la THE OMAHA DAILY 33EEt WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1002. BEADY FOR TAX COMPLAINTS City Otucll Ztgiai In Sitting ti a loixi if qtalfzatii. HAS CALL AND CINNELL DIFFER 9N LAW Conncllmpti Sny llonril Tntinot Cut As sessment Wliliimt Itnlnlnw Other and C'ltj-Attorney i:xnrre ., Conlrni-y Opinion, Goon after 10 yesterday morning Presi dent Knrr called tho city council to ordor and announced that tho organization of a board of equalization for general taxes was In order. Coutiellnien Trostlcr, Mount, Hascall, Hurklcy, Zlmmnn, Hoyo and Karr wero present. Mr. Karr was named n chairman of tho board by unnnJmous vote. At tho suggestion of Councilman Unseal! It wan decided to hava a quorum present In tho council chamber from 2 until 5 Wednes day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday after noons nnd Friday and Saturday forenoons to listen to complaints. A committee from tho Ileal Bstnto exchange asked that It bo given pormlsslon to Introduce speakers Fri day afternoon, who will fllo objection to tho assessment placed upon tho personal prop erty of tho lrunchtsed corporations. The councllmcn agreed to hear tho real estate men At that time. In discussing tho laws which govern tho Board of Equalization, Councilman Haecall aid tho decisions In this stnto show that tho board must bo solely ono of equaliza tion nnd that It cannot mako changes In as sessments only ns It Is shown by compari son that inoqualltlcs exist, Ifnwnll'N I'liMr ot "If you roduco tho assessment of ono man tho assessment of others must bo raised rufllclontly in muko up for tho cut," said Mr. Uascall. "In making changes In as sessments the Hoard of Equalization must not work any change In the total amount of assessments. Tho board cannot cut and clash an It pleases. Its work Is regulated by tho law." In discussing tho purposo ot tho Hoard of Equalization City Attornoy W. J. Connell ex pressed tho opinion that Mr. Hnscnlt holds nn erroneous opinion. '.'I havo always con tended that It Is tho purposo ot tho Hoard of Equalization to deal with taxpayers ro ftardlcss ot whether a chango Is worked In tho total amount of nssossmcnts," said Mr. Connoll. "If Inequalities exist In assess ments tho board has the- power to equalize them. In my opinion thcro havo been no decisions which will prevent tho councllmcn from changing assessments as they may deem necessary. If tho decisions provent any reduction or Incrcuso In tho grand total It will bo impossible to deal fairly with many taxpayers. An error Is llablo to creep Into tho assessments. Imaglno that n man woro assessed 110,000 on a lot whlcfi adjoins lots of tho eanio sort which aro returned at only 91,000. Unless other assessments could bo raised $9,000 It would be Imposslbto to lower tho erroneous assessment, In tho opinion of Judgo Hascall. No such 'Inter pretation of tho law was Intended, In my opinion. ' Question of Time ,'iiNllereI. The law requires that tho Board of! Equalization Hhnll sit nt least five days. It was thought by somo members of tho coun cil that this would not bo a long enough session on account of tho unusual Interest manifested this year by persons who desire to havo the personal assessments ot largo corporations Increased. After discussing tho matter for somo tlmo, however, the councllmcn decided to limit tho sitting to llvo days If posslblo and agreed that all complaints must bo acted upon not later than Saturday. ( Tax Commissioner Fleming turned nil records over to tho board nnd also handed to the clerk about forty complaints upon which tho Board of Ilovlow took no action on account ot lack of tlmo. Councilman IlaBcall protested against tho consideration of tbeso complaints nnd urged that all ob jections must bo mailo to the Board ot Equalization first hand. Tho other councll mon supported him in this objection and tho complaints woro rojoctcd. BURGLARS MAKE A DONATION Pour Stolen llnuin Found on the Step of Unity Church at Day 11 lirenk. Four excellent sugar-cured hams, bear ing tho brand of a well known pncklng house, wero found by Detectives Donobue and Savogo yestorday on tho steps of Unity church, Seventeenth and Cais Rtroots. Some tlmo during tho night a burglar broko into tho butchor shop of Fetor Beo pon, 2801 Farnam street, and stole six hams. Of these four wero left on tho church steps. What church, if any, rocolved tho other two is not known at present. Dr. Newton Mann, pastor of Unity church, denies that bo had a donation party last night. Tho pollco aro searching for tho othor two hams. Ilon't Accept Couutcrfelta. For piles, fckln diseases, Bores, cuts, brulscH, burns and othor wounds nothing equals DoWltt's Witch Hazel S.ilvo. Don't accept countorfolts. None gonulne except De-Witt's. "I havo aufforcd slnco 1805 with protruding, bleeding piles and until ro contly could find no permanent relief," says J. F. Ceroll ot St. Paul, Ark. "Finally I tried DeWltt'B Witch Hazel Salvo, which oon completely cured me." We wUh to oxtend our heartfelt thanks to the many frlonds who so kindly assisted us during tho illness and death ot our hus band and father. 'MAIIY MAURMAIKR AND CHILDREN. Shampooing and hair dressing, 26c. In connection with tho Ilathory, 216-220 Be building. Telephone 1716. Publish your legal notices In the Weakly Bee. Telephono 238. Mrs. J. ANNUAL OF PROSPECT HILL Cemetery Aumelntlon Iteporteit to lie In Metier Flnnnclnl Condition Tlinn Ever llefore. At the annual meotlng of tho lot owners ot the Prospect Hill Cemetery association C. A., Baldwin, whose torm as trustee ex pired, was unanimously re-elected. The secretary read reports from Henry W. Yates, trustee of the permanent fund, and also tho business report of the receipts and expenses during the year 1901, showing tho finances ot tho association to bo In much better condition than they ever had been before. The amount In tho permanent fund Is $11,800, In addition to somo $1,600 In the hands of tho treasurer. A resolution was adopted expressing gratification at the promise ot tho Omaha Street Railway company to complete a line to tho cemetery early in the spring and It was decided to lay before tho company tho Importnnco of having this lino completed by tho middle of May, so as to provldo ade quate facilities for reaching tho grounds on Decoration day. At tho closo of tho lot owners' meeting tho trustees held their regular meeting, at which tho old ofTlcers wero re-elected for tho ensuing year as follows: Charles A. Baldwin, president; Henry W. Yatesj vice president; J, R. Rlngwalt, secretary; A. L. Reed, treasurer; D. C. Callahan, superintendent. La grlppo coughs often contlnuo for months and sometimes lead to fatal results after the patient Is supposed to havo passed the danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar affords positive protection and security from theso coughs. California Han numerous natural bridges, caves, etc., of no Rttlo Interest. Tho mammoth Cavo ot Calaveras, discovered by miners In 1850; tho Alabaster cave, tho Crystal Pamco envc, containing n number ot nttractlvo subterranean apartments such as the Ilrtdal Chamber, tho Crystal Palaco Room and a curious apartment called Muslo Hall, where tho deposits of aqueous origin not only taka tho torm of organ pipes, sounding boards, etc., but also emit, when struck, musical Bounds nnd vibrations. Near this cavo aro two nntural bridges which tho tourist can visit and return to tho railroad within half an hour. THE ONLY NATURAL WAY TO REACH THESE SCENES OF INTEREST IS VIA "THE OVERLAND ROUTE." comprising tho .Union and Southern Pa cific, now really ono line. Ttio only llao running through trains to Saa Francisco from Omaha. THREE TRAINS DAILY. The fast trains arriving 15 hours ahead of all competitors Tho only lino running tourlBt sleeping cars Omaha to Pacific cqast dally. For full Information address City. jXtckot omco, 1321 Farnam. Phono 316. Aiinnuiieemetitn of the Theater. A pretty Httlo womnn with a naughty little wink to tho majority of people is fetching, which bolng tho case with Jose phine Sabcl, is being amply tested at the Orphoum by big audiences. However, it Is not tho stealing upon ono of Miss Babel's coquettlshness that eolely accounts tor her popularity, for she sings and,, dances most pleasingly. A scope of variety well calculated In stylo 'to meet tho demands of many tastes Is found In tho six othor acts unu mo women wno attend the mid-week matinee thin flftrrnnnn will Vtn tnlnod, as M'sj Mary Norman will caricature socioty ior tncm. Off to Florida. Tho Burlington Route is organizing 4 personally conducted excursion to Florida and Cuba, to leavo Omaha.BilO p. re., Wednesday, January 29. Through cars arllj be run via 8t. Louis to Jacksonville, Fla. Rate from Omaha to Jacksonville and re turn, $52.50. i Members of tho excursion alio have tho choice of several attractive tripe after they arrive at Jacksonville Additional Information on request. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. 5.00 for a Half a Day Work. If you live in tho country or In a small town and havo a good acquaintance among the farmors ondJstockraUers in the neigh borhood, you can mako 15 easily by four or five hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. The Bre Publish ing company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. The Trinity Cathedral Parish Aid society will meet at tho parish house, 113 North Eighteenth street, at 10:30 January 15. All please attend. .Send articles of incorporation, notices ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. We will give them proper legal insertion. Telephone 238. "Ho'pt, You Cut Pricu- Can't : soli you 'cuuso this little GREEN CARD says I mustn't" that's what tho representative of somo of the largo patent medlclno concerns say when they see the name Schaefer. Th little greon card Is a sort of PASS WORD and Is Issued to drug salesmen who como to Omuha by tho LOCAL SECRETARY of thO OMAHA DUiiQ TRUST nnd who ever holds "no of theso green cards must not sell us goods or else tho rest of Omaha's druggists won't buy a conts' worth from them see boycott them; henutlful system Is it not-and stilt we got tho goods come In nnd see our now catalog will soon bo ready In tho mean time don't my more than the following for your drug NEEDS: Red Blood Albumen mnkes Iipos lay -the genuine Sallx Co.'s-in pkgs., lb. 45c Bed niood Alumen In bulk, pound 25c Orders from city nnd country solicited. 60c Lloblg Extract Beef i3c 4-oz. Llobig Extract ncof Joo 8-oz. Lleblg-Extract Ueef " 10-os. LlebYg Extract Beof ........1123 $1.00 Peruna 67o $3.73 Hospital Malted Milk ...... r 63 2oc Mistletoe Cream itn 11.00 Wlno Cardul Jso 25o Laxative Bromo Quinine ia 25o Qulnacotol (best for colds) ' 200 Wo sell only tho genuine temptation tonic see ad. STORE OPEN ALL NIGHT. SOHAEFER'S ' Draff Store. Tel. 747. H. W. Cor. 10th unit Chlcnuo, Goods delivered FREE to any part ot city. Benson Big Cut Price of fllR COLLARETTES $25.00 fur collarettes, reduced to $17.60; $15,75 fur collarettes, reduced to $10.75; $12.76 fur collarettes, reduced to $8.73; $10,25 fur collarettes, reduced to $7.60; $8.25 fur collarettes, reduced to $5.87; $0.75 fur collarettes, reduced to $4,75, We aro making big reductions In price of broken lines ot woolen underwear, and some excellent lines that aro not broken wo are cutting the prico on. Handsomo quality of part wool jersey vests or pants, regular prlco $1,00, now 75c, One line of union suits were $1.25, now 85o. An extra nice quality ot union suits regular price $2.00. now $1.6S. Black union suits In small sizes, were $2.60, now $1.87. ' Children's camel hair vests and pauts, 25 per cent or U oft rogular price. Clearing sale In every department to reduce atock. All dressed dolls at just halt former price. BOARD MAT TRY REDELLNOW Time ftr filing Metioi for Ktkiailnf in Inprime Oeart Expire. CHIEF'S ATTORNEYS MAKE NO MOTION City Attorney Council Sn Fire nnd Police llonril Is Itenity for the Trial nnil New Kvlilcnco AVIU Appear. Yesterday was the last of tho forty days during which John Redcll, suspended chief ot tho Omaha fire department, may file a motion for a rehearing In tho caso recently decided by tho supremo court. Attorneys for Redcll failed to fllo any such motion. ''The city la well satisfied with tho de cision of tho supremo court In tho Redell caso," said City Attorney Connell. "The decision holds that the Board of Flro nnd I'ollco Commissioners has authority to try Rcdoll nnd dlscbargo him. We could nsk for nothing better than this. Under tho de cision thero Is no doubt about the board's authority to procedd ns It sees fit in the case. Tbo court clearly ruled that the coun cil docs not have Jurisdiction In tho case. "If no motion for rehearing Is filed the board will doubtless begin tho trial of Redell without delay. This will give "an opportunity to Introduce evidence which has not been made public Tho board has nl wnys desired to havo Redcll's caso brought to trial, but the attorneys tor the suspended chief havo been equally active In their op position to a trial." Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, In connection with tho Bather, J16-220 Ben building. Teliphono 1716. MAHUIKO. SMIT1 1-8TAEBLEU Monday, Jnnuary 13, 1902, nt All Biilnts' rectory, by Rev. T. J. Mnckny, Mnrona Belle Bmlth to Albert Htacbler. (Cincinnati, O., and St. Louis, Mo., papers please copy.) UP-TO-DATE STYLES RICH AND RARE VENEERS, FINEST TONED AND Our live piano parlors teem with tho finest specimens ot tho piano makers' art. All tho now twentieth century Ideas ot piano architecture, in rare and fancy veneers from all parts, ot the world. Mahogany, from San Do 4 mlngo and .uzon. French burl, striped Italian and Arccasslan Wat-nut.'- Quartered and circular sawed ,oak8, genuine rosowoods, fancy but ternuts, marbellzed birch and many others. Wo represent nearly all the old and renowned factories, such as "Knabo," "Kranlch & Bach," "Kim ball," "Mathushok," "Mcrhalll' "Hallot & Davis," "Melvlllo Clark," , and about a dozen otbors. This year , wo shall sell pianos at closH margins than ever. Wo aro determined that this shall prove tho banner year of oury twenty-eight, and to this end shall bend every energy to ploaso please each and every customer. Our old motto: "Every Customer a Satisfied Customer" will havo moro stress laid on It tbatevor. Our prices will ALWAYS BE THE LOWEST. Our terms will always be tho easiest. An early, call wll) be to your benefit anddulyl appreciated by us. A. HOSPE, 1513-1515 Dbu'las St. COAL Especial attention given to DOMESTIC COAL Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully screened with prompt efficient de livery. C. B. HAVENS & CO, 1522 Farnam St. Telophonea 317 and 825. Special Clearing Sale on Cameras Prior to counting stock on January 1 we will offer our entire stock of Kodaks and Cameras at greatly ro duced prices. Some $40 Premo Cameras for $20 Some $7.00 Koronas for ...$3.25 Wo havo alt good makes to chooso from. All Instruction freo. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farmtm Strst. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Photo Material. BRAND The $500,000 stock Damaged by , Smoke and Water must bo closed out in rapid order. Although tho soiling has boon, phenomenal, there aro vast quantities of merchan dise still to bo disposed of; as the time grows shorter the bargains grow greater. Positively EVERYTHING must bo closed out. ciiu.miK.vs and im'ams' caps, 10c. Choice of 500 children's and Infant's silk nnd rlvct caps in cream, pink, light blu- nnd dark colors, hand somely trimmed with silk and velvet ribbon, laces and braids, all sizes up to 6 years, sold beforo tho smoko damage nt $1.00 each, on -fl y-X sale on main floor, ItfC nt, each -a.vw HOC HI LICS AT IHo VAHD. All of our taffeta, china nnd surah silk, in plain colors, plaids, checks nnd polka dots, that before our smoko damogo sold up to 50c yard- gj go on main floor, I nt, yard av-'w !.(( IHtKN.S COOPS 111 VAHD. Choice of 500 styles of dress goods, suitings, cashmeres, serges, mlxod cheviots, checks, plaids, nil wool goods, silk and wool goods, In dress lengths and waist -f fv lengths, go I yJ C at, yard IBc BUTTONS, .tc DO.KN. 500 groBn of alt tho finest imported pearl buttons, all sizes, go nt, per dozen, only , 3c CHILDREN'S UNDEHWAISTS, IIU7. Misses' nnd children's ' Nazrath stylo undcrwnlsts, all sizes each 10c Special Shoe Values On Mnln Ploor 1.98 for tho cholco of four lines of women's shoes In any stza and width desired. Taken from tho regular $3.00 lines (Main floor.) $3.00 linos. . (Main floor.) 59c for children extra kid shoes, tho 76c 'kind. ' (basement.) NEBRASKA HOME COMPANY Incorporated under the Laws of the State of Nebraska, will enable you to Purchase a Home for the amount you are now Paying for Rent. NO INTEREST. INQUIRE. INVESTIGATE. DIRECTORS: Hon.' Irvitig F. Baxter, Harry Nott, W. J. Clair, Barton Smith, Chester H. Mutison. W. G. TEMPLETON, Treasurer. HOME OFFICE: OMAHA, NEBRASKA, 1710 Farnam St. Ground Floor, Bee Building. Long Dis tance Telephone, 2152. IIONKST WATCIinS A.VD Our prlc PerliatiH suits, by sfc cnarKCs are clven to clock rennlrlns. Mawhinney Jewelers nd Art cs on watches aro us low as honest. watches can bo sold nt anywhere, voi r wntch needs some nUentlon? IlrliiK It to us for lirpmpt. good re- dlled wntchmakers. Uur men aro riiwrin in niiuwiouge. uui very reiiBonabio. Or tlio Ciocs; u iiiiyh iiiuu wuuou t:iiwru uino, n t.l nmri Mall oraers given careiui niicnuon. oaiav SUIl oner 0JJ pacm, Bont to responnlblo parties. This TlIths BOo ritENCIt PLANNIU., 10c YARD In order to closo out every yard of French flannel that sold before our smoko damage, at 50c, on -f f bargain square, XvJC HICII SILK IIAIIOAIN f AND SILKS, ,'lllc, BOc, Olio Extra wldo taffetas In all qualities, black and colors, fancy tnffotaa, pcau do sole, etc., that sold bctoro tho stroko damngo at $1.00 and $1.50 yard, most of them perfect, go 69c on bargnln squaro at, yard, 39c, 50c and ... $1.00 Al.fiO VKH LACES, IBp. 1,000 halt-yard pieces ot allovcr tucklngs, laces and embroideries, worth up to $1,00 yard, go nt each, only 15c If 1,1)0 KMIIltOIDEHIUS, Be, 10c, lRc, 2Bo YARD. All tho flno embroideries and Inser tions on bargain counter, worth as high as $1.00 yard, go at 25c Cc, 10c, 16c and ar.c LACKS. lc,:t l-2c, Be, IOc ynrd Immcnso lots ot flno laces, over 100 styles, worth up to 25c "V yard, go at, yard, lc, 3c, 0c nnd nnil lii Bhscmcnt. 1.25 for youth's shoes ot tho most trustworthy sorts,- worth $1.75 pair. (Main floor.) f"v for boys', youth's nnd JjJ ..jllttlo gent's also wo-v-r. mcn-8 shoes and ox fords, Thoy aro $1.25 to $2.50 values. (Dasement.) IIOXUMT I'KICRS. & Kyan uo., """ and ijououas .t. signature la on every box ot the gsanlas Laxative brom(HjuimneTbuts remedy tat csirea c14 tm You So hayden; That sngnr would be lower. There was a bill introduced in the house yesterday to take the duty off, and if the duty coraea off. which is $1.70 per hundred, will make the best granulated sugar $2.80 per hundred. We have about 50,000 lbs. on hand which wc will sell at 11 pounds for 50c. Star tobacco 33 o Sl'HCIAti flllOCKUY HAItOAINS. 24lb. sack ryo flour. 49c. 10-lb. sack wheat graham, 49c. Granulated cornmeal, ISc, 4 lbs. navy beans, 13c. 3 lbs., split peas, 13c. 3 lbs. lentils. 25c. 4H lbs. pearl. hominy, 13c. 3-lti. can pioneer pumpkin, 8 l3c. 3-lb. ran Dooth's enrden beets, 7 lie 3-lb. can table peaches, 12c. 2- lb. can sugar corn, "He 3 pkgs. Shepp's pudding, 2Sc 2 pkgs. Jolllcon, lGc. 3- lb. can pumpkin, 7c. 3-lb can baked beans, 7c. 2- lb. can sugarcqrn, 7J4c 3- lb. can garden beets, 7V4c Jelllcon, 7c. SPECIAL SALE ON Closing out everything In tho lino ot em broideries nnd insortlngs. Hlg-lot 6c and 7,,4c .embroideries K In Bertlngs, per yard, 2 Vic. Flno embroideries and insertlngs, V ';. Elegant nsBortmont 15c and, 20c embroi deries for Cc SPECIAL HOUR SPECIAL HOUR SALE WEDNESDAY FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. IN OUR, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT IN BASEMENT 10-qt. grnnlto rilsh pans 39c All willow clothes baskots 23c Nlcklcd round trays, 13-ln Cc Crumb trays and scrapers Cc 0-qt. granite sauco pans 29c 3-tlo parlor brooms 9c THE NEW 1902 SPRING WASH SILKS aro tbo most beautiful ever seen. Wo havo hundreds ot pieces in tho daintiest shades ot pink, old rose, red, hello, lavender, light blue, codct, navy, nlle, mats tan and gray. Thoy aro bright and clean and tho best grade, sell for 49c. 100 different colorings in NEW SATIN FOULARDS, small, medium and largo de signs. .As Is always tho caso, wo aro first to show tho newest foulards for spring. Our big business on theso silks Indicates that the Omaha ladles apprcciato this, as HIGH CRADE DRESS SPRING GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY Sco our Scotch tweeds in grays, oxford browns, etc, for suits, skirts, etc. Thoy nro worth $2.98 a yard, wo will sell them for this weok, at, yard, $1.50. Soo our Now Panja, or basket weave cloth, in all tho flno spring shades, 64-ln. wide, domestic cloth, worth $1.50, will go at', yard, $1.00. Our West of England Pan J a blue, cadot navy, nllo, mals, tan and gray Nowman, Bradford, England, worth $3.93, we will sell for, yard, $2.93. Wo havo flno skirting at 49c, 75c and 98c a yard,. also the same as others chargo 60 per cent more for. WEDNESDAY IN THE BARGAIN ROOM 10,000 different bargains, besides our CHAMPION 30 minute sale. Underwear sale, children's clothing salo, dress goods sale, wash goods sale and other specials. NO PEDDLERS, DEALERS OR MANUFACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM- EXTRA SPECIALS FROM 8 TO 8:30 A. M. We will sell alt our best quality skirt lining worth 6o yrd, at lc. Only 10 yards to customer. , . FRQM 10 TO 10:30 A. M. We will soil Cc whlto Shaker flannol at, yard, lc. Only 10 yards to customer. FROM 11:30 TO 12 NOON. We will sell yard wldo, oxtra heavy un bleached muslin, worth Co yard, at 2c. Only 10 yards to customer. FROM 12:30 TO 1 P. M. Wo will sell full standard prints, dark and light colors, regular 5c and VAa goods, at. yard, 194c Only 10 yards to customer. FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M. Wo will sell remnants of dress goods, worth from 60a to $1.50, at, yard, only 10c. Onjy 7 yards to customer. Remnauts run from 2 yards to 7 yards, in black, plain, colore, mixtures, etc, all wool, silk and wool and cotton and wool. FROM 4 TO 4:30 P. M. Wo will sell all our silks, worth from 50c to $1.50 yard, black and colors, only 10 yards to customer, wo will sell them at, yard, 15c. FURNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR IN THE BARGAIN ROOM Monarch colored laundered BhlrU, 39c. All tho men's underwear that sold up to $1.00, nt 25c. All tho men's sweaters that sold up to $1.00, at 25c. All tho men's heavy jcrsoy ovorehlrts that sold up to $1.00, at 25c. HAYDEN Not Lost, But Found Slirndur's Ton-Mlnuto IIciuluclio Pow ders to bo it sure euro far lieiulncueo. If In doubt, try Shrador's. Sold by drup; gists or sent by mnll for 10c nnd 25c. Address, W. J. Shradar Medicine Co., Nw York Room 10, No. 30 East I4ta it. r IVtt N. 24th ft. Omaha, Nsb. Horscshoo tobacco 85 ' MEATS O.f SAM?. No. 1 sugar cured California hams, at, per lb., 7c. 3-lb. palls compound lard, 25c. E-lb. palls compound lsrd, 44c. Homemade pork sausage, OHc Pickled trlpo, 3Hc. Now bologna sausage, So. Plcklod pigs fcot. 6c. FISH SI'KCIAI.S. Fancy English bloater, each 2o. Fat American horrlng, each lc. ' K. K. K. K. Norway herring, 12V4c K. K. K. Norway herring, 10c. 1)1 ood red salmon, 10c. 1ICTTKH. Fancy separator crcaniory, 21o. Qaod country buttor, 14c. EMBROIDERIES Dig lino of 25c embroideries for 7Hc nig lot of 35c embroideries and Insert lngs at 10c. Dig lino of corset cover .embroideries, extra wldo embroideries, worth 60c to $1.60. on salo at 29c. SALE WEDNESDAY Ilrllllnntino stovo polish, per bos .... 2c 25c wash board , V:....... .. 11c '4-qt. granlto coffee pots .... 29c 3-pco. carving set, in nlco b&x ........ 49o Theso goods aro much less than- regular wholcsnlo price, nnd less than onehalt ot retail price, but this being tho quiet sea son, wo Just do this to mako things lively. No goods to merchants or peddlers. one gets moro wear, comfort and pleasure In having their foulnrd dress made early. COLORED TAFFETA SILK, full 27-lnch wldo, 50c. Yard wldo NAVY SURAH purs silk for BOc. RICH WHITE CORDED SILK, worth 1.60 for 69c. Wo aro showing tho neatont MOIRB AK TIQUE, In block and whlto. Tho best In always tho cheapest. The best Is none too good for you, WINSLOW TAFFETA JS THE DEBT, GOODS DEPARTMENT TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND SKIRTS TO ORDER, BY A PROFESSIONAL LADIES' TAILOR tho only exclusive ladles' tailor in Omaha. Wo will make any kind of skirt or suit to order at CO per cont less than any othor tailor in tho city. We guarantee a porfect fit in every instance, or money cheerfully refundod and we challenge any ladles' tailor west of Chicago to do as good work as wo do. FOR FULL PARTICULARS, SEE OUR HIGH GRADE DRESS GOODS DEPART MENT. For good dress goods cheap see our bar gain room. FROM 5:15 TO 5:45 P. M. Wo will sell nn extra flno yard wide bleached muslin, worth cy&c yard, only 10 yards to customer, at, yard, 24c. BESIDES THESE, WE WILL HAVE ON SALE ALL DAY 64-Inch black all wool cheviot, worth $1.25 yard, at 49c. C8-lnch golf suitings plaid back, dark gray wortt $1.60 yard, at 49c. 42-Inch union storm sorgo, worth 39e yard at 19c. 28-inch halt wool fancies, worth 12Ho yard, at 5c. 32-Inch plaids, worth 15 yard, at 6o. 28-lnch fleeced flannelettes, worth 16o yard at 3c. 36-inch imitation flannel, worth 16c, SO Inch solid striped walstlngs, worth 15c; 15c sateens, in black fancies, worth 15o, all go at 6c. 36-Inch percales In dork and 'light col ors, worth up to lOo yard, at 6c. 50c and 75c strictly all wool French flannels, will go at 25c yard. Men's whlto unlaundered1 shirts with doublo front and back, at 25c. Men's work gloves and mittens, that sold up to 75c, at 25c. Children's underwear that sold for 25c, at 10c. Men's colored laundored shirts with sepa rate, collars and cuffs, at 29c. BROS "When She Won't She Won't, And thcro's an end on't." No self re specting cook should be expected to do good work with, poor coal. Buy JUPITER NUT, and you will get genuine coal-tho kind tho cook can do best with. $5.50 A TON. All coal well screened. Hald 6t Rice, Tel. 1238. 506 So. 16th St. Eagle Cocktails piedcfkttsr havo tried tho Eagle Popu lar Cocktail. No hotter In Krcdlents cun be bought thun those UBed In this brand .1 0.l( tne better-keeps after being opened. You ap preciate other line drinks, why not try this. ' Price, quarts, 11.25. . l'?S.e California Wines, (bottle ripe), 33c. 60c and -Too Fine Mall City iiiki5, IKK, i.w., ILDO-qrts. orders promptly filled, orders delivered, CACKLE Y BROS, if Opuoslltt I'onloHloe, Tition lug AGKNTH KOIl TUB CKLEBltATED