THE OMAHA DAILY JUSTS: SATURDAY, JA2s VAHY 11, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL .MINOR MUNTIO.V Davis oells drugs Btockert sells carpels ana rCI. Dm. Oreon. ofllce-.103 Sspp block. l'lumblns and healing. Ulxby & Son. Wollman. scientific optician, M Ilroadway. Dr, Stephenson, Ijoldwln block. Elevator. I'lctures for wedding sifts. C. U. Ale.t; finder ii Co., 113. Hrondwur. Missouri oiilt body wood. W OT cord. Wm. Welch. 23 N. Main St. Tel. 128. Sheriff Mnritnli of Mills county wan In this city yesterday on business. Mrs. Howe of Avocu, la., Is guest of Mrs. Daniel Arkwrlghl of Mynater street. I'. H, Orunt compnny, Uniform rank, Knteht.s of 1'ythlns, will elect olllcers to nltilit. The annual metlnn of tho Council Muff O rape Growers' Shipping association will be this afternoon. Wilbur Hears of Onawu, member of Ihu aiunnna county bar, was In this city yes iiiriluv. vlr.ll Itiir friends. JudKo AyleHwnrth illscharKed the superior, court Jury for tho January torm yesterday, ; thero being no f tinner business. The I'IiIIoith thlun IJtcrury society of tho lllBh school will meet uh a leitlsluture I'rt lny, to Introduce and discuss bills. I'red Williams of Florence, Colo., form erly of this city. Is vlsltlnir his father. Captain J P. Williams of Washington avenue. F. II. Btover'H carpenter shop nt 1124 Houth Sixth street wira broken Into Thurs day nlghl by thieves, who stole n largo number of tools. Lost, sold fob locket, elk'a head, diamond between horns, monogram "C. h. V. r.. letters entwined on reverse side. Itcwurd offered, l.cavo at lleo olllce. Mrs. Nancy Cronen, wife of J, H. Cronen, 2E:W Avenue II, died yesterday afternoon, nued ye'irs. Her husband and ono dnulitr, Mrs. Maud Snodgrass, survive her. The body of Jerry Downey, , who was found dead In a room over the Semite Miloon Thursday afternoon, wan taken tp Creston, la., his former home, by I). r Downey, a brother, yesterday. The Hetall (iroeers association lias olecteil these delegates to thu convention or tho National association in Milwaukee, January 27 to 20: John Olfon. John 1. MuMuccn, M. Ilurtell and It. F. Ivimdson. Many persons from Weston, this county, were summoned beforo tho district grand Jury yesterday, and It is supposed that body Is InvestiKatlim the recent bit lire In that town, which entailed a loss of J3'),000. Tho grading out lit of Kgan & Connors Is camped south of tho city and expects to remain there the balance of the winter, In the exportation of securing work on tho Great Western lino between Council Muffs nnd Fort Dodge. Charles Sunderland and Arthur Grady, tho boys arrested on suiplclon of stealing n quantity of Junk, are being held at tho city Jail pending an Investigation, tlnuly Is a colored boy, and says hn was forced to steal, as no one would glvo him work for fear ho might have smallpox. Three patients were released yesterday from tho smallpox Isolation hospital as -urcd. They are I'at O'Connor, Charles llartlett and Fred Fisher. Four moro cases of smallpox In tho McCaffrey family, Just cast of ttic city on tho Crescent road, were reported to the health authorities yesterday. Mrs. Kmirta Crandall of Sidney. Ia., who lias been visiting relatives In Macedonia, was committed to St. Bernard's hospital ty tho Heard of Commissioners for thu Insane. The board found that tho womnn'H legal residence Is In Fremont county, which will bo held liable for tho expense of her care In tho hospital. Tho revival meetings conducted by Hcv. D. A. Allen In Trinity Methodist church nro attracting Increased congregations dally. Tonight Hcv. Mr. Allen will deliver a temporanco sermon, .under the nusplces of tho Woman's Cnr's""n Temperance union. He will preach morning: und oven Ins Sunday la Trinity church.' Tho Kilts of this qlty hnv tho pleasure to announce that they have arranged with Ellery'a Hoyal Italian band for a concert to be given at tho pohany theater Tues day ovenlmr. January 14. Tho Kllcry Hoyal Itullau band has proven thu musical suc cess of tho season nnd tho local Elks promise tho muslo lovers of Council Hluffs tho most superb band how traveling In America. Tho bund Is assisted by Mme. Uttrlll, mezzo soprano, and Miss Ida H. Ilelntzen, harpist, nnd Is under tho leader whip of tho great Croatore. At tho Dohnny tonight Carl A. Ilaswln nnd his company will present "A Dion's Heart." Tho piece will bo put on with tho enmo cui'chil attention to detail and with pnictluilly tho same excellent cast that made such a favorable Impression hero last year. As a play, few can com pare with "A Dion's Heart," -full of heart interest and thrilling situations, nt all times holding tho complete attention of tho audience, all the climaxes being reached hy perfectly natural mcthoiJs. There Is abundant comedy, and altogether a most excellent performance Is assured. Gravel roofing. A. H. Lead. 641 Droanway. Snes for Premium Lists. Spencer Smith, administrator of the, estate of J, C. Schcrmerhorn, has brought suit In Justice Ferrler's court to recover 95 said to bo duo by the Western Iowa l'oultry, Fnrm and Garden association for tho printing of premium .lists in 1S9C, tho last year tho association showed any signs of life. Among, the members of tho asso ciation are: Ernest E. Hart, banker; County Treasurer Arnd, Pollen Sergeant Slack, N, M. Pusey, John M. Matthews, F. F. Heed, clerk of tho courts; J. P. Green Bhlolda and other professional and business men. Tho last show given by tho associa tion was a dismal falluro financially. .Stale AnsiicIiiIIiiii of Supervisors. Tho annual meeting of tho Stnto Associa tion of County Supervisors will ho In Des Molues January 21. John M. Matthews of this city, who retired from tho board this year, Is president, and has been selected to reply to tho address of welcome by Mayor Hartonbowor of Des Moines. Mr. Matthews will also take part In tho gen eral discussion on "Good and Had Honda and Itural Houtes." Jacob Hanreu, whoso term expired this yenr, Is on tho program to lead tho discussion on "Transient raupers." Chairman Ilrnndea and other incmbera of tho bonrd expect to attond the mooting in Des Moines. I Failure In life Is more often due toexhutcd nerve force than to Inck nt capital, Htruug tiervrs are the cnpitsl that helps men conquer conditions, When people loe their capital they setto work to tegain It. When we lose our nerve force we ought to seek a meant of celling It' back. There is a way, certain and scientific. feed the nerves, making them steady nnd strong ns steel. We do not believe they cnti fall to cure Nervous Debility nnd phyIcat ex hnuntlon; flint's why we acrre to refund your money If tlx, boxc do uot cure you. ( $1.00 per box;' C boxes $5 00, malted securely healed upon receipt of price. Pcok fiee. ' 9m ) by Kxatm m oo,, FulUr Faiat Dru co Omaha: ulllon'a Dru 'tor. M ..... I. f-i. .. .1 V,, ,ii m tn I .1 1 1 Tl i"" l! HUUlll Will M-1 1. fe.1 14 w, juiun. ia LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director ,j,diiar ta tv. I!. hlatAnl - PBAHI. STHEBT. Phono WI. FARM LOANS 5c? Necotlatad In 'brH and lo Mila BUjCeuncll mull JJ BLUFFS. ORDER RAILROADS TO LIGHT Wajr aid Otuaoilmtn Dimtnd Illimina tion at OfcutDfi. INSISTS THAT PUBLIC SAFETY DEMANDS IT (MiisiniU'li ns the Itmids Do ot .Mnln tuln 1'lnKineiii the ' Authorities Hcllevc Their Order Is it lust One, Id accordanco with the Instructions given by tht city council at Its meeting Monday night. Mayor Jennings yesterday notified tho railroad companies that they would he henceforth required to maintain arc lights Rt tho points where their tracks crossed the streets of tho city. Thero are already lights at a number of these points, which liavo been maintained by tho city, but the authorities aro of the opinion that the burden should fall upon the railroads. In addition to maintaining tho lights already established, they will bo required to es tablish lights nt points which aro not al ready Illuminated. Tho Intersections where tho railroads will bo required to maintain electric lights are Sixth avenuo and Twelfth street; Avcnuo H and Eleventh street: Hrondwny and Elev enth Btrcct,; Fourth avenun nnd Elovcnth stroot! Eighth avcliuo and Twelfth street; Ilroadway and .Eighteenth street; Avenuo It and Thirteenth street; Avenuo n and Eighteenth street; Ilroadway and Thirteenth street; Seventh nvenue and, Sixteenth street; Eleventh avenuo and Seventh street; Eleventh avenuo nnd Eighteenth street; Sixteenth avenuo and Fourth street; Eleventh avenue and Main street; Eigh teenth avenuo nnd Eleventh street; Twenty first avenue and Seventh street; Sixteenth avenuo nnd Main street; Fifth avenue and Fourth street. Tho clfy council Is of tho opinion that It has tho authority to "enforco tho main tenance of lights at theso railway crossings for tho benefit nnd safety of tho public. Many of tho points where tho lights aro ordered to bo :nalntnlncd aro regarded as dangerous crossings and tho aldermen feol that as long as tho railroads havo not been required to koop flagmen at theso Places they can havo no valid objection to main taining tho lights as directed. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT He SliiMin Hint Ofllclnl Are Conscien tious In tlir Mnttcr of Fees, Assistant County Attorney" Kimball com pleted his annual report for 1001, which ho will submit to tho Hoard of County Super visors today. Tho total number of cases In the local Justice courts was 251, and 71 outside, tho cly. The convictions were 109; acquittals, 71;, dismissed, 10; pending, 46. Tho total cost of theso cases In the city wns $1,30$. 70, nn avcrago of $5.57 a case. Tho cost outside tho city was $601.81, an avcrago of $8.47 a cose. Mr, Klmbnll In his report says: Jt Will be observed thnt tho niunhpr nt convictions is almost twice tho number of acquittals, nnd' that a largo "number .of cases aro dismissed. The overage costs per caso Is uiuch lower In the superior court than In tho other courts, for tho reason thnt tho superior court' Judge nnd tho city marshal are paid salaries und not In fees. The averago cost per cane Is also slightly vnrled from yenr to year among mo courts auuMs uue ran en to tno cnarnc tcr of tho cases beforo tho court. Thero Is tho utmost harmony between the various courts and this ofllce and nil nld in maklne tno expense to tno county nominal, and while tho Justice court olllcers are com pensated on tho cenrehenslblo nlnn of fees It should be said that all such officers with whom this olllco haa work nro exceedingly conscientious and might In many cases in crease the amount of their fees wero they so Inclined. The greatest savlntr Is made In whnt wns formerly paid In witness fees. This Is largely dono In preventing prosecu tions ror tne purpose or drawing such fees by calling only necessary witnesses, and by ns far ns possible calling them but for ono day; However, oxpenso Is not spared when It Is necessary to tho vigorous prose cution of the guilty, upon the principle that tho purpose for which public oxpenso Is made Is of moro Importance than the mere amount expended. Tho following Is a comparative summary of tho costs and fees paid by the county for coses under my supervision In tho criminal courts of tho city. Eighteen hun dred and ninety-six being tho. last year be fore tho office wns created nnd 1S97 aro omitted becnuso tho expenses have never been computed for that year: O o YEAH. 1890 1899 Ill 181 104 97 42 351 $4,339,781 111.57 130 101 .1,211.13 2,482.37 1.7M.78 7.7'J 6.80 6.12 5.57 152 1900 1901 81 110 80 81 1,398.79 It will bo seen that tho total nmount ex pended by tho county Is less for this year than last, nnd that tno cost on nn averago per case Is also smaller, but It can hardly e expected that It will continue to no so low nil of the time. It Is worthy or noto that ncurly $3,000 less Is chargeable against tho county ror ineso enses uuring mo yenr than In 1890. Smith & nradlcy's big discount snlo still continues with unabated Interest. Judging from the amount of business tboy have been doing tho last few days, tho people of Council muffs know a' good thing when tboy sed It. Davis sells paint. BILLS FOR SMALLPOX PATIENTS Comity Supervisors ltrcclve Clnlm of L'.luht Hundred Dollnra fur City Supplied. At tho meeting of tho Doard of Countv Supervisors yesterday the city presented bills aggregating about 1S00 for nupplles furnished smallpox patients. Theso bills did not Include expensos of physicians or nurses. Ah they were not fully vorlfled. they wero referred back to tho city, and Supervisors linker nnd Korney wero ap pointed a committee ' to' pass upon and allow thorn when properly verified. Publtthcr Depew of the Walnut Uureau presented a bill for $10 for publishing tho terms of district court, As there seemed to bo somo question as to Depew's having been authorized to publish them, the bill vas rcforred to the county attorney, A. Johnson was appointed Janitor of tho county courthouse In Avoca at $100 a year. Tho contract for burying pauper dead was awarded to Hill Dros. of this city at $8 a peraon, Charles unkley was tho only other bidder, at $10. The annual report of Justice of tho Pcaco Perrler Miowed fees taxed and collected 1 for tho four quarters as follows; First quarter, focB taxed, $291,35; fees collected. $129.95. Second quarter, fees taxed, $272.50, fees collected. $257.25. Third nnartcr. fees i taxed. $478: fees collected. $378. Fourth i quqrter( fees taxed, $394.50; fees collected, $262.76. Total for tho year, fees taxed, $1,439.35; fees collected, Jl.027.03. Tho matter of repairing tho cylinder In the county Jail was discussed and tho board decided It would havo to secure the serv ice of an expert engineer to determine what could bo done. It Is believed that the top beam, which supports the cylinder, Is bent about four Inches nnd that If this defect wns remedied the cylinder would work all right. The board expects to adjourn today until some date In February. WILLIAM TOMPKIN'S SUICIDE Coroner Trpjnor Derides Inquest t!u ncccsanry In Case nt AVniild lle .Murderer. Coroner Troynor wns called to Mace donia yesterday morning by tho suicide of William Tompkln, after attempting to mur der his step-granddaughter. Tho coroner decided that nn Inquest won unnecessary. He returned last evening. Nora Mlllor, tho young woman, who had a narrow escapo from being killed, was nblo to be about, although suffering from tho shock of her experience. William Tompkln was well known In Council Hluffs, where thirty years ago ho lived for a short time, beforo removing to his farm near Macedonia. Twenty-five years ago Tompkln tried to kill his. wlfo In this city. Ho had become Jealous of her and finding that sho had come to Coun cil Hluffs, followed her. Meeting her on the street In front of tho Hrynnt houso on Uroadwny, now occuplod by the Ncumaycr hotel, ho tried to cut her throat with a penknife. Ho Inflicted twenty-soven gashes, and for a time It was thought tho woman s Injuries would prove fatal. Tomp kin wns arrested and confined In tho county Jail. Ills wlfo rocovered nnd nB sho ro fused to prosecuto Tompkln was released. Sho died about a year ago. Tompkln was an Englishman and was re garded by thoso who know hjm ns not only being eccentric, but somewhat dangerous When under tho Influence of liquor he fre quently said ho hnd bebn obliged to leavo England for killing a man. He was con sldered a great sport nnd lovor of blooded sock. On his farm at Macedonia thero nro over fifty blooded .horses, not to montlon blooded bulldogs nnd gamecocks. Ho was a great cock fighter nnd was a familiar character at all the mains In this vicinity Ills farm of 400 acres was ono of the best in tho county and It la expected that his estate after all debts have been paid will rcallzo closo upon $50,000. U. n. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. HOLDS UP NIGHT WATCHMAN Nervous Ilurfclnr trllli Itevolvrr Gets Genrgp Kellar's Coin nnd Kejr. A burglar broke Into tho A. C. Kollar borso collar factory at Thirty-second street nnd Avenuo A early yesterday morning and held up George Kcllar, who acts as night watchman and sleeps In the factory. Somo small change, which ho abstracted from George Kellar's clothes, and a key to tho building Is all that tbo burglar obtained. Tho burglar, "who was disguised by a handkerchief tied over tho upper part of his face, secured an entrance to tho build ing by forcing a window on tho east side. George Kollar, who was asloep In a small room off the main factory, heard tho fellow prowling and started to Investigate. As Boon as ho was discovered the burglar drew a revolver and pointing at Kellar's head ordered him to get back Into bed. Kellar lost no tlrao In complying with tho order. The fellow then went through his clothes and took what little chango he had In his pockets; The burglar Instructed Kollar to; stay whero 'he was under' penalty of having' a bullet through his body, nnd made his. exit out of tho .window through which he had entered. Tho fellow examined the safe, but did not nttompt to forco It. From his manner Georgo Kellar took tho fellow to bo a novlco In the' burglary business, as ho ap peared nervous tho wholo time ho was In the building. U. It. K. P. dance tonight. Hughes' hall. Davis sells glass Ileal Hutnte Transfers. Theso transfers woro filed yesterday In the abstract, tit lo and loan office of J. W. Squlro, 101 Pearl 'street: Thomas Brldgmnn to William J. iiiue, lots 7 nnu s, unner s .iu aun llnneock. w. d $ 300 Emma Htuhr nnd husband to Julius stuhr, undivis interest in n',4 or lot 2. block 9. MInden. w. d 300 Emma Stuhr nnd husband to John E. Killers, snnie, w. d 300 Clniis Ilenrv Stuhr and wife to John K. isniers, unuivyj interest in syj oi lot 1. block 9. MInden. w. d 1.600 Julius Stuhr and wlfo to John E. Killers, undlv'i Interest In sV4 or lot . 2. block 9. MInden. w. d C00 Jesslo Mngruder to Chris J. Christ- orrerson. unuivi-iu or iw acres m 28 nnd 33-7C-43. W. d 45C W. It. Kltm and wlfo to same, un- dlvl-5 of same, w. d i."" Fred C. Chllds nnd wife to same, same. w. d '. 1.3S8 Ilnrrlet J. Ilarrltt and husband to snme, same, w d..... 1.3SS Chnrlns II. King and wife to same, snme, w. d 1.3S8 Receivers of Officer & Pusey to Snmuel Q. 'Underwood, lot 9. block N, Curtis & Itnmsoy's itdd., w. d,,.. 2.0CO Eugene M. Enmsworth nnd wlfo to Emma Dewltt, wi nw,i and s'-j rtwM 9-70-39, w. d 11,20) Emma Dewltt nnd husband to Ed . Peppol, w'4 noVi 20-70-39. w. d 4,400 Sheriff to J. V. Squire, lot 2, block 3, Rlddlo's subdlv., sh. d 4,W Sophia H. Douglas to Sena L. Cott- rell, three-quarters of nn acre In mm fiwU 29-75-43, n. c. d 1 Dora Schmidt to Hlchnrd Winter, sou seJ nnd elO acres swVi sei 30- 74-43, R. w. d 1 Richard Winter and wife to Dora, ""7 ...... .i w , BWtt seli 3ti-74-43. B. W. d P J. E. V. McGeo and wlfo to Sarah H. 11. Rohrer, lot 5,. block 8, Crimen' add,, q. c. d 5 Eighteen transfers, total $31,337 ClutnKCH nt MllwnuUcc Depot. L. A. Greer, freight and passenger agent of tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way In this city for tho last three years, has resigned and yesterday morning was succeeded by W. L. nutler as freight agent and C. A. Searlght as ticket agent. Mr. Greer hns been In tho employ of tho Mllwaukeo road twenty-one years and his retirement us local representative came as( a great surpriso to uis many menus, w. L nutler, who haB been placed In chargo of thn freight business, has, been cashier and assistant to Mr. Greer In the local freight office. C. A. Searlght has been ticket agent nt the local passenger depot several years. I'liuU u Dmrn llnrae Collars. (Tom Young, employed nt the waterworks on Lower Droadway, found ono dozefi horse collars yesterday morning. They bad-been dropped from a, transfer wagon while being nauicd tram tae Keiiar ractory onrAvnnue A to Omaha. Young thought ho was en titled to a reward for finding them and re fused to glvo them up until he was. paid $.1. Tho police were, up pi led to nnd secured t&o return of the goods to tbclr owner. Ciisi AicnlnHt nihil Dtainlsiieil, The caso against Frank Glbbs, solicitor for an eastern art publication, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses by making false representation ns to pre miums, was dismissed lu Justice Drynnt's court yesterday on motion of the assistant county attorney Mr. Kimball moved to dismiss the cose on tbo grounds that the alleged promises under which Gtbbs Is charged with obtaining money wcro future promises and n mere contract and not an existing fact and the breach of promlso would bo merely a breach of contract, for which civil damages could bo collected. Qlbbs was arrested on complaint of Charles Turnbtoom, although other die- satisfied subscribers wero said to bo Ijack of tho prosecution. Glbbs said through his attorney in court yestcrdny that ho In tended to begin an action for damages against thoso responsible for his arrest. DEATH OF FANCHER STIMS0N Former City Diiulnerr Kxiilren of Heart Trouble After Short llliiris. Fnnchcr Stlmson died early yesterday morning nt his home, 221 Tenth avenue, of heart trouble, after a brief Illness. Ho was 73 years of age and' had been a real' dent of Council Hluffs slnco 1879. Ho. had hold tho position of city engineer from 1888 to 1890. Of lata years he had not been actively engaged In buslpess. Fivo sons survive him, Edgar F., assistant city en glncor in this city; F. C, yardtnaster for tho Northwestern in Sterling, 111.; II. H.. roadmastcr for the Colorado , Southern at Trinidad, Colo.; A. E. of Houston, Tex., nnd W. C. of Wichita, Knn; also two daugh tors, Mrs. Georgo Alllnghnm of this city and Mrs. W. P. Adklns of South Omaha. Mr. Stlmson wns b6rn In nioomflnld. N Y. In tho winter of 1849 ho went overland to California In the rush for tho ncwly dlscovercd gold fields. A yenr later ho re turned cast by way of Panama and sub sequently removed to Wisconsin. In 1879 ho came to Council muffs as chief on- glneor for tbo Iowa division of the Omaha & St, Louis railroad and n year later en tcred tho employ of the, Union Pacific In Its engineering department, remaining with that road until 1S87. No' arrangements will be made for tho funeral until tho absent sons aro hoard from. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telethons 260. U. It. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. Object to Division of Kstntr, .Mrs. Mary Alton, who wns not remcm- bcred In tho will of her father, John Clau sen, yesterday In the district court filed objections to tho salo of the real estate by tho administrator. Sho objects on tho grounds that tho personal property Is sufll ctent to pay all debts standing against tho estate; that no report haa been filed by tho administrator nnd that no claims havo been nllowed against tho CBtatc; that It would be to tho beht Interests of all Interested In the cBtate that tho personal property bo first exhausted In payment of tho liabilities of tho estate, before any order Is mndo by tho court for tho salo of tho real estate. Mrs. Allen has tlso filed a protest to tho probating of her father's will. DAMAGE CASE IS npCWCn l-.lll-.IV I Jnrr IntpnnticlFd nnd Trlnl Ilrarnn In Action Afcnlno Slnnz City k PnclBc Railway. ONAWA, la.. Jan? AT. (Special Tele- I gram.) The celebrated case of Luella S. Pickett against tho Sioux City & Pacific Railway Company (No: 27521' law), In which $40,000 damages are claimed for injuries re ceived by plaintiff In1 falling off the plat form at Mondamln, la., owing-to Its being Insufficiently lighted. In August, 1900, was called today In the Monona county district court. Hcaley Bros, of Vort Dodge and Georgo A. Oliver of Onawa- appeared for plaintiff and J. ft. Shecan of Omaha and McMillan ft Klndall of Onawa represented the railroad company. There are over seventy-flvo witnesses summoned In the case nnd something over 1,500 pages of depositions have bcon taken. The jury was Impanelled this forenoon and it was obtained with less difficulty than was anticipated. Tho opening statement was mado by Tom Healey, who was followed by J. Jt. Sheoan In behalf of tho railroad company. Tbo caso Is expected to take' a week or moro for trial. Tho Jury Is composed of eight far mers, three mechanics and ono merchant. BOY STRUCK BY A MAILSACK niow Causes Severe Injuries, Which He Kndenvors to Secure Immunises. for ATLANTIC, Ia., Jan. 10,-MSpeclal Tele- gram.) Another big damage caso has Just been started In the district court nt tuW placo against the Chicago, Rock Island & aclflc railroad. Tho basis of tho action la an accidental Injury sustained by Arthur, n minor son of G. K. Dlerks of Marne on tho evonlng of October 25, 1901, by reason of a heavy sack of mall being. thrown from rain No. 1 passing through Marno at from forty to fifty miles an 'hour. Tho boy wns 'standing fully twenty-two feet from tho track" when tbo discharged mail nack struck him and ho was dragged twenty feet by the blow, falling upon the sidewalk with such force ns to render him unconscious for somo time afterwards, Hy reason of this accident tho petition states that tho plaintiff has sustained severe In juries, suffering n sevoro shock to his nerv ous system and conclusion of tho brain, nnd asks Judgment of $3,000 and costs' against tho defendant company. Vor Theft from Government HulldliiK. ATLANTIC, Ia., Jan. 10. (Special Tele gram.) Ed Sanford, a well known youth of Atlautlc, eon of respectable and well-to-do parents who llvo at Avoca, was arrested this morning by Cqnstnblo LaRuo upon a warrant sworn out by John Michaels of Cumberland upon tho chargo of larceny. Michaels set bis telescope grip 'down In tho lobby of the postofllco white awaiting the arrival of tho Cumberland hack, and Sanford took. tho grip and departod. He was noticed with the grip by an acquaint' anco, who notified tho officers, nnd they finally made him produce the grip from the toalhouso where ho had hidden It on reach ing home. Ho was conflnod to tho county Jail pend ing his hearing, which has been set for Monday. Postmaster Conerd has notified fho postal department at Washington, and Sauford may be called upon to stand trial In tho federal court upon tbo charge of larceny from a government building. Discrepant'' In .c-countN Aliened. CItESTON, Ia Jan. 10. (Special.) The new Couuty Hoard of Supervisors held Its sessions In this city this week, adjourning Thursday afternoon. Among other business that carao beforo tho board was nn Jnvestl gatlon of tho books of ex-County Super intendent Charles Emerson, tho defeated candidate on tho republican ticket lust fall for tho office of representative of this county, owing to a charge filed that bis accounts would thow. a shortage. An ex amination, conducted hy experts, revealed, according to tho report of the examiners, a shortage of 2E",I0. CONTESTS IN THE SENATE Iptoiat Crnite Liklj to Be Aikid to Hirrj Thtir Dlipcal. SHAW APPRECIATES NEBRASKA COURTESY l'cdrrnl I'oslt Ions Considered li.v Pol- ltlclnnn State Median of Super visors Kepti til lenn Cm li on i Cnlled, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 10. (Special.) It seems probable there will bo appointed lu tho senato a special committee to havo chargo of the two contest cases which aro to come before that body. In the Caso- Shelby district Dr. Eimncrt, democrat, had Just ono more vote than Jnmes E. Bruce, republican, according to tho official count and returns. Uruce has contested. He Is desirous of having the contest disposed of as soon ns posnlhle. If thu contest should go to one of the regular commttti-t It might be nllowed to drag along for many weeks, but-llruco 1b confident he will win and wishes to hnve a chance nt tho senate as soon rh possible. In deference to his wishes Lieutenant Governor Hcrrlott will nppolnt a special committee to look after this contests. This Is not decdred by thoso Interested In tho case from Dubuque, county, whero Senator Nolan Is contesting the seat held by Colonel P. W. Crawford, repub lican. Crawford has twenty-eight majority on tho fnco of tho returns, and It to gen erally believed, even by the democrats, that thero Is vory little In the contest from Dubuque. Therefore Crawford will not offer any obstacle to having the contest referred io a special commiiiec. i nere is one con test In tho house, but It will attract no at tention. Governor 'Slinvr'n Plans. Governor Shaw spent tho day nt his ofllce Ho received tho printed copies of his ad dress which aro to be sunt out In advance and nttended to other matters relating to tho cloning up of IiIh business, lie also received ninny callers. Ho expressed him self as highly pleased with tho vory flat tering compliment to him of tho night be fore In tho banquet of the Grnfit club. Ho stated that he was particularly pleased with tho expressions which enmo to him from thoso of other stntes nnd with tho ns surnnce of Mr. Ilosowntcr at the banquet that his work In tho Nebraska campaign had been fully apperctatcd. ' Federal I'niltlnii Considered. Among tho politician gathered hero this week thero has been, much talk nbout tho final disposal of tho federal positions In town, jno term or Attorney .mucs, repre senting tho United States In tho southern district, expired today and no provision has been made for appointing a successor. In fact, ho will bo permitted to hold on whllo awaiting tho pleasuro of tho Iowa delega tion In tho matter of tho disposal of thn cntlro federnl patronago of the otnto. Other commissions expire next month nnd a num ber of postmasters aro to be commissioned. Pressuro Is to bo brought .to bear on thn Iowa delegation to get, togcthor and dlsposo of tho matter Immediately after the return of Senators Allison nnd Dolltver to Wash- Ington. It Is bolleved this will bo dono. Ppka, nnlv anrlntia mnltrtr ta In fliv tinrllinrn ...... w,. . ... ,v ........... district, whero both the collector of ln ternal revenue and tho district attorney llvo. In tho same congressional district. Hlnte Mfjrtliitr of Nuprrvlsom. A alati1Li.nnvi.nMnn nt tlin mnmltnra fit tho boards of supervisors will be held here beginning January 21. J. M. Matthews bt Council Bluffs Is prcsldont, and tho pro gram Is quite extensive. Among tho sub jects to bo discussed nnd prcsontcd aro thoso of county care of tho Insane, transient paupers, publication of proceedings of tho boards, care of sldk paupers from tho coun try. In' city hospitals, laws In tho Interest or laxpuyeTH, nau roaas, county oriuges, township and road'' taxes, and county paupers. Tho members of tho boards of supervisors aro In favor of n largo number of changes In the laws as rotated to county management and to rellovo tho countlos of some burdens of taxation. Tho moot ing will undoubtedly appoint a committee to appear beforo tho legislature and present these matters. Mrs. Sternborg, formerly Miss Minnie Murray of Nashua, la., Is reported seriously ill In New York, whero sho has lived since her I marriage, a" few Vcars'ago. Sho at tained national reputation a few years ago by her enthusiasm for Goverimr Holes nt tho democratic national convention, whero has been writing syndicate articles for eastern newspapers, but somo tlmo ago wns Injured by- a horse which was running away and Is now 111. Iteiiiihllenn Caucus Cnlled. Little hail been done today In regard to the furtherance of tbo slato arranged for legislative positions'. Only a few places yot remain to bo filled, such ns assistant doorkeepers, pages and positions of HKo. minor chnracter. Tho call for the caucus has be:n Issued and has been signed by Sonator M. L. Temple and u majority of members of tho genoral assembly. Tho call follows; Wo. the undersigned members of tho Twenty-ninth gencrnl assembly of Iowa, do liereoy join in it cuu tor u caucus lor wiu nomination oi a cnnuiuuin mr npcaiier, chief clerk, and other officers and em ployes of tho Twepty-nlnth general ns sembly. Such caucus to bo held In com mittee room No. 1, houso wing of tho cupltol, at 2 p. m., January 11, 1902. I'niKri'Ms of Grout 'WeHlrrii, STORM LAKE, Ia., Jan. 10. (Special.) J, E. Carter, a railroad contractor' of this county, who has a contract for tho con struction of n portion of tho Hampton Clarion extension of tha Great Wcstoru, was In the cty this weok. Carter, who was recently In Fort Dodge, called at tho offico of tho company nnd wns Informed by an official of the road that tho Sioux City oxtcnslon would surely bo built and Kodol Dyspepsia Cure A healthy stomach, cupabloof dlgcstlnt? a cood, (squnro meal, Is a great blessing. It keeps tho body strong by insuring plenty of nourishment. In fact, It means perfect health. Dut some thing must bo dono when tho stoniuch is so tired that it can't digest what you cat, for undigested food poisons tho blood. Wo cap recommend a preparation that completely digests all classes of foods that Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gives tho stomach perfect rest and allows you to eat and enjoy tho variety of food that is necessary for maintaining health. It never fails to euro Indigestion, after everything elso haa failed. It is pleasant to tako and can bo used In all conditions. "For many years I suffered from chronic Indigestion, and It scorned as though nothing was going to do ino any good. On tho advice of a friend 1 commenced using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It gave mo lmmedlato relief and I continued Its use, until now I feel that I am cured. "Henry F. Cramer, Wcndclvillo, N. 'i . It can't help but do, you good ared by E. O. DeYVltt &Oa, Chicago. The ft. bottle coutulna'Jii times tho Uc. slzo. Prepared The favorite household remedy for couchs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, throat and lung troubles is ONE MINUTE Couah Cure It cures quickly, Stiff Joints vCi51 ffll What a stiff joint needs VlllW'&Cl Vll m0rc than anything else is . Omega Oil. The next need is plenty of massage, or rub bing. The rubbing makes the blood flow faster, and the Oil loosens up and softens the hard, stiff places. The first thing to do with a stiff joint in machinery is to oil it, and then work it back and forth until all the stiffness is gone. Now, as a matter of fact, your body is a machine, not of iron, but flesh, mus cles and joints, and you want to keep it well oiled with Omega Oil if you expect to have it in good run ning order. This is common sense, and every one knows it to be the truth. OoMca Oil Is good for everything When dissatisfied, move to The Bee Building . Reasonable rental accommodations R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, that It would undoubtedly pass through Storm Lake. According to Carter, tho lino Is to run from Clarion to Sioux City. Tha proposed Sac City route has been aban doned, ns tho cost of construction would bo, too great, tho country around Sac City nnd to tho west from thero bolug too rough. Tbo officials Informed Carter that tho contract for tho construction of the Omaha extension had beon let. Arrested on Iluolinnd'n Coinuliiliit. ATLANTIC, In., Jan. .10. (Special Tele gram.) E. J. Connrd and Mrs. Llzzlo Har row, both of Malvern, wcro brought to this city from GrlBWold by Constable Swnrbo and turned over to the sheriff for conllne ment In the county jail to await tho ac tion of tho grand Jury on n charge pre ferred by tho woman's husband. It seems, from what can bo gathered from tho prisoners, that Mrs. Harrow had left her husband at Malvern and hnd asso ciated with Connrd, who wns running a temporary shooting gallery nt Grlswold. Harrow followed tho woman to Grlswold .and, notifying the offlclnls, had Connrd's rooms back of his gallery raided at f. o'clock lh tho morning nnd tho pair wcro arrested. Tho pair wcro taken boforo a Justlco of the pence and waived examina tion. Harrow, who filed tho information, says thnt when tho grand Jury meats next month ho will appear against them. Far Attrmpt to Commit SI order. ATLANTIC, In.. Jnn. 10. (Special Telo gram.) Tom Walters, who was rolcasod from tho county Jail today after serving n thirty days' sentence for being drunk, wnB at once rearrested by Marshal Root of Cumberland upon tho charge of assault with the intent to commit murder. While Wnltors was enjoying tho sproo for which ho has Just paid with thirty days of his liberty It seems ho went homo, where ho began making kindling wood of tho furni ture. His wlfo remonstrated with blm and he got out n shotgun and said he would kill her. A terrible tlmo wob had and n big holo Is sild to bo seen In tho door whero tho load Intended for tho woman struck. Mrs. Wnltors mado hqr escapo to tho homo of a nolghbor. KIliN Hold Charity Knlr. CRESTON, In., Jan. 10. (Special.) Tito Order of Elks ,of this city expect to give a charity fair soon. Wholosalo houses doing business with Coston merchants havo been solicited id contribute nnd havo responded liberally and mnny nrtlclvs of vnluo will be offered. Digests what you Eat a liniment ought to be good (or, prices and perfect ? jf & & j Ground r'loor, Bee Building. S5.00 ft MONTI! SPECIALIST in All Diseases anJ Disorders of Men 10 years In Oman VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without catting, sulk. sV lost of time. CVDUII iGfCurcdforllfaanathapoIsoa 3T r n I UIS thoroughly cUnnied from the iTstem Soon every sIru and symptom disappears puears completely completely and forever. No DUE AKING OUT" ot the illseae on the skin or tee. treatment contains uo dangerous drugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK WIEN from Excemes or Victiui TO NKHVOUB DKUlMTr Of KXIUrjgTIOtf, WiRTINO WBAKNKSS With KARL.V IlIUAT In Youno and Miudlk Aasn, lack ot Tim, vlpr.r and strength, with organs Impaired nnA wuk. STRICTURE cured with a new Hoim Treatment. No pain, ro detention from busl' oea. Kidney nnd madder Troubles. . . CHARGES v. DW CoiMltatlea I rre. Trutment by Milt. Call ou on or address 9 So. 4th Ci4 Or. Searlos t Searlos. Omaha. M. D0HANY THEATER, GKO. STEVENSON, Mr. January 14 Eliery's Royal Italian Band Under ho nusplces of. B. P. 0. E. 531 GO PIECES Under tho leadership of the world renowned Signor Creators 15 SOLOISTS Admlsfclnu We, 75c, J1.00, Sontn ran bo obtained nt tho box olllco nn and ufter Huturday morning. POHAWY THEATER Saturday, Jan. II Carl A. Haswin Famous throughout the, world ns tho "Silver KlimK' will present the Rrnnd sconlo molodinma In four acts entitled, A Lion's Heart The cntlro prmliietlon under tho direc tion of KrunrlK It, Huh win.. Tho dm mutlo event of tho yunr. A carload nf special scenery und mochtiiiicul effects, l'rlco 35c, 60c, 75c. "Mnn wint bu j little Here ueiow" Suid a morbid poet 5oi;r yo.irn hk I'm prone to doubt Unit uncle nt suue When I look nt The Hcc' ureiit "Want Ad" piigo. l TTl