Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1902, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
frfUlatiT OeaYMii with M!1H aid
Eaton Pmldlnf
Matt Ivntrttnt 0i if that f Gais
ifliioj wuin.
...,... -..,.., - , . ., nm I
Etui Aiki QTirnr fikaw t Apptar
in Ptrioi.
Jf. E. Kendall of Monroe County I
Named an Speaker Pro Tern ICnrly
Itaya to He Ilcvotcd to
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Jan. 13. (Special.) The
anion of tho twenty-ninth general as
sembly of Iowa opoued nt 10 o'clock this
morning. Practically all members were
present. There are but threo controls, two
In tho senato and one In tho house, and
the only ono which has any lniportnnco
whatever is that of Bruce against l.ramert
i from Cass and Shelby counties. The per
manent organization was effected promptly
In accordnnco with tho program In both
houses. There wero no Incidents out of
the nrillnnrv In either hftlifm. The tlemn-
.i- . . i . I
era C u.u out uuimuniu .up ur..
In their caucus, but In tho houso employes
were named for nil positions below clerk,
Lieutenant Governor Mllllman presides In
tho senate and will contlnuo to do so until
Biter tno inauguration. Bpraxer uaton
made a pleasing speech when elected to tho
chair In tho houeo by unanimous vote. Tho
tandlng committees were not announced.
It U understood that thoy have not yet
all been mado up. For tho early part ot
the session It Is customary to meet regu-
larly each day nt 10 o'clock and adjourn
about noon, devoting the afternoons to com-
mlttee work. This rulo will bo followed
lor tho present, but today tho houso held
abort afternoon session.
Senate Orunnlrea.
The senate was called to order by Lieu-
Tenant, uovernor iuiuiuiuu uuu prayer was
Offered by Kov. J. C. Hall of Woodward.
The first resolution was by Senator Harrl-
man, providing for comraltteo of six on
Inauguration nnd Sonntor Dowcll was
uauicu uu who u ui
Benator Hutjuara. tno oracers ot tno xwen-
y-eigniu genera! BMcmoiy wcru umuo iuo
wmuurarjr uiucora ui iuih ucimm, wucu
present, vacanclus to bo filled from the
ropubllcan caucus nominees. A commltteo
of three on iall carrier was appointed to
ot wun iiko comraiitco ot mo nouso. ig
soid'ovcr jtjl.' rp-eiccten sonntorn weroi
rantea pcrinission vo retain tueir aeaio
ud the others to bo assigned by lot.
A comraltteo consisting ot Senators
Blanchard. Portor nnd Hazelton was ap-
pointed on credentials, and during a short
recess tho ccmmlttoo prepared a report
which was adopted, senator mun onereu
resolution for a commltteo of thrco
from each houso to solcct employes, other
than thoso pjovldod tor already, and to fix
tne COmnensatlOns. I
1'ormanent organization was then effectca,
tho republican caucus nominees uciuj,
elooted witnout opposition.
Senator Harrlman of Franklin county was
Bworn In as president pro torn. Commit-
tees wore appointed to nouiy o iuubu
on motion oi ouuniui i "-u.u-
il a n..lM. Tl.n M Hnlnn.
erats were granted tho right to name two
commltteo clerks
Governor Shaw gavo notice that ho would
nrcsent his mcssago on Tuesday.
A joint resolution was aoopicu to navo
tho count of votes on Tuesday at 2 p. m.
The president read a fornal notice of
the contest In the Cass-Shelby district, In 1
which James K. Druco is contesting tho
Beat of Dr. Enimert. A motion was mado
by Trowln that It be referred to a special
committee ot flvo, to bo appointed by the
Bermtnent presiding officer. Senator Ball
offered a resolution that tno cmmiwo o.
liUWCU mil UV "- ""-
aence. ine reso.u ,o u ... ,. "
llr HCIIUU who vB.. i
j. ..i niil.iiAiiA nniintv 1
vwi. il um uw1llu ' I
Home I'rocecuinKi.
tn thn houso Renresentatlvo Teachout of
Polk county called tho assembly to order
and nev. A. K. orimtn ot ucs woincs oi-
fered an Invocation. 8. M. Carb ot Indian-
i wa. .ni.nteri . te.nnnrnrv einrk nnd
O. 0. Tlbbcts and Roy Burns as assistants,
Reprenentatlve S. T. Mosoavey of Wobster
nnnntv uh madn tnnmornrv sneaker. I
A commltteo on credentials consisting ot
Mettr. Ellter, noyscn, Cowlos, Marshall
and Nichols was appointed and roported
tho list of elected members. There Is only
one contest, that from Plymouth county,
and on motion of Swoely of Woodbury the
papers In that contest were called for and
W, ti. Katon was elected speaker unanl
mously and on taking tho chair expressed
his thanks briefly. Tho chief clork, Itush
Benedict, was also elected In the same
wnr ..the nfflee thn remihiirnn eniimin
nominees wero elected, but the democrats
presented a list of caucus nominees for tho
nnnitlnn as follows! Kim I assistant clork.
J. a nrldea. Dob MolneB countv: second
iMlstant clerk. Jonass Oamb e. C nton
niinv! nmrre.-.nlntr elerk. Huttle nnllnnhnr
Clinton county; enrolling clerk. Funnlo
Klnscllo, Dubuque county; Journal clork,
Hinnhen Tlinnn. Monona countv: assistant
postmistress, Ida WelBlng, Lee county; file
elerk. J. J. McMahan. Toma county: bill
nlnrV. Ttilnh PnlUp. flhnlhv ronntv: mir.
ii I I ni a W T MIHai I .nn rnnnlv
,,..-., ... - .,
doorkcopor, Ed Kalnor, Polk county, and
assistant doorkeoners nnd JanltorB. The
motion to substltuto the democratic! cau
cus nominees for tho republican was lost
on a strict party vote.
The seat drawing took place, but beforo
that time tho courtesy wns accorded S. A,
Moore ot Davis county to select his seat.
He l tho oldest membor, a veteran of tho
civil war, a member of the Indiana legis
lature and a member ot the senato ot the
tenth and eleventh general assemblies of
Iowa. Ho thanked them heartily tor the
The bouse adopted a rosolutlon requesting
Governor Shaw to appear In person boforo
the two bouses ln Joint convention and to
read his biennial raesnngo to tbo assem
bled bouses tomorrow rooming. It was ex
plained by Mr. Temple, who made tho mo
tion, that this had been the custom in un
rarly day, but bad been changed, and be
Chicago Board of Trade 1'ctltlona
Comrre, Itcciiiiimciitllnu; Ad
mlrnl l)enp)' Report.
CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Resolution calling
upon congress to reopen tho Schley enso
and mako Its own decision as to who was
In command at tho battle of Santiago were
oaBsod by tho Hoard of Trade at Us an-
moctloe today.
f'SkwiS'J. vote was not unanimous, but tho
w i-.i.i-.... . .1 .1. - i...i
Ms t.f'Vir of "nays" and tho vocal voto
went ihalloncgcd, as expressing tho feel
' " h Wl tl a uuttllli i V ui Id UUL Ulinrv ulceus-
Mon prcccdcd lho adoptions of the resolu
The resolutions adopted:
Whereas. Effort wern tnnde not only to
detract from the glory duo to Hear Ad-
nurni acniey in iiib victory over ine npnn
Ish Heel oil Santiago, but to signalize his
victorious nlnna of tmttlu on tliat occasion.
mill to charge that gallant and generous
oincerH Willi cowardice in tno xaco oi tno
vvnerons, alien cnoris were so persistent
that Admiral Schley whh forced, out of
self-respect, to demand a court of Inquiry
oy tno government, nnu
Whereas. TIioukIi the verdict of that
court of Inquiry left no stain upon IiIh
rcputntlon an tv gallant nnd bravo officer,
yet two members of that tribunal de
nounced his conduct of that battle, In splto
of tho fact that a glorious victory was
won una denied that no was cnioi in com
mand, and
Whereas,, uur great aumirni, ucorgo
Dewey, who. bv virtue of his ability und
patriotism, and who as tho hero of tho
grentcst naval victory of modern times
was pro-enilnently (iiialltled to Judge of
tho actions nnd orders of Admiral Bchlcy
on that memorable day, declared In u sup
plemental report "that tho latter had main
tained an ciicctivo mocKuue, unu un uniuur
m absolute command was entitled, to the
eredlt for the victory off Santiago."
Unsolved. That we believe It the duty of
congress to review the record of tho court,
to examine Into all tho circumstances und
events tending to throw light upon tho
controversy and to nnnounco its Judgment
us to who was In command at tho battlo
of Santiago, nnd ns to tho conduct of Ad-
mlrnl HMilev nn that occasion.
-ji0fVSa. That a copy of the foregoing
l)0 forwarded to Admiral Bchlcy, to our
senators nnd representatives in congrccH,
Tcatlflea Frankly, nnd Ills fttntcincuta
Arc Attentively Matcncd
to hy Judftc
HAVANA, Jan. 13. Tho hearing of tho
charges growing out of tho Cuban postoftlce
frauds was resumed this afternoon. E. u
Rnthbono was unexpectedly called by tho
government. Tho court told hlra ho had
tho right to rcfuso to testify If he so do-
sired, to which ho replied that ho was glad
nf thn nnnnrtunltv to testify. His frank
mnnnP t WCrlne Questions evidently
impressed tho court.
Tnn ,U(lcP(. itonnd attentively to what
nlhhnn Hi,i. when, oxnlalnlutr tho do-
tas of tho wooing of tho department of
, ho naked thfJ priviiego 0f malting his
statements more clear. Tho court quca
Hnniv, hlm pn--rnini? tho unnolntmcnt of
NeeIoy nnil neoves, to which ho replied
fhnt hnih h.a h.nn -nt iv. .h ,T0I)nrt-
mont nt Wn3hngton. h and that when,f A,lrt,. ,nhn n. T.awHho turned
oyor ,ho omco and tho poltal accounts ho
n)Khiy recommended Uedves
Mucn t,mo wa8 taken-.tip aiscusslng tha
,niRiln n. fn whether or not Ilathbono hart
i..,, - nn nnier to the Cuhnn nostmasters
. rnHor mnnihiv neemints. It was duo to
th tnet t,.a, lho noatmnBtcrs had not ren-
dcre(1 BCCOunt8 tnat tho departments woro
,,,,, ,-rnrtp-prnun. nathbono claims
,that nn ordor for tho Cuban postmasters
to render monthly accounts waa Issued
Juno 1( 189g( nnd that thcso ordcrH wcro ln
tho form of rccommondatlons from spoclal
n.nt. Ihnl mnnlhlv nnxnunta hn rnrr nil.
0 rcc0mmondatlons Ilathbono says ho
wroto tho word ..ordcred 6gulng his name
below It. Tho covornmcnt contends that
,,, mnrA ..r,,.-,i.. wn- nn. writen nn the
rocommonrJlltlons when tho Irregularities
,u th(J poatomco wcro discovered.
, ir-n-r iti nil
Mother mill DuiiRhtem Held tor Ei-
amlnntlon In IlootH
OTTAWA, Kan,., Jan. 13. Tho coronor's
jury In tho James Dooth murdor caso
completed Its Investigation tonight and
brought ln a verdict that Booth had been
killed by unknown persons. Tho jury
recommended that Mrs. Mary McCoy and
hor daughters, Mrs. Mary Stanley and Miss
BcB8lo 5rown,ng bo nold for lnvestlgatlon
rrv, ihrac. wnmnn nrn In (nil horn The
C0Hnty att0rney said tonight their pre
llnn- nvnmlnnUnn nrnhnhlv wnnM n
J ' " '
K hnlri fnr aevernl weeltR. Tu'ft nfher ehll
dren of jirg McCoy wero under arrcBt
l)t they havo been released. The most
damaging cvldenco brought out today was
i ., ..-... ......
who lucntinen a wntcn louna in Mrs. Htnn
ley's room nt Topoka ns tho property ot th
muruereu u nmuu BUO miW in mi
P0HBCB8'0" l"D -'" meo
I . . a namlta al w a m n w a
Trimtea ISinploye Arretted nn Suspi
cion of Asannltlnp Mrs,
Ada Dennla
WASHINOTON, Jan. 13. The detectives
today arrested Richard Cole, colored, and
locked htm up on suspicion ln connection
with tho mysterious assault on Mrs. Ada
Gilbert Dennis, dressmaker, December' 9.
Tho police aro Investigating a story which
leads them to think Colo may hnve Borne
knowledge ot tho crlmo or somo connection
Tho arrested roan Is 21 years of ago.
Ho has been working nt tho Donnls cstab-
Porler u ,,u,"" ",,,r lul
aoOUt I1V0 montns ana nnu uorno a noon
roputatlon. He was Implicitly trustod by
Mrs. Donnls and In her statement to the
PHco yesterday she manifested anxiety
that no suspicion be cast upon any ot her
"' ur ii"J" wulre""'
mo assault nnur Tr nntUI
S-iv KUKiana imxpiiauiy in uuruinuy
Intended the Xebrnkan on
Ilia Tonr.
NAUOATUCK, Conn., Jan. 13, When Hon.
W. J. Bryan reached hore late today he
was given a hearty welcome by a large
crowd of citizens, who surrounded his car
riage and escorted him from tho railroad
station to the homo of Senator Kennedy,
where an informal reception was held.
This evening Mr, Bryan addressed over
1,000 people on "Tbo Duties of nn Ameri
can Citizen."
Tho speaker spoke ot trusts, taxation,
Boer sympathy and the money question.
Tho address was received with great en
thusiasm. Mr. Bryan was driven to An-
sonlu, where ho will take a train for New
Haven, taking the Colonial Expreei at that
Girmai Bnlir Oonftri AJdititial Htiir oi
Uiii jRoiiTlt
rlnce Henry's Comlnjc In Iteitnrdcd
Delicate Stroke nf Interna
tional Courtesy Effect on
Commercial Trentlen.
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. Emperor Wil
liam's yacht, now being constructed at
Shooters Island, Is to bo christened "Alice."
Tho Tribune tomorrow will mako this an
nouncement, which Is stated to bo on the
authority of Henry O. Barbcy, a member of
tho firm which designed tho yacht. Mr.
Barboy 'stated that tho information was
unotllclal, but ho docs not doubt its au
thenticity. Tho name Alice will be given tho yacht
ln honor of Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughtor
of President Roosevelt, who is to christen
tho yacht, and for a cousin of tho emperor,
whoso name Is also Alice.
The cousin In question li thought to bo
tho tzarlna of Russln, who was Princess
Allx of Hesse, granddaughter of Queen Vic
toria. Tho fact that Miss Allco Roosevelt
la to christen tho yacht, and that It may bo
named In her honor, together with tho
knowlcdgo that Prince Henry of Prussia
will represent his brother, the emperor, nt
tho ceremony hns added extraordinary In
terest to the nffulr.
CnmliiK with Iloynl Hand,
BERLIN, Jan. 13. Admiral Prince Henry
of Prussia will be attended on his visit to
the United States by Captains Schmidt,
Von Schwlndt nnd Von Egldy, and by sev
eral high marine officers not yet selected
Captain Von Egldy Is tho son of Colonol
Von Kgldy, who somo years ago resigned
from tho army for the purpose of devoting
tho remainder of his llfo to tho work of
uniting tho Christian churches of Germany
Into a crccdlees society.
Prlnco Henry and his party will sail for
New York about February 13, on a pas
aonger stenmcr. Tho Imperial yacht llohcn
zollcrn, will sail January 18, touching nt
tho Capo Verde Islands, and St. Thomas
Tho yacht will bo commanded by Admiral
Von Bnudossln, whoso staff Includes Cap
tain Von Holleban, n kinsman of tho Ger
man ambassador at Washington, nnd will
bo manned by her usual crow.
Tho band of tho second naval division,
which will be on board tho Hohcnxollcrn,
Is one of tho two crack bauds of tho Gor
man navy.
Dr. Hahn (Independent), speaking ln tho
Reichstag today, said he hoped that when
It camo to a consideration of tho commor
clal treaties tho United States would not
ho nccorded any preferential treatment on
account of tho recent exchange of amcnl
ties between tho emperor and President
glo-nlflcnnce or Kvent.
Tho Loknl Anzclgcr today says that local
circles hold that Emperor William has
shown ln Prlnco Henry's projected visit to
thoUnltcd States" a' ehrow'd, dellcalo act 'of
International courtesy.
Tho Paris correspondent of tho L,okal
Anzelgor says official circles thero Inter
pret tho prince's visit ns new proof that
tho present grouping of tho Europoau
fltatos no longer corresponds with all tho
circumstances of welt polltlk (world policy)
and tho narrow program must widen.
France, tho correspondent ndds, regards the
posslblo rcapproachmcnt of tho United
States und Germany without Jealousy, hav
ing guarantees that this means nothing
against Frunco.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. While the sub
ject of tho reception to bo given to Prlnco
Henry has not been fully discussed by tho
cabinet, It Is bellovcd tho necessary ar
rangements will bo placed ln tho hands ot
a Joint committee composed of a repre
sentative ot tho Stato department and r.n
officer each of tho army nnd tho navy.
Thero Is no present disposition to bring
tho North Atlantic squadron all the way
back from tho Caribbean sea to form tho
advance reception line. Tho navy still has
somo fine ships left at tho northern yards
which may bo used for this purpose.
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. Mayor Low today
opened correspondence with Secretary of
Stato Hay at Washington looking to tho
making of arrangements for a welcome to
Prince Henry of Prussia when ho arrives
In Now York. Tho maygr does not want
tho arrangements made by tho city of Now
York to conflict ln any way with thoso
planned at Washington.
negotiations are pending
Ternia Iletwcen American Amenta and
Mlaa Stone's Captora
Htllt Incomplete,
LONDON, Jan. 14. Wiring from Con
stantinople, tho correspondent of tho Dally
Chronicle says thero Is no news ot Miss
Stono, the captive American missionary,
and that M. Gargullo, dragoman of the
Amorlcan legation at Constantinople, nnd
W. W. Peat, treasurer of tho missionary
society In Constantinople, who somo days
ago loft Salonlca for tho Interior to meet
Miss Stono's captors, havo not mot tho
bandits holding tho missionary prisoner
They havo boon Interviewed near Seres,
Macedonia, forty-eight miles northeast ot
Salonlca, by several pretended delegates
who thus far have not been furnished with
letters from tho captives, In tho nbsonco
of which M. Gargullo nnd Mr, Peat declined
to act.
It la Formed to Carry on Service of
Weatern Union Telegraph
NEW YORK, inn. 13. Edwin Gould and
othors of the Western Union Tolegrah
company havo formed a company to carry
on tho mossengor service of the Western
Union, which was formerly performed by
the Amorlcan District Telegraph company,
This announcement was mado today by Mr.
Gould. Ho said tho capital stock was
$1,500,000 and the company Intended to per
form exactly tho same service for the West
ern Union that the American District Tele
graph company had performed.
Four Ilodlca Recovered from Slope
ln Mine and Otbera Are
HARTSHORNE, I, T., Jan. 13, A fire
broke out In tho now ulouo No. 7 at Dow.
ono of tho principal tributaries of the
Choctaw coal system, this nftcrnoon. At
8 o'clock tonight four bodies had been
brought to tho surface, Probably ten moro
men are ln the mine. Relief bag been lent
old company gets a share
Defunct l'nnamn Oricantzntlon "Will
Divide Proceed on Male of
Canal Property.
WASHINGTON. Jan. lu. Tho sonato
nnmmHton nn In nt-nrrnT.!(i flnnta lintil ft
session today and M. Lampr' of the Panama
Canal company was again Ix-fbro It. Sena
tor Morgan questioned him very closely
and at length, going over fho examination
t i
of Saturday, but not bringing out nny new
facts ot especial Importance- The comralt
teo will meet ngaln tomorroyf.
Senator Morgan questioned M. Lanipro
especially concerning the Interest of tho
stockholders of tho othefj Panama Canal
comDany in tno pending transaction, -u,
Lampro stated that under 4ho agreomcnt
of tho new company with tho pld company
tho stockholders of the lalit. concern would
rocclve CO per cent of the' jtoceeds of tho
sale. Ho said that underHhe original sub-
scrlptlon ngreomcnt of hc. old company
tno ntocKlioiuers nan nctm cntiiicu to in-
tercst amounting to G per cj'nt per nnnum
on their subscription, oven while tho canal
was tinder courso of construction, but that
tho interest had boon suspended when tho
old company went into liquidation.
Ho also said that tho agreement had been
reached with tho liquidator as tho reprc-
scntatlvo of tho old company, that ln cosa
of sale of tho property hcbcmld oppotnt
two arbitrators, while thejfccw company
appointed two, theso fourXto solcct the
fifth, and that all livo snauiaunito in maK-
Ing nn cqultnhlo distribution of the pro-
cecds ot tho sale. ft
He contended that under'jho French law
tho new company had a Effect right to
mako tho transfer, notwithstanding the In
tercst of tho old companyjJ?"I wish," ho
said, "to make this perfectly clear, and
wnnt tho committee to understand that
thero can be n clear and'rfect transfer
to tho United States. It would, ho legitimate
to make the transfer without tho Inter
ferenco of tho old company?, but to mnke
tho way perfectly clear any prevent any
nosslblo entanglement, we "made, an agree-
mcnt with the liquidator otV'tho old canal
comnanv to tho effect that v.'o should havo
nbsoluto authority to deal directly with the
Government of the United .States." I
Hcnntor Mnaon Wnnta to Apply Doc
trine ot McKlnlcy add lln-
cy llllln.'
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-S3lr. Mason to
day Introduced in tho senate tbo following
nexolved. That tho doctrine nf reci
procity, us stated ln tho acCfof 1&90, known
ns tho McKlnloy bill, nnd the not of 1897,
known an tne uingiey tun, it tne truo ioc-
IV'll "V2,.m..,u S,, .tuVlD.iri lI
pending In tho senato should receive con-
slderatlon und action at tho present sea-
nliin of concri'HH.
Resolved, further. That, thd United States
should glvo to tho Island ..of Cuba broad
commercial reciprocal tratto, which would
bo of advantage to tho ;commerco of this
country nnd tho dlschurgo-' ot our duty
toward tno pcopio ot mat uuana.
The republican memlrors of the
senate committee on
ihn Phiiinnlne.
hnd a conference tdtlTC&.nd conald. I
ereit thn hhuso tnrtrr ' VnV.. Thn n'rln-
clpal subject under discussion wnB a propo-
sltlon to make a reduction of 23 per cent
on goods coming from the Philippines to tho
United States. No agreement wns reached
and thero is a dlvcrgcnco of opinion' as to
tho proposition. It la expected that an
acrcemcnt will bo reached when the full
comraltteo meets on Thursday.
It was practlcnlly decided to rcduco tho
tariff on goods coming from tho Philippines
to the United States to tho oxtcut of tho
export tax levied ln tho Islands. Tho mat-
tor of further reduction Is still bolnc ael-
Pit el lie Conat DclcRatlnn Aaka Cou-
grcHB for IVnvlKntlon Ap
WASHINGTON, Jnn. 13. Tho Washing
on rivers and harbors today on tho project
to Join Lakes Union nnd Washington, near
Seattle, with Pucet sound. Tho ordinal es-
,i .I,- ..,.i, oenniw n,i it
. A ln0 ,n -nrlnrt
The chairmnn of tho commltteo suggested
i.n ,, ,i,i (unltij
make the cost much greater, probably $6,
000,000, according to a recent estimate.
Tho dolcgatton also advocated the lm
provcracnt of tho upper Columbia river, so
as to overcome tho obstructions at The
Dalles and Ccllllo falls.
Hold I'nlr Hold Up Pool Ionm Crew
and Empty the Till of
I It Contents.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 13. Two young mon
of slight build, with handkerchiefs tied
across tho lower portion of their faces, en
tered Hnrry B. Chick's poolroom at 007
Baltimore avenue, ono block from tho con
tcr of tho city, at 7 o'clock tonight, nnd
with drawn revolvers commanded tho
keeper, Casper, and thrco employes to Ho
down on tho floor, secured hotween 11,500
nnd $2,600 nnd escaped.
A third man, supposed to bo a confeder-
nto, but not masked, guarded the entrance
whllo tho robbery was committed. Jlmmie
Drlscoll, an employe, who did not readily
comply with the command to lie down, re-
celved a heavyt blow on tho head with a
revolver irom ono oi tne rouoers. ur. J.
A. Frame, tho cashier, received n siignt
blow on tho head.
A better tlmo for the robbery could not
havo been chosen Tho owner nnd his as-
slstants were countlug the monoy that had
been received aunng tne aay, and as net-
ting on tho last races of the day ceases at
6:30, only the employes remained.
Appellate Court In Colorado Illaap-
prove of Certain Antl-Muloon
DENVER. Jan. 13. According to a do-
clslon announced by the court of appeals
today, a city ln this stato cannot nrosecuto
a person for violating nn ordinance If the
city procures such violation through Its
prosecuting witness for the purpose of So-
curing evidence.
Orrln W. Wilcox was charged with sell-
Ing llnuor ln Berkley on Sunday, but tho
defense proved that tho prosecuting wit-
ness was a spotter, who bought tho liquor the proponed changes ny me roprosona
wlth tho purpose ot filing complaint. Tho hives of the Great Northern. Tho conferenco
lower court convicted Wilcox, but tho an-
peltate court holds that the city was as
much responsible for tho violation of the
ordinance as the defendant and is ln no
nosltton tn enmnlnln iha Km nriiinannn
FtlMH Btkimnt, TtXM, Official il 0htTfd
with Ftrftri
Shortage M'hlch Amonntrd to Slxty-
l'lve Thonsniid Uollnrs In Made
Good According to Ilia Stic
ccnor'i Stnteincnt.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 13. J. P. Withers,
ex - presldcnt of tho American National bank
of Beaumont, was arrested horo Saturday
night at tho homo of a friend by n deputy
United States marshal from Beaumont. He
was taken to a hotel and kept under guard
all day Bunday. It Is understood that ho
was reieasou toaay on oonci. ino mmum
eecrccy was observed In tho matlor and
nothing was generally known ot tho arrest
here until tho announcement In a dispatch
from Beaumont.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 13. A special to
tho Plcayuno from Beaumont, Tax., says:
J. p. Withers, who was until Doccmbor
31 president of tho National bank ot this
city, was today arrested by a deputy United
states marshal nt Kansas City on tho
chargo of forgery.
WIthtrs camo hero during tho boom that
followed tho discovery of oil, associated
several local capitalists with him and or-
Kllnlzcd tho American National bank, ho
Oolng mado its president. Ho served ln
this capacity until tho dato mentioned,
when ho was succeeded by B. R. Norvcll
ot this city.
Charged with Pargrry,
Mr. Withers left tho city Immediately
after his successor was elected and was
heard from no moro until tho news came
that ho had beon nrrcstcd ln Kansas City,
Tho Plcayuno correspondent called on
Hon. D. II, Hardy, who was attornoy for
tho bank tin to tho tlmo of tho reorganlzn
tlon and asked him about tho chargo against
"Ho Is charged with forgery ot tho fol
Iowln8 PaP"." Mr. Hardy replied: "W. II.
Howo Grain nnd Morcantllo company, noto
for 95,600; Forbes & Co., Sherman, Tex.,
$10,223: Tom- Everhardt, Sherman, 7.000;
alto with forging J9.000 worth of stock ot
tho First Natlonnl bank of Howo in tho
nnmo of Tom Everhardt."
"Has ho been Indicted on charges ot for
gery?" was asked.
I.nrKc Amount Short.
"I do not know further than that I am
Informed bo. I understand ho has been In-
dieted by the grand Jury of this county,
understand that complaint has been made
against him In theso matters beforo tho
United States commissioner hero nnd tho
commissioner issued tho warrant for his
arrest. I also understand Withers has beon
arrested at Kansas City."
"Was Withers short to the hank?"
"Yes, ho was short ln all about SC5.000,
but ho made this good. Tho bank Is In a
stronger condition now than before."
' Tho preitldonl of the bank" was secna'ria
said that Withers' nlleged shortage to the
bank had been mado good and tho bank
directors had concluded to urop tno matter,
but tho examiners nad tuKon it up.
Not a greot deal of Withers' history Is
known. Ho was president nnd organizer ot
a bank In Sherman, Tex. He Is said to havo
married tho daughter of a wcaitny cnicago
man. Withers has been Indicted by the Jet
fcrson county grand Jury for forging tho
papers mentioned by Mr. Hardy. Complaint
has also been mado against him boforo tho
United States commissioner here
Ili-fiiNca tn IlxclintiKe vrltli Knatcrn
Iilnea on nn Unequal
CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 13. It was learned
todny that tho 8anta Fo railroad has
headed a movement among western lines
raay . ha: a. "Jlo.ilci 1
nnii-pass stunu i u.u x.u.m
oatiou and tho moro lenient of the lines
in the Central Passenger association
i OO OBntH M JiaB UUUU UHl! UI 111.7 U-
ponn" ' "hr "
mo neginning uuu muuu mu x uuuDjnaiuui
I IT, lit -n P Onln
L.UKO oliuru, 11 lo llll.i uniiiiuuiv c uhiu
havo announced that they will issuo passes
ovcr their lines west of Buffalo, tho Santa
Fo has mado tho assertion that It will not
exchango with nny of thcso roads until
tho passes which aro given by them read
ovor tho entlro system. They say that
it., n -T Hnnonn n rrrrA frfim f"1 It 1 r f rrt
to Los Angeles and they do not proposo
to accept In exchango n pass between Chi
cngo and Pittsburg or between Chicago nnd
Buffalo on tho system Issuing passes which
extends to New York
Itnllroad Olllclala Say Moat of AVrecka
Arc Due to I.nclf of Pre
caution, CHICAGO. Jan. 13. Owing to tho series
0f disastrous wrecks which havo occurred
within tho last six months tho general
BtiporlntendciitH of many of tho railroads
centering In Chicago aro sending a special
circular letter to tho employes operating
passenger nnd freight trains.
Tho tenor of the circulars so far Issued la
,i,0 name n"d although tho letters canno
j,e considered us reprimands they aro "heart
to heart" talks which will unoounieuiy ro
BUlt jn extraordinary precautions beln
ln conernl tho clrculnra call attention to
tha wrecks occurring rocently und Buggest
tUat In tho majority of cases an exercise
of extraordinary precaution and a strict at
ntinn tn orders and duty would have
averted the disasters.
Conference nf Nortlnvent Itonila on the
Great Northern Northern
I'nclllo Proposal.
ST. PAUL Minn., Jan. 13. Representa
tlvcs of many of the northwestern roads aro
conferring today in tho general offices of
the Great Northern over tho rate- reductions
proposed by the Great Northoru and North
cm Pacific, The lines represented Include
tho Soo, St. Louis, Northwestern, Mllwau
kce. Cedar Rapids nnd Burlington
Tbo work began nt 11 a. ra. and much of
the day was taken up with explanation of
will continue through tomorrow and pos
glbly Wednesday. Much detail work Is noc
essary. Following the session none of tho
traffic men was willing to glvo nn opinion
icln,. iinv nthnr Information on tbo DrODO&ed
Forecast for Nebraska: Fair Tuesday and
Wednesday; Winds Mostly Westerly.
Temitcrntiire at Omnltn Yeaterdayl
llonr. Doir. Hour. Heat.
5 a. in IK '1 p. m,
tl n. in IS - I', ni 41
7 a. in...... IN :t i, in...... 411
8 n. in IS 4 ii. m. lit
1 fl . tit ..... . 1H ti II. lit...... 4!l
1(1 n. m -It tl . in...... 4 li
11 a. in...... US 7 i. m 41
IV! n :i7 N p. in 10
ti n. m :t
Ilnllronil Men Tile na Itratilt of Colli.
Ion on Urnuch ot Ilock
WICHITA, Knn Jan. 13. A freight train
running twenty miles an hour on tho
Okcnc, Okl., branch of tho Rock Island
road, clashed Into a work train which
as standing on a siding at Okene at 0
'clock this morning and killed Bridge
Foreman II. K. Bear of this city and Car
penter B. A. Colby of Galva, Kan.
The men In tho work car wcro burled un
der the debris, which caught flro and
threatened to roast every ono ot them. Tho
row of tno freight train nnd somo citi
zens, by herculean efforts, saved them.
Tho Injured nro Brakcman Frank Hoop,
Fireman James Casey and Engineer John
Veatmi of tho freight train and four men Brnra.)-Natlonal Committeeman Schnoldcr
on tho work train, named Mitchell. Jack- nrrlvoU , Washington last night and regis
boii, Burko and Potter. Nono ot them aro tercd nt tho Now Wlllard. Ho denied hlui-
Injurcd fatally,
Tho cnuso of
too wrccK was tne nui-
1 1 I I.. li.lil I. 11 1
throwing of tho switch by somo unknown
II. It. Bear, tho dead foreman, had a
halt interest In tho Wichita drug store ot
L. Lcnse, former husband ot Mary 12.
They Are llelnir Panned Off Ntiiuer-
oualy on Victim In the
BOSTON, Jan. 13. By tho announcement
of a Boston bank It appears that some per
son Is industriously flooding ncvoral wes
tern (ttates with bad drafts of $25 each
rawn on n fictitious concern, tho Now Eng.
land Directory company of Boston.
A score of these drafts havo already
been received for collection by Boston banks
from correspondents In, La Junta, Ouray,
Montroso, Castlo Rock, Buona Vista and
Delta, alt ln Colorado; Raton and Alam
gordo, ln Now Mexico; Napolconvlllo, Rus-
ton and Colfax, Louisiana; Eureka, Nov.;
and Rawlins Wyo. AH havo been refused.
Tho drafts bear tbo signatures of C. H
Carter, R. M, Moon nnd C. B. Flshon
Tho Boston banks havo lost nothing by
receiving theso drafts and sending back,
excopt the trouble ln trying to find tha
Now Englnnd Directory company. Tho
drafts havo bocn coming into Boston nt
tno rnto OI nail a aozen a WCOK.
nccincD iii i e Tn ddatucdc
UrrlUth ML Lb IWU D KU I ti tno
Vininia'j nry fwiiyiiiiii iiim mill rirru
I'lrat Hhot of tho
Duel. '
KNOXVILLE, Tonn., Jnn. 13. Whllo
roliccman Joe Cruz wns'on his way home at
nn early hour this morning flvo shots wore
fired as ho was nenrlng tho corner of Cum
berland avenuo and Patton strcat. At tho
corner thrco men wcro standing, Loii nnd
Alex Nelson nnd Os Ingle. Cruz nccusod American Cattlemen's association, Is tin his
them of doing tho shooting nnd placed Lon wny t0 Washington to presont it bill provld
Nclson under arrest, when tho others In- tor ... tCHainc ot iaU(i i,. tho nrM ,,,,
terfcred. Cruz tlrw hlo pistol nnd shot
both the Nelsons and fired nt Inglo.
Alex Nelson died this evening ns a result
of his wound and Lon Nolson died tonight
at 10 o'clock. Tho Nelsons nro brothers
and they wore within twenty feet of tholr
uomo wncn snot.
Cruz wns arrested on tho charge of mur-
dcr nnd ho Is now at police headquarters. ..u thi8 bill should becomo a law," says
An attempt to nBsasslnato Cruz was made a Congressman Stark, "It would work im
yenr ago and when tho flvo shots were fired monso hardship upon many amall land own
ho thought bo was being shot at.
Snya 11c and Eaatcrn Friend Nov
Own the Chi en (to Inter
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. GcorgO W. Hlnman,
editor of the Chicago Inter Ocean, who Is In
this city, announced tonight that ho and
sovoral othor gentlemen, whom ho declined'
to name, had today ucqulrcd full control ot
that paper. In speaking of tho transaction
Mr. ilinmnn said:
Three or four New York men nnd myBolf
huyo ncqtilred Mr. Yerkes' Interest n tho
inter urenn, aiso tne interesta or wiiuum
Pcnn Nlxnn. The organization linn been
reorganized uh the Inter Ocean NewHtmper
company, it naving uccn tno inter ucenn , ..,.. .,,,,,, ,. ,.,. r , ,
Publishing company, In tho reorganlza- for postmasters, Including Warren L. Wood
tlon nil tho bonds were tnkon tin. All cn- bury of Plum Vulloy. Knox county. Mr.
ciimbruncca In the wny of notes were
quiutupii nnu tno paper is wminut n
Hlrmlo dobt. Tho nnner will Htlll ho con-
ducted iih n strong republican newspaper,
1 ntiaii uo tno e litor nnti puiuisiier. i con-
trol tho majority of tho stock nnd tho
board is composed of my friends.
Aliened Hmbcxsler Will Walt Until
Ilockefcllcr Coinea Into
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 13. Tho trial of
Frank Blegel, charged with embezzling $23,-
000 from the Slcgel-Snndors Livestock Com-
mission company, of which ho wns formerly
president nnd manager, and In which Frank
Rockefollor is a principal shareholder, was
continued In tho criminal court hero tday
until March 21. Tho state was ready for
trlnl, but tbo defenso nsked for n contlnu-
nnco bocauso of tho absence of Mr. Rocke-
feller and another Important witness.
Holler Maker Commlta Murder nnd
Then Attempt to Take Ilia
Own Mfe.
MADISON. Wis.. Jan. 13. Benjamin C.
Kolu. a bollermaker. today killed his wife
and then cut hiB own throat, at their home
In Madison, where thoy conductod a stu-
dent's boarding house, Kolg Is still allvo,
but probably will die. Passersby heard a
quarrel and tho wife entreating her hus-
band not to kill her and an hour later
tho tragedy was discovered.
Movement nf Ocean Vessels Jnn,
At New York Arrived Knrlshuo. from
Bremen. Hailed Kaiserin Slant Theresa,
for Naples, Genoa, etc.
At St. Vincent Arrived Clamcampa,
from Bun Francisco.
At Bremen Arrived Darmstadt, from
Now York.
At Antwerp Arrived Haverford, from
Now York
At Gibraltar Sailed Hahn, for Genoa
ana isapies
NktUitl OtmmUtttaai Beknidr id
attr DIioim Ftitoffit.
Ur. lokniicUr ljs Ntxt But Otnmtioi
Ik.ild ActUptilt
OtifrMiman lurk Oppoiti Htw Bill itt
Lttilif Laid.
Arxamcnt la lien tin In Cnao ot Hc-
cclrcr McDtuinld Axnlntt 1). II.
Thompaon lloundary Ulaputc
with Mlaauurl.
(From u Btuff Correspondent.)
WASinNnmNT .Tnn. U r Si, l Tnl.
self ta nil cnllern nnil retlreil enrlv. U
.va- lcnrno,1 tndnv hnt thn Kehrnalrn rm,.
' --
reftrntllHvn nn Hln nnllnnnl .ntii,iltnn lii
noro t0 ,nlk ovcr tho Promot poatofflco
situation with Senator Millard, having mudo
nn arrangement with Mr. Millard to that
effect when tho latter was in Omaha dur
ing tho holtdnys. Mr. Schneider was nvcrso
to discussing tho Fremont situation until
after u full conforenco with tho Bcnator.
As this fight has becoino atato-wldc, ln
view of tho Interests represented, involving
tho railroads as well as prominent men,
tho outcomo ot tho contcrouco will bo
watched with great interest.
Mr. Schneider, speaking of stato condi
tions, said tho pardon of Bartley was
wholly unwarranted nnd that Governor Sav
age's position was untenable. "Whllo tho
last convention roflccted its Judgment over
tho parole granted Bartley at that time,"
ho said, "our next convention must not
remain silent In view ot tho full pardon now
granted. It must bo as outspoken as was
tho last."
Confirmation of .Indue linker.
Tho confirmation of Judgo D. S. Baker to
bo ono ot the Judges for Now Mexico wns
accomplished today in lightning time., His
nnmo went through promptly and ever
slnco his continuation, which was an
nounced at 3:30, Judgo Baker bus been
ho rcclnlcnt of mimberlcsa couaratulutlons.
tt j8 not generally known that Dolegato
nodey of Now Mexico nt ono tlmo had
wrltton to Chairman Hoar ot tho Judiciary
commlttoo protesting nguinst Judgo Baker's
nnnnlntment. Tills was beforn thn ilnlnimtii
"m 1U,,,"U" "u" u"v,v UL
After ho had learned ot Judgo Baker's In
fluential frlendft ln New Mnxlpn u-hn timl
brought nbdut'hls nomination, among them
Major Llewellyn, Governor Otero nnd Na
tional Committeeman Luna, Rndoy nt onco
withdrew hlB objections nnd becamo ono of
Judgo Baker's most ardent champlon.t.
h,u(lK. ",1? "rS; lln.kor wlU lenvo 'or No
braska Wednesday to arrange for their ro-
moval to Now Mexico.
I.enalnu; of Arid I.niida.
J. P. Irish of Callfornln. renreKenllnir thn
BCml-urld stittcs. Tno bill bus for li lend.
lng featuro thut a person or corporation
muy IeaB0 ton acr(a for cacn nno .hat ,t
uol(l8 ln fo0i tllat tba roBorvatm; tnUB
i,,lltlfi snii i, nnnn fnr entrv ii
Htcadi but tll0 homesteader must protect
his nronertv with fnnreR nr nthnr hnrrl.
ers. Tho hill creates a land monopoly and
crowds out tho small fellowu who havo lit-
tlo land holdings, But moro than all elso.
this bill will keep land from being placed
on the tax roll, thereby losing tuxes to tho
stato and county. My pcopio aro opposed to
this measure,"
Xchrnakn. Nomltintloua,
nn.n nnmnaton . Alva T. KennnrH tn
bo reCelver of tho land office at Lincoln,
vIce , fatncr( Ti P. Konnnrd. resigned,
wft8 BCIlt to th0 Benato to(,av hv tho .
senators Millard nnd Dietrich today
tolned In a letter to the secretary of tha
interior requesting tho reappointment of
,,, lv ,',.. , ,, rnn,u ' . )V, .,,
- .-o-
office at Sidney. His term expired today.
Senator Millard mado recommendntlons
Woodbury succeeds hlmsolf. a rcnomlnatlon.
.., i,i , tu
bowevor, being necessary In view of tho
chungo of tho postoflleo slto. Miss Allco
Butcher was recommended for postm stress
. .., (-- A,ntv ,,i n T..t
nt uenct, Custer county, and Miss Josslo
jucuuh ui nuw iiuiunu, uunier county.
Congressman Burkott has accepted nn In
vitation to address tho Stato university ot
Michigan, Ann Harbor, Washington's birth
day. Mlaanurl-Nchrnakn nnnndiiry.
In tho boundary dlsputo between Missouri
and Nebraska tho supremo court today ro-
fused to consldor a motion by Attornoy
General I'rout for tho appointment ot a
commission to toko testimony until tho
issues nro sottied between representatives
of tho stutes named. Thla means that tho
Issues havo not bocn Joined nccordlng to tho
Practice or tno supremo court, and addl-
tlonnl pleadings nro necessary boforo tho
supreme court will consider tho taking of
testimony necessary.
HcglNtcr nt Itnpld City.
Tho confirmation of Georgo P. Bcnnott
as register of tho land nfflco at Rapid City,
S, D., settles n long-drawn out contest.
Charges wero mado ngalnst Bennott and
persons In Rapid City, advlsod tho Interior
department that they would appear against
him In person. Nothing, however, hns
boon beard from thcso protestants recently,
and ns tho nomination has beon pending
iDB tlmo oeins a recess appointment
of President McKlnley, the commlttoo on
publlo lands reported iiennett's nomination
favorably today, and tho confirmation fol-
Capitol Hunk Itecelvcraulp.
Argument In tho case of John W. Mo
Donald, recolvor of tho Capitol Nntlonal
bank ot Lincoln, against David E. Thomp
son, was begun In tha supromo court to
day, J, R. Wubstor of tho Interior depart
ment appearing fnr McDonald. Ho consumed
but half nn hour, when, no attornoy ap
pearing for tho defendant ln error, tho
court adjourned until tomorrow, H. F.
Mnnnln la f- irhnmntn.'d
TA. iverpooi-Arnved-Umbvla, from New I wtaito tart wi
k(Cntluea o. Third Pago.), Xor Philadelphia,
from (hla place.
I violated, i changes,