Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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JI 1.1 Oil MEXTIOft.
Pavls nells druei
fitockert sells carpfts ana rut.
Mett beer al Neumayar'a hotel.
Drs. Green, offlce 303 Sapp block.
Plumbing and hentlnir. Blxby & Bon.
Wollman, iclentinc optician. K Broadway.
Dr. Stephenson, Baldwin block. Elavator.
Pictures for weddlnc Rifts. C. E. Alex
nder & Co., 333 Droadway.
Missouri oak body wood, w cord. Wra.
Welch. Vi N. Main st. Tel. 128.
City Physician and Mrs. H. D. Jennings
aro homo from ft visit In Morrison, III.
John N. Ualdwln Is In I)es Molnoy to
attend the Inauguration of Oovernor Cum
Harmony chapter No. 25. Order of the
eastern Htar. mil meet inia evciuun
Masonic hall.
Justlco Ferrlor went to Dos Moines yes.
terday morning- on business connected wiw
tho Knights of I'ythlns.
The regular mcetlne of , the Iletall
Grocers' asHuclatton will be this evening" In
Wetcalf hull on Pearl street.
Daniel Kltigerald of Kansas City Is visit
Ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Fitzgerald, 326 Tenth avenue.
The Iloyal Neighbors' degree staff will
meot tomorrow afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Bolby, 220 Tenth avenue.
George Reynolds, the 3-yoar-old son of
Idr. and Mrs. 1. P. Olsen. 9u6 Ninth avenue,
died yesterday of brain fever.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Thomas II. Hwt-cncy of Wheeling, W.
Va., Aged 28, and Mrs. Nellie K. Janney of
this city, aged 23.
Deputy Hherlff linker went to lted Onl
yesterday after n man charged with steal
ing two horses, the. property of C. Stephen
son, a farmer near Manawa.
Captain I U. CouhIiim wuh called to Deo
Moines yesterday on business connected
with tho Iowa department of the Grand
Army of the Itnpubllc, of which ha Is statu
Inspector general.
Milwaukee passenger train No. t yester
day afternoon made n fast run for a short
distance. The llvo and a half miles from
Weston Into Council muffs were covered
In a tow soconds under tlvo minutes.
Itoy U. Winder, n farmer of Anita, Cass
county, has tiled a petition In voluntary
Imnkruptcy In thn United States district
court hero. His llabllttli'ft aggregate r67
and his assets nre nil claimed as uxompt.
Charles Sunderland and Arthur Orndy,
charged with stealing brass llttlngs, tho
property of the Water Works company,
wero discharged yesterday, Judge Ayles
worth having decided not to send them to
tho reform school.
Miss Suing of Hnrtlngton, Neb., is visit
ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Paschel, Willow avenue. She Is on her
way to Washington, D. C, where sho will
spend tho winter with her uncle and aunt,
Major and Mrs. Hugh Gallagher.
Thn fourth annual meeting of the Iowa
Retail Hardware Dealers' association will I
be in Des .Moines l'curuary is to 2U. ii. a.
Colo of this city, who was Instrumental
In effecting thu organization of tho retail
hardware dealers of this state. Is on tho
program for an address on "The Ucnullts
of the .Organization."
Georgo Troynor of the Council Illuffa
lodge of Klks Is sporting a handsome 101 k
charm, set with diamonds, given to him
by Managor Klltry of tho Italian band for
disposing of the largest number of tickets
for the concert Tuesday night In tho
Dohany theater. The lodge cleared 3125
us a result of the band concert.
Owing to Sheriff Cousins being called to
Dea Moines yesterday, Mrs. Kmma Crnndalt
will not be taken to the asylum at Clarlnda
until today. A sister of Mrs. Crandall
living In Omaha called on the commission
ers yesterday to protest against Mrs.
Crandall's being removed to Clarlnda. Sho
threatened to apply to tho courts for an
Injunction restraining the removal of her
sister, but returned to Omaha without
doing so.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telethon 250.
Ooif ruiiaai Imith'i Bill ii ft Ittp ii tkftt
I'oatfnaatcr Treynor Insists Present
tlunrlr-rn Are .Much Ton Crumped
for (Jrrnt Incrense In
Postmaster Treynor Is much Interested In
tho bill Introduced In tho house of repre
sentatives by Congressman Smith, authoriz
ing the purchase of the ground directly
wo3t of tho poMofllcc In this city at a cost
not to exceed J 10,000.
This bill Is the preliminary step In the
move to ask of congress an appropriation
for the erection of n much-needed addition
to the federal building. Tho plan suggested
Is to add a west wing to tho present build
ing, and for this tho acquisition of thn
property on the west Is necessary.
Speaking of the bill yesterday, Postmas
ter Treynor said: "I am anxious this bill
Introduced by Congressman Smith should
go through, ah tho postofllcc, as It now Is, is
wholly Inadequate tor the business handled.
Too forco Is handicapped In Its work owing
to the cramped quarters, and the erection
of tho proposed addition has long been do
sired. Tho business of the Council Uluffs
postofflco has increased materially since
this building was erected, and the estab
lishment of four rural routes has naturally
Increased tho volume of mall to bo bandied
hero. Our present quarters aro too small,
and I hope that congress soon will sco Its
way to grant nn appropriation for the du
atrcd addition."
with the result that when yesterday rolled
around he was In need of moro money.
He called upon Slough for the 1B. Slough
looked at the old man and asked him what
ho referred to. Stumpf again told blm he
would like to have the $15 he had en
trusted to his sato keeping. Slough told
Stumpf he was evidently dreaming, as ho
had not placed any money In his care.
To all of Stumpfs entreaties Slough turned
a deaf car and denied ever having had the
money. Stumpf then applied to the police
and Slough's arrest followed. Several
patrons of the restaurant who saw Stumpt
with tho money and later heard him say
ho had placed It for safe keeping with
Slough have been cited as witnesses.
Cnnva for Klmninn Monnment.
The Kinsman monument committee has
arranged to begin an active canvass of the
city Monday for funds for the memorial to
the brave Council Bluffs colonel of the
Twenty-third Iowa regiment In tho civil
war. A subcommittee, consisting of two
members from the old soldiers' commtttoe,
Captain Srth II. Craig and William Mooro.
and two members from the citizens' gen
eral committee, Emmet Tlnley and Spencer
Smith, has been appointed to conduct this
This committee will be expected to raise
$2,000 within tho next few weeks In order
to sccuro the completion of tho monument
In time for tho dedication on the thirty
ninth anniversary of Colonel Kinsman's
death while leading his regiment, tho
Twenty-third Iowa, at Black river bayou,
Mississippi, May 17, 1S63, Surviving mem
bers of tho old Fourth and Twenty-third
Iowa regiments will hold a Joint reunion In
this city In commemoration of tho event
at the tlmo of tho dedication of the monument.
Davis soils paint.
Concert Tonight nt Ilrondvray Metlio
tlt Kplivopnl Chnrcli.
Piano solo
MIsb McDonald.
Bolo, "Tho Voice of Jesus" Sutcllffo
Mrs. Cnlfeo.
Duet, "Hear Mo Norma," from the
opera "Normn" ..,. lielllnl
Mrs. W. H. Wakefield and,, Mrs. George
Bolo, "Tho Swallows" Cowen
Miss Jessie Wallace.
Duet, piano and llute,..,.,
Mr. i. v. TUiieyn ana mibb iunryn.
"Heart's Springtime" wickcuo
M.mi. W. II. WnketlAld.
Bolo, "It Was a Ixwer and a Uiss"
Do Koven
Mrs. Warner Welch.
Trio. "Cradle Song" Brahma
Mrs. Wnkoileld, Mrs. Zimmerman and
Miss Tulleys.
Bolo, "Lolltn" (Spanish serenade) Tracy
Mr. Ned Mitchell.
Indies Qtmrtet, "Old Folks at Homo
Mr I'nvillt.
More Care nt Crossing.
The motor company has warned Its con
ductors and motormcn to use greater cau
tion -in crossing the tracks of the North
western railroad on Droadway. Two days
ogo a switch engine narrowly missed crash
ing Into tho rear of pno of the largo motor
cars, and tho warning Is the rcmilt. Con
ductors and motormen have been warned
that even If tho gntcs aro raised every
precaution must be taken and no rnr shall
try to cross tho tracks unless everything
Is clear. The notice states that any caro
lcssncss on tho part of tho employes In
this respect will result In Instant dismissal.
Theft of Wnter Works Conl.
The water works company has lost re
cently from Its pumping station on Lower
Droadway several wagonloadH of coal and
tho looters of the coalblns aro thought to
llvo In the nolghborhood. Yesterday the
company filed an Information In tho su
perior court, charging "Mary Iloo" with
tho larceny of coal, and she will bo given a
hearing In police court this morning. Mary
Roe's right name was not mado public,
but tho police said they found half a ton
of coal said to bo ntolon from tho water
works on her premises at Thirty-seventh
street and Avenue A.
Woll-lo-Do I'nriiicr Who Dlnniipenra
from Grimm In I'nnnd In ItnK
nnil Poverty.
Frank Mcncoiigh, a young and well-to-do
farmer of Grimes, la., disappeared from
Des Moines In May, 1900, and ns he was
known to havo considerable money with
him his relatives and the authorities were
afraid hu had met foul play. Circulars de
scriptive of the missing young man were
sont broadcast throughout the stato at tho
time, ono being received by the pollco of
this city.
Young Mennough was located In Council
n luffs yesterday by the pollco through the
merest accident, and Is being detained In
the city Jail until tho authorities at Des
Moines aro heard from. Menoough hap
pened to bo one of tho several witnesses
In tho case of John Slough, a restaurant
cook, charged with tho embozzlement of a
sum of money Intrusted In his care by a
railroad man. When tho police entered his
name as ono of tho witnesses the circular
sent cut from Des Moines was remembered
and a search through tho scrapbook
brought It to light.
Meneough nt onco admitted ho was tho
prrson described In tho circular. He said
'he had left his horde because ho had a de
sire to seo something of tho world. Ho
said when ho left on his slght-scotng tour
be bad S2fi0 In money in his pockets and
was the owner of a 120-acro farm, valued
at JS.000, The money was soon spent and
then. Meneough says, he began to roam the
country as a tramp. At times ho would
work out as a farmhand and again the
passion to wander would sclzo him and off
he would start on tho tramp. When found
In tho restaurant yesterday ho appeared to i yesterday In the county recorder's office,
Official Tit it Annianotd at Itiiiti tf tia
I). It. Thnycr nnil John J. fleerlry Get
the Complimentary Voted of the
Legislator of Their I'o
lltlvnl Faith.
Dance, Hughes' hall, Friday night.
Death of Mra. Thomas Tarpy.
Mrs. Thomas Tarpy, aged 60 years, died
yesterday morning at her home, 1522
Avonuo D, of pneumonia, after an Illness
of flvo days. Her husband, five daughters
nnd four sons survive her. The children
are: Mrs. J. O. Smith and Mrs. William
Harrington of Vail, la.; Mra. Hamilton of
Jefferson, la., and Mrs. M. P. Malone and
Mrs. Nellie Rowley of this city; Henry and
Thomas Tarpy of Manning, la.; Daniel
Tarpy of Irwin, la., William -Tarpy of thla
city. Tho- body will bo taken to Vail, la.,
this morning, to bo placed in tho family
burying ground.
Free Krnnirelleal Lutheran.
Articles of Incorporation of tho Frolo
Evangelical Lutheran gemctnde, which
translated means congregation, wero filed
8 p.
Coviilt. MIsh Wallace, Mrs. Hal-
llnger nnd Mrs. Wheeler,
m. Admission, "5c.
Heal Kntnte Transfer.
These transfers wore filed yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loon office of J. W.
Squlro, 101 Pearl street:
William C. Jacobs and wlfo to S. D.
Toboy. lot 29. block 1. Oakland, w. d.S
Executors of D. C. mourner to Frank
Hlank, lots 19 nnd 20. block 20, Wil
liams' 1st add., w. d
Charles Schmidt, Jr.. and wlfo to
Adolph pmigsnaupt, sis reel or ioi
13 and nVi of lot 12. block 30, Avocn,
w. II,
Florence D. Hnrton Ilomboy to Jose
."phlne M. Splndler. lot 21, Davis Park
add., Avocn, w, d 1,
lleuben uunKio ana wire to uewm
Wilding. w4 neW uw; lfi-76-44. s. w.d.
J. W. Snoddcrly to H, F. Plorco, lot
'11, block 30, Ileers' subdlv.. w. !....
Mary C. Dennett to Anna Marcus et ul,
lot 7, block 1, Mullln'H mibdlv.. w. d.
Frank Shlnn und wife to Ira It. Stltt,
nit of out lot S, Bhlnn's 1st add.,
Carson, w. d..' ...
Margaret M. McKeo and husband to
William Heed, lot 16 nnd n39 feet of
lot 15, block 12, Carson, w. d
County treasurer to Iowa Loan nnd
Trust compnny. undlVt-5 of lot 9,
block 30, Perry's 1st odd., tax d..
Caroline Levin and husband to Mary
Gray, lot 1, block 16, Hyatt's subdlv.,
W, d,.,,...
The Incorporators, all of Treynor, In., are;
Jungen Helsh, Julius Strohnehn, Fred Hoist,
N. P. Sucksdorf. Henry E. Wllken. William
Trcde, August Dammrow and M. BeVk
moler. Tho officers aro: Deacons, Jungen
Helsh, J. Srtohnohn, F. Hoist; trustees, N.
P. Sucksdorf, H. Wllken, W. Tredo; treas
urer, M. Berkmeler; secretary, ' August
The Best and
In Jewelry enn be seen nt our store!
nnil when you compuro tho goods
nnd prices you will realize what
splendid values aro given. The fobs
and scarf-pln aro particularly at
tractive, llliigs In every style, wl'h
stones that we can guarantee.
Kllts'l CLASS AM)
23S DROADWAY, Council muffs,
Optician. Jeweler. Kngraveur.
Funeral Director
itfuccMor to W. O. l&it?)
SB rUAKL STIlKKT. 'Phaav !H.
fiinSi? i2m
havo had a precarious tlmo of It lately, as
his clothes wero almost In rags and ho
looks as It ho has been half-starved.
At tho time of his disappearance from
Des Moines It was said ho had been drink
ing heavily and gambling, and his relatives
feared his mind had become unbalanced.
Moneough objected to the pollco taking
such r.n Interest In his welfare and as
serted that his relatives are now aware of
his whereabouts nnd that only a week ago
ho had a visit from ono of his brothers. Ho
was, however, unubto to give any reason
for not returning to his home and comfort,
Instead of tramping, and tho pollco decided
to hold him.
Falls to Mnke llenort to the Court n
i:.eoted, IlcliiK Many with
Many Matter.
Tho grand Jury of tho district court
failed to make any report to the court yea
terday, as hnd been expected, but continued
ii. .inllhorntlons. n large number of wit-
nensea bolng examined by It. A partial re-
nnrl is looked for today, as tho county at-
mri... wn emratred yesterday In drawing
up tho indlctmenta In those cases In which
true bills had boon rouna.
The greator part of yesterday In the dis
trict court was taken up with tho hear
ing of the suit brought by Mrs. Maggie
Peterson against her husoana. . a. reier
son, for a share In his property and the
right to inhabit tho homestead. Tho
marital troubles of the Petersons havo
been tho cause of considerable litigation,
especially since tho court denied both of
thorn their petitions for divorce.
The petition on the part of the defendant
In tho personal Injury damago suit of W. K.
Hoyt against the Illinois Central Railway
company to have the caso transferred to
the federal court wns argued and taken by
the court under advisement.
Norman Church filed his answer yester
day to the suit for divorce brought by
Mrs. Jemima Church. Ho makes no ref
erence to the allegation that ho has mar
ried another woman, but asserts that the
"Mrs. Church" In this city has n comfortn
blo homo with her two boys and that as he
I Is only earning 175 a month and It takes
$65 a month for him to live, no cannot poa
slbly afford to pay her tho alimony sho do
mands. Church Is now living at Valley
Junction, la., where ho Is a railroad
switchman. Ho formerly resided In this
city a number of years. Tho case has
beon sot for hearing before Judgo Thornoll
at tho close of tho Peterson suit.
Charlie of Kmheralement. I
Fred Stumpf, as aged (Jermnn who has
been working on the railroad near Vllllsca,
caused the arrest yesterday morning of
1 John Slough, a cook In a Main street
I restaurant, on the charge of embowllng
When Stumpt camo to town Tuesdny ho
was anxious to see the sights, but had
beeu warned that it was dangerous to
carry much money around with him while
doing so. He took supper at the restaurant
where Slough Is employed and to him con
fided his fenr of carrying his money about
with him after dark. Slough obligingly, so
Stumpf nvers, offered to take care of tho
cash for htm, and tho aged German placed
In his caro, so bo says, Ml,
Stumpt went out and saw the .sights,
Davis sells glass
Thomas nell Sweeney of Wheeling. W.
Va., and Mrs. Nntllo Janney were mar
ried last evening at the home of the brldo's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zurmuehlen,
Bluff street, by Rev. Georgo Edward Walk,
rector of St. Paul'u Episcopal church, In the
presence of a large gathering of relatives
and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney
will go to Florida on a wedding Journey,
beforo going to Wheeling, whero they will
mako their home,
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES M01NE8, Jan. IB. (Special.) Tho
two houses of the Iowa legislature met
In Joint convention this afternoon and
heard tho report of tho tellers on tho foot
ings of the rosult tor governor aid lieu
tenant governor. Several errors were
found when the final computations were
made aud as a result the figures vary much
moro from those previously given out than
had been expected. The final figures are:
For Oovernor:
A. D. Cummins (rep.) 226,802
T. J. Phillips Mom.) ....IU.7M
A, A. Cnates (pro.) 1S.K9
James Uaxter (xoc.) 3,463
L. It. Wllbcr (pop.) 7?0
K. 11. Conger 1
For Lieutenant Governor:
John Herrlott (rep.) 227,11
G. K. Ferguson (dem.) H2.RSS
A. It. Wrny (pro.) 13,095
W. A. Jacobs (snc.) 3,291
Perry Engle (pop.) 7ft)
Cummins and Herrlott wore declared
elected and tho certificates wero Imme
diately signed up. A committee, consist
ing of Senator Smith of Mitchell and Rep
resentatives Stuckslogcr of Linn nnd Huf-
schmldt of Allamakee, was appointed to
notify tho men elected.
Democratic Canrn.
Tho democrats, In Joint cniicua this after
noon, decided upon voting for.E. H. Thayer
nnd John J. Scerley for United States sen
ators. Thayer Is editor of the Clinton Ago
nnd Seerloy waa formerly congressman
from tho First district. Tho formor Is a
gold democrat and the latter Is not pro
nounced In his views. No nominations
wero made for printer and binder, as the
democrats favor abolishing thoeo oftlccs.
Visit to Stnte Institution.
Tho leglslaturo today received an Invita
tion from tho regents of the State univer
sity at Iowa City to attend tho ccremonl's
of dedication of the Hall of Liberal Arts
at Iowa City on January 23 and the Invita
tion was accepted. A special train will go
from Dos Moines early In the morning of
that day, taking all of tho legislators who
aro willing to go, and they will return In
the snmo way In the evening. Tho hall Is
now being used and has been finished for
s'omo tlmo. The dedication address will be
delivered by Senator Dolllver beforo bis re
turn to Washington. The occasion will be
made a notable one. It Is probable that n
similar Junket will be taken to Cedar Falls
January 30, when the now building at tho
State Normal school wilt be dedicated by
Governor Cummins. Tho legislature will
also be Invited to go to Ames, to Cherokee
and other places.
An effort was mado to pass resolution
In tho house providing that all bills which
carry appropriations must be In by Feb.
ruary 20, and unless this Is done tt will
be necessary to secure the consent of three.
fourths of the, members of tho house to
havo any appropriation bill passed. This
was champlonedyby Kendall and Clarko, but
was opposed ByNWflrren. Tho purpose of
tho resolution was declared to bo to make
It posslblo for tho appropriations commit
teo to get through with Its work at an early
date, but tho opposition was based on the
fact that many appropriation bills could not
bo prcpnred beforo that time.
The governor presented to the two bouses
his report on pardons nnd paroles and also
a report on tho Iowa monuments to be
rccted at Vicksburg battlefield. The
Vlcksburg report asks for an appropriation
of $150,000.
Memorial committees were appointed In
the house as follows:
On Death of Kimball of Marshall Rep
resentatlvcs Sweet, Cummlngs and Ed'
On Death of James Hilton, a Member of
the Fourteenth Qcneral Assembly Rep
resentatives Kendall, Moore and Tomplo.
The committee on additional employes for
the legislature reported In favor of employ
ment 'of four policemen, three extra clerks
In the .document room, twelve additional
Janitors, three elevator tenders, two assist
ant bill clerks and one clerk In the supply
Truatee Ulected In Canenaea,
At a Joint caucus of tho members of thn
senato and housu held this morning to sc
lect trustee of tho Agricultural college to
succeed L. I). Robinson of Harlan, James
H. Wilson of Adair county, bettor known
Wllsey, 11. L. Llndholm and CJeorge Sun
clnlr, Incorporators.
Iowa Home Ilulldlns Trust company of
Cedar Rapids, capital $10,000; Horace A.
Smith, president: Lewis R. Swab, vice prrs-
Idont; Johh Uarger, secretary; Charles H.
Swab, treasurer.
National College- of Optics of Cedar Rap-
Ids, capital $1,000; T. I). Stntiloy, K. E.
Stanley and Pearl Adelaide Stanley, Incorporators.
T, T, Crlsman company, manufacturers,
of pttumwn, capital $5,000; U T. Crlsman,
J. Elliott Langford, It. McMaster and W.
E. Cook, Incorporators.
Shnwr nmt tlxecntlve Council.
A meeting of the Stato Executive council
was held today, presided over by Governor
Shaw, who will tomorrow retire from the
office of chief executive. This was his last
meeting and only routine matters wore con
sidered. The' committee which had under
consideration the report of tho experts on
the accounts of the Agricultural society
mado a report which was adopted.
Karly Morning Fire.
The family ot William Hallam In this city
was aroueod at an early hour this morning
by amoko In the house and made a hasty
departure from tho house. The fire waa
supposed to havo caught from a defective
flue, and when the family discovered tho
smoko tho roof waa ablaze. The damago
amounted to less than $1,000, but tho fam
ily was In Imminent danger for a time.
Accidentally Xhot.
James A. Kelso, aged 60 years, accldcn-
ally shot himself this morning In hta room.
A target rifle was hanging on the wall ot
the old man's bedroom and It Is supposed
that the hammer was up, for when Mr.
Kelso reached for his clothing tho gun wns
knocked down and discharged, sending n
ball Into the man's stomach. Ho wa re
moved to tho hospital In a precarious con
Doctor' Certificate Itevnked.
Tho certificate of Dr. Crofford of Lamonl
was revoked by tho State Doard of Medical
Examiners because of bis recent convic
tion for tho murder of Maud Stone.
Aching In the small of the back Is an
Indication of Urlght's Disease. The proper
course In such cases Is to tako a few doses
of Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is an effective
kidney remedy and- bowel regulator.
Market I n : of Hon I lteilticcd, Com
pared with Preceding Week nmt
Same Period l.nnt Yenr.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Price Current says: The mar
keting ot hogs Is reduced. Total western
packing Is 585,000, compared 7lth 620,000
the preceding week nnd 600,000 lust year.
Since November 1 tho total Is 6,895,000,
against fi.S05.000 a yenr ago. Prominent
places compare nn follows:
' 1902. 1901.
Chicago 2,245,000 1,870,090
Kansas CltV SS3.000 CMAM
OMAHA 590,000 470.000
St. Joseph 526,(100 3.Vi,000
St. Louts 435,000 430,00)
Indianapolis 370.000 3Vt.00O
Milwaukee 250.000 217,000
bio-jx uiiy ,, z.12,000 lf.,,000
St. Paul 205,000 151,000
Cincinnati 167,000 169,000
Ottumwa 1(3,000 110,(00
Cedar Rnplda 133,000 121,000
Gravel roofing. A. 11. head. Ell Broadway,
W. A. Smith la MImIiik and
Ilrlnar Actio Aaralnat
III Property.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Jan. 15. (Special
Telegram.) W. A. Smith, proprietor of the
Mystic creamery In this city, and Inter
estod In u line ot creamerlos In Benton
county, has beon missing since Sunday
afternoon. The Merchants' National bank
ot this city began suit In the superior
court this afternoon, asking Judgment tor
$5,375 against Smith and a writ ot attach
ment ot his property. The bank claims
to havo loanod htm $2,000 on two $1,000
notes. A local dairy supply house sold
him goods to the value of over $5,000 and
assigned Its claim against him to tho bank
He has a wlfo and two children.
Lonl Wclkc Killed.
SUMNER, la., Jan. 15. (Special
gram.) Louis Wclko of Tripoli, la., died
today ot Injuries received last night. Roth
legs wero cut off by a Chicago Great West
cm train.
I own State Bnvlncer Meet.
CEDAR RAPIDS, In., Jan. 16. (Special
Telegram.) The Iowa State Engineers' so
ciety met hero this evening, sixty members
being present. The session will Isst throe
Majority of One
County Board of
FREMONT, Nob., Jan. 15. (Special.)
The county board met for Its first regular
Bosslon yesterday with the republican
again in control with a majority of one
The board organized by electing S. W. Boyd
chairman, l no usual committees wero nn
pointed and considerable routlno business
transacted. Dr. A. P. Ovcrgarrd wa
elected county physician and W, L. Houck
Janitor of the courthouse. Tho appoint
ment of deputies of the various county of
fleers was approved and their salarlos fixed
Supervisor Roberts was elected purchasing
War Snrvlror Remembered by the
General Government.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. (Speclol.) The
following western pensions havo been
granted: i
Issue of December 26:
Nebraska: Orlginul John W. Jackson.
Fremont, $. Increase, Restoration, Reis
sue, Eta-KUJati I.utcs. Cortlincl, 112.
Iowa: original Joseph D. Dames, Iai
Claire, $6. Increase, Restoration, Reissue..
Etc. Andrew J. Creamer, Ottumwa. S.
Original Widows Alice H. Ross (sncclnl
accrued December 31). Des Moines, JS.
Wyoming: Original Tunis BlodKctt. Tin
Siding, $6.
Colomdo: Original Widows Sarah A.
Helter (special accrued December 31), Den
ver, W.
Nebraska to Have Two Day of Clear
Skle, lint Slluhtly Colder
ns "Prairie Jim" Wilson, was named. The
other candidates were tho present lncum
bent, L. B. Robinson, and Silas Wilson
ot Atlantic. Senator Hazleton was chair
man of the caucus nnd Asmus Boysen seo
retary. Ten votes were cast In the caucus
and Mr. Wilson waa elected on the first
ballot, the result being as follows: James
H, Wilson, 6; L. B. Robinson, 2, and Silas
Wilson, 2.
Mr. Wilson was for six years In the offlce
of John Herrlott when tho latter was
treasurer of stato, and Is now In charge
of tho document room under Secretary ot
Stato Martin. He is well known as a poll
tlclan over the state, having been con
nected with Martin's candidacy two years
ago and with Mr, Herrlott's last year, the
first of which was successful, and tho lat
tor partially bo. Mr. Wilson has been In
a position to see much ot tho policies and
ot state affairs during the last decade and
will not be a novice ot the board of trus
W. O. McElrny of Nowton has no opposl
Hon for re-election to tho board of trustees
of the Agricultural college. Tho caucus In
the Third district haa not yet been held
Tho fight Is between Joalah II. JontM of
Delaware county, O. M. Miller of Buchanan
and E. A. Aloxandor of Wright. Tho lat
ter'B friends claim the nomination.
For regonte of the university C. E. Pick
ett has no opposition, Tho Fourth and
Eleventh districts have already caucused,
returning Alonzo Abornothy of Osage and
Park Holbrook of Onawa to tho board. A
bitter fight la on In the Tenth district be
tween Harvey Ingham, prosont Incumbent,
and Joseph Allen ot PocahontaB. A poll of
tho situation is said to chow a tie. The
caucus will not be held for sovcral doya
owing to the absence ot Senator Healy.
In tho Fifth district T. B. Hanlcy will
have no opposition. Hnnloy was appointed
to tho board upon tho death of M. A. Hlg
ley of Cedar Ranlds within the year,
For trustees of tho State Normal school
no caucusies have ypt been held. A new
trustee Is to be chosen In tho Tenth dis
trict becauso of tho removal of Perry D
Rose. Tho otbor retiring trustees thl
year aro George H. Mullln of Washington
and W. A. Doran of Eldora.
Sew Corporation
Several new companies filed articles of In
corporation with the secretary of state to
day, as follows:
Wllsey Elevator Safety Device company of
Sioux City. csDltai 1100.000: William
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Forecast for
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Fair Thuriday and slightly
colder in southeast portion; Friday fair;
northerly winds.
For Iowa Fair Thursday and Friday; va
riable winds.
Local necortl. I
OMAHA. Jan. 15. Official record of tern
Derature una precipitation compared wuu
the corresponding day of the last thres
1M2. 1901. 1900. 1899
Maximum temperature... 47 62 39 48
Minimum temperature.... 28 36 SO 31
Mean temperature SH 41 31 40
Precipitation oa .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature ana precipitation
at Omana tor mis aay anu sinco .Murcn l,
Normal temperature io
Excess for the .day 22
Total excess rlnco March 1 10,93
Normal precipitation m men
Deficiency for tho day 02 Inch
Precipitation since mnreii i incnes
Deficiency since March 1 6,47 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1901 oa inch
Deficiency for cor. period 1900.... 4.49 Inches
Hior from Station at 7 p. an.
m M 9 Everv mother feel
Vfl ilBllA prctt ttrcad of the pain
IIaI llll SWI I Ilr uml danger nttendunt upon
111 If l If II ill V the most critical period
3P W,"M 0f her life. Becoming
a mother should he a source of joy to nil, hut the sufferinfr and
dancer incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery
Mother'5 Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the grca'
pain and dancer of matcrtutv; this lumr which is dreaded ns woman t
severest trial is not only mad'c painless, hut all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who use this remedy arc no longer despondent or
gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made ready for the coining event, und the
serious accidents so common to ine criiicv
hour are obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold,"
says many who have used it. $ per
hnt1 at Arucr stnrptf. Hnnlc containing
valuable information of interest to all women, wT
be sent to any address free upon application t
Have treated
ao many
of'thU kind that we are
aa familiar with them a you
urn with th vary daytlght. Once
cured br us you will never again
be bothered with weak organs, nervous
ness, falling memory, lota ot ambition and
other symptoms which rob you of your strength
and absolutely unfit you for tho duties ot life,
Our treatment for weak, men will convert all these evils
and restore you to what nature Intended- hale, healthy
and happy man, with physical and mental powors complete
Many of you are now reaping the
rranlta of your former foil-. Your
Italltr I falling; and trill oon he
loat nnea yon do aotnethlna; far
youraelf. There I no time to lone.
Thl dUeaae la never on the atand
till) rrltu It yon can make no
comnromlae. Klther you mutt
ntaater It or It will mas
ter you and AM yonr
future vrltb mil-
cry and Inde-acriliable
L a-l .
x mm
, Wo also euro to stay cured by our combined Electro-Medical Troatmont VARI
URINARY DISEASES and all assoclato diseases a,nd weaknestei, of mon. CON
SULTATION In person or by letter Is absolutely FREE ,ND CONFIDENTIAL, and
we give to each patient a LEGAL CONTRACT to hold for our promises. If you
cannot coll, write today.
Reference! Ilrnt HiiiiKh mill l.en dlntr HiinIiichn .Hen In thin City.
OIIW'c Hours From 8 n. m. to H 1. m. MihiIiij 10 a. in. to 1 i. in.
1 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha Neb.
: c
: B
: 3
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear....
Cheyenne, clear...
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
Wllllston, clear
Chlcugo. cloudy
Ht. LOUIS, Clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Knnsaa uuy, einu....
Havre, part cloudy....
llKlrnn. clear
Bismarck, clear
Galveston, clear
40 47 .00
IIG 44 .00
34 46 .00
34 40 M
34 40 .00 I
3rt 46 ,0)
28 40 .00
2S 3? ,00
32 38 .00
42 46 .00
30 31 T
34 42 .0)
46 48 .110
31 41 .00
32 33 .CO
22 32 .00 .
02 04 .00 .
T Indicates trace of precipitation
L. A. i lulsnH.
Locul Forecast Official,
Colds and "Grip"
Thouiands of Cures Years of
Successful Tests
Powders 4 4 head off"
Colds and GripCure advanced and
Stubborn Cases under Simple Directions.
Dr. J. r. apuldta, Portland, nd.,wrlUil "I am
rf.llihtfd witb Hi reaulu obtalnad train 'Oraattlnt'
for nVrTo'inM.. in.omnl and Uilrtean cum of
trip with MTr roiaplleat&na."
isrV. A, O. rrawr, Thomaom. M.O., wrlWai
ri." Ulld cum and btadaches art a matter ot a
CALIFORNIA JuHt because tlie Burlinion is the Fast Mnil
Route to Chicago, please don't take it for granted
that is isn't in the tleld for California travel. It is
very much so to the extent of about 15,000 pas
sengers a year.
Throush Standard Sleepers to San Fra'n
cIkco, leavo Omaha, 4:25 p. m., dally.
ThrcuKh Tnurl.'t Sleepcra to i.os An
Reles leave OmuliB 42S p, m. Thursday
nnd Saturdays, and 10:30 p. in. Pnturdays.
1502 FnrnnmSt. Tel. 250
lOthand Mason Sts. Tcl.125
.BU... rr..T.k,hfc,.
Mra, Tr laww wnUai " 'Orancalna'irorkt
Ilk charm to ehac mj colda.'
v. rirtlval M-lr,CblcafO,a;ai " Or
again' balptd mr cola ill Mafic.'1
tti by Druggists In 10,25 ins 80c Packages-
Told a customer of ours that we had the only true cut-rate drug; ntori) In
Omaha hccauno we made a reduction on everything In our more and CUS
HOI.U. Instead of holuc limited 10 one or two article at a time, our cut
nrlcca are opn to everyhorty on ill they can carry Our copds aro housht
right, They are frh and by th: followlnir prlceo you nan Judge whether wa
cut price or not:
:-ozs. ntaorlKiit cotton Vr, 1 2Ge Ilromo Reltzar . . ISo
Mb. aborbent cotton .. ti nOcCudahy Htff i.xtract 30n
1 nlnt Wopf. Iron and Wine. 37c I SOq J.lebli; rrocsna Wo
1 11.00 Duffy'B Malt Whiskey... , 76c
S. E. HOWELL, p Leavonwerth Street.
illl BEE Hilt ALL I til NEWS