Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells drugs
Btnckert sell carpets and msa.
Metz beer al Ncumayer's hotel.
Drs. Green, olllcc 303 Sspp block.
Plumbing and hcutlnR. nixby U Son.
Wollman, scientific optician, va Uroadwar.
Dr. Stcrhunson. Baldwin block. Elevator.
Minn Maude Henley has returned to school
in Kockford, 111.
Picture for wedding Rifts. C. B. Alex
ander & Co., 333 Hroudwuy. .. ..
W. C. Kelly of Perry, Ift.. was In this city
last evening, vlflltlng friends.
Missouri oak body wood. 3 60 cord. Wm.
(Welch, 23 N, Main St. Tel. 129.
Myrtle, lodge No. 12. Ocgreo of Honor,
will Install oiflccrs this evening,
i Mrs. J. KrkleH, 113) Kast Washington
'avenue, Is convalescent from ft serious III
'ness. Miss Jthinehc Klblcr of Woodbine, In., Is
guest of Mrs. Mnry Mlkuscii or iirsi
Miss Hire of tlio High school faculty w
laid up with a sevens uttuck of rhcu-
tnn! !nm.
lit. Hnv. Theodore N. Morrison, Episcopal
,blshop of Iown, will preach Hunday ovtu
Mng In tJrace Episcopal church.
K. Htlmson. an old'restdrnt of thin city,
land city engineer during lfsM and 1889, Is
I critically III at hls homo, 221 Tenth avenue.
It. 11. llloomer has bought tho W. J.
'Jamison residence- on First avenuo and
after remodeling It will occupy It as a
Mrs. Keller, 1209 Kalrmount avenue, who
linn been seriously 111 for two weeks, was
reported yesterday to bo somewhat Im
proved. Lost, gold fob locket, elk's head, diamond
between horns, monogram "U. K P. I'.,,
letters entwined on reverse side. Reward
offered, I.eavo ut lito olllcc.
The city olllciiils havo received their
rnsses from the motor company, out others
who formerly enjoyed this prlvllego havo
ellhcrjo pay their faro or walk.
A. T. Kllrklnger has been reappointed by
Judge Thornell as the legal member of
tho Hoard of Commissioners for tho In
sane for another term of two years.
Mrs. Kate M. Ilonn of Fifth avenue will
leave today for Minneapolis and .Mrs. J. P.
llolllday and children will follow In a few
lnys. They will mako their homo In Min
neapolis. Miss Nina Williams has returned to Des
Moines to resume her studies In Urnko
university after spending tho holidays with
hor parents, Mr. and Airs. J. M. Williams
of North First street
AgiioiHiral Iplunt Trartliif Hat
FtBiti Awry Siddiilj,
I.nt l)ns Are Spent In Ilnrct I.uck,
but lit Hnd Hern In Demand
DtirliiK the II lis y
" Season.
M ' "
book, Mrs. Chcrmlss, Mrs. Ttosa Stein, Mrs,
Lena Glllnsky, Mrs. Ilcsslo Solomon and
Mrs. S. Snyder.
Tho objects of tho society, as outlined
In tho nrtlclcs of Incorporation, Is to form
Into an association women above the ngu
of 16 years, of good moral character, who
arc socially acceptable; to give all moral
and material aid in Its power to Its mem
bers and thoso dependent upon theru; to
care for its members soclnlly, morally and
Intellectually; to create a fund for the re
lief of slcl; and distressed members, and to
provide for the living nnd aid in the burial
of the dead.
These aro the officers of the society;
President, Mrs, Fannlo Friedman; vice
president, Mrs, Hosa Stein; secretary, Mrs.
Sarah Qlllnsky; board of trustees, Mrs.
Hattlo Snyder, Mrs. Ilcsslo Solomon and
Mrs. Anna Nathanson. Tho corpornto Ufa
of the society is to be fifty years.
rminfll HIiiIYm rntnii. Modern Woodmen
of America, gavo W. II., Fisher a hand
some chnlr Wednesday night. Mr. Hshor
retired from the olllco of worthy consul
uftcr serving two years.
Charles Chambers and Miss I.aurn Kes
ler, both of Armour, la., wero married
Vl'iwln,tartiil. n f t P flHimi lit till? TGCtOrV (if
tho Second Presbyterian church by tho.
ynstor, liev. llarvcy iiosieucr.
Metnbcrs of A' Lincoln post and tho
Womnn'H Relief corps are requested to bo
at headquarters Saturday evening to meet
Pr Ililtchlns, chief of staff, department of
Ibwn, Grand Army of the Republic.
Mrs. W. W, Wnllnco lius declined tho
presidency of (ho Assoelnted Charities and
u meeting 1i;ih been called for-Saturday nt
2:30 p. m, in St. Paul's F.plsropnl church to
elect u president and tho bonrd of trus
tees. Tho original dntn ns fixed by Judge aroen,
January 27, has been set lor Hearing thu
motion for a new trial In the Doyle-llurns
suit. Tho attorneys on both sides wero
unablo to lio Hero on jnnuary ns nuu
licen suggested.
Rev. I). W. Allen of Dunlnp, who Is as
sisting Rev. W. 11. Cnblti In revival meet
ings In Trinity Methodist church, will de
liver a tern pern net lecture Saturday night
wilder the nusplces of thu Woman's Chris
thin Temperance union.
It Is now announced that tho Great West
ern will not enter Council Illuffs around
tho horn,'' but will bullda viaduct across
the tracks or the Milwaukee nnd Rock
Island In the Mosquito creek valley and
mako a cut through the hill at Woodbury
avemlev - ....
The tadet association of tho High school
will alvu lin entertainment Friday evening,
January 17, in' tho First Rnntlst, church,
thu principal feature of which will bo' J.
Frank Foucho In dramatic recitals. Tho
tadnts hopv to clean up tho deficit existing
in their- treasury.
Miss Po'rterfleld . hns nnnounccd hoc In
tention or rcslKMlliK her-" position ns 'super
visor of mttsle h the city" schools to ac
cept nn engagement to sing In Christ
church, Chicago', whero she will contlnuo
the cultivation of her volco under ono of
the best Instructors of that city.
Judge Smith MoPherson Will hold n ses
slon of federal court in this city Saturday,
Jnnuary 18, for tho hearing of bankruptcy
mutters, motions and such matters nH do
not require a Jury. He desires also to closo
up all matters In connection with tho
Omaha & St. Louis receivership at this
cession, If possible.
Charles Sutherland . nnd Arthur Grady,
the latter a colored boy, were nrrested last
night for violating tho curfew ordlnnnce.
This Is tho tlrst arrest made under this
ordinance for several years, but It Is said
tho real Instigation for the arrest of tho
boys Is that they are believed to bo Impli
cated In tho theft of a largo quantity of
Tho committee appointed by the I'otta
wnttamle County liar association held a
confironco with tho county supervisors
relative to the proposed remodeling of tno
court rooms. Scvural plans as suggested
wero discussed, but nothing delln t was
reached, The sum-r.visors requested tho
committee to tiecitio upon nuiiiu "i" i
plan for the remodeling and then submit a
plat showing tho proposed changes.
At tho Dohimy theater tomorrow night
Carl A. HuHwIii presents his romantic
melodrama. "A Lion's Heart," toy tho noted
English authors, Shirley nnd Landeck. A
carload of beautiful and appropriate
scenory, a company of twenty -players of
reputation and ability and a story of love
and loyalty, of pain and passion, of re
vengo and separation, of tenderness and
truth at last triumphant li strulghtenlng
out tho tangled skcln of lives, and the
brightest, keenest, most rollicking comedy
that was ever written, running through
lITo whole play. Carl A. Haswin. whose
Oliver King" In familiar to nil theater
goers, plays Rlzardo, the lion-hearted hero,
nnd the stage Is under tho direction of
Mrs. Frnnccs R. Haswin, who hns won an
enviable reputation ns a stago munnger of
rnro ability.
N. V. numbing Co., telephone 550.
Jerry Downey, a well known agricultural
Implement traveling rflesmnn, was found
dead yesterday afternoon in his bed In a
room over tho Kcrinto saloon nt Uroadway
nnd nryant street. When discovered by 13111
Farrell, who is employed to take caro of
tho rooms, the body was cold and stiff,
showing that Downey had been dead for
sovcral hours. Coroner Treynor was sum
moned, but ho was unnblo to eay whether
denth waa duo to nnturnl causes or other
.wlso until a post mortem could bo held on
the body.
Downey was employed last summer by
tho McCormlck company as a "field expert,"
but had been out of employment for the
last two or thrco months, and was in
straightened flnanclnl clrcumstnnccs. Dur
ing tho summer he boarded and roomed at
tho Noumayer hotel, but being unable to
meet his hill was obliged to leave. He
then hoarded nt tho Tremont houso for
while. A few dnya ago he applied to Fred
Hokompor, keeper of tho Senate saloon, for
permission to sleep In ono of the rooms
upstairs, which In now ucd ns a lodging
house. He wan without money and Uo
kemper, taking compassion on him, granted
him tho use of n sparo room. It was In
this cold, cheerless, half furnished room
that his body was found yesterday after
noon. Downey wont to tho saloon Wednesday
night shortly after 10 o'clock and appeared
In better spirits than usual. Ho told of
having wrltjcn vto relatives, in Creston,
whom ho expected woultl send him money.
Ho retired before 11 o'clocrt.
When Farrell' was unablo to get Into ths
room yesterday afternoon to clean it he
looked through tho transom and saw Dow
ney tying In tho bed apparently asleep, no
ing unablo to arouso htm ho forced the
door. Tho condition of the body Indicated
that Downey had died shortly after retiring
Wednesday night. No money or Jowelry
wns found nmong his few effects. Among
his papers was a card dated August 25, 1900,
showing membership In tho Western Trav
elers' Accident nsfloclatlon. Downey form
erly lived In Crceton, In., where his rein
tlvcs reside. Thoso acquainted with hlra
said he had been drinking heavily for soma
time. Ho was regarded as a first-class farm
implement man when ho would leavo liquor
alone, nnd was especially employed during
tho rush season before harvest.
Deforo retiring to bed Wednesday night
ho told some of the men in tho saloon
that ho intended going to Omaha In the
morning to attend tho Implement dealers'
convention. .
Coroner Treynor hold a post mortem ex,
amlnatlon of Downey last night and found
death wns caused by heart trouble. Hp de
cided an Inquest would not bo necessary.
Uunrtrrlr Wntrr Hills.
Save five per cent by paying before Fri
day, January 10. Ofllco open until 9 p. in.
geeks IlHIrf from Thirteen Hoodoo.
Slnco Liveryman Utterback secured li
cense, tag No. 13 for one of his hacks ho has
found It to bo a continual hoodoo. Tho hack
over since the tag with tho unlucky number
wns affixed has mot with a series of acci
dents, and Utterback camo to the conclu
sion that thero would be no lot up to tho
mishaps until he had the number changed.
He called yesterday morning with such a
request on City Clerk Phillips, but the lat
ter decided ho had no authority to mako the
chango until permitted to do so bv tho city
council, Tho matter will be brought be
fore tho council Monday night.
Davis sells glass.
Gravel roofing. A. 11. head. 41 Broadway.
Divorce Cnses In Oonrt.
As nono. of tho nttornevs Interested was
prepared. Uptake up t c assigned. for.
n'oxf week,' Judge The yesterday,' n'ftef
disposing of tho mutters beforo him, ad
journed district court until Monday morn
ing and went to his home at Sidney.
Divorces wero granted to Mrs. Cora A.
Hlghsmlth from Lewis II. Hlghsmlth, Mrs.
Mnry A. Powell from Wllllnm Powell nnd
Mrs. Bertha Zacharlas from Charles II.
Tho evidence In tho contempt case of F.
Footo was completed and the court took
decision under advisement
Mrs. Mary Voss bogan suit for divorce
from William Voss, alleging cruel nnd In
human treatment, habitual drunkenness
nnd tho use of profane and Indecent lan
guage toward her. They were married In
Keg Creek township. September 6, 1891, nnd
lived together until last Sunday. They
own an cighty-acro farm in Keg Creek,
which Mrs. Voss asserts wns furnished by
money supplied by her father. Sho asks
for $2C a month temporary alimony and
H.000 pormanent alimony, H w'oll nB1$20O
for hor attorney. She nlso asks tho court
to award her tho custody of their two minor
children, nnd wns granted nn Injunction
restraining her husbnnd from disposing of
any o his property pending tho determina
tion of tho suit.
Mrs, Ilrovirn Snes Alcxnniler.
Mrs. K. A. Drown, wlfo of Ed N. Drown,
committed to St. Dcrnard's hospital, has
brought suit against S. Alexander, who a
few days ago levied on the grocory stock at
331 West Droadway, under a landlord's writ
of attachment. Mrs. Drown claims that tho
stock belonged to her, which fact, she says,
was known to Alexander, and sues for II,
000 damages, tho value of tho stock. Tho
stock was levied on under a writ Issued
from tho court of Justice Fcrrler. Mrs.
Drown brings her suit in the district court.
Miatiif f thi Statt Ommlttti it Itld in
Dts Mtiiit.
President of Corannnr Announce Ihnt
It Will i:rect,.Netv Plntif on Old
SUe CH'ff Remit Ten
YenrV Tnxra.
' 16
Davis sells paint.
The Best and
In Jewelry enn bo seen nt our store,
and when you compnre tho goods
and pricos you will realize what
splendid values are given. Tho fobs
and scnrt-plns aro pnrtlcularly at
tractive. Rings In every stylo, with
stones that wo con guarantee.
238 DROADWAY, Council Muffs.
Optician. Jeweler, Ungravour.
worn IB uuuruiii:t:ii.
Settlement with Comity Trriisnrer.
Tho nnnunl settlement with tho county
treasurer occupied tho time of tho nonrd
of County Supervisors yesterday to the
exclusion of nny other business.
Tho tax collections amounted to $359.
0G4.37 nnd tho warrants paid to $2S3,5C7.C0,
leaving n bnlnnco of 173,496.87 lu tho hnnds
of tho treasurer January 1. AH of the
funds have balances standing to their
credits except tho poor fund, which was
overdrawn $-1,268,01, and tho county road
fund, which was overdrawn $68,39, It was
decided to transfer $3,000 from tho general
,to tho poor fund nnd $2,000 from the school
to the general fund.
Itenl I'stnte Traunfer.
Thcso transfers wero filed yesterday In
tho abstract, tltlo and loan office of J, W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Rlchnrd Children and wlfo to Ella 8.
Hull. nwU nwU 2-77-44, w. d $ 1,000
l.uclnn Ilaughman to II. K. .Forsyth,
HWi ney. wft nwi nei, n n ncres
e4 nwVi ne'.i 13-74-iS. w. d
Council Muffs Savings bnnk to Theo
dore Gulttar, lot 4, Auditor's sub
dlv, nwVi nt'li .12-75-43. w. d..'
It. V. Innes and wife to Herman
Durlow. lots G nnd C, block 8S, Rail
road add, w, d .'
Samo to Ida Durlow. lots 7 nnd 8,
block S3, Rnllrond ndd, w. d
Kmma O. Armour to Surah D. II.
Rohrcr, undlv 1-18 of part of lot S,
block 8, Grimes' add, w. d
Charles E. Armour and wlfo to snmc,
snme, w. d r.
Omnba Oil nnd Paint company to
Omaha Paint and Glass company,
lot 11, block 22, Uayllss & Palmer's
add, w. d
George II. Mayno to Thomas D. Met
calf, lots 13, 14 and 15, block 5,
Wright's ndd, w. d
Charlotte Armour Wnrd nnd husbnnd
to Bnrnh u. is. Honrer. nn unniv
1-18 of part of lot 5, block 8, Grimes'
add, w. d 16
Total, ten transfers 1,4,049
Marrlaice Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following:
Name and Residence. Age.
Max F. Trostler, Omaha 28
Klnora O. Uonford, Beatrice, Neb 23
Van Wade, Council Muffs 32
Jcsslo Lees, Council Muffs .t 20
1 Council Dlnfla Neirs .Notes. '.
D. Ross Wllllnms of Los Angeles, Cal.,
and Oscar Williams of Salt Lake City, aro
guests of their sister, Mrs. F. 15. Glllll
land. Major Hugh Gallagher of Washington,
D. C.i Is guest of Mrs. Gallagher's parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Paschcl of Willow
Mrs. A. W. Slack of South Sixth street
has been called to Kansas City by tho
serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. T. II.
Colonel C. G. Saunders went to Des
Moines yesterday to attend the banquet
given to Governor Shaw by tho Grant club
r mat city.
T. II. Lacev. Ir.. returned vesterdav to
Cornell university. Ho hns fully recovered
from tlio illness wincii uroiigm ninv Homo
row uuys ueioro uiirisimas,
Miss Minnie Hansen nnd Mrs. Dolling en
tertained tho members of tho Droadway
church choir Inst evening at tho homo of
Mlas Hansen, 321 East Washington avenue.
Kels Sorenson of Cut-Off. arrested on
complaint of Amelia Negetlion, furnished
ball in i,vuv ycsieruay, aim was released
from tho county Jail. He will have his
preliminary hearing Monday beforo .lus
tlco Drynnt.
J. Clark. 820 Avenuo D. wns found to li
suffering from smallpox yesterday. Ills
sister-in-iuw, wno wns visiting in tno
house, wns placed under quarantine with
him. Another member of tho Hulbert
family, already under nunrantlne, was also
reported yesterday to havo contracted the,
disease. There aro now seventy-tlve cases
oT smallpox In the city.
Kknii Case that Una Ileen In Conrt
for Ten Year I
Dance Hughes hall tonight.
Mnrrlcd !' Justice, nryant.
Justlco nryant performed tho marriage
ceromony yesterday for 11. Lee McMullen
and Leila M. Kemp, both 'of Crescent City,
la.; Joseph Wong of Waverly, Neb., and
Ira E. Poffenborger of Lincoln, Neb.; Max
V. TroBtlor and Elnora D. Denford, both of
ImrilPft' Hebrew llenevnlent Society,
Articles of the LadleB' Hobrow Dcnevo
lonce Society of Council Muffs were filed
for record yesterday, the Incorporators
being: Mrs. Fannay Friedman, Mrs. Sarah
Glllnsky, Mrs. Anna Nathanson, Mrs. Pearl
Friedman, Mrs, Susan Snyder, Mrs. Hannah
Levy, Mrs, Rosa Katelmon, Mrs. O. White
Funeral Director
ltfuocsor to V. C. isttp)
M AHL STMICUT. 'I'll ono 07,
. mm.rn.rn s Al C
Nssotlated In Eastern I NebnuH
Jnl lows- Jsroes N. Casady, J,
,Mltt 81. CouJMia B'.ufU.
Saturday, Jan. II
Carl A. Haswin
Famous throughout tho world ns tha
"Sliver King,' will present tho grand
scenic meiotirnma in four nets entitled,
A Lion's Heart
Tho entlro production under the dlree
tlnn of Francis H. Haswin. Tho tlra
matlo event of tho year. A carload of
special scenery ami moclianlcal effects.
rricc jac. wc, too.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Jan. 9. (Special.) A
meeting of the democratic stato commit
tee and lending democrats of tho state was
held nt Des Moines today. The attend
nnco was not as large as was expected, but
some matters wero disposed of In relation
to the policy of the democratic party.
The chief mnttor which caused tho cnll
ing of tho meeting was that of tho dis
posal of tho appointment of A member of
tho phnrmacy: .hoard. Thp law requires
that tho board shall bo bipartisan, , or
have ' representative of moro than one
political party on tho board.
Sovoral years ago Fletcher Howard of
Shc'ldon was appointed as tho democratic
member. Ho has continued to net with the
party, pay campaign contributions and at
tend conventions, but he has nlso.hecn out
spoken In opposition to tho free silver Idea
Ho has thus Incurred tho enmity of many
of the members of the party.
His term Is soon to oxplro and ho Is a
cnndldnto for reappointment. A number of
other candidates havo como out, chief
among them being Conn of Atlantic, and
Douglas of Adcl. The state committee nnd
most of tho regular party leaders nt this
tlmo aro opposed to Howard's reappoint
The stato committee today agreed upon
recommending to Oovcrnor Cummins a list
of candidates who will bo ricceptablo and
this list includes all tho active candidates
except Howard.
A dotonnlncd effort Is to bo made to de
feat Howard. However. It Is acknowledged
oven by the friends of most of the candi
dates that Howard la certain to be nqmi
noted to the position again. The mntter is
stirring up a great deal of strlfo In tho
ltepiinllcnn I,es;lslntlTe Caucuses.
The republican legislative caucuses will
bo held on Saturday evening. It Is prob
able that the Joint caucus of both houses
will bo held tho samo time. Thero Is but
little left to be dono in nny of tho caucuses
becauso of tho lack of hard contests. The
leading positions havo all been filled and
are out of tho way.
Tho slato In tho house is now complete In
every particular nnd tho members aro con
cerning themselves chiefly with chairman
ships. Tho Joint caucus will select the
candidates for senator and name Allison
and Dolllvcr unanimously. It will also
choose a'candldato for editor of tho session
laws and J. R. Carter of Sioux City has no
oDDosltlon for the place Tho democratic
caucuses may not be hold until next week.
as only a few of tho democratic members
aro on band.
To Itehalld Starch Worki,
President Pell of 'tho National Starch
company has practically, decided that the
company will rebulld'thb starch factory In
Des Moines. The insurance adjustment has
at last been made on a basis satisfactory
to all and tho Insurance will all bo paid
very soon. Tho company has asked that
the city water mains be extended to the
site of tho starch plant and also that taxes
he romlttcd for a terra, of ton years. Tho
company claims to have sustained a loss of
1100,000 over the Insurance that will bo
recovered and has Insisted that the city
mako somo concessions beforo tho factory
Is robullt. This will undoubtedly bo done.
Itoelc Iftlnnil ChniiKt'x 1'lnns.
It has been learned here through con
tractors who have been working on the
Hock Island cut-off in Missouri that a de
cided change has been mado In the plans
of tho company, nnd Instead of making tlio
Kansas City cut-off from Drakevlllo to
Trenton, the short lino will run from Llno
vlllo to a connection with tho line to Kan
sas City. In addition to this the company
will double-track Its line from West Lib
erty to Des Moines nnd build an extension
from Indlanola directly south to Llnovlllo
nnd divert its henvy traffic from tho south
west through this way. Contractors have
been assured that this Is the present plan
of tho company with regard to southern
"Ilnnk" Hlnea to Piny it Ith nook ford.
"Hunky" Hlnes,. manager of tho Des
Moines baso ball club last year and year
before, has written a lettor to tho manage
ment saying-he cannot assumo the man
ngoment next year. "Hunky" will play
with his homo team, Rockford, next year.
In tho letter ho complains that tho fans
did not accord him fair treatment last yenr
and that he was ridiculed for poor playing
on tho part of his support,
prominent persons took part In the pro
gram. The meeting will contlnuo tomorrow.
After Five Yenr of Senroli lie Is
l.ncntrtl Xcnr City of
JEFFERSON, la., Jan, 9. (Special.) C.
J. Carlson of Ithaca, Neb., was In Jeffer-
ton this week, coming on nn errand of In
quiry which will result in remgving the
stain of murder from an old friend nnd
neighbor of his in Snunders county, of his
Tho story Is: On February 28, 1S9C, Mar
tin M, Johnson, who owns n small farm
adjoining Jefferson on tho cast, dlfrnp-
pearcd from Omaha, nnd no trace of him
could bo found. Ho was known to hnvc
had quite a sum of money and suspicion
was at onco aroused thnt ho had been mur.
dcred. Ho had worked for n man named
John Nordstrom, nenr Omnhn, Nordstrom
moving tho yenr before to Saunders county,
settling near Wahoo.
Johnson farmed ucnr Omnfia nnothcr
yenr, ar.d then, being solicited by Nord
strom to come to Wahoo nnd rent n farm, he
Bold off his effects nnd, It whb supposed, de
parted for Wahoo with a team nnd wagon.
Thnt was the Inst seen of him. Inquiry
later chowed that ho had not reached
Wahoo, .at least did not ,takc possession
of tho farm. .
Tho. Omaha papers took Itup and pub
lished .long 'articles about , tho missing mnn
nnd from theso a scandal wu's started
fastening .tho murder upon rW,dstrom. As
no ovldcnco could bo adduced for his con
viction ,he wns nover nrrqstc'd, but sus
picion still pointed to him ns a murderer.
For moro thnn five yenra friends of Nord
strom, who believed him Innocent, have
followed clues to establish the location of
tho missing man.' Through tho Swedish
consul nt Onlnha a reward of $200 was of
fered ,for Johnson, or his body, , If dead.
About a month ngo It wns learned that a
Martin "M. Johnson lived nt Jefferson, nnd
Carlson's coming wns to personally Investi
gate whether It wns tho missing mnn or
not, and, if so, to clear his neighbor of tho
unjust charge.
Carlson had a long conferqneo with John
son, whom ho hnd never known beforo, nnd
from tho tnlk, nnd descriptions he hnd with
him of the missing mnn, thero Is no room
left to doubt the Identity.
Johnson, who Is n slnglo mnn, nnd hav
ing no relatives In Omaha, Is very much
surprised -thnt ho has been tho cauRo of
such a sensation. Ho left Omaha In brond
daylight nnd enmo to Iown, coming to Jef
ferson nnd working for a yenr beforo pur
chasing tho plnco ho now owns.
Ho Is n mnn of quiet and retiring dis
position, and, having no friends In particu
lar near Omnhn, he wroto to no ono ns to
his wherenbouts. Deforo leaving ho paid
all his debts, nnd, concluding ho could do
hotter hero than In Snunders county, ho
camo cast. Not having papers from there
ho wan never awaro of tho great sensation
ho had caused In his move.
Johnson admitted freely that ho was the
man, not only to Carlson, but to Post
master Turrlll, who had somo correspond
ence with Carlson before tho latter .came
In order to clear, up tho unlntcntlonnl
wrong dono Nordstrom, Johnson will leave
for Omaha tho lattor part of this month,
going from thero to Wnhoo, In order thnt
all parties may bo thoroughly satisfied ho
Is alive. Fred Peterson, an acquntutanco
of his, In Omaha, will accompany him to
Wahoo, in order that the Identity may bo
moro complete.
AUDUDON, Ia Jan. 9. (Special.) The
trial of Thomas Egan against tho Stato of
Iown camo to a close In the Audubon county
district court at Audubon today. Tho Jury,
after a deliberation of several hours, re
turned a verdict of not guilty.
The caso In question was one charging
Egan with adultery, which Is familiar . to,:
oyery one in this part of the state. The
woman In tho case was sent to the Aon-
mosa penitentiary lost spring. The charges
against Egan aro of more than ten years'
standing and the taxpayers of the county
are exceedingly well pleased that the caso
was ended with this torm of court.
Monona County Court Proceedings.
ONAWA, la., Jon. 9. (Special Telegram.)
The Monona county graud Jury adjdurnod
last night. Only ono Indictment was found.
Richard 11. Anderson is indicted for unlaw-
ful relations with Ruth Mann. Tho
offense Is alleged to havo been committed
last summer In the eastern part of unawa
whllo tho parties wero out buggy riding.
Doth parties llvo In Sioux township, fifteen
miles southeast of Onawn. Richard 1). And
erson had an action for divorce pending In
tho last term of court against his wlfo,
Laura R. Anderson, The state cases against
M. T, Fuller,- David Pardun and Mike En-
gle were dismissed. The grand Jury re
ported that it had examined the new Mon
ona county Jail and naa round it a neat,
substantial and convenient 'building, per
fect as to sanitation and a credit to the
Will llenr Labor Lender.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Tlui Pacific
coast senators and representatives inter
ested In Chinese exoliislou legislation de
cided today to. grant hearings to tho Fed
cratton of Ixibor and to a Pacific coast dol
exatton now hore beforo determining flnnlly
on tho bill which will bo favored. The
hearings will be closed by January 13, at
which tlmo final determination on the
courso to pursue Is expected.
City Connell of Cedar Itnpids Decides
to Secure Mnnlalpal Owner- 1
hip of Plant.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Jan. 9. After hav
ing spent nearly four years In litigation
with the water company of this city over
tho question of rates the city council has
determined tb submit a clean-cut proposi
tion 6f: municipal ownership to tho people
to' bo voted for at tho special election this
An offer has been made to the present
company, tho council expressing Its will
ingness to purchaso the present plant,
either for cash or for 4V4 per cent bonds.
If tho company declines to sell tho council
will proceed to let tho contract for the
erection of o new plant, to bo owned and
controlledvby the city.
An ordlnanco has passed the first reading
looking toward municipal ownership. It
provides that there shall be lovled a 2
mlll tax for tho erection or the purchaso
of a waterworks and that the proceeds of
this tax, together with the proceeds of tho
regular' water levy of 1 mill shall be de
posited In one of the city banks as n fund
for the payment of the principal and In
terest of the cost of tho plant. A board of
waterworks trustees Is to be appointed by
the district court to operate the plant. The
ordinance is based upon chapter v, title 5,
of the code of Iowa,
The cost of tlyp litigation with the pres
ent water company has been almost 120,000.
Ilecomea Interstate Association.
SIOU CITY, la., XJan. 9. (Special Tele-
gram.) The Northwest Iowa Breeders' as
sociation, In session at Sioux City, today lis
camo tho Interstate. Breoders' association
and its membership now Includes broeders
from Iown, Nebraska Minnesota and South
Dakota. Tho attondanco Is the largest the
association ever enjoyed. Tho members en
thuslastlcnlly Indorsed the project for an
annual live stock show in Sioux City. To
nlsht a social session was held at the
Armory, whore Mayor Burtou and other
Man Who Itrokc Ills Parole "Works
In Cnnnlntr Factory at
ATLANTIC, Ia Jan. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Much surprise was manifested nt
Atlantic when It became known that Gcorgo
Snblns, the cx-convlct wanted In Minne
sota, who was arrested yesterday by Mar
shal Torbusli, was a mau well and favor
ably known at Atlnntlc. This morning
Sablns was willing to talk and freely ad
mitted that bo was the mnn wnntcd for
breaking his parole, stating that when ho
had been released from tho Stillwater pen
ltentlnry under parole he wns so handi
capped by being obliged to keop In closo
touch with tho prison nfflclnls nnd to lot
all know that he wns a paroled convict thnt
ha wns unablo to secure work nt living
wages, heavy farm employment at $7 a
month being tho best ho could find, so ho
decided to break his pnrolo nnd ntrlko for
After working for somo months he ran
away, coming Into this ntnto nnd nlmost
directly to this city, whoro for nenrly five
years ho hns remained undetected nnd
leading a blameless llfo under his own
name. For four sensons ho worked In tho
canning fnctory and wns considered nn
cxcollont hand, whllo in tho summer ho
worked with H. S. Thomns, with whom ho
boarded, In repnlrlng gnsollno stoves, nnd
In nil this timo his ono fault consisted In
occnstonnlly taking too much liquor, bo
lug onco arrested upon thnt chnrge, Thero
was ono other strange thing about Sablns,
and thnt was thnt he soemed to shun tho
postofflce, never claiming nny of tho sev
eral letters thnt havo been sent hero to
him, nllowlng all to be returned to tho
dead letter offlco or to tho writers.
When tho loiter enmo yesterday from
Stv Croix Fnlls, however, tho postmaster
met Sablns, who hnd lately returned from
a six months' stay lu the northern part of
tho state, nnd told him n letter nwalted
him at tho postofftco, and ho called for It,
falling into the trap thnt had been sot for
Prison Agent F. A. Whlttler of St. Paul
arrived In tho city today nnd took his
man back with him, Sablns waiving tho Is
suing of requisition papers. Ho will be
banded over to tho Mlnnosota authorities
and probably will bo. returned to tho peni
tentiary, though bis five years of honest
llfo hero may work to his advantage.
Our Annual
Clearing Sa
Greater Bargains than Ever
on Friday and Saturday.
COo grado fancy striped eiderdown
suitable for children's coats, Oflf
sale price OUU
Co value 1,1, tinbleaehed sheeting, 3d
Inchon wide, 10 yards lo n
customer, sale price
1-l.nn nil wool blankets, In gray and
tuns, Including our famous U. S.
nnny blaiikut, O nu
sale price iA.IO
75c grade nil wool strlpo and check
lhinurl skirt patterns, r
Milo price
Ko fringed cotton towel, slzo On
lSxSO, sale prlco
8 l-3c grade cream outing llan- en
ncl, sal" prlco
l.'i.OO embroidered French flannel
.waist patterns, o Q
sale prlco A.VO
All Jewelry. Including rings, belt
buckles, tuncy pins, wnlst buckles
and cuff buttons, ut HALF TRICE.
Alt silver ond tnblo ware, compris
ing berry spoons, gravy ladles,
forks rind knives, fancy forks, ut 23
pur cent discount
fA; men's outing robes, on
sale price WVI
$1.00 Juvenile all wool sweat- Er
ers, sale prlco r... vIOk'
$1.39 men's all wool sweat- ffi
ers, salo price
25c grado mon's blnck stainless y,
hose, salo price, 19c, 3 for ftOc.
$1.00 men's all wool underwenr. In
gray only. qc
salo prlco -.
Mon's fleeced shirts and drawers,
Km value, lOr"
snlo prlco JJ
toe value in Indies vests and pants,
full line of sizes, qnP
salo prlco "-'v
75c ond $1.00 valuo In children's flno
Australian wool Jersey ribbed vests,
anil panto,
salo price v
Uoys' lleeco lined shirts nnd draw
ers, nil sizes, COo grade, On
salo prlco AiOW
Misses' nnd children's outing gowns,
all sizes 60c vnlue, OS,,
salo prlco JOL
$1.00 mid $1.2. Indies' outing gowns,
neatly trimmed, USn
salo prlco OOU
. i
ISc fleeced flannel lOr
sale prlco
Co striped outing flannel, '' OfV
salo prlco JW'
Co full width dress cambric, Ar
salo price gv
10c henvy storm llnnnel, in grays and
brown, file
salo prlco w
., . '
New lot of figured cnmbrlo skirts,
with rtillle, full lino of sizes, Kfln
extra good value, only
7Cc muslin night robes, SOc
slo prlco
$1.25 muslin night robes, f7t$n
salo prlco ,J
$2 and $2.M muslin night en
robes, salo prlco ...,jy
All millinery nnd millinery trim
mings on salo at HALF PRICE.
12c nnd lGc curtain scrim, Qp
salo prlco iJS-'
15c curtain Swiss, lOc
sale prlco iw
$1 ladles' cambric wrappers, A(ir
salo prlco ; fr-'V
All fur boas during this salo nt
Lntlles' walking nnd dreks skirls,
during this salo at ONE-FOURTH
Wall paper during this salo at
$20, $23 and $30 ladles' cloaks 0 CIO
and Jackets, sale prlco ittJJ
$12 and $15 ladles' , n Ef
jackets, salo prlco t-v
$7.50 and $10 ladles' A QQ
Jackets, salo prlco
Ladles' nnd children's Jnukcts, worth
from $3.50 to $5.00, Sfi
snlo prlco '"
l.ndles' plush nnd cloth capes dur
ing this salo at HALF PRICE.
Whitelaw & Gardiner
made healthy and happy
by uslas
Man Who Passes l'tiraetl Checks nt
Vurlous lorrn Towns Arrested
I'mlrr Allns,
SIOUX CITY, In., Jan. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho mnn who passed several forgod
checks upon the business men In Atlantic
tho day before Christmas and who nlso left
a similar lot of victims In Red Oak, Adair
and other places, has como to grlof In Car
roll, whore ho was caught In his act. Dep
uty Sheriff Duval and W. II. McConvlll. rn-
of the Atlantic victims, went up to Carroll
to sro If the man nrrestel thero under tho
name of J. B. Whlto was the man want d
at Atlantic under tho name of J, E. Ilrown.
and despite tho chango of color In his name
ho wns positively Identified ns ,tlm man,
After tho Carroll caso is settled ho will
probably be brought to Atlantic and giv n
a second trial, whllo thn merchants In tho
other towns whom ho has swindled may h 111
later call upon him to come back and ex
plain his conduct to the district courts of
thotr respectlvo counties,
CliniiKi's Time for Hcnteiiclnu.
NKWTON, la., Jan. 9, Judgo Cloinnnta
has changed tho tlmo for sentencing Chester
Tyler to February t Instead of January 11.
This was done, In order that tlmo may bo
given for tho conslderatlon'and hearing of
the motion for o new trial. The next term
of court will begin February I.
A Pleasant and Palative Crushed Fruit Laxative
Dmltoloum to ihm Tmmtm
Omntlm ki Action.
It Is a blood maker and a blood purifier. Its purity
commends it to invalid women, especially mothers. No
homo should be without it. It prevents ennui, lassitude,
torpidity, despondency, and produces energy, aclivo vital
ity, firm nerve tissues and mirthful mentality. It strength
ens, sooths, stimulates and sustains the system, builds up
the impoverished blood vessols and worn out nerve centers.
Good'for everybody sick, half-sick or well; It imparts new
Life and Vigor. It will pay you to putchase a bottle to
day beforo your case gets beyond aid. Get a bottle for 60c
as large as thoso you are accustomed to pay $1.00 for.
i, . OMAHA .
' I Mull's Lightning Pain Killer cures sore throat, oroup, oolds, I
I Tlieumatism. etc. uaiM nwiw
III hliiiiiiiiiiilia asssssssM
Scenic Line
Friday and
Daily First-class SleeperThrougli to San Francisco
via Colorado, passinR the Grandest Scenery of trie Rockies and Sierra
Nevada hv Pin vlinht. nirprt Pnnner.HnnR tn I.ns Ani'eleR.
I - " n ' " . . . "" - ' r
City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha.