Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    I -
is oar tarns duiju dciici hi me Dig aiuic.
Ilundrpds of .small lols, ortdtf and ondH, brokfii sizes, short lengths, etc., etc., in now, perfect and most desirltble nierehandise on sale Saturday, at about one-tenth their real value, in THE BARGAIN KOOM. Also most astonish
ing values in every department in
Sz THE Great After-Inventory Sales Now in Full Blast
The immense business of The IHg Store makes rioMing out all winter lines absolutely necessary at this season. Economical and shrewd buyers look '.to llaytlen's for genuine and unequalled bargains, and aside frojn the advertised
urticles, make it a point t h!kP through all the departments and pick up their entire supplies" for the winter, at a saving of fully i0 per cent. AGENTS FOR BUTTEHICK PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS.
iiat um
Extra Specials in
Saturday we will hold 30 minute special sales, so cheap
that we almost
Everybody knows that
is a genuine
From 0 to 8:30 a. m.
Wo will sell bcachcd muslin, yurd wide,
worth 7',Sc per yard, .only 10 yards to cus
tomer, nt, yard, 2c.
From 9:30 to 10 a.m.
Wo will hcII the bent skirt lining made,
worth Cc per yard, only 10 yards to cus
tomer, at, yard, l?ic.
From II to 11:30 a. m.
Wc will sell nil wool, half wool, silk and
wool dress goods, worth from 00c to $1.60,'
at, jnrd, 10c: only 7 yards to customer.
From 12 to 12:30 p. m.
Wo will noil apron chuck glnghnm, worth
6c per yard, ouly yurds to customer, nt,
yard, 2J4c.
From 12:30 to I p. m;
Wo IU sell ynrd wide, oxlru heavy mus
lin, unbleached, worth 6c ynrd; only 10
I'urds to customer, nt 2',5c. t
From 2 to 2:30 p. m.
Wo will sell all our patterns of dress
goods worth $1. nnd ?2.'J8 yard, only 4
'or Cyard8''l6 enstomor, nt, per' ynrd, 25o.
CobUjm WksM.t Him at Caitla Qardii
ltaeaiJ Omaha.
New Arrlviil Wnn Iiuliieetl by Snldy'a
AllcKfit Slnjer to llemnln In
New York n Month llf
. fore Co in I n ir 1 1 ore.
' Joo Bordowoel, nllegcd slayer of NaJceb
Saldy. the Assyrian, has been cutting a few
Gordlan "knots hlniBelf, If nil reports nrs
truo, nnd is now safo und sound In tho "old
country." Word to .this effect wus "brought
to tho Assyrian colony In Omaha throe days
into by Mlnter Bylastro, a recent arrival
from Assyria, and a ruprcHcntntlvo of that
community reported It to tho police,
llylastro Is quoted- as follows: "I knew
Joe Ilardeweel In tho old country nnd when
I I got off u ship at Cnstlo Garden December
o I ran right Into him and Recognized him
at once, und ho know mo, too. Ho asked
mo whoro I wns going nnd I told him to
Omaha. Ho suld: 'I know where you can
,get aJob In Now York.' I told him I didn't
. wnut to stop in Now York, but ho insisted,
Ho nald I. could do butter In Now York
tVinii in nnmnn. Then ho took mo to nn
ofllco (tho pollco bpllcvo tho ofllce to havo
teen nn icmploymcnt agency) nnd gave n
man $2 to glvo me a Job In n dairy. I
worked nt this almost n month and thnn
camo to Omnhn. I never saw Uardoweol
of tor that dny, hut supposed ho went to
tho old country, iih ho said ho was going
Ho never said anything about his trouble In
Asa result of this report tho pollco havo
quit searching for Dardoweel. All reports
that ho had been seen In various places In
tho vicinity of Omnha havo boon run down
nnd found to be fnlse. He Is known to havo
had considerable inouuy,
Poller Will Arrrnt Allen (iorilon nnd
Nell Slitiriiiiiu Whenever
1'oiiuil In llml jUinila,
Alice Gordon nnd Nell Sherman, women
of tho town, who havq beon making them
selves obnoxious, to tho pollco by various
nets ot pocketplcklng, wcro nrrestod ngnln
Frldny, making the second time thoy had
bocn taken In custody within forty-eight
hours. They had been released Thursday
by Pollco Judgo Herka on thoir own rocog
nlzanco to appear for trial today.
This Is In line .with Chief Douahuo'i
policy to rid thq city of .the llght-nngorod
women ot the oast Bide. "Thoao two aro
to bo mado examples of," said he, "and
thoy nro to be nrrestcd whonover neon by
No ninttcr when or whcro
you opcu n jar of tho
Company's Extract
OF BEEF, Its quality is nlwnys tho
snme. It can bo absolutely depended
upon under nil conditions and in every
This signature J yfi
in blue, proves jcjl4-C
tho genuine: (J &t
High Grade Dress
AM our winter dress goods must go In
order to make room for. our now spring
goods now fust arriving.
Wo hixvo now ndded o TAILOR DEPART
MKNT, where wo will mako skirts nt th
most rcasonnblo prices over mado In Omaha.
Hvery skirt will bo guaranteed to lit or
money cheerfully refunded. Wo will mako
any stylo skirt or copy any design, or mako
entirely new designs, and challcngo nny
ladles' tailor west of Chicago to cither fit
or mako a Skirt ns good as wo can.
For full particulars inquire in
our high gujit dress goods
the . Bargain Room.
give away goods.
when we give a sale it
From 3:30 to 4 p.m.
Wo, will sell nil tho yolvets worth 39c and
40c, only 10 yards to customer, at, yard 8c.
nuiii u iu p. hi.
Wo will sell nil our silks that sold from
39c to $1.50 yard, blacks and colors, at.
yard, lfic; 10 yards to customer.
From 6:30 to 7 p. m.
Wo will sell 100 dozen towels at 3'c
each; only 1 pair to customer.
From 7:30 to 8 p. m.
Wo will sell nil our full standard prints,
dark nnd light colors, worth Cc.nnd 7Wc
yard, n't lftc. .
From 8 130 to 9 a. m.
Wo will sell nil our 36-ln. percales, dnrk
and light colors, worth lGc and 100 yard,
nt, yard, 3c.
From 9 to 9:30
Wo will sell 28-ln. flanncllottes, regular
15c' goods, dark npd light colors, only 10
ynids to customer, at, yard, 3c.
nn ofTlcor In tho 'district.' If wo can't con
vict thgrn, ifo enn nt least drlvo them out
of tho city. I understand they havo ex
pressed themselves now as willing to lcavo,
which they will certainly bo given a chance
to do."
1'oHlnl Uennrlitient Connlilcrn l'lim (or
Katnhllnlilnir Special Delivery
x I'oM Stiitlnni.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. In connection
with efforts the Postoftlco department Is
making to cxpedlto tho delivery ot malls
In cities n new scheme for, quicker dis
patch of spcclnl dollvory letters Is under
consideration by Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Shnllenberger. This contemplates at
taching a supplemental letterbox to the'
regular letterboxes on tho streets with a
view to depositing thoroln only tho special
delivery letters. This will bo of much
benefit to sections ot cities rcmo(o from tho
postoftlce, as special delivery messengers
would mako a rapid round of these special
delivery boxes nt frequent Intervals, trans
ferring tho ordinary letters erroneously de
posited to tho regular boxes and carrying
tho special dellvcrlos to the postofflco for
postmark "nnd Immediate delivery.
ronoNllloii Millie to I'nlleil Mutra to
.Sell All t n mil Prop- '
. ertj. t
WASHINGTON. Jnn. 10. Admiral
Walker, chairman ot the Isthmian Canal
commission, stated today that ho had ro
eelved n cablegram from tho officers of tho
Panama Canal company In Paris to sull
their property In connection with the Pan
nma canal to tho United Stated for $40,000,-
000. M. Iampru, the secretary gonoral of
tho company, who Is In Washington, stated
that the cablegram was explicit and covered
nil tho property owned by his company In
Panama and tbnt n copy of tho cablegrnm
hnd been filed with the American ambassa
dor In Paris.
Admiral Walker snld that ho would call
tho members of the Isthmian Canal com
mission together as soon as posjiblo and
lay the matter before them, when n report
would bo made to the president. ,
AViirnliiK Given ! War Deniirtment
In MxniiiliiliiK Aliplleniitii
(or Army,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Tho War de
partment hns Issued a circular calling at
tention of recruiting officers throughout tho
couutry to tho necessity for tho cxcrclsq
ot tho utmost caro In tho examination of
applicants for enlistment. 'This action was
taken by tho department becauso ot nu
mcrous applications for the discharge ot
soldiers on the ground ot minority,
Extremo caution Is enjoined and proof
directed to be demnnded In tho case of
young men who claim to be 21 years of
ago, or a few months past that age.
Cniuiiilmiloii Mereliunt I.eiiKUe I'ell
lion t'ouurea (or I'lmmmn of
Hie Mrninire.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 10. Discussion of
special subjects by branch leagues occupied
tho attention this morning ot tho delegates
tb tho annual convention ot the Natlona
League of Commission Merchants,
7le reports of the officers and standing
An Unparalelled
After-Inventory Sale
Sweeping reductions mado on all goods
for this sale. Kvery pair marked down ex
cept tho Ultra nnd Stetson ehoc. Price will
bo no object, ns wu must movo tho goods.
All goods offered In this sale aro new, up
to dato goods, made for this season's trade,
and It will pay you to como miles to soo
and puVchuso during this, tho greatest after-Inventory
sale ever held In Omaha or
tho entire west.
Ladles flno vlcl kid lace, worth up to
$1.00, sate price i... 11.96
Ladles' flno vlcl kid" lace, worth up to
$5.00, rale prlco 2.4S
I) rooks Bros.' flno vlcl kid lace, nlways
sold nt $1.00, huIc prlco 3.00
Gray IJros.' flue vlcl kid lace, nlways
sold at $3.B0, sale prlco 2. SO
Men's best box calf lace, always sold at
$3.00 nnd $3.50, sale prlco 1.90
Men'n vlcl kid lace, always sold nt $2.50
nnd $3.00, salo price....- 1.00
Hoys' fine patent leather lace welt, nl
ways sold nt $2.50 nnd $3.00, ealo
prlco 1.79
Misses' flno patent leather laco welt,
nluays sold nt $1.75 and $2.00, salo
prlco 1.3'J
Child's flno patent lonther laco welt, al
ways sold nt $1.50 and $1.76, sale
prlco 1.00
A bottlo of polish, good ns the best, ealo
prlco , Cc
Qllt Kdgo or Olyccrolo Polltih, salo
price 15o
Salo starts Saturday morning nt 8 a. m
Como early. Kxtrn clerks to wait on you:
Visit the Bargain Room; see tho crowds
taking advnntago of these wondorful bar
bains In shoes:
Men's satin calf lace shoes, worth $1.75,
ealo prlco $1.00
Men's satin calf laco shoes, worth $2.00,
ealo prlco 1.39
Men's satin calf congress shoos, worth
$2.00, salo prlco 1.39
Boys' satin calf lace shoes, worth $1.50,
salo prlco 93c
Youths' satin calf laco ehoee, worth
$1.50, salo prlco 85c
Child's patent foxed button shoce,
worth 50c, salo price 19c
Women's tan laco vlcl kid, eomo with
vesting tops, eomo with kid tops,
worth up to $3.50, salo prlco 95c
committees wero adopted and under tho
head ot "Tho Good ot tbo League" tho sub
ject ot league extension camo up." Tho
general opinion among tho delogatcs was
that In all cities whcro tbero are branches
ot tho national ,lcaguo tho required ex
tension might bo accomplished by homo
missionary work. In cities and towns where
no locnl branches exist It wns suggested
that a special committee bo appointed to
The Jackson day banquet ot tho Jack-
sontan club ot Nebraska brought out
plainly ono fact which certain member of
that olub would not believe, and that is
that tho time Is not ripe for a revolution
In Nobraska against tho power ot William
J". Brynn. According to members of that
organization outsldo of Omnha an Impres
sion moro or less founded upon fact has
gained currency that tho organization has
bocomo tired of loslns tho loaves and fishes
of .successful campaigns In tho struggle to
remain truo to tho peerless leader, nnd that
tho domluant factors of tho organization
woro ready to worshluat tho feet of Ilaal
otherwise tho eastern democracy In tho
hopo of winning a victory In the campaign
of 1904.
If any Huch schemo SCas contemplated it
received no encouragement ut the banquet.
Every mention of tho namo of Bryan wan
tbo occuslon for outbursts ot npplnuso not
exceeded by anything heard when the Ne
braskan was hailed as the mighty chief ot
a party certain o( success.
This feeling wns no doubt accentuated
by the Informal romarkB ot Congressman
Ball of TexaB In the club rooms In tho ntt
ernoon. Tho tllncuaslou had turned upon
tho futuro of tho party nnd Mr. nail said:
"Tho democratic party of tho nation must
cliocee between defeat of principles or de
feat of party bo long as It Is necessary to
carry tho stato of Now York In 'order to
eloct tho president of tho United States.
New York domocrots arc loyal to the party
ns long ns they aro permitted to manage
tho party, to name Its candidates and to
dlctato Its policy, When tho success of tho
democratic party means tho nomination of
Wall street speculators Now York can bo
expected to go democratic; when It means
that an attempt will ho mado' to carry out
tho principles ot tho democratic party, the
most honored democrats of tho Emplro
stato will either bolt tho ticket or sulk' In
their tents. Tho south Is ready-to do al
most anything for democratic success, hut
Its eyes nro open and whllo even with a
New York man ns a candldnto tho states
would probably go democratic, thero Is no
certainty that they could bo made to en
dorse such n nomination (n a democratic
Speaking of the conditions In Ohio from
a democrats standpoint, W. S. Thomas, a
man who resigned tho position of chatrma'h
of tho state central committee ot that party
In order to attend the national convention
of 1900, and who during two campaigns has
supported Mr. Ilryan, said: "I ennnot sea
what tho democratic party will do In 1904.
Mr, Bryan Is an honest and able democrat,
but ho has been dofcated twice, and tho
policy which he stood for has been repu
diated an many times by he American peo
ple In Ohio Tom Johq Is looked upon
as n man who plays to tu .grandstand. Ho
Is .not comldcred as an ah.- 'statesman. He
gots up and says to an '(Jlence: 'Yes;
I'm rich; made so by laws which havo given
me an ndvnntngo over tho nverng's man. I
am opposed to theso laws nnd want to see
them repealed.' The people cheer this
sentiment and then go away and think
Hardware, Stoves
and House Furnishings
The Grand wringer, $1.19.
2 large boxes toothpicks, Gc.
Double-runner skates, 29c.
Corner sink strainer, 10c.
King air rifles, 69c.
A good claw hammer, 9c. .
Potts' Iron handles, 6c.
2-holo No. 8 laundry stove, $2.95,
A regular $37,00 steel rango, as flno ns
made, with high warming closet, duplex
grate, asbestos lined throughout, warranted,
12-Inch Turkey dusters, 10c.
2 boxes shoo nails, Sc.
Folding ironing boards, C9c.
Sure-death mouso traps, 3c.
Foot bathtubs, 29c.
Kitchen meat saw, 15c.
All-willow cloth basket, 29c.
Heating stoves up from $1.95.
Tho finest $15.00 heating atovo made, has
all tho latest improvements, doublo heater,
very easy to rcgulato nnd a great coal
saver, $37.50.
Silk Department
Every day there IS something doing In
tho big Silk Department, and Saturday Is
no exception.
Flannel silks In pretty colors, regular
$1.25 grades, on wile Saturday for only 39c.
Dlack Amuro silk, 23-ln. wide, puro silk,
nqw designs, real $2 grades, at 75c.
ot Taffeta silks, In colors, nt 25c.
Lot flno Jap wash silks, good styles, 25c.
Fancy velvets for waists on salo, 49c.
Corduroy for waists, on sale nt 59c,
Do you know that tho Wlnslow taffeta
Is today In greater demand than over bo
foro? Tho reason Is plain, tho people have
found out by oxpcrlonco that It Is the only
safo taffeta to buy; only sold at Hayden's,
Closing Out Winter Millinery
All winter hats must bo sold nt onco.
Prices cut without regard to value. All
our flno $3.00 and $10.00 pattern bats will
bo closed out Saturday at $3.00. All our
$4.00 and $5.00 hats will bo closed out Sat
urday at $1.95.
11 o euro to seo thesis two special values.
All hat shapes nnd trimmings on special
sale Saturday.
promulgate the advantages ot membership
in tho Icacuo.
Tho convention elected tho following offi
cers: President, W; S. Mitchell, Louisville; vlco
president, C. C. Emerson, St. Paul; treas
urer, Frank W. Nix, ,Now Yorlf; secretnry,
A. W. Patch, Doston.
A resolution was adopted asking congress
to pass tho puro food bill. In speaking on
nbout It. When thoy begin to think thoy
get aliad taste In their mouths, they can
not understand this kind of talk. If It Is
honest, It Is foolish, and tho people do not
think that Tom Johnson Is a fool. At the
same time ho advocates a good many Ideas
which nro correct. His Idea on tho equal
ization of 'taxation is endorsed not only by
tho democratic, but by many republicans.
Ilut with all ot this ho has the reputation
ot being a faddist, and as a rule tho dem
ocratic party has had enough of fads, Ohio
democrats nro experiencing hard times.
Lnat fall thoy nominated ono ot tho bent
men In the stato, Colonel Kllbcurne. Ha
was defeated by on overwhelming volo, nnd
wo nro wondering what we will have to do
to carry tho state when such a raun as ho
goes' down to defeat."
Ono of tho old lino democrats who did
not nttend tho banquet, although present
In tho house was W. H. Whcoler of Dps
Moines, president, of the Iowa Stato Trav
eling Men's association. But three demo
cratic votes aro cast In am! ot tho precincts
In Drs Moines nnd ono of theso Is regularly
cost by Mr. Wheeler. Whllo tho unterrl
fld Jacksonlans wero filling, tho lobby of
tho hotel, Mr. Wboelor rolloved himself of
his feelings after this manner: "I do not
like that man Bryan, I vote tho dcmocratlo
ticket every tlrao, and tho last two cam
paigns wero no oxcoptton to tho rule, hut
Bryan has done morn to Injure the demo
cratic party In eight years than tho opposi
tion parties could do in eighty. Ho Is a
man of ono Idea. When the free sliver
Issuo was killed In 1896, Mr. Bryan should
not have forced the party to parado tho
corpse four years later. Ho has estranged
voters who are lost to us forever. Ho hns
made n policy greater thnn n principle and
tho democratic party has been forced to
wander from Its traditions. I hopo Mr.
Brynn now realizes that ho Is not an availa
ble candidate for the presidency In 1901,
but I firmly believe that bo would accept
tho posltlou were tho democrats foolish
enough to tender It to him."
An oversight by 'tho speakers at tho ban:
quet caused Home comment by tbo old line
domocrots who have not forgotten all of
tho state history of tho party. Throe
speakers dealt with affairs ot the state,
Frank T. Hansom, C. J. Bowlby of Crete
and W. H. Kolllgar of Auburn, all of whom
boasted that they had lived In the state
twenty years or" more. Each paid tribute
to the democrats who had been elected to
ofttco In tho stato, but every one of them
apparently forgot that Nebraska had over
electod a democratic candidate tor governor.
Tlmo was when James E. Boyd would
hardly have been forgotten In a gathering
of democrats. Tho congressman from Texas
even found something to commend In tho
administration of Orover Cleveland, but In
that largo crowd not ono meutlonod the
only democratic governor ot tho stato nt
Nebraska, After tho banquet was ended
somo of the people from tho stato and a
few of tho old tlmo democrats of Omnhn
who havo not forgotten the older traditions
commented upon the falling memory of tho
younger generation who know apparently
no democratic history before the time that
Linen Department
5t-lnch bleached linens, 19c.
51-Inch unbleached tablo linen, 16c.
Turkey red table linen, 68 Inches wide,
worth 35c, salo prlco 22c.
5S-lnch bleached tablo linen, worth 39c,
salo prlco 27V6c. V
CO-lnch bleached tablo linen, worth 57 He,
ealo price, 45c.
72-lnch bleached damask, worth $1.00, sale
price C9c.
72-lnch damask, worth $1.25, salo prlco,
A full elto dinner napkin, worth $1.75,
salo prlco, $1.29.
200 tray cloths go on Bale at 16c each.
Long cloth on salo nt 80c per bolt.
S-4 bleached sheeting, lGV&c.
9-4 bleached sheeting, 18c.
Towels on salo 3 for 10c.
Music Sale
Wo have about 60 copies of tho Star Dance
Folio left on band that wo want to closo
out. This Is the only collection of popular
music to bo had In book form, such places
as "When the Harvest Days Aro Over, Jes
sle, Dear Waltz," "When I Think of You
wnltzes, "Bird In n Glided Cage" waltz,
"Down Whcro tho Cotton lllossoms Grow.'
"My Lady Hottentot" ecbottlscho, "Oh, Oh,
Miss Phoebe" two-step, "My Drowsy llabo'
schottlsche, "I'm Tired" two-step, "Susie
waltz, "I Wants to Do tho Lcadln' Ladv"
two-stop, "I Ain't n Owln' to Wocp No
Moro" schottlsche, "Whuro the Sweet Mag
nollns Illoora" waltz, "My Ann Ellzcr" enko
walk; "I'd Leave My Happy Homo for You
schottlsche. Thcls Is without a doubt tho
nicest collection of Into popular music to
bo 'hud; as lung ns tho book lass wo wlV
sdll It at only 48c per copy, by mall-65c.
After this lot Is gono wo will not bo gottlng
In nhy moro, so everybody that likes Into
popular music of tho day should get a copy
of this book.
Mall orders filled tho sanio day wo get
Hair Goods Department
, Haydcns' nro leaders In switches ot nil
'Best quality hair, 18-Inch switch, value
$2.60, nt 99c.
10-lnch switch, value $3.50, at $1.98.
tbo resolution Charles F. Knight of Chi
cago said that over 5,000 carloads of Imita
tion butter were sold each year, despite
tho fact that In thirty-two stato prohibitory
laws had been enacted. This, ho said, tdok
$20,000,000 worth ot busluess out .of tho
hands of tho farmers and buttermcn of tho
After selecting Chicago as tho next meet
ing place tho convention adjourned.
Leaders of the Untcrrlfied
Know Not Where to Turn
for Guidance. -
W. V. Allen was sent to the United States
LA to Insurnnco Commissioner Prlco came
up from Lincoln with an ombryotlc slate
for tho next fusion convention. Mr. Price
has picked out John B. Mcscrve, former
treasurer, as tho only candjdato for gov
ernor. This distinguished populist Is to
run. on a platform denouncing "Stueferlsm,"
or tho policy ot handling tho public funds
In a secret manner. According to Mr. Price
but two candidates havo been so far se
lected, but tho populists and democrats of
tho western part of tho stato nro clamoring
tor tho nomination of Moscrvo for Governor
nnd Frank T. Hansom for nttorney general.
When the nTattcr was mentioned tp Mr.
Ransom by tho father ot tho plnn, the In
fant democrat invited tho cx-dopuly to
guess again. When, during tho proceedings
nt the banquet hall an enthusiastic demo
crnt declared thnt tho late silver republican
would ho tho next democratic condldato for
congress from tbo Second Nebraska dis
trict Mr. Hansom did not mako tho denial
which was bis responso to Mr. Price. Be
foro tbo meeting was over, In addition to
theso evidences ot good will, Mr. Hansom
had been named for lieutenant governor
and ns United States senator when tho fu
stonlsts should comov again into power.
Tho notablo obEcnco of G. M. Hitchcock,
H. L. Metcolfo or any representative ot tho
local orgnn of fusion from the head of tho
tablo was commented uponcby many ot the
democrats from out of the city, who Inno
cently believe that tho democracy ot the
metropolis hold a continuous lovo feast,
such ns they generally sco onco a year.
Last year Will M. Maupln, n rovamped re
publican, was a star speaker on tho pro
gram. This yenr not ono of tho roprcsen-
miives or tuo local organ was on tho pro
gram nor given a seut with tho solected
fow who by reason of their position or la
bor nro considered as entitled to the prom
lnonco which goes with a seat near the
toastmoster. And this wns notinll. It was
ns much an some ot tho cool-headed lead
ers could do to keep some of the more'
effervescent members from speaking out
In meeting nnd explaining tho absenco ot
'theso people. If tho nrst word had been
snld It wojild have been tho occasion for n
eccno which would hnvo amused many while
It would havo enlightened n fow. I
Word comes from Chicago throug'h ono ot
the Illinois visitors to tho Implement deal
ers' convention that tho real reason for the
absence ot Carter II, HnrrlBOn from the
banquet was tho condition ot tho Burke
Gnhan fight In that city. Burko has been
considered tho political mentor ot Carter
Harrison, and In his strugglo against Gaban
ho was Kup'potcd to have tho support of the
mayor and his friends. But It Is said In
.Chicago and repeated In Omaha that liar
'rlson has made terms with Gahan by which
tbo mayor Is to rccelvo the support of the
followers of his former enemy In return
for support at this critical tlmo, and that
under these circumstances Burko must go
down. It ho helped his chances at home
by staying away, Mr. Harrison certainly
gained no ground In Bryan's state.
Men's Furnishings
and Underwear Salt
All tho men's outing flannel night shirts
that Bold up to 75c, an salo at 25c.
Men's $1.00 whlto and colored laundered
shirts, xtho Griffon brand, every shirt war
ranted perfect and vorth $1.00 nnd $1.25, nt
Men's $1.00 wool and flcecc-llncd shirts
and drawers nt 49c.
All tho men's wool and silk flcece-ltncd
shirts and drawers that sold up to $1.60 on
salo nt 76c.
Men's 60c underwear In nil tho new styles
at 25c
Men's 25c half hose, In plain and fancy
colors, at 10c.
Men's 60c suspenders, tho beet .makes, on
.ale at 25c.
Men's $1.60 nil wool swentora nt 08c.
Boys' $1.60 nil wool sweaters ot 9Sc.
Men's fur gloves and mittens at 9Sc.
Grand Sale of
Ladies' Underwear
Ladles' Jersey ribbed flccco-llued vests,
at 25c.
Ladles' extra heavy cotton flcece-llncd
vests and pants, also wool vests and pants
In odds nnd onds, nt 19c.
Ladles' heavy flcece-llncd combination
suits, nt 50c.
Ladles' flno cambric drawers, trimmed
with laco nnd embroidery, worth 73c, nt 60c.
Ono lot ot lndtcB flno nainsook gowns,
trimmed with flno laco nnd embroidery,
slightly soiled, worth $5.00 nnd $6.00 each,
at $1.9S each.
Muslin gowns, embroidered, trimmed,
worth 76c, nt 60c.
-Ladles' flno. fancy trimmed night gowns,
worth $1.50, at 98c,
Ladles golf gloves In all shades, worth 75c
and up, at 49c.
Children's golf gloves In nil shades at 39c.
All tho ladles' fancy hose, worth 50c nnd
76c, nt 39e.
Ladles' flno fancy hoso nnd black flecce
llncd hosp, at 13V4c s
Special In corsets. Closing out nil tho odds
and ends In our corset department, Broken
lines In tho Standard corsets at 19c. Ladles'
glrdlo rorsets, In all colors, 18 to 24, at 49c.
Spicial Salt on Min's Hats
$1.60 HATS, 76c.
Saturday wo place nil our hatB left over
from the holidays, odds and ends, from ono
to five hats of n kind, worth $1.50 and $1.75;
Saturday, 75c.
; Caps on Silo .
Any cap In the-bouse, worth $1,00, $1.25
and $1.60. cn snto at 60c.
60c caps nt 25c.
Better I'nelllt lex Are Snld o lie
Grentlr Needed nt Military
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Tho members of
tho congressional committee on military
affairs left hero for West Point today for
the purposo of making n thorough Inspec
tions! conditions nt tho military academy
with a view to making provision for en
larging tbo establishment on modern lines.
The academy opened originally with ouly
ten cadets under Instruction. Tho corps
Increased gradually until It numbered 240
cadets In 1843. It numbers 482 at present
nnd will comprlso 011 cadets In March, 1903.
The buildings have not kept pco with
this tncrcaso and nro said to ho totally
Inadequate for tho need) of tho Institution.
It Is std'tcd that It has become necessary
to assign thrco cadots to a room orlgnally
Intended for ono occupant.
Tho congressional party couslsted of Sen
ators Hnwley, Queries, Scott and Harris
nnd Reproscntntlves Hull, Ketchom, 'rarkcr,
Capron, Stevens, Dick, Mundcll, Esch,
Brick, Prince, Sulzcr, Jett, Slnydcn, Snod-
grass and Hodey.
General Corbln, Colonel S. Barry nnd
John Carter of tbo adjutant general's de
partment accompany tho party, which will
return to Washington Sunday afternoon.
Semite Committee Itevlevfn lleport
Will eli lueluile direful Annlynla
of Mcimure,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Tho subcommit
tee of tho senato commlttco on enmmcrco
having In charge the ship subsidy bill spent
about tfiree hours today In going over the
report on that bill, which has been pre
pared by Sonator Frye. Tho roport Is a
very voluminous document nnd tho sub
committee decided to havo It printed betoro
taking action on It. It Is expected that It
will bo accepted at a meeting of tho sub
committee which will be held early next
wook' and Senator Fryo expects to secure
tho favorable action of tho full committee
when It meets next Thursday. Tho report
Includes a cnrefdl analysis of the bill and
explains In grout detail the effect of Its
various provisions.
I'renelier I'roneuuteft Nullum.
CHESTON, Ia Jan. 10, (Special,) Ac
tion, asking for a permanent Injunction
against each of tho oleven saloons In At
lantic, haH been tiled. It Is brought In tho
namo of Rov. Perry ot Afton. Tho charge
Is tho selling of Intoxicating liquors to
minors and habitual drunkards. Tho suits
havo caused considerable ot a stir. Tho
city council at Its last mooting passed
resolutions denouncing Interference with
tho traffic by outsiders. The Board of Su
pervlsors passed similar resolutions.
Cleveland Able to do lliintlnir,
NEW YOnif. , Jan. , lO.-Ex-l'resldont
Orovcr Clovolnnrt Is bo( for recovered from
tho cffectH of his recent attnek fit nneu-
monla ns to hnvo nrrnneed for a huiitlnir
mp to mo Houwi. jio win icnvo nis noma
at Prlnroton, N. J., Jnhunry 22 for an
Island off Georgetown, B. C. where, with
a party of friends, ho will remain several
Iionu Lout Child Iteeovereil.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 10,-Franlc Bllnon
tan of Union City. Mo., today wns reunited
with his daughter, Mabel Hlmonton, who
hn had for twelvo years bullevod to be
dead. Slmnnton and his wife separated
when the girl was a few months old, and
a few months lutor ho received what now
proves to nave neon a rorgeu ueatn cer
tificate. r
Ntoekliolilern Talce Uaunl Adjournment
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. The stockholders of
tho Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad
met today, but took thoir usual adjourn
ment for ono week without transacting- any
4 l-2c Grand
Notion Sale
15e corset steels for 4',aC.
15c dress stays for IHe.
16c dress shields for 4140.
25c combination package, ronUlhliiR 4
packages needles, 11 darning needles 5 hat
and veil pins and 10 pins, tho lot only t4c.
20a back combs for 4c.
16c picture frames for 4V4c.
15c horn back combs for 4Mc.
7c bias velvoteon for 4Hc.
10c linen threads, 414c.
25c hand mirrors, H4c. ,
16o box hooks nuiV eyes, Uac
EYES, per card, 4 ',4c
15c tooth brushes, I He.
6 pair shoo Inces, best, 4 He
20e PEAUL HUTTONS, per dozen, 414c.
Our Special Fore
noon Provision Sale
Come In tho morning, ns theso prices
hold good only until 12 o'clock.
3 pounds good Jnpnn rice, 13c.
No. 1 California hams, Gc.
5 pounds Pearl hnmlny, 19c.
Durham ucufchntel rheme, 2?Ji'.
3 pounds Christiana anchovies, 25c.
2 pounds Fnrd dates, 7c.
Fancy, fat 1C K. K. herring, each lc.
2 pounds Taney, mixed candy, 13c.
In the China Dept.
Tomorrow Afternoon Between
3 and 4 0'Clock
Odds nnd ends of flno French and Ger
man chlnn dinner nnd ten sets, toilet nets,
fancy tnblcwnrc, etc. Over 5,000 pieces of
crockery nnd chlnn, worth from 25c to
$1.50 each; tho wholo lot goes nt 9c each.
ilPiucmbcr, between 3 nnd 1 o'clock.
Don't delay getting goid glasses. If your
eyes trouble you. Wo mako no charges for
enroful examination and fit tho right kind
of glasses at tho right prices.
Repairs; lenses exchanged; up-to-dato
Xrnmcs: oculists' prescriptions tilled at
I bait tho usual charges.
Camd by tha Quaitioi of the Frtsi Initial
1'renlilc nt of the IIvkIi'iiIc Coimell In
Killed nnd Severn I of the
Sennlnm Are Severely
BUENOS AYIIES. .Inn. in fVIn nalvnu.
ton.) The rumors circulated hero yesterday
oi a revolution in ttio ropubllo of Paraguay
tUm Otlt In lin Uf.ll rnnmlml Tim rnvnlt
which broko out at Asuncion, tho capital,
mm I'uusL'ii uy mo question oi wia prcsiuen
tlol succession, thu term of President Are.
vnl expiring In November of this jcar.
Tho rovoltltionnry Junta was composed of
Gonerol Ciiballoro, Genornl Kscobar, Colonel
J. A. Kscurra, tho minister uf war: Hanoi'
Mnrro,, n cublnot minister, nnd Senator
President ALOVns reslcrnnd Mm nrmMnnrv
and congress accepted IiIb resignation.
a collision occurred In tho Chamber ot
Deputies during which Senator Facando
Insfran, precedent of tho hygienic council,
was killed and Gonoral Cabnllcro, Senators
Miguel and Corbalan and Deputy Fernando
Carrcros wero severely wounded.
The, congreoH of Paraguay has placed tho
reins of .government lntho hands of tho
vico -president, scnor Hector Carvallo.
ureal excitement prevails at Asuncion.
Ilnnee of llrlc Lliiyem Union.
Music, (llinclnir. rerltntlntm nml nvirv.
thing to mako tho heart Kind, combined to
mako tho annual social ot tho Bricklayers'
union No, 1 In Washington hull last nlglit
a HUccerH.
urogram w
k. unoHH who took part In tho
were; ThonuiH Hazel, John Hoye,
es Houghton, Misses Ivlttln Hazel,
Mrs. James
Maud lJnvls. Bcatrlcu llauulitnn. linl,v a., I
dersonl Tim committed on arrangements
was composed of Bert Booth, Hurry Sage,
juiiu iiiiuvii, uimil j'ihltboii anu JOO
i.niiiupiu. mier inu literary entertain
ment suiiner wns served, tollnuvii w
dnnce, Six hundred people wero present,
iiiciiiuuio ui iiu iiiuuii nun uii.'ir incline.
ClilleitiiH GoIiik After Wiy Slilim.
NI3W YORK, Jan. 10. Among tho pas.
sengnrs who arrived on thn Orizaba from
Colon today was Commander L. A. Mar
tinez of tho Chilean navv. Ho 1h enrouto
for Knglund, whero ho will tnke charge of
two now emitters and two torpedo boat do
Mtroycrs now completed In Hint couirtry.
Six hundred men to man theso war ves
sels sail from Colon today for Southamp
ton per tho Hoyol Mail steam packet.
of Colds and Grip.
Colds weaken the lungs, lower tho vitality
and pave the way for catarrh, pneumonia
and consumption.
Look around yount the vast number who
have contracted these dUcngctt, every one ol
whom owes lilsafillctlon ton neglected cold.
Cough Remedy
has a world wide reputation for its quick
cures of colds and Rrlp nnd can nhvaya bo
depended upon, It U plc.uant and safe to
take. It counteracts any tendency toward