10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 1 Wki at li lniati t Its Bioori Frici aid 'CAUSED BY A BI6 BULL MOVEMENT Reports of Desperate Condition of Winter Cray nml Strong Cnlilea Send Lending Cereal Up by Itnpld Jumps, . CHICAGO, Jan. 9. After hclng rushed' vy a duii movement to mo men point or tho year, wheut slumped badly, lost lo and took tho spirit out of tho bulls In other pits. May wheat closed at a net loss o Wi4c. May corn MflMic off and May oats hi'UVtC lower. Provisions closed unchanged to n shado lower. Numerous bullish conditions conspired with yesterday's curb strength to send wheat up by rapid Jumps at the opening. Continued reports of the despcrato con dition of tho winter crops from lack of molsturo hud as much ns anything to do with tho situation, Cables wcro up a lit tle, mainly on New York's curb strength, but this, with small receipts, argued well. Professionals at once set to buying heavily and commission houses put a flood of buy ing orders In tho pit. Stay, which opened Utfiio higher at MHfJSIHo. soon went to 84Hc From this prico thero wore nu merous nnd rapid changes. The market assumed much tho same character it had yesterday and became nervous and' er ratic. Tho government report, which Is expected late tomorrow afternoon, sot traders to guessing, and when several large professionals began selling for prollt and numerous commission houses followed their lead, prices Blld downward. Thero wcro several rallies, but the heaviness In corn and Slay wheat helped to depress, prices. May closed weak and 1S4 lower nt bot tom figures for the day, 8Jf83ic. local receipts wcro 22 cars, nono of contract rnde. Minneapolis and Duluth reported It cars, making a total for 'tho three Snlnts of 623, ngnlnst M3 Inst week and 19 a year ago, i'rlmary receipts were filO.000 bushels, compared with 474,000 bushels lust year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled only. 103,000 bush els. Corn was active on a declining market. At tho opening thero was a show of strength on tho wheat bulge, but thero was a heaviness over the pit that pre vented any decided advance. Reports from tho west stated that tho continued mild weather brought a falling off of tho demand bocauso of lighter feeding. He colpts hem aro expected lo lncrcaso ns a result of this economy. Cables were down a trifle. May opened slightly up and sold to 67''t67Hc. Commission houso selling on tlio wheat break brought professionals to tho samo attitude nnd May slid down to a weak close nt Hf?io off nt its low prlcti for tho day, Mra66i. Ilccolpts were 169 cars. llultlsh activity In July options gave tho oats pit material strength for some tlmo nfter tho opening. Kor the first hour tho, trade here wns tho biggest thing on tho floor. It wns a tremendous bull market while tho buying lnstcd. This action In July hiiH lasted threo days ,and llttlo at tention Is paid to nows ono way or tho other. May was relatively weak. Tho country offerings wcro light. Then when wheat broke, bears thought It a good point to go short of July and bulls wero glad to have them tako that view of tho case, for tho market Is now thought to bo heavily oversold. Tho prevailing opinion Is that this pit, will seo sensational fea tures within tho next few weeks. On tho short selling July, which opened well up and sold to 425ic, lo over yesterday's close, sank back and closed He up at H!Ufiilc. May opcneil higher, sold up to 47&c, but declined with other grains to m easy close, MQo down, at 4CJc. Receipts wcro 111) cars. Provisions were quiet. Tho hog market was strong nt the yards and with tho early groin strength nnd some country buying of pork brought a higher opening. Packers sold later and on tho grain break prices cased to n steady close. May closed unchanged at $17.27',j, May lard a shades lower at )3.92& and May ribs a shade lower at JS.87V4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 enrs; corn, 125 cars; oats, 135 cars; hogs, 30.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.!. Open. Hlgh.j Low. CIose. Tes'y. Wheat Jan. May July Corn Jan. May July Oats May July Sept. Tork Jon. May July Lard Jan. May July Illbs Jaii. May, 80 80 79H 79H1 80 . 83384 81 83 83 83$ 63V4 63 63 ,63 63 67 67tfW 66 66 67 C 65i Oyml SBXWl 66 47n 47 46 46 4647 411 42 41 41 Htf 34 34(S 33S$ 334lr 33S 16 90 16 90 16 87 16 87 16 82 17 .V 17 40 17 27 17 27 17 37 17 37 17 37 17 25 17 25 17 25 9 82 9 82 9 77 9 77 9 80 9 97 10 00 9 92 9 92 9 95 10 02 10 02 WOO. 10 00 10 00 8 50 8 CO 8 45 8 45 R 47 8 82 8 82 8 77 8 77 8 80 No. 2. . CasH quotations wero ns follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patents. J3.70 3.90; winter straights, JIS)."!): winter clenrs, 13.0CKff3.10: spring specials, $4.30; spring patents, 13.f0j3.S0; spring Btrnlghts, J3.W13.S0. WHEAT No. 2 spring, S(X381c; No. 3, 78 ffj0c; No. 2 red. S7(f?S9c. OATS-No. 2. 474H7o; No. 2 white, 4S)g C0o; No. 3 white. 49&49ic HYK-No. 2. C7Jo. HARLKY Fair to choice malting. 60?6te. HERDS No. 1 Max, 91.CS; No. l north westorn, 91.67; prlmo timothy, $G.D5; clover, contrnct grade, $10. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $16.85 ffl6.90. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.7509.80. Short ribs sides (looso), $8.4038.55.- Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.37'31.50; short clear sides (boxed), JS.Syji8.9j. WHISKY-Dasls of high wines. $1.32. The following were tho receipts and ship ments of grains yesterday: Articles. Rccotpts. Shipments. Flour, bills , 33,000 31,000 Wheat, bu 65,000 39.000 Corn, bu 137,000 138,000 Oats, bu 169.000 154,000 Ryo, bu 20,000 1,000 Uarloy, bu 55,000 18,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 15SJ 24c; dairies, HflfCOc. Cheese, .steady, 10U5? lltfc. Eggs, strong; fresh, 20c. NEW YOH1C Ci EX EH At, MARKET. Qnotntlnns of the Uny an Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Jan. 9,-FLOUR-Rccelpts, 18.935 bbls.; exports, 8,119 bbls. Market was well sustained, but very dull, owing to the wheat decline; winter patents, $3.75 tj4.00; winter straights, 93.651J3.75: Minne sota patents, $3.85W 4 20; winter extras, $1.90 ff2.30; Minnesota bakers, $2.9503.35; winter low grades, J2.70fr2.SO. Ryo Hour, dull! fair togood, $3.203.40; cholco to fancy, $3.50 ' CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, 'Ki'VC' ,ll3lv Mrandywlne, 13.GS513.70. RYE Easy; No. 2 western, 77c. f. o. b., afloat: stato rye, 71ff72c. c. I., f.. carlots. iMniiRi-uuiot; let-aing, kwuic, c. I. f., Iluffolo: malting. 64y68c, c. 1. f Buffalo. Will: ncccipis, du.; exports. 20,. , Spot, easy; No. 2 red, DOfte nllont; 600 1)11 No, 2 red, 92c In elovntor; No, 1 north orn, Duluth, ,S9c, f. o. b afloat: No. 1 hard, Duluth, 96c, f. o. b., afloat. Options early In thu day dlsplnycd strength and activity, touching the high point of the seasons Shoits covered freely, crop news was bullish, receipts small and English cables llrm. The trade overbought, and soon took protlts, nnd caused afternoon heaviness, and prices closed m'io net lower, or u off from, the top; March, 9S JiDOc, . closing nt l9c! May, SS!4 S8 7-lBc, ' closing nt ssc; July, SSi"i89c, closing at 8Se. CORN Receipts, ' 3.O0O bu.; export. 312 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2. 70o In elevator nnd 71o f. o. b., afloat. Option market opened steadier, with wheat, and then turned weak under a heavy selling pressure, eay cables and poor outsldo support; It closed weak nnd c net lower; Janunry, 7ittj 70c, closing nt70c; May. 70H1l71c, clos. lilK at 70c: July closed at 6974c. OATS Receipts. 52,500 bu.; exports, B.7C0 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2,' 53c: No. 3, 52c: No. 3 white, 65c; track, mixed western, 53fl63c; track, wldte, 64i59o; No. 2 white. 55o. Options nottve nnd stronger west, fol. lowed bv late reactions. HAY Steady; shipping, 60fj65c; good to cnoice. artsivuc. HOPS Quiet: state, common to rhnirn. 1901 crop, 1101o; 1900 crop, 812c; 1893 crop, unuc; I'aciuc coast, ivui crop, llfliso; .HIDES-Stt-ady: Oalvestont 20 to 25 lbs. ISc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19o; Texas ury, -t.io i ins., u;4c. LEATHER Stondy: hemlock sole, nuo nos Ayres. light to Heavyweights, 25ifir'!iio. WOOIv Dullj domestic fleece, 2520o; Trxas. 16H17C . ' PROVISlONS-Reef, quiet: family, $11.00 nie.uu; iiitia, .wri iv.w; utvi nanis, .v.'V (S21.O0; packet. $10.6OWU.50: city, extra India mess, ii7.6oairj.oj. uut, meats, quiet; pickled bellies, SHUlOc: pickled shouldtrs, to; jjicKlea nams, uiutc. utra, csy; con- tlnent, $10.25; western steamed, $10.10-510.18; South America, $11: compound, JS.OO0S.25. l'ork, steady: family, J17.6OfUS.00; short clear. $18,00420.00; mess, $16.5817.50. 11 UTTKR Receipts, 3,70s pkgs.; steady! state dairy, lEh23c; creamery, lff25c; Juno creamery, 15S22c; factory, 13fjl5Hc CHEESE Receipts, 1,000 pkgsj firm; fancy largo full cream, fall made, 10V4fi Wic; fancy large, lato mado, 9c; fancy small state, fall made, U(ijllc; fancy small, late made, lmflOVic. 1JGGB Receipts, 4.vi8 pkgs.; firm; stato and Pennsylvania, 3,"Wp.Hc; western tin candled, at mark, 25iT7a2c. METALS Tho local ma'rket for pig tin wns 60 points lower on the bid price, clos ing with the rongts $.'2 to $23. The tendon market closed with spot tin 10s lower at 102 Cs, hut futures wcro 5 higher at 100 6s. copper sold In l-omlon as low ns .16 17s Oil, which Is the low record price, but closing prices thero were even with yesterday's llnnl figures. Spot closed at 1? 10s and futures at 47 17s 6d. Now York closed at 12c for lako, 12c for elec trolytic nnd llc for casting. Icad was quiet and unchanged here, ns well as In I-otidon. "Now York closed nt 4c and Lon don at 10 Is. Spelter was dull here nnd unchanged In London. Iron warrants quiet here. European markets were without Im portant changes. Glasgow closed at 49s 2d and Mlddlesboro closed'at t;s 3d. Pig Iron wnrrants, JlO.OOyil.OO; No. 1 northern foundry, $15.50316.00; No. 2 northern foun dry, $lS,0Oa 15.5y; No. 1 southern foundry, $15.60(f(l.oi); No. 1 southern foundry, soft, $i5.ooyi7.w. OMAHA WHOLHAAI.H. MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd Quotations on Staple nnil Finer I'rodnre. EOOS Receipts, light: fresh stock, 22c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 607c; old roosters, 2ft ic; turkeys, 75 9c ; ducks and geese, 707c: spring chickens, per lb., 7 'RESSED POULTRY Turkeys, ll12c; ducks, 84!9o; geese, 899c; spring chick ens, Si&9e; hens, StJSHC. H UTTER Cbmmon to fair, 15c; choice dairy. In tubs, I6ttl7c; separator, 232lc. bass, 10c: bluetlsh, 12c; bullheads, 10c: blue mis, ic; uunuioes, ic; cainsn, i-c; cou, iuc;' crapples, lie; halibut, 11c; herring, 6c; had- .1a.1. Am. ..II. n .1 HKn..KnH .A.. - mon, 12c; sunfish, 6c; trout, c: whlteilsh, sc; picKcrci, he; iresn macKcrci, eacn, .uy 35c; smelts, 10c. oySTERB Mediums, per can, 22c; Stand ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can, 33c; Now York counts, per can, 4(kj; bulk Standnrds, per gal., $l.20ftl.25: bulk extra selects. $l:Corril.65; bulk New York counts, per gal., $1,75. PIGEONS-Llvo. per doz., 60c. VEAL Choice," 68c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up land, $9; No. 2 upland, $8; medium, $7,50; coarse. $7. Ryo straw, $3.50. These prices arc for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 12 cars. CORN-New, 61c; old. C4c. HRAN-$23. OATS-52C. VEGETABLES. TIAT TAL't! llnm. r. rn..-.. 1 A ..U1IIV n.V,.,, V, IIUIIIIVIII, $1.10: Salt Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. j UAiiiiuTB i'er ou., wic. I1EETS Per -bu. basket, 30c. TURNIPS Per bu.. 50c: Rutabagas, ner 100 lbs., $1.25. l'AitaiMit's l'cr ou., wc. CUCUMUERS-IIothouse. per doz., $1.75. LETTUCE-Head, per bbl $0.50; hot houso lettuce, per 'doz., 25c. PARBLEY-Per doz., 25c. RADISHES Per doz.. 25c. SWEET POTATOEB-Homo grown, per lb., 2c: Kansas, per bbl., $3.25. CAlHAOE-Holland seeci.crated. lftc. CAULIFLOWER Per crate, $2.75. ONIONS-Spanlsh, per crate, $2; Michi gan, red or yellow, 3o per lb. CELERY-Callfornla, 404J75C. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $1.50; Wlnesaps, $5; Jonathans, $5.60; Bclleflowers, IJUA lllli l'EARS Vlkers. $2.26: Lawrence. $2.25 2.60. GRAPES Malagas, per k?g, $5.50B6.50. CRANUERRIES Per bbl., $7.5038.00; per crato. $2.75. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.15. TROPICAL FRUIT8. ORANGES California navals, $2.75fr3.00; budded, $2.50. LEMONS Fancy, $3.50413.75; choice, $3.00 4J3.25. BANANAS Per bunch, according to rise, $2.2512.75. . r FIGS California, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb., 1214a. ' DATES Persians, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; Hairs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Now crop walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17o; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts. 12c. HONEY Per 24-sectton case, $3.50. CIDER Nchawka," per bbl., $3.26; New York, $3.60. POPCORN Per lb., 5o. HIDES No. 1 green, Go; No. 2 green, Ec; No. 1 salted, 7c: No. 2 salted, 6ic; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8i313c; sheep, pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.6002.25. St. Louis Grain and Provisions. BT. LOUIS, . Jan. 9. WHEAT-Steady; No. 3 rod, cash, elevator, 90c; track, 92c; May, 90c; July, 82c; No. 2 hard, 85fi86c; receipts, 12,393 bu. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 66c; track, 66 4j66o: May, 63c; July, 68c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 48?c: track, 49049c; May, 4Sc; July, 48c; No. 2 white, 49c. RYE Firm at 68c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. $4.00 4.20; extra fancy and straight, $3,6044.80; cieur, i.vav.ta. SEED-Tlmothy," nominally firm, $6.00 6.30. CORNMEAL Steady, $3.25. BRAN Dull; Backed, east track, $1.07 1.08. HAY Tlmothyi firm, $12.5016.00; pralrlo, steady. $U.0012.60. PROVISIONS Pork. quiet; jobbing, $16.40. Lard, lower, $9.52. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear ribs, $8.75; clear sides, $9t Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $9.62; clear ribs, $9.76; clear sides, $9.87. WHISKY Steady. $1.32. IRON COTTONTIES 95c. BAGOING-6c. HEMP TWINE 9c. . M ETALB Lead , dull at $3.87. Spelter, firm at.$i.20 bid. POULTRY Easy: chickens, 7c; turkeys, Sc: ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2025o; dairy, 1520c. . EGGS Steady at 25c. RECErpTS-Elour. 6,000 bbls.: wheat, 12, 000 bu.: corn, 122.000 bu.; oats, 75,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 8.000 bbls.; wheat, 80,000 bu.; corn, 73,000 bu.; oats, 28,000 bu. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 9. WI I EAT Snot. firm; No. 2 red, western winter, 6s 3d; No, 1 northern spring, 6s 3d; No. 1 Cali fornia, (is 6d: futures, nulet: March. 6s 4d: May. 6a 4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, now, no stock; American mixed, old, steady, Es S'Jd; futures, quiet; February, 5s 6d; U...I. Ko J.I. Mm. Ku ill ft PEAS Canndlan. Arm. 6s Ud. flour st. iouis rancy winter, firm, 7s 9d. uui'H At i.onuon u'neinc coast), steady, 3 3s3 5s. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: tirlmo western mess, 27s fid. Lard, dull; American refined, In palls, 49s; prime western, in tierces, 49s, Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 48s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., quiet, 41s G1 ; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., quiet, 45s 6d; long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, 45s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet, 46s 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., qillot, 44s 6d; clepr bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 62s 6d. Shouldprs, square cut, 11 tb 23 lbs., dull, 39s 11. CUKKSK-nrm; nnest American white, 46s 6d: finest American colored, 49s 6d. UUTTKR-Stearty; goon united states, Os. Minneapolis Wheat, Flour anil llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 9. WHEAT-Cash, iT4c: May. 79Si79io; July, S0c; on track, !o. 1 hard. 8li3.c: No. 1 northern. 7SHc: No. 2 northern, 77c. l"LOUll-Kirst patents, ji.unn.Jo: second patents, $4.0001.10: first clears, $3.O4J3.10; second clears. $2.30. ' HRAN In bulk, $17.50. Plillndrlpliln lrolnce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 9. BUTTER- Steady, fair demand; fancy western cream ery. 25e: fancy nearby prints, 29c. EOGS-fiteadv: fresh western. 30c: fresh southwestern. 30c; fresh southern. 27c. , l,-iikk;hk v irm; new voni mil creams, fancy Bmall, llc: New York full creams, fair to choice, 9011c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MfLAVAUWEE, Jan. 9.-WHEAT-Unset-tled; No. 1 northern, Slft&Uic; No, 2 north ern, S0e: May.taic. RYE-8tendyTo. 1J67P.C, BARLEY Higher, No. 2. 6l3o; amilc?65iti6c. CORN-May, 66c. Toledo Grain anil Head. TOLEDO, inn, 9,-WHEAT-Cnsh, 9Wic; niiiy, i"ui j my, o.c. , CORN-January,'oic; May, 67c. OATS January, 46c; July. 43c. SEED-Clover, Januuryi J6.12V4: March $6.20. Kansas Cttr Grain and I'rnvtUlon. KANSAS CITY, Jan. J.-WHEAT-July, 81c; cash, No. 3 hard, 814JS5c; No. 3, 1 82o: No. 2 red, 9293o; No. 3, S991c. Kiuiin January, w!fcc; l cash, No. 2 mixed, 6667i May. 68sHc: 7c; No. 2 white, bATS-No. 2 white, 48049c. RYE No. 2, 68c. HAY Cholco timothy, $13; choice prairie, $ll.W4tH.50. UL'TTER-Creamery, 18322c; dairy, fancy. He. EGGS Werfk on heavier receipts; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock quoted on 'change, 21c doz., loss off. cases returned; new whltewood cases Included, 24c. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 34,400 bu.; corn, 99, 20) bu.; oats, 9,000 bu. SIUPMENTS-Wheat, 18,000 bu.; corn, 8S.O0O bu.; onts, 37,000 bu. 1 MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AMD IIO.MJS. Speeulntlnn Comes to llnltlnw Place nnil llrnnehes Into Xew Courses, NEW YORK, Jan. 9. Speculation come to a halting place today add showed much hesitation about branching out Into new courses. In tho lato dealings, when the futility of the efforts of tho bulls be came apparent, tho tired holders began to throw over stocks. The prices went to the lowest point of the day and generally closed lower. St. Paul wns under severe pressure, and lost 2?,. Declines of between 1 and 2 points woro Jiumerous nmnng tho prominent stocks. The principal stay of tho market during the time of reslstanco to tho decline wns Manhattan. This stock was taken on nn enormous scalo by brokers who have been actlvo In it ever slnco tho present"" advance began. They mado It touch 140, an extreme rise of 4, after which It reacted, closing with a not gain of 2. Tho running of tho first experimental train by electricity oyer ono of the company's lines was tho ostensible caitBc of the stock's strength. Metropoli tan Street Railway and Brooklyn Transit, the latter In a small degree, were affected In a similar way, Sugar, after an early decline, had Its period of strength under operations by a speculative combination, bused on expectation of a remission of raw sugar duties. The stock afterward weakened to the lowest and closed nt a net loss of 2. Tho action of the United States Steel stocks has proved a great disappointment to a largo element among professional speculators who have been looking for n sustained rise In those stocks nnd an advance bull leadership of tho market. Both classes of stocks were sold today both for home and foreign nc count. Tho hostile steps still In prospect agulnst .the Northern Securities romnnnv continued to form a repressive Influence. aiiu jnuiiuy murKui mis iosi us stringent tone, but renewal of supplies Is by no means so abundant as expected. Bonds wero dull nnd irregular. Total sates, pur value, $3,30,000. United States refunding 2s, coupon, advanced per cent on the last call. The following are thq closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison 78 So. Paclllo CO do pfdr. 99 So. Railway 23', Baltlmoro & O...105 do nfd mu do 11 fd 90 Tex. & Pacific... 29 Tol., St. L. & wr 19 do nfd 3TiU Canadian l'nc....lHH Canada So 85 dies. & onio. Chicago & A... do pfd Chi., Ind. & L do nfd 46JiiUnlon Pacltlo ...102. 35l do pfd WJi 76 IWabash 22 51 do pfd 42 tin I O- T T". Chi. & E. Ill 135 Chicago t G. W. 23 do 1st nfd 84 do 2d pfd 30 Wis. Central 20 do nfd 40(i do 2d pfd 45' Adams Ex 200 American Ex 215 U. 8. Ex 100 Wells-Furgo Ex. 190 Amal.a Copper bl) Chicago i N. W.-UU C, R. I. & P 15 Chi. Ter. & Tr... 17 do nfd 32 C. C. C. & St. L. 90 Amcr. ;ar 30 Colorado So 14 do pfd 88 15 do 'st pfd '. 00 Amor. Lin. Oil do 2d pfd 23 do pfd Del. & Hudson.. .179 Amer. 8. & II., Del. L. & W 257'kl do nfd 4 96 395 b34 Denver Ac R. G... 41 Anac. Mln. Co. do nfd fl2 lllrnnltlvn It 'P Eric do 1st pfd..,. 41 Colo. Fuel & I.... 85 iu',4 v.uii. uas ii WVi.Con. Tob. nfd. ...115 uo .11 pia. Gt. Nor. pfd 1S6 Gen. Electric 278 Hock. Valley .... GS'i Glucose Sugar.... 41 do pfd 82'Hocktng Coal .... 15 Illinois Central.. .iraVInter. Paper 20 Iowa Central SStS i jo piu 7.VA jo nfd 7.ia do pfd iiuer. rower .... hi Lncledo Gns DO Na. IllHetilt is Lake Erlo & W.. 69 do pfd 123 L. & N !?5 'National Lend.... 1R .Manhattan L., Met. St. Ry... Mex. Central Mcx. National Minn. & St. L, Mo. Pacific .., M.. K. Ac T..., do pfd N. J. Central., ..138!Natlonal Salt .... 28 itwi,;i no pru 61 27 No. American ... 92 la I'acuic coast .... ,z .107V4 Paclllc Moll 47 .101IPeoplo's Gas 102 . 25 Pressed S. Car... 40 . 52 I do Dfd Rl .192 I'unman 1. car.. 216 Republic Steel.... 16 do pfd 69 N. Y. Central 165 Norfolk & W 57 ao pia siYi 4 nugur 122 Ontario Ac W 34 Pennsylvania ..,.149 Reading 56 renn. uoai it 1... 61 union nag & p.. 13 do pfd 72 U. B. Leather ...113 do pfd 81 U. S. Rubber 14 do pfd 50 U. S. Steel i... 43 do pfd 94 Western Union... 91 no 1st pfd 8: ao za pfd..... St. L. & S. F.. do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd.... St. L. Southw. do pfd: St. Paul" do pfd 63 It . 84 . 75 o7Vi .163 .187 Amer. Locomo... 32 00 piu rii Tho Commercial Advertiser's Ixindon financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket today was s'lack on realizing sales In anticipation of Monday's settlement. Con suls remained dull, but opinion Is divided ns to the prospects for a wnr loan. Some aro inclined to think thnt It will bo staved on until the April budget, whllo others expect an early issue of a Transvnal guar anteed 3 per cent loan. In the copper de partment Rio tlntos spurted to 40, cop per to 47Vj a ton. on Encllsh hnvlnir 11 1. inuugn 11 looHca 10 do ouying Dy Amert- cnu sources. American Ktnrku idlv dwindled. A public revival of Interest Is regarded ns impossible until thero Is an Important drop from the present boom of prices. The closo was at the lowest, but union Paclllc spurted on tho street after tho closo of the market. The market hnn repaid 14.000.000 as tho bank returns show. Gold Is caster at 77s lOd. Paris ex change Is 23.13. Ncvv York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 0.-MONEY On call. Arm at 4ii5 ner cent: closed bid and offered. iffiM per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 6i u'j per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.87 tor nemana una at i.si;i ior sixty clays; nosted rates. $l.85J7t.8S: commercial, bills. $4.83'(N.83. HlLVrcil liar. 66'4c: Mexican do lnrs. 44c. BONDS Government, llrm; state, Inac tive; railroad, Irregulnr. Tiie closing quotations on Ponds are at follows: U. S. ref. 2s, rcg.lOXU L. & N. unl. 4s. ..101 do coupon nn? do 3s, reg 107? do coupon I0S7S do now 4s, reg. 139 do coupon 139 do old 4s, reg.. .111 dp coupon 111? mex. rmrai is.. do Is inc 32 M. & St. L. 4s, ...101 M.. K. & T. 4s... fls'i do i's 83 N. Y. Central ls.102 do gen. 3h 10s N. J. C. gen. os.. 133 No. Pacltlo 4s 104 ao os, res iviv rin eounon 107 Atch. gen. 4s 101 'do adj. 4s 9j Tlal. & Ohio 4s.. .103U uu oa...... h N. A: W. COI1. 4S..103 Readlnc iron. 4h.. !M v do 3s 95 St L & I M c 5s. 117 St." L. A B. F. 4s. 96 St. L.'H. W. Is... 9t4i do conv. 48 wot Conuda So. 2s.. .111 Cent, of Ga. 5s.. .108 do Zs. 77V ao is ina it S A & A P Is dies. & O. 4s..,107 So, Paclllc 4s 934 Chi. & A. 3V4S..,. Mftl So. llnllwav Gs ..120U U, 11 U n, 4a. VOft n. m & h i c. 4s.no Tex. & I'ac. Is. .,119 T, St L & W 4s,. 83U C & N W c. 7s. ..140 Union Pacific 4s, .101 C., R. I. & P. 4s.l05 do conv. 4s 1064, CCC & S L g. 48.102 Wabash Is..'. 118 Is 118 . B iVi cincago xer. is., m Colorado Bo. 4s.. 92 Den. & R. G. 4a.. 101 west Shore 4s... 112 JV. & L. E. 4s.... 9lU Wis. Central 4s... 89 Erlo prior i. 4s....uw do gen. 4s XD; 1' w A l (J 1S...1UI?4 Hock Val. 48...107l yjon. tod. 4s.. 65H OTfcrcd. Huston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Jon. 9.-Call lonns, 4(i(3 per cent; time Soans, 5ii6 per cent Ofllcla closing; Atchison 4s 102 lAMouez 2 , W Amalgamated .... C9 Gas Is Mcx. central s. N. K. a. & C... E MX"?- lUIMbllulll ,( & , 78 Cal. & Hecla 595 , 99Centcnnlal 12 2faJ Copper Range. .1 . 04 Atchison ,.. do Dill Boston & A... Boston & Mo.... 191 uom, Coal m Boston Elevated.lBti Franklin 12 N Y, N U & H...211 Isle Royalo 211; 1'ltciHiurg piu,-,,. m JinnawK )A Union Paclllo ...102Old Dominion .,. 23 rn,.(i.l . . 1tT Oaxianln cot. Mox. Central .. 27U Osceola il'A Amer. nugnr . Amer. T. Ai T. Dom. I. & S... Gen. Electrlo .122 .160 . 26 Parrot Qulncy Snntn. Fe Copper. 3 .20 Tamarack .253 Mass. Electric... 35 do pfd 102 Trlmountaln , Trinity , .211 : W n. r;. u. & u a United Fruit M united Mtntes Utah Victoria , :1 U. S. Steel,. do pfd Adventuro . 94i winona 19'Wolvcrlno llnnk ClenrliiKs, OMAHA. Jan. 9. Bank cleartncB tmlnl-. $1,392,211.17; corresponding day last year, $1,011,541.31: Incrense, $3.'iO,703.16. ' CHICAGO. Jan. 9.-Clearlngs. $30,002,6)0; balances, $2,318,20:1: posted exchange, $4.84; sixty days. $t.87 on demand; New York exenangu, iva premium. CINCINNATI, Jan. 9.-Clearlngs, $3,620, 400; money, 4ttf per centj New York ex change, par t ioc premium. , BOSTON. jani s.-ciearings, $22,762,562; balances, $1.8H.jii. NEW YORK Jan. 9,-Clearlngs, $301,745, 603; balances, 13,943,797. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 9.-Clearlngs, $18, 615.693; balances, $2,291,956; money, 5 per cent, BALTIMORE, Jan. 9.-Clcnrings, $3,734, 418; balances, $372,716; money, 6 per cent, , ST. LOUIS. Jan. 9.-Clerlngs, $9,160,968; balances. $1,211.511; exchange on New York, lOo premium. XcivVork Mlnlnir Stocks. NEW YORK. Jan. 9.-The following arc the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Little Chief 10 45 Ontario S50 ( Alice Breeco 75 .Ophlr 5 urunswicK won,, s phoenix 6 Com. Tunnei 6 Potest 12 Con. Cal. & Va ,.ieo Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver 190 Iron Silver to Leadvlllo Con t Savage 6 Sierra Nevada .. 20 Small Hopes 40 Standard 350 Foreign Financial, LONDON, Jan. 9. Money wns In fair de mand In the market today. Tho cancelling of Indebtedness to tho Bank of England partially lessened the supplies and mndo rute8 firmer. Discounts wcro steadier nnd thero was less disposition to allow quota tions to fall. .Business on tho Stock ex change opened undecided nnd less cheerful, Americans excepted. Tho fnll In consols was partly attributed to Count Von Bue low's speech In tho' Reichstag yesterday. Homo rails were dull and there wero some declines. Americans responded to the ad vanco In Now York, notably Union Pa cifies. Afterward there wcro some reces-.' sloifs, owing to tho lack of animation, and prices closed weaker. Rio tlntos were In better demand on tho Improved outlook for copper, which fell half a point and rocov ered. closing at 47. The feature of the market was tho continuation ot the re cent boom in Mexican rails. Kaffirs opened dull and hardened, but little business wns dono and they closed Irregular. The weekly statement of tho Bank of England shows these changes: Total reserve, Increased 1.140.000; circulation, decreased 482,000; bullion, Increased 1,032.056; other securi ties, decreased 13,918,000; other deposits, decreased 9.293,000; public depostts, in creased 16,0ii); notes reserve, Increased 6,162,000; government securities, Increased 3,365,000. Tho proportion of tho Bank of England's reserve to liability Is 46.30 per cent. Lnst week it was 33.6 per cent, uom premiums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ay res, 136.40; Madrid, 34.60; Lisbon, 31; norm-, i.tii, PARIS. Jan. 9 The Vfllclnl list of stocks opened hesitatingly on tho bourse today and tho unofficial list was weak. During tho day Irregularity predominated and prices closed generally heavy. Foreigners declined. Rentes were easier. Spanish 4s were offered, owing to the rise In ex change. Italians sagged on realizations. iiraziuans aropped. Argentines wcro some what llrm. Rio tlntos recovered nnd the opening beenmo very llrm. Later they re lansed. owlne to the fall In Conner. Thomn- son-Houston wns.cnslcr. Tho proximity of tho settlement In London caused realiza tions In DcBeers nnd Kaffirs, which, con sequently, wero heavy. The private rate of discount was unchanged today at 2 13-16 nor cent. The' weeklv statement of the Bank of France shows theso changes: Notes In circulation, decrensed 47,650,000f; treasury nccounts current, decreased 84, 725,O90f; gold In hand, decreased 4,175,OO0f; bills discounted, decreased 176.725.000f: sil ver Jn hand, decreased l,375,000f. Three per cetft rentes, lOOf 12c for tho account. Ex change, 23 f 13c for checks. ' Spanish 4s, 76.c'c. niSKLIN. Jan. 9. Prices onened firmer on tho bourse today, especially on a state ment or tne socretary or mo treasury re garding a reduction of the bourse taxes. Mines fluctuated somewhat. Spanish 4s were easier on tho doubtful success or the Issuo of the treasury loanA Exchnnge on London. 20m42pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills. 2 ner cent: three months' bills. 2 per cent. CALCUTTA. Jnn. 9.-The rate of dis count of tho Bank of Bengal was Increased today from 5 to 6 per cent. UUMUAV, Jan. . rno uank or nomnay has raised Its rato of discount from 5 to 6 per cent. Condition of the Treasury. ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 9.-Todav's state ment of the treasury balances In tho gen eral rutui, exclusive or tne jiw,wo,ox goia reserve In the division of redemption. shows: Available cash balance, $17.1,301, 496; gold, $111,140,862. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL Jan. D.-COTTON-Spot. In fntr demnnd! nrlren hlcrher! Ameri can middling fair, 4 27-S2d: good middling, 4 3-32d; middling, 4 9-32d; low middling, 4 1-16(1; good ordinary, 4d; ordinary, 4u. The sales or the day wero lo.uoo Dates, or which 5,000 wcro for speculation and ex port nnd Included 9,000 American. Re ceipts, 76,000 bales, Including 65,300 Ameri can. Futures opened firmer nnd closed firm: American middling, c. o. c. Janu ary, 4 27-64d. sellers; Janunry nnd Febru ary, 4 -e-wrrt Z7-64U, sellers; reDrunry nna March, 4 26-64(1, value; March and April, 4 26-64d, buyers; April and May, 4 26-6lft 4 27-64d, sellers; May nnd June, 4 26-64 4 27-64d, buyers; Juno nnd July. 4 27-64d, buyers: July nnd August, 4 26-64l 27-64d, buyers: August and September, 4 23-64i 4 24.6ld, sellers. NEW YORK. Jan. 9. COTTON Spot closed quiet at c higher; middling up lands, 8c: middling gulflands, 8o; no unln. liii(ilHia nlnaol Opm .Tftnlmrv. 7.97c;' February.' 8.01c; March', 8.09c; April, B.13C; Aiay, s.wc; June ann juiy. s.uc; August. 8.03c: September. 7.78c: October, 7.86c. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 9. COTTON Firm: sales. 14.700 bales: ordlnnry. 6c: good ordinary, 7c; low middling 7 9-16c; middling. 7!ic: good middling. v,w. mia- dllng fancy, 8 l-16c; receipts, 10,930 bales; stock, 346,788 bales. Futures, nrm; jnnu- 7.995T8.00c; April, 8.02c; May. 8.07O8.03c; June, 8.10f78.11c; July, 8.148.15c. BT, lAJUta, Jan. :. wnun-r irm ann l-16o higher: middling 7c: sales, 1,320 bales; receipt, 6,357 bales; shipments, 5,410 hales: riock,, oaies. galvestun. Jan. v. wiTUN-aicaoy ut 7c. Coffee Market. v i. w 1'nni. t n a pnrrcT cnni U 1, U I'M. V, 'w. . .... ujrw,, dull; No. 7 Invoice. 6c. Mild, quiet; Cor dova, 7flllc, Futures opened steady In tone at a. aecuno, or a points, coon uner thn market turned weak under llnuldatlon and was Irregular most of tho day. The local contingent, Europenn nnd Baltimore sold on tho decline. Wnll street and spot nouses covered ror nrouts in n umiiea way. A bearish estlmnte for tho Santos. crops and of the remaining cotxeo rrom tho last crop still to come out. In conjunc tion with disappointing cables, was re sponsible for tne lack of bull confidence and tho unloading movement of longs. Trading, compared with the Inst few days, was llulit. amounting to but 3S.750 bags. The closo wns steady In tone and net tin- ennngeil to a points lowpr. nuien inciuoeii; December, 7.20c, " Oil and llosln. OIL CITY, Jan. 9.-OII-Credlt balances, $1.15: certificates, no bidi shipments, 141. 270 bbls.; average, 87.226 bbls.; runs, 86,764 bbls.: average. 72.732 bbls. NEW YORK. Jan. 9. OIL Cottonseed. Arm; prime yellow, 43if45c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady; common to good, $1.55lffl.57. . TOLEDO, Jan. 9. OIL North Lima, 85c; South Lima and Indiana, 80c. SAVANNAH, Qn Jan. 9-OIL-Splrlts of turpentine, firm. Rosin, firm. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs day, January 9: Warranty Deeds. A. H. Brown and wlfo to Henry Mil ton, mfcu ir.ik.10 and lot 1 of Island In 13-15.9 a................$ 4.400 Henry Milton and wlfo to J. W. Hall, w of w ne 18-15-10 2,200 J. II. Levy and wlfo to F. D. Wead, lot 3, block 214. Omaha 2,500 V. 11. Hath to l'niiaueipnia mortgage nnd Trust company, c lot 6t block 319. Omaha Robinson Female Seminary to Joseph Volnnv nn,l tult n 3.3 nf f'J. lot 40. Hnrtman's add 1,000 John McCreary to Olof Ekdahl, lot 4, Lindsay's subdlv ... . 1.000 W. F. Parker to r . t. t'arKer, la acres In se swU 2S-16-13 Quit Claim Denis, Jacob Prenosll to Maria Lohtka, lot 3, block 3. Mella'tf 1st add 20 Ida A.. Bradford to G. E. Beater, o 33 feet lot 16, block 1, South Omaha View Deeds, Sheriff to Josenh Goldsmith. c lot S. block 89. Omaha 7S5 Same to Benson Land company, lots 6. 7. 21 nml mihillv nf lota 1 to 6. block 1. Washington Hill 3Q0 T. L. Wilson to Eva Wilson, n 3 rcet lots 7 and 8 tilock 7. Patrick's 2d ndd ' 10 C. H. Moxham, receiver, to John Murtnv. int hlnrk 18. Hanscom lW - OllA i luce , ,uw t Philip Thlero f, administrator, to 11. ii. tiniiintra irr j. iiiiiitk ttn cox's 2d add ' 200 Total amount of transfers $14,313 OMAHA LITE STOCK MARtIT od Dtmaitl Ut All radc f OattU at Itrtipr FrieM. HI6S SELL AT A LITTLE HIGHER TRICE Sheep Receipts Continue Light and Under Influence of Active Demand Prices Advance Ten to Flf teen Cents All Around, SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 9. Receipts were. Cattle, iioks. uneep. Olnclal Monuav AM l.to3 2,k Ulnciu.1 Tucauay o,u U.iol ',n Olnclal W'cunisuay 3,vti v,km m Ottlclul Thursday 2,taJ iMi 1,2 Four days this week.. 15.026 S7.&95 7.643 Samu days last weeK,...W,J0 it.Ui 2,wJ oamo weeK before,..,!.., i.iwJ 24,4i 4,232 &uine three Weeks bko..14,onS U.iVI oame lour weeks ugu.., ,H,4d 4i,H2 14,243 Same days last ycur 9,lt2 'al.iil I2,7u5 Average prices paid for hoes ut South Omaha the pu-l several duyi wun cum' parisous: Date. 1901. 1900.1899.189S.lfi97.I896.l!U5. linn. 21... I m 4 041 3 371 3 21 3 171 3 21 I Hit I 4l 3 11 3 1 3 31 Dec. 24... I 6 l MVW. M ( 1 , 1 I I I I I I " Dec. 2... 6 19 4 89i 4 11 3 60 3 20 2 30 Dec. 27... 3 4 U 1 l'J 1 44 S 30! I 1 IS n.r. 'jit.. wtt V V71 til All 0 W 0 iM t aVIl r 29... I 4 811 4 1 3 4i 3 30l 3 181 w...) c 36 1 4 i4i a a a ail 3 3 4i 31... 6 4 90 3 61 3 3S 3 171 3 39 Dec, Dec Dec, Date. 190$. 1M1.1(00.1S9.1U!I.1(7.1896. Jan. 1....I 6 M 4 95 4 21' 4 WI i 331 3 67 4 5 4 2 3 57 6 C2I 4 27l 3 44 3 421 s is; 3 17 $ 4 3 43 I 46 3 51 Jan. 2,.., 6 22 2 Jan. 3..,. Jan. 4..., 3 48 3 441 3 251 Jan. o..., Jan. 6..,, Jan. 7.... b 041 4 371 3 47 3 3SI 3 27 23, 3 39i 3 if) 3 53 10 ou - i til 6 U6i 4 311 I 3 40 3 43 3 19 3 12 3 48 i.n i VWI. O....I , 3 46 Jan. v.... t 14 4 3S 3 45) 3 14 3 56 Indicates flunda. Indicates holiday. The oltlrlnl numher nf rnrit nf stnek brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. ll'ses. C, ,M. & St. P. Ry... 2 Wabash Ry 1 Missouri Pucllc Ry.. 7 6 3 11 13 32 3 21 union i-acinc system 10 C. A N. W. Ry 3 F.. E. & M. V. R. R. 15 cr, St. P.. M. & O.... 7 B. & M. it. Ry 36 C, B. & Q. Ry 7 C, R. I. & P., east.. 6 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois central l 1 Total rccelotsl ....101 93 i The disposition of the dnv'H receipts wnjt as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- uer or neau inaicaicu: Buyers, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 161 1,090 413 Hammond PacKlntr Co.. 353 Swift and Company 53 "m 216 1,116 2,130 3,022 wuaany 1'UCKing uo tvu Armour & Co 67 Omaha, from K. City.. 113 R. Becker & Degan 1st vansant i tso , iu Iobmun & Co 21 W. I. BteDhen 45 Hill & Huntzlnger 2 Livingstone Ac Schaller.. 34 Hamilton & Rotnsclld.. 136 U F. Husz 26 Carey & Benton i0 li. F. Hobbick 37 Other buyers 37,9 Total 7,920 1,091 CATTLE There wan not a heavv run of cattle hero today, so that trade ruled ac tive with the tendency or prices upward. All the packers seemed to have liberal or ders, and It did not take long far tho bulk of the offerings to change hands. There wero very lew cornfed steers In cluded In the receipts this morning, and for that reason the few bunches of cattle showing quality that were on the market sold to good advantage. Tho market could safely De quoted strong and active as compared with yesterday, and somo sales were made that looked 25c higher than the same kind or cattle sold for the first of the week. The commoner grades or steers also brought good strong prices today. The cow market opened active and stronger and the bulk of the offerings changed hands rapidly. The demand was general for the medium grades nnd fan ners, as well as for the better smdes. Along toward the last end of the market, however, buyers did not seem to be quite as anxious and sellers thought In a good many cases mey aiu not Did 'any more than steady prices. Bulls also --sold freely today at strong prices, and the same was true of veal calves and stags. The supply or Blockers and feeders wns llvlit a vii In InHav. L' i 1 1 m tht. H,manH wnn sufficient to take all the better grades at good strong prices. The common kinds also moved without much trouble at fully siraay prices, nepreseniuiive suies: BEEF STEERS. No, AV. IT. 800 3 60 1000 3 60 933 4 00 760 4 00 "... 862 4 10 No. Av, Pr. 1.. S.. 4.. 1003 1037 4 70 4 75 n 3.'.'.'.. 1 7 9.. 9.. 10.. 1.. 8.. 15.. 20.. 6.. 1111 4 90 1131 4 90 1025 4 95 1010 5 U0 1265 5 10 1050 6 10 1157 6 15 17 21 13 ...1178 4 25 ...1090 4 30 ... 997 4 35 ...1070 4 35 ... 862 4 35 3 14 18 ...1083 5 25 ...1336 5 75 i ...1171 5 75 ...1331 6 00 ...1132 6 00 ...1255 6 00 ...1197 6 10 ...1521' 6 15 1121 4 60 1032 4 50 1060 4 50 1122 4 60 1090 4 OU 1004 4 60 11 12 38 4 4 19 21 4 6.. 15.. 1.. 6.. 4. WJi 4 IM 6 r.1061 4 70 COWS 4 1 1 1 .... 477 1 50 4.. 7.. 892 3 00 988 3 00 .... 760 1 50 .... 760 1 50 ....-740 1 50 .... 767 1 75 .... 860 2 00 .... 800 2 00 .... 823 2 00 .... 806 2 00 .... 690 2 00 .... 849 2 15 .... 965 2 20 2 750 3 00 9 900 3 00 8 1013 3 05 4 1107 3 05 17 915 3 05 14 1017 3 10 3 1110 3 10 1 880 3 15 14 934 3 15 3 1140 3 13 3 1090 3 20 1 1160 3 20 2 970 3 20 8 930 3 20 8 781 3 20 16 1035 3 20 8 955 3 20 1 1170 3 25 13 1051 3 25 1 .1190 3 23 1 1110 3 25 2 1220 3 23 2 975 3 25 1 1310 3 30 4 820 3 35 3 713 3 35 3 1023 3 40 1 1100 3 50 1 1150 .1 50 3 1263 3 50 12 920 3 GO 7 997 3 60 2 1120 3 60 16 955 3 60 7 997 3 60 4.... 1030 3 60 16...'. 1025 3 65 . 1 1000 3 70 6 . .1003 3 70 1 1100 3 75 4 1242 .1 75 20 1022 3 80 11 1040 3 80 14 1 1 23 ft:::: 24 n V.'.'.'., 2 ?::::: 3 i 13 12...... Jo5 2 25 2 2$ 2 25 2 25 900 916 ... 820 2 25 ..... niO 3 965 2 30 ...I 784 2 35 923 2 33 840 2 40 61 23 1 2 1 1 935 2 40 810 2 50 1250 2 50 820 2 50 1 1. 1080 2 50 1 1050 2 50 13 961 2 50 1 1020 2 50 2 915 2 60 5 852 2 50 6 814 2 50 10 954 2 50 1 1020 2 50 7 1047 2 53 1 850 2 60 10 950 2 60 1 1100 2 63 2 1195 2 65 2 1095 2 65 2 925 2 65 9 883 2 65 5 870 2 63 1 1140 2 63 2 1015 2 65 1 1140 2 75 2 1015 2 65 1 1140 2 75 2 1020 2 75 1..-. .",800 2 75 1 930 2 75 1 1060 2 85 12 893 2 83 2 911 3 00 4 965 3 00 2 1125 3 00 1 1280 3 00 1 945 3 00 9 1041 3 80 1. 1. 840 3 90 ., 660 3 90 992 4 00 1170 4 00 6 1 5:::::::: 2 .1130 4 00 .1000 4 00 .1216 4 00 .1016 4 05 15. 1 1190 4 10 4 1125 4 15 1 1350 4 20 6..., 9S6 3 85 4 650 2 35 3 693 2 75 3 693 2 75 1 830 3 15 5 890 3 40 1 870 3 50 3 806 3 75 12 850 3 80 2 970 3 85 1 ... 980 3 85 18 769 3 85 27 90S 4 00 BULLS, 1 i....l390 2 25 1... 1530 3 35 H Z20' 3 60 21 625 2 60 1 , . 920 2 65 , 1 430 2 75 5 906 2 80 1 .....1590 2 90 1 1160 3 00 1 1140 3 00 1 :,...1300 3 00 1..; 1000 3 00 1 980 3 00 1 740 3 00 2 1000 3 05 3 ,.1436 3 10 1, ',. 630 3 20 1 1400 3 30 1 1420 3 33 1 1320 3 40- 1 1270 3 40 1 1360 3 40 1..... 1620 3 50 1 1540 3 50 1 1570 3 W 1 1340 3 60 1 1350 3 65 1 1420 3 80 1 1450 3 90 .. 1640 3 90 1 1790 4 00 31 1502 4 00 1 1580 4 10. STAGS. 1 1040 2 40 1 1210 3 23 1 1030 2 60 8 1032 4 60 . STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12 925 4 10 23 .....1169 5 25 7 918 4 60 CALVES. g 193 4 00 1.... 170 6 00 123 6 00 180 6 25 1 l'JO D bO 3,,,, 1.. 189 5 60 1..1.I K 6 00 1.,.. 1 130 6 23 110 siO 100 6 Wl 110 6 W STOCK 216 2 80 220 3 00 1 150 6 120 1 130 CALVES. 2 300 4 375 1 320 1 20) 6 25 6 23 6 25 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 OJ 3 25 3 50 1. 310 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 1 4 3 6 5 730 2 10 2 10 2 45 2 50 2 50 2 65 2 65 32 s::::::: 2 4 io ; 6 . . i l.i .. 480 .. 416 .. 740 .. 412 .. 930 ..1135 2 2 75 2 75 3 00 3 M 3 10 3 60 880 935 876 828 632 1 670 1 510 63 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS.' 6... 761 2 00 1 1.......... 1 3 1 1 2 26 858 3 55 2 825 3 00 1 510 3D) 15 776 3 60 12 735 3 65 , 7 791 3 65 5 614 3 70 7 744 3 70 3 850 3 70 5 650 3 75 7 435 3 85 1 830 3 90 1., 1030 3 90 10 835 3 95 7 9SS 4 00 ' 4 997 4 10 14 1008 4 50 1 , 1 , 2 33 2 75 2 80 3 (0 3 O) 3 0) 3 25 3 30 3 35 3 50 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 5" , , 49) 720 , 4S0 650 , P65 , 363 , 935 660 , 583 4(0 510 356 627 610 790 28 2........ 2 2 , 3 , 2 1 i':::::':::! 3 5 9 3 2"::::::! .1 50 3 55 7S0 HOOS- Rerplntu nf hncra trtrlnv want litnt nbout normal, but It was noticeable thnt the quality was better than usual. Tho market opened fairly nctlve nnd a big nickel hlch?r than .veterdnv. Tlin honvv- weight hogs sold largely from $6 35 to $6.60. Medlumwaights brought largely front $6.15 to $6.30. and the light hogs sold from $5.i5 to $6.15. At thoso prices tho hogs changed hands fairly rapidly, and It wns not long boforo the bulk wns disposed of. Toward the close, however, trading was not as actlvo and buyers seemed to have their more urgent orders filled. In a good many cases hogs sold on tho cloo with the big end of the advance lost, nnd ror mat reason It wns rather lato bcroro a clearance was made. Representative salts: No Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 84 219 200 6 15 71 223 120 6 15 86 198 40 6 16 79 202 40 6 17 86 199 ... 6 17 26,. 48.. 91 5 00 6 16 6 25 6 25 6 75 6 85 6 85 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 95 6 '95 6 U0 600 6 00 6 00 6 (10 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 02 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 05 6 07 6 10 ..116 ..104 ..138 ..166 ..149 ..160 134. 34.. 88.. 120 40 120 110. 35 217 40 6 17 88 71. ,235 200 100 178 71.... 68.... 67.... 70.... 65..,. 77.... 70.... 68.... .244 .220 .216 .219 ,.226 .220 ,.231 ,.227 200 120 '40 40 80 40 I) M 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6.20 6 20 6 20 6 22 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 , 6 25' 6 25 6 25 6 25 G 25 6 25 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 35 6 35 6 35 6 37 6 40 6 40 6 45 103 176 83 171 9 166 40 87 159 73 ISO 87 192 120 'so 40 120 18... 102.. 121., 63... ...196 ...175 ...165 ...201 11. ,313 14 250 61 256 61 249 21 250 70 252 77 222 67 231 72 212 200 40 'so 120 '46 80 97.. .192 88 181 61 156 SO 9: 175 167 102. 84.. 96.. 79.. ..177 ..174 ..178 ..IS.'. so 31... 1.. 261 65 ,246 102... 91.... 69.... 88.,.. 51.... 62.... so 40 80 40 06.. 67.. GS.. .239 .231 ,.226 .180 .192 .190 .185 200 40 240 120 40 40 SO 40 240 'so 160 160 2"0 40 160 80 80 78... ,..136 6 10 6 10 6 10 67 2S1 193 185 60 250 82, 58 253 73 215 160 6 10 69. 61. ..241 ..231 ..281 ..311 ..257 ..272 ..236 to.. .200 160 6 10 0 10' 6 10 ' 6 10 6 10 tl 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 71.. 72.. 83.. 72.. 52.. 66., 62.. 51.. 82.. 67.. 70.. 76.. 56.. 70.. .192 .204 10 58.. 49.. 63.. 57.. 77.. ,184 SO 120 160 120 120 ...214 ...230 ,...207 ...20 ...219 68. 270 69 285 GO 293 117 317 54 254 55 304 61 318 69 236 ...210 '210 ...wUS ...226 ,...203 ...189 ...210 200. 6 15 80 6 15 ... 6 15 6 50 6 60 6 15 31 440 SHEEP Conditions governing tho sheep market today wcro much the rame as they were yesterday. Receipts were very light, and as the demand was liberal prices ad vanced l(K!fl5 1 Jim ho enM na lilnh nn $6.00. yearlings sold ut $5.00, wethers brought i.iu unu uwca i.i. 11 was a very acuvo market and everything was sold as rapidly ns unloaded. It Is very evident from tho way buyers nre acting that supplies nre not coming forward rapidly enough to meet tho demand. There wero not enough feeders offered to make a test of the market, but It Is safe to say that anything good would sell r' strong prices. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings. JL.5fi5.00; good to choice yearlings, $l.35W 4.i5: choice wethers, J4.60-l.75; fair to good wethers, $l.254.60; cholco ewes, $3.751.00; fair to good ewes, $3.603.75; common ewes, $2.75973.50: choice lambs. Jfi.7Mffi.0O: fntr tn good lambs, $5.5055.76: feeder wethers, $2.75 3.0: feeder lambs, $3.50.00. .Representa tive jaies: No, ' av. 10 culls 82 10 cull ewes 100 10 cull lambs 44 1 J" v 170 I buck .'. ; i70 10 cull lambs 68 12 native ewes 106 3 native ewes 100 184 native owes 97 15 native ewes 161 191 native ewes 87 Pr. 2 50 3 00 3 00 300 3 00 3 50 3 65 3 75 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 75 4 75 4 7tT 4 75 6 50 5 50 5 70 5 90 6 00 3 25 4 00 4 75 6 00 56 native ewes 101 15 cull lambs 68 1 natlvn yearling SO 1 native yeaning 52 native yearlings 4 natlvo wethers 43 natlvo lambs 39 native lamba 22 native lambs R5 natlvo lambs 12 native lambs 15 bucks 14 western ewee 2 western wethers 178 ewes nnd yearlings... 170 54 140 72 58 67 71 105 142 93 103 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCIC MARKET. Cattle, Hogs and Sheep Active and IIlKber. CHICAGO. ' Jnn. 9 PATTr.PnAini. 89,000 head, including 250 head Toxans; market actlvo and 10815c higher than Mon day; good to prime, $6.60Q7.60; poor to medium. $4.0O5j6.25: Blockers nnd feeders, $2.25ffH.75: cows. 41.25SN.75: heifers. I'.KOffli 0.00; canners. jl.25r2.30; bulls, $2.00'1.60; calves, $3.50Q6.50; Texas fed steers, $3.25 5.25. HOGS-RccelpUi, 33,000 head; estimated tomorrow. 29,000 head) loft over, 10.000 bond; market 6'dlOc hlcher: mixed nnd hiilrhnn $6.00(15.50; good to choice heavy, $6.50136.60; luuKii licit vy, o.wiii..-uj ugnt, .Mjai.i&; bulk of sales, $6.00f0.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 head; sheep, lower; light, steady; lambs, strong to lOo higher: good to cholco weth ers, $1.00(54.65: fair to cholco mixed. $3.60 4.25; western sheep, $4.0O4.75: natlvo lambs, $3.5016.00: western lambs. $5.75. RECEIPTS-Ofllclal: Cattle, 16,624 head; hogs. 43.685 head; sheep, 17.416 head. SHIPMENTS-Omclal: Cattle, 3,272 head; hpgs, 2,687 head; sheep, 680 head. Knnxns City Live Stnnk Market, KANSAS CITY, Jan. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 natives, 300 Texans, 2i calves; boef steers, 15f?25c higher; other cattle, steady to 10c higher; cholco export and dressed beef fcteers, $5.75ff6.50; fnlr to good, $4.76fi5.65;i mockers and feeders, $3.0Ofi4 6O: western fed steers, $4.60S75.75: Texas and Indian steers, $3.755.25: Texas cows, $2.50 tfi4.00; native cows, $2.604.65; heifers. $3.60 if 6.25; canners, $1.50112.50; bulls, $2.504.25; calves, $3.506.00, HOdS-Recelpts, 11,000 head: pncklng hogs,- 5c higher; pigs nnd lights, lOQMo higher; top, $6.60; bulk of sales, $5.75fl6.50; heavy, $6.50(36.60; mixed pnekers, $6.1506.50; light. $5.40(86.50: pigs, $5 30(36.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; lambs, strong; yearlings, 16c higher; fed lambs, $5.00H5.90; fed wethors, $l.00 4.75; yearlings, $.?6ftr.25: owes, $3.5004.10; culls and feeders, $2.25f3.75. Ut. I.011U l.lvc Stuck Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 9.-CATTLE-Rccelpts, 3,400 head, Including 1.700 Texans. Market steady to strong for best steers, others 10 (315c lower; native shipping and export steers, $1.60f?fl.60; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $3.456.00; steers, 1,000 lbs.. $3.00fj 5.06; Blockers and feeders, $2.40&6.25: cows nnd heifers. $2.004T6.25; canners. $1.502.t0; bulls. $2.66f4.00; Texas and Indian steer, J3.S5tic.40; fed. $3.5Oft4.40; grass cows and heifers, $2.0O1J3,75. HOaS-Recelpts, 7.600 head. Market 10c higher; pigs and lights, $5.8Mf6.lO; packers, $5.7536.25; butchers, $6.25fi6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head, Market steady; native muttons, $3.60 (B4.26: iambs, 9l.0Oa5.fi5; cuIIb and bucks, $2.7533.75; stackers, $1.6082.00. .Nrrt York l.lrr Stock Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 9. BEEVES Re ceipts, 52 head, all consigned direct. Cables quote: American steers, 12ff15c, dressed weight: refrigerator beef, 10tjl0c; no ex ports. CALVES-Recelpts, 110 head; veals sold at$5.0Of8.75.. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts, 5,910 head; generally steady: sheep sold at $2.40 4.50: lambs nt $5.006.25; Canada lambs, $5.85. HOaS-Recelpts, 2,765 head; quiet. St. Joseph Live ftlnek Mnrket. ST. JOSKI'H, Mo.. Jnn. 3 CATTLR Ilecelpts, liut hciiiil. Market stenilv: nn. fives. I3.3Sfr6.75: cows and heifers. S1.6fft 6..15: veals, J3,WJ6.00i stnekers and feeders, $2.28fi4.35. HOGS-Hecclpts. 7.500 head. Mnrket steady; light and light mixed, 13.63-3.30; medium and heavy, JS.lOfJflO); pigs, $3.65fl 4.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocelpts. 200 head. Market llrm; top lambs, $1.75; top wethers, $1.75. Stock In Mailt. The following tnble shows thn receipts of cattle, hogs nnd sheep at the flvo principal markets tor January 9: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omnha s,tS3 7,626 1,003 Chlcngo $9.ft) 83,000 12,000 Kansas City 6,300 11,000 2,000 Bt. Louis , 3,100 7,000 400 St. Joseph 11,000 7,500 20p Totals U1.3S2 66,726 15.69J 5iigsr Mnrket, NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 9.-8UOAR-Steady; open kettle, 2S5'2c: open kettle, centrifugal, 3ft3c: centrifugal granulated, 4U4M .1.1,-.. wlilt. 1 11.1'-9 . .ltA... o 3c: seconds, 2y3c .Molasses, qulutj open nettle, u31.se; cuniruugni, oil ioc. syrup, quiet. 10IT2IC. NEW YORK. Jan. 9.-SUGAR-Raw, dull; fair refining. 3 l-16c: centrlfinral. 96 tt. 3 9-16e; molasses sugar, J13-16c; refitted, LONDON. Jan. 9.-SUOAR-Ueot, Jan uary, 6s 4d. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fruits. ...., lui.i., .run. r, m ai uivai ci APPLES There was somo call for medium grades nt unchanged prices. Other grades WJUSI ttlttil lllli.linllnn.1 .....1 ... n A. I..,, ,,,,1.., State, common to good, 7W8c; prime, 9 iic; choice, 9i10c; fancy, Uit5fllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS No. chnnges wcro noted, which showed con siderable Unimex. Prunes, 34W7c. Apri cots, Royal, lo14c: Moor Park, 9ftl3u. Peaches, peeled, 16$TC0c; unpeclcd, 7 '-Viv. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 9.-DRY OOODS Buslness wns ngain quiet In all divisions of tho cotton goods market and without special feature except that In sonle quar ters the advance In raw cotton yesterday nnd today tended to make sellers moro re served than before In somn quarters. Print cloths dull, but firm. Hosiery and under wear steady outside of fleeced goods, which aro unsettled. Wnol Mnrket, BT. LOUIS, Jnn. 9.-VOOL-Qulet: me dlum grades. 1317c: light lino, 1216c; heavy (Inc, 10jl2c; tub washed, HQ21c. BELIEVE MARKET IS COpNERED Merchants Think a Strong Influence, 'is nehlnd the Henry Demand for 1'Rgs. CHICAGO, Jan. 9. Continued heavy buy ing of eggs and consequent high prices on tho Produco exchango gave rise today to tho belief that tho egg market Is being cor nered. South Water street merchants said local pncklng Interests bad practlcallyt gained control of the local market and wcro pressing prices up. Today fresh eggs wero commanding 30c. Asldo from a largo re duction of stocks in stomgo for local con sumption tho December cold snap, which stopped hens from laying and cut off tho country offerings, has seemingly abbetted the packers In their manipulations. WANTS PEACE WITH BOERS Liberal Member nf English I'nrlln ment Is Tired of 'the "Wnr. LONDON, Jnn. 9. Jarses Bryce, liberal member of Parliament for Aberdeen. In tho courso of n spocch to his constituents nt Aberdeen today, advocated making moro generous terms with tho Boers. Ho snld In was moro concerned for tho country rather than for tho liberal party and would wcl como any ministry, however constituted, that would conclude an hnnorablo peace. Mr. Bryce' beloved tho country was tired ot a ministry that had proved Itself Incapable ot keeping tho peace or conducting a suc cessful war. ' Dairy Cattle Ilreedera Combine. FREBPORT, III., Jan. 9. Ono nf tho most Important results of the State Dairymen's convention, now In iicsslon here, wns secret conference between tho owners of the several breeds of dairy cattle. A com mittee, composed of ono representative of each of five breeds of milkers, was np- ?olntcd to work up sentiment toward Jolti ng Issues In the dairy business. These committeemen represent the Guernsey, Jersey, Holstcln, Ayrcslro and Brown Bars' cattle. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, CHICAGO. E. L.HICKS, Qeneral Salesman. OMAHA SALESROOM, inotl Far nam Street. J. E.HOWE, Resident Salesman. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Oavis & Gowgill Iron Works, ILUTUrACTURKRB AND DM Or MACHINERY. HaWBltsX REPAIRING A, FaCIAXM IRON AND BRASS FOUNDBR. 1M1. 1008 sussl 15M Jasksan lire, Osaaka, Neb. Tel. asm. . EasrUkls. AenL , J. B. CfWglU, MjB -HANE CO. Manufacturers and Jobbers ot Steam and Water Supplies , Of All Kinds. 10X4 and 1010 DOUGLAS ST, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, UtsUrn Electrical ' y Cimpiny Electrical Supplier klsctrte Wltisg Btlls u4 Om UfktUg Q. W. JOHNBTON, Mgr. 1810 Howard St. TENTS ANDAWNINGS, Omaha Tents Awning Co., OMAHA, RGB. TENTS FOR RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS GOODS. ao WOB. CATALOGUE! NUMBER SJS, uQLDSMOBILE" Olds Gasoline Engine, Olds Gasoline Engine Works, 1 111 Farnuiu St,, Onialiu. Tetepuoae lOao, Boyd Commission Co. Successors to James B. Doyd tc Co., OMAHA, NED, COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Board of Trade BullaiiisT, Dlreot wires to Chicago ind'New Tork. Corrcscondence, John A, Warren & Cs. i