THE OMAHA DAILY 'BEE: FIUDAY, ,TANXTATIY 10, 1002. 11 ( ( ( ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for tlie rnlnnim III be mkr antll 13 ra. fur Ilia tvenlng edition and until SittO p. in. for morning ami Mumlnr edition. Rates, 1 1.2a n word first Insertion, to a vrord tharenfter. Mo Hi lint tnken for tena titan B.'.u for the II rut Inner tlnn. These nilvertlsenients must be ran rnnneoutlvely. Advertisers, liy reqneiitln a nnm hered check, can hnve nnvem ail tressed to a numbered letter In rnrt ( The Iter, Ansrrera mo addrraaeil will be delivered oa preaeatatloa of tha keok ealr MITUATIO.XS WAVIED. MAN nnd wife, splendid cooks, will lo at liberty nfter tho Kith) nn objection to country town. Address O 66, lire. A MI20 II wanted male help. GOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., us South lath. b-wj BTI EADY work, profitable work, for neat, uergello hustlers. C. F. Adams Co., ltily e: Howard s for a. Half day's work. If you live In tho country or In n small town and Imvo a good aciiuulntalico among the farmers ami stock raisers 111 tho neighborhood you can make live dol lars easily b four or llvo hours' work. Write us una we will send you our propo- Itlon. The Bto Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha. Neb. B-M213 WANTED, a good tnali Hi every county to take nunHcnptioMt for Tho Twentieth C'enlurJ Farmer. Our agents make good wages ' eveiy Where. HctutclfccS required. Address; 'twentieth Century Farmer, Umahu, Neb. B-013 WANTED, men to learn the barber trade; ull the advantages of steady practice by tree work, expert Instructions, practical teaching, demonstrations on Bterolyr.ed tools, hair ami skin diseases and every facility tor practical training; only two. months required; two years' apprentice ship saved. Our hystem of colleges em braces seven of th leading cities of tho United Htntet and our method of school ing la well known with hundreds of grad uuten to rccommeifd us. We guarantee positions. are making special Induce ments for thirty dayH whureby anyone can earn full scholarship, board, tools and transportation if desired. Our beauti fully Illustrated cut'ilnguu explaining all rnntled tree. Molcr Barber college, lui'3 Farnam nlreet. H 2UH 10" FREE I FREE1 FREE I Shave and hull cut. Moler lJarbcr College, 1623 Fnrnam St., M loor. Hours, 9 to 1. 1I-.MJ71 F4' WANTED, for olllce, u joung man of good habits, living with his parents, that tin deratnndH something of uookkeuplng; beat of refeicnces reiinlrcd. Addria O 15, Ilea Olllce, U 100 3 1IOY wanted, to wrnp iiacknges and mnko himself generally Uscrul about the otllco nnd Htore. one living at homo preferred; rcfereuctB required. Address O 15, Ilea umce: u 401 WANTED D, good RnleRinan nnd collectors vlng nmchtno company; protltahlu rmanciit. For Interview audress F., I, City. n-116 ror sew fl nil linl' llox 991, City CITY SALESMAN Must bo a man of good character ami habits, with some experi ence and ability to make Males; chancu to grow. Address, with references, O 6.', lleo. U-MH3 11 WANTED to .hire u llrst-clasa abstractor; tttnto ralury expected; gtvo refcrencea. Address Lock llox 262, Alton, In. U-MI39 10 A GOOD bookkeeper; Hlato cxiierlenco nnd H!uiry wanieu. Aiurrsa tiox j, iieo oiuee, South Omaha. H-M4I5 SALESMEN WA.Ti:i, WANTED Htato salesmen make 500 tnonthly; sell to merchants; no lake; call and Investigate. Owen Jlnrdman, Hotel Harker. ' HHlesmen-M130 15 WAATKU-KPIALU HUM1. WANTED, good cook in a' family of, three. 261S St.' Mttry'B, Avfl-. Ct-437 12' WANTEDTiOo' slrlB." "'l52k Dodge.' JeTlTT . C-911 WANTED, two young lady. Htudcnta to le.irn halrdteHlnK,miiMUlourlng und chi ropody and sciuullllu massugu. .Call or wrlto Room 220, lino Illdg. C-6CH. COMPETENT girl for general housework. I'll Douglas. Mrvc B. RoHuwuter. C M2JS SECOND girl. 3020 Purhanv street C-48S When Write to Advertisers remember It only takea un extra stroko or two of tho pen to mention the fact that you mw tho ad In Tho Uee WANTED, girl for general housework In family of two. 1421 North 20th street. C-730 WANTED. ladlcB to learn halrtlrcBstug. manicuring, facial massage; only four weeKs required; sieuuy practice, expert Instruction, lucture, eta. ,Call or write, Molcr College, 1G23 1-aruam St, v , C-276 10 WANTED, good girl' for general house work. Mra. C. U. Horton, 1530 S. 26th. . C-311 11 WANTED, girl for general housework. 1C50 ucrgia Ave. u 37S COMPETENT cond girl. 2244 Landon court. c 114 10 WANTED, domcBtlc. 2603 Plerco St.: small lamuy. c tia WANTED, girl for general housework. 410 N. 23d St. C-MI23 10 WANTED, young girl to do second, work and tuko cure of child 4 years old: call between 9 and 12 and 6 and 8. 2618 St. Mury'n ave. C M423 11 WANTED, girl for cVnerul hoilsewprk: 0110 from country preferred. 912 S. 37th nt. C-M421 11 MIDDLE-AGED woman who understands cooking to take charge of kllchuu; col ored woman preferred, 1810 Chlcugo. C-M4I1 12 HELP WANTED. MALE & female help. Call Canadian Olllco, 913 FOIl KEVI'-IIOUHES. IIOUBES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-913 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Woad, 1524 Douglas. D-9U HHI lQP a'l Parts of city. Tho a nUUOM F. Dvi Co., 552 Bee llldg. D-917 TO MOVE right get QmaM. Van Storage tfo., ofllco Vll)i Farnam, or tel. 1559-86:1. D-918 S-HOOM brick house, modern, 2T15 Jackson St. Tokphone 491 or. L-2JS3. A Troy nor, D-S19 HOUSES and Huts. Rlngwalt, Barker lllk. D-915 SEE HENRY R, PAYNE. 601 N, Y. LIFE, k D-9G0 (ROOM modern house and barn. 2409 N. 20th 'Phone A-2568. D-M261 HOUSES. O. G, Wallace, Brown block. D-953 I. ROOM modern, except f urnaco, t22. O. M, Nottlnger, Bee Bldg. 'Phono 463. D-951 SEVEN-ROOM all modern house. In good condition, large yard and beautiful shade trees, 0 minuics- waiK iroui city nan Will rent (or ) per month. OMAHA' LOAN t TRUST CO., 14th and Douglas Sts. D-952 FOR RENT, 6-room house, city water, iinu fierce ts iu; atso uarn, ..ou. JOHN W. ROBBI.NS,- 1802 FARNAM ST D-M870 2S21 DAVENPORT' ST., 6-room, now mod ern cottage, largi ,int, y.v.w a montn. Thu Byron Reed Co., 213 80. Hth St. D-231 HOUSES-Chrls. floyer, 22d and Cuming Phano 2049. D-M919 J30 FOR RENT, l-room cottage. 26iM Blondo I., vt.w, inquiro ut w jn. 19111 st. J D-M434 FOR RENT FUllXISIlKh HOO.Mi, DEWEY European hotel. 12th nnd Farnam. IC 951 ONE furnlslud room, with heat, on car line. 1618 Clatkj 5 per month. E-955 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1112 8. 11th St. E-375 FURNisHEDrooms. 625 S, 20th Bt. E-M750 J27 TWO housekeeping Mary's Ave. rooms, IS. 2623 St. E-601 J22 LARGE front room, nicely furnished, strain heat, oni or two gentlomen. Call 313 B. nth St. E-M509 FHONT room, modern, IS mo. 1717 Web ster. E M925 J30 FUItNISIIED rooms, modern, 809 8 . 20th. E-M15G F2 2622 DODUE, with privileges home piano; modern, reasonable. E M3jfi 13 I-A HOE south room, stationary wash stand, modern. 2003 Burt. E 113 12' HOOM8. 19C6 Capitol ave. E-MI2I 13 l't)ltM.SIIi:il ItUOMH ASH HQ A HI). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport Bt. F-6SI NICE homo for young men. 108 S. '25th St, F-tWS SUITE of rooms, furnaco heat, for gentlo men. 1519 JackBon St. V 6SS STEAM hditi-il, nicely furnished roams, with or -ivlthout board, at Tho Thurston. , Fr-S9 ELEGANT Htcam heated .front room, with board. 1909 CaplUI Ave. F M103 FOH RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chlcugo Sts. F M4II THE 110NN1B, URIAH. 1720 DODGE ST. F 185 J17 ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 1C09 Douglas F-M900 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms nnd board. F-.M3S9 F6 FRONT rooms; board 618 S. 19th. F-M410 13 STEAM heated rooms, good table board. 2I N. 23d. i' 417 12" I'OH ItUXT tJ.M'UltMSIIEU ROOMS. DE8IC room space, K per month, ground iloor room In The lieu building, .facing street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. I'etcrs St Co., Rental Agents. Ilea llulldtng. G-116 SUITE of rooms, modern; housekeeping. 016 Georgia live. Q M193 10 FIRST Iloor of modern Iiouhc, parlor; dln- uitf ruum, Detuiiuiii iinu Kiieiiun, iiiitui nlslied; no children nnd references re quired; good location. Address N .17, llec olllce. G 13 j 12 FOIl llE.VI'-STOHES AND OFFICES. FOR .RENT, tho building iormcrly oceu-. pied by The lleo at 916 Farnam St. It has four stortcH and a basement which was formerly urcd us Tho Uco press room. This will I'm rented very reasonably. If Interested upply at once to C. C. Rose water, fcecrotury, room 100, l)oj building. 4201 FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R, C. Pot cm & Co., ground Iloor, Ueo llldg. 1266 A FINE BUlto of rooms sultablo for doc tor's olllces. ROBERT 11. HENNETT, Hoom 12, Continental Ulock. I-M129 AtJKNTS WANTED. MEMORIAL life of McKlnloy, four lan guages, 6j0 pages iW) halftones; $1.50: free outfit. W. A. Hlxcnbaugh & Co., 500 Ware block, Omuha. J-C92 PROFITAI1LE work ' offnrcd agent In nvery town to secure subscriptions to' the Ladles' Journal and tho Saturday i Evening 'Pottt. Wo want agents who will work tnoroftrshly nnd.' Villi hbHirfasijr'HViU tern to covci each section with ou?7,lJIUtfi. iiuieu iiiiiu uuuivieia uiiu amcr aiivertis lug matter and to look sharply ufter re newals from old subscribers. The pay Ms nun iiur mm m mo eni or tne seasoii S20.000 will be given the best wnrkora tix extra prizes for good work. How well BOine of our iigents hnvo succeeded Is told In a little booklet' we would' like' to Bend you-i-portraltB of somo 'of olir best1 agents, with the story of how they made It tiny. Tho Curtis Publishing Co., Phlla- ucipnia, i-a. J M200 FJ' AGENTS wanted for new publlcntl6nfl; prospectus, etc., free. George" Ilarrle & Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J-M2S1 J13 ATTORNEY In lleo building tan accom modate lawyor with ofllco en suite. M ij, jicu. a J 827 WANTED, canvassing agents in every i-iiuiiiy i.f iiuiuii niiimurwiiions ro riihi TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and STOCK ind COMPLETE STOCtv DOC TOR. This splendid book contains' T.400 Imperial octavo pagCH, 800 object-teaching engravln!?,i nnd Is tho only book on llvo stock ever published adapted to tha every day, practical monoy-snvlng uso of every ,. iv. ....v. n.uLft unuui, oiouiiy UinillOy u'llli nsunr.rl nnnH a .. ......... ...... ........ fryvm IttuUlUU. fjeillH in the country with horso nnd buggy es- , utDnwt, v,fiu uenrra maKO easily JfiO to J10O per month, Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Uurcau, Reo building, Omaha. J 213 WONIJEHFUL NEW PATENT Small household necessity; sells for 50c, costa Kc; easily made nt home; 50,000 sold In ono city; will sell county 'rights In Ne braska or entire stato; no competition. For further particulars address Wash burn Chemical Co.. St. Paul, Minn. J-M442 U STOHAGE. STORAGE, low rates. Dcrlglit, 1119 Far- lltl.ll Oli 115 OM. Vp.n Stor. Co., 15111,4 Fnrn Tels. I55S-S63. PAQIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co,, 912- mi Jones, general storago ana ronvarajng. AVANTEI) TO HUY, WANTED, to buy, porno glass doors and glass panuions anu ono nait-oak round counter. Apply to M. J., Midland hotel. . N M445 NICE IMPROVED FARM .IN EASTERN .M'.liHAhlvA Ult WKSTERN; IOWA! must be cheap for cash;, prefer .something around 135 or 110 per aero. Glvo'full par- tlculars. Address O S3, Bee. 12 WANTKDi to buy, private bank In eastefrt ,t;uiiiniuL ity raitriu tuwnj any iniorniu.. tl6irwlll bt. strictly contldcntlal. X 27,. Bee. N-M370 12 , FOH SALE-FURNITURIl. THE CHICAGO FURNITURE CO OFFERS A BIG LOT OF BASE BURNERS AND STOVES.' fnr lPftn than nnA.hrllf thnlr vaIiia 'PIoa from 13 to 115: actually worth double this amount. Don't fall to Investigate this uuer., jyjbu cuiupieiu iiuu ui lurniiure 01 lowest prices. ' , 1406-8-10-12 DODGE STREET. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410' Dodge. Tel. 2020. New nnd secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 957 FOIl SALE-HOUSES. WAGONS). ETC, THE BEST In buggies and wagons at H, Frost's, 14th and Leavenworth. P 959 FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CADET coat, good ns new: will fit boy 13 , .. .11 . .1.1 . 1, 1 r. ' u, 41 :uia um, imttina w, xit;e Q-M5S6 2DHAND safo cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, VJl imiuiiui uji 110, nuj'criur III ally other musical tnstrumonts; 15 up. The WUtman Co,, 1621 Karnum. g SOJ When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pn to mention the fact that you saw tne un m ino uce. INDIAN goods and relics- 1119 Farnam. Q-M523 l''OU'' SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news paper exchanges, o cents and up. Apply at Ilep Ofllcc, Circulation Wlnooy. . ,; Fin limbers for housemovcrs, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Doug las. Q 963 FOH SALE, cheap. 1,000 good elk toelh, If sold In one bunch. Address It. P. Hoss, Crow ugency, Montana. Q M3?3 11 2DHAND afe cheap. Schwartz, 114 S. 11 Q-965 PIANO boxes cheap." 1313 Farnam St. , Q-M217 F4 TYrEWIUTEItS Latest models Reming ton, Smith Premier and Dctirsmore re placed by The Underwood. Low price. Call. A. It. Workman & Co., 1617 Far nam street. 'Phono 2439. Q-C97 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., 16th nnd Dodge, Onnha. Q 061 FOR SALE, fine mahogany bank fixtures anti fincnjo saio : lock uo. sate, auju matlo double time lock; double burglur proof steel chests. Will be sold it a bargain. National Dank of Commerce. Q-5S1 TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Smith- I'romier, uensmore, replaced oy Tttm UNDERWOOD: low price. A. 11. Work man & Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phono 2439. Q-397 FOH S,ALE, 100 carloads of natlvo hard wuoii sawauBx, 910 per carionu, i. u. 11., hero, In orders of 20 cars ami over; mini mum 21,000 IbH. Flatto overtdn, Regfr, Mo. 3-MI3a'10' FOR SALE-tA young 'cow and calf, fresh", at weuster hi. u.m4.h u CLAlRVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. B JW MME, aYLMER, genutnrf palmist, SIS S. IS. EI.ECTniC TREATMENT. MME, AMES,. 31754 15; flat.Ei attendants. x yjs m MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d Iloor, R 2. T 331 FB EATRICE HARLOW, baths: Eevntlan 1 treatment; attendant. 321 N. 15th. Flat A. ' X .MIUS 13 ISS MACK, massage! attendant. 1403 Webster. T-M132 F3 PERSONAL. PR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu- ....... . I . 1 V. . . T, ,A Frcnzer Ulock. . U 988 VTAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wlioicsoia noma treatment, an uco uiug. U-969 GOLDMAN'S, tho only .Derfect nlant In tha west. 200 Douglas block. , U-M613 SHAMPOOING nnd hair dressing, 25c. In r connection with Tho Rathery, 216-220 Beo bulldln. Tel. 1710. U-561 RUPTURE permanently cured in 30 to 60 days; Bend for circular. O. 8. Wood, M. D., 621 New York Llfo llldg., Omaha, Neb, HAIRDRESSING, manicuring nnd chiro pody, for ladles only, In connection with Tho hiitlury, 2tfl-220 Beo Uldg. U-235 LIEI1EN, theatrical, masquerado customer. 1018 Farnutn. U 972 SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO CLAY CENTER, .NEB. Bond for handsomo 166-page, free catalogue. . ' t .U-977 PRIVATE hoepltal, before and 'during c6n Hnpmpntr babies adbnted. 2306'Grant Bt. Mrs.. Oardels. Tel. F-1182. U-973 . CHIROPODY" a specialty. In connection with The Rathery, rooms 218-220 Bee Uldg. Tel. 1716. ' . . V-519 ACCORDION, pltatjng, che'ape&t. best, anil quickest. r8,A.;9,..Mark, )7 & Uouglas. . ; - if. 'r; ' U 971 and retail. ,pplllns Piano Cfc, 1622 Dogf- MME."BMlTir,'batliriiiiN; floor.-jvi. ',.,'. '. U-456 Jl,5-h WE RENT machlhcs of ..:every ,njake at 76o per week or 82 per morUh. ,. .. Wc. repair and nil. parts, for ,very sewing, machine manufactured. .j.;. , r, ..1 NEHRASJfA QYCL1S .CO., Cor. Atfli .and Harney, 'prtono, 16q(r,.354 BiadwA$.eo)iriT 24th st South Omaha. , .. Un-S31.J2& PRIVATE hospital during confinement;; names aaopteu. nirs. uurora, isii vvcu Bter. - ' U-360 11 Mlddlcmls, wall paper "cleaner. 1403 Jackson U-379 F5 WANTED, to know tho whereabouts of John Balar.. Jr., who left homo August 1, 1901, aged IQ; 110 reward. John IJaiaz, 81134j Webster street, umanu.- 1 U-374 9 There are many good cigars,' but soma-' nre uctter man oinors. THE PRINCE OF OMAHA Is absolutely the BEST. It retails at Co ritraigm llliu wtiuieguien ui 401 iter l,'JU. Union made. ' " W. F. STOECKER CIOAR COMPANY. U-M321 U PIANO for rent, reasonable terms, for six . . . . ....11.1.. .... r it 1 . . . moninn iu ruaiiuiiBiuiu imuy. u. 11. uuiui son. 843 N; Y. Life. U-M420 pniVATR homi fnr Indies hefnrn nnd rtur mg coniinomcnt; oauies. aaoinou, zh-tj liiiruetto t. Mrs, rturget, u-mw hi- MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bands and warrants ueorgo & uompnny, iwi rarnam street. f W-9S7 414 PER CENT on business property. D per cent on reniuenuu pruiieiiy. Options to pay wholo or part any tlmo. W. I). MEIKLE, 401 B. 16th St. W-988 AVANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W, I'arnam omun ac v.u., io.v I'uniuui sireet. W-989 WANTED, city and farm loans ;.'nlBo bonds nnd warrants, it. u. meters & Co., 1,03 Farnam ot., ueo uiug. w vw MONEY to loan on Improvod Omaha real ......... tt .. ...... T r... . ,io U . . 1 1. . ) . I. " W-991 FAnM and city loans, low rates, w. H, Thomas, isi iNat. uanu uiag. Tel. ibis. "r W-992 YOU don't need to borrow; mqmy If you" worK lor.tna jvnaras uo. , . w 063 f i . 44 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. I. W VJS) SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Llfo. ' W 990 MORTGAQE G. G. Wallace, Brown Hlock V 937 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas w m 5 PER CENT loans. Garvin, Bros., 1604 Fnr nam. MONE.Y TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY To loan on Furniture and Pianos, Llvo Stock, ate. You to retain possession of tho property, SALARY LOANS ntttfonH You can borrow from 110.00 un. You can get tho, money on short notice, You get the full amount In cash. You may keep u ono monwi or moro anu pay ror It onij' ivhflt tlmn Vnll lApn It flu ratna Inw our buslnciiH Is conlldentlal and our motto is to -try to piease." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Hoard of Trade Hide. ' Tel. (Established 1892.) 304 8. 16th St. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried neopie; uusincss connaentiai; lowest rates on j-nxiuu UIOCK. 1110 j, a.. .Mutton L.O. MnVW Inntin.l nUnnu . 1 1 . p n,.r elry, hursts, cowj, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13, ' v no. MONEY loaned on furniture, llvo stock Jewelry; uso to s.tlurled people without security; cueun rates; easy payments business confidential. Foley Loan Co. successors to Duff Green, II. b, Barker WOE, &BIB.D. 136 A if IK MOXHV TO LOAN CM VTTllLS. FURNITURE. PIANOS, HoRSES, ETC., hUAjia. "ADSoiuiciy wimout removing goods." Written guarnntm given to this offect. AMERICAN LOAN" CO., Room 303, Paxton Block. X-9SI LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO halahikd fuuplis, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc. without se curity; ccslest terms; 40 cilices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 410 Ijoard of Trade Bldg. X-9S0 STATIT THE NEW YEAH OWINC1 HUT ONE PAltTY. Whero every dollar paid off reduces cost. SALARY LOANS U.N PLAIN NOTES tn hnnent worklnc npni.lp. No Mortgage. NO Indnrser No Publicity. ISO UiNt'i iNl'jl'.U know. Wo Guarantee the Lowest Hates. HOW DO WE DO IT? Full Particulars FHEH Upon Hequest HELIAHLE CHEDIT CO., Hoom 303 Paxton Hiock. ' (See Window from Farnam Btieet.) X-97J LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, llvo stock, etc. Quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W TAYLOE. 633 (top floor) Pnxton block, northeast corner 16th end Farnam ;, entrance on 16th street. X-9S3 YOU don't need to borrow money If you worK ior inc iwiarns 10, oti BUSINESS CHANCES. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. 4TH FLOOR N. Y. L. BLDfJ.. OMAHA. Asspclato banks and attorney!) everywhere. LARGliSX LAW AND COLLECTION AGENCY TN THE WORLD. DAMAGE. SUITH HANK Iltll'TCT. ijl. VORCE and every form of LITIGATION given attention -br lawyers making a epe- laity in tneir particular urancn. "Submit' Vour claims In person or by mall. Y- TO GET 'In or out. of business call on Wll- warns, Hoom 411, Mccnguo building. x ; 999 FOR RENT, The ' Langa or Auditorium noted w- a. i3tn ut urn aim; modern anu steam heated; 32 rooms, 3 stories. Y-743 FOR 3ALE. millinery store doing good uusinesj; aito gooa noiei ior saio tor ica to right 'tarty), both good locations In N. B. Nebraska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Life building, Omaha. Y-131 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchango your nusiness or property quicK communi eato with ono who hai tlio customers. J. 11. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life. Phono L-2270. Y-M881 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes un extra stroko or two of tho pen to mention tho fact that you saw the ad In Tho Uce. ROOM steam heated flnt, well furnished, excellent location, lady going to Cali fornia, will sell cheap; see mo ut once. J. II. Johnson, N, Y. Life. Y-3U FOR SALE, up to date racket ntore; county Beat: soutnwest Missouri, Address "iincic et." box 868. Neasko. Mo. Y M2SI 10' WANTED, hardware Btock In live eastern ftonrasKU or western iowa town; good business; give full particulars. Address O 64, Roe. Y-MI0S A FIRST CLA'88 hotel nnd restaurant In good town In southeastern Nebraska for saio encap for cash. Address O 07, lleo. . Y-M136 10 l'Oll EXCHANGE. WILL exchango good oak wardrobe for FOH SALE HEAL ESTATE. mnum liitol 1,'llntQI For bargains In farm property go to O'Nelirs' Roal Estate Agency. . South umana. hiu mvw A BARGAIN. To settle nn estate, wo differ for sale a well built mouern nine-rpoip. nousq, lac ing south on Charles st.,'nCar 26th; houso has been thoroughly, palntrd and repaired, nnd nn It now stands Is 'tnti'createst bar gain north of Cuming sLfjjN 0.(2628 Charles THBiOMAHA'REAl.TY CtLJJlaOV Doifglas, HOUSES and lots' In nil parts of city; also acre pruii.siy uiiu utiiiiuuiiMn. ajih w. p Davis Co., Room 552, BoelUulldlng.- Iil i 'RE 102 SEVERAL good farms for sale In a good Wrlta or call on II. L. Ludltun. Plalnvlew. Neb.' ; ' tn.JtE M392.. ., When'YoaAVJife" to Advertisers' remember It only takes an extra stroko or two or tne pen 10 mention ino iuci mui you saw tho ou In Tho Bee, liOUSES--Harrlson & M6rton. Tel. 311. lit; niiifi aicni- RANCH and farm lands for saio by the iimnn I'nciiia ltaiiroau comnanv. is. a. MoAllaster, land P9mmlssloner. Union Pa- cllic licauquariern, umanu, acd. . " RE-103 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; nlso fire insurance, ucmis, raxton isiock. nE-io WILLIAMSON, gffiS ltE-661 Farms Harrison & Mortpn, N.Y.L. Tel, 314 HIS 1(1 13" Tli' YntI wnnt ono nf the nicest S-room homes in naiiHcom i-iace, i win give you a bargain, uwner-ieu city, must sen. j. it nnrrwuuu, vi x. uiuk, RE-5fl53 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Life nr. lui When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroko or twn of the non to mention tho fact that you saw mo uu in inu ueo. FOR SALE, tho best plcco of gardening land around umana: -u acres ror ii.i cost tho owner 4,ooo; ono crop will pn ror it. w. it. noman, itooms b anu i Frenzcr block. RE-M404 14 FARM FOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAIN, 400 iicreB choice black Bandy loam bottom land, on wiucn no.uw uu. or corn was raised In 1901 bv 'tenant farmer and sold at, station, 1 mllo from place, at GOc per bit. No overllow nna mora tiinn 10 muea from Missouri river. 30 miles from . Omnha. ImnrovementH only fair. Call or wruo iiuicn. y ii wiuo, xiurney 8t'9maha. , RE-M444 12 X SNAP IN LAND-040 acres loifd In An ' trlnim county. Nebraskn. 15 nor acre if taicen 'at once, aomo goou uoiiom nay lanu, oniy ao ncres nroKni wnuiq nuiito lino pasture; d mucs irom gopu town MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading - 1 . . I 1 . I . . I .. n .. .. n. ........ 1 n I. would call the attention ' of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during conllncmcnt, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries. Arlington block. 1513 TVwlire. , Omaha, 105 - LADIES. 1MQ reward falling to xelleva rnsn ! of abnormal suppression, any cause; price ' 12; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mend Remedy I.O., ii ijuiucy oi., .unii-ugu, ill. -r695 J2t DR. W. HUTCHINSON, flneclallst nf wnm en and chlidran; 30 years' practice. Office 220& U'uming. lies. tel. i-uw, otllco B-2S.16, M29I VACUUM Org&n Developer, for shrunke organs, sexual wcaKiicHs, varicocele nnl Impotency, Call orwrljo room 37. Dojg- las block. M4S2 12 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug IUO A. C. VAN SANT'S schbol. 717 N. Y. Life 1U( BOYLES College, court reporter principal i. i. i.u a. 10s NEH. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd' Theater. ' too GAIIIIAGE, ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., cleans cessiionis nnu vaults, remove garnage ,st ueuu nnimais ai reauceu prices. 621 N yv. ivi. illi. li tr OS.Ti:oiATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. iwh. aiico jonnun, u. u., lames ucpt.j Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 127 DR. A, t; HUNT, '613 McCaguo Bldg. Tel. ZJJ.'. 1! DR. MRS. MUSIC1C, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S23. NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating piani in umnna, uman.a nating uo., uco Bldg. Tel. 2533. -113 ,AROEST plating plnnt in Omnha. A. U unueinnu, i&itt uotigo at. ici, w. 114 DANCINO. LOST. 5 REWARD for return of black silk sock, raced witn red, gut buttons, to cierK ner Grand hotel. Lost M119 11. OST Tuesday, between Union depot nnd Knrbach block, lady's gold watch; old English M ou front case. Return to 702 8. 17th. Howard. Lost-M42S 10 MA 8(1 IIH HADE COSTUMES, COSTUMES for rent 8. Back, 3318 S. 20th. ftino I' cui CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL itlnda of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly uttenueu to. J. i. ucniurco, 20th and Lnko Sts. 370 WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es- ..... ... . ...I.. . . . .. n.A. uuu inuii; veuiner mripa iul uu. -ova Leavenworth. 117 PAWNBROKERS. EAOLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing an nusiness conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas. -116 TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cicanca anu repnirea. joo xouscn, 16W Farnnm. . 125 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St wo LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, .c; cuns, ic. aw Leavetiwortn. Tel, iu. -131 TYPEWRITERS. NEW & 2dhand. 1119 Farnam St., Omaha, 412 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2167. in ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 511 South Thirteenth street. 908 FUR DRESSING. O, R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th, in FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. 125S. Mm FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired, om, xrunic u actory, lzus ! arnum. noOKKEEPING. LitSnur. in DOOKKeeping, etC;j aay or even ing, r. is, com. in a i. uunK. u. n. uatnnun. ' Ul HALE TIES. OMAHA liny Balo-TIo Co., 811 North 16th, in MASQUERADE COSTUMES. NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent, 0. sacK, mis aoutn zutii street. M170 Fcb2 PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or Invention Address, P. O. Box 85, Omaha, Neb. 184 J-itf- STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg, 124 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old ago oa well r.B lire, unnricr memDcrs ireo. i-articu-lars from Frnnk Hosowater, supreme manager, ueo uiug. in TO Convention Members WE OFFER Wholesale Prices "DEPOT WAqONS" nil styles. "nOCKAWAYS" 2 sizes. "BROUGHAMS" 2 sizes. "STANHOPES" all styles. AGENCIES: II, H. Hancock Co. II. A. Moyor. Columbus Buggy Co. Folger & Drummond. Ovor 40 BARGAINS in second hand vehicles. Drummond Carriage Co., I8fh and Harniy. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED for U. S. army, nble-bodled un married men between ageH of 21 and 36 (ltlzena nf United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read und write English, For Information apply to itecruuin ltlnir oniccr. 16th nnd Dodge sts., Omaha, 1, Neb. Jlcod-M31 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISING ARCHITECT, .WASHINGTON, D. C, January 7, 1902. KiCAl.Mri PROPOSALS will bo received a this olllce until 2 o'clock p. m. on tho 1st day of March, 1902, and then opened, for tho construction (except heating appara tus, electric wiring and conduits), of tho U. 8. Postolflco at ureston, lowu, in tic cnrdnm-A with the drawlliKH mid siiecllk'u tlons, copies of which may bo had at this olllce, or at tne oiui-u ul x-uniiuunicr u Creston, Iowa, at tha discretion of the Su MORAND'S winter term for beginners openn this week. , Adults. Tuesday nnd Fridays, 8 r. m.; children, Saturday after noons. Prices reduced. 177 F3 purvising Arciiiiun. 1 JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, 8upenAlHK Architect. POSTOFIMt'E NOTICE. (Shculd be ready dally by all Interested. s changes may occur Rt any time,) t.nAlr... m.ll. t V. ....... 1. .1 1 Inn. tiary 11, 1P02. will cloe (PROMPTLY In all Inmburg and Supplementary malls cIofo t Forelun Hriineh half hour later than closing tlmn shown below (except Supple meiitury Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close ono hour Inter ut foreign nraiiciu, SATUHDAY-At 4 a m. for EUROPE, per a .. I .... . . I It, .......... t. .. II t l- .illllll-lUllS), VIU 1 lIIIlllllll lllilll lui lreli'iid must be directed "per s. s. Minne apolis"!; at 7:30 a. in. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s, Ryndain (mall must be directed "per b. b. Ryndani"); nt 8 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. b. K. M. Therosla (mall must bo directed "per s, s. K. M. Thoresln")! at 9:30 a. tn. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (nintl must bo directed "per b. b. Astoria"); nt 11:30 n. in (supplementary 1 p. tn.) for EU ROPE, per s. b. Saxonla, via yucctiMown. After tho closing of the Supplementary 1 rniis-Atiantic .m.iiis iinmru nitovo, aiiui tlonnl Siippleinentary Mulls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers and re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mull fur Sou Hi nml (Vntrnl Aturrlcn, Won! ludl-, Kt'. 'RIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. h. City of Washington, via Tnmplco (mail must be directed "ner s. b. Citv of Wash lugton"). -v SATURDAY At 6:30 11. 111. Mr ARGEN TINE, U;tlTUUAY nnd PARAGUAY, per 8. d. Coronda; nt S n. m. for BERMUDA, per 8. . Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Savunllla nnd Cartagena must bo directed "per s. . Caracas''); at 9:30 a. tn. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8A VANILLA nnd CARTA GENA, per h. b. Allegheny (mall for Costu Hlcn must bo directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); nt 9:30 11. in. (supplement ary 10:30 n. 111.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. b. Alpn; at in a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. .Mexico, via llavann; nt 10 a. m. for GRENADA, TRINIDAD und C1UDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Mnrncns; ut 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. b. Curltybrf, via. Matnnzns, ale, (ordinary mull only, which must be directed "per s. s, Ciirltyba"); at 11 p. m. for BAHAMAS, via Nassau, per steamer from Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Hyaney. nnu inenco oy steamer, close at this olllco dolly at 6:30 p. m (connecting close hero every Monday. Wednesday nnd Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon. by rnll to Boston, nnd thenco by Btennier, close nt this olllco dally nt 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to l'ort Tampa, Fla., and thenco by Btenmcr, close ut this olllco dally nt 6 n. in. (tho connecting closes nro on Monday, Wednesday and Sttur day). MalU for Mexico City, overlund, unless specially nddrossed for dispatch by steamer, oloso at this ofllco at l:3o p. m. nnd 11 p. in. MiiIIb for Costa Hlcn, Bellzo, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to Now Or,oans. ami thence bv stenmer, close nt this ofllco dnlly nt '1:30 p. m. (connecting closes nero aionnnyn for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala, and Tuesdays for Cpsta Rica). Regis tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Trnnn-Pni'ltla Mulls. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, anu jnow .eniami. which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. 111. after December 21 und up to January M, Inclusive, fol dljpatch per 8. b. AcrangI (supplementary mulls, via Hcattie nnu victoria;, ciose nero at u:u p. m. January "5. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Phltlp- pino islands, via nan i-rancisco, cioso l. .... ,1nll., ..ft lt.U n m .... in Innlln,, I1U1U U.lll ll . 111. L ,' il IfllllUII, J V, Inclusive, for dispatch per 8. b. City of I'eklnc. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, close her dal y at 0:30 11. m. un to Janunry "8, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. 8. Kaga Muru. tuegisiercu man must do uircctcu "via Seattle"). Mnlls for Australia (excent West Australia. which la rorwnrneu via lsuropo). New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San I'rancisco, ciosa uern anny at u;& p. m. after January Siand up to January 11, Inclusive, oi on arrival of s. s. Etrurla, una nt iNew xorn January "ii, ror ais . -i. ., - ........ .... mvc,i ici n. p, , ciiiuin, t Malls for Hawaii, China, Jnpan and Philip pine Islands, via Sail Francisco, close nero oauy at o:i p. in. up 10 January "it, Inclusive, for dlsiiotch ner h. b. Gaelic. Malls for Hawaii, via, San Francisco, close here dnlly at p. tn. up to January "20, Inclusive, for dlspntch per h. s. Alameda. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, oauy hi n:.iu n. in. un 10 Jan uary 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per b.' h. EmpreBs of Jnpan. (Registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver." Merchan dise for tho U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada. 1 Malls for China and Jnpan, via Tacoma, Close nero uauy at o;w p. m. up to jun-uury-"21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s, s. Tacomn. Mulls for Tahiti nnd Marquesas Islands, via Sun Francisco, clone nero daily at 6:30 p. m. up to February 4, Incluslvo, for dis patch per s. a. Australia. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing uauy nnu tna ccneuuia or closing Is Hrrnngod on tho presumption of their unlnterriintcd overland transit. Reels- tercd mnll cIoscb nt 6 p. in previous day. PoBtofTlce, Now York. N, Y.. January 3, 1902. cuitivi'.Lius vak co'it, postmaster. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE.GLABS-ANDRHHSF.N HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Nob., Doc. 14. 1901. Notlco Is hereby ulven to tho nlockliolders of the Loe-Giai-Andrcc8cn Hardware company mat tne annuul meet ing of tho stockholders of the cumpnuy will be held at tho offices ot tho said com pany, S14 to 824 Harney street, in tho city . 1.. 1 .. . I. .. ........ ... X. 1 . .. - Tuesday, January 14, A. D. 1902. at 3 o'clock p. m., ror tne purpose ot electing a Hoard of directors for the company to servo dur ing the ensuing year, and to transnct such other business as may ba presented at such meeting. II. J. LEE. rrcsment. Attest: W. M. OLASS, Secretary. (Seal.) Dcc.UtoJHM RAILWAY 'riHH CARD. UNION 9TATION-10TII AND MARUY. Illinois Central. ' Leave. Arrive. Chicago 'Express a 7:20 am a 5:10 rim Chicago, Minneapolis & m. i-aui Limitea a pm a n:m am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am b10:35 pm Chicago Express al0:35 pm Cliicnsu, Alllvrauuee A; at. l'aul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8;05 am Chicago St Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3:40 pro Union Pnelfiii. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a 8:50 am n 3:25 pm California Express. ....a 4:25 pm Paclllc Exnrcss all:30 om Eastern Express a 4:35 pm Atlantic express a. 7:uo am Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:05 nm b'.2:30nm Grand island Local d d:jij pm u u: am Clilcagu v .K(irtliveleru, "Tho Northwestern Line." Chicago Bpeclal a 7:10 am all:20 pm Chicaco l'lissengor a i ii pm a s:uu am Eastern Express al0:6k am a 4:05 pm uastcrn ooeciai a tiuu urn a :uo Dm Fast Mall a 2:40 urn Omaha-Chicago L't'd..a 7:45 pm a 9:20 urn Fast Mall a 8:30 arn Cedar Ranldr Pass a 5:30 Dm Twin City Express a 7:05 am al0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm a 8:40 am Sioux City Local a 6:15 urn a 3:50 pin Wnliash. ' nt. T.i, tils 'Cannon Dad" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am Bt. Louis Local, Council Bluffs -10:00 am al0:30 pm Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:23 pm K. c. & ut. u. express, aiu:ou pm a s;io am Chluuiio, Hoc- island A I'nolBo. EAST. Dps Moines and Dav- ' enport Local a 7:35 am a :35 pm Chicago Express bllilG am a 5:05 pm Hps Moines Local a 4:00 urn bll:50 am Chicago Fast ExprefB,,a 4;Sb pm a 1:25 pm Des Moines, hock isl and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 8:25 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:11 pm nnlnrado. Oklahoma . . Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am a Dally. I1UHLINGTON STATION IOTH A MASON llnrlliiKton A Missouri River. Leave. Arrive, Wvmnre. Beatrice and Nebraska Express .a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm cusesj ni me .enerai jru?ioiiire a tuiiuwi., PARCEIJI POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing lime shown below, Parcels Post malls for Germany close ut 5 p. m. Friday, per s. s. Graf Waldrree, via A1LW.VY H'kMli LAKI. Lincoln iM un. bli:5S m Dcner Limited a 4:23 Din a i;w ptu Black II1U aim ruget Sound, Denver Con- .ntlrt,i . ...fl S-.nO nm 11 A At nv Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 00 pin a 9:1? am Fort crooK una I'latts- .mitlt h !1 till. At mm Belle vuo & Pacific Jct..k ,:43 pm a S:;) am Ilellevuo & I'cclilc Jet. .a 3:00 am KnitMi Clt), hi. Jui,li Uoiiiil'II II 1 11 ITn. Kansns City Night Kx..alo:3o pm a 6:1$ am St. LouU Flyer a 5:10 pm alLll ant Clili-Hun. Itiirllnutoii V Utiiiiev. r.l.. 1 nr. tlt.unlal ?!OA ntn ift.n MM Chicago Vcsttbuted Ex, .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chlcugo Local a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7115 am Fast Aiuii a z-.iu pni a Dally, t Dally except 3unday. DUPOT-1IVTII ,t WERSTEIl Leavt. Arrlvt. Chlenao, SI. Pnul, .lililiiRiipulU llniahH. Twin City Passenrr....a 6:00 am a 1:10 pm Sioux City l,asscnger...a 2:45 pm allilO am , -... -.. t ti nn. 1. fi ' t.A .M IICVIBUII 1A'V.,I ......... v w.wv HIU .Mlsmiurl I'm-1 lie. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wnter b 4:10 pm alO:2S am l'rrintiiit, Etuliorn .t Missouri "alley Black Hills, Dtadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Cnspur and Douglao d 3:00 pm e S:W pm Hastings, York, David City Superior, Geneva, Exeter and ScwarJ....t 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and ..... Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:15 am Fremont Local .c 7:30 am ii rmiiv b Dully ercent Sunday, c Sun duy only, d Dally except Saturday. - Dally' except Monuny. CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "CELTIC," THE LARGEST ST I'.AMHK IN THE WORLD, TO MFDITf RRANFAN ORIENT riiK i. .Li ...... u w.i m. llllk itiitl an. Including Shorn Excursions, Hotels, Drives, etc. 18 DAYS IN EGYPT and tho HOLY LAND. . ('lurk's i:-iirsloiiN to liuropr, lima. Hend far nrocr.ams. F. C. CLARK. Ill R'way, N, Y. UNION MEN ATWHITE HOUSE Lenders of OraniiUed l.ntior and Cab inet .11 embers Dine ttKIi President. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. Tho president had with him at lunch today tho attorney general, tho secretary of agriculture nnd a notable gathering of representatives of or ganized labor. They wcro F. P. Sorgeant, chief of tho Brotherhood of Locomotlvo Firemen; E. E. Clark, grand chief of .ho Order of Hallway Conductors; P. II. Mor rlssey, grand inusler of tho llrothorhood of Railway Trainmen; II. B. Graham, presi dent of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and A, II. Youngoton, first assistant to P. M. Arthur, chief of tho Order of Locomotive Engineers. RAIL FOR GREAT FALLS LINE HiirlliiRton Give Indication that llnllillntr In to Commence nt F.nrly Dnte. BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 9. A special to the Mlncr from Billings, suys: Tho Burlington Railway company has received soven cars of steel rails to bo used In tho construction of a branch Uua from Hillings to Great Falls. Actlvo work on tho new road will commonco In a few days. Burlington brldgo men nro In Billings and will make a trip of Inspection with a view to the construc tion of bridges. , ' , Children Like Ii. , ."My llttleibpytoo'K tha-croup ono nighty snys F. I). Reynolds of Mansfield, O,, ''aril grw0sq bad jo could hear him breathe alt over ,lio bouse. I thought ho would die, but a few doses' of Ono Minute Cough Cure relieved ..and sent him to sleep. That's tb last we hoard of tho crqup." One Mlntite Cough Cure is absolutely safo and acts at once. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, asthma nnd bronchitis. i FORMER GOVERNOR IN JAIL Franklin J. Muses, Once Chief Ex ecutive nf South Cnrnllnn, Stent nn Overcoat. BOSTON, Jan. ft. Admitting that his plc- turo was In tho rogues' gallery and that for a period of years he had been familiar wdth tho "lowest depths of Now York opium Joints," yet pleading for morcy from the court, Franklin J. Moses, once gov ernor of South Carolina, was sentenced hero today to four months' Imprisonment for tho larceny of an overcoat. If Han net Salve doesn't euro your piles, your money will be returned. It Is the most healing medicine. Seasonable Fashions. 4027CHIL05 FfiffKH DRESS. Clilld'fl French Dress, No. 4027 No atyld ot drosa suit's tho childish figure moro per fectly than tho long walated one. Tho very protti' iodol shown Is adapted to many materials, but In the original Is madq ot Palo, blua cashmore with collar of blue silk and trimming of black velvet rlbbou. Tho waist portion Is laid in box pUUs) and la arranged over a body lining. The skirt also Is laid In hqx plaits, but wider than thoflo of tho waist, and Is joined to tho lowor edgo of tho body portion, the seam being concealed by tho sash. At the neck Is a becoming pointed collar that flares npart at both front and back. The sleeves are short anil form full puffs that are gathered Into bands, Tho closing; la effected Invisibly beneath tho center box plait at the back, When desired the frock can bo worn over a gulmpo, thus waking tho high neck with long sleeves, To cut tbls dress for a vhlld of 6 years of age 6 yards of material 21 Inches wide, 4'4 yards 27 Inches wide, or 2i yards 44 Inches wide will be required, with M yard 21 inches wldo for collar. The pattern 4027 la cut la sizes for chil dren 2, 4, 6 and 8 years of age, For the accommodation of The Bee rend ers,. theso patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to CO cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expenso, In ordor to get any pattern en close 10 cents, give number and name ot pattern wanted nnd lust measure.