SPECIAL NOTICES Per - Adr-rtlarmenta for these colnmnt ' rrlll tie taUcn nntll Vi in. for the trrnltiK edition nnd nnlll (Ji'lO p. an. (or morning and Snndny edition. ,ltatea, 1 l-2o a trnrd Ural Insertion, Ic a rrord thereafter. Nothing taken fnr lesa than 25c for the first Inser tion, The ndverllaenaenta most be run consecutively. Advertisers, by requesting nam tiered check, can have nntntn ad arreaed to a numbered letter in curt f The Dec. Ananera no nddreaaed will .ir delivered si preaeatatlo mt tfca y enrol onlr. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position nit bookkeeper or cashier; three yearn' experience; good penman; beat of references. O fiS. Dec. ' A--MIKS 13' WANTUD-MALE HELP. GOOD mtsssngers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. 11-933 BTEADY work, profltublc work, for neat, onerge tlo hustlers. C, F. Adams Co., 1614 iiowara. uwj vnti a hit.!? riAVa wntMf If you llvo in the country or In a small town nnu nave a oooa acauniniance i among the farmers and stock miners In tho neighborhood you can inako llvo dol lars easily by four or llvo hoars' work. Write us und we will send you, our propo sition. The Uto Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb, li M213 WANTED, a good man In every county to I take auhscrintlons for The Twentieth Centur; Farmer. Our agents make good wages oveiy where. Iteteiences reiiuired. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. 110X3 FREB1 FflEEl FREE! Shavo and halt out, Molur Uaruer College, leza i urnam hi., ad noor. iiourn, v to 1. U-M274 F4 WANTED, good salesmen and collectors for sewing machine company;, proiltablo and permanent. For Interview undress F., Hox 934, City. I1-419 A GOOD bookkeensr: state oxncrlenco nnd salary wanted. Address liox J, Hee olllcc, woutn umana, u-snu YOUNG man to learn hardwnro business; graduate of high school pre for red. Apply in own handwriting, O 63,'Uoo. WANTED men to learn tho bnrber trade by our method of steady practice, expert Instructions, etc.: only two months re quired; can earn scholarship, board, tools and transportation If desired; call today. Moler Barber College, 163 Furnnm st. U-MM3 17 WANTED, a good coatmakor, about Jnnu- A iry 20: wri rego, Nob. J2k.V0TYPE writo me. u. Aornnnmson, um- U M575 13 machinist oncrator. a sober. reliable, fast man can secure sicany em ployment at good wages: references re quired; wrlto, stating ability, .xperlonco and wages expected, Argus, Lowtstown, Montana. U-M450 13 SALESMAN wanted who sells tho country trade to tako n good side lino of dry foods for spring, on commission. Tho urnell Dalo Mills. Uox GC0, Philadelphia, Pa. U-47J 11 SALESMEN WANTED. AVANTED Stnto talesmen mako (500 J monthly; sell to merchants; no fnko: can and Investigate. Owen Hardman. Hotel J llnrker. Salesmen M130 15 BALESMEN wanted: full lino nursery stock; plenty peach trees; outfit free; pay weekly. Lnwrcnco Nursery Co., Law rence. Kan. -M63I Fll WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED,, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 878. C-911 WANTED, 'two young lady students to l.irn ti-lr,1r9iitiiir. miintcirlncr and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or .1 , TJ,.rt. 0M 1 l..n T11.lv f 113 tllllU 4WUIII -v, I r. .uB. w inn. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of, tho pen to mention tho fact that you saw the ad in Tho Ueo. WANTED, girl for general housework. 1030 Georgia Ave J j WANTED, domestic. 2003 Pierce St.: small family. C-415 LADY clerk, slnglo, not over 33 years; will employ by the year. Address Uox .V At Innta. Neb. C-MI63 17 COMPETENT second girl. 2241 Ijindon court, -un, net. unu nownru nnu mi. Mary's Ave. C-473 13 UUiurr,lull (lll 1UI hl-jiviiii iiiiupunumj small family: only competent help need ..ni ltll.mil Vim .1.1 nn .-nnnnnl V. r. . 1 1 . I apply. 217 8. 25th st. C-5S3 WANTED, ladlos to lenrn hair dressing. inaiiicurirg or menu inasnuKe: ouiy lour weeks required; completo outfit of toois presented ouch student; positions guaran teed; splendid wages paid graduntes; call or wrlto today. Moler College, 1623 Fnr nam st. C-M599 17 . WANTED, sales ladles In our shoo depart ' ment; only those that have had experi ence, selling shoes need apply. J, L. Brandels & Sons, Bostori Store, Omaha. C M604 14' WANTED, good girl for general' house work. Mrs. C. B. Horton, 1530 S. 26th. C-344 11 HELP WANTED. MALE A female help, Call Canadian Office. -942 FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-913 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-314 un IC.PC In all parta of city. The O, nUUOW F. Duvls Co.. 862 liee Bldg. D-917 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., ofllce 1511V. Farnam, or tel. 1559-8U3. D-948 WANTED, to rent, store, or portion of store Alt! 1 . IV , J I Ulltl RlWIOiWl 'U1 11UI1 ui Diyio tn good central location. Joyce, Milliner, 1624 Douglas St. D-M520 14 TEAM-HEATED cottage, JK; roomers enough to pay rent; will remain with right party, it. u. urannm, ziin unu Far nam. D 6SI I-ROOM brick house, modern, 2715 Jackson St. Ttliphuns 4U or L-25S3. A Treynor. D-919 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Ullc D-945 BEE HENRY 1 PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-960 houses, a. a. Wallace, Brown blocx. D 353 ROOM modorn, except furnace. (22. a. M. Nattlnter. Baa Bldg 'Phono 463. D-351 SEVEN-ROOM all modern house, In good condition, Urge yard, and boautlful shade trs, a minuiea wain irom city nan. Will rent for $30 per month. OMaHA LOAN A TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-953 FOR RENT. 0-room house, city water, 1910 Pierce St., $10; also barn, 12.50. JOHN W. ROUUINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-MS70 IS21 DAVENPORT ST., -room, new mod ern cottars. Urge lot, 120.00 a month. Tho Byron Reed Co., 313 So. 14th St. ' D-231 HOUflES-Chrts. Boyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D-M919 J30 FOR RENT. 4-room cottage, 2604 Blondo at., ts.60. Inquire at 607 N. 19th st. D-M434 RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and. Farnam, B-931 4 ONE furnlshid room, with heat, on car line, ins Cla:k; 15 per month. E-955 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping! 11)3 B. Hth 8t. E-375 FURNISHED room's, 635 S. 20th St. ' E-M759 J3T TWO housekeeping rooms, IV 2cs St. ilarr'a Ave, E-C31 J FOIl RENT-FURNISHED TIOOMH. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, steam heat, nnt or two gentlemen. Call 3W, H. nth 8t. E-MS09 FRONT room, modern, IS mo. 117 Web ster. E M925 J30 FURNISHED rooms, modern. S09 8. 2oth. E-M156 Fa 2G22 DODGE, with privileges homo piano; modern, reasonable. E M33S IS ROOMS. 1PW5 Capitol ave. E MI24 13 FURNISHED ROOMS AM) 1IOAIU). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport HU F-6J4 NICE homo for young men. ICS S. 23th tit. SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men. ltilD JUCKSOII St. 1' USS STEAM hchted, nicely furnl&hed rooms, with or without board, at Tim Thurston. F-to'J ELEGANT steam heated front room, with ooaru. yjirj unpitjl Ave. t .utu FOR ItENT, nicely furnished, steam heated k i i ii t uiuui uuttiu. .iiv4i.iw , hotel, 16th unu Chicago tits. F M44I THE 110NN1B URIAH. 1720 DODOE ST. F 48J J17 ROOMS nnd board, Olencftlrn, 1609 Dojglas THE ROSE, 2020 Hnrney; toom and board. i V MSSJ f II' FRONT rooms; board 618 S. ISth. F-M4I0 13' FURNISHED room nnd board In private muni, ituimiiK uiaiuui:!.', iui uuu ui .nu parties. O 61, Uee. F M461 13 FOR llK.T-tt.FUIl.IHHEU HUUM9. DESK room spaco. 16 per month, ground lloor room in Tho Ilec building, facing Fnrr.am street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. Peters & Co., Ilontul Agents, Ueo Uulldlng. a -110 SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. 610 Georgia. Ave. G-6o2 13 FOR HEM' STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by The Uee nt 11U Farnam tit. It has lour stories nnd u basement which wus formerly ured ns Tho Uco press room. This will L- rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at onco to C. C, Hose- water, fcecretnry, room 100, Uee building. t mi FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Ilec Uldg, 1266 A FINE sulto of rooms suitable for doc tor s olllces. ROUERT II. UENNETT, Itoom 12, Continental Block. I-M429 AGENTS WANTED. MEMORIAL life of McKlnley. four lan guages, 660 puges, 100 halftones, S1.00: free . outllt. W. A. Hlxenbauglt St Co., 500 Waro uiock, umana. j 633 FROFITAULE work offered agents In evory town to secure subscriptions to the ladies Jio.no journal und the Huturdiiy Evening Post. We want agents who will work tnoro&ghly ind with business ays- ii ui iv iiiuiuaAiiijr aiiu vv.iii uuniiicnn til a" I tem to rnvei ueh sectian with our niim. 5.71A0,V..Y.r"V.,Lr.?c.y.?.? J:."".u.r... 'u! Ing matter and to look sharply after re- US..& X. ?5 ..? " , - - ----- i . . ' i n , i will ill' kivi n I ill ni'Hi ivnrHnrH nn extra urlzcs for icood work. How well BOino of our ugents have succeeded Is told in a llttlo booklet wo would like to Bend you portraits or some of our best agents, with tho story of how they made It tiTV, xno uuriis I'uuusning -o.. I'uiia- dolphin, 1'a J MSJO flm ATTORNEY In Bee building can accom- mouaio lawyer wun onice en suite. M 45, uee. j 827 WANTED, canvassing; agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CKNTUIIY FAIIMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC- ?k, oT'l.'St-8.?, ela.. uZWn?lXtl"i HUP' IIIH WHU MlBn UUJLt,l-KUI,IIMl I engravings and Is the only book on llvo stock ever nubllshed adanted tn the everv-I . .i.ifi :t.. ;i. ,::.. I l.J J'. ........ ,.,, i. j -r-,. , uv.l VI I. 1JVVI I iuriuur iiiiu niuun uwnur. nicuuy employ mont with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse nnd bua-itv r pectnlly dcrlred: Canvassers make easily JTO to J100 per month. AddresM Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Uco building, umiuiil. j m PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray ons;- try wusnnnio enumeitnes; no glass, don't rub, cheap. Fumlly Portrait Co., unicuKo. j wj it' WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, some glass doors ond glass partitions and ono half-oak round counter. Apply to M. J. Frar.ck, Midland hotel. N-M445 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAQO Furnlttue Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Ntw and secondhand, bought, sold, exenungeu. u vj( FOIl SALE HOUSES. WAGONS, ETC. THE BEST in bugglos and wagons at II. Frost's, utn anu L.eavenwortn. I'va FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CADET cout, good as new; will tit boy 13 or lt rears old. Address u w, uee. Q-M586 3DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. J !W1 FOR SALE, phonoeraphs, superior to any oiner musical instruments; w up. una Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. q-963 INDIAN aoods and relics. 1119 Farnam. I u, aim FOR SALE, cood-slicd nnckaees of news paper exenanges, o cents ana up. Appiy at uco umce, circulation winuow. FIR Umbers fot housemovcrs, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; muting anu nog fence, wi Doug las. g-383 2D-HAND safo cheap. Schwartz. 114 S. IS. y aw DIAVO tinv- rViunn 1!1Tl fflrniim R( Q-M217 F4 I i TYPEWRITERS Latest models Renting- ton. Smith Premier nnd Densmoro re placed by The Underwood. Low price. can. A. ii. worxmnn e -o., iou inr- nam sireei. -fnonii u " nj&mzssxsi, ce,i-f-. Dodge, u-nana. vi w FOR SALE, flno mahogany bank fixtures nmi fhteii to Safe & Lock Co. safe, auto matic doublo time lock: double burglar proof Bteel chests. Will be sold at a bargain, National Bank of commerce. Q-63II TYPEWRITERS, latest Rcmlnitton. Smith. premier, uensmore, repiacea uy iuu UNDERWOOD: low price. A. H. Work- man &. Co.. 1617 Farnam. 'Phono 2439. Q-397 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 N. 16th. 8-966 MME. QYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S. 15. 8-967 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, 317ft N, 15; flat E; attendants. 'A 333 10 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d lloor, R 2. T 331 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian UAa.HB n-.n.lnM "1 1 v1RU tl. treatment; attendant. 32U4 N. 15th. Flat A. T M132 18 MISS MACK, masiago; attendant. 1403 Webster. T muc F3 PERSONAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and suoernu- ous nsir reinaveu ur uiccincity, tt. u. v renter xtioctt, u to VIA VA, woman's way to health; rational. wholesolo homo treatment. 348 Bee Bldg. GOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect pleatl uisnt in tne west, w wouaius diock. U-M513 SHAMPOOING and hair dressing, 25c in nnnnnndn- -jlltl Til- K.lliarV tin.. ouiiuinm. -its. THE OMAHA DAILY 3?EEt MOyDAY, J AGS' VARY 13, 1902. PERSONAL. Itt P.TURK permanently cured In 3u to CO I .1 nla.ni.tnw ,1 U ll'nnn C i. , 1 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U 371 ltAllttmKSStMn. mnnlcurlnc und chiro pody, for ladles only. In connection with -tie uuiniry, -it)---u ueo uiag. u . L1EOEN, theatrical, masquerade customer. 1018 Farnam. U 972 SUnE HATCH INCUI1ATOII CO., CUVY CENTER, NEU. Send for handsomo 166-paco free catalogue. U-077 PIUVATB hospital, before and during con finement: babies adopted. 230S Grant tit. Mrs. Qardels. Tel. F-1182. U-373 CIIIItOPODY n specialty. In connection with Tho lathery, rooms 218-220 ueo niiiR. Tel. 3716. U-619 ACCOHDION pleating, cheapest, best and quiCKCSi. airs. a. v.. itiarx, 11 a irauciiin. U-074 When You Write to Advertisers rnmember It only takes an extra stroko or you sav lhe art in ho Uee two of tho pn to mention ino iaci mm i ORAMOPHONE8 and supplies, wholesale and retail, (.'oiuns nano -o., uoug- 188. U-VI3 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, Id floor, R 2. WE KENT machines of every make at ?r.n n wnnlf nr 12 llfif mnilth. We repair and tell parts for ovcry sewing mnpliliiH mntiiifnetured. NEHRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor. loth, nnd Harr.ey, 'pnnno 1663. ."Hi Hroanwny, uoun- ununcu muiis. in. 1'nona u-dis. i. ii. 21th St., tioutn omana. uhmi ja Mlddlcmls, wall paper cleaner. 1103 Jackson piuVATE homo for ladles beforn and dur Ing confinement: babies adopted. 2120 Uurdotto st. Mrs. Uurgot. U-M443 F0 PIAKrt tunfnir nnd renalrlnir. Tel. 701. Aceiit tor wcDcr piano. 1100m i, uco bldg. U-M643 FU A FEW PLAL-J FACTS. For flavor, quality, coclncss und frecness the ccicnrnteu PRINCE OF OMAHA Is unquestionably tho best clgnr on tho mantel, oc sirnigui, tit per i,uuu. w. f. aruiiuitjiii uiuAii uu. U-C39 18 m.D - LINE Insurance policies purchased; lonns made on policies. The Putnnm Co., PRIVATE hospital during confinement', bnblcs ndoptcti. mrs. uinora, isi vou" ster. u 6i hi ii" MONEY TO LOAN-ItEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. r 0. ..hi iwikii YAH I.n ml .1 m a .... i n , UCUrKC J t I"" .... ai.wu. Y VII 44 PER CENT on business property. 5 per cent on rcsiacr.ee property. Options U pay whoio or part any time. W. U. MEIKLU. 4il 8. 15th St. V 3SS wanted, nltv loans nnd warrants. W. Farnam smun & jo., ticu farnam sireci. v t - . ..t1 . . . , . ...... ... I WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nn.i wnrmnts. It. C. Peters & Co.. 1702 Farnam St., Uco flldg. W-330 M.KY ?,,nnn?i,pcSrS)90south S' .. -, - . v n.i FATtM nnd city leans, low rates. W. II. Thomas, tst rai. uaun xtiog. xei. iui. YOU don't need to borrow money If you work for ino iiuaras uo. w 4V4 TO 5 P. C. monoy. Bemls, Taxton nlk. PIUVATE monoy. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. t V 934 ai.-tr tIPNIlY II PAYNF 601.2 N Y T lf S,'B JIENKl u- 1 Alwl" 601 z N' A;:m5 " MORTGAGE G. O. Wallace. Brown Block. V"WI .rT-. n.-n. n it-.. mi rt-,.t. wurti itj. "., W VJ9 5 PKK CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Fnr- W-M427 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. VliO.MCV I To loan on re nnd I eLeV You to retain possession of the property. SALARY LOANS permanent Dosltfons. iuu can uoxtow ironi iiu.uu un. xon enn got tho money on short notice. You get the full amount In cash. You may keep lt ono month or more nnd nay for lt only what tlmo you keep It. Our rutes am low, our business is confidential and our motto Is to "iry to pieose." nil III i .Trni 'i'ii inn t niv rr 119 Board of Trado Uldg. Tel. 2293. lustaDiianea ltvt.i m a. istn Ht. X-083 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to male or remalo employes. We Gunranteo Lowest Rates. HOW DO WE DO IT? Full particulars frcu upon request. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Paxton Ulock. (See Window from Farnam Street.) X-476 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, jewelry; ulso to salaried people without security: cIilud rates: easv payments: business contldentlal. Foley Loan Co., successors to Duff Green. R. 8. Barker blook. Estab, lttD. X979 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried ncopio; ousiiiess conuuentini; lowest rates. sit x-uxion uioca. ino J. a. tutton co. FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC.. 1AJANB. -Ausoiuteiy wunoui removing gooas. written guarantee given to mis effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room aw, t'axion uiock. jw. asi LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED people, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; eeslest terms; 40 olllces In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trado mag. a. mo YOU don't need to borrow money if you work for tno Kiiaraa co. Jt wn LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. llvo stock, otc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 03J (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th end Farnam; entrance on istn street. A. Vti -rTho;sVcow.: MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- , 313 w. 13. X-981 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out ot business call on Wil liams, itoom ill, Aicungue Duuumg. x 939 FOR RENT. The Lance or Auditorium notei, w. a. inn oi., umanu; niauern aim steam neaioa; s. rooms, a sionez. Y 711 FOR 3ALE; millinery store doing good tiuBitia.i: nit.o noon notai tor saie lor ieae to right tarty), both good locations in Life building, Omahu. Y-ll WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your Dusiness or property quick communi cate wun ono wno nas ine customers, j. ii Tnnnj..r. an m v nr. iihnn i .o7it 4. tfUllllOUll, w . w .11 , . .1 . u . . I.u.iu m-b.v, X MWl When You Write to Advertisers remember lt only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw ine aa in 'ine uee. 7-ROOM steam heated flat, well furnished, excellent location, lady going to Call- torniu, win sen cneiip; see iuu ui once. j. u. jonnson, n. x, uie. x au . 1 AIIA fiTnPlf nrn.d.lo. nnnA Vi 1 1 I n n q a nnnA II.VW , . O. WV1-. .1.B, QIUU UM...V-a, RUWU location in cuy; owner must sen; see mo immeaiaiciy. j, it. jonnson, jn. x. l.ue, Y-M614 WANTED, hardware stock in live eastern iNenrasxa or western towa town: koou bu-lness; give full particulars. Address O 64, Bee. Y M408 FOR SALE, good millinery stock, line lo cation; goou ri'iisonn ior selling. Airs. u. A. Lchr, schaller, la. Y 447 13 HOTEL. 28 rooms, furniture for snlei rea- sonaoie, or exchange, wun casn, ior smau traci ot iunu neur some goou wwn; pay ing bunlncjis. J. II. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life, X-U01& U BUSINESS CHANCES. DENTIST or doctor contemplating locating would do well to buy the furniture of ft room Hat on 24th, near N street, South Omnha! owner o-nlni tn Mexico, nn rrn- sonablo offer refused. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. 1,1 re. 1 jo lb II ROOMS, elegantly equipped, Urst-class turniiure, lined wun nrsi-ciiiFs roomers, best location: pnylng proposition. J. II. town: no better navlng business any where If you havo i few hundred dollars cash to handle It (no Jew need apply): reliable men who havo tho ensh and nro ready for business. Address at once, Q 67, care llee. Y-M62) 11 10 HOOMS. romnletelv furnished. Bond loca tion; ooaruers ana roomers; lauy com- pencil io leave city: a uarnin. j. it. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M612 NEBRASKA 8NAP. Handsome Jeweler storo: county scat: nop uiniion a.uw; paying dusiucss; invoice o.vuj; enn reauce; ensn oniy. uuress ii, euro j, u. llutcson & Co., umniin, Neb. 1 .MiN) is VERY closo In, B-room, nil modern house, wen rurnisucd: party rents pnri or ino room furnished nnd receives more than tho rent of the housu and still reserves tho two parlors and parlor bedroom to themselves. If would alva board could mnko quite, a sum. Price of the furniture I00; house rent Is J27.60. Poor health Is tho reason for selling. If you wish this UHrgnin you win have to net promptly. J. It. ttlimtWUUU, 'All IN. X. I.U I'i. Phono 3SS. Y-C06 13 FOR SALE, n well established meat mnr- Kt'i; goou nxiurcs; win sen rignt to par ties wno mean uusincss, tor rnsn nniy, Address O 64, Ueo. Y 177 11 FOIl RXCIIA.nn. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for toiding Duu. im 13, nee. a ai&m 240 ACRES of good hny land to trade for merchandise. Address uox os, jonnstnwn, C0. ii .M603 it FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE, HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; nlno acre property nnu rarm lanns. ino O. t . Davis Co., Room Kz, uoo uuuuing. 11 IS 103 SEVERAL good furms for sale In a good lurmiug country, for -urmcr pnrticuiari wrlto or call on II. L. Ludlum, Plalnvlew, FARMS 1 FARMS 1 FARMS I For bargains In tunn property go to O'Ncurs ileal tiaiuio Agency, Houtn Omaha. iiu M305 FOR SALE, tho best piece of garda'nlng l it iki nrouna umana; .u acres tor cost tho ownct S4.000; One crop will pay for it. w. li. iioman, tiooms & nnu io, X'-rcnzcr block. RE-MI04 14 BOYD COUNTY LANDS ., , , , . Pn rn.iM nn ns;iirp(i fnrt. Our nnvt . , .O02 gee us aKout lt Join our party and save railroad fare. - POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470. Omaha. Neb. HE-M157 20 A SNAP IN LAND-610 ncres land In An telope county, jsohrnska, ib per ncro if tnkeji af, once.. Soma gopd bottom hny mini, oniy. m fe3? cfibrfli?i T1' ln i, ml fromT5"0w..,0W-n' OK- Vee- UL-MI40 16 line pasture Auuress 150 ACRES choice meadow and com land In l'apllllon valley, tine stream, some timber. smnu DuiiniiiKB nnu trncKago on hock Island railway, three miles south of the packing houses. H. T. Clarke, 203 Rnmge uuig., umana. 'Uii .M6S1 13 limn un.i.' ntu inTin.v nn iviav f." v::;i. ., ; " "? PAYMENTS, new,- handsome, 6-room cot tnao In Bemls Park: norcelaln bath, ce mented cellar and laundry room; lot 44x130 leei, corner; nne snaue trees, water, gas and sower conncctlohB. 507 N. Y. Llfo bldg. 11E-M587 11 A BARGAIN. I Tn -nttm nn estate, wo oner rnr ni n wen uuii moucrn nine-room nousc, rac ing south on Charles st.. near "6th; house' Has ueen inorougniy paintpu anu repaired, nnd ns It now stands Is tho greatest bar guln north of CunihiB at. No. 262S Charles hi. lTlCe, .,DW. THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 DourIus RE-M23i liOUSES Harrison & Morton. Tol. 314. it--aiiC7 MclH RANCH nnd farm lands Ifor sale by tho union i'acinc jianrouu company, ii. a. IMcAliasier, lanu commissioner, union Pa cific lleauquaners, umana, rveu. HE 103 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire Insurance, liemls, Paxton Block. nE loi When You Write to Advertisers "mcm.bc.f J1""?? ,in!"" L,?," 0X.Lril P,rok?nr iw.u ul "' v" ,'" " "u uvv you saw the ad In Tho Bco. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Ufo. HE 101 WILLIAMSON, gSSSk-A M RE-6I 20-ACRE fruit and garden place adjoining council uaiiis, nu una inna una wen set In proiltablo varieties of fruit; If you want u good placu of this kind nt a very reasonable llgure see mo about this; I have others also. II. a. McGoe, No, 0, reari St., council uiunn, in. RE-MCCT IS Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L, Tel. 314 UK 171 13' IF YOU want ono nf tho nicest S.rnnm homes lr Hanscom Place, l win give you u uargtun. uwner iett uiy, .Must sell. J. H. unerwooa, wi a, x. u. jjiuk. RE-M153 460-ACRE farm, 12 miles north of Council UlutfB, wen improved, rib per ncro. 1 1, o. aicuoe, o reari st,, council imuith, in, Hli-.MCiW 18 FARMS. 619, Sarpy Co,, 20 an acre. 660, Surpy Co., 337.60 an acre. 160, near Gretna, 155 an acre. 160. near Gretna, 165 an acre. 320, near SprlnKtleld. 162,50 an acre. 720, Cedar Co., 25 an acre. 160, Madison Co., 125 nn acre. 610, Merrick Co., 125 an ncro. 160, Burt Co.. good land, 6,50o. 100. Burt Co.. 16.100. 325, Burt, Logun bottom, 155 an aero, 700, Kearney Co,, 120 un acre, 75, Saunders Co., $55 an ncro. 80. Butler Co., 120 an ucro. 400, Dawes Co., $10 nn ncro. HARRISON & MORTON, Omaha. SPECIAL 10 sections grazing land and a uuu section nay iunu, tor u,vuu. I0 ii- SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. ntinTio ctinrthnnrf Om o C"! itH riniin. i 1....MUU w..w ...m v. aw. " . . . in wu I . IW A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 n. Y. 1,1 ro. 1U7 BOYLES College, court reporter principal, w, x, uiu, 1UJ NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's i neater. tuv OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L Bid. Tel. itM. AJico jonnson. u. o taoies- uopt,; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -127 DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCaguo Bldg. Tel. DR. MRS. MU8ICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. 129 TYPEWRITERS. NEW & 2dhand. 1119 Farnam St., Omaha. 412 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2(67. ut Johnson. 843 N Y life. Y MGiO "'V1- ........n .v. ...w uans, cop on 01 which may u" nmi i mi" iiu .ny o'TX jonnson, w i. x. lire. i of abnormal suppression, any cnusoi price , nt tll0 omco ot ,h0 mstmnster at Twin City Limited ft 7:M pm n 8:40 am 15 IIOOMS. well furnished. lino location. 'c20 'nuTcSt Chlwco ill 1 Vnuion. Iowa, at tho discretion f the flu. sioux City Local a 6:15 am a pm full boarders and roomers; owner leaving Co., 17 Qulncj St., Chicago, III. porvlslng Architect. JAMES KNOX TA- wbali. city; paying business: at reasonable llg- , ' , LOI, Supervising Architect. J10-6t-e-o-d LoU. ..CAnnon rjad" VCAnJ' Jo,"lson 8" Nl Y- 1A 'I'.1?,110 DH. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of worn- T , Express ... ..... . ......a 5:15 pm : am 1'u- --M6U n nnJ children: SO years' practice, oillco WANTED for V 8. army, able-bodied un- St. Louis Local, Council puitnfii wnntnd in a fii-t.'chJf s" nPoond" 2205 Uumlns. Hes. tel. F-2TW, olllco H;23fl. married men between ages of 21 nnd 33, llluffs aIO.OO am aio.30 pm IC"T.r,i'.vnnt,.d ,n L"r.H..l:yn'?.8.c?"n.? v -M291 rlttscns of United States: of irood chnrae- Mt....nrl fnnlnr. MEDICAL. DIt. PRIES, tho ncknowledBed leading stirclullgt n diseases of women in umana, 1 would enll the Attention Of suffering I ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations ueiore unu iiunut i-uimneincm, unu n- treatment for IrrcRtilarltles. no matter 1 wlmt cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omnha. 100 When You Write to Advertisers remember It nnlv takes nn extra stroko or two of ths pen to mention tho fact that you saw mo au in une uee. LOST. LOST, bay horse, weighs between 1,200 to a b o u t j y o a rs old Roman !, ?,T rii h ftih finwnrd n to Ml 8. 13th. "owny. '0t-w' " - i.zm pounds nose. Return L08T, largo red cow: no horns. O. R. Oil- pert, tho rur urcsser, in , i;n. IjOSI i10IV u lost, Saturday, black and fan Gordon aetter nog, in monins oui, answers iu name of "Hector." Return for sultatue reward to room 232, Uco bldg. K. yy. Slmeral. Lost-M63 13 MCKEl, PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plntlng plant in umana. umuna riatin ng Co., Heo Uldg. Tel. 2333. us LARGEST plntlnu plant In Omaha. A. L unuciunu, iait uougo ai. ici. ivo. -114 MAHttUEItAIUJ COSTUMED, COSTUMES fo.' rent. S. Sack, 3318 S. 20th. suit) f eos FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 125S. MIS3 PAWNIinOKERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; an business contiucnuai. ijui uougias. tiu TAILORING. f .niPO" I 1. 1 M.n.fn AI.I. J nl.nnn cieaneu ana rcpairou. joo xousen, iiuo tiarunm. ivi DANCING. MORAND'8 Winter term for beginners rrldays, 8 n. m.: children, Saturday after- nnnnii attlu Ailltllat Tll.inln X n .1 I .nn,in Ilplnd. P.i,1ltrtA.l 1 77 Iil I LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam. Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, zc; currs, 4c. iimj xcavcnworin. ici. uu. 13. FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GAnDENERS protect old ago as wo I nn iiic bum ici iiiuiituvia v.u a iii iivii' birr, from Frank Rosowater, Bupremo manager, Z22 lice Bldg. in STORAGE. STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far- nam Ht. im OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Tcls. 1539-863. nn rACmc Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- 811 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -120 ANNOPNCFMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2iw. bii bouui Tnirtccntn street. FOIl DRESSING. O. 11. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. ISth. ia FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired.' Om. i. TrunK aciory, law i arnnm. 12 BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.: day or even- lug, ll. ii, com. xsiu. xiuiik. u. it. ltuinnun. i.i v FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. iOU HALE TIES. OMAHA HHy Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 16th. xlt MASQUERADE COSTUMES. I NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent. u. aacK, &M Boum win street. -M170 FobJ PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or invention. Auuress, r. u. uox o, umana, nou. 184 J-23 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbago Co., cleans cesspools and vaults, remove garong .vc ueud ammais at reaucuu prices, wi n. 10th. Tel. 1779. 371 F5 STAMMERING AND RTUTTHRINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg-. lit CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. AT.r. klnlln'nf enrncntor work and recnl promptly uttenueu to. j. i. ucnutroo, . ; . . - w uoin unu Luko Sts. -270 WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es- tatc men; weainer strips put on. zsoo Leavenworth. 117 FARM FOR SALE. FARM for sale; fine stock nnd grain farm of 930 acres, nil under cultivation; one mllo from railroad; splendid Improva mentH. J. II. Woolley, agent, Urund Island, Neb. 110 LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE-GLASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 14. 1901. Notlco Is hereby given to tho .inrkluililprH of tho Leu-GiaBB-Andrecsun Huruwure company mat me unnuui meet ins of tho stockholders of tho company wl 1'j held at inn onices ot tno aaia com- .....- .ii ti .'i iiupiinv Hiritni. in ino riru w - . . . .:- r?' AU,.,i,,. iS th u ntf, .ii " N-hrnVk- Ai, of Omahu, In the Btnte or Nebraska, on Tuesday, January ji, a. u.wf.at io oiocm p. m., tot ino purposo ot eiDutina a ooara I J. illr.'ftnr, for the comnany to Serve dur I ... " , " . . " . . . lllb 1IH3 UH-UIHIt smi .v. huiipuli HUUli . I, other uusiuess us may ih iiicBciiitu at aucn meeting. -. uoo. tiuomeiiu Attest; v, m. ui.adb, Socretary. (Seal.) Dec.l5toJ14M crrintriinr jisrta tinpTiUn , PIW-1U1U1.1.I.1I1. M-M....UI rrii. nnniui mrtlna' of lh MtnrknhM-r. of The Union Land Company for the lta- tlon of live directors ana tno transaction of such Qthsr business as may come bsfora the meeting, v HI bo held at the offlco of the company corner of Ninth and Farnam f.trei.runT.T. iowi uj "i i, , , . n'rlock a. m. nn . 1B01 ALEX MILLAR, Secretary. D24 e to JU oat 1- 01,' i7oiTTrir iiArtnwATiv! Tnnir The undersigned will roceiva bids for the mo ot John Foltlck. deceased. 1S3S Vinton street, Omaha, to and Including January 16, l1-. more can ue renicu; inventory ana stock can be examined on application to . dfila fnr nnsli nnd Hlltitent tn nnnrnval of 'county court Douglnu county. 37i5 a: "leu, tit. 1.1 iimi'u vri Niwn.il f.i ni. . n munvn 'n n . . . ...... . .. . .1.1.. -,,... i..uB.Ba n -7.1.1 n ... ni i7. n.M GOVERNMENT NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE np tiim atMM,liVIHlNr AltriHTKnT. U'ASIiivnTfiM ti. P.. .Inmiiirv 7. l!r'. SEALED I'ltOl'OSAI.S will be received at this oftlco until Z o CIOCK p. HI. on ino ist ,1,,.. -r Mrh. lma. nmi iii-n nnened. for tll0 contructlon (except heating aptmra- tu. ePCtrC wiring nnd conduit) of tho it u. tostofflco at Creston. Iown. In ac- cordancr with tho drawings nnd speclllcn- tor and tempcrnte habits, who can speak, rend nnd wrlto English. For Information apply to ltccruiiing uiuccr, liiin ami Dodgo ets Omaha, Neb. Jleod AI31 POSTOFF1CI5 .OTICE. fHliciild Iia rndv dnllv bv all Interested. as changes may occur at :iy time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Jan- will closo (PROMPTLY In nil cf.ees) at the Oenernl Postotllce ns follows! iARCnr-8 POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. Resiilnr nnd Simiilementnrv malls closo at Foreign Urnnch half hour later than closing time shown below (except Supple mentary Mulls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at f oreign urnnenj. Trniiantlantlc Malls. TUESDAY At 7:30 a. m. for BCOTIAND direct, per n. s. Astoria (mall must ue dirrrted Muer . . Atfirln'. WEDNESDAY At 6:30 n. in. for EUROPE. per n. s. St. loul via Southampton (man for Ireland must be directed "per a. s. St. Louis"); nt 8:30 h. m. (supplementary 10 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Tetitonlo via viueenstown; at io a. m. tor nr;i.u 1 UM dlreet. hit s. s. Frleslnnd (liliill must be dlrecteil "per s. s. Frlcsland"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORT UGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, IMll'SISUi;, 11R1TIS1I INDIA nnd LORENZO MAR- QUE7,. per s. s. La Gascogno via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must bo inrecieu 'per s. s. ti uascngnc j; nt 8:30 n. m. for ITALY direct, ner s, fl. l.ombnrdla (mall must bo directed " per n a T ntntm rilla"! H ATI i III) AY At K ii. m. fur ITALY direct nor n. n. Trnvo rmnu must no nirected 'nnr a m. 'frn'tyi nt Rll n. m. fHlintllr- montnrv in n. m. fnr MIIItllPE. ner 8. . i.iruna via uiiceusiuwn; at ii n. in. iu iiicn.makk direct, ner h. m. iipk a iinnu must bo directed "per b. s, iicKia -;, After tho closing of the Supplementary TrnnHntmntie Malls nil mod nuovo. mull- tlonul Supplemnttnry Malls nrn opened on thw piers of the American, English, French and German stenmors nnd re main open until within Ten Mlnutos of mo uour or sniung oi steamer, Mull fnr South unit CentriG Anierlcn, West Indies, Etn, TUESDAY-At 9:(n. .(iPPlcnj?n'W 1U .HI 1L. HI. I Ilir AiUrillll.n CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Orizaba via Colon U'xcepi t-osin jiicn; nnu duuiii imau ror tiuaiemaia must uo (urcciru "ner . m. Orizaba"!: nt 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, ner s. s. Admiral Dewey, from ltoston: ni -it n. m. tor iiaiiaaiad. ner mriuiitri iiuiii i.iii.iui, i... WEDNESDAY At 9:30 n. ni. for 1NAGUA ......... liUhtl 1.1 1 ,. nnd HAITJ. per s. s. Iaucnuurg; ni :i:jj n. m. for FORTUNE: ISLAND per s. s. iiungnria (mail ror Haiti must do ni rected "per b. s. Huncnrla"); at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAMPECIIE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s Havana (mull ror otner parts nr Mexico must on directed "per s. s. Havana"); at 12 in. for BARBADOS nnd BRAZIL, per s. s. Catania (mall for Northern Urnzll must bo directed "per s, b. Catania"): nt 12:31 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for LEE WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS, nnd BRITISH, DUTCH nnd FRENCH OUI ANA. per s. s. Fontnbello; at 11 n. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral samp- THURSDAY At 12 m. for YUCATAN, per , Bi HavSnsdalo via Progreso; nt 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for HA- son, from Philadelphia. HAMAS, GUANTANAMO and SANTI Ann. ner n. n. HcB-urnnca. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Santlngn via Tnmplco (man must ue ai- rni n "npr tt. m. Hnnuncn l. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. f.or BERMUDA, per s. h. Trinianu; nt ic m. tor i-uiiij RICO, per h. s. Ponce: nt 9 n. m. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Mnracnlbo (mall for Savflnllla and Cartagena must bo di rected "per 'B." s. Mnrucalbo '): at 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CARTAGENA nnd GREY TOWN, per H n Alone (mull for Costa Rica must bo directed "per h. b. Aleno"): at 10 u. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mnrro Castle via Havann; nt Ml p. tn. for BA HAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Ha. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Bydncy, and inenco ny sicumer, ciobb hi this onice dully at 6:3o p. m. (connecting closo hero overy Monday, Wedncsdny and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rnll to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, closo at thlu nlllrn dnllv nt 6:30 i). in. Malls for Cuba, by rnll to Port Tampa, Fin., and thence uy Bienmer, ciohu hi wun nim-u dally at 6 a. in. (tho conncctlmt closes nre on Sunday, Wednesday und .Fri day). Mulls for Mexico City, overland. UllleSB ppociaiiy uuurtrnncu mr iuniiLii;ii by Bteatner, close nt this odlco nt 1:30 p. in. and ll p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Bcllzo, Tuerto Cortett and Guatemala, by rail to New Orieans, and thencu by steamer, closo nt this ofTlco dally at 1:30 p. tn. (conrlectlng closes here Mondays for Belize Puerto Corlez and Guatemala, nnd Tuesdays for Costa Rica). Regis tered mull closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Transpacific Matla. Malls for Hawaii. China. Janan and Philip- . . . .. I .. . ,! O .1 ll,.nnl..fi xln.n fllll II Itlllllllll, l -ipro dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January "16, irw.iii.ivf. fnr illanntcb ner s. s. Gaelic. Malts for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hflm rlltllV AL H'UJ It. m. UI1 IU UUIIUUiy u. ! . - . .ll....nl .1. ... Alnmnnn inclusive, lor uiDimiuii iwi o, a. 4.11IIUUUI.. JIUUH lor cninn .ana unpaii. via toutuuvoi, closo ncro aauy at u;w p. m. iu Jan uary 'l. inclusive, for dispatch per h. a. KmpreBB of Japun. (Registered mnll must bo dlrcctod "via Vancouvor." Merchan dise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via Can- Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, Close ncro uauy at u.ju v. hi. up in uuu- uary S1, Inclusive, for ajspatch per h, h. Tti rnmn . Malls for China and Jnpnn, via Seattle, closo ner aaiiy at p. m, up m jummry 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Rio Jun Mnru. (Registered mall must be dl -n-to.l "vln Hcnlllo."! Mulls for Hawaii, Japan. China nnd Phlllp- tllno isiandB. via nan vruncisco, ciosa hero dally at 6:30 p.. m.. up to January 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. 8. Hong Tfnni? Mnru. MnitnYor Australia (except West Australia. which is forwaroeo via uurope), rucw Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, cioss nere anuy at u:jij p. ra. after January 11 and up to February Ml, Inclusive, or on arrival of s, s. Saxonla, duo at Now. York February "l, for dls- nnt-Vi nor n . n. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, ...Lint, n-nnu ilia Vl,ftin N 11 H KJ. 1 ri,n.iil WI1IUII HVll .1- ..Hiwj'ii .. ' 1 ..... v. . which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI IslnndH, via Vancouver, ciobb nere onuy at 6:80 p. m. up to February !, Inclusive, fnr Hlnnntrh nor s. s. Molina (sunnlement- ary mnlls via Seattle and Victoria close hero nt a.w P. m, renrunry aiuii miiRt h directed "Via Vancouver". Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San, Francisco, Close nero aauy at b:ju p, m. up to February 4, Inclusive, for dis patch per b. s. Australia. Transpacific malls aro forwarded to port of sailing aauy anu ine nciiea.io at nosing Is arranged on the presumption of their i iininiflrriiiiipii .ivi.iiiB.iiia 1::1111. 'iidhibb i -ti . - : - . , ------- tered mnll closes at u p. m provious aay, nnnNRt.ItlS VAN COTT. Postmaster. r,n,mP. New York. N. Y.. Jan. 10. 1902 I - IAILWAY TIME) OAHD. UNION STATIOlf-lOTII ATfD MAROY. Illluols Central. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm I -..i-nv - r - I Chlesao. Mlnntarjoila & I 8t. Paul Limited...... a 7:60 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis oc ni, rsui . Express b 7:20 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express,., al0:35 pm CUIoiibo, MlMvaukve A Ht. Paul. Limited. .......a 6:00 pm 1:05 am v i Chicago e uman Chicago tt Omaha Ex., b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Union Pnolflc Overland, Limited a 9:40 am a 7:50 pm jrast Man a s;y am a sizo pm California express a 412a Dm Paclflo Express all:30 cm 5a1.t,r.n, Pm L'nco'n-BtromsDurg Ex.b 4:06 pm bl2:10pm I Grand Island Local. t B:S0 pm b !: aro I 4 w. This fr lAII.WAV TIME ( AltU. Chicago A Jiortlmrltrn. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:lt am nll.JO pm Chicago Passenger .....a 4:16 pm a 8:00 am Eastern i-ixr-riss ,.aw. iuu n i'" i-ni-m stwclal ........ .n 4:55 11m a 4:05 pm Fast Mall iv.'i" - .- 11 VOi pm omftha - Chlcago L't'da 7:4o pm a :20 utn Fast Mall ...a 8:30 am Cedar Hapldr Pass ... a 6:30 pm St. loills Express ojo:oo am a o: pm K. C. & Ht. li. JiiXijress.aiu;ou pm a bub m Chlunuu, Hock Islutiil A l'aoiao. EAST. Des Moines and Dav- enport l.ocai a i..v am tm Chicago Express uusio urn a eapm Des JMOincs i.nciu i;w miw am Chicago Fast iExprcss..n 4:3a pm a 1:2 pm Des Moines, hock isi- . and and Chicago a 7:40 pro a : m WEST. Lincoln. Colo. Springs, venver, l ueuiu uiu wnt a 1:10 pm a till pm Coioiado, pkluhoma & TCXaS 1' lycr u,v yiw v.tfv 1.1 VDally. HURLING TON STANUJI-IOTH MASON llurllncton A Missouri Hirer. Leava. Arrlva. Wymore, Beatrics ana Nebraska Expret a 840 am a TiM pm Liincom gn - uutn bwn Denver Limited P " P Ulack lllll and Puget Sound, Denver Con- miction :00 pm a 1:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 00 pm a :1J am Fort Crook and 1'Utts- mouth t i;20 pm bll:0S am Uellevue A Pacino Jct..a 7:40 pm a 1:26 am uellcvuo Peclflc Jct..a 3:00 am ICnnaaa Cll, Si. Jositfli & Conaoll Uluffa. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 9:20 am a 6:06 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:3u pm a J:lj am St. Louis Flyer...., a 6:10 pm all:l6 am Cliloami, llurllna-ton A Clulaoy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am al0:90 pm Chicago Vcstibuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am ijhtcttgo Local... a :8o am a :os pm Chicago Limited a 7:&o pm a 7it4 am Fast Mall a :M pm a Dally, b Dally except 3unday. WEHSTEIl DEPOT IBTII WEBSTER Laave. Arrlva. iiliuieapolis a CUIchko, St. Paul, Omaha. Twlri City Passcnrer....a :00 am 0:10 pm Slofix City Passenger.. .a 2:43 pm all:lO am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b f.tO ass Mlasourl Paolflo. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:2l am Fremont, Kluiwrii A Mlaaourt V alter Ulack lUlls. Dtadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 8:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm BiOO pm Hustings, York, David City Superior, Geneva. Exeter and BcwarJ....b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm nT..,.iir T.lnrnln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:24 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am I, Dally b Dally except Sunday, o Sun any only, d Dally excopt Saturday. Dally except Monday. SAYS HE KILLED RANCHMAN Man Who Committed SnleMe Claim Guilt of Crime for Which Farm hand W111 Sentenced. BRATTLE, Wash., Jan. It. ScTtoolboya found a written confession, purporting to havo been mado by tho unidentified man who on Friday blew his head off, with dyna mite, In which ho confesses to having mur dered H. Garrison, a Whldby Island rancher, In 1894. Garrison's body was found In a well In a mutilated condition nearly two years after the crlmo was committed. Waltor Irving, tho murdered man's former farm hand, was convicted ot tho crime. Ho was fetMiteucpil to twenty years. The nmn who committed sulcldo' 'neslgns as a motive for the sulcldo a guilty conscience InatiKiirntliin of Governor ftaah. COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 12. Governor Nash will tomorrow nt noon bo inaugurated' into offlco for a second term. Tho Innugural ceremonies will bo In the rotunda of the capltol. Arrangements havo bcon made for a military nnd civic parade. In tho even ing tticro will bo a .banquet. A system regulator Is a medicine that strengthens nnd stimulates tho liver, "kid neys, stomach nnd bowels. Prickly Ash Bitters Is a superior system regulator. It drives out all unhealthy conditions, pro motes activity ot body and brain, restores good appetite, sound sleep and cheerful spirits. Seasonable Fashions. .4028 rANCVfilOUSfi 1J2T040BUSI Fancy Blouse, No. 4038 The. blouse that closes at the back Is a favorite of fashion and allows specially effective trimming. Tho smart model Illustrated Is adapted to many materials, both silk and wool, but aa shoVn Is made ot wblto eatln Sapbo with trimming of Porslan bands. The foundation or fitted lining doles at the contor back, together with the mate rial. Tho waist proper la tucked at the back In groupi which extend from tba shoulders tn thu walit Btid nrnflii-a b Ing effect. The front li noved and ilraa tho squaro effect now so fashionable. Tha tucks at the center extend to yoke depth only, then fall free to form soft folds, but those at the shoulders aro extended to the watit line, the trimming bolog applied be tween to form the square neck. The sleeves are in bishop etylo with velvet and Feralaa handed cuffs and at the neck Is a regula tion stock ot velvet over-vhlch the trim mlng is applied. To cut tbia waist for a woman of medium tlze 4 yards or material 31 incbea wide, yards 27 Inuhes wide or 4 yards 44 iaollM. wide will be required, with 3V4 yards ot embroidered banda to trtra aa illustrated, The pattern 4028 Is cut in aliet for a II, 34, 36, 38 and 40-Inch bust measure. For the accommodation ot The Bee read., era, thcio patterns, which Usually retail al from 25 to CO cents, will be furnished at a nominal prloe, 10 oenti, which ooreri all expense. In order to get any patten en close 10 cents, give number and nam at pattarn wanted and bust mo&sure, tignatare la oa every beat of the geaniae Lixtu ve Uromo-Uulnlne T.i.u, -aMalaMCrH BBBnHiaVSjla.aBWt JytfdSt I w 7,T-at-e raaied that ae-rea caM bs aaa alar.