Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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I Linai Oit Some Hoi (his fr A. Gi
At'cuxrn Ilie ViMrrnn of l)clnnlii ami
DlfiruptliiK Xiitlomil I.ciwcim- Ii In
IroiltlcliiK h)Klrni (if .Sell
ing l'in cm.
CLEVKLAND, Jan. 10. President Frank
Dellaag rtoblson of the Ht. I.uuU National
league bane ball team today sent out tbu
following open letter to Mr. A. (1. Spalding,
in reply to a publldhed Interview with the
latter a few days since;
.Mr. A. O. HpulrilnK, Alhermnr Hotel, New
York: Dear Hir l received todny letter
MKned tiy you, which lino previously ijeen
thfn to ttio presn. You mate you wiltu
ttimpiy as an Indlvlduul. In yuiir loiter
yon offer u greut ileal ot iidvlcu tu other.
Vou enclisc 11 copy of your letter to John
T. Uitisli, (luted jnnunry 7. l'JV-'. in mat
letter you iiiivIko Mr. UruMi to Induro trie
to dispone ot my "uiomoI Interest In the
Ht. l.uiiiH club. I may consider it,
A number of yearn iigo the l'lnciii;o club,
or winch you vturu then president, begun
tne most uboininiiole practice (Htm In my
opinion thu beginning ot the downfall of
the National league), celling the releases
of Clarkson umt Kelly tor 120.W) to the
lfoxton club. Vou established u precedent
thut ever since lias compelled every other
ciuli to follow or get out ot tbu haw bull
business. I'ndcr the method established by
you and your CIiicuro club the. mi. i.outs
Iluse llall company, uurlng thu season ur
ISM), paid out over :w.(W for the release or
ball players to strengthen Its club. J be
lieve this l more money than you or your
Chicago club has paid out In tint twenty
alx years you claim to have been u menu
ber of the National league.
Tell .Hpnlilluu lit Itrlfrc.
When you brgau the practice of selling
b.iso ball players that moment the .Nu
tlnnal league lost thu respect ana conti
nence of thi! base ball players and thut
chapter came to a closu u year ago last
npnng, when by yoltr actions the players
were torced to torm the flayers' l'rotcctlvii
association and demand of the National
league, that this tyriinnlcul process could
no longer bo endured, and the Natlonul
league accepted and agreed to thulr de
mands. Vet you are advising others to In
duco mo to get out ot the National league.
Mr. llriiBh suggested to you to retire. , I
nay to you, retlru.
Meforo doing so you mlijlit enlighten an
anxious base ball public from ocean to
ocean, why tbu Chicago club has not paid
Adrian V. Anson any illvldends on his Chi
cago Uase llall company slock (which lm
paid fori. Also why you took Mr. Anson
on a trip ncross tho ocean only n few
yearn ago, and only gave hlin a few hours'
notice, pending a syndicate Imso ball dual
between the Chicago liase Hall club and
tho Cleveland Hnse Hall club that was
never consummated, ami at which time
you were wearing what was called In base
ball policies, "gum shoes."
Take uway the screen and let the public
to that the only object you have In view
In this huso ball controversy Is to renew
tho base ball contract between tho Na
tional Icaguo and A. O. Spalding & Ilros. 1
will try to keep In thu front tiring line and
remain there, as long as tho ammunition
lnsts. Thu supply Is very large. Yours
A. II. .SoiIimi'h Letter.
NEW YOKK, Jan. 10. Tonight A. O.
Spalding mndo public all of tho corro
epondenco between himself and A. II. Soden
.of the Iloston National base, ball club, bear
ing on the) recent letter sent out by Mr.
Spalding to all tho magnates. All of the
replies to this have been published except
that of Mr. Soden, which was held back
by Spalding, at tho request of Soden.
Mr. Soden's reply In full follows:
Mr. A'.'G. Spalding: My Dear Sir-Yours
of tho 3d, addressed to Messrs. Dreyfus
tuid others, at hand and In reply will stato
that In my opinion It 1h very deslrnblo that
tho court should render a decision at tho
rnrllcat prmaltile moment regarding tljivuo.-,
tlon of tho National league at Its session
on December 13 and 11.
The Hostou association Is ready to ac
cept tho decision of tho court and will
abldo by It. and loyally support the per
sons selected If they nro declared legally
elected. If not, wo deslro n legal election
nnd a meeting of the Nutlonnl league
nhould bu cnlled as soon ns a- decision Is
DiiulitN (he I.riinlltj'.
I am not opposed to tho persons claimed
to have been' cleuted, but am opposed to
the mothods and havu honest doubts ns to
tho legality of tho action of the meeting,
nnd when this point Is decided I am ready
,to act on my boat Judgment, as I am not
pledged to any pcrxon or to any scheme. 1
should be glad to dispose, of my Interests,
not only In tho Now York club, but In tho
Iloston club, and retire from any connec
tion' with baso ball. Plcaso consider this
communication confidential, as I havu no
lelro to be quoted In tho public prints.
AVIth kind regards, truly yours,
nesldes this letter Spalding makes public
other correspondence between himself, Mr.
Bodcn and J. U. Hillings, ono of the di
rectors of tho Dostnn club. Tho tendency
of the lnttcr's letters go to show that tho
Iloston club will readily support Mr. Spald
ing should tho court decide that his elec
tion to tho presidency of tho National
league was legal.
I.ocnl Kent hern olulit (iurii Into Triiln
InK for III I'luht with
lluleli Sin llli.
After undergoing and recovering from a
painful surgical operation In Alliance, O.,
James Wb'ttnker. tho Omaha featherweight,
has returned to this city to prepare for Ills
fight with llalch Smith, billed for Janu
ary 25.
Great pain which Whlttakcr has Buffered
from his left shoulder for sotno weeks past
compelled him to seek medical aid. Tho
X-ray was put on the shoulder and It dis
closed a splinter of glass Imbedded deeply
In the flesh. This was removed and tho
wound has healed nicely.
Whlttakir will commence hard .training at
once and already has a good start toward
prime condition, as ho did light work nt
gymnasiums In Alliance after his shoulder
Dzsra't Lose
Your Grip
Gray hairs often stand In the way of advancement
Tor both men and women, socially and in business,
Many men ore failing; to secure good positions just
because they look " too old," and no one knows how
many women have been disappointed in life because
they have fulled to preserve that attractiveness which
o largely uepenas on me nair.
httbtenableiilngtothoniandi. Il II h!r food, nouriihi the rooii, forclnr luxuriant powih,
cortrlnf tUt poi. itilurlng fcethnrts and Ul, and poiltlvily brt back gray fair to lit youthful
biauiy inj color, May's lUlr-ttf alth Is not dye, and In tic canoot b dtttctrd.
Free Seap Offer
Cut out and ilcn ihU coupon In five dy, tV It to any of th following drujgliti and Ihev will
alTt you a liiit boiilf of llay'i tlalr-Hcallh and a ajc caka ol Martina HcdlcaUd Soap,
w j , " ,oap for lr,ilp,'-ompltilon, Pith and Toilet, both for I'llty cenii; regular price, 71c.
Redeemed hy teadlnz ilriigglt everywhere at their shop only, or by the Phllo Hay
Specialties Co., 119 l.tfayeita m Newark, N.I., cither with or -about oap, by exprtii, prepaid.
In plain iialed package on icceipi 01' 60c, and thu coupon.
1 tnenitJ, may nave nil money tack by addmiiox I'MILO Hat
SraciAtTlM Co., 919 Lafaye lie St., Newwk, N.J.
oien , Xtuit iktititkltt. mitt Ittving U,j' 1 tUir.lliallh,
Foflowlnc Drujjltta aupply Kay's Malr-tleatth and tlarflna 5oap In their shop only 1
I St III. t-S 1 1 nil MAN .t i.CO'M!l,l Kith mid noiUe.. SCIIAFEIVS DRUO STORE,
Ijth and Chicago.
'I WCll. ni.Hl'FS-MOROAN, 142 Hro.vlway: DellAVEN, Central Broadway;
DROWN, 627 Main; WHELEY, W Broadway.
was practically healed. Ho gays he will
liavo a punch behind oach hand now.
Only I'm orlte (u ('nptute n I'rlte
on the; Truck nt
Onklitti il.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. lO.-ttorton was
the only favorlttt to win ut Oakland today,
the long-priced horses and second choices
getting the money. The Cadmus handicap,
the feature of the card, went to tlvron
Hofe, who led all the way, beating Eonlc a
length In u drive. J. Hoggs, tiuoted at HJ
to 1. was third, In front of Jim Hall, the
favorite. Gold Kinder, at oddn of G to 1,
bent Senator Mntts a neck In the llrst
race, but made n poor showing. Hard
Hums, an S to 1 chance, won. ridden by
Mounce, trom Mnrlneuse and Modder.
In tins petond men Kaltcnt fell, but Hoar
escaped Injury. Hcsults:
First rnie. three-quarters of a mile, sell
ing: rSold Kinder won, Senator Mutts sec
ond, Kldred third. Time: lilHJ.
Second race, Futurity course, selling:
Colonial Cllrl won. Shell Mount second,
Tyrannus third. Time: 1:11.
Third race, one mile, selling: Hard Hums
won, Murlncuse second, Modder third.
Time: 1:11.
Fourth race, one mile, selling: Quadra
won, Commissioner Forstcr second, Jingle
third. Time; 1:12.
Fifth race, throe-quurtiTs of n mile, Cad
mus handicap; Hyroii Hose won, Konlo
second, J. Hoggs third. Time: 1:13.
Sixth rate, ono mile and seventy ynrds,
selling; 1 lor ton won, Wyoming second,
Hragg third. Time: 1:44.
!'iivorltc Are l'nt.
NEW OHLEANS, Jan. lO.-Oabi Day was
the only beaten tuvorllo nnd he wan de
feated by Ny.x. ugnlnst whom the ring
laid the false price of 16 to 1. Husults:
First race, one mile nnd a furlong: Myn
heer won, EI tlhor second, Campus third.
Time: 1:55.
Second race, selling, six and a half fur
longs: Nyx won, lola second, Sam Lazarus
third. Time: 1:21.
Third race, steeplechnse, handicap, short
course: Hrlstol won. Dagmar second, King
Elkwood third. Time: 3:ipi.
Fourth nice, handicap, seven furlongs:
Pigeon Post won, Jesse Jurboe second,
I.ndy Kent third. Time: 1:274.
Fifth race, se'llng. one mile nnd twenty
yards: Mister Phlnncsy won, Freo, Admis
sion second, Water House third, Time:
Sixth race, six furlongs: O'Hngen won,
Mario Hell second, Iady Albert third.
Time; l:13'i.
Unreal nt t'linrlmtnii,
CHAItI.ESTON, S. C, Jan. lO.-Hesulls
of today's races;
First race, seven-r Ighths of n mile: Col
lctte won, Ijitty Alntree second, I.lttlo
Tower third. Time: 1:34.
Second race, selling, three-quarters of a
in lie: Certain - won, Poorlands accond,
Klldarlle third. Time: 1:204.
Thlnl rate, selling, one mile nnd n six
teenth: Domlnls won, Jnlletta second,
Frank H. third. Time: 1:53.
Fourth race, selling, three-qunrters of a
mile: l.ady Dayman won, Katie Gibbous
second, Gratia third. Time: 1:19.
Fifth race, selling, live-eighths of n mile:
Eva's Dntllng won. Incandescent second,
Passaic third. Time: l:2t.
Hurt Tnio k for Crouton.
CJtERTON, la., Jnn. 10.-(Speclnl.) The
committees appointed for the purpose of
soliciting subscriptions to raise n fund to
buy the grounds and conduct n fair ami
raco meeting at Creston the coming fall
lias met with splendid success. The Indi
cations nr that a meeting will bo given
nnd Hint Creston will enter n circuit com
posed of adjacent cltleH nnd offer liberal
purses for u meeting.
CrHieiiN n I'rolltnlili Exhibit.
TOLEDO. O., Jan. 10,-Oeorge H.
Ketchnm. owner nnd driver of Cresceus,
announced today that during the year ho
received more than $70,(J0 in purses and
money for exhibitions given In various
part of tho country by Cresceus. Tho
horse today was tuken to the Ketcham
farm, where he will remain during tho
ItrfiiHi-n I.Ii'cmhi lc CorrlHnn.
LONDON. Jun. 10. It Is understood that
Kdward Corrlgan, the Chicago horseman,
has been refused a license to train on
Newmarket heath.
ICriiK I'll r Km Defeat Omnium.
On the CJnte City alleys Inst night tho
Krug Parks won two games from tho lead
ers. Score:
, 1st. Id. 3d. Totnl.
Connery K.182 221 1M 671
llowman 14S 191 183 622
Fogg 107 158 193 616
F. Krug 130 lfiO 133 423
Hengeio 190 179 192 661
Totals $23 911 SS5 2,699
1st. 2d. 3d. Totnl.
Lehman 193 203 216 612
rimead IB) 134 186 4S3
lleud 16S 1R5 140 493
Emery 215 179 172 606
Zarp 181 187 134 55
Totals Tola "sis m i&ii
HfeenlrlCH Detent Ilniiuilrrn.
In tho women's tcnpln contest on Clark's
nlleys last night tin Eccentrics won from
the Itnuuders by 61 pins. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Totnl.
Miss O nan In Lehmanu.130 113 $S 361
Mrs. W. H. Wlgman..i:6 82 90 29S
Mrs. H. Heselln 118 116 121 356
Mrs. F. 11. Krug 122 162 116 400
Totals 496 603 415 M14
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Miss Tip Intnnu 12S 114 93 333
Mrs. Julia ilahn 100 89 95 284
Miss Maymo Ooernc ., 90 121 . 105 S19
Miss Lou Ooerne 157 111 1 127 425
Totals 7475 lift lio U63
Mm Austin In Otitclnssril,
HALTIMORE. Jan. 10. Jim Austin of
New York quit In the fourth r6und of
what wiih to have been n twenty-round
fight with "Young Peter Jncknon" hero
tonight. Austin was simply outclassed.
Ho went iiown repeatedly for tho limit
and after he had been knocked through
tho ropes In tho middle of tho fourth round
ho Indicated that he had enough.
Kiioi'ki'il Out In Ninth KoiiiiiI.
SAVANNAH. On., Jan. 10,-The glove
contest between Tom Crelghton of Savnn
nnh and Fred Douglas of Hrooklyn at 145
pounds beforo the Savannah Athletic club
tonight resulted In Douglas' being knocked
out In the ninth round.
NIkiim iv 1 1 li Ncit York.
NEW YORK, Jnn, 10.-Jnmes Stnfford. n
member of tho New York baso ball team
from 1S9J to 1S97, signed with the Now
York team today. He will play In left Held.
Ho played with Provldcnco Inst year.
Oood for 25c, omko
nilADJIIlTCC Anr Vmon rrch'ln Rar't Ilair.Heahh
ttU jlnAn I EC. anyAtre in the U. S who hi not been
Atchiiai, Tapaki k &11U It inthtr mi
BirUI Dtbintirta.
They Are In Hun for Twelve Yearn
nnd Mnke Polblr Kxtenalnna,
Purchnaen 11 nil Increase
In E(ulpmnit,
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. An Issue by the
Atchison, Topcktt & Santa Ko (-allrrad of
J30,000,000 serial debentures, bearing In
terest ot 4 per cent and running twelve
jears, will be nnuuunced posalbty next
week, according to a statement which wilt
be published by tho Herald tomorrow. The
Issue Is for tho purpose of reimbursing the
company's capital account for certain ex
tensions and purchases and for providing
for largely Increasing the line's equipment.
It wilt be retired nt the rate of 2,C00,u00
ReportB of a proposed "bond Issue" wen
current In Willi street on Friday afternoon
and caused considerable selling. It was
not until after the closo of the market that
the exact nature ot the proposed transaction
was learned.
Tho specific properties which were pur
chased by the Atchison same time ago, but
wcro never taken into the system (bating
been carried, up to the present, on treas
ury funds) are, together with their cost:
Santa Fe, Prcscott & Phoenix, J2.S33.103;
Oulf, IlcattmoDt & Kansas City, $1,070,908;
Pecos Valley & Northeastern, $2,687,526;
total, 10,591,012. It Is stated that the serial
debentures will be secured by stocks of
acquired property, nnd also by equipment
purchased and to be purchased.
(Ic110r.1l mortgngo bonds amounting to
J 17,000,000 and adjustment bonds of $20,
000,000, provided for under tho terms ot
the reorganisation, of the Atchison, remain
unsold and will bo used for tho retirement
of tho new Issuo, It Is presumed.
The general mortgngo bonds mentioned
are avallnblo to the extent ot $3,500,000
'resilient Mlltvrll Urtn Mutrrlnl for
.N'cve Itnnrl In Kuropp nt
Iteilnced Prices.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 10. A cablegram
from London, received today from President
Stllwell of tho Kansas City, Mexican &.
Orient railroad, announced that Chief En
gineer Parrct has salted for home, after
having arranged for tho shipment ot 600
miles of rails for the Orient lino In Mexico,
which were bought and paid tor by the
Mexican subsidy. These rails were bought,
delivered at Port Stllwell and Tamplco, at
about $10 per ton less than tho lowest de
livered price obtainable from American
mills. They will come from Ilctgtum manu
facturers and the first shipment Is now duo
at Tamplco. Tho first shipment tor Port
Stllwell Is now enroutc. About one-fifth
of tho railroad has been graded without In
curring any Indebtedness other than tor
current expenses.
The company still has available several
million dollars from stock sold In London.
The bridging Is now being done for tho
lino from Anthony, Kan., and Falrvlow,
Okl., nnd grading Is progressing rapidly
from Anthony north toward Harpers, Okl.
IlurlliiKton and nock Island Take Up
Gnnld'es Gang of DC-
DENVER, Jan. 10. (Special Telegram.)
Aa a rcault ot the announcement of the
Missouri Pacific's withdrawal from traffic
arrangements in Colorado and Utah terri
tory, railroad circles have been thrown'
Into a state of trepidation. The news was
a complete surprise, and the declaration
of General Western Agent H. B. Kooser
that the present tariffs would bo main
tained did little to quiet the fears. Ship
pers wcro alarmed and railroad officials
acknowledged that the act was only to be
construed as a gauge of defiance by the
Oould Interests and that rate cutting would
be met point for point. The Burlington
Is preparing to cut Into St. Louis business
and the flock Island will knife tho Oould
Texan business, and all, agents privately
announced that If rate cutting came their
friends would bo protected.
Central Pnssrnircr Ananclatlon Abro-ft-ntm
DeeUInn to Curtail Free
CHICAGO, Jnn. 10. So far ns the terri
tory of the Central Pnssengor association
Is concerned, tho anti-pass agreement has
apparently been broken past alt mending
for another twelve months at least. Cir
culars were received In Chicago today,
which wcro Issued by tho Pennsylvania and
tho Lake Shoro roads, announcing that tor
tho year 1902 exchange passes would be
given nnd Inviting the same. Similar no
tices are being Issued by alt the lines.
The decUlon to abrogate the agreement
was reached in a meeting of tho trunk line
presidents In New York two days ago, at
which it was decided that conditions were
not favorable for carrying out the agree
ment In Central Passenger association ter
Oll ChoUe-llore of Xcvr York Ontrnl
o He Mmlernlard nt
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. The Herald to
morrow will say:
The New York Central railroad will
change Its motive power In the Park aventu
tunnol within a year, Electricity will b
substituted for ateam on alt local tra'ns.
and ns soon as possible trunk lino trains
will bo 'hauled into and out of Grand Cen
tral ntntlon by less dangerous methods.
An extra force, of experts has baen added
to the large force of electricians, and thesa
have been at work within the tunnel since
Wednesday's accident trying to dovlse satis
factory plans for a speedy change.
Will I,u- Dnulilr TrncK.
MILWAUKEE. Jan, 10. President A. J.
Karllngton ot the Chicago, Milwaukee
St. Paul railroad today announced that his
company baa decided to double-track tho
I.i Crosse division between Milwaukee and
LaCrosse, a distance of 197 miles. The
work will bo begun In the spring. With
this Improvement tho Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul system will have a double track
system between Chicago and La Crote?, 218
C'linsnlliliillnn nf Ttnnil.
LAREDO, Tex.. Jan. 10, A Mcnterev.
Mexico, special says:
It Is announced that the consolidation of
tho Mexican National nnd tho Mexican In
ternational railways will be consummated
and both properties placed under one man
agement not later than June 1 of this year.
The Mexican International railway Is now
controlled by Speyer Co. of New Ynrki
This consolidation, if accomplished, prob
ably will mean a fight with In r n ecntrol
of tho Mexican Central fcr rnllroad su
premacy In .Mexico.
Chnrle II. M, McKlunr j- of Sioux
I'nlls la uu the I'ummla
nloii. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10,-Members of tho
United States ninay commission to test
weights and fineness of the coins reserved
at the several mints during thu calendar
year 1901 have been designated as follows;
Representative James 11, Southard, chair
man of the house commltlee on coinage.,
weights and measures. v
Prof. W. S. Stratton, director of the
United Stntes bureau of standards and
Prof. N. C. Rlcker, University o'f Illinois.
Trot. T. W. Richards, Harvard university.
Prof. R. S. Woodard, Columbia univer
sity, J. W. Holland, Jefferson Medical college,
B. li. Tatem, Helens, Mont.
John II. Brasher, Pittsburg, Pa,
Captain E. M. Allen, Portland, Me.
George II. Davenport, BoMon.
Bemnn O. Dawes, Marietta, O.
Charles E. McKinney, Bloux Falls, S. D.
A. O. Sharp, Colorado Springs, Colo.
J. J. McCarson, Washington, D. C.
George M. Reynolds, Chicago,
Judge J. B. McPhcrson, Pennsylvania.
II. G. Torroy, assayer, New York assay
William B. Rlgely, comptroller of tho
George E, RobertB, director of tho mint,
The commission will meet In Philadel
phia An February 12.
Kniployra nt liu eminent nt Cnpltol
All to Come I n.lrr
' Sintriii.
WASHINGTON, Jan. lO.-Thc laborers
employed In the government departments
will bo brought Into the civil service under
presidential orders, the first of which will
bo Issued In the near future. The In
clusions will be made separately by de
partments Instead of in bulk,
Thoro was n conference at Postmaster
General Smith's ofllce today between Mr.
Smith, Secretory Hitchcock and Civil Sorv
Ico Commissioner Foulko, at which tho
classifications ot laborers aud of temporary
employed appointed under tho exigencies
of tho war with Spain were considered.
No notion will be taken as to temporary
appointees until congress makes their of
fices permanent. Commissioner Foulke,
however, wilt prepare at onco regulations
tor tho classifications of laborers In sev
eral of the departments where laborers
are not already subject to regulations.
There will bo no scholastic, examination, ap
plicants being graded according to ex
perience and recommendations with the re
quired preference to war vetorans. This
registration system nlready Is In operation
In tho Navy department under regulations
made during the Tracy regime, nnd also Is
In force in tho War department.
Dntra Net (or Hrarlnat Statehood
nilla Mrannrr to renston Kt
Presldrntu Introduced.
WASHINOTON, Jan. 10. Tho house com
mittee on territories today fixed the 23d
Inst, for hearings on tho Oklahoma state
hood bill, the 31st for the .Arizona stntohood
bill and February 7 tor. tho New Mexico
statehood bill.
The bill to creato thO' territory of Jeffer
son out of the Indian-Territory was re
ferred to a subcommittee, headed by Mr.
Knox of Massachusetts and including Mr.
Flynn, the delegate from Oklahoma.
Representative Sherman of New York to
day Introduced a bill continuing In foroo
all laws prohibiting tho coming ot Chinese. ,
Representative Loverlng ot Massachusetts
today Introduced a bill providing a salary
for ex-prcsldenta of tho United Btatcs at
tho rate ot $25,000 annually, from the dnte
of rotlrcmcnt from tho presidency. Tho
bill Is to apply to any cx-presldcnt living
at the time the law Is enacted.
Representative Roberts ot Massachusetts
today Introduced a bill authorizing tho
postmaster general to contract for pneu
matic tube mail service in New York,
Drooklyn, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis
and Doston, and fixing the routes for the
service and the limit of cost for each route.
.Stephen II. Mlekley.
LE MARS, la., Jan. 10. (Special.) Ste
phen D, Micklcy, one of the pioneers In
Lo Mars, died suddenly nt his home In this
city this morning. He was born at Allen
town, Pa., on March 22, 1S1R. Ho was a
member of tho Mlckley family whose his
tory Is Interwoven with tho annals of Le
high county, In Pennsylvania, and was a
descendant of John Jacob Mickley, who
came to America in 1733 and who was fa
mous In revolutionary times. John Jacob
Mlckley brought tho liberty boll from Phila
delphia to Allentown, September 23, 1777.
He was a revolutionary patriot and helped
the continental army with money nnd
otherwise. Tho family traces Its descent
from Louis Mlchclet of Metz, a French
Huguenot. The family in Lo Mars has In
Its possession a genealogical tree, which
goes back for centuries, and shows tho
ramifications of the family In Germany,
Franco and the United States, Stopben
Mlckley lived In Iowa thirty-five years and
In Le Mars twenty-flvo years, Ho was
formerly In the hotel business, but haa
llvod In rotlromont the past few yeniB.
Tho funeral will bo Sunday.
' i
I. M. French, Old Nhnirniiin.
DETROIT, Mich.. Jan, 10. J. M. French,
old showman and at one time one of tho
wealthiest horse-owners In tho United
States, died at his home In this city Thura
day night. He was 71 years of age and
was known ns tho original Forty Camel
Rand Wagon man. He owned J. M, French's
circus nnd Egyptian caravan,
1. mucking-.
n. 10. John Longklng Is
dead at hla home I
n Yonkcw, aged OG years
Ho was connected
Concern for fifty
with tho Methodist Rook
years. He wrote man
books on Methodls
m and writings of his are
used as textbooks
In tho bible classes nnd
the seminaries of
that denomination.
Hrliitlve of Wimhliiutuii.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 10.-Colonel Wll
llnm Lewis Washington, a descendant
tho family of George Washington, Is dead
at nis home here. He was born In Nash
vlllo, Tcnn., where he will be burled,
was a soldier In the confederate army
Dr. II, W. Hill.
DAVENPORT, la.. Jan, 10, Dr. R. W
Hill, a prominent phyalolan of this city, and
professor of anatomy and physiology at tho
State university for several years, dropped
ueaa toaay of heart disease.
11 r. A. J. I. ana,
LONQ PINE, Neb., Jan. 10. (Special Tel
enram,; ino tuneral or ur. A. J. Laws, a
physician of Long Pine, who died at an
umaha hospital Tuesday, was at Long Pine
Ktarct and Vmeli f (qndr)n Sail for
La Quajn.
I'rrrntit lima Are TnWcn Jlerel) to
Pri'vonl ItlntliiK I" Vae ltculn
tlnnlotn Are Victorious (Iter
Cnitro'n Forces.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. It Is probable
that Admiral Hlggluson, with his flag
ship, Kenrsarge, and several other
ot the North Atlantic squadron, will shortly
repair to Venezuelan waters, making his
headquarters at La OUayra. The ships which
Admiral Hlgglnson will take with him en
this cruise will have an unusually large
complement of marines aboard, These
precautions arc taken, not with nuv
offcntlvc intent toward Venezueln. but
merely to gunrd against an outbreak of
anarchy nnd rioting In tho event that the
revolutionists should provall over Castro's
forces In the field, Owing to Admiral Hlg
glnson's high rank, he naturally would
command any Joint operations that mUht
be Incident to tho landing ut unnl forces
ot various nationalities.
President 11 f .Mtecl Trust llrliri Croud
I ' run tie hy III Winnings
nt 31 ii lite t'nrln.
(Copyright, 10W, by Press Publishing Co.)
NICE, Jan. 10. (Now York World Cable
gram Special Telcgrnm.) Interest In I.:r.l
Rosslyn's doings hnvo been eclipsed by
President Schwab or the strel trust. Ho
started playing maximums at Montt! Carlo
ytsterday, the crowd pursuing him from
tnblc to inble. Ho won $7,r00. Resuming
today, the excitement was Indescribable.
After losing $10,000 nt one table, he went
to the next, staking the maximum, $30, on
number eight. Eight turned up and ho
won thlrty-flvo limes the stoke, being
$l,2f0. He then pushed the same stake on
number nine, winning again the same
amount. His unprecedented luck made thu
nudlcnce frenzied. It Is Impossible to dc
scrltio the excitement. The crowd Is nnx
lously awaiting .omorrow's play.
It Will Take I'lncr .Vcxt .Month mill
I'rninlaPH Mui'h Important
NEW YORK. Jnn. 10. II. II. Robertson.
president of the United Stntes (lolf asso
ciation, announced today that the annual
general meeting will be held hi this city
on February 27. The announcing commit-
teo aiipointeii tor uio selection ot omcers
Is: Percy Chubb. Nnssnu county. It. E.
Qrlscom, Philadelphia, and J. O. Thorpe,
It was learned Hint It. Hage Kerr, who
has held the position of secretnry slnco
the organization of the leading body In
1&97. ban given notice of Ills intention of re
tiring from act -o service. 11. (J. unnttleiti-
Tnylor of Chicago litis sent his resignation
as vice president.
Another western golfer will be called
unou to fill tho nlacc. The executive com
mittee has been deputed to redraft tho con
stitution, in orner 10 meet mo conditions
arising out of the unforsecn growth of- the
Recognition or nuieci cuids nnn tneir rignt
to vote In general meeting, us well ns to
be represented In the gcncnil government
of the association, and 11 Htrnlghtoulng out
of the tangle In the conditions surrounding
the amateur championship or the unltou
States uro among tho matters to be dis
cussed. TUB nEAl.TY MAIIKF.T.
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Frldny,
Y ...... .. 1 A inKi.
UHIiUUI .V. 4n'.
Warrant? Deed.
J. n. Robinson and wife to Frank
Dahlnuist. e 23 feel lot 5, block 1.
Dupnnt Place $ COO
Blnn Miller nnd husband to Lucy Mil
ler, und'i of wi lie .12-15-11 1
Ilnrbnrn Mockelman nnd husband to
Lucy Miller, undVi of w',4 no 22-1S-U 1
H. W. Durno to P. W. Anchmoody,
lot B, block 5, Orchard Hill 1,000
H. W. McCurdy and Wife to W, D,
Parker, lots 1 nnd e lot 2, block 11,
Waterloo .' u400
E II. Fenn and wlfo to E. R. Porter,
n 70 feet lot 9. block 3. sub ot J. 1.
Redlck's add 4,000
M D. Wooilelton et ai to k. h. Kior.
sw 30-15-10 C.200
Amirew Fora to 11. coti. 101 i. niocu
8, Kountze & R.'s add I.CX)
1:. M. Harnett to Aug Musuat el ni,
Btt aw4 nwi I-1R-13 700
V. O. Strlckler nnd wlfo to Aus SIus
kat et nl, nl4 sw'.i nwii 4-1G-13 (ex 5
ncres) S2;
Margaret Cnrateni to Oeorge Oreder,
und 1-5 of 3tt ac-cs In sw'i nwVi
5-15-13 130
Kate Hunt nnd liuslmmi to l.lzzla
Troutcn. e 0( feet lot 10. block 71.
South Omaha 1,250
J, It. .Manning anu wito to .n. is,
Gallagher. Iota 20 and 21. block 1.
Avondnle Park 3,500
E. E. Reed and wife to Frank nolcher,
lots 3 nud I, block Isaao & H.'h
add 2,400
r j. Mtzgeraui nnn wne to is, w.
Heed, lots 3 nnd 4. block 7. Isaac &
H.'h add 2,000
iAiik Aiusgat anu wire to Henrietta
Dressen. out lots 2M. K. 261. 2.1. 2iH
and itndH lot ZCJ, Florence 1,060
L. C. Ornhnm nnd husband to M. A.
Patrick, lot (Tl (ex streets) Glse's ad 2,700
(liilt Clnlm llenU.
II. F, Connell to L. li. Folsom, lot
17. block 11, Brlggs Place 1
Paul Charlton, trustee, to (J. 12. Her
ring, lot lit block 9S, Dundco Place.. 20
Spenlnl master to J. D Tattle, exec
utor, lot 1, block 36, Dundee Place
Total nmount of transfers, $26,398
Biliousness & Indigestion
Even deep seated dyspepsia are
quickly and easily remedied by
pnwders, with a little self study.
Relief Is Quick; Cure Certain.
It's Action. '
The composition of "Orangelae" is pobllshed
on pae 2 ot onr direction booklet In erery
package, and Ita accurate balance of remedies
normally stlmulatca nerves, stomach and Hear,
to secure perfect action and assimilation of
A CoBimoB Kzperlene.
Mr. Irvine I,. Spencer, of Cklcaao. tmjtt
"There la notnlnr Ittto 'Ornyeln' to cure bilious.
Dees, when I feel an attack enmlnii on I take
powder and repeal In halt an hour, and ererr three,
hours thereafter until a total of els liar been taioo,
The remit ta complete relief and clearing up of
blltmie conditions."
Sold by Druggists In 10, 25 and 60c Packigtt.
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and All Affections of the
tTcltiiively frr ths past flro yearn an.l find it not cnlv prevents hoarseness, hut it keeps
ma freo from coughs nud colds. I hfttrtlly recommend it to any ono who sixxik or sln
in public, or tontiv on who Is troubled with euro throat, roughs, tonsllltlsor bronchitis."
Hold by nil r.dlablo druggists, large bottle. Sic. L'co that tho " Hull's Hend " Is on
thopiekntro. Unfiles, substitutes', they are Injurious and do uotcuro. Insist on getting tho
ijenu'.ne Dr. Bulls Couirh Syrup M onr Mif niVnv curt) nnd is perfectly harmless.
.i.F . -Abe.iitilfn1 Cutendar and n Medical Booklet Free to anyono who wilt
write A. c. .Meyer & Co., llalttmore. Md. , nnd mention this paper.
31 o iifj In (iiiinl lliitri Alirond nml
SiilWillt'x Are Fairly
LONDON. Jan. 10. Money was in good
request today and the ruppites were fairly
large, Discount were sioady. With tho
approach of the llrst settlement of the
Jear there Is a disposition to curtail specu
lation and prices dwindled In the absence,
ot support. The foreign helling of consols
has caused wiakuess, besides the market
nrxiinl that whatever form the govern
ment's Una ice proposals take consols will
not benefit. Home rulls were dull on tho
Stock exchange. Americans opened wrnk
and below pirity. There wns practically 110
liustiieM.i transacted In them, but they
Vlosed steadier. Grand Trunks relapsed,
the trallle reports proving dl'itppoltillng
ltlo tlntOH uncled, i t'opprr whs steady,
closing unlet at 17. Kufllrn ware quiet 'ind
Inclined to Improve. C'hnrtcrcds advanced
to 4. Oelleers were thu ftntures of the
day's transactions. The mantel generally
closed with a belter lone: In most depart
ments prices rallied. American eagles are
quoted In the open marKet nt 7Cs iJid anil
bar gold nt 77s lOd. liar silver Is unlet at
3id per ounte. Gold premium nt lluenos
.yres,; .MiKirui. ji.w; i.isuon, si.
ivwua, jun, 111. rnern was a general
recovery on the bourse loiluv nml nt the
close prices were firm. Henten were hrnvy.
Spanish 4s rose sharply on Premier Hn
pastn'a denial that n ministerial crisis was
impending it Madrid, Italian and Argen
tines were unlimited. Hrnsl bins were tlrm.
rnniiiHoii-i 101181011 were firmer, .Metro
politans We"L steady. Itusiliiii Industrials
Were In uood demand, llln tlntns nilvnneeil.
owing to thn strong tone of popper. Kafllrs
were in request nnn uero very nrm. 'l he
private, rate of discount was unchanged
today at 2 1-115 per cent. Three per cent
rentes, lOOf ll'.tc fur the neennnt. Exchange
on London, 25f 13tju for checks. .Spanish
ih cinseti at ii.u.
1IEHL1N. Jan. 10. lluslness was inilpt tin
the bourse today. Internationals were
mutntalued. Hpaulsh H were harder on
Paris advices. Canadian Pacifies wern
easier on Nuw York advices. Mine n.1
ueted, owing to the contradiction of tho
rumor tba' the government would tuko owr
the tleiseiiKirtlien company, rile weekly
statement of the Imperial Itank of tier
many shows these changes: Cash in hand
Increased 3!,lflO,wo marks, treasury notes
Increased 260,000 mnrks. other securities de
creased 107,6ti0,0no marks and notes In circu
lation decreased 101.620 mnrks. Exchange
on Indon, 20m 42pfgs for checks. Dis
count rates on snort uiuh, i per cent; 011
three :nontbn' bills, 2 ',4 per rent. ,
Cotton Market,
fair demand; prices 1-ICd higher; American
middling fair, 1 2'J.X.M; cood middling.
4 21-XM; middling. 4 17-32d: low middling,
4 7-lfid; good ordinary, 4Ii-16d; ordinary.
4 1-ltnl. The sales df the day were 10,OH
bales, of which fioo were for speculation anil
export anu inciuneti si.iuo Dales American.
ncceipiK, ov.ix, uuie, inciiiiiiiig ii,.w Amer
ican; Futures opened firm and i.lntod
steady; American middling g. o. c. : Jan
uary, 4 rj-tiiu, sellers; January nnu ren-
WhBre Do You Eat-
If not at BalduH'i you should It don't
cost any more to rat there, than In one
of tho out-of-way places Besides you can
get anything you wish et unreasonable
price cooked tho wejy you like It and the
best of sorvlco This wilt give you some
Idea of the good things you'll find there
Little Neck Clams Blue Points Con
somme with rice baked White Klnh fried
Chicken Roast Turkoy Chicken Patties
ronat Dtcf Vegetables all kinds Eng.
I'sh Plum Pudding Pinerfpple Shortcake
Illiioborry Apple Pumpkin Ltraon nnd
Mlnco Pic Ice Cream, nil flavors Tea
Coffee Milk Try Ilalduff's pneo and you'll
eat nt no other place,
W, S. Balduft
1520 FarncM St.
Saturday, Boys' Day-
l '
Urex L. Slioomnii nlwn.vH .xpt'crt tho
boys on Rnttiidiiy nnd Is iirepnroil to fit
to thulr ffct it shoo nt $1.00 tlint lins
ni'Vor been ('(iiniU'tl nnywhore elso for
nonr tho inoiioy iimtlo of good, honest
lonther, with n Rood, heavy soln that will
stand the linnl knocks that a kooiI,
llvoly hoy will rIvu tliuni, Wo lake ns
much en ie In tlttiiiK tlioso $1.50 shoos
as wo tlo any shoes In tho country.
Drexel Shoe Co..
Uuialm'a Up-to-date Shoe lluua.
Sen Full Cataloarn Son Hand.
Clearance Sale
In Basement
On Main Floor
Clearance Sale in Basement
Stock must be re
duced. Price no
object Saturday.
1 hroat and Lungs can be
wrmanontlr nml rrwdllr hr thnnnlv cafe ami rellaldo mm.
which has been tircsorlbotl 'by Doctors for S ream, and Una
sati-I thousands of lives that would have been cut short by
('onumrtlon-l)H. BULL'H COUOH SYHUP. James C.
Bunlett, one. of tho best-known him.iii'lM.i, who renldenco
Is re West lCCth Ht.. Now York City, snysi "Blnec I hnvo
wen reciting I'.t public 1 flud It necessary to tl;o sometlilnr;
to keep my throat lu normal condition nud free from hoarso
ncM find coughs. 1 have taken
runry. 1 2S-6ISTI Sti-dld, sellers; Februr
and March, 1, buyers; .March and
April, 4 2.4.tld, buyers; April and May,
4 rs-644 29.r,ld, buyers; May and June,
4 20-iild, sellets; June itnd July. 1 23-Old.
value: July and August. 1 29-i'ld. value:
August nnd September, 4 LTi-fild, buer..
NHW YOUIC. Jan. 10.
closed sternly; middling uplands, S,c; mid
dling gulflntids, Nic; sales. 00 hales, Fu
tures elocd quiet; January, ".Slo, Teh
ruary, 7,P5o: March. Mtie, April, 8.11c; Mav,
8.1.'o; June, S.ITo; July, 8.17c; AttgUBl, S.03c;
September, 7.7So! October. T.GSo.
NHW Otll.KANS, Jan. 10 -COTTON -Hteady;
sales, .7(h) bales; ordinary. 6l4c.
good ordinary, ,c; low middling, 7S-1bo;
middling. 7V. good ml. Idling. Site; mid
dling fair. Sti.liV; receipts, 18,9tis bales,
stock, .171 bales. I''uttires. quiet nnd
steady: January. 7 Mtfi7.S.1c; Kebrunr'. 7.S75ii
79c; March. ..!''Ki7.0lc . April, 7.9iVf7 IWc.
May. S.(i25i.03c; June, S.OIfjS.t.So,' July, s.iojr
BT. LOtMS, Jnn 10 rOTTON-Steady,
middling. iTie; receipts, I.W2 bales, ship
ments, :t..T-'t.1 bales; stock, MJ.'l bales,
tlALVKSTON. Jnn. lO.-COTTON-Flrtn,
7 15-K.c.
Ill lilenil nf Sev-ii Per t'eut.
.NUW YOKK. Jan. 10,-The lioard of mm
agers of the Delaware & Hudson llallriind
company today ileclnred flio regular divi
dend of 7 per cent for the year lOTJ, pay
able In four quarterly Installments.
l.oulMVllle A nliillli llltlilcml.
NHW YOUIC, Jan. 10.-Tim directors of
the Louisville & NiikIivHIo Ilnllroad com
pany today declared the regular semi
annual dividend ot 2!i per cent.
W- onrry the most complete linn of
Illcycle Tires in Omnhn. Tho Dla
mon PiiiHtiiro Proof never gives you
ntiy trouble. Wo hnvo Single Tube
Tire. as low us Jl.f.0 each. Double
Tube Tires ns low us t2.(i.
We sell the Morgan Wright, Ilnrt
ford. Goodrich, O. & J., Dunlap, Dia
mond and ninny other makes.
8 we nave many goon iinrgiuns 111 111
cvcleH. It will nay vou to look over
our line now nud havo us keep one
for you until spring.
Krpnlrlng and Supplies of all kinds.
on Main Floor
Prices Smashed
Values Slashed
Attend if.
Don't miss it.