la. RE-M667 IS IP Mim titu m.i nt o-i uuiit In Tfn nllfinm T)1n nn T i 1 1 1 t,ii,n ilUillCO . 4itttlo,UIII A IUV & fill! fjikU J'UU u buruln. Owner left city. Must ftulJ. T 11 -Ul.i.tifAnil 4l?7 T. t7l,l. ! ii one nwwu) wi i a m uiuft RE-M1M 400-ACRE farm, 12 miles north of Council Blurts, .well improvea, per ncre. ii. a. Mcuee, t I'can at., council iiiuiis. in. RE-MC6? 18 Cuss st, j'j.ow. tiio u. i' uuvis co., r52 100X187 FEET On Farnam street, adjoining the Hartman residence: is worth $10,000, but owner says let it go this week at $6,000. ' Do You Want It? JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1&02 FARNAM ST, HE MUSI IS FARMS. 61D acres, Sarpy Co., $20 an ncre. 060, Sarpy Co., J37.60 an acre. 160, Sarpy, very fine, $65 an ucre. 03, Sarpy Co., 3,200: very good 360. Douglas Co., 135 nn acre. 320, Sarpy Co., lino, $62.50 nn ncre. 80), Elkhorn vnlley, I0 an ncre. ho, AierricK to., Jj an acre. 720, ueunr Co., 123 nn acre. 160, Sarpy Co.. near Gretna, $8,000. 8,000, deeded land In tho valleys, controlling 60,000 of range, $18,ooo. 700, Kearney Co., well Improved, $14,000. 35, near Country club, line, $7,()0. 400, Dawson Co,, very cheap, $4,000. 160, Burt Co., Improved, $6,600. 325, Burt Co., bottom land, $55. Halt sec. deeded hay land with 10 sco grazing land, fenced, will run 400 hend of cnttlo, only $2,uoo. 10 acres, close In, $1,600, 20 acres, near Florence, $1,500. HARRISON & MORTON, OMAHA. RE-70S 15 Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tel. 314 iiis m Fir FARM FOR SALE. FARM for salo; line stock and grain farm of sho acres, an unuer cultivation; ono mile from railroad; splendid improve ments. J. ll. Woolloy, ugent, Qrand isianu, icu. it MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leading wouid call tho attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations beforo und during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter wnui cauav. v,un ui uuur,ess, witn stump, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, uinaiia. ivu LADIES, $500 reward falling to relieve case or suppression, any cause; pricg $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy r".i 17 nnlnov fit r'hli-m.n 111 -C5 J21 nnd rhlhlrnn! vr.nptt' nriintlnn fMlinn ..vo i.uiiiiug, iicb, tel. r-.iw, uiucu u-iviu itnni LADIESI Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best, Sufc, reliable Tako no other. Send 4a Btumns for nartlculurs. "Relief for Ladies," in letter by roturn man. ask your uruggist, unicncstcr Chemical Co., I'JUlarielphlu, Pa. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly aitcnueu to. j, t, ucniitreo, Utll UI1U J.UKQ nis. JtU WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es tate men; weather strips put on. 2S03 L.eavenwortn, in PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or invention Address, V. o. Box to, Onuha, Neb. 18 1 J-S4' LOST. STRAYED or stolen, black cocker, spaniel pup; answers to name "iiignoitii. ziuz St. Mnry's Avc. Iosl-671 LOST, Inrpo red cow; no horns. O. R. Gil bert, tne tur uresser, n.'t h. lain. lX)St-M673 LOST, Saturday, black nnd tan Gordon Better nog, i& months old, answers to name of "Hector." Return for suitable reward to room 232, Bco bldg. E. W. Slmeral. Lost 705 SIIORTHA.M) AM) TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug 1UG A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Ltfo. 107 BOYLES College, court reporter principal. N. Y. IlIO. 10S NEB. Business & Shorthand Collego, Boyd's Tiieater. iw OSTEOPATHY. JOIIN80N Institute, 615 U. Y. Ij. nidT. Tel. loot. Alico jonnxon, u. u lames tiept,; Old E. Johnson, Osteoputhlst, Mgr. 127 DR. A. T. HUNT. 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. UM. 143 DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S23. PILLtlWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2467. ii. MASQUERADE COSTUMES. COSTUMES fo.' rent S. Sack, 3318 P. 20th, jiiio i-enj FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1I119 Farnnr.i. Tel. 125S. 1SJ PAWNI1ROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, rellablo, accommodat ing; nu business confidential. 3301 Douglas. -110 TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, nltorcd, cieaueu anu repaircu. joo l onsen, um Farnam. 125 DANCING. MORAND'S winter term for beginners opena tills week. Adults, Tuesday and Fridays, 8 o. in.; children, Saturday after noons. Prices reduced. -177 FJ LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, zc; cuns, . it&u Lcavenwortn. Tel. mi. -131 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old ago as well as inc. tjnaricr mumuers iree. I'articu birr, from Frank Rosewatcr, supremo manager, 222 Bee Bldg. 724 STORAGE. STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1113 Far nam at. lis OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 165946:1. irj PACIFIC Storago nnd Warehouse Co., 012- yn Junes, general storage anu rorwaruing, 120 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTINO COMPANY. Tele- phono 2180. Oil South Thirteenth strcot. -90 . FUR DRESSING, O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1121 S. 13th, iss FACTORIES. niJUlIlu, will, jiiuiin, i'ui;iifi;i Av 'iiiiium. 1IOOK1CEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.; day or even ing, it. i&, com. in at. uaiiK. u. it. itatnuuu. 1.1 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklin, 2111 Ouming St. JV HALE TIES. OMAHA Hny Balo-Tio Co., 611 North 16th. in MASQUERADE COSTUMES. NEW gents' and ladles' costumca for rent. tl. isacit, S3i8 Bourn sum street. M170 Feb3 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY' Gnrbago Cd., cleans cesspools and vaults, remove gurDag? & dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -371 F5 NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating lant in umana. umana riuung uo., mio lldg. Tel. 2535. -113 LARGEST plntlng plant in Omaha. A. L. unucianu, ibis uoage nt. ici, ,uo. ut TYPEWRITERS. NEW & 2dhand. llltf Farnam St., Omaha, tn INSURANCE POLICIES. WE MAKE loans on insurance policies ana purcnaso policies; give iuii particu lars The Putnam Co., 604-5 N. Y. Llfo bldg., Omaha. -678 25 ' ' TEETH are what you make them, use ful and comfortnhlo nnd painful nnd useless. A little attention given to them every few months will keep your mouth In a comfortable condition. Bailey th Dentist, ma Pnxtou uioou, ieth and Farnam Bta. Lady attendant. Phone 10H. FOSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be ready dally by all interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for tho week ending Jan uary 18? 19U3, will close (PROMPTLY in all nt llm nmiornl POStOtllCO 118 fOlloWBI PARCELS POHT MAILS closo ONE HOUR EARLIER thun closing time snown neiow, Regular and Supplementary malls closo at Foreign Branch half hour lator than closing time shown below (except Supple inniiliirv Mnl!n for Kurotin and Central America, via Colon, closo one hour later ut i'oreign uraiicii). Triiiisiitliintln .Molls. THURSDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE, HW1TCER IAND, ITALY. SPAIN, PORT- T!f a t f n t t t t irv cnvnT n t i," t7 i IT BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR (JUE55, per h'. h. La Goscogne via Havre (mall for other parts of Europo must be directed "per s. s. Ia Gascogne"); ut 8:30 n. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s, Iombardlu (mall must bo directed "per j. s. ixjmDaruia-;. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for ITALY direct, ner u. n. Travo (mail must bo directed ''per s. b. vTravo"): at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per tt. . Etrurla via Quconatown; at 11 a. in. for DENMARK direct, per s. 8. Hekla (mall must bo uirecieu -per s, s. iieKia v After tho closing of tho Supplementary Transatlantic- Mans nameu uuove, aaui PosroFFit'E Ntrru-i tlonal Supplementary Mnlls nrn opened on thu piers of tho American, English, French nnd German steamers and re niAln open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour ot sailing of steamer. Muiln for Smith nnd 1'cntrnl Atitrrtcn, West Iiidlrn, I'.tr. THt'Rs'DAY-At 12 m. for YUCATAN, per r. s. ltavctmiaie via l'rogreso; nt vi w. (supplotnentnry 13:30 p. m.) for BA HAMAS. QUANTANAMO and SANTI AGO, per s. s. Seguranca. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXtCd, per s, m. Santiago via Tnmplcti (mail must oo ni rected ''per s. t, Santlngo"). SATURDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce: nt a n. m. (supple mentary 9:30 n. rn.) for CURACAO ami VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maraenlbo (mall for Savnnlllu nnd Cnrtngeim must be di rected "per s. s. Maraenlbo"); nt 9:30 n. m. (supplementary lfl:3o it. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CARTAGENA nnd GREY TOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Aleno"); nt 10 a. m. for CUBA, per . . Morro Castle via Havana; nt Ml p. m. for BA HAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Flu. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Bydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally nt 6:30 p. m. (connecting closo here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls fur MUitielon, by rail to Boston, nnd thetico by steamer, close at this oiuco dally nt 6:30 p. m. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., nnd thence uy steamer, closo at this olllco dally nt 0 a. m. (the connecting closes lire on Sunday, Wednesday nnd Fri day). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at this office nt 1:30 p. m. and 11 p. m. Mails for Costa Rlcn, Uellao, Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala, by rail to New Or.oans, und thenco by steamer, close nt this olllco dally ut M:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn). 'Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Trniiant'ltln Mnlln. Malls for Hawaii, Chlnn, Japan nnd Philip pine Island, via San Francisco, close bore dally at 0:30 p. m. up to Jnnuarv 16, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. '3nelle. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at fl-30 p. m, up to January 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Malls for China and Japan, via Vnucouvcr, closo hero daily at 6:30 l. m. up to Jan uary 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. (Registered mall must bo directed "vla Vancouver." Merchan dlso for the U. S. Postal Agency ut Shanghu! cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) Malls for China und Japan, via Tacoma, clone licru dally ut 6:30 t. in. up to Jan uary 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Tnconia. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, close her dally at 0:30 p. m. up to January 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. Rio jun Mnru. (Registered mail must be di rected "via SeatUe.") Mails for Hawaii, Japan, Chlnn nnd Philip plno Islands, via Han Francisco, close hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to January 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Hong Kong Mnru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Frnncltco, close here dally nt 0:30 p. m. after January "ll nnd up to February !, inclusive, or on urrlvnl of s. h. Saxonln, duo at New York February !, for dis patch per s. s. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San FranclHCo), und Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to February "1, inclusive, for dispatch per . x. Mosna (supplement ary mulls via Seattle nnd Victoria closo here nt 6:30 p. m. February "2. Mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up 'to February M. Inclusive, for dis patch per 8 s. Australia. , Transpacific malls uro forwarded to port of sailing dally und tho schedule of rloslng in arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis- teren man closes at 6 p. m previous nay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Fostofllce, Now York, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1902. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the articles of Incorporation of tho FREMONT, ELK HORN U MISSOURI VALLEY RAILIIOAII COMPANY have been changed, pursuant to a resolution for such change unanimously adopted by all tho stockholders of snld company on November 16, 1901, so that tho paragraph or said articles heretofore read ing ns follows: "Second. Tho object for which this' asso ciation nnu company Is formed Is 16 nur vcy, locate, build, construct und bporuto nnen oi nniroau uetween tno places Herein before named ns tho termini nt snlil mnin lino of railroad, and tha brunches ilcscrihoil- nnd to purchase, lease nnd operate other nnu connecting rnurouus in said Slnto of Nebraska, nnd to acquire, construct and operate extensions of said main line nnd branchcB in tho territories of Dakota and Wyoming, under tho laws thereof; nnd to no uiiu iieriorm nny nnu an things neces snry in (ho .premlsert;" now reads as follows: "Second. Tho object for which thin nsso elation nnd comnanv Is formed la tn mi-. vcy. locale, build, construct nnd nuprn tn mir-n ui iiiiiiuuu oeiweeu ino places herein- iviurn iiuineii oh wig termini or sain mnin lino of railroad and branches, whether elso whero described In these articles or not? and to purchase, lenso nnd oneratn nthnr win euuneciiug ranronus in iseiirnsun, Wyoming or elsewhere, and to acquire, con- Hiruei uiiu uueruiu extensions or Hnin mnin lino or branches In nny stato or territory wiiuBu mwB muy permit, sucn extensions; and to do and perform any nnd all things nnnnMan rv In Hit. nmmlBna " In witness whereof said Fremont, Elk horn & Missouri Vnlley Railroad company imn BuuBuriueu wnn nonce nnu tno cor- Koruto seal of said company has been ereto attached, under tho authority of said stockholders' resolution, nn thin "ath day of November, 1901. fUKMUNT, KIjKHORN & MISSOURI VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY. By M, HUGHITT. President. ByJ. B. REDFIELD. Secretary. Attest: J. B. REDFIELD, Secretary. (SeaiJ D18-25J1-8M RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNIOJf STATION-lOTIl AMI MARCY, Illinois Central. IHVM. Arnvn. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis tt St, Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul express u 7:20 am bl0:33 pm Chicago Express nl0:35 pm Chtanifu, .UllnuuUeo A tit. I'uul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Lliiou I'nelne. Overland Limited a 9:40 nm a 7:S0 pm Fuet Man a n:w am u 3:25 pm Calif omla Exnrcss a 4:25 Dm Pacific Express all:30 pm Eastern Express a 4:35 pm Atlantic Express a 7:00 um Llncoln-Btromsburg Ex.b4:0Gpm bliiinopm Grand Island Local, o 6;3v pm b u;jb um CbluS Nurthwealern, "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:10 am aU:20 pm Chicago Passenger ,f..,a 4:16 pm a 8:00 um Eastern Express al0:6b um a 4:05 pm Eastern Special a 4:65 pm a 4:05 pm Fast. Mall.. ... a 2:40 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd..a 7:45 pm u 9:20 um Fast Mall a WU am Cedar Rupldr Pass a 6:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:05 nm ul0:26 pm Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm a 8:40 am Bloux City Local a 6:15 am a 8:5u pm Mtaaourt 1'Moiflo. St. Louis Express ...alOiOO am a 0:25 pm IC. C. & St. L. Express, alo:50 pm a :16 am CUIcuko, Ruck lalmul fc 1'HclHe. EAST. Des Moines and Dav enport Local a 7.35 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express. bll;l5 am a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm bll:60 um Chicago Fast Express, .a 4:3a pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago.. .....a 7:40 pm a 8:23 am WEST, Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and Weat ... 1:30 pm a 4:11 pro Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer i:i0 pm a 8:60 am Wul)al, St. Louis "Cannon Bad" Express ..a 6:15 pm 8:S0 am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs ilO:00 am 10:30 pro Dally. UURLISOTON STATlOfT-fOTII A MASON ClileaKo, llurtlnuton Jk (lulncy, Chicago Special t 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex., a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local a 8:50 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:10 pm u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. AILWAY TIME CARD. llurlliiKton A Mlsaoiirl lllve Leave. Arrive. a 7:34 pm bins; am a 3iOJ pm Wi vmnre. lleiktrtrA Ami Nt ;etiraskn Express a S;10 am l.lm.idfl n . Denver Limited a 4:23 pin Ulacl; lllll" anu l'ticet Sound, Denver Con nection .....a 9:00 pm .ltii.nln tiftnf Millie I, 1 t ..... a 6:15 am a 9:17 am bU:05 am a 8:20 am Ciiniiell a 6:05 pm a 6:15 am nil. 15 am Fort Crook nnd Platta- .......Ik . IIIVUlll ... I .............. .V H..U JII1 llellevtte & PncIMn Jot. .a 7:40 pm ueuevuo cc I'pcino jct..a s:w am KlIIIMI ill, Ot. J.U., .v niurr.. ansas City Da.v Ex. ...a 9:f0 nm tltlanB flfv Vlitti, W-v nlll.lil .. St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm WEIISTEH DEPOT I5TH WEIISTtlu Leave, Arrive. t-ratit,il I. IILIlltril A kllMHiitirft ....... - Black Hills, Dtadwood, not oprings..-. ,n a:vu pm a 3:oo pm Wyoming, Cosper and nmtitfnn .1 1 -Art r ,ikt VVHI IMM HMIM WtW ittl V alW JPI1I Hastings, York, David uuy Bupcriur, ueiicvn, l.tir.(f r und Sewar.J....h SOo n,n h lt.rv mm. Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont t 7:30 am b 10:25 am 'lemont Local o 7:30 am .liiNiiitiri l'nellle, Nebraska Local, Via Yeeplng water o 4:10 pm nl0;!5 am Clileuuo, SI, Paul, .ttliinrniiolU .V limit tin. Twin City Passenger. ...n 6:00 nm a 9:10 pm ill. . . i I . . .... n . i r .... ntuiiA i Hjiseniji -4 -, ii lito pm nilllll am Etrcrson Lccal b 6:30 pm b 6:30 um Tmtlt, 1. rinllu AA.t. Giii,1..i - .. k...... imv. uuitiiui mill- day only, d Dally except Saturdny, e Dally rbCJI niuniiiijr, SPECIAL IMNOUNCEMENr NtwSenlce to Medllefraneir The new irU.mlln twin. sc re v slesmer "Commonwealth," is,. ouo tons, ihmi rcet ioiik. anil "Now Kn1.iiit!," 11,01)0 tons, ft70 feet loiiir, will snll from llnston to Olbrnltor. Alders, Oenun, Nuplen nml Alntan. rtrln, Kirypl, ns follows! "New Knj l.iml." Jnn. ".'fl. UID'.'i "Coiunion wealth," Knb. IS, 1UUJ, i s"nd for Mediterranean Illustrntcil bonk'et i" company r uince, w uearuorn street, Chicago. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK-ROTTERDAM, VIA BOF LOGNE H. M. New Twin Screw Stenmen of 13. (V tons register, Steamer ' Rotterdam .Inn. 25. 1ft A. M. Steamer Amsterdam Feb. 1, 10 A, ,M. Twin-Screw CilanJ,m rilenmcr OiaiBllugill Feb. 8. 10 A. M, Apply to Holland-Amerlcn Line, 30 B'wny, N. Y.; Hurry Moores, 1415 Farnam St.; Louis Nccse, First National Bank. MAY ERECT PACK,NG PLANT CIiIciiko Mini IIiijh Old Cuilnliy Ware house In K ii ii uni, VUy. KANSAS CITY, Jnn. 16. Nelson Morris, tho Chicago packer, through his confiden tial agent, Joseph N. Agnew, has pur chased a big meat warehouse In the west bottoms, formerly occupied by tho Cudahy company ns a market. It is utatod that It is tho first step of tho Chicago packer to establish a plant In Kansas City. With its forty years' record Cook's Im perial Extra Dry Champagne is first in tho list. No sparkling wlno In uso Is Its superior. MONEY FOR SALT LAKE LINE Denver Kxpeeta Xev llonil to Open I'll n I.nrite Section of Country. DENVER, Jan. 16. The Republican today says: Steamboat Springs, Middle Park .and other sections of northern Colorado jn'ay nuuii uuvu ti iHiirouii. 1 no proposcu line' Irt to cttjend frqin Bqulflcr to- Salt .Lake City nnd will run In pa d I recti, n 'path-ii? nnnall.lA U ...... n 1 II T.I I . n t t .1 .. 1 1 1 Tl has written to friends in Dcnyer that he has succeeded In raising $11,000,000 of Ponn. sylvnnln capital for tho new road and It Is expected that actual work on tho construc tion will begin within sixty days.' Mr. Dick Is Interested In tho Colorado & North westorn road from Denver to Boulder and tho Boulder and Salt Lake City lino will bo connected with that road. The new lino will be 460 miles long and will pass through, 'Mlddlo Park, Steamboat Springs, nnd, striking tho noar river near that town, will follow that stream through tho entlro length of Iloutt county, tbua opening up a section thut has hitherto been rcmoto from railroads. Tho road Is to be standard gaugo and it Is said that no seri ous engineering problem will bo encoun tered In laying tho track. JAMES M'CREA IS PRESIDENT Htnrkliolilnra of the Vnndnllu Line" Elect Dlreetilrs nnd OjHler. TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Jan. 15. The an nunl meeting of the stockholders of tho Torro Hauto & Indianapolis railway (Van dalla lino) was hold horo today. These di rectors woro elected; William R. McKecnc, Herman Hullmnn, James McCrea, Joseph Wood, James T. Turner, E. X). Taylor and S. B. Lcggett., Immediately nftcr tho adjournment ot the stockholders a mooting ot tho board of directors elected those officers: Presi dent, James McCrea; ylco president, J, J. Turner; secretary, Georgo E, Forrlngton; treasurer, Robort B. Thompson. Rnllrond Declures Anniinl Dividend. NEW YORK, Jan. 15. The directors of tho Now York, Chicago & St. Louis Rail road company havo declared a dividend for tho year 1901 of 3 per cent on the com pany's second preferred clock, an increase ot 1 per cent over tho dividend paid March 1, lbOl. Tho rogulnr dlvldond of 5 per cent also has been declared on tho first pre ferred stock for tho year 1901. IlnllTrny Notes ntul Personals. H. D. Wilson, city ticket agent of tho Missouri Pacific nt Memphis, Tcnn., is in Omaha. a. M, Kntrikln, district freight agent of tho Wabash, has gone to St, Louis for a throo days' stay I. E. Rchlander, traveling passenger ngont of tho Mlfsourl Pacific nt Chatta nooga, Tonn., is in Omaha. Tho Northwestern lino carried "Tho Strollers" company, seventy-two persons entire, In from Des Moines Tuesday. President Burt nnd Chief Engineer Borry of tho Union Paclllo rond returned Wednes day morning from a trip over the linos west of Kansas City, havlntr been absent from hetul'juartera Hlnco Sunday luM. It is stated that tho Weittorn Passenger association will soon consider tho abolition of party rates on lines wont ot Chicago, Tho objection advanced In that practically only theatrical parties take advantage of these rates, anyway, and thn railways are willing that auch travelers should pay full fare. A. Ii. Lynch, formerly chief clork of tho Union Paclllo hind department at head quarters, wan in Omaha yesterday morning greeting hla railroad friends. Mr. Lynch is now the company's neneral ngunt at Oak ley, Kan., and hna also opened an office In Kansas City as agent for ranch and farm lands in northern, southern and western states. General Passenger Agent J, R. Buchanan of the Fremont, Elkhnra & Missouri Val ley railroad will attend tho meeting of tho Western Passenger association In Chicago Thursday. The most Important muttvrs announced for consideration ure baggage affairs, tho establishment of homeseekcrs' rates on new dates and tho granting of rate.'i to several different national conven tions of lodges, R