10 tJlE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JAtfTJABY 15, 1002 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL IMlllpi Fail i to Adraac tat Marjini on lis Dull. ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF GRAIN UNLOADED Many Million ntuhela of Cerent Thrown Into the Weakening Mar ket nml Punic of Depression Threatens Everything. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Thcro was tumult today In the. grain pits. For a tlmo n .panic of depression threatened every thing. AH other nows was subordinate to the falluro of Georgo II. Phillips to advance margins on hl deals and tho consequent unloading of many million bushels of coroals on the already .weakening markets. ..After tho early wldo and rapid fluctuations and a heavy short market had absorbed tho Phil Hps stuff to tho profit of many a bear tho markets quieted and gradually came under usual Influences. Tho closo was much bet ter than had been expected. May wheat suffered a net loss of c, May corn Vtf.ttc, May oats Vi0V4c and May rye 3c. Provi sions closed Independent, 12V4015O to 154? 17H" higher. . , ., When. Just boforo tho opening of tho board, tho notice was posted at tho request of Phillips that houses having open deals with him closo them out at once, trader became badly frightened. IjUo lout night It was known that Phillips was In a tight pinch to mako good his margins because of tho small raid on his rye deals made yes terday. Hears In tho wheat pit began aug menting tho slzo of tho load of long wheat which rumor credited him with. Hulls who had been averaging for tho last few days became frightened and the result was that when tho starting gong sounded May wheat was selling lc to lHIHHc down at 8OV40Oc. Such prices wcro bargains to tho heavily nhort bear crowd and overywhero covering was tho feature. Hut liquidations both by longs and tho Phillips houses kept up at a tremendous rate. Tho Phillips stuff was estimated at 5,600.000 bushels, all of which whs put out nlmost nt tho start of tho market. Tho large extent of the short nccounts Is credited with having saved tho market from a panic. Covering and somo bull support put tho prlco for May up again to Hc but tho fact of tho falluro was still felt and tho market sagged again to 80-Hc Hy the noon hour thn usual con ditions began to havo their effect and tho market quieted down. Tho slightly lower cablcM. willed wcro overlooked at tho open ing, showed by n small reflection of tho weakness yesterday In this market, und tho continued reports of no moisture In tho winter belt helped press prices upward again. Somo bulls en me In tho market at tho low prices and May closed barely weak, 4c down, at 81f(SlUc Local receipts wcro CS tars, two of contract grade; Minneapolis and Dultrth reported 411 cars, making a total for tho three points of 479 cars, against 3S1 last week and 471 a year ago. Primary receipts wero 657,000 bushels, com pared with 800,000 bushels a year ago. Sea board clearances 'n whoat and Hour equalled 637,000 bushels. Tho world's vls lblo supply decreased 628,000 bushels. Corn opened weak and lower. The sell ing for tho Phillips account wiib estimated at 600,000 bushels. In general tho reactions wcro tho same as In whoat. May opuned l'VHHio to 0-ic down at 6IV4c to 63c. Selling orders wero much In evldcnco throughout thn mission. Tho cash situation was dull and thu salvation of tho pit rested almost entirely on tho covering of tho heavy short nccounts. After tho open ing slump there wns a sharp reaction to (Wuc, slightly abovo yesterday's close. Tho advance wns lost when wheat weak ened ngaln. Thoro was somo attempt at bulling and lato In tho session tho reaction brought a closo only slightly weak, 0c lower, nt 65',ic. Itecclpts wero 171 cars. Oats had tho samo troubles to contend Against as tho other pits. There wero about G0O.00O bUBhcls sold hero to closo tho Phillips deals. As In other markets shorts wero tho buyers. This nit shows' a con siderable Independence at tho opening. May started 074o lower at 45c. slumped to 4114c, but Jumped bock quickly to 46c, lie higher than yesterday. A good many traders wcro sold short nt tho opening and were caught for losses, but after tho early excitement trade quieted down and eased materially. Hulls did not attempt much nupport to this market. May closed steady, ViwUo lower, at 45c Itecclpts wero 202 cars. Rye. the pit which caused all tho trouble, had tho hardest day of all. Early tho "fancy" deal which Phillips Is said to havo started, was raided by ono or two clovaop concerns, and at ono tlmo there was 3d depression; Support had buoyed tip prices, but brokers became afraid of 'the Phillips deals. and demanded tho full deal. JIo was understood to be over l,00O,00D bushels long, and when his closing notlco was posted at tho opening; May prices wero iQ6G down nt 62061c. Tho heavy liquidation that be gan at onco was moro than the usually small pit could stand and May dropped down even to 00c. At this tlguro short cov ering and long buying by ,a prominent houso which absorbed nearly all tho Phil lips stuff brought a reaction, to 65c.- 'Tho closing was weak. 3c lower, at 63Uc. Provisions showed marked strength and- inaepenaonco immediately nrtor tno open ing. At tho start there was a depression on tho grain slump, but outsldo buying and an Improvod hog market buoyed prices to a firm close. May pork closed 15017V4C up at $17.17V4: May lard 7Vi01Oc higher at $9.77V and May ribs lO012Vo advanced at $S.67Va0 $.70. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 15 care; corn, 53 cars; oats, 110 cars; hogs, 83,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows. Articles.! Open, Hlgh.l Low, CIose.lYost'.y Wheat Jan. 77i May Hi(381 July imw Corn Jan. 61 May 65Vi July 640$ Oats May 44U45H July 39V40V4 Sept. 3avi0V4 Pork Jan. 16 70 May 16 95 July 10 87 Lard Jan. 0 50 May 9 60 July 9 70 Rlbs- Jan. 8 37 May 8 55 77! I 81 81H S0 n4 61H 6SV1 C2U 6i G4T40S5! 65 45 40V4 33 16 72V41 45T 40 33 16 60 17 02 16 95 9 42V4 16 72 16 70 16 96 17 Vi 17 05 II KM " 07$ 18 87 9 BsW 9 77 9 62 9 50 9 60 9 70 a so 9 S5 9 G5-7 U S3 9 72 8 27 8 67 .8 37 8 70 8 55 8 lO No. 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $3,800) 4.00; straights, $3.4003.80; clears, $3.20 Vfi.w, spring specials, ii.3u; patents, $3,500 8.80; straights. 4a.2On3.40. WHEAT-No. 3, 75076c; No. 2 red, 84 $4e. OATR No. 2, 45N6c; No. 2 white, 47 47c: No. 3 white, 45047c. RVE-No. 2.- 62a BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 62 65c. ' w SEEDB-No. 1 flax, $1.66: No. 1 north western. 11.70; prlmo timothy, $6.55; clover, r.nntraet irrndc. $9.90. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.75 16.80,' Lard, per 100 lbs.. J9.50flJO.55. Short ribs . sldcB (tooso), J8.30flS.45. Dry salted snouinora idoxocij. i..wyy'.i. nliort clear Bides (boxed), JS.8O88.90. WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.82. The following were the receipts and ship ments of grains yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 33,000 31,000 Wheat. bu 81,000 40.000 Corn, bu 164,000 123,000 Chits, bU 303.000 215,000 Rye, bu 3,000 1,000 Barley, bu 81,000 33,000 On the Produco exchange today tho but ter market was easier; creamorles, IB 23c; dairies, 14020c. Cheese, steady at lOiiUPUftC .ggs, linn, jresn, .juiwc, NEW YOIIIC GEKKItAL MARKET. Qaotatlona of the Dor on Various Coramadltles, NEW YORK. Jan. 14. FLOUR-Rccolpts, 80,000 bbls.; exports, 13,504 bbls.; market Irregular and nominal and closing easy; winter patents, J3.75fH.00; winter straights, $2.6003,80; Minnesota patents, $3.8504.25; winter extras, JJ.9CKjM.20; Minnesota bakers, 2.90tfa.35: winter low grades. $2.7(Xrt3.80. Ryo flour, dull; fair to good, $3.2003.10; cnoiea 10 xancy, j.iwuu.io. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.36 City, xi.aa; uranuywino, w.uotn j.yd. RYE irregular; No. 3 western, 70c f. o b. afloat; state, 66067c, car lots. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 6O062o c. I f Buffalo; malting. C972o, c. I. f., Buffalo, WHEAT-Hecolnts. 240.350 bu.: oxnorts 129,130 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, 68'io f. o, .b. afloat; No, 2 red elevator, R7Uo f o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Dululh. Allfn 1 n Yi nflnnt. Ontlunn nnAnml vr.lt0l ana wealc over the reported falluro of a prominent bull at Chicago. Heavy liqui dation broke prices lo a bushels, after wmcn moy raiueo mwura noon on cover ing nd export rumors. With a subsequent renewal of liquidation prices broke, but rallied near the close, a gain on the late covering ana ciosea irregular ttc net loss Aiarcn ciosea ai cno, oiay, Bo;ra6;o closed at SHC July, SSUQSo 13-16CJ closed at fNc CORN Receipts. 20,000 bu.i exports, 950 bu. Bpot, dull; No. 2, R)c elevator and 69-Ho . o. b. afloat. Options opened wonk at tho wheat break and with Chicago, rallied on light receipts and a good general de mand, but later declined under further un loading and with lato heaviness In other markets. It finally rallied on covering mid closed steady, "VSe net loss; May, no 694c; closed at iic; July, 6&i6.STiiC. OATS Receipts, 7,857 bu.; exports, 15.500 bu. No. 2 white 54c; No. 3 white, 53Uc; track, white, 63V40534c. Options Irregular following corn. HAY Steady; shipping, COflCSc; good to choice, E2'490C. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1901 crop, WHlSVici 1100 crop, 12c; UO'J crop, 0f?9c; Pacific const. 1901 crop, U15c; 1900 crop, Ryi2c; 1899 crop, GftSc. lllDliS-Steudy: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 21 fo 30 lbs., 14V4c, LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole, Bu enos Ayrcs, light to heavyweights, 25f 2GV4C. . WOOI Dull; domestic fleece, 25fJ2Co; Texas. lCfil7c. PROVISIONS-Qulot; family, JU.0031o.50; mess, J19; beef hams, J20.ooi(21.00; packet, J10.5ogil.60; city, extra India mess, J17.50if 19.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. SHiflOc; pickled shoulders, 7c; pickled hums, 9-ifflOHc. Lard, firm; western steamed, J9.97W4(9.9714; refined, steady; com pound, J10.10; South America, $11; com pound, J8.00i(.25. Pork, steady; family, J15.0Of(17.00; short clear, J18.00S20.00; mess, JlCrtfi 17.00. BUTTER Receipts, 6,426 pkgs.; state dairy, 14(8t!lV4c; crenmery, 16fl2;tV4c; Juno creamery', lSlo; factory, l.TfjlSHc CHEESE Receipts, 3,387 pkgs.; firm; fancy largo stalo full cream, fall made, lO'-iij'lWic; fancy largo late, best made, 9!4c; fancy small full cream, 11'iQllHc; fancy small late, best made, lOQlO'.ic. EGGS Receipts, 7,452 pkgs.; firm; stato and PonnBylvnnlr, 28Q2iaic; western can dled, 272Sc. POULTRY Alive. steady; springers, fHt9c;turk3ys, lOtfllc: fowls, 11c: dressed, quiet: springers, lOOUVic; fowls, 10tjllc; turkeys, 12yviic. METALS Tho local market for pig tin was about He higher, with tho closing prices standing at $23.35 bid. London closed 1 10 higher with snot at 105 and futures at 102. Copper was unchanged here at ll'io for luke, llHo for electrolytic and lie for casting. It was said that thu market waa even lower than the aboyc prices to sell. Lead was unchanged nt New York nt 4c, but at London thcro was a decline of 2s 6d to 10 5s Spelter was 5 points lower here, closing at JI.35, London wan unchanged at 10 10s. Iron wna a llttlo lower. Glasgow was quoted at 40s 8d and Mlddlcsboro at 41s 9d. Pig Iron wnrrnnts Jll.Wll3.oo; No. 1 northern foundry. J15.50 WlO.uo; No. 2 northern foundry. J15.o0ftl6.60: No. 1 southern foundry, J15.60'Sfl6.00; No. 1 soft southern foundry, J15.OOU17.00, OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Qnotntlon on Staple nml Knnoy Produce. EGGS Receipts, light: fresh stock, 23c. LIVE POULTRY-Hens. 6W7c: old roosters 34c; turkeys, 72t9c; ducks und hnt, in'JjOL, PIH1I1K UIHUKUIIB, ItVV 1U,, UHESSKD I'OULTRY TurkCVS. 104T12c: uuckh, waive; gecKe, vsjiuc; spring cniCK- BUTTER Common to fair, 14V4c: choico dairy, In tubs, 10i(17c ; separator, zsU2tc. FROZEN KISH-Hlack bass, ISc; white uass, jvc, uiucusu, 12c; uuiinenas, ivc: Diue tins. 7c: bufTuloeM. 7c: cattlnh. 12c: mil. lrti't crapplcst, 11c: halibut, 11c; herring, 6c; had dock, 9c; pikci so; red snupper, 10c; kui- iituti, ,, nLiiiiiaii, u., liuufc, vu, WiliWlinil, be; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, XXtt OYSTERS Mediums, ner can. 22e: Stand. nrdB. per can. 26c: extra selects, nor can. S3cr New York counts, per can, 4oc: bulk Standards, per gal., Jl.20ftl.25; bulk extra ...iflfltu ti ir. v -i. ....... per gal., J1.75. 1'IUEONS Live, per doz., 60c. VEALr-Cholce, 6'o8c. HAY Prices nuotcd bv Omaha Whole. sale Hay Dealers' association: Choico up land, JO; No. 2 upland, JS; medium, J7.50; coarse. J7. Rye straw, J5.50. Theso prices are for hay of good color and "quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 20 cars. BRAN J23. OATS-452C VEGETABLES. POTATOES Homo crown, Jl; northern, J1.10; Salt Lake, J1.10; Colorado, J1.10. UAiiiiuiB-rer uu., uuc BEETS Per H-bu. basket, 30c. TURNIPS Per bu.. 60o: ltutabaaas. ner 100 lbs., J1.25. 1'AitHNira i'er du., two. CUCUMBER8 Hothouse, per doz., J1.75. LETTUCE Head. Der bbl.. 16.50: hat. house lettuce, per dot., 25c. ' PARSLEY Per doz., 25c. JlAlJIBIll',3 i-cr UOZ.. L'uC. SWEET POTATOES llomn crnwn n lb., 2Hc: Kansns, per bbl., $3.25. CABBAGE Hollapd seed, crated. lc CAULIKLOWER-I'er crate, J2.75. ONIONS Snanlsh. ner crate. Jl': Mlchl. gan, red or yellow, 3c per lb. uttLiHiix ianiornia, 4wuioc. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, ner bhl.. 11.50! Wlncsaps, J5; Jonathans, $5.60; Bclleflowers, per uox, ii.iit. . PEARS-Vlkers, $2.25; Lawrence, $2.25 GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $5.506.60. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. 17.6OHa.O0: nnr crate, J2.76. NAVY BEANS Per bU.. J2.15. TROPICAL FttUlTS. ORANGES California tiavals. 12.75W3.00' budded, J2.50. LEMONS Fancy, J3.60S3.75; choice, $3.00 3.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to slac, J2.25H2.75. FIUS California, new cartons. 11: lm. ported, per lb., 12014c. DATES Persians. In GO-lb. boxes, ner lb.. 6c; galrs, 6c. . MISCBLLANEOUSi NUTS Now- cron walnut. Nn. 1 niitt shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., HHc; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 nurd shell. Jc; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small. iOc; cocoa- jiuis, iirr cwi aj cnestnuts, 12c. iiuiNiix i'er Z4'Section case, J3.&0. CIDER Nchawka. ner bbl.. . i.T"5' Ninr York, J3.50. POPCORN Per lb., 5c. No. 1 salted, 7c: No, 2 salted, 0o; No. i veal calf, 8 to 12ft lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 Ib., 7c; dry hides, 813c; sheep, pelts, 75c; horse hides, 1. 50(32,25, St. J.odls Uraln uhd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14 WHEAT Lowers No. 2 red cash, elevator. 82'ic: track. smf two; May, 73c; July, 80-)ic; No, 2 hard, 81 CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 61c: track. 61V4Q65c; May, 66Tlti67c; July, 66V4&66c. OATS Lower; No. 2 caBh, 47c; track. 486M3fto; May, 48ftc; July, 39Hc; No. 2 wnuc, Mi'aiic. RYK Nominal, 64c. r lAiun-vtuncr; rea winter patents, $4.0034.15; extra fancy and straight, $3.50 3.75: clear, $2.75313.40. BBKUB-iimoiny, nominal at a.uffB.w. CORNMEAL Steady at $3.40. BRAN Lower u sacked, cast track. $1.08 1.10. HAY Stead V! tlmothv. il2.50B15.00! prairie, $10.0014.00. PROVISIONS-Pork: Higher: Jobblnc. $16,30. Iard, higher at $9.22M. Dry 'salt moats (ooxeu), stronger; extra snorts and clear ribs. 18.62H: clear sides. SS.87'4. Itnenn (boxed), stronger; extra shorts, J9.10; clear rii)H, j'j.b.ii; ciear sines, ,?j.id. WHISKY-Steady. $1.32. IRON COTTON TIES yoC BAGGING 6iQ6!4c. HEMP TWINE 9c METALS Icad: Dull at 13.S7Uffrci.M. Spelter: Quiet at $4.17H. X J U AJ A i A U IVHil J , .llll.ncill,i 7V4WSc; ducks, 74i1ViC : geese. 6c l'OULTitx Btcany; cnicKens, tc: turkeys, uu i 1 1'jii L,ower; crcamory, dairy, I5(i(20c. 18QC5C; i'!i if jh Hreuav ni zic. RECEIPTS-Flour. 9.000 bbls.: wheat. 22,000 hu.: corn, 141.000 bu.; oats, 74,000 bu. BHIPMEN i B r lour, (,uw unis.; wneat, i2,oou uu,; corn, is.wu uu.; oats, io.iau uu. Knuaas City Grain nnd Provisions, I'JtVQAQ ftimV T 1 1 WIIPAT Itfnn R0V4c; July, 7979Hc; cash, No. 2 hard, 78$ 79c; No. 3, 77V4C. No. 2 red, S392c; No. 3, oiiysiw: no. - spring, iwik, CORN January,- 65i,'ii65v;c: May, G0T4c; cash, No. 2 mixed, G5',iS66c; No. 2 white, untni'c: ISO. a, use. OATS-No. 2 white, 4Si,45jM9c, RYE No. 2. 66-&t;Sc. HAY Choico timothy, $13,00; choice prai rie. $14.00. BUTTER-Creamcry. 1822c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Kansns stock, 2(c dozen, loss off, cases returned; now whltewood cases Included. 2IWc. RECEIPTS-Whent, 17,600 bu,; corn, 65,000 UU.. UlllH. UU. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 15,300 bu.; corn, D,.MV UU. , OHIB, II.WJU UU. I,lvriool (irnlu it Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 14.-WHEAT-Spot No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 3d; No, 1 Califor nia, m ti; luiurcs, sieauy; Aiarcn. 6s 3d Mav. 6s 3Wd. CORN Spot, steady: American- mixed new. cteadv. 5a American mixed, nld steady, 5s sd; futures, steady: February, 6s 3sid; March, 6s 3d; lay, 5s 3d. PROVISIONS Lard. American refined In nulls. 69s 9d: nrlme western, dull at 47s 9d, Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs,, dun at ks; snomuors, square, u to 13 lbs. 39s 9d. Tallow, nrlmn cltv. strong nt 30 M. PEAS-Canndlnn, 6s lOd. HEt'EIITH Wheat diirine the Inst three days, 161,(00 centals, Including 161.0X) Amer ican; American corn last tnrco nays, bejm centals. Visible .Siiiil- of (Irnln. NEW YORK. Jan. 14.-Sneclal cable and tclegrnphlc communication to Brodstreet's show theso changes In nvallablo stinnllcs from lost accounts: Wheat. I'nlted States nml Panada, east of tho Rockies, decreased 1,328,000 bu.: afloat or nnu in wuropo, increnseu w.v,uuv nil.; total supply, decreased 62S.OOO bu. Corn, rnlted Slntes anil Canada, east of the Rockies, Increased 72,000 bu. oats, united mates ami ennaua, cast ot the Rockies, decreased 412,000 bu. Among tno moro important increases re- inptA.1 . r. T I .1 . ' .. . 1. t 1 r.V A-liA .v. m uiiiuatiici n lite tlli'ou uk bu. In Manitoba and 2X00O bu. at Louis- The Icndlnc dccronnes are those of 1.000.000 frill n f nncllittfastAPii InlnslnM nlntfnl rra Oil . rut IIUI lllllvriVlli IlllUliUt UIV.II11UI Di UI- (i00 bu. nt Chlcngo private elevators, 146,000 du. at t'ortianu, .mo., and 74,uuo uu. at St. osepn. PlUlndelphln Produce Mnrkct. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 14. BUTTER Steady; fancy western creamery, 24c; fancy nearby prints, 27c. EGGS Firm; fresh nearby, 30ci fresh western, 30c; fresh southwestern, 30c; fresh southern, 27c. CHEESE Firm: New York full creams. fancy small. lHic: New York full creams. fair to choice, 0'41lIc. Toledo Grnlit nntl Seed, TOLEDO. Jan. II. WHEAT Active. weak; cash, S8',4c; May, SSUc; July, 83Vic. CORN Active, lower: Mav. 66lc: Julv. C6c. OATSOulct: January. 48V4c: May. 47c: July. Uc. RYE Nothing doing. SEEDS Clover, dull, steady; January, J6.02V4; March, J6.07U. Mlnneniiolln Wheat, Flour nnd Ilrnn. 757((c; May. 76g77c; July, 77T4c On track: No. 1 hard, 78c; No. 1 northern, 75T4c; No. nortnern, H?c. FLOUR Lower: first nntents. J3.9tKM.00: seconTTffatents, J3.S(Ki3.90; first clears, J2.90t w: scconu cienrs, jz.ia. UltAIN in UUIK, l(.&injl.W. MltTnnkec Grain Mnrkrt. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 14. WHEAT owcr; No. 1 northern, 78c; No. 2 northern, ; fliny, sic. RYE Lower; No. 1. 63c. BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 63c: samnlc. C0 65c. Dnlnth Grnln Market. DULUTII, Jan. 14. WHEAT Cash, No. hnrd. 78Wc: No. 1 northern. 71Wc: No. 2 northern, 75V4c; Mny. 80V4c; July, 78,4c. OATS-July, 45Viy45Hc. COltfV wc. MOVEMENTS OK STOCKS AMI BONDS. Market Becomes Weak nnd Selllnnr Movement Become Cit-neriil. NEW YORK. Jon. 14. Thero was con siderable dlsturbanco of speculative senti ment in tne siock mnrKet touny nnu tno movement to bcII gained Increasing force. Tho weakness became rather ucute In tho final hour, when tho heaviest sclllnir of the day was done, nnil, the mnrket closed, ac tive and weak nnd genernlly at tho lowest net .losses, running all the way from .1 to 6 points for the principal stocks. Thcro were somo special causes of weakness of In dividual stocks, which affected tho general mnrKet uy sympatny to somo extent, but tho movement as a whnlo wns duo to gen eral causes, which havo been cnlnlnir nn Influence for severul days past. All minor differences of Interpretation over tho stand ing of tho enso against tho Northern Se curities company are sunk In tho general consideration that the legality of tho com bination Is to be submitted to determination by the courts, and that tho value of Its securities (ire to Iks In nbevanco during i probable prolonged litigation. Tho bcnrlni; r tne uecision in otner commnations, not nlv those mndc. but some others In con templation, makes tho decision of this caso of vast Importance to tho securities mar ket. Tho difficulties dcvoloned In tho sev eral Industrial combinations which havo suffered from impaired credit have given rtso to a much more conservative spirit among lenders of money and buyers of se curities. Today's upset In the grain mar kets, resulting from over-commitments In peculation, orougnt somo liquidation 1 recti v tlnon the stock mnrket. Besides theso" crenernl considerations Wall street had. rumors that a new bond Issue by a rail road company was Imminent, and on theso the stocks of tne company declined ii nnu. i i3iniH. Tno rcmnrKB uy rrosment homns In the last annual renort that It would seem as though tho day Is now ap proaching when arrangements for new capital' can bo profitably made," was re garded as a, substantial basis for theso rumors. Tho cut In tho nrlces of refined sugars cost that specialty 3 points. Thcro was noticeable weakness In a group of stocks in which there has been speculation on hopes ot dividend Increasca or the be ginning or dividends, -more wcro iears thnt these hones would be dlsannolnted. Tho Now York, Chicago & St. Louis stocks, tho St. I3Uls & San Francisco stocks. Lake Erie & western nnd united mates express mlcht bo Included In this category. Tho Atchlsons wero heavily sold on continuing dissatisfaction over the debenture, bond is sue. Aside from theso Instances the selling wns nretty well distributed. Tliero was a period of some strength In tho morning, led by Manhattan, with a rlso of 14. but that stock fell with tho rest of tho market. Glucose roso 2, Hi tho face of tho general decline. Sterling exchango was somewhat easier, leading) to the supposition that gold mny not be exported after all this' week, but the market was llttlo affected by this development and by the liberal gains fof cosh on subtrcuBiiry operations. The pay ment today of jwu.uw in redemption ot me Hawaiian loan assumed by tho United States will accrue to tho benefit of the mnrkot. Active bonds weakened in sym pathy with stocks, but somewhat active issues naa cany e""9- a "in omwo, vninn. 13.675.000. Unltedi States, bonds were all unchanged on tho last call, . The commercial Auvcmscr a aaiiiuuu flnunclal cablegram says: Tho stock mar- Kct touay was urisRer mm uiucnui, .--nnniaiiv nt thn close, on renortfl that nego tiations looking toward peace In South Africa nro In progress. Home rails wore strong; American biockh weru imnuw uu uninteresting, although there was good Dutch buying or wauimorp uiuu United mates oieei, wine cw boosted Union Pacific. Rio Tintos recov ered on local buying. Double option at the end of the month Is quoted at 1 per cent. Copper sola at iia ivs. x-aris l-xi-iuiuisb jo 25.1214; Berlin, 20,43. Tne xouowiiiB ui o mo w the New York Stock exchange Atchison 75V4 So. l'aclllc do pfd. 0H So. Railway Baltimore & O... 10B, do PM........... 68 Ji 32Vi 92 37VS 18Va do bfd.. VU A tJA. re A ll.llll, . . Canadian Pao 112 Tol St. L. & W. Canada o. 34H 9H 877,i 21 4H 17 2S 10W canaua oc. 'j j i,.-. Ches. & Ohio 45ViiUnlon Pacific! .... Chicago & A 33J4I do pfd dn llfd.. , 1074. 11UUB.I , 49V do pfd . 75 iWheel. & L. E... .133t! do 2d pfd , 22Va,Wls. Central .... . 84Va do nfd Chi. Ind. & L do pfd Chi. & E. HI.. Chicago G. W do 1st pta... 4U do 2d pta . 44 Adams Ex 193 210 100 Chicago & N. W.204V4 American Ex C. Ill I. & P.....162H 11. S. Ex Chi. Ter. & Tr... if ,veus-i'argo isx . I ...1 11 A ,1 11 1 fnnnam 1S3 7Ti UU IHUi ,,.. -...... vu,)jiim. n n. . Rt I., asii Amer. Car & F.. Colorado So 14 do pfd do 1st pru '"ner. 1.111. uu... 15V. UU U lUU, .... -1 73 . ". Del. & IIudson...l72 Amer. S. & R.... Del. L. & W 254 I do pfd. Denver & R. G.. 52 Anne. Mln. Co.... do pfd 90,i Brooklyn R. T... Erlo 1395010. Fuel & I... 44T4 96 29 )i 63H Hi do ISl pid a una , 213V4 276V4 Ot. Nor. pfd 1S274 Glucose Sugar ... 434 iiocKing vaiioy., ubV4'"i.KiiiK uoai .. if 19 75 87 90 HO I)IU M'l . , . - . . . Illinois Central.. .137 do pfd Inter. Power ... Lncledo Gas Na. Biscuit National Lend., Nntlonnl Salt ... Iowa Central .... X1W in mo iu Lake Erlo & W... 63 do nfd 12a la 30 W! 90 6S L.- & N 101 Manhnttan L,ta,M36Ul no ind.. Met. St. Ry Wi No. American... Mex. Central .... 26Vt Pacific Const ... Mex. National... 14Vi Pacific Mall .... Minn. & St. L....104 People's Gas ... Mo. Pacific 99T4 Pressed 8. Car,, Vi 100H S9Vi AI., iv, 1 1 , 21i pia..., , do pfd 61 Pullman V. Car. N. J. Centrnl....isn iRepubllo Steel .. N. Y. Central 16U; do pfd 218 16 Norfolk & W . 65V 117T. no pin Ontario & W.. Pennsylvania . . -J.l renn. Coal & 1., union ung i, do pfd U. S, Leather .. ..147W .. 53H1 .. SOVa .. 60 72V4 waning do 1st pfd.... do 2d nfd ao pin ,,, U. 8. Rubber.... do pfd U. S. Steel . KOVi . 14k Bt. L. & 8. F.. .. 59H1 . 50' . 41- do 1st prd, , do 2d lifd.... .... XnU lo 2d nfd 73 . 93, St. L. SoUthW.... 25U Western Union" . 90V do pfd... 57?; Amer. Loco mo,, St. Paul ICOTil do pfd rtn tifil 11.514. ' . 30V , ........... . v , Last sale. ForelRii Financial. LONDON. Jan. 14. The demand for money Increased today In connection with Stock exchange requirements, the supply WAS nlentlful. nn-ina In tlin rnlonun nt ,1lil. dend and Interest payments, Discounts wero easy. Business on tho 8tock exchntigo Americans, responding to tne NeW lOrk trmclrnt nnotiil dull nnd niff. lectcd. Later there wns 11 slight Improve ment and thev closed quiet. Rio tintos opened weak. Copper starting nt 45Hc. be camp firmer ot 4oc. Later It beenmo Ir regular, closing quiet at I34c. Knfllrs hesitated at first and cased slightly, but later became tnnrn nnlnintnl n.tll harilunAil Gold premiums arc quoted: Buenos Ayres, 11; """""i J-i Lisbon, 31; Home, l.w.i. 1 oi'in, dim. 11. r rices on tne uotirse today were firm. Options were n6inlnal, esneclally 111 Illr, tlntnn. Snnnlxh la ntnrtod weak, recovered, wero In good demand and closed firm. Italians and Argentines wero wenker. Russians wero llrmer. Metro politans and Thomson-Houstons advanced. Rio tltltOB were u-enk for 11 while, hut r. covered during the Inst hour. Kafllrs Im proved, closing Btrong. The private rato of discount was unchanged today at 2 13-lt per cent. Three per cent rentes, 100f3Sc ror tno account. Exclinngo on London, 20f 2Hc for checks. Spnnlsh 4s. 77.97. BERLIN. Jan. 14. Business onenrd hesi tatingly on the bourse today owing to tho New York ndvlcpR. hut became firmer on more satisfactory reports from Industrial points. i.xeimnRp on ionuon, Jjm pigs, for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 2U per cent. Nerr York Money Mnrket. tend!' at 3H5 ner rent: close offerrd nt f per cent; prime mercantile paper, 474ig-5'4 per rem. UTL-T.IMn tVnl, A Vflt- TI....... ..UU actual business In bankers' bills nt $1.87 for demand nnd nt J4.84Ufi4.8IVl for sixty days; posted rates, J4.fcfl4.(s; commercial bills, JI.MW'iN.M. hiiaVisii uar, 55c; Mexican dollars, 44VJC. 111 lONDS Government, steady: state. In. active; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are si follows: U. S. rcf. 2s, reg 1081J 108VI 107-l 139', 13Ul iu 111-4 107-. 107V4 ,1U3?4 93H 103 , 93 101 109 107V4 76 lOti'j 81V , 90 110 139V4. L. & N. unl. 4s..l00Vi do coupon do 3s, rcg. ...... do coupon do new 4s, rcg, do coupon do old 4s, reg.,, do coupon do 5:t, rcg do council Mex. Central 4s 82 do is lnc M. & St. L. 4b.. M.,' K. & T. 4s. do 2s N. Y. C. Is 31 101 lt2k 102. do gen. 3V4.H lot N. J. C. gen. 68,.133i No. Pnclflc 4s 104Vi do 3i 74 N. & W. con. 4S.102H Rending gen. 4s., 97Vs 8 L & 1 M c. Es. .117U Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4s. ...... 1. Hi U. 48 do 3H"--i iln nnny. 4n St. L. A S. F. 4s. 9CVi Canada So. 2s..., Cent, of On. Bs... St. L. 8. W. Is... 91 do 2s 7SU do 1st mo !. x. n. 4Ua 8. A. & A. P. 4s. 87U So. Paclflo 4s.";... 93Vi So. Railway 5s...l2u Chi. & A. 3Us..., , u. it w. 11. is, M 8 P B. 4s., & N W c. 7s., . n. T. t la T. & V. Is 120 T. 8 L & V 4s... 82' union rac. 4s. do conv. 4s... Wabash 1b .... do 2s do deb. B.... West Shore 4s. 105V4 103 87V4 CCC & S L g. 4s Chlcngo Ter. 4s., Colo, So. 4s ., Den. & R. G. 4s, Erlo prior 1. 4s... ..H8i ..114(? .. 67VI 10I4 99V4 S9Vi 106KI ,10tl .112 W. & L. E. 4s 91SJ uu gun. IB '. w. n. n. io Wis. Corttral 4s.. S84 Con. Tob. 4s.... Hock.' Vat. 4Vis, Boston Stock (Juotntlons. BOSTON, Jan. 14. Call loans. 4W0B ner cent: tlmo louns. 4S5 ner ceht. omdal closing: Atchison 4s 91 SJ M 50 75i M)t 261 192 163 210VS wis 2&W 169' ' 23 270 , 33 Allouez Amalgamated .., Baltic , Bingham ,, Col. & Hocla Centennial , Copper Rango .., Dom. Coal Franklin Isle Roynlo Mohawk Osceola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fo Copper, Tamarack ,,, Trlmountaln 3 Sb r23Vi 570 11 53 55H 12 20 26V4 V 28 130 3 243 H!i M 50 42 Uns is , Mex. Central 4s., E. u. & U...., Atchison do nfd Ronton & A Boston & Me.... Boston Elov , N Y. N II & II., Union Pacific Mex. Central ... Amer. Sugar .... Amer. T. & T..., Dom. Iron & S... Gen. Electric... Mass. Electric .. do nfd 92 V4 u. a. states Utah Victoria Winona Wolverino N. E. G. & C... United Fruit ... U. S. Steel S6Vi , 419a do nfd . 93W , lb Advunturo London Stock Uuotattons, LONDON, Jan. 14. Closing: Consols, money., do account.... Anaconda Atchison .'. 93& "9V Norfolk & West.. 57 do pfd 91U No. Pacific nfd.. 102 Ontario & West.. 34?i Pennsylvania .... 76 Reading 28Vi do lBt pfd 412 do 2d pfd 3ly4 Southern Ry...... 33vl do pfd ,, 93.iT Southern Pacific. 61 Union Paelfln liuss. do pfd Baltimore; & O.. 1UJ 105' Canadian Pacific Chesaneake 1 O. 116' 47V.I Ml. Chicago Q, W c.'m. &"sJt? P..., uenver es. ! u.. ,1 ViH' . ' . Erlo I dn nf.l 01 do 1st pfd do 2d nfd..... 73 I 60V41 142 j 25? 54 I 16Sil U. 8. Steel 43' i' do prd.. iWabash ,1 do nfd.. 9 Illinois Central. Louis. & NAsh. M.. K. & T do nfd 22 1 ao piu 'Spanish 4s 77(4 illand Mines HH 42"i N. Y. Central... DeBeers BAR SILVER-Qulot at 25Hd per ounce. MONEY 2ft2M. ner eent. Thi A discount In the on en market for shorts bills ia o ijci tueiiii jor inreei montns, iura 1-18 per cent. N'ev A'orU Mlnlnff Stock. 1MRVV VriTttf .Tnn 1lTh llnn.ln the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 23 Little Chief ... ... 10 ... M ... 77 ... 6 ... 12 ... 6 ... 15 ,., 40 ,'..345 Alice 45 Ontario , Onhlr , lircece 7a Brunswick Con.. 8 Com. Tunnei 5VJ Con. Cal. & Va..l40 Deadwood Terra. 50 Horn Silver ,200 rnocnix , Potosl Savngo Sierra Nevada Small Hopes Standard ...... iron Silver 60 Leadvlllo Con i Bank ClearlnKS. OMAHA. Jan. 14. Bank clejirlnir tnrlnv Jl, 105,228.80; corresponding day last year! ijwi.ivi.fi; increase, jwu.o.u.oo. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14. Clearlnizs. 19.352.417: balnnces, $1,053,079: money, 25c premium. v;iJNUiiNiNATi. Jan. 14. Clearings, ja.125, 050: money. 4ViHT6 ner cent: New York ex. change, 10c premium. uinuAuu, jan. u. Clearings, jis.aw.r.'e: balances, J3.706.276; posted exchange, $1.86 tor sixty nays nno .es on aemana; rsew York exchange, 15c premium. BOSTON. Jan. 14.-Clearln8. $26,464,519: balances, $1,739,769, UAL.T1AIOKK. Jan. 14. cieanncs. 11.645.- 600; balances, $655,400. fMiiuisi,iA, Jan. if. clearings, $22,173,497; balances, $2,577,140; money, 5 per cent. NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-C carlngs. $287.- 863,2U; balancs, $13,265,843. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. Today's state- ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $170,670, 600; gold, $106,674,534. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. COTTON Snot closed quiet and steady; middling uplands. 8Vc; middling gulflands. 8V4c; sales, CS6 bales, l-uturea. closed steady; January, 7.85c; Februnry nnd March, 8c; April ana May, 8.16c; June, 8.15c; July, 8.18c; August, 8.03o; September, 7.67c; October, 7.60c. XT l.Mt' W, T I.- A K-U Inn 11 CnTTriV- Steady; sales, 1,250 bales; ordinary, 6V4c; good ordinary, 7c; low middling, 7 9-16c; middling, 7Tdc; good middling, 8 Vic; mid dling fair. 8 9.16c: receipts. 23.323 bales: stock, 379.588 bales. Futures, quiet: Jnn- linn . 7.835t)7.85a! February. 7.87fff7.B8c 4lUiJlt Itfl.inu, Vkjtlsti .atJ. Ulltv, O.Vi 8.02o; June, 8.038.(Xic; July, 8.09S.10c. mlddUnfT. 7T4c: no naleH: recelnts. 4.852 linUu ulilnmnnlii ' T 1iA nnlna JI HO. DHII'lllLIHO, WU1V UAiiViiHiON. Jan. 14. cu nun-rirm. 8 tlKC. 1 ijivwiu'uuL,, Jan. n. tunuw-spot, fair demand: nrlces l-32d higher: American middling fair. 39-32d; good middling, 41-32d; middling, izi-u.'d: low miaaung. i ww: good ordinary, 4 6-16d; ordinary. 4 l-16d. The sales or tne day were io.uuo owes, or wincti 500 wero for speculation and export and In cluded 9,600 Amcrlcnn. Receipts, 25,000 Dales, Including 20,000 American. Futures onened aulet and closed steady: American middling g. o. c: January, ao-wo, ouyersi January ana February, i so-wu, nuyers; Fetiruarv ana Murcn. i ao-bio. nuyers: March and Anrll. 4 29-6l(fN 30-6ld. buyers: April and May, 4 29-64JN 30-6ld, buyers; May and June, su-tHd, sellers; June ann juty, 4 30-64d. sellers: Julv nnd August. 4 30-64d. sellers; August and September, 4 25-64 4 'ji-MU. sellers: Hentemuer ana uctoDer. 4 zi-ihu, nominal. Sugar Market, NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 14.-8UGAR- Qulet: open kettle, ZKWW, open kettle, ccniruugni, inai J i-itjc; ceniruuKai Kninu lnted. 4UfN 3. !(!(- whites. 3Ufl311-16c: vel lows, 3 9-16o; seconds, l?i(52c. Molasses, dull; open kettle, 68140! centrifugal, 6fi'15c. Syrup, dull. 10022c. NEW YORK. Jan. 14.-8UGAR-Raw, enuv: fair rnHnlns Xm centrifugal. 96 test. 3V4c; molasses sugar, 2Rc. Refined, steady and lower. No, 2. 4c; No. 8. 3.90c: No. 9, 3.85c: No. 10. a socfVjo. 11. 3.75c: No. 13. 3.65c: No. 14, 3.65c; standard A. 4.45c; confec tioners' A, 4:45c; mould A. 6o; crushed, 5.15c; powdered, 6.75c; granulated, 4.65c; CUDes, i.uc OMAHA LITE STOCK mill 0ttl Trad RaUd IctWi with Fricu Itrtriftr Tkta Yitrdj. HOGS SOLD A BIG DIME HIGHER TIDAY Receipts of Sheep nnd I.nmlis Fnlrlj- Liberal nnd Market Active nnd Stronger nn tleslrnltle Orndes Feeders Were Also StrouK, , SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 14. Recelnts were: r?nttlo. Ilntrx. Sheen. Ofllclal Monday 4,210 4,720 1,999 Ofllclal Tuesday 4,005 7,201 4,3 Ttln rln.'a iUlm m.aI. D Ol 11 Oft 1 fl 9B1 u.aj o nun nun,, o,,,j Same days last week.... 9.608 20,614 6,704 oume wceK Dcrore 6,315 Z0.2.VJ B,S7a Same thrpn nvnlii mrn 1 U'.l "il MS .1770 Samo four weeks ago.... 6,590 17,827 4,214 uiiiuu u) iiibi year.,..,. i,5W i-,io o.i'.'j Average prices paw tor bogs at Bouth Omaha the pajt several days wltn com parisons: Date.. 1901. 1M0.1S99. 11833. 11897. USX. 18. Dec. 23... 6 0 eoK 19M 6 36V4 6 26V1 4 041 3 37 3 21 3 261 3 17 3 191 3 27 3 31 t 2 20 3 JS 3 3 3 41 3 33 Dec 24 4 86 3 47 Deo. Dec. 24... 26... i 89 4 11 I 09 4 14 3 50 3 20 Dec 27. 4 83 4 77 4 81 901 3 44 3 3C 3 32 3 301 3 31 3 351 Dec. 28... Dec. 29... Deo. 30... Dec. 31... 3 48 3 24 4 16 3 45 3 45 S 61 3 18 4 14 3 15 3 17 S27 Date. I 1902. 1901. 1$00.1S89.I189S.1M7.189. Jan. 1.... 6 20 4 95 4 21 3 42 3 18 3 4 6 22U 4 96 4 33 3 57 3 17 3 43 1SH 4 95 4 29 2 67 3 48 2 46 6 28 6 02 4 27 3 4 4 3 41 3 25 3 61 6 04 4 37 3 47 3 38 3 27 6 23 4 35 3 48 3 393 29 363 6 1014 6 06 3 42 3 40 3 18 3 48 6 09 5 06 4 34 3 43 3 12 3 46 6 15 5 14 4 38 3 43 3 14 3 66 6 13U 5 23 4 35 3 50 8 4.1 3 54 6 04i4 G 23 4 41 3 65 3 29 3 07 3 51 . 5 17 4 49 3 00 3 47 3 14 6 OOVi 4 63 3 65 3 49 3 09 3 47 6 12V4 5 16 3 60 3 49 3 16 3 53 Jan. 2,.., Jan. 3,.., Jan. 4,... Jan. 6.,.. Jan. 6.. Jan. 7.. Jan. 8.. Jan. 9..., Jan. 10... Jan. 11... Jan. 12... Jan. 13... Jan. 14... Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. Thn nfflnlnl iivrA nt narm nt ut nnU brought In today by each road waa: Cattlc.Hogs.Bli'p.H'Bes, M. St. P. nv k .. .. Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 11 Union Paclflo system.... 22 4 18 7 26 G 14 3 5 4 & xv w. ny 8 E. & M. V. R. R 28 St. p.. m n Ttv .. is 12 At ai. it. uy B. & Q. Ry R. 1. & P., east.... It. I. P.. nrat . 38 16 a 4 1 Illinois Central Total receipts 158 86 21 Tho dlsnosltlon of thn riav'n recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- uer ot neaa indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 3C9 1,116 O, II. Hammond Co 402 Swift and Co 631 Cudnhy Packing Co 9S8 Armour & Co 385 1,924 1,920 2,725 476 763 168 Omaha Pack. Co., IC. C. 94 R. Decker & Dcgan 63o Lobman & Co 88 W. I. Stephen 67 till & Huntzlnser 35 William Underwood 79 Livingstone & Schallcr... 69 Hamilton & Rothschild... 290 1. F. Husz 31 11. L. Dennis & Co 23 Carey & Benton 46 C. F. Hobbick 30 Other buyers 308 TotalB , 4,176 7.CS5 4,382 CATTLE Today's recelnts showed a de crease as compared with the same day of last week, but thero Is a good Increase as compared with the samo day ot Inst year. There did not appear, however, to bo too many to meet the demand of local packers and aa a result the market was active and stronger all around on anything at all desirable. The Drorjo.'tlon of cornfed steers this morning was rather small and tho nualltv of those that did arrive was far from being cnoice. nuyers tooK noia in gooo snape, however, and it wns not Ions: before tho bulk of the offerings was disposed of. Tho markot could safely be quoted strong nnd active on anything at all desirable, while even tho common kinds sold without much trouble at steady prices as compared with yesterday. There was also considerable life and streneth to the cow trade. The better grades changed hands freely at good strong prices ana some saies looaea quite a uttio higher. Cannera were ti little uneven, tho samo as tney nave been of lato, and in some cases they sold at strong prices, while In others they did not seem to be any more than steady. Practically cvery- nng, nowever, wna soiu in goou season, nulls, veal calves -and stngs could all bo minted atcady to strong and active where the quality was at nil satisfactory. . The supply of stockers and feeders was limited again today, while the demand was in good shape. Quite a few buyers have come in from tho country this week, bo that speculators have not had much trouble in disposing ot wnai iney nau on nana each day. Tho market today did not show much change from yesterday, but Btlll tho better grades were picked up nt firm prices. Commoner grnacs aiso moved witn con siderable freedom at fully steady prices. Representative sales: A) I J I J A lA.UIVOi Av. Pr. No. Av. .. 967 ..1185 .. 920 ..1052 .. 878 .. 995 ..1099 ..1112 ..1052 ..1025 .. 881 Pr. 4 60 4 60 4 65 4 60 4 65 4 70 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 85 4 90 4 90 5 00 5 25 5 00 5 25 5 25 5 35 5 45 6 50 5 60 5 70 6 00 600 4 60 5 99 673 .. 690 .. 820 .. 616 .. 723 .. 679 .. 508 .. 696 .. 686 .. 781 .. 990 .. 858 ,.. 930 .. 840 .. 892 .. 740 ..1112 ..1000 .. 992, 580 .. 840 i 860 ,.. 868 ,.. 984 ... 925 3 00 3 00 3 15 3 25 3 75 3 75 3 85 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 29 4 10 4 10 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 35 4 70 4 35 4 40 41.... 's:::;::: i i i0... 4... 8... 14... 21.... 10.... 5... 12... 8... 25:::: 17 21 17 11 6 31 2 24 .1032 .1066 1 1200 M 1193 10 1154 6 1090 8 1007 20 1194 43 1296 42 1222 42 1251 19 1218 4 1162 5 1146 4.... 1:::: l..., 6..;, 18..., 28... 22... 19... STEERS AND HEIFERS. .. 899 4 00 16 1054 .. 837 4 25 20 1015 BTEERS AND COWS. .. 976 4 80 COWS 14 9.... 18 1 6.... 8 3 4 1 7 1 2..... 1 2 9,... 3.... 7 1 9,... 7.... .... 780 .... 820 .... 826 ....1043 .... 925 .... 940 .... 907 .... 910 ....1035 ....1000 .... 875 .... 806 .... 953 ....1004 ....1060 .... 990 .... 934 .... 850 .... 99i) .... 930 .... 975 ....1006 .... 930 .... 941 ....1002 ....1046 ....1330 ....1100 ....1070 .... 986 ....1100 .... 970 .... 831 891 880 .... 875 ....1100 .... 886 ....1073 ....1062 ....1100 1052 .... KS5 2 00 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 55 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 65 2 65 2 76 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 05 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 1133 3 35 13 1111 3 35 66 893 3 40 9 , 953 3 40 6 895 3 40 3 1183 3 40 6 910 3 40 8 1110 3 13 6 966 3 60 6 901 3 60 2 1050 3 60 14 1024 3 50 11 1056 3 60 2 1215 3 60 7 857 3 60 1 1160 3 60 6...., 1003 3 m 21 972 3 60 11 879 3.G0 19 909 3 60 6 1166 3 65 4 995 3 70 14 1054 3 75 35 1038 3 75 11 987 3 75 8 1008 3 75 21 1003 3 85 1 1650 3 85 1 1320 .1 83 9 990 3 90 12 ,,..1075 3 90 4 1027 3 90 12 1211 4 00 11 956 4 00 1 10S0 4 00 1 910 4 00 1 1190 4 1 1200 4 00 3 1166 4 00 4 910 4 00 3 960 4 00 26 927 I 00 7 968 4 03 16 928 4 15 6 762 4 15 6 12S8 4 25 1 1130 4 35 2 1350 4 40 . 1.- 1150 4 50 LL3. 1 ...,1400 3 20 1 10A0 3 25 6 12(0 3 30 1 1515 3 60 1 1200 3 60 1 1530 3 75 2 1470 3 75 1 1720 4 00 1 7C0 4 10 1 1570 4 60 AND HEIFERS. 2 '... 870 3 63 2 615 3 75 8... 6S7 3 75 2 600 3 85 1 440 3 83 17 732 3 90 20 614 3 94 1,,,., 630, 4 00 1 2 10 1...., 11 4 10 W'.W. 2 3 1 2 16...., IB.... 9.... 7 1 11 6...., 4 6 11.... 2.... 1.... 6.... 12.... 9.... 14.... 4.... 3 25 ....1110 3 25 IWJ 943 818 877 965 3 25 3 25 3 30 3 30 3 35 1 680 i; ;. urn 1 1800 1 1310 1 " 1130 2 " 960 2 05 2 40 2 85 2 90 2 90 3 00 3 00 1 11W Mt t ft n m 910 3 10 8S0 3 10 1 2 2 1 1 700 590 600 640 2 20 2 60 2 60 2 80 630 2 90 1.. 4.. 1140 2 90 .... 672 3 W 10 G69 4 00 2 .,1MG 4 10 3 .1.J 4 30 26., 693 4 CO 10 1061 4 70 CALVES. 3. 203 4 25 2 145 6 25 2 120 6 25 ...(.(.. K4 U AU 1.., 210 6 60 1 120 6 00 1 ,, 120 6 00 l..i 200 6 00 4 122 2 .).. 103 6 25 6 25 1 120 6 25 STAGS. .lit;) .14W 3 25 23 1310 u in 1 , 7 2 , 1 , 1 4 1 HEIFERS. 615 4 1055 3 85 695 2 60 , 545 2 85 680 3 (i0 650 3 Ml 21 919 4 15 18 t28 4 13 1 UU) 4 25 12 5W 4 H 710 3 15 1.. 920 4 50 .540 3 60 STOCK CALVES. U 401 3 60 6 346 3 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 11 631 3 60 13 975 4 00 .? 5VS 3 55 7 605 I 00 16 756 3 80 4 665 4 10 4 777 4 0Q 4S.. IOuS 4 23 HOGS Thero was a light run of hogs here today for a Tuesday, and ns other markets wero nlso rather poorly supplied prlres Improved all around. Tho advance was moro active than It has been for somo little time, und everything wns out of first hands In good season. The bulk of the good weights sold from $0.25 to 16.10, medium weights sold largely from $6,15 to $6.25, und tho lighter loads sold from $6.15 down. The Improvement todny was on the light weights fully us much as on tho heavier hogs owing to tho fact thnt thero were hardly ciioiirfh hogs on salo to Mil packers' orders and they had to take the light hogs. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 37 98 50 105 5 00 129 6 15 ... G 15 ,.. 6 25 ... 5 25 40 6 30 ... 5 30 40 G 40 ... 6 60 ... 5 CO 80 5 63 80 6 63 76 193 31 229 93. .....202 85 216 49 203 32 222 69 200 43 217 6 15 0 15 2.1 Ill in ill 50 123 11 127 123 125 22 115 72 141 101 117 124 114 80 .. 6 15 ,.. 6 15 40 6 15 .. 6 15 80 6 15 6 15 41 199 120 6 15 73,i. ...193 ... 6 15 50 225 ... 6 15 28 217 40 6,15 81 149 200 6 63 10 230 78 153 87 lt'o 97 ICS 105 151 71 167 80 177 103 169 61 179 6S 273 109 180 98 174 90 ISO 16 186 19.. ....169 29.. ....178 65 181 79 172 100 177 90 1S3 73 148 89 162 103 182 SO 201 106 170 83 178 91 180 29 1S6 91 187 15 187 32 200 69 1S3 69 193 60 1S.1 95 179 70 19S 63 213 61. 182 .. 5 80 10 5 80 fs'J UK) 92 202 21 201 43 191 74 205 6 15 5 9) 5 90 5 90 40 fl 15 40 6 15 6 15 6 15 SO 5 90 .. 5 93 .. 6 93 . . 5 95 00 230 200 t! 15 .3 233 80 6 15 t V 2 .i 120 6 15 210 80 40 SO 6 95 6 00 6 00 37 20S 40 6 15 ..2t4 120 6 20 67.. ...210 ...243 ...210 ...231 0 20 6 00 6 00 6,0) ... 6 20 ... 6 20 40 6 20 40 6 20 6. 40 6 00 40 6 00 82 83 220 240 6 20 160 6 00 40 232 ... 6 21) 73 237 160 6 20 74 216 120 6 20 81 214 80 6 25 60 22 120 6 25 71 212,... 6 25 65 234 160 0 25 77 209 120 6 25 24 235 ... 6 23 65 245 ... 6 25 63 23S ... 6 30 38 257 40 6 30 69 275 120 6 35 43 339 280 6 33 CO 233 80 6 35 56 320 160 6 35 40 290 ... 6 35 11 336 ... 6 35 6S 2S7 40 6 40 23 377 160 6 40 60 321 ... f. 40 40 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 nr. 6 05 6 03 80 40 6 (5 .. 6 or, 40 6 03 .. 6 05 40 6 10 40 fi 10 .. 6 10 80 6 10 80 6 10 .. 6 10 ,.. 6 10 10 40 6 124 6 12 :V4 SIIKRP Tllro ii-n. n hnn.'tnr nt sheep litre today than for somo little tlmo past, but tho supply was none too great to -meet the, demands of, local packers. Buyers were nil out enrly find the market could safely bo quoted active nnd strong. Everything nt all desirable was out of first hands at an early hour. A bunch of lambs sold ns litKh as JS. and a string of yearling wethers brought J5.10, which Is tho highest prlco of tho season by 5c. Lambs havo sold ns high ns $0, but not as large a bunch as brought that price today. Somo heavy wethers sold nt 14.60. There were no choico ow.S .J"')1-, but some common ones sold at J3..5, which was considered a very satis factory price. Thero wero only a few feeders offered, but those that were on salo Bold without much trouble at steady to stronger prices. ..k'0"81 Choice lightweight yearling?, moiifUO: good to choice yearlings, $l.35f? unuiut: weiiii-rs, rair to good wethers, J4.254.50; choico ewes. J3.75ai.00; Inl-i2 AooUe wes' -603.76; common ewes, J2.. 503.50; choice lambs. J3. 7506.00; fair to good lambs, J5.5O05.75: feeder wethers. K.75 3.00; feeder Iambs, J3.5O04.OO, itcprcscnta- iivo saies: No. 10 cull ewes , 4 native ewes , 30 native ewes 326 Colorado ewes 476 western ewes 32 native ewes 10 cull lambb ICS western wethers 247 yearling wethers 46 natlvo lambs 60 natlvo 'ambs 254 western wethers Av. .. 115 ... 167 ... 113 ,.. 88 .. 93 .. 125 ,.. 70 .. 137 '.. 91 ... 84 ... 85 .. 106 rr. 2 25 3 25 3 75 3 75 3 75 4 00 4 23 4 60 6 10 5 76 6 00 4 23 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cnttle Sternly, Hog Higher nnd Sheep Lower. CHICAGO, Jan. ll.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 6,600 head, 400 Texans; steady; no choice here; good to prime, nominal at J6.6O07.36; poor to medium. J4.OO06.25; stockers and feeders, J2.2504.6O; cows. Jl.2504.75; heifers, J2.OO06.OO; ennners, Jl.2502.30; bulls, I.76s4 4.50; calves, J3.OO06.6O; Texas fed steers, J3.2505.6O. ' HOGS Receipts today, 25,000 head; to morrow, 4,000 head; left over. 4,000 hoad; 10c higher: mixed and butchers, J5.9O0i.45; leavy, J5.9506.25: light, J5.6O05.95; bulk of SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.000 head; sheep steady; lambs 10015c lower .. V , tiuuu iu unuiue winn ers, $1.2o05.OO; fair to choico mixed, J3.753 4.40; western sheep, fed, J4.O0tfj'4.65: native lambs, J3.5O06.9O; western lambs, fed, J5.00 06.90. Official yesterday: Receipts, cattle, 27,718 head: hogs, 39,838 head; sheen, 28,141 head. Shipments, cattle, 3,682 head; sheep, 4,555 IICUU. Kansas City Live Stock, Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts. 6,600 natives, 400 Texans and 400 calves; market 6010c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, J6.OO0.75; fair to good, J4.SO06.9O; stockors and feeders, $3.60 04.90: western fed steers, $5.0006.25; Texas and Indian steers, J3. 7605.25; Texas cows, J2.2504.OO; native cows, J2.6O04.75; heifers, $3.6006.40; canners. Jl.7502.50; bulls, J2.4O0I 4.90; calvcB. Jl.0006.00. w HOOS Recelnts. 13.000 head: mnrket Bfflt 15c higher; top. J6.60; bulk of sales, $5.75 6.25; heavy, $6.4506.60; mixed packers, $6,100) 6.60; light, $5.2506.15: pigs, $4.6003.25. SHEEP AND LAAIUS Reeelnt. 3 000 head; market strong fed lambs, $5,0006.15; lea wetners, n.uuw-iti; yearlings, J4.75H5.25; ewes. $3.7504.25: culls and feeders. $2.25 3.75. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. OT T rillia Tnn 1i PATTT.P D.A.Inla 3,600 'head, Including 2.000 Texans; market steady lor natives, witn Texan slow; na tive shipping nnd export Htecrs, $4.4006.50; dressed beef, and butcher steers, $4.0006.15; steerB under 1.000 lbs., $3.5006.00; stockers nnd fecdors, $2.3004.10: cows nnd heifers, $2.0005.00; canners, $1.5002.60; bulls, $2,600) 3.90; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.2506.25; cows nnd heifers, $2.4003.40. HOGS Receipts. 8,000 hend; market 6010c higher; pigs and lights, $5.6506.00; packers, $5.(506.25; butchers, $6.2006 65. SHErJl' AINU lArtauitt ueceipts, i.um head; mnrket steady: natlvo muttons, $3.60 04.25; lambs, $1.6006.00; culls nnd bucks, $1.7504.25; stockers, $1.5002.00. NrtW York Live S(ock Mnrkct. NFAV YORK. Jnn. 14. REEVES Re. celpts, 396 hend; no sales reported. Cables auoted American steers at 12V&0l3Vic; rcsscd wefghts, refrigerator beef at 1O0 20".c; no pxports today. CALVES-Recelpts, 120 head; firm; veals sold at $5.0009.00. . SHEEP AND LAMlHi Ueceipts, 2,633 head; sheep, firm; lambs, IOc stronger; sheen sold at $3,000-1.63; one bunch, $4.80; culls, $2.40: lambs, $6.0007.00; culls, J3. linns Recelnts. 3.464 head: no sales ro. ported; market quoted about steady. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 14,-CATTLE-no-colpts, 1,800 hend; steady to 10c lower: na tives, J3.2504.25; cows and heifers, J1.250) 6.25: veals, J3.W5J6.25; stockers and feeders, J2.2504.5O, HOGS-Recelpts, 6.600 head; 6c higher: light and mixed, J5.75W.30: medium nnd heavy, J6.2506.5O; pigs, $3.150 1.90; bulk, J6.00 06.40. SHEEP Receipts, 700 hend; active and steady. Stock In Sljrht. The following table shows tho receipts of ciittle, hogs and hlierp at tho flvo principal markets for January 14: iniue. Hogs. 7.201 25.000 13,000 8,000 5,600 Sheep. I3 1 4.01V) 3,000 l.iro 700 South Omaha Chicago Kansns City St. I.ouls .1.. St. Jpseph ... 4.(105 6.900 6,900 3,r) 1.800 Totals 22.2C6 58,704 2J.1M i 3.....,.,., 430 3 00 3.,., 633 3 00 2 660 3 W 3., 723 3 10 1, m 3 10 25 CO! 3 65 CAUSES GREAT EXCITEMENT, News of Phillips' Fnllnre Forces De cided llrenU In Price nt .v York. NEW YORK, Jan. II.-Th? announcement this morning thnt George 11, Phil Hps had failed to meet his obli gations, having been heavily long nt wheat, corn and rye, on country account, nroused great excitement for u time on tho Produce exchange, nnd was at tended by a decided break in prices, Mny wheat dropped over 1 cent a bushel nnd corn He. Rig stop loss orders wore re ported on tho decline ami throughout tho day nervous.iess prevailed in wheat nnd corn. Tho country wns nn especially b'g seller, having been n persistent bull for tho last month or so, on slender margins. Ono local trader covered loo.ooo bushels of ryo In Chlcngo at Coc, the lowest prlro It touched. In tho afternoon exporters camo In nml bought ubout thirty-live loads of wheat, with rumors that upwurd of seventy loads would be worked before tho day was out. This rallied tho late market M u cent and closed It steady. Monthly Export Slnteiuoiit WASHINGTON, Jan. 14,-Tho monthly statement of domestic exports Is sued hy the Bureau of Statistics shows during December, 1901, these ex ports: llrcntlstuffs, $15,358,142; decrease, ns compared with December. 1900. J9,noo,0(0. Cattle and hogs, $2,623,431; decrease, JSOO.OOO. Provisions. J17.I9O.110; Incrense, $2,153,000. Cotton, $13,113,469; decrease, $t,160,w. Mineral oils, $6,329,169; Increase, $1,100,000. For the calendar year tho total exports wero $863,810,883: Increase over 1900. $31,450. 000. Tho Imports nnd exports for Decern- uer are: Aicrcnanuisn, imports, ;'.Mm,7u of which $36,015,411 wns free of duty: In crease over December. 1900. $I1,000,X). Mer- cnandise, exports (domestic), $i35,2ll,Sr, decrease, $9,000,000. Gold Imports, $2,410,966' Increase, $t,POn,000 Gold exports, $4,741,073: Incrense, $I,33M1 Silver. Imports, $2,074,552; decrease. $333,niO, Silver, exports. $4,723,952: decrease. J2.ft).. CK. During tho Inst twelve months thoro wni a total Increase or decrease In thoM nrtlcles' as follows: Merchandise, imports, Increase, $51,255,632! exports, decrease. $t2. 431,971. Gold. Imports, decrense, $12,367.2021 exports, Inercnse, $3,593,266. Sliver, Imports, decrense, $8,957,391; exports, decrense, $10,. 682,763. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK, Jan. H.-COFFHE-Spnt, Rio, quiet; No. 7, eic Futures ruled easy and dull from start to close today, with' n few professional Interchanges composing tho bulk of transactions. hllo tliero de veloped no special prcssuro from benrp. there was net sulllclent buying of any character to sustain prices, and nfter rul ing unchanged the market Closed after u loss of G points was lndlcnted. The Until tono wob sternly. European cnbles nnd primary receipts Were favorablo to benrs, Brazilian markets came strong nnd higher. Total sales locally amounted to 15,750 ling, Including: March. 6.4506.60c: Mny. 6.5i 6.60c; July, 6.7006.80c; August, 6.SO06.DO; Oc tober, 7.00c. Wool Mnrket. , BOSTON, Jnn. 14. Thero has heqn a fait demand for wool this week nnd tho market continues strong. Many dealers seem mor disposed to buy wool' for shipping. Manu facturers ure keeping til closo touch with tho mnrket nnd taking fnlr lines from tlma to time, although no large purchasing Is noted. Tarttory wooln continued to hend thrf list. Good lotH nf fine medium scoured aro quoted at 43044c, lino at 46047c nnd stnplo at 4S0OOc. Fleece wools nrc quiet but firmer. ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 14. WOOI-Qulet; me dlum grades. 13015V4c; light fine, 12V4015c, heavy fine, 10012c; tub washed, 14021c. Evnpornted nnd Dried Fruits, NEW YORK, Jnn. 14. EVAPORATED APPLES Exporters took somo lots of choico and fancy grades, paying full prlre, which helped Btendy tho market. Tho closo wns steady and values were In sellers' favor; state, common to good, 708Mc: prime, 9V409?c; choice, 9',401Oo; fancy, wtf 011c. ' CALIFORNIA' DRIED FRUITS-Qulet but steady nt old prices; prunes, 3i7c. Apricots, Roal, 1O014O. Moor Pork, 'M'i0 13c. PeacheB, peeled, 16020c; impeded, ?H 012V.C. OH nnd nosln. OIL CITY. Jan. 14.-OIL Credit balance?, $1.15; certificates, no bid; shipments, 102.419 bbls.; avcrnge, 9.116 bbls.; runs, 71,378 bbls.; nverage, 72.142 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga Jan. 14. OIL Turpen tine, firm nt 38V4C Rosin, firm. NEW YORK, Jnn. 14. OIL-Cottonseed, firm: prime yellow. 44lac. Petroleum, Btendy. Turpentine. "Btendy. LONDON, Jnn. 14.-OIL Linseed, 29s 9d. Turpentlno 'spirits, 2Ss 3'4d, New York Dry Good Mnrket, NEW YORK, Jan. 14. DRY GOOD8 Thero has been a slight chango In tho gen eral demand for cotton goods nndV buyers nro beginning to nrrlvo In consldernblo numbers nnd a development of business Is looked for. Tho tono of tho market con tinues Btendy throughout, but thero Is no special feature In cither staplo or fancy lines. MANCHESTER. Jan. 14.-DRY GOODS Steady. Yarns, quiet. ATTEMPTS TO KILL OPERATOR Mnn Tries to Shoot Havenscroft nnd After Arrest .Drrak Jnll and Escapes, MULLEN, Neb., Jan, 14. (Jpeclal.) An ' attempt was made by Ed Mitchell ot this place to kill Night Operator Ravenscroft. It seems thnt tho two men had had somo words and finally they began to quarrel and Mitchell started to draw a gun, but before he could uso it Ravonscroft picked up a heavy Iron poker and knocked him down with and almost killed him. Mitchell went homo and went to bed. About 10 o'clock he got another gun and started out to find the operator and made statements that Ravenscroft wouldn't live until morn ing. Ravenscroft had him arrested for at tempt to kill and he pleaded guilty and waa bound over to the district court and put In Jail. About 12 o'clock some one lot him out and ho made his escape and has not not been heard of since. JUDGE SNIDER IS INJURED Thrown Out of Rougy and Breaks Ills Collarbone nnd Shoulder. 08CEOLA, Neb., Jan. 14. (Special.) Ex-County Judge J. W. Snider met with an accident yesterday afternoon. He was out on bis farm exorcising a span of his trot ters and had his little granddaughter, tho 6-year-old child of Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Snider, in tho buggy with him. The team beearao unmanagabln and ran away. The Judgo was thrown out, breaking his collar hone, shoulder and otherwise Injuring him. Tho team ran about the farm nnd then struck out for town about a quarter of a mile and was caught near tho Osceola bank. Tho little girl stayed In tho buggy all the tlmo and was not Injured. Seonrea Ilnnd for Convention, PLATTSMOUTli, Nob., Jan. 14. (Spo clal.) C. M. Hubner, editor of the Ne braska City News, was In tho city and suc ceeded In securing tho n. &. M. hand to furnish tho music during tho Stato fireman's convention In Nebraska City, Janunry 21, 22 and 23. Tho members of tho Platts mouth Are department and many of their friends expect to attend. Doctor Becomes n Translator. AUBURN, Neb., Jan. 14. (Speolal.) Dr, A. Opperman, who has had a Inrgo practice In this city and county for the past thirty four years, has laid aside his medical prac tlco and Is now In Chicago, where ho Is doing some work ns n translator for a Ger man publication, Tetepliona 1030, Boyd Commission Co. Successors to Jsmes E. Boyd ft Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION GRAIN, ritOVISIO.XS AND STOCKS. Iloard of Trad llalldlnn. Direct wires to Chicago ami Nw rt Corrtspondence, John A. Warren k C.